gaily oititgrapo ' . ltiilS lll ' ll .(. 4 , PA redo Ilornlng, March 21,1862. laE LELDERKBANs.—Our German friends of Singing Association, are mak grin:adieu ta to give another of theii _ OO d soiree's at their hall in 'Frisch's bo od ; ,,g, t street, on Monday eve . 1I:a.,11 24 O , R D'e OPSIIA House.-7 his popular plaoe ut continues to be the "centre of ~," ior our play going community, and i 4 'lightly tilled with large and 4uliences, to witness the won. s of Signor Blitz, and the ,Diy . .uuny Dr. Valentine. An entire ronimme id up for to-night, and of the wonderful should be on c Romps of Paymaster Chas. E. Ham_ L I. who iiird oh hoard the 11. S. ship Scion', Gulf of Mexico, on the 27th ,01 arrived hi re in the 8 o'clock train fbiladelphia, last evening. The funeral mo vd from the St. Stephen's Episcopal : Le i, alb; ( Friday) morning. The services at dvcli will commence at 11 o'clock, The th.. family are respectfully invited, ;,,at Naha notice. C=E]:=l rr CONVENTION,—The conferees from the latut wards in the city met Wednesday even corrution at the Parke House. Ur. Peter t 1 war appoint .d President, and B. B. Child ~..;,tey, After a general interchange of Ilt. Ctuottaa THOLLINGIR, from the . 1 rd was unanimously nominated for ; irraviler, and Messrs. Win. T. Bishop, Graydon and Josiah M'Farland received .ooll,lolons numluatlon for City Auditors. coo-unties then adjourned. Await GREAT GUN.—A rifled gun of im idA eze, pawed through here yesterday from I:Arg to Washington. It was made from itrrrgular ten inch columbiad pattern and hs ,!eitt inc. es hoe The gun is consequently t,avier than the regular ten inch whim wcghimt, we believe, over eight tons.— was performed In the most satisfac minor. and the gun is said to be the best ordinance yet turned out at &work. , It will throw on immense projeo t::e tticulaled to damage any armor on which lc WI will strike at right angles. flea WATBR. —The Middletown lournai Gaye the on lam Saturday morning, the Swatara commenced to rats, rapidly, and by Sunday timing it TV bulk full, and overflowing at some places. The current became very strong, rod for a time threat: ued all the limber rafts between the Saagneh tuna and railroad bridge. The lumbermen, hews or, succeeded in getting the thew all plop-rly -enured in good time, and consequently no bee was sustained. The Sutirehapra ilo,cot on a regular old fashioned "streli"ani is still quite high. We under cud sdretttl rafts are now on the way down, el is a few (lays we may expect a brisk time LIN thd Susquehanna. Lumber and timber 11.1 bring pretty fair prices. :sro RIPUBLICAN CITY EXSOUTIVII Ulowing named gentlemen compose tit 1.1i4 Republican City Executive Commit it ;or the eruming year: MLYEII, Chair/Han. !rt:rc A s S. CHILDS, See/ Wary. ]I Bard —Alexander Kuser, George Dunn, Ana Crawford. Ai Ward --S. S. Childs, W. W. Boyer, H. Al!troau. Word. --Peter Meyer, A. 0. Smith, Eugene la Ward. —Alfred Mentz, David Kuria, Man !Nichols. Hard —Chamban Dobbs, Samuel 0, Vulling., D. A. Bolt. Ward —Samuel Miller, Jacob 0. Sultser, 4tl! lu LECTURB on the "Music and Song of the 4:1, by Ro'. T. H. Robinson, before the itooleu's Christian Association, Tuesday astoZ wa , : a fine production, fully answer eriectations of those beet acquainted T tithe mental efforts of this able divine. His m~eaOdappreciative audience were captive t the lecturer, commencing with the of the " Morning stars that sang to at creation's birth, traced the tide of oc and song as it flowed with varying ell down through the ages. The triumphal Notliose s and Miriam, the sublime song of korth, the beautiful attains of the "Sweet ll 'Orof Israel," were mentioned aa the earn 41rteords of sacred song. Later came the ialcof the Troubadors in the days of chiv ,ll'l. the Ambrosian hymns, the Gregorian %, the hymns of the Martyr Huss , and the 141 It irliug songs of the Reformation and the of the Covenanters and Puritans. ,L 4 were de - scribed with word-painting that 4 : 11 ilal the listeners, and struck an answering ' 4 ju all hearts that beat for the true and ~4 4161 , The Harmonic illustrated 'ttilqtere by singing hytna society and chants of the A ti e b ° l ` n ti°ood above, commencing with the oios This feature added much to - the ' 4 .1 4r1 t of the occasion; and in reference to '°rl34 L e nd Daly Hay, that the music was [ !cltty arid f o e usual goad style of that 4 which ey received the thanks of the eloquent th lecturer. The 11 leeturn before the association will be 4 the Itev. Mr. Catt.ell, in the Lo z str„t, E. Church, • Tuesday eve -Bubject—ii Jerusale m and ia,tirrutadin 2lies" k/ndl The Harmlnic society kpi Y consented to give their valuable in aid of the Association. We trust ',,(lt.izeni will aid the Association liberally ,I'ol.lllodr efforts to save our young men, and t . ,0 y tt e their mental and spiritial Improve: a.. ii7The Association have fixed the price of josf°rfallail tickets at 50 ht _ng cents ens for a single - parser:N - 0r lectnrea 4I y, e Cur azonos.