• N . e ' 0 It _ BY GEORGE BERGNER. 111 I‘, I 1 KG RAP H IS PUBLISHED EMY DAY, (11101-V-IP, BERG-NER, lE=Ei BORSORLI'TION. TitanaAra Id served to subseribere tbe per VOieg Yearly subscribers will be w . , ' rod 11 GO, in advance Wgiei.v dNU SIMI-WEEKLY Tumours. The alko 'whitened twice a week during the Legie:4ture,•and weekly during the traveler the year, awl luridebed to subscribers al cash mats, Pa: .00 Eunacrthers per year Semi-Weekly ..$1 00 It ..12 00 22 00 1 00 Twisty -igh. subscriber, Weekly. RA IV OF ADVERTISING ir i cur lines or less constitute onmhallsquare. Right lIICE or More than roes constitute a square. Halt :quote, one day $0 25 one week 100 one month 2 00 three months .......... ........ 8 00 six months ........ ....... ..... . 5 00 ~ one year.. ....... ........ .... 8 00 0 ,, , , , ,: 4 , arc, 00,1 day ...4. . .... 60 one week 200 ~ one month 860 three mouths 6 00 .. six months 10 00 one year ......, .! . , .. ".15. 00 &F. Burmese notices inserted In ..... 'Lama . I Cohnon, or before Marriges and Deaths, FIVE CENTS l e ^ 4 T . Tv p, f n , e achimerlion , sir Marriges and Deaths to be charged as:regular rerteements _ filtbical. DB.. JOHNSON 33.ALIATI'llar.CAMI.313 LOCK HOSPITAL. HAS discovered the most certain, speeds Nod effeetual remedy te the world for DISEASES OF IMPEUDKNOE. 1111L111 , IN NCI TO TWILVI 801118 No Mercury or Noxious Drugs. . gralbas WAKUNTID, OR NO CHARD; 18 7101 OKs 18. I Two DATs.lligh Weakness of the Back or mbs, Strictures, Pains to he Loins, Affections of the Kidneys and Bladder, Organic tr.ak Bees, Nervous Debility, Decay of therhyrice Pow en, Dyspepsia, languor, Low Spirits,Confultionol deas„ mil dation of the ileart,Timuitty, Trembliugs, Dunned at Sight or Giddiness, Diseane of the Stomach, Affections of the Head, Throat, Nose or Skin—those terrible disor dere arising from the indiscretion or Solitary Habits of Youth—those dreadful and destructive practises which or od ace constitutional debility, render marriage Immo- Able, and destroy both body and mind. YOUNG MEN. Young men especially who have become the victims el solitary Vice, that dreadful and destructive habit which annually sweeps to an uhtfraely grave thousands of runs men of the most exalted talent and brilliant Intel lea, who might otherwise have entranced listening itAAIES with the thunders of eloquence, or waked to wt. hay dir living lyre, may call with Tull confidence. MARRIAGE. Marled persons, or those contemplating marriage be• a, - aware orrthysteaLw far mit IP agree tastfinrip P.n." ORGANIC WRARNSB immediately cured end full 'Apr ?admit. ' L ae rib places himself under the care of Dr. J. may religiously confide in his honor as a gentleman, and eon. ideolly rely upon his skill as a physician. sas - Office No. 7 South Frederick street, Baltimore ] oo the left hand side going Bons Baltimore street, turn trout the corner Be particular in observing the bane or number, of yea will mistake the place. Be par. titular Inc ignorant, Tiding Quacks, with false names, fir Paiiry Humbug Crrtnicetst, attracted by the repute eon al Dr. Johnson, lurk near All letters must contain a Postage Stamp, to DSO of the epty. . . . DR. JOHNSTON. Or. Johnson member of the Royal College of Surgeons, London, graduate from one of the meet eminent Collegell if the United! Rates, and the greatest part of whose life sae berm spent in the Hospitals of London, Pubs, Phila. .lelphis and elsewhere, has effected some of the most u• bobbing owes that wore ever known. Melly troubled with ringing in the oars and bind when asleep, great nes. founts*, being alarmed at maid on sound s, buhfuleetal. with frequent blushing, attemied sometimes with derange moat of mind wore eared Immediately, TARR PASTICULAIi NOTICE. lit 4. ...assure nll those who having Injured thew selves bt - to, to and hurroper