Pennsylvania daily telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1857-1862, March 14, 1862, Image 1
_ . . ,•,. . . -... . . • _ 4:, • . . . . . . . ..•• . , - • . . . . t I 1 \ _ . . . . . ......../ ~.._ _ __= __ :-'.---___ _, _.,:;-,:, 1 - _,......-Aw . . BY GEORGE BERGNER. 1 Fl te,(;RAPI - 1 OAY kAjt{(4 E BERGNER. ... rinis.--dirrets Btnassuntori. ~4115 TILIMPIPIIIB served to subscribers in the per week Yearly subscribers will be !:,If4 00, In advance WOALT .01.1 61011 - WISILLT TiLlegall. • IatURAP.I3 8 Idhe pubilebed twice a week daring t h a Letrol,tture, and weetly during the r t he year, and rurniebed to subscribers at cash rata, Via: I.*llbeTll per year Semi-Weekly...Sl So i‘ it ..12 00 'IC • 1 00 iwroly Weekl ,l e s ubecrlber 8.11612 OF ADVIATEUNG , s r Oil . r lines or leas colualtuita onerhalf 'quer). Eight :,,,, or wu re than 10ett COTlStitall • square. Ho y9uare, one day $0 26 one week ' 100 , one month 2 00 .. three months 800 111 months ........... .......... 6 00 one year... ......... .... .... .... 8 00 Jo one day .... ...... .. • . '6O one week........ Z 00 due month ... .. 8 50 • three months 6 00 • etat months , _ 10 00 one year........... . .. .... . . 15 00 Cr PROCSS notices Inserted In the Loma MIMS, of Y.ore *engem and Destbo, FIVE ChIITS "'WC T.T•cric nye T4l'llo o . kirriges cod heaths to be charged as molar • Illebital 14: . JOIIN SON ElALserxr.colElLlD LOCK HOSPITAL LI At discovered the most certain; epeeci3 owamt remedy tie the world for ,qq,,Nst, OF IMPRUDENOIL .. v . II ,II TO TWTLTII BOMCO so Menne) or Montoya Drugs. area ttlssuran, oa CLOWN IRON tuts Two Drfs.S wtouvw of the Pre" or mba, Strkenree, Pales to ht too Sfeences of the Kidneys and Bladder, Orlr ervout. instlity, Decay of the Physic& Wer iypotta, t elver, Low Splrita, Confusion of ,clean of the Heart ' , Timidity, Tremblinp, Dimness d Sight rr teddieene, I wane of the Stomach, Affections ), u e Bond, fused, Note or Skin—those terrible Wear ier from the Indiscretion or Solitary Habits el iooth—tho... , dreadful and destructitne priding which produce somutetweni debility, render marria4re Wow nt-la, and dettre) itch body and mind. YOUNG MIN. footle we opeendly who have become the victim' of Chary Ctrs, tint dreadful sod destructlve habit wind oraundy ! e e l,: In an untimely grave thousands ei pees teen at the matt exalted talent and brilliant int& 'wet, suss ought otherwlen bare entranced natant'', Senses wlth the thunders of Wetmenoe, or waked to ea. U., tit. hsteet tyre, real cast with fuU ooendenoL SAMMIE. eerie persons, Or 11144 contemplating marriage, be t, acre or physlea' mitten, should Immediately eon. toll 5t 1 and he roamed to perfect health. AGeNIC WRASNIIS leastistely cared and ftdi Wow ratered. Br who Mom himself node , the Cara of Dr. J. may resl,6lFly made In his bon. s. s gentleman, god tea saner rely upon 1118 skill as a , u esold#ll. &Pollee No. 7 South I wad street, Baltimore, D., to the left hind side gooi .rem Baltimore street, 7 fa t cote the Corner. Bo particular In observln„ the mew' Lumber, of you will mistake the place. P. par- NIT ler !permit, TrOtillo gawk', with fain 1 ' .°61, tr Pei:sr hrentherg arrefficatta, attracted by the remain ' 4 'll'o. Mums, lurk near , .4irre must contain a Postage Stamp, to use on the 411 DR. JURNBTON member of the Royal college of Rurgeouts, 11dun tot nate rrom one of the meet eminent Conferee 'Le Cued . itates, and the greatest part of whose life uel , rot sped le the Hospitals of London, Paris, Phila• einowhore, has effected some of the moat as. ;Rime cures that were ever known. Many troubled vlt mpg in the ears as d head when asleep, great nor. *into, wing alarmed at sudden sounds, bashfulness, 'it Natoli blushing, insetted