—The election for city and ,ward L officers will take place to-day, and be low we publish the two different tickets pre sented to the tax payers for their suffr igcs, viz : Ison ' DIXOCRA.TIO CITY TIMM. Treaeurer4 . T. Wilson, cluditors-John J. Oe!er, Wm. H. Egle, Daniel Eppley. COL DIRECTORS -SOW School District —Dr. C. Seller, 8 years, George F. Weaver, 3 year. , l V. Hummel, ern., 2 years. North School District—D D. Boas, Henry Earl. WARD NONDIATI Mg& First Ward. uNION REPUBLICAN Cirri,' TICKKT Treasurer—George Ti al linger. Auditors—Wm. T. Bish op, Sr., H. M. Gray don, J M'Farland. SCHOOL nmacroas —South School Distrid --David Crawford,Byears,Juo A. Bog, r, 3 years, A. King, 2 years. N. School . District —Wm. Mitchell, Dr. James Fleming. WARD NOMINATIONS. • First Ward Council —P. Bernheisel Judge—Jno. J. Zimmer man Inspector—A. R. Sharp Assessor—Thos. Worley. .Constable—J. Wenrich. Second Ward. Cbuna7-1). W. Grose Judge—J. B. Boyd. Inspector—P.Eosminger. Assessor—N. Zollinger, amstatge—Mosee Fleck. Third Ward Council—J. 6reemawalt. Tudge—Thos. Poole. Inspector—Ed. W. Shell. Assessor—J. Hoffman. Constable—Henry Rada baugh. Fourth Ward. S. Black. Judge—Alfred Skate. .bispector--..T. Barnes. Ammer—J. Miller , Jr. Fifth Ward. Oxsueil —Levi Weaver. Judge—F. Geety. buyector--J .Strominger. Aueasor—D. A. Bolt. SiztA Ward. Judge—Benj. Stroh. inepxtor—S. -K. Beate rich. ver. Judge—John C. Martin. hapaltor—S. Wentz. Constable—G. H. Miller. Sixth Ward. Assessor—J. Barnhart. Judge—Geo. B. Egle. Irurpector—A. C. Dankle. Constable—A. C. M.'Clin tie. Asseuar—J. D. Sweitzer Conelable—S. Hoover. &IPPON= BOMBAY AND ATIIMPT TO MDRDIR.— On Wednesday evening last a man named White got off the cars at Perrysville, on the Pennsylvania. railroad, for the purpose of visit ing Eccles Johnston, with whom he was in timately acquainted years ago. Learning thsre that Johnston was diad, he got in company with three young men named Dow Snivels, William Dean and James Sponeberger. They drank freely, and soon became intoxicated; after having had a "high old time" in and around Perrysville, they went to Patterson, still drinking on the way. In the evening, all four started on their return to Perrysville, going down :the railroad. This is the last time they were all seen together. Some time during the night, the watchman found White lying near the track, apparently dead, about a mile west of Perrysville. It was soon found that life was not entirely extinct, and he was taken to Perrysville and his wounds dressed.. It was ascertained that he had received severe wounds in the head and thigh, and several nninkliortant ones in other places. Previous to this, a large sum of money, probably eighty dollars, *OM seen butts person, brthtten ririvarformd not a cent mild be found In hia possession. The presumption Is that Whitemas attacked by his companions, robbed by them of. his money, and his body than placed ttiant the railroad track, so that passing trains might complete the workof idadastruction. The party,. have been arrested and committed to prison to answer. &tam or a, Waxen Taw.— On Tuesday last Mr. Zimmerman, jeweller, Market street, missed a valuable gold watch from his store, and from certain suspicious circumstances, he had reason to suspect a man wearing the uni form of a soldier, who had been in his estab lishment a short time previous, as the person who purloined it. Information of the fact was at once made at the Mayor's office, and the police being furnished with the a description of the supposed thief, proceeded to hunt him up; but after several hours spent in this pursuit, during which they visited Camp Clnrtin, and &buost every point in the city where sbldiers "most do oongregate;" they finally concluded that he bad left the city. In the meantime, notification of the robbery, with a description of the alleged thief, was sent by magnetic tele graph to the police authorities of Reading and lancaster, and yesterday, a dispatch was re ceived in return from the