r.... ___.. -,/ 1..'•• • . - . . 4. ' --- - ' .. . • _•...... ~, ~.. • h _,,,..... Z. :1: - ---- ' , , „.....,,, H., , . .. . . . / • BY GEORGE BERGNER. F. I 1.1 FGEtA PH KM V Utl, IEO ft( - 1* 1 4 % BERGNER. FER6lB.—Sisais SiMK,lWmoni ihe DAILY TALIORAPH IS served to subscribers in the titl a l 6 cents per week Yearly subscribers will be eh 1 - e , d 34 00, In advance tr E min AND SZNI-Wlll3ll'l TILIANAPN. the flutoßAra ie Ova published twice a week during the soma' of the Legislate '••• 4 weekly during the remaimier of the year, sr - **) subscribers at the 1611:ming cash rates, , :tugle subscribers per year nem,. weekly. .S 1 60- Ten " , 6 " . .. 12 00 • 41 • if Twenty " ..22 00 msgle subscriber, Weekly 1 00 ___ RAIR3 OF ADVERTDIINO. 0 -Four lines or iesB constitute one-half square. Right ow or more than four constitute a square. gall square, one day $0 25 one week. 100 " one month . ....... 2 00 three months. ......... ........ 8 00 sis months ........ ............. 5 00 - one year 800 otte Square, one day .... nne week.... o one month... .‘ three months six months ... . . 10 . 00 15 00 gßusinets notices Inserted in the .1.014 i Colton*, or belore tiarriges and Deaths, FIVE CENTS T,Tues, each insertion. ny- Merriges and Deaths to be charged an regular ad vernsementa IRebicat PR. JOHNSON EIA.X.N'TITIN.CONt3EI LOCK HOSPITAL AE discovered the most certain, speed) and effectual remedy M the world tor DISEASES OF 01PRIMENCE. 1111.11? 15 EX TO TISTIVI OWES . No !Barratry or Noxious Drugs. Seer A Cuss WAMIUNTID, ON SO 013.11011, 131 5105 OSS T. Two Daitt..lllll Weakness of the Rack or mbs, Strictures, Pains is he Loins, Affections of the Kidneys and Bladder, Organic %reek nese, Nervous Debility, Decay of thePhysieu Pow are, Eryspepsia, languor, Low Spirits, Confusion of dein Pali Ration of the Heart, Timidity Tremblings, Bunneei of Sight or Giddinesa, Disease of the Stomach, Affections of the Reed, Throat, Nose or Skin—these terrible diner. dery arising free, the indiscretion or Solitary Habits of fontla-those dreadful and destructive practises which produce constitutional debility, render marriage impos sible, and destroy both body and mind. YOUNG MEN. Young men especially who have become the victimh et military Vice, that dreadful and destructive habit 'wilier annually sweeps to an untimely grave thousands of yowls men of the most exalted talent and brilliant intel lect, who might otherwise have entranced listening Senates with the thunders Of eloquence, Or waked to to boy the living lyre, may call with full confidence. . MARRIAGE, honied persons, or khalif) contemplating marriage, tie ng aware of physical weakness, should immediately* tat lie. J. end be restored to perfect health. ORGANIC IVEARIfIEB • toonedietely candied foil vigor sustersd. Be who places himsell made. the care of Dr. J. may rohglonely confide in bin hoe , a-. • gentleman, and eon Wetly rely noon his skill as flialrOffice No. 1 South F. ut.tot street, Baltimore, thl„ on the left hand side golat, -NM Baltimore street; tuts Irma the corner. Bo par Router in observin... the acme or number, of you wit{ mistake the place. Py per. dealer for Iriorant, Triftilp cjitooks, With false, OitUlTift, Of Paltry Humbug Calreffes, attracted . toy the repass dou Or. Johnson, lur near AU letters must contain a Postage Stamp, to use on the ugly. DR. JOHNSTON br. Johnson member of the Royal College of Bargeman. ,eudoa graduate from one of the meet eminent College , ' tutted'f tie sses, and the greatest part of whose life us been Anent in the Hospitals of London, Yarns, Phila delphia Red elsewhere, has affected some Of the moat as. tendthat Cllll5ll that were ever known. Many troubled with ringing in Weems mid head when asleep, great net , wows, being alarmed at sudden sounds, bashfulness,. with frequent blushing, attended sometimes with derange. cent of mind were cured immediately, ,TARB pakarctaatie NOTTOL 0 ' • tiresses all those who having Injured them coves i‘7 r .vhte and Improper indulgsnetes, that limpet oed military vbit which tutus both body sad Wsind,, nri• Meng them for either businesses. society. The.. are some of the sad and mebefeholy eti,•ets pro , thmali by early habits of youth vls; Wesel:ten of the fad i end Limbo, Pains in the lead, Minoan of tight, Less of lloocular Power, Palpitation of Abp Heart, Dr s- Vow, Nervous tability;Dereagement tior the Digestive huctbas, General Symptoms olr .1113°1111 " ate. ItSITALLT 41117411; S the fearful effects 04 . the minders moan be. oe dreaded :—Lees of Memory, Confusion of Ideas, Dr ought] nf Sprite, livil Forebodings , Aversion tolikasle 11, holfdistrust, Love of Solitude, Tlmldity,dte., are some at the evil ems. Diomede of persons et all 4404, 0110. now judge welt the mule of their decline In health, Whet their vigor becoming weak, pale, navels end einathated, have Moiler appearanee about the eyes, cough, and symp• in of Consumption. YOU by N rho have Injured themsel NG ves by a certain practice, us toyed hl when alone—a habit frequently learned from hlLreeparduse, or at school, the effects of which arc Slimy felt, even when asleep, and if not eared, renders I , l l'llase impossible, and destroys both mind and body, teeidd apply immediately. tg,Whet a pity that a young man, the hopes emir. the darting ot Ma parent', ahould be snatched trim tarTinspee ad enjoyments of life by the aoneequentiet a ' d e villing om the pathop e nature, and indulging in a tenets secret habit. In rsons maid, before a s Pinny OS. Melded it sound mind si and ARRIA body are the most neeessary "Selatee to promote connubial happiness. Indeed rlthaut these, the journey through life bemuses a weary Birinage the prospect hourly darkens to thee view ; the ' l ' o becomes ahadowed with despair, and tilled with th telarchely relation that the happiness of another be. amen blighted with our own JoONSONI INVIOOMATiNO MUNDT FOR OB ti BANJO WM thin great and Important E/SI reme ONS. dy, Weakness of the Mud aro speedily cured, and fall vigor restored. fronsande of the moat nervous and debilitated whe Ica all hope, have been immediately relieved. All 'Wham to Marriage, Phyeleal or Mental Disqualie. tkoe, te Meal Nefitarful rvous, kind, spoeffil Trembling, Weaknee ed. e or Bsileuetion Or y cur TO STRANGSRB. i st / be Many thousands cured at this limitation within toe helve years, end the numerous Important Burgeon ntone performed by Dr. J. witnessed by the re „Tlere of tbe papers, and many alter persona, nodose or Elp have appeared asaM end again before the public, "airs Is, trawling as a ;Seaman of character add re 44Wli„ eV, is a sufficient gnartunee to the Mated. AliedEll OF IMPRIIDIiNCE. —Whoa the misguided fedd votary of plealture ands he bee imbibed ra” o f thi s p a i n ful disease, It too often happens that meti dense [Witham, or dread of discovery deters sn , l te from applying to those whO, from education and rei r4bnit Goan alone befriend him delaying till the con. ,-"itie nalymptom, of this Mired disease make thor :liaarance, affecting the head, throat, owe, akin, am, ti"'Meanies on with frightful raplditk, tilt death pets a ed to Ina dreadful sufferings by sending bins to "that i tti T" frOtk whence so traveler returns. ' is a met. d t ,,2IY last that thommods fall victims to this terrible °r t wirtalc to the unakilthinoss of *bonen pretend. Q,,,,, % "." by the use of that deeSl4looora t Sterestry, rude to {mien and make the resi d ue of The miserable. ettit"lont --The Doctor's Diplomas hang in tile r !moat contain a Stamp to ue on the reply. 4 /"7l,: s r""i 1 4 Mall. 4 wiv eroderlok street, Baltimore. • 1 1 11 ,Y , 58 Choice Teas, Black and - Green, 34 and 1 IA pound papers, for sale at NICHOLS & BOWMAN'S • comer Front and htarket alreet l / 4 N &r, OSS BLACKWELL' .Celebiatid 1.1 Midas, S &n„ v Oyer al toad for s to &n, A hure= (II the above, etabluing ), aitety, Jut by Ctneb of (travel StQitausportatuii, NNSYLVANIA iA L MAO FIVE TRAINS DAILY TO AND FROM PHILADELPHIA. The Peasouper Trains .or the. Pennsylvania •Ratlroad I:ompany,mlll depart from 'and arrive at ilarrishearg and Philadelphia as follows : . THROUGH EXPREM TRAIN leav Harrisburg daily at 8.20 and arrives at West Philadelphia at 7.40 S. m. 200 .860 6 00 FAST LINE leaves Harrisburg datly, (except Sunday,) at 1.00 p. m., and arrives at. West Philadelphia at 6.10 p.m MAILTRADI leaves Harrisburg daily (exaepl EleadaY) at 6.66 p. m. , and arrives at West Philadelphia id 11.00 P. m. At.I3O6I3IODATION TRAIN, via Mount Joy, teems, aarrieberg at 7.80 a. m., sad ammo at West dolphin nt 12.86 p. m. HARJUSRIMO ACOOMMODATION TRAIN, via Colom bia, leaves Harrisburg at 2.00 0. m.. and arrives at West Philadelphia at 720 V. m. THROUGH IIXPRIMin TRAIN leaves Philadelphia ,at 10.30 p. m., Harrisburg at 8.06 a. tn., Altoona'. 8.40, a. m., and arrives at Pittsburg at 1.26 p, in. MAIL TRAIN leaves Philadelphia at 8.00 s. in., nod ar rives at Harriabarg at 1.23 p. m.; leavelairrisburg at 9,00 a. m., Altoona, 8,80 p. in., and arrives at Pittsburg iat 9.80 p. M. FAST LINE leaves Philadelphia at 11.26 a. m., Harris. burg 4.06 D. m., Altoona at 9.10 p. m., and arriving at Pittsburg at 1.40 a. in. HARRISBURG ACOONNODATION TRAIN leaves Phil. delphla at 2.80 p. m., and arrives at Harrisburg at 8.00 pm. MOUNT JOY ACCOMMODATION vii Mount toy leaves Lancaster at 11.83 a. m., arrives at Harrisburg at 1.80 P. m. The NRWSEXPRES3 and PAP.SENGER TRAIN will leave . West. Philadelphia at 4.00 a. m.; Lancaster 7.07 a. m. ar Mount Joy at 7.43 a. m 4, Middletown at 8:25 a. m., an d ar rive at Harrisburg at 8.66 a. in., connecting with Mail Train west, from Harrisburg, at 9.00 a. m. SAMUEL D. YOUNG, Rapt. Bast, Div. Penna. Railroad. Harrisburg, January 24, 1862 —dtr WINTER TIME ARRANGEMENT. NEW AM LIND ROUTE niku TRAUB - ULU TR law Ion; ANT? PHILADELPHIA oßAwinbto,AidLf 4;17- AND - AFTER . MONDAY, NOYEM BRA 4,1881, the passo gerThane will leave the P elphia sum Reading Railroad Depot, at Barriaburg, for New Yee , and Philadelphia, as folkrwa, Tin EXPENSE LINE leaves Harrisburg at 8.80 a. m., on air. rival of Pennsylvania Railroad Express Train from the !Nat, arriving in New York at 11.6 a.m. and at Phila. delphia at 9.00 a. m. A sleeping car Is littiched to the train through hom Pittsburg without change. MAIL TRAIN leaves Harrisburg at it a. in., arriving In-New York at 6.80 p. in. and Philadelphia at 1.26 p. in. FAHI LINE temp Heririaborg a 1.1.40 p. in., on arrival of Pennsylvania Railroad Fast. Kali, arriving In New York at 9.80 p. m, and Philadelphia at 6.40 p. in. WESTWARD. RIM LINE leaves New York al Ba. m., and Philadel phia at Ba. na, arriving at Harrisburg at 1 m, HAM TRAIN leaves New York at 12.00 noon, and Phil adelphia at 8. 16 p, m., arriving at Harrisburg at 8.10 P m- ILSPROIFLINN leaves New t York at 8 p. m, arri ving at Harrisburg atll.lo a. in., andcoaneethig with the Permaylvania &press Train 'for Pittsburg: A sleeping oar Is ales attached to this train . flontactions are made at Harrisburg with trains on the Penuayleanla, Northern Central and Onnaberland Valley Flatheads, and .at Iteadill l i t i o ir Philadelphia, Pottsville, Willuebarre, Allentown, n i Zo o . d Harrisburg, sr, 00 b eimeen slid ehooked through. between New York delphia, 55 25 In No Harrisburg and Phila. . 1 ears, and 82 70 in No. 2. For tickets or other lnformation apply to OLV DI, nod General Agent, Harrisburg. ANOTHER NEW STOOK I Portable Writing Deeks, Backgammon Boards, Traveling Bags, Purses, Wallets, • Toilet Bot tles, and a general seeortment of JPANOT ARTICLES, , , Call at WM. DOOK x dr, as 00. MONDAY JANUARY 27th, 1862 IE 46.TWARD W ESTW ARO. EASTMTARD. BEEPREKS'S OREAP BOOKSTORE. HARRISBURG, PA., MONDAY MORNING, MARCH 24, 1862. ia• qi.roeo D W. GROSS & CO., WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DRUGGISTS, NO. 19 MARKET ST R FeFIT HARRISBURG, PENN'4. DRUGGISTS, PHYSICIANS, S. KEEPERS AND OONSUBIi. We are, daily adding to. our wort t rti of goods all such articles as are desirWa. std would respectfully call your aerator. to the largest and beet selected stock in this of DRUOE, CRIEMIOALS tikl'44+l7l3; Mb, varnishes and Glues, DyeAtugli, Giros and Putty, Artist Colima and Tools, Paws Gran"ld Spiess Burnlnfililuld and Alcohol, Lord, Sperm and Pins OUs, Bottler, Vials and Ladip Globes, ' Coatile Soap, dpongeaind poikr, &e., &e., das.,.&e., With a genand variety of PREtTOMERY & TOILIT AWrICLES, selected from the best insnufaCturers and Pe lumers of Europe and this country. Being very large dealers in PAINTS, WHITE LEAD, '- LINSEED OIL, VARNISHER, WINDOW.GLASS, ARTIST'S ' OOLORS, PAINT AND ARTIST:B , . IN ALL Taman PAS, OOIARB AND BRONZES • OF ALL RINDS, , .. . wi . .. en -------;; -------,,', ..:: • . iir , . aa Of'i I 0 HO's ,-.1"... .11... , .. , 1 ' _*tal.-1....r—., ; • J tilli . • .- 0 aP ; L; T '7, 2 :211, • • 2 . ci ~„„....,..* .... : _ - , _:R__..-: , ? : _:..-- , , .. ..• We respectkuly invite a call, feeling,. conic dent that we can supply the , wants of all on terms to their satisfaction. • TEETH! TEETH 'I 11 JONNSAND WHITENS POWELAIN TUTU, PATENT MEDICINES AND HAIL RESTORATIVES Of all kinds, direct from the Proprietors. timpanilei and donaaatriitid 'tye I wtioteekge Agents for Saprinifter,,,whlthiwesell as low as it can be purchased in the cities. •': -41 MAYER'S MEDICAL FLUID' - EX.TRAOTS COAL OIL I OARBOIV 0111 Being large purchasers in these Oils, we can . offer inducements :to close buyers. Coal Oil tamps of the most improved patterns, very cheap. All kinds of lamps changed to InFu Coal Oil. FARMERS AND GRAZIERS, Those of you wholave not given our HORSE LIND otarLs POWDERS a trial kno7 : no thea superiority, and the advantage - they,are iu keeping Horses pout Cattle healthy 'and .— ln &sal condition. Thousands can testify to the profit they have derived front the use of our Cattle Powders by the htoreadng quantity and quality of milk, besides improving the general health and ap peareatce of their Cattle. Our long experience in the business gives us the advantage of a thorough knowledge of the trade, and our arrangements in the cities are such that we ca PI in a very short time furnish anything appertaining to our business, on the beet of terms. Thankful for the liberal patronagebestowe on our house, we hope by strict attention to business, a careful selection of PURE DRUGS at fair prices, and the desire to please all, to merit a oottlxnuoxce of the PP,cir. of & di&C4 l &" mating p u bli c ,. - . t) _ , _ UM Cider-Vinegs' i foi silb lit Igil. maims & Bowmeres, owner Praia a Market stool/ E4t Ettegrapl. FROM TRH iith PINNSYLYAKI REGIMENT, CAMP_ DICK WHOM, 141tErro ISLAND, S. 0.,1 Monday, March, 10th, 1882. r Two weeks NO to-day, we received march ing olden) at' Hilton Head, and on the follow ing morning, embarked at /3eabrook's landing on the U. S. trapx)rt steamship Prdutwba, from whence We eti Bork' aud - awaited furthe ter dhoti - n*osu was 'thought.to be Savannah, for the next day after anchoring, we observed the.whole mild fleet ateap out to-sea that ,direction., But we were disappointed. After being kept more than a'week lyat, in the stream, orders came to sail; and on the following morning found ourselves MI the mouth of the Edisto riv er, which stream we entered and ran up sev eral miles to the landing. At the mouth of the Edisto river the rebels had erected a bat tery to command the entrance, but upon the fall,of ,Port Royal they abandoned it, taking everything with them. Just above where their battery was erected is the present site of a colony of "contrabands," numbering at least a couple of thousand, who have been deserted by, and ran away from their masters. They have erected log huts and appear to live at ease. As we 'entered the river, they greeted us with cheers. The steam eloop of war, Cru sader, is stationed in Edisto river, and cruises from its , month to the head of navigation as a guard, boat, the,rebels holding possesidon above this Island. Before our arrival the only troops stationed here, were the N. T. 47th, Col. Moore, and al though their proximity to a strong rebel force was rather close, they have not been molested to any extent. Our arrival cheered the New Yorkers' very Much. We have pitched our tante about half a mile to the rear of the land ing, upon a beautiful location, with cypress and live, oak groves on all aides of us, and excellent water just at our doors. Within a mile or two tiro a numbei of the most Splendid residences I have yet seen in the South. The nabobs of these sea islands, comprise some of the wealthiest men °Oita South, and.the grandeur and luxu iience in which they lived, contrasts strikingly with the squalid abodes'and abject appearance of the slaves. Every plantation bas been aban doned by, the :whites, who took with them all the valuables they could carry away. &great deal they - Could not carry, has been destroyed by them or their slaies, before our arrival, but what personal property is left, is being gathered up by the government agents, to be disposed of in some way—but, how I am unable to conjec 'tare. For sometime past the rebels have employed persons .to come.here and carry off their proper ,ty, such as horses, cattle and slaves, which de predations were generally performed in the 'night. A report was made to the headquar ters of the matter and detachments were accord ingly sent out to try and capture the depreda tors. One of the parties was successful and cap 'tured ttiolrbilunen named McGrath (brothers), who were recognized by the contrabands as re-' gular. "nigger stealers." An intelligent slave informed me that he knew them well ; they were owners of a sloop that formerly traded with the planters here, and for some time back they had been in the habit of Coming to the is land and taking the slaves off by force. At one time they, had about twenty tied together tak ing them .off ; some of the elaves resisted and the"-sricGraths deliberately shot three of them dead-! It was with much difficulty that the negroes were restrained from shooting the pair of kidnappers. The party will be conveyed from here to more secure quarters, where they Work have an opportunity to play their nefari ous business for some time to come.' ,The.day of our arrival here, a party of con trabands,,in attempting to make their • escape to the main hind, were fired into by the rebel picketi and two of them instantly killed, and two severely wounded. A boat from the Ora sade.r put off to their assistance, and came up just in time to prevent the capture of the whole party. The wounded negroes were brought to to our hospital ; one received a Minie ball in his thigh,,Which shattered the bone to such an extent as to tender amputation ; mammary.— The operation was skillfully perfOrmed by our surgeon, Dr. David Merrit. The severity of the wound and the length of time elapsed before surgical aid could be rendered,..prostzated the systems° much that. a few hours after the ope ration, The other who was ses verely wounded in the shoulder, is now doing very well under the doctor's care. Joseph. McKinley, who formerly worked in the cotton mill in your city, died at Hilton Head about throe weeks ago, of brain fever.— When the war broke out young McKinley join ed CktptainSipee' company in the three months' service, and afterwards joined Colonel artas' 97th regiment, tromDhester County. I would like te, give you some war news, tint that article is a very , scarce comasodity here. We are stationed a little nearer Charles ton than the rebels seem to relish ; at least that is the impression the contrabands tell us they have of affairs. Every day upon the return of the Crusader from up the river, boat loads of " chattels " are placed ashore here in the hands of theiprovost marshal. They are all separately questioned as to who their owners were, where they resided, the force of. the enemy opposite ug, etc., which answers are' recorded in a book, and the contrabands sent to " Botany Bay," the settlement referred to at the mouth of the Edisto river. For some days past the weather has been very disagreeable, and the day after our arrival we had quite a snow storm. The health of the regiment is remarkably good. Capt. Water bury's men seem delighted with their new quar ters, and are in excellent spirits. The little in convenience of hard bread and salt pork, which were the principal articles upon our bill of fare for a few days after our arrival, has given - way to fresh fish, oysters, sweet potatoes and corn cakes, so you see the matter of " going fo; a Bolger "is not such a desperate thing a ft er ill. /us I write, the company has gone out foraging and on a " tour of observation," and I expect on their return this evening they will be loaded down with the productions of the island. B. Varoan.—Governor Msgoffin has vetoed a bill which passed the Legislature of Kentucky requiring, all ministers before they are qualified to perform the marriage ceremony to take an oath - tolsupport the oonstitution of the United .States.:e .ARSIVAL . OP TSB STRAIMILES GLASGOW. vlisv drolor; March 28. The steamship Glasgow has arrived here, her advioes have been anticipated. BY TEMPI The War - in Tennessee. Federal Forces Concentrating at Savannah. CAPTURE or rsorrantrr moms. thealows .14 aiiirlinUMßnllrnilit in Possession of thelfules Troop. VIE FIGHT AT ISLAND NO.IO. All the Batterieiron the Upper Shore Shimmied. The Rebels Preparing to Evacuate the Island. A. REBEL GUNBOAT 8U NE. But Faint Replys from the Rebels The Gunboats and Mortara 'Seeping up a Constant Fire. CBIOACIO, March 22. A special despatch from Cairo says the gun boat Lexington, from the Tennessee river, has arrived,, and reports that our forces are concen trating into the country about Savannah, Ten nessee, accomplishing nothing of importance, besides the occasional capture of the scouts of the enemy and. bringing into our lines promi nent parties, charged with aiding the rebels. Our forces have entire possession of the mein phis and Charleston rellrowl, in the vicinity of Savannah, Tennessee. ,The Ohio river is rapidly, raising at this point, (Cairo.) Within the last twenty-four hours it has risen a toot, and the streets are covered to the depth of four feet in some ,places. A balloon was sent to flag-otruier Foote, yes terday, for the purpose of making a reconnois ance of the Worki of the enemy. A messenger who has jun returned from Cape Girardeau, reports that the rumored at. tack on that point ,by Jeff. Thompson is with out foundation. Steamers are continually coming with troops from St. Louis. The mortars and gunboats indulge in occasional shots, but so far without any perceptible results. • . • - All the gune but one in the upper battery, on the Tennessee shore, have begs silenced, arid one gun on the island dismounted. Shells from the mortars are corotantly failing in the rebel camps and batteries, and numbers of the killed and wounded are being carried away on litters. • A large number of loaded wagons are leaving