Pennsylvania daily telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1857-1862, March 24, 1862, Image 2

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    Daih) (fieitgrapil,
.Mornlng, piarck.24, 1862.
TER iitkikteiii _FOUNDRY.
By the proceelines of Congress yesterday, We
tiddbe that the sibject of &het Natideitl
was up In the -Senate, and that the debate, on
thckneition• elicited theifact that Pennsylvania ,
t. -was in reality:the proper locality for each an
establishment. Of this fact there jainciieves
been any doubtAn the nautili of.„Adietititic. men
and mechanics, and we are pleased to notice
that Cougresstegine to divine the truth. A
Med find, on a mire oreful investigation of
the mitoleot,:that while Pennsylvania is , the only
locality in the Union fitted for the' establish=
ment of lb- Natienal-iFoundry, the vicinity
thfipqapppitf,ganisbnyg Is i elfto/he best
tied /clhtf iWality 4 ( 611.41€1
and resources essential to the national duo
, cats of srtelt .enterprise a itot. Congress has
discovered tat _fad thit advantages of out
great state, we tryst that our fellow citizens
will at once pros cusAke attention of the sate.
body, the impetior ativantages of thls locality,
and that nothing.will be left undone to se
cure the , ixatton of:the National toitndry
this ' '
. •
()wyest ago the display of the Stan and
was the signal of
,a man's loyalty tind.
the evidence that he disapproved the hot-headed
reb¢i on ct,f tlte elatte Artvers.; l Averywhere in
the north our starry fl ig was displayed, and in
; phis city there, were few esetlptionsto %hose who
thus manifested their devotion to the Constitn-
Ikon and the Union. One of the, most Saila
dorm of those Who refueed to display this em
blem, were the proprietors of the' Patriot and
Won. They objected to it, ..becaUse the dis
play,Might be iiuhstriied into an fert bfcoercion
":; of their southern; brethren, and persisted in
their refusal, until" an itidignent 'community
threatened the Waco with violence, when the flag
t • wasdoggedlyandreluctimtly flung tottie
IThw;inark the difference: 'fhb Morning that
14nik,waOhtunted to the and wind of
March, from. one of the, windows , . the
Patriot-4*P Union. office, because ttii .edltol4 ,
4 - 41 i)ttikat - abeet considi red' Mit then
r • 41#44::: . achtitiid a victory ; piel.:,l:lleir
feilow; itizatus and neighbors, in a contest
hi which Oere wal• no policy or Issue to be
decided: With the Patriot it was ilie - trial
of •
its L ima iiiiter,,,piejlidio and, greitilling
t.t• • hatridsoind because it deems, that _these have
trietiiPhed,'"lt ditiplaitt . the -Siditi:,arid Shipet.
(-'.! fib: last apt is a blacker insult to that sacred
boner *ad, the refusal; a jeer ago to display Its
folds In proof of the patrlothim of the.. Patriot,
add 114vIday well eielanic; out-epowsuelf loose
" itypoorteseand impudence. ' " . .
.Soaxame. I lelayipg actiori%ori the subject
of areancipatiou, as provided for, by ,the Prot-
• dont‘tresolutiiin, ifi the District of Cohirohla,
" arol other - kmalitiarr, the pest ot'slatery
should be abolished. if this delay is continued,
the loyal P - apie of the land . will begin to , sus
pact that there are other influences' at work to
retard this measure, ttuut any doubt of its jus
tice or its practliabilitY) Itirbr the benefit of
those of our readers 'who ; denot indersitind,
society in Washington city, we print 'the fitot
,thit in that locality the 'sentiment in favor of t
slivery Is often stronger than that of loyalty',
Washington society is controlled by those who
maintain the patriarchal dignities of the 'nett
. tntion of slavery, ea that it might posdbly be
just to suspect that this influence is at work:';
Congress, inducing it to' falter on a question in
which is involved t..e peace and prosperity of
thepountry, in order to maintain the inter=
course of members of Congress with the reel
4tireitelite of the metropolis, or preaerie tibir
Iloilailarity in" thi saloons and restaurants along.
Peemsylvanis AVOLII/8. There is no necessity for
t,kht .delay. Those who oppose legislation on
this subject in the city of Washington, are the
lime who, one year ego, were tauntingly buby
In predicting the downfall of the free states,,
and , who, six months since, had the materhtl.
ready fur weeks to illuminate the city in honor
of the victorious entry of Jeff Davis and his
beiges. Then are the men who now oppoie
the proposition of President Lincoln. It is time
ihot the country understands the fact, however
humiliating, that such an influence Is sufff
clently strong to deter the enactment of a just .
law:conteinplaiing the removal of a foul sr+
from the national capital. If 'tie other end is
. achieved by oar present struggle, let the result
be that the shadows of the Capitol of the iMer
/cab states be made to fall on free soil, notwitb:
standing the protests of . : an insignificant arid
dissolute common council, or a few imbecile
men and women, whom the follies and email
lions of fashion have made insensible ; o every.
impulse of honesty, pity or geuerosity fOr the
suffering of the enslaved. Let the Capital he
declared free, though around its borders slave r iy
should exist for a quarter of a century to comb.
ROUE AND Tll2s**B are among thetrophlis
;',fthichlkty Picka9P on the battle field Of 14
nassou,and these,: with other relics of that die
-4-y, are bought and sold at high prices
Aftreinuriosity seekers of Washington city.
MAR. !Flee - m*FlogiO : Juei
Altai en important innovation bite the etitirt4i
of ; tie mix; b4p . Where are now
: Xf Id grey Intaretke..
We have no disposition to interfere with the
internal differences of any corporation, or take
part in any quarrel which does riot particularly
interest ourselves or the public at large. With
I the private arrinitements of corporations - or
individuals we Iciiinotbing-to do ; but when
the f ues g owing out of any' difference either
betAen Lidtvidnale or corporntions, street the
lathiest of the wholalommtiiiity, we deem it
outdrity to interfere, either urexpose the wrong
or applaud the right. In this light we have
Jong..vleWedttie-atilielp.biALCOrtitinAsarties.. -
the city of Baltimore, to embarrass the man
agement and obstruct the operations of -tha l
Northern. Central liailroad. For many years
the...part ies.irr it t ic hn.intalast,alluded .t,o, -were
1 4 1. 43 r Jkitenip to tltlitirja road - Which j
iscad..ititiia*X *AM itis part of Laitrade:
ritivel"ciaLiso &tide,
but havingfallai, after bankrupting themselves
anktheir yitly an ceded iiplincing
thii4riterinlei itne ctipittil l bf 'Pentiifi+ania to
undertake- the sooompliahment of the same
IntTP* o, . 111 4'..f4w4 ;APT APPre'fa..f•!'" fa
and industrY what Baltimore enterprise and
°l3lx44Attt 4.%!9fi tiMwagAle_e.e..
y large number totthe'eloallicildeis hi' the
Northern Central Italroad residing in Baltimore,
Wfir miiii-liiielVintaistibt is:o'l46soli '4lllO-elate,
whited& ditYi Of Afildmore l derided certain
stook at the time worthless, to the road under.
_wit &WI itiatagfithen4 oonsidersetta ithat
stipulations be observed and certain extensions .
!** .*..1
".: 4 . 2 .10 1 . 4 . 7 #
Win a - clondittectieo4. - ;ins agnomen. On as
suming the coatal 8t the road, the present
maeagement Pallid it in acondition of almost
had beehilioiiiiibered
with debts grlirifigqiut - ' of a connection with
other roads of the most worthless character,
.Ibillitilie'aornpeditionto , which ataivavenb
jected, left it fora time-unable to meet its en
' • - artillM...ctleakfßOXiitailiabWlttisraiThese
facts were patent to all who undentOod the
real Triditiontheirorid r arni yet-certain par
dee enug t h i t,to "organise an oppo
sition to the manageme nt, and if possible bring
the Dirtxtore 54,Alis road to elsgrace and dis
tinction. To-accomplish this the more speedily,
a resolution -was- offered in the Baltlinore 'city
boubclis some time shietf,`tnthe effect of inquir
lok,iiii#tkimanakernent Of, the Northern Cen
tral for•the reason of recomMending
measures chibelated to-promote the interests of
the'city of Baltimckle in connectiontberefvith.
;T.fte. report of that, committee 131418 11( . 1 iin
week ago, is a clear, concise• and convincing
vindication, not only of the - presen t , manage
meat of the road, brit it leavei those Who - thus
attempted to bring the:enterprise into sgrace
in the plight f being clearly guilty,-first, of
the cause of the embarrassments the road
when ; and, espOiid, of con-piracy
again. tnoreate embarresement,,rifter ~the road
had a-coudition to pay its delite,
*pair itii , Worki, and emend its liras. The peo--
00 of Baltimore fotd.theY •PeclPle
of Pennsylvania , y and because thole now holding
snob stock claimandtkercise'the tight bf Man-.
aging the interest of the road,' the cothicils:of
the city, of ifialtiraore sought to create . the int
pression that a great wrong was•being perpe
trated, and that the interests- of the -city of
Baltimore Were` being stietiftted to the cupidity
of those who had really and honestly ,laixtred,
so far as the, succedis. ‘of the-Northern • Central,
Railroad was concerned, to'promote andexterid,
increase and' Perpetuate' those interests.. ,But
qp est:lnnis set. at the report of the
clairman.of ,the committee la .question. He
sums up the facts, and proyee that the interests
of the nevi have!been.'nonacientiously guarded
and erilanoen, and that "the company is, no*:
ip a.oonditiOn sqriteat all its engageniente; pea-;
sent and future, to expand its-basiness; and
bottow;if•riecesiary, Whatavef'irienis•ere rat
quired ineeniplOte tine CrattrOn - rienneeticin: It
is even expected that it will be in a . sou
dition, at the expiriitidn.. of the present year;
io pat-a-dividend, legitimately earned, to the
stookheidersi , of the
pany appear; therefore *to hate basil Cabled hy
actual Inability which is certainly a differebt
case:from 7 , 114. it would have. been,4; during
tirixto ielars • designated in the- , reamble 'as
" Indli q a4 P ei P till" 'th4
, haVe
reareileriiginary, whilst lediing their
'obligations unfttfulfed."
rusiagahiiirii-ohn eafbl~relg on tliib bin-.
Atk,:trie carping fault
finders iiipßaltimore r -who, having failed id'
I fiLekrAlti .40KEWIlbittlieD.WP.4 1 1. 6 .,;1 6 ..ittegit.
t%;.94 . 9.M.VV1R o,4 l 4: 4 4 l itratiri*
big their own malleious jealousies.
' t -
15xochscrr TIIIIMPHANr. —Such are the ex,
elamations of oar neighbor of thp Patriot
keidiyakirday. We
are glad that.oar,neaghbor is so ,easilyeatisfied'
()Tier the result,. for ellein llckae" r tsieit. to the
election only alx oritlie sidcb ; we' discover
that the : 1 4eilderecir. them triumphed in; th)s
city by. a majority. from Ihreekto six hundred,
whilst yesterday -the- democrecY 'elected a
jority of the - Tudges by "atiOntorie handfed and ,
fifty majority ;. and this cart be considered a fair
test vote. The majority eni.Ckty Treasurer is
somewhat larger; whilst the majority oh the
Council tiebete is alinnt the same as that on
the Stidges. y this is considered such a tre
rhenduons trihrapti to thebemooracy, we cab
feel emoted that ,by next October the city
be entirely lredetitheil•
. .
TAX4.TION has been-proposed on so many dif
ferent elements of labor:and articles of produce
and businets;that a4tOmtioniry aptly "saki,
""Why are Banks cLieMptedfroMi tax on their
note . issues, which:lave succeeded. in
driving gold and silver out , of oirCinlation f" Of
course it not - irreik'Xibile - r - to answer this
qatilionVlnciiiit,Villicita 'Pi:lake - Mite in the
interrogatory which should at once engage thS
littatt4to* otalitlitrOß.
Eimtarit C9lftqf t according to a- statement
made by Capon, #usistant clerk of the
House. of S t epreseutstives4. and- editor of the
01 r ossfor CbatySowir, batintittextlrentto thIS
OVi tl Zitri r a l # l2 , A ° Oa Oilickilt
iII ..„11416.411#461NIthititkit
the markt of Uoimobitoo 01: 1 tILLt •
i 1
We hear a great deal said at !.41 - presp . o time
about Democratic principles, buy *a . have as
yet seen no statement of what those pibleiples
are supposed to embody. and Whit'application
'is proposed to be made of them in the existing
crisis. Democratic prindpies are pr ised and
ba-praised by thoOposition, but we have yet
seen no 'line of Palley marked out by those
who are so much In love with these principles.
It is true that they generally are engaged in a
`factious opposition to the Acvernment, but
; •
still they claim to be o loyal, only ask for a
return to Democratic principles. We know of
-a JefferecentW - Ditratictithy plitdOtic,
and embodied principles of great value, and
we lititw Zot 'i:A*.;sCracy which was sustain
ed and uplieMy Bachanan, Floyd, Break
euridge, Jeff. Davis, Mason, and others . of
that class, whose practices and principles
have: cuiaiihated 'in the present" rebellion,
but which set of principles these individ
uals claim who are harping so ion, and
about Verriccii . riMir; *4'6' but
judging from the tone of their editorials and the
eharieter Of - titigeigßeecbee, s are ehoift& imagine
• the " tit
that . latter wouldt em beet. We take
It that at the_ irettent time Of truly men
are primarily interested in.putting .. • down the
rebellion 4tilid prpearybirtheiltdisrl - - But - Mime
streninnut Mlvocateillof 41 Deineen4lo ki*c*lis h
seem. t 4 4..biOittre io4riiiit tibigsejnattets
+—With them theistramonnt contdderation swims
to be to bring his tinder the reign of Denionicy ,
again 'loi th 4 scarcely O sciiiek '6i/titian the ire-
With:M. The course.of An& •men. may be end
.. •
.nently•conseryntiye and patrioile, bat we think
the peloplnJwil) *11 . 4 till • a fall - e4Miition is
give? of wheat` thelie , principles are chanter to
embody before :they giye,their adhesion to .them,
as they will be desirous t•Lknowhig• - whether
they Weie of the clue "Miyonitthdi:st . iiiti,hiChiory
and *tattering ptitrio'hipf
or those promulgated and :sustained •ny Dayis
and Floyd:" li-:.. . - •‘, - • , • . • ;
Ws "wouLD mga to See an Inventory of the
arms, s tg r es ,Br.o:;cap4l.-lect from the rebels
during the past siy,...weeks,••" staoked..ur -Into
one agglomerated: wholei; Thar wduld
. rbake an
Imposing appearance, We must have at
least fifty theniand"sianif of small arms, three
or. four hundred- pieces of artillery,. thirty or
forty thousand - Moroi wend AM:emend hones,
wagene; &c., thirty Or forty, stOrners of.ver , ious
eases inani Of them • joadeil . irith„siere's, am
inonitlonv&m, come hundreds of tons of "gro
aeries :and • provhdims,;" *Atli'rk world* of Stuff
-toe ritineretel Mentlen; BIM* "tie' tirit of
• -
Thludra to the larcenous genius of Floyd, the
rebels Oornmenced'lmidness witit a good stock
of ImPletiminti of war On;hafidj but whit
tyreeriweru.' Wed tear, and wiailme have re
covered of , this.stolen Plunder, Is not the stock
beginning to run loirt The rebels can't be
'doing a great deal 'in "..tht; . irei 4(iMinufictiiring
arms - just now. bosoms at Fort Pickens put
avrieins on operMicintlite thO'NELiactilar ma
stiiiioa: ante ' con digratlan aside
M/1 ) !? workPCAP: o 4Pl l l9 o .49iictry. at Oharles
ton, .The areenah4Lboth ailiemphis and Nash
ville, met. w- sturdier; fife Months Since.
Later iti.Kitti:caniiori' foundry near bliii4vl,lle
Tire dock, _wish to •be' deemed Impertinent,
but will acicuOhm;ly tell ae hoyr loot( the rebel.
'ma Stand Oak aqua Ici.f 3 l ll ,,*f44l•!rAY of
IM - 14i-hi/Ad, .war,, ea they have ..boent - euelab4g
the .paetifew weeks t • th '•• •
j lii:i ls .:,D I ' lo - 11 ?-77:The National ladhowww of
tide Morning says:that down-that: late • hour
J last night-no had'been re
ceived in thitibiti: Icrimbei Ten.
It is`fair bipr
j nimMe„ thokore,, that the aspect I
of.affairiLatAhat.plice la Unchanged: , As the
delay •in the.mdmition bt I this stirmighOld may
eieni j orpilit4 to E`4l4*tiliPld*".;,'4ll-*l
alli, 'vie* ,radent ragoesnocessekit may be
proper, in the words of seNeW York' oontimph
nay, to risintairtibireiningthit this ifdleafeeippi
'island' hi not: onn . ..4"tiMen iipt4i6tratpgipal
,Poritioni must bestormed in front alone.
There is room-!for it liatik`i
Were Genera( Pope to withhold his fire,
Commodore Foote to inthgrast kisgaribmith,
the continued occupancy, of theplacerwould•ho
simply a question of days: The 'Ueda "ins
ihich - CoMiliiliedibarisQMOOn o 0i444,
must „tieiforn bog rin4er:Number untena
blw •The•movements of Otintoriti iallimith's
command already threaten
Iddinthis, threi4l . o n iiia,Mar.,l,4
as that which , General Halle& direct
ing against it, can no longer be serveejtor saved
:by the occupation-of an island some' distance
up the river, and - the
ifilal 3 4 . .itikki*e4Y, e Azif - oft visa
. 1 4to theitandtoti[aionistm;:..r. as ,
Taig s4assnial,—
;t4g. - Elttiibtig anNtioltin this week's
bane, Aitken. decided:grounds on , tholidttvery
'question:Tt hays : "We are glad to
that theie filie** of the Sine*
abolition of nljivery in Ai:Ml*lot of tjoiumbis.
We: believe there is tio constitutional , dlifierdty
in •the way-of such menionie.. it ' - aukte
done withOntthe cOruditutional
rights of 60i - dicier', tt Pughi, to done.
.Slavery _always was a &erne° to the natio*
capital, but the reasons that justified its toe-ta
thCii‘el'ekistnoiogger. !ingto alavery,. as
it ealsts 14 ; thili conittryOuts no right, for a
wrong can nave-no rights. -It 'must:rho:wont,
be ,tolinitte& by the gentind goiernitient-, and
40/si 3 . 10 1 t not 40: Vileness to
i n t w bi re w ithA,, It is strictly allitate Instltn
tiont or i we should_ rather say, a State sin.
After stating that Isre:ttinst gear with'it in %Ow
. • . - . •
Eiste 111 4%,• 110 'ffe.Yll we 'mar bewatl
ate tz i s t,, ence , , ! . It wide; ‘‘ We cari; however, ie..
move the dung that is at our doori„lM Matter
ii4o'int'it,tiol and, wooyiiingii; we want
slavery removed rim the gates of the capitol
of this freO-fepubile--
') El.-:,..0Ki.'
THE;inatter •of :mein , away hag been ter
dxiceitto a acieTkol'l?:7 gai
ea 8 4 11 * 13 . :4 1 4• ... 4P4X 10 .4 0ft e
Yankees, t h ey got a warn ready, and as aoterais
they were WhilOrtirinhi:iiiid — tato the card
61111 alitAtibttkainfritittligialriaeHi
• I Thatbeett Varristole.
-j•..,• •
~ :-: • ,. - ,. ..., %. ., ._-,e
...•,„,i -
•• ••
•_.f ß ._ ~A ~-
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2 41;", F - V 4
....,-.:.,, •,' 1. 1 7/ 1 , - , ........-,-,4 - .
from our Evening Edition of Saturday.
Fort Read=mg
' -
No Oompromise With Traitors."
Oiciai Despatch.
The Journal anuountes the result of the elec
tion held .yesterday / in the folio wy4t style :,
`Thii Unite "stale third" ma diriat advance
on this place yesterday, and after a brisk en
gagement, whlah hided all day, drove the
Breckinridgets from their en trench ments,routrxl
therrO completely, with great daughter; and
compelled them to fall back on "BonOds'
Ward." Weliatitirrecathd tryibia-victory,
AU ths City 08kers I
Both he Ocsukihki I
lkonus in both branchn of Camas I
Besides au' iniry other “munitionit of war" in
the sbape of '•Ward Officers," tee. Glory
- enough for several -daye For psfrieulars pee
returns below.
(Signed,) Deets* Looee i
Lieut.-Col. Commanding, S. E. W.
To the Major-General Corernanding.
The Health of lieut. Worden, of the Mon
ltor, Improving.
Lieut. Worden,,the, gallant commander of the
Monitor is improving. He slept well last night,
for the first thee since his injury, and his friends
are now confident that he will completely re
cover his' eie:eight. •
We are assured from a perfectly reliable
source that there is nokan - Armstrong gue in
this country, has Sir*Alban Armstrong
ever made a gun for any other service than
that of the Endish government The large
rifled ordnance procured from, Ragland . by the
rebels, were made at the Lownioor works, after
the designs of - Capt. - Blakely, formerly of the
royal artillery, About twenty of these Blakely
100-pounder rifle cannon have been delivered
to the rebels, which With thirty smooth edge
mumon,,eortatitnte all the heavy ordnance of
the enemy obtelbed from abroad which have
escaped espture. :-•ilifeeth of the rifle amain used
by the rebels have been @moot& navy gum
rifled, and many of they hive bustle= the
enormous strisituwhicii they were not designed
to bmir.
From Fortress Monroe.
Visit of the Pijnoe de Joinville and
VOICEMS9 Motoros, March 21. i
AU is quiet here, and no news of impo
A flag of truce was sent out this morning to
the accommodation of an officer of the Freaoa
navy desiring to go south. . - •
The rebel °dicers and crew were very nit
commtudottive, and we hear uf
,no news from
the south. '
No newspapers were received.
Arming the paissengets this morning froin
Baltimore were Prince de Joinville and Miss
• • =
Hopes are entertained that the telegraph
cable will be , repaired to Aayor to-morrow, and
commanictition with Washington resumed. .;
Two n
Days Laterfrom Europe
"1 -.1".1'iiiC....••it1...-
Important Debate in the English Parllamen
' 'thc - iMericat Blockade.
The, steamship America,. from ,l i iverpal ,on
the Bth and Queenstown on the 9th, has arrived
at this Ott.' . Heladvices infaarci days Wei. !
Eietrux March 22.—The steamship ameritia
harysirdveti,ibrieging • 10verpool. dates to the
Bth inst., and by telegraph, via Queenstown,
to the ilth
The steamship City of Baltimore arrived off
Holyhead on the Bth.
The "'steamships Edinburg and Jura reached
Liverpool on the night of the 7th inst.
The new Cunard. steamer Scotia has arrived
at Liverpool from the Clyde.
The ship Sarah Park is ashore near South
ampton. "
he) e bas been important debate in the House
'of C6nom.ies in the American blockade."
The sales .f f cotton at Liverpool, oa &atm
day, were 8,000 bales, closing buoyant. Bread`-
stuffs were quiet ind 'provisions qiiiet and dtdli
Consols at London closed_ at 9898 i for
Elston, Pa., March 22. =
B. S. Kellog,of the St. Ohlirles Hotel,Scrantoni
has received 'a lettex 'from ELlCOffieer of the 490
regiment, P. V., dated Xey West, March 10th;,
in which he says "a prise arrived here last
evening,saptered l harying to pun= the block...
ads. Her sailors were taken to jail, and one
*Minn them, towhom the attention of -thiroq
Boers ,was directed by, the whiteness of hit
banal, *Mt esitiiibied i and idditiiied by Several
of ottr officers to be the lam kW
ht Ulm.. . news correemideat slay know;
hha• Wite4FOßgli.kk4o7 o 4/10, tflfF4-
READING, March 22
Mauna, March 22
Nair Yozz., March 22
The steamer Star of the South has arrived
from Port Royal with dates to the 18th alt.
AU wag quiet there ani good health prevailed
among the koope.
The breadstuff market qtdet—there Is no
shipping demand for flour, and sales are only
In small way at $5 00®5 60 for superfine ;
56 26®5 87i for extra; $6 9405 75 ; fo r
extra family. No change in rye flour or corn
meal. There Is good demand for wheat, and
80,000 bushels, Pennsylvania and western sold
$1 82031 84. White ranges from $140@150.
500 bushels sold rye sold sold at 70chi. Corn
is selling freely-10 000 bushels sold at 68®
64 for yellow and Wets. for white. 6000 bush
els sold at 844@85. Provisions are dull, and
mesa pork declined to $18(418 26. Mess beef
from $lB to IS. Bum moves slowly. Green
meats are steady at $6 60®7 00. For barns
In salt and pickle $5 60 and for sides ; and
$4 26 for shoulders. Lard is steady at sast.
Glover seed is Salve, and has advanced to 6 25.
•Whiskl his'declined to 25E024.
Raw Yoax., March 22
Flout heavy Bges--,7000 barrels. State no -
chained, Wheat' diiellnidg, Corn quiet—
ude' of 10.000 bushels at 69480. Lard quiet
at. 117 6048-26. Whiskey dull—holders de
mand an advance. •
IV •0 : I :Mr
Yoßir., March 22
Rock Island 65}. Illinolr Central Railroad
,814. hiichigan. Southern 47i. New York Cen
tral 881. Pennsylvania opal 82. Missouri six
es 61g. Treasury 75.100}. California 60.
ID ieb.
In this city, oniElatozday morning, at eight o'clock;
at the residence of M. litutedlig., ()mos WILDON, infant
son of Mr. and Yrs. A. J Turley, of Atha*, Munk, ,
aged three months and sixteen days.
Why should we weep for that,
Since thou art gone unsullied haat to heaven,
No stain upon thy Wet% purity,
• No to to be forgiven?
Love watched thee from thy birth,
pond Marts around thee tireless vigils stmt.
And o'er thy tender soul the storms of earth
Ned never rudely swept.
And while to, shapeless duet
Thy cherub form Is gently mouldering black
Our ihouable upward soar In hvatal trait,
On thy. tree'dspitit's Stack.
A .Beekekiii Pnrae, containing three
tiaL twenty dollar Wan) 0411•dee, and a one dotter cote
And some ;Wirer. • Win last-on Baturtley; 2241 -WS., 'boat
nine otolock,te the evening.; =minted Woe • dropped in
the falcon, or between Rotrtnan's Rotel as d Mere' cor
ner. on Market street, or, It =debt bo on Third Weft,
between Market and Latest, on the welt we or the
eneet, perionanding the eedne,-and leaving it at
this aloe, orAt Mr. Bergner's star • in that. e 0,4411
0 w p m !ovary reward:a, 17,11be.mmAr. •
'crar24-dlt - '
Vutterr4ty' so Isithrss of Wall
szok96 - Ants perredl:
- Ttrii largest abd istost weed stock 0 r
Wtil 7 ttriro - Borders, Windair Elb J,
- Curti= and Fixtures
ever tebreeluAls-sity. Being bilughVibl 4sit, It aIU
be old at a very =all profit
/a- Remember the palm, ' •
- ilicheirees Book Store,
krerket;striet, opposito4ross' Drag tore , Rarrisb
m 22-4250,
WILE, be rapid at public Bale, op. Wed
amidst the 2d of April nest, at the Lebanon
Valley Railroad Depot. in Harrisburg, the freight cent
and Mike iurnitare of Thomas Peipher, deootwed, consist
big of nine eight Wheel or double oars,_sia three short
cars one Oka state, =delight car stores; one truck, /Wa
ter office furnitn.e, so. este to commence at two o'clock,
when attendance will be given , and conditlon4 of sate
made known by %MOM *MGM tt,
P. 9. Persona wishing to purchase oan :es the cars,
from this time tilt day of sale, etandlog on the traok In
the rear of the Lebanon Vat ey al road Depot.
ASHORT distance west of the capito),
, Ikon lor on Ek•and and ifainmOnO Lane. Prloas
SOO to COL Terms reasonable by GIP.
mar2l-dim • Noi 66 Market strait.
. ,
G. Miner the embretypiet,
ten& ,t art ' s= a men= ploture oalle y , he
of. eveil prices ror all the afferent Mad or wild dittoes
u,ually , Wood around Harrisburg. For Woad awl Other
doer specks or the smaller ducal., extra prtea paid jf
not roach dotepS., WY. G. AMUSE'
?dories 'tract below Pink opposite too Oity Hotel. r
Third Street, below MaTket.
S. SANFORD -- - Proprietor and Manager
sL4Als4 i llinford's Opera House, Philadelphia.
Adua'seloo, Victs.l Orchestra Chairs. Oct's.
Cullom 16 .. j Seats In kliva;e tax, 76
T Doors opt! at ogo , ciook , ParfoFlosneetooppLatenoe
. .. .
"X' . ..E - W.....::A;:tr,74. - 4,.q : 7, I 0 .N
From Sanford's Opera Mime, Philsdelphie,
On MONDAY, 3 / a rch 24th, 1862,
Introducing a most superb programme, cor
elating of
By CAItNOItO&S and others.
• BON. BOTH, ho.,
• "..itarriaterg Urainaili iliare\M32l, 2.
NO. 19. •
The Fifty-Brat Regiment, Pennsylvania Vol
*nnteers, under the command of Colonel J. F.
Hartranft, has behaved with distinguished
gallantry at Roanoke Island and at Newbern.
In the latter engagement they stormed the en;
emy's batteries at the point of the bayonet and
livere:the first to plant our flag on their en
The honor which they have thus won forthe
Commonwealth and themselves ought to be
ordered that "Roanoke
lintd:RliVebrair y, 1862, - " and "Newborn,
14th M a rch, 18 6 2 , " be inscribed on the flag of
the regiment.
By order of
A. 11. CURTIN,
xwF enamor and Commander-in-Chief.
• 34L,ZnianSali
ilak TAAltitiza GeneraL
p . rvl
New aouertistineuts
, .1.
sew and large ao , ortme n t of BoOEs s nit
able for Children, has just been opeDi;:,
BONER'S BOOKSTORE Among tue us„rt.
ment will be found an endles variety of .
Indestructible Pleasure Books zit},
Colored Pictures.
A. full assortment of these pope ar onibi„ nl
Books printed on fine linen, majoring of
Stories from the Scriptures—M ph
Stories from the Scriptures—Da,
Stories from the Scriptures—S,ftson,
Childs Pictorial Reader,
House that Jack Bnitt,
Cock Robin and Jenny Wran,
Old Woman and I is,
Farmer Boy's Alprther, az.
"Speed the Plough,"
Old ?anther laubblr 1,
Little Man and 11311,
Little Rop,,p ,
Jenny Wren, ae , i s
In addition to the above I have a torge
eortment 4 bound JUVENILE BOOKS ft,
BIBLES, PRAYER 8034 S eicc
BIBLES for 87 cents,
BIBLES for 50 cents,
BIBLES for 76 cents,
BIBLES for $l,
BIBLE 4 fOr $1 25
BIBLES for 81 60.
BIBLES tor $2,
BIBLES for $3,
BIBLES for $4,
BIBLES for $5,
BIBLES for id,
BIBLE; for $7
BIBLES tor lid,
BIBLF.n fur 115
BIBLE. tur Li
lomwbelai6 t h p vd urolo r t ' te d r: li r l i t e i le.
Examine the stock.
cel A ved ll t a h n e
d la eo te6 ld t at lko th kil e I
THE new frame house now bcitiz bud ;
L on Rate street Won Fecond, 0r,.1 belt
bit of Aprti o inoluitng poviug, gaq wate
PO to tak.l)ll'E C.
No. 6,3 %rt.?: c•cei
g t m,
s DRUG Ann I.l`,Ci .7 It
Camp Wilting 'awes,
Needle or Sewing
Shaving or iluor Capt.
Pocket Ink Stands,
Pocket Mira re,
Pocket Knives,
Pocket t;utstrs
Fine Cu1:111,i
Beyer Pipes,
Tobacco Boxes,
India Ruboer 'rob.:rt
Wicker, Leather k
Leather •
Peas, Penholders, Pencil,
..diara will see at a glance . ,
outfit In small warts Is at Is. 91,
u-See "Fort Pickens' in lilt W;u.o.r.
a. F. 71i1CUENCEI,
k Lai
Is still In stiooessfu I operati ..., ~ i ,--..;.r-i,; - .. , : l
is LOW as any 1, : .. ~,. ..: • ~,:1....a
phis, Rarrlsbusg,Sunhu• r•.i;r ts . .anal•
, Jersey Shore. Look ils•- t.:14:, il. - . . -1 :I
1:=..! P
0111 °natal, Philadelphit +.ll .; la . Cliillli
port and Elmira Railroads.
Lm s. Ag.,,:.: it lir: i , TY
1.) 1 31:.:..,Cii.
Goods sot to PEACOCK, LE: r. 111:N , 21', , 1 .1). 53
SOB said 810 Market street. above Ei:tr.,
P. M., will urinat Ilarrif burg r•i if : , r
next morning. F
rilWO ThalISS of niuet.seu Ivez -.,,:,
commencing March ad end :ep:elna- ::.
Or Catalogue and Circa sr, l r-i. $.
Jal , I' i a nlir. 1;..,; , P. -- ^ , •• i:
Clambridp, Maw., Pee. 1861. :0.3..:
TUST received and for .aie
manna Store, 110 Market Ea .
at fresh and genuine GOrd.e.l, flx.cer
the Butte out aide of Yhdaddlphii.
WssitarnED to cot/tale ua mu,b s-
Sarjhas ants laywhern ciao, lq
cameo , be under sold. Also Agricul. rx..s
tuna Implement° for the seasoa. 1 la. ite
Ety *tau. 11.%°,
mall-mSktiV Ile sltr>et.:e
Wit have received a
valuable remedies--. 0 u 01., I ,r .
disease —for dal of Specie , : houv.. l H , i
le single boxes, with direct oni, lor 25 cr , .. 12,
Incase of mx bozo, with bons of .1" ,
Ia case of Aileen boxes with Jr
In case or twenty large vial; mti o.ho.
$4 00
In case of ~
We are now prepared to fir, cti,
Remedies from No. 1 to 20, au: .
Remedies as customers ma, a0..1 e. v. 3. ,
POND'S ILXTRaIa' OF 11411 A 'IN' I ' - p
Pain Destroyer, prepares by F. 14u:eptl
be purchased by wholesale or I Chill
Plain and Figured Rope.,
Rich Figured all Wool U.l.iiur.,,
Plain Merinoes and Casildierti,
Fancy Pada Drabs SilkF,
Superior Plain Colored Dress bilk;
Warranted inakei oipluo blick:iio,
New Styles IFJC4 erleed Diii
2= l
=am :1
JUSTRECEIVED a largo quanta):
superior Dandelion Coffee, which co wd! 5. 7,
to suit the times ; a6o, pure g.rouud tild ice! 0„'1,,,i
key Coffee all put up in one roust paoes. Co
examine at the wholesale aud retail , rot y g ap: 0!
NICIIOV a 111.1.,,,,..
corner of Front s od Morel so e.
AUGUSTINE L. 011.5.01,
Beatrice No. 27 liorth SegvitiStreet
our n ow stock of gads just recital. 4 1 . 4 7,„ : '
our GOODS.—We invite airoatial..oti°,,
X NI 4101.4 a- PP 0:,._..,u.
corner of Frout end Alitket •n,,
CHEAP SUGARS, Chide, iiyii4
to., So. For sale low bilicuov 00.05,...
corner of Frontsnd nartat 4rte,'
FRFSII Oranges, Levions,Proo,
-nuts. For uale by onto a , B or roil.
mud offtont andifarket iv,-
I aii,
Lt ei. ~; .