paitp, Etitgrapt. HARRISBURG, PA Monday Afternoon, February 17, 1862. COTILLION PARTY.— A. social Hop will be given at the Exchange, Walnut street, under the auspices of Mr. Geo. Krause, on Wednes day evening. Weruar Ern, weak and inflamed eyes, are cured by Dr. Joss, at Herr's Hotel, Harris burg, Room 41•; also artificial eyes and ear drums inserted. SANFORD'S OPERA. HOUSE -" L 9 Sonambula" is up for repetition at this popular place of amusement this evening. This in connection with a rich fund of songs; oddities, oornicali ties and negro eccentricities, ought to insure a full house Sxoesu Tinuernes.--We had the satisfaction this morning of inspecting another seoesh shin plaster, as well as a button of the same proclivi ty, but worth decidedly more than the shin plaster. The shinplaster is a roughly executed lithograph on paper three inches by two, read ing as follows : "20 cents, Ist July, 1861. The Bank of the State of • South Carolina will pay B arer on demand Twenty Cents." As illus trating the scarcity of bill paper, even at that date, it is printed on the back of unused coupons of the Greenville railroad company, which had no doubt fallen by that time to a very moderate value. The button is the Pal metto one often before described, with the motto "Animus Opibusque Parati," and bears the stamp of the Scoville company, Waterbury, Connecticut; which company seems to have been manufacturing pretty extensively for Secesia, first and last. -__..,0,---- EXCITEMENT IN THE CITY.—The dispatch re ceived at the EVENING TELEGRAPH office last evening, and bulletined by transparencies at the windows, announcing the capture of Fort Donneism, created an intense excitement throughout the city, and our office was quickly besieged by a large multitude of people, anxious to learn the particulars of the great battle. The glorious news was received with the live liest satisfaction by our citizens, and the sanctity of the day alone restrained them from giving vent to their elated spirits by demonstrations of a more jubilant and em phatic character. This same feeling continued to manifest itself this morning, and from the mast head of more than a hundred flag•stalls throughout the city the "stars and stripes" un furled their meteor like hues in the ambient ak— a glorious token that amid the crash and din of the hard fought battle—Nile rockets red glare —the bombs bursting is air" —the good old flag of our fathers was again gilded with the sun of victory. A full confirmation of the glorious news will be found among our tele graph) despatches this evening. The " ROBIRTS' Guaan."—One of our corres pondents writing from Hilton Head, South Carolina, under date of the sth inst., thus al bides to the "Roberts' Guard," Capt. I. S. Wat erbury, of this city : "While I write, the " Roberts' Guard" are out on inspection, preparatory to move. I ob serve in the line ninety-six privates and non commissioned officers. Their arms and accou trements are in " fighting order" and the boys are anxious to move. The company is the largest in the whole expeditionary corps and attracts much attention. The officers and men are proud of this fact, and wish their friends at home to know it. It would indeed make a Harrisburger proud t) see the company' now in line—every man clean as a new pin, with white cotton gloves, and his shoes blacked and his limpsack neatly packed and his gun bright as a new dollar. But two are on taa sick list— Samuel Taylor and James Bupley. They are both convalescent and will be fit for duty in a few days. The paymaster has not made his appearance yet, and the men are anxious to see him. The suspension of payments by toe relief committee of Harrisburg is reported here. This has caused much anxiety among the men, as many of them have families depending upon them for support. Five months pay is now this Captain Waterbury's men, of which they will doubtless receive four months shortly, most of which will be sent home. Use your endeavors to keep up the relief fund during the winter at least. The men who are battling fur their country in the far south may not need' it, but their wives and children demand it from those at home whose duty it is to protect them from suffering and want. PRNNSYLTANIA TROOPS nr BAm.