THE TELEOrRAPit IS PUBLISHED EVERY DAY, By GEORGE BERGNE TERMS.--Sneatis Statenaterms, The DAILY TrIMOILAPEI la served to subscribers in tht City at 6 cents per week Yearly subscribers will be charged 54 00,-in advance WEIDIN AND Satn-lirseittir Teutowarh. The TZIZGHAPR ie also published twice a Week durirq the session of the Legislature, and weekly during the remainder of the year, and furnished to subscribers at the tollowing cash rates, viz : Single subscribers per year Semt-Weekly..;sl 60 Ten tt _l2 00 Twenty « t< —22; 00 'iugle subscriber, Weekly 1.00 Tin LAW OF NINSPAPII.B. If subscribers order the discontinuance of their news• papers, the publisher may continuo to send them until arrearages are paid It subscribers neglect or refuse to take their newsy& CTA from the office to which they are directed, they are responsible until they have settled the bills and ordered hem discontinued. lUeMcai Dlt . . j.OI7INSQN MEt.a.zem i xmo , .7R,lo' LOCK HOSPITAL TT AS discovQred iiieinoetcerfa i n, speed) ja. and effectual remedy in the world for DISEASES OF IMPRIIDENOS. 1.111.111 DI 111 TO TI►ILV7 BOUM, No Memory or Noxious Drugs ikir ACM WANKANIID, Olt NO CHARON, isr Tito* 0111 Two DaTa.9Eilt Wesbneza of the Beek or mbs, Strictures, Pains la he Lotus, Affections of the Eidneynand Bladder,, Weakness, Nervous Debility, DecayorthePhYstea Pow ers, Dycpepsla, f.angnor.: Low Spirits, Confusion Of !dealt, Pall nation of the Heart., Timidity, Trembling!, Blumens of Sight ur thddinesa. DISEMO of the Stomach, Affections of the Head, Throat., Nese or Skin—those ,terrible Meer dem arising from the indiacrottoi or Solitary gamic@ of Youth—thoee dreadful and doetructlve practices: which produce constitutional debility, render marriage impoe sible, and destroy both body and mind. , YOUNG MEN Young mon especially who have become the-victims of solitary Vice, that dreadful and destructive habit which annually Eiw cepa to an untimely grave flint:Mande -01 yonug men of the most exalted talent and brilliant intel lect, who might otherwise have entranced listening. Senates with the thunders of eloquence, or waked to ee limey the living lyre, may call wlih full confidence. MARRIAGE Harried persons, or Most contemplating mairhige, be ng aware of physical weakness ; should Immediately con mit Or, J., and be recttored to perfect health. ' ORGANIC WEAKNRS . hamediate4 cured and Add vigorrestored. Ho who places himself undo - the care of. Dr. J. ilia:, regglougly Gong& in Ina rgtco , L gentleman, end roe edently rely upon his skill eel .1113 - 0111ce No. 7 South F atteet,..Baltimore, aid., on the** hand aide _ram Baltimore street, 7 lOLKS Iron) the corner. Bo particular In °beery*, Lee name or number, or yon will mistake the place. P. Per. flouter for ignorant, Trilling. Quacks, with false N.aktr, or Paltry Humbug GertOcates, attracted. by the repots tion of P. Johriaon, lurk near • All lettere moat contain a Poetage Stamp, to use on Hit eply. ar JOHNIToN Dr. Johnson member of the Royal. College Of flurgeons, L.Ondon, graduate from. one 01 the most eminent Ctillegss If the United state:, and the greatest part of whose Life nay been 'spent In tho RospiteLs of London, Paris,' Phila delphia.and elsewhere, has effected some 01 the most as. toniebing acres that,were ever known. Many troubled with ringing in the ears and head when asleep, great nay voustwas, tieing alarmed at sudden sounds, bashfulness, with fregnentblusbing , ajtendedsometimeswithderange. cent of mind were aired immediately, ;TARE PARTICULAR NOTICE. Dr. ..tresses all these who having inittred them selves hr r ,VAC and inniroper iudulgencies, that secret and solitary shit which ruins, both body and mind, uc. fitting them for either busimmter society. ' , The,, are some of the sad and melancholy ea.-CIS pro &tee uy early habits of youth, viz: Weakness of the Rank end. Limbs, Paine in the Head, Thinness of. Sight, Loss of 'Muscular Power, Palpitation of the Heart, Dyr impale, Nervous Irritability, Derangement of the Digestive runctions, General Debility, Symptoms of !itiasumgh lion, ft. V Rh TALLY MINTAILT, the fearfili effects on the mind are mush to be dreaded f—Loss of Memory, Confusion of Ideas, Do. pression of Spirits,.Evil Forebodings, Aversion WSW*. ty, Self-dlstrwrt, Love of Solitude, Timidity,lie., are some of the evil effects. Tboimands of persons ot alt ageti,,can now judge what ts the cause of their decline in health, toeing thoir:vigor becoming weak, pale, nervous and 1311111Clideil, have , iingular appearance about 'the eyes, cough; and amp .. me of consumption YOUNG MEN . who have injured themselves by a certain practice, le dnlyed when alone—a habit frequently learned from SomParibme, or at school, the effects of which are nightlyielt, even when asleep, and if not cured, renders marriage impossible, and destroys both mind and body, should apply immediately. , What a pity that a young, man, the hopes Of his MID. try, the darling of bin parents, should be switched Prom all prospects and enjoyments of life by the coneoquonoe• of deviating front the path of nature, and indulging In s, certain secret habit. 9u persons must, before contest plating raARitTAGZ effect that a sound mind and body are the most necessary. requisites to promote connubial happiness. Indeed Without those, the journey through life becomes a weary pilgrimage; the prospect hourly darkens to the view; the mind becomes shadowed with despair, and filled with th Melancholy reflection that the happiness of another be- comes blighted with our owe DR. JOHNSON'S INVIGORATING REMEDY FOR 01: GANIC WEA.KNMS. By tilts great and important remedy, Weakness of thf Organs are speedily cured, and full vigor restored. rhonsamin of the meet nervous and debilitated Wile had iota all hope, have been Immediately relieved. All Impediments to Marriage Physical or Mental Disquelllll. cation, Nervous, Trembl ing, Weakness or grliourtion or the melt fearful kind, speedily cured. TO. STRANGERS The many thousands cured at this Inatintioiwithin the last twelve years, and the numerous important fiurgica operations performed by Dr. J., witnessed -hr., the re pellent of the papers, and many other person.4,...riotices of which have appeared agate and again before • the pub*, halides hit standing as a iendeman of character and re apeneitiltn, is a eatlcient gaaranteato . the tainted. DISEASES OF DiPRUDENOE--Wheti the misguided and imprudent Votary of pleasure finds ho has imbibed the seeds of this painful disease, it toe often happens that an ill-timed sense of shams or dread of discovery deters him from applying to those who, fromoducation and re. speetability can alone befriend him, delaying till the con . etltutional symptoms of this horrid disease make their appearance, affecting the head, throat, use, skin, Sm q progressing on with frightful rapidity, till deatti puta • period to his dread ful sufferings by,sending him to "that bourne [ruin whence no traveler returns." It lea mel ancholy feet that thousands fall victims* to this terrible disease, owing to the unskilfulness of ignorant pretend ers, who, by the use of that deadly poison, amercury,- ruin the constitution and make the residue 01 life miserable. To STRANGZILI.—The Doctor's Diplamps twig 'in We ortlcs. , . NO-Letters mast contain a Stamp tong on the rept:, 1147PRemodies gent by Mail. . la-No. T South Frederick street, Baltimore. aoell-dawlY SOLDIERS' NICK HACK S, F OR Sale at KELLER'S DRUG LSD FANCY STORE Camp Writing Cases, Needle or Sewing Cases, Shaving or Razor Cases, Toilet Cases, Match Cases Pocket Ink Stands, Pocket Mirrors, Pocket Knives, Pocket Combs, Fine Combs, Camp Mirrors Bryer Pipes, Tobacco Boxes, India Rubber Tobacco Pouches, Wicker, Leather & Platina Flasks,. Leather Drinking Cups.. Pens, Penholders, Pencils. Paper, andEnvelepee. Soldiers will see at a glance that the place to get an oast in small wares is at Ne. 91, Market street. ,See "Fort Pickens" in the window, WHOLESALE UMBRELLA MANUFACTORY I No. 69, Market Street, below Thi r d, ILAB.RLSBURO, PA. 110M.S. LEE, MANUFACTURER OF UMBRELLAS, PAWLS and WALKING CANES, will furnish goods at LOWER PRICES than can bo bonzht in any of ho Eastern cities. Conntry merchants will do well to all and examine prices slid quality, and convlnao them. elves of this Tact. an2a.dly TIIARIP.23 FOR 1862.—A great variety at exceeding low prices. at SHEFFER'S BOOKSTOSH- . . . . ••' I A .. I . . , ... . . . . . : 1 , • r . . , ......:_,...„,...______,..._..: . .. .. i I 1 111 1 • .1 ' ; '':::' ~,, ...,..... r : t i ... .. ~,.. ~ • , . VOL XVII Grose st Oro.. D W. GROSS .& CO, WHOLESALE AND. EETAIL DRUGGISTS, MARKET STREET HARRISBURG, PEAN'A. DRUGGISTS, PHYSIOIANS, STORE. KEEPERS AND CONSUMERS, We are daily adding to our assortment of goods all such 'articles as are desirable, and would respectfully call your atention to the largest and best selected stock in this city, of DRUGS, CHEMICALS I'AINTS, Oils, varnishes and Glues Dye-Stuffs, Glass and . Patty, Artist Colors and Tools, Pura around Spies. harning'Pluld and Alcohol, . . Lard, Sperm and Pine Ohm, (tattles, Vials and Limn' Globe*, Castile Soap, Sponges and Ceske, &e., &c., &c., , &c., &e., &ea, With a general variety of PERFIIKERY de TOILET ARTICLES, 'selected from'the best manufacturers and Pe 'tuners of .Ertrope and this country. Being very large dealers in PAINTS, WHITE LEAD, LIIISERD OIL, VARNISHES, WINDOW GLASS, ARTIST'S COLORS, PAINT 'AND ARTIST'S BRUSHES IN ALL THEM VAREOII3IB, COLORS AND BRONZES 010-ALL,KINDS, 75 E. ..7 . o.\ \ k f cf!.,•l ~, F. 0 W Fi O N -Will . 01. . - 's'----- -- ---- --". I 10 . Driur,Gil,tr. CI -, --,---..-- ----- ft ei , 3m.„ -r Ts. Pl° .._ PARR -..<' CI . • We respectftuly invite a call, feeling, coos dent that we can supply the wants of all on terms to their satisfaction. TEETH 1 TEETH!! 10;1**Y,V1117i:lkilJalizina);:orAir , 114C004: - q PATENT MEDICINES AND HAIR RESTORATIVES Of all kins*.direct from the Proprietors Saponifier and Concentrated Lye Wholesile Agents for §aponifier, Which we lien as low as it can be purchased in the cities. MAYER'S MEDICAL FLUID EXTRACTS COAL OIL CARBON OIL 1 Being large purchasers in these Oils, we can otter inducements to close buyers. Coal Oil (amps of the ,most improved patterns, very cheap. All kinds of lamps' changed to burn Coal Oil. FARMERS AND GRAZIERS, Those of you who have not gives our HORSE AND CATTLE POWDERS a trial know no their superiority, and the advantage they are in keeping Horses And Cattle healthy and in Food condition. Thousands can testify to the profit they have derived from the use of our Cattle Powders by the increasing quantity and quality of milk, besides improving the general health and ap pearance of their Cattle. • - Our long experience in the business gives us the advantage of a thorough knowledge of the trade, and our arrangements in the cities are such that we caa in a very short time furnish anything appertaining to our business, on the best of terms. Thankful for the liberal patronage bestow e on our house, we hope by strict attention to business, a careful selection of PURE DRUGS at fair prices, and the desire to please all,, to merit, a continuance of the favor of a discrim inating public. CHEAP SUGARS I I—Call at • NICHOLS{ & BOWMAN, • ‘ter Front and Market.stmts. " I N . ..:1).F4'.. , ..A , X3). : ..E. NT . r. - 1 $ . •.i...,4, ALL !TB l'N 14 , S --YE IT TR At IN NOiNTE.." NO. 19 HARRISBURG, PA, FRIDAY AFTERNOON, MARCH 7, 1862. Citte* trawl dr raiispartOlio. Pait4SYLVANIA RAIL fiolo FLUE . TRAINS DAILY TO AND „ FROM ..PHILADELPHIA.; ON dND MEE MONDAY JAN , ITARY . 27thi 1862. The. A' 3B l , tiger ; Trains, of the Pennsylvania ltailroad Company * will depart lrem and arrive at Harrisbirg and Philadelphia as fbllows H t 1 11` it.-t THROUGH EXPRESS TRAIN . leave Harriebnri , daily at 3.20 a. m., and arrives at Weal Phil:vie:phi& a t 7. 4 0 ft. M. FAST VINE leaves Harrisburg daily, (except Sunday.) at 1.00 p. in., and arrities'at villest Philadelphia at 5.10 p. m. 11.411.,TRA1N learns Harrisburg daily (except Sunday) §.sq p. tn., entl!arrlyee at West . Rhilgdelpliia at 11.00 _ . P. m. ACIDOM•IIOIBATION . TRAIN,!;aita Mount , caves Harrisbirg i.3n. tn.. and %nave@ of West : : delonta at 12,85 p. m. HAR ItISBUitN ACCOMMODATION TRAIN, via ;Uolatn- Ina, Intros' Ifarrishiiig at 2:00 •.m. .rd arrivr.p at ‘7OBl "hiladairdata n, 7 20 . p. in. - . WEATWEIRO. THROUGH EMPREBts TRAIN leaves Philade [ph. at 10.30 p. m. , R.irrisburg at 3.05 a. m., Altoona 8,40, a. m., and arrives at Pittsburg at 1.25 p. ltl. • MAIL TRAIN leaves Philadelphia at 8.00 a. in., tind rives at Harrisburg at L2O p. leaveall trrisbnrg at 9.00 a. in., Altoona, 3,30 p. m., and arrives at . Pittsburg at FAST LINE leaves Philadelphia at 11.26 a. m. , Harris burg 4.06 p. Altnoria at 9.10:. in., and arriving -it Pittsburg at 1.49 a m. • HAINISBURG ACCOMMODATION TRAIN leaves Phil. delphia at 2.30 p. m., and arrives at Harrisburg et 8.110 MOUNT JOY, ACOOMMODATION via. Mount Joy' leaves Lancaster atll.oB ,m., arrives liarrisborg 'at 1.80 , p. m. The NEWS EXPRESS and PASSENGER TRAIN will leave' West Philadelphia' at 4.00 a. in: , ; , lnneaster 7.07 m. Mount Joy at 7.43 a. m., Midiletovra at, 8.25 a, in., and arrive at Harrisburg at 8.55 a. connecting with Mail Train west, froin Harrisburg, at 9.110 a: in. SaldUNli Supt. East, Div: Penna. Railroad, Harrisburg, January 24, 1862 —Of WINTER TIME ARRANGEMENT NEW Allt LINR ROUTE. THOU TRAINS DAILY TO NNW 10111{, AND PHILADELPHIA ;WITHOUT CHANGE OF CAR& ON AND AFTER MONDAY, NOVEM BER 4; 1861, the Passenger Trains will•leltra • the Philadelphia ma Reading : Railroad Depot, at Harrisburg, for New York and Philadelphia, ill follows, • . . EASTWARD. '4F.XPRIISS LINE lettves Harrisburg at 3.30 a. in.,. on ar rival of Pennsylvania Railroad Express Train' from the West, arriving in New York at 11.6 a.m., and at .Phila 9.00 a. in. A sleeping car le attached to the train through from Pittsburg. without change. MAIL TRAIN leaves Harrisburg at 8 a. in., arriving In New York atT.3op. in., and Philadelphia at 1.26 p. in. FAST LINE leaves Harrisburg at 1.40 p. m. , on arrival of Pennsylvania Railroad Fiat Mall, arriving in New Yorket 9.50 p. m 4 a nd Philadelphia at 8.40 p. in. . . WESTWARD. EARP;LINF. leaves New York at .t 3 a. and Philade 1. phleati3 a.. M.; arrivinent Harrisburg , at T p. MAIL TRAIN leaves New York at 1/00 noon, and Phil adelphia at 3.16 p. m., arriving at Harrisburg at 8.10 P ID,, EXPRESS LINE leaves New fork at 8 p. m. arri ving at Harrisburg at 3.10 a. m., and connecting with the Pennsylvania Express Train for Pittsburg. A sleeping ear is also attached to this train . Connections ire made at Harrisburg with trains on the Penneylvania, Northern Central and Cumberland Valley Railroads, and at Reading for Philadelphia, Pottsville, Wilkasbarre, Allentown, Reston, &o. Restage checked through. Pero between New York andllarrlsburg, 24 00; between Harrisburg and . Phila -delphia, $3•25 in No. 1 cars, and $2:70 in N0..2. For tickets or other information apply to J.J.CLYDR, no 4 General Agent, Harrisburg. ANOTHER NEW STOOK v. laortable Writing Desks, I - Backgammon Boards, Traveling Bags, Purses, Wallets, Toilet Bottles, • anda general assortment of FANCY ARTICLES, Call at BAIONa'S CHEAP BOOKSTORE. Pennsylvania Legislatiire. REPORTED EXPRESELY FOR . THE TELIEGRiPH. ROUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. , THURSDAY, March 6, 1862 AFTERNOON SESSION. The, House re-assembled at three o'clock, P. M. RESTORATION OF THE TONNAGE TAX Agreeable to order, the House resumed the second reading and consideration of House bill No. 233, entitled, "An Act to repeal an act fOr the commutation of the tonnage duties." The pending question was on Mr. 'Cisese's amendment to the amendment of Mr. Winataies, viz To strike therefrom the words "unjustly and imcOnstitutionally," and the words "which were false and pretented," and insert the word '"and," so as to make it read "upon suggestions and considerations, which were either in con flict with the Constitution, etc.;" and tostrike out the second and third paragraphs of the preamble,; 'also, tostrike out in the second line of the second section the word "irrepleiable." After considerable debate, the several propo sitions embraCed in the amendment were voted upon separately, and all adopted. Mr. SCOTT submitted as a substitute for Mr. WILLIAMS' amendment an amendment the ef fect of which was to bring before the courts for final decision the question as to the constitu tionality of the act of the hist session for the repeal of the tonnage tax, without any formal repealing act of the Legislature. Pending the consideration of Mr. Scarfs amendment the House. • BY THEGIIMI From our Morning Edition, From the Upper Potomac. THE REBELS IN FULL FORCE AT WINCH - ESTER, VA. FORMIDAI3LE EARTHWORKS TRIS SIDE OF . THE TOWN. The Repairs on the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Progressing. BUNKER HILL OCCUPIED BY THE UNION TROOPS. A MOVEMENT OF ONION TROOPS TO SAY. The Eebel Cavalry Attempt to Cut Off a llnion Scouting Party. • The Rebel; ttempt to Flank Col. Geary at Lovetsville. CAPTURE OF A REBEL. PICKET GUARD. Caamiarows, Va., March 6 Reliable, intelligence states that the enemy is in full force at Winchester, and have com pleted formidable earth works on this side, mounted with sixty guns, including the field batteries. Nothing of special importance transpired yesterday. The work on the railroad.progresses rapidly, and every point is strongly protected from Cumberland to Harper's Ferry, and every facility is being afforded to the company. A large force is employed on the bridge and iron trestle work at the teeny. The work has been found in better condition than was at first sup posed by the engineers, and ten days is fixed as the time at which a through connection will ba made. • All the commands of this division are in the best condition and anxious for an attack on the enemy. Bunker Hill was occupied by our forces yes terday as the extreme out post on the west. There is some movement of troops to-day. A scounting party of cavalry reports that Ashley's rebel cavalry last night attempted to cut`them off when near Berryville, but were foiled in the attempt. Four regiments of rebels, with a four gun battery, attempted on the ad inst. to flank Co!.Cola Geary near Loveteville, but were driven off Without a battle yesterday. Several deser ters were brought into town by the cavalry. Among them was Lieut. Arthur Markel) of the 6th Virginia volunteers. [SEOZIND DISPATCH.] CRA.RLIRSTOWN, Va., March 6.—A squad of Van Allen's cavalry to-day captured rebel pickets, five in number, near Bunker Hill. They belonged to the 2nd -Virginia Infantry, and were carried before the division Provost Marshal, Lieut. Col. Andrews, of the 2nd Massa chusetts le4iment, for examination. THE:KANSAS LEGISLATURE. THE ROLLINS PACIFIC. RAILROAD BILL. =I LEAVENWORTH, March 6 The Kansas Legislature have adopted a reso lution nearly un mimonsly inAtucting the Kansas senators and requesting the representa tives in Congress to aid the passage' of the Rol lins Pacific railroad bill, and a ratification of a treaty with the Pottowattamie Indians. DESTRUCTION BY FIRE OF ANOTHER ARMY MANUFACTURING ESTA3LISH AMNT. The Beverly Rubber Factory was burned last night. Lois $lOO,OOO, insured for $70,000. The company had a contract for the manufac ture of 70,000 rubber blankets for the army. Markets by Telegraph. NEW Your, March 6 Cotton firm—sales at 2512,24 c. Flour dull —sales 11,000 bbls. at $5 35®5 45 for State, $5 85Q5 92 fora Ohio, and $5 90@6 15 for southern. Wheat dull—sales 7,000 bushels at $1.30 for red western Corn heavy-42,000 bushels at 643,62ic. Prime pork unchanged. Chicago beet, ditto. Lard firm at 43,81.0. Whisky dull at 26c. FROM WASHINGTON. The Bill to Authorize the Purchase of Coin; ITS PROVISIONS• Second Congreesional Di!trict, North Csiolina. FOSTER AGAIN APPLIES FOR THE SEAT. IMPORTANT MESSAGE OF THE PRESIDENT TO CONGRESS. The Gradual Abolition of Slavery, . . , The bill reported from the , committee of Ways . and Means to-day authorizing (be pur chase of coin, and for other piirposell, provides that the Secretaryiot the Treasury may dispose of any bonds or-notes bearing interest author ized by law for coin, at such rates and; upon such terms as he may deem Most advantegeous to the publicatinterest, and mayisture l under such rules and regulations as he may prescribe eertificates of indebtedness such as are author lied by the act to adthorize the Secretary of the Treasury - to issue certificates of indebtedness to public creditors, approved March lst,! 