THE TELFA4RAPII IS PUBLISHED EVERY DAY, RV - GEORGE BERGNER. TERMS_--SINGLI SUBSCRIPTION. The DAILY TIILIGRAFT is Served to subscribers in the City at 8 cents per week Yearly Subscribers will be charged $4 00, le advance, Wsiktr AND Seal-WRICKLY TULIGRAPH The TitticnAtel is else published twice a week during the sessiou of the Legislute— --a weekly duriug the remainder of the year, :tr.' - 'e subscribers at the tudowing cash rates„ Single subscribers per par ...Ai- 50 Ten ' t. 4. _l2 00 Twenty * " tt ..22 00 :•ingle subscriber, Weekly 100 THE LAW OF Ns.wteh‘Pras. _. . .. . . . It subscribers order the discontinuance of their news papers, the publisher may continue to send them until arrearages.are II subscribers neglect or refuse to take their newspa ers from the office to which they are directed, they a e responsible until they have settled the bills and ordered them discontinued. itlebitat n.R . J OVA SON 13..6!1.1J'W.1C34 1 (C). ,1 et.M LOCK HOSPITAL HNi, d iscovered .themost certain, speed and Pflectuni remedy in the world for - - DISEASES OF IMPRUDENCE MINT IN TX TO 'MIMI 1-101716 No Mercury or Noxious Drug* "A CuNN WANNANTNI), ON NO CHARON, 11! /2011 OAI Two Dals,-Vit Weakness of the Back or nibs, Strictures,. Pains b he Loins, Affections of the Kidneys and Bladder, Orgasm. Weakness, Nervous Debility, Decay of thoPhysica Pon are, Dyspepsia, Languor, Low Spirits, Confusion 01 deaf ralt Ration of the Heart, Timidity, Tremblings, Blames: of Sight or giddiness, Disease of the Stomach, Affection, of the Head, Throat, Nov or Skin—those terrible disor ders arising from the lbdiscretiou or Solitary Habits el Youth—those dreadful and destructive practises which produce constitutional debility, render marriage Mapes *Bile, and destroy both body and mind, YOUNG MEN Young men especially who have become the victims 0; solitary Vice, that dreadful and destructive habit whir& annually sweeps to an untimely grave thousands ot young men of the most exalted talent and brilliant intel lect, who might otherwise have entranced listening Senates with the thunders of eloquence, or waked to .0- tasty the living lyre, may call with full confidence, MARRIAGE Married persons, or those contemplating marriage, be ng aware of physical weakness, should Immediately con lilt Dr. J., and be restorod to perfect health. ORGANIC WEARNRS Anstediate/y cured and full. vigor motored. He who places himself undo , the care of Dr. J. may religiously contidein his how , t,„ =, gentleman, and eon fidently rely upon his skill a= ; =melon. WOthce No. 7 South f -,Ft street, Baltimun.. old., on the loft hand side gc:its _ram Baltimore street, 7 Rare tram the corner. Be particular in observit4. ;itc same or number, or you will mistake the place. P.. gat , denier for Ignorant, Billing Quacks, with false tames, or Pcatry Humbug Gertificales, attracted by the reptile. don of Dr. Johnson, lurk near All letters must contain a Postage Stamp, to use on the eply. DR. JOHNSTON Dr. Johnson etember of the Royal College of Surgeons, ~ondon, graduate from one of the most eminent Colleges if the United States, and the greatest part of whose life nee been spent in the Hospitals of London, Paris, Phila delphia and elsewhere, has effected some of the most az tontsbing ell Ms that were ever known. Many troubled with ringing in the ears and head when asleep, great ner vousness, being alarmed at sudden sound S, bashfulness, with frequent blushing, at t.nded sometimes with derange. meet of mind were cured immediately. .TAER PARTICULAR NOTICE. • Dr. -senses all those who having injured them selves by r veto and improper indulgencies, that secret and solitary abit which ruins both body and mind, un- fitting them for either businesses society. Thee, are some of the sad and melancholy eo. eets pro duce." by early habits of youth via : Weakness of the Back and Limbs, Pains in the Head, Dimness of . Sight, Loss of Muscular Power, Palpitation of Op Heart, Dys oepaia, Nervous Irritability. Derangement of the Digestive Functions, General Debility, Symptoms of 7insnmp- Han, ha MENTALLY HISS 411.7, the fearful enema on the mind are mush to be dreaded :—Lose of .Niemery,.Confusion of Ideas, De pression of Spirits, Evil Forebodings, Aversion toSocie ty, Self-distrust, Love of Solitude, Timidity, Ex., are some Of the evil effects. . . Thousands of persona 01 all ages, can now Judge Milli 1 the came of their decline to health, losing their vigor becoming weak, pale, nervous and emaciated, have singular appearance about the eyes, cough, and 'quip ms of consumptiOn YOIJNO who have injured themselves by a certain practice, in Mitred hi when alone—a habit frequently learned from evil zompaulons, or at school, the, effects .oi which are sightly felt, even when asleep, and if not cured, renders, marriage impossible, and destroys both mind and body,' ttionld apply Immediately. What a pity that a young man, the hopes 01 his coun try, the darling of his parents, ,should be snatched from all prospects and ehioymouts of life by OP consequence: of deviating from the path of nature, and indulging in a certain secret habit. Sn'di persona must, before contem plating .01a}CRIAG effect that a sound sOnd and body are the moat necessary requisites to promote connubial happiness. Indeed without these, the journey through lire becomes a weary pilgrimage; the prospect hourly darkens to the view ;the mind becomes shadowed Wu tt despair, and filled with Lb melancholy reflection that the happiness of another, ke.. comes blighted with our own DR. JOHNSON'S INANIVGORATI WEAKNESS. NG REMEDY FOR GC By tide great and important remedy, Weakness of the crgans are speedily cured, and full vigor restored. rhoularids of the most nervous and debilitated whe had lost all hope, have been immediately rolieved. Ail impedimenta to Marriage, Physical or Rental Msqualifi. cation, Nerv,ons, Trembling, Weakness or Exhaustion or the most fearfui liind, speedily cured. TO BVIANGERS Ills many thousands cured at this Instiution within tne last twelve years, and the numerous important Porgies' operations performed by Dr. j., witnessed by the re. porters of thepapers, and many other persons, notices of which have appeared again and again before the public, besides his standing as a isralleinan at character and y e . spensthaily, is a sufficient guarantee to the afflicted. DisF,Ang, Off IMPRUDENCE..—When the misguided and imprudent votary of pleasure finds he has imbibed the seeds of this painful disease, it too often happens that an 111-timed sense of shame or dread of discovery deters him from applying to those who, from education'and re spectability can alone befriend him, delaying till the con. stitutional symptoms of this horrid disease make their appearance, affecting the head, throat, nose, akin, progressing on with ilightlul rapidity, till death pats period to his dreadful sufferings by sending him to "that bourne from whence wo traveler returns." It le a net. ',unholy fact that thousands tali victims to this terribl disease, owing to the unakilitilness of ignorant pretend ers, who, by the use of that deadly poison, mercury, rule the constitution and make the residue or life miserable. To enumazie.—The liwtor's Diplomas hang in bi —Letters must contain a Stamp to us on the replF, Agrßemedies sent by Mall. , serNo. 7 Sandi Frederick street, Baltimore. tpria-dstylv NEW NOVELS • AA MANGE STORY, by Bulwer, trated, price Dinah The Warden, by Trollope, (Pocket II- brain) Castle Wafer, by the author of "East Lynne". Treasure Trove, by Sam. Lover, new edition ;1 Tom Crosbie and his friends, by Lover.. 60 The Broken Engagement, by Mrs. South worth 25 With all the new books as soon as published at BERGNER'S Cheap Book Store. PROF. ADOLPH P. TEUPSER, WOULD respectfully inform his old patrons and the public generally, that he will continue to give instructions on the PIANO FORTE, ME LODEON VIOLIN and also in the science of THOROUGH BARS. 11e will with pleasure wait upon pupils at their homes at any hour desired, or lessons will be givens his residence, Is Third street, e few doers below -MI German Reformed Church. decls-4 t THE PRIVILEGE OF THE WRIT OF HA BEAS CORPUS UDEB THE CONSTITUTION by Horace B r i o upy, Esq. - Pamphlet edition for sale • 898(3gs:a 6 CtlfillP B0)81 STORE. Price 16 cents. F AESH Choice Teas, Black and Green fu X, 36 and 1 pound N papers. for sale at ICIIOLS & BOWMAN'S le corner Front .nd !Market atreeta. CROSS & BLA. 4 IKWELL'S Celebrated PICKLES, SAUCES, PRESERVES, &e,, am. A large apply or the above, embracing every .varietyijust re. getvedAuf fr. sale by WY. DOM Tr,,k CO. I/ - 9 .• r illlllll.l . pi l k.. ll le 4 -1 1 . . • . . • • C.1 . .f- • 4..4.1 f" 4 VOL. XVII Crawl & Ttattiputtaik. etNNSYLVANIA RAIL iiOAl) WINTER TIM E TAIRA . FIVE TRAINS DAILY TO 'AND FROM PHILADELPHIA. OD AND AFTFR MONDAY JANUARY 27th, 1882 The Passenger Trains of the Pennsylvania Railroad Company will depart trom and arrive at Harrisburg and Philadelphia as follows : E 4 T 4Si 0 THROUGH EXPRE&A TRAIN leav,s Harrisburg daily at 3.20 a. at., and arrives at West Philadelphia at 7.40 FAST LINE leaves Harrisburg daily, (except Sunday,) at 1.00 p. m., and arrives at Weat Philadelphia at 6.10 p. m. MAIL TRAIN leaves Harrisburg daily (except Sunday) at 5.65 p. m., and arrives at. West Philadelphia at 11.00 p. in. ACCOMMODATION TRAIN, via Mount Joy, waves Harrisburg at 7.33 a. m., and arrives at West Phila delphia at 12.35 p. m. • EARRISBURGI ACI7OMinfiATION TRAIN, via Colnm• bia, leaves liarriabots at 2,00 a. m.. - and arrives at Weal Philadelphia at 7 20 p. m. WE,tiTIFIV 4110. THROUGH EXPRESS TRAIN leaves Philadelphia at 10.30 p. m., Harrisburg at 3.05 a. m., Altoona 8.40, a. to., and arrives at Pittsburg at 1.25 p. m. MAIL TRAIN leaves Philadelphia at 8.00 a. tn., and ar rives at Harrisburg at 1.20 p. leaves Harrisb tug at 9.00 a. in., Altoona, 3,30 p. m., and arrives at Pittsburg at 9.30 p. FAST LINE leaves Philadelphia at 11.23 a, in. Harris burg 4.05 p. m., Altoona at 9.10 p. m., and arriving at Pittsburg at 1.40 a. m. HARRISBI:IRO ACCOMMODATION TRAIN leaves Phil_ delplaia at 2.30 p. m., and arrives at Harrisburg at 8.00 P '32 MOUNT JOT ACCOMMODATION via Mount Joy leaves Lancaster at 11.33 a. in., arrives at Hai , risbarg at 1.30 p.m. The NEWS EXPRESS and PASSENGER TRAIN will leave West Philadelphia at 4.00 a. m., Lanoaster 7.07 a. m. Mount Joy at 7.43 a. in., Middletown at 8.25 a. m., and arrive at Harrisburg at 8.55 a. in., connecting with Mall Train west, from Harrisburg, at 9.00 a. m. " " ' SAMUEL 0, YOUNG, Supt. East, Lily. Penna. Railroad Harrisburg, Jturaary,24, 1862 —dtf WINTER TIME ARRANGEMENT NEW Affi, UM ROUTE. , ret THREE TRAINS DAILY TO NEW YORE, AND 4-) 1-I.II_ADELPHIA ;WruttOlTT CHANGE OF Mai ON AND AFTER MONDAY, NOVEM BER 4,1861 ' the Passenger Trains Will leave the Philadelphia lino the Railroad Depot, at Harrisburg, fur New York and Philadelphia, as follows, viz 25 $1 00 EASTWARD. EXPRESS LINE leaines Harrisburg at 3.30 a. in., on ar rival of Pennsylvania Railroad Express Train from the West, arriving in New York at 11.5 a. in., and, at Phila delphia at 9.00 a. in. A sleeping car is attached to the train through from Pitts burg without change. " MAIL. TRAIN leaves Harrisburg at 8 a. in., arriving in New York at 5.30 p. in., and Philadelphia at 1.25 p. m. FAST LINE leaves Harrisburg at 1.40 p. in., on arrival of Pennsylvania Railroad Fast Mail, arriving in Now York at 9.50 p. and Philadelphia at 8.40 p. WESTWARD. :FAST LINE leaves New York at 6a. m., and Philade pnia at 8 a. m. arriving at Harrisburg at 1 p. in. MAIL TRAIN leaves New York at IX.OO noon, and Phil adelphia at 8. 16 p. m., arriving at Harriaburg at 8.10 P EXPRESS LINE leaves New York at 8 p. m., arri ving at Harrisburg at 3.10 a. m., and connecting with the Pennsylvania Express Train for Pittsburg. *A sleeping car is also attached to this train , Connections are made at Harrisburg with trains on the Pennsylvania, Northern Central and Cumberland Valley Railroads, and at Reading for Philadelphia, Potteville, Wiikesbarre, Allentown, Easton, Baggage chocked through. Fare between New York and Harrisburg, Sb 00; between Harrisburg and Phila delphia, ta 25 in No. 1 cars, and $2 70 in No. 2. Ear tickets or other information apply ta J. J. CLYDE, nod General Agent, Harrisburg. ANOTHER NEW_ STOCK portable Writing Desks, .E Backgammon Boards, Traveling Bags, Purses, Wallets, Toilet Bottles, and a general assortment of FANCY ARTICLES, Call at BEROrNER'S OUZO BOOKSTORE. `INDEPENDEN i I IN ALL TIIINGS --- .NEUTR,AL IN NONE•' HARRISBURG, P. TUESDAY AFTERNOON, MARCH 25, 1862 D W. GROSS & CO., WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DRUGGISTS, MARKET STREET DRUGGISTS, PHYSICIANS, STORE- We are daily adding to our assortment of goods all such articles as are desirable, and would respectfully call your atention to the largest and best selected stock in this city, of DRUGS, CHEMICALS & PAINTS, Burning. Fluid and Alcohol, PERFIIMILRY & TOILET ARTICLES, selected from the beet manufacturers and Pe umers of Europe and this country. Being very large dealers in PAINTS, WHITE LEAD, LINSFED OIL, VARNISHES, WINDOW GLASS, ARTIST'S COLORS, PAINT AND ARTIST'S BRUSHES IN ALL THEIR VARIETIES, _ COLORS AND BRONZES OF ALL KINDS, 4 0%0,1 5 Ncr. tuitiGT P C 97,CT ARK A 5 We reepectfn►iy invite a call, feeling, confi Seat that we can stipply.the wants of all on terms to their satisfaction. - JONE'S AND WitiTY.,S'S PORCELAIN TEETH, PATENT MEDICINES AND EIAIR Saponifier and Conoentrated Lye Wholesale Agents for Saponifier, whichiwe sell as low as it can be purchased in the cities. MAYER'S MEDICAL FLUID EXTRACTS Being large purchasers in these Oils, we can oiler inducements to cloee buyers. Coal Oil Lamps of the most improved patterns, very cheap. All kinds of lamps changed . to burn Coal Oil. Those of you who'have not gives our HORSE AND 0311 LE POWDERS a trial know ! their superiority, and the advantage they are is keeping Horses ;and Cattle healthy and in g }oci condition. thousands can testify to the profit they have derived from the use of our Cattle Powders by the Increasing quantity and quality of milk, besides improving the general health and ap pearance of their Cattle. Our long experience in the business gives ns the advantage of a thorough knowledge of the trade, add our arrangements in the cities are such that we can in a very short time furnish anything appertaining to our business, on the best of terms. on our house, we hope by strict attention to business, a careful selection of at fair prices, and the desire to please all, to merit a continuance of the favor of a discrim inatink public. DUKE Cider Vinegar, for sale at NICHOLS &BOWMAN'S, • corner Front k Market streets ID. 11). qi.rogs & (111),, NO. 19 HARRISBURG, PEAN' A KEEPERS AND CONSUMERS, Oils, varnishes and Glues, Dye. Stairs, Glass and Putty, Artist Colors and Tools, Pure Ground Spices Lard, Sperm. and Plne.Ons, Bottles.; Vial. and Lamikp Globes, Castile Soap, Sponges and Corks, &8., die., &c.; Sc., Sic With a general variety of TEETH I TEETH 111 RESTORATIVES Of all kinds, direct from the Proprietors COAL OIL 1 CARBON OIL ! FARMERS AND GRAZIERS, Thankful for the liberal patronage bestows PURE DRUGS New 2thnertizements WM. KNOCHE, 93 Market street, Barrisbu,rg, Pa., EIMMEM3 PIANO. NEW ROSEWOOD PIANOS, from the best makers, from $2OO upwards. MELODEONS. IMF, BEST MANUFACTURED INSTRU- MENTS, FROM $45 to $lOO. Guitars, Violins, Accordus, Flutes, Fifes, Drums, Banjos, Tambourines, Violin and Guitar strings and musi cal merchandise in general. SHEET MUSIC. 