aity ititgravj HARRIBI3ORG, PA Frulto Morning, February 21, 1562, - - SWORD P l ass.TATiox.--The officers of the Eleventh Pennsylvania regiment, stationed at it John's College, in Annapolis, have presented their commander, Col. Coulter, with a splendid @scold, as a token of the appreciation in which he is held as a soldier and a gentleman. I=:=:1 COUN TERI , IT COIN. - Half dollars —fac similies o f violins halves--have been counterfeited !welly by some rogues, who have put urtuy of them ! circulation. On a hasty it,S; eetiou the counterfeit is likely to be passed a s true, The imitation is somewhat lighter lion re (eta from the United States mint. VINDWATINO ins CHARACTER.—When a per .no s a noted thief, he takes great pride yoked upon as such, and considers' it n dii , ..iroce if he does aught that will lessen him in that li2lit. So it is with Gen. Floyd. This ~,v e y not content with stealing all the spire implemeats belonging to the Government, made e xe-ir,ion recently to Fort Donelson, and, finding nothing else to steal he, under cover of &Alt, not only stole a march, but actually con trivet to steal away five thousand rebels. After this lent of lea erdemain, who dare say that Floyd is not a great man. STRANGE ANIMAL SHOT.—Mr. Jacob Early; a farmer, residing at Ni unad a Gap, this county, arisen to us that while out hunting near the Duo Mountains on the 7th instant, he sno ut dud wish e,neiderable difficulty in killing a add animal of a species perfectly unknown to the peoplo of that neighborhood. It first at tacked the dogs, one of which was nearly killed in the encounter ; but upon Mr. Early's ap poach it took to a tree, from whence it was shot. Th.. animal measured three feet in length, and twenty-three inches around the body. It had claws three•quarters of an inch long. I=:=Cl LEGISLATIVII ADJOURNMENT.—It le just fifty pars this winter since th 3 Seat of Govern ment was removed to Harrisburg, and we will venture the assertion that upon consulting the records, there will not, within that half centu ry, lie found a solitary instance of the neglect of the Legislature to reverence the memory of the great and gond Washington by meeting in the csratal on his natal day, and having read by the clerk, or some person appointed for that purpose, his Farewell Address. It seems, how ever, I hat this long established custom Is to be dispensed with this year, in order to afford the members an opportunity of witnessing a mili tary parade of home guards in Philadelphia! I=l GIVE YOUR CHILD A PAPER.-A child begin ing to read becomes delighted with a newspa per, because he reads the- names of things which are very familiar, and will make progress accordingly. A newspaper in one year is worth quarter's schooling to a child, and every fa- Orr roust consider that substantial information is connected with advancement. The mother of a family, being one of the heads, and having a more immediate charge of children, should herself be instructed. A mind occupied, be gems fortified against the ills of life, and is braced against an emergency. Children, inaused by reading or study, are of muse more consid erate and more easily governed. How many parents who have not spent twenty dollars for books for their families, would have given hun dreds to reclaim a son or a daughter who had ignorantly or thomhtlesely fallen into tempta tion ? CATCIIIAO A Titsrmr..—Two men, partially in toxicated, ran against a rather quiet country man, on Walnut street, on Wednesday, shoving him off the sidewalk and nearly upsetting him on the street. Countryman, after eyeing the parties a moment, laid down a small parcel he had in bin hand, and, pulling off his overcoat, went into the two ruffians in a style that would hare delighted R Heenan or a Sayers. One of the fellows he sent sprawling in the mud, where he lay for several seconds, and the other Farming away, he pursued him until he got withi n Not range, when he let him have it in the nether puts, raising him completly off his Ito, and miking him bellow like a scared oz.. Ait ahainistering him a few kicks, which were iitlivered with an unction that showed he had hunt iu the job, the countryman re turned to where his coat lay, and putting it quietly nn, picked up his parcel and walked WV- MO affair was witnessed by quite.a crowd, and the general verdict lu the case of the punished bullies was "served them right." MUDDY THOROUCIFIYARES.—Just now the th oroughbires of our city are In a very disagree able cowhide from the depth and character of the ilausites upon them. Of course, it would it unjust to expect clean streets in view of the hinitid force of men entrusted with the duty of removing the filth, but we would call the at tention of the supervisors to the fact that there is c onsiderably more dirt on the sidewalks at +owe of the most important crossings than there 18 any necessity for. The publication of the D idinarice of the Mayor in reference to this nutter, has had a very beneficial effect,.and if 't was closely followed up and enforced by the su pertisors, we should now have clean side walks and pleasant walking, instead of the die aZtt eablu slime and mud through which we ere isis f ' l rcecl to wade in some localities. By the way a most singular fact, in connection with Piweinelit cleaning, that some people seem in variably to select the most improper time for the work, if possible. A few day's ago, when there w but little dirt on the pavements to require cleaning, and when a sharp breeze had luplay tin fnut the north, there was an unusual of diligence in this line. In one case tai noticed a colored man with a pavement vir. miler cleaning a sidewalk, while the water rize into a thin sheet of ice almost as soon as it si rind over the pavement. There is a strong B , l3 , i B P i cion of malice attached to such labors, and the public would hear with grim satisfactiob of Workers enjoying the fruits thereof in ;a kb ea crown. A LONG SPELL-If the long spell of disa greeable) weather which we "enjoyed" in Janu ary and so far in February, brings 114 an early and genial spring, with plenty of fruit, we shall not have suffered in vain. The "oldest inhab itant," who of late has been very chary in ex pressing any opinion whatever, has come for ward and made the statement that he never witnessed such a succession of snowy, blowy, rainy, drizzling, mizzling, sleety, ditty days as we have bad since this winter "set in." We sincerely trust he may soon 'set out" on his travels to the North Pole, to learn better man• ners by the time he visits us again. TRIM Youtt GRAPS VlM:B.—Within the last few years the grape interest of our city has become quite extensive. In some of the wards there is scarcely a garden whioh does not have a grape vine creeping over and around a grace fully constructed arbor. Many bushels of grapes are raised every year, some families having, besides enough for their own use, some to send to market. This crop may be greatly increased, without any additional trouble, by proper attention to the vines. The present is the proper season to attend to them. In the month of February they should be closely pruned, and trained in the proper direction, before the sap begins to ascend from the roots to the branches. Do not be afraid of pruning too closely. Cut off everything but the straight main branches, and your fruit will be the more luscious and'plentiful. Tam Musio Sinai of our friend Knoche, No. 98 Market street, near Fourth, notwithstand ing the hard times, continues to flourish like a "green bay tree." This result is due not only to his indefatigable enterprise, bat a proper knowledge of what the public wants in his line of business, and his untiring efforts to supply them. His establishment is a perfect "gem" of a place, and people flock there by the scores to admire and make purchases. He has on hand just now for sale magnificent rosewood seven octave pianos, elegantly toned, which he dispises of for $2OO. As usual, his stock of picture frames and musical instru ments is large and varied, to please almost any fancy. Among the new music recently re ceived at his establishment, are " Vocal Beau ties," a selection of choice songs ; Cobb's Par lor Music;" the " Hartford Polka," deaicated to the loyal crew of the U. S. sloop-of-war Hartford ; " Ondine ;" and " Every Household has its Angel," a beautiful song and chorus, sung by Mr. J. A. Arnold, of Sanford's Opera Troupe. A fine assortment of the best plated looking-glasses also on hand DESTRUCTION Or DOUNITMEIT NOTEELT-A3/ SCE, is before the Legislature for the suppression and destruction of counterfeit notes. It provides that after the first of May next, it shall be the duty of the teller or other bank officer who shall receive in payment or upon deposite, or for redemption, a counterfeit„,altered or worth less bank note, to write or stamp upon all such notes the word "counterfeit," (pared or worth less, adding the name of the bank and his initi als. Any teller or other officer of any bank who shall neglect or refuse to write upon or stamp any note as prescribed, shall forfeit and pay the full amount of the note or notes al lowed to pass without being so written upon. It shall be the duty of all police officers, con stable or other person, who may seize any bank notes, dies, plates, coins, or materials used in counterfeiting, or coining, after the trial of any person charged with the unlawful possession thereof, to deliver the same to the sheriff of the county, in which such trial shall take place, and the sheriff shall destroy the said materials for counterfeiting, in the presence of one or more of the judges of said court. I= Tin RIGHTMDI U. S. INIUNTRY REGINENT.—/n -tending Oweepondence.—The following corres pondence. has recently passed between Major Will. A. Stokes and Capt. J. M. Eyster, both of the 18th U. S. Infantry : HEAD QULETER, 18TH EEG. U. 8. iNFANTEY, Celarnbua, 0., February 14, 1862. Capt. J. M. lifyster Duds Six.—Col. Carrington has done me the honor to order me to take the field. I march on Monday with four companies of the 18th ant two companies of the 16th, and expect to be in Tennessee and in presence of the enemy the lat ter part of the week. I now appeal to you and to all my friends in Pennsylvania to redeem my pledge, that the Old Keystone should furnish a full Battalion of eight hundred men—to do this 'but three hundred men are necessary. Send us more to join the Third Battalion in vindicating the cause of the country and the honor of Penn sylvania. Good bye, and God tless you. Truly yours, WILL. A. STOKES, M•j. 18th 11. S. Inry. RECRUITING STATION, 3D BAT , 18TH 11. S INer, Harrisburg, Feb. 18th, 1882. Major Wm. A. &aisles, 8d Bat., 18th U. S. Infantry.t Data but:—Yours of the 14th instant was duly received, and I regret to hear that you are compelled to move without me. But it is ordered that I shalt remain here to assist to fill op your command ; and that you shall take the field to assist to vindicate the honor of the flag of the Union, to maintain the majesty and dignity of tne Laws and Constitution as. pure and unsullied as when they came from the hands of the great men that formed them, and to punish the ruthless traitors that have dared to war against them. Be it so ; but be assured that my heart shall be with you, and that I will use my utmost endeavors to redeem your pledge ; and, I know, that your friends in Pennsylvania will not forget you, and will lend a helping hand, so that that pledge will soon be redeemed ; and then the glorious Eighteenth will appear in its majesty and power to strike for the consumma tion of that which is devoutedly to be wished —the perpetual Union of our Country. . Good bye, and Heaven protect you. Yours, truly, J. M. EYSTER, Capt. 181 h U. infantry. GENERAL GEORGE WASHINGTON .--The princi pies and deeds of Washington, though the material and frame work has mouldered and decayed, has stamped his greatness upon the tablet of his country's heart; it is our privilege and duty then to render the admiration earned and to awaken emulation by the proper obser vance of the day that gave birth to one so closely identified with his country's history, and now with the reader's permission, we re-. ipectfully call your attention to the large stock of dry goods at the cheap store of Urich & Bowman. - 21 Peurtzpluania. Mail! ateligraph, .frittap Morning. Yebruarp 21, 186 TERRIBLE CALAMITY. —A whole family burned ?T.—Early on Monday moruing of last week a terrible calamity happened at a mining village, situated 801110 miles from Pottsville, called Thomasville. By some means not yet discov ered, fire was communicated to a small one story log house, in which resided a man named Thomas Connell, his wife, four grown up child ren, a boarder named Michael Hollagan, and a hired girl named Bridget Condon. Before as sistance could be rendered the building bad been burned to the ground, and a mass of blackened bones was all that was Itft of its inmates. The origin .of-,the-fire, so terrible in its consequences, will probably never be dis covered, as none of the occupants of the dwell ing escaped. . . . - TwO - HunnaWn Packs of beautiful tibw spring calicos; a large lot of bleached and unbleached muslin of the best make ; blue checks, at 124 cents per yard ; white stoCkings, at 124 cents; another lot of those good white rib bed stockings ; ladies' pocket handkerchiefs, at 12-1- cents; children's pocket handkerchiefs, with border, 5 cent,; shirt breasts 124, 15 and up to 374 cents; 25 pieced new pant stuff ; undershirts and dmwersvery cheap ; cotton and woolen socks, at all prices 40 dozen woolen stockings, for children, 124 cents; 1} grad bleached muslin 124 cents ; all wool French metinos, all colors, at 62 and 75 cents. Having •bought the balance of the stock of a city wholesale house of plain and figured Swiss musllns, brillants, white cam brics, Nausuok and Victoria lawns, suitable for dresses, as those goods will be very scarce and dear next summer now is the timato bay. Our stock of Furs at cost. S. Davi', Rhoads' Old Stand. Tug LATUT Nzws.—Bargains I Selling off the entire stock of winter goods below cost, viz : Woolen, merino, cotton and canton flan nel, under shifts and drawers, 40 and upwards; wools n mufflers, woolen and cotton 4., Hose, 104 and upwards ; silk ties, 18 and upwards ; suspenders, 12 ; also fine shirts, $1 00@l 26, actually worth $1 50@il 76 ' • collars, all linen, 12k, and night shirts, 50; :also- 4 large- lot of monkey jackets, all wool, from 76C®.$i 00 ; also a large lot of Union • shirt breasts,. 100 ; fine bleach muslin, 1 yard wide, 15c.; also bleached m 60. , and fine Irish linen ,18(420c. per yard ; Breoks, Clarks and Coal's enambled spool cottsui 4c. .Ladies and gentle Men this is the place to a bargain.i Please call an i ex amine for yourselves, as one call will suffice to convince the public of the above facts. Also, on hand a large lot of ladies' collars, cuffs, un dersleeves, which I will sell equally cheap for cash. N. B.—Shirts, collars, ac., made to measure or from sample, on the shortest notice and most reasonable terms If you want a bargain and a good fitting shirt, &c., just to go James A. Lynn, at the Harrisburg Cheap Shirt Manufactory, No. 12 Market street, rooms next to Hummel & Killinger's grocery store, Harris burg, Pa. feblo. TELEGRAPH OUT OF TOWN. LIST OF REGULAR , AGENTS. " DAILY MORNING AND , EVENING TELEGRAPH is sent every morning and after noon, by the earliest trains that leave the city after its publication, to the following REGULAR AGENTS: ALTOONA—Theo. B. Patton. ANNVILLE—G. W. Hooverter. BLAIRSVILLE—E. Laughlin. CHAMBERSBURG—George Tuckey. CARLISLE—George M. Bretz. COLUMBIA—H. H. Fry. DAUPHlN—jeffereon Clark. DUNCANNON—J. Hood.- F;LIZABETEITOWN—John W. Few. GREENCASTLE—M. D. Deitrich. HIGHS PIRE —F 0. Alleman. lIUMMELSTOWN—George N. Schultz. HAGERSTOWN-0: Swingley. LEBANON—H. H. Roedel. LOCK HAVEN—J. D..Stratton. LEWISTOWN—J. M. Cogley. MIDDLETOWN—George H. Lenhart. MECHANICSBURG--j. Eminger. MECH.ANICSBURG—WiIIiam Tate. MOUNT JOY—James Dysart. MILLERSBURG—B. G. Steever. NEWVILLE--W. P. Linn. SHIPPENSBURG—BeIo Sr, Winkle. SUNBURY—J. Washington. WRIGHTSVILLE—W. Moore. YORK—J. S. Boyer. HAIR DYE! HAIR DYE! 1 Wm. A. Batchelor's Hair Bye The only Harmless and Reliable Dyer Known I All others are mere imltetione, and should be avoldisi ityou wish to escape ridicule. GREY. RED OR RUSTY BAIR. dyed hultantly to a beautifil and natural Brown or Black, without the leapt injury to Hair or Skin. • FIPPEEN ftUtDALS AND DIPLOMAS have_been awaj•- ded to Wx. A. littoomoo. alnie It 9, AM - otter 240,000 applications have been made to the hair of the patrons of bie famous Dye. Wu. A. BATCHRLOR'S HAIR; BYE produces s . color not to be distinguished from nature and is irenhorrin not to injure in the least, bowevor.inkt jt may be oontih ued, and the trews of bad Dyes remedied. The hair is invigorated for life by this splendid Dye. whbitils . prop only applied at No. 18 Bond Street Noir York. Sold in all the cites and towns of the United Mates, by Drupiele and Fancy Goods Dealers The Genuine has the name ' , Wilhelm A. Batchelor," and address upon a steel plate engrathse. on the roar rides of each box. ocl2-lowly OR. DUPONCO'S GOLDEN PILLS" FORFEMALES. , . ' , Read the fo!lowing certificate' , from etto of the first ladles in Utica, N.Y., who called spun my agents (bit oily (Mr Wm. Bristol & C 0.,) and told them that she, of course, did notwisi. her )111111A made ': public, but if any one should doubt the vonoerfil eftlelency of Da. DOPO co's Golden Pills, they might refer any Lady io her, as she consieered it a duty, as,.well as a ,plessere, to her knowledge of their efficacy, as administered to her fast go log a young lady 17 years old. Kw was fast go log into consumption—had taken cold-nature became obstructed Two boxes of these Golden Pills entire. ly cured her, and see is now in reheat health... "We were particular in buying the genuine. Full and explicit directions accompanying each box; Price sl. Sold wholesale and retail by C. A Iternsvittr, No. 2, Jones Row, lid C.' IL gum, 91 Market street, Harris burg, Pa. By sending either qf Own $3 . 00 throoght be HarrisburiPeit Office the Pills Will . re sent confidentially by mail to any part of the country; "free of postage." N. B.—Look out for counterfeits. Boy no Golden Pills of any kind unless the box is signed 8. D. Howe. All others is a base Imposition and unsafe; therefore, as you value your liven filialilielth, (to say nothing of tie ing humbugged out of your money,) buy only of those who show the signature of 8. D. Howe on every be;, which has recently been added an account of the Pills neing rtonnterketed. The ingredients composing the above Pills are made knOWn to every Agent, and they are safe, and 3111 perform all claimed _tor them. Sold alsOby,Y. L Ihmberger, Lebanon ; man, Mechanicsburg - M. marks, Lewistown ; 8, lifillott. Carnes ; S. G. Wild, NeWvl ll e ;J. C. Altick, Ship Pens, burg ; .1 Spangler, Chambersburg ; IC. T. Miller, York ; J. A. Wolf, Wrightsville; 8..8. Stevens, Reading; .and R. P . R ue t er Reading, and by "one druggist" In every town and village in the United States, and by e 3 4m NOTICE. HAVING disposed of the entire steck of Saddles, HarneFs dw., to B. A. Rummel, (who will continue tb business) all persona knowing them. selves to be indebted are requested to call and settle their accounts ; and those havirg claims will present them for payment to the undersigned at the Boot wed :hoe -lore, next to the Court House, where ho may be found hereafter. A. HUMMEL. febl3•dlt cHOICE Teas, Green and Black, for sale 1,w!.7 NICHDLab & BOWMAN, etal Corder Frootadd Market streets. and A LOT of prime Cheese just reoeived d for sale by NICHOLAS k BOWMAN, fobll Corner Wont and Markeroiroole. Wholetale Factory, $1 Barclay St.) Late 233 Broadway . , New York. A CARO TO THE LADIgg. . D Sole Proprietor. ir° New! York IlDitb In Barash rg, Pennsylvania, Febru ,ry 20th,./ the meaele- , , Juus Isastema, oldest daughter of W. and BA tilt MART T. KER,, aged 2 years, 6mo the and 17 .la • [The friends and relatives of the family are . pent, fully invited to attend the funeral, on Saturday e 22d at 2 o'clock P. ia., at the readmce of Mr. John (hunter, on Thlrt street, three doors above the Patriot and Union HOOF'S, West Harrisburg.] JULIA. Dearest daughter, we shall raise thee. Now that thou bait gone from earth Note Can fill thy station like thee, Though they be of queenly worth. Hy f•ther mother, brothers, siitera, dauglier dear, Will see thy vacant pl ice a ith pain ; In ehristian trust they have no fear, But that they'll meet with thee ;gala. For that day, treating wait, For that time we'.lpwient stay ; Iftril we gre t thee at the gate, That leans to everlasting day. On the 19th inst., Joss Bauman, in the 7tth year of his ago. [The rel Aire: and f lents are respectfully invited to a.tend his funeral, from the residence of his daughter, Mrs. COLINAN, In North street near Front, this, (Friday.) afternoon at 3 o'clock.] Nap 2bitertistmtuts WANTED. /110 PIJRCIERSE about half or three•quar• hire of an axe-o( ground between Ridge road and the cLnal. Efeb2o.lil JOHN! OINr3LAGEZR. CHEAP TOBAGO° —We have a large stock of good Virginia Chewing Tobacco, whkh we ere aellineofrat low rates.. EBY k EUEKEL. '.feb2o evx • HAMS. AND SHOULDERS.—Tw - enty jA, tasks of best Sugar Cared Hems ; 8(1 caelca of Waf. moo eialt Shnulder, for sae at city prices by febp•Sts EBY If BIINKEL. WILt, SEAL at coat my entire stock of millinery and fancy goodi. Call and examine for yourselves, Shell's Row, Third street below Market. febl9-dlw S. A. 111111.3. WM. KNOCHE, 93 Mltrket street, Barrisburg, Pa., EC= N P l° I .11. IV C) St • EW ROSEWOOD PIANOS, from the beet makers, from $2OO upwards. MELODEONS THE . BEST MANUFACTURED INSTRU MENTS, FROM $45 to $lOO. Guitars, Violins, Accordeons, Flutes, Fifes, Drums, Banjos, Tambourines, Violin and Guitar strings and musi cal merchandise in general. SHEET MUSIC. THE. LATEST PUBLICATIONS always on hand. Music sent by mail to any part of the country. OVAL, SQUARE, GILT AND ROSEWOOD PRASIdES, Suitable for !poking glasses, and all kinds of pictures always on hand. A doe assortment of best plated LOOKING` GLASSE S From smallest to largest sizes. Any style of frame made_, to. ozder at the shortest notice. WM. ENOCHE, 98 Market street febl9l:lBm HEAD-QUARTEIUI PAIINSYLVANIA MILITIA, Harrisburg, February 19th, 1862. GENERAL ORDER, No. 16. The victories which have lately crowned the army of the Union and the Constitution, are deserving of special notice by the loyal people of the State. No fitter occasion could offer to celebrate the success of our arms, and the loyalty and bravery of our soldiers and sailors than the birth day of the Father of his Coun try- In commemoration of these glorious events in the history of the Nation, it is Ordered, That all military organizations with in this Commonwealth -shall parade on Satur day next, the 22d day of February instant, and at 12 o'clock, K., fire a National Salute. By order of A. G. CURTIN, Governor, Commander in Chief. A. L. RUSSELL, febl9-81. Adjutant General. NEW MILITARY PUBLICATIONS. LONGMORF O ON gun shot wounds, 75 The Art of War by Baron de Jom- ini, with appendices, maps and engravings $1 60 Infantry Tactics, by Brigadier-General bilas Casey, 11. S. A Practical Treatise on Strengthening and Defending Out Posts, Villages, Bridges .iie., in reference to the . _ Duties of Officers of Picquets, by Cot Jebb. Royal, (English) Rue negro Coppee's Field Manual for Battalion Drill Coppee's Field Manual of Evolutions of the Line.. .. . .. . ... 50 With all the standard military publications at BERGNER'S Cheap Book Store. NEW NOVELS A SRANGE STORY, by Bulwer, illus jj: trated, price 25 Dinah $1 00 The Warden, by Trollope, (Pocket 11- brary,) 25 Castle Wafer - , by the author of "East Lynne". 60 Treasare Trove, by Sam.. Lover, now edition 60 Tom Crosbie and his friends, by Lover.. 60 The Broken Engagement, by Mrs. South • worth 26 With all the new 'books ae Soon as published at BERGNER'S Ch - eitp Book Store. • . ANOT.H ER. SUPPLY OF MORTON'S UNRIVALLED GOLD PENS. DEBT PENS in the world, for 750, $1 25 _LIP at 20, 82, $3, and $l, for We at febls y SOBIIFFER'S Bookstore. It BM OVAL. THE SUBSCR IBER has removed the bal— l_ and, of his g oods from Market street to Third and Walnut, where he wilt keep constantly on hand a fine as sortment of Confectionary, Apples, Oranges and l emone, Sweet Potatoes, Dried Fruits Hominy. (teens and S. Ices. Also Rio and Dandelion coffee, all kind of Nuts with other articles too numerous to mention. Thankful for past patronage he hopes by strict attention to business to meet a contlinance of it. JOHN mar. feblB-2wde FOR SALE. l a AC HINERY 'for making doors, sash and blinds. Apply to J. OUNKLI, febl7lllw Third street above State, Harrisburg.. TicAY I 114 Y 1 —Sitp(Fior 'Wed -APT AVor I POPY JAMS M. WHE61,13 Wcw aimertismento TO GRAIN CONI`RACTO RS. THE B<IEORE B FELCroRY, No. 77 South Street, Baltimore, Md. Is PREPARSD , to furnish Government Contract. re and others with Linen or Cotton gaga or all team promptly for cash at low prices. Oats and Cons Contractors will End it to their advantage to give me a call. JOHN C. GitiIFFIIN. Baltimore, Jac. 17th, 1862. 19-24-2mii* SC HIEFFELIN BROTHERS & CO., WHOLESALE DRUGGESTS, AND DEALERS in Fancy Goods, Per funk, ry, &C. Alan agents for the s of Relined Petroleum, Lllmisinartng Oil, superior to any coal oil ; furnished Mans quuntitles at the lowest mar , cet rates. 170 and 172 William Street, NEW YORK. ja27 418 m raft SEWING MBCEIINEB. JOlirAti . BROOK & S PRIZE MEDAL SPOOL COTTON. 200 i 5 500 YD& Wllfll4 BLACK d COLORND. Lll.lB thread being made particularly for Sewing Machines, is OEuT STRONG), SMOofil AND ELASTIC. Its strength is not Impaired by washing, nor by friction or the needle. For Maobloes, use Drools' Patent Glace, FOR UPPER THREAD, and Brooks Patent Six Cord, Red Ticket, FDR UNDER THREAD, Sold by reepeciabla dealers throughout the couutry.— A.ISO, 1110.009 Or 100 WAIN LAOH, ASSORTID ave., by 111151 RY SERA Rile Agent. nob-d6m 36 Ytneyntreet, New York. SOHEFFE IL'S :BOOK' 'STOUR, 1 (New the Haeriaberg Bridge.) • JtJt?,T RECEIVED from the nittora lotot fine 0011511BROLLL NOTE Perin; .weieb we wili.e4 et *tap per ream. per reset t'Pr ware PATER, deeorited with the latest awl very , handsome emblems and patriotia manna. $3.80 for 1000 Wan% ENVFLOPES, with national any, , patriotic embleaw, petted ki two colors. Please give us s call_ THE . F. BCtIEFFER, !az,' Harrisburg THE PRIVILEGE OF THE WRIT OF HABEAS CORPUS UNDER THE CONSTITUTION by Horace Brinney, Esq Pamphlet edition for sale at BERGNER 8 CHEAP BOOK STORE. Price 15 cente. BIAN . DS I BLINDS I!! NEw'VENITION BLINDS made to or der tr;tho small sum of la, V 2,50 and $3. New blinds made :out of old ones a". equal low prices for seventy five cents a Owe and upwards. C all and sue at my shop, in Second street, below Chesnut. feb3-lin it. SR tat. WHOLESATJE UMBRELLA MANUFACTORY! No. 69, Market 'Street, below Third, 40 M. EC. LEE, MANUFACTURER OF UMBRELLAS, PAWLS and WALKING CANES, will Mrniett gouda at lA)WKR PAIOES than can be Innen in any of het:Warn ettte3. m rah% its will do well to all and itSOll •11 . 1 qo tiny, and ato Vil2C9 them elves of tbia fiat au23-dly DE.. T. J. MILES, SURGEON DENTIST' CIFFERS his bervioes to the citizens o tharrlaburg and IM vicioo y. He solicits a share 0 the public patronaga, and gives .ssuratice 06: hie best endeavors shall be given,to render satialliation in his pro fession. Being an old, well tried deritist4l2o feels safe in nytting..the public generally to cell on him, assering hen, that they will not be dissatisfied with hls serylcen, CKdoe No; 1.26 Markel utieot , in the bouid formerly oc cupied by Jacob H. eby, near the United Slates Hotel, Harrisburg, Pia ' CRYB-dly Seleot Sohools for Bova and Girls FRONT STREET ABOVE LOCUST. rrHE Fall term of ROBEItT 11.1'EL WEE'S School for boy it, will open on the first Monday in September. re, room is well ventilsied, comfortably furnished, and In every respect adapted for school per . . tie:MARINI& 111.'ELWEE'S School for girls, located n the same building, will open for the Fall term et, the same Ume. The room has been elegantly fitted up to promote he health and comfort of aehoiars. aug22thl FOR THE NEW YEAR. NOW OPINING AT KELLER'S DRUG AND FANCY STORE, 91, Market street. A FINE variety of those rare CONFECTIONS, just from the Factory. A most ELEGANT MIXTURE, (the lineal yet received,) noatly put up in one pound boxes. Call soon. Also, another lot of those Bolen did Idles' Satchela, ladies' Wire cad Leather Purees, Ladios , Oompanioas or Work Cluaes, and other One goods which you would do well to see dal) P. & W. C. TAYLOR'S NEW SOAP. - , It Is economical and Melly detersive. It con talus na Rosin and will mt waste. It la warranted not to injure Um hands. It teal impart an agreeable odor, and Is therelore suitable for every purpose. F r sale by WM. DOCK , Jr. & Co. 2 60 HAY 4 HAY ! I A SUPERIOR. article of Baled Hay, at $l7 00 per ton for seta by JAMES M. WREELER. 4 75 AUGUSTINE L. CII&YNE. CARPENTER AND BUILDER. Resideffice No. 27 North Second Street. N. B—JOBBING ATTENDED TO. MORE LIGHT!! CHEAP LIGHT!!! AGREAT reduction in the price of EXTRA No. 1 BURNING OIL, (Warranted not =planned has taken place. Ii will pay all who purchase. Burning oils by the barrel or small quantities, to buy at GILBERT'S f4-2w Hardware store, ownite the Court House. CRIISHED, broken loaf, fine and coarse pulverised and other sugars for sale by NICHOLAS & BOWMAN, Olrner Front and Market streets. JUST RECEIVED. ASECOND LOT of Comic and Sentimen tal Valentines, at •lifferent prices. febls y WIENER'S Bookstore. JUST RECEIVED. ALARGE ASSORTMENT of Family Bibles of different styles of binding, at 000, SI 25 $1 50, $2, $3, $4, $5 andel°. Also Pocket, Bibles of dif ferent styles and prices at SCEIFFFERII Bookstore. febb y CRUMB BRUSHES, Door Math, Scrub 1„.„1 Wog and Blackening Brushes, for sale by NICHOLAS &111WitiAN, Corner Front and Market streets. TO FAMERS. OATSOATS ! 1 Cash paid for Oats by JAMES M. WIIMMLER. CEDAR TUBS, BASKETS, BROOMS and everything In the line, just received in large qiiantities and for sale very low by trti. Dreg, r ,8t Co. POWDER, Shot and Caps for sale by NICHOLAS & BOWMAN, Front and Market streets. CROSS & .131,A.OKWE LI'S Celebrated fICKIJOIA SAIICB3,.PII,IgiEIiVIi9, azo„ ac. A large simply or the a bove, embracing every viuiety, just re . calved ai3d for sale by WY. DOCK, Jr.,./k Co. .SANFORD'S NEW OPERA HOUSE THIRD STREET BELOW MARKET. Admission' 25 cents Orchestra Chairs, 50 cents. Seats in Private Boxes, 75 cents. Entire Box, $5.00. Doors open ei o'clock ; Commence at 71 o'clock. Re-engagement of the Celebrated Cantatrice, Mrs. ANNA BORDWELL, Ethiopean Comedians, who will appear In their Ethiopean Drawing Room Soirees, original with lifr. and Mrs. Bordwell. First Night of the Burlezque ITALIAN OPERA. With Choruses by the whole Company. Seats can he secured In Revalee doting the Opera. 8 , 11 Office open from 10 to 12 A. M. UNION RESTAURANT, BILLIARD AND BOWLING SALOON, NO. 119 MARKET STREET, NEAR FIFTH. THE subscribers having erected a larg e building at the above pla -o, pracmiy fair the per 0. Ilea above iddittated, beg to call the attention of the pub. t 1 to the toll "vie: 'flit Rostarraart, Oa the first Do r, with a dining room attached, la fitted up to ilrinnasa style, and it will at iii UM'S be eappled with the hest (WS rgiti to be had in the Atlantic cities, together with terrapin, ash, and all kinds of game in season. Oysters served op in every atyle, and meals to be hod at all hears. The Ales of 41 the celebrated breweries ie the country constantly ea hand. The Ten-pin Ailey, or Bowlike Saloon, Is to the rear, and contains three alleys of modern clowitruetleu, where the lovers of this healthy eserelsi can enJoy them 'elves. The Billiard Saloon Is up-stairs—elegantly !Wed up, and contains three marble top c imbination embu] ta bles, equal to any made. Harrisburg has 'ong felt the want of a grand combin ation of this kind, arid as the proprietors arc determine .1 to conduct it in a quiet and orderly manner, and do eve rything in their power to mike it a fas icioable ei they hope to receive a liberal shire of public patronage. jail-dtf Wthi.d kat C. McFADDIOT OP. ALARGE LOT of Black silks. A Fine Assortment of Plain Dress Silks Eng. Rep. Mourning Silks. Small Bar Black and Purple Silks. A New Stock of Mourning Dress Goods. A Large Lime of Irish Linens, at old prices A Full Stock of Skeletou Skirts; Best al Lute ever manufactured. A Full Line of (lints Undershirts and Drawers Furs ; Now eirsing out the stock. Rxlmoral Skirts ; N.:w article. Marseilles Counterpaines ; At old prices. Allendale Spreads ; Cheap. A Large Line of Towellings. Now open at CATFICAR [S, leblB-y Next door to the Harrisburg Bank NII PROF. &DOLPH P. TEUPSER, WOULD respectfully inform his old patrons and the public generally, that he will continue to give instructions on the PIANO FORTE, ME LODEON, VIOLIN and also in the science or THOROUGH 134:n. Ho will w'th pleasure wait upon pupils at their homes at any hour desired, or lessons will be given a nig residence, in Third strew low doors below th German Reformed Church. duct.-:n; Avaluable Two Story double frame DwisMpg Rouse and Lot of grout d, enlisted on the corner of North street and Ee-4 I'M feet On North street and 110 feet deep, two basement nnettene, two cel lar, and eleven rooms, also a never failing spring of wa ter. The building Is well calculated for a store or hotel. Terms reasonable. Inquire of W. BARR, jan4 City Auctioneer. NO excuse for having Boots and Shoes not blackened. Blacking That will give a polish on wet or greasy boots. Jun the thing for she times, when every nue cannot afford two or three pairs of shoes or boots. Call and examine, at _ _ NAZARETH HALL, BOARDING SCHOOL FOR BOYS. NAZARETH, Northampton county, Pa. Easy of access Cron Harrisburg by railroad to Easton, awl thence seven tulles by stige. Rev. EDWARD H. REICIIEL , Principal FSII Oranges, Lemons, Raisins, Co x con-outs, & &c., just reeeired4 nd for sale by NICILM.s & BOWMAN, Corner Front end Margot streete. febl4 y COAL OIL lower than any House in Harrisburg, for sale by fob 14-y EXTRA FAMILY FLOUR in fourth and hall bbt. sacks, alao, wholesale and retool at lb New Grocery and Provialon 8 are, r rout and II .11tet sta. Nienotp , t Bowl! , • DANDb.;LION UuFF6E!—A. Fr% rah and large supply of this Celetmfed CofPejust received by fjall WU. DOC f, Ir., Yr o SHAWLS! DRESS GOODS ! FURS 1 Jr ALARGE stock of these goods will be disposed of at very low prices. Fine furs very cheap at C.ll HO &KT'S', Mart door to the Harrisburg Bask. MACHINERY OIL.—Wo oell the only reliable Natural Lubricating Oil (warranted free from gaud and acid) and equal to sperm or lard in 'he market. Refer to hots of railroad men, machinist maim , faoturera and oth,:rs who are uclog ft. IisNRY GILBERT, Agent for Lubrlo Oil Company, Hardware store op pooh° the Court noose 14-2 w QOLDIER'S CAMP COMPANION. - A kj very o - nvemenl WriWag D:s-; ; the P Memorandum Rooks ; Portmouumee, n2O :➢CHEFPMR'3 13001‘U RUBBER GOODS! Rubbe Balls, Rubber Watches, FRESH BUTTER and EGGB constantly on band and for aftio by MOINES h BOWMAN, 9 corner Front and Market streets CCRANBERRIES, Dried Fruits, Fresh Apt)* Hemony, at MINOE PI - Es, RAISINS, CITRON, URRANTB, SEIM, &C., Suitable for Mince Pies Sole low - by de6 W m, DOCK, JR.. & VALENTINES! VALENTINES! A FULL and splendid assortment of Valen entines, wholesale or retail, at BERGNER'S BOOK STORE. SHAWLS 1 SHAWLS 1 &large invoice of New Styles of French Blanket Shawls received this morning by onl3 CiTH 'ART & BROTHER OUR newly replenished Gtock of and Fancy Goods is unsurpassed in this city, eud fooling confident of rendering astistaction, we would red peetfUlly invite a call. He UGH, kelp:kat street, two doors east of Fourth street, south ed RESI-1. Lemons, Apples, Cranberries, „V for sale by NiumotB A: BOWMAN, owner Front and Market street, Mit ullanteus Mr. W. BORDWELL, JUST RECEIVED, FOR SALE SOMETHING NBW I Nicuor..9 Bowtt corner Front and Market etrr*te NICHOLS & BOWMAN, Corner Front and Markel Etreet Rubber Rattles, Rubber Toys generally at BERGNER'S CHEAP BOOKSTOSE N ICHOLS & BOWMAN'S, corner. Front and Market streets