Pennsylvania daily telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1857-1862, March 15, 1862, Image 6

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- _
Porattifiloht that standard sheet
4Whereliesthes the foe but fille ,before
Wilfriedom's soil beneath our feet, •
11 Freedom's banner streaming o'er in.
A . 1.8.E1'5.1 . 3011G, PA.
Saari Horning, March 15, 18814
A very large meeting of the business men of
this city, 'was held last evening in Bran's DA
for the purpole 04 protesting again t et a
proposition 114 off before the Legislature, calcu
lated, in the judgment of.those who 'projeited
that meett4; : to'll'oe - Itiniense injury to the
real inteieste'Of the PeOple and the city:9f Har
risbarg, if it becomes Olaw.. .The meeting was
respectable in every partinular. The call which
eonverysi it was signed by a makiriticof
leadiWariil enterprising husiness„men,ef -the
city, arattize proceedings in every may distin;
guished by a decision and a deliberation Which
evinced the honesty and Sincerity of ihose'hi
whom . it, was composed. Yet, with all these
facts so notorious, the 'publicity of the call, and
the elritht of the meeting; and the'imPor.!apca
of itti" Aect, the Ppgriot this Meraing had not
a slngle.Word in reference to it, and treats the
whole subject with a contempt which seems to
indicate also Its disregard for the' 4t.'ereets and
the intelligence of lTarrisbirg and its 'business
men. We ask the businesimen of this city to
stick a
,pin in this fact: and when our :fteigh
bors hereafter atteMpt . to blow",for Harris
burg, the raiders of the Patriol may be sure it
is an interested " blow," as its Silence and
differenoi in this instance are, capable of' More
than orke'construction, whether it b 9 as to the
romors;,hute of milling, or the expectancy of
short interest and long credit. But the public
are at litsity to wake its own inference.
&NOB'EBB BEGINNING. Or yen WAS, scarcely a'
move has been made toward filllog up those
regiments *hose numbers have beep' reduced
by deitit i : from battle or disease., Recruiting
for commands already in the field- has; in few
cases prised , successful, and In no instance
have ill Werke in'that directionmet with the
encouragement they jetstly deserved. Volun
leers have 'preferred, to enter some regiment in
procese 'Of lorMation rather than go, without
military,eultUre, 10to a command whose mem
bent arepoomparatively ,veterarm in the service,
As IP el ueat totliie Asia kFaiye, cry
of our, r ,sr m en,possegpjn geveg
the mil:datum number celled'for by the regula
tions to cOnstittite them complete commands .
The hdslitals at the 'different. Mats on'ihe
route are peopledivrith the residue,. who., as
soon as they are in a convalescent state, are ,
ordered fat test& to join their regirrientit, • They I
go by convenient; ' fobt' at
other es a orm, et . w a
tur th total ~ . what is
called Atb& Istragglers " of the army. ,Their
usual mitchilsabot eight :or lan miles per
day, 4 14 A t t ioli T iii.tti ! ictai t p not much
betterlmPllthplima gihiu they left it. • .
kre#tiithinki May be remedied by a.divii
don ortheie4iinents now in camp the
northern a4tee,, among those commands which
have maned mast during the campaign by the
vichwittideik of active eery ice. Whatever I!tig!- .
ber of iiiiiti4tme'there !
may now In the
regiments Angsazing, they, bitter die.
posed Win thie•manon than by fencinenev,
regimeitteihtifthe field', hiciperleii* in those
matters relative, to itcliive service . Whiah., are
not set,,down in. any book aver written under
the sun.••' , - • -
Witliakickpfevisions thesatragg . ' lers" of the
army, uielees to„ the,commands to which they
belong,: may be dispensed with, and lent to
their reeve homes. Such a step would
not onlYyri'hiAdY'Stilfactory to the seldiers
themselves, but the commendation
of the officenrof every regiment to vrhich'they
are attached: 4 ' it . Might, of Connie, create 'ri*rm
diseatist*fk i tpziong,thw who have been en
gaged irveqruiting for Jhe mew. commands, but
the great necessity of such a movement would
fuUy justifYita being tmt in operation.
Taw mite Dover longer intol
°rime bf ftee ec h and a frqg Met!ea•lvbiai
Pereisiegi4.B) l llt.the southern states against all
northernmemandjournali whit% did not prefeds
"souther 4 enabled the slave
holdingAgiptiitter• 'cleteelve,ag Misietta the
white laboring hum of the south into rebellion.
If we destreiin.*Ffect and perpetuate 'the work
which ourliildrief, have
,begun; She 4:Minn:tent
meet lee 4IA Oat! t4o_rtakts of free speech and
free press oralutnotfatth firmly maintained in
the south:'- South Carolina, peorgia;'4b4ma,
Loldsbitte;`ltisOstid; TOthissee, and other:
southern 14 Igye ,in theircOnstit
fru:n=o4lAL these rigibte; though in , all these
states tltiolrinerelse , has long been prohi6lleo:
But 11 leiniiksible to carry kee;iniern
ment w4lllout free :discussion. Rebellion has
broken out onlyiln the states , Where, free dis.
oussion Of ilublkhiffaire was not permitted; 'lt
Is underti*ollat:A4e.*Usiclent is about to
establish_ PM/Aiwa_ military government in
Tennessean we trust tlait he Will iter•tc it that
unde=visiciial, leve i ptniant Pere may
. . •
be a :Pale 9.1 rftedlPeeeb; `t Arno can
never 4.1141341 b harm so long ; as irtitiVitileft
free to otnithatite , btrtitherOinrol4jiiiii ,
armed " " 10: 0 1 rift 1 4 Ak.t4
with • 2 tar
conclusion of sitiketilimniMilvil i fin&
After Arnold had attempted the betrayal of
the American interests during the war of the
Revolution, and after his failure and escape into
the British lines, pe became, an officer of t , te
fiercest passions and disposition, pursuing all
with a relentless fury, and-making all , classes,
all ages and all sexes suffer by thehorrors of his
warfare. After the war of independence, du
ring which the British were s so signally van
quished, Arnold &and a refuge in England. It
was there that he discovered the depth of his
against his former friend; sacking thoir
burning their villages, and desolating their
towns, he felt no remorse, because he was un
moved, by. pity. Bat : when Arnold. reached
England, when-he sought tai maintain the asso
elagOba'aitit British Officers which he enjoyed
While he *as fighting by 'their side,. when he,
attempted to go with these soldiers into the
retreats of private life; and mingle - aartid the
grOlisa, brilliancy festivities clf the saloons
'of' T.,condon,helvart met on each threshold by
an Obsequious laquey, with the withering warn
ingi"'S'ir, the master of the mansion has instructed
mete say thatlse is not at
. home to the ,traitor, Arnold ''
In fide manner ilia homes, tbe.saloons and the
society of England were dosed against that
man who bad atter:4o4d the betrayal of bee
native land, that an English king Might ;le
nge:lts resources and oppress its people. They
had no confidence in such a man; and, there
refused him recognition or society„ The
sternniee of fact, and , the apparent ingrati
tude of .thoackwhom he had served, upset' the
brain and broke tha heatt?of Arnold. From
that hour fie betistine.a l *Mderer, arid k'boitigai,
despisedthetie,svho kne*him—avolded by
strafigers sea seeming leper, =tithe fennel an
obscene corner in, . yhichto;die, where even his
"6150feekanii4 - icril*it those, who were Minis
tering to. him, scttbat as he shrieked his name,
Aknoldistrfliis 'dying gespithose present tied,'
Anil he tilefillice a dog, tippitW.
;."- 7 -14is,We refer th*atothecaie of the first arch
traitpr,-, the .circumstances surrounding the
traltomnoir in battle; vairiat the national gov
ernment; impress themseiVes.irery forcibly on
our view. The decisiOn and the result of this
war i like that of , the'Revolution, will be the
vindication of Amerii n independence. It will
Aetablteli freedom more firmly than ever, and of
course re-innugnmte,tbe authority of the fed
eral law
. with incremied,,vigor and vigilance.
The question then arises, where will those who
have thus attempted the betrayal of theAmerl-
can Union, find a home f They *mot remain
in the sonic, because the people in that region
will have constantly before their the evils and
the suffering paused by the treason of those
men; and thus linii'would daily in jeopardy
of popular resentment and , destruction.. They :
cannot come to the north, , became- here - they
would be iiidanger`of fairest and lard
tore, and hereuee , else :they could not exist here
bathe iaidS„of, a people as :.prosperous whom
they so entirely hated, and enjoy the ordinary ,
feelingir Of; contented
repose.' 'They „must, gc hence, as Arnold
ldany .0.1, them, doubtleis have been "acting'
Melia the encouragement altd:piomises mugs
ta" fOcci Brit ti 4414.340. and'money, and
these . Wilr seek co me England. But as in
the case of Arnold, such as these will only meet
Scorn and contenipt.:, Had they succeeded in
dismembering; the ` AMerican Union—had they
triumphed end established a titled aristocracy
and' kingly government, the warmest iielcernes
would have awaited thee to homes,
while_the , proudest English 10rd.% and ladle.
would tuvre(vied witheach .other in their cora
plimentit arid their congMh4atfors.. they
failed- in doing , wh at iheiprliniised the English
aristocracies. They failed in doing what they
11 0, P), 40 therefore, in British
,eatimation they will become enworthy. of re
'cognition., Thrall,: like the first great. traitcit,
these modern parasites will become theiFaga
bends andwandrirersot *trope.
*Miter only inlailleh heithie,s, there todiei as
Arnold did, like dogs, unwept and unhonorad.
Three who can escape the halter i ilificoun
tri-, will tseder EhrOpe, ad - Venturers
ready to: 9apq.104• 144., Witte Which'. has
money or blood in :its issues, until: the Over&
'Merits of the worldntiltele ricltheifiselvis Of
race of men so , evil and carnivorous Such will
undoubtedly be the end of the race of southern
traitors. Let. their fate be the subject of the
contemplation Of all , iiito are restive under the
rule;of a'goed government
Enwesn,Thost re "who," -says the &Ne i "is
kin* known . by somepap ers Rome, reprinted
the . Le (Or, - and by, ' a hastily . Written.
memoir, of Count Otivour," has arrived in this
country to report American affairs for a leading
tptidon daily. Mr: Dicey'hgures 'ln the new
edition of "Men of tlue times", Mr. Dicey
would do well to profit by the fate of Mr. Rus
sell,. whc; permitted his prejudices to pervert
facts, md"thus indulged in - a systematic circu
lailon of - faisubcmjs,. until ; he halt tendered
himself olmoxioui,to all truth loving men in
the-world. All that we ai3k of European cm:
respcndents is to write thetr -
ut n relation`" to
!be cause and theeffects of rebellion, and then
this government wilt not suffer.