—The only Pennsylvania regiment that participated in the recent battle at Roanoke Island was the Fifty first, under the command of Col. Hartrauft. We find the following allusion to the regiment in the special correspondence of the New York Tribune: ..Gen Reno now came up with his brigade, consisting of the 21st Ma , sachusette, 51st New York, 51st Pennsylvania and 9th New Jersey, and pushing through the swamps and tangled undergrowth, took up a position on the right, with the view of turning the enemy. This was done with the greatest alacrity. Meanwhile the contest raged hotly in front, our men be having gallantly, not wavering for a moment. The 51asaachubetts men vied with the men of Connecticut ; those of New York and New Jersey courageously supporting their brethren of Pennsylvania. Our troops were gradually overcoming the difficulties which impeded their approach, and though fighting at great disadvantage, and suffering severely, were making a steady advance. Regulars were never more steady." The following is a correct list of the fleld, staff and line officers of this gallant regiment, as we we find it on the files of the Turaroaarn, published directly after the departure of the regiment front Camp Curtin : F.eia and Ate. Colonel John P. HartraniL Lieutenant Colonel Thomas S Bell. major Edwin retail. . Adjutant D P. Bible. Quartermaster John J. Friesty. Complain Her. D. G.. ij,,jj ery. Surgeon John P. Hosea. Assistat Surgeon J D. Noble. Serawnt Maj0r...... James Iredell. Quartermaster fergeant....Widiam L. Jones. Company t•ergeant'Amuel P. 2. teph mi. Hospital 5teward.........H. Dunn. . Band - Master.— ....... ...George W. Arnold. Use Officers. c o , Captains. First Lieutinants. Second Lieutenants. .11--W. J. Bolton. J. K. Bolton. A Ortlip. W. Bell. .1. H. Genther. D. N c _w . sabaugh. D. Huneicker. T. R. Lynch. D—Edward chall. L. Hallman. S. Fair. E--G.H.HassenplugJ. A. Morris. W- R . Foster, F.R.S. Taylor. L. S. Hart. J. C. Reed. 13--A.B Snyder. W. H. Blair. P. A. Gaulin. H—J. B. E. Lynn. o.4harkley. J. G. Beaver. B, pooe, G. W . Bislang. G. Schell. Titus. J. NAY. I. P. Beale. petinovivania iDailp telegraph, inantrah - Afternoon. februarp 17, 1862 NERVOUS DISEASES AND CHRONIC AFFECTIONS of all kinds, skillfully treated by Dr. Josas. Cataract operated for, and crossed eyes made straight by Dr. Jones, of New York, who will remain at Herr's Hotel rishort time. THE PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD AND SICK VOL IINTRERS.-WO learn that the Pennsylvania Railroad company are daily shipping articles for the sick soldiers in our various camp hospi tals, for the sanitary commission, free of freight. This is an act which the sick soldiers, far from home and kindred, will duly appre ciate. " GIDEON'S BAND." —The refrain of "Gideon's Band" has become quite popular in the Penn sylvania encampments, but from the following incident it is apparent that its popularity does not extend to other regiments. A day or two since a party of officers were walking up the street, when they met a Major of a regiment from the Ralph-AWL After the customary greeting, the MWas informed the party were about to enter a public house, ear by, and his presence was requested, if he belonged to "Gideon's Baud." To the amusement of all, he calmly and innocently observed: No ! I have never seen the Band. I am a Major in the New York regiment." The matter was explained, and the Major footed the bill." -.- Tan Powan or Musro.—lt has always been a favorite idea among the poets, that the love of music was to be found in every human breast. It is true that most men have an innate love of melody, but it requires cultivation to be brought out in any prominence, We have known ex• ' cellent citizens, fathers of families and church men, who could not even whistle Yankee Coddle, and who could not distinguish " Old Hundred " from " Still so Gently o'er me Stealing." Children are fond of music, but they are more fond of novelty. A hand-organ pleases them, but when the attractions of a wretched monkey in crimson cap and plaid in expressibles are added they go into ecstacies This morning we tioti::ed a crowd of ad miring urchins collecting around an itinerant musician whO was grinding out, on what ap peared like a hurdygurdy, a combination of doleful sounds, such as might be given out by an orchestra consisting of a penny trumpet, a fife, a comb and a jewsharp. Orpheus is said to have drawn the sticks and stones after him by the music of his Mute. If he had played Savoyard tunes on a hurdy-gurdy he would have been able to lead a much longer proces sion of minerals and vegetables. Tns "Buorraus."