.. ....... . _ I )11. -9r‘. ---G- _______=_____ -) 1 / 4 ., _ i__ ° l ,_____ 7 - - . I__ 7_, . . - 1 -' • . ...-- . . . ' ''''"- --;_-______' .. .'1 1 4 .,... 1 . .-: .. :: 1 : - - -_____. ____. , _ . - , : 7-- .= - ; --", ---s__ , ----=. - -- - . 'a _ ...,,- i i I -.; TA -- , - 3: 00 ‘ ----- ' - '''' -TEL .- ~.. . - .... p , - ---A HII 01. . • 1 , if I 0 lit ...... 71 .\ • - r : I . . . • . GEORGE BERGNER. EGRAPti t t trMrr 4V4:10 ,HCir BF:RGNEIin iy _______ Nossaswrion. :1 TVUURAVII 'I served to subscribers to the i vor w ong . Yearly subscribers will be ,•.r edrAtre ANP Stati-WWWLY Totontara. puendted twice a Week during ron Immlioure, and weekly . Atikrtuctbs ' , roar, ...., rurolehed to subscriber , at ra,ll rxle-, Olt: brio ',et year BemiAreakly..sl FO ..12 00 It ..22 00 1 00 mug ADVERT'S/NO. ar proF folr cOnS const tlttite itute onequano. e-half square. Sigh I afu, ... ILLY t wrek ..ue month 'three tpontba. ...... t.t. mouths ........ ,•„ .0 tt ..•0 month . mouths 6 00 months 10 00 1.6 00 rolleon iusetted In the Lema Cblueus, sud Deaths, vrvN Ott,Nl9. *Y.*: fry, to be ebarged im; 'regular On LI, 'tic~ical, JOHNSON i3A-LiT'XIVI O Irt 3 E I LOCK HOSPITAL thicovtrod I tio meet certain, speed) renwdy 1116 world for of I M Wip■..l2 TO 'Worm mpg,. 11, Mire Pr) or Noxious Dries*, S4l.k;ersp, or 10 Cnaraa, DI MN fhn t Tirc No% or mbi, 'Strieturea, Pities it Alq1,11:0111- gidneyot tad Bledder, Organk Nprroug sway or the thread Pow intloor, I,IK Spirit!, Conflicted of dear 11...T5, Diwrielp wad.,,ess, iliSosAO of the Stomach, *libellous Hold,N,e,: or skin—chop terrible dhow , ,fur Alf ,ollow,rel.lolo or Solitary Stikine of fr 3 m...j14.4 lireAtot and destructive practise& which roV1•11, debility, reader marriage halm* body and mind. VOL NO MEN. who have become the lekitheleOP Cwt. :hi! and destructive babel WhiOt an untimely grave thousands or thf 011101euttell talent and brilliant Intel .. nun n),..! otherwwo lave entranced Ilolentos N. 1.1 ttunVara ul el.yortiet, or waked Woo . ta Intl canidata:a. .1 ft ,1114CMPlating mar rill bt ,iIJI :a; !.y slcr gu.:110$11, Ithottld Immediately ere. mr ;1e1 . ..Wt. In perfect beet!) , FIANNIIP !",edistely ettoktaftel hat piper retrered. RhoNrrx trw, , uttr - •he cure of Lb . J., fox* re:trmust ;tn.. V .gbotiman, isitt rOl 'all; re 9 Nye 14f• •,11 W .AdAn. ,ti -hg, t i,. rc street, Elaittuton 4 04 rr cwt L 4.14.1 .ole R......rum IkLIUMOI.O ltreet 1 .- , IPII4 Cie C fur &s particular in obeervtn, t h e .Iz-nr rnhor. oy you will Mistake the piano. P. par. Drifting (Naas, glib %las b.—mes, !/+P. , •4 CaTlificaled, Itttracitvl I.y the repots '..ltri•n, lurk over • 111 , rcLst Contain a Pustagetheimp, to axe oe th. • Ott, JOHNSTON 4' At M , •lllblir of the Royal College at Burgeons, :. ;roses i rem one Of the meet eminent College. I,tea, and the greatest part of whose lift to the Hospitals of London, Parte, Phila. etewhere, tout ettented come of the most to • et ntem mai were ever known. Many troubled w:Lis the ears Rue head when asleep, great ner. • u t Kiarmed at sudden sonde, bashfulness, tonthien, attended sometimes with derange. cored immediately, 7 AIO, Part OCULAR NOTION. 