New 21tivertistments. ADM: COMM OR TIEN _ NOWA of Employment and Support of the Poor OF DAUPHIN COUNTY. TORN CARE, Esq., Treasurer of Dan u Oita County, Pennsylvania, and Ex-officio Treasurer of House of mployment and support'of the Poor in the County of Dauphin aforesaid, in an coconut with said county of Dauphin, for the useof said House of Employ ment In said county for the year 1861, namely : DR. REcarris, 1861. To cash receiVadffrom .the county of Daupidn'fathe nab of the House o rlariployment for the support of tUeo6of ldthe County aforesaid. YBtsnafit to'reatilsltions in confor mity to law, drawn by the Direc tors of afire ROW) aoressid, upon , the County Commis-inners of paid OPINtY. - respeo fully date.' Jan. nor, lst, and txtober let, 1864 on Orders No. LW and 878, I sued by the County Commicsi nem.. ... :10,000 CO Gash received from the following named' • persons, for the use of the afore said House, derived as hereinafter at ted, to wit : from John Itaysor, Esq., one of the directors °bawd Bou comount of judgment-against J.O. Louch.; ..1118 87 To cash from Harry Brown, steward of said House, for lime sold by him. 17.8 90 To cub, Beery BrOw. steward ac More said, collected for boarding pan ~psra,of, othe c0untie5...........Td 00 • ••• To erth, il J.P. Peek, m Her, proceeds tf ml 290 00 - 610 87 Ta amount of orders Issnied in 1861; by , the directors of the House wore said, unpaid at settlement raw, a -by the County Auditors; Jan. 14301 . 1862, to wit : Order No. 120, nub , th Aurndt. 2 00 a 140, Samuel Niebling........ 1 67- a 168, - Jonas Bents - , 77 " 196; Mr w . Steely * 200 16 202, Juilsna•Williams. 200 " 228, David Boysr 77 , w. 272, Mrs. Steely 200 .4 WI, allsebein Atirndt 200 " 286, Sarah White 200 ~ I. 288, Elisabeth Rhule. 200 a 287, Juliana.Wllliams....... 200 .. 292, Mira Mishasi.... 200 .. 846, Cords L. Metz ' 200 " 847, Mrs. 8tan1y........ ... 200 a 857, Blirabeib Aurndt 2to " 363, Juliana Whams 200 .. 386, Martin Erb 11 .. 602, Mrs. Hanley. 200 .. 612, Lewis Koenig.- ...... ICO 633, Mrs. Soareok. ...... ... 20( n 647, Mrs. Stanley_ 200 I. 683, Mrs. Elehreak " 694, Mrs. Stanley 200 4 . 618, Sloan & Boyd 850 .. 816, W. 5i11y..... .. 77 .. 816, John Newcomer 77 a 646, Mrs. &break. 200 .n 866, Mrs. Stanley...... -. 200 .. 616, Mrs. Hatfield 400 " 866, Ann McCarter.... 200 , i 674, J. J. Wa110wer......... 917 $. 676, J. F. Buoy ~,.....285 62 '4 678, Jcs'ab Buffington 400 4. 688, Elizabeth Winard 860 6 $ 701, Mrs. Schreok. -....... 200 . 4 712, Mrs. Stanley 2 00 " 728, Ann McCarter-. 200 " 125, F. t. Swartz - ... .... 45 75 , . 4 728, George F. ifish ..... _. 62 50 a 781, Mr. Carchner.......... 76 .. 786, Wm. K Ice, Esq.. ...... 10 76 " 7116, John Jones 24 16 " 787, Anthony King . ... 95 36 " 789, John Bess_ .. ........ 20 00 .. 746, John Weaver 16 00 PAYMENTS, 1861. By balance due In cash to John Care, Esq., as per settlement made by the County Auditors, January 11th, 1881. .... $7B 13 By amount of orders issued from No. 1 to 745 Inclusive, by the Directors of the Mouse of Employment, of the county of Dau phin, commencing January Ist, and end lug 8d of December, 1861, both days in cluded, as entered in detail In order boon of elk House of Employment and Support, the sum of ITS 13, amount of Order No. 154, issued in error for bal ance due at last settlement, to John Care, Esq., accountant By cash paid on orders issued in 1860, by the Directors of the Poor, kc., unpaid at settlement, made by the C . .unty Auditors, January 11th, Mal, to wit : Order No. 490, Geo ge Man1y...... ... 44 619, Widow Forney_ 560, Nary Forney it 614, Widow F0rney........ 4, 652, Widow F0rney..... ... " 668, Mary Forney 690, Adam Dreamer 4. 