TJailii eitgrapt hA RRISBURG, PA viincs ou) Morning, March 18, 1862. W I LD WAGONER 01 Tall iLLICIEBNIIIB. ,:r; dramatist and poetical reader, Nitird ck, at the earuest solicitatiOn ExLel .ucy, the Governor, heads of' di. a1,.1 members of the Legislature, has ted to read T. Buchanan Read's ar ,,i le ,c poem, entitled "The Wild Wag ,. the Alleghenies," in the ball of the liepresentAtiyes, at eight o clock The poem is said to be tine of .0 1 t test .111,rte, and its beauties are 111110 d when read by Mr. Murdoch. affileti number of ticket's have been fifty cents each, which can be proem r, , r 's bottkature. R D I OPKRA novae. —This popular place t w as crowded Monday night to wit : huital le oi rformancee of the renown- Blitz Ot course everybody was woo 1, 4.liJlted and voted . the aimiable ,p. without hesitation. Some die klt I.y the absence of Dr. „, who was laboring under a .ve y att ,„ of hoarseness, but the matter xplained, and the Signor made Hiewucy by perforthing a number k,,,,,; down in the regular programme 0 ,1,,Dg. The Signor will give another „ ra ni this evening, when Dr. Valentine appear. • 'MICK'S DAY. -True to its ancient rep ,a. Patrick's Dsy (Monday) was eta. nld and blustery. Onr city folks Monday morning, (as they have done a ame and oft" before,) and were con -4.lo,isbed to see a light covering of the earth. However, the day could be S . Patrick's without alittle of every :.: alth, ,en this was not exactly like the l'oit once described— .. It hlewed, And it snowed, Awl then it thewed"— . :P f ehr gi of the Poet overcame him, of touve, to a rather abrupt e0n .:.,, A+ xe have never heard anything of It 1. pre-uned that his genius and etea t,ok their flight to that region 11,,,phits of Hower, Shakepeare, Cow .ljon a•ol a ho-t of lesser lights commin- is Sd se Are no Poet ourself, never to the dtp e having cultivated the Muses, ader and especially those of a poetical ,in IlAve to supply the omission. Tut Hiz,ll3 , , , ire High School, under the super- L',(T,dcrct ti E. C. Irvin, principal, and G. twittiot, its session last wash. Fat the report or the County Superintenderit, 11A:is out of the tteet conducted schools in the o linty, ~ ut,itie off„• Lily of Harrisburg ; and refre'i pelt credit tot only upon the liberality to,t/ inte4-eit? or the community, but upon :Le ..Ip,ricr rei:ienov of its teachers. A .ra.d IVIII given by the students ut Thurmlav and Friday evenings, and WM :':;bout a most interesting and creditable •Tome of the students exhibited meld- L:stulicAl powers, and were well ap d3,th y richly deserved. The saluta ywkeu Henry hoop, and the honor ra. couf,rred upon Silas H. Anemia, air r, i the valedictory. The Middle- 13,nd discoursed moat excellent Nu the occasion, and after the perform - •zrari,.:el some of the moat prominent of Ilighspire. The hall was densely both mghta, by an appreciative and ct audience. I=rl SIcOND BATTALION of the L)Otdel cav- Auth d by Lieut. Col. James, IS now it (Imp Detwiler, near Calhoun, on -Cll liver, in Kentucky. The camp has after our fellow-townsman, Capt. D - tai;er, who, on account of his sill- cfrieer, has been breveted Major of 1f bittahou. Under the superior 4bi kital treatment of the commanding r "re battalion, In tfficiency of drill, and ' • 'Y rola:Let of the men, resemble regulars v 9 unteerd, and are in a most excel :. LuitiLn of hoalth—there being but few tlie whole bAttalion, lllAMlDeringiOtur. hetnediately after:their arrival at they were presented with a tnagnifi '• :4. by the Union ladies of the neighborrrebentation speech wag made, by of the Circuit Court of Koni°oltY* a chaste, eloquent and patriotic ef • W,03 received and the speech of 'dams happily responded to by Capt. a . 6) t ,ok charge of it, and will no ' , Ai it 0 6 to glorious victory or heroic SERINO llaciussa.—The following,. . e , utlins an admirable description. " llashisned but valuable sewing uia , . • 14 ' erg best sewing machine a man 4 ‘ . ' IS i wife. It is one that requires lint .ord to set it in motion, rareiy.g*C.lo. , ru thee but little noise, will go unin "f far h•Jurs, without the slightest or tht• smallest personal supervisical trY. It will make shirts, darn sew on buttons, make pocket hand-. tut Out pinafores, and manufacture frocks out of any old thing you may atd this it will do behind your back h4ore your face. Ici fact, you ‘,. - , =ve the Louse for days, and it will go Just the same. If it does-get -out ` , l ts h , little from being overworked,, It -"Y being left alone for a. abort -t wtieb. it returns to its sewing , with vizar thin ever. Of course sewing NY a great deal. Some are much tb an ( "hers. It depends, in a Vast lit" particular pattern you select. mauve in pickiog out the choicest mlflosnrennleuvlietasr