sometimes with derange. ri of tu , sl were Cured Immediately, •faxit PARTICULAR NOTICIL • rases nil these who- having Injured them. ' , wet th vae and Improper indidgenolee, that secret Liiohary chit whisk ruins both body and mind, en them ter either buetneeser society. Thee are Some of the sad and melancholy effects pro py early habits of youth, via : Weakness of the ul Paha In the Read, Dimness of a m ig, KII r 4! Of MUIIV Power, Pidpitathm Of thip Burk • qta Nervous Irritability, Derangement Of the Ing ~ittles, Oatmeal Debility, Symptoms dY Inottump ITAL. feartni rifest on " on the mind are mesh to Oreeaed '—Loan of Memory, Contosion of Ideas, Den :' S EGO Of Sprits, Evil forebodi_ ,ngs Aversion toSloole . Se.iotrost, Levu of Solitude, Timidity, dat., us ume ' o , rert emu. nt persona of all egos, tan now Judge what 3te ew e of their doollne In health, Wing their or "cat, pale, nervous and ems‘sted, hive r:6141 4ppeuttoot abont the eyes, ones, and ern!'" n or tolataptlon. YOUNG Ulf no etre adored themselves by s certain practice. le ':fed it when aloud.a habit frequenUy learned front ! L unation*, or at taboo), the effects of which are felt, even when asleep, and If not cured, render' 'ghee Impossible atm destroys both mind and body, 0 ,114 tppiy I pity that a young man, the hopes el his open• dankly of his parents, should be snatched from Waltrip tad onyrtymenta of life by the ttoillesadi ierstieg Com the path ot nature, and hietng m Rem habit. nu h pereena must, before °maw tlit l / 1 01. 4-tithlt sound I ud eAl and body are the most n ' - gade.. to promote connub happiness. , 'loot thee, the journey through ial life becomes 1 • weete .. the prospect hourly darkens to the vleW,the *us se shadowed with despair, and filled with th MA• itets,ly Wflwit reection that the happleese of another be 71 h our owe JoialidoN'S INVIOORATiNG RIMED! FOR 01 GANIC WEAKNESS. %me 10 '4 treat s Importantuad imrtant remedy, Weakness of the tre the cured, and full vigor restored. rOCI PAIIIdB of the moat nervous and debilitated Irbil 4,11 at kaluiente f ll here, have been Immediately relieved. LO a Marriage, or Mental ualle• ovena, Trembling, Physical Weakness or Eghaustion Dbm or teal hotel kind, spee dily eared. TO STRANGERS. 4, 14 ,..r.a111 the TO curet at this Initiation within the ,"e roma, and the numerous bnportant gurgle* Dz,otal periermed by Dr. J., 'witnessed by the re' ii; h rt h 2 the Papu, end many other perilous, °Oliva el 'ea t 7if e 4 PPeafed egein and again b e efbr• the felitilet h ° , 140 eteto es a anaemia of ettereeter deed re' :".orY. la a anScient guarantee to the labeled. 4 ',11 . 4.iE1i OF I SPRODENOL—When the misguided k a l, th4 ,eill rotary of plasmas Ands he has imbibed ta that Painful disease, It toe often happens that tie p..."'"'" mite of theme or dread of discovery deters spill itezab il to th whurom education 'tad re. flC!iPan Crone b efri end delaying till the con l I /lanterns of this horri ddisease make their niZZfee, Westing the head, throat, nose, shin, )erne 4,7 h from wheean ola dou frlghUld rapidity, till death twang rful c o hering , by sending him to" iti ce an t returns." in 7 fact that thousands tallreveler *Mame to this ta terrible to the unektrieness of Ignorant Pretent it, • .1' the Oa afloat deadly poison aserewry, 14:11T.!entetion and make the residue of life miserable. ..wasia...vh meter , ' lemmas bang to hi t e'Lett sr e ,el.haust tioutate a Stamp to us on the reply Ta."..7etlim sent by Mag. '.o4.l_,,tetti Frederick street, Baltimore. 1 (7 bA R TUBS, BASKETS, BROOMS keitteivireerYfthoriusaglelityll*eryltillo e t; burst recelved In° large ym. DOCK , e Co. ZRPalStent li DRedkdnee.UG STORE is the Pie" bq I Clues gravgl ograrts-furtatts4( 'ENNSYLVANIA RAIL ROAD- WINTER, TIME TABLE. FIVE TRAINS DAILY; TO AND FROM PHILADELPHIA. ON AND &ITU MONDAY JANUARY 27th, 1862. The Pamanger Trains or the Pennsylvania Railroad Oompany will demo.% from and'arrive it Etimiabtirg and Philadelphia as follows ;-- &SAC IW A it , THROUGH IMPRESS TRAIN !sawn Harrisburg Sally at 8.20 a. ll ti atut arrives at West Phlladelphia:at 1;40 • FAST LIMC leavea Harrisburg daily, (emiept Bundap,) at 1.00 p. m., and arrives at West Philadelphia at 5.10 P. In. YAM TRAIN leaves Harrisburg daily (exempt Sunday) at 6.0 p. m., and arrives at West Philadelphia at 11.00 p. m. ACCOMMODATION TRAIN, via Mount Joy, loaves Harrisburg 7.80 a. m., sad arrives at Wiwi Phila. as 12.86 p. m. • • HARRISBURG ACCOMMODATION TRAIN, via Colum bia, leaver Harrisburg al 240 0. m . and arrives. at Wa Pblirstelphia at 7.20 p. m. WESTWARD. THROUGH MUM! TRAIN leaven Phihutelphis at 10,80 p. Harrisburg at 8.06 a. m., Moons 8.40, a. m., and arrive* at Pißabarg at 1.25 p. m, MAIL TRAIN leaves Philadelphia at B.ooa. in. and ar rives at Harrisburg at 1.20 p. in.; leaven Harrisbdg at 9.00 a. m., Altoona, 8.80 p. in., and arrives at Pittsburg at 9.80 p. M. VAST LINE Imes Philadelphia at 11.24 a. tti., Harris; burg 4.04 p. m., Altoona at, 9.10 p. in., and. arriving at Pittsburg at 1.40 a. m. BARREIBLREI AO9OIIIIODATION TRAIN leaves Pbll. deiphia at 2.80 p. m., and arrives at Harrisburg at 8.00 m..; MOONY JOY ACCOMMODATION via *fount Joy,,lnaves Lancaster at 11.88 a. m., arrives at Harrisburg at 1.80 p.m. 'The NEWS RSPESB3 and PASSSNGER TRAIN will leave West Philadelphia at 4.00 a. m.; Lancaster 7.07. a. m.; Mount Joy at 7.48 a. m., Ytiddletovra at 8.25 a. m., and arrive at Harrisburg at 816 a. m., connecting with Mail Train west,. from Banishing, at OAR a. m. samusi., IX YOUNG, . Rapt. Rut, Lily. Penna. Railroad. Ihrtisburg i January 24, 1862 —dtf ' Northern Central. Railway CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. WIRT= ARBAIMEMINT. eIIiNTIAIIMPAII7•IOAPDPIO7 33.. A M I C ; 0 RA 311 Umm Connection movie at , Almmisbing TO AND FROM NRWTORK. SLEEPING CARS RUN ON All NIGHT TRAINS. ON AND AFTER SUNDAY, NOV. 24, isa, the Paueager Trains of the Northern °mini twat. Will arrive at and ddpart from Harriabara and Statham . e u follow., via GOING SOUTH HAIL TMAD arrives at Harrisburg 1.05 P and leaves " MO P. M. " arrives " SAW it. V. and leaves " 3.H0 A 001 NG NORTH. bIAIL TRAIN lesures;lMltlinore. ...... 8.26 A. V. and arrives at Harrisb urg:.... LOA P.. 11. sad lames North at 1.20 P.l[. UPRII3II TRAIN leaves Baltimore at 8.00 P. N. sad arrives at Harrisburg 8.00 P. 11. and laves North at 8.10 P.M. 'MAW AOOOXPIODATION num Lame Harrisburg *Jr Baltimore at.... . . ... 1.48 A. It Hemming-Nava B.ltimore at.. ...... 8.80 P. The only Wain leaving Harrisburg on Sunday will be the Rpm; Train, &oath at 8.20 A. M. For further laroratatios apply al - the Oillee, to Puce's Railroad Depot , JOHN F. =HACH, Agent. Harrisburg, Poo. Rs, 11161.—dta WINTER TIME ARRANGEMENT NIM Alit LINE ROUTE. TERRI TEM EMI TO EKE YORK, AND PHILADELPHIA WITHOUT MANGE OF OABS.I QN AND AFTER MONDAY, NOVEM BER 4,1861 tne passenger Trains will leave the P adelphla andit= Dearest% Depot, at Harrisburg, for New Yoe. and elplida, as follows, Ids • EASTWARD. nrinlBl3 LINN leaves Harrisburg at 8.80 a. in., on as of Pennsylvania Railroad Hymen Train from the Woe, erriyingin New York at U.S a. tn., and at Phila delphia at 9.00 a. in. A steeping oar is attached to the train through from Pittsburg without clump. NAIL TRAIN leaves Harrisburg at B a. in.. arriving in New York at - MT. in., and Philadelphia at 1.25 p. m. PAST LINE leaves Harrisburg at 1.40 p. m., on arrival of Pennsylvania Railroad Past Nail, arriving In New York at 9.60 p. in, and Philadelphia at 6.40 p. m. WESTWARD. FAST LINK leaves New York at 6a. m. and Phllade t. pada at 8 a. M., arriving at Harrisburg 121 p. m. NAM TRAIN leaves New York at 12.00 noon, and Phil adelphia at 5.15 p. m., arriving at Harrisburg at 8.10 pm. =PANE LINN leaves New York at 8 p. m. arri ving at Harrisburg at, 8.10 a. m., and connecting with the Pennsylvania Snores' Train tbr Pittsburg. A sleeping ear la else attached to this train . Connection are made at Harrisburg with, trains on the Pennsylvania, Northern Central and Cumberland Valley Railroads, and at Reading for Philadelphia, Pottaville, Wintesarre, entown, &sten, &a. Baggage checke All d through. fare between New York and Barrisbar& $5 00; between Harrisburg and Phila delphia, $3 36 in No. 1 cant, and 82 70 in No. 2. For tickets or other information apply to J. J. not General Agent, Harrisburg. ANOTHER NEW STOOK ! porta ble Writing Desks, PBackgammon Boards, Traveling Bags, • Purses, Wallets, Toilet Bottles, suet general assortment of • FOGY ARTICLES, °all at BERGNER'S UNCAP BooKErron. HARRISBURG, PA., FRIDAY MORNING,* MARCH 14, 1862. Ntui abotitistinento DAUPHIN COUNTY 3PRIBON, 1881. TORN CARE, Esq., Treasurer of the County d of Dauphin, Pa., and H i-Officio Treasurer of ~ the Dauphin County Prison, in account with said county for the use of said Prison : v.zokarrs, 1861 To balance due in cash at settlement , made by the County Auditors, A.prill.o, a. D. 1861, To cash received from the CoMmissioners -Of the County of Dauphin for the use of the Dauphin county Prison pursuant to appli cation' by the inspectors thereof, in conformity to law, dated January 7t14, A. D. 1881, an order by them 1813Utd No. 879, To cash received of Jno. R. Boyd, keeper of the Dau phin county prison, for the use thereof, derived from the sale of goods manufdotured therein,sold by Robert Creighton & Co., of Philadelphia, as per account of bills of sales rendered, ' ' To cash received...of Jno. B. Boyd, keeper of the Dau phin county prison, for 'the use thereof, derived from the sale of goods manufactured and •sold therein, and for key fees and fines paid by prison fsrs on'discharge to wit : Quarter ending 81st March, 1861,g00da,619 84 Quarter ending 81st 'Arch, 1861, main teatimes, 16 28 Qnarter ending 81st March, 1861, key fees, 264 Quarter ending 81st March, 1881, lines, 115 00 Quarter ending 80th June, 1861, goods, 76 11 - • Quarter ending 80th June 1861, main- s tent4e, 18 88 Quarter ending 30th June, 1861, key fees, 712 Quarter ending 30th June, 1861, tines, 109 Quarter ending 80th September, 1861, good r a, 85 06 Quarte ending 80th September, 1861, maintenance, 80 89 Quarter ending, 80th September, 1881, key fees, 10 16 Quarter ending 80th *September, 1861, fines, --- - 126 60 Quarter ending 81st December, 1861, goods, 477 00 Quarter ending 81st December, 1861, maintenance, 24 42 Quarter ending 81st December, 1861, key fees, 10 96 Quarter ending 81st December, 1881, tines, 600 --- 617 88 Total ain't. for goods for the year, 658 01 Total ain't. for mainten an cis for the year, 84 95 Total am't. for key fees for the year, 80 87 Total am't. for fines for the year, 121 00 . To balance due in cash to John Care, Esq., treasurer as aforesaid, January 16, 1862, as settled by the County Auditors, 817 98 PAYMENTS, 1861. By amount of orders issued from No. 1 to No. 72, both inclusive,' limed by the Inspectors of the Dauphin county prison, commenc ing February -4th, 1861, to January 6, 1882, both days inclusive, as entered in detail in order book A, of said prison, $8,882 18 By order lamed in 1860 by Inspectors of prison, un paid at settlement amb by County Auditors, April 10th, 1861, to wit : No. 70, Thoinas Craig & Co. paid in 1861, 887 00 By commissions allowed Treasures with approba tion of County Commis sioners, to wit : On receiving $8,898 07 p. C. of one per cent. 76 06 On paying $9,219 18 p. . of one per cent., 80 66 We, the undersigned, Auditors of the county of Dauphin, Pennsylvania, elected and sworn according to law, report that we met, did audit, settle and adjust :according to law, the account of:John Care, Esq., Treasurer of the county of Dauphin, Pennsylvania, and Es-Officio Treas urer of the Dauphin county prison, in account with said county of Dauphin for the nse of said prison, commencing on the 4th day of February, A. D. 1861, and ending on the 6th day of Jan uary, A. D. 1862; that said account as above stated is correct, and entered of record in set tlement book sod the office of the Inspectors of said prison, that we find the nun of ithreelinndred and seventeen dollarsand ninety eight cents to be dne in cash to the said John Care Req., Trauma aforesaid, In witness whereof we have hereunto set our• hands at the city of Harrisburg, Penn.'s., the fifteenth day of January, 1862. JONATHAN SPAYD, -J.•P. RUTHERFORD, HENRY PEEPER, Auditors of the County of Dauphin, Pa. Attest--Jositen Human Ole* to County .iludito4. DiQ ' SUMMARY OF RECEIPTS AND DISBURSE MENTS IN rui AFOREGOING ADO:MKT. 19 convicts, on diBcharge, $BB4 80 88 tone 14 cords wood, LIGHT. Gaa for list 'ital.& in 1860, 65 60 Gas for year 1861; in fall, 196 77 Fluid and oil,. 10 86 ' 7 600'00 John B. Boyd, , keeper, one year's salary, 400 00 Caroline B. Boyd, matron, e year's salary, John Nevin, underkeeper, seven month's salary, 282 60 Moses Fleck, underkeeper, one months' salary, 87 60 John Mytinger, nn d er , - keeper, two-and-a-ha l f months salary, 'S. E. Sharp, night watch, two hundred and eighty tone nights, ended Dec. Bth, 1861, 281 00 James Downie, superinten den' weaving, one year's salary, 468 00 , Dr. 8. T. Charlton, physi cian, one yeses salary, 60 00 Henry Peffer, secretary to board, one year's salary, 80 00 298 24 1,762 75 'MAINTENANCE OF FOUR DIFFERENT CLASSES Or PRISONERS. xliter 434se—Conviclays 10,774.. 44-10 t Quarter in 1861 • 788 54 89-2 d •‘ " 666 70 • 80-Bd. ". " 681 08 25-4th " " 448 96 $153 75 188 whole number. Of those convicts, a number had to be held in custody from the year 1860, and so on in 1861, from one quarter year into the other. 2n ctass—Pritoners Awaiting Trial —Days 7,984 77--lstQuarter in 1861, 267 18 79-2(1 " 826 04 127-3 d " - " 623 48 124--4th " " 649 78 407 whole number. . Of those prisoners, the re marks made . relative to , 00nvicts aye substantially- applicable to those prison ers. 8D DU BB—Drunk. and. Disowinly Persons—Days 8,574. 68-Ist Quarter in 1861, 71 60 185-2 d " " 119 46 212 -8d " "" 262 12 2747--4th " " 848 20 689 whole number. Of thoie drunk and disorderly persons, the same remarks apply as made to coverlets and prlsofters. 4ra mass— Varants—Days 751 78-Ist Quarter ht . 1861, 68 14 22-2 d " " 21 56 9-8 d " " 17 60 40-4th " " 62 92 894 88 149 whole number The remarks applied to con victs, prisoners and drunk and disorderly persons, are equally applicable to va gue*. Wilole' number at mainte•- nence in 1861, In Dauphin County prison, 1,245. Aggregate number of days, 28,088. Expense tocounty,ss,o7B 26. Deduct 68 - from the aggregate number, (1,245,) at mainte nance in "The Dauphin County Prison," in the year 1861, that had to be held in custody from each quarter year in 1861, into the next quarter of said year, leaves 1182, the actu al number of persons com mitted into "The Dauphin County Prison," in the year 1861, to be maintained at the expense of the county, until legally discharged ; classes three and four be ing committed by aldermen and justices of the peace, for periods of time varying from twenty-four hours to thirty days, as of record on the books of said prison, reference thereto being " had. $9,876 85 19 prison window guards, 19 00 Blacksmith work at windows, 1S 95 Plumber work and mated als, Large new firebrick bake oven, 82 16 2 new stoves, (one cooking,) 28 00 2 new . large furnace coils and expense to and from city to procure them with . out delay, Oak plank flooring,cell and iron grating window, 166 72 $9,875 86 NISCIILLAIOIOOI. Books for prison library, 16 91 Btationerytuatipostagestamps, 29 67 Clothing for prisoners and cutting garments, Material for clothing and ' bills for prisoners, 182 14 84 pair blankets, 92 00 Filling bcd sacks, 7 26 Fetters, locks and repairing, 12 80 New shoes and repairing, 88 69 Glass and glazing prison windows, lB 50 Hezdware, 22 89 New tbmweand repabing. 88 Cfr Bailroad , . . aaraurcras, (per act qtAgembhl.) $21,70 44 87 nasoN ,Qinosas 100 00 98 76 '4 , 4 , ,j , q(;‘, , : - .11Q,1:17. 8404 Variona drugs. for prisoners and vermin, Soap, brushes, brooms, scrubs, tobacco, &c., 4"c., 105 21 Taking in coal and wood, 4 . 20 37 Throwing rubbish out of yard and carting away, Order No. 70, iiiitned in 1860 and paid in 1861, - Prison treasury commissions, 1861, Amount of aforesaid account, $9,876 86 Published pursuant to law, Idar,ch 10,1.862. D. W. GROSS, DANIEL SNIDER, ,GEORGEBEIifkiNER, - 'DANIEL SELELLIENI3EftGEII, J. 1). HOFFILLV BZNPX • rtarpri: Inspectors Dinephin County m-18-418tw8w Harrisburg, Ea. $BB 85 297 57 278 18 Penfflylvania Legjslattire, ,mto . ..o):olJ:vSki iil,;erfl4:l The Senatere-assembled mbled at three P. 11., the Speaker in the chair. • The special order was postponed temporarily to allow the Committee on the Militia System to report the bill providing for the adjudication and payment of certaim claims. The bill was taken up and the 'Senate con curred in the House amendment. - AROLITION. OP BLAIRRT IN TEI DERMOT OP COLUMBIA. . The special order, Seruste bill No. 323, "Joint resolutions relative to the abolition of slavery in the District of Columbia," was taken up and discussed at length during the entire session. The Senate ordered extevening session to be held. - Adjourned. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. AFTERNOON SESSION. Thymus.; Maxci 18, 1862 The House was called to order atthree O'clock, r. 3f.; when the consideration of the bill for the repeal of, the act for the commutation of tonnage duties was resumed. The whole time of the - House, 'from three to six o'clock, was occupied in a discussion of the merits and constitutionality of the bill. Pending the discussion, Mr. Altair having the floor, Adjourned. House - 2 870 28 1,756.48 The Senate re-assembled at .7 p. sc., and then adjourned until 70. K. Upon re-assembling at 71- P. Y., the special order, Senate bill No: 828, "joint =elution relative to the abolition of slavery in , the District of Columbia," was taken up,' discussed at length by Mr. KETCHAM and others, When the Senate, Adjourned. BY TELEGRAPH. 786 28 BATTLE AT FORT CRAIG. DESPERATE FIGHT BEWTEEN TER TEXANS AND TEE U. Sr ROUES. The Enemy Itepuleed with Heavy Loos 165 22 GLII&NT DIFBNOR OF CLPT. M'ORLT. - 4 .- UNION LOSS TWO HIINDRV.D. Rebel Loss believed to be Much Greater The Ittpublima has advices from Albuquer que, New Mexico, Feb. 23, which state that the Texan rebel troops have made various sig nificant movements in the, vicinity of Fort Craig. On the 18th, they advanced a column'of in fantry, one thousand strong, in line'of battle, in front of the fort, and also moved a column of cavalry eight hundred strong to the west of our defences, they advanced within a mile and a-half of the works, and halting with the rebel flag floating in the breeze, remained some time, and then commenced a tetrogade movement. During the time of advance, Col. Canby pru dently concentrated the .greater part of his forces on the rear of the fort, when the enemy commenced retreating, and the infantry was separated from tbe cavalry. Col. Canby or dered Major Duncan to charge the cavalry of the enemy with a squadron 'of dragoons and mounted men, which they did in gallant style, The enemy retreating before them until they arrived at a deep ravine. The Texan infantry, in the meantime, ad vanced to the relief of the cavalry, and a skir mish took place at the ravine. Major Duncan late in the evening was recalled, and the Tex ans continued to fall back. He reported that the Texans had species of artillery in a battery masked in the ravine but a short distance below where the skirmish took place. On the 19th and 20th the Texans crossed to the east bank of the Rio Grande in order, It is supposed, to take possession of the heights opposite Fort Craig. Col. Canby crossed and pursued them in force, when the Texans on the heights fired some fifty cannon shots without damage to our forces. Col. Canby fired but two shots, deeming it imprudent to waste his ammunition. On the morning of the 21st two hundred Texan mules were captured, with the wagon master. The Texans on the highlands are des• titute of water. Colonel Canby has the pass to the water guarded by a battery and a strong force, and all the other outlets are guarded. The Texans must either fight desperately for water or our; render. • When the express cloesd on the morning of the 21st ult., the booming of cannon could be heard in the direction of Valverde, announcing that the battle had begun. LATER. 47 25 rn 68 16 An express has just mmo from Port Cre►ig, with news 'of a oeitouircontliot . boOritiii-our 25 89 9 &) SENATE. AFTERNOON SRSqTON TaxnaspAy Marckil S, 1862 I=l SENATE. EVENING SESSION. Talmsnex, Match 18, 1861 I= ST. LOUIS, March 18 PRICE ONE CENT. forces and the Texans, which lasted from nine o'clock, a. e., on the 21at, until sundown of the same day. The fight commenced in the morning between a portion of our troopsomder Colonel. Roberts, and the enemy across the Rio Grande, with varied success, until one or two o'clock, when Colonel Canby crossed the river in force, with a battery of six pieces, under Captain M'Crsy, of the cavalry, but detailed in command of the battery, and also a small battery of two howitzers. The enemy are sup posed to have had seven or eight pieces. 620 61 887 00 166 72 The battle commenced by the artillery, sad the skirmishing soon became general. Towards evening most of the enemy's guns were silenced they having made a desperate charge on the howitzer battery, but were repulsed with great loss. Capt. ki'Cray's battery was defended by Capt. Plumpton's company of tinned States Infantry and a a portion of Col. Boos' regiment of New Mexican volunteers. The Texans charged desperately and furious ly with . picked men about six hundred strong. They were armed With carbines and revolvers and long Oven pound bowie knives. After discharging their oort.ines at close distance they drew their revolv . eas and reached the battery in a storm of grape. and mister. The New liTexicans of lino& regiment were panic stricken and ingloriously fled. Capt. Piympton and the infantry stood their ground and fought nobly, till more than one half were numbered with tee dead. With his artillery men cut down, his support separated, killed, wounded or flying from the field, Capt. M'Cray eat down calmly and quiet ly on one of his guns, and, with revolver in hand, refusing to fly or desert his poi; he fought to the last, and gloriously died like a hero, the last man by his gun. The Texans suffered terribly in the charge. Many of our own officers distinguished them delves on this day. Major Donaldson, who was the chief aid of Col. Canby, acted bravely, and was conspicu ous in efirery part of the battle. fits horse was wounded in several places, but the Major was not injured. Kit Carson is commander of a regiment of volunteers, who were deployed as skirmishers did good service during the action and be haved well. We have, however, lo name the loss of Lients. fdechler and Stone, who, like Captain ki'Cmy, nobly and bravely maintained tea honor of our flag to the last, and gloriously died the death of patriots. Many other officers are wounded. Our loss is. about two hundred killed and wounded ; that of the enemy is believed to be much greater. Toe greatest confidence is reposed in Colonel Canby, and if the volunteers will do their duty, the Texans will be driven• ingloriously from the country. ILIZMIth Congresa--First 813/36i011. The Senate took up the cue of Powell's ex pulsion. • Mr. DAVIE, made a lengthy speech 10 favor of his expulslon. Mr. 'Pow= said he would reply to his col league after other Senators had finished their remarks. The Senate then went into executive session, and subsequently adjourned. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATTM. A proposition to collect U.S. taxes through State machinery, was for a long time discussed, one side arguing that this would be a cheaper and better mode, end the other that It was wholly impracticable and worthless. The proposition was subsequently withdrawn, and the commit tee rose. Mr. JOENSTON, from the committee on Roads and Canals, reported a bill to secure increased ralirpad facilities between New York and Wash ington. Recommitted. Mr. ?dermal!, from the Judiciary committee, reported a bill providing for the discharge of State prisoners and for the courts of the United States to take bail or recognizance to secure the trial of the same. Recommitted. The House then adjourned. MARKETS BY TELEGRAPH. Nsw YoluE, March 18 Cotton dull and lower ; sales at 27@280. Flour firm-18,000 bbls sold. Wheat dull. Corn unchanged-61,000 bus. sold. Lard heavy, 7}4Bte. Whiskey firm. Sugar steady at 6@7} c. Molasses more active, Porto Rioo 36a870. Spirits Turpentine dull. Freights dull. PloillbtOVlADAOßisV.%tia: 4 4k4 The money market is easy—sterling exchange nominal at 12f®18; stock easier—Chicago and Rhode Island 57 ; Cumberland and Coal 75 ; Central Railroad 65-f ; Michigan Southern 48 ; New. York Central 83f; Milwaukie and Mississ ippi 37 ; Missouri sixes 531 Gold I.} p. c. pre mium; California sevens 84 ; Illinois war loan 88f; Coupons 1877-89; Indiana fives 79; Trea sury 7 3-10--94 Coupon sixes 1881-92 Registered 921. WHOLESALE UMBRELLA MANUFACTORY I No. 69, Market Street, below Third, lILIMISBURG, PA. M. H. LEE, MANUFACTURER OF lIMBRELLAI3, PAIIBOL9 and WALKING CANES, will furnish goods at LOWER PSIOES than can be bought in any of helfastern elites. Country merchants will do well to alt and examine prices and quality, and convince them. elves of this fact. ati23-dly P OWDER, Shot N a r i eto2?:apo for ale by Corner Front and Market streets. NO.l MACKERAL in Kitts, half bar rels, and barrels, at the Mew Grocery and Provl won Store, Front and Market streets. NICHOLS k BOWMAN CIDER 11! VINEGAR ! ! MADE from choice and selected Apples, 111 and guaranteed by us to be strictly DOC pure. K k H & W. C. TAYLOR'SNEW SOAP. eit is economical and highly sletoridoe. It con tains no Eosin and will net waste. It le warranted not to injure the bands. It will impart an agreeable odor, and la therefore suitable for every purism% for sole by WM. DOCK, Jr. * CO. MILITARY 4AIINTLETS. A NEW LOT T ; ls e res t received, of the beet ja.qaquar, at Ca wit door 'W lierriabor g aatef BEI WASHINGTON, March IS IN SENATE. nor Yoax, March 13