Pennsylvania daily telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1857-1862, February 21, 1862, Image 2
Datip Ceitgrapb). HARRISBURG, PA Friday Morning, Febraary 2t, 18621. PROCLAMATION BY THE PRESIDENT, A PROCLAMATION It is recommended to the people of the United States that they assemble in their cus tomary places of meeting, for public solemnities on the 22d day of February instant, and cele brate tbe anniversary of tbe birth of the Father of Alt Cenntry, by causing read to them his immortal Farewell Address. Given under my hand and the seal of the UMW! States, at Waahington, the nineteenth day of February, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty-two, and of the independence of the' 'United States of America the eighty-sixth [Sian.] By the President. -Witmax H. &maim, Secretary of State , POSTAL AIEO4OI9I4TIONS. initnYithirs `the office accommodations in the city of Philadelphia, for the postal service, ' Uri) been of an inferior and inadequate de scription, so that occasionally the people have suffered loss, while the merchants of Philadel .4ble, have been continually indjected to the greatest inconvenience. Recently we noticed that the postmaster in New York has been authorised to lease the large and extensive bullding known as the, Merchants' Exchange, in Wall street, for $60,000 per annum rent. It seems inexplicable that, while Philadelphia ti laboring under so many inconveniencee, and that while Postmaster Walborn of that city, is sealously engaged in urging some action on Congress to secure better accommodations for the postal service in Philadelphia, that her claims should be overlooked, and power granted to the postmaster of New York city to expend an enormous sum yearly for the lease of a building for the office in that city. The sum expended in three years in New York for the mere lease of a building, would purchase such 4.e building in Philadelphia, with its title in fee vested in the government. We feel an interest in the accommodation which the government extends to the city of Philadelphia, not only in the matter of the post office, but in every act which conduces to the prosperity of that city, and thus of course to the accommodation and success of thelpublic service in that locality. That the nation has done little for Philadelphia, is evident in all the operations of the government in that quar ter. The custom house in that city was the work of corporate enterprise—the navy yard is constantly struggling against untoward po litical the mint, the only building erected by the government, is per mitted to remain the same dingy unimproved structure it was years ago, unmodernized even in the slightest particular. Surely, then, Philadelphia should have adequate accommo dation for her public services, while above all, the poet office should be so established and arranged as to give the people the most central local access, and at the same time afford the business of the office the largest room for its operations. This cannot be postponed much longer . . Postmaster General Blair, whose large capacity and liberal construction of the powers of . his Department have made his administra tion thus far so successful, will undoubtedly soon recognize and satisfy the wants of the peo ple.of Philadelphia. In the meantime we urge our friends in ' he city of Philadelphia to allow no opportunity to pass to bring the subject fairly and candidly before Postmaster General Blair. ADJOURNMENT OF THE LEGISLATURE. The resolution of both Houses of the Legisla ture to adjourn to-morrow over to Monday, for the purpose of participating in the celebration of the 22d of February, the birth-day of the Father of his Country, in the city of Philadel phia, suggests an impropriety of action on the prt of Legislature which has elicited some fery deOidixt prole' one of dies proval from the people. It will be the first instance in fifty years, that the Senate and House of Representatives of Pennsylvania have not had road before them, in official session, on the 22d ,of February, Washington's Farewell Address ; and we be lieve.the facts will prove that it has been re served for the members of this Legislature of the State to leave the honored Capital of the Commonwealth, to commemorate the natal day of Washington in the mere commercial em porium of the State. However many mem. bets of the Legislature may be present at the proposed celebration in Philadelphia, it Cannot be recognised as an official recognition iespect for the occasion, because when they love this capital they cease to be the legislature. It is to be regretted that this action was taken by the Legislature, and we have no hesitation in writing that the ad jourument will meet with very little approval throughout the State. If the day is worth ob serving, the constituency of every member will undoubtedly conclude that its observance could have been best promoted in the capital of the state, instead of one of its cities. It would have been as appropriate for Congress to have Adinerned over and gone to New York to cele brite.the same occasion, as the Legislature of this state to adjourn and visit Philadelphia for the purpose of participating in a local obser vance of the 22d of February. It is sincerely to be hoped that the judgment and good sense of the Legislature will induce both houses to reconsider this resolution, and remainin the capital to observe Washington's 'birth-day. It is due alike to the occasion' and eveiy portion of the commonwealth, that that grant ,day kie officially recognised and observed by the authorities in the capital of the Key stone state. • There are those in the north who have'tad a warm side for the rebellion from its incita tion. They expressed this warmth in war* words when traitor Senators and Representk tives retired from Congress ; they repeated thi. expression as the rebellion gathered strength , by the secession of state after state ; and when Sumpter fell, and the haughty chivalry of the south were supposed to have shown their supe riority, the sympathizers in the free and loyal states indulged in this congratulation until the aroused loyalty of the north indignantly forced every man to proclaim his adhesion to the gov ernment, or peril his social and political posi tions bra refusal. • Theapirit which prompted sympathy for the rebellion while its plane were being matured and its future operations accurately arranged, is striving to create a dif ferent feeling for the rebels, by advocating terms of peace, and proposing such compromises as will shield the traitors from further defeat and give them an opportunity to retrace their steps and return with their states to the folds of the Union, before they have been completely disgraced, if not actually exterminated by the federal power. Defeat has followed • closely on the arrogant`boasting of the leaders of re bellion. They have been met in their own en trenchments and worsted. They have been encountered on their own • territory, and scat tered in every direction- They have been driven back from this ocean shores T-and now,, retreating in ,confusion before the. advancing forces of the government, that government is to be applied to for a cessation of hostilities, until terms of peace can be arranged,' or come agreement erected to permit Davis tr Co. either to fly from the country or escape the odium and responsibility they have incur rei as the leaders of the rebellion. This is what is implied when a Democratic press advo cates a restoration . of the Union to its old basis, with southern rights the same to rebel as when they struck at the integrity of this government one year ago; with the privilege of secession undecided, and still a pulse in that great "southern heart" that assumes to beat only at the touch of that Democracy who have been the authors and the instigators of every national sin and political excess that have cursed the government since its origin. Against this influence it becomes the sacred duty of every, loyal man in the land to exert all his moral force and reasonable argument. If we do not humiliate and crush out the rebels with all the influences of rebellion, we only bequeath the question to another generation, again to be revived by similar arrogant de mands by the descendants of the slave power, and again to be contested at a waste of precious blood and insmensel i wealth. Therefore, no thing but an unconditional surrender of every leading traitor, with the prompt submission and despersion of their followers should be accepted by the government. This is due to a just vindication of the outraged authority of the land. It is due to a vindication of the govern ment before the nations of the world. IC is due as a security for the future. Any other course will only lead to a repetition' of the wrong, and an increase of the suffering which is bound to originate from such struggles. This is a grave and a very important subject; and it cannot be too narrowly watched by those who have at heart the stability of the govern ment and its power to maintain its own au thority. The mere defeat of the rebels in arms, is not alone the vindication due to the govern ment. Such a defeat simply establishes our military power. That which is most essential to a prouder vindication of the government,ls the re-assertion of its civil authority, by its prompt establishment and operation in the pun ishment of the traitors. And until this is done, treason will never be eradicated Until s jury can be impannelled in the slave states, that will fairly try and condemn the leaders of this rebel lion as traitors, the allegiance of the south will be uncertain, the stability of the govetnment exceedingly precarious, and the law and au thority of the land remain a mock-cry in the, south. Unconditional surrender is the only basis on which the rebellion can be arrested. Unconditional surrender, or such defeat and extermination as our troops are now fast ac complishing, should be the only terms for • a cessation of hostilities. ABRAHAM LINCOLN It is wonderful what a difference a Union victory makes in the way that some people re gard the rebellion. There are fellows around who have for months been decrying the war, who have persistently argued that the govern ment could never "conquer the south;" that the longer the war continued the stronger and more determined the .rebels would become, and that the only true policy was to recognize the independence of the southern confederacy. The Union army has been the constant butt of their remarks, and Bull Run and Big Bethel were standing jokes with them. They secretly applauded at every reverse and sneered at and deprecl tted every victory of the government arms. But now when pen. Scott's "big snake" begins to contract in earnest, when the rebels find themselves flanked in alldirections; when the eastern coast is at last open to our advance, and we have effected an opening through the very heart of rebeldom, indicating and promis ing a speedy wiping out of the traitors from the face of the earth,—these fellows begin to sing a different tune and to talk in the most patriotic manner of the cause of the Union and the villainy of the rebels, and are even ready to "pledge their liven, their fortunes and sacred honor for the support of the government." The north just now is full of these newly made patriots. It is astonishing to see their zeal now•a-days for the war ! We would suggest, however, that the government owes them small thanks for their sudden ardor in its cause, When the nation was in gloom and dismay— when treason was jubilant and audacieua— when the three months recruits. demanded to be discharged—these now noisy friends of the government, were then the equally noisy de famers of what they termed its imbecilities and failures. It is well to mark such men. In this city they are known for their vituperation of Republicanism, and their sickly adulation of the rebel leaders. We venture the assertion that there is not a man who reads this pare, graph but knows me nsuches „those to whom we now refer, and wbo necessary ; point to these individuals daily in the streets. L T.HE CONDITIONAL SURRENDER; NEW MADE PATRIOTS. Pennsylvania Legislature. REPORTED FaLPILESSLY MR THE TKLEORA.PH. SENATE THURSDAY, February 14, 1862. The Senate met and Wab called to order at 11 o'clock A. M., by Speaker HALL. The journal of Wednesday was partly read, \hen, On motion of Mr. SERRILL, the further read of the same was dispensed with. amiss' a Tams. e SPEAKER laid before the Senate a com m ication from the Auditor General, Attorney Ge eral and State Treasurer, reporting adverse ly di the claim of Samuel Hopper, of the county of LtFrne. La upon the table. • PATITIONB PRINIENTED. Mr. BERRILL presented a petition of mem bers of the bar of Delaware county, asking for the pasellg.e of a supplement to the act relating to the courts of that county. Referred to the Committee on the Judiciary. Mr. RONEY presented a petition of sundry citizens of Pittsburg, praying for the passage of the act incArporating the Peoples' Insurance company. Referred to the Committee on Corporations. Several othet petitions were presented and a number of private bills read in place. Mr. JOHNSON read in place an act making Williamsport the place for holding the supreme court for the northern district. Referred to the Committee on the Judiciary. REPORTS, PRISENTXD. Mr. DONOVAN, (EleotionDistricta,) as com mitted, an act changing the Diana of holding electiodif In — the Simon& "Ward of the city o Harrisburg. A number of other private bills were reported MILS boNSEDKELED Mr. BENSON'called up an act to pay certain recruiting expenses. Which was discussed and laid over. Mr. CLYMER called up supplement to an act relating to the commencement of action, (a general law.) Passed finally. Mr. BOUGETER called up the bill relative to the claim of Thos. Morley. A long discussion ensued until the Senate Adjourned. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. WEDNESDAY, Falruary 20, 1862. The House was called to order at 10 o'clock, A. M., and opened with prayer by Rev. Mr. Shoemaker. A large number of petitions were presented, and properly referred. RIPOaTS OF COMMITTEES. A number of bills were reported from the standing committees, including the following: Mr. DENNIS, (Judiciary, general,) as com mitted, an act for the more efficient collection of debts due to the Commonwealth. Mr. SMITH, (Chester,) (same,) with amend ment, an act providing for an oath of allegi ance. Mr. SCOTT, (same,) as committed, an act to constitute the county of Lehigh a separate judi cial district. = Mr. WORLEY submitted the following: WIIKILEAS, The alleged unauthorized receipt of postage stamps from the Postmaster of Har risburg, by some of the members of the Eloise, has been made the basis of newspaper charges against members by name ; And whereas, Such charges have been pub lished in a newspaper controlled and edited by one of the members now sitting in the co-ordi nate branch of the Legislature, imputing dis honesty to a member of the House; now that the truth in this whole matter may be heard, therefore, Resolved, That the Clerk of the House be, and he is hereby, required to lay before the House, in writing, an account of the authority by which he permitted such postage stamps to be procured, if they were procured by his author ity and communicate to the House an account, in writing, of the authority or direction under which he delivered'any.stamps to members, with a list of the names of members who did procure such stamps from said Postmaster, with the number procured*, each, • ' • - The 'SPEAKER 'decittred^ the preanible and resolution out of order, as being a reflection up on a member of the co-ordinate branch of the Legislature. Mr. WORLEY then withdrew the second preamble, and the first preamble and resolution was again presented to the House, when Mr. RITTER moved the indefinite postpone ment of the matter. On the question, • The yeas and nays were required by Mr. HOFFER and Mr. CRANE, and were as follow, viz : YEAS —Messrs. Bates Brown, (Northrimber land,) Caldwell, Chatham, Donnelly, (Philadel phia,) Grahani, Hiss, Hopkins, (Philadelphia,) Josepb.s, Labor, lUManus„Quigley, Ritter,Ross, (Luzern, ) Schrock, Wildey and Ziegler.-17 • NAYS—Messrs. Abbot, Alexander,Armstrong, Banks, Barron, Beaver, Beebe, Bigharn, Blanch ard, Bliss, Boileau, Brown, (Nercor,) Busby, Cessna, Cochran, Cowan, Crane,Dellone, Den nis, Donley, (Greene,) Dougherty, Duffield, El liott, Fox, Freeland, Gamble, Grant, Gross, Mapper, Henry, Hoffer, Hoover, Hutchman, Bain, Kennedy, Kline, Lehman, Lichtenwall ner, liFClellan, Moore; Pershing. Peters, Pottei ger, Ramsey, Rhoads, Ross, (Miffiin,) Rowland, Russell,Ryon, Scott, Shannon, Smith, (Chester,) Smith, (PhilaclelphiadVincent, Wakefield, War ner, Weidner, Williams, Windle, Wolf, Wor ley and Rowe, Speaker-60. So the question was determined in the nega tive. Mr. WILLIAMS moved to amend by offering the following as a substitute: That the Postmaster of Harrisburg be re quested to furnish to the Howe the names of its members who have received postage stamps on the credit of the State, and the amount thereof, if any, included in the bill or bills ren dered by him to the committee of the two Houses and approved by them. • The amendment was agreed to; and The question recurring on the resolution, as amended, Mr. CES.SNA moved its postponement for one week, which, after some discussion, was with. drawn. The resolution, as amended, was then agreed to. TRH GIRARD BANK Mr. ABBOT called up bill, entitled an act to reduce the capital stock of the Girard bank of the city of Philadelphia. Passed to third read ing, and postponed. The House then took up Senate bill, relative to the public printing, and passed it, with an amendment extending the time for the re ception of bids until Tuesday, the 18th of March next. Adjourned. The Twenty-Second in Philadelphia„ GRAND ILLUMINATION ParcazEumA, Feb. 20 Washington's birthday will 'be celebrated with much spirit. The room of the Corn Ex change will be closed on Saturday, and illumi nated In the evening. Many of our public and private buildings will also be illuminated. FROM HAVANA.. New Yon.z,-Feb. 24 The steamer' Roanoke, from Havana, b below. BY FROM ST. LOUIS. 1000 More Prisoners Captured at Fort Doneloon. I=o=l Arrest of the State Geologist for Dis loyalty. —*— Destruction of a Railroad Bridge at Decator, Tenn., by Union Men. THANKS TO XAJ. 'O&N. BUNTER. Clarksville, Tenn., Abandoned by the Rebels. TEE CAPTURE OF MUNITIONS OF WAR THE NEXT REBEL STAND TO BE AT NASHVILLE. Thirteen thousand three hundred prison ers taken at Fort Doneison. Oen. Bullock has received despatches from Fort Doneleon, slating that one thousand more rebel prisoners have been taken. They came down the river to reinforce the fort,. not knowing that it had surrendered, and were bagged by our troops. Professor S. Wallow, the State Geologist, was arrested last night and committed to the mili tary prison, on a charge of disloyalty. The names of the rebel officers captured at Warsaw, Mo., on Saturday last, were incorrect ly. reported from Sedalia. They are Brigadier Gen. Price, Col. Dvrsey, Col. Cross and Captain Inge, all members of Maj. Gen Prices staff. A Union scout who has been operating up the Tennessee and Cumberland river reached here this morning and reports that a span of the Memphis and Charleston railroad bridge, crossing the Tennessee river at Decatur, Ant hems, was destroyed by the Union men of that vicinity on Saturday last. It was reported that the bridge at Bridgeport some seventy miles above, was also disabled, but this is not con firmed. Sr Lours, Feb. 20.—The following despatch was pent from headquarters, yesterday: HEM) QUARTZBEI, DX.PAB.TMSNT OP ST. LOUIS, St. Louis. Feb. 19. To Major-General D. Hunter, commanding the Department of Kanetta, at Fort Leaven worth : To you more than to any other man out of this Department are we indebted for our suc cess at Fort Donelam In my strain for troops, I appea'ed to you—you responded nobly, placing your forces at my disposal; this enabled ua to win the victory. Receive my moat heart felt thanks. H. W. HAMMII, Major General SECOND DISPATCH. Cairo despatches to the ikeubliean, says the latest Rdvicee from Fort DOM:4800, report that the gunboat St. Louis, Capt. Pending, proceed• ed up the Cumberland river to Clarksville and found the enemy•abandoning that place in a panic. Two large fiat boats laden with munitions of war, were captured at Rolliug Mill, just be low Clarkaville Everything was being moved to Nashville as fast as possible, where the next rebel stand would be made. Everything at Fort Donelson was progress ing satisfactorily. Our army are encamped in the captured works, living comfortably in the log but and tents of the rebels. The soldiers were very enthusiastic and anxious to march against Nashville. With the exception of severe cold, consequent upon the recent exdosure, the army was well. The actual number of prisoners taken was 18,300. Among them was Gen. West, who has not been previously mentioned. FROM FORTRESS MONROE. Expected Arrival of Tinton Prisoners =EI AFFAIRS AT ROANOKE ISLAND NO FURTHER ADVANCE MADE BY OUR TROOPS. Immense Amount of Trophies Captured I=l=l The Old Point boat his arrived. She did not leave Old Point until ten o'clock last night, having waited for the arrival of the steamers George Watihiogton and Express, which went op James river under a flag of truce to receive the relo.ased Union prisoners, but owing to the heavy fog on the James river, had not arrived when the steamer left. • The agent of the associate press went up with the flag of truce and consequently we have no letter trom him. Seven hundred released pris oners were expected, including Col. Corcoran. The steamer Eastern State arrived at Old Point, having left HAtteras at 10 o'clock Ton Tuesday morning and encountered rough weather all the way. She brings the, bodies of Colonel Russell of the Tenth Connecticut; Captain Henry A. Hub. bard, Twenty-uinth Massachusetts ; Captain Henry of the Ninth New Jersey, and Lieut. Stillman, Company A, Tenth Connecticut ; in charge of Major Kimball, Col. Betts, Sergeant Douglass and Thompson and Captain Jackson, and the brother of Col. Russell. The bodies have all arrived here by the boat, and go north. All the captured officers are on board the steamer Spaulding ; but the rebel pri•ioners are still on Roanoke Island. Gen. Burnside is negotiatiog with the rebel authorities at Norfolk for their relearn. No further advance has been made, nor was any immediately expected. The gunboats bad returned from• Elizabeth City. All the fleet were at anchor off Roanoke. Au immense amount of trophies have been captured, including a splendid Bilk flag worked by the ladies • also, a vast amount of quaint and antiquated arms, old swords, sabres, flint lock muskets, shot gnus and pistols, rusty with age. The French admiral and his staff came down from Norfolk yesterday. PROM LOITISVILLE. Arrest of General Buckner for High Treason. Lomsyrum, Feb. 20 The Journal learns that Marshal Merevreather left lest weeping for Cairo to bring General Buckner 'here under a Federal warrant from Justice Catron, on a charge of treason. LATER FROM EUROPE. ARRIVAL OF THE STEAMER BOHEMIAN, The American Question in Parliamen Lord Palmerston announces a strict Neutrality. THE IRON-CLAD STEAMER WARRIOR A THE U. S. STEAMER TUSCARORA AND THE PIRATE NASHVILLE. The steamer Bohemian has arrived, bringing Liverpool dates of the 7th inst., via London derry. Both Houses of Parliament voted unani mously an address to the Queen, in response to the speech from the throne. The opposition approved of the government's course in the Trent affair. Lord Palmerston announced that the govern- ment would maintain a at; lot neutrality. The iron clad steamer Warrior's passage to Lisbon has been a failure. The steamer not minding her helm. The Prince of Wales has gone to Trieste. Lotme, Feb. 19 Paws, Feb. 7.—The Ifoniteur says that Gen. Prim will not take the supreme command in Mexico. The truited States steamer. Tuscarora left Cowes oa the morning of the 6th, proceeding westward. The pirate Nashville had forty hours start of her. The engineer of the Nashville told the pilot that it was agreed that she never should be captured, be having the valves of the engine so arranged t.kat she could be blown up in a minute. There is a movement in Manchester to have the duties in India removed from cotton goods and yarns Tea has advanced in China ; silks have also advanced. Livrapooz, Feb. 7.—The sales of cotton for the week have been 28,000 bales, .including 8,600 to speculators and 6,600 bales to export. ers. The prices have partially declined id'— The sales to-day (Friday) were 5,000 bales, in cluding 2,500 bales to speculators and export ers The market closed unchanged. The fol lowing are the authorized quotations : New Orleans fair, 141; middling; 121. Mobile fair, 181; middling. 121. Uplands fair, 181; mid. dimg, 121. Tim of cotton in port, 660,000 bales, including 205,000 bales American.— Breadstuff,'—the market continues quiet and steady. Corn has a downward tendency.' Pro visions are still declining. LONDON, Feb. 7.—Console for money 9214 921; American securities are quiet and steady ; the bullion in the bank of England has de creased 824,000 pounds. THE WAR IN THE WEST ST. Louie, Feb. 19 LATER FSOM FORT DONELSON Two Mom Regiments DaptnTed REMO LAYING DOWN MID 16MM. MUNITIONS OF WAR CAPTURED Governor Harris Orders all Tennesseeans to lay down their Arms, [Special to the Chicago Irilmaul] Two more rebel regiments were captured to day to the east of the entrenchments, andl a number of their troops have come in and deli vered themselves up. About 12,000 stand ()terms have been taken. Many of the rebel troops destroyed their arms, and large numbers were thrown into the river. There were two water batteries, the upper one with a heavy rifled gun of 22 pounder bore, and two 82-pounder carronades. The lower battery contains eight 82-pounders and one inch columbiad, mounted in the embrasures. Two thousand barrels of flour, twelve thou sand boxes of beef, and a large amount of other provisions, were found to-day. All of the day has been octupied in embark ing the prisoners, gathering up stores and mu nitions, and burying the dead. There are great numbers of the rebels still remaining unburie.l. Capt. Lagone, aid to Gen. Grant, goes to Clarksville to-morrow, under a flag of truce, with the bodies of two Colonels, and to effect an exchange of the Wounded prisoners captured by the rebels and sent to Nashville. BALTIMORE, Feb. 20 Taylor's battery was charged ou five times on Saturday, each time repulsing the rebels with great slaughter. It Is currently reported that Gkrvernor Barris, of Tennessee, hits ordertd all Tennesseeana to lay down their . arms. • A SAD ACCIDENT IN STORMING FORT DONELS ON. BOW THE RIGHT WING WAS BROKEN. The Federal Troops Fire into Fort Doneison. The Trauntre correspondent, In giving a des cription of the battle at Fort Donelson, says that when Colonel Craft's brigade, which bed been ordered to reinforce General McClernand, came up in the rear of the Thirtieth and Thir ty-first Illinois and Twenty-fifth Kentucky, these regiments were lying down and firing over the crest of a hill. On the approach of the reinforce.ments they rose, not knowing the tore in their rear was friend or toe, and the Twenty-fifth Kentucky, supposing them to be rebels, poured in a raking volley on them which did terrible execution, and was sufficient to throw the en tire brigade into disorder at once. Almost a panic ensued, many throwing down their guns and equipments and fleeing. The woods were tilted with stragglers, and some even fled to Fort lienry. The enemy improved the opportunity, and advanced upon Schwartz's end Dreseder's bat teries, capturing five guns and taking possession of McOlernandts head-quarters, driving our I forces nearly a mile and a half. The rebels seemed resolved to follow up their advantage. At this juncture, General Wallace's Division was thrown in front, and took a position on a ridge, with Taylor's Battery in the centre of the road. The rebels formed on the ridge which General hiceleinard had occupied, and, flushed with success, moved forward. As soon as they came in range, Taylor's Battery opened on them with grape, canister and shell, causing the rebels to quail'and come to a'halt, and as our infantry advanced they began to fall back, and we recovered the ground previously loot. FAILURE. _46.- THE MARKETS• 1=1:=1 PORTLAND, Feb. 20 THE REBEL ARTILLERY. FORT DONZLSON, Feb. 18. From Washingo4, serious Illness of one of the P, dent's Sons. APPLICATIONS TO TRADE %li la CAPTURED SOUTHERN PORT THE ERICS'ON GUN )3041 The President's son, of age, is so ill as to preclude. his recovery. Numerous applicati,,ll t for permission to trade at the points on the southern co,i6t, L.; have been granted ruformci shows that the iron clad gun soIS thus far catig,Lcor inspector. lated. A trial trip to F„ ltr ,.,. contemp TIE RATS DESERT Ta: SINKING ,SHIP, SPEECH OF CHARLES 1 Pilo; The Policy of Sece ss i on a pa. DESERTION OF 400 RE13,,.;, On Saturday nint a c pluh.„rao was tendered to Hun. Charles" 'Ct.,. biinieter to France, at Marti -hi : tleman (who, it will b. relbeather.d changed for Mr. Ely.) in a s,“ eion said, in effect, that the at; it had been carried out lc , It had been accutupanitd air sexy waste of lite. The be-t South and an immense aui been sacrificed. If this cuur:e , it would pile tuin on ruin, I 11, ~, went of Western Virginia wa, He also intimated that he h e with those who wishrd the pre-clit tinue. HI.B remarks were licquie , c,..l ill V, 1.. 4 , audience present, and there is rio ,!,.. reflected the true seranneut of of the people in the upper couuti, Potomac. Reports from unusually that between three hundred dn i of the Berkley county !ninth hai, a body, and are a route to cro.s the and join our ranks. THE WAR IN TENNESSEE, Clarksville being Evanated, A dispatch from the Cumled nal ❑% Clarksville is being evacuat,d, t tog back on Nashville. n=th Oongress--First WASHINGI , 6, : - V A joint resolution from w.• csived, making an appropriri sand dollars for the illuminati a tr. p.a. buildings on Washington's On motion of Mr. ANT110: , 1 NA , .1,,c I Several petitions were pr,--:utel ' emancipation of slaves. Mr. Wrurarrsox (Minn.) u;forLd It. 1;, I. resolution: WlttßiAB, LaxartF W. States had Beveled thelll 4 ClVe.^, at lir June attended a large south tion, and was Prehlkicnt theftuf, lutions were passed approvinj4 ti, of Kentucky and &outman; attended another Convet.thal September, when more resoluti ,,, w - of the same import, and the given all the aid and comfiat : enemy from the poeidou he ,113:• fore, Be it Resolved, That the sail Powell be expelled from the Sen in. The resolution was referred to ti:: on the Judiciary. On motion of Mr. GRIIIV, (low i. t establish a national armory at E,.ck taken up. Mr. flown, (Wit.) moved to ref,. military committee. Mr. 'Wilson, (Mass.) said hehtiL. l.. : - have it referred to that c,mtuitt, ~'ti' not sure that the Government 6,01,1 armory at this time. It did tree [. • for making cannon, &c. HOUSE OF REPRESE:CTA CI \ 1.• The House took up the report t mittee on the Senate's aineedue t ted States' note bill. Mr. HOOPER (Mass.) briefly views—the object being to feria e• and uniform currency. He u ppo-ol tinction proposed to be made in tAN holders of the stock, by pay itt . the ;rite .:t coin. Mr. STEVENS, (Pa.,) had a meharli.., : :••t; ding that they were no.v about to a cunningly devised scheme which great injury throughout the tolluti) ' instance of the brokers the ',a& persuaded to mangle and de-troy ul,.t cost the House months to ditie , r, pass. The bill has Win so di-tiguie iL ,,,, very fathers fail the recognise u. being a beneficieut sod l uergonttihj and affording a uniform arid eq,1.41,1.11, • all, it possesses features of poetit r At. I .13. mischief, It now has all the had I` : ,.] which have been attributed to it 1 single benefit. It in the amend , : i f - two deuce, one fur bankers t.ral let another for the people• It t hrcriuliti t tweed the different dotes, t,lte6 legal tender clause, and the govtrewebt be in the clutches of the harpies. Assuming the public debt to be cue t' two hundred millions of dollars, the sit:re I fixed for the bonds, namely, seven and t i s tenths per cent. would require the WYElie,u iv i 3 eighty-seven millions o r dolus anuu coin according to the propoeed itiaei,:ar'„. 3 He earnestly expressed hints •it in 0„ „ uniform turrency doing e well and ,gear iid to all parties. The interest could air, is in coin without a large sacrifice l a' the market. Oemo, Feb. 19 ---------- MARKETS BY TBLEGBARIL sup e r - . ~11 PIELLADELPIIIA, Fell. -,-. Breadstnffs quiet. The dewed. for dour ii '-1. for limied, and only 1200 bbls. sold, at •:, , o ,?,: 6 00 for extra fatuity. Bye flour is sieull 3i ; $5 62.1045 76 for extra; $5 5114 $3 26, and corn meal at $3 00. :aura iigol demand for wheat, and 10,000 bus. Nuns. uuL western red sold at $1 35; FOtne poor white sr $1 40. Corn is dull at 55®561c. 0 its steady.. at 88@390. PrOVitilW s n.e le,: active--ssl,' of man pork at $l2 50@13 00; dreged _lO are selling at $4/441-• era ges from lig BP. Coffee, sager and mel FAS are dolt Whisky unsettled, and lover s es of Pc'l e ci vania and Ohio at 26(3,20e. 6 bus. etereri sold at $4 00@4 25• FRI:Dr.wc K , r 1=:1=1 TIIE LATEST C kr.9 SENATE