the Tennessee shore, from which it is believed .the pixie are making preparations , for an evao nation of their works. The floating battery of the rebels has been moved nearer the Island. General Popo allowed a rebel gunboat to ap proach within fifty yards of a masked battery on Theaday, and then sunk her, killing fifteen of those ou board.. He had previously allowed five rebel steamers to pass on toward New Madrid, and they are now between his batterries unable, to escape. - • Over trdozen rebel vessels, a floating battery and - their battering-ram, are now above Gen eral Pope's batteries, and will be sunk or cap tured. LATER. Cexao, March 28 Only four shots were received from the rebel batteries at Island No. 10 yesterday, while our fleet fired about thirty shell. There awl:molar one reports in circulation, that the rebels are evacuating the !Blind and marching across the Peninsula to Mrs. Merriweather's landing. It is impoisible to ascertain the truth of these re ports, birt the existing circumstances favor them. ADDITIONAL NEWS BY THE STEAMER AMERICA. DEBATE IN THE HOUSE OP COMMONS ON THE AMERICAN BLOCKADE. THE PIRATE RIMER STILL AT RIBRALTER. In the House of Commons Mr. Gregory de nounced the American blockade, and expressed a great aympathy for the South.- Mr. B. B. Foster denied that the, blockade was ineffectual, and stated that the list of threw hundred vessels, handed in by Mr. Ma son as having broken the blockade, had dwin dled down to 19 ; and meet of these had es caped on dark and stormy nights. The Prussian ministry has resigned. The privateer Sumter is still at Gibraltar, and the gunboat Tuscarora at Algeslras. The Steamer Annie Shields had arrived at Queenstown with a cargo of rosin, cotton and tobacco from Wilmington, N. C. The ship Sarah Park went ashore near Southampton. Sir James Ferguson called on the Govern ment to interfere in the matter. Mr. Millnes said he could not believe in the final dissolution of the great American Union and so long as it existed be deprecated any interference by'Bngland in the struggle. The solicitor, Gen. Strongly, opposed any interference—the blockade of the Southern ports, be said, had been' as efficient as other blockades in former years. After further de bate, 'Mr. Gfegory's motion, calling tor the correspondence on the subject was negatived without a division. FIRE AT -BETHLEHEM, PA. ----a-- Destruction of a Woolen Factory /IMMIBLIIE, Pa., ktarah 22 The large woolen factory of Mwars. Donlon, of this place, took fire at half-past five this morning, and was. totally destroxed,:The ma chinery andnli the. dads was consumed. . the bee 'aniniintea 'tda - nbont 'S7O,OOO_ which unAtimeinvinsrmince'if We' ort gin of the fire is not knobit. • ;r The factory has been for some time engaged upon contracts to supply army clothes. PRICE ONE CENT. PROM FORUMS MONROE. NO NEWS FROM THE SOUTH TB WRIER STILL UNDERGOING REPAIRS . AT NORFOLK RIPAIRS TO IRK TELINKAPH OkiMß, Pciaxims Mormon, March, 28. The %miner Arego arrived here from New York last night. A flag of truce to-day brought back the ch nal* officer who went to Norfolk by e flag o 4 a feirdwi since. No news or newspapers were received. The rebel steamer Merrimac is still under going repilitiat the Norfolk navy yard. Fifteen milee of the telegraph cable were ender rim this morning. FROM WASHINGTON. NO OfFIOILL INTNLLIGIENON Of TON CdPtUBN OF WM. Wasataaroa, Starch 22 No branch of the Government has received any intelligence whatever oorrobattve of the reported capture of Yancey. No despatches excepting those on business matters have been received through the military tele2raph for the past two days up to this hour, two o'clock, P. Pr.. New abvertistmints BOOKS FOR FARMERS, rr HE attention of agriculturias is directed it, the following works, which wilt enable the= to increase the quantity and value of their crops by adding science and the experi ments of others to their experience : STEPHEN'S BOOK OF THE FARM, de 'tailing all the labors of husbandry and the beat way to perf , rm them. Price. ..8 50 COLEMAN'S AGRICULTURE and Real Economy 4 00 LANDSCAPE GARDENING, by Allen. ..1 00 THE FARMER'S COMPANION, by }Mei . 75 LECTURES ON PRACTICAL A.GRICUL TURIig,_by Johnston 60 THE AMERICAN FARMER'S new and Uni versal handbook, with 400 engravings.. 2 60 AN EASY METHOD OF MANAGING BEER, by Weeks. 20 The Nature and Treatment of Diseases of Cattle, by Dadd 1 00 LEasrers AGEICOLTURAIAtitIiaIIBTBY 76 MILCH COWS AND DAIRY FARMING, and the production of milk, butter, cheese, by Flint 1 50 GRASSES AND FORAGE PLANTS, by Lynch - 160 SAXTON'S HAND-BOOK, containing the Horse, the cow, the pig, fowls, Ac., &c.. 1 00 THE FARMER'S DICTIONARY and Prao tical Farmer by Dr. Gardner ...1 60 ALLEN'S DOMESTIC ANIMALS 76 THE FIELD BOOK OF MANURES, or American Muck Book 1 26 THE HORSE AND HIS DISEASES, by Jennings I. 00 YOUATT ON THE HORSE 1 26 HIND'S FARRIERY and STUD 800K....1 00 HORSEMANSHIP and the Breaking and Training of Horses 76 Standard Books, School Books, and every thing in the stationery line, at lowest prices, at BERGNER'S CHEAP BOOK STORE. PORT FOLIOS WKITING DESKS, TRAVELING BAGS, PURSES, PORTMONAIES, And algeneral assortment of FANCY GOODS have just been received at BERGNER'S CHEAP BOOKSTORE. DAVID HAYNEB,IIO MARKBT; HARRISBURG, Agent for LII.LIE'S PATENT Wrought hid Qbilled Ircn F.r :.nd Burgh'', Pratt ISAVEr" EMS. Strictly the ON EA Merrantq e made, Wit le both Ore. and Berea.. Proof - rnargaßl UNION RESTAURANT, BILLIARD AND BOWLING SALOON, NO. 119 MARKET' STREET, NEAR Birth. THE subscribers having erected a larg e building at the above place, expressly for the pare. o we above Indicated, beg to call the attention of the pub lic to the following : Tim REMAIIII" on the first floor, with a dining room attached, is fitted op in first-class style, and it will at times be auppled with the best ovsnal to be had le the Atlantic cities, together with terrapin, fish, and all binds of game in season. Oysters served ap la every Myle, and meals to be had at all hours. The Ales of all the celebrated breweries in the country constantly on hand. The Ten-pin Alley, or Bowling Saloon, is in the rear, and contains three alleys of modern construction, where the lovers of this healthy atomise can enjoy themselves. The Billiard Saloon is up-Matra—elegantly titled up, and contains three marble top combination cushion ta bles, equal to any made. Harrisburg has tong felt the want of a grand combin ation of this kind, and as the proprietors are determine d to conduct it In a quiet and orderly manner, and do eve rything_ n their power to make It a thenionable resort, they hope to receive a hberal share of public patronage. ja&dtf WILLIAM C. IdcFADDIN & 00. pRINH BUTTER and Elul t 3 constantly on ttand and for ado by NIOHOLS & BOWMAN, 9 corner Front and Market streets CRANBERIIIEB, Dried Fruits, Fresh Apple, Beatorky, at NICHOLS & BOWMAN'S earner, Frost and Nam* streets. OUR newly replenished stock of Toilet and Fancy Goods is imsurpattead in this City, and leafing confident of rendering satisfaction, we would res pectfully invite a call. HELLER, Si Market street, two doors east oftourth street, south ed FOR RENT. Min rooms formerly occupied by.. Gross Kunkel, of a WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GitueENY, baying ample accommodation 1m the trans. action of such business. Apply to GM. G. ktINSAL, Oanal street, between State and w a l nu t mss-2w* BLAGiK.INia ViABON'6 THALLENGE BLACKING.' /22.1 100 Grant vaddrted alsee,just received, and far Me at incised. prink `1 QYRUP, LoWiritig's and dtAysvart'a'' for 1.3 sale by • NlOlOl,B & BOWMAN, teb2l inf. DOCK, Jr., iioo.