ILB TEL- " 1 7" " IS POLISHED EVERY DAY, ORG. F. BERGNER, ------- 817119011P110X. !lA;iSDroIaRAPH is served to shbscrihers In the r rig Per weeeK Yearly sabseribers will be .Jl4 is advance ICC1.1:1`, APP SEen-Wllll.l TELEGieni. itiso puhlimbed twice a week during 0 , the Legislature, and weekly during the yrar, and furolshed to subitotibera at viz: So r here per lea ExuatAreekiy—S l 1. 12 00 22 00 1 cto A -mi lWr, , • iber Weekly g ;, , 4.1. ... 101 LOW OF MSWHPAPIRS. .V.cnbers order the discontinuous* of their news. . t b, vuDlittber may continue to seed them Imola aro,— are paid. b.CtiloPr... negiOet or reitlBo to take their newepa al the s hies to which they are directed t tney a e N 4 ut , ut i t they have settled th e bills and Ordered ~40,, , , ~,:,.ti. , iilttilLaL _. • s J 01 - 1 N SON LOCK HOSPITiII. IllEcovered the mosteatx d, tain, speed H,LJ 01 , [lnd remedy lb Lbo 11101fia for DISIZAAS OF IMPRUDENCE. two , Ix Na TO TWILVI NOM. .40 Pio reary or Noxious Drugs. 4,142 MID, OIL NO CRAW); IN MOM OM TO TWO Dale." , 4 a , the Hgtir.Or snbs,,Strietares, Max la A il, nnnP M the Kidneys and Bladder, Corie Debility, Decay or therisysica ijornor, Low Spirits, Omission Widnes, ' ,he Ileart, Trambltuga, Bantam t wire+ll, ` rota of the Stomach, Affections Tr To it, :iota or Skin,i4ioite terrible diger ; the indiscretion or Solitary Habits of ;‘4do. ul sad destructive practises i tirbich • , ,on al debility, render marriagege 4 ,11,1 r Wilt body and mind. YOUNG MEN. , „ n ...Melly who have become the victims el , droadibi and destruotive habit which aue.l, , tO en untimely snore -thousands ••ol Inert exulted talent and brilliant Intel. , t °therein, have entranced liateniter w. „ l umotera or *queue(/' or waked to 1, lyre, may call with lea confidence. MISUSE. or tem, contemplatingrearriege,. be weakness, shoUldimintidistsly OOe nnd be restored to perfect beiltb. KIiANIC WEAKNIN . • inrisilattly cured and Ad/ rigor restored. Limssit ender the ears of De.J.l isaj Sip lilltl()r aa a gentleman, eon eat, 'ri y Upolt me sklil an a 161011113. *nth Frodo ok street, Italtimers, side going from Baltimore West, 7 Be particular In oltittervtilthe h, r, co you will mlttake the place- , ppr. I t n an:finites" Quadet, with false name'', cotoicates, attracted bp the repute. It near „,,,sntsin a Peetagehtemp, to use on the DR. JOHNBTON. the Royal Collage of Summit, gry ,, tot.;roM one of the moat eminent Mild& opt t Kurt the greatest part of whose i lo t L 'no Hospitals of London, Park, Phila . • ,& . • has eiooted 1101114 Ot the testae.' were ever irriown. Many trouble! L . lin , mett a.lll head Whee/1111110epAectilt, Uet• 4.4r01ed at sudden anonda, Nimbleness, ye, attended sometime with derange. f o o t a n t.urrd immediately, •TAn'i. YAM - IC(11AR NOTIOX. . all thoAo who baring Injured X4m ar.l imrroper todulgosofeo. Mid beforef hz , , ~, hie n ruins both body sod 88041 1 !,.„ tidal r ..." tr n.isioes or SOdety. .m, ine 43,1 and tnelkootuply elfordo pro. 1„ , •. os zat4 youth, : WOth13011110L•thb ' io too Head, Dimness of 8 bt, MaCIA,T ; OW?, l'alphstlob Of the HOMY, rt;c.,Nere , su•irr y, Dersiogement Or tbe Lz:tica, Gvcrtl, tyneptOtttli f OPENO/Itil• tl4l, u. YY TA.LLT, kital.T, the fer'7. .lloChee oa the taloa, are nosh le tpireod Ilemory, Oonfoilon of Ideas, Der ;.,enntn•6,,J.kcil Vorebodl,ngs aversion telikmalt. 1411.4w.:ft,,,ve .of Ootande, Thatalty,ke, are sone er'efx:.! n•-,:w0.• peons of all sok OM now Judge wool 12 , :SW ''thcr decline la health, losing their vigor, t'N! ^e nervous and emaciated, hap a , ir.into about the eyes, acina, and amp comr.pLon, YOUNG Wet v... • . - e•Lrue.d therrusehreß by • ceilidh praotiee, Ia I nr habit frtxpiently learned boot ;az,pne, or •t Achool, the elreota of which are • when asleep, and {Loos cured, readers b.e. and destroys both mud and body, riff mat a young man, the hopes of his coma. ~t tos parents should he snatched trete eioycoonts of life by the oonsequernose !.- , :11z Irrra the path or nature, and Indulging ha $ „s. , rre'. habit. sn 'h persona must, belbre confess NORM/31k ,!•;' t touhA rand and body aro the most n • b promote coupubial happiness. IT= r_ .1:44e, the journey through life becomes a wear, : the prospect hourly darks= to the Mem; the are tuthmed with despair, cod Ailed with th y reflection that the hopeful= of another be. ;;:ted with our owe. , 4.';:t) INVIGORATING RIMY "OR Olt GANIC WRAININe. o. = treat and important remedy, Weeklies' of tbi cured, and fa v eigorns& restored. tl,c most n duktUtatssd wh it 3: bve .1.1 so.oe. . been ervous Immedietely relieved. All 4t" .l,,rebtge, Physical or Mental Distil:nata l' +-tons, Trembling, Weakness or tzhanstion or 'earful kind, speedily oared. TO STRANGERS. ; 1 '.. 41 .4cy thousands mired at this battalion within tEI Ye , e, sad the onmorOWl irsOONAllt...ahrlika p , dcrmeo by Dr. J., wiloossiolf•br 'to napere , and many other persona notlces of meth and again before theeblic, c.o.dte, i as a iendessan alusreater dad fib • •.: 9, Ntilnent guarantee to the afflicted. •• (If ISIPRUDENCIL—Whim the misguided yowl of pleasure flats he has trohitted lb pd dui disease, it too often hippos's that tetse of seethe or dread of discovery deters lo ttom who, from education and re. •• (az befriood hire, delaying tin the con. 1•1. , M). Of this horrid diftense make poi, the bead, throat; ikfd, ., ` rt: v ,l : l Mehtful rapidity, MI death FeN I I sufferings by sending him to "that • m ehu so traveler returns." It is s met. .1114 ihounanda fail victims to this terrible II to the utieldithinees of ignorant pretext/. 010 01 that deadlyraMn i mereerry, rum •". Lt ,,, a make the rest es ife miserable. ileeter's Diplomas hung lb hls - !meet (Anthill a Stamp tone on Ihe reply. .tut bath `ohth street, Baltimore. •00,, tA. 'i WORSTED GOODS, N P.IAS t )1 a.vt, Eira(t Dresses, 14(lieti LlOOdat Hoods, Ladies Sontaze, Misses Mitts, &o.• ()pled at TROART N , x u t door to the Harr Ottlsbum 'E, Bank "!')!MACS ALMANAOS 1 11 11 '.J s GERxtAN AND ENGLISH 4- , ANA,:s in every quality can be had'at LEtitINER'S CHEAP BOOKSTORE. °O/Zl3--- FOR CRILDREN 1 wlint to get suitable trm go to BOOKS for your , ,___BEItIiEWS CHEAP BOOKSTORE. G OLD PENS GOLD PENS I , 'Lb rzost PEN:i sod most varied aasortment of ttis for sale at A LIIGNER'S CHCHEAPBOOKSTORE. LL l's,N ea A W ttaargo. A1,1'46 15)R 1 862.—A great variety at t.' • low prices. et BERVVRTVB BOOKSTORB. , tt• 161.41qi8 snewLs of New Liud morssag ' ay 9 trice of french Minket CATii ART & RAOTTIP,. '%A - I - LS! DRESS GOODS !' FURSI, e 1 s Lock of these g oods 4„ 440.4 or oods wi• 11,148 de Wir von' Next door to Use SAttiobart "44 Mg/k •1 - 1 Iftt • . 14 vfi zit , 4 4;t:„..-"":„. C 1 1 7 1611111/ • t.. 1111/ 10 • --"" • • VOL. XVII. ID. lU. j oStist 8c W. GROSS & CO., D' WHOLINIALIE AND RETAIL, DRIJ GOISTS , NO. 19 MARIKE'T' STREET' R416 ... ?/101089, P i law DRUG4IBTS, KEEPERS 'A.NQ OWIKMEAS, We. are daily adding to our r egiprtenent of goods all such artioleig se are deellable, and world reePoothilir 94 1 •roPY l 4.l l # ll l ll ' tiNle largest and bait selected stock in thiecity,'of Intl S, - alit uts PANTS, varidaties and alma, Dy•atuin t ekaund Putw. Artist esLira add Tool., iPitre Grovmd Splas Burning Fluid and Alcohol, Lard, Sperm and Pine OM, 44)ffifills ili add Choba, 1 .twitth Soap, suiolsettci, , &a, Ova., dib.oke., &o„ dra3 60==a. varietrof rizannuißT tt Tonarr:Atimerm, eebxted'frOm . the beet mannfecturere and Pe foment of Naropeittnd t6l. ixemtry: 'Being vesiliuge deeds= in PAINTS WHIT, LEAD LINSEED OM, VAItNIIIHIMS, °C . LOBS• PAW AND J3NUIFINt3 IN A _ LL THEIN VAINICTINB, mom A.Rompratir OF Auxins, Ii We respectfully invite • call, Sell*, conk dent that we ran' kip* the ali 'On term to their ;defection. TXBITH I TEXT'S!! Loßl , triZ3.ll:3:l4 :51: 7 .e) :4 frAl4 :4 779 PATENT MEDICINES ; AND itA4l unibliA.mrEs ot au kinds, direct from the ProFbitoreq. Saponifier and 'illormitrated Lye Wholesale Agents for SapcSiler, which' we ; 4ll, as low as it can be prehaeed in the dtles. rEtAYBIII4 MEDICAL "FLUlDlll)trid. C°4 6 94 1 00# laa l • Being large pnrehassrs ;Awe Oils, we can offer inducenierille- 6; l 4qm'. buyers. Goal Olt Lanip of 'the mast improved' pattern,-very{ cheap. All 'lLinde at lamps changed to born; Coal Oil. : • , • ' POKERS AIM Those of yoll who ha* not gl i es, bAr g HOll/311. AND OA:Fitat POWDZEIS `a trill" krkiw their aviantority, and the advantage they are In keeping' MO* i'and Cattlolinalthy: and * good condition. Thousands' an testify to the profit they hive derived from the I'm of our Ciattle rerun by the Increasing - quantity and quality of besides improving the general health and ap pearanoe of their Cattle. Our long experience in the btudneee givef . tie the advantage of a thorough knowledge of tie trade, and our arrangenientit in thir cities are each that °f a *l a °Pq s , l }T t l $ 1 . 1 , 3/ !' PriP4 anything appertaining to our Wigwam, on the beat of terms. Thankful for the libarel patronage bestow e on our house, we'bopi# by l Meat attention to buabies3, a careful aeleetloni of PURR DRUGS at fah:plow, and the desire to thaw al4 - to merit a continua loe of the' favor of &dim biatlng pubic. TAW) BIIGARB4 - 1-0411 BOW/LIN, atm Arimii as "IN,DEPENVEST I.N ALL THIN GS---NEUTRAL IN NONE." HARIIBBURG, SAttlii. DAY AFTERNOON, MARCH 1, 1862. ratio SALE. I:2I . PITMU4KR of opyorflos of3he Or-1 Phase' Court of Datlphitt county, Will be exposed to Sa 0, on SATURDAY, ' tholth 'day of "'Match, 1862, , at the POtiri Elmo ILibetdt# of Harrisburg at P. o'clock, 1 P. X., the following real estate, viz : A certain me mory frame house and piece of ground situate in said lily and court% bounded,and described as photo, to - wit : legliinteg eta Polid en %nth Area, Vier Corder of the Picas ofground and house formerly owned by James `drilliants, twelve feet and six inches from West alley , . thence along Said South street towards High street twelve feet six Inoheg, aeon a line parallel with w alley towards State ortrathbetteritsVa 'hen .41_ ~ adallne ward Id to stree weive itliAlell to West it; se en a Hot 'parallel - with . Wes *KW tort Y-six du Inches-to the nisei 'of beginsitag, ,ingsthervidth the piece et ground adjoining the afruvistdd wo* and ground on the west side thereof, cue foot wide on south street extending In depth, the same width par allel kith west alley thirty-two lest , ten ' inches, being atop used as analley belonging totheaforesaid house dad ground, whereonls wasted a two story frame house, Ikte the estate of Fuziatora•Tßoktpisos. deceased. Attendance will bi given and conditions of sale Made known by DAVID M. ROBINSON, Executor of said de ceased. JNO.EINGLaND, Clerk, 0. CI 'A. HUM 11 , 1'.E'L', BOOTS AND,SHOES;' BUFFALO AND GUM. OVER SHOES; TRUNKS AND CARPET 'BAGS. , ATATIabLTI ST AND corner of the' alley; nett to ii' L e Cburt. Homse s , lfiricee street s Barrtsbarg s Thankful for the patronage heretofore beitowad uPOD the tete firm or 4.lleminel& Co, we treat etrtat tendon to barflies; and by it'eaphig a well emmemen emu GOOM iD merits. conflatumee of the mane. • Please cell mod examine our OMR' and MUM before buying elsewhere. JeallAya; s •Htfifigl. i• • liloOde Are purchased direct from be manufactures tar cub anablingitbem to sell very low. • OP. E' Eto 1 1112 FitiE 'LOT Or 1317PERIOR AIRD.EOAS Ppedo • , eiteliAnn pne diteot4WMY maMe. glide tot or °hada Chewing anitlimoicing Tobacco, Pipes, Soar and a large variety of other anioles consta ntly on hen.J WV lien - Wholeelloand retaarl Thula el tokltormerl pat.' ronage, I hope by atria attention to business to receive a liberal share Etna trade, Pr:11400* , whets - * MOM erflemY lay (mak and s r my Biggs and 'Macao. Don't forMtbikaragidOnihrittt MegotoM lt; that Is t le place to buy your Tobacco and boors. North Market La Spire, a OO bo Ala riret street ! . Jatrr O 1,1 3 / 4 +431a 1 .1 i atrawsttort NEW ctitteitisi' oo DS. MIDEBEDIDERED . IttPS, J 24 Plain and Fikared Depth • : all WoaDelaines, Plain.iderinoes and Caihmerisi - Farley Paris Drees Bilks, ' - CELEBRATED DANDELION COFFEE, 'TVOT'REdEIVED of ktpeildi *lack we wtll sell le* to cult the Waal ; also, pure ground filo Coffee 'and•To;- key Oolfee all put up .ta one packages. Call and examine ec the wholesale qed retell groce , •yoore „ kriesjei reora ttaßrattij. rEI .~~-~, Ny. 215113,E1ATC:1.614t, • • L-0 AUNT 0, PITO ' " .O *d" ;NVIIIO4III I LINE.. THIS OLD TRANSPORTATION LINS instni in inunteitfal operation and prepared,to earri te*Lt as I.OW any atner individual line between. Philadelphia, Harriaburg,Sonbury,Lewlsburg, Williamti ftarsoy Shore,'Loct, Haven, and alt pOinte on Oen Philadelphia and inia, and wiuisme port and lihnin , , Local Agent at litunisburgi p. A. 'tralsNoll. Goode oat to PLAOOO.W., ZELL St, HINOIISLAN; . Noit. 808 and 810 Market street, Move ninth, b, o'clocki ill arrive at Elarrisiug, ready for delivery the next niornitig. P. IiTANGH, apB4if • Traveling Agent.' OEM 11 CLOTECINfik. STCiEtII. SHELLENBERGER & AROTIVAI, NO. 80 MAN= UMW. :(Roan formerly , =vied by , the Postoiffoc) t 4kin !. ' iundersigned have just opened 4 new We large assortment of tee latest .etylea of . .- We arkialdo prepared to niadefacturb Or order al ' ar:Genta Meer, out to the lateatetyle4 and fish L, ions.. ; We bar, Awe on band a Inrgt stook of Beady 1 `nude &gnu and Gentleman's hiridontnt Goods. nos-alior H. SiiaLLEStaetteillt & BRO. N canaiderattniSV'the harOman, and L as I sallizebitibiity towitiaan s 4aliMitutuoat 014 prima Coal as follows : - 4.y?.ops Valley,Brok 90 ei 32 per ton 4 L arge ' A ga a9O .4 $4 p i tark g _c. 2.90 . .41 41 44,, ;Stove . 290 14. Wilimbarrez 90 " Lbrberry - 2 - 90 • te ca, • war All Oval delivered by the Pm:err Wilma ClaSt; canoe weighed et- the Muchmore dcor, and 11 It , slalia 4 thom ,10 roucros, the Goal 'nib be forfeited. , All Coal of the Itral,quality Mined, deliveredfree from all Ictiparltitm Atirocal edit la' gantitles, at the inwasr wnotsimaa Asset for rittpohlie Celebrated, Powder, a lane atipplyi always oh bactatt Mannfeoturei pricae., itarA large lot Of eupitriot bated if rot saw' gis- • ismasficiwgzstan, JOHN •13; 13h1111 1 11 1 6 BOOT . O.SHOE STORA dOIfiNIES tiIiXX)ND Atilb WALNIA t g!irrigburg, P ec . ; A iiWAYB'Qii ot ANL 800% GAITERit; She very best slalom fir ladiireutlemeas end - ehildreite Prices m aawN,, All kinds At. WORK, 1141. n MO, OBORR in the beet style by superior werkleen • FJEPAMING done es short Douce. ' • o c asms • • • -JOHN 8: SKITS; Rinisbeig. THEIO. F; BOEEIFFER ; 1 • BoOK - 'AAP JOB PRECKigiq 18,..MARXE? . TIARRABURG. - " mr'Partkiblar4gwiton paid to 'Panting; Itelitig axial Binding or.Hitielrcoitt thaqtet, Itonloote r tNetotesi Checks,' IgEsnalam , iSlams ..1it1411401. at. fl, iB, St, Fig 4.5 per Irib - us - and in elaiwg.risifk ; , L A D/1113 -- V - OR T 13 • ALL or TEE Diviznia SIZE, WHITE AHD COLOBiID t mossesktiobineaufkkoiw aan lxi tband at. 11. CIATSCIARTV,, , trait dor tb tka Bareitimug Jkap. k: , - ikArAcirkEßEL , Nolvii, ,2 bind Sin Plakeitta.^e lagkostaWdllik roadvillraitlakk taellVrAlslpsG3bsrq $O3 :*4.4 ZVI a azioi WihrWrti *AU U.. 4•4 filiactilantons. feb&dta S9I3EICYr4LWM,i Superior Plain Colored Drees Silks, • Wart:lilted makes ofplphiblack • • ••, ••!116,wStyles Dow Prfeed • et G11E00,1.1=44 Baarszefe r ;West door•to the Harrisburg Bluth Market Square. sore . COAL! PO Waltit , i! COAL REDUCED 11• I. '.... haws of travel traitsportutiou PENNSYLVANIA RAIC ROAD 1 TIME TABLE. FIVETRAINS D,AILY TO AND MOM PHILADELPHIA. , ON ApD ASPTIN. A 1i ctt 1 40 149: ".4 47t1 0 8623. 1 .1 / 0 Paulonr , Pah* or tb•-xenaggivmd. meow! Oompany.wlll deport ri* No mi.. si Harrisburs fitiladetpllia as follows 4 1 R1A.S;T,WA RD. THROUGH EXPRRffiI TRAIN leaves Harriaburg daily at 8.20 a. in, and antes/mg, West Philadelphia at 7.40 'FAST leiyieg gik4l4rg daily, (except Sunday.) at I.oop. in., allebThovii• at'Weat Philadelphia at 5.10 MAI:WEAN leaves Baniabdrg Oar (dadePi. Sunday) at, hid infros at Weet Philadelphia at 11.00 , ACPQMIIOD3.IIO*I2I.IIIN, Wawa . Joy, Mayes 113Triebuit st 'l.Sb n a. m., and anew' Rt Weet !NIB -12.35 p. u.- HARRISBURG ACOONSODATION TRAIN, ,ti Bohm bet, Leaves Hantsteng at 2.„00 p. m.. out arrivee at Wed PbOadelpbli at 7:20 'WE . $T . W A.jEtD. , , inrievaintniitras twain leaves Pidiadelphia at' 10.80 p. Harkistittre it 8.06 , Altotifia 8.40; W. and, grlyeg ut,Pittsburg et L. 28 p. in. , MAIL TRAIN jeliveiPhiladelphis at 8 .00 14 P. PA ar rives at'lrdrriaburg itt 1.20 p. letiveaSarrisbiug at RAO a. m., Altoona, 3,20 p. And, arrives at Pittsburg at 0.80 p. itC FAST LIM) leaven Philadeledidat'll.26 Harris. burg 4.05 p. Altoona ,at .10 and arriving at Pittsburg at 1.40 a. m. HARRISBURG ACOOMiIoDATION TRAIN' leaves Phil_ ,delithia a ?MP. m.,1 and adviveu at“Hartiliburg at 8.00 P , MOOHLTOY AGO& MODATION ' via gount Joy leaves Lampater at 11,23a..m.; arrives tat Harrisburg at 1.80 p. m. The NBA'S PIPAREIS and PAPEIR . NHER TReIN leave West Philadelphia , at 400 a. m.; Ilancaater.l.o7 a. ; Mon& Jby at 7.43 a. m. ' Middletown at italM a. m mid arrive at HarriliburratB.6s l a.leonnesting with Mail Train west , from Harrisburg , ata m. OM 15. YPUNG, Bapt. Bask Div. Penns. Railroad. Iliiiie i;jintiary 24, Asa; --ms hur Nort);lptccOentral Railway WINTER ABILLNGIEXENT. - ' ItaiIPILMAIXO ZOLIIIOAND .13A. L'MI - M0 V,l 10 °Mai 131a0 b TQ, AND 2 .F40*. NEW, YORE. SLEEPING iARS-RUN , ON - AU. .NIGHT TRAINS. tgWAND. AFTERI3tYNDAT, NOV. 24; „Hid}, ,tba ?assangerlrainn of Um Morales Central alai will arilre at and ddpart from Harrisburg and Delman as fUlloWsoris : i ' • - GONG . 'BOIITH. • kLate:_TßAlNailtrila at Hairlebnig P M. loars L2O P. AL WOMB arilvaa at AAA A. M. and leaves 7f 3.510 1 A. AL ' ' R ILAMISAIN ' 8.26 A. M. .‘tit,:el i v v e e s e l t ortirf i te mirg. tr 3 MIUCBB TRAIN leives Baltimore %L.:. • realrNitttrirtrit"rg M. • ',LOW I 4 I R a AVO . ,VIKAMON mum LION Harrisburg for Baltimore , 8.46 A. It. Belairnlme-4alims 8.80 P. /IL Ate train leaving Ha rriaburg on Sunday will be the Sligrivitreihi; South it 8.20 A. 11. Fez MAN* ineniesatimapply it the Oflets i ts Peek , " lar°l4P?°! abiker r. iniertm;Agent. • liailtibarg, 3i0r.411; na.—dtr. : . WINTER TIME ARRANantsENT kW Mt LAE ROUTU IHNIDI TEAMS , Akin" TO=4 Ns* Ion; I'A :wartorr IJHANGE OP CABS QN ANto AFTER M0N1543:, NOVEII- BIIR 4,18111, the 'Trains will leave the aglalpidL And —ludas Ballroad begot, & Harrisburg, for New York rad Philadelphia, as follows, viz : - EASTWARD. . NIKICPBABS TINE leiveaHairiabinar at 8.80 °am. rlaal of Pennsylvania Railroad Ittpreis Train from the We arriving in NeirYork ,, and it Phlla, delphia at 9.00 it, tn.. A sleeping ear , la atte. etted to the in& tbrihigh ffoniPittebOrg without eking • AWL leftAlN.leaves Hatiistirtrgat 8 n;m.,•antir In Now York at 5.80 p. to exut rhlbulelphle at s l.26 p. nag. m.i IPARtlatirlegfee'llentobtritinl4o prls`:,c6n "Moat of Pennsylvania Railroad Fast Mill, arriving In • New Rork at 9.90 p. tq , and...f2iliattelphis at 6 . 4 0 p. 13). WESTWARD. rdBT4l.lNEleaeseNenr York at and - Whitade .phis at Ba. arriying at liapieintrg m. WAIL TlLlLThridavek New York At 12.00 noon, and milt. mielphiw. 18. p,.• to., narriving-Injtarriaterr it &10 123. -EXPRNEFFIINItIeamm iTow 'tort 'V 8 4 - p.- m 4 'gni.: yinif, l4 E l ArtiOgrg.tAa.Alls. m., and conneeNng with the! Pemisylviaita Express • train for Pittabnrc. • sleepin g ! ,oar !taloa 'MAMMA tolhlo Wan: I iftnneokona are made atiLarrieburgyrith trains on the: Pd Colttal elferisria tabby{ agAroosoind„iit ResdinclorMilliMphia,,Pottigille,i labirre, Allentown Beston i ers. Baggage dekko* through: - Faze leAwienii New York bpd *burs 45 004 ,husrepri in aine. Phlial 0 r .6 ik NO: oars, and $2 NI in No. 2. br r other inrermattei apply-to • , • J. J. C/41711, ' Genteel Aga* Hithrieburg. no 4 1 ' "PORT - rt*loB * VET . RUIN . G DESKg, ' v.VV. , • TRAVELING SAGS, I.PUBSES; , , :; lusiqqaigteenavielvidAttO • - - ‘:1,1441.4.1 aggiagearaCairairßOOKSTOßS. 140 .r r .33Abaar4 1.1.44 , , linportent froth the. South 1 -MESSAGE OP JEFF: DAVIS TO THE REBEL °MBES& I. Admis that They At!OppWiltiro thga 'bey Caa Amap .43.141,0 XX. 13.T.A.-TE -.Aril • a tIa„RE.I3:NrADQIII4 . h THIF 8111RENDE6 011' komioxo, ISLAND AND sou,DoNsmOY. =rl=l B.utrosotur, Feb. 28. kft'§aiolt of ritabrad , ,,TE,kt. tk4kYiS. 2b the Senate and House" of Ikiresentatives of 1.14 S a•Vitkrated Stales: In thii Conati- Lotion, end provision requiring the ?resident from time to time to give .to Cowan Infounation of the state Of the 'Confederacy, and recommend to their conSiderationenchinessnies as •he shall judge , neoessaryLand expedient, I have to (xiommunicate that since my message at the last session of the provincial. congress, events have'dentonstieted that the government had attempted More thha it' had'Potiersuccess tally to achieve. Hence in the effort: to pro tect by our arms the ,whole , territory of the (=federate States, outboard and , inland, rie have been so evoked as recently to encounter 'serious disasters. - • , When the confederacy was formed; the States comprising it were in tim,peciallar character of their pursuits and a misplaced Confidence in their fernier associates to egreat eXtent, desti tute of the means'of prosecution of a yar on so gigantic,a scale as that which it has attained, the workehops and articles were mainly to be 'found in the northerti Mates, and one, of the fleet dales . which deiblied tition this -gdyern meat was to establish the' necessary Manuffie tories,and in the metuatimeto obtain by purchase from abroad, as far as practicable, whatever was re quired for the public defence. No, effort has been spared to effeCt - both these ends ark though the results 'have not equalled out hopes it is believed that an impartial judgmento will npop full invoigation, award to the various de&itraelits of the government, credit for hav ing . done BIV which hinian Poweeithd foresight. eoabled them. to accomplish. .• • The valor and devotion of the people have not only, sustained the efforts of the govern tient but have gone far to support its dela/M -ole& The active state of the toilitsity *Ora tions in arming the petioles of? Europe in; 'April, the date when ottr.pgenht. first Went abroad, • baptised unavoidable, delays in the Froward: riitint - of minis, and th Want Of a navy halt 'greatly impeded our efforts kiimPoitt'uillittiry supplies of all sorts. ; • • •; I had howl, for several ; days to receive official reports in relation to our discomfiture at'ltoanoke Island and fall'of Fort Donelson. They , have not 'yet reached 'me, 'and' I' airt,. therefore unable to you such in formation of the past events and,consequerion resulting from them as would enable me to make recommendations -. founded 'tipoll' the, changed condition which they. have, pro duced.. Enough. is known of the Barren- der at Roanoke Island' to make. us feel that it: Waif 'deeply fibiniliatliq however imperfect mayAitive been the preparations for defence, the hope is still entertained .that Our repwrteti losses,at Fort Ponelson have , been. greatlY exigerted, inasmuch ea I not only unablelo believe that a large army of =our people have surrendered without h desperate effort,to cut their way through, and investing forces, whatever may have been their numbers, and to endeavor to make a junction e with other divisions of thWarmy ; but in 'the absence of that exact information, which can only be afforded by official reports, it would-be premature to pass lodgment, anti my own is reserved. JEFFEBSO N DATE FROM WASHINGTON. ;;COLUMN. , FAlre-E 'REP ORT. V7Aminicmor Feb 28. A-r P e q rt .1'r,011416.11. yesterday to effect tbitt'Geb.pinks i ' bad s red ,r Se in , 94 03 4 P . 4 43 aOW 'AitemPting (9 cross. PCOM43 4u4 46 Witty tiaii expose dby a communication from Secretary Stanton to Mfr. Colfax of the Home of Representatives— , • • ='• A Plcivare letter, received :here from Parisi statei3 that Yancey has, left for, 41abame, Ilivrtife; satisfied that none of ,the Great Poweis-of Europe 1111 i recognz e 'the 'Cobfedet ate Government. • • • - Ile has met „with, great moccasin, obtaining ri supply of cheap but drirahle goods foci the clothing for riegroei. • The President was *AU* preisitilteil4ftV'e magnificent; cane veined at seVettlltin'died dollars ! nent : to him tram Illinois,,by friends of the late Senator Douglas. - ' - 'The last words - Of the'decenied - statamiln are inseribed on it. • The - gift was 'Presented by :Hon. I. 11.• Arnold, of 'lllinr.ds. • t The President accepted it within Senator Wilson will introduoe 41)111 to-mor-: iow to give a 'bounty of't.2s to every volunteer -soldier-who Will join tlie 4 reguliirlirmy.' • The House Committee oft (Ways And Want have decided not to report the tax bill till; Hisidny. „ corrom AND MINION CAIN W nylmg [CoriespOndonce of 'PiLlledelibia Exclumigo.l 1 4r Wl/117, Cotton is corning in,daily from, tile interior,; 'and a cargo leaves - to-day,Jor New York.: "Secesh," or tivi filbert's:Vim, is on — the wane.- The Union men aro now-becoming more ern-- pnatio in their oonfessions t of devotion to- thn Union. Weather fine, and, il here are in Bond health. Truce AMD Vanwr.-;-.eole4tor from the traitor Tyler tbstjt was to the aorta of Jobrl thatitbe rebels were mainlyy, indebtt4 fon the drgtoShattlinfilf Weir gniabol,filiiL of the'erilritisidett treMottiAbisitestinurnOthls felloi4ocat9pira 131,2"re$,iitiMt*PYATY11400 riewlaincl mAtt. : 05 11 s a itai lia b ir w et 1 9Z it Itwittticitivt4 •.year or 6#4;#11 rks o:ittsw di9ta Sr G .#l.l }8; .#l.4s s.ll assandatai .414 'alai tat ----'7: 1., 1 - .--; - :.: -....--. - - 1 .-7 ttain, 1 g. itorintproonrod Steam Power Prime% we are peeper . ed to execute XX addirOOK NOTTING °revery deocrip Uon, cheaper than tt can be done at any othardnablisa. meat in titimoutry• WO OF ADVENTISM. A6r Pour ltnei or leas constitute One•boltrquare. 114 knee or more than fottr constitute a Know lialf , F•quare, one day p uk 25 one week 1 00 44 One month 200 three months. ...... •• ••••• • 8 00 0 4 / 03, ............. ........ 6 00 di one year... ......... 8 00 Oneeltwro, one Gay. ......... .... . GO one weir. ..... 200 we month 8 60 A l!three months ..... ....... 00 at Menthe..." 2OOO one year 15 00 H;r Business notices inserted In . ti:e E1 . a165 0 . 4 or before Marrfges and Paths, FIVE CENTS T•Vst Vreiß far eachtnaution. NO, 4 8 Aar Iderrigee and Deaths to be charged agcnialar • Tertnemente MEM .10=th Oongreas--First Session. Mr. HOWARD (Mich.) presented a petition from the citizens of the copper producing re itoll*Xiphigsn, askii3g for a military *Oa to Wificoruitn. Mr. Czrarrorea (Mich.) presented a petition for the eetablishment of a naval depot at Sagalaw say. Mr. Sumas (Mass.,) from the Committee on Foreign Relations, reported a bill to carry -Into effect am etipMations of the treaty with Han over for the abolition of the etadt dues; 'Mr. Spa, (Oregon,) ()Shred a resolution that the papers relating to the loyalty of Benja min Starke, Senator from Oregon, be referred to the Committee on the Judiciary. Ift.'ffirstura's resolution was laid aside at the etphation'of the morning hour, and the Senate passed the House bill providing for additional clerks in the office of the assistant treasurer at Nei York. The legislative and executive ap- Propriatibn bill' was taken under consideration, and pinned. HOUSE OF REPRISENTATTirIin. Mr.'Moaaasen, (Pa.,) from the special (lem mata.; on the estblishment of a national armo ry, ; reported the following: Resolved by the Senate and Ifouseqf Representatives, to., that there shall be established within the 'United States one national foundry east of the Allegheny mountains, and also one national foundry, one national armory, and one manu facturing arsenal west of the Allegheny mono 'tains, and in the' valley of the Ohio and Mississippi, and that to that end a commission of five citizens be appointed by the President to locate the said foundries, armory and arsenal, who shall within sixty ays from the time of theirappointment report to the Secretary of War`; and , that the Secretary upon the in coming of the report of the said committee, shall report the same to Congress, together with the estimate of the amount necessary to the establfsionent of the said foundries, armory and I arsenal ; and that there be appropriated fertile expensesuf the commission the sum of five thousand dollars. • The resolution was referred to the committee of the.whole, on the state of the Union, after Mr. Moorhead had ineffectually endeavored to make it a special order. The House passed the bill providing for the atipbintzhent of an additional clerk in the office of the andstant-treasurer of the United States, at New :York, and for a deputy-assistant tree - nrer,,hisaalaty l not to exceed three thousand dollars per annum. The Home Proceeded to the consideration of the special order , nemely,.the bill providing for waiving engineers in , the volunteer service of the United States. 'Mr. Wnsoti,And.,) in opposing it said, our =gee ate advancing successfully without Oils - provision. The farce oontemplated, - was, be believed, for. She purpose of constructing the Nicholsyille, Kentucky railroad route to Ken tucky. Mr. Biala, (Ho.) replied that the gentleman was totally Inisbsformed. Mr. Kumar, (Ky.,) suggested that until a ihort time ago our armies have.advanced only though the' loyal States. As they are now moving into the rebel States it was necessary to provide forces for repairing the bridges and railroads injured by the enemy. Mr. WILI3ON said that no damage had been done greater than those to the Missouri rail roads: Mr. Winks remarked that these companies had themselves made the repairs. was rejected-57 against 66. The bill granting homesteads to actual set tlers, and.providing bounty for soldier, in lieu of 14=4,, was taken up. Messrs. )10IJUN CRAVINS, and WINDOM dls• oussed - the merits of the question. The bill was amended to take effect on Janu ary let, 1888, and paseed-406 against 16. Adjonmed until. Monday. MARKETS BY TELEGRAPH. Cotton firmer--salesl,7oo bales at 224428 e. Flour heavy—sales 10,500 bbls. Wheat deelin hq—ardes 12,000 bueheis white, $1 48. Corn deolining=sales 42,000 bushels at 80(488c. Pork heavy. Lard quiet. Whisky firm at 27 What We got at Bowling Green. Our success at Bowling Green, writes a cor respondent, is much more important than at first supposed, viewing it merely in reference to what' ptoperty we have taken possession of.— The rebels did not destroy as much of their stores as we imagined, but concealed them in various places in the town and neighborhood, hoping that they might escape the vigilant eyes Of our quartermasters and commissaries.— But their:hopes were vain. Such quantities of provisions of all aorta, flour, pork, &0., have bwn found, that we should have no difficulty fn subsisting our army for a considerable time, evenlf we should receive no supplies whatever from the north. In every imaginable place theca articles have been found—up in garrets, down in cellars, in wells, in cisterns, in houses belonging too professed Union men, and, indeed, in: every situation which any individual would be apt to select as suitable for concealment.— This organized system of hiding was not con fined-to the town. A great many hundred bags and barrels of corn were discovered concealed hi the woods in the vicinity. It was astonishing how, speedily and surely these were hunted up. No matter whether the hiding place was one, two or a dozen miles off, the hidden goods were smelled out, and a party . wan soon on the way ,forithe purpose of bringing them in. I shall net pretend to estimate the value of the pro perty thus captured. I have not seen the whole of ,'it' but have been informed that little less than 'a hundred thousand donate' worth have been found. WHAT THE HOWIE EAT.—Gen. Van Vliet, who is at the head of .the Quartermaster's De partment of, the Array of the Potomac, finds it easier to Purvey for the men than the horses. Captain Ingalls,- across the Potomac, has s! hwidrameni at'work every day, distributing one hundred tons of hay, and six thousand eight hundred bushels of grain ; while Captain Dana, - "On this side, has about twice as many teamsters and laborers, yho daily distribute two hundied - tons of ny, and about six thou sand Urn hundred bushel] or grain. in addl . Aix these,dailfauppliee, are those issued by hequartermasters of the divisions up the Pout toms°, at,,,and down at Boyd 's Ferry. The horses are now in due condition, *lth fiteitiiip*iterifthese ofd few Codithnies. ~ .4 WASEUNGTON Feb. 28 SENATE Nsw Foam, Feb. 28