Pennsylvania daily telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1857-1862, March 08, 1862, Image 6

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Forever float that standard sheet 1
e4reathes the foe bat falls before
21 'doin's soil beneath otMfeet,' ,
banner.streaming o'er
f • lialarday-Manila& March 8,-11.862.
1 .7 • 4. 1
Jost; Bmicrr,.the great English reformer;
iphilard&OPistlitial Piatiot, declared recently
the BritislkiLlOtitleaithat,England had Ind
flicted a sting on America, which it would re d
to, ; remove, and *doh would ......
*British ffntereste while, the present generation
iNtif z e United States has,memorlest .to. -preserve
'afirprictii to resent the „ injury"of the English
gownutent. ,Join Br ight is right.) !iVelcili re
member the insults and the injuries of the
English ministry,
..ank when„the day comes
pr t operlY tb resehtllicise yrOngs, that govern
ment will find the_ maple . of these states pre
pared to give . them battle on the land and the
water, with, ftwili and a vigor animated by a zeal
and a detereiluaskiork,,that will lower the crests
of the. British aristocracy, and force them to:
acknowledge that • the nation on which they;
sought to bring reproach and destruition, is:
equal to the duty ofits own defence, as well as
the task of its own preservation. The govern-
Ment of the , trotted States` will never be fully'
vindicated, nor 4,111, its power elicit the re
noti: Whick it ones enjoyed in. the estimation'
of :the people of , the world, until it has forced'
4ogitutd to acknowledge its equality, admit
awl its destinies. The spirit
041141Meceasity of this will some day be iricul
cited in- , our public schools, as we now lucid
cafe a knowledge of the alphabet, arithmetic,
syhtiis And presody. •
Tim BILL rcui TH® Ptmoassa or COIN, which
bet me a law yesterday, provides that the &ere_
tary,et; the Treasury may dispose of any bonds
or Rotes Oaring interest,. authorized by law,
for coin, at suoWratpi, and upon Such, terms,
al l he may . , deem . most odvantageous to the
prilolfe interest, and.inay issue, under such rules
and regulations as he may prescribe, certificates
of indebtedness, such as are authorized by the
act to authorize the Secretary. of the Treasury
to *no certificates of, indebtedness to public
creditors, approved March 1, 1862, to such
drifters as may desire to receive the same in
thaike of checks drawn, by the disbursin g
esni,spon awns placed to their credit on the
books of the treasurer, upon requisitions of the
prdpirt department, airweli as in discharge of .
at 4 pttled accounts as provided by said
It-is further, provided that , the demand
notes, authorized by the act•of July 17, 186 i;
and by the'act of February 12, 1862, shall be
receivalile, and shall he lawful, money and a
legaLt &del.; iii ifio3 dimities! khd td I the ksame
purposes and to the same extent as the notes
6 §kt b r_ 2l , ..# 4 4 k!kilkeW-to,llP,qlc,lrizeit,llosinte tof
nOtes, arid " for the redemption
fn kilbgliogeof, and for, funding :the floating
debt' Of States, approved the 28th
of last month. .
Tax RIMMLLION tdIS Aiet*elooed no more sad or
melancholy 'circurnatanees, than those connect
ed With ehe services and death of Gen. Zolli
coffer, the 'sorrow• and orphanage
in which hi; left his motherless datighters.:—
SW:the &Seth of Zollicoffor, other results_• in
gonneatipts with his children, have come to
which-exhibit still further, the blighting
dila) of rebellion on all classes of the smith:
.ep‘ the rebels evacuated Nashville, :they ,
destroyed thegrand wire bridge which spans the
river in that neighborboixi,.in disregard to the ,
protest and earnest entreaties of the author'.
ties end odiaeue of that city. In the stock of that
structure, the orphan daughters of Zollicoffer
hel'invested all they possessed in the world
the mean of their;suPpcit. They see now beg,
thilizifittence and resimissa
of rebellion—beggared lu the ruthlessness and
berterAty oft itose t who lead on rebellion, How
Mani more such cases will the history of this
most h eieked, outrage against Constitutional
libmty.suld law exhibib? ,
4111101,4W1QN has reached the Navy Depart
silent of the . capture of the schooner Lizzie
Widen, with a cargo of tsio hundred and nine
ptcottqn, %l i the gupboat,lttuica. The
onituredivesselaailed fool Apiachicola, Florl
dai.for Havana and a market. The prim
nfdiieyiftbia the Weston will be a handsome
eva Om spares of each sctunan,,on hoard the
Item; •wxclusiva of the, officers' -shares r being
one hundred dollars. Our tars ate tettPint rich
hatred" froni theeeir: e;e4 *Osumi.
Tags ittitnis liusarasiiThe .Tour
f a tile. dinkier basiness in Olefir
fieellii, e t udo3.e, region in that vicinity,
mil OM from inquiries made during the last
teardays~= and the information obtained; it in- '
°Una to the's:opinion' that the quantity of tint_
ber4Oren out this ;41113fidl considerably
short of what it has been far several years past.
However, as there is -a-mfine.chauce" of snow
(Mfikfi.ilround and the haulingialeilible i gOod, \ .
the quantity may be largely increased.
