p 01:,t11 . I 4 ' ll A RRIBBII ftG, PA. I mlay Afternoon; Febrdary AND LIGIEMIA43.—Se7erBI flashes of lighth iug and reports of thunder occtirrea bete] Dr i, o the rain this morning, which weather.. w b e p eople say indicate a speedy return of . pernsineut spell of dear and pleasant weather: flurry it uv 110BBERT AT MIDDLIBTOWN. — The bediretd and news emporium of Mr. George Lennart. DOT died pot at Middletown, this county, wig 1 1 04 i ti iously entered list night sod robbed of 8 qiiiititits' of augers, tobaCto, Die roblwrs first tried to effect en entrinee thrJuelt the front door, but Mont an thli two? forced a window in the rear. COST OF 'JUN BLIND ENpuhs....- The pupil of the l'etinaylania Institution for thet. Baud giveaYill a grand concert at Brant's Hall, I D !Ilia ely, to morrow evening. Limns t „,[ ly pupils will be present. on the occasion, mud programme embraces a valietz qr• • lila wogs and choruse.3..„./44. ithorigtentai of which entertaining. k • • SNNATE CHAMBER 7411 , ' Yan d S om ely ded wool lust Saturday in honor of the birth-day o f ii'a•Lir ;tan On each side of the Speaket's ch.,ir, over the entrance to the recess,. are Fus pOrNied large and beautiful American flags, awl over the dais of the Speaker and the door leading to the rotunda are the words of the hr yr Lawrence, "Dos'r 01 1 111 TIP THE Sup." Th, etf , ct is very flue, and reflects great credit upon the patriotism of our friend, Capt. Brady, Librarian of the Senate, at whose expense the decorations were made. I=3:=l RAILROAD AOOID&NT.—An aedlent occurred on the railroad at the lower station In liarii•tta, near Musselman's Furnace, last week by which Mr. Tracing, the flagman of the local freltht train, had his arm caught between the bumps re whilst shifting some cars, and so badly mashed between the elbow and the shoulder joint as to render amputation necessary Within four inches of the shoulder. The operation weo performed by Drs. W. W. Rutherford, of this city, end Henry Landis, of Marietta. The wounded man is lying at Jobnstin's Hermitage Hotel in Marietta, and doing as well as could be expected. I=2=l SA/WORD'S OPERA House.—Grand Skaiing Car nival.- -The principal attraction at this popu lar place of amusement this evening is the irri eistably funny and mirth-provoking comiedetta, entitled "New Year's Calls," introducing a grand skating scene on the stage, in which the performers, Including "brudder bones," - will ye examples of their proficiency in this ex-- hlllerating pastime. The skates used on the occasion are those known as "parlor skates," which, on a emo th door, and. ,on the feet of o racticed dieters, enab e them' to perform move)... eats as graceful and elegant as if they were hod with the bona fide steel, and on ice. The exhibition will be a decided novelty in our city, ad we have no doubt there will be a full house . .a the occasion. THY ILLUMINATION in our city last Saturday ening, although not as general as was ex cted, was still of a character to reflect credit .pen those who participated in it. A number .t private residences were illuminated, among hich we may particularly mention those of .e Executive mansion in south Second street; ames M'Cormick, Esq., In Market street; ames M'Cormick, Jr., in Walnut street ; Wm. erbeke, lo Walnut street; James W. Weir, at .e Harrisburg Bank ; John A. Weir, in Second treet, and Thomas H. Wilson, in Second 'rest. The Truck house of the Mount Vernon ?:ode and Ladder company, Quartermaster "ikon's trace, and Gross & Ross' Drug store , Market street, and the Brady House, were i so handsomely illuminated and attracted oeb attention. ..--....--. TRIED FOR DESERTION.—The last number of Ice 1.,,A1,1ang Chronicle, states "that a man was Hied and sentenced to death, for de- Camp Curtin, at Harrisburg—but, . Nas n , t, in the enemy's country, and try dangerous in fact, the sen t' • r , n,1n2i1." We fear that our usually nod extemporary has been victimized by -k.:: urcncy to this statement. We are / 1(4 that the State of Pennsylvania has any law which provides for the d• stn to cases of desertion. This is I only in the "articles of war" which pr.,rn IL, United States army, and as the it imp Curtin do not yet form an parti ni of that army, it is evident lbt, for, that no such sentence as that stated . Y ( 'Aide could possibly have been passed DS a e,,ert Martial at that Camp. r).NNuN NOT 60 DICADLT As WINE. —W endell P hillip, in his address at the Music Hall, some do! since, said " I know a soldier in the ar flo: of the Potomac who was picked up in the itrttt, of Philadelphia one year ago a complete 11.kan confirmed inebriate, but who was, by ake lore of a soldier and the charity of a Boa s home, placed once more on his feet. He st Ball's Bluff, and three times with nn -1 l el musket charged upon the enemy. He None of the six who heroically defended and Insllght away the body of the fallen leader of that blood fight. The Captain of the corn to which he belonged died in his arms, heiving the last words of consolation from his Il k Ile was afterwards conspicuous in the I l k until the orders were given for each on e to sek his own safety. Removing some of his apparel he plunged into the inhospitable ri ver, and after great exertion landed on the 6SPo6ite bank, seven miles below the encamp 14eht• Nearly ex hausted,chilled, half-clad, half- I t a ,'‘'ed, he finally leached the camp. The Cap' ,``, l4 of the next company to which he belonged 1114edlY kid to him, pouring out a glass of wine: n 'e give You this ; you will perish without 'I thank you, sir,' said the soldier, but would a oner face all the cannon of the enemy w/hi halts that glue of wine.' cononorat 'Oti." POrnmiL—this well kaolinea cOmPany of singers will own ' - stria of concerto at Bra if. 414 onevening next, and - continue WOOii= 7 The reputation of this 'Punks is well established to Insure theca sootatilkiet our city. They haVe with t .. ..MI Mrs. Emma J. Nichols, et led *lke . .., an Songstress , whose beauti All Pam. will be remembered with me an at oui:ressiers who attended .tbe tild , ' Whip they were here twopillbeipa. Thitiefteil lady will &PPM' a , y v illiiii in a magnificent, full wart dr= !Ilia *4:Mean Elizabeth more than '. hl atto& *iv ego, the particulars of . " 4 1 6 01 '''' win be :Mated. at each concert. Mrs. ikli a , fikteppeadiobeiother lady of extraordi- what* is also with them, and Itsd T. iikeiliiir r ibe celebrated basso. Read Ikeir adVisiisialent is another part of this pskeei, sod go Mot them. Tel, MOM DM= Ix nta CAR& —Andher Ant ffssesp—/nAtturday's TALEGRAPH we re ported the death°, a drover, whose name was isoncised to be Boss, and who was found amu let.' and 'the railroad' depot in Pittsburg, jeiti-keilved-tabere in tinibes Issisiad-a , ow ng to the difficultyin gelling *Apemen; be adjouseed the inquest mikll this afternoon. It has been ascertained, however, that the deceased was not named Boss, but C. Garwood, also a drover, and a partner of R. A. Boss. There was a third partner in the firm, J. Breisbach, and the three were in Pitta burg recently, with a lot of hogs, which they sold to Joseph Scott, agent of M'Clellend & Logan, of Baltimore. They received $lOO here from the agent, on account, and were to receive the balance on delivery of the hogs. Dreisbach went home west, after shipping the hogs, and Garwood and Ross went on to Baliimore. The former was found at the depot, in this city, in the condition described, but Ross has not since been beard from. There is some mystery about the affair which 'Leeds clearing up, and the Coroner will endeavor to draw out all the facts. A post inertem examination of Garwood's body has been ordered, to ascertain the cause of his sudden and fatal illness. Since writing the ',hove the Pittsburg Chroni cle says that a son of Mr. Garwood has arrived at Pittsburg from Warsaw, Ind., after the ver diet of the Coroner's Jury, will take charge of his fathers remains, and forward them by ex preset to his late home. The young man states that his lather was subjsct to violent attacks of the colic, which occasionally rendered him speechless; but he is at a loss to account for the other suspicious circumstances connected with the tragic affair. HIGHWAY ROBBERY AND ATTEMPT TO HERDER IN nuit 'HARRISBURG Balms.—Last Saturday a drove'', named Newman Ell wood, from one of the Western States, arrived on the opposite side of the river with a drove of cattle and horses, and plat up at one of the taverns, with the Intention of remaining there until this morning. Some time yesterdiy afternoon he visited the city, crossing the Harrisburg Bridge on foot, for the purpose of .transacting some business with lir. Win. Metzger and other of our city butchers with whom he was acquainted. He remained here till towards dark, when he start ed on his return to the opposite side of the river. After paying his toll, and as he was about entering the bridge, on the right hand side, he discoverd a man who seemed to be watching him with no good intentions. The drover, however, proceeded into the bridge, and had advanced only a couple of rods, when he heard footsteps at some distance behind him, which he at once concluded were those of the man he had seen at the entrance of the bridge. He stopped a moment to listen, bat the sound of the footsteps had ceased, and were oaf - teemed when he himself continued his progress. Not relishing this state of affairs, the drover crossed t 3 the left hand side of the bridge, and continued on I quickly, anxious to be at the end of his journey as soon as possible. He had not proceeded far, however, until he again heard the approaching footsteps at some distance behindfilm, his follow er having also crossed to the left hand side of the bridge. The drover, previously apprehen sive, was now fully satisfied that some mis chief was intended, and as he had a considers sum of money about him, and no means of defence, he leaped from the foot-walk into the wagon track, through which he rapidly re traced his steps back to the city, having concluded to remain over night at the White Hall Hotel. But before he reached this tavern, it seems he repented of his timid ity, and returned to the bridge, resolving to cross at all haszards. He accordingly re-enter ed the bridge, after paying his toll the secont time, and proceeded unmolested until he reach the other side of the Island, when his ears were again greeted by the sound of approach ing foot steps some distance in his rear. As 'upon the previous occasion, he stopped to lis ten, but that instant the footsteps lilac' ceased, and he could hear nothing except the ceaseless sound of the dark rushing waters beneath him. The glooin and loneliness of the situation, with the attending circumstances, was well calcula ted to inspire feelings of dread in the bravest heart, yet the drover proceeded onward un til he was about midway through the bridge, when amen suddenly jumped in front of him and struck him violently In the breast with a knife, or some other sharp instrnment,which penetrated to s considerable depth, causing a profuse flow of blood. This was quickly followed up by a blow on the head with a club or billy, which caused him to fall almost senseless against the th poo e ke t ta hr iz olt - between side of the bridge, where he was held by untti f h ou te r five tia hundred ntrifiedhis pocketsdol lars in bank notes, the proceeds of a recent sale of cattle. After securing this booty the robber made his escape in the direction of the ,Gamberland aide of the river, and has not &tee been heard of. When the drover had somewhat recovered from the immediate effects of the attack, he retnrped to the city, and this morning made frifqhputtion of the OCCUMMOO at the mayor's oaks, giving such a description of the robber irobabiy kid to his emit. b 1 geaalssuna remtborsrtr.—Tbeforsy-eiaheh anniversary of the Harrisburg Bible Society was celebrated on Sunday evening last, in the Methodist church, in Locust street, and in the Preshyterlan church, in Pine street. Discourses were delivered by the Rev. Messrs. Wood. Moore and Terrence, and collo:I:Cone were taken' up in behalf of the Bible cause. The fullerstug reports were presented by the Board of Managers and the Frew:war : ANNITAL 07POST 07 TEI 773AltD Or MABAGI69. We celebrate:fhli evining, the forty-eighth anoktreivell bf theibirrliburg Bible Society.— For alrantbalfires cent mcy tes our association heart stelaik,lthiukti i eklove we rejoice in the privilege of preventing to-night the congratulations of thelliwudlktite member sbiplof the society, rk all true friendsi ofsat the ofible growing* i the Apt , that oastMtiffulrf manifesto increasing vigor and efficiency as the semitcentennial annivfirsary of it s establishment dramsdef." " • ' Diring the past year, several incidents of more khan interest in t e history, of our tiociet3abkve ' beciarrtig: 'PhitAxst of these was the assembling of thsPersyrania Bible Society in out midst, hi ths, mo tit f iineotasttn ac cordance with an' tidn' e rifled the board of managers by our association. Thia inst. tion wait addressed to them immediattily after our last anniversary, and was at once nor di: ate . Not long afterwards our Na. iron snob form entiAdititiro , Mori . 'as, in tbd judgment of some, rendered it impracticable for the parent society to carry, out itryintention of celebrating its anniversary in our midst. Other counsels, however, prevailsd, and the meeting.was held with very happy 're sults. Delegates were in attendance from the extreme eastern and western parts of the State, and the great and good causeOn whiph we feel so deep au intttest, ceived a new impetus, and its friends here assembled were inspired with fresh zeal. The vast army -that responded so patrioti cally to our country's call for defence against the wretched traitors that were plotting its ruin, has opened up a new and wide field for usefulness -to our association. In many in stances, the families from the midst of which these soldiers went forth were not supplied, with the word of God in a form suitable for convenient transportation ; in others, amid. the hurry and excitement of preparation for the march, this best of traveling companions was forgotten. And so it came to pass that a very large proportion of the soldiers quartered in this vicinity, from time to :time, were-found to i e destitute of- the Sacred ligriptures. , To meet this want, after exhatistiffk our supply on hand, application was made by our asso• ciation to the parent society for grants of books for distribution among the soldiers. This ap peal met with the pipet generous response. The Sacred Scriptures, in the English, German and Welsh languages, were distributed among the soldiers in large numbers, and were almost invariably received with eager interest, and warm expressions of gratitude. For want of a suitable person to superintend this distribu tion, there were, no doubt, some regiments, temporarily sojourning in the camps hear our city that were not properly supplied with, the Word of God. For the last few months, how ever, the Rev. Mr. Davis, who has been em: ployed by some lovers of the truth in our midst, as a colporteur in Camp Curtin, 'has added this to the list of his daily duties, and we have reason to believe that now no sol dier leaves our camp for the seat of war with out having been offered a copy of the Word of GOd. The last annual meeting of the Dauphin fi t count Bible Society was one unusual inter est... or, the iitst time in its history, the la . . mdfffe at sebtittna of - thehmuntry at tended, In the capAcity of delegates, upon its deliberations. From our own society .the at tendance was very large and we have reason to believe that new life was infused into -more than one of the auxiliaries' by the spirited and instructive discussions of that occasion. The next anniversary of the county society will be held at Dauphin, in the month of November, and the board entertain the hope that it may be still more numerously attended and more useful than the last. It affords us much - pleasure, also, to report that the plan adopted at our test meeting of ap pointing a committee of ladies from all our churches, to call upon the whole community, and give every one an opportunity of contribu ting to the bible cause, has been crowned with the most encouraging success. The last annual report of our Treasurer, exhibited a revenue during the year immediately precedit , g of $126 67, whereas by the efforts of the ladies, our revenues this year have increased to the sum of $291 74. It was well that we had a liberal contribution to forward to the treasury of, the parent society, as we have had occasion to make such heavy drafts upon its stock of books for distribution, as above indicated. But there is reason to fear that the Pennsylvania Bible Society will.be sadly crippled in its future eperationa, unless its frii•nds enthusiastically rally to its support, after the wants of the pa triotic soldiery have occasioned such a heavy drain upon its resources. The Board has therefore determined again to try the plan resorted to a year ago and which proved so successful. Committees of ladies have been, or will be, appointed, who will call upon all our citizens during the present week, and we herewith confidently bespeak for them a kind and liberal reception. Supposing that there might be some here who would not be met by these committees, and who desire to cast in their gifts to encourage this noble cause, the Board propose also to take up a collection at this time. "The Lord loveth a cheerful giver." In the name of the Board. Ottawas A. Has, Secretaxy. The Treasurers statement of the-receipts - and expenditures of the funds of the Harrisburg Bible Society for the year 1861: A. S. Fahnestock, Treasurer. Dr. To balance of last account, 1860 $ 15 67 To cash received from fifteen collecting. committees 260 60 Cash handed in by individuals . 825 Cash from the . Methodist Church 17 82 To cash to Dauphin County Bible So ciety for 678 Bibles and Testaments disposed of as follows : To volunteers at Camp Curtin, and such as called at the deposi tory 501 Testaments. 1 Bible. To Pennsylvania gore Pita' 20 " To poor Sabbath school. 42 4s To poor individuals... ' 9 678 volumes Valued at $ 50 00 Donation to the Dauphin County Bi ble Society 241 74 February 28, 1882 WAR is an apprenticeship to all sortsof trades. A soldier in Col, Cowdin's Pennsylvania regi ment wrote home : ." I thought selling gro-• ceries was the =tent of my capability; bat it seems to me, timt c an budd y _ houses, dig trenches, offi . „ ciate in the hospital ; and to-mor row with a dry goods olerk,l cominelice "the .4t chimney of a new hospital." 11!1=::=1 iriontittp Afternoon, lebructrn 24, J 862 C. A.—A meeting of the Board of Kuisgers of the Young ftleo's Christian Ass°. °Wien will be held in their room, on to mor , row * Tu. sd ty evening, at seven o'clock. A full ptendanee is desired. —lb— . *inn wag has resurrected the following -\,upon names : —Wallach, of the Washing- Star, says :—"There is a place in Pennsyl 'Shia, called Youngwoman's-town,. What a I Oiroca of a place it mast be for 'fellers . There IlaNalso a town in Pennsylvania, called Young ' ataaatown, sod is one of the greatest places for Mitt a this aide of purgatory. Smaintrrr or Haurr.—" There is no funeral so si d to follow as the funeral of our youth, whl we have been pampering with fond de sires- ambitious hope, and all the bright ber ries , hang in poisonous clusters over the patit i 'of life." The importance of contracting otorreht habits will apply in every action of our livesfi forliost•nce it is a duty society demands of .to d ress genteel, but we are not required to .1' ow', our money. away on worthless goods ; hen. ,it is important to purchase where we oath t good goods for the least money. That pi -„„ is llama & BoWass's, corner Front and Mar .t streets. Prsomrof beautiful new spring rge lot Of tdeached and unbleached the beet make ;- 'blue checks, at 14 cents per yard.; white stockings, at 124 centscents • another lot - of those good *bite rib bed ; ; bylies' pocket handliercbiefs, at 14 cents; children's pocket handlrerchiefs, with border, 6 cents ; shirt breasts 1.4, 15 and up to 374 cents; 2 : s:pieces new pant stuff ; undershirts and draweravery cheap ; cotton and woolen socks, at all prices • 40 dozen woolen stockings, for children, 124 cents; 1 yard bleached muslin 14 cents ; all wool French merinos, all colors, at 62 and ' 75 cents. Having bought the balance of the stock of a city wholesale house of plain and figured Swiss muslin; brillants, white cam brim, Nansuck and Victoria lawns, suitable for dresses, as those goods will be very scarce and dear next summer now is the time to buy. Our stock of Furs'at cost. S. Lawv, Rhoads' Old Stand. Tlrli LATEST Naws.—Bargains ! Selling off the entire stock of winter goods below cost, viz : Woolen, merino, cotton and canton flan nel, under shirts and rawers, 40 and upwards; woolen mufflers, woolen and cotton 4' Hose, 104 and upwards ; silk ties, 18 and upwards ; suspenders, 12 ; alko fine shirts, $1 00(41 25, actually worth $1 500:1 76 ; collars, all linen, 124, and night shirts, 60 ; also a large lot of monkey jackets, all wool, from 75c®.$1 00 ; also a large lcit of Union shirt breasts, 10c.; fine bleach muslin, 14 yard wide, 16c.• also bleached musll6,6c.,alid fine Irish line n ,18420 c. per.yard ; Brooke, Clarks and Coal's enambled spool cotton, 4c. Ladies and gentlemen this is the place to get a bargain. Please call ani ex amine for yourselves, as one call will suffide to convince the public of the above lacta. Also, on hand a large lot of ladies' collars, cuffs, un dersleeves, which I will sell equally cheap for cash. N. B.—Shirts, collars, &c., made to measure or from sample, on the shortest notice and most reasoaable terms. If you want a bargain and a good fitting shirt, &c., just to go James A. Lynn, at the Harrisburg Cheap Shirt Manufactory, No. 12 Market street, rooms next to Hummel & Killinger's grocery store, Harris burg, Pa. feblo. A GARD TO TEI JAMUL , - • DR. DUPONCO'S GOLDEN PILLS- FOR FEMALES: - "Restrike ft:Mowing certificate" from doe of tie fire t ladies in Utica, N.Y., who milted apse my agents In that city (Br . Wm. Bristol & 00.,) and told them that she, of course, did not wish her name made public, but if any one should doubt the won liwftil efficiency of Da. Doyen co's Golden Pills, they might refer any Lady to her as she oonsidered it a duty, as well as a pleasure, to her anowledge of their efficacy, as administered to her daughter, a young I ady 17 years old. She was fast go ing into: consumption—had taken cold—nature became obstructed. Two boxes of these Golden Pills entire ly cured her, and sue is now in rubast health.— "We were particular in buying the genuine. Full and enlicit : directions accompanying each box. Price 21. Sold wholesale and retail by 0. A BANNTART, No. - 2, Jones. Row, end .0. K. Rau e, 01 Market street Harris burg, Pa. By sending either of them 51 00 throught be Harrisburg Post Office the Pills will he sent confidentially by mail to any part of the country; "free of postage." N.B.—Look out for counterfeits. Boy no Belden Pills of any kind unless the box is signed S. D. Howe. Ail others is a time imposition and unsafe; therefore, as you value your lives and health, (to nay nothing of be fog humbugged - ont of your money,) buy only of thaw who show the signature of S. D. Howe on every box, which like recently been added on account of the Pine being onsintertelted. The ingredients composing the above Pills are made known to every Agent, and they are safe, and will perform all claimed for them. Sold also by, T. L. Lumberger, Lebanon ; A. J. Kauff man, Mechanicsburg ; Marks, Lewistown ;B. Elliott - Curtiss ;• S. G. Wild, Newvilla ; J. O. AM*. ShiPPOOB9 burg ; Spangler, Chembersburg ; E. T. Willer, York ; J. A. Wolf, Wrightsville ; B. Stevene, Re/ding ; and It. P. Hinter, Reading, and by "one druggist" in every town and village in the United States, and by S. D. MOWN Solo Propr War, New York. e 3 tm HAIR DYE 1 HAIR DYE Will. A. Batehelor's Hair Bye The only Harmless and Reliable Dyer Known 1 All others are mere imitations, and should be avoided if you wish to escape ridicule. GREY, RED OR RUSTY HAIR dyed instantly to a beautiful and natural Brown or Black, without the least injury to Hair or Skin. FIFTEEN MaDALS AND DIPLOMAS have been awar. ded to WIL A. BATCHMOR eitvte IS 9, and over 200,000 applications have been made tai the hair of the patrons of his famous Dye. Wm. A. BATCHELOR'S HAIR DYE produces a color not to be distinguished from nature and is watutanran not to injure in the least, however long it may be contin ued, and the ill effects of bad Dew remedied. The hair is invigorated (MU% by this splendid Dye, which la prop. erly applied at No. 18 Bond Street New York. Sold in all the altos and towns of the United States, by Druggists and Fancy Goode Dealers The Genuine has the name " William A. Batchelor," and address upon a steel plate engraving: on the fong sides of each box. Wholesale Factory, 81 Barclay St., Late 233 Broadway, New York. oct2-dikwly PRESERVE YOUR BEAUTY, SYMMETRY OF FORM, YOUR HEALTH, AND MENTAL POWER% By using that Sate, Pleasant, Popular, and Specific 'Rem edy known as HELMEOLD'S EXTRACT MICRO. Read the Adverhseznent In another oolumn, and profit by it— $291 74 Diseases and Symptoms Inumerated. Cubit Out, Preserve IL You may not now require 1 But may at some Future Day. "It gives health and vigor to the frame, And bloom to the pallid cheek." It Saves long Suffering and Exposure. Beware of Counterfeits t Cures Guaranteed. jIS-daw2en UNION REST&IIRANT, BILLIARD AND BOWLING SALOON, N0.,119 MARKET STREET, NEAR runt. THE subscribers having erected a larg e .1.„ building at the above place, expressly for the purp 0- see above Indicated, beg to cat! the attention of the pub lic, to the following THE Risramumr, ou the first floor, with a dining room attached, is fitted up in first-class style, and it will at all Onus ha suppled with the best OYSTERS to be had in the - Athintic cities, together with terrapin, ash, and all kinds ot game in season. Oysters served tip in every style, and meals to be had at all hours. The Ales of all the celebrated breweries in the country constantly on band. $291 74 The Teo-pin Alley, or Bowling Saloon, is in the rear, and contains three alleys of modern construction, where the lovers of this healthy exercise can enjoy themselves. The Billiard Saloon ia upstairs—elegantly fitted up, and contahni three marble top combination cushion ta bles, equal to any made. Harrisburg has long felt the want of a grand combin ation of this kind, and as the proprietors are determine d 3 to cond . it le a quiet and- orderly manner, and do we ll** their pewee' , to make it a faiddonatile - resort; tger& jall.dtt o geode° allit su 4 n l l lA h . go BADDN & ono.. New "Abrertiatmettts TREASURER'S ACCOITET OF TEM House of Employment and Support of the Poor OF DAUPHIN COUNTY. TOEN CARE, Esq., Treasurer of Dan. t-trin county, Pennsylvania, end Hz-ofticlo Treasurer 01 the House of muloyment and support of the Poor in the County of Daophin afore•, aid, in an account with said .county of I anphin, for the usuof said House of Employ ment in said county for the year 1861, namely DR. RECEIPTS, 1861. T o casts received from the county of Dauphin .or the use or the House o Employment for the support of the poor io the county aforesaid. Pursuant to requisitions in (onion. rutty to law, drawn by the Direc tors of t - e House a.oresaid, upon the County Oommeeleners of said t county, respeC fully dated. Jan uary Ist and October Ist,3B6l,Cti Orders No. 67 and 878, i sued by the County HOMMVIti h0r5....... 210 . 000 CO ,I*h r eceived from the following named ' persons, (or the use of the afore said House, derived as heretics/ter CI ted, to wit: From John Rayser, Edq., one, of the directo-s of sa'd Hoe e amormt of Judgment against J. D. L0ndh....1138 87 T cash from Herry Brown, steward of said House, for lime mid by him.llB 10 To caste, Herry row steward's', afore. - said collected for boarding pan 'pe-a of tithe counties TS 00 To case,J. F. Peckom Iler, premeds tf imill I-2W* amount of cidere issued, la'lB6l,adep . • $ the dtrscters bi the House West. • • aid, unpaid at settlement ms e by the County Audito4s, Jan. 16th, 1882, to wit: Order No, 120, Ellzab th Aarudt 2 00 44 140, Samuel Niebling- 157 ", /53, Jona Bentz 77 44 196, Mrs . Stanly ....... ... 200 44 202, Ju li ana Willia ms 200 44 228, David Bryan. ... ... 77 4 4 272, Mrs. Steely 2 00 " 281, hlizabeth Aurndt....... 200 4 286, Sarah White - ' 200 44 286, Elizabeth Rhale.. 2 00 44 737, Juliana Williams..; .... 200 44 292, Eliza ..... 2 00 " 846, Cords i t Metz 200 4 4 547, Mre. Scanty__ . ... 200 4 4 357, Elizabeth Aurndt . 210 44 363, Juliana Williams - 200 44 386. Martin Erb 77 44 602, Mrs. 5tan1ey...........200 44 512, Louis Koenig.- ..... ICO 44 635, Mrs. Schreck. ..... . 2 Ou 4 - 647, Mrs. Stanley. ' 200 , 44 683, Mrs. Szttrecir. ...... 2 00 44 694, Airs. Manley 200 44 613, Sloan St Boyd ' 860 44 : 615, W. 5i11y..... 77 4 ' 616, John Newcomer 77 44 645, sire. Echreek. 200 44 656, Mrs. Stanley. .._ 200 665, Mrs. Hatfield 4 00 ` s44 666, Ann McCarter 2 00 44 674, J. J. Wallower.... 9 17 4 . 576, J. F. Rutty......,.,--. 235 62 44 678, Jos'ab Buffing ton 4 00 - 4 683, Elizabeth %nerd 6 60 " 701, Mrs. Schrock.... 2 00 a 712, Mrs. Stanley 2 00 4 4 723,..,Ann McCarter 200 44 725; F. IC. Swartz '44! 45'75 44 , 728, George F. Mirth .... 82 50 44 781, Mr. Carchner.......... 75 44. 785, Wm. K toe, Bsq 10 76 736, John Jones 24 16 44 737, Anthony King - t 6 88 44 739, John He 55......... 20 00 44 745, John Weaver 16 00 PAYMENTS, 1861 By balance due in cash to John Care, Esg., as per settlement made by the teoudtyt Auditors, January llth,lBBl $7B 18 By amount of orders issued from No. 1,30'748 inclusive, by the Directors of the Douse of Employment, of the comity. o 2 Oau• courtnemitolgJaanary DI, and end -83.0f Decembey, 11181, both days M inded, as atter( d In detail in order • boos tif adi H sitie of Employment and Support, toe sum& $7B 13,. amount oy Order No. 154, ' , mime In error for oaf. acce due at laic settlement, to John Care, lag., accountant .• . • $9,909 96 By cash paid on orders Isethd la 1860, by the threciora of the Poor, &c., unpaid at settlement, made by the 0 may Auditors, January 11th, •• 1881, to wit Order No. 490, Goo ge Manly . 3 00 " 619, Widow Forney 2 00 " 560, Nary Forney 200 " 614, Widow Forney 2 00 c 62, Widow Forney 2 00 " 663, Mary Forney 200 ss 690, Adam Breamer ..... 2to I. 703, Muses 592 " 704, W. C. Smith _ 13 09 " 711, George Trullinger 29 01 713, John Kotler.-- ...... 119 28 " 717, Jonas Deiblor.... 797 -; 719, Sloan & Boyd__ 650 " 721, John A. Weir 645 96 722, Jonas Rudy ............ 80 62 723, E. 8. Zollioger 36 62 " 615, Mary Forney gOO --$10,998 90 By Treasurer's commissions allowed the Treasurer, to wit : On receiving 1110,610 00 at 3 t • per ce 1— 13 26 Paying $lO4 02 at .34' per ...... 62 01 Bs,Dance due in cash by John Care, t tresiuree as a.oresaid to the county of Dauphin, for the use of the House of smployrnent -afore a.id; the sum of $142 49 We, the undersigned Auditors of the county of Dau phin, Pennsylvania, el'cted and sworn according to law, report that we met, did audit, settle and adjust accord ing to law, the foregoing account of John Care, Esq., treasurer Of tne oounty of Dauphin. and ex-officio treas urer of the House of kmployment for the support of the oor in di t county of Dauphin, in account with the said county for the use of the House of Emiloyment of said county, commencing on the - first esp. of January, a d ending n the third day of December, 1861, and the ac counts as auove stated Is correct, JOHNATHAN SPADE, J- P. RUTHERFORD, HE CRY PEP .FE.t, Auditors of Dauphin county, Penna. DETAILS OF EXPENDITIIItES Acknowledged indenture— $1 00 Attendance in sick room, 11 months . 65 00 Appite butter and dried apples :.7 12 Apples.... ...... ........... 12 00 Attornies in suits... , ...... ............ ..... 46 00 Asylum for sopport Of insane poor 1,123 20 Ashes 4 65 Beds and bedsteads .. 47 00 Butchering. .....................28 80 Blacksmithing 102 80 Beef .... _ Mb 132 Balance on &count with 0. Hess 9 lit Brick 49 15 Brickwork ............ ........ ....... ........ 24 00 Cattle4ls 00 Cow.. ..... ...... .... .... 80 00 Conveying paupers 172 64 Coiling and burial .... 207 813 Carriage hire to convey paupers 60 28 Conveying paupers .................... 9 10 Coma— 512 52 CasaMet and yarn 20 30 Cooking.... 48 00 Clothing. ........ .... .......... ........ ...... 70 40 Carpentees work 5 25 Deeds .. ...... ... .... 6 75 Meru hire 232 45 Farm implements 83 10 Fencing 68 74 Freight on fa01a55e5.............--• • • 8 85 Groceries ..........1,078 83 Horse doctoring... . . ......... ................. 19 49 Hats (1838-312 50,).... - ............. ....... 68 39 Hardware ......- • • • • 194 84 Horses .... 190 00 Herbs 1 75 Issuing orders ... - ........ ........... ........ 76 47 John Care (by order,). ......... ......, , .... 78 18 Liquor 27 76 Leather 34 18 Raking arrests_ 1 00 Making Clothes ......... .. . . 96 25 Maintaining and attending sick out of the home. 94 40 Jeclicine and drugs 120 38 Molasses. ..... ........ .. ............ 63 75 Mill repair.... 89 37 Merchandise ....... .. .. ........ ...• •• • • ...... 375 01 Platter .. . ...... .... ............. ..... •• . • •••• 30 14 Plumber's work ...... ... .......... ..••- -- 80 30 Printing 60 00 Rails and 1umber............................... ~.. 46 76 Saddler work ...... 187 Shoes . .... ..... .. .... 76 2., Rapport of outdoor paupers.. ..... .. ... .....1..: 995.00 Swine - 29 00 liihoilMaking and mending .......• •• • . , 44 37 80 P.9 9 7 PallPri, l2 ° R . T., 5931 1."' ,.. "1,* .." ' 64116 - '66 . so Stationery, &o 17 96 New l- Aimertionttuts. Shim work and toll. Tinning ...... . Surgical opera , ' •ns Tax on insurance.. Turnips ... Wagon maker's ork Wheat .... Henry Brown, as Reward - Dr. Geo. F.MIB.b, (as physician,) 15 months' salary 312 60 Simon Daniels, (as Director,) 1 r months' salary and extra services........ ... .... 97 60 Peter Rianop, (as Director,) 12 mouths' saltry end extra services 43 00 John Raysor, (as Director.) 6 months' ralary and extra services 33 26 .1. W. Frantz, (Clerk,) 12 months' salary and extra .... David Mumma, (attorney) year's salary STEWARD'S EXPLANATION. 953 bushels of wheel. at 61 20 per bushel.... 1,230 bushels of oats at 35 cents per bushel... .. 2,400 bushels of corn, in ears, at 25 cents par bushel 600 00 2% bushebt of clover seed at 35 I.er bushel__ 12 60 57 bushels of onions at 40 cents per beshe's 14 80 6,000 heads of cabbsge at 5 cents per head. 300 00 445 bushes of potatoes at 60 (mots per bushel._ 267 00 28 bushels of beets at 30 cents per bushel 8 40 5,100 bushels cacumbem at 20 cents per hundred '0 BO 42 loais of hay at 816 per load 030 00 10,411 pounds df beef at 6 coati pert ound 624 66 .13888 pound, of pork at 5 cent per round 318 30 638 pounds of veal at 6 cents per pound 34 23 65% pounds of calf hides at 8 cents per pound.. 688 1,501 pounds of beef hides at 4 seals par pound ,a 60 04 4,338 bushels of lime burnedat7 cents per bud,' 203 80 ARTICLES MARTITACITUEZD IN TEC 153110011.-- - 164 pasts, 64 anew, 48 roundabouts, 94 men's shi , _chtldrees iddrta„.4l6,lmy's Santa, 28 boy's ft pair shoes, 9$ women's dresses, 32 , acts, 421045te, 43 Clintiren's dresses, 25 a no, 82 children's skirts, 82 chemises, 16 comforts, 48 sheets and 42 chaff-bags. LIST OF DEATHS IN DAUPHIN COUNTY POOR HOUSE FOR MR 1861. • Jan. 10th, Hobert IrGuire, (leprosy,) diarlaiii. " 6th, Wm. Revers, conenmPlion. " 74d, Harrison Beaver. dropsy. • 2411, Geo. Wooltbrd, consumption. Feb. let, John Atkinson, prnemonia. •• 9th, Peter Peasant, •• 11 28d,Heiry Ruth, consumption. March 2d, Wm. Freeman, • 12th, Mary Frances Lemmon, debility. " 14th, Samuel Rotheeord, constnplion. • " 17th, John Geiger, small pox. •• ' 13th, Mary Bailie?, typbo'd. •• 20th, Frederick Peek, April 6th, Frederick Happin, mortification. •• 7th, Martin Kittle old age. " 7th, Abraham Pennington, consumption. • •• 12th, Anthony Bubb, typhoid. •• 15th, Geo. Fetener, debility. •• 21st, John Towsou,lauasurca. Hay 17th, Thomas Gilmore, bronchltke. •• 23d, Joseph Harrold chorea. June Bth, Jacob Shoemaker, dropsy. •• 21st, Bastian Zeman, dellerum tremens. July 14th, Samuel Redieger, old age ng. 26th, Dania) Molter, (tonne) appoiexy. • 27th. Gee. Grievuut, typhoid. Sept. 30 h, Phebe Hale. (colored) typhoid. Oct. 15th, F.lizabeth Luaus, (colored ) , debility. " 20th, Jacob Weaver, coneumption. Nov. let, Edwards Wat.rs, Injury. .• 12th, John Truckleton. typhoid. •• , 4th, the infant of Farah Frey, marasmus. Dec. Bth, Mary Craig, (colored,) heart disease. " 15th, David Silverthorn, contumstion. Number of deaths in the county house tor the year 1801. ..... ......... ............ ....... .......34 BODIES BROUGHT FOR INTERMENT, IN TER COUNTY BURIAL GROUNDS, FOR THE YEAR 1861. Jan. 3d, Geo. Steward, Harrisburg. •• Martin F. Wolf; from prison, (barn hurter.) Feb. 9th, 2 children (twine,) Harrisburg. " 19th, AIM Wingate " 23d, the child or Mathias Bander, Harrisburg. March Bth, an unknown man, killed on the railroad. . 1 26th, a child killed on the railroad. April 26th, Robert Scott, (onlored,) Middletown. May 30tb, Jacob Zeigler Harrisburg. July 41h,,Iyary Ann Irvine. •• 4th, Eden TI181)11, Ranisermg. •• 2Qthathe infant of Mary Burns, (In the cams) " 27th, the infant of Mrs. Schrlach, narrlsbasi. the body of an urhuovna min, Beirritablui. ••Bd, Hens Bosh, died on the road Teem Kerrie burg. Aug. 25th, the infant of,Ohriatian !ever, Haillaburg. " 27th, the bo of au unknown child, Harrioberg. Sept. 7th r the body el•tisa unanowneassi t •• act. 29th, the eon of Jane Lee, Harrisburg. 1 . : oth, the infant of Ills I. Bennett, Harrisburg. Dee. Bth, Francis Cook, burned, (colored,) Harrisburg " 10th, Richard Boston, (colored,) Middletown Died In the house Brought far innermost $696 1111,208 74 Total !be the year 111a1 NUMBER OF PAUPERS IN TES HOUSE SAM January... February.. March .... April ..... May.... . Jane July .-. .... August.... September October... November December. NUMBER OF MIXERS AND °Ong DURING EACH January. February March .. April.... $66 27 BIM July ..... August... September October... November. Deeembei. 511,200 47 Comers and goers during the year.— . ..... 2,821 MONTHLY RECEIPTS PROM THE DAUPHIN COUNTY January....... February March.— ..... April May June July Angusq.... Setember October November..... December Total APPOINTMENTS POE THE YEAH 1862. Henry Brow), steward ; Goo. F. Mish p physician ; J. W. Frantz, clerk ; J. P. Peek, miller and Joshua M. Witetling, attorney Attest W. num, Clerk sod Agent. JUST RECEIVED. ALARGE LOT of Black Silks. A Fine Assortment of Plain Dress Silks Eng. Rep. Mourning Silks. Small Bar Black and Purple Silks. A New Stock of Mourning Dress Goods. A Large Line of Irish Linens, at old prices A Full Stock of Skeleton Skirts; Best article ever manufactured. A Fu'Mine ofGentstindersbirts and Drawers. Furs ; Now closing out the dock. Balmoral Skirts ; New article. Marseilles Counterpaines ; At old prices. Allendale Spreads; Cheap. Large Line of Towellings. Now open at CATHCABTS, febl3-y Next door to the Harrisburg Bank. REMOVAL. THE SUBSCRIBER has removed the bal— ance ebbs goods from Market street to Third and Walnut, where he will keep constantly on band a dne as sortment of Confectionary, Apples, Oranges and II emone, Sweet Potatoes, Dried Fruits Hominy, Beene and Et loss. Also Bio and Dandelion coffee, all kind of Nnts with otter articles too numerous to mention. Thankful for _ Pan patronage he hopes by strict attention to busin to merit a continuance of it JOHN mar. r. P. & W. C. TAYLOR'S NEW SOAP. AA.. It is economical and highly detersive. It con tains no Bain and will net waste. It is warranted not to injure the lamb. Atlva Immwt an agreeable odor, and in therefore` aultabia for every Ripon. Per mile by WAIL DOCK, Jr. too. !E m 62 10 16,00 88 14 8100 4527 n 257 00 66 00 4000 1,143 03 4116 60 E MONTH. 118 ..... 344 ..... 116 Ili 106 146 143 MONTH MI REI IMe! $lOO 01 lfrO 7$ . 199 86 198 63 . 142 11 .... 108 00 74 46 . 82 90 . 104 67 138 81 136 78 189 99 1,8:9 48 PETER BISHOP, JOHN RAYSOR, WILLIAM ENDBBS, Director'