former city, annomm lug that a man answering the given description was arrested there onWedneaday,with the stolen watch in his possession. Otlmet -Campbell, left for Reading yesterday morning: DANGEROUS Courrrannin—Thompson's Bank Note Reporter, for March Ist, warns the public against the iagenimul and very dangerous coun terfefE ten dollir gold precis, whklb arivir culate&extensively, and gamest 'defy "detection from an expert. The genuine coin is opened, frilly one half the gold taken out, then filled in with platina, or some other equally heavy Substance, and then closed up ; the coin itself to all appeal sures, remaining the same. Tim Fmr Orr Zottayse will give their sec ond grand annual soiree, at their armory in the Exchange, Walnut street, on the evening of the 27th inst. Two Hyrum= Prams of beautiful new spring calicos; a large lot of bleached and unbleached muslin of the best make ; blue checks, at 124 cents per yard ; white stockings, at 124 cents ; another lot of those good white rib bed stockings ; ladies' pocket handkerchiefs, at 124 cents; children's pocket handkerchiefs, with border, 6 cents ; shirt breasts 124, 16 and up to 87} cents; 26 pieces new pant stuff ; undershirts and drawersvery cheap ; cotton and woolen socks, at all prices ; I dozen woolen stockings, for children, 124' cents; 14 yard bleached muslin 124 cents ; all wool French merinos, all colors, at 62 and 76 cents. Having bought the balance of the stock of a city wholesale house of plainsand figured Swiss muslin, brillants, white cam brics, Natant* and Victoria lawns, suitable for dresses, as those goods will be very scarce and dear next summer now is the time to buy. Our stock of . FAO at cost. S. Law; Rhoads' Old Stand. Von= op num 'hum We= " remember Huai A t ummtuan is emusli4efe for Constable of WO ward to=morrow: 'o' IMMi#l3aTlia Oaunci2—T A Hamilton AMUOT —W. Forster. Judge—W. Bergstrasser Inspector —B F Wickert Second Ward. Council. ---W. 0. Hickok Assessor—D. Snider. Judje—J. W. Brown. inventor—Philip Linn. Constable—M. Snyder. .Third Ward. lama —Geo. W. Shoe maker. Assessor—J. S. Royal. Judge —W..K. Verbeke. Impactor—Wm. Mich. Cerlablo—H. Becker. Fburth Ward. Cbuncii—L Barnhart. Assessor— J. Maglangh lin. Judge—R. Updegrove. Inspeor—M. B. Mont gomery. Constable—B. Campball. Fifth Ward. LIST OF REGULAR AGENTS. The DAILY MORNING AND EVENING TELEGRAPH is sent every morning and after mion, by the earliest trains that leave the city after its publication, to the following - REGULAR AGENTS : ALTOONA—Theo. B. Patton. ANNVILLE-G. W. Hooverter. BLAIRSVILLE—E. Laughlin. CHAMBERSBURG—George Tuokey. CARLISLE—George M. , Bretz. 'COLITAU3IA—H. H. Fry. DAUPHlN—Jefferson Clark. DUNCANNON—J. Hood. ELTZABETHTOWN—John W. Few. GREENCASTLE—M. D. Deitrich. .HIGHSPIRE—F. 0. Alleman. HUMMvi - STOWN--George W. Schultz. HAGERSTOWN—O. Swingley. LEBANON—H. H. Roedel. LOCK HAVEN—J. D. Stratton. LEWISTOWN—J. N. Cogley. MIDDLETOWN—Gdorge H. Lenhart. MECHANICSBURG-4. Eminger. MECHANICSI3URG—WiIIiani Tate. MOUNT 10Y- 7 -James Dysart: MILLERSBURG—B: G. Steever. NEWVILLE—W. R. Linn. SHIPPENSBURG—KeIso & Hinkle. SUNBURY —J. Washington: WRIGHTSVIILE--W. Moore. YORK—J. S. Boyer. Counal—J. H. Bowman ' , —J. M. Vandi "Read the Olio +lng,,cerUfleate" from one of the -first, ladies in Utica, N.Y., who called'Oben my agents hither oily (Br. & oo.;yend told them that she, of course; did not wiert her name 'made "public,ibut It any ode should - doubt the nog Jarful efficiency of Dn. DIMON cm's Golden Ma. they might refer any Lady to her, 118 she considered It &duty, nn' well as a pleasure, to her knowledge of their efficacy, as administered to her daughter, a young I ady 17 years old. She was fast go ing into cons .imption—had taken cold--nature became obstructed. Two boxes of these Golden NIB entire ly cured her, and sne Is now In rehear - health.— "We wer ,larticular in buying-the genuine. Full and rte 4 ritial/ 8 accompany ing . etefi bgx Price St —:' - b wale and retell y a. A Ruurvanr, No. 2, Jones Row, , nd C. IL Kitutt,,,ff liarket street, Barrie. burg, Pa. By sending either - of them s 1 00 throught he liarriaburg Post Office the is will be sent confidentially! by mail to any part of the country; "free of, postage." • N. 11..