Pennsylvania daily telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1857-1862, February 19, 1862, Image 3
ai(ettegrapt. II IRRIS 13 U , PA Wednesdity Morning, February 19, IS6d, Ina Hors Hue, to come off at the house of the company, id Second street, next Friday violuises to be the great social feeti cdof the ieaSOICI, and every exertion is being w d o to insure a delightful ovation. Tickets me is demand, and the ladies are making ex _ to ,iy o pill:orations to contribute to the bril liancy of the occasion. SANFORDS OPERA House —This popular place of Imliiou grows morn and more in favor with t he public. The enterprising manager, Mr. sisfoid, always obliging, has consented to re repeat the opera La Somnambula t wo evening's we t Lit coneequeoco of the bad state of the wesilirr, many having been unable to get out t ) oituess its previous representations. Thurs ,„„iag w.• are to have the Italian opera to other with other novelties. We hear it spoken that a oiled benefit is about to be given to 31, 01 ,ger Sanford I et le the closing of his season. ~tearr on hand Io the list. RIVILE DEPRAVITY.—Two little girls, of but nine or ten years of age, have for some time pot been going from store to store, and house t, tom, in the city, presenting a paper setting ,rth thr merits of a proposed charitable object, ad s acittog five cent subscriptions. They yesterthiy afternoon entered the store of a shoe doter on Market street, and soon after their dep.iriare were pursued by the proprietor, in eons. gum e of his missing a pair of shoes, which he perceived they must have stolen.— Tnes enteroi an alley and eluded his search. Othrr parties state fa.:ts showing that these girls, )4 ung Bs they are, are not less aban doned to indecency than to dishonesty. They doubtless have older and shrewder confederates MEM The BENEVOLENT SOOLIITY. —"The poor ye have always with you." This is scriptural truth,— strong and practical. Every day life proves it to us. It is (Air duty then to provide for their neces si iis. All of us, even those in affluent circum stances, know well the stringency of the times, the importance of economy and retrenchment hi nil of our expenses. We also know that a large nuniber of mechanics, laborers end others, who heretofore have "earned their bread by the sweat of their brow," have been thrown out of employment, and have consequently no work by which they can earn an honest livelihood. Many in our city, who heretofore were above want, have been this winter supported by the halness of their friends and benevolent soole 'ell Of these latter, the Union Beneyolent .uciety has done, and is doing, in an unonten• iou• manner, a great deal of good among the suffering poor. The city is divided off into small citadels], each of which are,.under the immediate superintendence of a committee of the society, who visit the needy and deserving almost daily and minister to their necessities, The society deserves a most cordial chpport from our citizens, and we trust every one will lead a helping hand. TURKEY.—The paragon of poultry is in full perfection now. Its pervades the market. Everybody buys him, tint everybodi 'is 'not competent to cook him. Opinions differ, and have always differed. NB to the best mode of dressing him. Boyer says it is rank heresy to boil him ; `Stivarin recommends that he be stuffed with truffles—a loud-smelling, wormy, leathery, indigestible species of fungi—and meted ; another Frenchman recommends a lining of chestnuts, and an old English cookery book tells us to " fix " him after this fashion: "Take and dune your turkey on the backe and bruise all his bones ; then season with stilt and pepper, grasie beaten, and put into him good store of butter ; he must have five hours bakinge." The last prescription is worthy of the Vandals. The true Christian way to prepare a turkey into fill him with internal improvements in the shape of a rich compost, compounded of bread, eggs, thyme, pepper, salt, a little lemon peel, and a very little butter. Then roast him and SCINt Linuip with a gravy made of his gib lets, ettteia, II and thickened with a spoonful or two of flour, If there Is anything better than a direr tut from the tender bosom of the creature, or his „ second joint," the savor thereof is unknown to us. As to his pedal iextreuiities, when buttered, Cayenne peppered, s . ad, net to put to,, line a point upon it, " dew ' filed," they are, gastronomically speaking, a big thing." ''Olt e4:I4IDICRABLZ terubour young laddie and lasses have had a good time tiding down bill, at the Capitol Park, on sleds, boards, or anything that would glide over the icy streets. kerning, noon and evening the youth of the toNn, turned lorsie from the confinement of the school room, with sleds in hand, congre gate on the bill, and you may rest assured 14 3' hare a " high old time." The joyous leugh of youth rings out on the cold, frosty air, Mal e fun and frolic beams from every eye, and the bloid, heated by exercise, paints the rose os every cheek. We would not condemn the Illehins for this spot t, but they should be care leit they hurt Borne of the members of With the swn party ae they coast down the hill rapidity of a locomotive. No, we lay. 'let 'em slide." When we have etood ! az irig upon a crowd of frolicsome girls and ueYe enjliug this sport, we have been carried I I A to the time when we were a boy, and Wh oa, as the moonbeams glittered upon the enil t'A 6110 W, giving it the appearance of a °vet lake, we used to slide down the hill in the meadow to the rear of the old homestead, 4 ' lll Balled it " bully fun ;" while a thousand IliGther EttiOCiati(llll3 crowd upon the memory. then i 4 Bad a thing that we ever cease to relish l • o boYhcori sports, simple, innocent and youn! But as we aide further down the hill ill time wa are apt to cease our love for aliditip down the hill in winter. We say, boys and the "go It while whoopyou 're young," and amid lions and you of your ecanpardone *m to elide down the hill while the ice lasts. PennoPtuania Watip greltgrapb, tUtbntobnp, Morning, februarp 19, 1862 Tits CITY YISTIIRDAY. — Great Rejoicing.—The jubilant feelings excited among our citizens by the reception of the news of the victory of Fort Outlaw') last Sunday evening, Its' confirmation yesterday, together with the additional glorious news of the capture of Savannah, culminated this morning in a grand; spontaneous; public demonstration, which for a time fairly shook the city to its centre, and made the streets re sound with the merry Peals of joy. At an early hour the gorgeous 'flag of our Union was unfurled from a hundred fitg-staffs, and displayed from the windows of a number of private residences throughout the city, giving the streets a gala and picturesque appearance that was cheerful to look upon. About ten o'clock Ulman's famous battery, preceded by a fall brass band, arrived in the city, and took a position with their field pieces on the public grounds in front of the State ar senal, where, after some preliminary arrange ments had been made, the company proceeded to fire a n -tional "salute of thirty-four gnus. The report of the first gun had scarcely ceased Its loud reverberations among the surrounding houses, when first one of the church bells, then another, and another, until finally every bell in the city joined.its sonorous peals to the.gen eral clamor:of rejoicing—arousing the entire population, and producing the wildest excite ment generally. The House of Representatives, in session at the time, adjourned over one hour, the mem bers, doubtless, not being able to stand the pressure of the excitement, and concluded to " go in" themselves. After the firing of the salute, the artillery company, preceded by the band, favored our citizens with a street parade, and attracted much attention by the soldierly-lit e appearance of the men, and the precision with which they executed various military evolutions. A drum corps, with fifers, from Camp Curtin, also pa raded the streets, and constituted no inconsid erable amount to the general demonstration. Altogether the demonstration was highly creditable to the city, and especially so to the few gentlemen towhose exertions alone, we are indebted for the bell-ringing feature of the oc casion. We have witnessed many previous intpromtu demonstrations of this character in our city, but never any in which the citizens showed so much heart-felt gratification and genuine enthusiasm. Joy was manifested on every countenance—it seemed to overspread the city. The deep-toned guns, and the sonorous peals of the bells conveyed the glad tidings of the victories into every household. To-night the theme will engross a thousand happy fire sides, end the prayers and thanks that go rt., to heaven will have nothing formal about them. The Union arms have regained their prestige. Our sons, fathers, and countrymen are either proud in victory or prouder in death. The shame of our flag has been washed out in blood ; the rivers of the garden of our Conti neat carry the sails of the Union, and agony and gloom are tenants of hundreds of disloyal dwellings. The soldier, the sailor—perhaps the slave—looks up. Our banners are blessed; our bayonets arebristling—let "Secesh" stand from under. Buasmaas ABOUT. —The meat shop of Faux Boma, Butcher, in South street, near Second, was burglariously entered Monday night last, and robbed of about sixteen dollars of meat, and a small quantity of silver change in the money drawer. The robber effected an en trance to the establishment through a win dow on South street, bat made his exit by the door leading to a small alley running between South and State streets. Strong suspicion is attached to an individual well known about the establishment, as being the robber, and it is not unlikely that developments will shortly be made that will warrant his arrest. thiaqDRAID FELLOW, From can Bump:rt.—The glorious news of the Union success at Fort Donelson, and the defeat and capture of rebels in all quarters, we hope will be ratified in the capture and suitable disposition of the princely rebels Pillow, Floyd and Buckner. Wuen bad men and bad measures are promptly card for, we can confidently expect peace and happiness, and instead of wasting our substance in war, we can take advantage of the new goods at the cheap dry goons store of Unica & Bowman, cor. Front and Market streets. m2l. Two Huractin Pacts of beautiful new spring calicos; a large lot of bleached. and unbleached muslin of the best make ; bide checks, at 14 cents per yard ; white stockings, at 14 ceuts ; another lot of those good white, rib• bed stockings ; pocket handkerchiefs, at 14 cents; children's pocket handkerchiefs, with border, 5 cents ‘, shirt breasts 12i, 15 and up to 87f cents; 25 pieces new pal,' stuff ; undershirts and iliairerstrery cheap ; cotton and woolen seeks; at all prices ; 40 closet woolen stockings, for children, 14 ceets; 1 pod bleached muslin 12} cents ; all wool rich merinos, all colors, at 62 and 75 , Cents. sing bought the balance of the snook of *city wholesale house of plain and figured Swiss muslin, brillants, white cam brics, Nansuck and Victoria lawns, suitable for dresses, as those goods will be very scarce and dear next summer now is the time to buy. Our stock of Furs at cost. S. Laws, Rhoads' Old Stand. Tux LATIUM' NEws.—Bargains l Selling off the entire stock of winter goods below cost, via : Woolen, merino, cotton and canton flan nel, under shirts and drawers, 40 and upwards; woolen mufflers, woolen and cotton Hose, 104 and upwards ; silk ties, 18 and - upwards ; suspenders, 12 ; also fine shirts; $1 00(4.1 26; actually worth $1 50®l 75 ; collars, all linen, 121, and night shirts, 60 ; also a large lot of monkey jackets, all wool, from 75c®$1 00 ; also a large lot of Union shirt breasts, 10o.; fine bleach muslin, yard wide, 150.; also bleached m nail n ,6c., and fine Irish li nen,lB®2oc. per yard ; Brooks, Clarks and Coal's enambled spool cotton, 4c. Ladies and gentlemen this is the place to get a bargain. Please call and ex amine for yourselves, as one call will suffice to convince the public, of the above ;acts. Also, on hand a large lot of ladies' collars, .cuffs, un dersleeves, which I will sell equally cheap for cash. N. B.—Shirts, collars, &0., made .to measure or from sample, on the shortest notice and most reasonable terms. If you want a bargain and a good fitting shirt, &c., just to go James A. Lynn, at the Harrisburg Cheap Shirt Manufactory, No. 12 Market street, rooms next / to Hummel & Killinger'a grocery store, Harris burg, Pa, feblo. AUGUSTINE L. CHAINS. CARPENTER AID BUILDER Ikaideace No. 27 Mirth Second Street N. B—JOBBING ATTENDED TO. I'eunsylvania Legislature Iik.PORTICD BMPRISSLY FOR THY TMACIELA_PII SEN ATE TUESDAY, February 18, 1862. The Senate met at 11 o'clock and was called to order by Speaker HALL. Prayer by Rev. Mr. Wood, pastor of the Bap tist church, of Harrisburg. The journal of yesterday(Monday) was partly read, when, On motion of Mr. LAWRENCE, the further reading of the same was dispensed with. EM=l Mr. DONOVAN presented a petition of one hundred citizens of Philadelphia in favor of abolishing the curbstone markets. Referred to the Committee on Agriculture, &c. , Mr. SMITH, (Montgomery,) presented a pe tition of citizens of Montgomery county, pray ing for a law to prevent cattle running at large in said county. Referred to the Committee on Agriculture, &c. BXPORTS Olt STANDING 00111LITTSES Mr. BENSON, chairman of the Committee on Finance, reported as committed,an act to pro vide for the payMent of volunteer officers for recruiting services. Mr. CriAWFORD, (same,) with a negative recommendation, an act to provide for the pay ment of certain military expenses. . Also, (same,) as committed, an act to provide transportation for deceased soldiers. Mr. CONNELL, (same,) as committed, an act to provide for the adjudication and payment of certain military claims. Mr. McCLURE, (same,) as committed, an act for the relief of John Ross, late superintendent Of the Allegheny Portage road. Mr. PENNEY, (Judiciary,) with a negative recommendation, House bill, No. 86, an act rel ative to collectors of taxes in the counties of Westmoreland, Adams, York and Fayette. Also, (same,) as- committed, an act to estab lish a fee bill for Dauphin county. Also, (same,) as committed, a further supple ment to an act to consolidate, revise and amend the penal laws of this Commonwealth. Mr. KE L'CHAM, (same,) as committed, House bill No. 120, an act to erect a poor house for the township of Texas and borough of Hones dale, in Wayne county. Also, (same,) as committed, an act relative to notaries public in Luzerne county. Mr. CLYMER, (same,) as committed, House bill No. 117, an act to ieduce the rate of pay • meat for advertising delinquent taxpayers in the city of Philadelphia. Also, (same,) as committed, a supplement to an act relative to the collection of taxes in cer tain townships in Berko and Lancaster coun ties. Also, (same,) as committed, House bill, No. 109, au act to annul the marriage contract be tween George Parker and Caroline Parker. Mr. BOUGHTER, (Estates and Escheats,) as committed, an act to authorize the Pittston Baptist church to sell certain real estate. Mr. lillBll, from the Committee on Ltates and Escheats, moved that said Committee be discharged from the further consideration of "an Act confirmatory of conveyances of real estate," and that said bill be committed to the Committee on the Judiciary. The motion was agreed to. Mr. KINSEY, (Compare Bills,) presented a report, which was read and journalized. ' Mr. LAMBERTON, ( Private Claims and Damages,) as committed, joint resolution relit. tive to the claim of Samuel D. Brobst, former supervisor of the North Branch canal. • Baia BEAD IN IMAM Mr. FULLER read in place an act to requir • the Auditor General to audit the account of Thomas Gallagher, late Brigade inspeot* Westmoreland county. Referred to the Committee on Militia Systemi Mr. CLYMER, a further supplement to an, act to incorporate the East Pennsylvania rall n road company. Referred to the Committee on Railroads. Also, an act fixing the commencement of the term of office of sheriff in this Common wealth. Referred to the Committee on the Judiciary. Mr. ROBINSON, an act relative to the claim of James McKean and Marmaduke Rambo, of Lawrence county. Referred to the Committee on Private Claims and Damages. Mr. GLA. Z. an act relative to bankers and pedlars in York and Montgomery counties. - Referred to the Committee on the Judiciary. Hr. PENNEY, a supplement to an act to in corporate the Cleveland and Pittsburg railroad company. Referrrd to the Committee on Railroads. Mr. SMITH, (Philadelphia,) an act relative to certain streets in the city of Philadelphia. Referred to the Committee on Roads and Bridges. Mr. NICHOLS, an act creating two addi tional asse,soni in the first waid of Philadelphia Referred to the Committee on the Judiciary Mr. DONAVAN, an act relative to gas com panies. Referred to the Committee on Corporations. TRANSPORTATION OR THE lISNAINS OF DIONASRD 1*).1.)1,w1 Mr. LANDON called up Senate bill entitled, an act providing for the transportation of the remains of deceased soldiers. The bill was read. Mr. IRISH. It occurs to me that this act does not point out the mode by which railroad companies aro to be compensated for the servi ces contemplated by the bill. Mr. 111cULIIRE, I suggest to the Senator that authority for this, transportation may be found in the fact that the Executive issues passes on the different railroad for .military purposes. The transportation of the remains of decease 4 soldiers being included in the cate gory of "military purposes," the State will be made liable for this expense. Mr. LANDON. There is a certain depart ment connected with the soldiers, Mr. Speaker, which has the care of the transportation busi ness. Yesterday I was informed a member of the army, in camp here, from one of the coun ties I represent, had died, and his friends de sired's, certificate of transportation. I went to the proper department, and they said they had no authority to grant any such certificate on such a metier. They regretted this very much; and upon the suggestion of that department, this bill was drawn np to meet the emergency. The expense of transporting in this particular will come under the general auditry of bills for army transportation. The bill then passed finally. AN ACT NELATIVN TO THE LIEN OF YECONANDNI AND Senate bill No. 70, entitled "A .supplement to the act relating to the lien of mechanics and others," came up in order on third reading, and was Passed inally. ELLIS OONSIDKaND Mr. CLYMER called up Senate bill No. 160, entitled "A supplement to an act further to regulate proceedings in courts of justice, and for other purposes." Passed finally. • Mr. PENNEY called up Senate bill No. 96, an act relating to the claim of Thomas J. Kee nan, late prothonotary of the supreme court for the Western District. • Passed finally. • Mr. RETT.T,Y called up Senate bill No. 118, an act to incorporate the American shaft com- I• committee of the whole; (Mr. Imams iitthn chair,) the bill was amended and so reported. Laid over on the orders. M. KE rcErAm 'called ut, an act relating to notaries public in Luzenie county. the bill was amended so as to apply to the borough of Scranton, Luzerne county only. Passed finally. Mr. SEREtILL called up House bill No. 94, an act to incorporate the New London associa tion for the detection of thieves and recovery of stolen property. Passed finally Mr. KETCHAM called up House bill No. 21, an act to authorize the trustees of the proprie tors' fund of Newport township, Luzerne county to appropriate said funds towards the purchase of a farm and poor house for the use of said township. Passed finally. Mr. CLYMER Called up Senate bill, entitled a supplement to enact relative to the collection of taxes in certain townships of Berke and Lan caster counties, (extends act to Ruscombmanor township, Berke county. Passed finally. IRATE TO RZOORD VOTI Mr. DONOVAN obtained leave to record his vote on the resolution passed yesterday thank. ing our troops for gallant conduct in the field. Mr DONOVAN voted "aye." TEMPORARY ADJOURNMENT OP TM LEOLSLATIJREL Mr. CRAWFORD submitted the following joint resolutions relative to the adjournment of the present Legislature and the re-assembling of au adjourned'session JOINT RESOLUTIONS relative to the adjourn ment of the- present Legislature, and the re assembling of an adjourned cession, Winaski, The joint committee of both. Houses, authorised to confer with the Commit tee of Ways and Means, of Congress, and the Secretary of the Treasury, in regard to the reve nue likely to be required from the State of Pennsylvania, after much conference was una ble to ascertain definitely the amount and sub jects of such taxation, until the revenue bills of the National Government should he more fully matured; therefore, Resolved, That the present Legislature will adjourn on Friday, March 21st, at one o'clock s'. M. of said day, to reassemble in adjourned session on Tuesday, June 17th, at ten o'clock A. M. of said day. Resolved, That the Committee of Ways, and Means, or such sub-committee of its number as it authorizes to act for it, be instructed to have prepared printed, during the recess, is the form of bills, ready to be acted upon by this House, such tax bille r and also bills revising our laws for the assessment and collection of State and county taxes, as, in its judgment, may be required. Referred to : the Committee on. the Judiciary. AN ACT RELATIVE TO RAILRCAD COMPANIES Mr. CONNELL called up Senate bill No. 133, entitled "An Act relative to railroad compa nies." The question. being on the section, Mr. IRISH asked for an explanation of the bill. Mr. CONNELL. Ido not think I will be able to make the Senator comprehend the effect of the bill. If he desires it to lie over for examin ation, I am perfectly willing that such a dispo sition shall be made of the bill for the present. To my mind, the original act is sufficiently ex planatory upon ite-face. Mr. IRISH. ram not familiar with the pro visions of the general act referred to ; but it is altogether probable that while certain sections of that act confer privileges, others impose necessary restriction& If this bill comes under any of those restrictions, it should be amenable to all of thrill. Mr. SMITH; (Philadelphia„) A% bill strikea me as one of the most eitraordinary I have overload.' Itnuthorizes all the railroad com panies of the State toaticept just so much, of e general railroadtadealtMaribe`advmtageous their interests and promote their teller° and to accept or reject all that is of a m etive character in that law. They may leject all brit - those *Wit do not increase their wealth. power and influence. My *league says tlais bill explains itself. So I think iqoait; that they may accept or reject so muhh of the existing law as they please. It tO mei.vidently a general bill to allow corn- I panies to accept certain liberal conditions of the law and' - to Prelude those which seem to operate onerously or restrictively. - Mr. PENNEY. It seems to me the Senator from Philadelphia has exactly stated the objec tion to this bill. There are a number of rail rdad companies throughout the State who have obtained their charters on certain conditions. By the thee passage of this bill, those companies would be enabled to retain all the peculiar ad vantages they now possess, and mutilate the ganeral law which was designed to protect the pdblio generally. I move that the considers tionof.the bill be postponed for the present. The motion was agreed to, and the bill post poned. `On motion of Mr. LAMBERTON, the Senate then Adjourned. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. , TLUOIDAT, Feb. 18, 1862. Vie SPEAKER called the House to order at teh•o'clocki-A. M. Prayer try , the Rev. Mr. Shoenndrer, of the Second HAW Church, Hiiiilsbriag. 'lll5 Clerk read the journal of yesterday, *hiWines* approved. M. CRANE, in view of the fact that a sa lute was to be fired at the hour of ten in honor of ota victories at Roanoke Island, Fort Donel sonteifitairditinsalt City, moved that this House take ,recess ; tilLeleven o'clock. - The rdetl,wn pie s_ agreed to. The House was again called to order at eleven Mr. CESSNA:.moved =that the consideration of the bills.ort the private calendar be post poned for the present. The motion was agreed to. JOIN satiournow 00NOR.ATIILLTORY OF trns vroro i itu,ol:lß ANMY AND NAVY. 116, Chairman of the Committee on Fed orai Aelations,- reported the following • oint resolutions:'. Basgf,vED By 4.he Senate and Rouse of Repreten tafieesin Gen eral' Assembly met, Bcc., Ist . That the General Assembly of Pennsylvania has received with a . thrill of exultation to which no language can gtie adequate expression, the glorious tidings which have flashed-in rapid and danding succession from the fields, of Mill Spring, Fort Henry and Roanoke, and culminating in the bloody Itut triumphant and decisive struggle of Fort Donelson; and•tbat in acknowledgement of the',ltoly patriotism and unflinching valor which have reflected new lustre upon the Amer lain name and given those fields to history, they do hereby tender to the officers and men who hive so nobly sustained the honor of our flag, thieori, the heart-felt thanks of the people of thiMate. Resolved, 2nd. That it is not among the least gra.tiryjng fade connected with the recent tri umpbrof our arms, that the navy of the United States i which had already contributed so large ly by its prowess .upon the seas in giving us a naMmtd a posi,tion among the great powers of thi smith., should have done so much in the present struggle to testify its unshaken loyalty to j ai :l:dell, aid; to indicate its ancient and w earned"renown: vai &I. 'That while they thus testify to the anssivant - of rthose . hard-iought fields their seMkt i af the great service rendered to our cont ra/a try, they desire to give a tear to the m•• es of the martyred dead, who have s. ed their devotion to the _cause_ of freedom tir by - Offeiingf their lives, and to tender theftjimpa o ,thies to evprilOyal heart and home ie Adaeljjed by the calamities - of w • . 4tk.2hat.ths Governor to requested to 'forward copies of these resolutions to the oomnatuling often of the several divisions of our army and navy that have participated in the engagements referred to therein, with the request that they may be read in the presence of their respective commands. The resolutions were severally read a second time and agreed to. On the final passage, The yeas and nays were required by Mr. WILDEY and Mr. CESSNA, and were as follow, viz: YEAS — Messrs. Abbot, Alexander, Armstrong Banks, Barron, Bates, Beaver, Bighan. Bliss Boileau, Brown, (Northumberland,) Bushey, Caldwell, Cessna, Chatham, Cochran, Cowan, Craig, Crane, Dellone, Dennis, Donley, (Greene,) Donnelly, (Philadelphia) Dougherty, Duffield, Early, Elliott, Fox, Freeland, Gamble, Graham, Grant, Greenbank, Gross, Hall, 'Lip per, Henry, Hoffer, Hoover, Hopkins, (Phila delphia) Hutchman, Josephs, Keine, Kennedy, Kline, Labar, Lehman, Licbtenwalluer, M . Clef lan, PS'Coy, 21'0/Hoch. fdldakin, Iti'Manus, Moore, Neiman, Pershing, Peters, Potteiger, Quigley, Ramsey, Rex, Rhoads, litter, Ross, (Luzerne,) Russell. Ryon, Schrock, Scott, Sel lers, Smith, (Chester,) Smith, (Philadelphia,) Tate, Thompson, Tutton, Vincent, Wildey, Williams, Wimley, Windle, Wolf, Worley, Ziegler and Rowe, Spahr-83. NAYS—None. So the resolutions passed finally. Mr. PERSHING (by instruction of the Com mittee of Ways and Means,).presented the fol lowing resolution: Reseleed, That the commissioners of each county be requested to inform their respective .Representatives of the number of families of volunteers (and the number of persons compo sing each family) who receive aid from the county, and the amount paid each family per week ; and the aggregate amount paid by the county up to this date • and that the Clerk be directed to have circ ulars printed to be for warded to the respective counties, to be re turned with the information requested. The resolution was read a second time, and agreed to. JOINT RESOLUTION RELATIVE TO AN ADJOURNED SESSION OF THE LEGISLATURE, Mr. BIGHAM submitted the following pre amble and joint resolutions relative to an ad journment of the present session of the Legis lature : WHEREAS, The joint committee of both Houses, authorized to confer with the Commit tee of Ways and Means, of Congress, and the Secretary of the Treasury, in regard to the reve nue likely to be required from the State of Pennsylvania; was tumble to ascertain definitely the amount and subjects of such taxation, until the revenue bills of the National Government should be more fully matured, therefore, Resolved, let. That the present Legislature will adjourn on Friday, March 21st, at 10 o'clock r. at. of said day, to re-assemble in ad journed session on Tuesday, June 17th, at 10 o'clock A. N. of said day. Resolved, 2d, That the Committee of Ways and Means, or such sub-committee of its mem bers as it authorizes to act for it, be instructed to have prePared and printed, during the recess, in the form of bills, ready to be acted upon by this House, such tax-bills and bills revising our laws for the assessment and collection of state and county taxes as in its judgment may be re quired. Being joint resolutions, they were laid over for one day, under the rule. PRIVATE OALENDER The House then proceeded to consider bills on the private calender, and were engaged reading the same the - first time, when the hour of one having arrived the House adjourned till 8 r. m. to Euish the private Calendar. 7tinertirments, TO GRAIN CONTRACTORS. VEER BALTIMORE BAG FACTORY, No. 77 South Street, Bciltiritore, Is PREPARED to furnish Government Contractors and others with Linen er Cotton Asp of aU ezes, promptly ror gavl at luw prices. Oars and Cern o,ntractors will hod it to their advantage to give me a call. .1011.1 0. GAMPFLIN. Calttmo: a, Jan. 17th, 1862. 1y24-2md• SC EIEFFIELIN BROTHERS & CO., W HOLESALE D EtUGG-LSTS, AND Dt;aLLEEtS in Fancy Goode, Per ontrs, sm. Als) agents for the site of Refined Petroleum, lltmainalmg vil , smeriur_to any:coal .m 1; Itirnishea . in any qu.tutiues at the lowest marset rates. 170 and 172 William Street NEW YORE. ja27-ddm FOR SE WING MACHINES. JONAS BROOK & BRO'S PRIZE MEDAL SPOOL COTTON. • 200 d 500 YDS. WIMB, BLACK ce COLOR KO. riIERS thread being made particulirly for ewiog maahmea,ia vErtY a - Tat/Nit, sit 0011( AND Deetreeekle noi:,mnaleed-by washing, nor by friction or the needle. , Mar &whines, use Brooke' Patent Glace, - • FUR UPPER THREAD, • and Bruck.: Pawns Mx Cord, lied Ticket, FOR UNDER THREAD, Sold by respectable .tealers throughout the country.— also, mania 00 100 mass axed, ASSOBTILD 804 by JAL HENRY Sill f cf., Sole Agent. no946th ' 88 Vesey-Areet, Note York. SOHBFFER'S BOOK STOBb.I (Near the Harrisburg Bridge.) us. r itEoNivED from the . totol due Cg.M.VERCIA.L NOTE PA.IO I , womb we wlllsell at VAS, per fe-Vil. 83..%) per ream for NOTE PINKH, deeerAted with the latest and fiery hannionse embtems and patriotic caOtto.r. $ 3 . 5 0 For WOO niat4lihra.LOYSl3, watt outonsi an t petriotte: PElinAhit otik.coters: rime° glue u s a daft, .F. §CiiEFFilt, • e 22 -d liarrlahnrC BLINDS!! BLINDS !! ! or- J, VENITION 'BLINDS made to or , der fix ;the small sum of $2 p5O and $3. New b ds made rout of old ones as equal low prices for seventy five cents a piece and nifward4. C all and s,o at my shop, In Second street, below Oheannt. ; feb3-lm A. a. SHARP. BASKETS,CEDAR; TUBS, BROOMS and everything in the line, Just received in large quantities and for sate ye, y low bi • WM. , KCIC, Jr ; & Co. ivIALCKEREL Nos. 1, 2 and 3 in all sized packaged A lute supply just received, and each package warranted as represented, for sale by W.ll DOCK, Jr., & Co. MORE LIGHT ! I OHBA - FLIGHT !I ! AGREAT reduction in - the price of muse No. 1 BURNING OIL, (Warranted not explosive,) insa taken place. It will pay all who purchase. Burning oils by the bind or small quantities, to buy at GILBSitT'S f4-2w Hardware store, opparite the Chart House. FAMILY WAbiliNG SLUE, an excel lent substitute for lento, for sa lent the wholesale aud retail grocery store of NICROLB k BOWMAN, corner of Front and Market streets. FRE'Li Choice Teae, Black and Green, 111 .34', J and 1 pound papers. for sale at NICHOLS is BOWMAN'S corner Front -ad 61.arket stress. CRUSLE6D, bri.ken loaf, fine and coarse pulvei hod and other swore for sat. by NIOIIOLAS & BOWMAN, ember Front auoi"Varket streets. COAL- OIL, warranted non—ekplosije seysred brands for lain' low by. NICIDLAS* BOWMAN. febll Corner Front alai Jitarket_atretia._ NEW Fimita; Cuirents, ,na_itagta, aiul-1.030ik: it diepew ; Wholeaale and Retail. Ora, eery altar Pro - vlslon'' Sten), corner Pront and Marna, Week ELlrdeburg, Pa. NICHOLS k BOWNANJ SANFORD'S NEW OPERA HOUSE THIRD STREET BELOW MARKET. Admission, 26 cents Orchestra Chairs, 50 cents. Seats in Private Boxes, 75 cents. Entire Box, . _ _ *55.0%) Doors open 6} o'clock ; Commence at7l o'clock. Re-engagement of the Celebrated Cantatrios. Mrs. ANNA BORDWELL, MEM Mr. W. BORDWELL, Ethiopean Comedians, who will appear in their Ethiopean Drawing Room Soirees, original with Mr. and Mrs. Bordwell. To concludo with the Burlesque Oostra, in three acts, of LA SOM-AM-BULL-AIL.. Arnini (Dinah,) Mrs. A. Bordwell Liza (Susanab,) F. X. Arnold Dame TreEso (Aunt Polly,) Bordwell Elvini (Jumbo,) his let appearance in Opera, I. A. Paine J. A. Arnold Sanford Count (Dan Tucker,) Alessio (Lazy Joe) Seats min hn Beeured to anvat,te duriug the OpOra. Bni Office open from lo to 12 e. x. PROPOSALS FOR ARMY St I PPLIES OFFLOB OF COXIII, , SARY OF SUBSOITSINOF, Harrisburg, February 12th, 1862. Proposals will be received at this office milli 12 o'clock, a. , the 19th day of Febru try, 1862, for furnishing for the use of the United States army, at euch times and in su,:b quantities as may be required to be delivered prior to the 10th day of Haroh, 1862, the following subsistence (stores. 300 Barrele mess pork. 300 Barrels extra mess beef. 50,000 Pounds pilot bread in barrels, in good flour barrels. 260 Bushels first quality new white beans, in good dry barrels. 5,000 Pounds prime rice, in good flour barrels. 10,000 " Rio coffee, in barrels 16,000 " light yellow sugar, in barrels. 1,000 Gallons beet quality pure vinegar . 1,250 Pounds best quality adamantine candles, tell weight, one-fourth in sixes, and - three-fourths in twelves 4,000 Pounds good hard brown soap, full weight. 62 Bushels clean, hue, dry salt, in good tight barrels. Samples must accompany propetale of all articles, except meat—all the articles to be of the best quality, securely packed, and in per fect order for transportation. Bids will include packages and delivery at the Commissary's stores at this place. The meat will be inspected and passed upon by parties from this office on the part of the United States. All the stores will be carefully inspected and comp , rect with the retained &sta ples. Each bid must have a printed copy of this advertisement pasted at its head, and mast be specific in complying with all the terms.— Payments to be made la such funds as may be on hand. If none on hand, as soon as received. Proposals to be endorsed, "Proposals for Sub sistence Stores," and directed to H. JONES BROOKE, Capt. and C. S., Vol. Service, Harrisburg. fetkl2-dtd UNION it A Uit A.NT, BILLIARD AND BOWLING SALOON, NO. 119 MARKET STREET, NEAR-FIFTH. THE subscribers subscribers having erected a larg e A. building at the above plate, captaincy for the par.. Sea above indicated, beg to Tutu the attention of the pub lic to the following : The ItserrAintorr, on the Bret flo Ir, with a lining room attached, is fitted up in lint-claim style, and I, will at all times be suppled with the best OYSTE.ti to be had In too Atlantic cities, together with terrapin, Huh, and all nods of game In 861140 U. Oysters served op In every style, and meals to be had at all boors. The Mee of all the celebrated breweries In the country constantly on bend. The Ten-pin Alley, or Bowling Saloon, is in the rear, and contain' three alleys of modem coldtruction, where the lovers of this healthy exarcise cam enjoy the In ielvirs. The Billiard Saloon is up stairs—elogantly titled - atul ontindue three marble top c imbtoation co,bio4 ta bles, equal to any made. Harrisburg bee Killeen the want of a grand combin ation of this kind, and as the proprietors are determined to conduct It in a quiet end orderly manure, and do eve rything in their power to It a tae ion dile ro•tit they hope to receive a liberal Snare of public patronage. ja3-dtf WILLI t:4 C. iIei'ADDES k Ca JUST RECEIVED, ALARGE LO r of Black Silks. A Fine Assortment of Plain Dress Silks Eug. Rep. Mourning Silks. Small Bar Black and Purple Silks. A New Stock of Mourning Dress Goods. A Large Lime of Irish Linens, at old prices. A_ Full Stock of Skeleton Skins; Beet fu tarde ever manufactured. A Full Line of Eitnts Undershirts and Drawers. Furs ; Now clr slug out the stock. Balmoral Skirts ; creole. Marseilles Counterpaines ; At old prices. Allendale - Spreads ; .: a Cheep. A. Large Line of Towellings. Now open at CATHOAR IS, febl3-y Next door to the Harrisburg Bank. INSTRUCTION IN MUSIC. ALady, qualified, by a thorough hiuii cat Educuiroa acquired by a long coarse of woolly In Europe tioder-lhiskautit Idasters Inka by .everal sears of sucoessfut opattlag, deg - so a row pupas in Plano music aim stagily, Operatla and Balled st3 4 lles. MO( G. L., Boa 87, Harribburg, I'. ! vi'ViMPP OF. ADOLPH f': OULD rempeccttity hits old patrons and the &hire ktltialilly, Una ur will !nu. to *lgo instraellehe au tint. PLaNt s dd,.V.LEILDI and also in the seinsacs. rtlflittlt7Gß . 'twill twat pleasure watt ogee i.upptls at their at any hour desired, or 4.61:11,11.1 De riven a residence, Ist 4tre4, hraistgarS heloyi th • an ttatorlden etirtrdh. ter.lh-oti . ' a , 0M ' SEHINq NEW! k li OtiOneet for having gootit' and Shoos i not blaettened. Blacking that willigive • panda oa irkt or grewsiiotw. Just.the,thiWg for AlleAlmeei whelk • .ry one eatiess. etrord two or three pairs of shave or , vaw..tiwit indrartaathie,st -' , " • ' NICHOLS .4. BOW SI AMPS, ' Ii ~ ; ~ ,re .r . Fret and Harktt istreeta. Di 41.,Z All ILE .T EL ELALeSby' I , BOARDING EIOROOL , FOR BOYS I AZARETN, Northaglptol;k ciiputy Pa.. hoiiaccess from Ifarristnici yy: , A fi roa d • a and thence seven ages by.d.., • _ in.itut* Rev. EDWARD H. RWOa4, Principil,l SHAWLS! DRESS _GOODS ! _FULLS 11 4li LAUGE,stock of, these goods will be ditßototl,,,of.tyt my low prises. R.boe ford, Tess ~, eh et Coxacattpry, . Next door to the llarrialiord .fthli. .NIAOI3I.I , FERY OIL—We sell the pull, reliable iistural Labeleviting Oti (Uairatited bee ftasu rw3 ldt add acid ,) add equal to operm or lent in the ket.:„Refer to 4.t. 6,ar,..d ...ell, machinist mean , and &kers who are Wog it. . Hain GIIBFOLT, ken! for Labile Oil Oompany, Hardware store ow tbe Wort House. }ft-2w , " 8 CA ' (X)ALPANIO, ...-- • L riiir:i4u7nruiteat *4E 4 . past ; pro, PNQ 4+: 800106 ...--- • a. n. 20 801.1KwIlto AI[AY 1 HAY 11-50 tons superior baled Hay, for sale wbolesal• sad retail. by • JelOM M. WHIM&