indulgeneles, that secret and Benton , obit which rains bulb body and mind, en ening them ter either hummer or society. The, arc some of the sad and melancholy °items pro blem by early habits of youth, viz : Weakness of the Bach arid Limbs, Pains in the Head, Dimness of Sight, Less of Muscular frowor, Palpitation of tbp Heart, Dye reptia, Serrano Irritability, Derangement of the Digestive Functions, (Senora' nobility, gymptome Od f3snitunp• lien, he. MP.NtALLY ail•tanv, tbt fettrltil rilents on the mind are m ash tie readed of Memory, ConitaiOn of Ideas . , Do. ermine n 1 811rItn, trlt Porebodtuga, Aversion Ulbricht hilfdlitrutt, Love of ! olitude, Tiznidlth&., are some of the evil effects. Thstaods of persons of a ages, Gan now judge what rettEe of their (lodine In health, lotting their vigor, 'becoming •weal[, pole, nervous and emaciated, have erielar appearance about the eyes, Gough, and eymp its of rtnaemptton. YOUG who tatvliau l l themselvN W es byl N a certain practice, In ivp4a it nu' alone—a habit frequently learned from " 114 tawnitss, or et school, the effects of which are tinny WI, eves when asleep, and If not cured, renders 2 arrwe !roma:aria, and destroys both mind and body, ihir!,l apply ,onuettlately. 1141, a young man, the hopes of hie coun. try, th , ' darling at his parents should be snatched from all grakia, to hll.l enjoyments el life by the consequences or &Tinny. Irani theath of nature, and indulging In a mina Secret habit Sn •sh persona must, before content pheri MARRIAGE. edict that a sound mind and body are the most necemlarel rolteme, to promote com:this' happiness, Inde Miami that:, the journey through life becomes a weary %graham th e prospect hourly darkens to the view; the mad hecomrs ahadowed with despair, and Ailed with th Melancholy refection that the happiness of another be. comet blighted with our own. DE JOlN:tumid INVIGORATING RENNET FOR OE: GANIO wEARNE3s. , the great and Important remedy, Weakness of the wilts are speedily cured, and full vigor restored. thresanda of the most nervous and debilitated who tad Met ell bow, have bean immediately relieved, AD Mgelitneuta to Marelags, ehysimai or Mental Disqualle. mat, Nervosa, Trembling, Weakness or Exhaustion or lie met Martel kind, speedily oared. TO STRANGERS. Ile many thousands eured at thia Instintion within um ktteralre years, and the eumerous important Rarities Iterations performed by Dr. J,, witnessed by the re tort/a ef the papers, and many other portions. noticeshave appeared agent and again before the publ el ic, woo hA alarnigeg as a Malt/UPI of character and re• aauggirmo, la aso lout guarantee to the afflicted. arEAHER OF IMPRUDENCE—When the misguided and Imprudent rebury of pleasure Sods he has imbibed [ Pixels of this painful disease, It WO Often happens that P sense of shame or dread et discovery deters km from applying to those who, from education and re• Pethibility can alone befriend him, delaying till the con. National symptema of this horrid diseas e make their %mance, affecting the head, throat, nose, skin, an, Mgregaing on with frightful rapidity, till death pima timid to bourne hie dreadful sufferings by Sending him to "that 44 froni whence traveler returns.” It is a mat. , 4 , 6 ,1 9 fact that thousands fall victims to this terrible —w e. , owing to the utudellittlness of ignorant pretend :Pi 116i0, by the use of that deadly poisea, mercury, rale die c oaantution and make the residue et life miserable. Noises Diplomas hang in his ►i'Lettere meat contain a Stamp toss on the reply 4111- itecibEllee sent by Mail. ihhNo. 7 deutb Frederick street, Baltimore. %TIM-A.1141y tti,(;K•WlitaT MEAL d CORN ME o ' 4 reetivad an or Sale tor at Al' NICHOLS &WM st AN, corner Prone and Mark ßO et reets. 4 4 ,1 k, TUUTH , , HAT, Itti.,iTiuk4Rur.ilYz6ANT BK1:181EIRS, to vont 'variety szoa Lints of Ira oti & tratutportatioh PENNSYLVANIA RAIL, ROAD WINTER TIME TABLE. FIVE TRAINS DAILY TO AND FROM PHILADELPHIA ON AND AME MONDAY JANUARY 27th, 1862 The Passenger Traits; or the Pennsylvania Railroad Company will depart from and arrive at Harrisburg and Philadelphia as follows : EASTWARD. THROTIGHIMPRESSI TRAIN leav_ii Harrisburg daily at 8.20 a. m, and arrives at West Philadelphia at 7.40 FAST LINE leavee Harrisburg daily, (except Sunday,) at 1.00 p. m., and arrives at West Philadelphia at 6.10 P•m. MAILTRAIN leaves Harrisburg daily (except Sunday) at 5.66 p. Ds, and arrives at. West Shilsdelphis at 11.00 p. in. ACCOMMODATION TRAIN, via Mount Joy, leaves Harrisburg at 7.80 a. m., and names at West Phila. delpnla at 12.85 p. m. HARRISBURG ACCOMMODATION TRAIN, via Oo bta, naafi Thornburg at 2.00 n. tn.. and arrive, at Wad Ptdladalphia at 7,20 p. m. WESTWARD. THROUGH =PRES* TRAIN leaves Philadelphia at 10.80 p. m., Harrisburg at 3.06 a. m., Altoona 8.40, a. m., and arrives at Pittsburg at 1.28 p. m. MAIL TRAIN leaves Philadelphia at 8.00 a. m. , and ar rim at Harrisburg at 1.20 p. m.; leaves Hwrisburg at 9.00 a. m., Altoona, ISM p. m., and. arrives at Pittsburg at 9.30 p. FAST LINE hares Philadelphia at 11.28 a. m., Harris. barg 4.06 p. m., Altoona at 9.10 p. m., and arriving at Pittsburg at 1.40 a. m. HARRISBURG ACCOMMODATION TRAIN leaves Phil . delphla at 2.30 p. m., and arrives at Harrisburg at 8.00 P. 8,... MOUNTJOY ACCOMMODATION via Mount Joy leaves Lancaster at UAW a. m., arrives at Harrisburg at 1.80 P. In. The NEWS EXPRESS and PAPSENGER TRAIN will leave Went Philadelphia at 4.00 a. m.; Lancaster 7.07 a. m. Mount Joy at 7.43 a. m., Middletown at 8.26 a. m., and arrive at Harrisburg at 8.55 a. in,, connecting with ma Train west, front Harrisburg, 149.00 a. in. SAMUEL D. YOUNG, Supt. Mast, Div. Penna. Railroad. Harrisburg, January 24, 1862 Northern Central Railway CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. WINTIth LRRAWGEMENT, MIN MOM DAILY TO AND BIROS n A. 1.1T1M0R373. Close Connection made at Harrisburg TO AND FROM NEW YORK. SLEEPING CARS RUN ON ALL NIGHT TRAINS. (IN AND AFTER SUNDAY, NOV. 24, lJ 1.861, the Pawner Tralus of the Northern °antral Railway will arrive at and ddnart from Harrisburg and Baltimore an follows, vls : GOING SOUTH. MALL TRAIN arrives at Harrisburg 1.05 P x. and leaves a LAO P. 11. EXPRZIN u arrives at di A. 47 A. N. and 1011•11111 a 3.20 A M. EWING , NORTH. MAIL TRAIN leaves Bellmore at 8.26 A. „ . and arrives at Harrisburg• 1.00 P. M. and leaves North al 1.20 P. M. I'ItICEM MAIN leaves Baltimore 8.00 P. M. and *wives at Harrisburg.... 8.00 and leaves North at • 8.10 P.M. ' HARRISBURG AOOOILMODATION TRAIN Leaves Harrisburg for Baltimore ...... 8.45 A. Y. Returning—leaves Baltimore 111.30 P. M. The only train leaving Harrisburg on Sunday will be the Hypes Train, South at 8.20 A. M. For further Information apply at the Moe, le Poises Railroad Depot. JOHN F. ENRICH, Agent. Harrisburg, Nov. 28, 1361.—dtl WINTER TIME ARRANGEMENT. NEW Alit LIND ROUTE TIMID TULLIS DAILY TO NEW YOU, AND PHILADELPHIA WITHOUT CHANGE OF 0A83.i IgN AND AFTER MONDAY, NOVEM- Bia 4,1861 the Peeerager Trains will leave the adelphla POW Railroad Depot, al Harrisburg, for New York and P phle, as felbwe, via EASTWARD. UPRIEN LINK leaves Hanisburg at 3.80 a. M., on ar rival of Pennsylvania Railroad Ispress Train from the West, arriving la New York at 11.6 a. m., and at Phila delphia at 9.00 a. m. A sleeping car Is attached to Use train through from Pittsburg without change. NAIL TRAIN leaves Harrisburg at 8 a. 81.. arriving is NSW Yet at B.llop. m., and Philadelphia at 1.96 p. in, FAST LING leaves Harrisburg at. 1.40 p. ut., on arrival of Pennsylvania Railroad Put Nail, arriving in New York at 9.60 p. m., and Philadelphia at 6.40 p. m. WESTWARD. FAST LINE learnt New York ate son , old Philadek ptda at 8 a. a., arriving at Harrisburg at 1 p. se. HAM TRAIN leaves New York at, 1100 noon, and Phil. adelphla at 8. 16 p. nr., arriving at Harrisburg at 8.10 p tn. hIPERSS LINZ leaves New Fork at 8 p. m. arri ving at Harrisburg 1118.10 a. m. , and eonneeting with the Pennsylvania Express Train for Pittsburg. A sleeping car is alas attaohed to this main . Connections are made at Harrieburg with trains on the Pennaylsouna, Northam Central and Cumberland Valley Railroads, and at Raiding for Philadelphia, Pottsville, Wilkeebarre, Allentown, Uston, &c. Baggage checked through. Fare between New York arid Harrisburg, $5 00 gams , een Harrisburg an S. d Phila. seFloobia,r tickiLlitotelos.rlbtrormauendoraplitylntolio. CLYD.R, not General Agent, Harrisburg. IMPROVEMENT IN DENTISTRY. DR. P. H. ALLABACH, Burgeon Den tist, Manoractorer or Mineral PlebsTeeth, ths method that obviates every ablectkon to the mse or ark doled teeth, embracing Partial, ball and whole sets of one piece only, or pore and Indestructiale mineral, there are, no crevices for the acccumatation Grinnell pew of reed and therefore, no offensive oder from ttie breath, le no me tal is usedin their construction, there can be no galvanic action or metallic taste, Hews the India idual is not an n North docond street, Hanisberg. tertia-44 HARRISBURG, PA., WEDNEESDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 19, 1862. m. ill. f;.ross & to., D W. GROSS & CO., WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DRITGerISTS, MARKET STREET HARRISBURG, PEhICA. DRUGGISTS, PHYSICIANS, STORE• KEEPERS AND CONSUMERS, We are daily adding to our assortment of goods all such articles as are desirable, and would respectfully call your atention to the largest and best selected stock in this city, of DRUGS, CHEMICALS tt PAINTS, OM, Trarnisties and Wass, DyaStuffs, Mau and Patty, Artist Colors and Tools, Pore Ground Spices Gaining Fluid and Alcohol, Lard, Sperms and Pine Oils, Bottles, Vials and Lamp el Clasede Soap, Sponges and Corks, do., dro., dte., act.. dr.a., &e n am With a general variety of r . 04 1 /:l l : 4 :Vaatio)iff:ii l : 4 o4(tiff:i:l selected from the best manufacturers and . Pe tamers of Europe and thin country. Being very large dealers in PAINTS, WHITE LEAD, LINSEED OIL, VARNISHES, WINDOW GLASS, ARTIST'S COLORS, PAINT AND ARTIST'S BRUSHES IN ALL THEIR VARIETIES, - WIXTBEVASD J5ZW24.519:1 si IR.; ------- 7 ---- _—.-, p: 0 ~. ,c, ••••3,-.....77,.. • Ell 00. ?.,, Hn 4 -kali; • • 0 0 ---------- DPWr.jii .u2 llZo Di - We respectfully invite a call, feeling, cone deft that we can supply the wants of all on terms to their satisfaction. TEETH! TEETH 11 JONW 13 AND WHIMS'S PORCELAIN TEETH, PATENT MEDICINES AND HAIR RESTORA'IILVIiIS Of all kinds, direct from the Proprietors. Saponifier and Concentrated Lye Wholesale Agents for Saponifier, which we eel as low as it can be purchased in the cities. MAYER'S MEDICAL FLUID EXTRACTS COAL OIL I CARBON OIL 1 Being large purchasers in these Oils, we can offer inducements to close buyers. Coal Oil lamps of the most improved patterns, very cheap. All kinds of lamps changed to burn Coal Oil. FARMERS AND GRAZIERS, Those of you who have not given our HORSE AND CATTLE POWDERS a trial know no their superiority, and the advantage they are in keeping Horses and Cattle healthy and in vod condition. Thousands can testify to the profit they have derived from the use of our Cattle Powders by the increasing quantity and quality of milk, besides improving the general health and ttp pearanoe of their Cattle. Our long experience in the busbnes gives us the advantage of a thorough knowledge of the trade, and our arrangements in the citiee are such that we cart in a very short time furnish anything appertaining to our business, on the best of terms. Thankful for the liberal patronage bestow.) on our house, we hope by Maid attention to business, a cesehil selection of PURE DRUGS at fair prices, and the desire to please all, to merit a continuance of the favor of a discrim inating public. (WRAP SUGARS t l=osll at NICHOLS & BOWYAN, YIS corner hosaaad gandat streets NO. 19 OF ALL zrtilk. elistiUatuous. PULE BALE. 1N PIIRSUANUE of on order of the Or phans' Court of Dauphin county, Will be exposed to &de, od ! I 7 SATURDAY, the sth day of March, 1862, at the Court House In the city of Harrisburg at 2 o'clock, r. x,foLowing real adds, yin : A . certain two story house and plena . of ground situate in :kid i , Jur fit q ue and aitin ir, bounded and ficacr bed aa foible, to wit : Beginning ata point. ou South street.the corder of the piece of ground and hods formerly owned by Janice Williams, Weave feet and six Inches from Weet alley, tbe.wi al . did death streilrlowards High street twelve feet eucilifirsi thence or! a ltne parallel with dint WW alley irdst nitn atreetfoity:eix:feet earaches, thence on a line parillel with date street twave feet as twins towards West adey, thence on a line parallel with Weal alley lorty•slx feet six Inches Li the place of beginnbiz, together with the piece of ground adjoining the a toredfd house and ground on the west aide 'tiered; one foot wide on With street extending in delkh the =tune width ;w -allet with west alley thirty-two lest t- n inches, hang now used as an alley belonging to the atoresaid house and ground, whereon Is ere Ma a two Aory frame house, late the estate ofBU Z/Marti THfiliP7ON. deceased. Atteudance will be given sad conditi ma of male made known by DdVLD M. SuBINSON, Bliecutor of Bald de ceased. J4U. RaitaLaND, Clerk, 0. C., ftbri-dts "THE PEN MIGHTIER THAN TEE SWORD." Tug LARGEST STOOK, TEM ifot:BLiIIIIFiJL STSELHD AND PATTNICNS Or Gold and .Bilver Pencil and Pen Cases. In the market, is to be 'amid at BERGNKR'S CHEAP BOOKSTORE. FURSI FURS 1 ruEld t FURS Sable lure, Liberian Squirrel Furs, French Sable Fuss Sliver Martin Furs, Water blink Yore. • • - gaArS, ours .Lee inners, Lams Asitonginer. - !Great barsahut In these Goods. Every article warran ted to be exactly as represented, at CATHCART & BROTHER , nolS ' Next to the Harrisburg Bank. CELEBRATED DANDELION COFFEE. T UST HEOEIVSD a large quantity of ei superior Dandelion. 1:lonne, which we will sell low P. snit the times ; also ; pure ground filo Coffee and Tur key Oath* all put up in one pound packages. Call and examine It the wholesale and retail aroce.y store of NICHOLS k BOWMAN, corner of /rent and Market streets. NEW DRESS GOODS. EIIEBROIDERED REPS, Plan and Figured 'Rem Rich Figured all Wag Detainee, Plain Merinoes and . Cashmeres, Fancy Paris Drees Silks, Superior Plain Col o red Drees Silks; Warranted makes or plain black bilks, New Styles Low Priced Delalnes Ai WHOA= lc aaoranive siwatsizoorurtneffnack Market. Square. CHOICE LIGHT< READING. . 1 191 E SUTttelltr.ANDS, by , the author of "Rutledge/t Prieo $1.2& Also new editions of BUTLEDGE-Luniforrn with "The Sather sl.2s. • . • BEULAll—twenty-fifth edition-81.25. BAsr LYNNE—A? new Novel-50 cents. TOM TIDLER'S GROUND, by. Dickens, 25 eta. FOR BETTER, FOR WORSE, 88 ots. Together with all the New Books, soon as published at • BERGNER'S CHEAP BOOKSTORE. CD.' NI. 3M:FIEINC)JEL, TEANBILING,AGENr OF THE OW WALLOWER LINE. ri}HIS OLD TRANSPORTATION LINE 1 is gill in successful operation and prepared to carry freight as LOW as any other individual line between Phibuhdphia, HarrisburiOunbury,Lawlaborg, Williams sport, Je, say !Shore, look Haven, and all points on the Northern °antral, Philadelphia and aria, and Williams • pod, and Andra Railroads. Loud Agent, at Harrisburg, • D. A. iIIIANOIL C Ekestraent to PEAOOOIE, ZELL k HENOEINAN, Nos. Mt and 810 Mutat street, above Eighth, by 4 o'clock, 1"..11.,wi1l arrive at Llarritbarg, reedy for de livery the neit znoining. 0. B. tdURNOII, apll4t 4 'traveling Agent. . NEW CLOTHING STORE. SISLELLENBERGER & BROTHER, NO. 80 IiARICET STREET. (Room formerly occupied by the Podoifico.) MAE undersigned have just opened a 1. new and large thasortment of the latest stylea awning. We are also prepared to manufacture to order ad kinds of Gents Wear, cut to the haat elyie3 and faan - MU. We hare always on hand a large smoky& Ready made clothing and Gentleman's Funuanang Goods. MAWR& H. SHELLigNititatigit & BRO. COAL! POWDER!! COAL REDUCED 1 1 1 1 N considetation of the hard times, and L •s Laellesclualvely ins °ASH, I have rafter)d the price of Coal ea follows Lykette Valley Broken $$ $2 90 per ton " Large Egg sSO "Small/Mx " 290 66 {{ s tove 290t4 44 .. gg is N u t 641 226 Wilksbarre ,g 2 90 it 46 IJ:wherry " 290 " sigrAll Coal delivered by the Parts[ Wean Cam; it can oe weighed at the purchasers acor, aura Git Kis short 10 PuUSDS, the Coal wild be forfeited. All Loud of the best quality mined, ueltvered free from all impurities. sireoalsuld In ontities, at the UMW IMOtalt.U.a moss. Agent for Dupont's Celebrated Po order, a large supply always on band, at Manufacturers prices. agrA lane VA of superior baled slay for sale. yss Jams M. WHEELER. JOHN B. IMILITEC't3 BOOT & SHOE STOKE / CORNER SECOND AND WALNUT 81., Harrisburg, Ts. LwAirs on hand a large assortment of Aa. BOMB, MOBS, Gamuts, sic., of the very best iodates for Isdies, gentlemen, mid children' wear.— Prioekto =litho times. All kinds of WORK MADE To OBDIR in MS beet style by superior workmen ItSPAIBINB done at short notice. oetl&dtf JOHN B. WITH, Harrisburg. • TREO. F. BC . H.EFFER, BOOK AND JOB PRINTER, NO. 18, • HARKEY STREET, • HARRISBURG. .3rParticultr attention paid to Printing, Ruling and Binding or Railroad Blanka, Manifests, Ninnies, Macke, Dna', ma. printed at $2 3 $4, $4, and $6 per tituaband to ed t at le. B/0 LAD/El3 CORSETS, ALL OF THE DIFFZBENT SIZES, WHITE AND COLORED. She beet sulialb hianideetwied, esti be &en& at OATHCIAM, 4 . . den to the Banisburg Bea Y. BY THEO From Carlo, Jlinois. _.~.__. ARRIVAL. OF REBEL PRISON ERS FROM FORT DONELSON. The .Esoaped Rebels Bnptosed to hitve gone to Nashville. SUPPOSED DESTRUCTION OH' CURES VILLE BY THE REBELS, THE REBELS ADMIT TEAT TEE TAKING • 0.1? NASHVILLE KILLS REBELLION IN TENNESSEE. I=l The steamer Memphis arrived from Fort Don elson this evening, bringbig a Mississippi regi ment prisoners, and fifty or sixty , wounded sol diers, who were left at Mound City. Eight or nine other boats are on the way with rebel prisoners. The rebels who escaped are supposed to have gone to Nashville, where, or at Clarksville, it is supposed the rebels will attempt to make another stand. • • This eveniug a great light was seen for sev eral hours in the direction of Clarksville, and it is suppoired the rebels have either burned the town or their steamboats in the river, to pre vent them falling into our hands. The rebel officers admit that if we take Nashville, the rebellion in Tennessee is gone up. The prisoners will probably be sent to Camp Douglas to-morrow. From Washington. THE CELEBRATION IN THE CAMPS ON THE POTOMAC. NATIONAL SALUTE. The Capital to be Itlaminated on the Md. The Reported Capture of Savannah. WASHINGVDT, Feb.._l& The joy Crested by the great Union victories is Still fervent in this region. This morning the garrisons of the, forte and the batteries on the Upper Potomac, celebrated the victories with salutes, songs and every species of re joking. In all the camps the enthusiasm t ie loud and free. . - A national salute WAS tired at the Navy Yard to-day, in honor of the recent great victo ries. Congreaa has resolved to illuminate the pub in buildings on Saturday evening, the 22d DBE. The Diplomatic Corps have been invited to be present at the Capitol, on Saturday, at the. reading of Washington's Farewell Address, be fore the President and Congress. Several vessels ran the Potomac blockade in safely last night. The report of the capture of Savnnah is cor roborated by rumors from rebel sources. Nothing official from a Union source has been received. LATER FROM EUROPE ARRIVAL OF THE STEAMER EDINBURGH Departure of the Pirate Nashville from Southampton, THE TUSCARORA IN PURSUIT OF HER European Political and Commercial News. The Steamer Edinburgh, which took the place of the Etna, has arrived with dates to the 4th last. , Tne brig Fanny from Charleston, arrived Jan. Lit., at Liverpool, with a cargo of cotton and rosin. The steamship Bremen broke down a day or two before reaching Eouthampton, and wee towed into port, arriving there on the thbd. The Hammonia arrived at Liverpool on the third, anti the Canada reached Queenstown, on the fourth. The pirate Nashville left Southampton on the Bd, and passed the Tuscarora off Cowes, where she was anchored with steam up, but the British frigate bhannon was alongside to prevent her departure for twenty-four hours.— The Nashville was last seen outside of the Needles, steaming down the channel at full speed. The English journals generally applauded Earl Russell's letter to the Admiralty, relative to the use of British ports by beligerents. The Times says that the Government acted very wisely and impartially. The Post thinks that tee letter must give unusual satisfaction, and effectually check such irregular proceedings as those of the Tuscarora and Nashville. The Obsaver says that the American Govern ment is most anxious for a renewed effort for a trans-Atlantic cable, and offers to furnish half the means and ships if England does the same. It also says that it is reported that Cyrus W. Field undertakes another mission to England on the subject. Cabinet councils are frequent, preparatory to the meeting of Parliament, on the 6th instant. Slidell arrived at Paris on the Ist inst. A Madrid telegram, of the 2d, reports the Sumpter still at Gibraltar. A public demonstration was held at Florence against the reactionary journals, but the au thorities prevented a disturbance. The morning Post receives the report that the Arch duke Maxirolligul will 4W:Te throne , Oi Mexico. VIMINA, Feb. 9.—lt IS reported IR monetary circles in Venetia, that the government has decreed a forced circulation of the new money. Disturbances have taken place in Verona and Mantua. Austria will accept the throne of Mexico for Prince Maximilian, but will not cede Venetia in exchange. FROM FORTRESS itIONROIL Foitrams Moslem!, Feb. 17, via Baltimore. A thg of trace brought over a lady from Norfolk, but no newspapers. We understand that the Norfolk Dal hook of this morning makes no mention of the surren der of Fort Donelson, but represents the con test still going on. Nothing additional has been received from Savannah. The U. S. gunboat Harriet Lane arrived from Washington during lair. night. Although fired at on her passage d iwn the Potomac, but one shot struck her, slightly injuring her wheel-house. A contraband came in from Camp Bayard, at Great Bethel, to-day, having started on . Satur day night. He bringa no tuicamatiou of value. A severe rain storm has pievalled since mor ning, and there are now no signs of clearing up ; the wind is from the north. The steamers Stars and Stripes, Jersey Blues, and other steamers for Hatteras, are detained here by the weather. Gene, Feb. 17 THE SURRENDER OF SAVANNAH. ARREST OF TRAITORS. It is rumored by passengers by the. Fortress Monroe boat that news had reached Noriolk of the surrender of Savannah, without a gun be ing fired. S. S. Mille, the publisher, and Thomas B. Piggott, the editor of the notorious secession sheet, The South were this morning arrested and taken to Fort McHenry. FROM CLEVELAND. Firing of cannon all day ymterdey, mad bon fires and general rrjoicing, ail last night, in honor of the taking of Fort Donelson. XXXVIIth Congress--First Session. Mr. Hows (Wis.,) presented the joint resolu tions of the Legislature of Whatonein in favor of the relief of Ireland from famine referting to her brave sons who are winning glory for us on our battle fields. Referred. Mr. Halms (N. Y.,) introduced a bill declar ing the forfeiture of the rights and privlltges of certain persons under the Constitution of the United States. Referred. Mr. WILSON, (Mass ,) from the Judiciary Com mittee, reported back the joint resolution from the House in relation to certain railroads in Missouri. The resolution authorises the decre tau, of War to pay certain railroads in Mis souri, for the transportation of troops and supplik & Mr. Tntarstax, (Ill.) thought it involved the very important question of paying damages, and should be well cposidered. Peodiog the consideration, a message arrived from the House asking for the return of the resolutions. Mr. IStmos, (Mass.) introduced a resolution that the Committee on the District of Columbia, be instructed to inquire into the judicial man agement of the jail in the city of Washington. He had read a letter from Mr. Duval, stating that great abuses were committed in the jail, and esdeeially the flogging prisoners in a severe manner. Adopted. • The Senate was engaged during to-day in dis cuss:mg the case of Mr. Stark's right to to seat as Senator from Oregon, without arriving at any result. New Your, Feb 18. On motion of Mr. WASEGIIRMII, (II.,) the House took up the Senate juint res illation, ten dering,the thanks of Congress to Capt. Dupont and the officers and men under his command, for the decisive and splendid victory at Port Royal in November last. Also, the Senate r esolution tendering the thanks of Congress to the army and navy for, under the Providence of Almighty God,' achieving a series of brilliant victories over the enemy, and in behalf of the Union and the Constitution. Both were passed unanimously. The House concurred in the Senate's amend ment to the Fortification bill. Mr. STEMS, (Pa.,) from the Committee on Ways and Means, reported back the United States Note bill with dome mo liflcations. On ids motion it was made the special order fur to-morrow at 1 o'clock. Mr. SEDGIVIOZ, (N. Y.,) reported a bill to equalize the grades of the line officers of the Navy. Mr. THOMAS, (Mass.,) introduced a bill for the better administration of the law of prises. Mr. Thaw, (Hasa.,) introduced the following, which was unanimously adopted : Resolved, the Senate concurring, That the Commissioner of Public Buildings order the public buildings to be illuminated on Saturday evening, in honor of the recent victories or tatted by the Army and Navy of the United States. Mr. WAN:MINH introduced the following, which was unanimously adopted: Resolved, As a mark of respect for the mem ory of the brave men who have been killed, and'sympathy for those who have been wound-. ed in the recent victories of our arms in South Carolina, Kentucky, Tennessee, North Carolina and Virginia as well as a testimonial of the profound admiration of this House fur the per sistent and undaunted courage of all the offi cers anctsoldiers, sailors and marines engaged, and who have achieved for themselves and conferred upon the countuy imperishable honor and renown, that.this House do now adjourn. - The resolution, we unanimously , adopted, and the Rome.mordingly adjourned. PRICE ONE CENT. FROM BALTIMORE. Besnmois, Feb. 18 Celebrating the Viotory. CLIVELAZD, Feb. 18 WesmourroN, Fab. 18 STATE. ROUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES