~ailp Forever float that standard sheet I Where breathes the foe bat falls before us, With Freedom's soil beneath our feet, And Freedom's banner streaming o'er us. OUR PLATFORM. THE UNION-THE , CO*=IMON-AND THE ENFORCEMENT OF THE LAW. HARRISBURG, PA Wednelidai labining, March 19,'1, AFTER ARMS, DIPLOMACY. Jeff. Davis's message to the rebel Congress was a ory of defipair. He could not have' so knoWledged the hopelessness of the secession enterprise in words more clear. He said: - "I have to communicate that since the mes sage at the last session of the Provisional Con gress, events have demonstrated that the govern ment had attempted more than it had power successfully to achieve. Hence, in the effort to protect, by our aims, the whole territory of the Confederate Stain, seaboard and inlald, we have been so exopsed as reoently to encounter serious disasters." The conspirators made a three-fold mistake ; first overrating their own strength for such a struggle ; then in underrating that of the Fed• eral Government against them ; but most of all, perhaps, at the foundation of both these, in relying upon the active aid and co-operation of their allies in the loyal States. To the last, Davis expressly refers, as their "misplaced con fidence in those with whom they were lately associa ted." This confidence proved their snare. They lead a right to expect ready co-operation net only in the border Sties, bat in the entire North. They had sworn friends throughout the (jee States, and have yet. Those friends failed them in their hour of trial, not so much from tinachery as from an utter . Impotence to stand up fn the face of an overwhelming pub lic sentiment, that obliterated all old party linesiand made the only division to be between the friends of the Union and its foes; between loyal men and traitors. The, allies of the South in the.free States, willing, nay zealous as they are to fulfil their engagements, could do nothing. But now that these successive defeats of the rebeleAverywhere, have rendered their military enterprise hopeless; the" former associates" of DaviCapdhls coadjutars may prove themseliee not marsh but serviceable. With the relinquishment of arms will come the contest of intkigne'itrid cunning diplomacy. Were rep, rebel force dispersed--their wea pons ltid down—the real contest would not be over. There can be no settlement, or restora tion, branrconceivable mode, which dbes' not involire'tiAi. Whenever that point shall . be reached ; the rebels will , find in the entire North faithful allies, who did not indeed . take up arms in their behalf, because they dared not or could not, bat who will be ready to emPloy all the politiatil 'machinery within their control, to give to vanquished traitors terms, conces sions and iidvantages w hich they would have asked In vain before their revolt. They are not wautiog in the North indications of this purpose already. WEIR Pionernverrra bloscut on land and Pennsylvania iron afloat in the rivers, inlets, bays and laliee,'"of the rebel dominions, the mute rebellion will soon be cured. It is "a little singular, and we repeat the fact only with honest pride, without the least intention of showing vanity orindulging in boasting, but it cannot be''controverted that pennsylvania iron and ,cold must do the work on the water. Pennsylvania anthracite: is an element and Pennsylvania iron: an influence, which are not* makin i g a up not only the energy of War but the coticePthxi and invention of science and genius, as ther provide new instruments and stronger Weapon's of warfare. Penniylvania iron an;ll'ctleN With' Pennsylvania's one hundred and twenty-five thousand soldiers in the field, are theumblimest-evidences of the greatness of a state and a people; as presented in this ,con test, that ever were given to the world for its , • contemptatton. • As the eyes of the'nation are now turned to the Mitilsippi'Valle the following table of distances will be found..of. l oingrest as showing the dista4cel, between thor townel Along the river, front Sf. Louis to New itritians 1 41 i .1 - 1 ) 16 , St. Gertertetee. l ." . . r ::so' St. Mary's Landing.l2 Chester Li W berty 10 Cape Galli:dela.. :'.60 Commerge.,,.. . . . .. ,15 Cairo .. ' 17 New Alithid 88 m e mphrie' 166 Ho lena ....... .. 65 Napoleon ... 100 . . To Sun Funumas.—The commission to investigate ikilittakinine the cases of all State prisonem 4triaistia, g of General Dix and Judge pi ezpon s, we t .ia ; Washington on Monday (yes terday.) 'They have chosen Hon. E. D. Web ster, of the State Delarrnuini: as secretary. The nutb,h# of prisoners in Fort Warren is now about *Oh aud,about twenty-five in Fort Mc- Henry, and the same number 'in Fort. Lafay ette, an perhaps eighty in Washington. In additio 'SS* there ,are a fear. at Harper Ferry, 6...ll.4uis,„Wheelhig, and OampEhase, Ohio. The dispositioternment is to deal lialkekkealtql/P49,1114).. Wirtake oath of isgagistpne,,asksinshisieloopduot hastnet been stained with crime. eitgrapt The legal fraternity of 'Philadelphia scan to be imPn'eliedtPrn'J b a l !"!'!.le . l 6 77l )l l.e°f L4?7 , ?lhe! bar in the country, with tnegreat-Importance and issues arising out of the suspension of the Writ of Habeas Corpus!, during our recent and present military extgendes, and the crisis pro duced by the shtiehoiciers' rebellion. Certainly no featnre of our eystem oft . government important or undetliasisucii. vital interests with regard to petite:Sl Treellohi,Wftlie *fit of%nisi Corpus, end it is therefore moat becoming that,. not. oxiii'tlitrlekel', but all - Other dales, shatild regatd any action in referetta t 9 it, with jealous care aid earition. When thel~iesTden i tilnspende~ the:writ a few montliii - since:,:tlie canary felt that the most important step lit the war to crush rebellion hltd:been:tilieni‘ arid: yet*lllei het i& time; the assumption of this' immense power Was narrowly watolted‘ for the reason, as we have stated; that in the - Writ of igabeds Corpus is invested our first and dearest rights as free men.. .. ln the'imiiport of the Executive suspen sion of this writ,Morace Binds*, one of the' ablest lawyers and: purest Men in the land, wrote and.imbed a concise air-merit, in which be alio agrees with the legal rights of the Ex ecutive to suspend the Writ of Rabat Ctorpus when, in case Of rebeillon-orinvanion, the pub' lie safety may' require Its soisiienaion. On Millstone subject we have just received• another pamphlet, in: reply to Mr. Binney, in which thowriteritakes the grhund that, with: , out the sanction Of Congress , or without the instruction, of o:ingress,' the Executive cabnot suspend the Writ. 4 Habeas Ones. This writer offers no objection to the 3 hedesiio existing, to suspend this writ at this ,time„ baCatain,taina that so much power vested, in the Executive hands, is adeulated to lead to mischief and dan ger, 'and that in the instance °Vita late as was a clear' , violation •of the constith 'Men:" The subject, is of ,Vit,ai` imOrtence, and; therefore, should be thoronghlrdisassed and eiCaviiued by every citizen.- The paniphlets-iin the subjeote are all . for salwat Bergner's loc4= store. . Princeton 60 Lake:Providence...2s Vicksburg.. ..... ..75 (Rand Gulf.' 60 Rodney 20 Mouth Red River... 66 Bayou Sara._ 85 Tort Hudson 12 Baton Rogue 23 Plaquanaine .20 Donaldsonville..... 35 New Orleans. . 78 Tam Eutaes Mms, A 7akt Domestic By the author of Earl Lynne, or ; 'the Ezi'rl'a Daughter: Philidelbhia:' T. B. Petirson and When the story of t Earl Ltin lf was prcia,oo in England and in this country, It publication. was followed by a sensation seldom created by issued 'frOmthe rigto-iiirkeri; - any other nove lA can press. What paiiled the reading Public) was; that the author of so .much pathos,. romance and dramatic skill in the construction of Chart* ecter, should have apPeared before _the public anonymously This mystery, however, was soon dispelled by the publication of another work With the title of the Earl's Heirs, when the public on both aides of the Atlantic were delighted to be informed that the ,authoress was an accomplished English woman, Mrs. Ellen Wood. The Surfs Heirs, is a story of real life, with the dramatic parts conceived and clothed in the peculiar language of Mrs. Wood. It haoi moral such as no trender Can pulse without profit, and we care not in what circle of life its sentiments are promulgated; their:morality WI achieve gOOl WY Aoki tratithihiiieritiad tolmtleeto Thor bock cazilet at Berg= THE PROPOSED TAX ON NEWSPAPERS. Our cotemporaries all over the country are justly indignant with the discrepancies in the proposed tax on newspapers, when compared with that levied on other articles of production in mechanism and industry. Some of our ex changes declare that about the only articleiin a printing office which have escaped the scruti nizing eye of the committee, are editors, re porters and the printer's imps. They should have been added to the list by all means. On the whole, an undue share of taxation is thrown upon the pram. We do not claim that publish ers, like reporters at shilling shows, should be "dead headed" by the government, but we do protest against newspaper property being taxed to a greater extent than any other kind. The proposed taxation would almost crash the news paper business of the country. It would at least rob it of of its popular character, and de stroy it as a cheap medium of conveying prompt intelligence to the people. Such a tax law would sweep the country establishments oat of existencelike a tornado. Country newspapers, the familiar disseminators of local intelligence,' and the cheat) and ready means of home advet tieing, would be squashed under such a taxation. The city press, np to the wallthieit , and most Influential jottrnals, would stagger under blow. Many must necessarily be' consigned to oblivion, should that rate of taxation.' be: adopted. The effect of the law, thinefore, would be to• crush out at' least" two-thitdif of the newspapere of the country. The remainder would necessarily be compelled to materially advance " the price -of the paper, increase the rates of advertising, reduta side and withdraw enterprise, to meet the new Order of things. The newspaper would cease to be.the'ehtmiP and poPular medium of Intellt-' gerice,And as in tigl'and, only the wealthy' pee pie could enjoi the laxury of a daily press. Just imagine the existence of such a state of things hi this blessed land. of ' American inde pendenee. Instead of:every family; having its . , own newspapers as now, whole, neighborhoods would be compelled to subscribe for one paper, and hold mass meetings to hear the news. In stead of remaining snugly 'at horrid of au even ing, reading the "very latest" from the Tsui - brunt to his wife andehildren, Mr. Eazygolong would have to'pack up Kra. Etzygolbng, and all the intellectual craving little Eassygolongs, and go down town to hear the news at a pen ny a head Arid When Mi.:ltotindebentsholaid be compelled to go. to the 1. 9 (0,, and lea — ve Mrs. ,Ebtinclateint atl ittone,,t ie Orsoien lay would have no newspaper to keep her company. And the rising gengiation, would grow' , up as ignorant of current `events iddden its the , sand-bars of our rival* and intellectual Egyptian *darkness would mien the .land. itt is shocking to contemplate: Desitroy. the cliesPness and - naiveitadiCy of the American newspaper! As well, Messrs. 9° 32 gP 1 940" , WEP ( at4/904:A!gie gtefft, depths of the ocean, andr.complete the job at once. N,ETIPOBLIOAIIaNS. • Itavix TO HOBAOII BERN= on On Privilege 9f the Writ of Balms arpus, under the Cbnetitietion.— Bkalaetntivriat tnefliibiaelrthlwater:•:Thili; adelphiaCJameephn*nA Ets _ Brothers Vennogluanta Matta aci N Lapt ) , thebutitbap ,in (biting Maria) 19, 1862 _ Pennsylvania Legislatae. el .1 4 . 0:414 .10, 04:i ,S:i6:010:11111Zill, - 01 .15:),/.1,9:0, MAMA; March 18, 1862. The Senate convened at 11 o'clock A. IL, the SPIAKEa in the chair. Prayer by Rev. T. H. Robinson, of Harris burg. On motion of Mr. KINSEY, the reading o the Journal was dispensed with. PCITEDDIO, BRYONSTRANCRI, kO., PRI:O=D. - Several petitions Mid remonstrances were pre sented, but none of any general significance. Mr. yFs 'CITE, (New Counties and Coun ty Seats,), as committal, an act to. ,change, ,the• towhihipliiietthet t idedn Waibkiigtoft and nisco townships, Dauphin county.. Several other reports of priva te nature were presented, the,aboye being the only one rela ting to this county. Mr. BENSON read in phtee a supplement to art act- to ineorporate the Jersey Shore, Pine Creek and . State line railroad company. Referred to the Committee on Railroads. Mr. BOUGHTER called - up Senate bill No. 461, an act to change the township lines_be tWeen Washington and Wiooniscc' k townships, Dauphin oanrity. Peaked Mr. BOUGWER Called np liousw bill, en titiad riutipleanerit to an act makings Front, sheet and Peach Tree alley, in the village bf , Dauphin county, public highways. PaseCki finalfy. , At 12 it., the Senate went into committee to allot the, printing. • • [See gouse Proceetlinga.] Mr. BOII6IITFII called up House .bill No. 2b7, an act to vacate a certain road..in the borough of Millersburg, Dauphin county. Partied firkalfi. , On motion of Mt. M'OLIIIIIE, the afternoon session for to•chiy, was dispensed' On motion of Mc. CONNELL, •the Senate then Adjourned. The Hone met set& iYclOolf A. . PRIVATE CALENDAR. 'the House proceeded to the consideration of Wilson the Rrivate calendar, al:ail:wised a large` number, which' were laid aside for a second ALLOTMENT OP THE PUBLIC PRINTU(O At honiopt twel've o'clock m.", nienk here of the Senite'were'introduced, ancr:theitWO lionsee went into joint convention for the inir pose of allotffig the publie printing, the Speaker Of the BenatelnitheCliair: The several bids were opened, and found to as-followal :Theo. Mtn, Ifirriabiirg, 40 per cent I .Geo. Bergner, $6 36 $6 A. B. Hamilton, " 456 1-16.parrelit. Val. Eithittia & Theo. r. Seheffer, Harris but; 88} - Singerly & Myers, Pittsburg, 69 . per cent. Arne! W. Kennedy,, " 'she bid 6eMesgi..Singerly & Myers„of Pitts: burg, having been declared the lowest,t their ixetdu. Ntr * re_prodruzeci, approved by the Speaker,. 'ate the contract' alloted t 9. them. After the members of'the Benate.had.:retired On motion.ofj4. (thiladelplaia,;llie ttLe:consideration.of thalint to pie+ent the tile of fraudulent _afatinips,i and pealed it finally. 43djotirned.- • ' - - w` r• 0,14 : From or Evening Edition orlreitOdliii - - IMPORTANT FROM THE . KIS zitidom. zo. OtOtgi THE -R4BELVMTTION TEAwspoErs. amortruai:' Gittiteral Halleok.Serentded RlOlinOrts THE MORTAR BOATS. CONTRADICTORY REVOLTS ; . , . .oanto,. March 18.. r i l lg . 1i....," .N thing e heti been received from ls. land , c;. 10 tban the intelligence contained In theprevious dispatches. .:.. ~ .....,.• Th accuracy,. qf 935,,, firing of „the.. Mortara ' , este dtlir,fBll7 equaled_., tbe Previous expe o - . tittle s.. ~,Thoy_ three , ' two hundred; and fifty shell . TbegnrAinif fienten' threw fortyzone 0113111 It Is expeeted,that one,or more „of the .ene rny'sleriiiks, Will, ba.ritijicett to-day, and the place MOO elo4Yinvested. 11.'18'11104;1S by some that the rebels are marching across tbe d neck . of l lo.nd extending. -from klio iilind IC MO serriweather's landing,. Tenn' on: theMississippi,e:..distaane :of .only five Mlle's; over It'piablia4 . l4e - 1044. and..below the place where Glen . Pope hid 'hie ',batteries, and from thence they arthernbarkjeg on boats, the atinfire Cil'lldnklitta.gefull . seen, all lea terday at or Oar' Merriw4thir's landing;from the genbetittinitori. ..We. shall ptqhably, find the rebel nest elicit*, and the river clear, the, relnds! retreating to Forts Iktridolph and Wright. , . ~PPefin./nravason.l.' ST- ern, fiktakrai7.:ln.-.response to a sere . ; Wade night, deneralifalleck announced from the bilcony of the Planters' House that Isiemd- No. 10 is, cure, ; with, g 4 the ammteritkee arid Calla - port 6 , '•nerf,.hrt4.- Oters- [TSIRD DIEPATCH.] Ormisno, March 18.—The Timer_ ineioalor just framislarid . lic... 10, says that of lkolittikepf up an! incessant' fire all • day !..ye' stindar.' The rebels !have six..: distinct' . !batteries 'on the. Teri nesseiti, shore. One shot struck the fibrn* killing one and wounding seven men. One; rifisgtin.on thafit.Lould..burst, wolindleg i seil end.= ThelSt:Loniirvias..struck stiVerantinets. The enemy are very strongly fortified; and hit,Ve a large number of troops on. the: Mehl land. Shells from :our mortars fill4n thelinte my'e entrenOhnients:every time. All the Mor tars are to lea*Olinniediately. From Fortress Monroe. NO NEWS FROM NORFOLK. Anxiety felt for Col: CoreorEsn and the Unioiririlioitere • nantieF Moldiot; Marah 14. The :witei lelo::YdViiiTtik., the teleg,rilotiltiitlel`' - 141)1 qui4V.hort..l. The State of Georgia arrived'ffbbil§te MO' ihitifotenoon. No in gorfolk".7.3C ot , ?,i of - truck:4W% v SENATE. zuzemrs IFTANDENG cokaumms BILIS BRAD IN PLAON BiLLS OONBEDIEBZD HOUSE 'OF RIMPRE. O BNT.A.TIVEB. TUDIDAY, March 18 ,1882. ==l From Burnside's Column. ANOTHER BRILLIANT VICTORY .-.4.._ Newborn, N. - C., Captured, with a Large Quantity of Artillery. A HARD FOUGHT BATTLE Union Loss, Ninety gilled,, and Four. Hun died Wounded. THERRUNDRED REBRL PRISONERS MIN w.v.witr, BATTERIES TAKEN, ONE AFTER THE OTHER. - - ~i• = Bloody Hand to Hand Contests: BRILLIANT BAYONET „ CHARGE Of THE ENTIRE UNION FORCES. The Enemy Retire, like Frightened Sher I -..,..--- Three Light Batteries, Forty-six Heavy' Beige Gans, 3000 Small Arms, among the Trophies. TIE REBELS ATTEMPT TO ERE THE TOWN They Retreat by the Cars Burning Rail road Bridges alter them. LIST OF SOME OF THE KILLEI I=l Berzotota, March 18 The steamer Commodore arrived this morn ing direct from the Burnside expedition, and reports 'the 'captute of Newborn, N. 0., and the defeat of the enemy there, and the capture of aiarge number of artillery. It was a. hard fodght battle. Our less at Newborn was about ninety killed and fotir hundred wounded. Our men displayed great bravery. [SECOND DISPATCH.] An officer bearing despatches from General Burnside landed here on the arrival of the steamer Commodore, and proceeded immedi ately to Washington. It is reported that 800 rebel prieoners were ,captured. Some of the reports make our loss floin 60 to 60 killed, and 260 to 800 wounded. The fight took place on Friday last. There are rumors here that one of our Brigadier Gen erals was killed, but is not thought to be re liable. LATER. BAIMINORI p Match 18:—Sergeant Major D. R.' Johnson, of the 28d Massachusetts regiment, came a passenger by the steamer Commodore, in Charge of the bodies of Lieut. Col. Merritt, of the 28d Massachusetts regiment and Adjt. Stearns of the 21st Massachusetts regin3ent, who braVely fell while leading on their regiments, in in attack on the enemy's batteries at New- From Major Johnson, who was in the fight, 'we gather the following interesting particulars of the battle: Our troops, under General Burnside, landed on Thursday evening near the mouth of Swan Oriatik, on the west side of the Neuse river, fif teed miles below Newherh. Owing to the dense fogii, the naval yeller& did not participate in the fight. Early on Friday morning the fight com menced. - Our troops'adianced along the coun try toad running wenni with the NlitMe river, -but* mile or two in the rear. lie road was akirted on the west side by a rillroad and a itle4e swamp. All along the river side were a series of batteries, which were "taken by our troops, one after another, after some bloody hand to hand contests. „ OUr troops were divided Into three brigades, and 4 the command of Generale Benno, Foster aridTarks. We advanced gradually, the enemy desert ing -their guns, until we reached a line of earth works extending across the road from the ;liver to a swamp on the west, a distance of sboae two miles. These" earthwOrks were very; strong. They were located about two mill south of Newborn, and between there and i the city ran the Trent river. The coun try, xoad and the railroad passed • througn the 4 works, and crossed into the city by bridges. In front of these works the rebels bad frilled a large number of trees, forming an almcist impenetrable abattis, , Here the flying rebels were rallied'abd made for a while a des k . peraie stand. Our brave fellows fought until all t6err ammunition . Wie kiln* 'When an order to clotarge bayonets was given, and the works werelfinally taken at the point of the bayonet. The enemy fled like frightened sheep, leaving everything behind them. In, their retreat they burned the bridges communicating " with - the ' toOn‘ over both the county road and the rail road: As they had trains of cart lit their rear, just across the bridges, they were of course able to carry off their wounded and dead. [ANOTHIR A0001321T.] The Ittettirar's special says the enemy's works six miles belovi Newham .were attacked ,on Friday morninglast. They were defended by a fore° about ten thousand strong, and having twenty-one guns'posted behind formidable bat teries over two miles long. The fight was the most desperate of the war. Our troops behaved with . the steadinesiandcourage of veterans, and after. nearly four hours hard fighting drove the rebels out of all their positions, captured three light batteries of field artillery, forty-six heavy Vete guns, large stores c f fixed ammunition, three thousand smalk , arms and two hundred puseriers, including one Colonel, three Captains and four Lieutenants. • The enemy left a large 'nutubi3r of dead on the field. • . _ „ T escaped by cars thGoldsborough, burn iiikbfidges over the Trent and Clamont, and fiilne, the city of . Newbern. No .. extensive .ditintlge was done tothe plaee. • 4 ffe kilt about one hnndred killed and four hundred wounded, 4stly belonging to New England . regiments. 