' • /".--.• e''. *--• ....1 • zr. . . • •_. .. . . • r....-..... ~,,,,,.,,,,:,_ I G _ ..._,..,__ ..,___. . . _____„___, _ , 7 . --„---__,,_-,„'.----/ TELEGRAPH, 11" , f. 1 \ i • _..... ....... 0 IR ...... BY GEORGE BERGNER. 'J• II I I I I', t P:(-; It AI) H IS t'IIbLISFIEI, DAV, )11,C 1 E BERGNER. v , Etteisciurnox. fiAiIIIIiLOIRAPH IS served to subscribers in the ~,, A , 6 r. , idti per week Yearly subacribers will be 6i,:stid $4 00, hi advance WkssiV AND SzIIPWISKIT TILIMIAIII. The IS 'l.,re pubitstied twice a week during Irr n-^lOO ei the Leg,stature, and weekly during the arp,puderoi the year, and ',welshed to subscribers at tbt atoll rates, viz: :Ititrinzilb...rbers per year Semi -4 Week ly ..21 1, ..12 00 ..22 00 1 00 1 WI 111 Y le subscriber, Weekly, RA I F.ri AIME P. MING. har lines or Fss constitute onmbalf square. Sight inve or more than Ilia constitute a square. Hall :•Cillare, one t ray one week one mdnth three months... sis months one year........ 01 4. 1 „ a re, one day rine week ..... . 200 one month. ..... 8 BCI three months ..... ....... 6 00 i• six months ,„ „, ..10 00 in 00 0. Business notices inserted In the Lncai alums, or Velure Ilarriges and Deaths, FIVE CENTS Tnr.R fnr ~,ch insertion. 31Arrigeaand Deaths to be charged as regular rerolements illtbital. DR. JOHNSON 1311LIaTIMS.CINLID LOCK HOSPITAL. ALi discovered the most certain, speedy 11 and effectual remedy in the world for DISEASES OF 1111PBUDENCE , ssusiO IN NIX tro TWILVII NOM. NO Keret/cry or Noxious Drugs. A i r A Less WeaasevaD, 01 NO CHARM, us non Oirs cc Two Daes.-fat eckness of the Back or mbs, dtrietures, Paine lb he I Wan, Affections of the Kidneys and Bladder, Organic hese, Nervous Debility, Decay of the Physic& Pow Dyspepsia, Languor, Low Spirits, Confusion of dear, Cali nation of the Heart, Timidity, !ramblings, IhninOli at Sight er niftiness, Dieeme of the Stomach, Affections at the lead, Thront, Nt ee or Skin—those terrible disor ders arising from the indiscretion or Solitary Hams at kinetic..tbnie dreadful and destructive practises whiat produce constitutional debility, render marriage impos sable, and destroy both body and mind. YOUNG MEN. Young men especially who have become the victims of Eolliary Vice, that dreadful and destructive habit whale timidly swoop/ to an Untimely grave thousands of Frees men of the most exalted talent and brilliant Intel bnit, who might otherwise have entranced listening Suedes with the thunders or elemaence, or waked to mi mes- the living lyre, may eau with full confidence. MARRIAGE. itisl fled persona, or these contemplating marriage, he• ny aware of physical weakness, should I mmed i ately oon. Mil Pr. J. and be restored to perfect mann. ORGANIC WRAKYAB Immediately cured and full vigor reamed. Bo who places himself under the sere of Dr. J. may religiously confide in iota honor as a gentleman, and eon, ildeidly rely upon his skill as a billy:Mann. ffrOlhce No. 7 South Ft ederlok street, Baltimore, dd., en the-lett hand side going from Baltimore streat, loon Orion the corner. Be particular In observing the aarao or number, or you will mistake the place. Be par. !mile for Ignorant, Pt - steno Quack:, with fable name., or Paltry Humbug CcrUgesta, attracted by the repots. nos ot Dr. Johnson, I urk near All lotion must contain a Postage Stamp, to use on the only. OR. JOHNSTON Or. Johnson member of the Kaye , College of Burgeons, Louden, graduate trim one ol the mess eminent Colleges if lie Veiled .-tale', and the greatest tart of whoa. life sea been spent in the hospitals of Landon, Peals, Phil. delobia ...nil elsewhere, has etlentett some of the wastes banishing cures that were over known. Many troubled MO ringing in the ears and hind when asleep, great ner• vansinss, being alarmed at sudden sounds, bashfulness with frequent blushing, attended snmethriee with deearre nvot of mind were cured immediately, TAR If dTICLIAR NOTION. roger all Mose who having Injured thaw. selves by r sr.ae and imaroper indulgenoies, that secret and limitary obit which ruins both body and mind. ow titling them for either businemor society. The, ore yonie of the sad and melancholy oil sets pro. demi ny early habits of youth, viz Weakneas of the Hack and lambs, Pains in the !lead, Dimness of Sight, Dar of Muscular Power, Palpitation of the Bean, Ift'S. , reica, Nervous Irritability, Derangement orthe Digestive Suctions, General Debility, Symptoms dr Oansump lion, ho. MENTALLY. ~extAl LT, the fearlul elects on the mind are mush to ee weeded :-I,ofie of Memory, Confusion of Ideas, Do- Bora/. Evil Forebodings, Aversion toning& ty, Bk ll, llgtrust, Love of Solitude, Timidity, Sm., are some ,f the eltecla. persona ni all aged, eon now judge what I their dectlmo In health, losing their vigor, r, weak, late, nervous and emaciated, have a A{.l..enrtiOte abuut the ayes, cough, and symp YOUNG MO ..nlerre themselves by a certain praotioe, in habit frequently learned from or at school, the affects of which are r. when asleep, and If not cured, renders and destroys both mind and body, P.itt ,' alSotmuludutely. ot young men, the hopes of hie sone. 11 , k 4 fus parents, should be snatched from .4 eo oyments of life by the consequences Er an the path of nature, and indulging In a rot u,t , it St . /1 persons must, before °outrun, niIARRIAUL PLirT:lata Sellul mind and body are the Moat nedeillii7 ~ r ..aitit# connubial happiness. Indeed t ''' ; here, ihr jouruey through life becomes a weary the prospect hourly darkens to the view;the °me, thailoweil with despair, and tilled with th ,•,) relh , lion that the happiness of another be. sub our owil ON',l INViuttitATlNti KIIIIRDI FOR OR; WiiAJENWIA. ,real and Important remedy, Weakness of the —7F ire ddy eared, and full vigor restored. Ilia moat nervous and debilitated wha —1 tope have hem. Immediately relieved. All 'T, uti , 1.. Marriage, rhysical or Mental Nit ' , wrong, 'trembling, Weakness or exhaustion or kind, speedilY cored. TO STRANGERS. 1 jt,.,,,nliayneyir...throzsanatatieleurstttda Inatintion wi thin th e numerous Important urfa . ,: ons perhtrined by Dr. .1., witnessed by the re ..! Vt, 4 the payers, and many other persona, notices of baste appeared main and again before the public, 41 ;4 kir darkling as a i en licinee et Amway and re. 4.c tuttieli. U a sufficient guarantee to the &Minted. 31. ASICE. OF IWPRUDLICE.—Whon h Om mleguldea " ''afrodent votary 01 pleasure Mule e bee imbibed l ' , t—o; el this painful disease, it ton often happen* ia,.ri semis of ;dolma or dread of discovery tuners that Ili-Nciu, applying to those who, from education ''' a cot, r ''' ,, lilY eau alone befriend him, delaying till the e it "iierial sytelikillUi of this horrid disease make the'r ift..artmce affecti the bead f broat ne, ac, Pwastner en wit h frightf r apidity , till os deathw forts 4 Et . ctiti to his dreadful sufferings by sending him to otnat ' 4 , r ° , from whence so traveler returns. ' It is a toe - ""'i3 fact that thousands fall victims to this terrible l• dtto...--, hums to the tuiskillbbiesa ot ignorant pretend i.T.,by the nse of that deadly pousw, aferestrY, fall ~, ,xestuntioa and melte the ratidue 0 , life cataserable. 10 Firldliellit.—The 1/oateris lJiplemse hang in nin ' 1 11:4. aitl.etters must euebilll a Stamp LOW on the reply ai•ReitiNifes sent by Mail. 4Sitll",t..da tt , 7 South Frederick street, Haltimors. wly - --- SHAWLS! DRESS GOODS ! FURS!! A I.ARGE stozk of these goods will be Kt IP°'°4 of at TerY l" Priciell.CAPTinHoB4tfil"lNTvarY Neat door to the Harrlebuzg Hank. tints at Ircrart Stranspartatiat, PENNSYLVANIA RAIL ROAD! WINTER TIME TA.BL,K. FIVE TRAINS DAILY TO AND FROM PHILADELPHIA O* AID AME MONDAY JANUARY 27th, 1862 The Passenger Traina of the Pennsylvania Railroad Company part rrom and arrive at Harrisburg and Philadelphia as fellows : etas 100 ... .. 200 EASTWARD THROUGH EXPREN TRAIN leave Harrisburg daily at 8.20 a. m, and arrives at West Philadelphia a t 7.40 a. m. PAST LINE leaves Harrisburg daily, (except Sunday.) at 1.00 p. m., and arrives at West Philadelphia at 5.10 p.m. MAIL TRAIN leaves Harrisburg daily (except Sunday) at 6.66 p. in., and arrives at West Philadelphia at 11.00 p. In. ACCOMMODATION TRAIN, via Mount Jog, leaves Harrisburg at 7.80 a. m., and arrives at West Phila delphia at 12.85 p. in. HARRISBURG ACCOMMODATION TRAIN, via Oelum bia, leaves Harrisburg at 2.00 o. m.. and arrives at West Philadelphia at 7.20 p. in. WESTWARD. THROUGH fill:PßESis TRAIN leaves Philadelphia at 10.80 p. in., Harrisburg at 8.011 a. in., Altoona 8.40, a. 113., and arrives at Pittsburg at 1.26 p. in. • MAIL TRAIN leaves Philadelphia at 8.00 a. m. and ar rives at Harrhsburg at 1.20 p. m.; leaves H trriab arg at 9.00 a. m., Altoona, 3,30 p. m., and arrives at Pittsburg at 9.30 p. M. PART LINE Mayes Philadelphia at 11.25 1. tn., Hazel'. burg 4.05 p. m., Altoona at 9.10 p. m., and arriving at Pittsburg at 1.40 a. m. HARRISBURG AOOOMEODATION TRAIN leaves Phil_ dedphia at 2.80 p. m., and arrives at Harrisburg at 8.00 P. In- MOUNTJOY ACCN)EMODATION via Mount Joy leaves Lancaster at 11.83 a. m., arrives at Harrisburg at 1.80 p. m. The NEWS ELT ItEFS and PASSENGER TRAIN will leave West Philadelphia at 4.00 a. m.; Lanoister 7.07 a. m. ; Mount Joy at 7.43 a. in., Middle t own at 8.25 a. m., and arrive at Harrisburg at 8.55 a. in., connecting with Mall Train west, from Harrisburg, at 9.00 a. m. SAMUEL Et, YOUNG, Supt. East, lily. Penna. Railroad. Harrisburg, January 24, 1882 —dtf WINTER TIME ARRANGEMENT. NEw All LINE ROUTE tier- THRU TRAINS MILT TO LBW TORN, AND P EIILADELPHIA WITHOUT CHANGE OF OARS.: QN AND AFTER MONDAY, NOVEIf- MLR 4,1841 the Passenger Trains will leave the adelphia andit Railroad 'Dopot, at Harrisburg, fbr New York sad P = elphla, as MOWS. viz : EXPRESS LINE leaves Harrisburg at 3.30 a. m., on ar rival of Pennsylvania Railroad Express Train from the Wset, arriving% New York at 11.6 a. m., and at Phila delphia at 9.00 a. m. A sleeping car la attached to the train through from Pitts burg without change. MAIL TRAIN leaves Harrisburg at 8 a. m., arriving in New York at 6.30 p. m., and Philadelphia at 1.26 p. m. PAST LINK leaven Harrisburg at 1.40 p. m., on arrival of Penneelvania Railroad Fast Mail, arriving in New York at 9.50 IN and Philadelphia at 6.40 p. M. WESTWARD. FAST LINE leaves New York at Ba. m , and Philade 1. phi* at Ba. m. arriving at Harrisburg at - 1 p. m. VAIL TRAIN leaves New York at 11.00 noon, and Pall adelphia at 8. 16 p. In., arriving at Harrisburg at 8.10 pm. EXPRESS LINE leaves New York at 8 p. m. arri ving at Harrisburg at 3.10 a. in., and connecting with the Pennsylvania Express Train for Pittsburg. a sleeping ear is also attached to this wain . Connedlona are made at Harrisburg with trains on the Pennsylvania., Northern Central and Cumberland Valley Railroads, and at Reading for Philadelphia, Pottsville, iflikaabarre, Allentown, Easton, don. nonage .eheoked through. Fare' between New York and Harrisburg, $6 00; between Harrisburg and Phila. deltalle., S 3 26 in No. 1 cars, and $2 70 in No. 2. For tickets or other information apply to not J.J. CLYDE, General Agent, Harrisburg. ------ IMPROVEMENT IN DENTISTRY. DR. P. H. ALLABACH, Surgeon Den tist, Mannteeturm or Mineral Plate Teeth, the only method that obviates every objection to the nee of arti ficial Met; embracing partial, half and whole seta of one piece only, of pure and tridestruch ale miners in, no crevices for the acceumulationotsmall of f and therefore, neetknalve oder from the breath, as no me tal is media their ( *mantel:lon, the can be no galvanic artlort or mashie taste. Hence therelndio Idaski h not an noyed with sive tartlet, headache, tie. woe No. a Nona Second street, itarsisburg. ossis.iny EASTWARD. HARRISBURG, PA., MONDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 24, 1862. illisallantous PUBLIO SALE. IN PURSUANCE of on order of the Or phans' Court of Dauphin county, Will no exposed to sale, on SATURDAY, the Bth day of March, 1862, at the Court House in the city of Harrisburg at 2 o'clock, the following real estate, viz : A Certain two story frame house and piece of ground situate in said . ity and county, bounded and described as follows, to wit : Beginning ata point on Botch street, the currier of the piece of ground and house formerly owned by James Williams, twelve feet and six inches from Won alley, Clime along said South street towards High street twelve feet six inches, thence on a line parallel with wed alley towards State street forty-six feet six inches, thence on a line parallel with State street twelve feet six Inches towards West alley, thence on a line parallel wish West alley lorty-six feet six inches to the place of minning, together with the piece of ground adjoining the aforesaid house and ground on the west side thereof, one foot wide on South street extending in depth the sine width par allel with west alley thirty-two leet ten inches, heing DOW used as an alley belonging to the aionsaid house and ground, whereon is erected a two story frame house, late the estate of KLIZABIi rEt THOISP;ON. deceased. Attendance will be given and conditieas or sale made known by DAVID M. It oBINSOg, illecutor of said de ceased. • IMO. RING SAND, Clerk, 0. 0. febS-dtg A. HUIVEMEI., DEALER IN BOOTS AND SHOES, BUFFALO AND GUM OVER SHOES, TRUNKS AND CARPET BAGS. AT i TEIM OLD STAND corner of the allay, next to the Court Nouse, Market street, Harrisburg, Pa. Thankful for the patronage heretofore bestowed upon the late Arm of A. Hummel k Co., we trust lip strict at tention to business, and by keeping a well VILSOWID STOCK or Goons to merit a condniutnoe of the same. Haase call and examine our mos and razors before buying els.wliere. ntnll.lyd • A RUMMEL Goods are purchased direct from he manufactures for cash enabling them to sell very low. JUST OPENED! A FINE LOT OF SUPERIOR MADE of Good Tobacco, and from one to two years old, of my own manufacture. A Eine tot of choice °hewing god Smoking 'Cohens°, Pipes, Snuff and a large variety of otter articles constantly on ham tor sale wholesale and retail. Thankial for former pat ronage, I hope by strict attention to business to receive a liberal share of the trade, A due Smola ug Room attached, where customers may lay back and teatmy Began and Tolmooo. Don't forget the window with the Ship In It; that 'a the place to buy your Tobacco and mums. North Market Square, above Market street, Nurnberg. Deo.4, 1861.—dam WM. WYKOFF. • NEW DRESS GOODS. tiIBROIDEEtED REPS, Plain and Figured Reps, Rich Figured all Wool Delainee, Plain Marines and Cashmeres, Fancy Paris Dress Silks, Superior Plain Colored Dress Silks, Warranted makes of plain black silks, New Styles Low Priced Detainee At OA (HURT & BROTHER'S Welt 4 door to the Harrisburg Bea Market Square. nov CELEBRATED DANDELION COFFEE. JUST KEUEIVED a large quantity of` superior Dandelion Ooffee, which we will sell low to wait the times ; also, pure ground Rio Coffee and Tur key Coffee all put up in one pound packeges. Oall and examine at the wholesale and retail grocery store of NICHOLS do BOWMAN, corner of Ifront and Market streets. a. Sr'. 211117MDDIMEX, TRAVELING AGENT OP THE OLD WALLOWER LINE. THIS OLD TRANSPORTATION LINE 13 skill in suoeeesful operation and prepared to carry freight as LOW.as any other individual line between Philadelphia, Harrisburg,Snnbury,Lewlaburg. Williams sport Jersey Shore, Lock Haven, and all points on the Northern Cent Philadelphia Erie, and Williams - port and Elmira iocal Agent at Harrisburg D. A. 111:111Nik. t, Goods sent to PEADOOK, ZELL is HINORMAN, Nos. 808 and 810 Market street, above Filgtith, by 4 o'clock, P. M., will arrive at Harrisburg, ready for do livery the next morning. O. F. MII/INOII, apaal Traveling Agent. NEW CLOTHING STORE. SHELLENBERGER & BROTHER, NO. 80 MARKET STREET. (Boom formerly occupied by the Postoffice.) undersigned have just opened a new and large assortment of the latest styles of clothing. We are also prepared to manufacture to order all kinds cr Gents Wear, oat to the latest styles and rash - ions. We have always on hand a large stock of Ready made clothing and Gentleman's Furnishing Goods. no9-43a2 H. StIFILLIINBReGIBR & BRO. COAL! POWDER!! COAL REDUCED 11 1 jN consideration of the hard times, and as I sell exclusively FOR CASH, I have reduced the price of Coal is follows : Lykens Valley Broken ige $2 90 per ton 44 " Large Egg • 290 •• 44 II Small 44 290 CC •C 44 8w 290 " Nut 46 2 25 Wilkabarre 2 90 o Lorberry CC 290 it as BrAll 0011 delivered by the Fawn Wand' Cairns; it can oe weighed at the purchased door, and il it falls abort 10 Pousos , the Coal will be forfeited. Al Coal of the bast quality mined, aellvered free frem all Impurities age-Coal sold in quitities, at the LOWEST mamma mama. Agent for Dupont's Celebrated Powder, a large supply always on hand, at Manufacturers prices. WA large lot of superior baled Hay for sale. 12.3 JAMBS M. WHEELER. ZORN • B. SMITE'S BOOT & SHOE STORE, CORNED MOND AND WALNUT EMS., Harrisburg, Pa. ALWAYS on hand a large assortment of BOOTS, SHOES, GAITERS, Sm., of the very beet maim (Or ladles, gentlemen, and children' wear.— Prices to trait the clines. All kinds of WORK MADE TO OBDIR in the best style by superior workmen REPAIRING done at short notice. a»ls•dtf • JOHN B. SMITH. Harriebnre. THEO. F. .SCHEFFER, BOOK AND JOB PRINTER, • NO. 18, KARIM STREET, HARRISBURG. IstirParticniar attention paid to Printing, Boling and Binding of Ra il road Blanks, lianifesta, Poltolei, Cheeks, Drafts, nr.. Gans printed at V, $4, and It per ttenlaand In elegant a ie. 120 LADIES CORSETS, ALL OF TEE DIFFERENT 8J FS, WHITE AND COLORED. The :best argils maanescturod, can be hunt at 0/THOART3', Next door to the Harrisburg Ban k. MACKEREL Nos. 1, 2 and 3in all sized Packages- A large cripPlyiust received, and each package warranted as represented far sale by WM 8008, Jr., it Oo• ID. 1.1). ki.ross $4 Co., D W. GROSS & CO., WDOWIZSA bk. AND RETAIL DRU GerISTS, NO. 19 MARKET STREET ELAIMISBURG, PRIVN'A. DRUGGISTA, * PHYSICIANS, STORE. KEEPERS AND CONSUMERS, We are daily adding to our:assortment of goods all such articles as are desirable, and would respectfully call yorir ablution to - the largest and beet selected stock in this city, of DRUGS, CHEMICALS Qs PAINTS, OIL, varnishes and Glues, Dye Stuffs, Mous, and Patty, Artist Colors and Tools, Fur* Ground Splines Burning !Mild and Alcohol, Lard, Sperm and Pine Oils, Bottle, Mils and Lamp Globes, Castile Soap, Sponges and Corks, die., die, die. , die., dso., dso., die With a general variety of PERFUMERY & TOILET ARTICLES, selected from the best manufacturers and Pe turners of Europe and this country. Being very large dealers in PAINTS, WRITE LEAD, LINSEED OIL, VARNBEES, WINDOW GLASS, ARTIST'S ' COLORS, PAINT AND ARTIST'S BRUSHES IN ALL THEIR VARIETIES, OOLORS AND BRONZES OF AII‘KINDB. . . , . WI 01 0 ~ Fi n , Li ,7,. :.. ..1 D Fiit ri-1 _. IP S 4 , _ 1 9. , ,, AO in A 410, - - - ---...........0" We respectfully invite a call, feeling, coati dent that we can supply the' wants of all on terms to their satisfaction. TEETH I TEETH ! I JOSE'S AND WHITES'S PORCELAIN TEETH, PATENT MEDICINES AND HAIR :a 14:11 in kl4l 4 11:1* Of all kinds, direct from the Proprietors Saponifier and Oonoentrated Lye ! Wholesale Agents for Saponifier, which we sell as low as it can be purchased in the cities. PRAYER'S hiEDICAL FLUID EXTRACTS COAL OIL I GAMBOA? OIL l Being /liras purchasers in these Oils, we can oiler inducements to close buyers. Coal Oil Lamps of the most improved patterns, very cheap. All kinds of lamps changed to bum Coal Oil. FARMERS AND GRAZIERS, Those of you who have not given our HORSE AND CAT ME POWDERS a trial know no their superiority, and the advantage they are in keeping Horses 'and Cattle healthy and in g.)od condition. Thousands can testify to the profit they have derived from the use of our Cattle Powders by the increasing quantity and quality of milk, besides improving the general health and ap pearance of their Cattle. Onr long experience in the business gives us the advantage of a thorough knowledge of the trade, and our arrangements in the cities are such that we can in a very short time furnish anything appertaining to our business, on the best of terms. Thankful for the liberal patronage best on our house, we hope by strict attention to business, a careful selection of PURE DRUGS at fair prices, and the desire to please all, to merit *continuance of the favor of a discrim inating public. HELP SUGARS! 1--Cal at L d J imams k Bow - maN, alta_tr !g 4.4 1i 111 iLsrcat +mnt it BY TELEGRAPH. FROM WASHINGTON DISPATCHES FROM COX. DUPONT. Infernal Machines found in the 8a- vannah River. TEE REPORTED ARRIVAL OF ARMS AT NEW ORLEANS INCORRECT. THE CASE OF MARSHAL LAMM THE NEW NAVAL .BILL WASHINGTON, Feb. 28 Dispatchei have been received at the Navy Department from Commodore Dupont, dated Port Royal, February 18th, enclosing a report from Commander Rogers, in which he says, while sounding in the Savannah river, at a short distance aboVe the month of Wright river, he discovered several objects floating upon the surface, which appeared at first eight to be empty tin cane, and as such were not re garded by him as worthy of notice. Lieuten ant Sprotson of the Seneca, shortly after hailed him, and told him he thought the objects alluded to were baoye, attached to an internal machine. Upon closer examination they saw enough to satisfy them that the suspicions were correct. The buoys five in number were placed several yards apart, at right angles to the share imme diately in the channel leading from Wright river and visible only at low water. Tuey were connected by a spiral wire, the end of the wire entering an orifice in the upper ends of the buoys. They were also secured by wires to what they presumed to be weights at the bot tom, bat which further examination led them to believe were vessels containing explosive matter. An attempt was subsequently made to pro duce an explosion by pullingthe wires, which failed. The wires were then cut, and the outer buoy was brought off in one of the expedition txmts. In consequence of the delicate nature of the ex ploding apparatus, the result of the examina tion of the buoy brought on board,it was deemed more prudent to endeavor to sink the remain ing buoys rather than attempt to move them, so that the enemy should not have the satis faction of feeling that , a single life had been loat by the diabolical invention. The buoyeNvere sunk by firing rifle shots into them, one tidying exploded the night previous from some cause unknown. and shortly after a launch had passed over the spot where the buoys were plisbed having in tow a heavy lighter with guns. It further appears that the torpedo or infer; nal machine brought on board the Unadilla was afterwards set upon a bank and a rifle ball fired through it, when it exploded. Assistant Secretary Fox hag received a letter from a friend in New York, saying the state ment of a Richmond paper that 160,000 stand of arms, which arrived at New Orleans on the steamer Victoria,which recently run the block ade to that port, is not true. A rellable.paasenger who came out from Or- Leans to Havana on the Victoria, says that she was able to obtain there only 160 guns, and these were all the arms she took back on her return. The New Orleans militia are not yet there fore supplied with arms. The recent paragraph in this correspondence with regard to recent disclostires exonerating Marshall Lemon from certain charges in con nection with the jail, had no reference to the testimony given before the Senate Committee on the District of Columbia, and which will not be made public until all the evidence shall be taken. The information was derived from other sources, the correctness of which, like that of many other things, is controverted. The bill recently unanimously reported from the House Committee on Naval Affairs, to es tablish the grade of line officers of the Navy, proposes important changes, one of which is to create nine flag-officers or admirals, to be selected not below the grade of commanders, who who shall have given evidence of courage, skill and genius in preparing for an actual battle, and received the thanks of Congress, as a prelimi nary to promotion, the leading principle being to select such officers, irrespective of seniority. The other features of the bill offer encourage ment to merits. FROM. TENNESSEE. CAPTURE OF CLARKSVILLE. OFFICIAL REPORT OF COMMODORE FOOTE. Cuitzavrznz, Tim., Feb. 20, 1862. 2b the Hon Gideon Wells, Secretary of the Navy: We have possession of Clarksville. The citi zens being alarmed, two-thirds of them lrive fled, and having expressed my views and inten dons to the mayor and Hon. Cave Johnson, at their request I have issued a proclamation as suring all peaceably disposed persons that they may with safety resume their business avoca tions, requiring only the military stores and equipments to be given up, and holding the authoilties responsible that this shall be done without reservation. Il left Fort Donelson yesterday with the Conestoga Lieut. Commanding Phelps, and the Cairo, Lieut. Commanding Bryant, on an armed reoonnoisance, bringing with me Col. Webster, of the Engineer corps, and chief of Gen. Grant's staff, who, wits! Lieut. Command ing Phelps, took possession of the principal fort, and hoisted the Union flag at Clarksville. A Union sentiment manifested itself as we came up the river. The rebels have retreated to Nashville , hay fire, - ing set against the, remonstrances of the' h citizens, to the splendid Railroad bridge across the Cumberland river. I return to Fort Don elson to-day for another gunboat and six or eight mortar boats, with which I propose to proceed up the Cumberland. The rebels all have a terror of the gunboats. One of them a short distance above Fort Don elson had previously fired an iron rolling mill belonging to Hon. John Bell, which . had been used by the rebels. A.. EL. FOOTr y Meg Officer commanding the naval forces on the Vienna. waters. . PRICE ONE CENT. From the Eighteenth U.S. Infantry. [Correspondence of the Telegraph.] CAMP Mouse, Ohio, Feb. 19, 1862 Mr. EDITOR : —Some people imagine that those who dwell In camps see little of interest and none of the romantic,that it is as lethargic a life as that of a recluse, or as dismal as that of a swamp angel. This may be true of IMMO camps, but of this one it is not. Here we are as comfortable as a brood of pet chickens, and partake of our frugal meals with as much grace and ease as if feasting at sumptuous banquet of Cleopatra and Mark An tony. We have the pleasure occasionally of putting on our white gloves, tall hats with sable and glossy plumes waving luxuriantly from the side,tino dress coats, brightly polished shoulder scales," and with, our glittering rifles pa rade about our camp, while a bevy of black eyed lassies gaze on and applaud us as we de part with a coup de grace for our wigwams. Romance is found here in it., wildest form. A few days ago a young recruit, enlisted by one of our if allant lieutenants, was brought to camp dressed ala mange. It was soon discov ered that the youthtta looking war or belong ed to the feminine gender, and ikruediately was she marched to,head-quarters, where her case was speedily disposed of. She gave a brief narrative of her wanderiogs to several, from which l have been able to glean the fol lowing : When the rebellion broke out, and a call was made by the President for the brave sons of freedom to rally around the old banner for three months, she, I suppose, deeming herself a sun or a brilliant star in some con stellation, immediately enlisted. She was in three battles, and for a brief period drove a team. It is said she endured the long jour neys and the bardahipe of camp life with the fortitude and courage of an old veteran. She became so deeply enamored with the life of a soldier, that she concluded to join the gal lant regulars for three years ; hoping, I have no doubt, that she would wake some bright summer's morn and find herself a (brig-a)dear general-egg. Her voice was quite effeminate and although not quite so musicales the lute, I suspected her sex as soon as I hetird her speak. Her hands were not like twin lilieg, not her locks as long and silky as those of " Venice;" the former had lost their alabaster tint, and were now as dark as a young bay maker's in summer, and the latter was cropped off close to the head; A witty captain at my elbow remarked to me, before I was certain of the young soldier's sex, " Would you not like to have this boy for your cook f" I replied, "Certainly would I." She heard the remark and the answer, dropped her head, and endeavored to blush gracefully, bet the rosy tint refused to steal through the nut brown of her cheek, or tinge the gipsy hue of her forehead. She stated that her parents were dead, end her friends few and far away ; she therefore concluded to enter the army, and serve her country, rather than beg. Her story was found .133146.11nd onr.good Colonel immediately provided for her wants. On Saturday morning of the 15th,a whispered rumor was current in camp that the battalion was soon to depart, which proved itself true before evening. There was not that bustle, confusion and disorder in the preparation for departure that I have observed in volunteer camps, everything was prepared and arranged with a speed and accuracy I have never before seen. New shoes and other articles of clothing were immediately furnished all those needing them, and the battalion furnished with blank cartridge, and practiced in the loadings and firings. On Sunday afternoon the battalion in dress suit, was drawn up in line of battle by Colonel Carrington, who spoke to them as kindly as a father, yet firmly, as a true soldier. He con cluded by saying, as he pointed with his glit tering sword to the top of the towering flag-staff on his right, "To yon glorious emblem of liberty, the banner of freedom, the proud flag of our loved country, that shall soon wave triumphantly in the breeze of the sunny south, we will fire a salute." The men 'done exceedingly well, all firing together with the exactness of old warriors. You may expect to bear of the Third battalion, of the Eighteenth United States Infantry, doing severe damage among the rebels with their terrible rifles before long. On Monday morn ing, the 17th inst., long before the orient was flushed by the appearance of old Sol, the troops were all at work, and before seven o'clock the funnel-shaped Sibley tents that dotted the hill side so neatly at early morn and the lively and jokeing troops, (with the exception of company C,) had departed. There was four companiesof the Third battalion, Eighteenth U. S. Infantry, and two companies of the Sixteenth, ali regu lars, armed " cap-a-pie" and under the command of Major Will. A. Stokes as they marched •to Columbus, three miles distant, where they took the cars for Cincinnati. On Tuesday eve they expected to be some distance south of Louis ville, Ky., and by the last of the week by forced march they will join General Thomas, and 'participate in the soon expected battle. Captain Eyster's company (C,) is still in camp anxiously awaiting his arrival with a few Harrisburg braves to complete the company, when they will join the command of Major Stokes, who desires their presence as speedily as possible, knowing I suppose, that when we depart we will be accompanied by an excellent officer, Captain E., and closely followed by our skillful and assiduous Colonel. In my rust letter to the TICLIGRAPH, which will be from Tem:melee or Alabama, I hope and expect to give you a graphic sketch of the heroic deeds performed by the glorious Eigh teenth. ATESNIAN. GEN. BUCKNER IN THE HANDS OF THE 11. S. MARSHAL. Cerro, 111, Feb. 22. Gen. Buckner bag been delivered to the U. S. Marshal, on the warrant issued by Justice Cation. He will be taken to Kentucky and tried for treason. ARRIVAL OF FORT DONFLSON PRISON ERS. Four thousand Fort Doneison prisoners have already arrived at Camp Douglas. Two thou sand more will arrive to-morrow morning. THE TWENTY-SECOND AT CLEVELAND examesn, Feb. .22. Tolley generally was observed ass holiday. To-night the city is finely illuminated, streets thronged, and people exchanging congrat CHICAGO, Feb. 22d.