. • • - .11 )1 . i 'G .•. TELEGRApH, r , _ 5 y GEORGE BERGNER. ri• I,LisltEf.? VERY PAY, .(►I; (4 B RGNE R. NI; ---,lsar. NOMOILLMION. 11.kkra eerred to subscribers le the Yearly subscribers Will be la ativall 2o „i , .OD Sf.lll.4alnalr 0. 0 rablihhad twice a week during h .,,,,,ture, and weekly 1101114 the • r .oAlurashed to subscribers at viz: r I:0 , 1:n: year Bomt-Weekly..ll l b 0 ..12 00 " , !OM, MEI Es 4.1 , ADVENTL9ING. 6Or •6 constitute one•lutlf 'game. Night n -r constitute a squarer wrek . ...... ....... an.nfbit s•ontris ........ • • • • .. • • ........... .... 2 00 11.0Ittb .... 8 60 e 5 00 tsre 10 00 moults 16 00 ;nserted in ilia Zona! (Nunn, or soilll,alfle, FIVE CX6ITS S rm • ••,•• atl.ilah , .! to be charged as,regubir iilattal Liu. JO lIN SON niairriaticoEtzu 10Cli HOSPITAL. , u v t ri.d ',bell:108i certain, speed), ortrar renrroy In the world for 14.v , D OF IMPRUDENOE. IS CI To Twai,vs U Dnaa ory or Noxious Drills.. h ,tr A ono , ur mo L'Amirami, Is 711101111 Owl e Tyr Dmiri.lja o, Bark or mbs, Strictures, Pill= la .1 . 1)1./ rr, the h Wiley, and Bladder, Organic •c, u . I , ln , Decay of the Ybyabto Pow . • 'ilLgn , .T, Loa dpvlla, Conttaiati 01 dells, t,fl ol,Tm!dtyTremblings, Dunnage bums, Irormse of the Stomach, Affectkes • , or.t, Nre or irklo—tbose terrible deer , . • ;IP nrrr , orellOO or Solitary Hablia 01 _ :a. t!e..ll.lllotlre practise' whicb Irtr , ltt.}, Tender eutrriage Imam. nh nr y oil mind, Io!Sti MEN. tAr rrrpromlrr mho hove become the viodtwe or .0t dee tractive habit whiet , . :p. 1,, 0 cat mely grave tbottsaatia 01 lire mat ,triltrt talent and brilliant inlet cute entrahood listeahlr ,„ rlygneliCO, or waked to ea full 001111410000. r. r.morr, or urlrr eTomplating inarrbigc, be Na Ptlyrtfal P.11:1Uld immediately coo rt.tor. t in perfect health. Atih.Nir homMaymenirsir Full eigco nisforigt. ..Wee:rUe.c coder the sire of Dr. J. may c.• r trooor ugmlibmiaiNlux4 Oa, tot physigign, • .ro.tC tret7criOlt wan, Baltimore, o,ng From Baltimore street, 7 • weer I particular In observing We 010 .111 mistake the plum. Be per sre. I , om, quacks, with raise i rrhnr ro mitres:tett by the repute ?L.111,. 1 , 111 !lent •Icatal` Ptwiage Bterap, 10 MN OD the Olt iouggroN ..:Ittobet ..1 the Hoye! College 01 Surgeons, : . el the inset eminent Colleges le. it& greatest,'Art of wham are inap.taln of London, Vests, Phiht• • : attet ,tt V sloeted some of the most an I,A 'Atli. ever known. Many troubled , r,so, ,apt head when uleep, great use. 4 ~ 111e.1 at authloo Rounds, baslituloses, . 4.l 4,m:waded sometimes with demise to 'e tea ,mettlatol3% t At, tiCULAR NOTICit. (bons who having injured them. ;.mProper Indulger:lee, that morel ^ otah [Atria boos body and mind, OD 'ter huttoteatoor society. ,e,: and melancholy ed eels pro. of youth, sit : Weakness of the • to the Head, Dimness of gig:, . r, Of theRIMY% " , thtttLY, heramgemenSof the Distil we 5c.!,4,1.1,ity, • Symptoms to '.isostunp•• YONTALLY. ll ' I' ' elt s cots on the mind aro mask to • ~i.va lT° r r e t' o tn g r llt e rv n oro of io i n d ir.43: • udo, Timidity, he., or* some • nem, oan now judge what 4 r duelme to health, loofas their ►lgor, oe, bervons and emaciated, have a Ltc4! (ay aysa, oohltb. and eym p. role ettleN 'totawtors by a certain praellee, • OP --3 rinta frequently tanned from ce,s..i the elfeele of which are nleett, and it not, cured, render ttal , iettrnve both Wed and body. r4 , 4tely man, the hopes of MI faun. Parente, should be snatched from life by the consequence' "! Path m enture, end Indlileng In • Persona Mint, before otottolll 4, 1t1at38, . • zn Atti rend are the most tlOOl3Oll/7 conutiblal happiness. Indeed through lire becomes • weary dufkoruf to the view the • woo despair, and Oiled with ; th thid Ito hatootoss of topther he. s -It owl. • 1,,-..4.TiNf3 IiIIYBDT TOR Oh Wh.AgNics& 19,nrtaut remedy, Weakliest, of the • : and roll rigor restored. Inint nervous and debilitated Will '‘,•r sisbeen tity tru ea nodistely relieved. ell e stl or Mental DERIII/ Weakness or Exhausti a on or speedily cured. 11) STRANGERS. t r It cured it this lnettetion within the u '"t•"• '1•1 numerous Important liurgice by Qr. J., witnessed by the re. ether pereen*,,,oolloo.„_of sum again before the Pm.", al a /endeetn of ondrooner and re. tuurantee to the %mote). 4 :s.oil2DlNCE.—Whee the misguldeu piessure dads he has imbibed rbserss,, it tea n bqppenot that shame or dread ofdloovery deters •• t lio who, from education arid re• • lowland mr delaying all the 0013 ltoi humid disease make their oeud, throat, wee skip, ale, , 11 ,blirbi!cil rapidity, till death puts 341( erings by sending him to put e. travels? returns."' It la A tool ViCliati to ibis terrible nee of Ignorant pretiolicl. ''•! Li '" 1,441 V MUM, IltercurY, le. thealdUe life miserab 'Ns n r bang to M. teeip on the reply • by flail 8 stress, riallimorb Etiri e of UOODS FUltB k '' ti , lase goods will be Tilt) low prioes. Pine tun neat very CATROWIS% door to the Herliablerg Bank. ID. W. Gross :41,0 D W. GROSS & CO., WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DRUGGISTS, NO. 19 .. 22 00 MARKET STREET ILARRisiyx9, PEPAT'A , DRINGISTS, PHYSICIANS, STORE. .10 '26 . 1 W . 900 . 8 4 98 . 600 . 800 KEEPERS AND CONSUMERS, We are daily adding to our assortment of goods all' such articles alt are desirable, mul would respectfully call your Mention to the largest and beat selected dock in this city, of DRUGS, CREMEALS & PAINTS, OM, warmish's" and Glues, Dye Stud% Chun and Putty, Artist Colors Sod Tools, flaming Fluid and Alcohol, Lard, Sperm and Pin. Oils, Bottles, Vials and La.ap Globes, Vast!le Soap, Romps and Corky dm, das., die. , dm., dio., die With a general variety of • :'',tiffi'l:l:V.llif)oA:ii.l:loooJA:l:l selected from the beat manufacturers and Pe lumers of Europe and Ole country. Being very large dealers In PAINTS, WHITE LEAD, LINSEED OIL, VARN/BRES, WINDOW GLASS, ARTIST'S COLONS, PAINT AND ARTIST'S BRI:1131018 IN ALL THEIR VARIETIES, 00W/18 AND BRONYJEI OF AwiniDe, 6 . 3 . v ______ ... r l NI. 8 'i.*f)ilis ' -. pi ...7_ . * r. : : ----:- ,..; ': : 1 7 ‘:•',',,..f.tgii 10" Pt Ci We reepectfully invite a call, feeling, confi dent that we can supply the wants of all on terms to their satisfaction. TEETH! TEETH ! I JONW B AND WHITES'S PORCELAIN TEETH, PATENT MEDICINES AND HAIR ~; Of all kinds, direct from the Proprietors. Saponifier and Concentrated Lye I Wholesale Agents for Saponifier, which we sell es low es it our be purchased in the &ha. MYERS MgDIOAL FLUID EX.TRADTS COAL OLL I CARBON 0111 Being large purchasers in these Oils, we can, otter inducements to close buyers. Coal Oil Lampe of the most improved patterns,. very cheap. All kinds of lamps changed to burn Coal Oil. FARMERS AND GRAZIERS, Thaw of you who have not given our HORSE asnottrrus POWDERS a trial know no their superiority, and the-advantage they are in keeping Horace ,and Cattle healthy and in g )od condition. Thatiesnds OM testify to the profit they have derived from the use of our Cattle Powders by the increasing quantity and quality of milk, besides Improving the general health and ap pearance of their Oath. Our long experience in the business gives us the advantage of a thorough knowledge of the trade, and our arrangements in the cities such that we as in a vary short time furnish anything appertaining to our business, on the best of terms. Thankful for the liberal patronage bestow s on our house, we hope by strict attention to business, a careful selwation of PURE DRUGS at fair prices, and the desire to please all, to merit a continuance of the favor of a diecrim hutting public. BINIARB 1 1-01,11, at 'WHOM & BOWMAN, $ sonar VeusL4nl tartetzsziats Pure Ground Spices HARRISBURG, PA., WEDNESDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 26, 1862. filigtellaxteous PUBLIC SAIE. siN PURSUANCE of on order of the Or phans, Henri of Dauphin county, will be expelled to e, on SATURDAY, the Bth day of March, 1862, at the Court Souse in the city of Harrisburg at Tligleolr, P., the following real estate, r ili t : A certain" dory two oryframe hunk, and piece of it situate in said lty and county, bounded and describe as mime to wit Beginning at a point on Bomb street, the corner of the piece of ground and house formerly owned by James Williams, twelve feet and am loam from West alley, thence silting said ',loath street towards High street twelve feet six Inches, thence on a line parallel with west Riley towards State street forty-six feet di inches, thence on a line parallel with State street twelve feet six inches towards West alley, thence on a line neralleil with. West etterlorty•etx Met sic mellow thespieue of together with the . pleeo of ground adjoining the aforesaid house and ground on the west side thereof, one foot wide on South street extending In depth the ame width par allel with west alley thirty-two lent ten Inches, being now used as an alley belonging to the atoresaid house and ground, whereon le erected a two story frame house, late the estate of ELIZA/Am ntOMP:OS. deceased. Attendance will be given and conditions of sale made known by DAVID Y. It WHIMS. Aseoutor of mid de ceased. JSO. RINGIAND, Clerk, U. C. febtt-dts A. HUMMEL, DEALZII IN BOOTS AND SHOES, BUFFALO AND GUM OVER 511055, TRUNKS AND CARPEL' BAGEL AT THE OLD STAND corner of the alley, next to the Court blouse, Market street, Uarriaburg, Pa. Thankful for the peponage heretofore bestowed upon the late Arm of A. Hammel & Co., we trust by strict at tention to business, and by keeping a well satsuma NOCK es GOMM to merit a continuance of the same. Please call and examine our soar and mass before buying elscwhore. A HUMMEL Goods are purchased direct from be manufactures for cash enabling them to sell very low. JUST OPENED! A FINE LOT OP SUPERIOR 13311 a 131-ALWLIS, . MADE of Good Tobacco, and from one to two years old, of my own manufacture. A fine lot of choice Megrims and Smoking Mao*, Pipes, Song' and a large variety of other articles constantly on ban LI tor sale wholesale and retail. Thanktui for former pat ronage, I hope by strict attention to business to receive • liberal share of the Made. A 11110 Smoting Room attacted, wbere easterner* may ley bast and 1631 my Segtrs lOW TODICOO. Don't forget the window with the Stop to It; that w the place to buy your Vbanno and aware. North Market Square, above Market street, iternatiorgi Deo.4, ltleL—dam wli. WYKOFF. NEW DRESS GOODS. EBROIDERED REPS, ' Plain and Figured Reps, Bich Figured all Wool Detainee, Plain Merinoes and Cashineree, Fancy Paris Drees Silks, Superior Plain Colored Dress Silks, Warranted makes of plain black silks, New Styles Low Priced Detainee At OACHOART R esorßea , B Plead door to dm Harrisburg Bang Harker, datum uos4 . CELEBRATED DANDELION COFFEE, - rust ItEUEIVAD a large quantity of CI superior Dandelion Oodles, wheals we will sell lois td snit the timed ; also ; pure ground Lilo o,lfee and Tur key Ooffee all put up in one pound package. Oall and examine at, the wholesale and retell arocery store of NICHOLS k BOWMAN, corner of Prost and Markin streets. d. F. 11•117333.ATCLEIC, TRAM/SANG AOBNT OP Tag OLD WALLOWER LINE. sHIS OLD TRANSPORTATION LINE is still in stemeashe operation and prepared to carry lit as LOW as any other individual line between phis, lierrisburg i llanbury,Lewisburg, Williams wort, Jimmy Shore, Lock Raven, and points on the Sanborn Oentr Philadelphia ai i and and Williams port and Blmira Local Agent at Harrisburg. D. A. MIISNOIL fiflooda sent to PEAOOOII., ZELL & HINOIIMAN, Noe. 808 and 810 -Market Street, above Eighth, by 4 o'clock, P. M., will arrive at flarriab ors, ready for de livery the next morning. 0.8. MII/01011, apt& traveling Agent. NEW CLOTHING STORE. SHEI.LENBERGER It, BROTHER, NO. 80 MARKET STREET. • (Room formerly °copied by the Portoffite.) undersigned have jnat opened a new and large assortment of the latest 'Woe of GI . We are aloe prepared to mannfacture w oraer f t; MI kin of Gents Wear, out to the latestetylea and full .. tom We have always on hand a largo sloop of goads' made clothing and Gentleman's Furnishing Goode. no9.dSm R. 811ELLISIOBISGalt & BRO. COAL! POWDER!! COAL REDUCED 1 1 I N'oomaideration of the hard times, and au I sell exclusively FOB OMB, I have reduces the price of Coal is follows : Lykes Talley Broken 0 $2 90 per ton Large Egg •• 290 • •• It Small Egg 46 220 44 at tt Stove 46 290 tt tt • " " Nut 44 226 ,r Wilksbarre tt 200 tt 4d Lorberry " 290 " " ;All Mal delivered by the Parews Wsraa Galas; it can on weighed at the pun:name suer, and it it rapt short 10 poem, the Coal will! be Relate& All Coal of the beat quality mined, delivered free from all Impurities. AtirCoal sett In mu:dittos; at the lawns weotaaum 11109 L Agent for Dupont's Celebrated Powder, a large supply always on hand, at lianntaoturers peaces. . e w biro lot of superior baled Bay for sale. kiri; JAIME Y. waiimmt. JOHN B. aIkETTWO BOOT az SHOE STORE , 00/INED SHOOND AND WALNUT BTB., Harrisburg, Pa. ALWAYB on hand a large assortment of BOOT SHWA GAITERS, &c., of the very bem amebas for ledky gentlemen, and ch i ldren ' wear.— Prima to snit the times. lands of WORE lialn TO ORDER In the bed style by fraperjor workmen REPAIRING done at short notice. ortle.dtf JOHN B. 81EITH., Harrlmborg. TUFA). F. OCELEFFER, BOOK. I,,AND JOB PRINTER, NO. 18, MARKEZ STREET, AA RRTSBUEG. airpsruomar atioutioe paid to Printing, Ruling and Binglog of Railroad Blanks, Matufosts, eotiolos, Checks, Dram, kn. 'Caw prifited at $2, 14, it, and $6 per thousand in elaiisni style. , LADIES CaItHETS, ALL OF THE DIFFERENT SIZEs, WHITE AND COLOAHD. - Thepest &Ade manufactured, can be *lend at OATBOART3 , , Next dace to the .Ban k. A.CKEREL Nos. 1, 2. and 3 in all sized Paellegea A large =PP'S Jung reeeleegt pad each meows warsated at replanted for ea. by. ' • 'the HOCK, Jr., 00. BT man. FR)OM CAIRO, ILL, Reeonnoissanee down the Mississippi. Seizure of Flat. Boats and Skiffs by the Rebels. Movement atAKTroope at. Columba& 0/171011RS _.~.._ An expedition composed of four iron clad gunboats and two mortar boats, with the Twenty-seventh Illinois and a battalion of the Eighth Wisconsin regiments, made a reomnois sauce down the. river tbis morning, and dis covered that the rebels bad seised all the flat boats and skiffs safer up the river as they dared to come ; also that there had been a movement of the . troops at Columbus, but whether reinforcements bad arrived was not learned- The gunboats and mortar boats were getting into position on the Missouri side of the river, when a rebel steamer with a white flag made its appearance. Some rebel officers came on board the Cincinnati, and a cowultation touk place, lasting over two hours, with what remit has not been made known. Bat the expedition returned to Cairo. . FROM WASHINGTON, TEE TREASURY NOTE BILL. • WASHINGTON, Feb. 25. The report of the committee of conference on the Treasury now bin was made yesterday, and concurred in by both Houses. It only needs the signature of the President to become a law- THE FIGHT 4.; FORT DORZLSOM, The Billed and Wounded in llen. Velernand's ' Cameo, Feb. 25. The official returns show that 821 were killed, 104 wounded, and 150 naming in Cion. AtTler uand's division, at the fight at Fort Done'son. xxxlmth (JongTess--First Session. awes or sil#64...taikkextsibritos: Final Passage otehe• Treasury Note Bills HATE Wesimenort, Feb. 24. The joint resolution in relation to certain railroads in klissoUri was amended and passed. Mr. FRBSIOIDIN Oubmitted a report from the Committee of ference on the disagreeing -votes of the two oases on the bill to author ize the issue of led States notes, and for the redemption or funding thereof, and for funding the floating debtof the United States. The committee recommend that the Senate recede from their second, fourth, and fifth amend ments, by which the old notes now out were retained, instead of issuing new ones to the whole amount of one hundred and fifty million dollars ; that the House recede from their disa greement to the ninth and fourteenth amend meate of the Senate, by which the notes are made redeemable at the pleasure of the Gov ernment after five years, and payable in twenty years; that the House • recede from their amendments to the eighteenth amendment of the Senate. . The Senate amendment authorised the de posit of these notes for net less than thirty dap, in sums, of not less than $lOO, with any of the Assistant Treasurers of the United States, for which deposit certificates were to be issued bearing five percent. interest; the inter n est to cease at the pleasure of the Secretary of the Treasuty, and the aggregate of the deposits not to exceed $26,0000,000. The House amend ment, to the Senate amendment (from which they recede) was to insert the words "or coin," so as to allow deposits to be made in notes or coin, and to strike out the five per cent interest and insert "at the rate which the Secretary of the Treasury may from time to time prescribe, not exceeding six per cent. per annum." The Committee on Conference also recom mend that the Senate recede from so much of their tenth amendment as proposes to insert the words in lien of words stricken out, and that the House agree to the amendment as so modi fied. The tenth amendment of the Senate was the amendment striking out of the provisions authorising the Secretary of the Treasury to issue a portion of the bonds at seven per cent. interest, pafable in five years, and inserting bends bearing seven three-tenths per cent. in terest, payable in two years, and the effect of the Committee's agreement is to strike out both provisions. The Committee of Conference also recom mended that the House recede from its disa greement to the Senate's nineteenth amend ment and agree to the same with the following amendments: After the word "good," in the second line, strike out the words "the proceeds of the sale of the public lands and the proceeds of id I property seized and sold under the laws bf the United States as the property of rebels," and insert the words, "shall be paid in coin and;"' and after the word "taxes," in the first section of the twenty-first line,lnsert "inter nal;" and after the word "dutis," in the same line, strike out the word "imposts," and after the word "States," in the twenty-third line, insert "except duties or imports;" and in line thirty, after word "interest,' insert the words "and duties on imports." The effect of these alterations is to m.ke the duties on imports payable in coin, and to pledge them specifically for the payment ot. the interest on the notes and bait's, and for the purpose of raising a fund to,redeem the principal, end striking out of the Senate amendment the pledge of the Public lands and the proceeds of the property seized as `the property of rebels. ' The report was concurred in. Su uently a 'message from the Some of Itepr naives - announced that they, had also concu ed in the report. ' l The ' resumed - the consideration of the resolnion reepetngt the admission oDdr Stalk fin.a ., Sspator frhze Oregon; and it was ssibi Mr. M'Dougall, Mr. Doolittle and Mr. Howe, and again poatpoed. After a short Executive session, the senate adjourned. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, The Indian appropriation was passed. Mr. Stevens erabmitted'a report from the Com mittee of Conference on the Treasury note bill. The report was agreed to, alter some brief remarks by Mr. Stevens, Wiqkliffe and Baker, (N. Y.,) by a vote of 97 +o'B2. A resolution wee pseud tO•pay certain expen ses of Z. B. Coyerly, late Secretary of Legation to Lime. Mr. Holman, (lnd.,) introduced a joint row ointion to declare the meaning of an sob au thorising the President of the Thdted States - to take possession of railroads and telegraph lines, and for other purposes, and to repeal a part od act. esasd. Milo, Feb. 24. Mr. Stevens, (1 3 a.,) offered , ' the following: Resoled, That the Joint Committee on the conduct of the war be requested.to furnish to this House or publifih the evidence taken by said committee, relativeto Major General John Cl. Fremont,. while in command of the Weetern district, if, to their opinion, it is not inomnpat ible with the publio interest. Objection was made to the introduction of the revelation. Kr. Stevens moved to suspend the rules. The rules were suspended, and the resolutkm adopted. Adjourned twenty minutes after 4 o'clock. On motion of Mr. Fassumm the motion agreeing to the report of the Committee of Con ference on treasury note bill was mconsidered; and the Senate disagreed to the report and the bill was recommitted to the Committee of Con ference. MCI HALM offered an amendment lbnitiog the appropriation to twenty thousand.. Adopted. Mr. Canute said the bill involved some very important principles of the Constitution, and of expediency, and wanted time to examine.= He moved to lay it on the table. • Mr. Hats hoped the Senate would pars this. bill and several others, especially the bill for the confi.cation of thousands and millions of dollars here in this very oity belonging to rebels, which ought to be attended to. On motion of Mr. Dootrrrti the bill wail postponed till to-morrow and made the ape order. Mr. TRIM:BULL moved to take up the bill for the confiscation of the property of the rebels: He said there was a pressing necessity for it Within a few weeks the property of a rebe. General in this city had been sold and the pro ceeds transmitted to him, while we are sitting here and talking among ourselves and.impos ing paper currency . on the suffering soldiers. The bill was Ulan np and was debuted, but no action was bad on it. 80Me elerW amend ments were , made to the blll,,dibes ttea moat, ing hour expired and the Chair called up the special order, the case of Mr. Starke, of Oregon. Mr. Tams= moved to postpone the special order and continue the consideration of this bill. Agreed to—yeas 22, nays 16. The con fiscation bill was farther considered, but no ac tion was taken. MB, consent, Mr. Fessmirms introduced a bill authorizing the Secretary of the Treasury to issue to public creditors certificates for the whole amount of the debt, the certificate not less than one thousand dollars, payable one year or earlier, at the option of the government and bearting six per cent. interest. The bill was passed. Adjourned. On motion of hir. Mersoar, the committee on the judiciary were instructed to inquire into the propriety of investing United States com missioners with power to issue writs of habeas corpus, and hold persons to bail for good be haviour, and to increase the compensation of said commissioners. Mr. Yauwitn introduced a bill to tax the salaries of public officers. Referred to the Committee on Ways and Means. Mr. Farms introdue . ad a bill relating to claims for losses and destruction of property by troops of the United States, daring the present rebellion. The United States note bill at the instance of the Senate hoe been referred to the Committee of Conference. Mr. &Ant, (M 0.,) called up Senate bill to reduce the number of calvary regiments. He said, in explanation, that the number of such regiments is seventy-eight, the organisa tion of some of which are imperfect, and be sides arms for all of them cannot be conve niently procured. Complete regiments can be made up by the pending bill. Some of the enlisted men do not know how to ride, and perhaps never will learn. The government would save about one-fourth of the present ex penditures by the passage of this meaSure.— The expense of maintaining a single regiment is a million dollars per year. The House amended the bill eo as to reduce the number of cavalry regiments to fifty instead of forty, as proposed by the Senate. The offi cers and enlisted men necessarily discharged by the reduction to receive three months' full pay in addition to the allowances prescribed by law —all officers of cavalry to be examined by a board of alters as to fitness, eta. The bill passed. A resolution was adopted, instructing the Committee on Claims to inquire into the pto priety of reporting a bill to indemnify the Union men in Kentucky for damages and im poverishment caused by the so-called Confed erate troops, and their alders and abettors. Mr. VAN WY= offered a resolution, which was adopted, directing the Committee on Naval Affairs to examine into and report on the ne cessity of repealing the eighth section of the act of Congress, further to promote the effi ciency of the navy, approved December last. The section in question related to the com pensation of employees in the navy yards. Mr. Kimono (I. 1.1.) offered a resolution, which was adopted, instructing the Committee of Ways and Means to inquire into the expediency of levying a tax of three cents per pound on cotton, and making such tax a lien thereon; persons and corporations to be prohibited from carrying or transporting the same until the tax is paid. Mr. Maintann, (Tenn.,) from the Committee of Ways and Means reported a hill to establish a branch mint at Denver City, Colorado terri tory, to be under the control of the director of the mint at Philadelphia. The bill was recommitted together with the bill for a branch mint at Nevada, which had been referred to the Committee on Commerce. The Holum passed the' bill smthorisbur the roOtriuster General to establish an mdfarin marieir order system. Also, the bill requiring IN SENATE. WASHINGTON, Feb. 26 HOUSE. WAsumarozr, Feb. 25 PRICE ONE CENT. an oath of allegiance, and support to the oon stitution to lie administered to the masters of American merchant vessels clearing for foreign ports. Mr. 13Lant, (Mo.) reported a bill from the Military Committee, visiting with pain of a dismissal any officers of the army returning fugitive slaves. The House adopted the additional article of war, as reported by Mr. titans, with an amend. Went, inhibiting not only Alters, but all per sons in naval or military service of the United States from returning fugitive slaves—yeas 83, nays 82. The question gave rise to considerable debate and was hotly opposed on the ground that *- Was an attempt to mpeal the fugitive dove law. r • Theliettablifil authorising the Secretary of the .;to issue certificates of indebted ness to vit oseditoes was passed . A,dj4msak 11111 Axanisitnaeass of the optic nerve which eventnalliproduces blindness—commences by indistinct vision, floating specs before the eye, circle around a candle, &o , cured bj Dr. Jones, of New York, at Herr's hotel, a few days yet, only. Capital magical eperatioes performed. Artificial eyes inserted to move "0 appear natural. Artificial ear drums inserted, epilepsy apple's. A Slant lately came into the camp pt the lowa troops at Florence, Mo., mounted upon a high spirited horse, tin which he had °soaped from his master, who lives near St. Louis.— , Around his neck was a band of iron, hall an inch thick and nearly one and a-half Inches wide, not locked, but securely rlvited. Three iron prongs, of lightning rod else, were welded to this band, at equal distances apart, and arose above hie head about nine inches, with an outward-inclination. The Iron had lacerated bis neck, and the sores had partly healed up under the protection he had given them, by. holding up the bands with his hands, during the preceding•days that he was Concealed in a cornfield, but while rid log, theo horse he could not hold it up, and it had imaged: the wounds, from whiob there tem a bloods mattery . ooze,. trickling down on his broadsroblders. Afters labor of three hmre the mei* wee Sled off. It appears he had car ried thisdron , collar three months for assisting his wife to escape into Illinois. TRII LAST 01 ARlZONA"— Wholesale Indian liZuvAter there.—Advices from Fort Oraig, New , have just been received in Washing which state that two families, Warda *Nth and Akea, original settlers In tbe Son- Idts valley, Arizona, have just come in from ~,it territory. These parties state that the F • • e Indians have completely overrun Art and either killed or caused to tee every 11 . wan In the territory west of the Rio -, , L L . These two families are all that have L. -9 ; from the interior. They state that ~.. victims of the manliest Apaches were lying at different points in the territory and by the roadside, and upon bodies of which the wolves were feasting. Tueeon, the principal town was destroyed. The few inhabitants caught there had been killed, and everything perishable by fire fell a prey to the flames. INSURANCE AGENCY. THE DELAWARE MUTAL SAFETY INSURANCE COYIPANY. OF PHILADELPHIA. INCOXEPORATED 1886 CAPITAL AND ASEITS THE INSURANCE COMPANY OF NORTH AMERICA OP PHILADIMPEtIe. INOOEPORATED 1794. CAPITAL AND A88ET3.... 51,219,4753 THE undersigned, as Agent for the well known Compaulea, will make Inatuaase wing less or damage by ere, either perpetually or an nually, on properly In either town or country. Marine and Inland Transportathm Rieke also taken Apply personally or by letter to oct4'6l-dawl7 PUBLIC SALE. TN PURSUANCE of an order of the Or- Ji., phase• Court or Dauphin county, will be expceed to Baia, on SATURDAY, the 29th day of Idaroh,lB62, et the Public Housed Beni /min Hestey in Uniontown, Dauphin county, at 12 o'clock x., the following real es • tate, vis : A certain treat or piece of land situated In West Hanover township, county Woreeald, bounded by land* of Hoene W. Macey, Ann Milton and others con taining twentY•nine and a half acres. Also a certain lot of eround in Lingleatown, Lower Paxton township, bound ed by Market street, and by properly of Ann Beret on the west and William Cassel, on the out. Said lot being 200 feet deep and 00 feet front on Market street, whereon la erected a.twe story frame house and frame stable, late the cattts of &MIMI btewart Finney deo% Attendance will be given and candid we of sale mad* known by AARON BOMBALIGH Trustee, he., to sell said estate of said wowed. MO. RINGLAND, Clerk, 0. C. feb22 dorm. FOR THE NEW YEAR. NOW OPINING AT SELLER'S DRUG AND FANCY STORE, 91, Market street. A . FINE variety of those rare CONFECTIONS, just from the Factory. A moat Eumar swung, (the finest yet received,) neatly put up in one pound boxes. Coal soon. Also, another lot of those Vim did Ladles , Satchels, faunae Wire and Leather Purees, /Adios' Companions or Wort Oast% and other due pods which you would do well to NC dela SCHEFFE'RS BOOK STORE. OMB Tan BARBIBBIXO unaL) UNION ENVELOPES. NTE PAPER, of six different designs, printed In two colors, sold by the thousand and by the ream 'SOB, Cash prima. Mao, Naga, Union Brasil etas, aces, men Mgt and Badges at very low prices. WI at _ 110111IFIFIOW8 nooKsTons. PORT FOLIOS—WRITING LIMICS. N entire new assortment of these useful ar tides just opened at BNEIGNEWS Cheap Bookstore. t) .C.R.E Cider Vinegar,,for sale at NICROLS & BOWMAN'S, i 1, corner trout & Market Ursa .6904,907.61 WILI.LiH HIINHEdIa, Harrisburg, Pa