Pennsylvania daily telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1857-1862, February 28, 1862, Image 1
7 1 1 f TEI,E4I.I.tAka , , ~,. ,5.7.113...L15HE1) EVERY DAY, (I , , F;()Re - E: BERGNER; I F p„ q8.....0MiLs 8069CRIPTiON. ,lois TiLitigArti SerVed to subscbers In tht ' ~,:,.; L ,. i .ie por vee lak Yearly subscr ri ibers will lb, i i i po, la Rd voce ''' ' - r. orw ,vv eras-Wsksiv Tateausrs. o isitosrii is so publishewice a week during 1 th e L al eg islature, aud dt 'weekly durbig the _,..s L .-. „. l i r e year, and furnished to subscribers at ' :a or iteh rites, VIZ: t,erberB per year Sett-Weekly .. 60 ~ ~, i. 14 ..12 00 :•0.. 61 I, ..22 00 ii,uls .1 , ~ umor iber, Weekly L .i co res Lew or NsWBPAPIRO. . E , , icnbers order the discoothimaotie of their news ' i . 'tit. utibb.her may continue to send them until • , ~,r: are laid . ''' ', hers neglect or reins to take their mumps 1 . 1 h • Mike to which they are directed, they • e pa , I ' i with they have settled the Mils and ordei ed ''''' :::,4-I'i VilLI,(l. Oltbital. .; JOI-INSOIN 1 oA ,.l....rilkitticmt.iri LOCK HOSPI.TAL . , di,overed the roost certain, Hp W I 1 t ::11atkettrul remedy in the world for . I 1 ,- .X 4 ES OF thFitit,l l 4 l 4 o ß , 0 , .. ~,us, us 4.1 TO TWIRVI BOO= s o Slereury or No:sloes ' Arpgp; , i 1. 0 % a tIA31111), OR COCUMIN, II 110.1 Dee w V Two DAIL'S* ~„,,e ill the Beck or mbs, Widens, Pae .., ',canons of the Kidneys arid' der 0l M'' ~',.. .cranes , Debility, DeellYst tile 4. ''' - ',.., languor, Ulm* , b dewy, ^ ' ',' ,r‘to lloirt, Timidity, wail edit rtu IMnems, Digetille of th mach, ilitoptimn ritil frito d Tbro ,t, Viso or Skin— owl terrlbkl aim ' ' ' . mdkaoretios or Seditery albite of , I- .is .1,10 1 c ' _ft , • ,In. olful and desitruetlve ersatterat.irlikili ~,l i. dt LA ~usi debility, render marriage Inukm, , ds.trq both body and mind. . , YOBBO' kat ~, men . „ ..p, , nially who have became the viral= el , Sue, teat dreadful and destructive hatdt. Ira ~,,, n . to an notate/7 Mrs *Mail bi : r.Ol. di s l at o therwise d talent and brilliant inte}- ~,, m have fentraneed latent:is ~L • min the filarial Of elemiende, or waked f 4 do. . d . ..I,,,r r g irr,, nifty call wi , b full coolideneei - ICARRIAGIC. , s , d pima., OT thee.. COMOMpladag marmots, 6„. ~,,, c Of 14' 141}Firai • esteem, should Immetila4y Oct.. usl be restored to perfect health. r , ' 1 . I ()ROAN IC WUKNBIif i IminedutalY cured and 1W! falfew redone. 3 .. ~... himself under the airs of Dr. J. u m •t...e,, ro• lee in his honor II a leAlemea, sad coo .4., , rely moo MO skill as a phys . ' "i t e ...0 7 4 00th Yroderiek Street, Baltimore, fr 4 iA t lot nand 111i10 going from ItaltimOrentrask7, 1,.. run Ms rails.? fie earth:milli In obvert/1f r• übroher, or yoo will mistake the plc taw, i r jr, raid, fluting geocki, With f se ,names, 1 rivous Crriihultes, attracted by the liepg,„„ , If I hr son, lurk near t , item must contain a Postage st,arp, blue eis the r Lilt. ionNBTON. , melll member Of the Royal opuses ot wargeona, ~ , , r „,,,,,,,,,,, i TOM one of the must eminent Ofilleips B ICI .1 itio, awl the steamed part of what* Ufto „ ~.p.i.l t. the II oopitile sf Loudon, Paris, f Phila. s,. ow w 11.,r., has 'traded some of the , , ~ [ft rt,••• Hatt were over kneirn. ' Nally 4 . . •V; • ~, / I IDA eary els d head when melee; j ,„„ . net.. . o, ue 1,, • dunned 111 sudden sousid I, 7 ' 1 ' mile, , ~ uk,u; oi, too g, ittanded sometimes win' disrariss. .:..I coin a„••emend immediately, Intel I'AKTICULAB Neilli: ( 4 ,.. ~' t .re nil iimis who saving iw u r, , vi simr , , • ,o 1 a are imi rum indulgenallis, thatMesrm mr, t I xhicti ruins both Wry: sad l oo s on , .;,.. , t b,, th I,T raer hconeseer weelety. i c• - ”, , ire ~lEar ..t th e sad and metanahoir e r n tsobil Op: 1 1,, ~ftly nstum ol youth, vill 7 Weakoints,of the ~ .ri lout. To in the Thisia„ pinto iot! p et. •• , !A.- ~L.., I , ,,ser, PelPliatille of, up g frou•lttitlshly, Derillament et _ 3 . IiTIE ea • , sai iiiuso debility, BytalltOnta all • lark* 111,11 TALLY. :.. , evn,lll, tbr q.atitil edectil on the ruled are rahalaloi ~, , ,,t —LA 0 Nternoty, ..Coarealan of . i ttlf4s,,,tha t , 4 ., o Bvtna,l6ill 1 oreeoerop, Amwantsititocia , el,tottiet, iettilf "muds, Timidity, te., an siliipe , le el I eihtU qe W... 1 Tbomi,l, o , ?A/1001101 lkii Milk 011111 now ...,„ i tne CHF. , :Wir decline in beidtb, Inlibli **CT, , ~,, , -,..., WC, nervous sat 41111 M . sip,thL 1N 1 4141 tr,elar A I , ,thre iihhut the eyes, week and It o'retuompli.m. YOUNG MU 1 . , Pete , jt rl , l themselves by c wrists traottes, la L m r habit frequently letreed bee Et. ,1 at school. the Abate of which' 'we trod when seleep. see If not owed; reeler* imi, , ft Die, sod destroys both Wad `sod beitt tprly .usetlistoly, e young man, the hopes of * 1110jant , ii; too parents, sboeld be seatebbd trot i.ririzr iinpymonla Cl ttre by the etaneactaseese troy 'iira the path of nature, and Indelitaar, la a t. Su .11 minions must, behove cesotese • ; si ARRIAGI. fuo mind and body Ire the semest b to irfmote boneublal happleenn. l = the initrney through 111 becomes a weary prospect hourly darken, to Uto ylooritbe. elrodowod with deepalr, and Al With th L reflection that the happlean at analber be. 110 %Alb' with one awe. ; , HNAJSI.4 IN VIOORATiNG RUED! FOR OR: RANIC WEAKNESS, ly ;an great and Important nanaind,r, WinksllB Plitt areiptedilv cured, an full vigor ireolorbd. '.4mNnt. tbe moat mamma and daaSitiats&whe rape, have bean ontoulintedy traorod. All MCELP in Marna," Physical ornlarEKollll/116 al':. Carron, eons", , Trembling, Wns", Or tpikto or vvinl kind, speedily cured. TO er RANGERS. J tiny thousands cured et thle lastluttea Mt p.m, sod the Quinttrous Itapprtaat fthrites to performed by Dr. .1 by' the. Mr v . . If the peperoro ,, and macy other perebni, 01 ac re' tpeared atalu and again beibro tbe Publkir di rem* al a /enamel* . 1 aur . ae._ . „".*,. s sothclent rtutrablee re' os• OF 111 PR 1 JDRNOIL—siffben, Me • MI c: rulest rotary of pleasure Ands be has =tt e4 iNed . wtot ibis painful disuses, tt Use often happeenlithol Os' suss of shame, or dread,. of dsity deters Ite to thus' wholfrom fidtaa” add re. ^4O 'lone befriend bfm,dellollittlur nos. tymisem s of this horrid disease makethair v-race, 'Pectin/ the bead, throati.uralth &WI aro with frightful rapidity', VII death puts I tit dread al suaorlngs by ettailltilhim I° "Mit fere 0 0 '1(.4 so traveler returns,. It I a met !, f fact that thousands fall vlothas to. Ws le= rt woe to the maskilrulneu of tgooreut pr , by the . use of Lou deadly podsoft,..ll=Vl s ;t , titutinn and make the redone of lire li p .+urrs oons —The Darnees Diplome WI - W6 must °sown a Stamp Sou en She reply.. ' rth.ttedt..s tent by ,s •`oath Frederick street, Baltimore. ' WORSTED GOODS " 1 T NUBIAN, Li 5 604 Wad Dreeses, • Ltdies Hoods • Mimeo Hoods, ladies Bootees, Misses Mitts, &o. dra. ,•,iptowejust opened at °Arnow's, Next door to the Herrhtbarg Aank. ALMANACS! ALMANACS irms GERMAN AND ENGLISH AL )IANAIN in every quality can be had at Ii EIIGNER'S CIIKAP BOOKSTORE. BOOZE{ POR CRILDREIN wainto get imitable BOOKS for your Wren, go to B ERGNER'S CHEAP BOOKSTORE. OOLI) PENS! GOLD PENS 1 larseht and most varied assortment . of uULL) PENS is for sale at BEIiGNER'S CHEAP BOOD/ALculh _orAu. Pent %amnia. r FOR 1862.—A great vari ety. , l,g low prIGOIS. SIMPER'S'S® 8121 AWLS 1 SHAWLS I 114111 e, of New Styles of French. Blanket kcokd tine owning or OATH ART k BROTEHIR 8/ ALS I DRESS GOODS! FUASII, A ,LA lIGE stock of these g0944:i11-14. ' N' 4" of M Ter/ low prises. Pine:: mil wol7 c0n10744 . Nott door to the R14710M1 It` i ,ir. - - i ' • .., , t . )i . 1 .. y , : . “ lit „, „ • : ~,,, ! ~ ": ~.: ,ri fy , •) ' 1 lif,!,r;, T' '. '`F •:. l :. '. .. ' '\ Pt_ thl i ) I . . . • .1..1k- _.,..._--.-.... --•,....,.. Vy, - _ ;--- "., ~ , . ~-....._,.. , ..._„ .. . ~. , , . • .., ,k 7 .Iv l '11 :r.1 .' . i . - ' V ii-a-ls - ----7.;0-oi*, - -- 7 • •• • : 1111 • - ' - li i t., , t • ~„x: . ,,.,..... v) . :.:., •: ,:.:,.,:: ~, :, .. Al ~, ir -, ..: .. .. - ......-_, AI: ... c ,_ • ,0 .....,,,,. . i1t , t1:v g.... e ........ )__ _ :. . t.t i, _,.•• _,•,_ ~...• = ,i,. l' • ."“. t'. - -.. . '.• ' . .' F- ' . ', t' 31 ... nrit..ll a It t. ;0' : ') j': l :‘ t ; ' ' 'i f'' . - ..1.-z-ift - TT. ,- Pi''' - ra''' - ' s , iti-- - _- - f-- - ' - - • . ' . - `.,......." ',..'''' '' .:. ..` . .',1,k!..?f 7 .1,i f.'''' -'.l !' 'i i• . - - , - VOL XVII, it). Ordes-&-ein,i• j EE w erl4o§§ ci:Y WHOLESALE AND RETAIL s;"' •N TzT •4, :4014 tit 11 — PJ Pr No* -14:Zi1...;, 8 1,a OLIO . gam CT! " ST. 19 All ItR. 1 41 , -44 1 I 1,1 . T • - 1 ,CT. diLtifitaM3l///64,? RIMIWITA.I DRUGGISTS, PHYSICIANS,*fi r , 1 “, • - la • .KEEKRB *kg • SJONSUMER$ 4 • )1. ~‘ *4 4 = 4, to, our iiiii4m4ot of goods Bach' itrtletee Eli- are. deightible faiti w,„4 pepe*fally tea at t ee4iqn,, to the terteet And beet imploded, kook this et • r• • i) E Jif . , PAPA ciIOWPALEI'dIPAINTBrii 1.1 t , t,. Qlll., irarigsbAkkandiillusdk - br&iitiarbottlAss and Putty, Gs ors mud Tools, 4 . 44 lsr o v i si o pi a it i litarnllng asd - ALealibl, • ; 1 , 1 andpinsolle, salmi* ins& mind Lampelobitel PastlitotgoaPt dPgraliwkisAut pork, liftedie k &a., &a., do.. &a &e. Willi a ideral:initeiot Auto= aunliai.ze, • • fronAm best manufacturers and Pe tuners oraturope and this country. 'EningQerY Urge dealeri bi ' IvAINIB, wltrrß LEAD, , utrawia) of., va=iinA . coLaus e PAINT AND 401 Ark B lll ** d 124 ALL THEIR VABLIMIA .4111.MIOWS M? 1 1. .1 {dr PSI • We reerettegi`h4lte , .e 6 dit feeling; dentlhat we am apply-the; wan* 'of 41. fig faction. terms to their ast .z.rEtsikt JOITIr 8 Akiwternii , s tan; KINTr ILEIDEMNEEtaANDLIBAIR RSSTeRATIVhS of sumo% dtrig* froni the Pixipsietork 11 I • Saponifier 11 0 111) *Oa teir' 4, I WtolegudeAg,te * .B . l 4 o :9*hit;'"k4 Irs sell ea Low as it eau be vintbased in the oldee. rEassms 1 06 1 1 94 rup:c• :•/111:rit#CITS 0041.„01L1 !Manx orLi ! 3elu f b t r f e!ltthllh'iCelTS,..,;we can oiler Inducemeiii close buyers . 'uosi Tempe of the most buPlgvo pl itten "! , 44117 i . 7 , 3 4 1, ; l o a * t zi onQg irs of tiir t Co.! ou. . cli)::1 or; fit FARMERS , AND GRAZIERS, Thole of you who have not glyeabeee.HOßECE 4P.:ggrq: •thatrinporiori#N , sad: theoadeaatage 04 ate b t 4104 . 100;1_4(f0.1i144 . 1 z! good condition.; . - l i jkaapatA3 08.11 testify to the profit they Have deriTsof from the 134 of' iiir*tai,goyideris by tbswLrcilithig7 . 4Bukosity.and,• T rlilit, besides imprevinip thtagemeral health and iip t ' peantoce of their Cattle. Our long experience in the btteinetie give-ns the W1'9.11 6 40 at: ee, th9rombAikolviedge of 60: Made, and our arrangements hr the &lei are aoch that we csa in 11;itryBiti;:ii "iLie frrnt# anything - aiiiaierainbig Ito ogle&Wawa, on! the i • . beet of forme. . Thankful for the liberal pitrouage beetdwv 'on our , house, we hope by atria . atteritit to basil:mils a careful selection of • 3 p D Et II- GS • ; at fair prime, and the desire okaiit:A..ecintAaria.oaaof the favor • ,t • •7{.1 TEAviam4l.o3/ 1 -4341, at , ,„.12U,CHoi,B BD elsoaadMailiat ,'`,„l„ . N pEp . ''''iisi' - j5 :,'''l4l": -. .' i :ti '''A -- 1.'1. -. 111.1:Si: : '--,'.N.E,.V. L ..T:Ii.,A.L, Is-:Ni9'l%7:E.'-":' LIARRIatURG,' PA. -FRIDAY AFTERNOON. :FE13 . 111 - 4ARY 1 8 32 • PUBLIO N PIIRBUANDE of on order of the . Or- Am& Omni of Daupbty Will be elided P: Morn to A • al /;::1:1 ' SARtittudr,aillfaillatirtth, March, 1862, at the Court House In -tee city of Harrisburg at 2 4 , f ock, - "am .... g AA•dattra* It y and county" ipedpantigAgongeget as nildowe, to wit : Begbinftil a a top OM Mkliodatiaa, the corner of the piece of ground and•fitouse- formerly owned by 'Janne tar, tigelv“mt,sculam4nphan„frogo, ;West" alley, gaiety add SAN Mfriannliaiariliaringh street twelve feet six Inches on a line parallel with west alley towards State street forty-six feet six Inches, thence "otkaibielparallel *Masts:Or* ter fie feet*: 4aobee towards West alley, thence on a Ilde parallel wib West alley lorty.six feet strtuabes to the place- of beginning, 114" 11 PWI tr akt iitfal , Ontr ,wide ,!" ' ' Poe• w y Irty-two lest ten Inches, being now usedsfia awa belonging to the aforesaid b• • and t r it= w 4 , 4: • - late• attendance wniAt given and con. • ens of sale made known by DOW 111E'RUMMON, lizeoutor of said . 9.• A wil it i "CV M E BOOTS ANDI3Z, • BUXOM, o k trx orrza Aga% v 144 ,41 l'Aislwicriklalit spa's. AZTIIII OLlAthraidalliaar'it the alley, next d the Court House, Hariu%street, Harrisburg, PAL 4.11=14; frriaPit upon - A . ummel Op. we trust by s ot at tention:lo andibtibleptigla well sinsoran imxm or G00D.3 to merits pe.innsuee of the same. Hasse call fod e - .lna our snow and !Wit paws. 111 fr#l. 1 13. fifit • :' Weds are prdiiistSidtral t from he manufactures fori cash enabling therele Bell very low. i e! ; I !i? ri J O. PIE Jatil • P.UNFIPILOTLI OP SUPERIOR SOI3IIGVAELSIS, i foiltatlaßfqtoiti one jij, to twalatiarildicaraik own maantiatare.A sue, alt or choice Obeirlocaad Smoking roof:boo, Plpeallartur and a targovartityter artloax eoemintly Oo ttaa.o • Iffy aals.wholaaikkaad.ronall. maniac/ for form Ipaht-t toestKl 116prbfilitill. WWII= to Nathan to mitre* Matra thara.ofrtha trade. : • i A tine Smolclotbatann whertaustanatit may lay beet egut met, my tikttni and Teeeoec . t .act. Alettei the witxd with the &if/ to ft; r thailia tLe pikes so baryon Tobias and hews. • Nunn Market eeetto„above ikertettOreekEtenteeerg. Dm*, .r.dafa. iv.ygosT. •' JOE w pR4lBl3' C.:4;09:1:15 ; tililkallniEW • Titan told ; Fikospd nepe,' , • , Bich 'lllikriceofili WWl DeWue plain ildertrioes and Ceeiimer* ; t rine,/ Pa r is rinse Bak* Superior, Pilikt 'Cato - red Dims Mak • Wiltiatlxheakelioditsiolkkcireil *New 'Styleti Low Prided 'Dulableii ` • Ctisauerei tik,OTHak.l3. Out door to the Riorlsbaig Beak Matte& SO*, ME EOM OgLEBBATID DAirarlor corot .A.SPEIVAIk ,large, qua; ty , o - 1 14 4 /ThindAr' o °,:t w 4 4 04 Wo Mil Soli f to salt' ;'alreo, pine end Rio cotes and Tok+ key (ill'ee tint nif in one pound peoknien: °al and actandiselat tea -wholesale ant-Retell weeder dote Dr - ; • lrignalaa 110)7/11.11Ne , • , /cola orAd itirklog 1041143:-.' ISM GE! 1 'I. I . ; 4 1 li •• ; ~,• Ml'-' - :34o:74lllwcasta - ! t !Mr t T - T G AGE= OF Tin • • (•• • OLD IVAIOWEgo - Tag' •r • ! • . , rOLD TRIMPORTATION . 'I4IEL 'is dillin steddiefulOpiieidnis,,nd p#419011400 awry cola LOW IA IMI other 4buttittleal lbw 4stwesia - Phih Magritherg jaanbur7A•wilbuig.Wakaip toad, Jimmy, iMpre, /Rex auen, ,1144 lOl s the' NorthernDehttsll, Paadelphia IMAM* laid MlUsimit 7 portend WWI* laifroldi ! - ' '' l ' 1 ,p . :. .1,. ~ , / mi Agentat Hanisb i l • kt , _ Goods sent to PICLOOOK. WILD la , Noar. 808 and 816 Market atzfrat: above Mgt* by 4 orploalr., P.A„ wilisatve st L' Peat Di 0 1 1 244.. " bAtt • TrOilblE 4gent... , 1931Pir• 91+0'1'131Na6TC91014 ! WIELLENBERGIES No.: so muourr: Eaquarr. - • 0 10 0 4 'foinserlif age•OV iise'.l'4 , l4k4i) • - rigimideripgrke , ' tiave . I*: SeVed a . athirSand",lahre'saswitnient: of hiteto et.ites of to . ' Weere elso Urinated to itiatedabtdre to order ad or bete Wear, oat to theletestatultwend both - Paittl k i47 4 t l WaYisPe Witt eAskille4l l , 3 l4P.r ROW ,' twit) and Geotletrout's FareisklogiaMti. i ' ndit4tect . H. 13111WIM 4111a1111 'WHAM' , a., -c - o-ALt• P O'Virirlit Et 11. . COAL ArsaPUPETY I I.'l- A. .K• 0• o:9ll44:loifttion of the . . 101144 , times, : and 4 "is I all iio;istielylo.ltcmitr,:x, bate rlditief thii 'ea of Otitis Adkins t; • • . • • ' ' i 1 ;. Lykena Wailer Broken 0- is 90' per ton i.. " • Lergeigg ..,• • 9.90. p. " , - ; ' '' , . 44 44 , S imil l ii , 666 ,2gof 4 44 , !_ Of 164 • Sa xe '.... St 2 2 2 11' 44' al R u t. .1 li 2 22, If CI , 1 Wilksbarre - " il 90.' " " • • • . • .I!arberry , 46 ,220 , 64 40 . , - .IfirAll Coal delivered by the. Pttatit WincinCliame; lt, oan tie weighed at the purehaiere &or, snail It .falls short 10 Comae, the Coal wild be foifelleat , ' ,, • : •, : - • a ' ! All lkle of tile bentquallty attned,Litalivarixl ties tram,. ali 1P1AL14. 101 .. I. ': , . , 410r00114 solikikiand i stim,nk the iiiinist 'Onetime= mai' i Agent fie Dripontili Oelebrated Powder; i large ,supply always enaang at klannfetdieabnt poem -..• .- • ; AgrA imp lot of entierteichaled by for sale.__ .• • . . pe , , ... .. , , , 'ALB az 11:WEIZZLER, ' JOIEUX B. - BOOT & SHOE , STOE.E' ND .0 0 ,444 ' • Ituunsourg, Pa, • , 1 • • ALWAYB of lumid a TaTge aseOriment of BOOTS, MOJA SAITIBB, ICo y or-the very bee}., uOldiel• Re*O•nuipi &MIT oblldreas3 Prim to wit the Num. OA 140 , 41.0; moat ALLOB:10 ORDIMRiMORM Ayr. by superior *widish' IMPAIRING deb. ac shorthotios. 4416411 JOHN B. HIIITS, Harriebirg. TEI3IO.- P.. 80/IEFFEIR, • ,ROOK '. Ant .NO 18, . MANSE? 4171 M EN, • .t. liAltallalilllMl • • . ; garPartioularrannotion paid to Printing, Ruling and ; Binding of Flathead ,intak% . . tatufeete. roile g e o• ohealts, Dritti, act Wits 'printed at s;lts, 14, 0 per diterramt in &mud otibi.• • • - • " • i2o tA 2 .to B OR 13.-E ALL OF TilE-DIFFERENT MIDI; **Me of COLOOD. Thelbookaits4mWebotare 4 • ol p o e blind at • 94sGART&, ` Nei* doplii;themzriabokosu k: • . . d • MA.CLEREL Nos. 1 an 2 .3 in all. 0104 Packaiges• reasivid, god 1,44 k iff#l4-1 1 1 11 1i.teff 1 15 1 - 1 40r uivw ,... 8 a1eAY... 1 .. I - bl.l • t • ' sto4oW4. :*; 9.1.# 1 % 11144 3 t Ira* & trd4,43l4iq" 11 I El PENNSYLVANIA RAIL -RO/i0;. i..,; ;+• •I I,Ui er..l 4,t b -= 4 . 1 • carziki7" ----r-- 7 --- . 741 ' Mr/ 1 .14 1 P ign f rOtO g 1 1 11312tef FILE }'••• • •. . • FROM TH.T..L4PALP.LitA. !. , - 11RYNDATIANIARY AM. '7 7 The - : ` of tLo y. L• .8,1 ! hind OciiiiiNclik ;tilt . 4iiiiitre train . ' art the Aid as•followir:,..... 8 - 1/ ti r s ir k R , . " nuktett Pas* wive. Haivislinrg didly. Lgfic4i4,' arrtilik at Alm; 1 1 1 1 7 , 4 1 : 4) , • FAA' VIE leaves no dily, texi4pi itaihy at: 1.4/0 pito", and arrive le Weal MlSlMdgMlit A. 1 9 31 n ? ',_s._•' 4,'Or 1 MAZTHAH/ leaves Harrisburg dally kept tiLiii*in; and arils's" kt*West" ILO .C.l • 1 ;i 1:41-1 „. AOOOIOIObATION 'ins Mount Joy Isaias Harrisburg as 7.80 a. 10.,"ibd Si Waft Plinid-1 , HERAHHIURII SOZHHHOPATION Tit= d i lt Ipm z 11a, SAO adi !And ' mit'Wed • ia1.91:1 Fs. ilko, A.K. 1 1 It r AtiL - W TAW* THROUGH ExPttgii-likiLtrx leaves Philadelphia; •at 10.80 p. in., Harrisburg at 8.08 a. as, Altoona 8140; is! m, and arrives at Pitiaburg at 1.25 p. In. YarAn. TRAIN Mares Pbiladelphie Mires at Harrisburg at 1.20 ;haves Harriehin 9.00 gn Altoepla, p, fi r , .aud, arena at -Pittetr i!•ettiT Ligt leaves Yikiiideiphia at 11.25 4.06 p: Alll3ollll' it' 9.10 V. 'in.', arTirilal Vitfalturg at I:10.a. ta. ,N.o: '') /AMMER/Re Altellet/DATION TRAlNles'irasi no, delphia at 7 . 80 p. m., and arriyea at Harrieberit lit Leo Joh snit . I MOUNT JOTACOOIUiIipAnoN via Mount Joy,* Lancaster arll.BB ki ietrilres at Harrisburg, 140 . :Otte 14111481dPx PA2BIINGMH4ZAAN miB icor, :Wept Philadelphia' it 4.00 :Liinok.ster 7.07 Minot Joy' at 7.48 a. us.; Mildietionii ed p. 35 ' rive at Harrisburg .14.8.16 a. in., connecting min most, from Harrisburg, at 9.00 a. m. RAMAJEis LI; YOUNG . " ,3 11Up.'Hast,'-Uht. trinea. VIIIII7ISbUTII,4II3nInTy44, , Htf ' 'I 1 WINTER TIME- ARRANGEMENT. i,. ,„ .., j. 4. ft,.. f . ;, h t t..,3. *V Ar-N ..--- s i • — "7: L = i titiiisnrunsittity ' 4 rikilittif . i, PHIL ADELPIII* -- Qals AN AFTER. ,itoNl),4or 140N r iti Joirt 4,1001, the passertipo Trains will Z i g+ the delpbta ins horning Itsdiread-ilepot, at nr& for blew York aad-PlAid° l 7 o 4 o % aaPilawa. lia ,, ;:> • , EASTWARD. 1 41132PR88S LlNSlesiviillairlibargat 8.80 a. m.; on Ar rival of bautairatia r Raliread litaPress Train TR,* the West, alrritingln New York at'll.s a. m. and at Maw delphia at 9.00 tcht:eaAnkteplng - nu is attached to the train through from Pitta bum withoutobange: 1, , MAIL TRAIN leaves Harrisburg at 8 A. m., Ar7lrifig In blew York at 6.Borillial• and Philadelphia at 'l. pin. . FAST ; leaves leaves Har ' rls' burg At 1.40 p.m., gni/m.ITM orPainmvlVanla Hallnad Fast Hall, arriving IA 1141,ww ‘ York at 040 pi , m., stid:Philadelpthi at 8.40 p. am i 41 - - i WESTWARD .' •• • ..1 , FAST LINE leaves New York at IF a: Mi. and Mad!? I phi& at-li .a .-.ln arsUalmattlisnisbneg a t P. wt. MAI4TRAW leaves New York at 11.00 noon, and,PhiLi ade ph lptde it It 15 - 11. - m.; eirtilmrat - Fliwriaburg at' 8.10 t ' P. I.X.PBM LINK, leaves New York at, 8 p. in., I arrt vines/ Harrisburg stain a. tn., and connecting whit the finissflyanix Express , Bain ibr Tabbing. -A aleaping: Aar la able attached to tbAep , j ; , _ , ; i . .,L ' conbactione are Made qt tug W i th irawa_9° We ' Pisaarirliailti l . ronbirn Ce traland Cumbechind" - Vpilley Railroads, and ;At, Reading tor3Phlladelphla, Pta, .WlikaallarvOrAlleillowii, auto% Am , - i , • I . Baggage checked through. I/are ii litreen Kerr ark kin listrtsbntg, W OO. bmwebit.7ll mil sap tplo.• itifiliblit,4B 111-tii N. riats, and VI 70 W 0... 1. i . iror tickets ovetlitirtereanattoit apply tog -: i , ..... 1 , }.; -; .; I. 1 t ----"`" , • J.J. OLYMBI - not Heparin Agent, Harrisb ' t : . *.,art rolizos i ~ .1 - littklN 6 15E8118, • TV TRAvituaTia , Re.oB, ' PURSES, . POATMONAIES, And algeneral amio r Ani c an y t oo nf ow ,Lavelunt been reeOved at ', ' _± _ _L. • , BARGITIM'S ORKAP BPOKSTQW .'. . . . IriniaLLERVDIAIG- STURE , IttIb,4I.44; XIV Wity retaddiebinecti .2C gik;i tots& E= ':1 111(1 t,Zrt pf)f).'`)l, 1 1 48 V If g l 4l, -41 Ef./4 0 , T ag •640414 (jam j 4 1 P4 PosvaNy. „ 44 Qat () WA. T §416 4 : 1 4P44401 AM1T 8 113 , .. 4a• • 4 , 4 610 4 , A5r1.5/., I ++ OB 3 I ENDINIEMMIE COMPARTrti# Mel% 11.1 ERICA. „ ~.6 i n eata t itdike 41 lINCO ItT 0 IVA k t terliMt Junto .110 4 6881116 , ....t:1.c1 . i1it r 211076.1 . • • -.="7111 r• T HE Istifiersign af 4ent toc i 4 lin n r it`•9l ni r l ikri 1 0 1 1 t,00. r i ffir i al ! li k et i r liitufampoPtalt prob.. )1140i11155M1, titfikker tinvacc9owAri* 1 Iar#O9,VOLIPIKVIIIrarIiOIIO 0 0,41 it445101/~I.INIb7AO I OIIMi /11 ; • a..ali 1.1 4, 07 t!, W 44 4111 vosihntetiwive-th e. t Reif Earria t. inefT.Fi PI ,: I PUB PIIREMPINUIt of inset (11416 f 't or -A, omit. oops otAsipida• oo toltrilwllh boeXPOOod to Or -A, on • . SAlltfiLD e 9th dny of !ix:o 1862 ceitici id.:711 4.4 Lin A l - "earn, Dadiphigametity, atrlE allow isi the toll:wlnig g ival ee • tate n vls :oectain tractor pteoeoldand situated in .igmt Maim** wwtainp;ootinty WOrmaki, boandbd by WlLeNretlet.lNahlltadt, Ann inuicgi and *Mara, mi ne twenty-ntne and ,a half scree., Also a cantata lot bayrolhdlti Ifingteetown, Lowed Paxton tokitildp, bounds. OA, Motrket&tfolot,,a3o bE + eronerly of Ann, Jlerat on d Went and winlim Wel, on the *gat. Raid lot being 200 *admen end talent front cm goXitst street, whereon lit 'rented a Or May iran;: i g t opoo, dad frame rabic , ' lab tbe ratite or:lnitial's* Finney deed. ~ A9tl 4 Ol4l O .WIPli• divan and cattail unmet sal l made known by Am . AARON BOMIELUGt wastes; .. .16 tell eftWeititiuofnida damaged, • J. W i t t t az i m a Cl ti . k .a% P• ipb22-411avr. fit 1 NOW *Mum er iIIELLERASAIRITO STORE, / -4 t9E,- Market strait. FINE vartWdoli lure Mat Orem Mitt' TaaPayyN liqoposti..lll.l:GANT MIXTURE, (the Engin ferreoarrad,) "WWI/ put up in one pound t i me. ,c , , - can soon: - • - ; alco, another *tor thiose4pleue4 • ci Lidiedi t Wtu gnd laltiif Pinned, iXadlntetOotettanagas..or . .t worn oases, 'and other One goods which y on would do well to see. c den I.w ,1 4. 'tail( ttiatbtal l JR. ' =GE ttE : ivib,.-FIR wAitaiN g mai „. „T. 7.0 t: z • ; . "(blC).llhtt g la t tbti 6 7 0 1 0 3 A 1 %' Ct . _tilerOlitieta_=DlSJ Pr° lOsaway .0103141016.4iliatentalarditt Ilipote:7 - - be.= it, the iWjewelit Mew_ : - • .I.IMIIIB rerelonlatilll be promptly+ attended to. a"tiriagl/V 4 AufillleolCaPtiioriAthe , O tore .. I ger; Will rievelve prams atterdlon. ;Dow "unotrotrotreepeettellymillhlitiell-'°- • ' t=l !fi r V T114 1 1 4 3 4 L-Rd i k ii Att e i LY: erd , Kitent tilt& AND I FANOY P IORR • Tan* Wrltlhg'tike* ' Needle oellewingiCktiee, ' tviog.or , , • I; giAlet 0.1 00 1 - n4Etit Ink 13tiiidi; "' pocket Mirrors,:: Combs,o9 t.:Kniveess,~ • ' a eimplMiirora. „Biept„ - pip mv ~. • : . To)aoolz lioxes Rubber es r Tebaco Pouches, :it, .yestper lxi atins Flaake, ; y. 411, 1 1 r, z'al tLeather 'Thinking Cupp. Pencils Papa ?Vett •.andEnTel•Pas. nee a glance that the , place to `et air 40011 i in Inlillwaresill at Ni.' 9f; market street. T.,m.g".1413111,15w2.1n...q4, mop. • - 011-,•.• ST ARE . :.'SCHEEMIS K )1! Afr F 4F,RTALANgopu*kmixplkiL) siNkoxiii;FAixiELLio.pEs. N OTE PAPER, of t i leren tLe ti t o deoim t=44fi l tdi~ prtntedjam :Vlri t7 Rings. .0.3T06. .. tro" i :4, ~,c • A 7 ,, t . , .. fiTIORILINE -YOB BUR ,G.ETTYEIG ii. !...-: 44 4 : ~ Or ....... ... .; . • . . ' ' 'ABB RKPMROI7I).SI4/LTBItOUGIii TO • ', GI N TY IO4.I4 I6 .. . • : ;EN , i ,usderaigneiL t las .: established a ... - reopy...LAN4I • 9g.WPOAIORIES Itom Mechanics -110 6114 ° ' e ' vill itittl•' . ' fit l = s iti kte Cl i n t l fe b i; very.itesdisr, r aid ''.wo,arttemiiraitile Ovary Air...4o4..PEßobligenvfOrialioppardittodb.,, ,, lltheblirg, r 3b44 . 1 f i1 v*" 11 4 44 (41 '!airePori'l,tP 441 It t ra:As :..- 1411.: '' • ' - ' •,. i 'TAT* • • • , . • .-. • . . . . • , - . • - SCEEEF FELIX - latotteind) dr co., 144AAAILFAKEt Ytulgy . Goode, Per ip.'fanitery, No, 'Aksn, agents foe, the mile of Refined PetriMnaln. MdWailiiir Oa, I adOzWto *any coal ; furniihed an Yl4l4 ll l l o!lastlaM9wmit market Tatea• ,17,.13 4 144172 &vet ;- I YORK.: .CHOICE;: LIGHT .41EADING. tr.nHE 181:MHERLAND8,44% the. author uf Brim $1.25. Also .4trit,,eciktions-of . IiIEMIF I I I2 # 4IIIi . 7#h "The Bather-, hinder -sr:2w '' • BEUTAIE - 411irenty - fifth'editiOn-4.1.25. Kaat_l t ltN.NE ne*Novel.-7-50 cents. TOIL TIDLEB'S GROUND, by Dickens, 25 ctn. FOR BETJER, FOR,WORSE,IB -ota. 'the" Nair 'Books, soon as pnblished•at•L i<;::::: vL , • BERG 'S faarair B9OKSTORE, e 4/ 1 141M.7-2111Y- - 4:II4IINTIATS. ~ I,'lcii,Tgyiiijoty( lBt it'ekoistiftill, the bdet - ,iiyeargebem;maietobilerAtineor i c t , , u 1.41. t. 111 91. ;, 4beoi a .Sr` tettbilla 13u34 • • at e "• 14 11 • Iwortng procured Steam Power Promo, wa are . ed to anode JOEL add3loolE PRINTING (tarry earrip Goa, cbeaper than It can b. dove at any Maw artatolleb mantle tbsocuatry. Si- r F mor our e than le biles or er consti less cons tit tute soaveute one-hatroonora. tight bleu o e Half Square oceday " one week one month • -three months " Aft ut oo 0 8 44.*-1-ymers .. • OnerqUare; .... . ...... 2 00 ane ......... 50 o 'three months 00 14 1 4130nth3 . • • 10 00 • • tee . .16 00 .gr Business intlees Inserted In lit ' eriel ' oal • ahhnow, or before Naridges add Deatha, FMK cora wrg .v . um rne each Inserttist_ • Mortises anipeatle to be charged as regular • vertleaments NO. -47 . _ .. i -::. 1 ! I. :: jI . , . iii . ,:;,-,,.....,;i- ._. . , , . )4, -. i, _- i l i • From our Morning Makin. r , 4 ,,... 4 .-.-.A.4:KA:ki4As. Union Forces Waiting for Supplies. PRICE AND NITIRIOUCH BEYOND TEE MIN ION MOUNTAINS. Fayettegle Destroyed 'by the Rebels. ' CROSS Hottows, Ark., Feb. 24. Oar army is waiting for supplies, and wont be able to' move for ten or twelve days. • lee andidcOullougk are beyond the Boston mountains. Oat troops took I)mm:don of Fay etteirille at eleven o'clock A. w yesterday. he milli( of the town were smoking whtin the trdope entered. The rebels are badly dr-moral hied.Louisiana and Texas regiment are vrithlicOnllotigh. FROM WASHINGTON. WARECONOTON, Feb 27. It is 'understood that General 'Caw€ron re ceived his final' instructions at the State De partineht to-day, and that he Will depart on his Mission to' ,Russia in a few days. Edward House, &the:tribe/a; has been appointed Sec retary of Legation-. The .tienite:will in At day : or two ,pass the House bill making a new article of war, which prohibits the officers from returning slaves to their rebel masters when they seek refuge in Uniortaimpe. Th ' , this morning, calls on the Presidd t not to tolerate the principles involved in• Den. Ifsliegk i s order. Theie is nolonger any doubt here of the occupation - of Nashville by federal troops. Mr., E. S. Sanford, the Military Supervisor of Telegraphs, intends to issue a circular explain ing tho exact intention of Secretary Stanton's order in relation to the suppression of vier in telligence. The order is not intended to inter fere with, anything except matter which would be dangerous or marring to the plans of the governinent and the army. • - Senator Wilson.will, to-morrow, introduce a .bill extending the aid of the federal govern ment to the States of Delaware and Maryland, so that if these BMA choose they can abolish without detriment. LATER FROM EUROPE. The steamer Hibernian•from Liverpool on the /Bth, via. Londonderry on the 14th ar rived at this port at two o'clock this afternoon. The steamship Salmis arrived out on the 9th, the Arabia on the 10th and the North America on the 12th. T . he state of affairs in America had been the subject of debate in. the House of Lords, and the papers relative to the blOekade bad been promised to be produced at an early day by Earl Russell. European politics were unimportant. The steamer Etna, for New York, had been 4etained at Liverpool till the 13th. , Lrvasz — ooLlifeaxers —The sales of 'cotton of three days, including Wednesday, amounted to 28,000 balm.. The market is firmer, with an upward tendency, but prices are unchanged.— Breadstuffa are still declining, except wheat, which isAtilet bat steady. Provisions are doll. LONDON.—Console are quoted at 921@98 for money. TE r EE LATEST VIA LONDONDERRY The steamer city of New York arrived on the 18th. Idyißool, Friday.—Cotton sales of the week 64,000 balm. The market closed =changed though firmer. The sales to-day, (Friday,) are estimated at 12,000 bales. Breadstuff steady. Provisions declining. Consuls 92} for money. XXXVIIth Congress—Ent Seseion. The Senate admitted Mr. ST by a vote of yeas 26, nays 19, and he took the oath. The Senate then resumed the consideration of the 'bill in relation to medical, departments of the army. The bill increasing the efficiency of the Medical Department of the army wat taken up. Mr. Games offered an amendment that the provisions of this act be in existence so long as the rebellion lasts and no longer. Agreed to. The bill then passed. The, confiscation bill was taken up, when the Senate adjourned. HOUSE OF. REPRESENTATIVES Mr. DaLazo and Mr. HARRISON spoke in favor of, and Mr. LOOMIS and Mr. Dawn against Mr. Upton.. The House declared by a vote of 73 against 50 that Mr. Upton is not entitled to a seat. The committee on elections reported in favor of the claims of John P. Verree to the' seat from the third Congressional district-of Penn sylvania. A resolution was adopted calling on the Secretary of. War for the report of the commis sion to inquire into the affairs of the western military department. Adjourned. Printrozmr, a red skin growing from the corner of the eye, over the eight, eventually producing blindness, removed by Dr. Jones in a-half minute. Opacities of the cornea, or spew on the eye, removed by operation or medicine. Watery eye cured, or gold or silver stylettoes inserted where the lachrymal canal is closed, by Dr. Jones, of New York, at Herr's Hotel, in 444 city,, where he will remain till next Mon day noon, when he goes to Lancaster,couPle of and takes an office at the City Hotel a weeks. Nsw Parricosn.--A , novelty in petticoats has recently been adopted among fashionable's. For all but dress, the white petticoat has been discarded for one of alapaca • and th ey have a 'great 'advantage over- the linen or cotton ones,. inasmuch as they are lighter and do not lose.their stiffness. Of course, if the dress be grenadine, baiege or other clear texture, the pettiodats must be of the same color. They are made very full and gored, and have a broad black ribbon or velvet above the hem ; sometimes there is a trimming of gathered rib biya put on , the vandykes. The dresses are in variably caught up'at the sides to show this ander-petticoat. When it is not necessary to match the tint of the dress, a stone color is the • 414adt).#0..WW, .. 1tA11123 OF ADVERTISING PowriAND, Feb. 27 SENATE. j 80 25 100 2 00 8 00 i 00 8 00