—No other regiment in the service, perhaps, enjoys such a wide-spread reputation as the "Bucktails,' or Kane Rifles, which, our citizens will remember, spent seve ral mouths of its early existence at Camp Cur tin, near this city. The peculiar names they have given themselves, and their peculiar mode of dress, by which, from all others, they are so readily distinguished, have no doubt assisted in bringing this excellent regiment so promi nently bet; re the public—to say nothing of their courage and fighting capacity, as exhibi ted in their recent conflict with the rebels at Dranesville. The "Bucktails" are as fond of fun as they are of fight. Recently, as we are informed by a correspondent, the larger portion of the regiment, then at leisure, enjoyed the rare sport of a fox chase, though necessarily on a less extended scale than is usually allotted to sport of that kind. The fox was driven from his lair, in an ad joining wood, and presented himself a short distance from the line of the regiment, when nearly all hands started off, helter-skelter, after the fashion of a "scrub-race," in hot pursuit. The poor fox did not run far before he was com pletely surrounded, and escape seamed impos sible. Yet he managed to elude their grasp, but was finally captured by one of the outer pickets, on a desperate bayonet charge, which had the effect merely to wound him, and thus save his foxship for another chase. In the wild pursuit given by the "Bucktails," several of them suddenly came upon a " headlong steep," and down they went, to the number of a score or more, one upon the other, until, finally, they reached the bottom in a " mass of confusion " more easily imagined than described. Nobody was hurt, however, and ail hands greatly en , joyed the spurt. " Tune SAT."—We shall not attempt, for we could hardly expect to succeed, in portraying the deformities of a character so repulsive ae the " They Say" of society. The reputations of men and ..women, good and bad, old and young, are alike withered by its blighting influ ence. "They Say" is a convenient mask for the slanderer from behind which to emit the foulest libels, the most scandalous rumors and the vilest insinuations. It is astonishing how many thoughtless persons there are to seize the petty scandal or m ilicious insinuation, and give it currency, without pausing to consider its probability or the consequences of promoting its circulation. "They Say" is a demon who spreads a moral malaria that invades every cir cle, destroys the peace of families, blasts repu tation, sows discord, engenders strife and heart burninge, withers friendship, poisons the foun tain of love, and even desecrates the altar. The habit of repeating its utterances grows apace with the least indulgence, and produces results of the most painful character. How many feel ings and affections are sorely lacerated, and that not for the time only, but how often do the slanders thus germinated live to injure the good name and fame of many for years after. Who has escaped its baleful influence? How many can trace their most poignant sorrow to some heartless utterance, exaggerated by repe tition, and to be traced in its origin only to the übiquitous " They Say ?" This fiend is ever busy scarring the reputation, magnifying the frailties, and torturing the moat innocent con duct and actions of men. Private reputation is a priceless jewel, and we envy no man's or wo man's heart who will lightly trifle with it, by heeding or giving currency to "They Say" ru mors, affectine the character of a neighbor. How much more wicked it is when it assails the absent, who cannot meet its accusations, but must suffer without the opportunity to repel it, it may be, until too late to avert the evil it has entailed. It is a very safe rule, when you have nothing good to say about your neighbor, to keep your mouth shut. Above all, let the " unruly member " be stilled against the utter ance of "They Say" rumors. Tribute of Respect. At a meeting of Company G, 93rd Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteers, the following pream ble and resolutions were passed unanimously: WHEREAS. It has pleased Divine Providence to remove from among us Mr. Benjamin Care, one of vur most esteemed comrades—one who, by his many excellencies of character, had won the love of all who knew him ; therefore Resolved, That in the death of Mr. Benjamin Care we lose one of our most valued comrades Resolved, That we sympathise with his rela tions and friends in this their hour of great trouble. Resolved, That a copy of the preamble and resolutions be sent to the friends of the de- ceased in Highapire, and also be published in the Harrisburg papers, the Dauphin Journal, the Lebanon Journal, and the _Knapsack. Capt. D. G. BOYNTON, President. Corporal F. 0. Witrrutuf, Secretary. I=l GENERALS PLLLOW, FLOYD AND BDOSNIAB.