are taking further evidence respecting, the re-
Meat "*Olll 11 4peisee.., " astounding facts
have beenidtiveloPed, showing that at any time
since Ootober an attack upon the rebel army at
that fipint must bon ken pi:cassia,. ap
iea.6! s d so 04 oontraviille Was evacuated by
the rebels;some time before intelligence of the
event.was received at Washington. A civilian
Maseachligette• went out is Centre
ville on Sunday `last, 101 0 the place deefe : ted
hoisted a, rag on. the earthworks, for want of a
Sag; end came back to tell General
'that he had taken possession
, .
biellTDOPYbe# Very, just obseried that the
Mortar beet baB gone south to cement the
Union. ,We may be sure that it will teach its
Aostication in safety, for we hive sent a'strong
iorier to carry iti ' •
d ' . 174 dutiesQf i Q
L iimnd him to she
# lB 4 . , Or/ the An. KoCk :World of, yesterday!
awning— It seams to at thatAht - ssieadt b s Adf
0411ArClethirt era - • mare-srtaiishrftgiMidi4
penitogliania Math) artiegraply—tral4ol!
Pennsylvania LegisllM:
1.1,111 ' y go: Y. :
HOUSE or itErglsEmarnvEs.
• Thllininia, Mraoh 18, 1862.
The HOLUM was CaUed to order at 7,1 o'clock
Thelp,onsiderati . on of the tonnage tax question
was reamed, and the bill was discussed until
nearly twelve o'clock, when the previous queer
tion was called and sustained.
.. : On, the substlletaOL.Mr. , Amosnsimo r . -
The yeas and nays were required by Mr.
:WILD 43 X an tl' ir 4W" , (NcirtOnlberland,)
and were as ollo4r, viz
Yaws—Messrs. Abbot, Anotrong, Batas,
Caldwell, Chatham,Cochran, Cowan Dennis,
Donnelly, (Philadelphia,) Duffield, Fairly, Gas
kill, Greenbank, Hopkins,..(Philadelphia,) Jo
sephs, M'Clellan, M'Mackan, M'Manus, Farah
•B'ittef, Scott , Smith, (Master s )
Smith, (Plilladeiplua,) Thompson, Twitchell,
Vincent, Warner, Wildey, Windle and • Zeigler
Agtas—Mesers. Alexander Banks Barron,
Bekr,er, Beebe, ilighain, Blanchard, Bliss, „801.
lean,. Brown,. cur,) Brown, ANorthrurilmir
land) Cessna, Craig, Crane, ,Dellona,
-Divins, Donley, (Gmene,) ,Dougherty,, Elliott,
Fox, Freeland, Gamfile, Graham, Grant, Gross,
Rapper, Henry, Mess, Hoffer Bower, Hoy
kins, (Washingt*) Mute-Imm% Kaine, Menne
dy, Labar, Lehman, Lichtwyannec.
M4 O Y, MI:4 100 , 1 / 1 . Myers, &harm, Peters,
Potteiger Ramsey ! Rex, Rhoads, .hoes, (1,4-
sseinci,) ROBB, (Miiiin,),Rowlsind, Russell, Ryon,
Shannon, Strang, ,Tate, Tracy, Totten, Wale :
field, Weidner,
ley I and :---
Sb the amendment failed:
DA the'subsllcuteplill. Warrens,
The yeas and, nays,were required.hyMr. Bri`r
TER and Mr. LAI3AR and were as 'follow, viz
YEAs—Messn3. Banis,,BlLMlly-Beebe,Righam,
Blanchard, Rim, 13POWn, (Mercer,) Brown, (Nor
ihninberifindt), 8 13 41,' Pess4,-:(kaig, Oran.),
Dellone, Divine, Donley, (Greene,) Itaugherty,
Elliott, Fox, Freeland, Gam ble,Graharo w thant,
Gross, Rapper, llefirsies&e993 4 44l Hopkins,
(Washington,)li i min,K `ne,
Kline, Labar,
Leeman, Lichtenwallner ' M'Clellan, M'Coy,
M'Oulloch, Meiman, Petere i . Pottaiger,
Ramsey, Rex, Rhoads, Roes, (Lusserne,) aOlll/,
(Mifflin) Rowland, Russell, Ryon, „Shannon,
Strang, Tee, „Tracy, talon& Wakefield, Wald-
Wimley, Windle, Wolf, Worley,
Zeigler and 0we,,404e - r-63, , •
NAW—Mesimi,Ablibt, Aleiander, Armstrong,
Bates, Relive!, Bolleau, Paldwell, Chatham,
Cochran; COMM,: Dennis ,, D q i nd l Y , (Philada
pldai) Duffield, Early, Gaskill, Gnxesbank,Rall,
Hopkba, (Philadelphis,) _Josephs, Mewled!,
M'Makin„ . M"Manas, Pershing, Quigley, Ritter,
Scott,' Smith, (Chester,) Smith, (Philadelphia,)
Thompson, Vincent, : Warner and Wildey-81.
So the substitute of Mr. WrrgAms was agreed
The bill, as amenaed, was agreed to on sec,
and reading. ,
On agreeing to read the bill a ,third time,.
_ . ..
• The yeas and nays, were :required ;by:-Mr:
phia,) find wore : ss ROOF, ,vis
Yam—Messrsi:Mexamicir„.4:l4trong, Banks,
Barron, 'Bee* l l -- - BiStiiirnt - BlarrolMid, Balm, Boi,
lead,. &lin°,
Brown, (Nur,th-lonbur
land,)..-I;lnantsY, • Cessna, Cowan,. cmlib Otani%
Dellme, Fienrde, MOB, Donlat. (Greene.)
DOugherty, Riliott,;,Fea„ Freeland, Gamble,
Graha/R1 - GrOtt_greenhardh Groeili:Nidl, Air .
Per; lien'7 , - 4%1; .Hofer, agure!,, , NoPhlnal
ffaa n hlngtor,oo Etunano_ , l:Kalnea -Xermedy,
Kr e, ,Labar,..Le aii; DichtenarMiner, Ml
- ,W.Oulloch, .Whianus, Myers„
Neiman, Persh ing,Petiss, Potteiger, Amnon
Rea, I Rhoads, .-ptistar, jige,l.(Luzerne,) Rims,
(Mifflin,) Rowir;,llmstell, Byon, Scott, Shan:
t ill
non, Smith;.( heater Strang, •Tate,, Amp,
son, Track, Tutton. ..inoent, Wairefield,.. War
ner,• tWeidner, Vill , ..Wbidah .: lh.'indlei.
Wolf; Weiley, Mem Mid Rowe, ~.4paikeo-49,
NAn— glari ~.Abbot, Caldwell, ,Gbatbaro,-
Couldan, - DorMekr.,--.(PhlladalPhiai - PurNeld,
Gaskili, tiOpkins,- ('hiladelpida). Josephs, 1i , ..
Makin, , QuigleY, Smith, (Philadelphia,) and
Wildey—P,',. . .. . • , . , -
So tile question was determine d in. the af
firmative: ,„i ,may
One final iirgei. a - ..,. _ , ..
The yeas and nays , were _ required .by Mr.
WlLD.q.and Afr. CALDWELL, and were as
-follow, vim, • . ~ ..-.,... , '
lairg-Meam.Alaader, _or se. Barron
Belirar,:. Reebe, . - -Bigtara, IBlaneliard, Bliss,
Bolleibr, , - Xtrovia,:.(o l Pal,) , lllownt (Northum
berland,): Busby, : Cessna, Oraig,_ Doom,
Diving, Donley, .(Eireene„). Dougherty,. Elliott,
Foa, Frctelandle,.4l-raham,Orant,Quats,,
Half, : tiaPpei, Henry, *is, Hoger Hoover,
Hopkins, (WasiMagton,) „MN:man, -Heine,
KannadiN_ ilrline , ;--, Labia, : -Lehman:, Liobten 4 :
wanner, Irdelkii„Mtey, M'Oulioch, ,Myers, ,
Neiinaa, , Peters, ;.., Petteiger, ..11einsey,q, Rex,
Rhiads, Bitter , _ Pcea. (Luserne,) Mom, (MMllin i )
RoWlesid, Russel, Ryon Shannon, Strang,..Tate,
Tracy, TrLtton, Wakefield; Weidner ' Williams;
Whaley, Windbi, Wolf,. Worley, Ngler and
Rowe,' Speaker-70 ... •: • „... , ~, . .. .
' Naits-Mestas, Abbot,--,Armeteong ; Bates,,GeS,
well, Cludbam,Coehran,Qiiwennis,DOlMOli
b r p(PhiladaPhi*AlgtePlAriarly, (3 l l 4 l Elll, *elm-,
bank, HoPkh 2 ar .(?Irli - a*Pbfa,), jea. (+Also 1 1', ,
Makin,.lltidanna, ?orPmS, galeer : Boat,
Smith, (Chest 44,) Smith, :.( Phil adelphia ` )
Thompson, VbMent t Warner and Wildey-.-.251
So the bill, passed iffid/Y. • .. -. ~ •
• -FZ DLI Neck 14,1882.
The Senate met at ten o'clock .e.. w., and-Was
:celled to order -bji Speakei Hein.
Several petitions U.-, were presented, agid
reports of committees made.
- -
PW.Et 01 444 te WI No, 810 i.
entitled a fnrtsei stipplement: to An, aot .relating
to the lien of nt:chant:l alai others on build-
Passed finally. 4 4 4.
Mr. BPSOS -meTed4tP Fceo l ;cidertlie mote
had on 'the 'Bing, paesege House.bill. en-.
titled,* suppl4*eitt to an eektio lay out, State
'road in the counttee,of,l f ehenon and Berks. ,
The motion was emended by. Mr. Luang and
agreed to., _ _
mr- 7 P 1 41 ,1 4,ef.4 1 ed ulKA'Refc P l ll-No• 278,.a
'supplement Vt'an-iict foil the 03tabgal Iplent of
a college in tridbritown;gairette county.
Passed - - -
Mr. L4 . 3lll3EllTO.N.eldied nikBeniitp
841, a eupplernOt to cin.ect to incorporate the
Lawßonhern bridge company.
" •
a suppletherlt, ki.o - ackto iporporitte. the New
Hollandtainiike'.rciad company..
Passed finally. ' •.1
Mr. MilWaND.palled PP
a supplementlo an act to Authorise :the Gov,
ernor to ineorporatitlie Columbia water cow.
PanT • _ • .
-Passed finally.
Mr. P;OUGHTER'moved
, diachaiieiiii.
Committee on Prlytte) Claims and Damage 4 i rom
the further consideration 'the, bill i entitled
"An Act relative to the claim of Burke & Gen,
On the gnestilem,,,,, i ;. • „ .
Will the - go4o, l aPPc.t. tP9O* 4l Ol - i
The yisei. anti ;14,
BOUGHTIgiI and Mr. ISO Y, and were as
follows, yis; ! ~ .
;MGE6. 4 L
Mer4th.;,,4 o s 14 •59 1 %.0944.91P474),
and •
• ,
Sala ji gniav a lkalCA l i t tr u r,
'71 .14 .'. 3 it 9 - 1)9.
- 2 Adjourned
los b i ik j oi t un in, Ketcham, Lumberton,
lanikei; Lo l ure, Nichols, Penney,
Itekinsouf. (Philadelphia,) Whar
ton and Hall, / 528..
So the committee was not discharged
Several private bills_ were taken up and pass
ed, but none of any interest to our readers.
Mr. Iit'CLURE moved that when the Senate
adjourn it be to meet on Mpnday next at three,
o'clock, P. M.
Agreed to ; and the Senate
FamAy,)lM'siLif, 186 K
The SPEAKER called the House to order at
Prayet by the Rev. Dr. De Witt.
The DLERK read the Journal of yesterday,
w ! kl imuus cil "loia-Orr 01W.
ROPKIHS (Washington) mused that the
committee appoints} cor
nfpf.• influences, allegaiLtulaya_ been used in
fheipassage of the commutation; Tex_bill, last
iiessio.he allowed, to pit dmingl4Mmi4nis of
the:; House. ' - • -;
Mt SMITH; (PbtiiiietiObi,) moved to iidebd
by incltiding the committee to hriestlgate Into
alleged /corrupt influences; brought tb bear upon
the visage of the bill legalizing susnensiim of
enema payments by the banks
Mr. HOPK K INS I have no objections. ,
questionWeitalien on the amendment,
whibh was agreed to._
The motion, as amended,was then a greed to
On motion af Mr. IaCHTBMWALLNIEB;
*!•enatei.bill, No. 168; an act. to change the
'place ot,holdin g ,electimui in:the:..borough of
Ohataragnaiwas.taken.upi considered, and
'Sassed ,
-rn,otion of . Mr. HENRY,, Rouse. bill Not
4804 entitled !AO Act _to incorporate the Little
Beaver Valley railroad company," (reported'
with Affirmative .recoteinendation, from the
CoMmittee: •on.:Corporitions,) was taken up
conddered and - • •
Pamedlnally. •
• : _ *altmais mut cinacknum.
11:10d0.4 suspensiQu pt ; the Or d e r s,s •
Mr: BIGHAtd, 'tYi r aye and Mean,) reported
with amendment,. to 437 a tax on 061±7
era dbrokers irithis.Voinutinwealth.,
Also, (aaaiej with a negative. 4Tmlitatitia:
,tion; a bill, entitled "AU Act 'to"repeal an aO,
apprOved May 16, IBM, providing for the levy
of a Special tax of one mill on the dollar. .
Alto (sante ) as committed an act for the
more effectual ptOtebtlon of owners of logs and
lumber in the s thisqrialianna - rgrar.
Mi. BLISS, transiting and Grail:IWO") as com
mitted, an act for the relief of Menu Welsh, a
ilisatiled, .
Mr. TOTTIIiiSER same , )( ae . Committed
act for the relief of: S. W. Cole, a disab led
.40 7 ;BOSS, (COf*itthital). with
anieridiLent, further stipplement to the act In
c°rP°lliting -the P hiladelphia (I.6,reacent
igatkin I company : .
• Mr. 4 0 FrfSEA, iiVeYo.othd.*eitatO ( ati , 9 o . lll- -
mifted,),:a supplement relatiiii_to;the Pulaw9 l -'
mania training school forr - feebia-znifided chit
ag l te nt *teem.
• • , ifindir a gletWaSi4LP.C:the orders, . ,
EitIANRON Fowl in place, an -ant to pro
vide io t ratli military iidtuntion.of .youttha J
Referred , to.. the Committee on Militia. Sys
. biz I:40k ra:liiing hone -,
=tins the Houle of Refuge of Western Penneylo
to the ` Committee on Co rporations:
- • • sezezei
Ho lib
Onrrifif*.: ll oklliulailleo •
ill,NO,'211;: Tempe&
e renustplieri orepepie payments by the
t ;Was made 'ocher, for . Wedneleai
ON oznaarrre lM oderzeme ELaQTZON
ve g 1 yen r ;
Mr HAP otforearhe fotioningnitolnlion:
tim in the That thii for I rri4tuna'
ailleages&4 izohi l iaktgpf.taa-..
ony nontatibil citron rani" ni 'the
count of 4414. tiiirOvedrby the House.
(TIOS 6B O 44) •
.!rha resOlatibri wairesa a second _time Ana
% l ined to.
Q ull zectmoa's imememaxem TO TEE MOP=
• ' ' 1 .E 1...• .. ~, . • '
-it gilieN -r. . • • ... 4 ,
lir. TA. : 410u:tithe follo wi ng iimainble
,„..wfafteesi*ai - lam, Rti , *.# 0.0)=1*1i44.
00. 2 2..it0; goose foe?* :ed• 6 5 meet 4 t012.
0:0104 ig, Ai:1118,10*ga," iif. ,114.910,, 1862, 1 to
Imixthe i*diaMititin of kieneral Andrew .11wire.
t rit
eon ~t 4 opeoge:of *rah Carolina, read by
And; -
HOW)O1I1011;611 , 531 can be yie ld cii,that day and
as a great many 9f the nunninue will be absent
on that day'; theref9re , - -
,R4d, :mat' the lietiaiwill puma& tO die='
Amiga the dtity * 7 mo:rifled' by the ilMibitipit
month:Med, 9n. nu** flied at Ave o'clookti V.
afialreleelhaeh with reed a second Ulm, 'and
A lZ o i
10. 1 °ger; % • . • ' - . ,- -
'AP 09 , 3 t lefTeofto, *it . etuiliderati9n of
the .611 . the t'. l 4hgtidder.
No, 1411, - Un ticit - te a 'Erle' and Ora*ford
countierto the Bittern dietriet of :Um' SupreMe
Coaddered hicOMMittee . of Ilia whole ;'1,14e
tiominklee to sit again next Thursday. , ...
Adjourned until liceetty . ufternpon, at three:
o'clock. ' -
XX=th Congress—First Session:
9Peascaaina, hfaich 14.
M r t• rt IL) froM rgaval .0(?Incillt
, tee n -re ack the";feeekitiMi. ' to. ,authinize
the flecretary; the " NaV3itd' Mike equitable"
arn.mgaOnte with - the contracto rs ' for steiM
machinbry •tviiiii - failed Perforni . the! contract
and remit the piiMdrleti phased.
,;(Neeht).frehl4he Military ORM,
!Otte% frepOrtW a Joirit reliant!** arithorhs*
the Pyeidderit to, aim/pi:We dhietig4hd ortre9Pe
ork -the ismoikaa'ci to
senioriti.Clf also gfres.thitY(esl4ett the Pater
tO di es Wei - Olcerfita BerVieet4tbei'se* fie
to do eo n without thefindfng of'@ court mertial.l.
Mr. Emaiiiart;'(Ohle,) objected to the ' l atter
portion lof the resolution as giving the Presi
dent too much Power. ,
Mr .40Doiinal 'pal )illeO,t?b,jected•Lthe reso
lution; Was imeordily lad 'over.
*AL* (N: E.,) introduced
thprize the boildbkve a steam iron cia4 on),
andatetini'ganhi?etv,idadtd coMPiete,StoVene!
toetAerY-j, '..ropriated '41.AC10,000 foi. the
rem, ; satl gig, XX) o 'i6r - I the . . - IPeivater
1700,000" for the coMphitron• of Stayplis bat
tery. , Referred,
< t <,. • •
, •
- • --- • •
New Your, March, 14.
160 uncbengisli-literling midrange doll at
$l,l Ll 2& ;.Shocks are • lowei and dull=
Oblongs% and Ruck •Island 67Illinois Centred
OES,Vdiilto bonds 94; Michigan Southern -
New /rkgeWlßlE49};AldiseatUL.eizese ,
Glii 11 : 114(4101V loan •••,'„*,
'4 Ol3 9 6 n#WA- ;X-rteAtW.l•
ie/00 ric#lols'
ing, Maim 15, 1862.
„..... _ , 1 / 4 ,..,
frold oar Sventne Edition orYeaterday.
nrimrear - rlaktizdtiCisits •
Brigadier Generall MoOullooh and
cob. 'faintest Rites and 'Herbert Killed
Our Lou h 800 to 1000 Killed and Wounded.
The Rebel Loss 2000 to sal*
Itsanransixo, Mo., March 10.
- (Special follieSt. Louie lezuOleass.). st;‘3-
eorr arrived at ten o'clock lsat,uiett,
big addiflOrial ners•ct the recent, attle in Ar
ne eegagenient iOkiitcc. on Jaiii ! irtgiii
Creek,'fivc miles this Sidoiof thitstream of the
same, where a skirmish occurred on the
marcitdcwn. . •
I !"tantlielo4.lan an 4iim* 'on &oath,:
1400ra1 Curtis oidered the trains . to be, drawl/
tip,On the north ;talexpectedlit,'.the
attack was commenced on the north, being, the
rear of our:army,, by ..from, fifteen hundred to
two thousand rebel miry ,
General . Sigel, with alert h Padre&
4cted, the twat for Several, hours, :holding, the
rebels in check, while the teams pushed back
ward to main 'body.
While Chug engorged, General.§igeliiwithree
times surrenfided, but. he cut his way , through
each time. ;
The Plii 2o lo l fightbig,9RThele4Y 7"! 8 4 0 ne
by General Sigel in , thin way. •
On; Friday "the. etiOrgement" became, general,
aniitiontinued so throughout. Ourofficers :he
bayed with Much galliMbri. •
The most enxisol position was occupied
COI; Carr's 'clivlsion, and greatest loss .ivirs
suffered :thy them. Col. lodge brigade Qf
this ilirmloo .coushited of the: Fourth Iowa; the
First lowit battery, the Thirty fifth
Fhelp's regiment, anci the Twenty-fourth
The second brigade,!Maar CoI,PMC terry
of - the lowa re giment,
_ted of his
own. reghocut; the pribuque battery, and 061.
Oarr'e regiment of cavalry. I
&letter from Col. Carr says the loins inAhe
Fourtlf ,and, Ninth . Thirty.fifth .
. .
and Twepit,y4l4l?. Miepouri t lire.trOnAng Pm
ared /14Art_km two tiivared in each :regiment
killtd aid: wounded., Only .thrSO-hundred of
t,heniniity:fonith Mower! were present,,hut
theilost i twenty-nine killed, and ..IL bus
hex *outdid" - Tho,Tiielftli eritElei
lettiminkiThird lowa Cavalry and With .
.Indiana regiments lost about ferti. vial! yq
First nand Second lois, bstteries .loot about
t*eutor - eich..
4inow„ilitivOitiide4 to thi
erle,,Col:cari, in t ie Atte, tlear. 0 9 1 ?
him, Lit*: Yitiii;r4Lfea4 h4J, Coyle, of the,
010* lowa.. lkegee *IPS wounded, lieetl
Col, ligT9n Neete4e prisoner • 0 01 .•
had U4es limes sbot i undei:4ll4,; Pen qt I BA
switta6 pf.,thiffeciinct lowa may, Weefitehee
prisoner. Afe : jumped from 'the wagon to make
hie escape, when he walkilleal „
Amoterha:rebeloilioerskilled and-wannded
are i Brigadier Amend. McCulloch; ;killed i;
Brigatilenfiezieral•kilack; dangerously wounded;
OcdonelMarnicichAilled ; H.Sives;•
dangerowilif wounded.; Colonel Herbert, of the
Third Louisiana volunteers,' killed or danger
otisly wounded, and Major General Sterling
Prios,,alightly.wonnded.,, •
Thirteen pleceirof artillerywere niiptured by
our _men,-bududing one of .the piecat-lost. by
General Sigel at.liVilaorew Creek. •
". Our lose as estim ated '
at 800 or 1,000
Ind *minded. The :rebel toad is nOt", - ' - liatiifn,"
brit Is eiripoled . to be -fidm 2;091:1t08,000 . :': A
lirge-amortnt of rebel primmer's,: probably:l;6op
mitre qaken, and more are oonatiwitillbeini
broughtbroughtinL• -
Indiue were erigaiedin the battlecand
eightefn (if our killed were scalped' by them.'
armors' Price , : with abort 10;000 me rap
treated , northward; and then -'took sinAy. l
diieotion. "General JeH:'C Da fs after him
LAIIRCoif EtitibPti.
Mint of a IdelOomuit of the: inite
The Withdrawal of, imerfean Crafters from
The Btunteil Still , Blockaded at
Flour continue!' .dell, sales 1000 barrels 0
- . -
_“ _.-- -- . 5 0045 25 fox . Operfure. 5 Slab' 50 ,f u tb .
. .
.- . Nsw Yosx, March "zit extra- ;And 576 -for extra fambY• • Be al l )
The . hip Africa has arrived with dates crunthme small:. Small sales of liye flour ,
• - MU" lax' 1114., March 14.
It o o h the ina. let inst. having' takeitlitif tiltee of the $3 25. . Corn meal dull at $2 75. Wheat .1b
ttr _ . _.. _„..i. J.I 1.. !.... !.... ...• ~ • .. t. w- .n. -.. .... ...I. .., fair - _d 711mand sales 5000 bushelo• _. 11 '. 4 , 1 ).I t .
, °exalter advines say that lt, was a Lieuten- $1 liAgid. ;#3 4 , , and „white at $1 40 4/ l'
ant findinot the Qtptidn of the , , Pirate Sumter Bye h — dealkied 'to - 70@i72, Corn in bete!
Vita * ara, - . ‘'-
i deman7 cl and 10,000 bushels, yellow, sold at s•''
ti .:;ti ti etf iti et Alta i
of t
on the riSt rd - .111 1" caleth " !
of Conimoni-to rho subject' , - .. , 1 . feeling., Sales of . mess purl!. et, $l2 500 14
. - •
ill, 4 1 iiildisPitteliiii the' paPert.relirto -Halm * s642 ' B '
the'.Amerkalattaid • • ! ft . . L 0 t f. R ~ f ! .at 64®.6.1. ._
.„ „ em om r , 1-to Lard firm et SM- for barre , , ,
.sellingfreely 0,
La l 4oiotiff, 'dated . irebriiiirYl6th.' It that a f'r Whiskey Ci ' ver seed "
ini7,tiWon shows that ot fill dr : 60. moves. slowly at 25
Sides 8@,74.,"and shosualseunds
sten a suf
a-a. el'itigockadmirfo eado rfand•Wil- - Coffee t here t r a ni ' till! 11.
• Nsw Wan, March 14.
, ; .,j,.,,.,.,
inz .o9,,nrkmiuships.have eluded the block- -Mon heavy and drill—sales of 6,000 barreolh
1 ' " 'l' -' ' ' 1. -• • It . t , In . , : whist steady .; C orn g rs i-Zfi,ppo bushels sold
I.4;ialie sat ga i :ertimeactwo,ot Avinotifthat4LindE-.1 at:4l.' 41 A* red; New Jersey Cern
°9 i'llOieliteusketAportri to prasent,shy, 401000.taudiebsiti690)61c; Mess Pork
,to create evident dangee=.lo.4eardis ,4.ltiogs steady ; Lard unchanged ; will' )
lee .
Ting e entering , and provided such ships dot 260.
• u_ _
and Wonaddd:
the African Coast;
will not of. itaelf Tradev:ognt:teethy
of a the
do not voluntarily permit violations, thefeu
that VBl'lOllEl ships may hav e succ ese y it y pee l
af blockadeo; e beingf rfrom 15€491; eeff*steMghaitirttee—ter ItolfLefexaecttered
caution ai strte "
With reference,to a disregardof-ardeefactotblock
adanitmui:ven,tredteaanurtehudb..:olinhtgahhtetthtneshotstetee:poe:dwittelitrriienegtto:: d
shared teitherhi t e bl e u ] eoe
be w dlee h other e tot n e
or unwilling fromsome
institute or maintain it,
motive or other to do it.
Earl Cameron, in the House of Lords, called
attentionto_ the .faot .that the papers contained
ngfhing relative to communication with For
eign governments on the subject. E ar l R oaaeu
said that there had been no formal commani
catimui with Foreign governments.
The. tepresentatives. of France and other
pOWers; had from time asked him what
the ittlifsh'governitent intended to do, but he
bad referred :theinje - - his dispat c h t o Lora
Lyens,7-thatriltli-:-Beward•lnfotined him that no
utot,e stone _ehips will be used.
Ia tfiaHonse of. Commons, Mr. Gilmour gave
aoticedhlt he will call attention to the
ademi the 7th ofMarch:
reply to inquiries relative to the with
drayral of Amerkan cruisers from the coast k t .
AfripacLeird -Palmerston said that represents.
doll had been made at Washington on the sub
ject] but the exigencies et
„war had oecoioned
thelwithdmwal. He admitted tbat it was nut
a im p a c iwt otrys atularer,to way that the cruise rs
badi Beim withdrawn when the object of the
withdrawal was to accomplish something quite
as hijmioUs to commerce._
_413 to British vei-els
WAR allowed in. the, absence , of the americans
t o itookitsio Abe nationalitiee of vessels that
could only be done by consent of the Senate.
iiix... 4 Gladitt,ona-attid it, was a fact that the
goirtiriketitWien every letter Cent go suer
lea +la Galloway,awa six:pence, but as to the
renewal of the GAO-fray subsidy, the matter
Wits in the hands of the Head of Government.
- Wilner,Gibson in reply to an inquiry, said
thatthe government had entered into nu uego.
tiatikons relative tQ the Atlantic Telegraph.—
The lettMerictui government, however, had el
preppttio general terms the wish that by so me
nieatiser other, a communication would be la
The AtieUtio. telegraph company publish
Strong ylriildence refuting the insinuations of
interiailted partiesi that the New Foundland and
lielarid line iicould not be worked.
The London cane on the Government to
aid theWork,' and says that the Lincoln ChM
'net Offer tii guarantee two per cent. on the
'capital if England will do the same. The Red
Sea - cable, from Baez to Inbal island, has been
restored.. ,-
Tilwaneniploired laborers in Liverpool had
'not repeated the demonstration for relief which
took.rlstes on the 27th. The proceedings were
devoid of anything like a menace.
Fa4lol.=The French Senate continued to
discuss the raddreas to the Emperor. Toe fio
liuMA gaestioti wite debated. The report of the
committee of the ,Corps Legielatif to the dicta.
tion tdVount Montauban, is emphatic against
if, huffs said that a letter from the Emperor
to pewit, Mornr . on the subject, renders it
forobable thni . kkte Corps Legielatif will abandon
`" The berm* declined on the 28th to 70f@40c.
. Victor Emmanuel had been slightly indis
ponedi but had recovered.
It fa asserted that Austria and ?male have
Agreed ow tile terms of settlement in relation to
. . .
.._,,rh... n l in Greece is in stets quo.
Mtn - I . ' o de out, and it is reported that
pig. ' r garrison has revolted.
I.! . L, February 28 —Cotton quiet and
An , ed —step* 7,000 tidies, includin ,, 3,000
,to: "Viiiisitta exporters. Breadstaffs dull
t^3.111 .qnkrt, but steady. Provisions un
. ..
01 and pork easier.
' , .: -. 28.--Consols, 93i(493i.
,Feet via Queenstown.
'Peru, , 28.—Prince Napoleon, in the
9enate d ,that the French troops
The boinsnittee of the Prnasian chamber of
P 4 -" had passed resolutions recog
thi, kingdom of Italy
Vissma .March I.—The journey of the Arch
' 1 . 111 Xiiitaillian to Paris and London has
been adj'cinirnett, the negotiations for his candi-
IletYve Ofthe throne of Mexico having encoun
• P '"littareh I.—Virgil Szelaggi, barrister
member of the Hungarian Ihet,
Molt* arrested..Peb:' 6.-The Royal troops ore
within a !palter of an hour's distance of Nan-
Tkei government intended organizing a gen
era arlget of the population in the provinces
•thileiteM4loy „ the insurrection. Athens was
tranquil, till the - Coffee houses and certain
streets are baicapied by the military. The king
ie '64sented beck.
Thaw, March let —ltis rumored that the
miniirtyy has resigiiiid,lint the king has not ac
cOlitedi the resiffnetion•
Hatpin), lat.—Tangiers advices say that the
tdieutenant of the Sinnter has been released.
•:The' 'United States ships are watching the
&Inltek,yr i hk4 remains stationery.
let.—:•The Prince of Wales lies
itarie. 6 3 upper Egypt.
Feb, 28.—Animpceing demonstration
lc's* piece, on,SheAth, at the Carnival. The
Corso inssemppy.t.bnt the Former Colosseum
dEotaxibma gardens were filled. The police
were obilgiiilki" remain in action.
Pai4:,'March .2.—The discussion in the
French Chambers excites the greatest lateral'.
Frtnce Napoleon has asked fur the suppression
of the tehaporal lxiWfr of the Pope. La Guer
ronitee, the known confident of the Emperor
spoke :airor.of the temporal power. The
miniitrYifies: ,44derqd that it will explain the
policy of its) governinent on a future ocokion.
The :Akin/ .aheripz: du People of Nantes, has
received j'u'st . warning for a correspondenc e
conceived in an inimical spirit.
' ! WASHINGTON, March 14.
Gen. ,Freemont is expected to arrive here to
day- , Already a new German regiment is par
tlitily iii New York, it is said here, to
igiompluiy him to'East Tennessee and Georgia.
• .