IM 0.1 tier !, I. k KRISBURO; or day . Horning, Marchls, 1562. us NI goLIB AND SOW.= "firm are ~ adf !fling in different pititti 'ren wre constantly foallaiitctliiin to the; . . .11:001TIRF OF BICROHAIFFI will- please take and be punctual In attendaricathkiiiat: s evening at seven o'clock, at the store of k ,,,i r ea , Patterson, In Front street. . • , friIIPFING MORTALITY. —Daring thellust4W far c hildren have died out . of Abe fur. David Wagner, of Bait ktabover St each funeral tar of . the • a( 6i,lv by ride in the same grave. T} beautiful weather of the ILA oined the mow in the 4orth th, State to melt very rapialY, ,c,uelniitta has been rising Considerably, the thaw continue, it will doubtless oiJ trrable height. ,F A HARRIEIBUBMIR. —lnformetifon .CFICA b'ue of the death of Mr. &ie. E. pywaster in the United Stake 41,ic1. occurred on board the steam vea ,14, n ear Ship Island, In the Golf of Mos-, ( Le ktter 'art of February, while 4rpi oid Ina a revolver. The deceast4 wee .f Dr J. W. Hammond, for many years kik in the PERITIVIVaIIia State Treastiry mo t He was also aeon-in-law of Wm. Eel , of this city, with whom his ddrD are residing. He fell white doing tv t, his country, surrounded by many friends. The remains, encased in a leaden' al, how on their way to this city. Ifori,DED AND DISABLED SOLDIER/. —Grand t,,, (he Old Folks Jb•night.—Cur citizens 111,4, forger the grand concert of the Old at Raw fiad,this evening, the proceeds ILL are to be applied tothe fund tor the re f the wounded and disabled Penna. Ell- The concert is given under the aasploss • Latllt ury, Governor Curtin, the heads ,aliment, members of the Legislattpte,, a haliti Of our principal cittisens, and 111 10i to be one of the moat agreeable and entertainmente ever given in' our ogtimtne, with but few exceptions, will embracing very many beautiful ballade' ietriutie songs appropriate for the orsausion, y Euze, J. Nichols, Mrs. Georgie Ship awl Mr. J. T. Guilick, the great . basso, , vt.: h. with the powerful choruses of the Old will form altogether a rare musical treat. L•rt there be a full house to-night. Am•IIIER SSCIL6II" . 1110P112.—A gentleman etLiVtl,l to us this morning a specimen of the ' coltaktiity by whin the distinguished indi nduals who ate endeavoring to "work" the dthrty cooft-demey deeignate by the eupboni , 4 uul.Airricg, worldmoving title, 'money.' oneern was captured, confiscated and.con ]., ed at Fort Donelson. On the left of the a Jon and pillars, indicating that some al is t be hereafter supported by the • utir,oB of the new-fangled confede , The trotette is a locomotive and a train .liudying that the confederate govern fn wheels, and therefore transferable other country. On the right are the "10." by which it is discovered that • 4, was sold for the small amount of ten -'• The body of the bill reads: BASK OF TENNESSEE, Pill PAY OM OUTS TO BLUM. Ade, Dec. let, 1861. iiglied I •M. BTOOKELB, for the Proickal L.llla Were executed at NOW Orleans, and - and 15 ulah resemble the labels some tu,d en paregoric bottles. The Instittt ,me respects is unworty the name even NOt of ail evil." ll=l .2140DtEliON BODY (ivArte.—We have fre "F alluded to this fine military 001P3, ' dof Peune}lvaniaris, in which lEtarTii - represented by two of her patittO* ....iliZ,AB—ltestrt.Val. Hummel and Wm. Watnrig• Our readers will recollect that was formed as a body guard or the Fort Sumter, Gen. Audi-mums but-- 14 ,' , ace of the ill health of that brave °fa: '-1 1U inability to take 'the field, it to General Buell, and is now the " Anderson Troop." -'il"wing documents will show the esti : t which the company is held by 8•J• And other high military officers ~ r enament : HEAD QUAItURB Or THE ARMY, 1) Washington Feb. 19, 1882. z .., • 7 1 .. C. BUILL, COneg Dept of the Mo.` 4 ,h l :—l am directed by Major - General 4 4, to forward to you the enclosed ex '..aa the inspection reporta of Mail:Vl l -, , Asistant Inspector General 'United -Jteral wishes the Colonels of the regi ,... Iri tie Generals to whose compands t he '2 : .`" 16 bdung furnished with extracts _ . _Of niou s ,f the report referring to thclit 'lilt, General, very respectfully,, Your obedient serva B ,SIIITZER, Lieut-Col. and L. D. nt, C. , [Extract.) ~, it Palluer'a independent company of •:..`,"'vati4 Yoluutear Cavalry, “Andorson ~,,.,itiqpected December 20th, 1862, near , r,'"'• ",? c ompany is 100 strong, composed of ', n an I have ever seen in the service, ..:,taa.ive and intelligent, good ideas,.neat e ~ 'eS-9 and appearance, and under nn w:',.''t,4e Thei , have lust received their horses, k, l , 4 ° r 'e g,nd ones, and are receiving excel %lA : rt, The Damn and officers stay in camp, : rl en sent on duty to the city.. 'lntl, 1 '' 4 t 4, , 48 1,: 4 .ut1Y and study their tactics, &nu 4,1,, , , e. ni d es I earnest to make themselves .1 ilit'te-nota, lis arms are sabres and colea 'lli u r° re"lvert. Carbines are expected ~ t::dailY, (since received.) Thiele b far ~,,tt meat. 1 Nupsny I have yet semi m yth [True Corly.} ' . . i •ur,t, QUEIT, A: A. Gen. 444. "Axtderem Vop." • Zlsto Hmaatawickil . P . o44,:miAany ; :110aCipinia Ocntpurr--Nara intlignatim Maim 1 .The City Mer4hants and Busistaswir *Amnia /,7-Puntu ant to a published call, the i rwerchantiand lin t bush:fedi inert. ofl#itrlebW ittlierebied at `tali:past list; in, tip 3 7, Tbentra i loin" of nun 's purpose - or proclaiming their ID ' *nation of, and proteating against the pas gage of the bill now in the Rouse of Represen tatives, entitled an act to incorporate the Her iiisburg Exchange and Mercantile timpani. lii antidpation itl* meeting, by a pre yions understanding, all the principal stores Nand places of business throughout , the city Weni 4closed at `f o'Clock in the evening, in order to afford an - opportunity for all hands cenzircted with said establishments"to partici pate, in the demonstration. In consequence of tide 'arrangement, by oven-and aohalf (Mock, the hour at which the meeting was - cilled, the liOge room was literally• filled with those in •terwited in tbe, movement, and. we doubt if there was a solitary store or business establish mOni in the city that was not represented on ttie 'occasion. It was emphatically a mass mewing of Wiliness men—the solid, substan tial men of the community, to whose,labor, ante prise and capital; more than anything abut, we owe our prosperity; good credit and high; position in the family of growingstities —mit together in council to give an unqual ified! expression of their indignation of one of the most inhinitlous schemes that was ever attertipted to be foisted upon an Intelligent comtkaiiity. Intel! our - reportoritd . experience, we have mot witnessedan 'isseirtilage of met together as a delitieritivti body, that`evinded a ,gretiir determination of spir#,,,or a more un- Munti , of sentiment, than was apparent at the meeting last nigh., Evers' partigitant seemed to b e impressed with the importance of. the occasion; and all vied with each other in gliring foroe'and character to thi-tneeth3g: TIM OJGAJIZAfION Tbi) meal*• wdi l'osbid to toiaei;•.by A. J. flora Mg., upon whose motion, the following named gentlemen were chosen as officers. Da. ANDREW PATTERSON. rle. Freitag.: - Jaginti Houser, Johzo Xißinger. Jas.o. Espy. Hang A. Ross, Danhil Epley, " ' Win. Debi, Tr., J. MaAin Lutz, • - Henry Gi lbert, George W. McCalla. Seeretcrist: Horn, 'ltem! F Sche ff er , Isaiah Van H Atistih,W. Nichols, 0. D. Forster. The officers baring taken their seats, Thy Preeldent,preccesfed to. stats, the. object of the meeting, when , at his request, Col. Geo. H,MiSgan read the bill, to remonstrate against the pilotage of which, by the Home of Repro sentativee,.thetneeting had been called. After he had copultajed,, „ .; Mr: J. Adam Boger; dry gcfsls b l tta l lrOnoxet4 thit,4 committee of Ave be afipobited reeobitioturexpiiiefte'd'the being agreed. :to, the: PresiMat pointed the following 00I0CM131 ON IULIKOMITIONO: J. Adam Bop!, dry goods . dealer. Beery A. Kelker, 'hardware merchant. Brady, jeweßer. V.l. jr., ticioery qteeilialsre merchant. - ' Chemberit : p t . Maio; grocery; and queens , ware merciiint. The committee retired to an anti-room, and during ite deliberationi the range audience was highly enbirtained with a SHIM Br 00L. Mr. 'Herr said the citizens of Harrisburg ought to be prepared for any kind of legislation, be cause they heard too much to expect politicians to be influenced always- by correct motives. He excoriated an honorable Senator whese duty it was to prevent such legbilation, and regretted there was not power enough in him to have orushdd it at once. He spoke of the ooniterna. tion let seized upon the . pub li e mind`when this b l was published, and compared it -to - the alarm ! that would- be produoed by the . bursting of rebel bombs in our midst at midnight.. He drew a vivid &tura of the battle between the Menhir= and-the Monitfiri . findtdeciliedlihis bill to' be as destructive to the business interests M the Merrimac might have been, but that this meeting was the Monitor driving it hick to die grace. (Tremendous applaese.) The title of the bill was high sounding, WV false. ^. It was. lte a harlot's cheek, beautified With-paint. •It was dfisigned to miblead. '• He then - tiehrted . Out the powers granted under it, and ihoWed that it legalised a pawnbrokir i s eithblisliteent: Mr. Herr showed that pawnbroker viers - injurious to any community. They were the reoeptaoles of stoten good', and patronized by the bad. The Onius of no people 'could encourage them. He then exbibited,in a powerful and conclusive argulut,, howthqauction stores that would be open under this bill would ruin two-thirds of the witness men. The merchant, mechanic and it'rkingnian would suffer, whilst the fa vored iBW would be pampered. Revenue would be withdruwn from the county, and there would nectesseirily be lees resources for taxes. We can not do justice to the .speach of Mr. Herr. It was , so t und in argument, eloquent in express- lon, and took the meeting by storm. The re pasted lapplause showed that he wm-Strtking the popular heart.' Mr. lieradeserves, and will receive: the thanks of the business men of this - haashownintheir cause. itzmut.ol ano. I. rainus, 103 Q Atitbe conclusion of Col. Herr's speech, Geo. 8. ikiimible, Esq., who is named in the bill as one of ;the oorporators 'of the comrany, arose and in it few remarks explained to the audience his totinection with the proposed comparty. He staid that be bad been solicited for, and had grant the nee 'of -his Mime in the bill- with- out haiing any definite knowledge of its char acter, dintil within a aborttimasince; his atten tion was called to the matter by a personal friend, }when he was led to a careful examina tion of !its features, which resulted in his con- rilon ' , that they were highly prejudicial to the iloierests of the city. and accordingly requesttd that his name should be erased front :14. He saw many around him with 1 444 lOe was on ter of the moat kttimate Mil r ft !?r , years ; and he wooltibe the" lest ire. denim 'their assembling together fer enniigloartiii 4L4 attegtaph, eattiettitV AtrrOig; Add) 15, ' 1802 such a I urpose. All he was worth 'he owed to the business and prospialty of the city, and so far from aiding to arrest their progress, he has alwiys, on the contrary, endeavored to promote th - Sik advancement. He was decidedly opposed to the bill. Ketuble's remarks were greeted by the audience with loud and prolonged applause; and On motion. of Mr. Herr, the meeting tmtit monisly exhonorated Mr. Kethblec: froth.' all odidm that maylatie *eq attached to hire by the Sppeartinne of hie m a ne as one of the cur • poiators of the proposed company. pfx Am30141/.9m - j:niittee , on Besolutions, made his appearance in the meeting, and reportedit6 follewing, which were urianimol4ly-adopledi .1 • arateacAerwetbkiew-fijkilv eorniaiOn experience that the true twig of all business trariactionals honest' and. tilt, every att pttOltdrckluCe in itb character and injurious in' its results, car ries With it, the badgetof fraud ; Arkfliehtriart; :We; have 'heard lith'pain and surprise of an efforknow making to induce the Legialatnre to pery_ertl i the; l poikar ,visted in it for the good of 'the whole people, Whereby a few will be benefitted to the decided (letdown; of this community • Atid whereas, We deeply deplore even the pos sibility of such an attempt being successful, no mater by what means or influences it may be brought about ; and believing it to be right and iproper to express our views in respect to siclenonduct ; therefore, Resolved, That the act entitled "An Act to incorporate the Harrisburg Exchange andlier motile company," is a speculative monstros7 ity, destitute of aistngle trait tormunmend it to the confidence of this meeting; _that it is calculated to work"BeriOrlit and-permanent inju-, ry td, the intereshi of.Aclassea. Reeked, 'that the Fentinoint of this comma- • oily 'lB strongly bretile to.the passage of , this: bill ;, that the merchant, mechanic and work-' ingman earnestly protest against it, and respect fully urge the Legislature to strangle it in its inception. • • - Reteivody , That srehereby sentatives from this ixeinty to lesvei'ho fair effort; undone;tolleifeat bill--thit the ing 01 their constituents calls loudly and perativelritioin" them t 6 give time, energy and labot 4 to accomplish this object. Retiolved, Thatthe President of thbi appornt a•comiiittee ofsliteen to call 'upon the' membertrof the leghdatere, and represent the true *hikes of this comdmnity in respect to this bill. Mrs" J. A. Boger moved that the,Preiddent of the meeting 'and A. J. Herr, Rag,., 1* inaluded` among the gentlemen of - the 'comtnittee•ealled• for in the, resolution. The motion was agmed'to. ' - • 'Mr: Beinuel R. &de; offered' thefolloiv r'. i ll g ,• • . reeolutidn, 4)114 wan 'aininbnotudy agreed to: Raelead, That the tbardn; Of.,,thie• i rneetting are dne to: / . .'3.lteri,Miq. for hia very able and elbqkiez# Zbe unaPi mons nentinifint of Ilife;tifeetbig,niOnit in oorpoietion of this diobolioel mtlekoldti: • • , The President sum" oritieed that in accordance with the resOlvitiOirhe. kietiipointed the fol lowing COMiiliitee 'to wilt 'Upon the members of the Legislature to represent the true wishes of the! people of this oommunity in respect to this bill: Dr.;Andrew Patterson , Pr oduce Dealer • D. W. Give, Druggist ; Daniel Bpply, Dry G oods Merchant ; John A. Boger,Dry Goods Mer chant!. Henry Gilbert, Ha rdware Merchant ; anthfar a E l ing, ga!lkw,sze *unbent ;,,lark 8, Espy, ler inixiltiiit Cloths'; San *Bdwairds, !pot end Shoe Dealer:4 Weak Sayford, Clo thing, iderchlant ; John Sepplei, Telblictiorilat ; '..T014. 51 L.-6 , Hirgex ; Tlio. F. BheffeT, Book Dealer, arid nterT G eo rge Bei4tioi., - Ekioli. 'Dearer sad Print ';' Wm; Doek, ,li4Grob l i ,t '., .9, :1), ; 11'op, ear, Owe Dealir ; G. V. 1604* Jeweller ; L. J. Herr, Houle U. Einstein, Joseph Hake On ination of *l. J. A. ,Boger, Mr. 8. Hz' Etla WAN added•to the above Thai' tinii6' l 64o en gen erneh comp Ming the above committee, would meet at his store in Front , street, at seven o'clock next Saturday evening, and hoped that there woulit be punctual attendance. • Oh motion, the meeting adjourned. Tnii CRAHTIB Ersarnm.—fhis "Thiferrifial" lioSinfir.—The Democrats of the city-met at their instal places of meeting in the several wards on Thincsisy evening, and timid Ociii"Jiii44i• tions to y be supported by thSMat the charter electicm !mat Eric 11.4; following are the nominaristfo cus:fir as we marlin Rasp; City l. Tressarer, John T. Wilson .City ~lonn cii, Gorge J. Shoemaker ; School. I/Hectare, Daniel D. Boas, John T. Wileon :Asfulebr . , Josiah!. B. Royal ; Judge of Election; Win:" H.' Verbeke ; Inspector, Wm. Bach ; Oct J. Monroe greater; Constable, Henry Becber. itard Executive Committee •foi 11362=—WM Ahickis, Theo. Boheffer, 0. Edwards. Council, W. 0. Hicook; Judge, J. ,W. Brown; Assessor, Daniel Snyder; Inspector, BChOoi Directors, Dr. C. &Biz, l;curiiinet, Sr.; City Treasurer, A. W. Watson;_,Constahle, Mark Snyder; City ,4Luditor, pardeliCpply, John J,Osler, J . Bowman. - • Executive Committee—Dr. Beller, Daniel Wignik and Richard Hummel. CityiTressmer, A. W. Wattlon;Tchool Dye?: OMD. D: PdaN:A4 l 4 l1 i 1 4 16 Fre 6 0 460 * - ' Mitts°, Michael Shafer, 4. . Wearer, Hiram Helder" Assessor, Jacob.ltarnhart ;loslge of Election, George B. Egle ; Inspector, A. C. Dnnkla; Constable, A. 0. WOlintock. -In tiro of the remaining wards it Is undemtood that the Executive Committheirliave been in struckii to support John T. Wilson. for City Treasniiir, which in the conference will create a tie Vote between that gentleman and the presenti inouMbilitt7MX. Witson.7 Naw l 42k.o ns.—l am now selling off my entire stock of goods at and below-cost„or.,%; per cent.. cheaper than you k citii-Purcluwe alsaliere, Pie linen shirts, 76 cts. to sl_;., shirts, 60 cts., aPd 60 ate. with linen bosoms ; night shirts, 60 ots ; .under, shi rts” and Armen, 40 cts. to '..87 cte., klitr}holl monkey' jackets, 60 cte. to Al ; cotton and woolen _hose 10 de. to 16 cts; silk tfis-12,11.fferut:18 ets ; collars; B'ots. to 16 obi. a piece iiadilr dollars, 4 and 5 cts.;! coif, 4 and 6 eta: a 'piece; under sleeves; 18 cis.; fine cambric at 13 and 18 chi. per yard, worth 26 cts.; of 'a new style; add - fast bollars,_l2l au - linen, bosoms; 1.6 bier:upwards. .11 you want O cheap d - Obit goods jog - go •to ' Jain A.' Lynn, lit the Harrisburg. Cheap Shirt Mann- y: wheallBllooln*ofrivigiratiuterve. N. IL-3t4i4i-lav'masdaA cal meiore, Boo.; newt , t 4 Htminial atorei nififtet Bmt. 44 T.O 'LUX, TO, TON KII*I=IF4I. I=== BROOND WAND eXTEIIIYARD. Two Hultman Pi of besutiful new spring calicos; a large lot of bleached and unbleached muslin , off thf ) traCetplikel blue;' cheeky at 14 cent& per yard; liife stockings,' M cents ; another lot of those good white rib bed stockings ; ladies' pocket handkerchiefs, at 14 cents; children's pocket handkerchiefs, with border, 5 ,--cents,; shirt breasts 12i, lb i i m ci to. RV ceikt.s. 25 pisose r newTsot sniff; heal) 3 coltod --a Nfodled titrelts at 3. all Once; ; 40 , dozen **len stockings, for children, 14 cents; yard, hleached mts3lin. 14. cents-; all wool Ft ench - Mails/be, 4411 &dorsi, 'at -62 : 46 " 75'i Cents. Having bought the balance of the stink orbolesale • A tietre•, of Vain !and ,figuredli Swl& stkitOleOri: Natistaiditi Vtettiriti Wet, silitathefor• dresses, as those goods will be very scarce and dear!next summer now is the time to buy. Our 'stock of Furs at boat: 13. Rhoads' Old Stand: . "that is required to patronizes newspaper, and amply rewarded is its patron I care not how humble and unpretending the paper he takes, 'it is next impossible 4 to fill a,. sheet without t,40 4 putting: itistomettibiettist ti-worth Ithe subscription atilt,,:'Astothastanckilie lOcation of ijiich driloWmtuil Wait, DijltilAe - stiire,. south-east corns ht e nrunt a nd . irkelitreeltr. z , , r`c HAI/LW E 1 HAIR DYE I Itatcheloeti lair Dye The DDlrtfiliftaleild eardl34llable DyirKinoin . t Ali Others are mere imitation, and should be avoided ifyou • • GREY; RED OR RUSTY HAIR dyed Instantly to a beautiful and natural Brown or Black, without the least injurite Hair or Skin , FIFfIiWAttOp.SILP bOrieter dad t o siii - 0182 ad - over 200,000 applications have been made to the hair of the patrons Of bis 'famous Dye. Wis.' A. BAYDEIRLORT HAIR DYE produces a color not tel be distinguisheo from nature snails, yriamitorrito not to iniure in the least, however long It may be contin udd, add the Malts:l43C badittr dirretnedigli The hair is invigorated Yoilife by 'dila splendid bye , antra is prop. orly,ap I died at No.. Id SeedSAscol:Ne,W. York., • • • goti., - Anthe Mies end towns of the United States, by brngidsts end Fancy Goode Dealers _ . The Genuine has the IMMO "Witham Batchelor and address upon 4 steel plate tatgraving,,en .the Rohr aides of each. 4 -; - •- ButlibiTAt4- - late WS droadway,- Now York. I= ' , llll . , On the I.BMild lito e a dh, the reablertoo of-Mr. Snell, by the Reo. Jobikson R. ' Groff, Mr. Jxo. Efto.r. to Mliortiaoito bath of YorWboooty. Mitit On Thuraday night al 9X o'clo4k, Vill. RANSAII CUM- . aged 713 years. The funeral wilt tike,plice on Monday afternoon at tiro .O'Cloolf, from. the residence of her eon In 'karket Elquare t The relatives and friends are respectfully' hivit • o:tonitend.3 • s “The' mothers of the presentgeueration of men are fest ug swaYkpastring,as She sunshine !saws our paths bid tile 'harms growdeeper and b fonder in our Journey to the 'Pave. All flint, we„ can retain of them is the blessed memory of their virtues, and thereefor its amulet den, are the richest Inbbritandoi* they bequeath to the - world. toetron whose death is today s;;Ardeil. Shahan disobarod-hernlietted duty . through 144 : Yeiers of usefuhurac chitrity'6l'virtue. She has Villtdri her destiny lq iffelt Molest pleasure and holiest• fatio'ri,berietahing to those whl will mourn her loss, 'a rich Initeritince `lrriiit . 'and piety ; which, while It shined 6heer and,ardneale.tiaem in their !battler in •this life, has become her crown of glory In . the lite that is eternal. " New rAtrattiinnetti. •FOR •RENT. lATOttk. ROOM iu a good looation on Bieoad-street. For SiNoulahr•enortrir of , TBOiLtS MUM; e taw dBt • • No: 74Martot street `'''''''' VIZIR ,SALE: :PHEiliroPrietorzof the Holmes 'County Blipnblicant.shier to sell that - tistablishiztent. The office tags:melte Sh. best "country °ekes" In tbor State; hapei-gioddlttn;ofjoblettrdvertising patronage, and aftetrtiPtlonehsttitmearenti thoussuld. The present pro. prietor is lOW engageditu the mercantile 'business and donl'Attd' tinurto attend. to' both. The establishment be Sat oheap. Address JOHN MERRY, ' tar1.44,8t.* Millersburg, 0; QUARTEffittidnilli OITICE • BalanuoaXlffiirch: 11, 1862. BIDS will berecekred at Obi Office until ~ BALIVEDAY, March 22, 1862, TWO MINDItED TWENTYFIVE,TIORSES, for • . CAVA.I:IIiY, from 15 - „to 16 : hands high, between 6 and 8 years f4ige_,'of dark :colors, well brokeix to , the saddle; OomPahtlibnilkind Tree from 'all de febYe - !And-for nye HUNDRED HORM*3", iultablii for A.RTILIAERY, froin toi to 18 hands high, between 8 and 8 years 4f age, of datletiolors, free from ail mots, well broken harness, and to weigh not leas than 1,100 pounds. • • •.•,Evety:horse.offered that does note othifiirm to the specifications rejected. TheVoretnutent. reseriiev.the . right to reject all bidii deemed unreasonable... mc* 4— thd TRULY-1111 — iiESVIN4 1 " 1":1:18P receivin g from New York, a bean u tilM assortment or spriacaoods, ELEGANT 'SILKS. Foriar4,4silka, yery New. style dress goods. •N. B. : £. alewares. Party Std ,Glove , for ladies. Elf ItY l O B , Ciintlemeles Oktves, of *me importation. All chimp for only at. ' JONAS , SWAN, Y. ' N ilitOirk4llB AND AILL CON.: CERNED. - clothing m ,possission. of soldiers is the ' pparty of the MAW States. ' • , Thii;rticles of 'par prohibit the sale by any 40 — l dle ..of ,any Government property iii. their P.oies 0 • Eve gale of seek clothing is aliale of stolen proper ;y r and--any-person-hereafter receiving I on pawn ? or pnrobs t aln&any irackproperty from 1 soldie :will be probeededlgaimit to 'the' fill 1 extento the law. mal ' i " -d2t BICEtAIID L-DODGE, ,CaptabvBth Infantry NOTICE: 111 account of David C. Kellar, aseig of Henry P. Howard, or Derry township, has beim fa in the Court of Common Plan of 'Dauphin orsitY, d will be confirmed on the first day of May, 30 ir. S/5 the c" . 7 1051. °TING, mall42twlt Prothonotary. 5 1 - 3-ARBJES of Apples; Ant received and for sari by John *llse, whole sale and retail Grocerand- Hmifecitiozier, in Third street, nett doot to Bradley's Barber shop near Walnut. nisrB46tmae ; •WANTED. OEitLD'S NURSE, cook and chamber nonikid, white wawa preferred. Apply next door o Mr. Dclogivrty's on *mond street. mar7.det. JUST RECEIVED. A I,` RGE ASSORThflglff of Family Ad, Bi of aterent styles of binding, at 900, la- 26 $1 60 , 25,..*4 - 45.aad1110. --Alsoßooker Bibles of dif ferent st and W * oes I3OIIEFIPB B ,- gook stots , se iPif • other &AO for ennge' *ad ine V /16V h 41 3 it a lte & 1101.161tuN, AGREEABLY to the provisions of _ an act of the General Asserribly -of this --tVsinition wealth, approved the twenty-fifth day of Fawn ary, A. D. 1862, which is as follows: AEIEIPPLEMENT to an act in relation to public .printing, approved the ninth day of April, one thousand tight hundred and fifty-six. Ssortme 1. Be it enacted by the &nate and Howe of Representatives of the thnisnan`wealth of Penneyl minis, in General Assembly met, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same, That the con tractor or contractors for the public printing ana binding, shall hereafter be allowed for the - tiaiititlation of English matter required to be printed in the German language the sum of forty ands per thousand ems. Provided, That no charge shall be allowed for figures or other mat ter not actually translated. 7 8sc. 2. That in addition to the charges al lowed e for the furnishing of Blanks, by the elev enth sectionof.thet eta to which 'this is'a stipple ment, there shallAtereafter be:allowed for down red ruling five cents per quire of twenty-forcr sheets.' Sao. 8. That it is the intent - and meaning of of the act to whitif thls is a - supplement, tbat there shall be no :aline allowed for composi tiod on any extra documents ordered, ordeal the domposition has actually been perforMed,of which an affidavit of the public printer Shall be required by the Auditor Geheral. Sao. 4. That on Tuesday the eighteenth day of March, one thousand eight hundred and six tyz two, and - on the foUrth Tuesday of. January every third year thereafter,the Legislature shall Meet in joint convention in the Hall of the !Ones of Bei:ram:datives, and 'let the public Printing and . binding for three years according to the provisions of this Atd, and the act to which this is a supplement, except-that but one ,weekls public notice may be given . Of the time of the allotment for tne year one thousand eight hundred and sixty-two. Provided, That the bonds with the sureties of the several bidders shall be duly executed, sealed up and delivered with the proposals for the printhig and binding and in addition to the 'Condition now r*Plired by la*, shall be conditioned that, in case the bidder or bidders to whom the printing and binding shall be awarded, shall neglect or re fuse to accept the same at his or their bid, the said bidder or bidders with his or their sureties aforesaid shall be liable to the Commonwealth for the difference between the amount of such Iffitand the amount of the bid of the person to whom the printing and binding shall be award ed, after such neglect or refusal. And provided furtlur, That said bonds shall be accompanied With the certificate of the President Judge of the Court of Corrunon Pleas of the district or districts in which such suretiesm ay reside, or incase of the absence or other Inability of such President Judge with the certificate of the asso ciate Judges of the county In which arch sure ties may respectively reside, that said bond and sureties are sufficient to secure the Common wealth to the amount of the penalty thereof, which certificate shall be authority to the spealiera toapprove said bond:- • Notice is hereby given that the B:Pallier of the Senate and House of ,liepresentatiVee of said Commonwealth will receive proposals until the 18th day of March, 1862, for doingthe Public Printing and Binding for, the term of three years' from the Ist day of July next, at a certain rate per centum below the rates specified in the act relating , to the Public Printing and Binding, approved the 9th day of April, a. D.,1856; and according to the mode and manner, and condi lions; therein specified, and in the supplement to said act above recited. Said specify the rate per coati= on the whole of the rates of said act taken together, and not a specification of the rate per oeotutn ixdow the rates on each item. The following is the form of proposals for the State Printing and Binding: "11.--7-N Propose to do all the StaterrtrdieB and•Buiding in the manner and in all respects subjecit to the provisions of the act of the 9th of April, A. D. 1866, and the supplement there to, approved Februar:i 25th, A, D. 1862, for'the period of three years from the first day of July next, at the rate of per centum below the rates specified in said act, andshould the State Printing and Binding, as aforeSalclbe allotted to me, I:will be ready forthwith to give bond, with sufficient sureties, for the faithful performance of the work so allotted," which said proposals shall be sealed and endorsed, "Proposals for Public Printing and Binding;!! , and - . shall be directed to the said Speakers, and be delivered to one or both of them to be opened, announced and allotted, on the 18th day of March inst., agreeably to the provisions of the act of 9th of April, 1866, and the supplement thereto, ap- proved February 25th, A. D.°1862. ELI suns, . Secretary of the Commonwealth. matlo-dtd 'DISSOLUTION OF PA.RTNFRS HIP. QTICg is hereby. given that 'the part nershlp heretofore existing between William A. tt wad Jacob R. Croft, in the lailoring business, Was aitsittietni on the 11th day of March, 1862, by mutual consent all those indebted to the late firm will pleura nixie payment to W. A. or J. S. Oruft. WILLIAM A. 0 110F 2, . JACOB X. °Ron. - wmareaupo March 12, 1882. - - The 'undersigned having purchased the entire stock and fixtures of the late firm, and having made large ad ditions: thereto, is now prepared to execute all orders with neatness and despatch. Thankful for the very libemble patronage heretofore attended to the firm, he bopes, by atria t: persona Minn busbies' to merit , a continuance of-the same. nia33-tiSts W. A. cdoyr, JAB: 13VJAER, 1114..14eitiateirciester. • NOTICE. Ticdount of Henry G. Heisey, execu- A_ Henry toi of ;Joseph Olark of Coneirago township, who was aufignee or fidward Elahn, has been filed , in the Court 'of Common Pleas of Dauphin county, and will be confirmed on the first day of May,1862 , unless cause be •ahown to the contrary.' .i. C YOUNG, - mais-d2t.wit Prothonotary. POLIO BALE. WILL be eold at Public Sale On WEDNESDAY , March 19 1862. . . . at Camp Catheron near the Poor HOUSES all the , lumber compos'ng said camp, containing . 200,000 FE E T ' OF tignisEß. - more of lees. It will be [lola In lota to ,sult purchasers and without reserve. CAST. WM, E. SEES will remain a fa* OaSO!1 to receive recians tor eompaay D Pleventh /Aegis:tent:now' staMened.4t Aviay Md. Apply at the Partners' Hotel, B. G. Peters, Market street. mane dlw • NO ' excuse for having Boole • and - Shoes not blackened. Blacking that will give a polish on wet or gg:easy boots. Just the thing Aft — the times,.. When . every one cant of afford two or three lairs' of shoat br boots. Dill and examine , at • = • • NICHOLS ti BOWMAN'S, corner Front alma xarket streets. GARDEN SEEDS.- - -deet received a laige.inroice of cbOice Garden Feeds—roomprltdng a. greater variety of imported and htnne growth than Las ever been offered In this city. Those who may detdre•toyurchase, can depend upon getting the best in the world, at the wholesale and retail grocery store of • whi. DOCK, Js. & CO. Misatiantons NOTICE. TO THE PIIIILIC. - kaleto commence at 10 o'clocka. X. .By - order of RIOEIARD DOD6 °nicer- Z, Captaid Elpjah Infantry-' ". P 011 ! 4 . 64 ' 11. S. A • [mar‘l2:ll63] Jar • g tami camp. RECRUITS WANTED. EOMETHING NEW ! NAZ&RETE ECALL, ...BOARtiEnt ..SOROOL FOR BOYS . E r, AZAREIII . ..; 01001111InPtOn. _ county, Pa. P* ofjaisaass front Aotlirs . 1t . 9 railrood to and the3 77 " Zi:g l ififtD If. =OHM • v fs.2m* `*— ' ' Prbocipal qttiOtiot.kbt BRLANrs. HALL. IMMENSE AND TRIIIMPHANIMAXIESS,OF t'• ~~: c>ia CO-NaERT m AID or Tull FUND Tog Tiro szcs. - stun vtorimEn Mann's SATURDAY EVENING, 15, Pcisin V EL'ic LA ST CONCERT. A G'R - A'N.D MATTINEE 42 3 O'CLOCK 2'o DAY. Childreti to ittattioe, 6 ots.. Adults 25 ots Kra. E . m . MAs J. NICHOLS The Emiiient . Soloist dog Willie' Anthem to Liberty. , htBS GEORGIE SHEPPARD, ME: J. T. GI:MICK, acd COUSIN REIIBIN, In New Solos, assisted by the full Chorus of Conipany. Doors (maw at 7 o'clock—to commence at 7f. TICIETS'OI7:tII4IESION 25 cents RFSRAVD SEATS 10 cents extra, can be: . had daring the day at, Dr. Bannvart's Drug Store. , matl4-dltmae SANnRO'S OPERA HOUSE, DOIJ.BLg INGAGEIOENT, SIGWOR: BLITZ ON MONDAY EVENING, March rya, 1882, ASSTSTIMIBY Tin CiILEBRATID DR. VALENTINE. The Qusralosl and lizoallent Delineator or Character. This twill bathe most Brdilant, Verb:a/ and RECHERCHE DID HONST RAT lON . Offeriarta the Citizens of flarritharg for yew's. ADMISSIOW 25cents. Reserved Seats in Orchestra 15 cents extra. Doors open at qparter before seven o'clock— to commence at balf-past seven. - mar-12:dtd SEEDS I SEEDS I! SEEDS !! ! TENT received aivi for 'ale at the Agri cultural Store, 110 Market street, the - LARGEST STOCK of fresh and genuine Os rdsh, Flower and Field Seeds in the !Matadi:it side of PhtlidelPhia. Garden Seeds at - THREE CENTS PER PAPER, wARIANTED to contain as much as can be had foritee cents anywhere else, and in bulk, et prices which casnoi be under sold. Abed Agrleultoral and Horticul tural Implements ibr the season. I invite attention to my steak, DAVID II AVNICS, mall-w3h:d2w 110 Market street. 100 'BUILDING LOTS FOR SALE. THE stthscriber offers for sale, Ots terms &vont.% to purchasers, ore hundred bul'ding lots variously situated In the north-western and eastern parts alba eity of Harrisburg. on Penn street, Foster avenue, IBM street, Ridge avenue, and oa State street, east or Paxton creek, "betMentiMald ,caelt and the Harrisburg cemetery. For farther particulars Intinire or Urn soespesit ter re siding on Front street in said city.. MVO. FORSTER: - , marliMin FOR RENT. .rIIET rooms formerly occupied by Gross Ennkel, as a ,WHOLESALE AND, 22.NTALL GROCERY, hawing amide accommodation En the nano. action °couch busmen. Apply to GEO. G. SIINICEL, Canal street, between State and Walnut. maB-2w* C'OAL'! P•O•WDER!! COAL REDUCED ! I I N consideration of the hard times, and 'm3 ielle : clasively FOR CASH, I have reduced the price of Coal as follows : Lytens Valley. Broken 4) 32 90 per ton 46 a Luire Egg 1 , 1 290 61 11 16 11 Smilagg 61 290 41 St Stove " 2 . 90 " Nut o 2 • Wilksbarro 111 t9O Lorberry, '. 290 " sir en Coal deliyered by the daxamr Wawa- CAM; It can ow weighed at the purchasers dcor, and 11 it note short 10 Yougns, the Coal wild be forfeited. All Coal of thabest quality mined, uelivered free from all imparitim Sa-Coal sold In gantities, at the UMW WHOLIFULI PRIAM. Agent tar Dupont's Celebrated Po *der, a large supply always on hand, at' Manufacturers prices. /WA large lot or superior baled Hay for sale. j 23 JAMES M. WHEELER. MONiT PURSES. ORTEMONAIES, WALLETS, POCK . et-books Bankers' Cases, Ladies' Caba Fatchels, Ladles! ravellitg satchels. We are constantly receiving additions to our stock of the above goods, and anew eerily have a tine assortment of the latest styles. We respectfully invite persons wanting to purchase any of the above articles to examine the stock—knowing that a greater variety or better goods canno . be bound in the city. SELLER'S Drug and Fancy Store, Si Market street, one doar east of Fourth ateeet, mouth Bide. m4l. ti-AV E R ' ALE, PORTER AND BEER, OTICE is hereby given to the citizens or Harrisburg, that the undersigned has authorized Mr. R. Mager to receive orders for any of my mannfon titres. -:Tbe collecting will be attended to by the under signed. AM orders left as above will be promptly at tended to. GEORGE LAWN, feb22-116m. Pottsville, Pa. TO GRAIN CONTRACTORS. THE BALTIMORE BAG FACTORY, No. 77 South` Street, Baltimore, Md. TS PREPARED to furnish Government L Contractors and others with Linen or Cotton Bugs of all sizes, promptly for case at tow prices. Oats and Corn contractors will find it to their advantage to Siva me a call. JOHN C. GBAFFLIN. Baltimore, Jan. 17th, 1862. -19,24-2mde L . ..0.D/BS CORSETS, ALL OF THE DIFFERENT SIZES, WHITE AND COLORED. The NA article manufactured, can be found at OATHOARTB', Next door tolhe ilaMsbuitgßank. 401EIN emarra-13- BOOT & 'SHOE STORE ()OMNI SECOND AND WALNUT STS.. Harrisbnig; Pa. I..TATB.Olitiiaia'a laika asaortatont of BOOTS, SHOE% ciatrwa, ke., of the Very best toonites. for lathes, go - 4 ohildreoe! wear.— Pr - tugs to suit the 13ine8. ail kinds of WORK MADE TO ORDER lathe bed style by enpertor workman RETAIRINO dene at short notice. oW.lft.dtf JOHN R. Barna. Efarralme. THE°. r. eCHEFFER, Room. • AND JOB rigurrEa, NO. 18, M4RKE7 STREET, RAR ' "Rine. . dirParilicititat attoutkin rid .fa, !tinting, Rabid and Binding of RodkoalL_Patdlllll - 11iista, rodoles,Clhooke, 'CADA Whitd at $2, $3, $4, and 25 Par thousand ha elegant aro. 120