—The glorious news of the Union success at Fort Donelson, and the defeat and capture of rebels in all quarters, we hope will be ratified in the capture and suitable disposition of the princely rebels Pillow, Floyd and Buckner. Wuen bad men and bad measures are promptly cared for, we can confidently expect peace and happiness, and instead of wasting our substance in war, we can take advantage of the new goods at the cheap dry goons store of llama & Bowatax, cor. Front and Market streets. mgt. Two HUfiDBID PIECES of beautiful new spring calicos; a large lot of bleached and unbleached muslin of the best make ; blue checks, at 124 cents per yard ; white stockings, at 124 centscents • another lot of those good white rib bed ; • ladies' pocket handkerchiefs, at 124 cents; Children's pocket handkerchiefs, with border, 6 cents ; shirt breasts 124, 15 and up to 874 cents; 26 pieces new pant stuff ; undershirts and drawersvery cheap ; cotton and woolen socks, at all prices ; 40 dozen woolen stockings, for children, 124 cents; 14 yard bleached muslin 124 cents; all wool French merinos, all colors, at 62 and 75 cents. Having bought the balance of the stock of a city wholesale heuse of plain - and figured Swiss muslin, brillants, white cam brics, Nausuck and Victoria lawns, suitable for dresses, as those goods will be very scarce and dear next summer now is the time to buy. Our stock of Furs at cost. S. LBWY, TICE LATEST NEws.—Bargains I Selling off the entire stock of winter- goods below cost, viz : Woolen, merino, cotton and canton flan nel, under shirts and drawers, 40 and upwards; woolen mufflers, woolen and cotton Hose, 104 arid upwards ; silk ties, 18 and upwards ; suspenders, 12 ; also fine shirts, $1 00@1 25, actually worth $1 50®1 75 ; collars, all linen, 12i, and night shirts, 60 ; also a large lot of monkey jackets, all wool, from. 75c451 00 ; also a large lot of Union shirt breasts, 100.; fine bleach muslin, 1.11- yard wide, 15e.; also bleached m usl in An., and fine Irish linen,lB 20c. per yard ; Brooks, Clarks and Coal's enambled spool cotton, 4c. Ladies and gentlemen this is the place to get a bargain. Please call ant ex amine for yourselves, as one call will suffice to convince the public of the above .acts. Also, on hand a large lot of ladies' collars, cuffs, nu dersleeves, which I will sell equally cheap for cash. N. B.—Shirts, collars, &c., made to measure or from sample, on the shortest notice and most reasonable terms It you want a bargain and a good fitting shirt, &c., just to go James A. Lynn, at the Harrisburg Cheap Shirt Manufactory, No. 12 Market street, rooms next to Hummel & Sillinger's grocery store, Harris burg, Pa. feblo. PRESERVE YOUa REAYTf, SYMMETRY OF FORM, YOUR HEALTH, AAD MENTAL eoWERS., By using that Rafe, Pleasant, Popular, and Specific Rem edy known as HE LMBOLD'S FMB , ICT BUCHtI. Read the Advert foment in another oolumn, and profit by it— • Dims( s and Symptoms Enumerated Cut it out, Preserve it. kou may not now require it, But may at some Fhture Day. "It gives health and vigor to the frame, And bloom to the pallid amok." It saves 'Dag buffering and exposure. Beware of Counterfeits 1 Cures Guaranteed. jtS-dsw2m A CARD TO THE L&D110 DR. DUPONCO'S GOLDEN PILLS FOR FEMALES "Read the following certificate" from one of the firs t ladies in Utica, N. Y., who called span my agents in that city (Ur. Wm. Bristol h. C 0.,) and told them that she, of course, did not wise her name made public, but if any oue should doubt the won feria! efficiency of DR. DIMON co's Golden Pills, they might refer any Lady to her, as she considered it a duty, as well as a pleasure, to her Knowledge of their efficacy, as administered to her daughter, a young lady 17 years old. the was fast go ing into cone imption—had taken cald—nature became obstructed. Two boxes of these Golden Pills entire ly cured her, and sue is now in r,bust health “We were particular in buying the genuine. Full and explicit directions accompanying each box. Price sl. Sold wholesale and retail by 0. A BANNVART, No. 2, Jones Row, nd C. K. Emma, 91 Market street, Harris burg, By sending either of them $1 00 through, he Harrisburg Poet Office the Pills will co cent confidentially by mall to any part of the country; "free of postage." B.—Look out for counterfeits. Boy no denten YID of any kind unless the box is signed S. D. Howe. Ail others is u base imposition and unsafe; therefore, as you value your livea and health, (to say nothing of be lag humbugged out of your . money,) buy only of thous who show the signature of S. D. Howe on every box, which ban recently sees added ea account of the Pills being nounterleited. The ingredients composing the above Pills are made known to every Agent, and they are safe, and will perform all claimed for them. Sold also by, T. L. Lumberger, Lebanon ; A. J. Kauff man, Mechanicsburg; 14. marks, Lewistown ; S. Elliott. Garlise B. G. Wild, Newville ;J. C. Altick, Shippens, burg; .1 - Spangler, Chamtiersburg ; E. T. miller, York; J. A. Wolf, Wrightsville ; 8. 8. Stevens, Reading ; and K. P. Hunter, Reading, and by "one eruggist" in every town and village in the United States, and by B. D. MOWS, e 3 4m Sole Proprietor, New York. HAIR DYE! HAIR DYE! I Wm. A. Batchelor's Hair Bye I The only Harmless and Reliable Dyer Known I All others are mere imitations, and should be avoided if you wish to escape ridicule. GREY, RED OR RUSTY HAIR dyed instantly to a beautiful and natural Brown or Black, without the least injury to Bair or Skin. FliefifEN hir , DALS AND DIPLOMAS have been awar ded to Wu. A. BATOEINLOR sins ISA, and over 200,000 applications have been made to the hair of the patrons of his famous Dye. Wu. A. BATCHELOR'S HAIR DYE produces a color not to be distinguished from nature and is WAELLIIIITID not to injure in tile least, however long it may be contin ued, and the ill ...Abets of bad Duds remedied. The hair is invigorated for life by this splendid Dye, which is prop. only applied at No. 16 dond Street New York. sold la &lithe oitee and towns of the United States, by Druggists and Fancy Goods Dealers The Genuine has the name" William A. Batchelor," and address upon a steel plate engraving, on the four tides of each box. Wholesale Factory, Si Barclay St., Late 233 Broadway, New York onl2-dawlg SCHEFFER'S BOOK STORE ! (Near the Harrisburg Bridge.) Sl.2s.l.??!cs e lyp ti p from the which we will sell at 11,25 per ream. .44.1 , 0 per ream for eNOTE PAPER., decanted with the latest and very handsome emblems and patriotic mottos. 23.50 for 1000 Orlinte ENVELOPES, with national ee•i pariahs emblems, printed In two colors. Please give us a nail. TETA . E. SCR EFFER, .1e2:2 , 1 Plarrtitha g AUGUSTINE L. CH A.YNE. CARPENTER AND BUILDER. Rosidoce No. 27 North Second Street N. B—JOBBING ATTENDED TO. NEW Fruits, Currents, fiaisins, Citron and Lemons, at the new Wholesale and Retail, Gro, eery and Provision Store, corner front and Market street, Harrisburg, Pa. MIOUOLO R BOWMAN) TO GRAIN CONTRACTORS. THE BALTIMORE BAG FACTORY, No. 77 South. Street, Baltimore, Md. IS PREPARED to furnish Government Contractors and others with Linen or Cotton of all saes, promptly for cash at low prioes. Oats and Corn o,ntracVn will find it to their advantage to give me a call. JOHN C. GRA FFLIN. Baltimore, Jan. 17th, 1862. 24-2md* WILL be sold at Public Sale at 10 o'clock A td., an 8 4,TURDAY rim EIGHTH DAT OP FEBRUARY, a 1862, at the Court House 3n Har risburg, the following valuable Real Fatale, viz : A certain lot of Ground situate,' to Upper Swatara township, I tauthin county, about one wiener Cl a mile be!ow the line of the city of flirrisburg, containing nine acres, m.,ro or lees, on which is erected a large ilistillerV (known as the Keystone Distillery,) together with a suffi cient number of Pens for feeding one thousand Hoge; al so, other out buildings necess , ry about an establisnment of the kind. The Distillery is located ou the Peunsylvaniq Railroad with a siding belonging to the proper) y, the Pennsylva ma Canal making hie boundary line of the east end of said property. Any ereon wishing to examine the premises before the flay of sale, will please odi on air John Young, near the same, who will give any information that may be re quested. If ihe premises should not be sold on said day they will be for rent, Attendance will be iJaen and oonditiona of sale made known by j 23 JACOB L BIEL UNION'RESTAURANT, BILLIARD AND BOWLING SALOON, NO. 119 MARKET STREET, NEAR THE subscribers having erected a iarg e building at the above I.praiely for the per. o sea above indicated, beg co call tan atteniiou of the pub lic to the folloariu‘i . TEL kiIitSTAITRAvT, Oct the first to m, with a .41ning room attached, is fitted up in drat-chess style, and it will at all times .'e sappled with the best t tYSPEK9 to be had le the Atlantic cities, together with terrapin, dsh, and all hinds of game in season. Oysters served ep in every style, and meals to be had at all hours. The Ales of al , the celebrated breweries lo the country constantly on hand. The Tee-pin Alley, or Bowling Saloon, is in the rear, and contains three alleys of modern construction, where the lovers of this healthy mercies caa enjoy elle in;elves. The Billiard Saloon is up-stairs—elegantly Iltied up, and contains three marble top c imbination cubhiou ta bles, equal to any made. Harrisburg has .nag felt the want of a grand combin ation of this kind, and as the preprietors are determine to conduct it in a quiet and oraerly meaner, and do eve rything in their power to m it a fag ion ebbs re-ca t they hope to receive a liberal snare of public patronage. jali-dtf . WILLIAM. C. bIe„FaDDIIN & 00. Rhoads' Old Stand LARGE LO C of Black Silks. aIA Fine Assortment of Plain Dress Silks. Eng. Rep. Mourning Silks. Small Bar Black and Purple Silks. A New Stock of Mourning Dress Goods. A Large Lime of Irish Linens, at old prices. A Full Stock of Skeleton Skirts; SCRIEFFRLIN BROTHERS & CO., W HOLE3ALE D itUprGISTS, AND DEALERS in *Fancy Goods, Per fumery, an. also agents for the title of Refined Petroleum, Illuminating till, siperior to any coal oil ; furnished in any quAmitles at the lowest mareet rates. 170 and 172 William. Street, . - -,NEW YORK. Ja27-116m FOR- SEWING MACHINES. JONAS BROOK & BBo'B PRIZE MEDAL SPOOL COTTON. 200 d 600 YDS. WHITE, BLARE & COMMIS°. HIS thread being made particularly for .j . eying Machines, is VERY STRONG, Rllooril AND ELASTIC. Its strength is not impaired by weaning, nor by friction oC the needle. For itadtiaes, use arOOkb' Patent Glace, FOR UPPER THREAD, and Brooks Patent Six Cord, Bed Ticket, FOR UNDER THREAD, Sold by respectable dealers throughout the country.— Also, IN casse or /00 xxasx neon, Amor:rim Nos, by WM. kIEN&Y SEIM, Solo Agent. " nog-d6m 36 Voseystreet, New York. UMBRELLA MANUFACTORY 1 No. 69, Market Street, below Third, O e FL/ARUM*, PA. M. H. LEE, MANUFACTURER OF UMBRELLAS, PARSOLS and WALKING CANES, Witt furnish goofs at umeatll.Vd:B titan can be bougtu in any of no , era eitiett. - y m rotr.oo will .0 well to aUandexaati:e peitt,a t tut ttity, matte n ciut; - elVtts ut tin fact. aU23-tlly PORT FOLIOS I wBITING DESKS, - TRAVELING BAGS, PURSES, PORTMONAIES, And aigeneral assortment of FANCY GOODS have just been received at BJERGNER'S CHEAP BOOKSTORE SURGEON 13ENTISTa iIoPERS his services to the citizens o Nj Harrisburg and ita vicinity. He solicits a share o tun public patronage, and given .siturance that his bast endeavom shall be given to read r satisfaction is his pro fession. Being inlaid, well tried cm*, he feels sate in nvitmg the public generally to call on him, assuring hem Mat they will not be dissatisfied with his services, Office No, 128 Market street, in the noose formerly Ge mmed by Jacob& Eby, near the [Jutted States Hotel, Harrisburg. Pa. myB-dl3, NEW VENITION BLINDS made to or devfor .the small sum of $2, $2 50 and $3. New Minds made .out of old ones a . equal low mew for Buyout) , live cents a piece and upwards. C aLL and s..* at my shop, in secohd street, below Chesnut. feb3-lm A. R. 811. tRP. CEDAR TUBS, BASKETS, BROOMS and everything in the line, just received in large quantities and for WO ve, y low by DCCK, ..r , & Co. MACKEREL Nos. 1, 2 and 3 in all sized pact. ages. A large supply Jost received, and each package warranted as represented, nor sale by W DOCK, Jr., & Co• MORE LIGHT I ! CHEAP LIGHT !!! AGREAT reduction in the price of EXTRA No.l BURNING OIL, ( Warranted not sz,tositieo has . taken place. It will pay all who purchase. Burning oils by the barrel or mall quantities, to buy at OILBEKT'S f4-2w Hardware store, opparitethe Court. House. FAMILY WAbLLING BLUE, an excel lent substitute for Indigo, for sale at the wholesale and retail grocery scare of FEt liEz Choice Teas, Black and Green, in K„ and 1 pound papers. fur solo at NICHOLS t BOWMAN'S IS corner Frnnt nod Market streets. CRUSIitD, br( ken loaf, fine and coarse pulvehind and other E wars fo - nil. by NILIIOLAS & BOWMAN, anner Ffont and ?market Wrests. CUAL OIL, warranted non-explosive several brands for sale log by NICHOLAS as BOWMAN. febll Corner Itront and Market streets. IN no ablittlismettts PUBLIC SALE JUST RECEIVED. Best ai tele erer manufactured. A Full Line of la nts Undershirts and Drawers Furs ; Now elceing out the stock. Balmoral Skirts ; Lrocte. Marseilles Counterpaines Ai old Frees. Allendale Spreads ; c neap A Large Line of Towellings. Now open at CATHCAR IS, iebl3l Next door to the Harrisuurg Bank WHOLESALE D.R. T. J. MILES, BLINDS ! I BLINDS I! I NIOITOLB & BOWMAN, corner of Froat and Market streets Ntir 2thaertistinents To Destroy—Rats, Roaches, &c. To Destroy—Klee, Moles, and Antal" To Destroy—Bed-Bugs. To Destroy—Moths in Furs, Clothes, &c. To Destroy—Mosquitoes and Fleas. 70 Destroy—lnsects on Plants and Fowls. To Destroy—lnsects on Animals, &c. To Destroy—Every form and specie of Vermin "c ,c VERMIN EXTERMINATORS. THE 'ONLY INFALLIBLE REMEDIES KNOWN.' =I EVERY FORM AND SPECIES OF VERMIN. Those Preparations (unlike all others) are "F-es from Poisons." "Not dangerous to the Human Family,': "Rats do not die on the ptemites." "They come out of their holes to die." "They are the only infallible remedies known. "12 years and more established in New York city." Used by—the City Post Office. Used by—the City Prisons and Station Raises. Used by—the City Steamers, Ships, &c. Used by—the City Hospitals, Alms-Houses, &c. • Used by—the City Hotels—`Astor' 'St.Nicho as,' &c. Used by—the Boarding Houses. &0., Used by—more than 0,000 Private Families. irSee one or two Specimens of what is everywhere said by the People——Dealerv, HOUSEKEEPERS—troubIed with vermin need be so no longer, if they use "CosrAß's" Exterminators. We have used it to our satis faction, and if a box cost $6 we would have it. We had tried poisons, but th'•y effected nothing but "COSTAR'S" articse knocks the breath out of Rats, Mice, Roaches and Bed-Bugs, quicker than we can write it. It is in gtrat demand all over the country.—Medina (0) Gazette. MORE GRAIN and provisions are destroyed annually in Grant county by vermin, than would pay for tons of this Rat and Insect Killer. Lancaster (Wis.) Herald. HENRY R. COSTAR—We are selling your preparations rapidly. Wherever they have tier n used, Rats, Ake, Roaches and Vermin disappear rapidly. EWERS & STOUFMI, Druggists, Windsor, Md. "Costar's" Rat, Roach, &c. Exterminator.i "Costar's" " Costar's " Bed-bug Exterminator " Cos! ar' s " Costar's " Electric Powder, for Insects, Sm.' IN 21c. SOc. AND 81,00 BOYS'S, BOTTUM AND FL 4SE9, $3 $5 SUM raa PLANTAnoPis Hairs , BOATS, HOTELS, stO. CAUTION!! To prevent the public from being imposed upon by /Spurious and Highly Pernicious Imitations, a new label has been prepared, bear ing a lac simile of the Proprietor's signature.— Examine each box, bottle, or flask carefully be fore purchasing, and take nothing but "Cos tars.o or Sad Everywhere—by All WsonssaLs Dammam in the large cities. Some of the Wholesale Agents in New York City. Schieffelin Brothers & Co. B. A. Fahnestook, Hull & Co. A. B. & D. Sands Sr. Co. Wheeler & Hart. James S. Aspinwall. Morgan & Allen. Hall, Ruckel & Co. Thomas & Fuller. P. D. Orvis. Karel, Risley & Kitchen. Bush, Gala & Robinson. M. Ward, Close & Co. McKisson & Robbins. D. S. Barnes & Co. F. C. Wells & Co. Imzelle, Marsh & Gardner. Hall, Dixon & Conrad FOX-AND OTEIRR3. Philadelphia, Pa. T. W. Dyott Sr, Co. B. A. Fahnestoek & Co. Robert Shoemaker & Co. French, Richards & Co.,—AND °THUR. AND BY DRUGOI6TB t Gammas, buntEKSIPERS and lirrAlle YRS generally in all COUNTRY Tow and VILIAGNA in the UNITED STATES. HARRISBURG. PENNA Ir Sold by D. W. Gross & Co., AND C. K. Keller, Principal Wholesale and Retail Agents at Harrisburg, and by the DRUGGISTS, STORE ICZEPEIN and RETAILERS generally. Courny Dzsixas can order as above. Or address orders direct=4nr if Price. Terms, is desired, gfr semi f o , [1862] Circular, giving reauced Prices] to HENRY R. COSTAR. PRINCIPAL Dwor—No. 512 Broadway--(Oppa mite the St. Nicholas Hotel,) New York. febl2-dem SANFORD'S NEW OPERA HOUSE THIRD STREET BELOW MARKET. Admission, 25 cents Orchestra Chairs, 50 c-nta Seats in Private Boxes, 75 cents. Entire Box, $6 OD. Doors open 64 o'clock ; Commence at 74 o'clock. Re-engagement of the Celebrated Cantatrice, Mrs. ANNA BORDWELL, Mr. W. BOEDWELL, Ethiopean Comedians, who will appear in their Ethiopean Drawing Room Soirees, original with Mr. and Mrs. Bordwell. To conclude with the Burlesque o , era, in three acts, of LA B OM-AM-BULL-AIL Amini (Dinah.) Mrs. A. Bordwell Liza (Susanab,) F. X. Arnold Dame Tresso (Aunt Polly,) Bordwell Elvini (Jumbo,) his Ist appearance in Opera, I. A. Paine Count (Dan Tucker,) J. A. Arnold Alessio (Lazy Joe) Sanford Seats can be secured in aavanee during Lila Opera Box (Ake open from 10 to 12 a. M. PROPOSALS FOR ARMY SUPPLIES OFTIOR OF COMEIFBAILY OF SUBSIFFEBUR, Harrisburg, February 12th, 1862. Proposals will be received at this office until 12 o'clock, as., the 19:h day of February, 1862, for furnishing for the use of the United States army, at such times and in such quantities as may be required to be delivered prior to the 10th day of March, 1862, the following subsistence stores. viz: 300 Barrels mess pork. 300 Barrels extra mess beef. 50,000 Pounds pilot bread in barrels, in goo.l flour barrels. 250 Bushels first quality new white beans, lo good dry bale's. 5 000 Pounds prime rice, in good flour barrels. 10 000 • " " Rio coffee, iu barrels 15,000 " light yellow sugar, in barrels. 1,000 Gallons best quality pure vinegar. 1,250 Pounds best quality adamantine candles, full weignr, one-fourth in sines, and three-fourths in twelves 4,000 Pounds good hard brown soap, full weight. 62 Bushels clean, fine, dry salt, in good tight barrels. Samples must accompany proposals of all articles, except meat—all the articles to be of the best quality, securely packed, and in per fect order for transportation. Bids will include packages and delivery at the Commissary's stores at this place. The meat wit be, inspected and passed upon by parties from this office on the part of the United States. All the stores wilt be carefully inspected and compared with the retaine I sam pies. Each bid must have a printed copy of this advertisement pasted at its head, and must he speritic in complying with all the terms.— Pa) ments to be made is such funds as may be on hand. If none on hand, as soon as received. Propose's to be endorsed, "Proposals for Sub sistence Stores," and direct , d to H. JONES BROOKE, Capt. and C. S., Vol. Service, Harrisburg. feid.2-dtd CURE OF SUFFERING AND DISSASE lliROUG1:1 WARING Clairvoyant per il_ cepti n of the causes of disorders, DIL ADDIS() N, the celebrated Medical Examiner has arrived at Harris burg and taken Room No. 45 at the Jones' Rouse. where h 3 will rem in a short line tor medical examina tion of persans atllcted who any form of disease or sul tanas. The remareaule correotdess of the lEa,vrie ige he acquires of e inn person's case WillauLL ailing any questions whatever, is fully shown to ease one heix amines, by his 3.0301133L3 t ieir d sensation arisma (rum the dis .rddrs ne d ids existing in ths ays tma, the blood or any organ ail,enl, In c insole:nice of tabs, his cures in Phdadephia sad - so , ton aat Cit3er ph. es w lure tie hw praotioel t, ail extent, have oxen numerous and remarsable for many or the moth ext - eme nose, , have been brought to his care, and hi: suezess in prompt relief and speedy ressoratton of Ms patient in health mad comfort, has correspodded wits bi • great skill in mastering and snowing ma nature of compisints. D r . Addison's Fr.minatione and Consultations are made sri hout chagre, ao that a Vidit to hint doer not suet Kay thiug ; and to many it may betue means of a cur almost to.yond valu atioa. Khere medic d treat - sellout is desired, charges wtd be made moderate and to lilt tide Ulna. e 07. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. I.IIE z.-,U6SCRIBERS. Comintesioners of the county of Dauphin, Va.. her sod cit propo ale for the re-buienug of the County Bridge acro .a the eon sylvania natal, at the place where tee ,taulic road lead in: from the 'eusquehanaa iver to the ren,sylvadie Latium Ho petal, cr sees tie same., a short di-t.ece above Harrisburg. Fors ins p oposiug will receive the: mat ria is aud abuaneuts of toe termer bridge n ei demolished. drain proposals may be ins .e :or au 1. ou Bridge 5e net as a w...oueL , oue--t-osCommission_ra wid decide at t day of letting on said pr p , sate. said .ridge, whether of iron or of wool must oe wet and strongly built Hood and sound material die only be used, ithOtit a root if wooden. alai shalt be after the same la, of tie Paxton Crees Bridge at the toot f Market street. I, rho cky of Harriaburg. The sad Abu merits, if not in a good con• ditioa COW and at tee time of tun cOmmeeoemem of the building wheteer an iron or other b. idge will be Melded upon, mu-. 1 be repaired, and it an iou bridge wil .be agreed upon, the same must be of suffic ie ntOdnecaiOnt in the dittere-t parts, 00 at to insure a good an . suffi ciently strung structure. Lett ng will 1), on the Mt of February, Inn:, at 3 o'clock P. K. and sato bridge after awarded must be flmshe oa or • don) the lute of -.arch, 0562 when cue whole amount will be pant if built in accordance with toe contract twat snail ou entered into the person to whom tne Stole will be aw.alled. J .COB B GcOati. H t mVERICH, ,OYari„ etna.nissioners. flit ddwtd Anrer—JOSEPH ]BILLER, Clerk PROF. ADOLPH P. TEUPSEH. OULD respectfully inform his Old patrons and the public generally, that he will =Roue to give instructions on the PIANO FORTE, ME" ['ODEON VIOLIN and also in the science ol THOROUGH BASS. He will will pleasure wait aim) pupils at their 301:005 at any hour desired, or lessons will oe even a Us residence, in Third atreot, few doors below tb, ;email Reformed Chord). tOMETdING NEW! NO excuse for having Boots and Shoes 1101 blackened. Elaciaidg that will give a polati on wet or greasy boots. Jo-t the Otiug for 106 times, whim every one can.ot afford two or three pairs of aloes or Woks. Call and examine at NICHOLS & BO Wll .1 N'S, J2l corner Front aud 11trket streets. NAZARETH HALL, BOARDING SCHOOL FOR BOYS. IC-AZARErtI, Northampton county, Pa. Fa-y of access fro n IlarrtsJurg by to Easton, and ti.noe seven miles by stage. Rev. EDWARD H. RI:WM , Principal f 5 3al SHAWLS! DRESS GOODS 1 FURS ! I ALARGE stock of these goods will be disposed of at vary low price& Vine furs very GallicantS, Next door to the Harrisburg Bank. cheap at MACHINERY OIL.—We sell the only reliable Natural Lubricating 011 (warranted free from sa , d and acid) aed equa. to .perm r lard In be market. Refer to no. is of ',Atm.& men, mat:bloat mann fauturas and who are usi. , g it. 11,NRY 011dBiRT, Agent Pr Lubric 011 Company, Ra,d&oro ,tore op p e t e'Co.rt Ho se 142 w ~,,lULDIEW6 CAMP COMPANION.— A 031 very omvement Witt rig Dtd4 ; iIISO, Pvutoque, Memorandum Hooke, Vortnioaumee, .1 pal SCIDEFUNK'S BOWCir'iiv HAY I HAY I I-50 tons superior baled Hay, for Bale wholesale and retail oy JA/Liki Y. WHIMLAIL