703, Moses ...... 704, W. 0. Smith 4 . 711, George Trullinger o 718, John Dotter._ ' 4 717, Jonas Delbler.. a 719, Sloan k Boyd.. " 721, John A. Weir.. w 722, Jonas Rude tt 722, E. S. 2ollinger. " 515, Mary Forney._ 1----9 0,999 99 By Treasurer's commismiows allowed the Treasurer, to wit : On receiving 110,610 00 at 34 per ce t.. 19 26 Paying 1106 02 at 3i per cwt..— 62 01 same due in cash by JOhu Care, Esq., treaturer as aforesaid to the ootuity of Dauphin, for the use of the Rouse of smplojment afore said, the sum of We, the undersigned Auditors of , the county of Dau phin, Pennsylvania, elEcted and sworn according to law, *report that se met, did audit, settle and adjust accord ing to law, the foregoing account of John Care, Esq., treasurer of toe county of Dauphin. and ex-officio treas urer of the Rouse of bmployment for the support of the poor in th county of Dauphin, in account with the said county for the nee of the Rouse of Employment of said county, commencing on the first day of January, a.d ending , n the third gay of December, 1801; and the ac counts as above stated is correct. JOHNATHAN 81 O SDEI, 3_ P. RUTEARIVED, KOUT Milr, Auditors of Dauphin county, Penna. DETAILS OF EXPENDITURES. Acknowledged Indenture.,.. .. . .. Attendance in slat Toon:4.11 months.. Applle butter and dried apples . . ..... ......... Attendee *in ESM;M;M;RM Beds and bedsteads... Be oherins. w Befit ... . on went with 0. Hess... 11631 c Briciwork ..... ....... Cattle— ..... .......... ::: Cooveying paupers. CoMos and burial Carriage hire to convey paupers... GoeL •••••• Candnei lind ya ••t: *** •• Cloaking& Cknieng * •• • • Carpenter's work Deeds ..... Para hir• ........ Nara implements Fencing Freight on molasses Groceries Home doctoring Nato (18.46—513 604. Horses Mahe Issuing orders—. Jobe Owe (by orderj Liquor.-- ........ Leather Making arrests........ ....... . ]takingi Eking and attending sick . out o[ the house. 94 40 Medlobte and drugs 120 88 M01a55e5................ .......... . • .......... 63 75 WU repair. 89 97 Merchandi5e........................875 01 Planter ....... ...... 30 14 P/91 460e8 work. ..... ............ ....... 60 80 Priptbas 60 00 nal and lumber 45 75 Saddler work ..... 1 87 811004. 6 2e Bopped or out-door paupers 90 7 5 00 dyne 29 00 WM making and mending _.....- . . ... 44 St of paupers hi other counties 85 85 11DI. . ....,,, _i6o BO Oratktuary" =ME =MI Shop work and toll •• • • ...... Tinning.... Surgical operail ns Tax on insurance Turnips .... .. • . • • • • Wagon maker's • ork ~.. • Wheat Henry Brown, as Steward Dt. Geo. Y. Nab, (es physician,) 16 months' salary Simon Daniels, (as Director,) is months' salary and extra services peter Metes, (as Director,) 12 months , salsry and extra services Tan Raper, (as Threctord B, months' valary sad extra services J. W. Frantz, (Clerk,) 32 months' salary and extra cervices.... 65 CO David Mumma, (attorney,) year's salary.... STEWARD'S EmemerioN. • 953 bushels of wheat at 81 20 per bushel 1,230 bushels or oats at 35 cents per bushel _ 2,400 bushels or cora, in ears, at 25 cents; per bushel.... 600 00 234 bushels of clover seed at $5 i-er bushel 12 50 82 bushels of onions at 40 cents per shwa-- 14 50 6,000 heads or cabbage at ¢s per head. 800 00 445 bushels or potatoes at 60 cents per bushel... 2e7 .00 28 bushels of beets at 30 cents per bushel • ' .B'4o 5,500 bushels cucumbers at u 0 cents per hundred tO.BO _ _ 42 loays of hat. at 815 per load 630 00 10,411 pounds of bee fat 6 cents per I ound ' 624 66 4,888 pounds of pork at 5 cents psi pound 218 80 688 pollees of veal at 0 cents per pound • 88 28 98% pounds of Winkles at 6 cents per pound„.... 6,61 1,6u1 pounds of beaf bides at 4 cents per poundm 60 44 4,838 bushels of lime burnedat 7'cenls per bushel 303 60 ARTICLES MANUFACTURED IN THE ROUEN: 164 pair pants, 64 vests, 46 roundabouts, 94 Min's shims, 48 children's shirts, 48 boy's pouts, 28. boy's roundabouts, 63 pair shoes, 94 women's &Mites, 82 aprons, 78 sacks, 42 skirts, 43 'children's dresses, 25 aprons, b 2 childreu'askirts, 82 Chemises, 16 comforts, 4b sheets and 42 Muid-bags. 1.19 T OF DEATHS IN DAUPHIN COUNTY POOR HOUSE FOR YEAR 1861. Jan. 10th, Robert M'Gaire, (leprosy,) diagnosis. • " sth, Wm. Recs.., consumption. Yid, Morrison Belver, dropsy. 24b, Geo. Wooiterd, consumption. Feb. Ist, John Atkinson, pruemonis " iltb, Peter. Yoneatit. " - " 28d, Hoary Ruth, ccatrumption. Maroh 20, Wm. Freeman, " • • 12th, Mary Ermine Lemmon, debility. " 14th, Samuel lintheeord, consumption. " 17th, John Geiger, small poz. " 18th, Mary Rainey, typbold. " 20th, Fruierick Teek, April Bth, Frodorick Mappin, mortification. • 7th, Martin Millie, old ago. " 7th, Abraham Pennington, Consumption, " 12th, Anthony Bubb, typhoid. " 18th, Geo. Maier, debility. 21s John John Towsonomasurea. May 17th, Thomas Gilmore, brocchites. ti Ski, Joseph Harrold, chorea. . June sth, JACOD dhoemazer, dropsy. " 21st, Bastian Earmark, dellerum Iranians. July 14th, Samuel bedinger, old age. Aug. 26th, Daniel Mottor, (tones,) appolezy. a 27th, Geo. Crisman, typhoid. Sept. 30.1, Phebe Hale, (colored) typhoid. Oct. 15th, Elizabeth Loon, (colored) debility. " 20th, Jacob Weaver, consumption. Nov. Ist, Edwards Waters, Injury. " 12th, John Truckielon, typhoid. tt 4th, the infant of Sarah Frey, marasmus. Deo. Bth, Mary Craig, (colored,) heart disease. " 15th, David Silverthorn, consumption. Number of deaths In the county house lot the year 1881. ............... ................. .......... ..84 BODIES BROUGHT FOR INTERMENT,. IN THE COUNTY BURIAL GROUNDS, FOR TEE YEAR 1861. Jan. 3d, Geo. Steward, Harrisburg. " 6,h, Martin N. Walt, from prison, (barn burner.) Feb. 9th, 2 children (twins,) Harrisburg. " 19th, Ann Wingate, " 28d, dm child or Mathias Hander, Harrisburg. March Bth, an unknown man, Mei on the railroad_ • 25th, a child killed on the railroad. , April 25th, Robert Foott, (colored,) Middletown. May 30th, Jacob Zeigler, Harrisburg.. July 4th, Mary Ann Irvine. 4th, Ellen Tilson, Harrisburg. ti 20th, the Infautpt Mary Burns, (In the cars.) it 27th, the infant or Mrs. Schrlsch, Harris burg. Aug. Bd, the body of an unknown man, Harrisburg. " 9d, Benz Bash, died on Goo road from Harris. 9596 47 $11,2013 74 burg. Aug. 25th, the Infant of Christian Bever, Harrisburg. " 27th, the body of an unknowu child, Harrisburg. Opt. 7th, the body of an unknown man, " Oct. 29th, the son of Jane Lee, Harrisburg. " sOth th e laftuit of Ells.' Bennett, Harrisburg. Dec. Bth, Francis Cook, burned, (colored,) Harrisburg " 10th, Richard Boston, (colored,) aflddietOwn, Died In the house..... ...... Brought for interment ....... 99,909 96 Total for the year 1881 57 NUMBER OF , PAUPERS IN THE HOUSE EACH 3 00 . 200 . 2 041 . 200 . 200 .. 200 200 . 692 18 09 29 04 119 28 . 797 6 60 ~696 96 - 80 62 86 62 2 00 • • January......... February March . April May • •••••••••••••••, June July .... .......... August. ...... ........... Septa October November December.— ..... NIINDRR OP COMERS AND 00E39 'DURING BACH January February.... —• March , April.... May June Anguat ......... .• • • • September October November . 1 December $142 48 $11,206 47 Comers and goers during the year 2,821 MONTHLY RECEIPTS FROM THE DAUPHIN COUNTY MILL. January ...... ....... February Atoll May Jima July Augnstj Setember octet:per N0vember........... December Total 1,6 a 48 APPOINTMENTS FOE THE YEAR 1862. Henry Brown, Steward ;• Geo. F. Mish, physician ; J. W. Frans, clerk ; J. F. Peck, miller and Joshua M. Whetting, attorney. PETER BISHOP, JOHN RAYSuR, WILLIAM ENDERS, Directors. Attest W. Fauns, Cork and Agent. 21 00 ..... .... 66 00 '.'.7 12 ... ...... 12 00 ......... 45 00 1,123 20 . 4 I 3 ....... 47 00 28 80 102 80 285 82 9 64 Seloot Schools for Boys and Girls ...... 49 15 24 00 . 415 00 FRONT STREET ABOVE LOCUST. FrHE Fall term of ROBERT iII'ELWEEt L Sohool for boys, will open on the first Monday in September. The room Is well ventilated, oomfbrtably furnished, and in every respect adapted for school par- CATHARINB M'ELWEE'S Scheel for girbyloestel the same building, will open for the Fall term in the dame time. The room has been elegantly fitted up to promote he health and comlbrt of scholars. ang22dif . 172 64 ... 207 89 60 2b ...... 9 lu 612 62 20 80 48 00 TO 40 6 26 6 76 282 76 83 10 63 74 8 96 ....... ..... 1,078 85 OFFERS his services to the citizens o Harrisburg and its vicinity; He solicits a share o the public patronage, and gives temntnce that his best endeavors shall be rend r satisfaction in his pro fession. Being anold, well tried dentist, he feels safe In nviting the public generally to call on him, assuring hem that they will not be dissatisfied with his services, Woe No. 128 Market street, in the house formerly oc cupied, by Jacobß. Eby, near the United States Hotel, Harrisburg, Pa. myB.dly 19 49 66 89 104 84 190 00 „ , , 1 75 .... 78 47 ,„, 78 18 ,„. 27 76 „ „ 84 18 STAGE LINE FOR GETTYSBURG FARE REDUCED TO $1.25 THROUGH TO GETTYSBURG. MR) undersigned has established a 1 regular LINE OF MOE OUCH from bleintanica burg, ommeoliogevery other morning with the_Cumber. andNalley Railroad oars.. The ocamhes leave every very Tuesday, .Thursday tot Saturday, returning every her day. Paseengen for SheliEmrd sown, trill snug timbers arid Eler,yrourg are earried at r+tc+Jett taws at lilt - Wit. J..T.krz:f pennoglimnie—iD*r Nun 2bvtrtistmcnts. MONTH. I DR. T. J. MILES, SURGEON. DENTIST ELIXIR PROPMIIfiI!N3,. 4 05 25 75 65 00 THE NEW REMEDY FOR' RELEIIMATIGhti 68 10 16,00 83 14 31 00 1,237 36 267 00 A NEW ERMEDY, roe & CERTAIN REMEDY, I ACUTE RITAUiLLI CHRONIC RUM AHED:NAME CE &VEEP WD; Ne mAriza HOW STUBBORN, HOW LONG ,STA.NDINI PEOPYLAJDIVE EEC] 97 50 48 00 3825 WHAT IT HAS DONE, IT WILL DO AGAIN. 4000 1,143 60 420 60 THE BEST TESTIMONY, __ BEST MIEDIOAL ALITHOBITT. booms PATIENTS BEL IS -AND PENNSYLVANIA ,HOSPI„ [oollcsa. Hoemu, Reams] Rut 19,1880,—fines S., at. 28, single, never Strong. Two years ago she had anattadrof acute el tism,trom which she was confined to her bed fort e and subsegenty from arelaporfer fournote. cue , *ell since then till last Bator day, while engaged ' cleaning, she took cold, hadvain in her boar; f hot bad no decided chill. Two days Meeker' gab so swell; which was foliated by swelling knee Joints and of the bands. She has n di piindn her shoulders; and her knucklesate very , di r$ and painful; both hands• are affected, but th is most, so.. This, then, is a case of acute rho • •, c as it is now fashionably called; rheumatic fever.. is well remaraed typical ease. We will atreittily the case, and from time to time call your attention to - ous symptoms which present themselves. •My Ohl - In bringing her before you now, is 'to call atten to. ' remedy which bas .recently been recommended the treatment of rheumatism. I man propylanalso Dr. awenarius, of St. Petersburg, vecommende It the highest terms, having derived great caeca from - use in 250 cases which came under-bii.•ure- Vera obm -thendatory testimontats ra4peotin 1t balk, a , , in our,iournakand4 profited , trier etere ether trial. 'moat confess lam always incredukies the worth of new remedies, which are vaunted a eg , but this comes to us recommended so highly, ate, we are bound to give it a trial. • • ffil SAMECASE FOUR DAYS LATICRi'i, MAT 23,1g60riwill now exhibit to you the' tfer whom I prescribed Propyhunine, andwas then °r ing under an attack et acute rheumatism. •Sh has steadily taken it in doses of three grains every two ours ((intermitting it at night.). The day after you saw r, I found her much more comfortable, batter than eh ex. peered to be for a week or-more, judging from her her attack. (The patient now walked into the mom) he Improvement has steadily .progressed , and • ysit of fail to notice a Marked 'change in the' appeitradoe of er Joints, which are now nearly all of their natural sti Thus far our experiment would have eeemed.! very/ (K. restful ilon, gentlemen, we must wait a little whili fore we can give a deddeCopinion as 40 what is the result. . Here is another patient who was placed on the Of the same medkine on Sunday last ; She has long ben' sulfuring kerne brook rheumatism, and I found h at that time with an acute attack eupervening upon her , chronic affaction. The wrists and kinckles were eh swollen and tense. She took the chloride of Pr - mine in three grain dines every two hours, and yo 11 perceive that the swelling of the Joints has mach (shed. • • . • THREE DAYS LATER MAY Y6,lB6o.—This is the Case of acute rheum treated with propylamine, the first of those to w , I called your attention al our last clinic. She is still ery comfortable ; and is now taking three grains thrice • y. In this case it has seemed to be followed by very isfactory results. The second °MO to which your a . don was called at our last lecture, has also - oontinu - to do weir I will now bring before you a very oharaot r hino case of acute rheumatism, and If the result bee factory, I think, as good jurymen, we Emil justly rend our verdict in favor of propylamine He is a seaman, mt. 26, who was admitted a few de • ago. Has had ocaasional rheumatic mina, but not so I. keep his bed, until eight days ago. The pains beg In his right knee, subsequently affected the 'enamel), an later, the Joints of the upper extremities. These Join are all swollen, tense and tender.. His tongue laturred his akin, at present! dry, thOligh,thiare han,fbeele. much sweating. His pulls Isfoll aid strong, and abbit 90. He has now used propylaeum fbr twenty-four hours.• This gentleman is what may be Called a strlatlYlipield case of acute rheumatism. There was exposure to cold and wet, and this exposure is, followed by a libeling of coldness, severe articular pain, beginning, as it usually ,does, in the Ipwer Joints. ..Thearkis feve .and thrinnitti , sweatingongeriikalfgattiandatt oix . eatalrh temn '.. I did briniftlitaluttietit miftife you the — I Men. lion of giving you &lecture all the points oonuted. 'with rheumatism, • but . to mina glin id' the now remedy we are tasting, antf.tolexhitrit . to-tyowiti t typical case, as I have celled It, than which there co add not be a fairer opportunity-log_taidbagne question. We aro, theretbreotioldit*ldlirnee of all ether medicines, even anodynes, that there may. be no unigivingaaii to whleh:Weis the - eleclent::romedy `! Yob • shall see the case ot.a fidemir :1 it 13 143 . ... 146 141 129 134 ..:....... 116 ..... 116 106 138 133 146 . . ... 148 FAvoil!6:l,m iERDEn. jinni 9,1860.—The nextfOr \our' eMiveleikeutte the sale of acnterheurnatism before you at our clinic of May 98th, which I then called , a, typical case, and which it was remarked wail a fair' oppOrtanity for hiding the worth of our new remedy,. It was therefore - steadily given in three grain doses everytwo hours for tour days. The patient has got along very nicely, and is now able to walkabout, as you see. Ido not hesitate toty that I - have neves seen as severe case of wade' rheumatism so soon restored to health as this man has been, and without being prepared todecidepoeltlye by as to the val. ue of the remedy we have used, I feel bound to state that in the cases in which we have tried the Ohloride o PrOpylandee, the patients nave regained their health much earlier than under the treatment, ordinarily pur sued. I wish gentlemen, you would yourselves try it, and report the results. ..... 496 208 87 264 248 157 203 210 ...... 250 185 305 _ Fora full report et, which the above Is I eondensed ; °stria, see the Philadelphli Medical and Sargiosi & poker. It is the report after a lair trial by the bast med ical authority in thls country, and makes Ittmnsaiessary, t4l give numerous certificates from astonished doctors and rejoicing patients. .... $lBO 01 .... 150 78 .... "199 85 196 63 .... 142 7-1 .... /08 00 • 74 45 • 82 90 .... 104 57 .... 186 81 .... 185 78 • 159 99 A SPEEDY CURE, AN EFFECTUAL CURE THE BADE RESULT WHAT IT HAS HONE, Bullock & Crenshaw, a firm wall imown:to mostimedl calMon, by whom the Elixir Propylamine has been in. traduced, have sold to us the exclusive right to mambo. ture It according to the original recipi, and we have made arrangements or such •magnitude as to emblems to scatter tt broadcast amongst Sollericorhunuodter. IL you prefer to nee.the ism remedy in another foim We Invite your attention to the Pllll.lollSerAusiD Mini= PROPTILIiien 3 Pune PROPTLAYINE'LIQUID, , . Pelts minaauxin OpireurunD, Puna lowa pnorrwuns, of which we are thesole Pialiaract!qaret . OgrWe ehdm no other virtue for the Elixir Propyhrtne than hi Ciyetellied Chloride or Prapy bmine _ TEE ELIII3 IS AND MAY BE TAKEN, ACOOS.DING TO =MOTIONS, BY ANY ONE; BY BURY ONl i WHO HAS RHEUMATISM OF ANY KIND. • So Harrisburg sy, . I,s 75 an, ♦ soma. Orders may be addressed to PROOrramrivs'ILLIVITPACTURING CO. _ Office, Room No. 4, S. W..Cor. Fourth and Gbeeneletreole, P"iladelpble. Or to either:of:the following Wholesale Agents Y itttbital will corm WILL oultil „ DOOTOBs DOGXOEL :1 1 DOOTOM TR.,j THE RESViT.' IN EPBRY ass', WHENNVIR MUD, WHIMPER TRIED. IT WILL DO . AGAIN A WORD TO DOUIOI3B. • MORE CONVENIENT_ _ , AND ALWAYS 'READY FOR IMMRIRATII USE, BULLOCK & ORISKSHAW, FRENCH, ERCHARDB & 00.. 'JOHN IK. BMUS GEO. WETS:KRELL & PETER T. *REM '&1:10: . VICIWYPArt si'uuUancaw lb Di:troy—Rain, Roaches, &o. lb Destroy—Mice. Moles, and Ants. lb Destroy—Bed-Bugs. lb Destroy—Moths in Furs, Clothes, '&o. lb Destroy---Mosquitoes and Pleas. lb Destroy--Insects on Plants and Fowls. To Destroy—lnsects on Animals, &c. 2b Destm---Every form and specie of Vermin " CC>eitEtr yll399 VERI!.iIN EXTERMINATORS. '.'ONLY INFALLIB:Lit REMEDIES KNOWN.' " MB*" 11117 AMY EVERY FORM AND SPECIES OF VERMIN. Those Preparations (unlike all others) are "Free from Poisons." "Not dangerous to the Human Family." "Bats do not die on the ptemises." "They come out of their holes to die." "They are the only infallible remedies knoiro." . "12 years arid more established in New York u_ 40 .4--the City Poet Office. .„.usedel--,the City Prism and Station Houses wed by—t l .4B City Steamers, Ships, &c. Ural-by—the