1862, to such may desire to :receive the same in discharge of checks drawn by disburs ing offiCers,"uiwil sums placed to their credit on the books of the treasurer upon requisitions of the proper department as well. in discharge of audited and setthd.accounts as provided by the said act. It is further provided that the de mand notes authorized by act of July 17th, 1861, and by the act of February 12th, 1861, shall be receivable, and shall be lawful money and legal tender in like manner, and to the sam • extent as the notes authorized by the apt to authori2se the issue of United States;notes, and for-the redemption or funding thereof, and for funding the floating•-debt of the United States, approved 28th last month. Charles Henry Foster has returned to Wash ingtim, and again presented Ida petition , for, a seat as member from the Second Congrei,lonri district of Noith Carolina. the case is 'before the Committee on elections. Adjourned The President to-day transmitted to Congress the followiug message: Felloio Ceti:wiz' of the Senate' and House of &pre• I recommend the adoption of a joint resolu tion by,your honorable bodies, which shill be substantially as follows: Readied, That the United States ought to co operate with any State Which may adopt, grad ual abolishment of slavery, giVinglo such State pecuniary aid to be used .by such State in its discretion to compensate for the inconveniences, public and private, produced by suchchange of system. ' If the proposition containedin the resolution does not meet the approval of. Congress and the country, there is the end, but if it does com mand such approval, I deem it of importance that the States and people immediately in terested should be at once distinctly : noti fied of the fact so that they may begin to consider whether to accept or , reject it. , The federal government would find its highest interest in such a measure as one oz the most efficient means of self-preservation. The leaders of the existing insurrection entertain the hope that this Government will ultimately be forced to acknowledge the inde pendence of some part of the disaffected region, and that ail the slave States north of such parts will then say, the Union for which we have struggled' being already gone, we now choose to go with the Southern section.— To deprive them of this hope substantially endathe rebellion and the initiation of eman cipation completely deprives them of it as Wall States imitating it. the point is not that ail the States tolerating slavery would very soon, if at all initiate emaucipation, but that while the offer is equally made to all, the more northern shall by such initiation make it certain to the more southern, that in no event will the former ever join the latter in their prOposed confederacy. say initiation because in my judgment gradual and not sudden emancipa tion is better for all. In the mere financial or pecuniary view any member of Congress, with the census tables and treasury reports before him, can readily see for. himself how soon the current expenditures of this h war would per chaee at fair valuation all the slaves in any named State. Such a proposition on the part of i the general government sets up no claim of a right by Federal authority to inter fere with slavery within State limits, referring as it does the absolete control of the subject in each case to the State and its people immedia tely interested, it is proposed as a matter of perfectly iree choice,with them. In the annual message last December, I thought fit to say the Union must be preserv ed, and hence all indispensable means must he employed I said this not hastily, but delibe rately. War has been.made,.and continues to be an indispensable means to this end. A practical re-acknowledgment of the national authority would render the war unnecessary, and it would at once cease. If, however, re sistance continues the war must also con tinue, and. it is impossible to forese all the incidents which may attend and all the ruin which may follow it. Such as may seem indispensable or may obviously promise greet efficiency towards ending the struggle must and will come. _The proposition now made 'is an offer only. I hope it maybe:esteemed no of fence to ask whether the pecuniary considera tion tendered would not. be , of more value to the States and private persons and property in them, than in the present aspect of affairs. While it is true that the adoption of the pro posed resolution would be merely initiatory and not within itself a practical measure, it is recommended in the hope that it would soon lead to important practical results. In full view of my great responsiblity to my God and to my country, I earnestly beg the attention of Congress and the people to the subject [Signed] ASBA.HAIIi LINCOLN. BOSTON, March 6 &mum and Gen. Grant were , together in Mexico. A staff officer, who was present tells that when Gen. Grant entered Fort D.:nelson, Buckner, using the Mexican phrase for express ing the utmost hospitality, met him with: "General, I can say to youi in welcome, with more than the Mexican meaning, 'This house, and all it contains, is at your service."' NO. 53 WASHINGTON, March 6 [SECOND. DISPATCH.] aentatims: &ham Stinting Oct. Raving procured Steam Power Presses, wa are PrePar* ed to execute JOB add BOOK PRINTING of every descrlp ton, cheaper than A can be done at any Other "'biblfee In lit in the country. RAIL OF ADVERTISING. iji-• Four lines or leas constitute one-Nalf square. llgkt Ines or more than four constitute a square. Half 4 square, one day • one Week “ see month ... .. .. . ....•, three months .. • AIX months ". one year......... ... Onegnuare; one 'day " o ne-week 2 00 `U . One'reonth ....... 3 50 " . rihree months ....... 600 16 .six m0n1h5......... 10 00 " one ........ ... ......16 00 Sir Easiness notices inserted' -the fr.coi Column, ea before llarriges and Deathi; FIVE CANTS PER T.T•eq for • each infiertion. Marrigei and Deaths to be ciaried as peva' , • vertisements 3MNUtIt Congresi-Firif S'ession. SENATE WASHII4GTON, March 6. • On the doors being re opened, the Senate adjourned. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES After further debate the bill was amended and pawed. The Speaker laid before the House a message from the President, suggesting the passage of a joint resolution co-operating with any State for the abolition of slavery, with pecuniary Qom] pensation therefore. Op motion of Mr. STBVENS, (Pa.) the mmage was referred to the committee of the whole on the state of the Union. Mr. STNNZNS, from the Committee on Ways and Means, reported a bill authorizing the pur chase of coin. Its consideration was postponed till to-morrow. The House went into a committee •of the whole on the state of the Union, on the bill to regulate the franking privilege. • Mr. PERRY, (N. J..) spoke in opposition to the extreme anti-slavery measures which have been proposed. Tuts was a time for the exhi bition of patriotism and the defense of the Upion. He was at a loss to see how it wee necessary to set the slaves free now as an ally in the suppression of the rebellion. This was not a war for the suppression of the South, but for tie restoration of the authority of the Government. Behind the dark clouds of re hellionthe sky of the Union was clear and bright, and the stars of all the States were sparkling in all their beauty, and soon it would be that this dark cloud would pass away. and one by one the stars would reappear in all their glory, and the people would thank' God they were all their. Mr. DAVIS (Pa.) reviewed the various shsdes of politics, and the purposes of political , organ izations. He discussed the peculiarities and dignity of labor, and in the course of his re marks said, "never again would slavery become the controlling power of the Government. Let it hely:town that, while we have heretofore been true to the compromises of the Cortetittution, we now feel ourselves absoluted therefrom by the acts of the armed slave-holders." Mr. KALI= (Pa.) rose to ask the House to repair, as far as it could, a wrong done to a friend and constituent of his, a gentleman of character and integrity—oue who from early life to his present age has managed a large public business—a leading newspaper, and has secured the public respect by his integrity, and who has literally fulfilled all his engagements to his fellow men. He asked that a statement from Col. Alexander Cummings, which be had done him the honor to address to him, be Lied in reply to a certain part of the report of the committee on government contracts. Mr. Wvcraws (Ky.) referred to the report, quoting certain articles that had been pur chased by Mr. Cummings, such as cod-fish, ale, stray hits, &c., and inquired whether Mr. Melly intended to defend this Mr. Cummings. Mr. KULY replied that Mi. Cummings had been charged by the committee with •having $140,000, for which vouchers had not bees furnished, and as thiastatement had, been given to the press and commented upon by the com mittee, it was hut fair that Mr. Cummings shoulibbe heard in his own vindication. Ad jwrned.'a,- illistellantous PUBLIC SALE. IN PURSUANCE of on order of the Or phans' Court of Dauphin county, Wilt be exposed to sale, on - SAttrliDAY, the Bth day of March, 1862, at the Coert House in the city of Harrisburg at 2 o'clock, P. M., the fol owing real estate, viz : A certain ma stery frame house and piece of ground situate in Bald city and county, bounded and described as fillowe, to wit : Beginning at a point on South street, the corner of the piece of ground and house formerly owned by James Williams, twelve feet and stx inches from West alley, the-ft along said South street towards High street twelve feet six inches. thence on a line parallel with mat alley towards State street rot ty-stx feet six inches, thence on aline parallel with State street twelve feet six inches towards West alley, thence on a line parallel with West alley forty-six feet six inches t t the plice of oeginnine, together with the piece of ground adjoining the a torettid house and ground on the west side therein, one font wide on South street extending in depth the rams width par allel with west alley thirty-two leer. t^n Inches, heing now used as an alley belonging to the aioresaid boast and ground, whereon is erected a two rtory trame bowie, las the estate of ELIZABETH THOMPrO N. deceased. ittendance will be given and conditions of sale made known by DAVID M. kuBIN.iOS, Executor of said de ceased. JNO. RINGLaND, Clerk, 0. D. fi:bB-dti A. HUMMEL, DEALER IN BOOTS AND SHOES, BUFFALO AND GUM . OVER SHOES, TRUNKS AND CARPET BAGS. ArrHE OLD STAND corner of the alley, next to the Court House, Market street, Harrisburg, Pa. Thankful for the patronage heretofore beetowed upon the late firm of A. Hummel & Co., we trust by strict at tention to business, and by keeping a well ssaucran ROM or GOODS to merit a conkinuanoe of the same. Please call and examine our nom and - MUM before buying elsewhere. janil-lyd A HIIMMP2L Goods are purchased direct from he manufactures for cash enabling them to sell very low. JUST OPENED! A PINE LOT OP SUPERIOR 153E2 Or.ELTILIESii MADE of Dotid Tobacco, and from one to two years OM, of my own manufacture. A due lot of choice Chewing and Smoking TOMICCO, Pipes, Snug and a large variety of other artictes constantly on hen tl tor sale wholesale and retail. Thankful for former pat. ronage, I hope by strict attention to business to receive a liberal share of the trade. A line Smoking Room attached, where customers m a y lay back and teat my &gars and Tobacco. Don't forget the window watt the Snip In It; that is the place to buy your Tobacco and oecare. North Market Square, above Market street, Harrtsburg. Dec. 4,1861.-43 m WM. WYKOFT. NEW DRESS GOODS. EhEBROIDERED REPS, Plain and Figured Reps, Rich Figured all Wool Delaines, Plain Merinoee and Cashmeres, Fancy Paris Dress .Silks, • Superior Plain Colored Dress Silks, Warranted makes of plain black silks, New Styles Low Priced Detained At CATHCART & BROTHER'S INext door to the Harrisbarg Bulk Marker. Sparc Roy 4 CELEBRATED DANDELION COFFEE• JUST RECEIVED a large quantity of superior Dandelion Coffee, which we will sell low to suit the times ; also, pure ground Rio Coffee and Tur key Coffee all put up in one pound package. Call and •samine at the wholesale and retail grocery store of NICHOLS A BOWMAN, corner of NOLA and Market atreeM• 3 SO IS 200 s 00 ...... S 00
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers