Pennsylvania daily telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1857-1862, March 08, 1862, Image 7

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    gailp etitgo.
ordas Morning. Mtirch,7 6 180.
DESKNTATION.--His excellency Gov
present one of the State Saga to
A. Seigle'a regiment today at
Jock The regiment to filled to the
has received' it:lard:Ong
„ ( 1 will leave day after to-morrow for
100 Accinor.—A young man from kilt
s!), kuown by the name of Samuel Fast°,
0 fora hort time been brakeman on a
tm i r) , was badly injured recently near
We did not understand how the ac
t o.k place, but it is likely that the in
uili ra ra•e fatal. He was br9ught to the
11011:43 in this city, where he yet lies,
.OLE AND DESERVIID Commarswr has just
to ono of our most worthy and gal
,. ns!cit:vmi by Governor Curtin, in coni-
W N F.. Sees as Captain of Company
, r , g orut, P. V., vice Knox, deceased.
e .; ne good a soldier ai ever drew a
11;1,1 a title to promotipn in the
,1 ro .dered during the three months'
t We congratulate him on his ap-
vAricry ram' rug Szavron.—Captain
D oom . of light artillery, noticed in
ac i't TELEGRAM, ail having re
itiebee in the order of the &tare-
wsr to be mustered in as infantry,
„d it ,, were marched to the recruit
,,f Capt. Dodge, in Market Square,
a from the service—orders to that
,f o r h:ert received from the War De
al Mr men composing the company
tu tbar respective homes.
Ilou.uto —The large frame build
iorner of Market and Fifth streetp,
ectup'ell by 11.1.098 re. Eby Sr Kunkle, as
and retail grocery store, is now be
,,4e,1 to make room fora handsome
,Ty brick building. The property le
by She hbove firm, who will use the
oft of the new building for the same
a- that to which the old building was
I. In the Morn time the firm continue
it, 11. e new bwildiug in Market street,
wet at the old establishment.
to atilt remains in our city recruiting for
oe relillleDt. A large number of re-
alrody been received and Sent for
and uthet preaeut themselves dailyto be
1 under the Mule COIOIII. This prefer
owing to the good renoirct of
tt. euiroevl, kylt to the personal popularity of
known to peewee all the
,A;ANnA th,t aerie to make-up , an able
dicer. The regiment hangs
our 10 RUIIIIIII9 eJOO the Exchange, Walnut
PR PEAniouasitser.—The Senate,on
45., had the resolution providing for an
uhoth,f the Legislature from the 21st
loth to Ibe 11th of June, under con
o, and fluidly committed it to the in-
Ctsurbittee, -with the understanding
Dainitteo is opposed to the proposed
this di-poses of the subject for the
:.‘eral Senators opposed an adjourn
extr3 pay and mileage are pro
whic are both prohibited in the
ibis would involve an extra ex
pii•idiers from Richmond, Va., pea
-1„;ii here 0.. Wednesday last vie the
ntral and Lebanon Valley railroad
wiy to their homes down east. They
y had seen. pretty hard usage,
-log pie,tioned as to their treatment
, avtivtt% titey replied that they ready ,
about une third the quantity of fokod
dly heeded. This story agrees with
uat bare come from prisoners, and there
Ibt but that our soldiers were misers,
d for toy the rebel authorities at
1 lbe soldiers above mentioned,
~. ram their looks they have seen 'hard.
wer e in the best possible spirits.
r'lEurg IN Cuoaaa.—The Lewistown
that something of a "sensation"
, t the Lutheran church in that town,
[light. A clergyman from Ohio, by
of the pastor, was in the pulpit, and
t•.: the services. The second hymn was
alien to, the choir at silent, (1)
ikkaively refusing to play or Bing.
the psstor of the church himself start
' ntrying, the congregation joined In
Awl the services proceeded without
material interruption. Of tonne nftei'
h wad "out," the mods of the choir
-tatrally regarded as an indignity to
.tt 7 rather than the gentleman at whom
' l L ol —wal the absorbing topic of dis
. 6,1 over town.
• rk Rummy,. —Between twenty-five
lathes, of the highest respectability,
lend their services to Mayor Sawyer,
nurses, under the recent Inquiry
.:urtin, as to how many good surgeons
• ciuld be obtained there, in case their
Irtrt required. Most of these ladies
L-ttanally upon the Mayor, and many of
e friends in the army of the Potomac
itlshulds, sone, brothers, or more dia
.., ' Ist3 A few residing outeide the city
tteeted by letter, and among these
qr lady residing at Bich Valley, who
patriotic note to the Mayor, min-
Ilit,b-Lebs to go at any moment, and
1 1 , 1 best efforts to relieving the wants
.".: ' 1411 1 , g the sufferings of our brave de
'' Thee tenders are made at a time
re is co mparatively stO !Witt/neat'
1.24 the news bf a bloody conflict devt4-
~, t he would be no limit ts&the omit
' wh
evenul volunteer to go to
two Or to tho Acid'
Brarsoramo Man.—Blustering, blow Lug,
squally, cloudy, unpleasant March has made
its debut, and if thettamhold saying be true,
that When this month 'comes in likela lion, it
will go out likes latoth," then- . We' think we
may expect some mild, genial Weather about
the time it makes iteexit; for whether the
weather thtitr far be lion like or no, there cer
tainly .'haa been. a cohtinual rem*. Now,
though we.liordd'hot wish to detract ftorri the
historic promluence which the old 'curmud
geon has attained, who first made the trite ob
set vation . itiiegard . to "lionising" the month
of March, yet we do think it is excruciating
fignratitre, aid by the manner in, whioh it is ,
.noted, repeated, cited and articulated by al-
moat every tongue, we le pose it must be true.