11,10*.. Q. N. Benton; killed ; Major Legendre of .tliElrifty-tirst New York, mortally, wounded;: 14i. Colonel Merritt, or the Twenty-third Mas iaidttuietta, and Adjutant F. A.. Steams, of the TWerity-first Massachusetts, of Anaherat, were alkatiled, 'and their bodies are on their way home.: ' The'loss of the enemy is not certainly known, but *tat have been pretty severe. Before our trOOPe'reached this last work they encountered aii6ther, which was deserted before they came up., It was front of this last fortificatfon that_ the greatest loss was sustained. pd . entireloss is estialated by Major Johnson at - 90 . lulled and 400 wounded and missing. The force Of the rebels is supposed to have been abdut 8,000. we captured a number of prisoners, luck& Avory, who cursed his soldiers as cow ed& Just as the battle terminated, the fog lifted : and enabled our guaboata, which had teem impatiently waiting for an opportunity to - pailicipate in the fight,to come up the river. itifcl'our troops were furniihed with means of transportation across the Trent river to New isirn The rebels attempted to fire the town on,their retreat, but were prevented-=by-the , oiffAlie, who extinguished the flames as fast ss giiii - were started by the soldiers. None of our generals ; nor any of th e stiff Opera, were either - Irina* wounded ' 721 3 alAurCfr frolii',edrif to fifty cannon, thetftenidflliereVas leftlhniFprivate traps behiud iu their final n treat, and the men threw away everything. 'I he fight terminated at 3 o'clock, P it., on Friday, when our troops re warned masters of the position. FROM ARKANSAS ANOTHER ONION VICTORY. ASCPERIOR FORCE OF RRBELS ROUTED 100 Mai Killed, and a Largo Number o Prisoners Taken, including Colonels. =l= Mo., March 18 A short time since, anticipating the rebel movements in Texas county, Mo., Gen. Halle,ck ordered five companies of troops and two light ste.l six pounders, mounted on two wheels, and drawn by two horses, under Col. Wood, to repair to that vicinity. Finding no enemy there Col, Wood pushed on to Salem, Fulton county, Ark., where be encountered a largely superior force of rebels, and after a sharp fight routed them, killing about one hundred and taking many prisoners. Among the latter are three Colonels. Our loss was about fifty. The prisoners taken. by General Curtistat Pea Ridge are no en route for St. Louis under a proper guard. The reports that Gen. Curtis is in 's dangerous position are false. Forage for cavalry is scarce, but in other reSpects the sit uation of our troops is cheering. The demoral- Wit and cripped forces of Price and Van Dorn are moving south. FROM WASHINGTON. MORTALITY IN THE ARMY NEWS OP THE OAPTTIBt OF NEWBERN Gen• Burnside's Safety Beyond Question WASHINGTON, March 18 Many exaggerated statements having been merle as to the mortality in the army, it is as certained from official sources that the number of deaths among the regulars stationed here for the quarter ending with March, 1861, was 28 ; for quarter ending with Juno, 88 regulars and 46 volunteers ; for the quarter ending with SepteMber, 56 regulars and 749 volunteers; for the quarter ending with December, 108 regulars and 2,970 volunteers—total, 8,990, of which 100 were from wounds. The above deaths were in 257 regiments, including those of the army of the Potomac. The intelligence, unofficial, received here of the capture of Newbern, N. 0., after a bard fought battle, has added to the general joy especially as it is considered that we have there by *tired great military advantages and placed the 'safety of Vurnside beyond question. TEE U. S. FRIGATE NIAGARA AT' KEY WEST. Nzw Yoss, March 18 Letters from ; Key . West state that the U. a frigate ` Niagara iris going in at thit port ort the 10th inst. Mk]MJETB BY UM/GRAI,H. • giFtmunrenia; March 1.8.. • Therelemore doing in flour, and 8,000 bar rels' sold at. $6 12e, - For superfine $5400 5 60 for extra, and $6 89•35 75 for extra fern ily-7part for Europe. The receipts are Ming off. Small aides of - rye , ,flv,Air at ' sB, urld amn: trufal at 's2 - 76. there is not much wheat offerring,•and -Priced are firm. BBles'of 8,000 barrels at $1 8201 88 for red, and $/ 45 for Kentucky. White corn is in fair demand, and 6,000 bushels of yellow sold at 640. Oats dull at 813®85c New York barley has been in good request,' at 90c. . Coffee firm at 181®21r.. for Rio, and 211422 c. For lagnira. Sugars are steady. Provisions are unchanged. 100 barrels of whisky sold at 26c. Nsw Yoax, March 18 • Flom heavy; sales of 1,000 barrels at - $5 20 (R 4 80: For State $5 70®5 75. For Ohio Southern unchanged wheat dull and easier. Corn steady, sales of 80,000 bushels at $5840 60. For mixed provisionsquiet but unchang ed. Whisky dull at 21. receipts. Flour sales of 10,718 barrels. Wheat, 8,164 bushels- Corn, 1,00. - NEW YORK MONEY MARKETS. Naar Taal, March 18 The money market is unchanged. There is more doing in sterling. Exchange at 114% 121. per cent. premium. Stocks better. Chi cago And Rock Island railroad 57. Cumber land :coal 8. Illinois Central Railroad 85t. itichigan'Sonthern 48i. New York Central 831. Milwaukie and Mississippi 861. Goid . lf per cent. premium 'Nortii Carolina 70.. Cal; ifonda, 78 &If. Pitted States 5s 1874-88. in'arrieb, On the 22d of February, 1862, at Camp Plerpout, Vs., by Reir. Latchaw Maguire, Mr. Jona Coarse, prints In Company A, Tenth Pagbninn, P. R. C„:(tanneijit of ' Stoyetown pa,oo-MaiiiiiaL4D2mMtludacirPMeri: burg, Va. _ • New 2ibuertistments. N°'GOODS:—We invite attention' to ohr new stock of good!' lust received. and for sale low by ' IeIOHOLS & BOWMAN, corner of Front and Market streets. SUGARS, . Choice Syrup, Teas C 1 143 .6AP td., *c. Norse. low by NICHOLS As BOWMAN, corner of 7i/ront and Market, streets. FRii,pg: °hinges, Lethorts,Prunes, Cocoa nuts. For sale by NICHOLS t B OWMAN, corner of Front and Market streets EXTRA Family Flour Superior Corn Meal, Buckwheat meat PO; sale low by .• • NICIEBBA & BOWMAN, • corner of Brant and'efarket. street& 190 BUILDING} LOTS FOR SALE. rPHK ainhporibet ; Offere for, sale, on terms tavoiableto purchasers, coos hundred building lots variously idlest/4in th e,north weetern and eastern parts otthe eity otHarrisburg, y¢ Petal street, Foster &Terme, Boas etrelkiildge avenue, sad on State street, east of Paxton uses; between slid creek and the Harrisburg cemeterir. For faraidir'siiiiiindars inquire of the subscriber re siding on Brant 'stieet lazed city. ./NO. FORSTER. made-tut AVO . tHER. SUPPLY OF MORTON'S UNRIVALLED GOLD PENS. BE'T PENSiwthe - world, for 750, 51 25 80, 32, %And .54,.for•ppje . -•-• rebls y 81211.11F14R5.-Tholtstore. SCRIEFFELIN BROTPRS ik, CO:, , ,,.. ~..: WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS, . AND DEALERDin Fancy Goode, Per rillkilluncry, &c:-.44.t0 sonnijor the este of Relined Petrol:ate; Lhohtlitilei oil, sateripMJlßY .. , A4Q*,,f4; nnmaliel thane quantities Wholdirn_nrujnyfees• :4- 1 4 170 and 172 - Witliant Street, 3 : .:4,4:0 - 4;qr.frki 9-4AYNBWATORK.; Ja2T-dem Nap 2hertisments Co THE HUTCHINSON FAMILY sv ILL or Vileurngtertainment to the citi- AT BRANT'S HALL, WEDNESDAY AND IHURSDAr EVEG,B. March 19th at.d 20. h, 1862. There concerts have attracted crowded and mar audiences in ail oldie Ntrthern and Western Stales+ad are designed to meet the warns and tastes of the Wil and eventful terms in which we live, and are crlenlathetela&i to arouse the patriethem and . •ympathies of bodyth pot purity to levate and tc. THE HUTCHINSON FAMILY, who, for a period of more than twenty years, have given these po'mlar entertainments. width have met w,th mi. vernal and enthusiastic reception in the 011 it'Al new world, again have pleasure, on their return from Weak. ington and the Army on the. Potomac, In prese w h e themselves for the kind pith °nage of the cd!saos of Ili r. rlsourg, and on this occasion will introduce thar hew selections. The following are among the songs which will beano & ; Coins on I come on I Fight on I Again for Liliirrty ; Boys ; Song for the Volunteer—God Bless the Nohls vol'. nineer i The Coed Time Oom ng ; The Voice or :taring (u m banana ;) Tastes Coy (J. p erpont ;) Eo,, g 0: th: ;seasons, or Farmer's dung with a Wetting chro us ; ear a 4 of 13nrIcer Bt I ; The Old clock on the Stairs, ( Lougfellow;) Cold • toter ; What I Live For ; Soldier's Farewell ; My Angel Name ; Unbolt .n of dagpides ; Good Old Jacob Bridge of s ighs ; The GLORIOUti NEW ts•NO, by the poet WhittlT : - "We wed beneath the furnace blast The pangs of Transformation," se. Wilt the &knee 1 love be near when I die ; Dixie Lc the Union ;:hip on Fire ; as sung by request et the tins:dant at th e tavaein the Waite Mouse ; to the battle ; NATIONAL saNTHaM ; entail Columbia be ought but th e h -me of the Free ; the Captain ; Matrimonial Disputes No Tear in Heaven ; Wok me to Sleep Muther—ly rence Percy ; What they do at the Springs—by .are; The family Man ; The army Ch rtts ; The hie Boat; Toe Newfoundland Dog —Husaell ; The O l d Granite State. TO CONCLUDE EACH EVENING WITH THE STAR SPAERLED BANNER Our National Resign, Pure, Slutpie—its voice is our of Union, and. unerv-4 the Oonstdotion and the Laws, and may a merciful God cover the heads of each of of its brave defenless In the hour o bete. TICKETS .25 cte. Doots open at 7 o'clock, concert to commence at -8. marlB-d3t Select Beading by Mr. Murdoch, CORRESPONDENCE. Etaamaans March 10,1683. JAM E. !dramas. SEQ., Digs St • :—The undersignei anxious to heir your reading of the poem of T Buchanan I•ea t, Esq., ea. titled "the Wild Wag .or of the aillho.,es," wires you have bees giving to large audences in Fheadelsbia and other pia au, would remee.fusy °limit yot to sdord us and the citation of Barri tburg tut pleasure by read. leg it in this place some evening the coming west, If it stall cult your coareatenes. arspect oily : A. G. Conk', Henry D. • sure, L. W. Hail, kb Safer ' G. Rush Smith, S. S. Wharton, Is mac Benson, Geo. Council, A. B. Beastlier, li. L. Imbrie, J. H. Robinson, Jobe. A. Hierand., Winthrop W. Ketcham, M. B. Lowry, Geo. Landon, Hiatt r Q,) mer, E. H. Lick, B. o. umlauts, Thos. Cochran, . 0 o. W. • tele, Y. M. Cm .e A. H. Groat, Wm. S. Bois, L. Kline, Abrabam Peters, James Ryes, Wm. L. Dennis, Thaddeus Sinks, P. Frazer Smith, John MAI, T. J. Bishato, Cyrus L. Pershing, Jas. Chalhsm, James Myers, •W. G. Armstroog, rhos. Whams, Jas. H. Hots, I has. F. dbh,t, John P. Meads, Wm. Doukas. W/1111116n.nr, D. t'., Runk 13,1313. GIBITLININ '4-1 have Juat received Jour favor of the 30th 11tet , reques Ins me to read the poem of T. Rich man Road emitted "The wagoner or the alllbettteo" to Harrisburg dating the comets w et. It wi l give me great pleasure to Comply vim tilt; mown ou thy tree hit of Wednesday the IRtut.thcent. Phase accept my profound tan eeledgemsnie for the honor you have this conforr d upon ay. I'm gentle men with groat respect 3 oar obeatut served, JAMill E. sumoca. To HU Itcoellenoy Governor o the _rate oP Penasylra ela and others. The above reading will lake place in the Hs,l of Iko Bonsai of Bapreaentatires on WEDNESDAY EVENING, 19th init. at' 8 ia'adock. Tickets 50 cents each, or which a limit ed number have been issued, end cal be procured at George Berguer's Book Store. Trio ['meads atter pa)tag exPeauess will be given to a benevolent anaemia a Harrisburg. marl? QUARTERMASTER'S OFFICE, t Rumniotta, March 11,1862. BIDS will be received at this Office until SATURDAY, March 22, 1862, for TWO HUNDRED & TWENTY-FIVE HORSES, suitable for CAVALRY, from 16 to 16 hands high, between 6 and 8 years iof age, of dark colors, well broken to the saddle, oompaotly built and free from all de fects. And for FIVE HUNDRED HORSES, editable for ARTILLERY, from lb* to 16 hands high, between 6 and 8 years of age, of dark colors, free from all de tects, well broken to harness, and to weigh not less than 1,100 pounds. -Every horse offered that does not conform to the specifications above, will be rejected. The Government reserves the right to reject all bide deemed unreasonable. JAS. BELGER, Maj. Quartermaster. mchl4—dtd FOR RENT. TEE ROOM occupied heretofore by C. . Horn, Dry Good Marchlnt. P 053111511011 given immediately. Call at KEISER /411-OTHE , , Hardware Wre. HABRIBBUIG, March 16, 1862. St* JUST RECEIVED. A LARGE LOT olßlack Silks. 21. A Fine Assortment of Plain Dress Silks Eng. Rep. Mourning Silks. Small Bar Black and Purple Silks. A New Stock of Mourning Dress Goods. A Large Liae of Irish Linens, at old prices. A Full Stock of Skeleton Skirts; Beet article ever manufactured. A FulllAne of Gents lindersbirts and Drawers. Firs ; Now closing out the Etook. Balmoral Skirts ; New article. Marseilles Counterpainm ; At old prices. Allendale Spreads; Cheap. A large Line of Towelling& Now open at CATHCaR I S yak feblB y Next door to the HAfrisl.urg think. TME L and2,4.AN BA.I, Bust received an or ado low at NICHOLS k SOWIIitN , ie corner Front and Noll'oets• HAY I HAY ! 1 SUPERIOR article of Baled Hay, at A 00 rim ton for sale by feblB JAMES M. WHEELER. LET.—The commodious 'eon) hsom 1 on Market Square, adjacent to the "Jones AN , (00trerley's Hotel.) CHas. c. Hpuutteuao, Feb. 24. 1862. feb26.lold JUST KWh:IVIED. i t LARGE ASSORTMENT of Family Zs_ Blake of dlderei.f. stslos of binding, at 90n. SI 56 $l. 50;54, SS, $4, $5 andslo. AladPocket. Bibles ofdl• &rent styles and prices at SOlllEnnallßook etife• febla y MEM A.NDELION COFI large supply this Celebrated Coi ply of IV6I sois - st - re - edve d ,' ' - rj' — ' -- ----- " --21 . . DocK, Sr . & co. kiJIRUKEEfi, Door mate, Scrub RUBiß,r4;;Oiig arid Mackaiiingßritabes for s eleby =Boas k BoWitAti, Omar Front anti Market ilrots. A lerc oh and