—Look counterfeits: Buy lib tielden Pitts' of any kind unless the box is signed S. D. Nowe: All ethers is a bane imposition •and unsefet therefore, .sa you value your lives and health, (to say nothing of be big humbugged out of ,your money,) buy only of thou who show no signature of S. D. Haws bn 'every' box. which has reSantly been added on account of the Pills .1(1111W counterfeited. The ingredients composing the above Pills are made known to every Agent, and they are safe, and will perform all claimed for them. Sold also by, T. L Lumberger, thbanot ; A. J. Kauff- , man; Nechanicsburr; learks,Lewistown ; Blilott Oarlise; 8. Q. Mid, Newville O. 'Altick„Shippees, burg; Spengler, Obambereburg; 8. T. miller, York ; J. A., !Noir, Wtightsville ; 8 . 8. 'Stevens, Reuling r and R. P. Dinner, Reading; and by '"one•arugg&t'°in every town and . village in the United States, and by D. HO WE, 8014 Proprietor. New York. The only Harmless and Reliable Dyer Known I All odors are mere imitations, and should be avoided ifyou wish to escape ridicule. GAMY, RED OR RUSTY HAIR dyed instantly to a beautiful and natural Brown or Biwa, without the least injury to Hair or Skin. nypiEN DALS AND DIPLOMAS have been awar ded te Wu. A. Barosixon sinc4SlB 9, and over. 200,000 eppllcathins have been made to the hair of the patrons of his famous Dye. AMU- BOOKELGIVHHAUL DYE produces a color not to be distinguished from nature and is watuturrsn dot to Injurein the least, however long it may be coedit tied, and the Dl effects of bad Dods remedied. The hair 16 Invigorated ter life by this Splendid Dye, whloh is prop erly applied at No. 18 Bond Street New York. • Sold In all the cites and towns of the United States,- by Druggists and Fancy Goods Dealers . • The Genuine has the name "William A. Batchelor," and address upon a steel plate engraving, on the four, lidos of each box. FEMALES FEMALES! FEMALES Use that Pere, Pleasant Remedy kaiwa a 6 ' RELifBOLD'S .s.r.TRAo2 . BDCHU, For all Complainte incident to the Pei. 26 Family *Mould be With Out it, And None will when once ; Tried by them. It is Mted:MY YOUNGANDAAJD n the Decline or Obauge et Life, After And Before Marriage, During eisi4 After Corytneateset o Strengthen the Nerves, Restore Nature to its Proper Channel, end • Invigorate the Broken.doem Constitution. "'am whatever Cause Originating. USE NO MORE WORTHLESS PILLS Take rivaBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU. See advertisement in another columu. Cut it out and tend for [t. •-' • • • marl 2 (I.2ma JUST OPENED! A PINE LOT OP SUPERIOR MADE of Good Tobacco, and from one to two years old, of my own manufacture. A flue Jot of choice Chewing apd Smoking Tobacco, Pipes, Snuff and a large variety of other articles constantly on h. 0 for sale wholesale and Mad. Thankful for Milner pat-, ronagej bopdby 'strict Shandon to busintieslo receive & liberal share of the trade. ' A tine Smoking Room attached where customers may %Whack and test my Sagan and Tobacco. . . Don't forget the window with the Ship in It; that is ttiel place to buy your Tobacco and &wars. North Market oar; above Market street, Harrisburg. Dec. 4, 1861.—d8m WM. WYKOFF. AUG USTINE. L. CHAYNE. CARPENTER AND BUILDER. Resides= Ri). 27 North Second Streit ` N. B—JOBBING ATTENDED TO. mhdlm 4 - IANDLES, Country. Soap, Fancy Soaps NJ 441 Mods, O f"ale NICHOLS B WMAN. • Onner'Front and Market streets. EDAR TUBS, BASKETS, 1114"0-,, Bipoms terawi p if eeel vad bet large I " rl" " vg IINXIC, To 'MB PLIBLIO. — Urieti and Bowman, genera dry goods merchants at the ti,uth-east corn of Front and Market streets., will have receive. during this week a full and choiceassortment of spring dry goods, and willdispuse of them at Prices much below the ruling rates during the winter. They consist iu part id S ewarra new styles and ahades of colors, fancy figured silks, figured black Gros. de Rhine and Plain Italian silks, plaid Mohair Challie de Loins, Brocbe de L dna, Saxony Plaid Valenclas, White Embroi dered Swiss Robes, White Plain Nalnsook French Cambric and Victoria Lawns - Stella and Mick Thibet Long Shtwle, Silk Mantilla Jack; eta, Cloaks and Robes, &c., &a. =I NBW Goons.—l am now seising off my entire stock of- F9cdirat, and below cost, or 25' ,per cent. cheaper than-you:bad' pitiehtiie elsewhere, viz: fine linen shirts, 75 pts. to $1,„; shirts, 50 eta., and 60 cts. ; night shirts, 50 eta ; under shirts and drawerg., 40 etc to 87;•014; all wool.;', monkey jacketT,-'5O cts. to Sll . 'coftorCatid ivooleb t hose io i chs - .'to 16 eta ; silk ties, 12k, 15 and 18 cis ; collars, 8 eta. to 16 cts. a piece •, ladies' collars, 4 and 5 eta.; cuffs, 4 and 5' as. a' Piece ; wider sleeves, 18 cts„; fine canihrlb at 18 and 18 eta. per yard, worth 25 cts.; Marseilles bosoms of a , new Style, 'a;ud fest collars, 121. eta.; 'all' liben bosoms, 16 cis and upwards. If you want cheap and good',lgoods just go to .tames A. Lynn, at the Harrisburg Cheap Shirt Mann factory, where be is selling off without reserve. N: B.—Shirts, &c. made to measure, Boom next to Hummel & Killinger's grocery store, 12 Market street. TB LEGRAPH OUT OF TOWN A OARD TO TEM LADIEW DUPONCO'S GOLDEN PILLS FOR FEMALEC IMLI HAIR DYE 1 HAIR DYE I I Win. A. BataWoes Hair Dye 1 Wholesale Facaory, 81. Barclay Si., };ate 283 Broadway, New York oot2-dawly 2linttemtnts. SANFORD'S OPERA HOUSE, laltrOlt'BLlTZ THE GREAT • 'QUIST. AND ~NIAGICIAN , f4T i R. VALENTINE THE. CELEBRATED d NORLST AND IMITATOR OF • CHARACTER, ILLAppear their combined_ enter tainoteins plow EVBYINQ, commencing it 7 o'clock. t A MISSION ~ 26cents. :rued Seats in Orchestra 16 cents extra. D .re open at quarter before seven o'clock P. M. sant open,. fR,r MATINEE_ on SATURDAY at S .'clock:; *419 :4 1W M ILITA RY PUBLICATIONS, ONGHORE ON gun shot wounds, 75 I_The,Art of War by Baron , de .Tom -7 Int with lappicall&s, Miaris and. (- iengravings. , - . .S 1 50 ntry' Tactics, - ' - Brigadiar-Ginteral Silas Casey,. 11. ,S ci, .. . .. .... ... Practical Treat isa,..urt filretiirthiairigund ' Defending Out Posts, Villages, Bridges, &0., in reference to the Duties of Officers of Picquets, by 1 Polo iTebb. Royal, (Eng Ifshylogi _ -mg*. • .._. •• • - . .4 2 75 .14oppees - Mad - - &casual for - Bttalion Drill 04 i 7 , 'a F i eld Afanual of Evolutions of . ' itus Bine:;. 1 ... '. ' ' ' : t: i ..! -._bo Wall the standard military publications at BERGNER'S Cheap Book Store. JUST RECEIVED, . LOT of 431aok . Silks:. . Fine Asiortinent: of Plain Dress Silks Tag. ::p. Mourning Silks. EimA Bar Black and Purple, Silica. ' A New Sttick of Mourn frig' Diem Goods. Large LIAO - flesh Linens; at old prices A Full Stool of Skeleton 'Skirts; Beat articie ever roanatiatureS. A Pull Line of Gents Undershirts and Drawers Pura ; Now closing oat the stock. Balm Oral Skirts; New article. 'Marseilles Counterpaines ; At old prices,. Allendale Spreads ; tiheap , - A:Large Line of Towellinge. Now opin at CATHCARTS, lablB-7 Next door , to the Harrisburg. Bank. WHOLESALE UMBRELLA. MANUFACTORY', No . . 69; '1)&4(4 - Stiviet below Third, alsiuilainto, PA. • M H . Es , IV/I ANUFACTORER OF .DIABRELLAS, 11.11. PABSOLS and WALKING miss, will furnieh goods as LOWER.PKWai than can tre bought in' env Of be Eastern cities— Could." ovrehants will do well to all and examine prince ~nu, l on dlty, and onnvinoe them Ives of thin. fact. a023-dly =BIM:EM DEAL&B 2N _ - BOOTS AND - SHOES, BUFFAIP.M! evm.OVßil SNOBS, TR AND CARPET .BAGS. ATNEM OLD SUMO corner or the • alley, neat to the Wart Mouse; Market atreeti Harrishort, Pa. atmVol foi r the patrons 4kl n k elit ereeetbre bestowed ape' of A: Hummel po.; Iwo trust by strict, at,: bccidnefic alid by i tilvelltuilasto stew to merit a couttnuatoe of la same: 'sail and examine oor STOCK and 171.1011 i before' b • '.'elsewhere. • • ,Wll.lyd a HUMMEL wood are purchased direct from he maoufsotores ter OUh tsiabllng them to sell very low. • 0 OKS FOR CHILDREN . ( A new andlarge assortment of BOOKS snit able for Children, has just been opened at BERANEK'S BOOKSTORE. Among the assort ment-Will be fOund an wadies variety of TOY BOOKS! Indeetraotible Pleasure Books with Oolored- Pictures: A full assortment of these popular trnildren's Books,printed online linen, consisting of Stories from the Scdptunstk;-/tuth, Starlets from the Scriptures—. David, Stories from the Scripeures—Samsow, . Childs Pictorial Reader, House that lack Built, Cock Robin and Jenny Wren, Old Woman and Pig, Fernier Roy's Alphabet,, or "Speed the Plough," Old Mother Hubbard, * Little Man and Maid, Little Bopeep, Jenny Wren, &c., &c. In addition to the above I have a large as sortment of-bound JUVENILE BOOKS. BIBLES tPRELYER BOOKS &c IIIBLES for 87 cents, BIBLES for 50 cents, BIBLES tor 75 cents, BIBLES, for $l, BIBLES for $1 25, BIBLES for $1 60, BIBLES for $2, BIBLES for.sB, BIBLES for $4, BIBLES for $6, BIBLES for $B, BIBLES for $7, BIBLES for SS, • BIBLES for $lO, BIBLES for $l5, BIBLES for $26. PRAtEII BOOKS AT ALL PRICES. All the lateet Books published are daily re- Ceived and sold at the lowest publishers rates. Examine the stock. • GEO. BERGNER. I'. NICCIMMTaiIEL, • TEAMING AGENT OF THE OLD WALLOWER LINE. TIMES OLD• TRANSPORTATION LINE 11 is still in sucCemsfal operation and prepared to carry =as LOW as any other individual line between phia, Harrisburg,Bunbury,Lewisburg, Williams bort, Jersey Shore, Lock Haven, and all points on the Northern Oentral, Pldladelphie and Erie, and Williams port and Elmira Railroads. Local Agent at Harrisburg, D. A. MIJENOIL Goods sent to PUOOOIE, ZELL & HIIVOHMAN, Nos. 308 and 810 Market street, above Eighth, ky 4 o'clock, de p. K., will arrive at Harrisburg, ready for livery the next morning. 0. F. MURNOH, ap3-tt Traveling Agent. -- JOHN - WALDOWER I -JR-if - Agt OENERAL - FORW ADDING Ann COMMISSION MERCHANT. f__001:18 AND MERCHANDISE promptly iorwardedkJf by Philadelphia and Reading, Northern Amtrak Cumberland Valley and Rennunvailla mailrea" laid canal. HAULING AND DRAYING to anti Dom all pule; of the pity a to the differen rale& t Railroad depots will be done at the lowed PAMIRS removing will be promptly 'kneaded to. Orders en at Branl'a European Hotel, or at the store 717H - HRIMI - Fgagir, - ptehitheattentkila. Goa- Want' of freig4erellpeadlaV,Soll4liloll. JOIN ,RrALOWEE , Amioteadinguww, in fitisallautons HELMBOLD'S GENUINE - PREPARATION "HIG CONCIeNTRA NW" - LUMP , LIND PLUM EX RUCHU, A pooinve and ape. de Remedy ' ' • For Di.see,As of , the IMADDER, ithmEys, -. GRAVEL, and DROPSICAL SWELLING. • Ibis Medicine inere.ea the power of 01gration, and eaoltea the ABSORBFNTS lets heaths' aetiOn•hY w hich the WATERY OR CALOARFA473 depositiOue and all UN. NATURAL ENLARGEVENTE are redeced, as well as PAIN AND INFLAMATION, and Is good for MEN, WOMEN OR CHILDREN. HF.I.MBOLD'S EXTRACT MICRO, For weesses Arismg from Excesses, Habits of Dissipation, akn Early In discretion or *hose. AITENDAD WITH THE FOLLOWING SYMPTOMS : Indlspcultion to Exertion, lose of Power • Loes of Memory, Difficulty of Breathing, Weak Nerves, Trembling, Horror of Disease, • Wakefulness, Dimuess LI Vision, Pam in the Back, Universal Unshode of the Muscular System, Hot Hands, Flushing of Ole Body, Dryness of the Skin, Eruptions on t , dt Face, PALI IO 00UN LENA NOE, These symptoms, if allowed to goon, which this flied. idea invariably removes, soon Iblhows IMPOTENCY, FATUITY, EPILEPTIC FITS, IN ONE OP WHICH . THE PATIENT MAY•I , XPIER. Who can Way that they are not freinet tip followed by those "DIREFUL DISEASES," 'INSANITY AND CONSUMPTION." Many are aware BUT N of ON E the W WILLI:ONE/Mine of their ring, . suffe THK RECO , DS OF THE Dis ANEASYLII !dB, And thaltatancitaly Deaths by Concuseptioo, 'BEAR AXPCB WITIMRTO TFIS =PIS Orlin ABSIMION. THECONMTUTIONONOw AkitEJTED WITH 2 60 . ORGANIC 1911AHNESS, Regeires the aid of medicine to strengthen and Invtgontt , the System Mick *Hstauto tree, rR•OT BUCHU isedriably does • mum wni. cosmos mut mon arePncut., litit•LES-41041LicS—NEVALF-9, OLD OR YOUNG, ?INOUE, biRIM, OR' OORTERPIj& , TING MARRIAGE. IN MANY APPEOTION3 PECULIAR TO, 1114 ALES, the Extract Buobu to nuennalled by any other remely, as In tlhlorords or Retention, Irregularity, Pain Oiliness, dr Sepprea,kr n or Customary Evenuallona, Ulcerated , or Scirrhons state Of 'the Moue, Letioarhcea Whltes,'Sterit ity, and for all complaints incident to the eex, whether arising from Indiscretion, habits of Dissipation; or in the 60 DECLINE OR CHANGE 01 LIFE. SEA SYMPTOMS ABOVE NO FAMILY SHOULD BE WITHOBT IT 1 Tang NO NOIR BLASANI, MKOORY, OR OXPLZABANt MARl cum FUR EINPLIARANT AND DaNORROUN DIREANES. HIUMBOLIYS . RB7Rdar BUCEIV CORER SECRET DISEASES. In all their Stages, • At little Expense ; Little or no change In met; No inconveniett co; • And no Rapostare. • It causes a frequent desire and gives strength to Urinate, thereby removing Obstructions. ?revealing and Curing Strictures of ten Urethra Allaying Pale and Imflammtnion, so freqnent , the (Miss of diseases, and expelling all Poisonous, 'Dusaited and worm-out Matter. _ 11101184NDB WON Tnoinrauno Wk HO HAVEBEM 2HE VICTIMS OP QUACKS, and who have paid tumor nun to be cured in a abort time have found they .ere deceived, and that the "POI- Kirl' has, by the use of ..POAttiPOL Annusavrra, " been dried up in the system, to breat out in an aggravated .form, and PERHAPS' AFTER MARKUS% Use RaufaotalkErrerer Bum for all ‘fieltiona and dbleaees of the 13t1INARY ORGANS, whether Wristing in MALE OR FEMALE, From whatever cause originating and no matter ft HOW LONO.STANDING. Obsesses of theists Organs require the aid or DIURE IC, HEILMISOLD'S %%TRACT MICRO' 13 THE GREAT DIURHTIO, And is certain to have the desired edeut In all Diseases FOR WHICH IT IS RECOMMENDED. Evidence of the most reitabic and repent: We eliaracter will accompany the medices. CERTIFICATES OF CORES, kromB to 20 yearn standim, WITH NAXX3 lEROWN TO • SCIENCE AND FAS& Price $l.OO per bottle, or six for $5 00. Delivered to any. address, securely packed from Maser Cation. MCKIM SYMPTOMS IN ALL COMMUNISATIONS. Cares Guaranteed I ,ddvlee Gratis I AFFIDAVIT Personally appeared' belbre , twan. Alder man. .rof tbo .olcy of Philadelphia, H. T...Haarraaa, er,no belsks duty ,sworn, data say, la presaratlons oo4tln narebtio, no mercury, or other Injurioas drugs, bat are purely vege table •-• • . ,EL T. ELBIAISOIDt • Sviroin and 'subscribed befoie me this 291 diy of No Tauber, 1866. WM. P. HLBSERD, Alderman, • Ninth St. above Race, Address letters for information In dotal:lease to H. T.; HHLMBOLD, Chemist / Depot, 104 South Tenth SL, — bet. Chestnut, Phils, ukvirAtim OF youiv vetivicris - lINPRINCIPt.RO REALMS, Who endeavor to dispose .stur own." and. ' , once aromas ON Tan RICPUTATIOS AMMO) BY Rehnbaill . B Genuine Preparation ti .extract Burhn, . " Improved tae Wash. Sold by C. K. eller, D. W, Grose, J. Wyetb, C A. Hmnvark AND ALL D - RUCingn BVERTWILIIRR. ASK FOR REINHOLD'S. TAKE NO OTHI2I. Unt out the advertivement and send for it,- ' ,AND AVOIDIMPOSITIONI AND EXPOSURE. novl3-dly INSURANCE AGENCY: TH ,DELAWARt MINA", SAFETY INSURANCE 'CO.vIPANY. OF PHILADELPHIA. INOQRPOBA,TED 1886. DA:PITAL AND MEETS $904,907.61 THE INSURANCE COMPANY OF NORTH AMERICA. OF PHILADELPHIA. ' INCORPORATED 1794. . CAPITAL AND.A.9BOS $1,219,476.1 T HE rmdcirsigued, as Xgent for the w ell known Companies, will make• Ipstunnee against lege or damage by fire, either 'perpetually or an nuallyi on property in either town or country. Ilsiine and Inland Transpoitittion Risks also taken Apply personally or by letter to oet4'6l-dawl7 _ . BOLDEERB'_ NACIES • VOASale at KELLER'S DRUG AND FANUY STORE Camp Writing Cases, Needle or Sewing awes, Shaving or Razor Cases, Toilet Cases, Match Cases. Pocket Ink Stands, pocket Mirrors, :pocket Knives, Pocket Combs, Fine Combs, Camp Mirrors, Bryer Pipes, Tobacco Boxed, , • 7. India Rubber Tobacco Pouches, Wicker, Leather & Platlna Flasks, - Leather Drinklog'Cups. Pens, Penholders, Pencils, Paper, andEnvelepes. Soldiers wilt see at a glance that the place to get an outfit in small waresle at Ns. 91, Market street. MiirSee "Fort Pickens" in the window. n 0641 ;11 -- P. &W. C. TAYLOR'S NEW SOAP. AA.. It hi economical and highly detersive. It con tains no Rosin and will-net. waste. It is warranted "not to Ware the hands. It will impart an agreeable odor, and la therefore suitable for every purpose. For sale by WM. DOCK, Jr. & Co. POWDER, Shot and - Oapa for sale by NICHOLAS &BOWMAN, Corner Front and Market streets. TO. 1 MACKERAL in Kitts, half bar -11 Fels, and barrels; at the Mew Grocery and Provi sion Store, Front and Market streets. ransom & BOWMAN , IUOTIONS.-- Quite a variety of useful ]L:11 and entertaining articles—cheap—at n2O - ...... _ -- -lifflarnit'S BOMISTORL JUST RECEIVED. 4 L -SECOND LOT of Comic and Sentimia ; tit yakripries i lit different prices. 800 ore :. PORTEMONAIES, WALLETS, POCK et-books, Bankers' Cases, Ladies' Cabs Fatale's, Ladles Traveling satchels. We are constantly receiving additions to our stock of the above goals, and neces sarily have a due assortment of the latest styles. We respectfully invite persons wantiog to purchase any of the above articles to examine the stock—knowing that a greater variety or better goods canno be found in the city. FULLER'S Drug and Fanoy Store, 91 Market street, one door east of Fourth street, south side. nut. INTERNATIONAL HOTEL CORNER OF FRANKLIN STREET, r111:11S first - class house—the most quiet, e. 'homelike, an I plevant ho!el In the eltv--effers superior Inducement. to [hoe: ironing Kr W YORK for business or pleasure. It is central In its location, and kept on the where refreshments eau be hid at all hours , or served in their own rooms. The ch , are moderato, the rooms and attendance of the first order—baths, and ail the modern convenience attached. maB3 SCHIEFFELIN BROTHERS & CO., WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS, AND DEALERS in Fancy Goods, Per nunery, Arc. ids', agents for tho site of Refined Petroleum, Illuminating Oil, siperior to any coal 01l ; furuisted In any quantities at the lowest mareet rates. 170 and 172 William &net, NEW YORK. NO excuse for having Boots and Shoes Not blackened. Blacking that will give a polish on wet or greasy boots. Just the thing for the times, when every one cannot alibrd two or three pairs of shoes or boots %Mil and 'examine, at . _ ALE, PORTKR AND BEER, ATOTICE is hereby given to the citizens IA of Barrlaburg, that the undersigned has authorised Mr. E. Mager to receive orders for'any of my manufac tures. The collecting will be attended to by the under• signed. Alll orders left as above will be promptly at tended to. GEORGE LAUER, feb22-dem. Pottsville, Pa. GARDEN SEEDS.—Just received a large, nvoice of choice Garden Feeds—comprising a greater variety of imported and home growth than has ever been offered in this city. Those who may desire to purchase, oan depend upon getting the best in the world, at the wholesale and retail grocery store of WM. DOCK, Ja. & CO. 100 BUILDING LOTS FOR SALE. ;WE subscriber offers for sale, on terms LL favorable to purchasers, oee hung - ed building kits variously situated in the nerttt western and eastern parts of the city of Harrisburg. tin Peon street, Foster avenue, Boas street, Ridge avenue aid on State street, east of Paxton creek, between said creek and the Harrisburg cemetery. For farther particulars inquire of the subscriber re siding on Front street in said city. YSIO. Foßmg. maflo•lm UNRIVALLED GOLD PENS. BEST PENS in the world, for 75e, $1 25 $1 40, $2, $3, and $4, for sale at febls y SCHBFFER'S Bookstore. cHOICE Teas, Green and Black, for sale Inv by NICHOLAS & BOWMAN, ebl.l Corner Frontand Market street's. COAL OIL, Natrona, Magnolia, Lticifer, and other non explosive brands, for Bale low by NICHOLS & BOWMAN, feb2 Corner Front and Mart et moots. CIARDEN SEEDS.—Fresh garden see& ILA from Boha i Philadelphia. For sale by Nichols & Bowman, corner of Front and Market streets. m 7 -y SVILLUId nurjEuxit, Hurts . burgal'a. FRltSii Oranges, Lemons, Raisins, Co coa-ants, & ~ &c ,just received and ['or Bain by NICHOLS St BOWMAN, Corner Front and Market streets Kindred Natra Sugt, •• H. , ,f!. n INVIIVM by MACKEREL Nos. 1, 2 and 3 in all sized packages. A large supply just received, and each package warranted as represented, for sale by WM DOCK, Jr., &Co VRESH Lemons, Apples, Cranberries, for sale by NICHOLS & BOWMAN, COFFEE.—Barley, Rye, Wheat, Dande lion and all preparations. For sale by Nichols * Bowman, corner or Front and Market streets. m 7 y CHOIOE Byrepa Lovering& and other choice brands, for sale by hICHOLS & W3IAN, 6 corner From sue si.irket streets. BUCK -WHEAT MEAL and CORN MEAL Veit received an or sale low at NICHOLS & BOWMAN, 6 corner Front and Market streets. HAY ! HAY 11 ASUPERIOR article of Baled Hay, at $l7 00 per toe tor sale by feblB JAMS IL WHRKLISR 110 LIT. The commodious Store Room on Market Square; adjacent to the "Jones Mona.," (Covering's Hotel.) Clues. C. ELAREISBURG, Feb. 24,1862. feb2s-Imd- ALARGE ASSORTMENT of Family Bibles of different styles of binding, at 900, $1 25 41 50, 52, $3, $5, $5 andslo. Also Pocket Bibles of 4111- Arent styles and prices at SCREFFICR'S Bookstore. febls y 'pANDELION CUFFSE I—A Fresh and large supply of this Celebrated Co ff ee,' net received y fia3l WM. DOOR, Jr.. & C ) RUM_B BRUSHES, Door Mats, Scrub Nig and Blackening Brzushea, for gale by NICHOLAS & B OaraerYroat and Market strode. =I filisatiantons. NICHOLS & BOWMAN, Corner of Front and Market Streets. (V. HummePs old stand,) 11 - AVE determined to place their entire btook of GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, FRIIITS, &c.. &c., at prices to - suit the present hard times, and re spectfully call the attention of the citizens of Harrisburg and vicinity to their extensive stock of goods, cousisting.of SUGARS, SYRUPS, TEAS, COFFEE, SPICES, LEMONS, • ORANGES, CURRANTS, CEDAR-WARE. FLOUR, FISH, &o. We have also gone to considerable trouble in getting the sale of several brands of COAL OIL , All of which we warrant to be NON-EXPLOSIVE, TRANSPARENT AND FREE FROM ODOR, as far as practicable. Among others, we have on hand NATRONA, MAGNOLIA, LUCIFt R, ROBINSON. All of which we will sell wholesale or retail, and tower than any other house in Harris/any. Also, all kinds of UM, FLINT AND GREEN GLASS-WARE. We also invite attention to our well &leoted and extensive assortment of QUEENSWARE. Call at NICHOLS & BOWMAN, corner of Front and Market strtete. M.ONEY PURSES. 385 & 387 BROADWAY, NEW YORK. EUROPEAN PLAN, in:coonection w ith TAYLOR'S SALOON. .1n27-ctem SOMETHING NEW! NICHOLS & BOWMAN'S, Corner Front and Market streets LAITER'S ANOTHER SUPPLY OF MORTON'S EMI corner Front and Market atreec JUST RECEIVED. MEE