ilteic:lllh:7:dbils irint rye at ' 'n ay be pronouncedperfect-.,.4, that there is no maks it . „,,,f.;101::irld that can possibly ret . . r or money , ahort,to`gentle ro t 4. ta ent IS %eget. without one 44iri g to chilies in the housel MAIL Romani' —On Elaine'sly night; the 15th of February, a daring mail robbery was perpe trated at the York SWUM House, on 'the Northern Central railroad, by the abstraction of the mail matter from a pouch ctintainiug the letters, Sic., for Harrisburg and the interior i f Pennsylvania. The:pc' WA wag 'Sint the Station House about 9 o'clock that evening, and was awaiting the arrival of the midnight train when the robbery was committed. The fact was only discovered on last Wednesday, when two boys named Feathers and Cremer discovered the pouch, minus the contents, with a slit cut in it, under the platform of the Station House. Tire Iftrronnrsozr Farati.—This celebrated troupe of singers will give a concert in Brant's Hall, this city, this evening. The Hutch insons have the rare quality of selecting all good pieces—all of them have a good'tendency, and have a living spirit in them which speaks elo quently out through their harmonious and ex pressive rendering. - We have never heard any troupe sing more feelingly, or infuse more spirit into their performtmce. No lover of good music can afford•to lose an opportunitypf hear lug them, as the most fastidious can , find no fault with a company who can sing as th 4 do. Their songs of liberty are stirring, and none can listen to them without being imbued, with their spirit, and feeling it to be right. We say then, let every lover of freedom' who wishes to hear music and sentiment '"after own heart," go and hear the Hutchinson to-mor row night. ---,.---- . tinuxamitu. Terterday. burst upon us, with all the warmth and splendor of spring,aud undin* the combined influences of the bright Kin; sod gentle breeze, the reels which have been so long and effectually blockaded by mud, dried rapidly, giving assurance that the posai bility of pedestrianism with any degree of oom - fort, was somewhere in the future. The blue birdi were evidently in a high state of excite ment, and made the tree tops. pulpits . from which to deliver many a thanksiiiiiiiiernon, eloquent, no doubt, had we but the key to translate them, whilit the larks among the moist stubble fields senekirth •thilir 14 ; Sweet vehiatie,acting as choiresters for the ocaution.— The feathered congregation, however, appea red comparatively small, owing to the fact, probe- , bly, that the mo t namerona and fashionable part of it has not yet returned from its summer resorts. Loarais.—Tbe fraternity of. loafers is very ancient, if not very honorable, and there have always been found plenty of fellows who pre ferred to be theornaments of t he , community rather than attiinipf tie of any use to it The war has caused a very seasonable diminu tion of their numbers, and it is to be hoped that mini of them, after having been ground throngk the mill of adversity, will come out.of the hopper good citileitti, &aim There are still quite etforiglititig'intinu . rift, however, to. lounge about the - corner'grdoerlesi; lean phut lamp posts, sodsyort s lt,y4l%otts t throrigh the pleasant summer days, and `we fancy thst s thisduntiry could find a much greater field for his labors amongst them gait in Titnbuctoo or the fiaudWich Their principal duties seem to hely emoke.considera big, Chew a grent deal, and drink thin atityktidf asks them to. _lc they pare any, other oomPtt tion it is cairisdOo under cover of the night, and Would hirdli biiir the eickishre of the light; The senius corner loafer' seems to be silent and solitary biped, although it . converses at dries in a language which is peculiar to-it self. The tongue is not altogeth'lr a strinki one, but the words are so twisted and inter-; larded with oaths and slang that it is with difficulty interpreted. Lae the xow, it is . .a ruminating animal, and chews "the cud of sweet and bitter fancy," and of kilo= at the same time. It is flashily dressed, but is often shabby, for loafing is not generally profitable pecutilarily. It sports heavy brass watchguards and diassive seal rings with'red glass atimes.- 7 It sticks its hands in its pockets and leers and puffs smoke at passers-by. Only at certain seasons of the year—when the eleitiois come round—is it of any use, and then> it knows its value and assumes npronrtioriattirrißoOstpe r The other genera of the loafer hafe their char - aoteristics, but they can never be interesting animals to study. It is a pity that they wild, not be substituted for some of tebrave fellows who are sweltering under the ;lout/Lau sun. — 7. They would fraternise aniiiiiihrY with the con e trabands, and as food for powder would be 1 4= valuable. Like Shakespeire's of strange oaths and bearded like the parci," they might be trained to stand up before the rebels with muskets and look very fierce, and perhaps that, in a month or two, will be all: that is needed. Twb HUNDRID Pumas of beautiful new spring calicoli; a large lot of bleached and unbleached muslin of the best' make`; blue chenks, at 124: :dente per yard ; white stockings, at 12+ cents; another lot of those, good whit); rib- bed etockings ;. ladies' pocket harulkirchlefs, at 1.21 cents; children's pocket handkerchiefs, with 'border, 6 mate ; shirt breasts 121, 16 and np• to 87+ cents; 26 pieces new pant stuff undershirts and drawersvery cheap ; cotton and nrotHeri• socks, at all pill:mil 40' &Oen woolen stockings, for children, .12}_ cents,, yard bleached muslin - 12+ --cents; all wool French merinos, all;colors, at 62 'and 76 cents. Having bought the balance of the stock Of a city ' wholesale hate of plain add 'figine¢ 'mans, brillanta, WM, Namur& and Victoria lawns, suitable for dress** as those goods will be very scarce and cletar,aext summer now is the time to buy. Our stook Of Furs at cost. S. Rhoads' Old Stand. Nnw Goons.—l am now selling off, my entire stock of goods at and below cost, or 25 per cent. cheaper than you can pOrchase eliewherek viz: Sue"linen shirts, 76 Ma. to sl;.shirte,.so cts., and 60 cis, with linen. Oosorrulisifht slairts,'6o cta ; 'udder shirt's and drawer& 40 ots. to, 87 eta., all wool ; monkey jackets', 60 cts. to . $1; cotton and woolen hose .1 - o'ctir to 16 obi; silk ties, 12+, 16 and 18 cts; collars, 8 cts. to 16.cta..a piece ; ladies' coasts, 4 and cts.; cuffs, 4 and 6 cte, a piece ; under sleavei, 18 cts.; fine camigic at 18 ,ind_lB eta._ Per , aid worm 26 otit;,*?Fpeo bosoms of _ . ;;;4'610. 4451,1841,..y4 eta.; alt linen bosoms, 16, eta ; `and - upwards.:. If you want heap ; and- good- goods. Jut - go to - James -- A; Dirtrn Pat thgt; Harrisburg OhQap Shirt:Mum, &Mho, JB:oll o iPiLeibfftstittnserg • , to, me. made tor m geltmaur 112 market' 'leak 4imumegat moll store, Amen. peuneviut - ititih tetipion, Frasr DAYS OF SPRING. —A thoinand welcomes to spring. Though eh., cannot bring back with all flee flowers, the flower of our youth, }etshe brings joy to the earth still; the bees are once More out, the hare runs forgetting her feats, across the verdant fields ; all nature is full of motion ; the blue birds and goldfinch slog, and man is busy at fence and drain, is plowing and . sowing and pruning and planting - , while. he talks of good years gone, and hopes for more, spring stirs everything with her influence- 7 and makes us more than all other seasons; iu . love with life. Urich Sr. Bowman i artsking of the seine influence, are:now teceiving their first stock of spring dry` gotids, at .the south east editor of Front and Market streets. 2t FBMii24l rEntaxinjftafralb . Use that Safe, Pleasant. Itlpmety*DowiL as ; RELMBOLD T-4..,MA07-41UollU; „for adComplande Incident to the tex.• No Pamhyobkohiditio' • ' • *itiithii ”, • And None will when once Tried by them. If Is used. by YOUNG OLD. , In the Decline or (Magee of i Ife, dfkr, And -Before Marriage; "During and After Cotutnemeni. a Pfrengthen the Negkoa,, Resume Nature& ha Miter Oliamiet, e n Invigoiate the itrokeiAlown Ccalatttation. lima whatever Muss Originating. USE NO MORE WORTHLESS PILLS ! Take BELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCET: Seit advertisement In another column. Cut it out and lend for it. marl 2 d2m DYE! HAIR DYE! I A. Batchelor'f; HO' Ityo 1. 'Alt others are mere imitation, and ehould 'he' avblited wistito etampeiidleols.: . • . .• • OBEY, RED OR RUBIY dyed.„lnsiantly. - to,a beautiful and mutual Brown or 64c14 without the, least, injury to flair or Skim... ' FIFTEEN; alefle.l,S.AND• -DIPLOMAS havi been 'War.' did to Wm. A. BaTOHBLOR sins 18 9, and over 200,000. , applications taiva•beenmintle to the hair.. of - the patrons or bin &nicks bye. Wk. A. BeTCEIRLOIPS HAIR DYE p-oducas a color not to be distinguished from nature and la WaltlialrrED 'Dot to injure in the least, hoverer long It may be conga-. usid, , ,and the MI effects or •badkCeria remedied: , -The 'lge , fethlotils prop erly applied at No. 18.110rul stresit,N,ew SoW II all the dila andlnwMCOt the United State% by Gloode'Dmilore • - Thp Genuine has the name "William A. Batchelor," and itddive ppon a steel-plate engraving, on :the Blur eldea of each box. ont2-4taid;', " • ' DR. pIIPONCO'D' COLD - Eit "Read the Milo certithado" from_ As, og • i ttrat. ladled ln MIAs, N.Y.; who-tidbit' dfkiii bar itit; city 01r.49/m..Bristol At.oo.4itted. told them. that she, of course, Minot wis i bex rotate mmic : POMO, buttEalny • one shoUld otag the, wee.`trfilladdelepelY Pf DPW/ I .n co'a GiOldip, they Might refer any Lady Ni her, as she rerielatavid it a duti ( ciidi , Well- as pletioire,h to et Knowledge ofz their admittlatered4Mher dauglogr N a young adyl7 "taro old., o.lux was (Mt gu leg into con. taken .cold—naiuto below}, obstructed Two bones of these, Golden' ' br,Ore ly cured bor t . and, bhp' vovriln .heArm "We *Or- ,Ardeillar, IP an d. explicit directfoni aiscompanrug &UM Price Y. ; - Sold ,Whollisitaler ant. retail'lf o.ijA ) Bigirv - Jonecßner, eUvatiAwrip.; burgea. Ry /ending either of themAlTflAthtddkhii,ker Garr burg Pggt QUlce thm P 114.71111 ally by melt to matt part or thircoantif,"MW of oosrage. • .N. rseifordciusitetildiro 01„„an4 - Alod,wieimAlmigng Mberii is a lkiite -Aiming* pi,ona ale ; tburefore, you Oleo yofiellties ttiChealMllo, bey nothing of b. lag hombuggedmot-of-:.ybur itiMey,) 'bey only of those who spow the signature of S. D. Flown on every Sc.,, vhich had recently t,tion Added on oirtiout of the Pills , 1•1(101 orionioribitro, you ingredients composing ms abovis Pills are made known to every Agent, ano they are se,fe, and will perform all claimed for them. Sold also by, T. L Lumberger r lebilmon ; A. J. millir em, filechasicsburg ; It. Marts; Lewistown ; 8. Whitt. Cards, B. G. wild, Nowville ; G. Ankle, Shippers% burg;'} Spangler, Chambersiburg; It. T. 4iller, Yora ; J. A. toll; Wrightsville ; 8. 8. Stevens, Reading ; and H. P. unter, Rdvting, and hy oroggftt" in every U vil lage in r • •-• • - 2:1). , g0wx, . e 3 Cm 9014 Proprietor, New yur. PUBLEYSALE; be B 9 l 4:e.“'Able; , • Bale . •'• On IMNIODIY .12tarq 1 1862 at C 4 MigliailF.94 eg i tbaP9Cujio9 l / 8 ,4 11 ; ca rneilfi# l 4- 41 ,,A0 n1 0 4 P.C1i - • .1;11 i • 2„p()," t9O .1 NPA11.211111104 more or. leas. It will be moll: In lota to suit purchasers, and wphout yes rya. ." Eaxeltoeurnmante at to o'cloca a. ar. By order of RICHARD I. DoDGE, Capt4n Flghth Infantry, H. S. A , Diasnuatng Odicer. • San Terms comb. [marl(-dts] UP, Lovering's and—ititewart's, for by NICHOLS & BOWMAN, • Corner Front and Market street. S Y fob IptzBENCS of VANILLA, Esseuce of jug Lemon, Flevoang Rxtracte, for aide et the new WI/oh&le and Retail Grocery and ergorinhm,ltsqecoont, air frOnt and Market streets.. it „ ' i" ' ' F 1 ILY WAB,HIN% al 61;9,1 1 - and retail grocery store of • NlClffOid * PiefieWll4,Y r " arrner of Breit and IdeiketstAtetia • • t REEDS.—Juat reomviptAt farge,invoioe of codes Garden ..."04, rising a greater variety of imported and hoiiie• grow has, ever been offered In this city. Those. , iglu) , aciti dilearb Purchase, can depend upon gettkoOlie Asstitt. the world, at the waolesale and retail groatrY4 akme • wm. DOCK; IliCliCd; • L II • • ALE, PORTER AND Atirt44..,; - ;,1 XOTICE is hereby given te,,U4:10. oli.f Harrisburg, that the undersignef lug intAqrpoit r. IL blazer to receive orders for any o ' ,dly,Manntao-. tares; The collecting will be attended tolij gigot Alll orders left as atz ten to. GnOßGE,),ingiKs. . re am. Yoltaville -Pat MU excuse for having Boota_anct.Ses.:. l n ot, blackened. Blacking thatirwaya:Apgaiktom. water realty boots. Just the thleitifo/Atiqmmrhatt, canary e cannot afford two or threw Aff.fingla or boats. Coll and akandinyeal LAI NICHOLS 41KIWAIAN'3,' comer Front tai 31farket,atr ... filL4 DIAISMM IS f" SOOTS AND SRO' 'l' . tlale BBFFALO AND GUM OVER SHOES, TRUNKS AND . CARPET BAGS. 41.03.1 OLD STAND corner of the alley, next to the Dart ones, Market street, Rarriahurg r Pa. • Thankful for the patronage heretofore bestowed upon the late Arm of A. Hummel & Co., we trust by strict at tention ko business, and by keeping a well maw= 57001 OP 00o* to merit a cominuance of ttemame. Please call and examine our prOar and !WOW before buyingleisewhereil s i • A -amour - .Goods are purchased direct from ho inane facture" fog cash enehling them to sell very low. TO GRAIN q.c :pp 1 BALTIMORE BAG ( P49 , TORY, No. 77 South i Stroef, Balikmo re Md. IS=Aqrkilluto.lnumish • Government tors and others with Linen or Cotton Hags of su iliZegVprOiaMOOF iow prices. Oils and m ai Giongoorkwallpd ittatgirair.advantagri to.giveane A awl., . JOHN a G FUN saltingore, Jan. 17th, 18651" iy2Weads--. CB .:§YruPity t 4acovoriAga.:Egtsl: other. # Cal* biandlY fOr Balf47_ il/ W CI L S i g B 6 WAIAZi. , JIG, , - " muter Tiontand itarketiOre#4,,,'• i r ie-OWtNB , 1.-4T34he=Ttikle4tild ffef c 6B Pagine IV very convvideit. '1611144 - Met - Also; _ - lithoorandum Bodlts, Pormaan & 0., vaia saa 800.011 nanaL /1111 BOOKIIOB2. Wholesale Factory, 81 Barclay St., , -Late 288 1 iiroadwit,"*Cw York, . . A CAltOW:Tift "Lib)fiDi. fittiutimage cirri ;_ Mach 19; lBb igisEttlantons. itt4l6cßi, 98 Market street, Harrisburg, Pa., Draws Dr 3E T t AIL ZINTA, , r N l7 7 - EW NOSEWOOD PIANOS, from the best makers, from $OO upwards. taitroMolitc. • THE -BE 2.IIIANUNAII4TURED •, INSTRu -MEM% FRCIK - 346;iti-$19(l. Guitars, ViOlins,Accordeons:Flutes, fifes, Drums, Banjos, Ar9bottrines, Violfilland 'Guitar strings and maxi, cal meiroltandlim In Orniiial: 'BAeI 4147,810. THE LATEST PUBLICATIONS always on hand. Pinsk sent by mail to any part of the pout4prii_i . OVAL, IMAt o lgraf l / 4 rk zi - Snits i hie for looking gleam, and all kinds of pictures alwayson hand. die iiiicirgriple-Of Vett Witea L CiViefri t L'A 13 .- * t 9 argtre .0 enu r e% f ir4ci -Order ow the .shqttat notice febl9-wally _ f.; Anivrarovziage - ‘ EKELLEGE,STOEY, by liolwer, 11111 E. • trated, price 26. Dinah - . • $l.OO Tile Warden, by (packet. ii, .•‘; . 25 Pestle Wafer, by the Ithilior lof "Enid Lynne". 50 Treasure Trove; by s Loieti n'ew • editiop,,... Toni; Crosbfirthlid t r ibrflieriailby 60 The Droktm Engagement, by Mrs. South- Word': , . • 25 With air the new books as-soon as published at BEFI9- i . :13 °heal:l,l43k gpre. iktoszy.#lllB)?X_ • DORTEMONAIES, WALLETS , POOll - et-booldo,laatiketi'' thin; Ladies' baba Fateheti; tadiee Traveling tialithel& We are constantly receiving **Miens to our stock of the above , goo4s,i and neaps earfty have a floe sosorpierd of the wait istylei. We respectfully invite persons wanting to purOutee'atty or Ito oglove smiles toensoline the stoeit-hitowing that a grfttle..vartety or better goode amino: be tinuid - in the city. KELLltlini Drier and Panay Stn M i market street, ono door oast of /earth Motet iooth •-' . CHOICE. . , LIGET .. BMA:DING fiE SDITIBItAki . 1 1 • DS, •by the author of i " ''Butledge," Prico $1.25. " ' ^'? `4;140 new editions of : : lITI.EIVE - 4iiiilfiirm- with "The Slither ireafr laud " $/.26. - - -B , AR—twenty-VW editlop4f.26,, . fEk LYNNE—A rievi.:S6rel-.1.30.,0ertte.,,, _ TOM IDLES GRO UND,` Dickens; 26 Feta. FOR EETTEB,•FOICWORSE 88 ace: , 1 ~ Togethir with all the New:Books ; s oon as publiehectat' - --' . 4 . ' '''' - ' BEDlSER'S.dieriarToolprolus. .... • tOilit—ii: .644E0,- d ..._ .. . ..... ~.„., ....,, ' 141514 - ~. 8W ar , Snag =ORE . , OZlp,Silgt , SICOONO-AND Vi r AtIVOTIFTS: * ' ' ‘.-', : ._: ' . YkatiiiibOli, - J'.- •- ' Ta-- 4. 11,W lam/ it'lifitkfaidOrtitiiiit "ols r I.....,SHOMOariaTEitS,' ac., or thi ieh.,1444. *A Orl tor' lOW''. Milemati. Mid - .obildrepi , we . Pfloll ' , odlethelimeli:• slllllods` or kint4 Kai* TO 1 ? l ar• ar t ri l t . rt=it r, :rh ig . Bll T: :urtl9o k - •vtzl at. - - : ' - vim; 11' ffirini dearktmii t it*F.:,'itifOLP:ll:P. TEU.PSER - ,Wp I MQ Treitei3VAlYinbirk*. his . odd L,...._, ii4roftii4 - .1.,- .S.C.o.4nersiky, Ala& he viii ~ . _4._vleraiumu'u 9haPlUag ~ P UNII.tFORTE, JR. h/ A 4 OLIN .1144; - I/14640m0 0141110BOUGIt: RAM.V(9 .wilt ,w 4 klk. piernooro.wait lipoo..puiptio at , ..ibetr 5 4 kcill Autiluiax: 4€ 11• .tesPIMA will begiVinia , ' 4lll ' :44l oolP 4 Ccit.:Thiril .Ares.. few doors :below , lib ( Urinal? mirmineirelicAS4l, • -44)(0.411 ~ WIMIti liti3LX..7ctip'47tAkdost DE I som ir4l4 ifiti'Piiittckleashisind, Al 4, , L A:jalirks irn 41;41 Fresh d-k-Al tri"'" Bop, (*nines , vlic 4 PAAPoleal To bacco '4.14 etcatitrY;t4oiloo6 4 1 . ilebOro, - 10 - 46 curuer f-Tbibinkitil 1901catr.'!" . tc.. .." - t 2 tidfai'S.' - -,.' : ,-, -., ....., 1 .i , :,..: . 10 4# WiaX. i IikAAWA44IO:47iI ENGT BI4OK.ING:' coLorcetolsi*ed lied for •• Wimple =pricier, r ' 4 • ' •z • • wm. DOOR - Jr. 'lt 00 sale at dell " ' tiECRIVED. aßcgui l l i i 4 o QCOOMIO and Bentimen- Ltt4l3ralentimea, 4 t litirentiprines. - SOMEIPPIZEPII,BOOkitore. f 2 8 tfranges , - ate . .s, OurrAnta;lhAAMA BA , salri low At N10M4M.04 BOWMAN, . Cornerlirant'sliA streets. riR mare° pialverkg4 atia4 other augara.for sale by • Gorpar.n9l4.saitliarlce, atreata,; 1)1RIM IFOR 18' 62:. - 4" emit, *aricity. • ex4ediai jot,/ at ( • ' SUOMI: _NNW:MM. I IP •• • - 04 ar - ihan,byt ENNO; • qt.Tz!.°3-F 'ad*al b•wcri. CO goy o?' t•*ow 24, - * ' I :3U-1! Ilk Cora Jima tliourS, No solo low by Nlobolo waet gismo ma Market otrgetslz ~....foot-y Wet) any 110119 E in barg, forma. i-- , to. -1 . • ; zi • 7 " 7 .7. '7 1.7 airter,Froarssid CO EEC ii "L 8 Iz:DRESI3 GOODS I FURS - 1 ARO - Edto4,of these goods will be Paled - Of jeg_ ow _por (Magoon! es. Nine Pm TheY ! : t !,11.1110-1.qfin..1"941-14**1 i=l ICE Teas, Green.and 'Black for sale by N1CH01,414,36W1L1N, Corner Frens and Motet streets. cbU CO OIL; Viiiona . , - :ieugnolie,,, Lucifer, d other noo•explosivelisiads,"tor isle low by • NICHOLS as BOWMAN, • ::Corner Pratt and Market stroke. 1221 " I rash gar. en see s _ • fr m Baba, PhEadelphM. Tor ado by Nichols Boilmal, coma of front sod Market 'sweets. m7-y till, RH Oranges, .Lemorus, Raisins, Co -1 4 "rar , -raw, loot reeeintand-for sale- by 243FROLS & BOW saell4l&, OaluirtlEroni aid Mite& id. febl4 LI;.1-alit' tr-,EArep :Atmore° rxtre, dugt,s t . 0A UMW «N ity u Dtlo6. Jll. t t.ll • . KEREL Nos. 1, 2 and 3in all sized 4g, ipageii. A largo supply Just received, and each passage i *arranted as repisieated, forma by WM BOCK, Jr.; k Co. „ , rBkl Lemons, Apples, Cranberries, foSalc. by • NICHOLS & BOWMAN, X9l i 4 ,, • corner Front, sad Martel Wog, elO ay - Wheat, Nide -, ki • e:-Itie BO 430dOo•Or="1010 O —4 4 Site i s variety of eaßrrs aisifitt sifd easwieh ig 11 OOKSTORE. ,The gifsslcal and gibe' Bent Delineator of Character. This Will be the most Brilliant, Varied and 'ILECHEROH.E DEMONSTRATION Offered to the:Maass of Harrisburg for yea.s. ADMISSION Reserved Seats In Orchestra I§ aunts extra. - 4Doors open at quarter betoie seven ci'olock— commence at' hartliast seven. mar-12-dtd MC H 0 86 DOWMAN Corner ot Frontranci market Streets. (b. gninmel ' g'tild itin44) • • T—TAVE .-fieieTP l 4kikt to ,plape- their _entire A.A. stock cif' "it 11 GROCERDIS,‘;PIpTISIONS, FRIIITO, , • at e, ,ass_itliblidtresent hard times, and re tuly'au the attention of the ;citiasaa,.o€ rrisburg and vicinityto,theirprltepsirestocir o goods, consisting of SUGARS, SYRUPS, r . r .;. ' TEAS, COFFEE, SPICES, LEMONSitI QBAITCOET4OI bErgatLiWAREg WM. KNOCHE, 98 Minket stiveti) MOM, FISH, &o. We have also &F 1 considerable trouble* getting the sale 6f fliE4erall blinds of 4 '6 oirt ox L • .All of which we warrant'tci NON-EXPLOSIVE, i',411: glitirAT ANV FREE FROITODOE; , • as far as practicable. Among others, we have 7;' , vr•tii --e. • 111AGNOLW 1.17011 1 ,ER, Ettit iNsa te t .. • • . All of which wel,crib„ . . 7 . sell wholesale or retall, and lower than anv-piiii ; hause in Harrisburg. .-Also;!skilitinde.of gm FLINT AND GRAT I N . ordits : was; We also invite attentYcii - ciii yeirie)ct4 and extensive assortmefit " • PITI3 - LIO SALE.- ,TN PTIftaVANCE - of an order of the 01:- pinittiv'etobrt of Dauphin county , will be exposed tO Aube, on SiktURD AY, the 29th z day ottlit . 4'186 2' slither, Pa. lie House of Beni twin Gemerin Linglestowh,l Dauphin county, at 12 o'clocl94, fiajjoiring- J real, tate, viz : A certain treat or piece or land glib:bed : in West Hanover township, county st'oresaid, bounded by handl, of Gorge w. Pinney, Atitillitufey and iittra4s . tion;i tabling twenty - aloe and a haGibireariliAlso cerlaitti of Premed in Linglestown, Lower PextVownS4lll. As? 41. 1 bYkarket , street, and by propprly of - Ana _Herat l{ , ga . the wet and William Cassel, Mahe °At; %Haifa lift 200 feet deep sod 60 feet front on Market street, wheredlil islateated a two story trameApOyekjang. ,i)rente-stable,. lateSes mists of be noel Stesmre.tioner. • Attendance will be given adirrambitt mb ogsbemlade krowa by AARUM:IIOItif fl -"' • iTruslee, dm., to sell saliteier said . .ineeessed: OHL RD:GLAND, Clerk, 0 j , • . . rE undersigned Audit9rjciipontntedilly: the Court of Common Pleas ‘ ofAlauhlihs.conity,; : to Itriliels the balances In thelhands git - A." 1 0-11.1ester and.Oharles P. bitterish, asahrinitiekif Jo WilloWar *satin Wallower, .or. and ofitheihrm Wickwire Se Sour' °Not the credit ori, herebygitre notlee thatthey. wiimeet at the office of Dayid,tietrting., Asii.cor purpose aforesaid, on Frilair dast ,bf March praiit_ 10 o ' clock A. M., wheildid - - whet* a ll tiirtiefth.. ; reeited are requested to atteuce ,, n • n ••;tr.? - • LAW SCHOOL' C 31.10 A s' HAIRVARD COJELE GE, :1808 T &MIS of nineteen Nieieks eiteh, 'epnneecin g March 3d and &Wernher /At. DoT Catalogue andleklidi4 / Pridlls, Mann !!, b Pk , tentlf.-• , •.•.•.; .11,.1z.44.440!:•. _ 17*: lON a,F,p T retilia N'l ; 1.. i-a I BIZIAIARD AND ‘ BOWLI.II4 . I3AIOON, :t'' E 'l7o,ll9 mARRiii iimpir.„..w44,.wimi Wes ~ subscribers having -erested-a e '' siding at, the above plitqweilreeslyirorthe puree,. 'slow ve tudicated, beg to aalithp LLtifisilap Sir, th?P, ll .ki limb e following : .., , .TSB Miff, on ,„, eiffilt floor, with a dining , 'ioani . 'all* is fitted up in Itrst.-elisiiemsy*,suipt willesr.sati Califs rippled witikLyberpest OYSigilitill lib; behachis e s i agLic6.oiti.s, together wi th terrapin , b; and a - li ki tt nds gaMeNti stases. Oysters served op in every style, had meals to be had akelthontilizillie Ales or all the celebrated brewmiter..ot the aortae i ooaiaatlp en hand. i .. . - A 29. 1, , r!,, - L. - - - I .to 1:- v•i,%c TheTet -pin Alley, Or aowlint _mom& In the rear,, itiLd attains three alleys or mbeletn main eition, , tnlere the l lii rs of this nealkyiniersiss can ehibifltheklefilffiej Ma Billiard Saloon is up•sttfirp,relepnOykAltieeti up; . sn4 et4darins three kr top a , mbination (marten ..ii loleckuelluai co any m _, '-- Egritmurg has sou it.the want of a grealf4iiiiiiik. l 'Mon ar this kind, andlilsVhe proprietors aracktieratinekt te.oonduct it in a quinrclealyinipzviewilky z owe-, cyllning in their powK alceAt' ikTme, antbliumt,l iii - ey*: pp e to receive ev. share of'; osep e ' WlLLlAile . a."kieFfifilaint & OM '' . _ ~..., , 40. Ni. 44 - I:r.m.mTclizr ~..„ ....,:.:,. TBANELIMICOMONMEIC T.. :LE 3 Lk 7, ,;: , , -, . WO) WA OlUdig ..::: e i'.,o . • ~ .tillTsV HIS H OLD TRANSEWATION.RiLINB ' lie= in aturcomehloprestionViaredjteamy' 'tour LOW as sovollieir iii _ -line beterten, phis, lEarrirdnirg,lftbibury, wiebnrt; Wklikaire-! ti,...iersey Shore, Lock Haveiii.tibi dirlf-Odnblos Ike' rNeithen Cent Pidtadebhis and Erie, sod Williinall' [-port sidilyrjra„ C. ' -- Loard4 . ...ant at Itarrisbp ~--, 9).. tiii:Mu c ' '! (k 7.,t ,ieR5 al t....,1 Geode seat to PEAOOOK, KELLAILIAQMMAN,,, , Iies. 808 and $4O _.Market Area, above Miihtli, by Crdo& , P. M. * fl Oat Harrisburg. ready for do livery the' next infruinF — s --- ti -- .:.: 0. P. WENCH spill a (,•";,;_. ~ JasiielinfriSireritr J, ill'Enit 1 fIiEFEEDI3I 1: ' SEEDSTM : i .";- . ' 1 , . 4 it' • - Tl - 167 received acd,lo :i,iii ,ft Le Agri a general Store, no grn Stretc - Aki k - ; 14 ,0 k G0 g WO! OPX.L a fresh and assume' - ' - cir I;34,i;Aiu;.ll4fe* Seeds - ha the Etta* out side of Ph' - :e n -9 dr.r . rte l iteds at THREE VIE, ..-. . g r iLOAVR, Ph' woutilfrigp. 4 tcl"...tikl . ill iiiiiii'ila ' ' ‘'iste . g , had Prim rtlidnlaitithifirNdee...-Anaili-Outit.itt_prtoet. radon' .emeee: be under Bold.. Men, ditrioteltareL nkd ..itortteul. turd Implements for Wein ettion. 4 43nuittisiteution to my stain. IDANIP-Atomffispi; resll-w8t4.21. ...,110.mario4 dr*. . . ri AUGUST LNE 1,....._c1i0 - wh. I CARPENTER AN1Y.1q4.1444.., Ilailknee No. 27 Aljoki‘isififiteeg. . N. B—JOBBING ATTENDED TO. ' ' 1 .' ,3 h , . .liduti•!.; ,4 '.) , :xl. i." 'I :'' 'l. a‘inlabitlF.ll yeia ' ji Fakfiiiiipi I Fir : , 9BlllrY 9 C I ' ' ''' . l - '. . . . . ..t* 1.1, Wit, Li . ..1, , -ikti ~# , g * 11, lak , '' ilia - , for ask by NICHOLAS k BOWMAN, robll Oorner Preatand Market ett•eets. 'Amusements. SANFORDI OPERA. HOUSE, DOUBLE ENGAGEMENT. SIGNOR BLITZ- AESISTSD BY Tail OgLypitATED DR. VALPATINE. == QUEENiA*II& . oan at IZTNICIIOtB I -100WMNN' , corner ofYiiint andlibirlietiffeetai AUDITOR* .NV“iMF: • , D.. FLEMING ;.tardi aIIIKEIRMO, Neb. 12, 1862.1:, -ftlipr-domi2* REMOLD'S GENUINE PREPARATION "RIG I LY CONCVNTA alai" - untroUND RIGID /Ming BUOSU, A Positive and Spedde Remedy - Fer. Mester or the BLADDER., KIDNEYS, GRAVEL, nod:DROPSICAL SWELLINGS. This Melizine inerearee the power or Digestion, and ettintee the ABSORBENTS int tiewitey whoo p :by which the WATERY OR CALCAREOUS depositions and altlJlf NATURAL EINLARGERBNTB are reduced, as wail sa PAW AND INFIALMATIoN, and tit Ki for EN, WOMEN OR CHILDREN. HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU, Per Weaknesses Arieng from &mamas, Habits of Deemlon, Early In. discretion or Abuse. ATTIE DED WITH THE FOLLOWING SYMPTOMS :-- lelfseisition to Rcertion, LOW of Power Loss of Memory, DMlenity at Breathing, Weak Nerves,, Trembling, Horror of Disease, Wakefulness, Dimitess d Vision, - Pain' in the Back, 'Universal Lassitude of the Mascolar Bystem , ' :Mt iHarld sk , - • Finshineof tile Illody, •Dryness oT the Skin, Eruptions wit to a Face, ODUNremAaros, Thome symptoms, if allowed to go on, which the tied- Mine Invariably removes, soon follows • impormcy, FAIUTTY, EPIPTIC MB IN ONE OP WHICH THE PATIENT LE MAY bPP IRE. • Who can say that they are not Sequa fly followed by those .orßarut. DISEASES, • • "INSANITY AND CONSUMPTION," -Many are aware of the cause of their anffeeing, BUT NONE WILL METES'S. THE RECO Ilk 3 OF THE INSANE ASYLUMS, 44stIele MelaiseAcly Deaths by Oongengskes, 5155 AMPLE wawa To mu vaunt ur Ins , estmemort THE CONSTITUTION AFFECTED WITH ORGANIC WEAIINIA, • itemilres the aid of medicine to strengthen and ERZ • 111FigOlSllnk, Wif" /111 " 11).3 EXtRACt 1317 1 11U. i , the Sya tpiobly doa i • TRULL WILL 001TICImi ,rtoeer FEMALES—FEMALRS—FEMALES, iiiLDpR YOUNG, SINGLM, MARRIED, OR OONTSMPLA -7t TING IILARRIAGR. ~. ne,IIILANY AFFRCTIONS PROULIAR TO FEMALES, the Attract Beebe b unequallo by, ring other remedy, imitildorosis or Retention, Irregiitarity,Painkinsiss, or eippreede nof Customary Evacuations , • Ulcerated or Sitrrhoue state of the Uterus, Lencorhaeri, Whitest; Bteril tt a jgd for all complaints lueldent to the sex, whether a front Indlseretioa, Habits' Of Dissipation, or in 0-!! ' • . s--•i I DECLINE OR CHANGE OP L<) so NO FAMILY SHOULD'UE WITELRIT IT . Win so moan Rusin, MitgUirr i , usessaamer Axes ion UNPLISSASPS 400 :9 ) . 1038201 :ra MMUS. HRLMBOLIPS - EZIRACF .litacrat acerr anuN DlSKAtlll3. In all their Stages, At little Expense , Littleor no change In flint ; No inconvonte co; And no Alagooters. . • .49149 es a frequent desire and 'rival strength to Urinate, t i lebieby removing Obstructions. "'Preventing and Curing Strictures of tine Urethra, t,Allaying Pain and Imeamtliation t. so frequent In the .0144 tit diseases, and expelling all Poisonous, Dsatassai nndnorn-aK Matter. THOUSSNDS won Tattooer:De - tt 0 Mfrs Railet7HE war ESOP QUACKS, lanOrho have paid awry Pm to bo cared •In a. alien Ilme!have (nowt they were deceived, aintaint the '9os' 'has, by the use of “P 015147171. ASTRUSOitiIs, been dried i l up in th e system, to brae+ out In aggravuted form,iand r . PERHAPS AFTER MARRIAGE =EI MEI .:x~- ; ~ ' ' I Use EtruntouilkErnitor Bailin ter all Vfockons and dimming of the I Tilt INARY ORGAN'S, • ~.,übether existing in . . ---•- " . . I DIAL E ORE PISSIALR, W Frio whatever cause originating and noniter • t ' '.• ` ' HOW LONG S rasDitito. ...:. i• Dissinjes of these 111Fga'tielrequiriftbe aid of DpRIE TO• KILIEBOLD'S EXTRACf RUCH L' • - •• • , '- '' • or, 1 IS THE ORF.AT REURVIA. • Is And certain to have the deiired.- idiot in all Dmeaseee roR WEIGH IT IS RECOMMENDED: , 11o4roce of the most reliable 101 reiliogala ch a racter Will accompany the rnedices. >..1 I CERTIFICATSB OF CURES, .... ~•, i Prom II lb 20 yearn stonSakb. WI NANIte KNOWN to -t- SCIENCE AND FA , AFt. i •-• . 'rice El 00 per bottlei•or•six for 15 00. - , •••: Dowered to any addrees, securely packed from cheer liattild. • _. . ,„DEVRIEN SYMPTOMS TN ALL COMMITTNICATIONS City* Guaranteed) • ,-• , Advice Gratis! :- ~, '''.i.flafGEDAVlT. , 4 4 % entaminifilippe4ret.boore me, an Alderman of the .ty oil Philadelphit, H. I'. Egutime, MAO Deng ditty sworn; dab say, his preparations contalano nairretio,no ereery, or other injurious drugs, ,but are purely toga tote I ' ~.. , • H. T.RELYBOI D.' 13worn and subscribed before me. this ?Aridity . ..l No vtimbir, 186E WM. P. 11013ERD, Alarm s Ninthßthibove Rani, . • 'Address letters tor information In confldenee 40- H. T. HELMl3OLDitiliamlak 0W*4,104 South Tenth St; bol. Chestnut, Phut., !, BEWARE OF uttUN EINAAP MITE AND UNPRINCIPLED DEALERS; Who elndeavor to diverse "or 721618 OWN" and 'VMS" UnrnoLte on vas mommnan Ammo) •ffeltatioid's Genuine Preparation n„. ...xtract Buftm, e ar SaP ari nal " Improved Rose Wash. •180141 by O.K. -.eller, D. W, Oposs, J. Wyeth, 0 a. n 4IBD AL DR UGNIST3 syssywatiiiii.t ASE - FORBELEBOLD , S. TAKE NO OTHER. Vat out Rib idelnitrement and send for tt ANUATOIDIMPOSITIO's AND EXPOSURE. novUt.dly , HOTEL : 365 & 367 BROADWAY, CORER OF FRAtipr ii..'irioder, ~, NEW Yank' • - . :;.•. V 8 first-class house, - tile' moit 'clitiet; h 4 . 4,. make, and pleasant hOtol - in .tido. dlty—Orera noPerior inducement , to thosa viraitint46l, YOMllit' -nutineas or pleasure. It la central in its !Nation, aid kept on the . I . ..EUROPEAN PLAN, in:connectiorywith TAYLOR'f3 F3';ALOON . , Buts can be had - ainll hours"; or torrid 41., own rooms. The chirps arc sealer& to,Alike tones Sad attendance of the firsWorder—baths, and ;al the tabdern convenience &nacho': reallate ) ;10 i 0 ! o-.74r;r4 E t COAL REDUCED 11 1 :Ft . onsideration of the hard times and flje sell exclusively FOR CASH, I have reduced the Pr Coal as follows : . s.Lylinsa Palley Broken.. SIS $2 90 per ton " Larifs . ' Bit 29 0 " g ma s Egg 11 2 ,90 Ai It Sgiv r e . n 290 . u if [,- Nu t_ 225 .9711101Batt;* " 90 " " 44 290 - OlitUrOtitatihrered by the PATIN! Wien Wan; It 'cart 00 • the purebasers dcor, and if it falls ~ I roman, the Coal wild be forfeited. .0. wa ge" beep Quaid" , Weed, delivered free hem "dim • AkjOdinfold In 'Aeutltfee, at the innate. _witotsani vcalglattstpoponit.Oelebrated Powder, a large supply ?i tt,l29 40 4- galkesrAOrlsre Moog. „ lot , "of,..rferler , b&lllfskir w sa incxi le. ta. . 1,,, Raplt; it : I f c i zPPER :ll'i"l, '.4 `'l T ii i.ititeraik . i ./#10.,1.8; AiARICE7 STREET,' 1...i.:1,1 EIAJIIIISBITIIG. ' . ... , ._ . qdr i b t r iontsrlitri i ma t ziij a r tres Pr i lzu p nl i - R a vi' iii Drafts, -1..:, 44.1c$s : .Printed 'at $2, $3, $4, and. ft 'poi. 21,3 thous& d !gavial. style. . . . , , 1 .•.- in . NIA.ZA RE TH' 13 4 5_ Fca. 8 . 0 - 1* WrAZA , comity, ps. Fj~syof.uoega`kooi%Eirilobititeby railroad to 104014 ' 411) ‘ )0 !erquOlisio r Fog". - , 7Rev..Enweno H. RHO, . . . I FOR RENT. rritlE rooms formerly occupied a fi llunkei, as a WIEOLESALIk • ADD RZTAIL Gwqg Y, having ample accommodation for the trans eoflon•oilicianiidosis. apply to • - ' GEM. G. MUM, mud skeet, oeiween state and Wadrost. , x . maer2eL~ 14 TEE 13 CORSET Of ‘ALL OF TB3B,DAVERIfn SIZE, zwia'r AelcoLosza., , the frtto!or anneacturad, can t4 c r i gt o r Nod door to the Bambinos Beak. I ; filisgllantatu Shun