a etiegrap4. ~I KR [SBURG, PA ues,m) Morning, March 4, 1562. .n cFERTIVAL. — Our German friends of trl Singing association celebrated „I t last evening by a grand musical the Society's room In Kocnig's clie.tut street. vi i:EAL IrsrArr.—The trustees of the Methodist Episcopal Church, reerioly sold to Mr. Wm. W. Jen -3 I I (01Lrouud twenty feet two inches ,tr , t, and extending one hundred il.igo• Yet sii inches towards Tanner's elan of five hundred dollars. coutoN . H FARM.—The Sunbury Gazette ,;tv that the mansion farm be ;;, th late Cal. James Cameron; was Tti ,..!m of last week for $17,000. It '2:30 acres. The farm adjoining o it.doine about 106 acres, was also T.,00 The farma were sold very I== - A correspondent in (=army c,r. lien says that the soldiers at Port „ are having fresh shad and br 1,41/t into them by the negroes. summer, and corn and grass .11 itches to a foot high. They will ttli kill presently. I)[rAnTuss.—Col. Joseph F. Knipe Fvrtl Pennsylvania regiment, ar (4 last Friday on a visit to his , 1,1 , t Niturday evening, while at House with his wife, he re- I I I raibi,: , lispateh directing him to . ut forthwith. The gal lanteolonel 11,2 lir'', Rain tor the Potomac. BEES requested to state . that the io p::4play's Patriot and Union call .ptail me. sing of the City Connell on Isr tvetliog to make arrangements for th ,; , riqg election was unauthorized. t, , p,ciAl meeting will be - held, as the ~re; ill , eady provides for all the sr i• he , , s;ary to hold that election. ORD • '-'PERA LioUSIC —.Hughes' Genet.— , Q ;d• ~I"Brudder Bones" will be pleased tt,tt t r takes a benefit at Saoford's Holm: the• evening. An unusually at ve 4111 1+ presented, including of come, foomg L'ainly," and we hope to see his 1 "I I umerously" on the omission. le,ette, a :41b,tantial testimonial at the fb: of hi frit lido, and we hope that they will v...vien to make the award. IeLSr6BF[IT L. i. TREASURY FIVa DOLMA Dios-',h: at,linunnement that counterfeit e United StatehTretulury bills Led been Aalp et , etAatton in N.. , t'.. 1 .-vttpitigt irwidary Welk in yesterJers Taman. isince we have bat able to obtain some addi s,ilpartrallrs, Obit will more readily lead fir detect a. The counterfeits may be rxa cv tLe f,cr that lu the genuine note the • of Likrty en the left end of the note htr brit a star or sun with diverging D the antee of which is the letter %, and Cti IHt ter S, while iu the counterfeit the letters are all omitted. DEDICATION.—The new Methodist < La urch ou Ridge Avenue, was dedicated -Je etIVICN on Sunday with appropriate ee Religious services were held In iuthernorning, afternoon and even- IL. c , iqr , 2ations on each occasion being ih, church building is a very .e~retiiir, htfiir, reflecting much credit upon tihni liberality of our Methodist writing the above we understand that hundred dollars were realised by the 54 frqu the congregations on Sunday in clemh. Al stlervlces will be held ln the new uriog the week as follows : 1. ' 11 log) Preaching by Rev. Charles- D formerly a member of 'the Pitts ,ference, but now of the Philadelphia :CC sdav evening, preaching by'Rev. Sam kcaeld, D. D. Jay evruing, preaching by Rev.4,l "'fling, preaching by Rev. .W 1 f the above mentioned servlcee . will L rat 7i o'clock, P. M. and the public t ) attend. GC3CIL.—The Common °midi met at Lcil Chamber in the Court House lad tr.biu4 'Lance committee were instructed to -rtairi :Nit/Lion was adopted that the Annaba be directed to pay to the Military , ma , itte e the money remaining in tbeli !,11, distributed as said committee may • .per. runic() committee reported that they r,vtd and canciled the borough bonds 's ; -Icy resolution of February L • ;Lulea wds adupted that the water cow ' instructed to enquire into' the Ira' pro,uriug a tubular boiler to beat- . t the old engine at the water houBe for 'n it b.-comes necessary to repair the ' Present in sae, and report to Council ss practicable. •• dation was adopted that the street "'"e of the First District be directed to ,f the City Soliciter whether the coin ' of the Cinal bridge at the loWer end street at a greater elevation above r line than the same has been hereto .: is accordance with the law on that •••Autivt requesting ' 'he pant our members to vote 1 irge of the bill now before the tail entitled "a supplement to the-act , to t lhe City of FiarrisbelV ( i n re the city survey corninissioralot) t4t tk 'e itarssaction of wane ,unimportantant Connell adlOtirtua4c; Dr. Jorms, of New York, has closed his suc cessful practice in Harrisburg and has gone to Lancaster, where he will practice at the City Hotel till the 18th of March Inst. eaano Was Parom.—A certain class of people com plain of what they call "war price." That some things have advanced in price is true, hut when cornpared rtith the prices caused by the war of 1812; we certainly have no reason to complain. The editor of the Bloomsburg Republican has been shown a elore bill, made out by a firm of that place, dated May 4th, 1814, in which coffee is charged forty cents a pound, common sugar twenty-two cents, white sugar forty cents, and other things in propor tion. .........----. The Comm' Coramerosium AND Ammons:— Since our notice of the difficulty between the County Commissioners and Auditors, pub lished in Saturday evening's Termaapa, we have learned from a reliable source that the attachment issued by the Auditors against the Commissioners was not served upon the latter by the sheriff, they having previously surren dered the boOks, &0., asked for by the Auditors. Thebooke of the Compheioners, or their bodies, therefore, were not.in the. custody of the sheriff, as incorrectly stated in last Ssturday eveniog's TILLS:MANN. thamiss, for the first dime since he has assumed the bishopric of this diocese, visit ed the "Ephmopal parish of Harrisburg yester day, for conference and for confirmation. His presence was warmly welcomed by those at tached to the Chureh, while his ministerial services were attended- both in the morning and evening, by large congregations of our citizens generally. Bishop Stevens has won for himself a wide reputition for learning, elo quence and Christian grace, during his expert • en 4 as a Christian minister, and we are pleased to hear that in hie new position of more ex tended duties, and enlarged responsibilites, he is fully answering the anticipations of his friends, and successfully zwponding to the wants of his important charge. liromorrium Xxixan.—Last Monday night a man named Adam Marsh was killed on the Pennsylvania railroad, near Pittsburg.' :The &ignored was a member'of Col. Lehman's regi ment., which strived in our city last Tuesday. ShOnly after the train left Pittsburg he was stationed on the platform of one of the cars as guard and, while attempting to manage the brake, lost hillbalance, and falling on the track, was run over by part of the train end terribly injured. His left leg was frightfully crashed, hie shoulder bruised and his head badly cat. He remained on the track till moining, when helves discovered and taken to the Western Petinsylvania Hospital, where it was decided to amputate the injured limj). The operation was performed by Doctor Gallagher, andthe patient seemed to boar wp nad , ri it bravely; brOarlualga foithe worse soon set in, and hevontinned to sick gradually until Tnesday evening, when he expired. Testimony to this effect was given thejury, and a verdict of sedidental.death ren-• rimed. Deceased wes about - thirty-ftve years of age, and resided at Scrnbgrass, some nine Win from Kittanning. CC== FATAL RAI:MAD AOOZDIENT.-0130 evening last week, Nathan Miles, colored, with his wife and another woman, returning from a funeral in' Marietta, were met on the Pennsylvania railroad just below the tunnel near that town, by tha Harrisburg Accommodation train. The wind was blowing 'a gale—so strong that the party had been afraid to venture down the tow-path—which prevented the approaching train being beard, and it was only•by thirlight of the reflector on the engine that the Women who were in advance discovered it when clone upon them. They sanstned and sprang from the track, and just cleared the 'train. • Miles who was an old man, also struggled off the track, but probably stumbled forward, for , he was struck by the, ; train -pia _the head -and ; knocked down beside the rails. .The :train Wes stopped, and the injured man with hip com panions taken aboard and 'taken back to Ms ditto. Miles was carried into the switch-tend ers office, where he died in about fifteen min odes. Dr. Hottenstein•was called in, bat pp). neunced the' injur l y fetid - at ifirat reloafiued niitti 'the - Mssnm Mew Sunsa.—kror tenoOnlfT*** l. tci all our readers there walAie much ma ple Sugar made during ihnittimibg season by those who have thii than - during any pievions season. In view of this fact we ap psnd a few instruction which may. not come Whin, and which oar rural readers may rely uion as being valuable. 'Almost every One knows how to make maple sdgar ; but it would llama front the quality of niketyre - find 'in market, that few know how- Make it right, or if they know how ,they SU° emelt:En or too lazy to take .the "necessary : Tap theilreM withwhalf birth' ailgar,iiht-iti sidieebteider,jand catch the tap In Mean buck eitior crooks ; gather the BAP Ihte clean barrel° of tube, and boil it immediately down to good sYrnpi-thenatrain—iLinto a.sottd.oak. ; in which allow it to stand over night by which itme it will settle perfectly clear without the, use of eggs, milk., or any such articles in boil ing. Place a facet in the barrel;" three inches f om the bottom, through which , the clear syr up can be drawl] off without diaturbing the se diment. Draw it off, and boil over a brisk fire till (on dropping some, of the syrup into cold water) it will break like glieei, 'then dip into vooden trays to cool and when it is grained stir it briskly and break the Jamie. ' By this niethod it can be made as white as the best New Orleans or Havana, and will command tae highest price in market. The best pens or kettles for making sugar are shallow, and made Of sheet' Iron , 'they should be set in 141 *AL or furnace of brick and atone, that wi apse, _The,greatiecnit In making MI eripky, in to have everyitd ri g neat eell eau, and perform tbe , Werli; with acillvW and Pat' noiliatla"a egit4tap h, C.utobal. Morning. /nat Eh 4, 14960 Yss ; THAT'S So I=lt was evening. The time had arrived that Charles usually returned from hie occupation to his evening meal, but his wife on this occasion waited in vain. The time rolled on ; still he did not come. - What could detain him? Beep - Ming alarmed, the oldest son Willy was dispatched to his place of business. Just at this time in rushed Charles, and askrd for the key of the safe. The fact is, be had met Bowman, of the dry goods firm. of Usoh & Bowman, and conldnot refrain from purchasing what dry goods his family wanted, owingto the late reduction of twenty-nve per cent. made by this enterprising firm. ms-Et TEN LATZEIT Nnws.--Bargains 1 Selling• off the entire stock of winter goods below ooet.; viz : Woolen merino, cotton and canton flan nel, triVer.aihillintrideolinefm,4o andvnbirsiiiis; woolen MMus, Hose, 104 and upwards;, ls-aid upwards ; suspenders, 12 ; &SO. fig-shins; $1 00(41 25, actually w or , $1 60®1 75 ; collars, !11l lisp, 12i, and, ' Oso is T monkey jackets, alt wool," fiOni also a large lot of Union shirt breasts, 1043.• fine blesibh, mtelin;. 'l* yard; wide, ;As,. Wilt bleached m uslin, f3c., and fine Irisklinen,lB42oc. per yard ; Brooks, Clarke and Coal's enambled spool cotton,.4o. Ladiesaud gentlemen This is the place to get a bargain. Please call ant ex amine for youraetin,gss one callwillentlice to convince the public of the abe%) •:acts? Also, on band a large lot of ladies' collars, 00E53, un dersleeves, which I will sell equally cheap for cash. N. B.—Shirts, collars, &a., made to measure or from sample, on the shortest notice and most reasonable terms If you want a batgairrand a good fitting shirt, &c., just to go James A. Lynn, at the Harrisburg Opeap Shirt Manufactory, No. 12 Market street, rooms next toliummel & Killinger's grocery store, Harris, burg, Pa. feblo. Two Ifinunton Pooss of beautiful new - spring calicos; a large lot 'of - bleached arid &blotched muslin of the best make.; blue checks, at 121- cents per yard, white stockings, at'l2i cents ; another lot - of those good white - rib bed stockings ; ,ladies' pocket handkerchiefs, at 12} Cents; children's pocket handkerchiefs, with border, 6 cents ; shirt breasts 12i, 16 and up to 87} cents; 26 pieces new pant stuff ; undershirts and . draweoivertv cheap ; cotton and woolen.. socks, tat - Jill -prices , ; ; 40 dozen woolen.stockings, for children, 12k cents; lit yore bleached muslin 124 cents.; all wool French metinos, all colors, at 62 and 75 cents.` Having bought the balance of the. stock 'of a city wholesale hence of plain' tutd figured Swiss muslins, brillants, white cop- - brim, Nausnok and lawns, suitable for dresses,. 18 those.goods will be very scarce and dear next summer now iitlte time to buy. Our stock of Furs at cost. 13.„1.anir,' Rh, oads' Old Stand. TEL.NORAPH OUT 0.10 TOWN LIST OF REGIULAR AGENT& The DAILY MOIGIING ' AND ENtNING TELEGRAPH, is sent every morning an after noon, by the - earlitetttraina that leave the city after He publication, to the ibllowirur 'REGULAR Amami; ALTOONA—Thin. B. Patton. ' ANNTILLE—G. W. Hoo,verter ' • BLAIRSVILLE--E. CHAMEBERBI3IIIIO-Alecrge Wimpy. CARLIBLE--George a r. Bretz COLUMBIA—H: a . DAIIPHIN--.Telferion-O Fry lark. DUNCANNON—J. Hood. ELIZABETHTOWN—John W. Few. GREENCASTLE—IL D. Deitrich. HIGHBPIRE—F. 0. Alleman. ' HUMMELSTOWN—George N. Schulte. HAGERSTOWN—C. Swingley. LEI3ANON F -H. H. Hoed& LOCK HAVEN—J. D. Stratton. LEWISTOWN—J. M. Coiley. IdIDDLETOWN EL'Lenhart. MEMANICSBURG—J. Emingcr. • MECHANICSBURG—MiIihmi Tete. MOUNT JOY 7 -jamee Dysart. MILDEBSBURB: •G: , l3fisevar..: NE WVILLE---W.S. Linn. 13HIPPENSBURG-J-Xeleo Mild°. SUNB 1111Y—J.Weahington. WRIGHTSVILLE—W. Mame. YORK-J. S: Boyer. OR. - DOPONCO'S GOLDEN 'PILLS FOR' FE ES - . “Read the Milo-sing oertitleate” from one of the trif ladles In Utica, N. T., who WWI upon my agents In that tiny (Kr. Wm. Bristol & 00.,) and told them that she, of coarse, did not wish her name made public. but if any one should doubt the woo-ferret eißdency of Da. Duren cc's Golden Pills, they might refer any Lady to her, as she considered it a duty, as .well.as a pleasure, to her knowledge of their aloary, as administered to her daughter, a young lady IT years old. she was get go ink Into cons umptinnid taken cold—nature became obstructed. Two boxes of these Golden Ms entire. 1y oared her, and sue Is now In r;bust helelth.— nw e wer. . Articular In buying the montne f _-70. • 0/004 dlrection, accompanying each ban'? ' • ' i'— iitoldPittiolesale' end , retail , artr. ,,, ,,c Blots wilv o l* Janes Row, and O. IL ft Nook 61141mXtit street, Harris. berg, _Pa. By sending ell lia of Metall 00 throught be namilftstabalgtheliktrftimit - -bt ma lea n pert of the Country; "Mionf .. , . " . N. B.—Look out for sonntettlhea.l:Merillt , • Me: of any kind unless thriller; .ta, w.p. . .. i . ,, A . 4 .ethers is a base imposltit e 4 . %, jui s ue your lives and of - leg humbugged out af your money,) -buyt...ohlyr et ' who show the signature of S. D. goeft, Ti ii ,A. Which has recently been added on .being ecernterfeitad. The ingredlen above Pills are made known to °Air , :lOC are safe, and will perform all claimed' Dig mt.- - - tie.;-_ . 4 Bold also by, T. L. Lumberger, Lebanon ; . A, .11 u, Rechanknburg ; Id. darks, Lewiatown til. 1 Gluts* i B. G. Wild, Rewville ; VW= Aidiok,. ' burg; J Spangler, Oteunbersburg iv IL TAWIlkw, ''y Ji A. Wolf, Wrightsville ; 8. 111, astens,:Rioading Itt a i t . P. Hunter Reeding, and by s.pas„dilagflay.ba lardy town and Wins in the United Sts4alid by li , • ~D:ifO , i li, Solo Proprietor; New .rorn..'i a Am )1 C HAIR DYE I ii Lato s tioes Dye' • The only 'llybrllnown len others are mere Imitations, andiefitudd hit alteldrE Afyon with to owapeidioule, • BREIT, BED OR R;EITT NUM dttidltir bimutiful and nataralßrown or 11014' biklm'w to RtriAiitlikkil'a. I IFAKM moms AND OIPLOKAB have beer &war. died to Tfir. &ilexes:um stai'lelll79, and =%II akalleittions litiVet<ielatbtiafte , biolctiB 'Oll histemosanyer ' !, 111 i WK. A. BATOIDIRWA DA t ilthiwoduese a " oolor not to be distinguished from nature and is imam= not to injure in par Imigurntimery FL be media. hod, and the Di innate or bed. * Dv ile re m The hair 14 invigorated fOr life by this splendid Dye, which is prop. Orly applied At No. 113 Send Street New York. Sold in alas cites and towns of the United IBM; by Fassists and Fanny Goods Dealer!! r The Genuine has the naumilMilain A. Sitribekw,” sidesaddress upon a steel plate engraving, on dos !bur sides of each box. . Wbolseate notary, 81 Barclay Bt., Late 23k8Atroadwey, New Turk. 1 - a- - 4- Rv nEAtirT, V 1. .1 17 , A A PRIME 1017 R SEMMETBY OF 70.841,,,' YOUR EIRALTI4) MENTAL PO BBpp neinetbat Bate, II Popuisr, awl miy known as Eariti ,t,t) BB EXTRACT BUN: I . Read the Advert t In another column, Net profit by It— atirt*lntunersted. Cut it oi Welk . not now twinno I Bat may at some tare Dap ?ti. ,- tAlreit elenk... " ° BIAS is c hr&lnti t r and are: . • Beware of Counierldta•Flairee Inklew2in oitiktawly r ft. trim cateliplior, tit mkte-it •t. . .Efri • 'monks itawnsia, ; J. :orinierfrolitAllarkettilirireti r A Itimre.. 64 ' ca,v, tanIVIMPIRM ihriibrigneelisiPtAtLES*lo = - 1 aim a,wit) Tap, Nem abutrtignunts. THE UNION AND CONS FITIITION. "OUR GOWER/non ; we Weigand if the erteot4f government of country, pretesting a view of the govenomont of the United Stites, and of those of the moral Mato." By M. Mlagazi. at the preseaithinetera a varied° sentiment, Pounded 011 a knowledge of 1:00r civil matitinions, should be ape clay cultivated, all the chief.element of nationality- It can be operative and abiding 'or sinful purposes, only as induced by an intelligent approbation of the-nature and iMnaiples of our merriment. Ruch intelligence, familiar and general among all clause of lie people,. Is easential. to the permanence and prnsperity of the government. ibis Is requialte e pecially now, from the"eztraerdinary *tents of the time,• sad the vastly: mportant questions of national polity sow to.hatiotred. The above work gives the - minairuotion afthe,provjaitina tif the ,Onwptttut on of 'the Molted %shit and of ihonit'of It. sever Swint, L PEI determined by judicial atithOrity, and settled praelite, or derived from standard .writersiJ .trialact,- that the vietriaot conallisatirmal ?aw thee prenentett onztome.wah• Jests of the greatest Importance, which. formerly and at the 'time of the that publication:of the book ire disci= el willt:mneh ihtlitreactfoot 01 WO; have become recog nized as settled doctrine*, to be acted on referencetto thelighest interests of Eye nation in•this most .eyeatful . Yoe sale at $1 00, MC .11>E3MMIr. Marzlibllrgs, Pennsylvaida and bybooltstoree - ged" fet2t.o2w. BTELTEWEEFLY. saTw ono w TOAtii • • • jr AN t +l4.ks. .sl.o444l,iNG__ cititrAgrowli„(treilanc) . 3 ?liainr• pool, New "1, ork and Plididoild4in 1 8 4diaohliP , 00 m)PanY intend despatching their: tall . ,Toowersd ttlyderbillt Iron s, Steamships as (sib'' : itaitmitoootBarordity,, Muck ; KVA, Paturday March Ilth,;.cicry 09togv,irgatc,oatarday,Marelt1610; and emery Fille ! ceediNr at Noon, Oron "kg do, Writ. 14®6 CABIN .376 00f irregRAGS ... ..130 00 do te•Londen... 480 1 00i doto . .•Leddon ..666, 00 , do to do HaParisinitu SSA 0 001 0 •do to "Par*. .. 00 rg..6115 o' Haribliri $36 00 Pensengers also forwahled ; to' H e r-o. prem.; Rol6er• dam, Antwerp, an., equally lew rates, • • 4fir fterismw&Mometo Orsig.euttneWiriendecan be) tickets here itthe.Moming rates, to New = 'fo66: Liverpool or tiikerrattO; Ist 60 And nos , SloOrlele front ' ralerybol $4O , 00 From Queenstow b, 00.. ; Thomn:Aaignerei.LikeTc- superior • itistiensuedatlons, lot. mwengers, and carry etparienced They Art built in Water-tight - Iron: klid hays 'Patent' Fire Anldifflatom on board. . ;._ - Ice liwtherinformationapplyin IgyerpooltoSlGLLlAll INNAN,,dgmt,7l VleSAltroet IARIALMISOw, to !X. iNuelt,fint. .ftoweilliartk tn,QUe•M&2III( t0 .. . 11 ,. 81 D. SILYNOOR & CO. ;in London to Bigots •-& ir 61 King ; in Paris IeAULUS Dle01:1Ull, 6; Place' de is Bourse ; in. Philadeibia, to 40.ent• 6.0361./li 113 WORM air,eet or at the Ooropouttu offices.' • - JNO.Q pALE, Aria, .16 Broadway; Nair rink. • Or 0; O.- Zlnunerunin. '66ent,; Hrarlibert 1 1 6 r#A 8 4 0 616616L1,,0N 16. 1 44 P -Hy torder-ot. the . Secretary, of State,.all,,pthisongers ..the Untied' Matte ire reqtrired to procure Pateporti netlike going on . beard the Steamer. _ Passengers ell/ me be mitigated:to:any. trouble or Ate my in procuring them. If they call Mr Instructions at. the, CoMpany% Moss, 15 Broadway ' New TOME: • jai:M.'. • , JOHN G. DMA, gout. "THE PAN HIGHTIER THAN • Tait . 13WORD: . " , was,La Hamm rocK, TEE MOST :ERACITEFUL STUNS AND PATTERNS Cioid,A4 Buyer poi** andtPen In the market, is to be found at • BERONEVI3 ORECAP'BOOKEITORK 4 14 1 :FCE.-WHEA.TMEA_Larid . CORN MEAL fast-recekred-an octal' low at - • tecaouka euwaterr , , . oozier Front atA:Markstr streets. C , . I RUSELED, , broken fi n e loif,, d . cosree puiveriact and other angora for nit by • NIOR.OLS'IeB9I,III4I4, • Cllonnea Front and narked. attests. - - - ca, OIL ; Natrona, Magnolia,'Lucifer ; andbtkiiii - saittifpisiiiti *ands, Wit*. lowity- - • _NICHOLS &BOWMAN, • b 2" llerober front and Man a Mims& vering;s ion an oul a drite ßoisar w m art's : -: .:. f:ok 13 . 21 ; Oorneufrontandllarket. west. Ella ---- 13GARS.Crushed, . 'Pulverized and Ite. fined, for Me by Nroao, 8 dißOWlliibl, 041'< - - Corner Prow, and Monet stmts. ! ... . . P.* WiD. , TAILOR'S NNW SOAP. iv /fAsiotorfOnfloat and highly ' detersive. ' It con-. nu'ROOlit and' will nob wept% ' It le warranted not to Wore the Itende.. It will impart .an igneable odor, end is therefore ,Waltabbs for • porpixie. Rai oby • MIL DOOR, Jr. it 00. • MIE ER MIRES H (lido° Taaa,.Blaalc , and . - Green, AZ in M. Mildl.polinitiimpir4 for slily at IE • w racai,s noicues ' -owner Trea gi t gad ag IlarkeV inreets. : • ffIUAL OIL, -warranted non-explosive, %Lk *feral brindribr • ails low by ' NICHOLAS &BOWMAN. dirberproneln4librket,streets. 251 EW Fruite,:thurentivasietinai :(litron &and tninons,hat Glo ry and Provision &Ore, burner' +front and Market IV'S/Alban' Pia: , . iitBDAR 71:0313 1 BASKETS BROOMS Nll , old everythintin the ibie,leat received is large ioicoliWl aed Ibrtalc very low by - • • ' - Wil. , it 00. -- 1 4 111.0.98 Se' BL' AIMEWSLIY3 -Celebrated .IP/OKIAASAINIIIMUtigkIfits prk A large au 'ply theArbtolvi,'emohlefdt: ,eves' iarlely,just ra ce ved end toitdal, by .* jlO ' • - • " 11. ~* • Cor Pi , . XTRA VA.MILT 'IrOJJR in TOwth and haat hht. hbou,Atecti, *Wei* avi „Mall at th iw eiropel7.: and _Pecreblibli LONA, FAINAVaid Market its. 1 . ''' hagams *BOWMAN. =.oriAsges; lartions ' Coops Nnta, minims, so., &la., for :ale low lit NICHOLS h BOWMAN, - cormeTrattinit dot& tab2l 'MILITARY `GAIINTL:IPB I'IEWZOT; jtta t t r'lz;etAved„,.of _the beet Aixode.y, aitATIRIAWC . : 'OR SALE, FRAME gpr.r.sE and lot .of grcnnid . dome oil kola litieet heeiseeolid, to the chy of trifbili*: PPP!**given omo B ow a n o f 111 W. ifsbl4-doawliw REBH Lemene,„Apples,, - Cranberries, 0)1.101407 • - ;/4101100 )3CiWAAN.. 121 - cr oprner Front gad, Mlgket Malty 1 ' '. 1 i 4 1) . . , ISI 4 •' • 4 F „ ~-j—,A. • Fea# au. 14411 mal t Q tell OellibeOat Oeffeejaat redetred / 1 ' - s•' - - • • ir & C o. ' grin" -:• ' ''' ' IL 1 :9 01( . /r ". .:1400138•TINE r L CHAtia. . CARPENTER --, Altli BifiLDEli. i Reeiclues No. 27 .Mol4ft 0T i IN. Va-40/381510 AMPIINDSO ' 2ygritirratacri NFR , I 6 exouti4 for` haylwitoiipitt ' aid' shooi im,buor...d. litiokito g itiat . Iglu give a Pell" en. Pr &mall 000$0. OKA, pan for me Wm, whelk 0 1 79D 0 . 0 aneot a.lror4 t art or three pan of: xe s or , all an 4111152411) 1 141CTIotiag Botna l laWS:' ' . , •:. corner Front apd Market gtreate: ' , -•• RAY I. HAY 11 _ 81:11)ElgOR article of Baletkiiay, at Nle [GM ' , . — AM M.•WHKELMR. _ ; . . . , b d 1 i : F 1 1 , • . IbI3IINOS 'of ',VANILLA., BEIBefICIe of fl=_A4 wetl;igitntinok fOr pia sr the now a lla maturo6ler Perdeliba *0 °Dr' t " Pad 1r I'm& and Market ationin. ' OLD PEN'S 1 , -The. lamest and beat dockfroak $1.00.40 1111.054-wrauted—id altellfSß 5 BOOKirtOlt Alittd.7,-" -Throe silundr.ed &Etta 'Sugar i;nl4,gailliestresstrA L kyu• - .4:fru:A r - wl...Polant- peat afi.lll-au NICHOLS & BOWMAN, • Corner of Front and Market Streets. (V. aommers old stand,) J'AVE determined to place their entire stock of [ GROCERIES, PROVISIONS. FRUITS. &0.. &0., at prices to suit the present hard times, and re spectfully, call the attention of the citizens of . Harrisburg and vicinity to their extensive stock of goods, consisting of SUGAIP,S, SYRUPS, TEAS, COEVEE, SPICES, LEMONS, °HUMES. %MEANIE, CEDAR-WARE, FLOUR, FISH, &o. We have also gone to considerable trouble in getting the sale of several brands of All of whichowe warrant to be NO,N-EXPLOS TBANSPAWT AND 'FREE FROCCIIXA .. as far as practicable,. Among: pagan, ~we lave on band • NATRONA, > MAGNOLIA, LUCIPER, ROBINSON Alt of which we will sell wholesale or retail, and low than any other house in Harrisburg. Also,-'all Wadi of • CUT, FLINT AND GREEN GIASS-WAII.E. We also invi4; attention to our well selected end eatere3ive assortment.of QI7BENGWAMp. 0411 at NICHOLS &BOWMAN, corner of ,Front and Market streets. r9R, :84w41'14 MACizartE4l. AS - - " . JON BROOK &-BRO'B- • PRIZE lallik1 4 : - $POOL ',OOTTON, Mo a.coo YARSIVEI4I4 BLAdle &cabal°. :rH.IB thread.being made particularly for B I ER Rlo. : Sewi n g t l f= 4l s Impai red tiy B = ll 4 A n N o p r by:friction of the needle. Or Machines, use 'Broonn , Patent Giles, - ' FOR UPPER THREAD, and Brooke Patent Rix Oord Red Ticket; FOR UNDER THREAD, sold by reepectable * dealers throughout the country.— anio, mamas or MO DUBS um assort= sus., by WK. Ewalt 13MIPM, Sole Agent. nob-dom -36 Vionwetrfxtt, Sow Yor k. • REMOVAL: tRE SUBSCRIBER heti removed the bai— inc. Of hla gOoils frorix Market west to Third and Walontorhors he wilt keap•oonstsiiily on band aline as portmentof ConfeollonarY. APidep, Orange Saint emon-4, Sweet Potatoes, Dried Fruits Downy, deed: sod 9, ices. Alen Dio and Ilsndallon coffee, all Kind of bats with otaer agtioles too nomeroue to mention. Thsntfnl Ibr pail Patronage he hopes by strict manikin to business to meet s 9014 119999 91 it. ,JClX . 4ltirtatt. febll3-2wa* OP Tali WRIT OF LT ABEAS,OORPITS TTNDER.THE CONSTITUTION,.by Horace .t.) -Prim:key, Esq. Pamphlet edition for ease BERGNER'S CHFA-.P.800K SIDES. Price 15 cents. ... . . JUST RECEIVED. LARGE., .ABBORTICENT . of Family 42100. at dureo...t 4,7* or beludia& a 900, it 26 s l l #4.4 4S, *ri a50).0.. Also Fooket Bibles of dli• erect Buie* grid priceit at 44 301111.1 1 1BRIII6okst'ore. • 4abl. ° NEW_milikrAfit s LONGBIURIC ON gnu not avounde , t 75 The Art of War by &wen de Join . ini, with. ippendioes, !map/ and _ 'ingravinge . $L 50 infantryoTactics, by Brigadier-General Silas Casey, 11. S. A 260 Fraction Treatise on Strengthening. and Defending Out Posts, Villages,. Bridges, so., in reference to the Duties of Officers of Picquets,- - by JebW .Royal,f (Eng ash) Eng neer&. . Ctkppee's Field Manual for Battalion Ooppee'a Field Manual of Evolutions of the . . 6O ! With all the;etandard - military publications at BERGNER'S Cheap•Bookßtore. • . SWOEtitittietto32loB.3. - *A, :,CO., Wkic01 , 45,414E AND DEALEIWin, , Rauoy,, Goods, ftunen t ... .Asc• r•alep agents cm. the, axle of Refined Petroleum, Ilutunceaflog, ealeckr4. any coal 01l Paittlatted arm quantities the I?wes4 . r,i . crf et ratms. , 170 : 04 112_1ft** street,. :NEW. Y,041C.. , . jsivatim 111101101.8 & BOWIL&N CHOICE 'LIMIT .. --., 4 : .,.• D ,-, IVG . b nh ii6 i S t by the euthor of "Rutoge,,!,Rocr4l26 ..,.., 49 nitt editions o f RMP4E4I44fIx ' • el ; th • "T . h„•e , • .., Btthef: *ac:l2s. - BFULAT l 4wontsAlth'editiO4 =.5125." FAST LYNNE —A iikiwifoiitL.'ZO 'cents: • ToM it.DLIM'S WistOND; bt liicklins;2s—cts. MB BEM% FOB WoME, 88 etet." • ' Toge Pier with all the Ne*;'BP94 B ; soda as PRbiibhed at BED 4-; 'BLACKING - 1 • *AEON'S "CE(ALLENGI4 13LikaKING.' erdarembroiliod , 41e4jitsi recidyed;ginit for att,Mboleguile pripea,.l 7 dell WM. DIV& irtiza (M. CRUMB .13111:113fLESJIbbr • Altitai7Sakub„ %JAW* luid4lsoloodug Brushes; tbroale.liy • ', a .AL01:L . 9.1.41A ! „ . mirket,:ktregut. . . Ys "WA4.IIING, BLUB, , An sscel lent esbstitotaleSkohgos4 o Csa Oka, OA -Wholesale aIuLTSIO ererT ta dmi Bo Arki n l corper of BrodiVand, Maitekstieeis. febt4 ••0 ; 'o3Klat'ffrcPllo/-liikAJltreeL. giliEKE"itrAtri „Iwo: RAM wirk sAtrfilm. A large and fresh s3pWlitkieeehrld. - olr aro, 414.b96- • ft,AAl t wt_it,," r otaku;', • - uzia -Vidobr i viVntvg r ati.in great 'truly BIJXII . - tA.4t) A or ERs . i febl4 y Xgr ackilVE,D. H 45 SWAMI. UST "of •aiimig:kyld AeAtimen tal Valeottnes, at,dpriok woes ; , , a 15 r Acatirtams Bookstore. QH - O.ldE Teas „ , ;44,rixiii tualtia:6i, fol.' tide krw,by, rmakitai k' BOW *AA oat aod,Mitkeestreets. NTCHOL3t BOWMAN, LOT wiaLe'VlieftseinaCrePette' and lior „ cutiLas.t mark sow ii t hiAl;ti , 4 Nve, -CorierProntax! EPYWiIEIt lor4iale rinattba" gowictai. Gamier TobatAlNlNirlitatriatts. filiscellatttons COAL OT,L, T 8-R Ver EG E NES'S . G AP 131::PKSW1M 4.0514 Pegiti::;,4a3,9148.. (J o• 00114iiltd; bil,Jusereodiie'd FM r r ale by - • • - mioatopirciioVlAN, 9.4**St r9.14.-"P#Agag,oll4traBtß• 21mustmentir. SiaFOßD'a itEWOrkSA.HOUSE TRIED STREET BELOW MakallE'T. Admission' --- 26 cents Orchestra Chairs, 60 cents. Beats in Private Boxes, 75 cents. Entire Box, $B.OO. DOorl3 open 61 o'clock ; Commence at7l o'clock. BENEFIT OF Mrs. ANNA BORDWELL, To conclude with the Burlesque of DAMON eh- PYTHIAS. Feats can be atearad in Ravines during the Opera. Box Mee open beat 1a to 12 A. IL REW NOVELS . • A SRANGEBTORY, by Bulwer, Mus a. trated, !rim 26 Dinah. $1 00, The Warden. by Trollops, (Pocket 11- brary,) 25 Castle Wafer, by the author of "East Lyrtne". 60 Treasure 'Trove, by Sam. L over, new edition6o .Tom Crosbie and his friends, by Lover.. 50 The Broken Engagement, by Mm. South- 25 worth With all the new books as soon as published at BEBGNER'S Cheap Ekvk Store. JUST RECEIVED, A LARGE LOT of Black Silks. Fine Assortment of Plain Dress Silks Eng. Rep. Mourning SBA& Small Bar Black and Purple Silks. A New Stock of Mourning Dress. Goods. A Large Line 9f Irish Linens, at old prices A Full Stock otSkeletrin Skirts; Beat whole evei. manufactured. A Full Line of Gents Undershirts and Drawers Fug ; Now &sing , oat the E tuck. Balmoral Skirts New article. Marseilles Counterpaines ; At old priced. Allendale. Spreads ; • heap. A large Line of Towellings. Now open at . CATHCAR IS, feblS-y Neat door to the Harrisburg Bank. UNION RESTAURANT, S •ID &ND BOWLING SALOON, • NQ. •119 MARKET STREET, NEAR FIFTH. THE subscribers baying erected a larg e building at the above, play, exprana4 for the cur e get above indicated, beg to call the attention of the pub. he to the following : Tna allarianusr, On the Bret Hon., with a dining room attached, le awl op to nravoinsa atyle. aril it will at all times.re suppled with the best OYSIIVRS to be bad is the Allende cities, together with terrapin, fish, and all kinds of saute In season. . Oysters served op in every style, tind mists to be had at all hours. The Alee of all the celebriWkl breweries lb the country constantly on . The Tes-pltk. Alley, or . Bowling Saloon, Is in the rear, anileontaine three alleys of modern constructloo,.w where the lovers or this hailthy scorch's can enjoy themselves. The - Billtard Saloon is up:btaire timid up, and,contalea three warble top ounbination cushion ta bles, equal tcp any, made. Barrialaurglias lontfilt the want of a grand' combin- WWI of this kind, and as the proprietors anideternilned topondnet It to &quiet andorderly manner, enti.do,Ave rything in their pester to maim It a fas 'Useable re:oft , they hope, lciiectelenA , liberal share of, public_ pabronap. Jall•dtf ' 7lt;L:lest atarikr•Dierafira DENTISTRY: bi ic t ° vV d r tri t. graduate of the n Uc t mtZli e tt ° l l PM 4 ch ' y " oi l lran u d i ;T ri_ a l liA niteo Pern t: ooe rly obehreed by Dr. GkirgaZien anise str eel , Jdaritspend ltrajnol. roma:aridly Worms his friends and the public in general„ that tie Is prepared to toartiont all eper moose in the Dental prareation either ettraicar or meetianical, in a manner that Shall not be surpassed by operators in thts or any saber MO% His mode 01,ttuertipg erhintal teeth t 4 pen the Isept at , moved seientide principles Teek from one to a tall set, mounter op bee Gold, ...H -ums Mihsrplatee or the Volottisite Mae. tamget pleasure in recoinmending the aserre_gen DOD= to all my former patients of flarristlnrg and et :laity, and feel confident chat Wt. w il l partoial orris lions in nieientalki 'Manner, 'front my knowledge ' m imvB-dtfl V. .1 ..:GORDAD: - D. D. S. 4 75 MOTHER' . NEN, STOCK portable Writing Desks, Baekgainmon Boards, • • •• • Traveling Bags, • • 'Prunes; Wallets, Toilet Bottles, siid;a gerteril iu3sortmetkt of • - NANCY eirrfoiEs., Gall at BIEEIGNER'S OHEAP BOOKBTOIIE L.A 17 E.Xt. ':.S . • ALE, PORTER AND Reitit XIIOTIOE is 'hereby given to , the oitineng ' .lof liblvilibtirg, that the undersigned heul antnonsed . E. Mager to receive orders for coy of my, tnantifito tares. , The col voting will be attended to by the under- Oseee - Abrordera levee above win be -promptif at leided to. - ,--. : ' GEORGE LAURA i feb22-d6m.• Yotiavilki„Ya. . . BLINDS 11' ;BLINDS !,1 NEW VENIT BLIND wade :. to or b .10, der for ' ,.. eum Of: $2 60 and . VL.. ..New de nuale :bat of old ; otter a: taint( low ; - priced for serrenty.live Gents a Ideas and nOvardr. '0 air Ind see at mi shop, lulleeond steet,.below. Ctunnut , • feb3-lm a..41.at. NA ALRE T BOAIVWEt . SC4O,O,LA Fo,B. . ... .. . .. . . 4 , . , f.atutETV,.-Northaaipton county; Pa. Easy of *bees .from : Harrisburg by,. railroad to ;and thestooisman tulles by stage. _ 1. Ilay. H RDWaHD. Ramat. macw • ' t - 4 ' • • ''' . . . Pilidpiki ;-. StJP.PI,I', OF MORTON'S UNRIVALLED GOLD - 'PRNS. grA?Edd in i t ikfilvi;rici for 2t5 it so, 14 fo r sale 4t. tebls y SCLIEFf I,l'S welt ore. zoosr;ritartnis: B 'BAG lyeepßY, sptok. §'Drelov.-0 , 214° 11 6';a 41 d• rPREti R to Governmentfurnish contsatl with dnen...got .o . ..d,:proutpity foro,ske low WU:es—N(ol and Gragradmi will Ind it to their advantage to give me acall. Jaw a GEOFLIN. I Baltimore, lee 1711:1 86 % -1Y5114116* 0- . 1.5. 1 11ACKERAL in Kicii3, ,fi l eb ar . relapind larrelo, r‘t tbA Mew .g.ftleeri iild,Prinip Stoics, Shoe laid Market'aireett; - - - '.. I 't try .V. . - NICHOLS as 'IIOIOIIAS. W-DER 11 I" VINEGIAIt ICArADB from choice and selected Apples, 111 andirprigMd by us Lo tepuiesty pure. erm • • . • tires. welt Ri Po. WHOLESALE and RETAIL DEALER in Canesdbialforeign and Domestic: Putt.— ihi t hAttef, Pranrs, liatidaz and Non of all g;inde, rresti aid Sal Brad 4 ikatjii Candles, Vinegar, gpteia, 16t base°, Began and conniry Predate in weenie, at the iternernMitd and Walnut aroma. :Eitit*ditiFL . PEO. OLDJER'S 'CAMP (X)MtAIVION,'- A iiiit•convinitent Writnng Doc': also. partfolius, almond= BMus, rorunonaines, *O 4 . ,t. ~ n2O .7-:*ffrplesivs anorpTow. 133, GountlY cdp,,FPLIcY , aPa . p a ' ~ ° /: 1 11111"4. .7 , , o f 0ntr .1 .14 , le A rm aao%is .o4 ' A 114 8 TT u r wr i • ti, D
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers