Pennsylvania daily telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1857-1862, February 20, 1862, Image 3

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    I •
Rini) tiegrafq•
Thur sday Morning, February 20, 1862•
'Disown —Brigadier General Kelly'
of tie Union aimy in Western Virginia, passed
to ugh ou r dry on Tuesday afternoon en route
item Pittsburg to Philadelphia.
ErcovEstso.—We are pleased to learn that
u Terrors iejured by the. recent collision at
Coro, on the Pennsylvania Railroad, are all
to a fill way to recover, with no probability
ch a any of their injuries will prove fatal.
IF till need t services of a skillful physi
clan sad urgeon he
who has had a thorough rued
a in Europe and America, employ
D. doses, at Heir's hotel in this city. The
(111.6 rtay is getting short, and this is your
I.isi donee.
rcdoNetc.—Patrick Moore, tried and convic
ted at the last court for keeping a disorderly
tote et this city, was sentenced on Tuesday, to ,
n due of five dollars, the cost of prosecu
tim, and undergo au imprisonment of thirty
;t ,_A brown felt hat with edges turned
u p fur a small boy. The owner's name is written
piece of paper and pasted in the hat. It
on tasty he recognized, and any person re
osniug the same will be suitably rewarded by
hada:: it at this office, or Bergner's Book
Town.—Firstls Lieutenant Andrew Krause,
of the &coed New Jersey volunteers, arrived
in town yesterday on a brief visit to his pa
rote The Lieutenant is looking remarkably
well, and seems to bear the fatigue of camp
Hit. with the fortitude of an old campaigner.
His regiment is located at Camp Wilkes, Ac
comae county, Va.
pusher" on the Pennsylvania Railroad, on its
ram trip to Altoona, a few days since, run
over a man near Kittanning Point, crushing
hie head into a shapeless mass and killing him
instantly. The victim was a stranger, whose
name we did not ascertain. Another person,
who was in company with him, stepped from
the track just In time to escape injury. The
Nulling of the unfortunate man were taken to
Altoona for interment.
Ttm Comm - OTAL OLD FoLita.—This celebra
ted company of siugers whose fame is world
wide, will, according to advertisement in an
other column of this paper, give four entertain
ments at Brant's Hall, the first of which takes
place on Thursday evening of nest week. The
reputation of this company as singers is sufft.
deafly well known to need no comment from
as. The cos umee worn by them are mostly
genuine dresses that were actually worn by our
ancestors in the days long gone by; the most of
there dresses are very elegant and costly, and
in an excellent state of preservation... Mrs.
Emma J. Nichols, styled the Young American
Songstress, whose bcauttfid Ballad Causing, vut
readers who attended the Old Folks' concerts ,
when they were last here, will still remember,
is still with them and will enliven the performs
am each evening, with some of her best songs. .
The Old Folks have added to the ranks Mrs.
Georgie Sheppard, a lady of rare musical ability.
The Solos of Mr. J. T. Gulick, the famous baoao
of the troupe, are really very line ; this gentle
man has but few equals as a bass Binger. We
earnestly say to all our friends go hear the Old
Tea Twnnrr•ss rm—Grand Military Pa
rade.—The military authorities are making ar
rangementa to favor our citizens with a grand
parade of all the troops at Camp Curtin next
Saturday, the twenty-second inst. The force
comprises about two thousand men,all of whom
will be fully armed and equipped, and accom
panied with excellent bands of MUM; which
will form altogether a military display well
worth looking at. In addition to these ar
rangements, it is suggested that the stores of
the city be closed on Saturday, the bells rung,
salutes tired at sunrise and noon, and a grand
gala , lay generally inaugurated, the festivities,
of NUN, closing with a general illumination
mMe ohning. The idea is a good one, and
oi the Lauds of a few industrious and persever
inguan umici be successfully carried out. Who
wll volu deer their services in this matter?
We see by sumo of our exchanges that the citi
zens of Leading, Lancaster, Easton, and in fact
nearly all the r rincipal towns of the State are
making mangements to celebrate the day
with unusual eclat, and most assuredly we of
the coital should not be behind our brethren
elsewhere in testifying our reverence to the
raernoly of the great and good Washington.
A GOOD ORGANIZATION. A correspondent
writing from "Camp Edwards," the headquar
ters of the Ninety-Third Pennsylvania regL-
InPtit, Colonel ld'o4rter, encloses us the follosi
nS resalutiona, recently adopted by Company
1. of the above named regiment, with the re
piest that we give thorn a place in the Tlll.ll
Ain meeting held by the members of Com-
NI I, 93d regiment, Pennsylvania Volun
teere, the following reolutions were unani
koudy adopted.
hoolued, That we, the members of Company
I, nl,coment, Pennsylvania Volunteers, do
/eieby establish a company fund, for the put-
Pe: f raising means to convey any of the said
n lembets of company I, (should they depart
tidt life,) to their respective homes, or friends,
46 the ceee
am2i may be.
tfil That each and every member pay
ably into this fund the sum of fifty cents,
the Raid fund to be used for no other pur
3rd. That the members of company I select
sari appoint a treasurer from the comoany,
ivhaae duty St shall be to report monthly the
naoant of cash on band, or in the company
4 th. That at the expiration of this war, all
alone, that ten:mina in this fund, be equally
divided among the remainin me m bers of this
(I, lir. g hlu
6 ill. That the company have the Pow
tt to vote aa much money as they deem
Proper for any use of the members of the com-
NY that should happen to be disabled to- so-.
tio u .
Lieut. A. B. Butz,. Treasurer. .
putmluania - lihrihrtittgwitrtintlatitr - litirtnittg - , — /cbrucirp 20, 11362
OISNA..—An unpleasant disease of the nose,
destroying the sense of smell, cured by the
successful Dr. Jones, at Efetr's Hotel—and old
standing diseases not generally understood by
physicians, skillfully treated, and all delicate
operations in surgery performed. The great
number of chronic diseases and capital opera
tions successfully performed by Dr. Jones
during the four weeks that he has been prac
ticing In this city, has brought him so many
patients that he has deemed it advisably to
prolong his stay till the third of March ; as he
will not be able to Visit this State again, pro
fessionally at least.
mation.—By reference to to-day's legislative pro
ceedings, published in another part of this
evening's TELEGRAPH, it will be seen that a joint
resolution has passed both Houses requesting
the Governor to Wm his proclamation recom
mending a 'general suspension of business
throughout the State 'on next Saturday, the
22d lost. Directly after its passage the resolu
tion was transmitted to the Governor, and we
have no doubt .that ere this it has received his
approval and signature. In this case the pro
clamation will probably appear to-morrow, and
be published throughout the State by means of
the magnetic telegraph..
. Tits Rev. J. 0. Fzsromus gave us, last even
ing, a brilliant lecture on the religion, customs
and people of Brazil. Seldom have we relished
anything more than the picture he laid before
his audience of that .exuberant garden of the
tropics laden with its strange variety of fruits
and flowers, teeming with perpetual harvest
for the band of man. Surely that country
must be the garden of the world, and if its
people had the enterprise which moves this
Yankee nation, imagination could not set a
bound to the results they would produce there.
As relevant to this comparison the Reverend
gentleman stated that the best remedies em
ployed there for the diseases to which they are
subject, are invented and supplied to them by
our own well known countryman, Dr. J. C.
Ayer, of Lowell, Mass., and that not the peo
ple.qnly but , the priesthood,and tbe. ,court of
the Rmperor down, have constant recourse in
sickness to the remedies of this widely cele
brated American chemist.—Ledger, Boston.
Tug lastusxos 03 YOUNG Wowu.—Next to
mothers, young women have the greatest
agency in forming the characters of the other
stx. Their influences commences at a period
when it is most needed. Young men, although
their characters are in a great measure formed,
require some powerful restraints, just at the
time when they are becoming acquainted with
the world, and beginning to move beyond the
inspection of a mother's eye. Young women
with whom they associate are the guardians of
their virtues, and accountable for the most of
the evil practices into which they fall. It re
quires but little observation to see that multi
tudes of young men, who are destitute of reli
gious principle, pursue , that line of conduct
which is most likely to meet the views of the
women with whom they associate, and whose
opyrr.botiusa sL l OCAIICA
lent vice among them that, would not be given
np, were it reprobated, and the :perpetrators
avoided by the young, the fashionable, and the
intelligent of the other sex.
None but the most hardened blasphemer will
utter an oath in the presence of a respectable
woman. If the omission to do good or to pre
vent evil, when in one's power, be a crime,
what a tremenduous account we have to render
on the score of profaneness, gambling, smoking,
and chewing tobacco. These practices, which
disturb the peaqe of society, mar the happiness
of families, hurry multitudes, to death and per
dition, and must ultimately call down the in
dignation of heaven on our guilty race, might
be greatly, if not entirely exterminated, by a
vigorous and judicious effort on the part of
woman. Let such , practices be uniformly men
tioned in terms of reprobation, and let us
avoid those who pursue , them as we would the
midnight assassin, or the great adversary of
God and man.
Pay of Company and Regimental
For the Telegraph
CANT CIIIO2N, Feb. 18, 1862.
.alitor Daffy Telegraph:
Dame Sra—The undersigned, officers at Camp
Curtin, have read with much pleasure the arti
cle headed "The pay of Company
.and Regi
mental Officers," published in your paper of
yesterday. We know that you have stated
facts, and we sincerely hope that the State and
blational Government will follow your just and
proper advice, and by so doing, perform au act
of simple justice.
Officers In. the regular army are• sent to vat-
OLIS localities to recruit men • they draw their
regular pay according to gra de, and are allowed
a sergeant or corporal ; the non-commissioned
officer recruits the men , and takes them to the
general rendezvous of .the regiment, in one. or
t4vo months perhaps ; the commissioned and
non-commissioned regulars may succeed in
recruiting twintY mot which will cost Uncle Sam
over twenty dollars each. In the same given time
one volunteer officer recruits one hundred men
at about one-half the sum the twenty regulars
cost; the volunteer can collect for the board
' iog of the men, forty cents per diem for ten
days, but he is not allowed one cant for his
own time or his individual expenses. Is this
Many of us, sir, have labored hard and ex
pended money. in recruiting .men and lost both
time, men and money by reason of the consoli
dation of companies and parts of regiments.—
Sir, a remedy can be found for this unjust state
of affairs in the volunteer recruiting business,
and we hope It speedily will.
With many thanks to you for the first public
notice of this matter in your valuable paper,
we beg to alga ourselves,
Very respectfully, &c., &c.,
Capt. Itics DaIIOAN,
Capt. J. A. CLEW,
Capt. R. D. ROATS,
Lieut. Levi Quint,
Capt. Wm. Palates,
Lieut. Geo. W. Z. Blanc,
Lieut. ABILAIL tattita,
Lieut. J. S. Durssaitan,
Lieut. E. J. Saaltakialla.
Lieut. J. 0. il omucza. '
Capt. H.J. &m um
Capt. J. Dossumnsl,
Pent/Sylvania Volunteem
Pennsylvania Legislature.
11:i . v.a)Afti 4.4vTi.,,r:1,L0T464:1.,,,Rr.0,‘.1:)2$
WEDNYBDAY, February 19, 1862.
The Senate met at 11 o'clock, A u.,
and was
called to order by Mr. Speaker HALL.
Prayer by Rev. Mr. Wood, pastor of the Bap
tist church of Harrisburg.
The journal of yesterday (Tuesday) was partly
read, when
On motion of Mr. BENSON the farthsr read
ing of the same was dispensed with.
Mr. KETCHAM 'presented a memorial of vol
unteer officers in Camp Curtin asking legislative
Read and referred - to the-. Committee on Fl
Mr. REILLY, (Roads and Bridges,) as com
mittediZiaile'l4ll.}TiV:B9;an act supplementary
to an act - concerig the sale of railroads, plank
.roads, bridges, &c, (a general bill.)
Mr. SERRILL read in place a joint resolution
relative to the celebration of Washington's
birth•day by the Legislature.
The resolution was taken up and discussed.
An amendment ?vaa joffccred to adjourn over
Saturday in* order to 'allow' the Legislature to
be present in Philadelphia at the celebration in
that city.
The amendment was not agreed to, and the
original resolution passed and was sent to the
House, who returned it with the same amend
ment iu it.
The Senate refused to concur, but subse
quently re-considered their determination and
The resohntion, as finally passed, provides
that the Legislature will adjourn on Friday, at
12 m., in order to allow the members to parti
cipate in the celebration at Philadelphia, and
providing that the Legislature will attend at
Independence Hall at 12 m., on Saturday, to
hear Col. Hammendey read Washington's fare
well Address, and Capt. Ranch read the Decla
ration of Independence.
Several bills of a private nature were consid
ered and passed.
The Senate then
WEDNESDAY, Feb. 19, 1862.
The SPFAKRII called the House to order at
ten o'clock, A. Y.
The Clerk read the journal of yesterday,
which, after a alight amendment, made at the
instance of Kr. RYON, was approved.
Mr. DENNIS submitted the following pream
ble and resolution :
WIDERISAS, Daniel Frost, Fag, Speaker 9f the
Union House of Delegates, of Virginia, and
Leroy Kramer, :Esq., a member of the same
body, are present with us this morning; there
Resolved, That we congratulate them upon the
promised speedy termination of the fearful civil
war, in the suppresaion of which they have
taken so prominent and honorable a part, and
Wend to them the privileges of the House.
The restdution was read a second time.
Mr. SMITH, (Chester) moved to amend by
striking out the word "Union" before the
words "House of Delegates."
A Miazaß. We only recognize one House in
Virginia.; .
Tte amendment of Mr. Sung, (Chester,) was
adopted, and the resolution, as amended, was
unanimously agreed to.
- arzemita's DYES
The SPFAKPIR laid before the House resolu
tions from , the councils of the city of Phila
Phc. rasiolakinna ware rood so foilOW
lb the Elonorable the Senate and H 01286 of
lives of the Cmnmsemeala of. Pmtnosksania:
&solutions, milting the Pennsylvania•Legislw
ture to abstain from all laws relating to ,the.
government of the City or to its locatimprove-
merits unless asked , for by the councils or
until opportunity be giverkfor the expression
of their opinious. . •
Waszares, Great injury is frequently done to
the interests of the city of Philadelphia: .by
reason of hasty, and ill-timed legislation, affect
ing the government of the city or its local his
provementa ;
And, whereas, In the opinion of their oonn
ells, the Legislature of the State should not be
asked to legislate for matters of a purely local
character, without an expression of the opinion
of councils noon the law proposed to the Legis
lature for their action ; therefore,
Resolved by the aka and common council of the
city of Philadelphia, That the Legislature of
Pennsylvania be and they are respectfully re
quested not to legislate locally for the city of
Philadelphia, unless the different acts be first
'submitted to select and common council for the
expression of their opinion upon the same Land
that a joint committee of six, consisting of .
three members of each council be appointed for
the purpose of examining the nature , of .said.
legialation, and-to tepoit to couricili upon the
same, with power to memorialize:the Legislal
ture relating to said law;; and that a owy of
this, resolution be transmitted, *to;-the „Senate
and House of Representatives. •
(Signed) WILSON,. REHR,
President of Common council...
Arrlsr :—Pultre H. Sows, •
Clerk of common council..
President,of select. council.
The following are the contraittoes appointed
in compliance with the above resolution.. •
Thomas J. Barger, Chairman, p4rjea B.; Trego
and Francis A. Wolbert, on behalf of common
Joseph Megary, Michael J. Dougherty. and
John P. Wetherill, on behalf of select, council.
Mr. DUFFIRLin moved hit _the: Preamble
and resolution be referred to a select committee
composed of all•the meinbers from the city of
The motion was agreed •to.
Mr, SELLERS submitted the following pre
amble and resolution :
Woes, it is the 'duty of the LegiSlature to
so arrange and apportion the direct tax so as to
make the burthen as light as possible upon the
people of the dap", therefore -
Resolved, Thatthe Comniittes of Ways and
Means of this House be instructed to report a
bill imposing a specific war tax upon the sala
ries of all State,
.pounty, city and district o ffi ces,
whether elective or appointed, of such per
centum as they may deem sufficient and proper.
'1 he resolution was read a second time.
Mr. ARMSTRONG moved to amend by strik
ing out the words "instructed to respect," and
iuertios in lienthereof tho words ; 'reqiiestiad
to inquire into the expediency of reporting'
said bill.
Mr. SELLERS accepted the amendment ; as a
modification of his resolution. ' ; .
The resolution thus modified, then passed
ri , r 0 r r kr • *AI I S r
TEN Tali! ,Al . gazer T CERTAIN PLUMB
Mr. GRIIENBAME. Enbmittisd the following
reeoli 'then : •
Resolved, That the committee appointed to
estigate the alleged army frauds, be author-
Ind to sic during the sessions of the House at
such places in Pennsylvania as they may deem
The resolution was read a second time , and
agzeed to.
MrT§lfinkighibidakhbO ogered the fol
Wakens, in consequence of the recent glo
none successes of our arms, it is the universal
desire of all patriotic citizens, that the birth-day
of the lather of his country should be made the
occasion of celebrating the mime with. suitable
ceremonies ; therefore, in order to allow all per
sons to participate in the same,
Be it resolved by the Senate awl House of Repre
sentatives in General Assembly met, That the Gov
ernor be requested to wane his Proclamation,
recommending a general cessation of business
in this Commonwealth on that day.
The resolution was read a second time.
Mr. RITTER moved to amend by striking
out the word "cessation," after the word
" general," in the resolution, and insert the
word " suspension" in lieu thereof.
The amendment wee agreed to, and the reso-
Wiwi, as amended,• passed finally.
A large number Of bills were reported from
the standing committees, including the fol:
lowing :
Mr. COWAN,. (Printing,) as committed. a
supplement to an act In relation to the public
Mr. LABAR, (Election Districts,) with amend
ment, au act to change the place of holding
elections in Millerstirrg, Dauphin county.
Mr. DUFFIELD, (Judiciary Local,) with a
negative recommendation, an act relative to
the recording of indentures and appraisethents
of the estates of decedents in the county of
Mr. BEAVER; (Ways and• Means,) with
negative recommendation, a further supplement
to an act, entitled "An Act to establish an
asylum for the insane poor of this Common
A large number of bills were read in place,
including the following of •a 'public nature:
Mr. BEAVER, a bill relating to partners.
Also, a supplement to the "act to secure .the
rights of married women."
Mr. BITTER, a bill relating to sureties.
Mr. GIRKENBANK, a supplement to the fur
ther supplement to the act, entitled "Au Act.
concerning divorces." .
Mr. DENNIS, a supplement to an aot • ap
proved April 11, 1848 relating to the payment
of promissary notes.
Also, a supplement to an act, entitled an act
to exempt property to the value of three hun
dred dollars from levy and sale on execution
and distress for rent. •
Mr. BROWN, (Northumberland,) a• stipple
avant to a resolution , to .protect laborers and
TUTTON, a supplement to an act- en
titled, an act relating to the commencement of
actions to judgment and decrees- for the pay
ment of money to the widows and children of
Mr. NEIMAN, one erecting Northampton
county into a separate judicial district.
Mr. CESSNA # one to provide for the pay
ment for the time being of certain officers of
Mr. PUPPET?, one relating to appeals from
the judgment of Justices of the Peace.
Mr. BIGIUM., one to maintain- the rjghts of
members of beneficial societies who may enlist
as volunteers.
Mr. OWLIG, a farther supplement to the act
relating to notaries public. •
Mr. VINCENT, joint resolution for the ap
pointment of a committee to investigate frauds
in the management of the Bank of Commerce,
at Erie. -
• Mr. SCOTT, a supplement to an act to estab
lish an asylum for toe insane poor of this Com
monwealth, to be called the , State Lunatic
The House resumed the consideration of the
bill entitled " An. Act, for -the suppression and
detection of counterfeit bank notes.
The bill passed second raiding, and was laid
over, the House refusing to suspend the rules.
TS>O oototols 101 100 L 1 -
The 'abase went into commni.o. vr *no
Whole, and resumed the consideration of House
bill No. 60, entitled "A further supplement to
the act for the regulation and continuance of a
system of education by common-schools."
After some time the committee rose, reported
progress, and asked leave to sit again, which
was refused.
The bill was then postponed and made the
special order for neat Thursday.
Senate resolution relative to the celebration
of the 22d of February was read; and
On motion of Mr. DUFFIELD, amended so as
to provide that the two Houses adjourn on
Friday at 12 o'clock M., in order to take part in
the ceremonies at Philadelphia, on Saturday,
the 22d.
The House then
Trio HIMDRID Pisan of beautiful new spring
calicos; a large lot of bleached and unbleached
muslin of the best make ;. :blue checks, at
12.1 cents per yard ; white stockings, at 12i
cents ; another lot of those good white rib
ed stockings ; ladies' pocket handkerchiefs,
at 12} cents; children's pocket handkerchiefs,
with herder ' 5 cents; shirt breasts 124,
16 and up to 84 cents; 25 pieces new pant
stuff ; undershirts and drawerargery cheap ;
cotton, and woolen socks, at all prices ;
40 dozen woolen stockings, for children, .121-
cents; 1 yard bleached muslin 12} cents ;
all wool French merinos, all colors at 62 and
76 cents. Having bought the balance of the
stock of a city wholesale house of plain and
figured Swiss muslin, brillanta, white •cam
brics, Nawmck and Victoria lawns, suitable for
dresses, as those goods will be very scarce and
dear next summer now is the time to buy. Our
stock of •Furs at cost. S. Lamy,
Trut Lauer. IbTswe. 7 -Bargains I ..Selling off
the entire stock of winter goods below cost,
vie : Woolen, merino, cotton and canton flack.
nel, under shifts and drawers, 40 and upwards;
woolen mufflers, woolen and cotton Hose,
104 and upwards ; silk ties, 18 and upwards ;
anspenders, 12 ; also fine shirts, $1 00®1 25,
setually worth $1 50®1 76; collars, all linen,
124, and night shirts, 50 r , also a large lot of
monkey jackets, all wool, from 75c®$1 00 ;
also a large lot of Union shirt breasts, 100.;
fine bleach muslin, lf yard wide l 'lsc.; also
bleached m uslin ,6c., and fuie Irish lmen,lBo2oo.
per yard ; Brooks, Clarks and Coal's enambled
spool cotton, 4c. Ladies and gentlemen this is
the place to get a bFgain. Please call and ex
amine for youreelves, as one call will suffice to
convince the patine of the above 'facts. Also,
on hand a large lot of ladies' collars, cuffs, un
dereleeves, -which I will sell , equally 'cheap for
cash. N. B.—Shirte, collars, -., &c., made, to
measure or from sample, on the shortest notice
and most reasonable terms. If you want a
bargain and a good fitting shirt, &c., just to go
Jemes A. Lynn, at'the 'Harrisburg Cheap Shirt
Menufactof", No. 12 Market street, rooms next
to Hummel & Killinger's grocery store, Harris
bgrg, Pa. feblo.
Nosidoce Na. 27 Nora Second &rod.
AGREAT redaction in the price of
B.X.TRa. No. 1 BURNING OIL, ( Warranted not
ef *table ' ) bas taken place. It will pay all who purchase.
Bllning oils by the bung or mail quantities, to bay at
14-2 w . -Hardware store, oppidte the Gotta House.
QRUSHED, broken loaf, fine. and coarse
pulverised mad cMier for Bala by
.oerpestreut indAlarkit MAIL
Rhoads' Old Stand
By ualng that mare, Pleasant, Populx, cad Speeilloptem
edy known as
Read the Advertaament In another column, and profit
by It--
Diseases and Symptoms Enumerated.
Cut it out, Premiers° it. You may not now require it,
But may at some Future Day.
'•lt gives health and vigor to the frame,
And bloom to the pallid cheek."
It Paves Long Eutrering and Exposure.
Beware of Counterielta I Cures Guaranteed.
Win. A. Hatelielor's Hair Dye I
The only Harmless and Reliable Dyer Known I
All others are mere imitations, and should be avoided
if,you wish to escape ridicule.
GREY, RED OR RUSTY HAIR dyed instantly to a
beautiful and natural Brown or Blahs" without the toast
injury to Hair or Skin.
clod to Wm. A. BATCHELOR Sin - AN i 8.9, and over 200,000
applications have beep made to the hair of too patrons
of his famous Dye. -
IVa. A BATCHZIOR'S HAIR, DYE produces • a color
not to be distinguished from sitars. end isirAsursree
not to *Pirelli the least, howeror long it mty be retain
;Jodi and the DI ffecuier bad Dyes remedied. The hair
is Invigorated for life by this spliodie Dye, Which la prop.
!oily applied at No. Ur aohd Street-New York.
; sold 10 au the Antes . andlowts the Gaited States, by
Druggists and Fancy Goode Dealers
The Genuine has thb namtinWilltach - A. Batchelor,"
'and address upon a; steel Plate eughtethili On 'the four
•Ades of esc.b box. ''
Wholesale Factory, 81 Bantle, 8 1-,
• Late 233 Broadway, New York
ofts2-dawly ;
Ap.k!ii) TOiTEIR LADM.
"Bead the follosinerzertlffeate , from hoe of the lira t
ladles in Dike, N. Y., who called upon my-agents In Hit
city (dr. Wm. Bristol 81 00.,) and told them ttiat she, Tot
course, did not win'' her name made publle,, built any
One should - doubt the wilmtierfnl efficiency of boron
°We Golden Pills, they might .refer any Lady Lo her, as
She considered M a duty, as well as a pleasure, to her
knowledge or their efficacy, as `administered to her
daughter, a Young, ady 17 years old. t h e was feet go
ing into cone imptbat—bad taken' cold—nature became
Obstructed Two, boxes of these. Golden Pills entire
ly cured, her, and sue Is now in robust health
i•We were particillar in buying the genuine. Full and
Bennett:directions Accompanying each box. Price El.—
gold wholesale and retail by O. A BARNPART r No. 2,
Jones Row, nd C. R. Rituut, 91 Market Street, Harris
burg, Pa: By sending either of them 00 through; he
Harrisburg Ppm Nice the Pills will he sent o;dilldetnially
by Mall 10 1111 part of the'countrniifree of postage."
N. B.—fisolt out forponterfells. Bey no isoldou Puts
pt any kind unless the box Is signed S. D. Howe. Ail
othersis a biete iinPoirltioli and unsafe; therefore, as
you value yoar lives and health, (to say ncehhig of be
log humbugged but of you bur only of , tholn,
who show the signature of S. D. Howe on every box,
Willett bee recently been added on aooount or the Pills
nonntortelted: The ingredients composlog the
above Pills are made known to every Agent, and they
ere safe, .and will perform all claimed for them.
Sold also by, T. L Lemberg° ,r Lebanon ; A. J. Kauff
man, Mechanicsburg ; M. Narks, Lein:donut ; 8. Milieu.
Sardine ; 8. G. Wild, Newville ; .1: C. Amick, Selppens,
burg ; J Spangler, al IMbarabarg.; B. T. -tiler, Yore ;
J. A. Wolf, W. ighisrille ; 8. 8. Stevens, Pearling ; and
K. P. Hunter, Heading, and by hone druggist" In every
town and vUll tge in the United States, and be
• 8. D. HOWE,
elLam :Sole Proprietor. New York.
No. 77 South Street, Baltimore, 'Md.
Is PREPAILED to furnish liovernment
CObtrnetorirann others with Linen or Cotton or
Sit eMee, promptly toccata at low prima. Oats and
Gong Gartraciors will Bun it to their advantage to givo me
a call. ' JOHN C. OrtAPFLIN.
Baltimore, Jan. rtar, 1E162. 1y24-2md*
A 'ND DiaLERS in Fancy Goods, Per
rummy;; Abp6ragbnii for the Bile of Refined
Petroleum, Illuminating Ull, a nierior to any coal oil ;
furnished Many quennuttuat the lowest.enarAet rates.
170 anc11.72 William &red,
..._ - R. Wvrinrr
ja27-deen • -- • -
200 ol 600 4 12).1. WHIM BLACK 4 OLOSED.
11111 S thread being made particularly for
L Sewing Hutchins', II ART STRONG, &morn AND
ELASTIC: Its strength is net impaired by washing, nor
by irMtion of the . needle.- For Machines, use Brooks'
Patent Glace,
and &OWLS Patent Six Cord, Red Ticket,
, Sold by respectable oealerethroughost the country.—
Also, IN OMUiS or 100 SOUS 1•011, ASSOSTSD MOS , by
• WM. MIINDYJOILL'A, &de Agent.
noil.dem • 30 . Veseystreet, New York.
(Near the flarrieburg "Bridge.)
ISA . . •
JOST7 'fiZOSiVED from the
ltills lot ol 1111113 c 9 rusaclAL Nun
PAPlikt, which -we willeell at 31.25 per ream.
41011.60 -06rrefticribe NOTE PArste; - decorated with
tee latest and very bandeeine emblems and patriotic
• 13.60 thr 1008 WHITE ENVFLOPES, with national to
futtriotio emblems, printed in two colors.
.Pleasa give no a I'o 8 F. SCEIEFIPER,
:144T0 Ilarriabarg
' , der fbr •the small sum of $2, $$ 80 and $B. New
made lout of old (idles ie. equal hair- prices , for
seventy eve cords a pleeSand upwards. Call and ace at
my shop, in Seeond street; below Chesnut. ,
1131/8-Lta . .. A. N. 81:146P.
and everything in the line, Just :received in large
cruntities area for sale verylow by
ts..CIC, Jr , & Co.
TUACKEREL Nos. 1, 2 and 3 in all sized
IN_L. packages. A large supply just received, and each
package warranted as represented, for sale by
'WM DOM, Jr., at CO•
lent substitute for /Adige, for sale al the wholesale
and retail give/30itoro of
corner of Front and Market streets
'll:Choice'Tean,l)3laak and 'Green,
in .Ig, .)g - and rpouad tiapaia: tiar sale at,
NIOHOW et.Bowiterea
16 - Cotner FrantAnd. Market streets
COAL OIL, warranted'. nnn-explosive
VV several branda tor oak, lo'x' by • • '
fetal Corner Front and• Market streets.
XTEW Fruits, Currenta r I iains, Citrou
- . .1,41 and," mode; at the new•Wholasale arid Retail. Gro
cery ied Primp-Won Mote, earner-' Front'. and Market
greet, Hanikkarg, Pia -
Riiontirfid . Cztra - jugs
wr..d cbtmr ,n- ,r.reived
VALENTINES.—Jnst opened a fine as
ortment of Yaleenineo at very tom pmees:
820 enssessa , s 040.1ISTORE.
is Conftlionary, Foreig n and Domestic Fruit.—
Pip, Dates franetylisdsisur and Nate of all hinds.—
Fteeliand talitflah; liloaft; catllas, infiegise; Spices, Te_
beetle, degata,and Coteau .Paadaoe ia, gent.-al, at the
cJirner of Third cad Walnut 'streets.' ' -
.det9B.dbm ' 'JOHN WISE.
ciANDLE3, Country Soap,. Fancy Soaps
_) dial kinds, pr sale by
Come!' Front - 641d Mar. et 'street&
POWDER, Shot and Caps fo x sale by
- frank:awl Asaicet arrrets.
C"W & Celebrated
• Plap i n,z attraili.PaggFavo,`4 l l 4 _,•;ftim,__Auirge
gin gy. o l use ove, embiscing even' •= lo l.9l.lust
calved and for sale by . • • •
. PL. 100 4 - ,81, co.
Admission, 26 its,
Orchestra Chairs, 60 cents.
Seats in. Private Boxes, 76 cents.
Entire Box, $6.00.
Doors open 6 o'clock ; Commence at 74 o'clock.
Re-ingagement of the Celebrated Cantatriee,
Bthiopean Comedians, who will appear in their
Ethiopean Drawing Boom Soirees, original with
Mr. and Mrs. Bordwell.
Last Night of
Aminl (Dinah,) Mrs. A. Bordwell
Liza (Snsanab,) F. X. Arnold
Dame Tresso (Aunt Polly,) Bordwell
Elvini (Jumbo,) his Ist appearance in Opera,
Count (Dan Tucker,)
Aleaaio (Lazy Joe)
To conclude with
Seats cau be secured In aevanee during the Opera
Boa Office open from 10 to 12 A. Y.
THE subscribers haviug erected a larg e
betiding at the abuve pia le, exprmaly far the per o•
see above indicated, beg to the attenilou of the pub.
lic to the followin4
THE Reerarmaar, ea the first floor, with a dialog room
attached, Is titled up In first-class style, aud n will at all
limes be suppled with the best OYSTER:i to be had in
the Atlantic cities, together with terrapin, fish, and all
binds of game In season. Oysters served up In every
style, and meals to bo had at all hours. The Ales of all
the celebrated breweries in the country constantly ou
band. •
Me Tempin Alley, or Bowline Saloon, Is in the rear,
and contains three alleys of modern coustructiou, where
the Invent er this healtny sterna , / can enjoy the ormlves.
Me Millard Saloon la up stairs—elegantly fitted up,
and comities three marble top c ,mbination cuzation ta
bles, equal to any made.
Harrisburg has toog felt the want of u grand cambia.
ation of this kind, and as the proorn tors are determine d
W conduct It to a quiet and orderly mai:tour, gut do evo
rything in their otlwer to m titO it a fas ion able re•o.t
they nope to receive a liberal entre of poetic patronage.
ALARGE LO I' of Black t.ilks.
A Fine Assortmeneof PLiin Dress Silks
Eng. Rep. Mourning Silks.
Small Bar Black and Purple Silks.
A New Stuck of Mourning Dress Goods.
A Large Line of Irish Linens, at old prices
A Full Stock of Skeleton Skirts;
Best article ever manufactured.
A Full Line of GentsDndersbirts and Drawers
Now elrsing out the 'leek.
Balmoral Skirts ;
N-w r rticle.
Marseilles Connterpalnes ;
Al old prams
Allendale Spreads ;
t beep.
A Large Line of Towellings.
Now open at CATHCAR fB,
febl3-3 , Next door to the Harrisburg Bank
WOULD respectfully iuform his old
patrons and the public generally, that be inni
oontitme to give lisstractione on the MOM VORTA MT
LODECIN,y EWAN and also in the science in THOROI.II4II
mimes at any hour deeired, Orei - seonenil be r7 - 3n a
Ms residence, Third straw. few doors below th
'German Reformed etrob. desalt-At
NO excuse for having Boots and Shoes
not blackened. Blacking that ;gingiva a polish on
wet or greasy boots. Jost the thing for ;betimes, when
every one cannot afford two or three pairs of oboes or
boots. Cali and examine, at
. .
corner Front and Market tit:recta
NAZARETH, Northampton county, Pa.
Easy or t aocesa from Harrisburg by railroad to
Easton, and thence seven miles by stage.
o.Btri* Principal
FRESH Oranges, Lemons, Raisins, Co
cos-nuts, & Sc., Just received/ a nd for Sale by
NlCll4.s ez BOWMAN,
Corner P rent and Maxaet streets
febl4 y
COAL OIL lower than any House in
lJ Harrisburg, for sale by
Corner Front and Market street
fob 14-y .
EXTRA FAMILY FLOUR iu fourth and
ball bbl. sacks, also, wholesale and retail at th
New Grocery and Provision Sore, Front and V irket ate.
DAI3ll1•;LIUN COFFSE !—A •Fn sh and
large supply of this Celebrated Coffeejust received
by gaol WK. DOCK, Jr., &
A LARGE stock of these goods will be
Al_ disposed o f at very low priest. Flue fore very
cheap at CATHO &NTS',
Next door to the Harrisburg Beek.
MACHINERY OIL.—We sell the only
reliable Natural Lubricating Oil. (warranted free
from sand and acid,) sod equal to Sperm or lard In the
market,llefer to tiosta of railroad men, machinist manu
facturers and others wlw are using it.
Agent for Lubrio 011 Compan y ' Ha store op
posite the Court MUM fOr2w
10 very CrI1V9111011( WritOng D.-nq ; also, P
Nemorandam Books, Portinonrues, &c, .t
Rnbbe Balls,
Rubber Watches,
Rubber Rattles,
Rubber Toys generally at
'Ef. BEI fTEtit and EGGS constantly
on hand and for sale by
9 corner Front and bfarkei utreeta
CRANBERRIES, Dried Fruits, Fresh
AP*, Hammy, at
corner. Front and Market streets
Rolm, crritoN,
useArrra, 3PIOIB,
Boilable for Mince Pies for mle low by
deb W DOCK, &00
FULL and splendid assortment of Valen
endues, wholesale or retail, at
large invoice of New Styli* of Frenoh Blanket
Shawls received this morning uy
1013 C g 'ART k RTM
A UR newly replenished stook of
NU/ and Fano!. Goods is unsurpassed an this ally, and
feeling confident of rendering sa asleollowt we "l id res
'tactfully invite a call. :HYLLBR,
:91 Market street, two doors east ofFotwth street. south
21 fRE13FRESHLemons, Apples, Cranberries,
for sale by NICHOLS BOWMAN„
corner Front and Market street,
I. A. Paine
J. A. Arnold