iatEJlEtiegrapt. Forever float that standard sheet 1 Where breathes the foe but falls before us, With Freedom's soil beneath our feet, .And Freedom's banner streaming o'er nal OUR PLATORk. 'NEE ONION—THE CONIsTiTuiION—AND THE ENFORCEMENT OF TEE LiW. HARRISBURG, PA WedleiflaiiuTrning, Maiich 5, 1862, FL0141(.073 AND CHANGE OF TROOPS.- , Th. movement of troops is Steadily advancing from this state - to snob points ai,are,lndicated by the Wai Department. Since the order ,of (lateral hi'Clellan, issued to Svernor Curtin lasteweek, for ;inch troop . att Weire i tn'emiclition to march, three TegireeptibaVe;been i sent for war:d,,and either to-day or to-morrow, another, Colonel. Meredith's, will start' in the same di redtion. The authorities here are dependent friefatilitles 'moving troops on those who haVe in charge the business of transportation. As fast as this is furnished, Pennsylvania can contribute the men she now has in camp. In obedience to an order of the War Depart ment, the light artillery batteries of Capt. Ullman and Capt. Waif were , changed into Infantry corps, and. have been attached to 'Cot mereqith's regiment. The neceieity which made this ohange absolute, was ctneerfully so— oepted by the men and the companies . thus mustered into another branch of the service will have the same opportunity to distinguish thenaselves as Infantry as they .could have bad as Artillery. Arrangements have been made which will at once ate; elerate and secure the organization of all the troops now in. Camp. Curtin into regi manta, •an arrangement by which the rights antithe services of every man engaged in the recruiting of men will be protected and so ktumledged. It seems, however, that some "Arguer-eyed individual is dissatisfied with this arrangement, and attempts, through the columns of the Patriot, to show that great ex travagancewas indulged by the state, because a certain ntimbir of men were engaged in recruit ing for acertainnumberof regiments whose men in the aggregate only amount to sufficient to form three regiments. The wrong which Argus discov ers lain paying men for recruiting soldiers, while his ,sWarfi i tisiqn never , extended to the cause that made this recruiting necessary, a cause which. Is traced to such leaders of hisown party as Min C brecirinridge,Jesse D. Bright, James Buchanan, and other luminaries of the Demo cratic creed. "Argus" never entered his iirotest against Bright drawing his pay 'when he was expelled from the Senate as a traitor, nor did he proAest eget*. a certain Lieutenant-Colonel drawing hie pay also, while he was lounging throighithe streets of Iluntingdon and Harris-, burg uselasit4en as he is now. This see !DLO's? moat in ones neighbor's eye and failing to extract ihts.beam from ones oiva eye, is a pe= ouliaritTgf Woo who delight to fintkfatdt.with the ,il,4reo of 'lt t .tyal, men to, crush this rebellion. Gm Clintamr, while at.the headpf the War Department, visted, the Department of the West, and one of the fl.at conclusions he then arrived at, ;Wit the )irnieeessaty delaY in the opera tioni Of our troops in Keniucky. He had no fait,h,ln the_boasted superiority of the rebel force,: and then at once favored and advocated an immediate' advance in that State. But he wee over-riled. The border states Union men claimed that there was an immense force in Kentucky. Gen Cameron denied the clarm, and'addhced indisputable facha to show that an advance or a demonstration would prove that , the rebels were in greatly exaggerated num bent: and that their'force could not withitand the attack of the army of the Department of the West. Late events have shown , that Gen. Cameron was correct. Since we haie obtained pos#elOi of Bowling Green, it , has been as certained by. careful inquiry on the spot, that the rebel force there at no time exceeded thoosandinen, and that the extent and tad ,137: Of their' fortifications have been greally,exaggerated. With this comparatively small force the rebels held in check, for dreary months, our immense armies in Kentucky.-- • - , 41D- 4 42g4 We had eighty thoepnd. men on the single line tOnitirille` to BoWling Green, but their paralysis sennied t 6 &raid& Wiefl thewar hi ended,' and victory crowns _ the bin:Mere of our armitx, the people, will. be better able to , judge, than now, whose policy was bust productive of success, and whose dis-' comment and vigor could beat estimate the extent and surest crush the Wilence of _ _ rebel lloo. • . t.• Haws imintune South eihibita another humil iating fact .with regard tci:oui blockade Wirich if trill, deinandi searching * investigation and. the *net severe punishment. It is stated that. the rebelioteameir Nashville had run the blOck ade soils 'now safely moored •at Wilmington, North Ci4blina. This is the craft on which tile English government lately expel:Weds° much of theirm#ral care and attention, permitting, it to sail from one of their ports, while a United Staterwar4ests# , Was detained until the pirate cotddieibtrie. Thitt fact aroused our indigna, tion itn L eemented our hatred for the British. Whatwill the fact of the Nashville running the blockadi elicit? Irma donanosson that while a convention of pii4terß ' ai Illadniond sere ',dismissing. the proisletY of horning their Cotton: and tobacco, the cotton factory there lowightl fire and Was, completely destroyed. If thiiisti'ciogyCn on a l n _ ax th i* . r . ol4 ll **__, ololllo9ll4l,94l4lo •`IiR ~time_ to refs thereto fully gratified. THE TAZ BILL It is now po=itively stated that the Commit tee of Ways and Means, in Congress, will re oct Tax Bill to the, House during ithe present week. We trust that there is some truth in this report, simply because the delay which this subject has undergone, is represented by our enemies es the evidence that the American people will not submit to taxation. This impres sion is put forth in localities where the disposi tion of our people is little understood, and where the misrepresentation will have a dam =eging'•effect upon thli natioiael cred.it and reputation. If it is believed that the : people refuse to be taxed ; or if it is understood that a tax law %net, be framed so nicely ancliinipar -04c40 almost make its operation; %effect ive, the result will be , the same on the com mercial . and financial world, ; and end of Wtidit he 'reached through either of these misapprahertilions'of the truth. The people of the country are not particular as to theViricide of-id:Oh* Money Vo de'fray the ei penses of this war. The fact that a great debt icaccumnlating and that it must be liquidated, is sufficient for them ~to know, and knowing this, theyhave.a,right to demand of those who are irepowsred to devise and fix revenues to meet this debt, that as little delay as possible be had in the premiieti. Every week's delay in fixing an equitable ratio of taxation, adds 'to the aggregate of our Indebtedness, and aug-, C 1244 the. financial collusion 'inio which we are fast veering. In this matter of taxation we have attempted to apologise for the delay until we haie been suspected and charged with contributing to the delay itself, by thus assisting to screen Con gress from the appeals and the urgent demands of the people tin this subject; We do ri i pt expect, however, that it single newspaper article will have any effect either way ; and yet members of Congress would do well to remember that this subject of taxation is better understood by the pimple . at large, than . is that, of any other matter directly connected with the suppression of the rebellion. We have the resources and the labor for their development, to meet any possible amount of taxation, of course rated and apportioned . % such a manner as to make the soil, the interests and the industry of the rebel states, in time, bear their proportion of such taxation. In strict justice, the robels should be compelled eventually to pay all the debt in-, curred in their own suppression and chastise- . ment, butin order to prove that the people ate earnestly devoted to the Union, they are will ing to share, this responsibility and contribute equally to this liquidation. All that is de mancled, is the rate and objects of taxation. When these ate'determined, Congress will find the people patriotically determined to contri bute the last dollar and expend the last breath in labor to maintain the government and vindi cate its authority. Since the above was written, we notice that a general tax bill has been reported to Con gresi. Its provisions in brief are published in another column, to which we invite the.atten lion of the reader. On TSAR ago Abraham Lincoln was inangu rated President. One year ago, to day, the people of the south were inflated with the idea and conviction that they had the power to dis organize this government, destroy its author itY, and bring the great free states of the "Union, each of itself an empire, down to ' the feet of the slave power, in abject submission and cow ardice. One year ago, to-day, the boast was openly made in.the streets of Washington, that Abraham Lincoln would not occupy the White House for one month"; That the Federal Con grez iiv,ould never : again be convened in Wash ington city. That the Federal Flag would not survive to float from the dome of the Federal Capital, and : that the free states, beaten, con quered and humiliated, would acknowledge the rule of Jeff. Davis, and submit to any demand which the advocates of that usurper might see fit to make on them, either for the right to extend' the operations or increase the franchises of,slavery. These were the boastings of the skive power and its traitor adherents, one year ago. Such was the faith and the confidence, also, of those who secretly sympathized with that power, and the opportunity among the dough %mein the north, was even more greed ily anticipated than it was , in the south, towel come the usurpation of, the traitor chief, and sigmatize with rejoicing the downfall of the rightful authority of the land. —But one year has made a change in. the dreams and the designs of traitors. They have learned to estimate their own power less, and have becoma , convinced• that the people of the loyal states are not the cowards which they be lieved th em to be , to become intimidated by a treasonable demonstration, or an armed array of traitors: The great truth has been estab lished, and the world, acknowledges the fact, that the loyal men of this government are able to maintain all its power and enforce all its authority. The rebellion has proven itself only the effervescent malignanci of . desperate men, incapable of anything but demonstration ; im potent of itself as a belligerant,, and unable to giYe 'force to any claim which it has Made, in a fair, fearless and manly contest of arms. It is the meanest of all the mean rebellions which - wee ever inaugurated, because it has tyrants foPleaders and demagogues fur advisers; and as the" reiolution, which its adherents claim for it, it is unlike all other revolutionary strug gles described in history, as being the only one which was ever precipitated for slavery. x . It wlli . niint require s anoiher year still further to prove the impotency of those who seek the destruction of the American nation. Their dooin and their destruction are written on the Course, of natural events, and will end as all villanies end, in eternal • disgrace and damna tion I Tint Locum° Passe are claiming that the Democratic (?) leaders have pursued a straight forward r:tolicy, in relation to the war to sup press rebellion. We admit the fact, but it has been a straight-forward policy to aid the rebels wherever an opportunity was offered. Ix untra =mum= the rebels see federal gunboats everywhere: A Memphis paper, the a r titer,day, reported : nine of them some thirty newborn. navigable water T little :mon /aril fuiVedrivitigi pennevtuattia Claul,ll trityrapth ottai2 4lV.V.rTting. Mara) 5, 1862 Pennsylvania Legislature. .B.BPORTED 1521.141111313 LY FOB TBH TBLEGRAPII TUESDLY, March 4, 1862. The Senate met at 11 o'clock L. M., and was called to order by Mr. Speaker Ham. The journal of yesterday (Monday) was partly read, when, On motion of Mr. BOUGItrk Et, the further reading of the same was dispensed with. Several petitions,wsre.presented : and appro Priately referred. Mr. KINSEY read in place an act relative to actions of ejectments. Referred to the Committee on the Judiciary. Mr. MEREDITH, an act supplementary to an act to regulate the taking up of lumimir and flat-boats in .the.Ohio,= Allegheny and -Monon gahela rivers and thew tributaries t approved this 6th day of_ March, A. D. 1849. • Referred to the Committee on , the Judiciary. Mr., LAiiiI3ERTON, a supplement'-to-an "act to incorporate the Lamsonham bridge comptuiy. Referred to. the . Committee 'cin 'Roads 'and Bridges. Also, an act toeprovide for the erection of a poor-house in. Clarion county. - Referred to.the Committee on the Judiciary.' Mr. SMITH, (Montgomery,) an act to "extend the act incorporating the Goshenhoppen mutual fire T insurance.company of Montgomery County, Referred to the Committee Oorpetations • Also, an act authorizing, aldermen: and' jus-' tines of the peace in Montgomery to • take mg nizanee and investigate oases of- inCendlin- Referred to the Committee on the Judiciary:" Mr. CLYMER, a further supplement 'to the charter of. the city of Reasiing r prescri - hing•the, mode of, filling vacancies 3 in the board , o controllers of the Reading school district • • Referred to the Committee on Corporations. Mr. STEIN, an act supplementarylo an act incorporating the,congregation of the 'United Brethren of the town of Nazareth and its ity. Referred to the. Committee on Corp Orations. Mr. BENSON, an act to provide for the col lection of additional taxes in the township of Clara, Potter county. , Referred to the committee on the Judiciary. , ' Mr. SMITH, (Philadelphia,) an act relative to the payment of interest on the debt of this Commonwealth. Referred to the. Committee on Finance. REPORTS OF STANDING 0010111TTEIS. Mr. PENNEY, from the- Committee on the Judiciary, reported with a negative recommeri dation, an act to facilitate the despateli s of buei ness in the courts of common pleas. .. Also, (same,) with a ne s ative recominenda tion, an act for the more convenient and.e* nominal settlement of decedents' estates. . Also, (same,) with a negative recommenda tion, Rouse bill No. 115, an act' to. empower Wiliam J. Duane to close a certain trust, Mr. CLYMER. (same,) as 'committed,. an act making Williamsport the plaei of holding the Supreme Court for the Northern district; Also, (same,) as committed, a further ;nipple meat to an act relating to the lien of mechan ics and others, upon buildings, apprOed" jUne 16th, 1836. Also, (same,) as committed, House bill, No. 145, an act relating to co-partners and joint debtors. . Mr. SMITH, (Philidelphia,) (same,) 0 com- mitted, an act supplementary :to an act,. zip:, proved tie 27th dAy of:May, A. D. A 841 ,• en titled, an act to authorize the lemming Of stock brokers, exchange brokers and bill, bro kers, and to regulate contracts for the puiclusie and salts of loans and stoat'. ' , Also, (same,) as committed, House 256, an act to authorize the arreetiif. ional thieves, burglars, &c., in the, city of ishili delphia. • - . 'Also, (same,) with a negative recioniatinder: Hon, a supplement to the act providing for, the election of prothonotaries and other oiTti*; passed July 2, 1839. Mr.•KEICHAM, (same,) as oominitted, act relative- to the appointment of collectors of State and county taxes in the county, Of Ly. Also, (same,) as committed, a supple**, to an act to authorize the erection of 'a poor house by the city of Carbondale, in the coteriti of Luzern. Mr. KINSEY, (Agriculture and . DomestiO . Manufactures) as committed, an act to prevent the hunting of deer with dovi in panonon county. The bill relative to the controllers in the flrai, school district of rertnsAvania, wila liken up and passed finally- 7 yeas 20, nays . 1Q • . The' The for a temporal adjournment of the Legislature was taken up and committed to the Committee on Finance, by a vote of, yeas 18, nays 14. The nominations of apes JBaiola y, ER, of Phil:a/1414 John. 14 4 D; o Landaler, 4111.4 Ntiel rat., of Sari' risbiiii; • to•'-Fe-tiiigaris - 1 5 eimsylviitia State Lunatic Asylum, were continued. The nomination of. Francis B. Penninum, o Wayne bounty; to fill the unexpired term G. Waterman, deceased, as a trustee of the same institution, wae_confirmodp • A few private Beri ate Adjourned. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATINTE. 4, 162::: The spEART,a ,ofilled the.,H.ow.e t9,000r4.0 The Clerk read the journal of yesterday, omitting that part of the same which related to petitions,' presented; the reading of which, on motion of Air. OF:9NA, was df9e4ed with The remaining part of tl# journal was sppro44 • saccalarosaarios 07 THE RESOLUTION /pH LLTZIIR. . HOPS,INS, Caraaington,) moved the reconsideration of the vote on the final passage of. .the resolution relative to afternoon sessions. tar. BL4NQIIA.BD, moved to indefiniteli poitpone tfie motion of. Mr. Hopxne) to recon sider. her., HORSDIS, (Washington,) explained. Mr. BLANCHARD, After the explanation of the gentleman. from Washington, (Mr. HOP- Z.INS,) I withdraw:nay motion to postpone. The question then recurred on the inotion,so reconsider. . . On taking the quatton a - division was de manded, and the question was determined in, the affilmative.: . ; . I, J The res - olution of yeiderday, providing for afte;rnoon sessions, was _before the House. . . Mr. HOPKINS moved to amend the reeolu, tion,as amended: jay . 1!4:. yompo : bi out! all liftei: the words "consideration of," and*. inserting in lien thereof, the words "such public bills as a majority of the. House may de terrnine." • On taking the question, a ; division was de manded, when thirty-eight gentlemen arose in the affirmative to thirty-three in the negative. So the amendment of Mr. gorszta, (Wmh ing ton,) was adopted. Mr. VINCENT moved to amend by striking out " afternoon " and inserting ".evening" ses!.ion. Mr. HOPKINS, (Washingtonj I rise to a point of order. The House by the vote of yes terday decided io fayor of. a .session at three o'clock, to adjourn at six, and I ask the decision of:the Chair upon this point. ,Is competent to emend sny . propooltion,that,the House. has incorporetpcl_sa aoimunoroter The SPEAK.ERpro tem, (Mr. Ciauts,) mfittai t t fin' felt bound to follow the decision of the SENATE. MPLAOR HILLS dozasumajm NONINATIQ/i8 ,1219=i4 W 1;) 1=12=9 NOON ti,4mmorra Speaker given yliaterday, and to decide that the motion wis.bkorder 'Mr HOPKlNSAWashington,) and al r. RYON then submitted an appeal from the decision of the Chair in writing ; and .On the question,. " Shall the decision of the Chair be sus tained ?" The yeas and nays were .muired by Mr. COWAN and Mr. ZEIGLER, and were as fol low, viz : Yaws—Messes. _Abbot, Arinatxong, Banks, Barron, Bates, Beaver, Beebe, Bigham, Brown, (Mercer,) Busby, Caldwell, Chatham, Cochran, Cowan, Crane,. Winos; ...DAAnis. -Donley, (Greene;) l)u ffieid, Elliott, Fox, Free** ' Untham, grant, Gross, Rail, litimi ery ffoffer, Kennedy, leirritart, Lichten wanner, M.'Coy, Moore, Myers, Pershing, Fat tener, Quigley, Ritter, ROES, (Lucerne,) Ross, Of i ffi bi oti ' #P4l3el4Schrock,[44oi We* iShari non,-Sizata ghester,) Smith, (Philadelphia,) Strang, Tra cy, -Twitchelli -Vincent, - Wakefield, Wildey ; Wimley,_WindltyWorleyand' Zeigler -62. Hopkhati (Washington),Hutch man, Kline, Lam s Naiman, Ram sey, Rex, Roarlaticirilick,'Tate,"Tritton, Weid ner, Williams and Wolf --15. So th question waa determined im the affirm ative. ,The qnestion then _mann& ;on the amend; sent of Mr. VINCENT. It was...not agreed to. APPAP_PIXIATICIN .8 aiIaIgEORTID•PROX 00®1107119. On leave given. i, ".; . • Mr. ARMSTRONG, from the Committee of Wiys• and Ideans i reported; as omninitted,- bill ,entitled, t'AnAet to , provide for the ordinary ,expenses of the Government and other general And space& appropriations." . 'asked. , to- be discharged frozn ItheAxamsitteeeon4lonsecilarsmisis. • His request was granted. - • 1 Messrs. Ermorr, CALDWIELL, ,Canes and Boa #ais, .severally -asked and 'obtained the same Favor.. •:. ~ , m PBIVA! CA.LINI>AIL The - House then. priiceeded consider bibs . , on' the -' private , calendar, and a,-large numher were read and laid" aside fdr se'cond reading, when the House -Adjourned: o r . _.,..-,.... t ._ , , it ,, • 1., G _ , ~ ~, . ~, • : ..•:. Prom oar gventng billion of Yesterdai. FR.031 Aeoeption of a Foreign Miiiiter. srEgimi - ot' PIiEiSMENT Conhrmations of Militarfifomizations. . „ . WOH.Xttoron,./tiarch4. • 4.. il3krtedalas. , pregented , .lilui credentials pie President, and been,Teeeived , as minister resident of the republic of Peru..... The latter , ln his Fepli,,tinidAhat the United States :hid no eulniclei4r animosities and-anyinterests which conflict with the welfare, safety, rights or-inte rests of any other nation. Their own-pros .. Teri% 4 1 .0. PPinees,land -sggrandisement are wspotogelyandiviyantageatiely through' the,RXltflOr.9 l .4o,nanot.. (ply- of-poem:on-their WA -peace among ally other nations. Bit while flutlintted.-Btatesure - -thus-a friend fo all other nations, they do not.seekto oon ogat,thp.tagt ,thafg.theY,Loberisti.espeolat 4,enti-- uleAt t of,fripncishipifori, and , .:syinpathitse , vrith those who 'like themselves, have forindeilltheir Anstitutlons on the principles of equal righteof nke.n...„ano.49tilinoltriations;thesemoroprominently wbietitheingtiolgpborg.of She:United Mannar° al-Operating with them,inestablisitingelvilisa tion and culture on the American. continent. " &At Using the:gime* principles," , -saidAhe PreOldont, ,!t tluttgoverixths.ilnited , Btates hr their.fo,olo4: 4 llsticsoss tbei.essured r that. thisetovernment will deal justly, frankly,- And if it be possible, even liberally withTerbovhose liberal POllPliatO *wards the Unitedllitates yon have so kindly expressed." At will be recollected that the former minis -tee -OM .Pgg -Weal dismissed, by Buchanan, owning to the non-compliance of that Govern‘ mont with certain imperative demands of our he address of President Lincolm-colkterine expressions of friendship, indicative .of e•the gek*.al policy of thoAniministration towards The recognized. Gerhard Lars son as. vice , poem of Aweeden and Norway, to reside _apt Chrnago, • _ ; The - Berate hrodordirmed Generals MfOler -1001 P.u.; 3 11, .Ettiffifttle,i/WDowell, Smith, Lewis, 'Wallace analsieel,...asi major. -10,nerals, d the following : brigadier. 'generals.: • Speed, Tennessee;of ,Coloeel .J.ohn Cochrane, of-New arklo ;; Col._gse, of. ; Col. Air Arthur, Ohio; Col.LisrainP,./owe, ; .Colonet•Waliaeo, Ind.; Col. M'Cook, Ohio ; -Maine, and b°l-. I AITY , ot..Pfmnecticut. _ . pcpow4y_r4ox TENNESSEE . lIVEL famo l o4 l 7 A REBEL BATTERY. The Battery Silenced anCi t thelieheis Driven from their-Glum. 3 ,:FILIMI !or PIP BRUM WM SLAUGHTER. Ewzioniennemee , A Union Victory. • , IWasuzsaroki yarch - 3. - The fellowing,despatch Waa. received at tto Naiy department to-night : ...HON. GIDEON WILLIN:—Chiro, March-6,-1882: Lieutenant : - cominanding„Shirk• titbit 1:1114. , meat, arrived from .gie.i.rentiessew river,- and brings fall despatches from Lieutenant .corn-1 maittlinA, ; Gwin,, of. the ; gunboatTyler 2 'ts' syn opsis of which is, that the gunboats proceeded up to Pittsburg, near the Mississippi: line, - w#eresi rebel_battery wag opened upon--them,' connoting of six guns, one of themLbeing rifled; which were soon silenced by the gunboats.- XleetY. mketitit 4 o l ..man :landed nude( efiver - of tkegunboats, a nd charged.mpon the ,eneinyi driving them some distance, until •they-were stropgjy, teikfm cad, :whew:ear 4;ollT:withdrew to the, beeria , ..::Thtta.,:three -rebel= reginienta I opened upon the gunboats, but were -repulse:l l with great slaughter. • , The,uas,ualtissim. eurside amounted to five killtid:fuld*ealiCtulti ftye wotulded. Liettte nen* Commanding Gwin and Shirk ; With their commands, have behaved with great gallantry and :iticiguiimat„ - A1: 1 .09 ( 49R: for total dicers has lust taken place in Harding cizeilty,Xenn., which resulted in two hundred votes for the Union and thir teenfor *laden. ,(Signed), A. #..Roare,. nig Officer ARRIVAL OF THE STEAMER ARABIA. ;'fie • _,AlfWaYOlurillarela Liverpool via Halm LATER FROM EUROPE. ARRIVAL OF T STEAMER NORWEGIAN The steamer Norwegian has arrived, with Liver o ool dates, via Londonderry, to the 21at ultimo. The Europa, from Boston, arrived at Liver pool on the 17th, and the City of Washington and Glasgow ' from New York, on the 20th. The general political news piesenta no fea tures otlat,ereat • • The sales of cotton for four days were 41,000 bales—the markets closing firmer. Breadstufra dull; provision steady. Console closed on Thursday at 9298 for money. GREAT BRITAIN In response to the O'Donoghttee call for In formation relativa ta,Veitakirtiztning the south ern blockade tli. sailard said he was. unable to supply theietum,,and even it able itmonld bi -very injudicious torproduce it. Mr. Haliburtcin intends asking in the House of Commons on whatterMs the Americans retain pussessien of a portion of San Juan. SPAIN litsnam,.Feb. 20.—Tbe Journal Espana de wands a monarchy for Peru by universal suf frage. ITALY Roma, Feb. 20.--The police hue made'inimy arrests. A proctamation of Abe national com mittee has been , secretly posted, -comicilling patience. It is believed that assurances have been given -4. hat the French troops Will not leave Romp. The patrols prevented_ a :demon strailoii on the anniversary of the capture of Greta. FROM. GEN. BANKS' COMMAND. goo TO 4000 Fus, FLOUR VI VA 3 I I=l 4 Woolen 111111 with a Stock of Goods Taken • - RICHARD WASHINGTON A PRISONER GitAnnrrows, Va., via Washington, March 8. . . From 600 to 1,000 barrels of flour, belonging to:the rebels, have been seised and stored here. A woolen mill, oWned by Davis, which has been marmtittoring clothing, was also seised, with a considerable stock of goods. Richard Washington, a brother of the elate John A. Washington, is now confined at Bar- per's Ferry. Nothing of importance transpired in our lines last night or, yptiftlay:. Our national interests in this section appear to be in prosperods progrestion. From Fortress Monroe. NO NEWS FROM THE SOUTH THE EXPECTED RELEASED PRISONERS NOT HEARD PROM. Foamless Norma, MalchB. , . ,There was no flag of truce to-day, and cork% sesuently there is no news from the liioutb. The expected released prisoners have not tern heard from. Feu. Wool has refused to permit any more SISOIVELS going sumo. Whei - Constiintion on ,her way, up , to Newport News was fired on by the rebels, but not dam aged. NElwi.LeUi bY Te/E4MIPIu . Partansummt, March 4. Flour dull and prices -drooping—sales of an, perfme at-$5 76 ; extra $5 60(40 95; extra , family $5 75; recelptslight. Bye flour steady at $8 25; and Corn:mealat $8 00. There is a faik inquiry for wheatc-40i.01103400e1s red stad , at $1 83@$1 84 ; 1,04:10 bushela : ofAye sold at 78®74c. Corn dull arid . loviei--salep of hew yellow; rip 54.11®55e1 NW; itO d d "tftqn*4- r i 5,000.1)08110th of Pebnailvania ield at ii7i.;' Delaware 38@89c. Pennsylvania Cloverseed good demand at $4 25054 50. a:j eer firm: smitllatdes of Rio at ; Lagnitie at 220. Provisions dull—sales of-200 . barieldniesit Pork at $lB 60(414 00 ; Lard at /8/10. vapeed to 29e. NEw Yoax, March 4 State.flour has declined 6 cents, closing dull barrebi soldtate $5 -40@$$A6; Ohio $6! 90g$6 00 ; .Southern $6 96@$$8 . Wheat haws declining tendency—sales'lmlln4 poitant. Oorn'heiivy-160,000 bushels sold it 611 c. Beef quiet; Rork steady , ; Larcletegulyat 74(413fc. Whisky firm—market closing unset tled and excited-sales at 80c. Receipts flour, 11,494 barrels; Wheat 700 bushels; Corn 17,163 bushels. Stocks dull. THE MONEY MARKET dhica,go and Rook Island 651; Illinois Central 63k; Michigan Southern $471; New York Cen tral 83k; Reading 421; Milwaukee and Mississ ippi 871; Missouri sixes 524 ; Tennessee 61 ;. United States Treesnry sevens 99} ; United Stales sixes $lB 81; Coupons 93 ; Ditto regis tered 93j; Exchange on London firm at $1 1B; mid quotations nominal at 1 02. . ~DitD: morning,-ICererm4Ta, infantdanghter of Hem,. 0. and Mary Ann Delon!, aged 8 months and 8 days. "No wonder each beauty was claimed in the airy." -This morning, March 4, 1882, Cnanss Mune; aged 67 yems. , [ihe Mends of the family are respectfully invited to attend the funeral from his late residence in State street, on Thursday afternoon at three o'clock.] lt* 04 the 20th Inst., in Nast Hanover township, Dauphin county, sirs. fdawaiutur Tunas , aged 83 years. • .NOTIOE. IF person whti — fotuld lay -pooleet i wiitrittinuithe nabbed' mu* tontabled,' I tV " lt tuey , Amy keep tits money ibr ;heir trouble, and no quesilorts asked; J. it. EDT. . m4.d3t XONItY PITRSES. DORTEMONAIES, WALLETS ; POCK _ltenkens' Cases, Ladies' Cabo, Fetch.* Ladiek Traveling ratchet. We are constantly receiving additions to our stock of the above goods, and mecca earli4 have a tine assortment of the latest styles.. We reepeatially invite - persons 'iranting to itiarchtute any of toe ahove articles to examine the stook—knowing that a gredter variety or better wads canto; be found in the city. . . KELLER'S Drug and Fancy Store, 91 Market street, cam door east of Fourth steeet, south side. m 4. FREE LEOTUR . E. A 711.32 LZOTUBS ON nu PRESENT REBELLION, Will be delivered in BRANT'B HALL,, 'Oa Wednesday Eveningoirarclisth,lB62 BY THE Rev Charles, G. Amee o 44 , Ziga6et#,Jutpoia:. tallisaar and strangers are re. In tad to attend. Doors open at T o'clock. Election Proclamation rcompliance with the charter of the city of Harrisburg, notice is hereby given to the qualified voters of the several wards of the said city, that an election for persons to fill the various offices of the said city, will be hell at the following places, on the third Friday of March, being the 21st day of said month, 1862, bet w, eu the henna of 9 o'clock, A. as., and 7 o'cloek, P. Y., of said day : In the First ward—the qualified voters will meet at thellchool House on the corner of Front street and Mary's alley, in said city, a ri d vote for one member of Common Council, person for Constable, one person for Asseb..-.r, .one person for Judge, and two persons for spectors of election, in said ward ; and School Directors. In the Second ward—the qualified voters I, L I meet on said day at the School House on tL e corner of Dewberry alley and Chesnut st ,et and elect one person for Common Cut person for Constable, one person for one person for Judge, and two persot.s for fn. spectors of election, of said ward ; and cLool Directors. ' In the Third ward—the qualified voters wiJ meet on said day at the School House, co , L r of Walnut street and River alley, in 131;4 and vote for one person for Commcil !, one person for Constable, one pers. ar for s-.„. ier, one person for Judge, and two p,r,ou- Inspectors of election, of said ward ; and Sel,e. Directors. PORTLAND, March 4 In the Fourth ward—the qualiti-,I , will meet on salt day at the 5cb ,,, ,1 West State street, and vote for one p Common Council, one person for C One person for Assessor, one person and' two persons for Inspectors of C. said ward ; and School. Directors In the Fifth ward—the qualified Meet on said day, at the dairy of J ini F Comer of Ridge road and North av,q,u, vote for one person for mem].) r ~1 r Council, one person for Constable, ohe I , for Assessor, one person for Jud .-. &pone for Inspectors of election of , I and School Directors. In the Sixth ward -the qnslifti v. meet at the School House on Brut; I -tr-- cif Ridge avenue, and vote for (lie j - Constable, one person for Asses, t , r , for Judge, and two persons for election in said ward ; and School II r. , At the same time and places, it, ... Voters of the several wards will person for City Treasurer and thr, Auditors. Given under my hand at th,:. NitiVrl l March 3d, 1862. WM. H. K mar4dlawBw NOTICE ! NOTICE VERY beet qualities aml styl, at 123‘ cents per yard. Very ti matins more than a yard wide at 12, :msr&dtt \ f - AARDEN SEEDS.—Just vor lam Invoice of c 01Cla Gar •an • greater variety of Imported and ELM. • has ever been offered In this city. diets to purchase, can dep.cia up s, the world, et the wculetaie aua ra all .r DOc!; _ A NOTHER lot of fine m a . Fweet Oranges, Lcmona, NeK Stireet Potatoes, Stc., .1 feb29-dBt• Corner Third pvld a s:. r • ANTED.—A white wnw.c. Inquire at the WILLIAM TAL d it street, next to the Dauphin De;oslt .Building Stone, Building StJne, IRBT CLASS Lime S:ono ! ,r ;, : 1 i i purposes. i'm de at the f r..: 17 a-:-. -- - ,- el , and will deliver them bluaeliate InUlh Pr:CO. ,i , t.:28 P.:: teb27-dlw Key,: :. : ,rlr. IMPROVEMENI' IN OEN 1:1::i ['RV 1 jr,24 , K. P. H. ALLA.BACE, '.-ur . 4—'l. i', .- 1.. - ust, iitspatikaixiirec of Mineral '?'At.,, l' , ...,..... ;1., , ti that obviates every abire.,,or. lc !. licial Meta, embracing partial, ha if ar. , l A , ~. •- c c pope only, of pure and indo,truoi .1, mu. • . ... r. no ereirkien Mr the &mourn u ration of iii.,l 1 - t and therefore, no allenvive oder from tn. , br , .: ~ , • . talin media their construction, there C 111: ', 1, .., action or metallic taste Hence tltr und,r ~• :. noyed with sore towel, headache, &...-. v.l. . North Second atrvet, Harrivbarg. . ,netl2,dlv 'WANTED, by a young man, A in a groce.y tore ; nas som, e blitilisetio and would with to lean it thor, zL. saw much an object WI employment Ap.. THOM,- feb23d6N Walnut Ftre2t between Fort., lb LET.—The commodious Ir. , On Market itquare, adjacent to the ". • (Calverley's Hotel.) CELtz:. Ilaanuttnta, Feb. 24,1863. AUDITOR'S NOTICE THE undersigned Auditors alp l• • ' the Quirt of Common Pleas of Dau. Lin distribute the balances in the haudi of A.. , and Charles P. kuench, aLalsnees of J, and John Wallower, Jr. and cf ice dr. : • . Son, amongst the credit on, hereby ir ,v , will meet at the office of David F leming.L. purpose aforesaid, on Palsy, the 7,h : • 11162, at 10 o'clock A. N-, when ant. where tended are requested to attend D. FLEMI`‘.. J. W. rIYoN PUBLIC SALE. TN PURSUANCE of an order ,t JL )11aas• (Mart of Dauphia county, will :s - eats; on SATURDAY, the 29th day of Marc!.. - at the Public House of Beni unto Gee , ey ; Dauphin county, at 12 o'clock M., the fk , riz tate, TIE: A certain tract or piece o idol fi West Hanover township, county s'oregal . ' Lads of George W. Finney, Ann Finney ! t laming twenty-nine and a half acres. A P a • of ground in Linglestown, Lower Paxton f ad by Market street, and by property of the west and William Cassel, on the e , s , . . 200 feet deep and 60 feet front on Market -or. ." Is erected a two story frame house and WO the esttte of Fameel Stewart F inney ,]n Attortance will be given and coniiiii - known by AARON BOMB Trustee, An., to sell raid estate of 61 .1 ..1110. RD:GLAND, Clerk, 0. C. JOHN WALLOWER, J. Az' GENERAL FORWARIMIL tan COMMISSION MERCIIANT. GODS AND MERCHANDISE pr ,, il 11X forwarded by Philadelphia and Read , Central, Cumberland Valley and Ponnsylva , • ..ad Canal. •RADLING AND DRAPING to and from ail p , r" olty to the different Railroad depots will dor, very lowest rates. YAM:MISS removing will be pro aria:. t Orders eft at Brant'e European Efot .1, nr S. Zollinger; will receive prem '''- aignments of *r. , ,vot respectfully solw ited JOIN WALLOwilft JR . an 2 'Mrs 11.And,ne I e' "THE PIA MIGHTIER THAN TILE ii WORD." THE LARGEST STOCK, THE MOST BEAUTIFUL STYLES AND PATTER 5,3 OF Gold and Silver Pencil and Pen Cases. In the market, is to be found at BERGNER'S CHEAP BOOKSTORE. MINCE PIES, BAllllllBi Cratow, cso trimmers, o. Suitable for Mace Pies for oblevlitv.oobycß.__ll__jEt. A, co cOICE Syrups, Loverings and other ohms brassy for sate by. - NICHOLS to BOWMAN , ns corner Frans and Market MVO& Nett) .2buertizemento. nAsasuinm, Feb. 12, 1862 C1., 1 $