4,1. all those who having Injured them ' t 0 and improper indulttencies, that secret Ancb reins both body and mind, en. hutinessor society. sod and melancholy Itiiesda pre. ntl) tohna nt youth, eta: Weakness of the g rues In the Read, MUNI Ot Sight, ' Power, uaipitallen of thp Heart, D r . Deran g e..., o th e HIM Ye ,:we 4111 , triti Jicbiuty , Byintdoms a NO:TALLY. emit, tar aerial Aitecto on the mind are MUSH 10 ! .. " ,, P , I of llemary, Copra Non of Ideas, 121 e. Forebodings, Aversion toAxda -i,t[rst, I nve nl molitudo. Tluddity,&•.. Are liOnit scale lu.rpoon I,i nU kgaii, COW 11011, 264, ',I ;Nor decline to health, !wing Innilr Vigor e r .Mk 11444, 11 011'010 end enuunisted, balm. • Si pc , raoci , ehnat tbo eyes, caugh t and ITOITI Nmelinvino. YOONH I .c !st the 1111114 mr”ivp• by • certain practice, tr habit heqnently learned from u La tell ".to! Acno. , .) tbe effects of *web ere vvoL when ibileep, sod If not cured, render, 1111.4.A1e..nd destrovo both mind and body ahmeollatety Pits ynhr* man. ellf. Dom 91 the tons. bib parental should be a ttr.3 eu)hy mai life bthe opnelobed perk Iran, at g oloeo from the path m 01mature a nd lodulgib In a •Am 1 , persona must, before women IAO3, ftv 411 ononl um aitnda body are the la°41"°511112 ,d I.romrse cocoubial happiness. Ind '"c Oita, thr iournny through life becomes a weary =let tht I , rflopect hourly darkens to the yiew;the 'euent thmicved with despair, and tiled with th retiertino that the happiness of another be. hiloonoi sal) nor Own IN Vito IltaTttill HAMMY FOR oi: (4 A1'411 WFAgNVIEt. great ana important moody, Weakness of the eure.l, wad full vigor resters& .1 the most nervous rued debilitated wits IL how tn , thoo heti. Immediately relieved. An MarrloKo, Physical or Mantel Diequallll an,'areot!, trembling, Weakness or It ebseaeoll Of 1911c11M11 inn, speedily cured. RA NGERS. ,a,;tIIT %omen& oared at this Instiation within the ?o r : . ' 'Mrs, +ad the numerous Important durgire Verforllitd by lie, J., witnessed by the re ispere, wa' many other persona, notices of ta4ft?" neatti and again before the t ° odosi CU a rendemon at otaractar mid sr& l kuarantee to the afflicted. cg ' W MPS:NCR•—When the misguided iit; 4 4/Mit VOW, 111 pieaapre duds he bee Imbibed kt , el goo nothial diem% it too often happens that oat"it,„ 41ease of shams or dread of discovery deters Plilyth s to those who, from education and re• ' , ^tn• befriend him, delaying till the con. hp•YMPtems of this horrid Walesa make their tlfeetin a Mi. head, throat, nose, aktn, Ate., i h ls% es with frightful rapidity, tilt death PIMA antleringa by sending him to.that *4y W ue. lie traveler retnrocol It le a east th,i4 thousimds fail victims to this terrible ; ) ",'lle to the unskilfulness of Ignorant pretend. of the we or tint deadly moon' , saw% I,l.l4ttittnins and make the rosidon bre milenhigerule. I'l4 I looter's i mimosas hang is his 'r "lei intv ''' inutale a Stamp as on the reply d 1" vat' nt .lortek %el. onitiroore RPOSs 4 1 14 4, SLAS . ;K WE L L'S Celebrated te,jl,b;ri_JON. PR. 6 3EKVIC4, ea. &Large id furtwie..beymbreclng every vartetyOust, re- 441 K M. OK, Jr., &Co W TOuTii, CLOTH, HAT, Lutallitto.ktisrA.N7 Bitusas4,l* 11704 varlet" “uu AND FANCY TOR Cunt al tram& flitcutsportatun KSSYLVANIA RAIL ROAD • WINTIM TIME T A.R FIVE TRAINS DAILY TO - AND FROM PHILADELPHIA. ON AND Air Tie MONDAY JANUARY 27th, 1862 The Pi;asouger 'trains or the, Pensailireitis Railioad Compakylwilt iceom sad arrive at Hatilabarg apd Philidelpida as tollowa ISO 26 . 100 . 200 . 800 . 800 E 4 .► T i 4 di THROUGH 2XPRESaI TRAIN .11A rriliburg daily at 820 a. m., aMt atitrat al. Waat , ilitillidelphis at 7.40 a. m. FAST 11211Rleavea Harnalitifiellany, (except Sunday,) al 1,00 p. m. , anaarriveitsA l Webt Philadelphia at 6.10 • ••• • MAIL TRAIN leavea flarriapr iitur (except Sunday) at 5.55 p. and arrival it bet Philadelphia at 11.0 P•• rch • aL•7263 I MMODATION Wind Joy, •eaviie Harrisburg at 7.80 a.m.. Anil Sarrtiree at Wait !Ibis deipb4r at 32 86 p. , rIIARRISBEIRO ACCOMMODATION TRAIN, via Colum bia, leaves Harrisburg at 2.00 and arrivta at 1:114^11 rtilladolublii it 720 p. W MTW P B • ,r THROUGH RT,PIUO3B TRAIN, Ipapris Pftthuielphia at 10.30 p. in., Harrisburg at 11.06 tan In., Altoona 8.40, a. nu, and arrives at Platatrtrg at 1.21 p. ![AIL TRAIN jaavas rtaladalpbta at 8.00 a, so., and ar rives at Harrisburg at 140 p. m.ileavesiftrrisbitrg at 9.00 a. In., Altoona, 8,80 p M., and arrives at Pittsburg at 9:80 p. PAST LINE laves Philadelphia at 11.28 a. Harris. burg 426 ft. ni.. Aitoonst at 8.10 • m., and arriving at Pittsburg at 1.40 a. m. HARRISBURG ACOOMIItiOATION TRAIN lams Phil. &Aphis at 2.30 p. m., wed arrives at * Higivishing at 8.00 ut , MOONT JOY 40:8;VODATION Joy leaves Lancaster at 1128 a. , Olives at ~1 110srisbure at 1.80 p m. The NEWS REPAVE and PA2SENGER TRAIN will leave West Philadelphia at 4.00 a. in.; Lancaster 7.07 a. m. ; Mount Joy at 7.48 a. m., Middletown at 8.26 a. in., and arrive at. Harrisburg at 826 a. in., connecting with Mall Train west, from Harrisburg, at 9.00 a. m. Gaudin, U. YOUNG, Sept. Moat , tev.. Penna. Railroad 'Hanisburg,January 94, 1802 .—dtf Northern Central Railway CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. 1;6251191112 ARWIGEBEENT. vuum two DAILY TO AND 110/1 ir I .11C Close Connection wade at Harrisburg TO AND FROM NEW YORK. SLEEPING CARS RUN ON ALL NIGHT TRAINS. AND AFTER SUNDAY, NOV. 24, RillwiT l Wllltrt u e l t ig a e n r jd r Vrt i)f from eri a t =ti c ir and tr Baltimore Si 101101rf, via : GOING SOUTH LAU. MIDI arrives at Hurisborg.. ..... 1.05 P ' and leaves " 1.20 P. 31 1L1P3288 arrives at "' 2.20 A. DI and leaves " 3.20 ,OI GOI tic! MAIL TRAIN laarni,Baltintore at 8,Y6 A. M. and arrives at Ilarriaburg• 1.00 P.. IL and kayos North at 1.20 P. M ELPIIIBB TRAIN leaves aaltineore at , ..... • 800 P. it. and arrives at Harrlaburg .... 8.00 P. M. and leaves North at 8.10 P. M , RABItir , BO2O AOOOIIIIODarLON MUER. , Leaves Harrisburg for Baltimore at... 8.46.,A: Returning—leaves Baltimore at.— 11 The may lingo leaving HatriliblirgAgi Bgaday will be the 'Owego Train, South at 8.20 A. H. Voi farther !hibernation apply at the Offine, to Pernea Railengi Depot JOHN F. =mai, Agent. Nov. 211, WINTER TIME ARRANGEMENT NRW AIR GM MUTE SitaMINM MIS TRAINS DAILY TO NSW TOSS, AND PHILADELPHIA WI'THOTJT CHANGE OF OARS. QN AND AFTER MONDAY, NOVEM BER 4,1881, the Passenger Trains will leave Ike adolitia anti Reading Railroad Depot, al Harrisburg, for Neer York and Pbiladelppa, as follows, via EASTWARD. t*EXPRR2B LINK leaves Harrisburg at 8.80 a. m. on ar rival of Pennsylvania Railroad Ihrpreee Train trim the Want, arriving in New York at 11.6 a.m., and at rhila doled* at 9.00 a. M. d sleeping oar Is attached to the train through Prom Pittsburg without change. MAIL TRAlNeres Harrisburg at 8 a. m., arriving in New York at - E.3op. m. and Philadelphia at 1.26 m. PAST LINE leaves Har risburg at 1.40 p. m., on arrival of Ponnisvivarda Railroad Fast Mail, arriving In New Yore at 9.60 p. m., and Philadelphia at 0.40 p. m. WESTWARD FAST LINE leaves New York at 6a. m., and Pidlade phis at 8 a. m. arriving at Harrisburg at 1 p. m. vat. TEAM Warts New York at 12.00 noon, and Phil adelPhia at 8.16 p. m., arriving at Harrisburg at 8.10 p EXPRESS LINE leaves New York at 8 p. m arri ving at Harrisburg at 6.10 a. m., and connecting with the Pennsylvania Express Train for Pittabnrg. A sleeping ear is also attached to this train . Connections are made at Harrisburg with trains on the tenosylvanla, Northern Central and Cumberland Valley Railroads, and at Reading for Philadelphia, Pottsville, Wlikmbarre, Allentown, Easton,. Sto. Baggage checked through. Faro between New York widettrarg, 86 00 ; between Harrisburg and Phila delphia, $8 26 in No. I can, end $2 70 in No. 2. Far tickets or other information apply to J.J. CLYDE, net General Agent, Harrisburg, ANOTHER NEW STOCK ! portable Writing Desks, Backgammon Boards, Traveling Bags, Parses, Wallets, Toilet Bottles, ands general assortment of FANCY ARTICLES, Call at, .BOGNER'S agfuir BOOOTORIC. HARRISBURG, PA., TUESDAY MORNING, MARCH 18, 1862 D W. GROSS & CO., DRUGGISTS', NO. 19 MARKET STREET DRUG. ISTS,-PHYSIC' LANS, STOW KEEPERS ` AND CONSUMERS, We are daily adding to our assortment of goods all such articles as are desirable, and would respectfully call 'your atentlori to the largest and beet selected stook ie this city, of DRUGS, OREMIOALS & PAINTS, PuraGround Spices •Barning Fluid and Alcohol, Lard, Sport, and Plate Oils, . *althea, Vials and Lama* Globes, selected from the best manufacturers and Pe lumens of Europe and this country. Being very large dealers in PAINTS, WHITE LEAD, • LINSEED OLL, TARNISHES, WINDOW GLASS, ARTIST'S COLORS, PAINT AND MIST'S BRUMES DT ALL THEIR VARIETIES, COLORS AND BRONZES OF ALL.S.TNDe, It (p SP e. 111. ill. gross & (go., WHOLESALE AND lagi , AIL B.ARRISBUR6, P N' A Oils, varnishes and Glues. Dye.Stana Glass and Putty, Artist Colors and Tools, Castile Soap, Sponges mind Corks, &a, dte., Ara , stre., Ake., With a general variety of ERFCIEERY s & Ton= ARTICLES, sr; . to \____________ p . . Fa $ .......____.— ..---,07. l'f: -1.:11- . —______,_:___- . t:t Oa ei la ''''':R .:.'-' ......- We respectfully invite a call, feeling, cone dent that we can supply the wants of all on tam's to their satisfaction. TElrta I 'MIRTH 11 JONA'S AND 'W ELITES'S PORCELMN TEETH, ,PATENT MEDICINES AND HAIR RESTORATIVES Of .all kinds, direct from the . Proprietors. Saponifier and Oorioentrated Lye Whblesale Agents for !lapardtbrr, whichlwe eel as low as it can be parebieed In , the aides. THAVIR'S lECDIOAL FLUID EXTIMOTB COAL OIL l OASBON OIL I Being large punhanora in these Oils, we can oast inducements to close buyers. Coal Oil Lei?' cif Elift4 4 11 1 11 1ved , 1 1 . 4143 P 31 verY cheap. All kinds of lamps changed to burn Coal - • • FARMERS AND GRAZIERS, Those of you who have not given our HORSE AHD OACCLAC POWOREiS a trial know no their superiority, and the advantage they are in keeping Horses 'and Cattle healthy and• in gJod condition. Thousands can testify to the profit they have derived frotn the of our Cattle Powders by the increasing quantity and quality of milk. besides improving the general health and ap pearance of their Cattle. Oni. long experience in the business gives us the advantage of a thorough knowledge of the trade, and our arrangements in the cities are such that we caa in a very short time furnish anything appertaining to our huffiness, on the best of terms. Thankful for the liberal patronage bestows on our house, we hope by strict attention to business, a careful selection of PURE DRUGS at fair prices, and the desire to please all, to merit a (pi:Madame of the favor of a dlserim basting: public. PURE Cider Vinegar, for sale at NISHINS k BOWMAN'S, 16 . edam Mad h nuts Immo (1. 4 t . . The Hammes or Cot. Jamas Claxasor, late oommander of the gallant 79th New York Highlanders, arrived here by a special tray!' from Baltimore at 8 o'clo'ck last evening, tio• companied by an escort of the 54th regiment of Pennsylvania volunteers, under the cotritiatid of Major J.aKratichman of the 108 d regithent, New York volunteers, who Were detailed. for; that purpose. the remains of the lamented Colonel `were recovered by Major A. 'V. Blliottand Mr. John pelne, of the War DepartMent, ,and the Or derly Sergeant- of the late Colonel Cameron, who started' from Washington for Manassas luarniliatty after its evacuation by the rebels. When, they reached the old battlezronnd,they: were led , to the"spot by a colored man in the ,neighborliood, The body, had been buried with five othera without a coffin. It was easily recognised by certain marks,as the Clothing Was• to a great ex tent entire. The hair was aineeit Pectect, though the flesh had almost entirely decayed from the beryls. A truss of apeculiattflenfluc- / tion,whiCh tie Colonel worm, iris also found 16 its proper place on his remains. The corpiteiras taken to Washington; where, a splendid corm was awaiting it. Early yes terday noting the , Fifty-fourth ; Pennsylvania. volunteers, Colonel J. AL Campbell, escorted the remains through that city, to the depot; from thence the body was conveyed via Balti more to "this last ,night, - -as Mate& •The corpse only remained: here short time, and was forwarded to Lewisburg, Union county, so companirai by:its Military escort, and a number of the relatiies and blends of .the deceased of this city. Tram Win Uarrozi TisPumacaN NoKum- . noss —At a meeting of the Union Republicans of the Third ward, held at the Parke. Rouse last evening, the following nominations for ward and city ofdoms w ere A made: City neasurer,--Chas. A. Snyder. Council—Jeremiah K. Greenwalt. Assessor—John H. Fox . School Dine:tor—Dr. James Fleming. Judge of Eketion—Erastne J. Jones. litapector —Thomas Poole. . Constable—Henry. Radabangh. anferees to select School Directors—W. J. Stees, Wm. W. Hays, Dr. Georgrißalley, with instruc tions to support Dr.Jamegi Fleming. Ciort'erees Marled City measurer and Oily Au clitors—LPeter Meyer, A. C. Smith' and Eugene Snyder:, with inetructions to support for the former office Chas. A. Snydev SROOND WARD.-At a meeting of the Union Re publicans, held at R Peters' hotel, last even ing, Jacob Shell; Fai., was appointed President, and S. D. Ingram, Secretary. D. W. Gross was nominated for City Council. J. Brisban Boyd " Judge. Philip Ensminger " Inspector. Nicholas Zollinger " Assessor. Jab. A. Boger " • Sch. Director , 8 y'rs. " Anthony Ring " " 241 Males Fleck " - Constable. Messrs. H. C. Allernan, S. S. Childs and W. W. Boyer, were nominated , Conferees to nomi nate City Treasurer and Suditori. = • Messrs, J. D. Hoffman, Rio. Waltower, W. W. Boyer, Berl. back, S. D. Ingram and B. Q. Peters were appointed an Tzedative Committee to serve for the ensuing year: FourthWAlM TJinhe RsPosraozir Noir:Skims. —At a meeting of the Union Republican citi zens of the Fourth woad; held .at the .public house of William P. Hughes, , in Canal' street, the following nominations were made: Oily fad--A. K. Bleak. Aeaessor—John Miller, Jr. Judge—Alfred Bleats 4,,,pect0 ,- --Sereatiah Barnes.' Chniereee to Select a Oily frerretwer—. K Shell, David Kurtz, Samuel Rutherford. Couferees to Select School Directors—D. CI. Kriiese, Alfred Slentz, Samuel Ettla ITszori Ilisuamosus, Ammmoril— : -The &pub fliciins of the Fifth ward will hold a meeting this evening, (Tuesday) the 18th, it the Fifth Ward for the purpose of nominating of ficerS to be elected, at , the spring, election, on Friday neat.: .• • Pemylvani LegiMatwe EZPORTIED 111XPIIESSIN POE 13331 SENATE Molnar, March 17, 1862 The Senate was called to order at s o'clock P. and opened with prayer by Bev. Charles A. Hay. A huge number of petitions and remonstrances were presented and properly referred. IMPORTS OF 00MXIMIZIS A number of reports were made from the standing committees, including the followin: Mr. ROBINSON, (Corporations,) with amend mutt, Senate bill to incorporate the Continental express company. Id'CLURE, (Railroads,) as committed, an act relative to the Shamokin railroad company. BELLS IN PLILOB. A number of bills were read in place, inclu ding the following; Mr. LOWRY, one to annul the marriage con tract between Janus E. Gamble and Olympia, his wife. Mr. SETO/UM, a supplement to an act to provide for the education of the poor of non-ac cepting school districts. BILLS COPIEDKIIID A number of. private bills were called,up,' considered and passed finally, including thefol lowing: • Senate bill relatiye to the Philadelphia and Fending railroad comps*. • " • r AdiOtiniede HOME OE! REPIPIIMITATIVES.; •,MONDAY; Bigurlk, 17,1862 The House met at 8 o'clock R. . A large nmnber, of petitions were ,presented and properly referred; also, a:Ml6:bait:4 VIVI of a private =trite. •• • ' ' •L• • ' Tiie :johitT-treuolntion , iislativw..to the ad lcranunellk tAte.lolo4 l kturef cak the twenty first of March, yitsa taken, Itpend. after he.ing al ended ' lip Mr. Mid' scraa t 6 atititlintelhe "twenty-eighthl,Wirotteadsof -the tvrenty-first,' was made the special order.fdtnext Wednesday. The House. then....... 7 . Adjourned. TAX ON Aaa.—.Twahmuired.thousand -barrels of, ale are manufactured annually- .in of. Albany,: N.. Y. Under.the new tax that city will pay on this articlealone, two hundred ttiduaand dollars a year.. . . y I , 1 , ii :- . From the Lower Mississippi nig Rica lUs :AT zBt4ilip :N0..,i0. Their Batteries . ; Shelled by, the-Union Gunboats. ENE THE REBELS IRATE SEVERAL. TINES BUT BlginfC' The Guns of the deilheeti mend the Inver. HEikirl( FIRING 114 RD IN I'llg URIC- TION OF xinv MADRID. The Babel Fleet .Bupposed to be ,Trylng to gor.ce a Passage.. The rebel's 'lsland,'NO: 10; is a very atrong position. Porty-six - gbits have been mounted. Eight mortars shelled the battery , above the island to-day.. The repels left it several times but returned. They only fired with two guns. There is no difficulty wheteverin our shells ,reacibing the island. •? Gen.. Rope sent. a ' dispatch to Com. Moots,. saying, that ,his , heavy guns copt e anded the river, that neither the'stearnenf gunboats of the anerhy '• • ' • /Firing , was heard in the direction of ••New Madrid all day. ~It is,aupposed that the rebel. gunboats were trying toforce arasage. The transports near Island NO.lo'heunned in an mount - anent, sUpposidlo be hire) enough for 15,000 to 25,000 s men. : ' [0001 4 A • A 4.911 Cern% Bfarob,l6, Afternoon.-.—Cotn. roots is shelling. the rebels at Island No. 10. ~,C/en. Pope's batterielprev6t tI sir esbapti 'down the river. The rebels are'said to be firm/115,000 to 20,000 strong. - The-rebel =gunboats are under, etc to,be, engaging (}en.; Pope;s betterles„ FROM WASHINGTON. '~.:.-~ art ~.~. ~ie .i't °floral Fremont Preparing to take the Field. Confirmation of Brigadier (leviers' of Volunteers. Wuxi:soros, March I'7. ' G4neral Fremont has had an . interview with the President and Secretary of War. He will presa his affairs by promptly starting his depart- ment. His staff will, therefore be determined on at an'earlyday. His head-quarters will be in the field. Col. Shanksibf the House of Bap iaritatives, will accompanying him as soon as 'his public duties will permit. . A large number of applications , have been madeliy volunteer officiets to,.be appointed in the regular army, but these have been =SSC easeful. Among their reasons is the difficulty of diectimiaating as to the relative merits of the aßpliciiti. The Senate were' four hours in executive ses sion to-day, and confirmed the following Sand nation,for Brigadier4kmerals of volunteers : Maj. Wm. F. Berry, Chief,of Artillery, it tached to Gen. M'Clellan's staff; Willis Gorman, of Minnesota; Col. &Amyl& Hamilton; Thcimas L. Price, Member •of Congress from Missouri; Maj.; Jas. W. Palmer, Fifth Cavalry; Lieut. Col. Wm; H. Emery, Sixth Cavalry; Maj. Andrew J. Smith; nth Caveiri; Marquis L. Patrick, New York ; 'lsaac F. Quimby,' New York:' Orriit S. Terr3r, Ckenectiont; Hiram G. Berry ; Maine.— The following Brigade Surgeons, all of Penn-, Sylvania, have been confirine4 ,Jas. D. Stral is bridge, L. B. 11.!Coy, Goo., Kernble, Taylor; Gen: .L. Pancitist, 0: F:' 'Campbelt, - P: H Gross, Washingfoni ankit.lM-Huffy. Additional from Mexico. NEGOTIATIONS POE PEACE NO 'mop ALLIED„ "moot? T 0,101) _..~.-.- NriT,,Toax, March 17 • It `appears that one of the stipulations made at the conference between Gem, Pr•im,,and Do blado, was that no more' troopa ihnuld be land ed on Mexican soil: ' • ' "- Pending the negotiations, under this •contract some of the Spanish troops, returned to .Cuba, and the expected French re-inforcementsonder Gen.! Lorencez, were to return without 'land; lug. The English: forces. will return- via Bermuda to England. iTheir mules, harness &0., , were sold 'to the French who started for harness, on the 27th of February. ' ' FROM HA'VAINA. r ' ffo SLAVE DEALERS MMDERM) Saitay'Roac, March 17 A number of rebel schodoers, with small quantities of ootton-hadreached Hava,na. • • Two slave dealers were , murdered et Havarut. ; The assassins were four to rininb•3r, one a mulatto, confessed to the CiOliliirlBBrdiebrtile Mine, and inodertriull ; • ; . •J. vocal zehafichow had h ue 44 „b 'cP1,310111.40.411A ev PP,lPP.lu:J9k rough tum'f. Itointo .) XXXVTIth Congress—First Session. .J.On motion of Mr. Wlrsoz,'(itlassi.,) the.joint trusolutlik PreAdent to assign the command of the troops, in the field, to of ficers, without regard to their seniority, was 'taken up ; and, after a discussion, .On motion, of Mr. Nilsson" the resolution Was re-oommlitcd to the Military Committee. On motion of Mr. FUSENDEN, (tie.,) the post office appropriation till was taken up. Mr. LATHAM (Cal.) offered as amendment that the Postmaster General he authorized to estab lish a mail, not, law than semi-monthly, be tweet' San Frincisco and Crescent City, inciu ding Intermediate posts. Agreed to. Also; an amendment that the American steamers and sailing vessels bound to any for eignport shall receive such mail as the Depart ment shall cause to be placed um board, and promptly deliver the same; and that the yes eels coming from foreign ports shall receive any mail matter from Consuls, &c The cont. ~ pensetion for , ouch services bein; the usual 'ocean postage. iYCr Einstokin, (Ohio,) moved to add "pro vided the goveenment shall not pay more than it receives.' The amendment was adopted, and the bill posed. The bill for the abolidon of slavery in the District of OoluMbia was taken, up, and post poned till , to-morrow. . Mr. Tatrumas, (111.,) from the Committee on the Judiciary, reported back the House bill to facilitate judicial proceedings, in the case of eapteredproperty, for the better administration of the law of prises. The Senate then went into executive session, and subsequently adjourned. HOUSE OF ItEPRESENTA'IIv I= Mr. LOVEJOY (Ill.) asked leave to introduce a resolution instructing the Committee on the Dia trict of Columbia to enquire and report by what authority Mrs. Bristow. of Georgetown, seized, or caused to be seized, two men and sent them to Baltimore, where they were imprisoned in jail, and whether such arrest and imprisonment was . not a. violation of that provision of the Constitution, which says no person shall be deprived of life or liberty without doe process -of law. • Oe Maecfi 16, Mr. JOHNSON (Pa.) objected to the resolution, and therefore it could not be received. On motion of Mr. Brew, (Ohio,) a resolution was adopted instructing the committee on mil itary affairs to inquire into the expediency of tithing immediate measures to secure the sick and wounded soldiers better medical treatment. Mr. Lore Jar (Ill.) now succeeded in intro liming his reSolution as given above. : Mr: WIOKLUI moved to table it. Disagreed .to, yeasB against nays 68. The resolution was then passed. The House then went Into committee of the whole onthe state of the Union on the taxbill, Mr. Colfax in the chair. Adjourned. • , The deeision of the Supreme Court of this ,State, in relation to the assessment of taxes, 'declare all State taxes, since 1885, unconstita • .tional, by reason of nnequality of taxation.— The Legislature will take immediate action on the act for the relief of form mortgages, also decided unconstitutional. STATEMENT OF THE NEW YORK °ITT . BANKS. Raw Yoaz, March 17. The Bank statement for the week ending on Saturday shows a decrease in loans, $2,432,372 ; an increase in specie, $330,456 ; an increase *circulation, $86,650 ; a decrease in deposits $8,419.024. Cotton quiet—sales at 27c.. Flour heavy ; sales 9,500 bbls. at a decline of 6c.; State $5 26 @5 86. Wheat dull, sales 10,000 bus. at $1 28 fur Chicago spring, $1 86 for red State. porn unchanged, sales 46,000 bush. Pork.quiet.— lard unchanged. Whisky heavy at 284281. Coffee Sim. FOR SEWING MACHINES. JONAS BROOK A . B.RCI'S PRIZE MEDAL SPOOL OOTTON. 200 ; 4 500 YDS. WHILE, BLACK 0 COLORED. 0 1 1 HIS thread being made particularly for L. Sewing Machines, Is VERY STRONG, SMOOTH AND RUSTIC. Its strength Ia not Impaired by washing, nor by friction or the needle. For Machines, one .Hrooks' Patent Glace, FOR UPPER THREAD, encrarxice Patent Six Oord, Red Ticket, - FOR UNDER THREAD, Sold by respectable dealers aturouAldet trie country.-• Also, ISCURIS or 100 twain atm AttantinD sue by Arli. HENRY BAUR, Side d e ns. DOS-aft 38 Vessystrest, New York. JOHN WALLOWER, EL, kigt GENERAL FORWARDING COMMISSION MERCHANT. GOODS AND MERCHANDISE promptly Rewarded by Philadelphia and Reading, Northern Central, Camlxirland Valley and Peensylvania Relivable red Canal. HAULING AND ABATING to anti from Wiper's ol the city to the diderent Railroad depots will be done at the very lowest rates. FAMUREI reartosing will be 1000 1 PDT attended tn. Orders eR at Drant's EnroPann Hotel, vr lid the store of R. D. Winger, sib resolve prompt gammon. Con sigamente 'reign! respeatrullY solicited. WALLOW en 7R. , Agz,,, °SOW Reading Demo.. Choice Teas, Black and Green M 1 N, u-% Mandl pound ror sate al ,mcuors &BowirAwil Aalint,lredia sad Martel streets. •jail PRICE ONE CENT. Wesmaterox, March 17 SENATM ' Mrzwauxia, March. 16 MARKETS BY TELEGRAPH. NEW YORK, March 17