'ELM LATEST PUBLICATIONS always on hand. Music sent by mail to any part of the country. OVAL, SQUARE, GILT AND ROSEWOOD FRAMES, • Suitable for looking glasses, and all kinds of pictures always on hand. A fine assortment of best plated LOOKING GLASSE S From smallest to largest sizes. Any style of frame made to order at the shortest notice. WM. KNOCHE, 93 Market street febl9-w&sly UNION RESTAURANT, BILLIARD AND BOWLING SALOON, NO. 119 MARKET STREET, NEAR FIFTH. THE subscribers having erected a larg e budding at the above place, expreauly for the part> o see above indicated, beg to call the attention of the pub. lic to the followiug : THE RESTAURANT, on the first floor, with it dining room attached, is fitted up in first class style, and it will at all times he suppled with the best OYSTERS to. be had in the Atlantic cities, together with terrapin, fish, and all kinds 01 gains in season. Oysters served op in every style, and meals to be hod at all hours. The Ales of all the celebrated breweries in the country constantly on hand. The Tee-pin Alley, or Bowling Saloon, is in the rear, and contains three alleys of modern construction, where the lovers of this healthy exercise can enjoy themselves. The Billiard Saloon is up.slairs —elegantly Stied up, and 0071taida three marble top ambination cushion ta bles, equal to any made. Harrisburg has iong felt the want of a grand combin ation of this kind, and as the proprietors are determined to conduct it in a quiet and orderly manner, and do eve rything in their power to mike it a fas Musble retort, they hope to receive a liberal share of public patronage. jai-dtf WILAZA3it C. McFADDICN tit VO. HUMPHRE KS' SPECIFIC HONCEPATHIC REMEDIES! 'vvE have received a fresh stook of these valuable remedies—suitable for all manner of disease —for list or Specific Remedies see Almanac for 1862. In single boxes, with direottous, let 25 cts. and 50 eta. In case of six bozos, with book of directions $1 00. In case of fifteen boxes with book of directions $2 00. In ease of twenty large vials with book of directions 84 00 . In case of. " " 55 00 We are now prepared to MI ease vials of any of the Remedies from No. .I to 20, and to furnish Flumphreys' Remedies as cestomers may desire. POND'S EXTRACT OF HAMAN4RISS, or ,Vegetable Pain Destroyer, prepared by F. Humphreys, M. D., can be purchased by wholesale or retail at KELLER'S Drug and Fancy Storo, 91 Market street JOHN B. SMITH'S BOOT' & SHOE' STORE 4_X)BNEP. SECOND AND WALNUT STS. I . • ' Harrisburg, Pa. L WAYS on hand a large anaortment of fj. BOOTS, SIIOES, OAITEittl, of the very beet ariatities for lathes, gentlemen, and chilareas' wear.— Pelee to suit the times. All kuida of WORK ?UDE TO onDES in the hulk, style by superior worltroe'b REE'ALRING , dune at slam notice.' - JOHN B. 81(ITH., Harrisbure., TO GRAIN CONTRACTORS. THE BALTIMORE BAG FACTORY, No. 77 Smith AS'treet, Baltim,ore, Md. IS PREPARED to furnish Government Contractorsand others with Linen or Cotton Bugs or alt sizes, promptly for cash at low prices. Oats and Corn Contractors will dud it to their advantage to give me a call. . JOHN C. GrtaFFLIN. Baltimore, Jan. 17th, 1881, . iy24-2n2d* THEO. F. tsOHEF.FER, BOOS AND JOB PRINTER, NO; 18 , MARKEY STREET, HARRISBURG SirPartioular attention paid. to Printing, Ruling and Binning of Railroad Blanks, Manifesta, Policies, Checks, Drafts, &c. CARD 3 printed at $2, 23, $4, and $4 per thous and In elegant style. . i2O NEW DRESS GOODS. EMBROIDERED REPS, Plain and Figured Reps, Rich Figured all Wool Delaines, Plain Merinoes and Cashmeres,. Fancy Paris Dress Silks, Superior Plain Colored Dress Silks, Warranted makes of plain black silks, New Styles Low Priced Dolaines At CATHCART & BROTHER'S Next door to the Harrisburg Bank Market Square. nov4 PORT FOLIOS ! yRITING DESKS, TRAVELING BAGS, PURSES, POBTMONAIES, And algeneral assortment of FANCY GOODS have just been received at BERGNER'S CHEAP BOOKSTORE DAVID HAYNES, 110 MARKET, ST. JUF HARRISBURG., Agent tor LILLIE'S PA TENT Wrought and Chilled Ircu E.:. and Burglar Prof MALI% k*JSEiI. Strictly the ONLY Mei-mutt! , made, that la both flee Tend Rnrzlar Pk,of. Trtar29,dl7 CRANBERRIES, Dried Fruits, Fresh Apple, Hammy, at - - - - - NICHOLS & BOWMAN'S corner, Froot and Market streets OUR newly replenished stock of Toilet and Fancy Goods is unsurpassed in this city, and feeling confident of rendering satisfaction, wo would res pect ally invite a call. KELLER, 91 Market street, two doors east of Fourth street, south ed Lovering's and stewart's, for sale by NICHOLS & BOWMAN, eb4l Corner Front and Market street. Pennsylvania Legislature. EXPORTED EXPRESSLY FOR THE TELEGRAPH SENATE MONDAY, March 24, 1862. The Senate met at 8 o'clock, P. 11., and was called to order by. Mr. Speaker HALL. Prayer by Rev. Mr. Martz, of Harrisburg. Tue journal of Thursday last was partly read, when, On motion of Mr. BENSON, the further reading of the same was dispensed with. Mr. BENSON, chairman of the Committee on Finance, reported, with amendments, House bill No. 497, an act to provide for the ordinary ex penses of the government and other general and specific appropriations. Mr. .I.IIIBRIE, (same,) as committed, Senate bill, entitled, an act to increase the revenues of this Commonwealth. Mr. LAWRENCE, (Railroads,) as committed, Senate bill, entitled, a supplement to an act for the commutation of tonnage duties, passed March 7, 1861. I= Mr. SMITH, (Montgomery,) an act to provide for the military education of youth. Referred to the Committee on the Militia System. Several private bills were read in place, and some passed. The Clerk of the House of Representatives being introduced, presented an extract from the House journal providing for the appointment of a joint committee to accompany the remains of the late Colonel William G. Murray, of the Eighty-fourth regiment Pennsylvania volun teers, who fell while gallantly leading his regi ment at the battle of Winchester, to his late residence at Hollidaysburg. the Senate concurred in the House resolution, and then Adjourned. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. MONDAY, March, 24, 1862. The House was called to order at three o'clock, P. M. DEFENCE OF vac DELAWARE The resolutions passed by the New Jersey Legislature, in regard to the defences of Dela ware river and bay, were raid and referred to the Committee on Federal Relations. EESTORA.TION OS TEM TONNAGE TAX Resolutions from the Philadelphia Board of Trade, protesting against the passage of the act for the restoration of the tonnage tax, were pre sented and laid on the table, ELECTION OF OFF/OELS DI THE PENNSYLVANIA EX- SERVE CORPS The bill to provide for the election of field and company officers in the Pennsylvania Re serve Corps was taken up, and, after some dis cussion, made the special order for next Wednes day afternoon. DEATH OE COL. HURRAY, OE THE 84. an PKIPSYLVA- NIA REGIMENT. Mr. BANKS offered the following ; which was unanimously agreed to. Resolved, That a committe of three members of this House in conjunction with a similar committee from the Senate be appointed for the purpose of accompanying to Hollidaysburg his late residence the remains of William G. Mur ray, late Colonel of the Eighty-fourth regiment Pennsylvania volunteers, who fell gallantly leading on his regiment in the late battle near Winchester, Virginia. The following named gentlemen were ap pointed the committee on the part of the House: Messrs. Hems, GEoss and BLANCHARD. Mr. SHANNON moved that out of respect to the memory of Colonel Murray the House ad journ, which was agreed to ; whereupon The House Adjourned. BY ULM. From our Morning Edition. ADDITIONAL FOREIGN NEWS BY THE AMERICA. The steamer Asia arrived at Queenstown on the 10th instant. At London American aeon rides are firm. Garibaldi presided over's large meeting of popular delegates of 'Genoa. He said be de plored the absence of the representatives of the excluded provinces. He took an oath to deliver those provinces. Miramon had arrived at Cadiz. The negoti ations for the conclusion of the Turkish loan are progressing satisfactorily. The Porte "has informed the Great Powers that he is compelled to renounceall moderation towards the Montenegrians because they par ticipated in the Hersegovina disturbances. LIVERPOOL, March 12.—Cotton is dull; the sales of Monday and Tuesday amount to 8,800 bales, including 8,000 bales to speculators and ex)ohers. The prices are unchanged. The Manchester market is quiet but firm. Breadstuffs.—Flour dull and 6d lower.— Wheat has declined Ig2d for the lower quali ties. Corn has declined 6d, mixed 29d. Pro visions.—Beef is quiet but etearty. Pork dull and unchanged. Bacon firm. Lard active, and one cent higher. Tallow steady. Produce. —Rosin,sales small at 12e 6d for common. Sa gar quiet and steady. Spirits of Turpentine nominal. Coffee saeady. Bye firmer. Ashes 411. Linseed oil firmer 86s. MARKETS BY TELEGRAPH. Nsw Your., March 24. Cotton firm-1,200 bales sold at 28c. Flour quiet, sales 11,000 bbls at $5.25@ i 5.80 for state, $6.7005.85 for Ohio; $5.40®6.8.5 for south ern. Wheat firm-2HO bus. sold, at $1.20 for fililwankle club; $1.38 for red western and $1.44 for white. SCorn firm-42,000 bus. sold at b9@ 60i. Pork dull at $13®13,50,f0r mess. Lard fain at 71(§4. Whiskey dull at 24a23c. NEW YORK BANK STATEMENT. Nzw Your., March 24 The bank statement for the week ending on Saturday shows a decrease in loans, $3,007,470; an increase in specie, $1,260 34 ; increase in circulation,s3s6,344 ; and decrease in deposits ? $2,695,425. • OVER. TIME HUNDRED APPLICATIONS have been filed with the Seereary of the Navy for the chaplaincy made vacant by the death_ok the V chaplain of the ft igate Cumberland, :ovideti. ehows that oiling seeking is not confined to po ' • '"' e fttam /Tinting gam having procured Steam Power Presses, we are prcpar ed to execute JOB add BOOK PItINTING of every descrip tion, cheaper than It can be done at any other establish rnentin the country. RAIEs ADVs.LITISII+4I. fro- Four lines or less constitute one-half square. Eight Ines or more than four constitute a square. Half roars, one pay one week one month three months six months • . ‘• one year • • • • • • • One i Stware, one day • one week 200 a • one month it three m0nth5.............. 6 00 els months 10 Oli) one year ..... ..... .....15 Oe air Business notices inserted in the List Column, or beforttlifarriges and Deaths, FIVE CENTS ^"O4 fl - qw fnr each Mertion. NO 68 agir Marriges and Deaths to be charged az regular ad vertisements XXXVIIth Congress--First Session. Mr. DAVIS (Ky.) offered an amendment, &s a substitute, to read as follows: "That, although the subject of slavery in the States iaexci wive ty within the jurisdiction and cognizance of the Government and the people of the States, and cannot be interfered with, directly or indirectly, by the Government of the United States ; yet, when any of those States, or the people thereof, may determine to emancipate their slaves, the United States shall pay a reasonable price for the slaves so emancipated, and the cost of colo nization to some other country." Pendia" the consideration of this substitute the morning hour expired, and the bill for the abolition of slavery in the District of Columbia was taken up. The question being upon the amendment offered by Mr. Doolittle to the amendment of Mr. Davis for the colonization of the emancipated slaves, providing that the money appropriated shall only be used to colo nize such persons as desire to go to some other country, and the case shall not exceed one hundred dollars per bead. Mr. MORRILL and Mr. Knee explained that they should vote against the substitute, because they preferred the bill as it was. The amendment was adopted—yeas 23. nays 16. The question was then taken on Mr. Davis' amendment to colonize, and it was disagreed to. Mr. Deers proceeded to speak against the bill. He contended that slaves, were property and recognized as such by the Supreme Court. He quoted from the decision of that Court. He said that Congress had no right to emancipate the slave anywhere, either -in a State or the District of Columbia. He referred to the early history of the country when slavery existed nearly all over the country. He said slavery was clearly and certainly recognized in the Constitution, though lu a mild phrase, slavery was at one time recognized by the whole civil ized world, and hence it was not true than slavery was local and freedom universal, but the opposite was the fact. Slavery was the nominal condition of the United States, and the abrogation of slavery was an exception. Mr. MORRILL asked whether the Senator con tended that the existence of slavery or its legality was recognized in the Constitution. Mc. Dams said the terms were anonymous. If it recogpized its existence it recognized its legality. After further discussion the Senate Adjourned. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. Mr. ASHLEY, (Ohio,) from the committee on territories, reported a bill to provide a tempo rary government for Arizona. One of the sec tions of the bill prohibits slavery therein, as well as in all the territories now organized. Mr. Amami-said that if any gentlemen desired to discuss the measure he would be satisfied with its postponement to a certain day. If this was not agreed to, he desired to put the bill on its passage now. Mr, WICKLIFFE (Ky.) remarked that if he un derstood the facts, the Texan rebels under Sib ley were forcing the people there to flee else where for safety. How could the Government, under these circumstances, be organized? Why attempt it when the civil officers could not proceed thither? Mr. Asp replied that, as far as the com mittee were advised, there are no enemies in Arizona, except Indians. There is no organ ized body of white men. Mr. Cox (Ohio) said he would vote for post poning the consideration of the bill indefi nitely. It contained the famous Wilmot pro viso which had occasioned so much trouble in the country. This was not the time to re agitate that subject. Mr. ASHLEY replied, that is the mere opinion of my colleague. Mr. MALLoRY (Ky.) Is the bill up now on its passage ? The SPEkIIER. It is. Mr. ii,IALLORT. I enter my protest against it. Mr. Asntrz moved the previous question on the passage of the bill. CitS.Vl2;B 7 (hid.) moved to lay it on the table. Negatived—yeas 49 ; nays 76. The House refused to order the main ques tion by a vote of 56 against 74.• On motion of Mr. WHEFLID3., (N. Y.,) the further consideration of the bill was postponed till next Monday. The consideration of the tax bill was resumed in committee of the whole on the State of the Union, Mr. Colfax in the chair. Among other amendments agreed to axe the following : Tennessee to have till the first of December next to assume the payment of her portion of the tax. Brewers manufacturing less than five hun dred barrels per annum to pay twenty-five dol lars license Brokers to pay fifty dollars. The same as commercial brokers and warrant brokers twenty five dollars. The committee arose, and the House then ad journed. IN ANTICIPATION OF A HEAVY EXCISE upon whiskey there was a great movement among the speculators in "red eye," under the belief that the tax would be laid only upon that man ufactured after be passage of the law. Now the House has amended the bill so as to levy the tax of fifteen cents a gallon upon all in present hands, and the prospects of large profits to the speculators have vanished. Mr. Biggs, the banker at Washington, is said to be the holder of five thousand barrels, bought on speculation. The Secretary of the Treasury advocateg a tax of fifty cents a gallon on all yehiskey, including that now manufactured, anti we think it more probable that his figures will be ultimately fixed upon, which will be a bad thing for the speculators. Who deplores the fact? Enwertn HULL, ajourneyntaa tailor, obtained a verdict of $450, in the Court of Common Pleas, against George C. Jeffers, a merchant tailor, in an action for slander. The plaintiff claimed to have lost a lucrative situation by reason of the defendant's remarks touching his character, and sued for $15,000. The jury, however, found that $450 was sufficient compensation. Tse Tex Bu.r, as it draws its huge length along in Congress, is a stupendous affair, and when it becomes a law, it will require a large force of collectors to carry into effect. Ai least twenty-siz thousand collectors will, be necessary - to gather these taxes, and of this number, three thousand will be required in the State of Penn sylvania. w 25 iOO sOO 8 00 sOO 8 00 WASHINGTON, March 24 SENATE.