ilail:p Etiogapil, HARRISBURG, PA. Thursday Morning. February 21, 1562. R.E.PV73LICAN EDIMiLAL STATE CON- MENTION. In order to procure more concert of action, a more perfect understanding in regard to the INDIA coUtituAk,stuttain the national cause, and prevent a division of strength on minor issues, theAtEPUBLICAN 'EDITORS of the State of repnlylVllolll are requested to meet in the city okMarrisburg, on Wednesday, the 12th day of March neat, for general conference and consul . tation. The necessity of a mutual understand ing at this juncture of our national affairs, makes such a meeting of the utmost import ant:lf, and we ,tsst,the attendance will be fail from all Paita of the State. E. W. _CAPRON, 6111.1.1168, Gs°. BBRODIII.II, MOVEMENT OF TROOPS. The following information of the movements of troops was derived at the Adjutani General' s office this morning : . . Colonel Jones' regimeht of Infantry left Phil adelphia on Monday. . 004 Angeroth's regiment, Heavy Artillery, left PhilUdelphia on Tuesday. • • Colonel Leman, regiment of Infantry, " Soblandecket, " " " Wilson, " " CaMpbell, 6. . Ideridith. " will leave Camp Curtin as rapidly si tramports don eon be furuished. , .'they all march to Washington by, tin order of General McClellan on the Governtir,leceived this' morning. dotonal Stanton, Infantry. • " Stainrook, " " Lyle, 114 " Prioc, Cavalry, ", Fishmoth, " wili leave PhilAdelphla this and next, week. WE ANDERSON BODY' GUARD The arrivalof this body of gallant and chiv alrous young men in the state of . IT-Fah:inky; is one of the events of the war, hereafter to be oommemorated. It will be remembered that • this corps was recruited expressly for the service of Major Anderson, the hero of Fort Sumter, but since the illness of that officer , has made his Withdrawal froui the • army ataoltitely neceti• sary, the Guard will be detailed for other dn.. tee equally honorable and important. Many 41' the young men composing the corps ate cod , zwted with families whose relationship extend even to the citizens of the locality' they haVe thus voluntarily , devoted theiellyesi to defend and these are being welcomed by,their• kitteuten and friends with that spontaneous tdnderneds and enthusiasm which is as essential to at. (cotton as' it is Lequisite for pittriotisin.-- .Latters have been received in this city by seve , ialdietinguished Individuals, and iamougibion the actiomplished wife of the -Executive ban „written osaurances of the mostgratifYing ober-, actor as to , thd reception .these'gailkint ._ me Mrs n. ,tqteveraor Curtin has relatiVii In thO :. nlispf ; thia ricsyn, and these t hy their kinsmen In- the land of treason, are welcoinect eel the Owe defenders and liberators of the aodth. Ohs Or ger correspondents writes thus, " All .1 at we can do for, these brain men, who have so willingly come to fight for and protect us, Miff be little in comparison to what they are May God bless them, is , the .prayer that Is. reathed on their paths by many full hearts-" : u ; , . • .. . When friends, and kinsmen in the tiotitiv thus join bands and prayers,' the end of tho rebellion is not only decreed, but, he ihnit ' s and the diem of its influence and cause, are forever filed. And, it be gratifying to these all over the state who have`frifindi bhp, id eon Body Gflica(l, 'to hear et the hearty '-iwt4ount a which that corps , have received. in the south. .i• • BAN: . WADE. If there is a man in the- loyal states ; whit really repreisents the true sentiment of *nerican indisPendence enterprise' Induatry and` . pro.; 4 10sts, • it is Ben. Wade, the 11. B. fienater.froni Ohio. He is &Arne specimen of an American emoirat, pone of your dough , -fgce, tly.opilian.,, ;* ' 'O v i n Y !ithilf o3 4 . 1 99 3 .CC005, who have,suo. o csagnjly Atpropriated the title of Democracy; until by its use and abuse the wh01e:....1 : Nat'l** brought to ~4 the verge of political, , so; ti);FLPIg p 4 1 all a oymittl. ruin—;but a r aili m pio tRE true Republican stamp, inthril ffera his ceurtry to bell:lade obedientle ~- ht, nod who has labored against,iir,rong,*4 his lest . 111;1 , become a virtue ,worthy.of Ilia - emulation.of every, honest man hi -the land., Because Senator Wade has daredito oppose:thei slate power when its, majority in thp Sentite '"alkyd; the floors of that chamber,, as a pirate- Aief, treads the deck of his ve-sel, - he is to be. sacrificed. To ensure thin, the•tuitted contrcil r , lent of the ' old organs'of that Same trkierity In ',pie 'no!th,Are howling • in his pig', while fili Xsainiqt this morning lends its feeble whine 'await the clamor of those who hate Senator Wade beause he hates i slevery as the source ii(eit stir' evil and the Origin of the, resent ketOlinif: .. . the preferences of the Usisiatunr of Ohio, of course, we have no right to interfere— but in the reputation of an honest, an upright pablic harm% *ll4 a ster n PaOtet, vre have au !goal Inters at as,we have an intereet : in every good influence. that nag , wiel6d for. the peace and prosperity nf the, ,gou,ntry,,. role,. the Te.electio9.oo3iar.LWade to we U . S. Senate as a great , national necessity" Hi, defeat is sousrbt as a tribute to_ the slave rw , er.. Let his triumph, therefor?. b! 1 04 4:re radial' to the rebuke ot that pOwer. . , ~ . , .. Ws invis &Timm to genend cir* ;mint tell ber ' 6 0 6 ?teeh l ; ' isiii!Od from h ead' guar v to -: 4,y, :and iiii*lii thi s afternoneansa Its terms are alike just and creditable tot spirit which has prompted the acts of the Gov. Mimi and Oonimairdei-in:Ctlief -- iurielt, the preiletifemilitary orgarifslildrutof the forces Of pssoijdvania,` and will add:4;) - eti.ir96 iiguiu wis it-the already gallant' etieuhitliMi 1 0:e, , meittlere l of the Xeystonti 'l,titfr. ' ' Ws Nw unierp to Me neclunalifittlio ted Staten tinmste,JojulW. Forney; Wvolnabli public documents. MEES==== OUR MaIIARY RESOURCES AND NE Governor Curtin, in his last.annual messege, to the Legialature, recommended the policy of establishing a school for the inculcation of strictly • military knowledge. When this rec ommendation was made, the necessities of the state were great, while the military resources of the same were alum* incalculable and inex haustible. Pennsylvania has sent into the field, fully armed and equipped, more than one hundred thousand: men. .liVhen this force was being recruited, the only difficulty that threat ened to obstruct or delay its organization was the lack of competent _and efficient officers to take the command ; and even now that these positions of, command' are filled, complaint , is epeatedly, Made as to the incompetency 01 theirs who have assumed this authority, while the frequent resignations of those summoned before) the - , dniiitary commission instituted to test the qualifications of officers, seem to justify the complaint es to the 'inefficiency of certain officers, and urge more forcibly the `necessity for the establishment of some system of educa tion, -whereby competent men can be furnished for tkoM positions hereafter. The necessity for an armed' forckto secure the successful ope ration of the chit authority, will exist for many years to come. Amnesties end 'treaties of peace will not eradicate, thOugh they may . allay the.elements of rebellion, and therefore, the loyal elates and the nation rur#t.contribute to the support of a large illitaty force for years to come,in.order to secure the-tranquility of the•Vnioo arid the speedy opetation of all laws:estientisi to, peace and prosperity. When the states are contributing to this armed force, the mere strength oU nnoubers,thc)-Willingness and the valor to'fighttOd conquet4iey not forget the equal necessity of .rflacing such force under. the control only of such men as are fully abli to command i and to lead them to vic tory.' IndividUalsAt tieir Own expense t however generous may be their patriotism and their ardent devotion to the country, eaneotafford to qualify themselves for such important duties. that is duty of the state, or nation, and still . hirther JO eniiance.tlie,eifictency of our already I .• immense military resources, the state should at once provide .. the most liberal means for the -edpcition of these ,whonre to train cod: con/- mend *hale forces. Some of our cotemporaries are advocating the necessity of at once arming the militia, and organizing large bodies of men throughout this commonwealth, before we have fitted - and eduateii others . to:lead and command such forces. This.seemi like fully, thus to arm and equip men before..they are drilled and dis ciplined. The first duty'of-.the state should be . tki'provide..the means o?f 'a Military education and training before it, attempts to exact mili tary-•service. There are:not means afforded for such an education within the limita of the corn monwerdth, a fact to which the Governor has heretofore Es) ably..r,eferred,. and: therefore we join inthe recommendation which zontemplates the immediate Mtairr hintini'ef an institution , iln, Which the knowledge necessary to,euccess in -the military science can be attained: The-ar • •gumentegainst such an institution is of no'more account than ,:the oppegitton. 'which fs usually waged ,to, impede progress and. improvement .of ever"- description. What . we need k; a wise, liberal, well digestecl . nri well guarded' eystem of imparting a Militar3rlthowledge to the young men of the commonwealth. The education be stowed while securing this knowledge, will not be lost to the state, though the services ' t of a Single student were never' needed on the hattle It will develop itself in other. walks and channels of life and. husinees, the, advance of civilization and: the imp rovement and facilitiee of teNial Progyes.s. urkd iiosperity. JNO. iineETAND, J. govistinar, JAMBS 0. 131LOWN 3 E. EL RAUCH. , . Ottek year ago, the,traitors . were. busily. en gaged in arrangiog-their plans for the invasion of the north.: '.ihe takingof Washington city was considered as the, work ,only, of a march across the Long Bridge whir& spans the „Poto mac, while the victorious hosts Of ilia spiting chivalry; would march throoghidaryktrui t amid the plaudtte of theirfriends to t that onto, until they reached the border of Pennsylvaid.t, where their real triumphs• and rich. conque s ts, Would commence, Plasam, in his dreams, as e slum-, bored , after' his intoi . testing PeFuitisarrevelsi never. had pictured to bieNeated :and distemi P,orod.ltilkox-Mervri.itt u a MII,eB of 71P9Ptu sple,prlitrttricfT. `con c ealed letsciVlousnese, titan those Fliioii:.iktitered through. the ,day dreams of• the.eouthern traitor, as he contem- Olated the cOtainty Otitis invasion of the north, 14,:g0 1 1 01 1 . 11 # 3 " )tte _4., 9Folob' 'from the Imprisoned Inca, dwindled intcrinsig-, niflotooce when 'compared ;to. that which:the mobs - led' on . hy the, sla i n' drive* Were to wrest from the ,peopke off e the north. ~PhiladeP phis was first to. fell into. the :hands of these ruthless invaders. Its !tempi*, its, treasures: its 'palaces and tilellloge were all :ti) .#OO . the, *sheet, bhoth Harrisburg was, also . , .to feel the presence and the used ot.tnesameinvader, and' then .from this point and from Philadelphia;"th O southern invaders were to reach on to the rich cities of the east, their presence bodied sod wel -1 coined by the.. dough-faced Demociacyi. and their progress but little impeded by iuty force. which the craven and cowardly north, could bring ernikaBotiost them : But these anticipations attdclrefins have been Sadly . frustrated aud deceitfpl, • Iris ravers 11 , k , f yi,A f t '1!0,1* of Sonthern ar i n i e i . , m iapaning ,across the „Susquehanna, the Hudson, and pursuing. their- conqUering . eteps until they reached, thelelerriinac, they are fall ing-doWn;doWo, dow,W,.. i tvitiire their ifying num bers have alrhosimacheitgAshores of the Gulf of )14402..:1 They i nro lotrench meats and their c%rttps without firing guns or striking tents. Therare. begging.for quarters whdre•,eiCape• itti pwiible'and battle unavoida f MO.. tllfiY are beg g i ing for t. 4498 of .easy.sur render when &manly contest might igive them a victory. And what is laimore ratifyint,' is the feat, thatti e.Oe . o ß le.:4aiiiiio, as being seal de'rz?.te.4 to >(6-P 99 31 4Vg1ie irtifin Wise, hail the invading federal troops as the real-de dryers of. the lionth,.and prostrate*iuth tfi l e'stini'and l itifkii" P VISI *llO of AO 30' 6 40 1 qt PinPIAY NtAltiip.Pf,*/etiort. SurelwrgpeOpitifwbo.bitirwthtiit mate MOSS 'good their 'tenting—who have failed in their = PenneyWant° Maitg flitirgraph -Viirottap filarning, itbruarp 27, 1862 CESSITIES. ,TREziv - viipER.4,DvrADED braggart claim as sup :rior iu.arms—who shrink from battle and fly from the foes they hadghtily invited to the contest —surely such a people must become hereafter the mere dependents on the leniency and liberality of those who conquer them without a blow and make them prisoners by the mere crooking '•f a finger. Old Vir ginia and Old Kentucky may hereafter live in pegro minstrelsy and rude negro wit, but in the annals of true chivalry and the recital of manly feats of daring and indurance, they will find no mention, except it is by such compd_ aortas will perpetuate their odium. The history of the invasion of the invaders will afford pro lific themes for more than one fertile pen. THE MONROE DOCTRINE. In his annual message to Congress, in De cember, 1823, President Monroe announced the doetibie on the subject of European occupation of certain territory on this hemisphere, which has Eloise taken his name, and is now referred to as the Monroe doctrine!. This doctrine, since the conceited interference of Eogland, France and Spain, in the domestic affairs of Mexico, for the purpose of placing a scion of European nobility on the Mexican throne, is so frequently quoted, that we deem it important to give the precise language of the message itself, so that those who are not fully acquainted with its terms, may at once comprehend their fuii force tend meaning. Every intelligent reader has always underatcod that the Monroe 'doctrins ad_ vised a vigorous opposition to foreign interven don.or control of the affairs of the governments on this hemisphere, while the dullest. man in the nation will be able to comprehend why such intervention is attempted at this particular pe clod in the histoty of our government. In the message referred to, and on the subject to which we now desire to call the attentionof the reader, President Monroe thus addressed Congress: "In the wars of the European powers, in mat ters relating to themselves, we have never taken any part, nor does it comport with our policy to do so. It is only when our rights are invaded or seriously menaced, that we resent injuries or make preparations for our defenaii. With the movements in this hemisphere, we are of neces eity more immediately connected, and by causes which must be obvious to all enlightened and impartial uheervers. The politmal system of toe allied powers is essentially different in this respect from that of America. This differ ence proceeds from that which exists in their respective governments. And to the defence of our own, which was achieved by the loss of so canon b lood and treasure, and matured by the wisdom of our most enlightened citizens, and under which we have enjoyed unexampled fe licity, this whole nation is devoted. We olds it therefore to candor, and to the amicable relations ex isting between the Uinta States rind t4641C powers, to declare, that we sht.uld consider any attempt on their part to extend their +yam to any ponion of this nemisphere, as dangerous to our peace and safety— Witu the existing colonies and dependencies of any European power, we have not iUterfered and shall not interfere. But with the governments which have declared their independence and maintained it, and whoa independence we have, on great consider anon, and on just principles acknowledged, we could not view any interposition for the purpose of %Frets ing them, or controlling in any ether manner, their destiny by an:Euro "tem power, in itny'otheitlight than as the manifest adios of an unfriendly disposition to wardethe anted States?' This was the honorable position assumed by the United States almost forty, years , ago, with reference more especially to the turOplianliow-. era of Spain and Portugal. The powers of Europe evidently regard Mexico as "the sick man" of, this continent, as they do Turkey of the European. The three great powers which now invade Mexico are all anxious to adminis ter upon Ma estate. That Spain should seek to re-possess Mexico is not strange, or that either of the powers should covet the possession of the isthmus, over which an enormous, commerce now finds its transit. But the combination of the three, plausibly excused, as it is, by insin cere pretence, is remarkable. How insincere one of these pretences is, that they did not desire to change the government of Mexico, bat only to obtain redress of specific grievances, is seen in their rejection of the overtures of Juarez, and their proposal now to erect a throne in Mexico and place upon it an Austrian imbe cile, with all the heredittiry vices of a cruel and tyrannical race. The time is chosen, ajso, when the United States have all theltr=gies occupied in the supplmlon of - erinost formida ble reballion,and-when it is imagined l ikre are imptenel4s assert the approved policy of. our government, as set forth in the Monica doc trine. The little republic of Dominica, which Spain overthrew the last slimmer, thus enlarg ing her .West India pm-calms, seems to have been an experiment upon the temper of our government, to try whether we would actiudesce in a similar movement on a larger scale towards . . Mexico. The trial may, be disastrous to the experimentors. Gov. CURTI& addressed the following letter to the chaiman of the committee of arrangements of the Republican Union Felix; held in New York on Washington's Birthday, in answer to an invitation to be present on- that occasion.— Gov. Curtin justly regards Philadelphia as the metropolis,, and recites a historical fact familiar only to , the, student, that that city was, the home of the Father of his Country durlog.the performancki of his civil service, and also the centre of those scenes in his military struggles, which have made his name greater than that of Cmar, and prouder far than that of Alexander. - We append the letter of the Governor: PENNSYLVANIA, EINCEITLYB CRAM:EMIL Harrisburg, Feb. 19, 1862, Dm' Bra: I have your letter of the 16th, inviting me to attend the Union festival in New York. on the 22nd of this month.. I shall on that day be engaged in the celebration of the testival In the metropolis, in which the Declaration of Independence MS adopted, and where was the home of WASHINGTON during the pericd of his civil service. It will, therefore, be impossible fOr me tobe present in New York, in accordance with your Invitation. It. has pleased the Almighty so to shape events ,that our,_ brave and loyal men have been at last permitted to move in earnest, and thus in the ~approaching . annivioneary of the birthday of Wesanacros, we shalt .at oboe re fresh our memories . that patriot And sage, and glory in the certainty of ;the isper , dy over throw of the monstrousrehellion, which for so many months has been t rampant among the be : eotted and benighted people of a portion of our country. I have tito honor. tolte,Bir,with:nanelt respect. :Your- obedient, servant; . A.. G. , 0/701.14.‘ ELLIOT C. COADIN, Eig:,'"Chilkirtaii Of 411 e Committee of Arrangements. BY TELEGRAPH. From oar Vetting Edlttoer of Yesterday. FROM FORTRESS MONROE. Failure of the Attempt to Lay the Telegraph Cable Across the Bay. THE HTEDIER HOBOKEN WHEONED, Fewness MOKIIOE, Feb 25 The steamer Spaulding arrived this after noon, hairiug left Boano,ke Island the day be fore yesterda.yi. and iiatiniati yesterday. By the Spauldiog.we learn of the :failure of the attempt to lay the telegraph cable across the Bay. On the day that the Hoboken sailed sixteen miles of the cable werelaid4o, the most successful 111 snail% when ope rations were stopped .for the night. Yesterday the - Hoboken was occupied taking ,shundings when the: severe blow 'of that day struck . hes at noon. Her steam pipe broke soon after, and she became uumanagable, drifting upon Cape Henry, where she went ashore and broke kit WO: "Last night all hands ' remained vu the wreck until about eleven o'clock this forenoon, when the Spauld ing took them off. It is stated that the Hoboken passed within sight of the. btockading. steamer Cambridge, bat the latter4vaid•her no notice. • - A; couple . of -ex* naval vessels' alad poised her without - offeritf ,to'rendel assistance. The lite Hoboken -is wines' lose,the relish:Aar 'of the cable, about fifteen miles,, wai,deatroyedi before' it ,was'; abandaled. miles,, an 'equal quantity le laid in the bay, and the end is buoyed up. Mr. Reiss gode to Wash ngton to-sight. The steamer 8., B. Forbes was seen by the Spaulding ashore, near Naga Head, this morning. , , . ,Whitetsgs were disPlayetfon all the houses id the vicinity. The Spaulding brings the malls and passen gers, but'no news. • The flag of . truce today took about thirty persois to.Craney .. • . Major S 13: Sawyer arrived at Norfolk yeater day, having left Elisabeth city on Sunday at ' noon. lie represents everything quiet in that locality. The entire fleet left the waters of Pasquotank on Saturday_morniug. _ But two. gunboats re ,urned in the , evening. But few inhabitants remain in the place. The .WiliningtoriJournal of. Saturday slays five or s.x federal, gunboats had entered Roanoke river. A very severe_ . blow from the Northwa3t oc curred yesterday afternoon and last nighi.lThe frigate Cumberland, at Newport brews, dragged her anchors, and, several schooners got adrift and some damage was done by collisione in the roads. • The tire of yeaterday continued. during the evening, and a guard was kept all night. Great credit is due to Colonel Bendiit and the mem bers of the lOtti NeW York' regiment, who all worked moat manfully, and by their efforts prevented Li most disastrous conflagration, which was threatened in. consequence , of. the - high wind. the steamer Express Is reported lost on the eastern shore. . • . • From =Wasthigton. The World's Exhibition at Ledidiin f CIRCULAR' FROM ' SECRETARY SEIAD. The U. Treasury Note bill Biped -by the :1 evident, c-WiummoTon, FitkAti. The following notice lath, public has just been issued! ' 4011; 18601—Tini under sgned,lin b bale of the cbidniissionerslippeinL tad by the President, -to represent the•interesta of ,such -American ,citizans,: as might desira to appear at thweichibilion of'the' ladustry . q . all NAtions; to bp - held - in - - city Tot - Tiondort, during the present year, 'submiti.thelfollowing statement: The Uongress of the United State, after due cdrisideiation; has declined to adopt any mea4 sure to; further. a :Nat'l:hal representation of _our 'works of. :industry, inventionandart a tthe afortmeittionect The anthUrity; o the'eettiihis4nri has therefore ceased. They-have advised the commissioners - op= pointed by British -gfors rnment;,tlfat there will oe tie general participation on tbe,,part of ,the cithiens 'of: this country on that miasion; Tuu they have:thought It not improper at the same time, to recommend to.the,coosideration of the royal commissioners, that such works of:indite- . try and art as have received the authentication of the commie i sioners, and may, to a,limited extent, be presented for exhibition through in 4 dividual exertions. . - - - I [Signed.], W. H. SEWARD.. - The Presideiithas approved the United . Statee note bill. It-is -therefore a law.-- • • ' MARINE DISASTER. The sehoonevikieteor from New .Bedford 'for ; New York, had:A:leen totally Imp on Plutok Nand. Three Of the crew petished. The capi taro only being ssied. 'Congress--First Se.ssion Wean:warm', Feb. 26 SENATE. Mr. Nasals (N. Y.J.presented a petition keit . the merchants &a, of New York,•r•raying-lor a general-bankrupt act. Also a memorial the academy of' idedicine. of New. York, against the employment of laomempath.p,surgeons. Messrs. DootiTrut (Wis.) and &jar= (Mass.) presented petitions for. the emancipatiOn of the stave& Mr: M' (Oal.) fiorn the special corn mitteeon the subject,. reported a bill for the establishment of a railroad and telegraph nee from Missouri to the Pacific ocean. ,• On motion of Mr. WADS, (Ohio,) the bill for the occupation and cultivation of cotton lands was taken up: Mr. Dooms= thought it a question whether the-government-should-go into raising -cotton, and attinitlEtlirilii.plauttatilmsL:laiGlttiought ica:veprAzi.PnitTii PimpifiF genie. If "itwas a pKiptisition lease lands heliiiiiidliotiolleot -*- Mr. Rama, (Ohio,)' Mid that ihe did not sup pose that the bill mould realizeany great sum of money, but there was a largo extent oftertt• tory' abitidonedand the sla*es lett i at large and something must be clone te-take -care them:. This tss : noti any settled pcilicy, , teropcil. racy measure. for one year to,rneet,ttte • necessi ties. of the-case. Mr. Domarrti, (Wit.-,)-thoughtzthrit if the commissioners•had . been-sent . .down: ton -, “Port Enid 4o 'ti* ttiO elephant wa hive on our hands we:Mighilikeise r cettrainteh information. • l!rA. WARP /40 If kb badMAKl.M.Maepottjod Mr-Piergsron.the,subject , is Dooffrryessid4hatslitt=hadtottint-etur. fe the subject. He wanted the Government to take mime mem= to 00l- lect revenue and taxes In those States, even if we had to Bell the land. Mr. SIIIINEII., (Mass.,) thought that nature would not wait fur the operatinns of Conginsa. and if we expect to get any ,OrPp seed, meat be planted soon, and it will not do to detty the matter. There was a necessity for immediate action. Mr. BROWNING (Ill.) considered this a yery important measure, and should be carefully considered. He thought the bill vague. and needed revirm. He moved to refer the bill to the Judici3ry Committee. There was great danger of doing leinry to loyal men who de • . Belied protection. Mr. VOOREISES, (Ind.,) asked leave to offer a resolution of thanks to Maj. Gen. Halleek but Mr. I,9Throx objected.:: . The resoltition cominends the sentiments and policy avowed to Geo. Halleck's general order of Feb. 2.8 d, already published. as eminently wistiand.fpatriotio, and in strict conformity to the - constitution, and that the war should be conducted in accordance with the same. The thanks of Congress are tendered to Gen Halle& for the said order, and for. his military achiavetrients as commander of the:department of Ktisouri. • Mr. VAN WYca . (N. Y) said that circumstances rendered it necessary : that he should ask to be excused from ' serving farther, at present,- a 4 chairman of the committee on government contracts., A few date, would be mecessmy to close up some unfinished investigation. He would always feel a lively interest in the re suits (tithe committees. By ROc : l': Maher, on the ea . fling of the :6th of Feb ruary, Mr. ANDAIW MUSK, formerly of Reading, to Miss flueerc Smieux.of this ixesOing Daily rimer please pppy, . HEADQUABMIS. P. M., . -, /farrisbary Jbb 26 , 1862. * $ GENERAL ORDERS, No. 17. . • AU Promotions of officers in regiments of Pennsylvania volunteers,- wherever the Gover nor has the power to appoint, under the order of the War Department`of the '4th of May, 1861, and the act of Congress of the 22d July 1861, will be made in the order of their senior ity, and all second' lieutenants will be appoint ed from the nott-commissioned, officers and pri vates in , the companies where the vacancies occur.,• This order_ only applies to officers below the rank of field officers, and will be enforce I ex cept in special:cases, whldh may be presented through the colonels tit . the regiments . By order of .LOST, VERY SMALL. TAN TERRIER DOG Arewera to the IMMO of A reatonable re ward will be paid Atchakreutra. Apply , at leb26dit ' " THIS OFFICE' PISTOLS PISTOLS I VATHITNKYIS impro'mnient on COWS. celebrated ett s =r a tpett i o r f e n d ama t o o d r osattiteerctiezea: at this GILBERT'S Hardware Store Oppoitte the Court Home SUGAR CURED HAMS. DIED tEEF, • RVOLDERS, BOLGNA SAUSAGE. A large and fresh svillY Not relived leb2B DOCK Jr., co ZW3I. rpc.' LET.—The commodious store Room on Market Square, adjacent to the "Jones Mouse," (coverlets Hotel cans. C. ekws, HARRIBINIRO, Feb. 24, IS6g. feb2a.lmd WANTED, thy aYeinig man, a clerkship In a groce,,y aore ;bi some, experience of the buil:tees and would wish to !emir' itthoroughly. Wagon not so meth an object as employment, Apply Et THOM,EO r1)0.1.:,9, ' Ibb26d6tot 'Walnut street between fourth and Fifth.: PUBLIC SALE. wiLL BE SOLD at Public Sale on SATtIiDAY; `MABblif ist";lB62, at Hoffman's Hotel, opposite the Court House, at eis o'cleok r. tt y. all tbattLM of Grbeind Nitnete on Gram steeet, lit the city of Eirelibufg - it being twelve feet sit ionises on anted street, and extending back to Rose Al ley flity feet in deptbiluivlog theieon eredted. • IWO ISToRY FdAStel HtIIsIC , cuutsioing Our rooms and basement. In front of the uses i door there is a &Wrote well Or teeter. with a 111,111 • pump in good repair. ■ e ifir A °oar title can begleen. . . . • Any person desiring to pardheie; can do'so at Private Sala, by cubing on the sub,ctiber, wh resides on ton properly.. Te t ritlstuld conditions, r(ti be naade..)rpowzi but t. ELIANUSL W. BAUR, Auctioneer. - lebt4hts /11137; undersigned Auditors apijointed by the Court of Common Pleas of Dauphin county. to daStrihnte the oalsockaa in the 'hands of A. o.A:fleeter and Diaries P. A.ttench, atsieneee of John Wallower awl Joon Wallower, -r. 'ad f one firm of Son, amongetthe credit orf, hereby notice that they will meet at the office of David Fieaping, Eeq., for the purpose aforesaid, ou &fl ay, the 71h day of Marco, 1862; at 10 ,'Mock A. K., when and where artuities terested ara sequalleat9 atteaa D. FLEOING J. .1 5 '. q*OPi Auditors. 11841,doaw2v1/4 Glummiair; Fe6..26 ASECOPLO LOT pf Comic And,Sentimen-, ta(Valenttnerc'rit ' , lintels - prime= ' feblo y SCHEPFER , B Bookstore. JUST It.gaglVED. 'A .LARGE' 209:14011TMENT - of Fainily; .13L. Mien 001111,:crraLt stylea, of; bloehig, - at 900, C. 26i U. 60, $2 sa; st, $6 andSl.o. glee Pocket Bibleg of styles and,priees at songvesys Bookstore. febl., y AUGUSTINE L. CHAYNE. CATER AND BUILDER HAY l HAY 1 I AA SUPERIOR ~ar t icle of Baled Hay, a alirobiiietVa sibi by' tobla , , ~„ JAMES M. WHEELER. CEDAR AtrßS - , , , BASKETS, BROOMS and everything in the line, Just received in large nktatoldets and [or eale , vety low by _WH.KM, Jr , & Co. C ROBd & &OS WELL'S Celebrated PICKLES, SAUCES, PRESERVE=, &c„ r4a. A large supply or the above, embracing every varlety,just ni cety/W.4nd for sale'by ilo WHOLES ALE and RETAIL DEALER ii Confeetionaii,'Veinignindbattestii Dates, ?nu m, tild4l l 4. and , Nut. of. all kinds.— Fresh and 2.1.61 tOstr, ado, +Candles, Vinegar:lpiece, To. haeco, &gars and Country Produce in general, at the cerenr or Third and Walnut streets. o'oet2Btann-,3, iallt V - A. T6H G BLUE, an excel F lent substitute for Indigo, for ea leriCthelrhoinealii . and retatl Uucer Y alQz, of IiTIOITOLS &MOWN, cgctirseroi Pliffilo4 *44 PP* tir; 4 . — ll t a — ariety of tuto . f.lll "_an i deideagimig eaf•-•.t DX) SiIMBRI3 BOOKSTORE'. p:OI,I , I)M)AVIN:MAIDONIINVIVDI=I ' 'lllla'rritb 1g . 413 A Ci CURTIN, a°lerwr ardC TT -bief AVILr dat Adjutant Gamma', P . feb26d2t Ablation's ri(iiiicE R i nZIPP4. L I b t 17 ,.1002. • .. JUST RECEIVED. , Rosfdo*co No, 2:7 Nora ,SpeolviStreet. N 11-44:iBBING . ATTENDED TO . t-, ....__„_ , STEAM WEEKLY. litai)7lo4 ~• : I\ BETWEEN NEW YORK , ... - ...<4.1 - _ -... -_- .. --, - AND LIVERPOOL • L i ifiliNt., A.ND EA I BARICING PAM...,..Gisti, at QUEENSTOWN, (Ireland.) The liver. pool, New tor,: and Philadelphia Steamship Campkay Intend dispatching their full powered Ulydaaudt hall BteaSlßlllps as follows : sourday, Starch st ; F.TNA, aturday, Mara Ci Ste; u° ClT'Y uP DIN,W YORK , :aturday, !dark hlst' end every Succeeding 'Saturday, at Noon, Morn Her , North River. OF Means. Intst CA81N1,75 00 EirEeltaGF.... ... 00 dO to London $BO 00 Ido to London go do to Paris 555 00 do to Eland do to Hamtturg..sBs 00 1 do to Hamburg sdo Passengers also forwarded to Havre, Bremen, Boile r. dam, Antwerp, &0., at equally low rates. iflrPer eons wishingbnug nutmew [Mods cot nut tickets here at the following rates, to New York: From Liverpool or Queeustown; Ist Cabin, $75, stub Stverage from Liverpool 540 00 Frool $3O 00. These Steamers have superior accutuamoouou to paistengers, and carry experienced Surgeons. tney acr built to Water-tight Iron Betelouts, nod hare ottata yir /annihilators on board. for farther information apply in Liverpool to WILLI/ea. INMAN, Agent, 22 Water Street ; la Gl oTow to \VIP INMAN, 5 et- Enoch Square ; Queennowu & 4 .1 D. sEy, mug, & CO. ; in Loudon to ElYt.zi A MA.,Y, el ging William St. ; in Part, to OXUS i.Ecoug , 5 N ut de la Bourse ; In Phikulolphia to J.; • N Walnut street ; or at . tie Company's intiee.: JNO. G. oa 16 Yore . Or 0 0. Zimmerman. AgCOl., sa—PASoBNGBIts fon ElJnoPE.—By or or of du .Secretary or Mate, a l matangeta le .rtutr, lb, toiled Bts tee are required to procure Pu , sporls b Ciro ruing board the St amer. of Passengers will not be subjected to any no iblo or lay ja, procuring them, if they call far uillnialum di it Company's (Aces, 15 Broauway, New York. Jan2l-tt JOHN trErt _ JUST RECEIVED, A_ LARGE LO r of Black t_q I ke. A Fine Assortment of Plain Dress Saki Eng. Rep. Mourning Silk& Small Bar Black and Purple Silks. A New Stock of Rooming Dress Goads. Line of Irish Linens, at old prict A Fall Stock of Skeleton Skirts; Beat HI ticie ever masel•etnres, A Full Line of Gents Underst itte and Drain] Furs ; Now cksiug out the tuck. Balmoral Skirts ; brAr article. Marseilles Counterpoises ; Al old prze3. Allendale Spreads; • lhetiP. A. Large Line of Towelling::. Now open at CATILialt t S, feblB.l; Next door to the liailisourg Bin] THE SUBSCRIBER has removed the bt,l. al/CO Or ilia goods from 51,rk0 - Fire r. to Tbinl ao %dont, where he Will keep our,sto ly ou heat a .InP aortment of Confeedenary, Alb to;, Or Sweet Potsows. Dried Fruit, Rom eq. as Mao Itio sod Thadeilon coffee, ad slut Nos w,t .otq articles too nureeroLe. to =talon. Thm•mi fo. hai patronsee be hopes bye-ne. t t mumuon t sus oua me-la coot nuance of 1.1. J 0,19 ‘k!+; foblB-2wa* FOR SEWING MA.CHIrNi, JONAS BROOK & BRo's PRIZE MEDAL SPOOL LOTTO: 200.2 rat YDg. WILIIE, BLACg d , 0.0/r.r.l-. J. THIS thread being made particulely lei Sewing Machines, is VErtY 37R tSul, , tl.).rui .tV ELASTIC: Its strength is not unpaired by Allirkill4, tIJ by friction of the weal° For M t.ttuut,, .1.4,1 li,:lgi Patent Glace, ......... FOR UPPER THREAD. and Brooks Patent Six Oord, Red Tiorr,r, FOR UNDER THREAD, BoltVby respectable dealers terougnout mitre. Also, lit OitfOlS or 100 0(455 awe, Am 'Krim WY. EIRNIRY 11I[eri., , . I, Haut 86 Vrery-tre:t, ser. Y Or. Ao9•d6m SCHEFFER'S BOOK SVOILif:I (Near the Harrisburg Bruigr.l 1)1.2 i o hi JUST ft Fil.lri, IV ED inue thi mills a Intel e MIT ellhCi. t, 1 g P Plla, whichhhh we will sell at 31.15 par r a.,:n s,l.e) per resin for NON, (leucite.; (Fill the latest and very handsome emblem; qua ~;:.roi MOW*. 83.50 for 1000 WHITE KNVFLA)PFS, wan thitioo , patriotic emblems, printed la two votori Meese give us a call. • j-. 1 11,r OF , TAB WRIT OF HABEAS CORPU UNDER THE CONSTITUTION by Rom Brioney, Eq. Pamphlet edition fm sal at BERGNER S CHEAP BOOK S FOBS. Price 15 ceuts. TO GRAIN CON . rttA.croits. THE BALTENORE FACTORYI .No. 77 South Street, Baltinwr-, IPitiPARED to furnish Uovermuen L Contractors and others with Linen or COItOd [Ws all trees, promptly for cu3e 111 COW pries. 00. , 8 an OOTK amtraaors will find it to their oitrantage to given a call. J3ON C. Gr. AFF , Ag. Baltimore, Jan. 17th. 1862. FOR SALE. A valuable Two story doublo Eta A Dwelling House and Lot of grant d, situ del on Corner of North wrest and NAM &venue, 30 lest as Nart street and 110 feet doep, two basemen , liclyll 6 . lar, and deism Noma, also a never Riling 3,.r0k; ter. The buiuhug is wet ealcula e.d fur e stor , :or not. Terms reasonable. Enquire of W. Jana City Ca PRb.SH Oranges, Lemons, Raisips, con-nate, & 0. , Sa , Pat recited au.' .0 slk bf I N ICIto & NOwll , Corner Front and &lancet ,tr.i.% febl4 y COAI OIL lower than any Honda Hardt tict rg, for Bale by NICHOIS BONA Corner Front ant Do t:trot. feb 14. y EXTRA FAMILY "FLOUR in fitartil halt bbL. sacks, also, wbolcisslo and I 1 New Grocery and Provision S.ore r , Prom asd a 40! 1vi733.01.- L,RhSH Oranges, Lemons, Cocoa Raisins, Ourrauus, & Iw t N1C11 0 114 4 & DOWN' Corner Fr aiL and Mar et feb2l COAL O[L, Natrona, Magnolia, Lucile and other non explosive brands, t r sale Ina. by NICIIUL6 s BOWllei , Crrner Fr nt and Star et siree 13, 0 YKUP t Lovering's and ttewart'B, *ale by NWHOLS k 8021 10, feb2l Corner Front. awt garret sec • Crushed, PalverizA a wl Itei flue, for sale by NICHO S& B 15Yq.4.1,1. feb2l Corner From eul 31.0 et Age HP. Sr , W. C. TAYLOR'S NEW i).11. • D. is economical nun highly di tersive. It C tams no lioSin and will n't wane. It is ar..rne.t'd in to Ware tbe hinds. It wlt impart as agre 3,l,l° and is thosolore suitable for ever, pt.rpos,.., sale by WAL DOC , g, Jr. S F RESH Choice Teas, Black and Creen) 34", 3G and 1 pound papers. for SAOac NICOOLB BOWMAN'S Corner Front qnd M•irlztl COAL OIL, warranted non --explosive) Mend branbrandsfOr sale low ICIDLAS y Corner Front acid Mat Ket grate.. WII. DOOR". Jr. & Co N"Fruits, Currents, Pi Card] and lemons, at the new Wholesale and Gr eery and Provision store, corner front sod AO street, liarrisbarg, Pa. febll JOHNN•WTBE -CIDERII 1 VENJ GA t•! , roz.from choice and selected -014 .94 1 guArptees by go to bo,strictly A pure • QUA , Wu. ( 6:;;L'Etireci 'aunt tiod area lihms inst recelvedy WM DOCK JR. 6 0.1, glotellaneun z . REMOVAL THE PRIVILEGE NICHOJ S & 00%11-44 ~~