Beackgiigtor•otation from Washington creates
fl i p igimsooll that a , tax upon cotton will be
agreed tooth. the House of 'Representatives, as
antarnendment to the tax bill, when that mea
suO'cornea up for consideration. The bill is
not t yet printed, but, is passing through the
prow airupidly as possible. • •
iIitiA.TOW.JOIENSON Will not accept the position
of Milli:tit Governor of Tenoesseq, nor has he
Ye ef pos ition ttio sition of Brigadier . GeneraL
ge4iodi #d fftlarassee s •however, as .provisional
The President yesterday delivered a message
to Congress, in which a resolution was em=
bodied, authorizing the federal government to
co-operate with such states as may deem 1
just to abolish slavery, by:offering them such
pecuniary aid as may be necessary to protect
those from loss who will thus: be deprived of
their property In humar(Acsh. ;;_ln connection
with the expenses the rebellion has already
caused the country and the government, this
proposition contemplates - an - atigsriehtation of
the public debt at once immense an incalcula
ble. And yet, perhaps, as a matter of strict
justice and policy, in the end,.it may be eco 7
nomical thus to• co-operate with the states
abolishing slaveryi. Our view of the suhjec
is, to extend the aid in the shape of cancelin
the proportion of the tax which must heireaftei
be collected in the rebel slave states, and make
this amount pf serve the Co' oPeration cowl
templated in • the message- of the President's
leaving the slates thus to be sisistedito uolleci
and'nee this tax'.ltnpartlidlyelrairly in the
manner provided for ~ in' this message. •It hi
not verrpossible that this proportion of the-nad .
tional tax can he collected bjr the federal officer s
in the states named; during any time to make
it of use to the government, So that by the
time, thelederal officers could possibly collect
thotax l the country will have recovered from!
.. - .
the ,shocko•and convulsioni of rebellion; it
freakily will' have been replenished .by the
national owner* of prosperity, and this appro 2
priation of the:proportion of the national tai
then in no rrianner What by the nation ef large.!
In'the same connection, another act otiegiela-!
Alen should c.keely follow, and at once take
the shape Of a lair; -notrithstanding . _it bag
been reported on 4ienielk — by a ,committee.; .
We allude to , export duty on cotton: If thel
.governmenf mina pay for the riddance of al,
`wropg,'in the; ,Preation Of:which it laid no in-1
finance or participation ; it should at least insist
op..those whowere-the.eause of the rebellion,.
paying_theirjust Proportion - of itseipense. The
cotton states are 'mainly' responsible for this
' rebellion.: The cotton. Slates engendered the,
difficulty, gave farce. and energy to the strife
by pledging their products 'to` the support of
the war and therefore, those Products should!
be directly held as a principal source and'
means of meeting the demands on:the national!
•treasury. ' :
The proposition of the Presidentwill attract:
great attention among the . 'people of the free
states, who will undoubtedly, take positive'
-grounds either for or against the measure, as
their judgment may dibtate. The level states
are submitting to a' drain in men and money,
never before equallidliftheilimple of any na
tion, but whether they will regantthis propo
sition with "favor, - remains to b-i fisted. The
plan which =we have suggested; provided the
Presidential prorKieltion iriendonted by Congress,
of extending:this:Aid in the shape of wasneel of
the proportion of the tax due by them states,
thus aboliiihing slavery, we consider 'the only
fair way of+. preventing the' burden of such an
expenditure thus contemplated ; from' falling'
immediately on the peopbrof the. loyal statue:
To ask them to purchase the *nth out dad
hands of the cotton states, some' Of theni
maimed by the lash,others led to the verge= of
the griive by age' and aggravated ()hie*, and
allof them useless now to their owner& would
be paying a premium for wrong and making a
precedent of injustice,whickmight possibly take
othershapes hereafter, and constitute a continu
al drairron the treasury and the resources of the
people. As we wrote above ; the whole propo
sition involves an expenditure of money whiph
will arrest the attention of the people of the
loyal states at once, so that. Congress will at
once learn the sentiment of the nation ortAtke
.In making this proposition, we have every
confidence in the faith , of the President as to
its policy as a war measure, Calculated to gain
the laVor of 'many honest people in the rebel
states who have , been led to suppose that the
act of the government;in, waging a war to put
doin rebellion; was only, the purpose in dis
edge of-forcing unconditional abolitionism on
the peophi of the seuth. The proposition to
aid. this class in abolishing slavery will dispel
this doubt. and suspicion, and prove to those
who are not entirely maddened and resolved
on raShnesi by, prejudice, that the intention of
the federal government is.honorable, and that
,President Lincoln is bonOd to deal in all re
spects with the rebels, as will best hring theni
to a sense of the , might and power of the fed
end authority, and n,just appreciation of the
beneficence and impartiality of :that power, as
long as its adininistration And enforcement re
main in his hands.. ,pt thlispirit we submit
this proposition to the judgment of -our read
ers. The suggestions we have made, are these
only of a momenta reflection, which , after
thought may,.p . ossiffily alter and amend -- but
which we also submit with the proposition of
the President, as calculated - to' be of great ear
vice to the nation. and the great cause ,
freedoni, peapeand proaperity. In one sense,
the •riddance of,tha.. country of - slavery by the
expenditure of a fewniillions of dolling, could'
be oneaper than by the.. shedding of riven' of
blo,od and the loos of thousands of valuable
and gallant men. Let the people Berton:sly
think of •this matter, and at once indicate
their will to their servants.
&mop MclLvems, of Ohio,preached at the
evening service at St. Panl'a Cathedral, London,
on Sunday the 16t1r ultimo. There was in im
mense coegregitio#,, and ,sinong, the distin
guished Anaerimis present .on occasion
were Mr. Adams, the American Ministers; Mr.
Ward, late United States Minister to 'Chine
Mr. Thnrlow 'Weed; Mr. Cyrui W. Field, and
many others. The. Bishop's diecourse was elo
quent and impressive.
tas rebel War Department Ise perpetrated
a huge joke in calling on Tennessee for thirty
tWo more regiment& Even had they men,
they haye no more arms. Harris, scraped the
state long ago for all the old flint-looks •and
squirrel rifles and shot guns. Most of those
were left at - Loißnit'sOrosi Roads, aad Forts
geilrY and Donelpott.' ' Tbn ioud ope,
andahows the-agony of anxiety that torment.
the conapirattis.•- =
etlegraph, 0
While there are but few exceptions that
class of our citizens who corm* the clergy of
the loyal states, that - refused to give all the aid
iri their power to support the government in its
struggle to put deli* rebellion, there are still
less of those. among the Methodist clergymen of
the country who have stood aloof from this
contest. Among this peculiar branch of the
Christian:church, we know many of its preach
ers who are at the head of companies; several
leading regiments, and a large number of them
iii' the taiqatcitiOf - chaplains, contributing to
the religions welfare of ,thmoldith as he ie et:on
tramting te'the national welfare of his country.
The evidence of these facts - are not merits cone
fined to Methodiata, as we have declared but
extend to the clergy of other denominations,)
who, .with: their prayers and their patriotism,(
give our cause th e moral fort- whi ch will make
it eventually the cause of who love the •
truth and adore justice.
In reference to the.position of: the . Methodist
Clergy . on this subject,•the followingresblutione
passed`at the East Bair " 6:1 f o f then
urthre n mace e.
kethediet Necopal _church, which asriembled.
in. Baltimore on Wednesday last; give ample
and ftillasstirance elle the 'petribileni and de-
Votion of 'that class of American citrons. We
quote theresolutionsin full: •- •
Misuses, 'Shied the- Last annual " salon of
this body. a fearflinebellfon has broken Out in;
several of- the southern• state* threatening 'th
overthrow the' most benign- government the
world-ever saw ;-Andfohereds; The •Ifederittan
thority has been- compelled to rinettre'force of
armsto supprestusald iebellionandlb maintain
Rev MX : supremacy; And Wks*, Tatrintlien is a
Christian , virtue; taught in the word of God, 'and
enjoined upon its by the 28d added - the dis
cipline ; therefore, - ' •
• Resolved, Ist, That as - a . body , of 'Christina
- Ministers 'in Conference . airieinbled,' We hereby
express our- - abhorrence Of - ttiti rebellion "now .
existing withinorir borders as:briirtg kiecreakablvl
irvits origin, einguinirry ii iti'Progrese; Slid' as
tending to-retard-the advancement of ctvil`llb
arty throughout the'wbild.-
Resolved; :2d, That we hereby alloroue en
dorse the present wise andpairesda eibniniettation
of the Federal GovernMent int itS'efforts to de
feat the -plena and e , Veroossie thertnniedresitit-,
anew of thesb ended Confederate States, with a
vie* to maintaining and perpettiatlng;tito unity
of -this Gttverninent. • '
Readverl,'Bd; That in our patriotic' efforts in
the past Or present to' sustain the gOVeinnietit
of our'country in this; her hour bitrial;We are
juStlyliable to the , charge of political teach
iug ; andla the hicielcation of loyal Prineiplee
and , seritimentsi; we recognize the' pulpit and the
press as lititimate inetramentalitlet.'
Resolved, 4th, - - Theta . Copy - Of the foregoing
preamble and rebolutions be transmitted to the
' President of the United 'States, eigned by the
President; and countersigned by Secretary
of the Conference. - - _ •
These resolutions were' discussed w i th greet
warmth and abilitY, as we o-sn judge from - the
proceed ings.Of the Conference„ and ih their . pas
sage, the vote stood, one hundred aid thiehi:tilrO
• —• • •
' yeas' to en nays, Rev. Hear !al Cier /4.40
to vote, an, act Whicn was 1119113EMMENgy:t0 prove
hie sympathy for the rebel Maio-driven, as he
bee always been one of the most nolat and dist
of surv.P4-.:P4 3 ,0 1 9 1 4dP 8 invAtect.te. Fed, War
ren, es he is infinitely more downing; °row:i
sms- than- those who: 600
. -.. ? tat in the
• SENATFA ;. ' • 7 --,!
• - • • , • Faidir;, !dual, 1862:
- The Senate met at' 'lO b'elciek and wsa
called to okiter ttli Speaker , 'Fr •
j domed' of yeateiday, (`hanclay;)iiiis`paC
ly read, when
- • On •motion of fa. 'MOT T,. the fmthet Milan
df the male a'ad dispensed-41tle. • -
Several petitions ito., vrere' presinted in ref.
enmce , to 4 various' mat subjects; but none txsi-'
cernirig this district 4 - 4 - - - 4 4 4, • -
Mr ROBINSON; '(Corpo' rations' )'
fed tim ', e *.-Honse, -N . O. 11613, an act - -- 'eXten al. d m in ni g ni the
for the. payment of 'ihwenrollmerkt tax-on
certain acts of ineoipomtien'.'
