pailp ettegrafq. B A KRIS BURG, PA Wednesday Afternoon, March 26, 1862. NOTICE TO ADVERTISERS. — Business notices in the local column, and transient advertisements, must invariably be acco liparkied with the cash to insure their insertion in the TELEGBAPIL FOUND. —A Turkey morocco portmouaie con taining a smell amount of money and some poetage stamps. The owner can have it by calling at this office, and paying for this ad vertisement. I= SANFORD'S OPERA Houss.—This well conduct ed place of rational amusement nightly increases the admiration of our citizens. Without exag eration this is the best Operatic Troupe that has ever visited this city. The drolleries of Dixy and Moran keep the audience in a continual roar of laughter, while the sweet ballads of Cirncross must charm the most fastidious ear. Stephens, evidently young in the minstrel bu siness, possesses a very pleasing tenor voice, and sings with much taste and feeling. The dancing of Sanford, Jr., and Dougherty elicited much merited applause. An entire change of programme will take place this evening, and those who wish to "laugh and grow fat" should not fail to see Dixey and Becket, in the extravaganza of "Handy Andy." DAVIS' PANORAMA OR AMERICA AND TRH GREAT REBELLION. —This popular and highly artistic panarama will be again exhibited at Brant's Hall in this city, next Friday evening. it is now fairly More the public, and the interest it has excited, and the applause it has elicited. wherever it has been exhibited, are the best evidences of its intrinsic artistic merit. Time does not detract from but increases its attrac tions: a first visit will insure a second. As we have often referred to this sublime painting critically,and as thousands of our citizens concur in our estimate of its splendor, it seems unne cessary to refer to it more in detail. The read ers of our country's history should by all means witness this glorious delineation of events, in which the art of the painter speaks to the mind and heart of every spectator. THE :ITT LOCK-lIP is almost tenantless now o' nights. The habitues of a year ago have mostly gone on another route. Many of them have enlisted, and not a few have ceased their pil grimage, and repose quietly in the cemetery attached to the County Alms House. Poor "bummer!" yours is a hard life; no one to care for . you, few even notice you, unless to shrink away and sneer at your rags. Many are brought to this mode of living from force of circum stance's. A turn of the wheel and the rich man of to-day may be the beggar of to-morrow. The one you sneered at for his raggedness may do you the same kind turn when fortune has deserted you and flown to him. Then when you can do a kindness do it. Don't hold back and let some one else do what it was your duty to attend to. Don't neglect a man because he has n“t the same view and opinion of matters that you have—because he has descended a step in the social circle—because he is not of the upper class. Again we say, don't do it. "All is not gold that glitters," neither is all silver that sparkles. There is no particular moral or point in this item, but there are some things which turn up in a man's lifetime, and these are some of the m. THE Dermal ON JERUSALEM .—This lecture, the third in the Young Men's Christian Asso ciation course, delivered last night by the Bev. W. C. Cattell, in the Methodist Church, was in every respect a complete success. The church, which is one of the largest in the city, was completely filled, and the ability with which the lecturer handled his subject may be inferred from the fact that he held the close attention of his audience for more than an hour and a half. The oral descriptions wL re rendered more - vivid and life-like by numerous maps, charts and paintings, upon which were depicted the places, scenes and characters which were described. Among these illustrations was a large topographical map of the city of Jeru salem, drawn from a photograph taken upon the spot, showing the walls, the gates, the streets, and the prominent buildings of the Holy City, chief of which, latter of course, was the mosque of St. Omar, built upon the site of the ancient temple of Solomon ; within whose precincts no Christian Jew, or dog—the Mos lem for bad, worse, worst—dare now set his foot. There was also an excellent ground plan of the city, showing the different streets,' the quarters inhabited by the various nationalities and religions that congregate there, and many other interesting features of city. Both of these maps give also a correct and clear idea of the valley of Jehosephat, the Mount of Olives and other of the environs. There were also a number of figures illustrating the grotesque costumes and characterti to be met with in Palestine. The lecture was delivered fax &mi ler conversational style, which rendered it very attractive, and was full of information of the highest interest, enlivened by occasional happy allusions to an Oriental traveler's experience which provoked the laughter of the audience. The music by the Harmonic, was as usual, excellent and appropriate, except the misunder standing among the audience as to the order of exercises, which led many to leave before and during the singing of the last piece, the beauty of which was thus iu a great measure lost to those who remained. The success of this course of lectures so far has vindicated the wisdom of the lecture committee in availing themselves of the cheerfully rendered services of our own clergy, instead of paying lecturers from abroad whose lectures in all probability would not be as good, and certainly not acceptable to our citizens, as is shown by the tact, that no foreign celebrity ever hired by the association to lecture for them, had as large an audience as the one that was present last night. • The next lecture will be delivered by the Rev. Dr. Hay, in the Luth eran Church, on Tuesday evening, April Bth. Subject: Reminiscences of a Residence in Ger tnany. ARRIVAL OF TILE REMAINS O COL. WM. G. Mumer.--The remains of Col. Wm. G Murray, of the Pennsylvania regiment volunteers, who fell in the battle against the rebels near Winchester, Va., last Sunday, arrived here by the regular passenger train from Chambersburg at 11 o'clock this morning. Although the anticipated arrival at that hour was not generally known, yet several hundred of our citizens, including many females, were at the depot awaiting the approach of the train. The remains were enclosed in .an ordinary walnut coffin, trimmed with crape, and were accompanied by Second Lieutenant Charles O'Neal, of company C, a sergeant and two pri vates, all of the 84th regiment, detailed as an escort. After some time spent in removing the coffin from the car to the beano of lkfr. J. B. Boyd, in waiting, a procession was formed, which moved as follows : Committee of four gentlemen, personal friends of the deceased lll hl e a. lai 0 0 Cl 2 tAI E 44, 0 tei t 031 til -i E -4 1 • Q w , I q I g , Z C 3 .e. 6 I i ai Lieut. Barrett, Lient. O'Neal, Sergeant of the Escort His Excellency Gov. Curtin, Quartermaster General Hale, and Commissary General Irvin. Joint Committee of the Legislature to accom pany the remains to Hollidaysburg: Senate—Messrs. Belly, Serrill and Glatz. Howe—Messrs. Banks, Gross and Blanchard. Delegation of the Friendship Fire Company, of which the deceased was a member, Delegations from other Fire Companies. Citizens generally. The hearse and cortege passed slowly up Mar ket street, followed on the sidewalks by an im mense concourse of people, while the doorways and windows of the residences were thronged with spectators, who witnessed the solemn and impressive scene with feelings of the deepest veneration and respect for the memory of a brave and gallant officer. Upon the arrival of the hearse at the reel deuce of the mother of the deceased, corner of Pine and Second streets, the coffin was carried into the front parlor of the building, where the upper portion of its lid was opened, in order to afford his sorrowing mother, sisters and relatives an opportunity of viewing the features of the deceased, after which the doors were opened to satisfy the curiosity of the public with a similar opportunity. The countenance of the deceased, with the exception of the palor brought with death, re tained all its features, and was easily recognized by those familiar with it when animated and living. From a conversation with one of the escort we learn that the gallant deceased received his death wound by being struck with a grape shot in his forehead, which tore off and shattered the frontal of his skull. Previous to being wounded his horse was shot from unrier him, and it was while advanc ing with the color-bearer of the regiment, and when he was beneath the folds of the stars and stripes, he received the fatal shot, and fell ex claiming, "Forward to the charge." As a mark of respect to the deceased, the flags in various sections of the city were all at half-mast to-day, and the fire bells were tolled during the progress of the hearse bearing the corpse from the depot to the residence of Mrs. Murray. The body of the deceased will remain over night at his mother's residence, and be taken to Hollidaysburg in the train for the west which leaves here at nine o'clock to-morrow morning, accompanied by his relatives, the escort from the 84th regiment, and the Legislative com mittee appointed for that purpose. Fox xu.a LAMS. —Our storekeepers and dress makers have opened the spring fashions for ladies' wear. The new spring silks are all in plain then leaf patterns upon a changeable ground. Tee dark colors, brown, steel, purple, green, etc., changing with white, and the fig ure then in darker shades of the same color.— / wide sash is elaborately wrought in the pat tern for the dress. A new silk for evening dresses, of a very magnificent and striking character, has made its appearance. It is plain, very thick and rich, and is made to exactly re semble the burning, liquid lava from Mount Vesuvius, and is called "Vesuive." It is nei ther scarlet nor crimson, but a brilliant, flame colored red, which requires the relief of white point lace to set it off to the best advantage.— Short dresses take the place of the old fashioned "street sweeping machines." This change will go slow, as long dresses cover a multitude of large understandings Some enterprising man has invented ant patented an "anklet" for the ladies. It consists of a simple band of patent leather, three inches in depth, lined and made to fit on the ankle, above or knit reaching the gaiter boot. They are cut in such a manner as to give grace and ease to the instep, and are fastened on with small pearl buttons. PENSENTATION AT TKO CAPITOL—Just after the adjournment of the House of Representatives at one o'clock to-day, Messrs. John Smull and E. S. Capron, assistant clerks of the House, ap proached Mr. Speaker Rowe,and on behalf of the chief clerk, E. H. Ranch, formally presented him with a handsome gavel, as a token of the donor's regard for his many fine social qualities, and his uniform urbane -and courteous deportment, while performing his official duties. The pres entation remarks were made by Mr. Smull, and they were replied to by the Speaker. in a neat and appropriate manner. The gavel is made o g ivory, richly mounted with gold, and contains the following insetiption, "To Hon. John Rowe, Speaker of the House of Representatives for the session of 1862, by E. H. Ranch, Chief Clerk." The whole affair was got up without any previous intimation given to Mr. Rowe, and the denouement, of course, took him fairly by sur prise. Pantegivania Matig Celegrapt), itlthtteobap "Afternoon itlarch 26, 1862 UNLAWFUL —Many persons indulge in the habit of mutilating and tearing down handbills at stores, hotels and other public places, greatly to the detriment of those who pay for the printing and posting these bills ; perhaps they are not aware that they are violating the law by so doing, and rendering themselves liable to a fine and costs. They should be cautious or they may find it an expensive induLence. ROBBERY AT MR DF.POT. —A letter was receivt d this morning by Mayor Kepner, from a gen tleman of Williamsport, Pa., stating that he was robbed between nine and ten o'clock last Friday night, at the Pennsylvania Railroad depot, in this city, or a wallet containing the sum of $66, and that he heard of another gen tleman who was relieved at the same time of a parse _containing $9O. The writer believes the thief to be a short, thick-set man, with black hair, wearing a black sack coat and high black bat. DEATH or Ma. Joar R. Born.—We regret to announce the death of Mr. John R. Boyd, keeper of the Dauphin county prison, which occurred a little after two o'clock this afternoon. The immediate cause of Mr. Boyd's death was a severe attack of conger;tion of the brain at an early hour yesterday morning, a notice of which appeared in last evening's TELDTRAYEL The deceased was about 45 years of age, a native of thiscity, and has always borne an irreproach able character for honesty and integrity. Hie death will create profound grief among his numerous friends. He leaves a wife and six child' en to mourn his untimely loss. A Nnw Fez Inu.—The following bill has passed both Houses of the Legislature, and is now in the hands of the Governor for his ap- proval : AN ACT establishing a fee bill in certain cases SzerioN 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and Rouse of Repesentatives of the Commonwealth of Pennsyl vania in General Assembly met, and it is hereby en acted by the authority of the same, That the fees, or costs, to be hereafter charged or received, or demanded, or taken by the mayor, alderman, or justices of the peace in the city of Harris burg, or in the county of Dauphin, in all eases wherein any person, orpersons shall be charged with being vagrants, idle and disorderly, or drunk and disorderly persons, or for drunken ness, or breach of the peace, or with commit ting an assault, or assault and battery, shall be as follows : For all proceedings in all, or any of the above stated cases, except cases of assault, or assault and battery, the sum of twenty cents, and no more than twenty cents, shall be charged by the said officers in either of such cases, for any official services rendered therein for commtting to prison any person charged with either of the above offences, ex cept cases of assault, or assault and battery, the sum of twenty-five cents, no more, or further fees than as above stated, shall be charged or paid to the said officers in any case wherein two or more persons are arrested for committing any of the said offences at the same time and place, except in eases of assault and assault and battery. Sw 2. That in the above named cases, ex cept in cases of assault, or assault and battery, the fees to be charged and received, or deman ed, or taken by the constables in the said city and county, or by the chief police con stable, or police constable, or other officer of the said city, shall be as ollows, to wit : For arresting any person, or persona, according to law, either upon or without warrant, or other process, and taking such person or persons before either of the officers named in the pre ceding section of this act for any of the offences therein specified, except cases of assault, or assault and battery, the sum of twenty cents for any of the offences therein specified, except cases of assault and assault and battery, for committing to prison upon process issued by either of the officers named in the preceding section of this act, and including mileage for all persons arrested within the limits of the city of Harrisburg twenty-five cents for all per sons arrested for any of the offences named in the preceding section of this act, except cases of assault, or assault and battery without the the limits of the city of Harrisburg, when such miles actually traveled would exceed two miles, three cents for each mile actually travel ed in making said arrest and committing to prison ; but in no case shall mileage be charged separately for making said arrest and commit ting to prison. SEc. 3. That in all cases of assault, or as sault and battery, wherein the grand jury shall return the bill of indictment a true bill, the fees now allowed by law in such cases, shall be paid to the said officers in the mode and man ner now prescribed by law, and in all cases of assault, or assault and battery wherein the grand jury shall return the bills of indictment ignoramus, or not a true bill, no fees or costs shall be paid by the county of Dauphin to any of the officers named in the preceding sections of this act, and all laws heretofore enacted, or now in force providing for the payment of fees or costs, to any or all of the officers named in the preceding sections of this . act shall be, and the same are hereby repealed, so far as relates to the city of Harrisburg and the county of Dauphin. Fon BAIA very cheap, one large chilled Iron Safe, made by Evans & Watson. Apply at the office of the Central Insurance company. mar2s-2t L. R. Mimosa, Teller. NEW GOODS.-I am now selling off my entire stock of goods at and below cost, or 26 per cent, cheaper than you can purchase elsewhere, viz: fine linen shirts, 75 cts. to $1 ; shirts, 50 ets., and sa cts., with linen bosoms ; night shirts, 50 eta ; under shirts and drawers, 40 cts. to 87 cts., all wool ; monkey jackets, 60 cts. to $1; cotton and woolen hose 10 cte. to 16 cts ; silk ties, 12f, 15 and 18 eta ; collars, 8 eta. to 15 eta. a piece ; ladies' collars, 4 and 5 cts.; cuffs, 4 and 5 eta. a piece ; under sleeves, 18 eta.; fine cambric at 13 and 18 cts. per yard, worth 25 eta.; Marseilles bosoms of a new style, and fast collars, 12.1. eta.; all linen bosoms, 16 cts and upwards. If you want cheap and good goods just go to James A. Lynn, at the Harrisburg Cheap Shirt Manu factory, where he is selling off without reserve. N. B.—Shirts, &c. made to measure, Room next to Hummel & Killinger's grocery store, 12 Market street. Two HUNDRED Elms of beautiful new spring calicos; a large lot of bleached and unbleached muslin of the best make ; blue checks, at 124 cents per yard ; white stockings, at 124. cents ; another lot of those good white rib bed stockings • ladies' pocket handkerchiefs, at 124 cents; Children's pocket handkerchiefs, with border, 6 cents ; shirt breasts 12k, 15 and up to 374 cents; 25 pieces new pant stuff ; undershirts and drawersvery cheap ; cotton and woolen socks, at all prices ; 40 dozen woolen stockings, for children, 124 cents; 14 yard bleached muslin 124 cents ; all wool French merinos, all colors, at 62 and 76 cents. Having bought the balance of the stock of a city wholesale heuse of plain and figured Swiss muslins, brillants, white cam brics, Nausuck and Victoria lawns, suitable for dresses, as those goods will be very scarce and dear neat summer now is the time to buy. Our stock of Furs at cost. S. Lwr, Rhoads' Old Stand. I=l in the county of Dauphin, I= A CAM) TO THE LADIM OR. DUPONCO'S GOLDEN PILLS FUR FEMALES "stead the to lo lug certificate" from one of the first ladies in Utica, N. Y., who called opal my .goats iu that ci , y (Sir Wm. Bristol & C 0.,) and told thorn that -he, of course, did not wis o her dame made public, but if any one should doubt the won t Wel eiffoiency of De. Dims co's Golden Pills, they might refer any Lady to her, as she considered it a duty, as well no a pie 100 re, to her knowledee of their efficacy, as administered to her daughter, a young I ady VT years oid• she was fast go ing lute cons Amption—bad tskeu cold—nature become obstructed. Two boxes of these Golden Pills entire ly cured her, and elle is now in ro boat 'health "We wee Articular in buying the genuine. Full and explicit directions accompanying etch box Price Si.— Sold wholesale and retail by C A BeNtrvAtiv, No. 2, Jones Row, nd C. K. Rause, 91 Market street, Harris. burg Pa. By lending either of them ft 00 through. he Harrisburg Post Office the Pilia will ,* sent confidentially by mail to any part of toe country, "free of postoge." N. o.—fook out for counterieni, Buy no itatdce of any kind tales the box is signed 5 IL Howe, Ati others is a base imposition and cue sic ; therefore, n' you value your Ryes and health, (to nay nothing of be lug humbugged out of your money), buy only of tium, who show the signature of S. D. Howe on tvery box. which that recently neon added on account of the Pills enionterteite I. Th., ingredients composing the above Pills are made known to every Agent, ant they are safe, and will perform all claimed for them. Sold also by, T. L Lumberger, Lebanon ; A. J. Kant. man, Mechanicsburg ; M. Marks, Lewistown ; S. Elliott ,Larlise ,• B. G. Wild li , howviile ; J. C. Altick, Shippeus, burg; tT Spangler Charnbersbu-g; E T. filer, York; J. A. Wolf, Wrieltiville ; S. S. Stevens, Fetding ; and P. Hunter, Reading, and by .'one druggist" In every town and vitge in the United States, and by . _ E. D. HOWE, Sole Proprietor. New York ea 4m HAIR DYE I HAIR DYE I Win. A. Batchelorle Hair Dye ! The only Harmless and }tensible Dyer Known ! All others are mere imitations, and Bhoqid be avoided if you wish to escape ridicule. GREY, RED OR RUSTY HAIR dyed Instantly to a beautiful and natural Brown or Blac'a, without the least injury to Hair or Skin. FIFTEEN MEDALS AND DIPLOMAS have been awar ded to Wm. A. RITOELELOR Sicvle 18 9, and over 200,000 applications have been made to the hair of the patrons of hie famous Dye. Wit. A. BATCHELOR'S HAIR DYE produces a color not to be distinguished from nature and is WARAZITID not to injure in the least, however long it may be contin ued, and the ill effects of bad Dyes remedied. The hair is Invigorated for life by this splendid Dye, which is pr. p• arty applied at No. 18 dead Street New York• Said in all the Mies and towns of the United States, by Druggists and Fanny Goods Dealers The Genuine has the name William A &debater ," and address upon . a steel plate engraving on the four sides of each Wm Wholesale Factory, 81 Barclay Se., • Late 233 Broadway, !low' York. act2-dawly New 20nertisments FOR SALE. 100 BUSHEL S prime Mercer and Peach B'ow Potatoes. Inquire at A. Hum mel's Shoe Store, next to the Court House. - mar 26 lit. PROCLAMATION. vvf HEBEAS, the Honorable JOHN J. Mourns, President, of the Court of Common Pleas in the Twelfth Judicial District, consisting of th counties of Lebanon and Dauphi ii, and the Hon. Sm ut. LANDIS and Hon. Mom R. YOUNG, Associate Judges in Dauphin county, having issued their precept, bearing date the 4th day of March, 1862 to me directed, for holding a Court of 05er and Terminer and General Jail Delivery and Quarter Bessions of the Peace at Harrisburg, for the county of Dauphin, and to OOMMODOO ors Tan 4TEE HONDAS OF APRIL NeXT, being the 28111 DAY OP APRIL, 1862, and to continue two weeks. Notice is therefore hereby given to the Coroner, Jus tices of the Peace, Aldermen, and Constables of th said county or Dauphin, that they be then and ther in their proper persons, at 10 o'clock in the torenoon of sad day, with tneir records, inquisitions, ezaminati as, and their own remembrances, to do those things which to their office appertains to be done, and those who are honed in recognizauces to prosecute against the prisoners that are or shall no in the Jail of Dauphin coun ty, be then and there to prosecute against tla m as shall bejust. Given under my hand, at Harrisburg, the 25th day of SI • reh, in the year of our Lord, 1862, and in the eighty sixth year of the Independence of the United State a. J. D. BOAS, Sheriff. SIIBBIIVS OFFICE Horisburg,Arril 25, 1882 f roar26dawld NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN TaikT the books and accounts of Col. Jos ph F. Knipe havebeen placed in my hands for settlement and collection, and all persons indebted are requested to call at No. 130 Market sweet, 011 or beton the 10th day ofApril, 186 d. After said date all bills not settled will be left in the bends of Alderman Peffar for prompt collection. O. ZtHMERMahI, intr24-dlw No. 180, Market street, Harrisburg, SANFORD'S OPERA HOUSE. Third Street, below Market. S. S. SANFORD - - - Proprietor and Manager Also, Sanford's Opera House, Philadelphia. Adm'ssion, 25c1s. Orchestra Chairs, 50cts. Children lb " I Seats in Privae box, 75 " Doors open at 6% o'clock ; Parformanoe to commence at 7,ta' o'clock. NEW ATTRACTION, MORAN, DIXIE and CARNCILOSEI SANFORD'S FAR FAMED 0 P ERA TROUPE, From Sanford's Opera House, Philidelphia, will appear every evening this week, intro ducing a most superb programme, consist ing of NEW SONGS, By CARNCROSS and others. NSW JOHNS, BON MOTS, &c., By MORAN and DJXEY. VARIETY BY ALL THE STARS. mar2l-dtd DISSOLUTION OF CO-PARTNERSHIP. rHE Co-Partnership heretofore existing L under the firm o' Jones & Waggoner, Toy sod Con fectionery, Is by mutual consent thus day dissolved by the withdrawal of J. W. Jones. The tramnee3 will be continued by W. H. Waggoner, at the old stand No. ;5 Market street, by whom all the debt, a ,, d to whom all the claims of the late firm are to be paid. Who undersigned thankful for the liberal patronage extended to the old firm of Jones 4 Waggoner, trusts by strict attenti.m to businesslindby keeping a well se lected stock aeon' BetiOlAriEl3, toys and fruits to merit a continuance of the same. Wit. IL WAGGONER. mar24-dlw WALL PAPER ! ELEGANT styles and patterns of Wall Paper for 6,10, 12, lb and 25 cents per roll. The largest and most Taxied stock o f Wall Paper, Borders, Window Blinds, Curtin and Fixtures ever offered. In this city. Being bought Or cash, It will be •old at a Tery small profit. Wir Remember the place, Sehefferhi Rook Store, Market greet, *wade Grow', Drag Lions, Harrjeburg. 11122-Cm • SALE OF FREIGHT OARS. urrILL be sold at public sale, on• We d tumidity, the 2d of April next, at the Lebanon Valley Railroad Depot. in Harrisburg, the freight cars and office furniture of Thomas Peipher, deceased, consist ing of nine eight wheel or double cars, and three short ears. One officio stove, and eight car stoves, one truck, lum ber office furniture, ke. Sale to commence at two o'clock, when attendance will be given and conditions of sa le made known by S AiIIIEL SINGER, Administrator. P. S. Persons wishing to purchase can see the cars from this time till day of sale, standing on the track in the rear of the Lebanon Val ey "abroad Depot. VXIRA. FAMILY FLOUR, Corn Meal and Buckwheat lour. For sale low by Nlabols a bowman, corner of Front and Market streets. m7-y C OAL OIL lower than any House in Harrisburg, for sale by mcgots BOWMAN, feb 14-y Corner Front end Market ogre*. N'GOODS.—We invite attention to our new stock of goods just received. and for sale low by .. MIOMOLS & BOWMAN, earner of Front and Market streets. NIC 1 - 1 OLS & BOWMAN, Corner of Front and Market Streets. (V. Hummel's old stand,) HAVE determined to place their entire stock of GROCF.RIES, PROVISIONS, FRUITS, &c.. &e., at prices to suit the present hard times, and re spectfully call the attention of the citizens of Harrisburg and vicinity to their extensive stock of goods, consisting of SUGARS, SYRUPS, TEAS, COFFEE, SPICES, LEMONS, ORANGES, CURRANTS, CEDAR-WARE, FLOUR, FISH, &c. We have also gone to considerable trouble in getting the sale of several brands of COAL OIL, All of which we warrant to be NON-EXPLOSIVE, TRANSPARENT AND FREE FROM ODOR, ae far as practicable. Among others, we have on band NATRONA, MAGNOLIA, LUCIFER, ROBINSON. All of which we will sell wholqale or retail, and lower than any other house in Harrisburg. Also, all kinds of CUT, FLINT AND GREEN GLASS-WARE. We also invite attention to our well selected and extensive assortment of QUEENSWARE. Call at NICHOLS & BOWMAN, corner of Front and Market streets: JOHN WALLOWER, JR., Agt GENEtill. FORWARDING COMMISSION MERCHANT. ri . k lOW A N D MERCHANDISE prowptly J 1 rorwarded by Philadelphia and Readiug, Northern ^antral, Cumberland Valley and Pennsylvania Railroad! El , Canal. BAULING aN D OKAYING to and from all parts of the , iity to trio different Railroad depots will be done at the .iery lowest rates. FAMILIIIII.remoriug will he promptly attended to: :;rder4 eft at Brant's European llmei , or at the store t... Zollisiger, wlil receive premrt attention. Con !gement', m r rrt pispeelially solicited DORT FAIONA lES, WALLETS, POCK- L et-books, Bankers' Cases, Ladies' Caba Fatehele, Ladies Traveling ratchets. We are constantly receiving additions to our stock of tho above goods, and neces sarily have a floe assortment of the latest styles. We respectfully invite persons wanting to purchase any of the above articles to examine the stock—knowing that a greater variety or better goods cants) be found in the city. . _ KELLER'S Dyne and Fancy Store, 91 Market street, one door east of Fourth steeet, south side. m 4. INTERNATIONAL HOTEL 865 & 367 BROADWAY, CORNER OF FRANKLIN STREET, NEW YORK. first class house—the most quiet, homelike, and plearant hotel is the city—offers superior inducement , to thou visiting N .tW YORE for business or pleasure. It is central in its location, and kept on the - EUROPEAN PLAN, in:oonnection with TAYLOR'S SALOON, where refreshments Con be hod at all hours, or served in their own rooms. the eh4eles are moderate, the rooms and attendance of the first order—baths, and all the modern convenience attached. maiS3m SCHIEFFELIN BROTHERS & CO., WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS, AND DeALERS in fancy Goods, Per fumery, &Lc. Also agents for the sale of Relined Petroleum, Illuminatmg till, a ipmaor to any coal oil ; furnished in an , quantities at the lowest mantel rate,. 170 and 172 William, Street, NEW YORK.. ja27-d6m NO excuse for having Boots and Shoes not blackened. Blacking that will give a polish on wet or greasy hoofs. Just the thing for ,he times, when every one cannot afford two or three pairs of thues or boots. Call and examine, at NICHOLS' Sc BO WMAN'S, 21 'corner Front and Market streets. LAUER'S ALE, PORT ttR AND BEER. NOTICE is hereby given to the citizens of Harrisburg, that the undersigned has authorized Mr. E. Mager to receive orders for any of my maunfae tures. The e•dlectinf will be attended to by the under signed. ALB orders lett us above will be promptly at tendsd to. GiORGE LA (Mg, feb22-d6m. Pottsville, Pa. GARDEN SEEDS.—Just received a large invoice of moles Garden Leeds—comprising a greater variety of imported and home growth than has ever been offered in this city, Those who may desire to pnrcha3e, can depend upin getting the beet in the world, at the wJolesale and retail grocery store of Wif. DOCK, Je. & CO. 100 BUILDING LOTS FOR SALE. AMIE subscriber offers for sale, on terms favorable to purchasers, ore hund.hd building lots variously situated in the north western and eastern parts of the city of Harrisburg. on Penn Street, Foster avenue, Boas street, Ridge avenue, ald ou olate street, east of Paxton creek, between said :reek and the Harrisburg cemetery. For farther particalars inquire of the subscriber re siding on Front street in said city. JNO. FORSTER. marlo.lm LADIES CORSETS, ALL OF THE DIFFERENT SIZES, WHITE AND COLORED. The'fiest article manufactured, can ho found at CATEIOARTS', Nest door to the Harrisburg Ban k. J. W. JONES, WM. H. WAGGONER CIDER !!! VINEGAR !1 1 MADE from choice and selected Apples, and guaranteed by us to be strictly pure .42-41 4M. 11005 & co. SHAW LS! DRESS GOODS FURS ! ALARGE stock of these goods will be disposed of at very lbw prices. Fine furs very heap at CATHO AM'S% Next door o the Harrisburg Bank. FRESH lot of choice Garden Seeds just received, and for sale low by NIOIIOLS do BOWMAN, m2Ol corner of Front and Market streets. CANDLES, Country soap, Fancy Soaps of all kinds, fir sale by NICHOLS & BOWMAN. Corner Front and Market streets. CEDAR TUBS, BASKETS, BROOMS and everything in the line, jug received in largo buantities and for sale very low by WM. DOCK, , & co. JUST RECEIVED. ASECOND LOT of Comic and Sentimen tat Valentioes, at 1f f-1 - eat prices. febl6 y SCREFFER'S Bookstore. FAMILY WASHING BLUE, an excel lent substitute for Indigo, for sale at the wholesale and retail grocery store of NICHOLS & BOWMAN, corner of Front and Market streets. DANDELION CUIFFSEI- -A Fresh and huge supply of tbis Celebrated Catechist received by POI rvst. DCKta, Jr., ht . Co. HAIR, TOOTH, NAIL, CLOTH, HAT, LAMER and INFANT warm!: tu ;great variett IrgUER,4 iißte4 ev,t •41. CHEAT SUGARS, Choice Syrup, Teas; t 5, &c. For sale low by NICHOLS .1; BOWMAN , ooraer of Front and Market streets_ Miscellaneous. VALLOWER ax., Agt., Rea Aloe Depot MONEY PURSES. hOMETIAING NEW 1 fiticrtllatuons. WM. KNOCHE, 98 _Market street, ilarrisbury, Pa., DEALER IN N 1 :1 ? EW ROSEWOOD PIANOS, from the beet makers, from $2OO upwards. MELODEONS. THE BEST MANUFACTURED INSTRU- MENTS, FROM $45 to $lOO. Guitars, Violins, Accordeons, Flutes, Fifes, Drums, Banjos, Tambourines, Violin and Guitar strings and musi cal merchandise in general. SHEET MUSIC. THE LATEST PUBLICATIONS always on hand. Music sent by mail to any part of the country. OVAL, SQUARE, GILT AND ROSEWOOD FRAMES, Suitable for looking glasses, and all kinds of pictures always on hand. A fine assortment of best plated LOOKING GLASSE S From smallest to largest sizes. Any style of frame made to order at the shortest notice. WM. KNOCHE, 98 Market street febl9-w&sly SEEDS! SEEDS ! I SEEDS !! ! JUT received andfor ~ ale at the Agri cultural Store, 110 Market street, the LARGEST STOCK of fresh and genuine Garden, Flower and Field Seeds in the State out side of Philadelphia. Garden Seeds at THREE CENTS PER PAPER, WARRANTED to contain as much as can be had foriive cents anywhere else, and in bulk, at prices which cannot be under sold. Also Agricultural and Horticul tural Implements for the season. I invite attention :o my stock. DAVI° HAY NNS, mall-w3t•d2w 110 Market street- NEW HOUSE FOR SALE. THE new frame house now being built on State street tfelna/Second, will be finif lied by he Ist of april, inch ling paving, gas and water pipes. Ap ply to U.EOR(;E C LE, toarl9-dte No. 66 Market street. 20 BUILDING LOTS FOR SALE. ASHORT distance west of the capitol, trotting on Grand and Hamm ,rl , l Line. Prices $175 to $2OO. Terms reasonable by GE'). C Mar2l•d •ra 66 rrlie t street. SPORTSMEN, ATTENTION ! A S Wm. G. Miller the anibrotypist, in— tend,:tattiaz a museum in his picture wile y, he offers good prices for all the edferent kind of w Id ducks usually found around Ha, rishurg. For Wood and other drier spent.% of the emalle, ducks. extra pric s paid if not much damag Wit G. MILLKIt. Margot street below Fifib, opposite the City Hotel. mar2l-Iw-u* JUST RECEIVED, LARGE LO 1' of Black Silks. A Fine Assortment of Plain Dress Silks. Eng. Rep. Mourning Silks. Small Bar Black and Purple Silks. A New Stock of Mourning Dress Goods. A Large Line of Irish Linens, at old prices. A. Full Stock of Skeleton Skirt; Best article ever manuructured A Fall Line of Gents Undershirts and Drawers Furs ; Now closing oat the , toek. Balmoral Skirts ; New article. Marseilles Uounterpaines ; At old pricea. Allendale Spreads ; cboap. & Large Line of Towellings. Now open at CATECARTS, febl3-y Next door to the Harrisburg Bank A. HUiviMEI.,, ==l BOOTS AND SHOES, BUFFALO AND GUM OVER SHOES, TRUNKS AND CARPET BAGS. AT THE OLD STAND corner of the alley, next to the Court House; Market street, Harrisburg, Pa Thankful for the patronage heretofore be,itowed upon the late firm of A. Hummel & Co., we trust by strict at tention to business, and by keeping a well SIZISCrED STOCK OF Goons to merit a eon killallet, Or the same Please call and examine our ETOCR and muss before buying elsewhere. janll.lyd A 111:1MMEL Goods are purchased direct from he manufactures for cash enabling them to sell very ;ow, CELEBRATED DANDELION COFFEE, JLST RECEIVED a large quantity of CO superior Dandelion Coffee, which we will sell-low to suit the times ; also, pure ground Rio Coffee and Tur key Coffee all put up in one pound packages. Call and examine at the wholesale and retail zroceey store or NICHOLS & BOWMAN, corner of Front and Market streets. AUGUSTINE L. CHAYNE. CARPENTER AND BUILDER. Residence No. 27 North Second Street. N. B—JOBBING ATTENDED TO. mhdlm ANOTH KR. SUPPLY OF MORTON'S UNRIVALLED GOLD PENS. BES r PENS in the world, for 75c, $1 25 zo, $2, $3, and $4 • for sale at febls 3r SCIIEFFER'S Bookstore. JUST RECEIVED ALARGE ASSORTMENT of Family Bibles of different styles of binding, at 90c, $1 '25 $1 50, $2, $3, $l, $5 andslo. 4lso Pocket Bibles of dif ferent styles and prices at SOIIEFFEH'S Bookstore. febls y OHOIVE Teas, Green and Black, for sale ILI low by NICHOLAS & BOWMAN, tibli Corner krront and Market streets. COAL Olt., Natrona, Magnolia, Luciier, and other non explosive brands, for sale low by NICHOLS A: BOWMAN, feb2 0 nor Fr , nt and Mar, et siren... 4. GARDEN S&EDS.—Fresh garden seeds from Baled, Philadlphia. For sale by Nichols Bowman, corner of Front and Market streets. m7-Y F'6l:l Oranges, Lemons, Raisins, Co Coarints, St .., Ste , just raceired and ter sale, by NICHOLS ffi BOWMAN, Corner Front and Marnet streets. OM LIAM dunned 14,xira 0.",1 iikar nj.roCAlrOd `R. rig ri` MACKEREL Nos. 1, 2 and 3 in all sized packages. A large supply just received, and each package warranted as represented, tor sale Jr.. Wht DOCK, J &Co • 11211E81-i Lemons, Apples, Cranberries J for sale by NICHOLS & BOWMAN, j2l. corner Front and Market street, COFFEE.—Barley, Rye, Wheat, Dande lion and all preparations. For sale by Nichols & B o wman, corner of Front and Market streets. m7-y CHOICE 6yrups, Loverings and other choice brands, for sale by NICHOLS As BOWMAN, jl6 corner Front and Market streets. BIICK-WHEAT M EAL and CORN MEAL Zjust received an , or sale low at • NICHOLS & BOWMAN, i 6 corner Front and Market streets. HAY ! HAY ! 1 4SUPERIOR article of Baled Hay, at $l7 00 per ton for sale by 18 JAMES M. wrIEELVFt. TELLER'S DRUG STORE is the place to buy.Pstent Medicines. El=