Ettegrao. Foreverlicistahat standard sheet - ' Whams breathes the foe but falls before us, With SreedomPs soil beneath our feet, !And Freedom's banner streaming o'er us. • ELABRI.SBUBG, , PA. Friday Horning, March 14, 1862, 'far Bolan Brazes, with those who have been the political allies of Davis, Breckenridge dt 00:;' have &wage ••been the Mostorgetit'sx . i ttieliakkials and, the most liberal in their, ap proval of every appropriation made for the preparation of war. They were willing that millions should be 'expended iit recruiting ~a Isigaforce, millions' more in disciplining those troops, and yet when a movement:was .urgq; these men/were ready with expostulation 'and protnits,iigeng - the dt*tet:pr attacking tfioir who were ptuabers, superior in prowesa superior in appointments, and invinci ble Invourage: .• In this manner, the' most' ink portant' results Of this contest have been pOst..' poned, until a military debt ,has :accumulated which. it will .ncluire, years.* liquidate, and which can be directly tra.d• to that dilatol policy which held the ProktoisOf - our armies in °thick, while a few lime aervers and political trimmers. in tile border slave states were plot; . tiag . „lhe'eacapi of trattOre or concocting plane to save certain political organizations 4a4 certain peculiar domestic institutions .If : the border states. •had openly joined' the Atlantic and Gulf' states; and boldly relied the bamicer of revolt, instead of acting aperetly.with'Arai iors, and hypocritically pretending w loyalty which the political- leaders never entatained, the free' and really loyal states would hive conquered a pe tce, millions of , money would have.. been unexpended, the traitors taright•a lesson which would have put to rest forever, the lame pretension both of the cause of rebellion. and , the right to eede,_ tint to cater to- a false spirit, to carrese thoSe who had. no claim to consideration or' mercy; this. ntr has. been Unnecessarily ,prolenged. The inoveciete, so. far,,have•,thown, that this assertion is true. The movement in the weat, and the retreat of the rebels at Bowling Green, ehoWthate demonstration on that point hiur even two Menthe since, would havefuoken the enemy's western line and saved , the gov ernment the expenditure of millions *0 dkwatiette. also ; with kilinisiad, Onward and fight, would have bursted that butfilleL,ltsevaonationsliows that it was an ex aggeration both Id 'fortification and strength 99./ERberai Theoll.are impertent facts, and we went the people to bear them in mind: -We Want Wield tbs remember that tiny gfeat t limoun t of cezng . .casilin this conflict * was pot fi+'gor► but was squandered to a great degree in defence to these border state - men who have been 'deluding lOyal peo ple that it became macaw, to raise and disci pline an army large, enough, to overrun the Wiyl4 o :*,COuquera, few thousand drualren, cowardly, . slave, breeding. traitors. -It .provtia thatoWe atMweiiourselves to ' i btr- delndal the / Ike:timid assertion,Of the beider state hipc4' cafes; I:lei:title°, whenever our armies - march to ralsetut laninsthelocalities lately i claimed 'as • illatikK-"tt*eti':#l,ETO' impregnable ' by traitOni; thelPinwitbark the sight of hurehwpr dud* rwineogidi, are : meted :by.a•gountcr entirely desolated, and desseted.. • Let us fin longer be dioivia by the stories Of secret and; opfni'trat; thiii; tut once to the dispersal , of-that southern mob which•has too long been regard ed as an army of soldiers.. Tffti Tome lltimitzlisti had its bowels again stirred,and writhes siit#;'as tttp,aliparent pain as ever at the prospect ditztibletion of 'the DinOcratics party, But,tbet r journal refuses to acknowledge frankly.the stern liars of right and justice whickare• influencing this dbattlif 7 ! tion, and which will not herexpeltded thole force until that Denikratioorganizatien. which has giyop birth to treason; le entirely broken up and destmied. Tliat thin is the destiny and *elate Of modern DeMooreci, not the fault of Reisittficsmism; anymoreltlumithat the tri are to be. attribeted Ito the,ivli flair ialletalt?), taltzdt oott.'" The and id ,the Ded#o o *lb Party I natural,., ,o*Eveps with its: coneeptionintention, pinpnees afeprogress, and' it ItaiktatOnal that it-obi:mid die out :mink ro4 bellion and treason, as it is that - Ithe elSve pokier - idiould attempt to bring every quality of labor and all @twice of laboring men, within its wOtrl'a3.4 The federal;party: broke down in At‘erapting to , centralize a. vast power in the federal govezpment,fromwhich no appeal maid have saved a man frOm injustice; wkileit was such fedeitiliiti as James Buchitnan.4llo broke down the Democratic party in attempting. the centralization of a like powet in the institu.:; tion of slavery; from which also there were to be no appeaht, and the rule of which was to bind the conscience of the white Mart 05 ileiv ll- 4: 6 11 ; dienCe, - yrtal9 the body, and soul of the black man wire made its subject and its chattl a. _ That a pasty - thus bound up in criminal memories, with iti - legielktion running through years of wrong andtomption, and its executive admin istrations the foulest blots on the history of the Republic—that a party thus' remembered and regarded, should attempt its own resuscitation, with the curses and anathemas of the age rest ing 'en itaacts, is too we'll' ferthe belief or the contOopiation of the Anted's= peoille, and too much alai for.the achievement Of A t te Most des peittie peitecal rascality of the times. There. fore the ititakilitergy arld business eptorprise of anin4gy,netzl.7.ll9T9S.,4gam fear the reor ganize- boa of the Democratic party. - It it lag eentially and for all practical purposes, defunct. TELE BORDER STATES AND SLAVERY. About the time treason showed itself so baldly in the, capital of the nation, almos t every prominent manl from the border eta interposed to prevent:oo use of armed force; by the government for the suppression of raft bellion. It would not go to coerce the south ' into obedience, guothtbaSolonnef the border states; and the governinedt must;,fersooth, win. the traitors back by the tender of acompromise instead of the point of a bayonet or the weight ,of - Thew awl:manta , , slated on as the only influences which could possibly retain the allegiance of the bordei states to _the Union;-but while they were thus declared the slave power. in the:same-border states was lin:nay engaged in consolidating a force to assist in , the "general rebellion of, all the slave states 'We:Only allude to these firts now to make a connection between the conduct of the bordei state men then, and that of a inajOrity of the" Representatives t in Congrese, from the same states, as welt tome to that of their old political allies representing districts in thefloyal free states. By whom are tended Oie,loyat men of the border states, we of the sulfas pave bfen repeatedly assuredthat slaVery would Soon dle put r , provided this war was not mado a giant:A against that institu tion. As the patitaillion in January, February ang:lfirehi of Year', inarsted that the rebellion could:atifyWntild hp checked, if the governmeqt.only used. caution and refrained from t ailent ciiintinsiiatione, , , so have the border state men insisted on the exemption settackr.'i eMYI ' frig thaeiiiiintiference any strength . or curtail its political- franchises, would he con sidered an act of sucligrotiOnjustice aa at once to force the beidei-statett to leave this Union. Property in "nrigibeiiiiiii'Veemed as rightful and as snared ae propertkinherifeflieh, and tenements : ,:. and when, the government either:, alloWed ftself to' interfere with Such property; orwinked at the interference ' _of the' mob (Nubia ligl i the armies of the republic were regarded by..the sOutb),-that goverOment made ittadt ;reeptTasiblefor' 'the pecuniary loss to the owners of 81#641Iniiiiir as any . , 009o zatli*I0Pii44;000414; far.attY InoPerktilea-: tioyediby the mob. , &This. iatgittnent• Was then, used, little anticipating that in the Witidom Of t6'airesoCatiministratifin t a'policy '46 . 111ii• be adopted' tendering pecuniary aid to those Who . disposed. of: their_ slaves •in a Anton:ter' more peaceful and i dignifted thartf.the wild force and. crushing Influence of _the ; mob. But to the politicianQ who bY:s4YeTTELAP B Affig , baa been I rejeoted, i tuaiwhen me.examine , the vote. in Congresson the resolution' autithring the tender of ReePaial*- 'onaaUf,44M-ni I(.4iAr, fikviAs, : find , -the old influence, at work; and the'samel damn able pur-: pose of making slavery • eternal; finyuying: the miods and. the passinne, arid' ,'and theludgoiente of the border state men. They reject this peouniaryaid. They repudiate this Executive kindlifais.• LThey deainis that there nevetteludltbaLeriandpigiotr, and that slavery shell oxist foreveir, to;ouree the . south. and clis- grace the country. lilieteiiin:4l4is3,gc.stit)44:l'fcir.,:oaniidps taw, whieh gqicmhl exoite , the_serioua attention of every (hristisulman•ln the //and. If ioyal , people ire Ito 'be 1)411 6 1 1 * cl4 -1 ;4 and' ,ffeb the iiiiivini of the south, Should loyal paOple be asked ay longer to permit slavery to exist In, ant I.foloff. 0,..) . i1k i iTtElipatl 'tits • i'Obnilt6 tali quei*"*.it*Oli*OPiift 01 . the people. :: ~ - 7 . c.:.,....-= -,lr.a '1 ~ ~.-..., .-t-• ~.- • . a., THE SURGEON'S SERVICE. - Aslqr &doper pax ry i their!' ificttflpiug ' essigi, teL'ihirie6f sbibiti, awl artlie'y ° Unfurl '"'the' hroad atrip,eaAnO.bilijitlafiry: of our flag„,oy ‘ er it g bresCil, the 801416 atite Sitigeoli and' Doc' 'tor commencitifellia duti Mid gilionsibility will be daily increased. . The rebels are insig- . ilittcarit leett:iiinipt . ired Ito' the •alliiiiittwoi tli'- ' nth at this season, when the fruits of its elds;:tlia hettEof its'ittmOliphererisnathddeW f its rights, all impart disease and distill death. 1 IP thaittkalathe sfirgtM l I **C9illi 4 4 l AN'tith that while our troops,are battling with trai rs,Aqi la?* I/ plotpctatili,,frop , iiimpliN area from the cilmate, and taught so to bsist as to keep the machinery of the body, *ill' al tili &dillies; oyarations, functions and ipla*itis in' ,144411 i.; warliirig order. Who knows,bu.t :that lilanessas t was: evacuated thus t 6 lure on the northern soldierto an amount:al. with a fop lu, tha savannas and, evergladet.ol theKath.: l3 4ere de a d ly than that which luried 'iii:the 'trenches and- crouched , :behind the em littailinients of Alanaithas. ' These 'are the 'foes whleh slay a man. without the use ofxsow4cir or atael. : They atop, the, breath: without drawing blood.. They march to the 'encounter - withont music, or 'lAnnars:' 'They Charge withont a buns and conquer with Out a shout. In that encounter, the Stirlen. n. of the army-is both picket guard and the reserve fbrceito deed with the foe of disease,' and to the' Surgeon - iddrd, with God's blessing and 'aid, can the Willer . look for :redief.andandstance from disease. On the Surgeons of the grand army•of the T:tepfeb lic, then begins to press a Most feerbil res ' ' M „iglipy *AI have im a few" mouths, a great labor to-perform, and therefore, .as tba army advances in the south, its' accliciatidn ebehld begin with the enfetriSnonit 'of ' tet.. the most PSI. 4 mules cipanliness , and diet - JThe , food of the private should be as carefully inspected as the ptnithir and shot 1n his cartridge; or the Steel' irt the point Of hlti.kiiiimi)t. If thiiiinot done.; if thCH:Lep are net,gnarded in their subiistenee td clothing ; we may possibly have - hospitals defend'and sriccOr, instead tifridoeined States to welcome' hick to tle trAtlin...Let thos e who littii; this important branch of the ,vice in eilorge,Lponder welt; the , responsibility which rade tiOnn them as Surgeons' ;aird hitlthe digi also feel that his health is' mainly, in his saitiklaulds, so, cleanliness, caution-and eating are.coneented.. If he is juditionsi in the exeMie of these, the will '841(4040w. him;'nnlese a makes 1 . 4 acquaintance to heal a wound or amputate it-,:ehattered limb, -froiri which' , may God in his mercy guard them all:: AN arrival at New Ver.;;i , rogi Fort Pielebrui, liiin qkl u r, i ll )ii 46. b 01 . gyskomk 4 1 0,04.444144054 , 400thmith Um much I/reproved toj the voyage home. pennevivania Wady it e k gro k w . Cy Mottling illattn 14, 1862 PRESIDENT LINCOLN AND srs& The announcement that Ptaitient Lincoln latlideterminedo athamtrthefilirection. of the tarn fes of the Republic, has:given entir j e satis faction to !the people The fact that a dilitory policy bad too much: influence among the offi cers of that army, has:long since impressed the people with the necessity of some change, whit a tber it le in its operations and plans, or its officers and organization. The great essential to success, action, was lacking. In order to supply , this.: aetionv-iti , -became •necareary divide the foce into divisions each heeded by ae 'expeiltneat 6fildet, and direbtly bheditint and. responsible: .to _the commands and - the supervision of, the -President and the War Del partmeritr' ditermining on , this policy, President .LinctitOf conrsci - altai determinist on success,: Phiiyanh 'on , FIGHT, are made the motto andllitt!objett. ofthis important change. Addeii tii:whiCh it will'iCf4er ihdispendent and leave untramelled, (savo'.ini l theY - iiiaresponsible to the President,) greei...niiiittity ability and exPcilfl9P9o.l while, ..witt 1 05 0 'orestaist noble rivalryi atitopig:i ttibne iii : c;onnruind , hot fail to -birzprbductive:cf the: roost-brilliant 'eta:cella By it, too, .we get , rid of- a?: certain military exclusiveness - and arrogance, which have long hiffp',a:' - atench in the notiliiiis of the' 'people, and,`which have obstructed the real vigor of onr military operations by insisting on precedents, K ic,ll:lty wi t ratak, of ti?l,,,lea"Sp9,-, Bible inipertanwwiteti considered 'ae influence& 'of success. Inthe name of victory, we :think Piesident Lincoln for the change. TH6 Psopogrfos TO "Doirivirthose Whci" an active pith' ih ) the officers - in its ; army, navy -aptii:goveniment,"of-• their= again holding office in the'mational.governMent,•ii death blow cut off those who have' been malogl itainry,the means and the influences -of politic:al Tanccets;• and leave the institution-itself - withotit'repie sentation. Bntii will accomplish e'inore rable end than even the disfranehhasiient the slave power. It will .pat anyend to. She miserable fieliev- in the south that: in' the name of Democracy,. has been ruling `tlih nation for so many: yetne. It Will deetroy soutiern Democratic intrigue, and leave , the "goveni-i went hencelditthinteinted by-the erintrar of. a class of men who ortienhted the rebellion, 'and ;who of 7 cpuraiWire its active promoters and leaders. - .l . P#.fiheSS o P9sitto.4 ' • PeluigyNgifia 7-1160slatare Exeorm-ipalliimy rat rem milsossiu MEI Taulthroav,.li/aroh 18, 1862.- • The Senate convened at eleven o'clock the Speaker in the &air.' - • , • • Prayer by the Rev.- CharlesiAillay, D. D., Pastor of the First Lutheran: Church of Harris - ' ,On ntotromoi* Wilk - ELL the reading bf the journal of yesterday (Wednesday) w dig. pensed " i,':Efißklarleff - TABLA - eIIieISPEAMBR- laid before the Senate the Statement of the Auditor GienexaliApreplyloia resolution of the Senate .Of •tlielenth instaht, inquiring of that officer-'the amount- ortax" es paid by the Erie cansivompany dosing-the-peat sixteen years. , • Laid upon the table. rSelteratipettitionirirereicplesented , taid senum:-; ber of private bills ratieitiid from the various Committees, nbnehowevetcif any general-cuter=' est. 1• i ' situ IN Pao'. LE Mr. JOHNSON) a supplement to the geibirit toad law of this - Commonwealth. Referred to the Committee- on" Rbadalu:id Bridges. .. • • Also, an act relati; , e to suits AtAinst• Ships. Referred to the Committal °wee i StitnEVlPhfiatiapikriliovid'it% take hp the Fall BrixkralroaaeliEll: • - - • • Not agreed:to tireasnoiie, nays 82. Several prfdilteibills were considered aid dfsz itosed of. • Tire•joint resolution to pay Harry Huhn Clerk to the Adams county conteited *dick' committee, was taken ep'arid•pasSeiL 4 • The supplement to the art to•likroutit•Skite road in Lebanon and Remits coruithiPwlis taken tip It proposes to repeal a certain portion - 4*e act of lest year. After some discussioir,oMr. ; Oviiiit • for'and Mr. Bowman against the bill; it Wasitejected'• Yeas 11, nays 16. • The Senate then • HOUSE OF BE.tßF**2i*hM . - Tnuasbai, March 18, 186/ 1 The SPEAKER called the Souse-to' order at ten o'clock, A. M. Prayer by the Rev. ;Dr. :DeWitt.: The Clerk read the =journal of • yesterday; which was approved.; • • • sruazirsta noir: i The SPEAKER laid liefore theßetail iniah stract from the report Of Mine Hill and Schuyl kill Haven railroad company. . Laid on the table'. TONSAGI TAX Agreeably to order, ; The Homeresumed conalderation of .the bill for the repeal of .t h e act for:the cosunnta :don of the tonnage dales passed the:last session. Mr. BLANCHARD renewed his , moticsitifor the indefinite postponement of the consideration of the bill, but subsequently withdrew it at the request of gr. • , Mr. DENNIS submitted the foll Owing reso lation : Resolved, That theifillalulrote blv•tthkt/M11.46 repeal the act of last million; entitlgod " for the committatibn of tonnage duties," and .the amendments now-offered and- -to Willem after offered to add bill, be taken on or led.) half-past five tilelack thlt4 afternoon and - that no member be allowed to- speak= mote , than once nor to speak morelthlUi fottyafiveirdntrteS. The resolution was reed's seoandtimel Mr. CESSNAT moved to amend mit the words '° half-past:fiire o'clock thiir aftert. noon " and Meiling, ito.lieu , the wodszYthalf-past nine o'clock this evening, if not sooner disposed of and , that for the pur pose of enabling tbil Howie Wrench this result, it will hold an-evening session,•conmenoing at' 7 o'clock." : - On the questlim,of- the mean:mit, sion of the Ain& was demanded, and sixty gentlemen voted in, the uffinnative. So the anexidnieni was agreed to. .The questioliPda' emended, was Wert udripted. Mr. M'MANUS moved to suspetidAbetorders of the day, foillie tp•urpoih cit'rebeiving reports from-committait.i` • -- • • • On this question a AiVigiori 4 . Wag =de minded, and twathirdiXnot voting in .the affiridailtic the motion fafridg , ':c Mr. BLANC/tab,. agitii t iailw t ad ilka fiffoll • or the indefaielportponement the repeal of the act4for the commutation of SENATE Adjohrned:, tainage "iltitift47fthich brought the merits of the whole gnestiOn before the House for dis cussion; After a iirotractol discussion, the House, at one o'clock, adjourned, until three o'clock this afternoon. m out fiventgg Editioni or-Ittateiday. FROM. ,ILITUBSE.E. TEE TROOPSYATk'44[MREPMEL The Policy of Thiiiing the City =:=I171 Generals Bragg and Beanregard at 'Masa, Teilllol3l3oo. TEE REBEL FLEESATEMANDENO.IO UNDERI COXB I OP HOLER. All Quiet at New- , Madrid: ` Mitt& IR.' A special dispatch ,to., the Drizocrif dated Cairo yesterday, says that,i,sentleman .who !left Memphis on Saturday, .arrived, here, this !morning. , I ,Mareports that thire are no, troopeat Mesa :phis: Many persomkwereleavingthe pity, and , 'cotton, molasses, sugar and. other articles .of ;merchandise are being shipped 6M:136 - Fiver. The policy of burning the city _Was stillheing !discussed. Speecbei#are mada-every.amere ;night, and all means, db . cl, the iti• ,creasing demoralisagori, and, excite the war • General Bragg had'epme OP. fromPansaioia 'vd_th,4,rai thousand men, and these were sent to ,reinforce New Madrld l and IslandNu : .lo.; • General Bragg and General lleauregattf,ware at Jackson, Tenn., constructing fOrtificatkno. !All the negroes in dip ,opnrity.:,were called to work on them. Mai•tlaLlaw'aise proclaimed at Memphis last Monday,thi purpose of Ai* ing insubordination afi4 compel; the .citiseria ;to turn out and fight. No : defensive Pieparatious are being made at Randolph; for hetTqT.there and New Orleans tbeiels the str6ni position Fort Pillow, but it is less formidable than was !Columbus. • The rebels confess that the reditCtian of this Olace will give us alt,the poiiita othe)illisfe. PIPPL I The rebel gunboats are all Island Nt').lo; - and carry rifled tw enty faur and thirty-t w o pounders. . The fleet is under r .tiia:txhiiinatid:e fA messenger frOpq I.ll4lstadild'reiiorfs 'that all !was quiet that; this"Motiihm,c(Wetinesday.) f. CCUPATION OF WINCHIRTOi:VIRGINit )teeeption of the Haan lompbysithe iRRESP OF INIOIOIIIIII BY THE REBELS . kitiompAr i It) , • . f'artieulars of the Reqoat oftea Rebeileiifii. mil; ~.., ..—, ~ .., 1 wiNogwagn, March 1 2 7-iimfrig9F4- 1 (--.= i ' Gen. Jackson's rebel (Wes left laat night.on a Strasburg road, and the.leXces.cdiasmilton• d Williams were just enterilig tliestown. 4 .l .. I Compiny A, VirisccgibiAlliiird, Capt.,liertram, and a company of a Connecticut tegimenty fol lowed by Capt. Cole's compurrylof Firstridary land and aisqqadron -of Michigan cavalry, -were the first to enter the town. s;-;,: . !, , . , -...L ~ We encountered a strong,fert onetmile out, Which was evacuatechibyleckson last night., 7 ,- The people generally are int4eusely dellghtedlat our presence, and bail It as a : harbinger of.peace and future prosperity.,. . , %1 The regiments, as they pass,..are cheered and greeted from the houses, and Are responded to by the officers and men. - - ,11. . . I The other column of OW littiaker division i - Which approached by the Berrysville route have not yet arrived. Notre gun has been fired. r.i I Yesterdartherebels-arrested eighty of the rivet prominent :Unionists and sent them to Richmond. i .'l._.. • L ..,. I Coffee sells at 75 tits. to WOO ;.sugar . 26 to 37 cts ; calicos 60 eta.; but other articles are nio. - e abundant. $ It is represented by the resident friend's of e Union that at least two-tidnis, oflthe!pop ation of this town and cote:dram 1 0-3701 -1 0 our Government, but have been compopo to succumb to the secessierr.pressure, so far„as the expression of opinions was .00ncerned. ~,,There _as been no Richmond papenereceiVed bere for a week, and the citizens were entirely ignorant df the thrilling events-transpiring within that period. ( Whisky was selling,B.t twq,de ll ani it pint, and der liquors in propor tion.. : .' • .„ ..I*.ksop's force yesterday'courdei dot torimes tkigade,_several field batteries, and ifiree hun dred citCoi.. Ashley's cavalry—about 4,000 in alt--::Ther commenced the evacuation about sinutetlast night. The cavalry were the last to leave', and departed, just before we entered the town. ilt is represented t144 4 -themis a large- rebel force at Strasburg, and .:that (..they, intend to make a stand there. - 4 4 -:u 4 .a--- " - -.r.4 - I_, 4 I Owing to the state jiniffitirs i rt liantiment,, it is believed that Jackson 411finiake his way.up the Shenandoah ValleyitoFtheirirginie. Central Railroad, and thence to,Rictintend, I_ ~. d4Prominemt seassiionling Amp siii..4luM the, nfederate forces wilt _malgeoretaail at. Ger., itsviii!N And have fortified it to4l,- great eiteit. Several prisormintnnd, a ;Small amount of ammunition were„ ail the. seizures . made are. 4 olil Fortilissi.; tame'? 'like Rebel Steamer gentile Still Afloat ,at the Norfolk'::kali:llrd. WOWED 13E1101M IaTIAGE. _ li;okyrs& 4 4; llosuos; BM" 13. All is-quietlieiii thb ti ornieg 3111345 ND DD3PATOIL flreififfrio; ; ;Mormoz, March 13.—Information lutebeektilsteived from Norfolk, stating that theiebeTiteamer Merrimac is still afloat at the Navyryard end, ai.laite.fforce workmen are mhployed rhpairing.,.her:?. fierioffs damage . - irk received bymne.oft: her:wings at the bow, addlbeforward,paet. ofitlie :bow waetstova inz T&at pert Ulm* ibeingstreagtheoed., . 1. T . he :nhophilit Nisrfirilk aref,onid - to-lbe in• a itite.of -mingled rejqicing.tuid fear. • tient..W. IC_Jeffrieols now in command of the hivincitikrateatruir IdOniton • • FROM TECELBURNSIDE KEPEDITION: • i b ' 2 ' nitcriimig7a,` Maich l lB : 1 lettql' , elvelt.,bier lifll3 a akin in' Gee .P rtiOildi t e t itlon Alt . - 0 itoORIT rilspd,! Ir , i i likir Air -2 714 1 0,1 1 f '- ' ' 43 1 ri r .. , . , -- - , rwtLeshid.4lllng, General' : e*III3b - eierdivr an his 6uard. FROM WASHINGTON. PnOW - rations - for the Removal or the'. Poiomae Batteries. I== At - LARGE =NEER OF irimusi FOUND IN THE REBEL BATTERIES. The ateamtug Leslie went down to Qnantico Creek yesterday, towing a large scow with shears and machinery for removing the rebel batteries. A large aumber - of shells have been found in the rebel magazine. They were neatly packed in fine sea weed, which is said to be an excellent plan to keep the powder dry and pre vent premature explosion. XXXVIEth Congress--First Session. SENATE WARRINGTON; Math 18 Mr. DAVIsi(Ky) asked that the case of Mr, Powell be Wien tin, as the Kentucky f..egisla• 'tare wet e tifiseasion, and would like to have the case settled. He subsequently withdrew the request Mr. Diktat (Coon.) 'offered- a reistdotkiii that the Committee on Naval Affairs be instructed to inquire what,was necessary, done in re gard to jOhn Davis,whose distinguished bravery had been brought to the notice of the Govern- Mem by the report of Conimodore Dupont.— Adopted. Mr. KIIIVIDT, (Md.,) offered a resolution that the Secretary of the Navy inform the Senate by what law the naval academy had been remov bd to Newport, Rhode Island, and thei reasons for such removal, and whether such reasons still exist. . . The resolution expressing the thanks of Con gress to Capt. A. H. Foote and the officers and men of the western flotilla, was taken up. Mr. Games, (Iowa) said that he felt his duty and pleasure to call attention to the ex ploits of this arm of thenavy in the western waters. In May last commander John Rogers was sent to Cincinnati to prepare gunboats for the operations in the western waters.: The Taylor, Lexington and Conestoga were built, but when they firstwent to Cairo were laughed at.- 3Sioce that' no rebel craft has been above ColUmbus. Afterwards in SepteMber; Capt. Foote was sent to take the place of Com. Rogers and charge of the gunboats, partly iron-elad, St. Louis, Carondolet, Pittsburg, Essex and Mound City, of thirteen guns each. He said that so far asrhe could learn the plan of turning the enemy's flank by going up the Tennessee and Cumberland rivers, originated with Capt Foote. • He referred at some length to the triumph Of the gunboats at Fort Henry and and attributed the - eysnitatibii of 'Cffiumtrus 'to the :influence of :the knit's:ite . and the mortar fleet. He contended-that thisoountry wasdes-' tined, to be a great maritime country and the navy must be the right arm of our defence. He referred to-the-gallant-efforts of the navy elsewhere nailer Commodores Dupont and Goldeborough..= He said that the , reisedt at Hampton Roads demonstrated that ordinary wooden boats were no defence against:iron boats, and no stone fortress has any obstacle to the entrance of Leon:boats in any harbor. He referred lifter - die bfi idgif eulogy to - Lieut. Worden.and t e Kriason.and to, the latosnted deadinthe Cihkoreisend. Ounibeilind, • The resolution was passed. The retiblutiOti of tlittaks to LIME' **den and the officers and sailors of the Monitor was then taken up and passed: • HOUSE OE BblPSffi ATIVEB Mr. Duero;,-(1C ri•ljcilnt rasa' don, which was passed, tendering ; the thanks of Congress'io . Genitil'Onritsiinfthe officers and men, under him for the late brilliant victory in Arkansas, and sincerely sympathising with the lenitives' and friends of the officers and soldiers 'of the army who so gallantly and bravely fell at Tea Ridge. The House in committee reamed the con sideratton of the tax bilL Mr. BENIERDSON, (111.,) moved' a» amend ment that tio - per centum of the .ravenne -de 'rived from the bill shall be set apart for the purpose of buying or obtaining by treaty, terri tory outside of the limits of the United States, as which to colonise free blacks, and for pay ment of eXpenses of their transpoititiOn thither. Mr. Morriga, (Vt.,) raised a. point of order that this amendment is not germane to the first section of the bill which Proildes for the appointment of officers necessary to carry it into effect.' • Tbe 'chairman,sustained the ob jection,'atsthe same timesatinethrit thridebefe must be cenfined to the special order. Mr. Iricaraansort said the gentleman from Kentucky; (Mr. Wadsworth,) and Pennsylvania, (Mr. Stevens,) seemed to express some fears because they have not sufficient confidence in the President that the nioney„ propoesd to be raised will not be properly appropriated, but the_chief executive bad, in his opinion, bAt• his publiriacti; shintra'a ditMosititrii to ± abideby the law and uphold the constitution. While he differe& frinir ;the President as to the - best mode of doing other things; -hi in this , 'accorded tit the President a perfect honesty of purpose. Mr. STEVENS, (Pa.,) rose to a point of order, viz., that apts of the administration are not pertinent to thiribill: Thrichaltarkz:tebrarked thatthe gentlienitalithilliihniehatrnet - yet proeeeded far enough to enable him to decide on lb° relevancy of his remarks. Mr. BIOILAXDSON exproiseed his surprise that Mr. Stevens should now endeavor to restrain debate. when he lied permitted so wide a range . yesterday. ' • Mr. Bums • reminded the gentleman that he aid endeavor to confine the debate pastel', day to the merits of the bill. Mr. Itionkunsou, resuming; said that the gentleman from Ohio, (Mr. Bingbam,) on the other side, told a yesterday that the preserva tion of the Conatitution and the Union was SecondarY with them, the primary object with them being the destruction of slavery. Mr. &num, with no - disrespect to Mr. Rich ardson, called him to order for this remark, as beiiig Inv - levant to the bill. M. RICHARDSON desired to 'say to his friends on the other sitheof the 'House, that the gen 'ileman from Kentucky,- (Mr. Wadsworth,) yesterday was subject to - similar 'interruptions. The gentleman froth Ohico,'(dr. Bingham,) however, wag nqt so 'annoyed. He had no de sire to Meow - 4 the first section of the bill, but he served a notice on his Republican friends that he would bring 'theta from day to day to the strict line of debate, and he would make thern toe it every hour. - Mr. Rios sansos then resumed his seat. The first seCtioa was amended, by giving the com missioner of internal revenue the franking privilege., MARKETS BY TELEGRAPH. PHILADELPHIA, March 18. Flour continues very, dull, and 1,500 barrels 'Sold at $6(15 4 :26 . 10r istipertlite,44'so foreitra, and $5135@,5 76 for extra family ; no sales of rye flour or corn meal. ,'There , is a fair demand for wheat, and 8,000 bushels red sold' t $1 32 ai 88, and white at $1 400)1 45. Rye sells Slowly at 73c.,Corn'is " m limited demand, and saled'of '7;000 - hifshels new yellow at 58(4 54e. Oats are du% anit,Oirtat be: aver Coffee firnt,lll6o.`laffen ar 1840210. for 0, asti - 4=l** P lateadY* •warm , -- Cada .11 i as. Cuba sold at 714380. Whisky dull at 25(4280. illarrieb On the 6th of February, at the residence of Mr James :00rbettby the kw. Aleamder D. Moore, Mr. MdaiiTY to Min Jtrua A. A• Eau, both of Dauphin. Died On this 12th inst., at fear O'CiOCk P. It, Oeatus, in fant daughter of Robert and 'Moen& E Fought, [The funeral will take place frm the residence of her parents, in Fifth street, near Walnut, at ten o'dock a. se., tomorrow morning, the 14th. The relatives and friends-of the fainry are invited to attend.] A beleved child has been called away; A precious treiiture bee been remved, The hope of parents has passed from eirth ; Yet she's still ours, though gone to,lieacen. Hein 2thertioments TRULY INTERESTING, JUST receiving from New York, a I) ,, ag. soil assortment or Spring Goods, ELEGANT SILLS. 1 Forlard 'Vika, very cheap. New style dreg rode. i • N. B. S. I'. Stewart's Party Kid Gloves, for ladies. All styles, Gentlemen's Gloves, of same importati on. All cheap for cash only at JOBE& s'lo SE, . nia,342t. FAWN BROKERS AND ALL CON CERNED. ftIIEE clothing in poaeseion of soldi• rs is the 11 property of the United States. i The articles of war prohibit the sale by a❑v Boldiers of way Government property in their keosseession. Every sale of such clothing is a sale of a , Le property, and any person hereafter receiving on pawn, or purchasing any such property from `soldiers, will be proceeded against to the full extent of the law. RICHARD I. DODGE Captain Bth Infant,ry. mal3-d2t ]ISSOLUTION OF PARTNhaiSHLP. NOTICE is hereby given that the part nershlp heretofore existing between Wfil'ani emit and Jacob .146.Crott, In-the Tailoring bnsines+, was absolved on the 11th day of March, 1862, by mutual holleent All those Indebted it, the tde that will plain mare payment to W. A. or J. B. Croft. WILLIAM A. CIOFT, JACOB K. C Orr. Haamainnto, Mirth 12, 1862. TO THE PUBLIC. The undersigned having purchase - I%lm entire stock and fixtures of the late arm, and baring made large ad ditions thereto, is now prepared to execute all orders With nestnisiand despatch. Thankful tbr the very Utterable patronage heretofore extended to the Arm, he hopes, by strict persona I atten tion to business to merit a continuance of•the same. mal34l3t* W. a. t;.,oft NOTICE. THE account of Henry G. Heisey, execu- L i_ tor of :Joseph Clark of Conewagi towagloip. who Was assignee of Edward Hahn, has beau filed in the Court of Common Pleas of Dauphin county, and will he SenErmed on the drat day of May, 1.86.:, wales. , MIS, be shown to the contrary. J. C YOUNG, malSiMpwrit Prothonotary. NOTICE. FINE' account of David C. Kellar, assig -1 11. am Of Henry B. Howard, of D rry township, bas bean filed fa the Court of Common Piers or Dauphin county, and will be confirmed on the first day of hay, 11032, unless cause be shown to the contrary. J. U. 'FOUND, malld2h-wit Prothonotary. PUBLIC SALE, 'TILL be sold at Public Salo 1 On WEDNESDAY, March 19, 1862. 4 Camp Cameron near the Poor House, all be luutber, oompos'ng Bald camp, ootrainlo4 1200,000 FEET OF LUMBER, more or less.' •It will be ill is las to suit purchaaers, 44 without rename. ttaNi to commence at 10 O'CIOC{ A a. By order of . S4.I6IAItD I. D Captain *With Infantry, U. S. A , Dauur Bing 011icer. Toims cub. psarlz-dt=l `SANFORD'S OPERA HOUSE, 00IIBLE ENGAGEMENT. SIGNOR BLITZ WILL APPEAR OS MONDAY EVENING, March 17th, 1862, MEWED BY THE OBLEBRATED DR. VALENTINE. The Quissloal and Excellent Delineator of Character. The will be the moat Brilliant, Varied and itEOHERCHE DEMONSTRATION Mersa to the Qtiaen■ of Harrisburg for years. ADMISSION . .25eents. Reserved Seats in Orchestra 16 cents extra. Doors open at quarter before seven o'clock— to commence at half-past seven. ;marl2-dtd COlci WILL GIVE two more of their Grand Old Fashioned Conceits at BBANT'S HALL , On FRIDAY . " and SATURDAY EVEYISGS, March the 14th and 15th, In ` :aid of the fund fn' the relief of the wounded soldier= of this city, under the auspices of Ole Ant:Pussy Ger.S• G.' Curtin, Secretary of the Commonwealth Ho'. 'II' ter, Adjutant General A. L. Russell, Attorney Genera Wm. M. Meredith, Auditor General Thos. F. Cochran. Stale Treasurer Henry D. Moore, Surveyor Genera Henry Souther, General R. 0. Winn, Sonatt.r It. B. Par ry, the members of the Senate and Souse of .'elre"e" tives, and many other distinguished reel tents of des place. The programme, with but few exceptlont wiu N neticf, Embracing very many beautiful ballads and ittrta songs appropriate for the occasion, by Mrs /lOW . NICHOLS, Mrs . GRORGDO SHRPPARD and Mr. SHILIOR the Great Basso, wheh together with thes is: derful performance of the Old Volta in their po chOrtses, will, in connection with the object for which they are given make these concerto the most Poi ,, OT and attractive that have ever be n given in this cds. TICKETS OF.ADMISSION ........... 25 cents Rdserved seats 10 cents extra. bffay be bad at Jones' littel, Herrs' Rotel, Fold al er Braut's Hotel, Dr. Bantart's Drag store sod Kioche's ir , usie stare. at An afternoon Concert will begiven on Shttrall 8 o'clock. Children admitted to at.ernoon comer; it to cents; adults 25 costs. Reserved nabs may be secured at Dr. Ban7art,a rrag Store, Knoche's Music Store, Jones' Hotel and othe r nhttek Doors opeh at 7 o'clock—to commence at 7. marl2.rigt 75 BARRELS of fine choice Applet,. justreceived and for sale by John Wise, do.", cede and retail Grocer and. Confectioner, in Third neit door to Bradley's Barber shop near Walnut. strre., itnarßll6tmae WANTED. ACHILD'S NIIRSE, cook and chamber mkid, white women preferred. nwly War7.det . vest door 9 ilir. Dougherty's on tenond street ~i . Apn L, , ,T a 0 a no bi'''4........."'wi1.._,,'"A.42"-,_,-7.---Fresh garden setle ' - ..... Bum., Phila delphia... For sale by Nich ols a nt Bowiti, cornercorner of Front and Market streets. 7_l ' CROSHAD," broke 4 loat; fine and coarse pulverised and other sugars for sale bY NICHOLS & BOWMAN , . • Miner Front and Market streets. AMS.—Three fitterdied Writ g oral lame lasi received by WM DOCK JR. 1100,,