March—there is to much said about marching
now-a-days, and as March is one of the longest
and most unpleasant part of the year, we feel
fertile moment imagining ourselves a military
"pallor," and with kalstatlian bravery crying
out-fortoani March I 'and give . place to the
genial suns of your successor—coy, modest,
bashful April. But vrhy. is March thus slan
dered and foully, mierepreseuted for being the
longest and most unpleasant month? Simply
because the mails are knoolleek with mud,
the sky is overcast with clouds, and tneat
,ninsphere is damp and mutiny.
„ Well as the
. advice whiCht can give to Senurehealth
against inroads from inclement weather, we
'Would say, wear thick 'soled Ixoote .Or atkoea:--•
keep the feet perfectly dry, and you will come
through the safe, — that Is if you. shoulalteep
your health. 'Xwo trop.
Ova Eamon° Llinras.--P•ome of our ladies
are foremost in every good work—
ihaVe'beten 'engaged in . a'mosthurnarie nb
ible-itoik-that 'of isteitik fail& to pbrchase
!the material for making bandages and lint for
'our soldiers on the Potomac. It is expected
on all sides, that the army of the Potomac,
.;whichake most of those who left this
'county, will have a terrible battle one of these
i days, in which many of them will be wounded,
and' the bandages and lint are for the comfort
of the wounded.
Though it is Wien the case , that the noble
efforts of women, ii a good cause, are over
looked, and allowed to pass unnoticed, the
laudable efforts and pstdotio labors, of our
loyal women, in this war, for the suppreslon of
rebellion, cannot be overlooked or forgotten ;
and While' some have, Florence Nightengale
like, gone to labor as nurses in the soldiers'
hospital, the great irork accomplished by them
has been by labors at home, knitting, making
garments, and preparing delicacies fou them,
which, but; for the ladies philanthropic labors,
would .be Unknown to them. We suppose
thernis scarcely a soldier in all our vast army,
Who baa not been the recipient of some favor
—the work of our women. Every town and
village has witnessed their labors, and history,
Mhen it records the facts and features of this
Wen', will be absolutely giartlrel,"ahonid it fail to
teoord the part which patriotic, union loving
ladies have acted In. the drains. Their acts
are a practical demonstmtion aid the saying,
that our ladles are for union to a man, and we
iiincerel7 hope that they man soon realise the
experience of a speedy, a blissful and a happy
' Facer TES FORTY-SIXTH Parnarrorama Rem-
Kawr.— The Forty-sixth Pennsylvania Regi
ment, Col, Knipe, of this city, is now encamp
ed about one mile from Hancock, and the other
regiments' oomprkdng Gen. Williams' (Third)
brigade in or near the town. The brigade
has been under marching orders for the past
four days.. They ordered, on the 24th
to cook three days' rations, to be carried in
havereackl, and four more to be taken with
them In wagons, to be ready to march next
morning after daybreak— to leave all-camp
equipage behind—the baggage of-the officers
and camp materials to be taken, after they
marched, to Hag °Mown, and there to be stored.
On Sunday morning last, near midnight,
Companies A, B, 0 and D, (the Verbeke Rifles,
Capt. Brooks, of this city,) of the Forty-sixth
regiment, were ordered out , and maraud on ,
short notice, with two days' cooked Previsions
in haveriacks. The night . Wei very dirk, and ,
rain began to fall before they left the camp.
After marching through mud @hoe-month doll),
hod in many places to their knees, they ar
rived, about an hour before daylight, on the
Potomac, at a point called "Bir John's
tie miles from thelepteient; ifia - bp. 'The men,
after they halted, suffered severely from the
cold, as no Ares were' permitted to be Made
until the day had dawned." After several
hours' rest,' they Monied" in a flit ' to the Vir
ginia side. Here they fennel two companies of
the Sixty-second Ohio regiment encamped,
guarding a bridge, which had been lately erect
ed in place of one burned by the rebels on the
fki of January last. Information - had been re
ceived that several companies were on. their
March, via Bath, to destroy the present struc
ture solately built, and to prevent their ep
peach thetataohment was so suddenly called
out. They arrived in Bath, about two and - a
half miles back of the river, and there learned
that several companies, which had been en
camped beyond there on the Wincheiter road,
tolled: up stakes and made a hasty retreat on
their approach. They returned to camp that
}light, taking a different road home, and
Monied the„ river opposite Hancock, seven or
bight miles front Bath.
Two HUNDSID P/10111 of beautiful new spring
xdicos; a large lot of bleached and unbleached
Muslin of the best make ; blue checks, at
pi cents per yard ; white stockings, at 124
Dente; another lot of those good white rib
bed stockings ; "tidies' pocket handkerchiefs,
lit, 121- oents; .children's pocket handkerchiefs,
With border,, 6 cents ; shirt breasts 124,
15 and up to 874 cents; 26 pleats new pant
atuff ; undershirts and drawersvery cheap ;
cotton and woolen socks, at all prices ;
40 dozen woolen stockings, for children, 121
Bents; I}_ yard bleached muslin 124 cents ;
all wool . French merinos, all colors, at 62 and
16 cents. Roving bought the balance of the
took of a city wholesale house of plain and
. Itat i r* ln antVi u tto b rr il l an a ts' white
-1 to s ses , l we those goods will a be :4 6 ' n s sauce uitable =
1 ear next sununiehow is the time to b u y. cy ar l
took of Stun at cost...` 8: Law:, ' • '
- :: Moods' Old Stand:
ranstlsimicifiballi: telegraphilif o'l rttat 7 lalOtititt.• March Br' '1862
Loom. latoliaderion —The Harrisburg Hschauga
and Mercantile Company.—ln the &pale on
Thursday Mr. Boughter called up Senate bill No.
117, an act to incorporate the Harrisburg Ex-
change and Mercantile company. As the bill
int.•rests the merchants and business men gen
mull) , of our city, we append below its pro
visions entire, together with the proceed-
ings incident to its passage in the gen.
ate. It might be 'proper for•' 'ter' to
add that thi 'amintittee on Corparations;
to whom .:the, bill . was referred, after, mature
deliberation,. and s thorough investigation of
ita,. : Erovisippe,reportett
„it . back to the Senate
withittrid..tibinitulAtiatitin-It&ituld pas.
sage, therefore, by that, body ender these cir-
climatal:bees, is Ono of the mysteries of legisla-
In coreibltkie ;of " , Nihole; &trier in
the Chair,) the bill was- read as follows, and
agreed : .
. . .
AN ACT to incorporate .the Harrisburg Ex
change_, and Mercantile company.
Esorrorcl. "Be it inaekd' by ths State and
Rouse of RepraWatives _of. the Conenonweedth of
Perawyktima, Ganaid Asiembly iskt, and it is
hereby as norily of the same, That
,Thomas M. Willson, George B. Kemble and
Samuel L. lii:Collough, and such other persons
as may be associated with them, their heirs
"and assigns, be, and they are hereby erected
Into a body politic and Corporate, under the
name, style and title of the Harrisburg Ex
change and Mercantile company; for the purpose
XI buying, selling and exchanging moneys,
goods, wares and merchandise ; and for the im
provernentof • the facilities for. tnuusiiting such
business, they may make lamas gm all, man-
not of Fictscd*,P.MOttYl isthio4 ProPertYi to
gether with property. of, any otbaddrui obtained
by purchase, trade or barbm, they may, dispose of
at public pr pripMaaleat sucktbnes and places,
in the city of i burg, as they may see ft,,
and bywbich ruguelheymay. sue and.. be sued,
plead impleaded, in any court of errot
;or equity ; and said corporation may purchase,
hold and convey real and personal estate
any amount not oicsieding at any one time
seventrlive thbkwarid dollars: 4 • • • 4 " . -4
. „
Sao. 2. ThatalialiMt'ufeeting of said corpo
ration still called by the parties nailed. In
the.first section of thin act, and sballle_heldln
the 'city of Ifoliisburg," Within sixty days after
the passage of this act, when and where they
shell erilWrtiOsd ,
to*Pany by elecfinisi pre
sident and skit" darY' by'ballot, who - shill ma
tinee in office until" the first Mondayin October,
,one thousand eight hiindied and aiitY two, at
which time and on the same day annually
thereafter,. said offs:sirs amino elected; but if,
from *any cause 'whatever, said election should
not be held on the: day specified hereini,,a , for
feiture of. their °hitter shall. not be- worked
thereby, .but an. election can ba held , anytime
thereafter by a callirounamajority oftbecom.
patty, or at.the neat annuabeleation tHe,cdfliiera
previously eleated3 holding their offices until
their successors ste•electOd. *
But B. :That the Said company shall make
annual return .under oath or the
Auditor Heneral of the goods-sold .by them
at public, sale and on the grass amount, sotold, l
they Audi ,pay into _the- Stet& treten4. a Com
mission of one,pee oentriin in consideration of
which, they: ahall' 'be • exempt from any; Mho r
taxation except that imposed for city, State and
county purposce:
Sao. 4. That this charter shall continue in
full force for the term of fifteen years from the
date of its passage, unless extended by an act 'of
the Legislature, and the Legislature reserves
the right to amend, alter- or repeal it at any
time in such manner as shall not do injustice
to the said company or any member thereof.
The committee rising, the bill came before
the Senate on second reading, when the first,
I section wattles& ' - •
Mr. LOWRY. This bill has been 'Were thli
pommittea on Corpeettakikiewilaltiethem,
I believe, unanimously, reported with *VW:un-
Mendation.that it benegatived.- It is a bill to
incorporate for.the purpose of carry
ing on a: pawnbroking business 'in the city of
Harrisburg._ I bad the hcriM to report, the , bill
from the conunitten recommendatlord
have stated;. bathe proposition is now to rush-,
it - thrtingh here,:mgh . shod, over the Sedate.
I ask that it be 'at read' tostponed-fdr - liroper,
consideration, and' I make a motion to that: . ef
feet. will "now endeavoi, as briefly as pOttsi
ble, to show why it should never become a' r law.
There was no difference of opinion in the com
mittee to which the subject was referred, not a
voice being raised in defence of the measure.—
The proposition, in a few words, is to authorise
a corporation to swindle the public by charging
an extravagant percentage for what is conceived
to be a convenience afforded by them, to pawn
broke and do almost every kind of business in
the city of Harrisburg.
- The SPEAKER reminded the:.l3tanatof fro
Erie that the question before, ilteSimate - Wait on
the motion of that Benetor to postpone the bill.
The motion tOPPttP°I4 0
.Mil ACM 4 0, .. t tg
The question being .02 tbe fiat; wake -of
the bill, - .
Mr. SMITH , (Phihi) Thiabili.Appeats to be,
andreelly is,what the Senator fromiEtie has term
ed it, an authority to pawnbroke ; but-that fact
does not, in,my mind, weigh anything. against
the bill. We passed a bill lei& sesainn,, with
great unanimity in both hot:wok,: establishing
an institution of an important character in the
city of Philadelphia. Ppott",att examination:. of
'this bill I find it very similari if not 'altogether
so, tolthe bill that we pawed:n*4lva to the city
of Philadelphia. Ido not imow,mthy .-a,COrpo
ration of respectable gentlemen,? in. a city. like
Harrisburg should be deprived of the...privilege
o f loaning money at a fair _percentage, to the
poor, when that class of individuals known as
Jews—the worst kind. . abavenz-rate:author
hied to carry oothat, hpainese... ltr. the license
Of the legislitaie(billividnola in the pawn
brolting business now charge:twenty; thirty,
and sometimes fifty per:oesiti Mid in numreases
the articles received at their eWblishinents are
never redeemett- I am "altogether oppoebd' to
the pawnbroking eystemi and some years ago
had.a bill pamedibrougizthe -House of Sept*:
I sentatives to repeal the whole 'system •;.• but if
individuals are to be ellowed.A6' carry on this
business, therejnno ,glky„thi& particular
case should 'pdob'to'the gener
ality of such cases. The proprietors of pawn
broking institutions are under certain restric
tions by the law, and any citizen may institute
a quo warrant°, mandathus, -- or any other sum
mary proceeding against them. The systeM is
established in France and has flourished there
for a number of years mu& to the benefit of
the suffering poor ; in alljacent countries it is,
likewise alictiessfekoferittion ail WO*
ed by My colleignelf is now in dpirslion - in'lie
city of Boston. The poor of Philadelphia have
occasionally beek:ettabled_to .re M, ;V tl ei d i rj
equivalent for 4tlairJgoWny - . of .ith
establishments. Although I voted for reporting
the bill negatively, I shall. now vote in its
Mr. LOtikir:,,, - 1 regret exceedingly that a)
bill of this kind should have passed the Livia-'
lature last winter °pay other time. •It is I;
posedihat the - contemplated pawnbroking
tablishment shall be 'privileged to condo • a
business of loans on'imerchandize, money,
almost , every conceivable article. If the Senile
understands Its purport, the bill will 'not be
*sot. I McVay ask that the consideration of
the billibe defbrred for one day. If that is de-
Med me, I must be oonteot with casting .my
Vona/gabs% titn -
*:I :hive ALot. , ,hesoli. is. the
Omn i" this daft lA3kolageotkk to ther do
foils of the bill ; and, *soft%l alat-*4-10
propriety in its recommittal. The bill is right
in principle and detail, and therefore should be
considered immediately.
The remaining sections of the bill were read
and agreed to.
Mr. 111124 offered the fogowing- as s new
section :
That this corporation shall pay into the
Treasury of this Commonwealth, I bonus of
one-half of one per centum on the capital stock
hereby authorized, or hereafter created, in four
equal annual instalments, and such other tax as
is now or,may hereafter be imposed by law on
corporations; end the stockholders of said
company shall` be individually liable for all
debts due mechanics, workmen and laborers
employed by said company, and. for all materials
and provisions furnished to said company, to be
sued for and collected as is provided in the
twelfth, thirteenth and fourteenth sections of
the act incorporating the Lackawanna coal and
iron company, approved the fifth day of April,
one thousand eight hundred and fifty-three; and
the privileges hereby granted shall not extend
for a pe i riod longer than twenty. years
On agreeing to the sebtkin, '
The yeas , and nays- Were required by Mr.
„ lip.. I3OUGHTTiIit, and were as
follow, :viz: - -
MIAs —lies*. Clymer. Crawford, Mats, Irish,
ltetchein, Kinsey, Lamberbin, Tendon, Lowry,
Mott, Reilly and WhartemL-12. '
Nays`-Messer. Dineen,
_Bough*, cohnell,
Thunilton,:lnestruid, LilivnMce,li-Mure, Mere,
dith, Nichols, Penney, Robinson, &MR; Smith;
(Montplueryr,) Smith,.(Philatielphia,) Stein and
Hall; — 10':
So the 'motion naa negatived.
The bill then passed finally. . •
Lamon.-.-"It is to labor only that man owes
every thing poeeoned of exhangeable Value;
laixwll the` talisman` that has_raised ; him from
the condition of a saiage—tkat has changed
the desert and the forest into cultivated 'fields
—that has . covered the earth with cities, and
the ocean With ships--thai has given us nlenty,
comfort and elegance, instead of want; misery,
and barbarism ;" and thinugh its beautifying
hand enables Urich EC linwman to offer this
morning new and of dress good#,
at the corner of Front and Market streets.
Haw now selling:off my entire
stock of goods at and below:cost, or 26 per
cent. cheaper than yoncanpurchase elsewhere,
viz: fine linelatdrta, 75 eta. to $l.; shirts 60
cts.,and 60 7- ote. -with linen bosoms ; night
shirts, 50 .as; under shirts and - draWers, 40
cts. to 87 eta, all wobl ; monkey jackets;
eta. to $1; cottou'and wtiolen hose 10 chi. to
16 cts ; silk ties, 1.2 i, 15 and 18 cts ; collars,
8 eta. to 15 cts. a piece ; ladies' collars, 4 and
5 cts.; cuffs, 4 and - 6 'cis. a piece; udder
sleeves, 18 cts.; fine cambilat 418 and 18 cts.
per 'mad, worth 25 cts.; Marseilles bosoms of a
new style, and fast collars, 124 eta.; all linen
bosoms, 15 ctsf and upwards. If you want
cheap and good goods just go to James A.
Lynn, at the Harrisburg Cheap Shirt, Manu
factory, where he - is selling off without reserve.
N. B.—Shirts; &o. made to measure, Room
next to Hummel & Killinger's-grocery store,
12 Market street. • - ••• - •
Batelialorla . Hair Dye
The only Harmless and Reliable Dyer. Known
All others are mere Juntalions, and &odd be avoided
If you wish to escape rinioule.— -
11REY, -RED OR BOOTY FAIR dyed Instantly to a
beautiful and natural Aroma orOlaoh, without the least
Injury to Heir or./Ildn. • • • • •.
ded to Wx. 3. Baroamos slum 18 .9, apd over 900,000
iytt s.
one ha o v ya. hair. ,
o hear made to the of the patrons
Wm. a..BaTCHNIAIarB.HaIIi DYE.- protium. a. color
not to be distingubstted from natare.sad wassaimin
not to injurein the lank however:long it may be contin
ued, and. theta effaces of .badarlei roundlet The hair
is Invigorated for life brthis splendid Dye, which is prop
erly applied at No. 18 Bond Street New York.
Oldie allthealtes and towns or lb* United States, •by
Promthee and.Fency Goode.Dealfm - _ •
Ihs,6sasdne has the MUM `. William A. Batchelor," ,
and addive upon • steel plate engraving, pa •the !bur
;pee drench bac - - - • -
Wbolesale Factory, 81 Barclay St.,
Leto ksa aroadway, New York.
"Read the follo • lug certilkaterP from one of the -,first
ladies In Utica, N. Y., who called open my agents In that
city (lir Wm. Bruetol-h•Ow,) and told them that she, of
coons, did not vial- her name made public, bet if any
one should doubt the worrerfeil efficiency of Da. Damn
co's Golden Pills, they might: refornny. Ladr-to her, as
the considered It. as vrell as a Pleasure, to her
knowledge of their efficacy, as administered to her
daughter, a young-lady 17- years Add., she was fast go
ingbato cons umpion--teatt taken, coldnature became
obit:lnns& , Two boxes of these : Golden- Nis entire
ly oared her, and, she la now In .relpat health.—
f'We wet...articular in buying the gerfele. Full and
implicit directions accompanying each box.. fres 01.—
Sold wholesale and retell by 0., A NAOMI; NO. ;
Jones Row, Aid 0, ,11. limns, 91 ldarket tweet, Harris
burg, Pit Ry sending either of them $1 00 throught he
liarrisburg,Pcon Gillis the. Pilis will he sent comildentially
by mall to any part of the country; "free of . postage. „ .
N. S.—.Loelf out forcounteriblia. Bey po Golden Pith
of any kind unless the box in signed G. D. Howe. nil
ethers IS a base imposition and unsafe; . theretbrs,, np
yen vaina yonnlivoa :dad health, (to say nothing of be
bog humbugged oat of your money,) buy. only-ot those
who show the signature of S. D. Howe on every box,
which has recently been added en account of the Pills
being counterfeited. The ingredients composing the
above Pills are made • known to every Agent, and they
are Pan t and.wit PerfOrAl all claimed for them.-_ • , r
I Bold alsolty,.T. Ia Lumberger, Lebanon ; A. 7. Ha.uff
01110,1lechsekablug ; Liwilitown ;13:
Dulles ; G. G. Wilkffewville ; .7. C. Altlek, , Slippages;
berg J sPanltlere •usentiteilliturgri—X T. wilier, 'f ort ;
J. A. Wolf, Wrightsville ; S. & Stevens, Reading and
'K. P. Hunter, Reading, and by none druggists in every
towel and village in the United States, and. ter
Solo Proprietor, Neaf.YdrY.
atotrtismt nts
AND DKALERS Faqcy. Goode, Per
-440. 2dritigenti for the mile ol
Petroleum, Illtiminating imerior to any boil oil I
imaistied in any quantities al the lowest maritet rates;
170 and 172 William, - Street,
TgIiSANOS -.„VANILLA,. : &awe of
Lemon, 'levering limacts, far sale at the now.
Weenie and Retail. Grocery and Provision' Stony oor.
ner irons and Market streets. -
131101 -WHEAT MEAL and OORN , III3AL
jot received an or sale low st
°gnu FrOOt }ad Market streets.
i A SUPERIOR article of Baled Hay, at
;01 n. sly 00 per ton for sabb by ,
rkitza H. WEEKIIISR.
100 Grose, soaortsd.sioes, just received, sad for
slue at, W4oloosto ,prices,
CRUMB 13RUSHES, Door Mats, Scrub
IL) Wig and Idaokening &mho, for Bata by
Ooklier Front' iuid Market strata.
A MILY WAtIHING - BLUE, an excel
, lent eateditute for Indigo, far sale at the wholeede
and retail grocery Store of
corner of Front, and Market striate
COAL OIL lower than any Home
Harrisburg, for Bale by
wicams BOWMAN,
Ceram' Front and Market street
feb 14• y
I leap
suAerbbb supplyjaid halvedby .
t0b213 • • ' VAL Dom .7r., avc
Corner of Front and Market Streets.
(V. Hammel'a old stand,)
AYE determined to place their enl4
-1 1 4144 4 iel Cifis I j -•• t
at prices to Suit the Priittek Ifiretir.rieli;nnd re
spectfully call the attention of the citizens of
gid vicinity tO Aelr eate*vistivV.
ofigeodloo*sting of -
Eirloll4 IMAM -
AR ,
-ArN. -
= Mg, FISPf, at.
We have also gone to considerable trouble in
getting the sale of saveraLbrands of
! ~90,411 PI L_ •
„ . 7.
~ -
ADO( whin c we *ft 4E 45' te -
NONdlitt,,LaitdelTiLq l EAßENT AND
as far as prattiitible: , ongotlidW we have
on hand
• •
ARO 'whkir.ale. will seJliwbolesale 'or retail,
_and Zeigler than any other house in Heiriskerg.
Also, all kinds of
t We also invite attention to our well selected
and extensive assorian'tnitof
. corner of. Front And Market streets.
98 4.farkl Att'eficArt#. l .l. 6 s ,, Pa.,
IigEwiItOSEWOOD4IANOS, froze - the beet
r°9l°s from SF)9..'APT,LrP3.
tali ID* PaNtriAtiriJllED MUM
. MENA _FItOM.S46-to 5100.
Guitara„Violins, AbcOrdeons, Flutes,
r ifea l 'DMA% B a ojos Tainb° ll63oll 9
Violin and Guitar strings and-musi-
Xabnerotauidia) in. general.
hand.. Mud° Dent by mail to any part of the
country.. . . • 7-
Suitable for looking glasses, and ati kinds of
pictures always 011 liana.
A Bite sp l eoFtmenk of bestAdated •-• •
LOOKING G 7.146.13 ECE B
From anudleat to •hirgoit'idiea: '
Any style of home made to order at the.
shortest notice. '
fe44 9- rAGIY.
"Qui Gomatmint 'entwAstaidieltie Ow'
*gm OfgOkiimmo.:* t.lateosaitivi-iiiiiiativ
yaw of the govrement:of thrijnited Slaty; and
of thOte:brthf.***4 B 4ales ,- 11 'ASX/Irg-triAr t • "
t.iipeacuie a pariahs aeulltaeat,,lbeagled.
°PlagniridlAtag..our. cleilieetibateoe,, bo ape.
outfipted, ae,lbookeeteleateek .er nationality.. It.
can kLokeiativeand leNdiad ter won pardesea, only: so
IndaPtlk bl ArkipflAiglVO:APPrabldifin er, the nature 1 6 40.
pried**oe; soyernmant.:keelklntelligeocef Ifseeular
sad eeelret 'MOM 4 1Alluites o .c . th 6 9 Bo PlA ;essence
to the perromene. and prowpanty of. the goyeraward.
Mak is reir*eeepeelalLT now, troni the ._eatraerdireel
ertsftefitiotttitio, and imporiaaa questions of
iational polltoulooft to be solved. The above:work glues
00 b 0 WObtio 0 Pf the Prileiebeee, of the, Octuatttavon or
unwed indekand of those of thoseeeral Beate; .
etetnlilped by judicial bOhoriti and muted. violin, or
derteell tom standar,d writers. Jt ta a
.fiket, that: the
views of eoseptutienat aw thee prevented ntsoreecitin
jects otthe greatelle ktiportanee, which formerly 494 at
geo tbne cattle.) Ilist pobleigaeo et, 1111 - bcek. wereAseues,
gi :with 6111 Cal :aitlbr e nte of et 14041:#4[4,:beR041 6 kreiPt
ai eiteect dbotrlnee,b) be acted eh In reference to
03 .4 11 10e* tutoring of the n4 l O ht"t is -°l°ol event
Yor atv 00, by if. 11.4410er,..14
Pe7 , o o .9 l veeko; and bk3)oolrtetoreepeoralji.. fel2B,e2w.
1:4041 1 .4. - O.....A,_. AXXSINIVW
• 10, OrOfautl4.,The.Liyer-
Mlai4olf a•nd 00M.PattY,
katead deapatotduk their full powarad Otyliahatit
- teaatatdpa es fottoam_:.
ETNA, Saturday Marais-Bth ;•CITY OF NEW YORK,
!•aturday; Mah„hlsth;.,CYPYi 9, WASHINGTON, Satur
day, March Rid ant.eirerf succeeding Saturday, at
Noon, from Piet 44 North Ithrtir:
• .
*ask remtea._ - •
inter CABIN 001.1irgattAdit 6 1
do toLandpo.i . .:4Bo. - P9 1 do to; 4 0,1 911";• ea
'do to hits - 686 001 do to
.1 , ttg., 00,
do :id simborg_ Ida od 1 . 'Hamburg #6 00
Naaeogere also torstrded.toitvre, ftremeN'lrotteit
dam; aataarPi.__aC 0 4 401 k kTriatatt•
_Bedew froms-rrarpooror7weengtowA: Cab $76,
686`aid *NZ • Steerage from ] thor $4O, 00. nx.
oronisturrir:siid`,9oTfteketi too b e _ Pont ail - 4'4h* itt
f"tl4 ei*link.PettleWaead..rel:'laik:theil/2.18;
?mei kgPismilril bar, isilimrtoi ocol*Ologopone Sr
'W e°9 P r a. are street 'Witisr-dght
tint,' and carry Patent FteeddoSiOlttors. Bxporleucdd
Sargetma are attached toeacatatewer. --
. tor tattier inforeniiion apply* pyrrgeolytnyAr JAM
itll6or; Atm* /2' Water *opt ;11C - Glasgow to vps.
INMAN, 6 itt:'Entott - Stake!; in
. 408010°1ra to C. kilt 6l
D:SSYSIOION: 20173.3 . ei itik.cY,
Wilifam di ln
Pod" 'Or lULOS_l3lrolliks Place
de L 'BeimO emPaa 1.0 -1134 4 ( 1.144.44 c,
Walnut street ; or at the " eqaea• - •
JNO. 0. MlAgde nt,
16 Broadway New York.
. or 0.0. Zimmerman. Agent. Harrtebagg
tiNIELOW.4:9O ; irktAN.
_ma:IOWA - 40t%
• . . „
arxi AND lifitDDßANDlßß,promptly
forwarded by Philatielphist and Beading, Northe rn
thamberland Valley andManneylvanialtailroada
fad Canal. .
. HAULING AND DILAYING to a nd from all parte of the
MO to Me different Bailroad.depots will be dons at the
very Mimi rates.
FAMILIES removing will be promptly attended to. •
iltdaes-tgLatarantlanNotedi or at the- store
of E. S. Zollinger, will-reeeive prempt attention. Oon
elgnmenta of ?Hoot reePeettally soliettme
uliN WALLOW= Agt.,
too - imbe.fteimilaDepot.
WY.: MICK, Jr., 6 Co.
EBT PENS in the world, for 750, $1 26
$ 1 15 0 3, 82, $3, anks4, for sale at
Wag y BOBEFFSR , S Bookstore.
"MU - EMMA - LE - and RsTAn, DEALER
4411 sSaiin+nd_ PO Maui,
111Wffla.hod Hats of pll:klnds+-
.iiifTco,riglii-vranioTacso."ArggiA;l4 17-
rrn oci a4 ka lr WM and wails*, imam •
DlAI1E.'•.III ; :;? 071
93 Kuketetnet
UN . " 0 n'tiS.. AJI444T ,
THE subscribers having erected a. larg •
building at the above place, Wren , ' lier the
set above indicated, beg to catlike an _
omie& of Pub
.Be to the following :
Tin Itenungsvc, on the first floor, with a Obi& talow
attached, fit hoed up in ant-class ityle. eel It WM_ skill
time snypiwiwith the best OYSTERS hitt In
the Atlantis together with terrapin, - deb, and all
kinds of game to swison. °Own served ep 1n 'miry
style, end meals to be had at all hours. ylic Alas of ail
the celebrated breweries la the country constantly on
The Tee pin Alley u -ar Bowling Saloon, is in the nee,
. and cmitsins OrlenallidstakilOodarn beastruetiOn; where
the lovers if this bcaltay man:Sao can enjoy themselves.
The Billiard Saloon is np-ataiinC-4ftiatly ilmed up,
and contains three marble-top enbinstiOn cabhion ta
bles; squall° any made.'
Harrisburg has long felt the want of a- tread cambia
; slim of this kind, and garbs pre are determine 1
'to conduct it in a quiet sad orders meaner, and do eve
rything in their soarer to make it s Moab% remst ,
they hope to receive a hberal share of pub*, .Wrosalli
jaltAtir . 1 - WILLIAM' C.110,40011N &Oa
LARGE LOT of Black Silks.
A Fine, Assortment of Plain Drees Silica.
Eng. Rep. Mourning Silks.
Small Bar Black and Purple Silks.
A New Stock of - Mourning Dress Goods.
A Large Live of Irian Linens, at old prices.
A Full Stock_ of SkeletOn Skirts;
Best articleever toineketired. '
" A Full line of GentsUndersbirts and Drawers.
Furs; •
Now aiming out the eta*.
Balmoral Skirts ;
New article.
Marseilles Dosaterpsines ;
At old prices.
:-Allendale Spreads
A. Large Line of Towelling*.
Now open at CATHOARTI3,
feblB-y Nezt door to the Harrisburg Bank.
TN . G . Co: . VC: graduate of the
1,/altioerreehe 40 01 Mina flOrlPaY, flartlf Parina
;neatly lecafedle c i ty Of 'Harrisburg ao talon the
lormerly occapiesi,sy Dr. Gorges, on Third stroll,
;between Market test „Welunt. ratiuwanify informs itt ,,
;friends and the voltaic to general, itist he.ts prepared t •
;parkins all operations* in toe' Meta! 'lnefeaston, either
,surges], or inectudeal, m n manner that shall not
isarpassed by operators to this or any other airy. We
mode of inserting artidotal teeth it. pot the late. •93.
prong voleettite prinmples.
Tooth, from one to a eel let, atonnum au line ti , t.
ver, Milne elates or the Vulcanite. Base.
ifairaiiealolaamirola reOrplameadial .ea
,Haman to all my . Comet patientc of itarriabors and vt
ataky; and feed confident that he will 'perltorm all Own
bone SD a aoirmtlao manner, from my Icaowlelg, of bi
&Witty. • ImyB4lTl V.l Y. 00Rti ‘A, n
AAONGMORE ON gun shot wounds, 76
The Art of War by Baron de Jom
ini, with appendices, maps and
engravings 81 50
Infantry Tactics, by Brigadier-General
Silas Casey, 11. S. A
Practicai Treatise on Strengthening and
Defending Ont Poets, Village!,
Bridges &c., in reference to the
Dirties of Officers of Pio:pets, by
Col, Jebb. Royal, (English) Rag-
. veers.
,Coppee's Field- Manual for Battalion
Drill 60
• ppee'B Field Manual of Evolutions of
the Line.. 60
With all the standard military publications
t - BERGNER'S Cheap Book Store.
STITEEANDS, - by the author of
"Rutledge,"_Price $1.25.
Also new editioni of
UTLEDGE—uniform wite "The Blither-
Isndl47 , $1.25.
BEULAH--ilenty-fifth editlon—sl.26.
'ST LYNNE—A new Novel-60 cents.
TOM TIDLEITS GROUND, by Dickens, 25 eta.
Together with all the New Books, soon as
published at
Gold and Silver Pencil and Pen
In the market, te to be lound at
Irt IRIS thread being made particularly, for
Sewing Macbinee, ei VERY WRONG; SMOOTH AND
ASITG, Be strength is not Impaired by welshing, an
by frictkilL or We needle. Vet: Macbl*ea, Yid And*
Patent °Woe,
'and Brooks Patent Six Cord, Red Ticket,
. ' UNDER. THREAD, • '
Sold by respootableitealera itirougliont lionoininl7.
Ako i naninas or 100 DOItiIkiWaSOSTMD jai;
nog.dlim - g 6 TeltiPureet, New York.
DR. P:It: AttiA.BA.oll; Burgeon Den
_est, Mordnetimer of Mineral Plain Teeth,lbee risky
! method that oirriateeevery *Winton - to iiinde , or ard
•lloial Meta, owdwacing.partial.,..balf.and whole WO df•one
piece only, of pint - and iinleatrictiole mineral, there are,
:no orevicaVOC.ihisooplimnialloriorainall .partiohn of feed
;and therefore,.noollenatee oder from the breath, ea no me.
their oonewdotion,' thisnr canlieMo Womb
7 netlon or metallic. taste.- Sense the individual is not sat
hayed-matt sore throat, headaebe, tha. Moe No. di
:North Second afreet„ Harrieharg.
natl.& dly •
L. - "A R
FRTICE is hereby' give?
- Harrisburg, tlyst the utubsisigited has authorised
. . Yager to receive brdint tie nay- Of my insnefae
lures. The collecting will he attended:to by the maw.
;signed. Am orders felt satitiotti will be promptly at
tended to. OTifite ", WAWA,
. .
'No. 17 South Street, Baltimore, Md.
TS PREPARED to furnißh Government
i Contract ors and others with Linen or Ootton Beim of
ohm. Promptly for Muth at low Priem. Coll awi
;awn Contractors will end it to their advantage tO'lMinti '
la call. JOHN O. GRAMM.
. Baltimore, Jan. 17111, AM 13'242=P
in Kant,' halt bar...!
iek~'aAa l~arte7s at the Mew Grocery 'and nee:
elan Store, Front and leartcet Or a ee ci t ioL4 ;at.
• CIDER WNW /M.lll
IrADE from choice and aehmtedApplea,
and guaranteed by on to be Aridly lure.
L 01.3.4 WK. DOCK &
tio oonroalent Wetting ; eto t Portfolios,
Memorangula Elookajbriino . tansies; ko., at L : 2 '
riANDDES, Coniatry Soap, Fanoy Soaps
1,../ of mill kinds, lar saki by
Corner Front and Market stmts.
riHOICE"' Syttipti, ' Loverilgi ertd other
VV choice brands, far sale bz
w' W 7
6 -
• Mier iti34424..Markst We."'
° W.: l ,; ) ,Yaiq 81,1-Priii=ltr" l a '? ' 174
' taftelfront sod/60W stmts.
2 60