Pennsylvania daily telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1857-1862, March 03, 1862, Image 2

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'9,.aitp tieitgrapk.
Forever float that standard sheet
iii2fhere, breathes the foe but falls before ms,
net fteo dem's soil beneath our heti
Aiid Vreedom's banner streaming o'er us.
HAlttirinlttltil, Pk.
Monday Morning, March 3. 1863.
THE 8.N.D ., 01 SEA'ATION.
We open the Ndw "fork and Philadelphia ,
newsketpete ih - vainleribrit;e
manta whiehherdtbferfoCCillaied the' heads of
the in columns in black, 'bold face, condensed
and thrilling lines'; ;They ;ha*, varilihed-thitin
ceased be--,and hive ;been 'exoreiseii‘ • hy the
stern wand and order uf i the Secretary of War.
W at h i m l c 4f!'' PPCSII#F.I`,..) II :,.:§P c V4PY ,
Stan nittiew the relief, he has afforded the
country in thus putting an end to a system of
ea"irlifl%'"4iPrati"' and f012t7
ti the
,i,ltedluin of , sensation tele
graphic despatches, - he would consider himself
=Ply rewarded. Out he will reap a higher
reward than can be bestowed by any
llo oOmMendation, In tha„iact.that he has put
an end to the e.}stsm Z.whereby our enemies
have constantly detived nformation
moat `important Character, and while 'in. the ,
possession of whigh; they were able to ccunter
sot movements which would have undoubtedly
resulted in the most brillhuit'‘idtories to the
federai:Urmies. . And thio, was done, top, .as
much'iti gratify a vulgar taste for the terrible
and melodramatic, it was to brinenickle
to the tills of certain New York and iii.oolo
- putodien, some of whom haVe been sus
pected, while thus exhibiting the seal and en
terptise to gratify the reading public, of fullfil
ling pre-concerted arrangements ;to, give the
enemy #n formation. of our movementef in. ad=
'Hereafter the public must' he :satis fi ed with,
results., If We win a victory, 4ke„ fact, will be
sufficient for' tu; who enjoy the; comforts and
ease of home; and if we are defeakdd, , the evil
news will travel to, our heartliOnd,:ortr, homes,
feStenr than we.wfilhe willing toveneive It, and
in details too bloody to be spread before the
world in the columns . of onr,own press. With
the PriAi.itritti4 the people distant, from the
eamps,have nothing to do,and any. system which
gives publicity' to it, only tends, to its ember
r ~ssinent and - friuirient oVerthriisv. 'Therefore,'
we' eol are the e Secretary of War, deserves
the thank of the community for ; the order
thuslestricting the license that sought to uro.,
information, which should strictly be 'confined
to his Department, fat the'prohtof.reson4enr
tarp& .Usilttit r giaifficaihni 41 howl Ablialitti
fa* .theAtKit Sealigilmt;lolo4voltole rtickett
and libellous. assanits-upoitthe President of the
Unitecti3tatele„ , •that.ever'Wes written or printed
inaufennicsl 'to any man occupying the time
position, Agreeably to the , piogram me' of
chishpi"and reciprocity in these slanders' end
vitttpeptiuna of ft publican men and measures,
we .expect. to see this same attack reprinted ire
the columns of the Patriot, and then the pallo
can judge how bad a man can become whe.o
his hate to control his judgmentomd.
permits his political prejudices to interferoWith
his' duty tbhis countryiatedlts legekrePresenta
tive.' Bad ait,ltitoofoOoken. ;has, ever been," ite,
conduct in this crisis .will cover it with anigno
miny from which no 'professions it can make,
or assurances of future:ellegiance It can offer,
will be asiffiikato reinstate gin the...confi
dence and support of the honest masses of the
eountri., From barekrupting and corrupting
the =country and its cause, it now devotes its
feeble energies to Mar the peace width the valor
of our soldiers seek to establish, and.aesail th,ose
principles, in the triumph of which the security.
oftthe Melon can alone be maintained. •
D i svis„ heing seyerely . overhauled by
the traitor Congresa. -He is .openly accused
with cultivating
, the most imperious bearing,
and ir IrCely charged with heiug a tyrant and
a Amt.') Qi - course he. is, as none but a tyrant
would represent the exclusive idea of slavery
as the basis of a government, and only a liar
would utter the seithiiehti and,. make the,
chariia which have disgraced his Whole life
and public career. It Was a common remark
cdt,thiftigher4t-law.of. this ktave and double
ingrate and traitor, that he had become emus
tomed,omunich to the habitiof ,lying, that the
truth would throw him into spasms, and his
utteralice,pot,ryi a positive impossibility.
" WILL nia IiiTKII MOT DIT011," was the fa
vorite eipression of the traitors, when theY de
sired to ventilite theii great'detenidnatton'to
succeed. Judging from the manner in which
the', r are strolling sod rtmelttg.,#4o* AtTI
rebel states, they have a hard - time hunting
that hkst ditch. , .
Tai,tii*SisitAparmiut explains the opposition
tteliagtt, as manifested by qertain
dough-iace journalists, to the political truth
NV , rogue e'er felt the halter draw.
With good opirdoii ot Abe law."
T HRBzu , p r o m i t ed wapend-the winter at
they north. About 15,000 of , them are .keeping
th ( tir P 1 °4 8 ,1 • ',':„
Ckg(o/416 hi:
1, , Ull a
the South. " ' - 47.?"3 ClFit#ll4l..l°
the gentian pi mum
There is scarcely any man in the country
who believes that the Union ha- been destroyed,
destroyed in that absolute and complete man
whioh requires the careful details and ar
ran' gement of re-construct ion to restore all its
parts to the solid basis , which they occupied
ten years since. And yet there are' men in the
loyal states who are constantly clamoring for .
constructions rand who'lnsist that the very
first act of theiederai government - Should be to
admit the revolted. states to all the franchises
sod immnnitiee ... the enjoyed , a they..-ae
knowledged the federal authority. By such
proceedings and claims on the part of the oid
allies of the slave power, we are at once impres
sed with the fact that, while they clamor for
re-construction, they .. .der:Let believe, that the
Union has been cleititiOYetei aim impaired. If
sue Wee heir. faith-ey. really imagined
that the *ezerTrAcip, - vistis dissolved and irre
vocably pat: atinider,.. , they wsiuld not insist
.that the reVolte.detateS; or that class of men in
thoae states who, repme/4 thp f elements( of re
bellioithi their &lAA foil the inktiidtaul of
slavery, should be admitted to its franchises
"4 . . i ftr a !'!ft "7, l q t ek"?.,:, ce rA h h t ,7lll f : PR
-eternally dissolved Uniolt,.would be the conic
ti9P l Ofegli, l -ow,rlg4lttPAie ie4 o Pende l 4fei ,
but 'f dein* thtit' thiimidairliCh hold he
states together Can never - he,revoked or serg
e'', tintiiiise the - fal f selikuir t iii re-Volistitalon
in the hope that they will be able to escape the
dangerlhey have se jietly InOtirreti; and ante ,
Borate the punlihnient Which . ia their doom.
The solicitude is for other objects than that of
the ;Union. If suohviterenotthe ottie,the men
Who thaw clamor for re-construction would in-
Siet.that, the , inforeed-itgainst
those who had dissolved, the Union, and that
the vindicated authority. of the government,
resting in that. Union; should be acknoidedged
by the states in revolt,' before 'the rights and
interests Ouch stelae assert and represent could ;
be acknowledged on the pait, or that govern-.
meat itself. - •
tie great cbject of those who are ' preparing
for re-conairuttion,,is tosecure for theinstitu
don of slavery all the privileges it enjoyed by
amendment to the Constitution, before. those
Who now upheld plaveri, ,had renounced and
utteriy.refected the Previiions of 'that instru
ment. It is not the Union that these men labor
to restore. Instead of affecting' the Union, the
War has strengthened and endeared that to the
peopleof the loyal es well 833 the revolted states.
Itdid not loose its sway as long as there wasa sin
gle Mania any of therevolted states to sCknowl
edge its authority, and however
_tket, ao:.Epivi
cicigraeni of the Union may have been suppressed
by, mob violence and brute force, itwas retained
ih the hearts' and the feelingit of large teition'
of the southern people, and is devehl* in oz
'premien and adhesion vrhenever, those thus en-
tertaining it are, protected by the strong arm of
the law.' Therefore, there is no nscaaalty of
Constant talk lit
~ 're-contraction. The
:14400 elate to-day,.ao.well defined and legally
Its strong as it was fifty years ago. Those!7irbo ,
talk of re-construction, , reek to . Maktiariti the
plea :of . demanding additional Ciiinp r!:rises and
•• • ,
Rawer fer,slaver3% !They seek toreetore all the
franchisesof tbatinstitutionby re-coottrFtion;
and add, if pCesiblF,"rieW Peisfer,'so as : to 'give
it additional Strength for any other movement
tfaispholdcrs may contemplate In the future for
another attempt , to subvert the authority of the,
nationalgoVeinment. ,
I As it is clear then that slavery, by the act , of
tbealaveholder, has been virtually destroyed,
4te i, lrMit ti at i the People. of the free states will
not gip be , seduced into yielding to theme.
Nittothave .ever made the influence of this
stitution conducive to their Political:ands, arid
thus suffer themselves tobe made parties to any
YOBt,gtl9iikriAbat will resters :the imitation.
"of 'slavery to political pow . er.. lt:has forfeited
all its rights under. political .
admit -
1 4 1 4 fQ.r ffgl•kultA thet:4,ever yoke goer,
anteed such righie In aoymatmerthan by the
amendments which its ripholders forced on
it4 o . oo unt,r7.l 2 La 8A544, 0 f of3 l l ol fl e 4A,
forfeiture: and faith - i i the
good to be derived from keeping . slavery in its
i*isienteehditioni-ws are 'Opixied to di'
. c o nstruction which seekirtigkin its infranchise
Wi557;10X 41.1177? WARNING. • •
We have not, of. late, .deeinect it ivise'•or
proper to say nittehabotat either the Republican'
or the Detnocrittlo partie; but when it
tempted to Weak og the-Bei:1011mM -organiza•-t
tton, it le time-kw utter-the note of -warelog.--
Let us keep the Republican banner flying along
side thelleg- of the Uniom . They are identical.
_ ,
We extract the aboyeAtitrigrepli from the
'4l,lsany;Eimniat4,! .tmerial,,,one of the
• oldest and
ablest Republican journals in-the country, and
commend it to, our brethren of the Republican
preei in Pentssylvtinie. FnithttpSsi six months:
we `have " be* cstgefittly witching, the move- .
merits and pondering the , sentiments of Demo
(sixths editors, and in that time we have 'fre
quently stated in these Columns the bitterness
with which these gmitrenien.Mwailtsl the mean
surer and:the, men ,of •Repoblican :party. :
Op: every occasion,- end with every pretext,' this
work of defamation. has been
,CiandUcted .ItY
t r ue toeofooo-BreCkiiirldge semi-traitor organs
Of, the Commonwealth, while their. colummi
laelred the semblance-of ,oppottitioh to thelead
ens of the rebellion at the south; but rather at
times teemed with .covert sympathy for. those
wbo,Were =gaged in.the hellish work of rend.:
'p i g _and destroying the iinerican Union - Of'
Aides. The public , in4&fittitfide; have
,trested toAlemerusure,of infamy and dastard;
Ramat on the men:and the measures of the
*publican party,. and to a still:framer systeti
of attack on the federal adMituetrittiOn,
the warning the indigoapt, people silenced:
and sappreased the tinide e and forced the trai
tors to
,an, open though hollow and deceitful
pioftesion of loyalty to the ITEilop. All 'over"
tiestate, with, but few luxieuoPs,'Olf;, game.
spirit has controlled the same press; exhibiting
the controllers of that press as the apologists of
rebellion; and the ene 119 4.48 of those.Whe ate
pledged and impowerod . fq...tte overthrow and
tiompiete suppression, 141 - or have our, &publi
can opterniterarieti filled m to. notice . the same
spirit„ because it has Wen cultivated doubtless
.44the direct underidending that,b.i.seohmeans
thtf,t* 4* bit 594ii:14540 1 kilkf,Inii
joiold the intolerance aid' the inagetuatot, the.
pennoptiatita wattp 4E t t eg y a ph, ininbat A'rning, Saxe 3, 1862
. ,
slave power, should continue in its . difence aril
encouragement, even while that. power was
wielded for the destruction of-the jut princi
pleo of civil and , religions liberty.
The warning and the resolve of our eminent
Albanybotemporary; should awaken the Repub
lican press of the cOuntty to a similar resolve
"to keep the Republican" flag flying along side of that
of the flag of the Union." WU must beat down
and, crush out this spirit of intolerance and
miiirepresentation in our own midst, and ex
pose the corrupt designs of the locofooo press,
or_submit to a haughty-trverbearance and dic
tation more atrogant than that of the slave
Power; bactintiei being held in abject oliekiiene
and tbe_allies they seek to serve r
they will soon estimate the silence of the Re
publican press in refusing to reply to their own •
base assaults, as being due to that cringing
dough- faceism which hag made modern Demo
cracy the pest of this nation and the disgrace
of the world. To an honest and sincere Repub
lican, the organization of the, party is as dear
as are the principles by . which - it is anhrtated
and adorned. If we permltloonfocolunto destroy
'die one and trample the other in the,duat, our
wars for the Dnion never will cease, and free
Institutions on' this - hemisphere, foe foNiver
'placed in jeopardy. Our motto is, the Union
and the, Republican: . organization, one and in
'separable, now and forever., And our proudest
trirmtphs should be, to preserve botlarom the
'imputations . and the pollution of DOM:ions:tic
journalism. - '
271. R. 44 GU4RLP/A2VS Of --dll7/12:AT/O/V
One of our eastern cotemporaries is 61 the
opinion that "the Guardians of Civilisation"
will have their hande full in attempting to ex
ercise their beneiolenne wherever theylniagine
the returns will remunerate their lust for do-
Minion and power. Bnt, the times are sadly
and completely out of joint, and the affairs of
This mundane sphere are perpetuallY getting
"mixed up." There is Italy, and the Pope,
and the Danubian Principalities, and the
"sick man" of the Orient, and the Celestials
of China and Japan, and the Mexicans and •
Arberican , "belligerants" and a doyen other
ugly customers to look after. Then there is
a squad of seedy Princes—the scum and
refuse of the Hapebingh and Bourbon and •
kindred dynasties—to provide with palaces and
endow with thrones. And then people are so
Ungrateful !—even going so lar in some instan
ces as to have predilectiOns of their own, pre-.
ferences as to who shall rule over _them, and
suspicions of the disinterestedness of their •
"guardians." Take the cass,cf Ideloo. What
a world of trouble that unhappy country is
likely to give them! In the first place she has
the unparalled effrontery to resist the advance
of their armiai.. She Mains a deaf ear to :their
soft speeches. She' even 'goes eb far a uto slap
her old Spanish mother in the face for wishing
to "conquer her affections." She violates the
dramatic unities by protesting that instead , of
being in a condition of. motel bankriptershe
is Prepared topays a hundred neat* on i thP
fitr in hard knocks .
Then, how to rkovide her with.a ruler 1 She
is manifestly (so the guardians have unant-
Money decided) unfit to rnleJlerself:
are - there not dozens - Of Royal I rffifortunatest
lying idle, a nuisance and encumbenMoe to
their families? And shall any squeamishness
on thopart of the Mexicarsi- 7 any foolish pride
of nationality—stand in the way of furnishing
employment to these necessitous Princes?
But here a new difficulty arises :—lt having
been settled that Mexico is to have a King—
and a King not of . her own choice, but, one
who is the elect of her " guardians"—who
shall the happy dog be ? A cloud of candi
dates appear on the foreground. Spain mod
estly presses forward the claim of the Infant
Don SKBALITIAN,.(WO are not sure he is out of
his long clothes yeti) but she is confronted
by an express article of- the agreement that
neither of the threewAllies shall seek any per
spnal advantage from the Mexican expedition.
The Archduke Maximilliap p of Austria, is
less objectionable ; but then : Austria is an " off
ox," whom it is quite impossible to manage ;
besides she is said to treat the proposition
coldly and rather regards it in the light of a bribe
than as an honor. If we are to credit the Paris
(*respondent of the Cbtsts* Et*
M. Chtlhtrdet—the " gnardians" haVe been
diseussing a new, candidate, namely : the
. of Flanders, seobnd son of the King of
Belgium. It is true he is a scion of the house
of Orleans, and Napoleon might object to
nourishing such a Royal riper .hat has he riot
mealy been grinting, hinds'of iunneitiee
to all kinds of, people, and maT, he not think
it a masterly stroke of policy to "conquer tile
affections" of, the Bourbons by throwing them
u.sep in the shape of a bankrupt , kingdOer•
A few verdant people may look "upon this
farming out of Powers and Principalities-411s
trading in the happiness of peoples audihrest
ingeobnosious rulers upon them—ea a slight
abuse of the prerogatives of. "guardianship";
but the Great Powers are only following time
honored precedents. Was not Greece cOnapel.z
led, after achieving her independence, to accept
a Foreign King, and , a . half-witted Bavarian at
*it • ,
= .Trt . m 'mar. in the facre for every man
who esteems Repoblicen, principles essential to
the success of Republican, government- Thweis
stark for every Republican who Iwpites the frown cir
the slave power, acilttlio *PTOto avert are Petition of
that Wrap in the future. Mums is Woes von au,
months the voters of the loyal states will
be summoned in their election districhi,to Jodi
ate a certain number of , men to serve as Rep
resentatives in Congress. For the purpose of
crippling the Legislutivp branch of the govern
-I.lllies.9.f4res.w4 !la :the. loyal states,
are alroady conarting_their plans Egd malting
their latungemesite to elect men of their own
ilk as Representatives., ,counteract their
design, becomes the patriotic . duty, of the Re
publican masses. Wilfthey'pernlit a few trai
tors to succeed at thoballot bow, while their
brethern in arms are scattering ion ke d, traitors
in every direction! This istrimOortant work,
froiblicans of the county to ponder. • .
front our Evening Edition of Saturday.
From the Upper Potomac
CAP TUBE -Or - prasoNE RS.
The Troops in Excellent Conditiod,
The Inhabitants Overjoyed at the
Presence of the 'Union FOrdes.
Gen Banks' army occupied Ferry!
;unopposed' on. Wednesday, with . ll the neoessa
ries lot a permanent occupation.
The andVinice took j poixrceeirin on Peltier
heights 'Yeatinday, and„pirithed its recitineht
since to Chestertown, capturing adew - prisem-
icre.zr diendorrheights are Weir occupied *Order
te'r e4 : 4l l 3l- 0Y 'l44E' -by 4 . ll 'inil
'wo-diay.Oluirleston,Wail occupied bY a strong
!force and -will be , held &Indust any attack..
"The plaits of 'theCriinui , inder'ire not knorrn,
:liut the `movement :ia Probably. intended to
loom the „retionstruntion of the Baltimore and
iOhio Railroad and bridge!, and perheps`meens
A train of oars pinning Berlin station was fired
lat to-day by a rebel battery i llut no harm wee
The troops are in excellent condition , and
;will be protected from inclement weather. No
aecident occurred in transporting the .troops
!arid . supplies Over the river. The „pontoon
!bridge was a complete-enecess.
• Hundreds of refugees hErve returned to their
!desolatedhoines and those remaining are , over-,
loped at ouppresetice. •
Nothing reliable has teeri beard from Win-
Chester, but the zurrent reports say it has been
considerably reinforced, A small boiy of the
enemy are supposed to liesonth . of Loudon
Heights; four, *rime-miles - back - from - the 'AWN,
but they are not of sufficient strength to cause
any alarm. •
Front Wasthgt,on,
A 0 . . . _
NO Offioia InfoithatiOn of the Eitaon
ation of Cohn:atm&
• • WASHINGTON Marh 1.
All le quiet aoroes tho Potomac opposite
Washington. No news of - public interest from
that motion of tlid tutUY has' been'teceived to
There is nothing lb the 'official telegrams last
received lo showthat the rebels are evacuating
Columbus, .mor has any-information been re
ceived from tliatn.: Buell Ida& the-announce
ment of the' taking of lqiishville, when he was
four miles from that city.
The newspaper repotts of , the rebehi being,
surrounded at lifttrfreeiboro*, have not yet legert
CCP010100,... • i - ,
u ~2_;~-y~~~
.. i ..Y. :i .. ,
.orl9, Actleakid.
• 8.•
I 1
FORTRESS Houma, Feb..2B.
The steerner Expr*; ,Captain A. 4. CobOany t
le( Gld Point at' tea o' cfocktliii morning:, to go
op.the.James receive another boat -full
of 'released. prisoners,-: who were to th -sent
Ilkpresivaited at' the usual rendezvous until 4
ol Oak whewthe steamer Bancocue brought an
Order from General. W,ob"rfor. her to return.
previouslyy - gone 'over , tr!
Cianey Island, and received .a dispatch' from
General Hager Announcing that the 'PrlSOrfers
Would notteient down until to-morrow.'
The, steamer _Mystic:has arrived from the
blockade - off the " '
. ,
~PposioN,..March, 1.
Col. Lee, Maj. Reeve and Dr; Reeve WEITO
received at the depot last evening by Gov. An: :
drew and staff, and a large crowd of citizens.
They were received with a hearty welconie and
most enthushustio cheers. The city government
of 'Roxbury .propope_ r giving Lee a public
reception next week.
Maxiets' by Telegniph.
PEULMMM.R4. Feb. 1.
Flour is dull and 141 c. loWer—sales.cif
fine at $5 26, andlow grade and good extras at
$5 87i046 76; "the' receipts art email. Bps
flour is steady.atniii 26, and .Corn. meal at
.$8 00. There is good demand for Wheat, and
"5 ; 000 bushels of-red - sold at $1 88 ; white'at
$1 4005145' Ryikielli on 'arrival at 740;'- - =::'
Coin is in fair rtclueitz-6;000' bushels'9f new
yellow sold at 65468 c.. Oats are.unchanged
-8;000 bushels of Pennsylvania sold at 89c, Pro.
visions areteld . firmly . --sales'cif mess Pork at
418 50(441 . 4 00;.,Larcl t iafum.atfal 041) 11
, firrii-,-5,000 bags low,,gradelltio sold at 1810::;
higars are firmer: , - Thers is a= speculeititer ,-
.WhiskYt7i2;ooo:baikelir.of. Ohkr sold at.28(421
:Naw.iross., March 1.
Flour heavy ;-sales of 6,000 barrels. Wheat
very dull and heavy , .._Cfnix been declining
tendency; sales of 10,000 60@62c.
kir mixed. Pork quiet at $lB 15(g1,14 87f for
mess, and at $10(§)11 for prime. Whisky is
held at 28c.; buyers offer 27fc. Receipts of
flour 6,806 bairels,4wheat 8,649 bushels. Corn
28,000 bushels.
'.Stoclui firmer ; money tigbter at Saga per
cent. on call: Sterling- exchange is dull
$1 12f@1 1813 Chicago and Rhode Idari_
66}; Illinois_Centr4 railroad 68f; Miehigan
Southern-47f; New 'lrbil Central 83r; 'Penna.
& iffiss:B7l4lVirj.
gipia 95. 690 . Missouri.
.• ;, Tennessee
6e. 60} ; Ohio 100;%entriely 88i Illinois war
lorrn7Sf; Indiana 65. - 78 f ; . llnited States . 7.80
loan, '99f ; coupon and registered 136.0.881; ,
92*; UMW States 64. 1874, 861. . ,
A Womert &semi klaroa.—At a late elec
tion in Ogralixsia, there wasbrit one cari
ditate preserited be'Voted The k`bOys"
did not like IMn,oind were ; bound to ibeve aril
other candidate ; arid" more in ifie of
Inn than otherwide, they nominated Mrs. Naticy
Smith on die 114 of the election, and to the
astonishment of ffiverybody, when the votes
were &minted the oven insrddt
lad . .jiitioli
.ver th.Ciandfolite for migor.
Peb. 26th, 1862, at the residence of Dr. Move, Jr., in
Coal ldnrit, Blab- putty, byte Repzet• S. ''.'hoe •
make- 'Hon . Jos s K , 7711.1)1, now 10 . 14 plumber of
ihefraigialature frcril.'Perry county, aceil4lha Haunts "h„,
110*, daughter odirl. Moore, Si:, of:Whon county, Pit:*
e.F:rt: , ..".:F.f.l..!i# ' : it*
, ..
~.... •
deb. 6th, 1862, stip) house of r Putt, in the Her
*burg Cemetery, iiry,fley. A. X. osmaker, Mr FDriari.
B. Scams, of Yortal Mks JiAl GARRIMON, of York
county, Pa. 1
On 27th February, 1862, by Rev. Franklin Moore,.iir. .
AF,Lat.w,t ItAxsoiaathWeaeleintAema Ramentybothof
Hairisburg. it*
ARD TT 'EtER net ''received a
: -
114...111 large invoice of- a oice , Garaett Feeds—cdmpriaing
a greater variety of Imported and home growth than
hes ever been pftexyd- ion this ,city k Those :who may
'desire jeetrelwe• , cYp depend:4pin! getting the beat In
:the world, at the witolesale arm mail grocery atom of
Wit. DOOK, JR. & CO.
NOTHER lot of fine choice Apples,
swimit,Oraoges, Lemoz Nei( CrE2 l .ellielli
Sweet,PotatOss,Ad., N Welt,
, gebtud3to Corner !ilea d Walnut' at* erta.
WANTE 0.-4 ? white ,Avoman as cook.
Inquire at thet.'WlLLlitlit TEMLL HOU 4 u . , Market
atre,t, east to the Dauphin Deposit Bank. feb27-Bto
4 wziv" . Ai,
• Building i Stone t Buildinp Skate.
VIRST CLASS Lime Slone for building
PurEnfift, Attie `thlEktitinii below the
;pay and will waiver therm bunadlato t the lowest
f ool pr co JACOB
ft P 21. 01,1 4..44 * ,; Keystone -Farm:
134(lipitb/D3' Mitelin git 7 ate.
per yard.
lou pieces, yard wide psild,ed.l234 !de per yard,
130 pieCtis geed virility Calico; 'at 7 our. er 3 ard.
200 iiooes oast styete oitlico, am ota. per yard.
60 pleetti beat'Lltab atx6, 81, 410 11.11 d 50 els. per 3 ard.
60 Rieces,barred Meet, at 10 Olt per.yard.
Alec a iarge attic' leoroiiitete,' fancy and 'back Mks,
Shawls at, greatly, rialpoed prime. Br exeuxquing oar large
Mooira goo* you wIN ind'efori4 Burgaice.
M. NUM% Co., •
10b414.1.w No. 4, Market Blears, Harrisburg,
ONGMORE ON irun , shot, wounds,— - • 75
La The Art of War by Baron de jom
ini, with' iPpendletelii, nail acid
engravings: $1 60
Infantry Tactics, by Brigadier4eneral
Silas Casey, IT. fr. A ' ' 260
Practical Treatise on Btretigthening. and
Defending Out Posts, Villages,
Bridges, &0., in' reference' to the
Duties of Officers of Picquets, by
' Col. Seib. noial, (English) Engi
neers...:: • 4 76
Coppee's Field Manual for Battalion
Dril I so
coppee'a Field Manual , of Evolutions of
the Line. .60
With ,the standard military publications
at- r ; BERGNEfiII Cheap Book Btore.4.
A ND DEA.LERSin..Fimoy Goods, Per
m Miners% ko. Ai* agents for, t h e mile of Relined
Petroleum. Illuminating . .till,! gamier to any cool oil ;
furnished in any quantities it ihelokrest market fates.
170' acid T 72 Willicitn &ieet,
. ; .:NEW YORK.(
r BE SUTHERLANDS, by "the' author of
“Rutledge," Priim ' ' '
i Also new editions of
RUTLEDGE—Uniform with "The Sather-
Ihnds,". $1.26.
BEULAH—twenty-fifth edition—ELM.
EAST LYNNE—A new Novel-60 cents.
'TOM. TLDLER'S GROUND, by Dickens, 26 ots.
FOR MIER, FOR WORSE, .88. ots.
Together with all the New Books, soon as
'Published at
Am 100 Gross, assorted- alsei,jnet jai:4;nd, and for
Mite at Wholesale prima,
dell WM. DOCK, Jr., it O.
CRUMB BRUSH x, Door Mato, Scrub
Nig and Blackening Braihesi . for Bala by
Corner Font and Market &rings.
lent substitute fcir India?, for, en le at tlviiwholeeale
and retail groseiy store" of '
. • ; Corner 901/Vnt 4 4 1 4 Pa • fikreett•
VOTIONS.— Quite a variety et useful
LI sod entarainins arti4leB—pholiP-44 _
020 SHENtrifitbil BOOKETOR6.
COAL OIL lower. Ow? „fog .House in
4„,) Harrisburg, for indo b y - '
cab 14.. y Corner Front awl Market street..
, 7 '-= t . ;; , :i-ItiIME E D 7 REEF,' - '
- . - , ' -BOLGNA - SAUSAGE.
A large mei fresh unpplyjoat. received by ,
i 620 - ' 'i .' . •,' • ' - ' - - Yrif. DOOR .Tr.! &Oo
citt_ LET. 7 —The commodious titore Room
on Maiket egnste, adjeuent to the "jonee House?
(oaverLey's Rotel ) OEI eS. C. HAW;
Eleßanurcutp, Feb. 24, 1861. reb26:lmd
WANTED, by a young man, a olm kabip
14 a grog°. y +tore ; hos some experieme of the
totbsinoss ind would wi.r.h to learn iLthoroqghly. Wiges
not so mllth tta object as employment. - 'Apply it
TH011.44 POMP,
,feb26d6l. Walnotatreet llotweso Fourth and Fifth.
CHOICE Teas; Green-and Black,-for sale
bw by NICER/1,4n & BOWMAN,
bll Corner rrootand 6b.rket streets.
A LOT of prime, Cheeeejuat received and
jll for sale'by - 'NICHOLAS & BOWMAN,
!eon Corner Front and Market weds.
POWDER, ShOf and Cips for sale by
, NlO OLAF. &BOWltitli,
' Omer Frout and I,larkon ovate.
Bl' Linioile', Apples, Cranberries,
.t .
i da
, iforrsitle bya 3.-4 ''" l "L' '-I.IIOHOLS'Sr SOWNsIg,
corner Frpnt and Market street,
AND&LION CUFFS% !—A Fresh and
l afgeAtliosblof t4ll,9o .. prated Cotroklast. received
• Yirgl:laXl4. Sr_ & ro.
AucßisTiNk . t.' - oiturNE:
cAtaigsTra:4TV . .jitirLDgß
•Rwda cel ro North Second
--4 t.! _4mhdlm-
O. eaanse , fo;., having Boots and Shoes
not blackened. Blacking that will give a polish on
wet or greasy hoeda. Just the thing for .he times, when
every one cannot afford two or three pairs of shoes or
Wets., Mall and examine - at - • • -• • •
MCliot3Bc Bownices,
J2l corner Front and Market streets.
A BIJPERIOR article of . Baled Hay, a
Ell 'OO per ton for sale by
MFENCE, of ,VMULLA .Essowoo of
'l;4 Lemon, Flaliorinnitdrads, roiweafei at' the now
Wholesale and Retail Grocery and Provision Store, cor.
ark ProliMlidAPirkea,dialietti. .4, • c, !
G ro
." . 'OLD ./- Pti4B I—LThe lirg est a n d kept
stock, from SLOO to li4 oO—warrardedZ4fi" *.
Ads.—Three = near des ga
inflAwinvi failid by
Abbblit inatiskß JR. & 0..
11l arritb
Ntto 'Abnertistments.
Neu) Zbrertismtuts
"Oua Govzaanom : an explanatory statement of the
"Ohm of
he gooerwmait of the country, Presenting a
view of t government of the UnitdStates any
of those of the several &atm" By 31.
at the present Juncture a pin iotic seniiment;foonded
on a knonledge of Ocr instettotons, should be spe
cialty cieitteiAted, as the chlerelement Sr nationality. It
can be operative and abiding tor a-stet purposs, only as
indused by an intelligent •approbation ut the na
is and
principl es ei" our government. Such intelligence, iarisiliar
and general among all classes or the people, is eieentiai
to the permanence and prosperity of the government,
Thisie regetotto sepeolally nOW, tram the extraordinary
event s of the time, and the vastly important queinois of
national polity soon to be solved. The above wo - k pie t y
tho construction of the provisions of the Constttut on
the United 'states, and of ihotte of tt e sever ti a s es ,
determined by judicial authority and settled prae or
. derived from mandard writers. It i 4 a tech tha the
views of constitutional aw thiis preimitted cie sone elm
jests of the greatest importance which formers a, J. at
:the time of the that publication of the book were disc i.e.
el with much d !Terence of et inion, have beco.,e (g.
'tired as settled dOetrlnes, to be acted on in refer lire to
the highest interests of toe nation in tuts miser eve tiel
For sale at $1 00, by M. IoPSINNEY, at hart eh. r 3
Pennsylvania, sod by bookst.res generally. 121a2s •r_w'
98 Market street, llarrisburg,
,M= o 11. Co e s
STEW ROSEWOOD PIANOS, from the tp..,
:,,131 , makers, from $2OO upwards.
• KENT'S, FROM $45 to $llO
Guitars, Violins, Aocordeous, Flut•,,
Fifes, Drams, Bsnjos, Tambiurinc,,
Violin and Guitar atrings and m
cal merchandise in g
band. MU3IO sent by mail to any pv-t o -
Suitable for looking glaaaea, and all
Oictureaalwayaon hand.
A fine assortment of bast pf
from smallest to largest sizes.
Any style of frame made to o r 3: j ,
shortest notice.
V:r :--i•-1, :
-- BETWEEN NEW iiii,li
' 4, '"41::
Seltalittz• at QUEENSTOWN, (I r. Ia s :.1
IrsooNew York and Phlladelphla ~
steam , . •:, ~, .-..-
Intend despatching their. full y :e.: , _.r.
Etteantships as follows :
i LiktfOtatlkk Saturday, March Ist; 1 rNA, ~, , ..'..y
Mareh Bth; CITY uP NEW YOR -., :nord iy. +I.. ::1 -
gild every succeeding Saltinlay, at Nom:, r r. 2 'l,r.
klerth Elver.
lfirite CABIN $75 Ouj 8 NAG E.... ..... 130 J
do to 1014012 $BO 00 j do to
do to Paris ISS 00 I do to p.r......
do to Hasabarg..sBs 00 I do to 11.7,
Pasougars also forwarded to Ha, -. oremeJ. unuer
barn, Antwerp, hc. , at equally low
Apar EVII7K.IIB wetting wone.; ,r 2
t r itstere at the following rate ; to
i kt iro
or Queeostown; Ist ;
Sleorage from Liverpool $4O 00 ?n ;n
100 00.
; These Steamers have superior aci:eal.
and carry experienced It y
I= a in r'firdor-tight Iron Section,. and .117•
AxinibUators on board.
/Or farther Information apply in Liver .c" '
INMAN, Agent, 22 Water Street ; le
INMAN, 5 St. Enoch Square ;lu queen , A
D. SEYMOUR az CO. ; in London to EiV •
ging William St. ; in Parii to ICU'S. . -
do la Bourse ; in Philadelphia to J) IS k.
WithniStieet ; or at :ue Company's cell,
JNO. 11. ki,..
15 Bruelwev, New
Or 0. 0. Zimmerman. Agent. ri,'.
in-PASSINGNIts FOlt EUROPE. —ay ~ r
Secretary of State, a'l naSavogers
Sates are required to procure - -
I:o*rd the Steamer.
Passengers will not be subjected to any
Iny in procuring them. If they call for -
Companp's 0590e5, 15 Broadway, New
tjan2l4r JOB!: G .
cold and Silver Pencil and Pen
In the market, is to be found at
just received an or sale lOW al
Je corner Front and -t
CRUSHED, broken loaf, fine „mei c
Pv.ezisee and other 611garSib• so! h ,
Corner Frool and r
COAL OIL, Natrona, ILignoli A ,
sod other non =plods e brands, f r
:c 13 J .V.%1
feb2 • C'rner Fr nt as :
_ - -
YRII ', Loitering's and ate,‘
,rL -
S Bale by NICHOLS & ~v •
feb2l Corner From An I
SIJGARS Crushed, Pulveriz • 1
Anna, for sale by NICEIO & B V
feb2l • Corner Free: un I -
- 4-..- . . ,
VI P. &W. C. TAYLOR'S N• .. \ ‘ :.-• L •
• It is economical and highly
Luna nti Rain aud will iv t waFt..!. It la w,, .-:
to iiltwetlie hinds. It w.ll impart au a,re.
and ill thOrelOre bUitable for evert - ,:"'" •
8148 by w.II. D / ' , jr..,...
FRESH Choice Teas, Black Sul I 1 ;r
in X, ji and 1 pound pap C er3 for .
NIHOLS a n4)4
earner Fr" et
(UAL OIL, warrauted uuu-ext, -
hermit brands far Bala Io v by
TICHd. AS d: 13' .!-•S
fetal Como' i• root a d
NEVV Fruits, Curren's,
and lemons, at the new Wholeial.. sod 'Lei ,
coeryan aar d Provision
n„ inionStore, co rner
and everything in the line, Just receive.
t is
guhatities and for mile ye. y low W
V. NCR. 'r '
CI . ROS3 Br, BLA.CK.Virth,L's ceiebrlzej
A..:./ PICKLES, SaCE3, PRESEAVE 4 , tri., .C- -t '''''`'
anpply or the above, embracing every variety, Juzi re
ceived and for aide by • tr j r . kGo
.1 1 0 WM. ____;.........-..
EXTRA FAMILY FLOUR. hi fourth laud
hall bbl. sacks, also, WhOletale and rail at :L 3 •
NIW Grocery and Provision Store. FrOat and Mo 3
tet •
NICHOL., /a asks( a •
VRESEI Oranges, Lemons, Cocoa Nuts,
BOWMANice-Baisina, curium; &c.,r,r
NlCfl )L , sale I. , cv at _
- Corner Br dl3 Marget str
A Nriv , ,Lar, i tißt 'received, of the beet
qui* stilid nex
gailM*t door to Oarrisburg
BOIL sof
93 Auk.-! •[r