'd (This act 'refers, among Others, to the Dime
Savings Institiition'of 'Harris burg,a4,thos West,
Harrisburg market' conipanY.) - • ' - •
Several other reports of 3rommittees were made
on local bills,. but none of genial' interee."
Mr..BIESTAND moved that the Senate ad.
meet on at 12 as. , , tomeet.on Monday at 8 P..
Mr. IRISH , called tip''llCottee till No. 140; an
adt to chinge the line betweenleott tuld'Lowei
St. ()lair townehip r ldhightniq'donnty; "" '
• Passed finally. ••- - • •
Mr. PENNEY called up Senate bill No. 227;,
:an act supplementary to an act incorporating''
the 'Pittsburg' and Cleveland railroad cOm.-
- Flamed finally.
_ . _ _ .
Mr. KRTCHAM called up - Elenate bill M 0.199;
an act to authotite the Pittstine, /3aptist ohtirali
to-sell certain real estate. '
• Passed' finally.' - A ' ' ' ' • '
Air:REILLY called nri Howe bill No. 7; tiri—
ant 'to annul the marriage , contract Iletweiii`
Geo: Parhin and CarOlhie-Parkin. "- '
After sOniediscinakirmused finally, by tk*obi
of 20 yeas to 8 nays • -
Mr. LAMBERTON called up 'Senate bill,. an
act to erect Oak Hall Independent' School dla
trict"in Clarion countointO-a sepal.* and
dependent'achool=distritt: •
After some discnisien it'paised . fina p y
!vote twenty-tlin tele tdeirnayki."
;Mr. WHARTON bill .- NO:
819, an act• to enorirage 'the '4li3velopnatuit'of
coal and mineral bifida in the . oinintiO - Of Hnn
tingdon; Cambria and IledfonE
- After-oolieideiable tdiedtukdsin it passedfblallir•
Mr. , CONNELL called rip Howe bill No: 883;
turactio , ohange the width ' of Yo4i,' sine,
the city-of Philadelphia:- • • • -• • •
• • Passed finally: • • •
Mr. - LOWRY called 'up -Hormel -bill No. 327,
an act for the relief of Saratel-Anderson.-
After eionie diectinion passed
Mr. MEREDITH called up Senate bill No 28$ ,
an act•for extendtng- the .time fOr 'lifting the
iiharter andpaying - the :enkohnent Sax: Of 'the
Kittaning wateiLeoinpany. • • • • •
Paseedißnally: - ' • - -
- Mr. SERRiLL called up House bill - No. 889',
an act relative to roads in Fiat Gain township,
Ohesterboriaty. • ' -
Passed finally. • •
A message frem the Governor Was read of a
large number of bills 9proved. :
Tlie &elude then!" ' •
FRIDAT,-March, 7,:.1.862. .
The SPEAKER called the . House,. tworder at:
10 o'clock, s.. x., and opened with prayer. -
The lour/44.9f. Yeeterder was read:end air.
4 OICILO 0PTA0P4T44.3n4:
ARMSTBO 6 I44 I **I4/'
mitteeef Wayiand s hfouna, called up theyuw
ORIGINAL 'AilikOLTlllo#.
v meting, alum) 8, 1862
eriptiatiOld bill. The bill was taken up
41,440muilttlie .4 the whole, and the entire
Morntfigisestaii was occupied with its consid
eration.-is carefully drawn up, and
the appropriationsam judialpusly made. It
passed first reading without any material
amendment; and was on seobndreading when
the House Adionnied.
from oar ET
The TranVert .60amer Iffisffon — ro'
Ben on riiing-Ptui ghee's.
4-y,A- . -p.9,*:, , : pyAy,tuj rt.
Her ,C4PYlgiffiii - sliiito l 4 . 1 gooll,Nteli
tionalliZnwher , .ashore.
~ ..I'. ..7 ~ ._
Tiara BibOkiiiiNik,saATlDß,ON
By the steamer Mt. Vernon, which • arrived
yesterday afternoon,. we.hoisavy a sedormacci..
dent. to. tbe steamship Miadiaippci chartered. by
the government-looarry troops-to Ship
which .sailed-hence With Gen. -Butler on board
a, few • _ ,
.0n Friday morning , last.she , ran on the Fry
ing.: Pail shoals,. Staving. a4arge hole In iher
bows:. She was hauled oltoby : theldoust Ver
non, tuaLproceeded)orther:voyage on Saturday
afternoora. , : ldississiPPiwas • provided- with
watsrtighboompartnients, and she would-prob•
ably have readied Fort:Royal-in safety; where
her:troops can be:disembarked iartd•tbe damage
repaired. Her ..captedn,waissed, ;Fulton ' is sus-•
paned ,having intentionallytrunshersishore.
The vessel was placed in charge of. an officer of
the .Mount Yernonic.whti will.s.take: her to her
destination.: .7., .
The .Mt.i Vernon left Wilmingtorn N.-0 , on
Monday last. The Fernandina was , still -there;
and i the ,sloopzot war b 4amestoWn, blocka
ding New-hilet. • ' -
; The .Btate•of Georgia, , Gonsbolrl and Alba
trossi• were at ;Beaufort.•• The Mt: Vernon had
not'received: a mail for forty days:• , jShe ;took a
prize on Friday last. The viiritish t schooner
British Queen, which--was'-attempting -to , run
the blockade BIM wasrlient with aprize crew
to .PhiladelPhiw :••aliea crewi-of the -schooner
wee:bronght UV - Vernon. •
The steamship Constitution sailis-to-day. , -Ther
Suwannee. Eirrihred , Audi.; irvex
peter:l.-will-sail for; Hatteras tonight: ' • -
That steamer Flora; arrived itilitw• New York'
thiemornippi Bter , carrhas the revenue nag -..• •
- The tiag.ot. trine which was Bent Out =yerster-•
day:afternoon did not hamar* communication.
with . • • . •.• •
As Mignilkexttitek of colons, ,, consisting of
Archnturn thigiand* blue flag with , the arms of=
thel city of iNew-t•Yerk, - thwart vpresehted =to- the
10th•: No* Trklu , 'reglikent. ;this alternetini•br
Clow' Wwol: They IWeiefpreaented- 'by. the city
, of Nrot York. , 4trnpriate speeches` were made i
Ibv Gen. , Wool and:-0011 liendik, and whole
affair passed off witheoMplete successi• - •
-r.y4.0 : ;,a.... , :... - 0.-1. i'.4._:,.Q
The United States .Piokets, at Co
knib Driven In
The Rebels :Shelled- by the= Gunboats,
• . • .1
: ' ' Clumaiiilifarch 6. '
bibeiie ironi Cairo' A `special dispa t c h tO4 l e •. '
• The Federal pickete r at Col whims, were driven
in yesterday by' tiitteVer. caViklo7. : .
1 ' The liocal ;in • tife' ;NMI of • the iewii,
`weiteshelle4-1:5 ,.- I#6glinb#s; when that:ool#
i -Rio' ropOrted:thathisvi i ivinO64,4 ,this:
heard a co
l onto; at 'o'cloolc' 'this morning,
la ' thti - etreetion' of 'll'illi Madrid. " The 'rebel '
army - it - that
.poitit,itiMbeit • fortY Ih`Onsind;.
*fog been largelyt6lefoiced from Colombne
6.ll4tnlP4is: . ...rh9YliiSys'Siss'sig l 4 - vc!POPP:
i Fr ' 'the patierkwe glean:the following
1 'The - ttierrier .Cambridge was kink on the ~ 20.
hear Grand 01.04;' . 40irmiss. IfOrty:tivii Ut i le
,were foist.
The•Mitehlitery i troM the vedette worhehops'
at ttaiditiliel*loAdvdd,Pi64lo*lo)P*.!vao
itatitig!!itViiik tilao, - ,toChattinoolii. .
titiveoitali of ' the South are warmly urging
fifi . ld di-4 '' 4:,6- "*
w thl t 1 o f - f : D iti,i k — should tak e
t l'bwii asiiiet w a s goin g on 0 itmPlii as
icihiAllif-ilelown l ehopld he hOtrt on the
IPRisiSh ol it'Ot 44 ,- O W:ESiNIPits.
. -'
ansr P 4oll OURLESTOWN
- •
BMlTlirk ELI) OCV P /ED.:
• • t-z 1 0 • •,.
CM41.*M41%,144i.4-9h, 6, 8 0 PloCk
I Sinithfle/dP seven miles •of this
plasm maaoccapkid tacky b,riverroieg force:
i GentriaLlEaalMblui Wined a general orderfor-
Aldding all kinds eldepiedatkins.or iiiranding
Aipon the property.ot citizens; Be imis•no:iita:
or-or soldiefishallalturb, in any manner, the
Urdlnary.hradnees odb4hOlaittntr3r. He litis:riri••
tiointed.MajdriB.cHEDi Grade; of the'Whmenshi
Thiid,ras:theofficer is charge of allseisiirm of
property for :the :Musa theartny:- - ; '
The chuntrylmpPlies; whioh on our • arrival
'vier° cutoff, wre - nbwoomieg , ln more frsult.—
• ohne sentiment in.regard to '- - out.• presence Is
gradually undergoing a favorable change, aMI •
faces , which. scowled upon the Union" soldiers
pion; smile hi.pleassuitiM.terimirse Frith the
ciirsond-men.,f ; • • ' '
The army storehonsewhere.are fast 'filling up'
With confiscated, artickii of +radiate mid Mantt
*turcsi, and tuniklisiww , regaired!ariabefig Asa
sued to the armyoralicietoeisairesiribluileftwi
tif3r4ithlhaaaeldirliarrelelbtiroei'! arid fad
OnAtkedilwailk diptchestp twit iittei‘biiintclik,
bags aiid marked "Confederate States."
71'4 3 ,
XXXVIIth Congress--First Session
WAIMINCITI* .March 7..
The message from the President concerni • •
ald•to the Statek &0., was reedAmd reterred itpi
Vie Committee On the Judichwy.
Ur. SUMNER, Maas.) presented a memorial
! signed, by many prominent merchants of
New York, asking immediate action to pro.
vide for the transportation of the mails from
New York to Panama.
Mr. ANTHONS (R. I.) presented a memorial
.tLc=officers=sad-seamen on- l -boartt—the
steamship Governor, asking compensation for
losses from the wrecking of that vessel.
Mr. Foam., (Corm.) presented a memoria
from merchants of New York, calling atten
tion to the . cotton. -lands , on the lionthetn;
Mr. Wen', (Ohio) moved. to take up the.bilil
proyiding for the oopupation and cultivation
of cotton,: land& Agreed to 15.;
a).it 1.1.,• .
On - Motion of Mr. Cox, (OhlO,) it was re-,
solved that the Secretary of War be. requeste&
o'cotntirunicate to the Emilie thonnoibei ago;
atictixinditiOn'etf the Africans who hive :been
under the eupervision of Maj. Gen.:39ool;6sm
mai3ding-ainktrestritionroe, Ya.; since. he has
had control of 'that departinent, together with
the ntount'df'work "or service performed: by
them, - the . pay if eify, which they hive re
ceived and the cost_ o the government fol. their
sintenance and iinppott. '
Mr. (WILLY, (Ohiol,) introduced:a bill to ie
crirein the pilots, engineer's, sailors and crews
.riporcgrinboats and war vessels their bounty
j any •
id Pensions.
, 'The) lifoUse proceeded to the consideration m
the' bill' to authoidie the Seet'etary'Of the Tress-
my coin and for ether . purposes.
- • Mr. rintmrrott,, (Ohlo,) . •• inquired of Mr. Sta.
iiins - Whether in his Opintan it was necessary to
author - lie:the sale''of the five- bandied' niillioa
dollars of bonds reeently.entharlied in order, to
realize stiffident ciohi. for , the payment of the
interest,' wlibt , h - cobld not amount to more neat
July than forty millions , on the six hundred
and M4611(1116E18 of Indebtedness.. . •
Mr. Smvaris (Pa.) saidlkididpotthiok it Was
rieteisatl, brit it was - filonnd by the Sect:start of
the Treasury that these bonds cannot. be sold
excepting' at a' great sacrifice , wbich . h e did .not
choose to make. Heppe he suggests tit§:lNV B ,l3 6
of the bill . , so that tbe siiinte section of the m
oan* anacterittiltedtkatO note lel► may riot
be repudiated Mr, Stevens added in rePly,that
the new five hundred:Million' bonds have not
been lieued . - '
Mr Pammwron ' expressed ' himself ., Whittled '
with the eiplanatien and Would Arote fur Gm
i bill.. Haowever offe red an amendment, which
was agreed to, re-asserting. tbat the . demand
notes shall be letaiSrable for duties on impoite.
With this eatiePti6n, the bill was thrm • passed. as
originally introduced' this TOOrr4ng• - . • ,
Mr. IlmunMs, (ICV.,) rising to .an 4piana
tion, said - be noticed, in ,this newspapers, clot
the chairman of the Committee on TerritOrin
bad reported a bill providing . for territnria •
ClOVenithent in the seceding Stated, .and for
their subseqnent• admission into the • Union,
arsitttits question had : been discriased in the
f public Mints ha was , at a lose .to kneiv how
t l /4 1 4.f 0 00‘ati ,iras ohtii;ned: • •
Mr. AWAY (Ohio,) „pe chairman of nom.
cmittpe.informed his colleague thereon .that.. Abe
;committee., had•• , author : Med him _to •report tha
Ibill, and under insiructions he= badmoved.that
,It be priated•Ond,recommitted to= thooommtt,
1 tee
, gr.',.l4 4 sunap remarked thatithe_newspapera
also. said ,that ; the Senate Committee= on ,Terri-:
toribati • %mowed in : .thai provisions et thin
I,iiir. i .Mmtire replied walknot :Awns
ithat that committee, with ,;the Laudanum:of
'whorn.he, i:ngi. ;been in oonatiltationOutd, come
ta• ;SPY, ;14 .0 4 01 45 100 . ; en . ... an ;satinet.. I.lG,the.
6 1KIPPiiera OW tuade:Mich . a laateefeatittel
lialtman of neither of they committeememei
rmponsible.for it. ~ . . . ... - ~
1, Mr. :liCiAtimepaid..titat.only Emir osMot.nhte:
_ . .
memAxim. pf , Abp. committee had. , agreed .on this
;bill, and yet it was sent out as a reporttof the ,
Imajority; ?
Mr. Asnth further explained tllat.ho. gave
,Printfd gWPieg tathwe wboxiVed,forlthem,
The Uonversatinn here terminated.
I to render,; yalidAkokauthorisedhe
. .
lartesaion. of, the,:pateat gxented to:John
&Me for improvement in the .mtuaufaetaratof
liamp black, was passed, yesa_7B, nays 89.
T4tilleufa then.went into mattualtteeiol.the
itihole on the state of the Union. . •
The bill „regulating thafranking,privilageibir
ug nomMell.Turaier.ommideration.
Mr: Awn, (Mo.) proce ,t7..ppeak:of %the:
niniduction df affairs in the military: Depart
ment of the West, uthenntagier..the sommaiad
:of Gen:Pkealuut• . . .
THE PIRATE - - 81111TER 1T aIB
The 11.BeStssamerVusaams: Neat 14,
Watiak Her.
; . Basrom,Atiaroh. 7.
Private letters received state that , the 11: - :13.
Steamier Tuscarora remained nearailirs:lter•
the 16th.ult.i- and hid Changed her 'ariehorage
from Algiers to Orange Grove; bringing' her
Within:three miles of-'the rebel pirate Sumter,
tit still in. Spanish water. '
. .
ihER muir Btrithw - AsKuum ArID
Loursviu ft a )(arch
The military restrictions on trade betweekk
the zorthern .ports and Nashville,-Tenn
_, have
Teen removed
: The isZull, and prices. ire;
4rOoping. ._Therels but ,littla export 4ernarfil
fordiour; anttprieett are i 2 . cents. lower. Sales
sriperfine at $5 121; extra at $5 60, and -extra
family. at ; - $b.75®6::87}..- No - change in rye
dour or corn niett4.l Whearorather lower.- Sales ,
iced red at 31 ,30gi 38, and white at 0 1 88:-
2,000 bushels Pennsylvania rye.soldatl4cents. ,
Oorn dnll;and 7,000 bushels:new yellow sold
681®55c. 2,oooln:whale Pennsylvania oats
brought;l3&3: Coffee:is firm.; sales ot , Rio
8.1421 c„. and isigrdra at 21@22c. - 445 bags
of the:formen sold-: by auction at 19i(421f0.---
'Argot:and Anthems are quiet. Provisions rare
firm4.setles:of maser-pork. at 413.60, and - 100-
iltierces hems at 6i410,61 500 barrels and tierces
laid_sold at 340. c, W hisky is lower=Atiles of ,
Ohio at 27c.
Fleur fixes ; 8,000 barrels sol I. Wheat dull
quotations nominal. Coro dull, and sales un
importatict • :"Beef (inlet; pork .steady ; . lard
steady Whisky i• holders demand an ad
vance In sales at 280. Receipts flour 8,336 bir
rela Wheat 1,031 bushels. C0rn.2,370 bosh-
- Stocks heavy-Chicago &Sock Island 66f;
Cumbeibind Coal 7 4 1: Illinois Central B
IlltnoisiCe train 69s - 93'; - 'Michigan *MI "
64+; n on ; c -
ern 47+- New York Central 88f• iceaqing 41*;
6,' 62f-'l7liitid %stet , l s
*1. 1 4-4* ,
cent premium.
( n March
ta.Mk MAR! Rosa, infant daughter of X. and
IL. Mat
(The facers' will take place, Saturday afternoon at
thre6 O'cleek, from the residence of ker parents, c 'trier
of Third aed Market streets.]
7 5 3BaftrßeeßeivEed audofforfiaanleeb;ll.lolineeWiaA-,PPIeS;
te.le and retail (Ironer and Coufemioner, 1111;c1 7thr°l't
next door to Bradley's Barber shop near waiout.
ACHILD'S NURSE, cook and chamber
maidotbite women preferred. IT?ly utxt door
ta;Me. Donittlirs'inlecotid 4reet ma.,7 del.
HE enbeOribera have moved their store
doeis above the cild stand, when,, they w
Continue to sill all kinds or Gm eriea, Hama Banu
it OUT P r i ce '' EBY
GARDEN.BEEDS.—Freak garden teed,
from Babel, Philadelphia. For sale by N hot,
BownSAo r COtitilf of Front and market streets.
COAL OIL and- Carbon Oil, it ig 1107 r
generally conceded cm be eold lower by taan
y other house in town. an brands tor ate by N
Bowman, corner Brom and Market streets.
. . -
Cunt .Me a l
and Buckwheat. flour. Nor sale low IT NI ;./) s
bowllian • center of Front and Market etre, li „
PAntiPAP4tot,./iLarch Z.
Nov Yam; March 7:
Nem Maintisements
'Barley, Rye, Wheat, Pa 0...,
. lion' and all preparations. For sae by N :
Hisinnsoi, oozier of - Front and Market streets
'undersigned Comnussiou : ,
:l 'Dauphin county, Pa., make knee u Le
bltantar withhi said county and ti..a ; ,
estate within the downy atbreaa d , tbet api, a
NW on the valuation as returned by tee r
real and personal property taxable tor '
prposector the said year, sant appeal., a.
Ifonda, March 24tb,a,t ttte o: G
et. for thelownskip u t tenth lianover.
or Fast Hanover, at the pub is bon, DI
Boyar, on ,fussday, the 25th day of 314 r, .u,.
POr, 'Walt Hanover, at toe pubic. bon-e
onWedneeday, tne 25th day of llartla
Seri Susquehanna township, at in,
Hohae,tn tue Oonimissioners tfEL:e, four
27th day of March inst.
'Notdentitara'townahip, In the Court .
onlrldedo4 tho:2Bth day of March inq
rpr'Aislifax and Reed townships, ou T
day of itp_ril,.at the public house o , MIL,
rot JeKeison township, at the hous 0. J
(deltittoiiPlatee,) on Wednesday, Apr.l !fin,
Per Jackson township, at the [towel uf
gsq..,9ll'Lhursday, the 10th day of a prd.
YorliVealltagtontownship,at the pribuc h :
Safftetin, Off Imlay, the lith day of apt t,.
Poi' the township of We e onsLo, at the
J. .11t. Hoffman, htLykenstowo, on Nauriby, ih,
or April,
Y~rlakeos township and borough oc Qr ie . n
day, at Baum'a Tavern, Et Gratz, on Mo., l, ;
day of Apra; '
Nor the township of Mifflin, at the Filbh• to.- • J.:
Bordner,* aerryeburg, ou ru e-say,
di Apt:
For the township ofTppur Paxton and Siahr
MiwedaTurn Tavern, on Wainetday, the
2 , lbw township o f Middle Paxton, Rod: an:
liottiagh, at the public house of C
I:WIWI:4 Onnalrediy , the 17th day of A pr. .
10r the township of Lower Poston. at t.
U , M on Eaturday, the 19th day of
. 10e township of Lower `wears, at, . •
hinitseof lirs. tehmiut, e,
21ettLity of Apr il.
NOV the borough of Middletowd, (thr •e v n:
public house of Valealne Duhea , oil
day of April.
'Poe the township of Londonderry, at lien, 1,. : no ,
Oei Wednesday, the 23d day of a pt u.
-FOE' the tnvniship of CAnewsgo ' at Say ~fa
Thursday, the 24th day of April.
For the township of Derry, at the pub : f
In Ruaticiebitowct, OLL Friuny,
~ppr the *sib and Pith wards of thii o,
• the 'Court Hausa, in the office of ;be
• loners, on Tuesday, May 6th last.
Nor toe Bough ward of saka 4;th.5...21vi,i,1,. 4.1
•Weditesday, the 7th day of 31.iy .
Bonito Third ward of tad ity di tieSlidd MX, on
• creasy *ha 1410. Gay 01 sap.
Tor thel 'tree and Sotond ihls city, on Fri
, y i ltlanlitlfrilay of May, 186 . 2.
• s khi C00111:118iiOners therefor.: hop , ;ha all persons
aggrieve iby then' reaps .tiro alas
. posed, will take uoti .e her , f a'
lespeetle• places of appeal for rnd,•si eel a, p.a
' open at 9A. M. amt doer at 4 o'cl.A. e. 11
GliOnUE O ihV
klaNaY 11111 F.ri.
alitheitotnuei Yam x.
„P• Aillastars ate requested Ili puti:ta
041 , 11114111p06 oh the day of appeal.
100 bbhi. of Choice York State Apyl?s
mar64l4to Z. G. CAlit'f,N
o' - x•
I =3us
L •r;•boi:oks, Bankers' Cases, La 1 illS ' C, j 1
TrareUng eatchels. We are conz:ary.:,
10. our stook of the above goo I-, K .
=9; c lite a Ana &worth:writ of th, late -t.
y Invite pigeons wanting to paviu. , .. 7., .
atm above articles to eramice the mock—ka A ; 1 :; :'.'"
a greater 'variety or better goods canto ba :oc 1:.
/CELLAR'S Drug end Fancy -to"
a Market - Arse, one dour east of Fourta ,taat: i -:
ARDEN SEEDS.—Just recent.!
Et .larp invoice of cooloe Garden seeds—
grouter variety of Imported and 130'423 •
has ever been offered iu this city. no, purchase, eau depend up sl gemg IL
the world, at thewookaaio arm re:u '
A , SILANGE STORY, by Bulwer, ill i.
ia_ tutted, price .
The , Warden, by Trollope, (Pocket
Caetle Wafer, by the author of • 'l:Art
Treasure Trove, by Sam. Lover,
• edition . .....................
Tom Oroebie and hie friends, by LovL r
the Broken Engagement, by Mrs. South-
worth .... .....................
With all the new books as soon as pub , .° - '
:ILATEER and INrANT BRUBH6,is gro.L va,e,‘
'PRIAM Oranges, Lemons, Raisins,, Co'
4: Gavel:u, jun reoei alli 10" -
N/CROLS k 110 1 Vg
4114 y Corner krout and Mar4et
OE O Q., ND LOT of Comic and Seutirnen.
• tai Valentines, at afferent yrines.
febl6l ' 13CHEFFER'S
00AL OIL, Natrona, Magnolia, Lao e
and other non explosive brands, for sale low bY
• NICHOLS & .130 W
et strlitre-alg,
eerier Front and
IAZARETH, Northampton county,Pa:
Easy of isooess from Harrisburg by railva Lo
IWO]; and thence Wen miles by stme.
Rev. =want) R. REICH.SC,
. awes of different styles oftinding, at 9ac ' Vdj;
$ 50, 12, 13 , it, *5 and 510. POCICet BlobaieS,_ ,
f=tyles LuWOce' 3IWI4R"""”
febls y.
.°ellutfor .hililgßootsand on
noiked.Bowkingo.twitigive spoi , b, o
wet oi•gOttay booti. Jolt the thlog for ,be times ,
4 1_ 1
eterrone cannot . afford two or three pairs of ,1).• ~
loaf.: lAD and illiagun- e,alcsoist BoicgAN,;.,
corner Front and Natlet stre'°'