Dadp (Letegrapb. 00.16 , .' ,Forever Moat that atatidaitt ihaet ♦V here breathe* the foe but lathe before u* VV .1 reettotn i i son beneath our fret, h.. ervegleinars ItiaUner streaming o'er us OUR PLATFORM THE UNION-THE CONSTITUTION-AND THE ENFORCEMENT- OF THE LAW. HARRISBURG, PA Saturday Afternoon, February' 15,1862. lIIE TRUTH OF HISTORY. PiNNIFILVANIA . R PROPORTION OF TRB MILITARY 'APPOINTMENTS The envious and the ambitious citizens 01 other states., who failed to get all they asked from the War Department during Gen. Cam eron's energetic and most vigorous , control of that Department, satisfied theirdisappointmerkt by declaring that Gen. Cameron was unduly impressed with the claims of people from Penn- . sylvania, and thetefore partially ferreted every applicant from this state. On the other band. a elites cf men in this state, equally spiteful and vindictive with those citizens of the other states :who could not all be accommodated; are busy eirculating: the falsehood that Gen. Canter= had fgnored this claims of many Pennsylvanians who were applicants for position, and that he bad utterly ignored the claims of the friends of Gov. Curtin. Iu one respect, these asserthms are almost too contemptible for notice, but as we have a personal pride in preserving the cor . iectness of history, and deem it the .perform , ance of a noble duty to vindicate an upright and patriotic fellow citizen and public servant, we cannot refrain from alluding to these charges in detail, for the purpose of adducing stkch facts as will at once prove to the country and these interested, that there is neither truth or suffi cient circumstances connected with- the trans actions alluded to, in the least'either to impair the public confidence in Gen. Cameron or to fasten on him the reproach whiclitheee charges seek to create. With respect to the appoint- manta from Pennsylvania, no ono ucquainted witt,Lher forces in the field, will deny that she Waß clitiffefi to - A large 13uttrz ui uue appum......5 in the army ; and while the fact of her superior , . kneels patent, it is also as well established by the army records that Pennsylvania has less corn , ,missioned officers by the appointment of the War• Department, than those states-which con -tribute& less force in the ranks of Ihe federal army. The pattiottbm of our citizens did not show itself in seiges around the War Depart ment, clamoring for position and patronage. It was developed on the Potomac in patient,watol.- ei; ardent disciplme and stern deyotion. It is to late, thereto* to indulge the charge that the.lateSecretaty of War practiced partiality 'in reference to his appointments, or that Penn sylvania had received more than her sharp.— "' ; ,while Gen. Cameron WAS never forgetful of the claims of, e people with whom a;1 his inter estsfire identified, and among whom are clus • tend his most sacred memories and affections, he was bully impressed wish the fact that he • was at the head of a department in which the whole country was equally interested, and to the patronage and recognition of which no man ,hiti a, prior right, or a superior claim. While on this subject, it is appropriate that we Should allude to another feature of these falsehoods in regard to Gen. Cameron's bestow • al of appointments as the Secretary of War. It • is asserted by the dissatisfied people who claim to be citizens of Pennsylvania, that Gen. Cam- eroti overlooked the claims of the people of his state and that he had actually ignored the friends of Governor Curtin. The charge that the people of this state were ignored, . is well balanced by the co-ordinate charge • that they had been permitted to monopolize the patrenage• of the War Department; while the no less contemptible charge that Gen. Cameron had utterly neglected the friends of • Gov. Curtin, is refuted by the real facts of the case in this particular. Perhaps some may object to an allusion to these matters, but al most any fastidiousness can be overcome when •it is necessary is establish the truth,.and there fore we have no hesitation in writing that, in stead of the iriends of Gov. Curtin having been neglected, they were most liberally provided for., A brother Al the accomplished and pa triotic wife of the Executive was appointed to Tiletitentuicy—two of the Governor's cousins 0,14 to, liefntenancies, while's third cousin, the gallantlrvin Gregg, was made a captain. These facts do not wear the aspect of neglect to the friends of Gov. Curtin, nor do we allude to them to show that these appointments were un worthily bestowed. They were recognized by Om Cameron as fit to be made, and the men thus commissioned came from the ranks, where each bad earned his title to promotion. Dining Gen. Cameron's control of the War Department, the appointments were made from the minks. When the struggle with the re bellion was inaugurated, a struggle almost as fierce commenced for military position, so that the Secretary of War was compelled to adopt some rule to control the confusion by which he was surrounded. That rule insisted on a promo tion being made froni the yanks, and in com ,, Roaace with it, the appuintmcrits to, fill vacan .. siesta ;he army were mainly made from the : - ranks of the three months' volunteers—from the men %who dared to bare their, Wieornii to the first Atorbatbat tremon Wowed, against their country. .Tbe retultof such action hmteen to MI the, army tidth 'the very braveo 'of' the young men of the countrS. Those .w.l4coni plain against these appointments are iliose who seek any flimsey excuse to exonerate them from the disgrace of standing aloof from this glorious struggle--while the other tricksters who seek to create the impression that Gen. Cameron had overlooked the friends of Gover nor Curtin, are of course ignorant of the recurd, as such very honorable and high minded gen tleman could not possibly be guilty of an un truth. This is our charitable style of apology for the falsehoods of these men in this par ticular. JOEIN C. BRECKINELLIKIII, one of the meanest scoundt els and most unholy hypocrites and trai tors concerned in the slave-holder's rebellion, has started the cry that he is opposed to re construction on any principle, compromise or understanding. He advocates the dictrineof the "Georgia conclave, who advise the peopb3 of the south to burn their towns, ravage their fields, immolate their wives and children, and die. ighting against the federal power, rather than yield to a compromise or submit to a s,ettle niedt. The objects of such nilhi here, from the initiation of the rebellion, based on a purpote to rule or ruin. The southern masses were first angered by the assertions of such men as,Breck inridge, that the south had suffered and was still suffering by a union with the northern or free states—that the southern were the most pow erful and valiant of all the states of the Union, and t., at therefore they should renounce their allegiance to tbe federal government, erect a government such as would answer their pur pose of progress and development, in the suc cess of which the south must, as they asserted, eventually reach a glory and a greatness such as no other student or modern nation ever attained. Results have proven the weakness and utter imbecility of the masses of the south. The valor which they boasted is fast oozing from the ends of their fingers ; the chivalry in which they gloried will not stand the contact of the unheralded and unassuming freemen of the free states ; and thus left in the most pitiful plight in which burglars or common thieves could be placed, the leaders of the mobs in the south now declare that they will submit to no compromise or acknowledge no settlement ,whatever of the differences between the loyal and the rebel states. So far as a compronilse is concerned, such a tender will never be made to such men as John U. Breckinridge. He begins to appreciate this fact, and therefore seeks to draw down on tho entire south, the ruin, the disgrace and the Utter desolation which are im pending for himself. The inconsistency and desperatim of the leading traitors are daily more palpably ex- Whited. At first they declared to the world that they-did not seek to destroy the American Union. What they aimed at was the redress of certain specifio.and grievious wrongs, there by the vindication of the south, and thus se cure their just recognition of the power and in fluence of the Union. When it was imagined that more than this could be wrested from the ways issIME relit:Rug - Lral - tors boldly avowed their determination, not only to usurp the power of the " old govurn ment," but to destroy the old Union. Slavery was prolaimed the essential element of all gov ernment in its relation to labor, and less than this exclusive investment of power in the hands of the still more exclusive aristocratic classes of the south, would not be acknowledged by that chivalry of whom Breckinridge profess es to be the type and leader, and who are now imparting vehemence and malignancy to this rebellion. The failure of these purposes, how , ever, has unmasked the real design of the true southern traitor. Discovering that he is the unequal of the loyal northern freeman, and beholding also that his doom is approaching, such men as Breckinridge seek to stir the row+, es of the south to a new phrenzy, in order, if possible to impart a fresh vigor to the rebel lion.. But this trick will fail. These contests in the trenches of the south, will never occur, simply because tliftmasses ate weary of rebel lion. . These facta constitute the dreary reflec tions of the leaders of rebellion, and hence they seek the utter destruction of this country, the . nitore efrectually to hide own crimes and secure their own escape. - The plan, as have been all the other plans of these knaves, is bound to fail. , , THE LIBIRNTATION OF TEE TRAITORS.—The lam entations of . Jeremiah are doleful, but they are cheerful and animating compared with the lam entations of the traitors. Their souls are heavy with sorrow ; their eyes rain copious floods of tears; they , refuse to be' Comforted, because a cloud is above their heads and a shadow lays darkly on their path. The sacred soil of the south has been polluted by the vandal hordes of the north. Horrible! horrible !! horrible ! I ! Immense armies are swooping down upon the devoted confederacy. Foreign powers look in differently on ; the Goth is at the gates of Rome, and there is none to stay his murderous hand =none to beat him back and preserve the porches and palaces of the imperial city from his tramp and pollution. Visions of slaughter and pillage, of rape and arson, haunt the disor dered and distracted- aristocracy of the south They sea with their mind's eye, the oppressor 'of the soil of the south, bearing down upon them like birds of prey, with "lust in his eye, poverty in his purse, and hell in hie heart." The aristocratic and no longer chivalrous heart of the south, sickens at the contemplation of the desolating march of :'the grervy mechan ics" of the north. Alas for the eud of these lamentations ! Alas for the injured and de jected south ! Now, or never, is the time for the pekoe men to interpose and save their op pressed fellow citizens of the south. A month's delay may subject rebeldom to a treatment and a scourge which will effectually , change these lamentations to real notes of rejoicing on the triumph of right. AT A REVIEW IN Naw ORLEANS one b lan k regi ment, officered by negroes, appeared in the line f march. The New Orleans papers proudly -re cord the fact that no invidious distinction was made between the white and black soldiers, as they passed the crowd of spectators. .-of•courte not, as they were-then on their way to battle.. dittintion will occur as they the fight, Whe4 t will again be established by matter and slave. di TELMA The War in Tennessee. BOMBARDMENT OF FORT DON ELSON COMMENCED. THE ENEMY DRIVEN IN THE FORT SURROUNDED TWO REBEL BATTERIES CAPTURED GUNBOATS ON THE RIVER REBEL FORCE 15,000 MEN =I LOSS HEAVY ON BOTH SIDES Reinforcements to the Rebels Out Off FIFTY THOUSAND • HEN MOTION CHICAGO, Feb.-14- The following is a special despatch to the Tribune office: CARP IN THE FIELD, NEAR FORT DONELI3ON, Feb: 13, 12 o'clock, r. Fort Donelson is invested by our troops. Our lines are formed from tight to left, and from north to south, ne.►riy surrounding the fort. Heavy cannonading and skirmishing has been going on since half-past seven o'clock, n. Owing to the extent of the action, but lit tle can be learned of the result. I have heard that a Captain in Company I, Seventh -Regi ment, has been killed. Gantt.* McClenand's Divisions is operating on the right. General Smith on the left. We have had but one gunboat to play upon the fort until just within the last half hour, when other gunboats are firing on thi3 fort. The force within the breastwork iifestimated at about fifteen thousand, from -the best in formation.. liernrateertients Cut Off. No reinforcetnents can now arrive to the Ce bols, as all communication is cut off. • It is now thought that their left redoubt has fallen into our hands. - : All the officers are acting with great valor, exhibiting a f , arlessaess highly ,croditable to our Western army. - General GRANT and staff have been !iglu: along the lines all the morning; `regardiesti of the grape that is being ahowered in every direction. LATER. Feb. 13, 8 o'clock, P. M.—The cannonading skirmish has continued briskly all day, but has lately been disc. ontinued. A. considerable 11110:1- her have been 'wounded on both skiek. The Twenty•fifth Indiana, which rushed boldly pp to the enti:enclunents, had,du3iOg thd day 110 of the men wounded—all slightly. The Seventh Illinois and Seventh lowa, who have been close to the enemy's fire, have also lost some men., Among the killed. is c.iptain Wendell, of Company I, Seventh Illinois, and Colonel illlorrison, of the Forty , :uinth is wounded.. Berge's sharpshooters have done good. ser vice. They baye kept several of . :ths enemy's guns idle by picking off the cannoneers as 'fast as theY appeared at the guns. Captain Birak, with a company of. cavalry, went around to the left bank of the river this afternoon, reports that the gunboat Carotid°let. received a ten-inch ball through her casemates, which wounded eight men, but did not injure the boat materially. Captain Walker, of the Carondolet, says that he has dismounted three of the enemy's river guns. The other gun boats had not arrived up to six o'clock, P. se. The enemy's rifle shots and .the grape has been flying thick and fast about here all day. Some six shots struck around Gen. grant and his staff, this afternoon, while they were riding alo❑g the lines. One bullet hit one of the horses of the body guard near by. The fort will be stormed in two days if not surrendered before. Our men have driven back the enemy in every instance. Generals Pillow, Floy .1, John ston and Buckner are said to be here. One of our companies hEu3 been within seven ty-five yards of the enemy's entrenchments. THE LATEST. CHICAGO, Feb. 15. A special dispatch to the Journal dated two miles from Fort Donnelson, 14th, says the at tack commenced at o'clock yesterday morn ing by the land forces under Giant, Smith and Meelaniard. The fort is surrounded by bigh t steep bills, heavily wooded, and protected by two redoubts, , trench and rifle pits. The rebels gave battle . from their intrenchments outside the fort. They were driven in after a severe battle, and considerable loss to both sides. • Our troops hold two of the rebel bp.tteries ouiside of the fort. Out los3 le probably about forty-five killed, and a hundred tud fifty to two hundred wounded. Eight thousand troops and four gunboat§ arrived last night. Battle will be resumed to-day: Account 'of -the Battle' Through . •-'Hebei,Soul•cetik A NaShvilletelegraia-di - thit 12th'tiaYit, dispatches received-frorn•Cumberland city, this evening, states that one of the Federal gas boats appeared in sight of Fort Don.ilsvn this morning,. about ten o'c ock, and opened fire without iojto yr. The Fort returned the fire, and the gents:At retired. The F' derals have landed in force, and a battle with light artillery commenced this evening. It is reported that the federal forces is 10,000 to 12 000. When the steamer left for Cumberland city the battle was raging. We have no particu lars. Feb.: 13 —A despatch dated fort Donelson to-day at 11 o'clock, states that the firing of artilldrylxrdriglitiedildit morning be fore a!layisepd had continued unceasingly up to that time. A number of pieces are rapidly firing, but the enemy .kyeWat•A distinee all along the line. THE LATEST. 2.46 P. Y. —The firing has ceased, probably that .the eueinyLcr y 'change I positions. We have so far reindied thttenh at' every point on our line. _ Our loss is mill. ,t • The federal gunboats retired, and we think that Pier are save] inpfred; STILL LATER. The day is almostiWstand•we still bold our own. We have repulsed the enemy and driv en back their) gtmboats; :and whipped them by land and water. lie - still lies around: probably to attack us to-morrow again. Our loss is not great, while that'of the enem' is heaVy. We have had lively fighting and heavy can nonading all around the line all day. We have re , ulved the enemy everywhere, and we are satiEfied that we have injured their gunboats materially. ::Oar lineriate.intreticlied all around:. LATER FROM. EUROPE ARRIVAL OF• -THE STEAMER ASIA THE PIRATE BUNTER AT GIRRRALTER The Rebel Commissioners in England. They offer Free Trade, Emancipa tion and the Abolishment of the Slave Trade in return for Recog nition. The Recognftion question in Par llament. • New Yomt, Feb. 13. The steamer Asia has anived, bringing Queenstown dates of the 2(1 inst. The Write Suniter was'stilPat Gibraltar. Rams, Feb. 2nd.--Tne Independence Belge asserts that th Southern Commissioners have informed the English government, that in re turn for the regognition of the S'onthern Con federacy, they would establish absolute free trade for fifty yearsciabOlish the external slave traffic, emancipate all the blacks born after the recognition. These offers will, however, not determine Lord Palmerston to abandon the policy of neutrality. The proposition of Mr. Gregory for the re cognition of the South . will, be discussed soon fter the opening of the Parliament ; but, after an exciting debate, its rejection is expected. LONDON, Feb. 1.--Conols 921a93. Duo Almonte, the Mexican minister, had ar rived at 'filed°, audbeen received by the Arch Duke mi I lian. The Austrian Gazelle mentions the re-ap pointment of the Arch Dukg Maximillian as Commodore of the Austrian Navy, and contra dicts the scheme ; to. place him on the throne o Mexico. BOMBAY, Jan. 13.—The exportation of salt petre from India, except to British ports, is prohibited. . . A large gold field biti3 'been - discovered in southern Mabiatta LONDON, Feb. I.—A letter from Earl Russell prohibiting the use of British ports to either belligerents, is published. , The port of Nassau and other ports of the Bahama Islands are especially mentioned,— When the vessel ' s are driven in by stress of weather provisions may be supplied, but only such quantity of coal as may be sufficient to take the vessel to the nearest port in their own country, No second , supply to be, allowed to the same I/email - Aire - same port within a period of three months. It is presumed that this will stop the proceedings of the Tuscarora and Nashville at Southampton.. It is rumored that under the pressure frown American shipmasters at Marseilles, the Ameri can Consul at that port bad sent a request that the Tuscarora should go to the Mediteranean for the protection of toe shipping against the Snorter, which continued at Giberaltar at the latest dates. There is no confirmation of her reported naval engagement with another ves sel. It is believed that the Nashville has been ordered to quit Southampton. At,the annual meeting of the Manchester Chamber of Commerce, the American question claimed great attention. Strict neutrality was generally strongly urged. A proposition that the ,Chamber should open, a conference with'the New York Chamber of Coinmerce in the interests of peace, met with approval. The steamer Etna had reached Liverpool from Holyhead. ...Her cargo is reported as not damged by the accident that crippled the steamer. It was being transferred to the Edinburg, which vessel would probably sail on the second or third inst. Lrvempoox. Feb. lst.—The ootten sales to day were 5,000 bales, closing steady and un changed. Speculators and exporters took 2,000 bales. Breadstuffs quiet and steady. Provi sions quiet. Losnmr, Feb. Central shares 43} ®43 discount. Erie shares 29®29,1. Haves, Jan. 30.—Cotton sales of the week, 11,500 bales, closing quiet and steady. Stock in port 116,000 bales. Another Brilliant Victory 13 Rebels Killed 3.7 Commissioned Officers, and 45 Privates Captured. The Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Opened to Hancock. , •CumßEwheitii, Mn:; Feb. 14 General lAnder, made a forced march on Thursday night, anti:wising and breaking up a rebel o-im'p at , Illoonaery Gap,--kili[ng thirteen rebels and capturing seventeen.,,nornmissioned officers and forty-five privates, and losing but two men-and six horses.- He led timattuk.iniserilonktkitheiheadmfAiie First Virginias:regiment of cavalry. 11bia 610 ens MalanWitte and Ohio railtoad to Hancock again. FROM WAJSHINGTON. I=l Condition of the Federal Prisoners at Columbia, S. C. Suppression of Another Traitor Sheet. Return or the Commissioners to Visit the Federal Prisoners. —*— Arrangements Made for a General Exchange of Prisoners. WAselsorom, Feb. 15 Senator Chandler has received a letter from Col. Wilcox.. who says himself and the other prisoners at Columbia, S. C. are in good health, and that their condition has been rendered comfortable by the clothing received from the the United States authorities. The Poatoffice Department has renewed the contract with Geo. F. Nesbit, of New York, I for stamped enVelopes. This gentleman is the orittinal manufacturer—having the im- I proved machinery is enabled to furnish the supplies at a great reduction on former rates. The Department, therefore contemplates selling the envelopes at a reduced price. and at the first cost, There were six reg ular bidders since the Ist of October. The De partment hal; sold one million two hundred and twenty thousand of the newly introduced stamped newspaper wrappers. The last ireamer from Port Royal brought to New York 76,000 letters. John M. Parker has been appointed Post master at Ship Island, Miss. The Oregon Democrat and Los Angels Star have been suppressed from the mails, on the ground that they have been used for the pur pose of overthrowing the government, and giving aid and comfort to the enemy, now at war against the United States. Hamilton Fish and Bishop Ames returne. to Washington to-day, and make report to the government of their mission to relieve Union prisoners in the south. They repaired to Fortress Monroe and made known their mission to the confederate author ities at Norf .Ik, by whom the matter was re feared to Richmond. A reply came refusing to the commissioners admission to the confederate territory, but expressing a readiness to nego tiate for the general exchange of prisoners. Our commissioners opened a negotiation which resulted in a perfect success. An equ tl exchange was agreed on but the confederates had 300 more prisoners than we. With com mendable magnanimity they proposed to re lease them on parole if our government would agree to release 300 of their men that may next fall into our heeds. The noble com mission of Secretary Stanton, therefore has its ample reward. A general jail delivery of our dear toys will occur throughout the south, and will soon be rejoicing in liberty regained. From Fortress Monroe. NEWS TIIROUGH REBEL SOURCES. Progress of the Burnside Expedition Mouton, Elizabeth, Hartford and Ply mouth in possession of our Forces. GEN. WISE SENDS A FLAG OF TRUCE. Four MONRON, Feb. 15 The following extracts from the Norfolk Day Book shows the progress of the Burnside Expe dition up Pamlico Sound: Rumors reached here yesterday by passengers from Suffolk, that the enemy bad taken pos session of Edenton and also of Plymouth. Later in the day it was stated that a couple of the enemy's vessels had proceeded on a reconuoisance as far as Coleraine. The Richmond Despatch of Friday has the lollowing: Gen. Wise is near Currituck Court House, and 'sent down a flag of truce to Roanoke Island on Thursday, probably to recover the body of his son. A Norfolk telegram says that it is believed that the mortar fleet is intended for this place. Renaults°, Feb. 13.—The editor of the Express has received a letter from Suffolk, dated Thursday, which says that Edenton and Hart ford have been captured, Five gunboats moved slowly to the wharf at Edenton yesterday at nine o'clock, and aftewards fifteen more ar rived. The citizens raised a white flag. Between 3,000 and 4,000 troops landed at Edenton. The population is about 2,000, and it is distant from Suffolk about 52 miles. In the afternoon two gunboats went up the Cheraw river towards Winton, and several others towards Roanoke A gentleman, just arrived from Gatesville, says that seven hundred horses were landed at Edenton last night, and also that a large num ber bad been landed at Elizabeth city. Hertford, the capital of Perquinans county, was taken by the federals yesterday. The population is only fifteen hundred. Capt. Goodwin, of Robinson, N. C., with fifty-two of his men, and seven of the Wise legion, have reached Suffolk. A flag of truce went •out this morning, and returned with several passengers, mostly ladies, Os° north. The Norfolk Day Book gives a sketch of a new flag adopted by the committee of congress on the subject. It has a blue union in a red field, with stars forming a square. The Richmond Inquirer says that four hun dred prisoners of war are expected to leave Richmond for Newport. News in a day or two in exchange for an equal number of confede rates, released by the federal government, and who reaches Norfolk on Tuesday. The 11th Pennsylvania cavalry, Col. Spear commanding, went out on a scout to New Market bridge to-day, but nothing was seen. A north east storm commenced at 11 o'clock this morning. The propeller Jersey Blue arrived from An napolis, this morning, with about two hundred and fifty troops, beloogiog to the various regi ments, who were sick and left behind when the Burnside expedition started. The Jersey Blue will proceed to join the expedition as soon as the weather moderates. The Stars and Stripes is still here, and will probably sail to-morrow afternoon with a large cargo of ammunition. LATE SOUTHERN NEWS. State of Affairs at Norfolk and Richmond Great Scarcity of Coal and Iron. A panfenger by the Old Point boat says that some of the workmen at the iron works at Richmond, who came by the flag of truce from Norfolk represent that they left for want of work. So great was the scarcity of iron and coil that the works there were suspended, coal being enormously high. Ths meneay there are few if any cannon lett at Richmond, all having been sent away from time lo•-titee to othsr poiots, and that very few of the deft:nets there have any cannon mounted. The Roano6 \ OFFICIAL DESPATORF: GENERAL BURNSID ANOTHER ACCOUNT OF The particulars of tls• c by the Burnside Expoliti.,e, our first pige. "f front Gen. Burati.lo t.. (~1 ceived late last evenii IisADQuARTKRs, 1_4.1.•T N, Rodnoke I.klatol. Major General Geo It 11 Conernanditai S. GILNERAL:—I have the It combieed attack upon tie i. - ed on the morning of the 7t.. ‘'. military forces of this resulted in the captor, in over two thou and • three thousand small aria , (mem aro Col. Slaw, comet e 0. Jennings Wise, t earn Legion. The latt • W.::: I:, . and h's since died. A he to finished on the afttrn of llte day's fighting - . by a Itrilt ru ,: • centre of this island, and a . 1. ' enemy to the north end of ' in the capture of the 1 rise ab t mlo h b o t u e o i t fins ul ti t s e m,h l o n e tpori d nto Wn . ua tie mit n b O h ti e l ir t t en a : o r e t ‘ ti ' l lo e t .g n mel i t i . l t is i n irsi ' le, ic v li n 7 ; , : ., : ' t.. endured most manfully the bar,'-i l n in the short time allowed for The na ya p : rto v a e ins se ß t h t oa l t s h t n n t ic t e be ha r ; tl , l , d fo i r er H G a e m n to say y e I b is o e th no a u r g m h s and the plans afire:-d upon Is ferel. teras were carried out. 1 will 1 • saying, in reference to the aeti,,e, everything to Generals Fester. , as more full details will shoe . . report the loss of ab rote: about two hundred wounded . . tete ably mortally. Am. net the kill,' Russell of the Tenth Co nn tt• , e, ant Colonel Viet -r De Mittitivil, neuil Zouaves. Both of theta te t e lently. 1 regret exceehliaelv tht send a full report of the ki11..1 a., but will send a despatch het, i t , a with full returns. I bee:eller v.• of general order, issued am most happy to say that 1 Lee a message from ('otten:eel t; stating that the expeditien against Elizabeth city and the r.. been entirely successful Ile send his returns to his ilep trtne at I have the honor to b thf,'T Tool' u A. E. BURNSIDE. ltrittader Commanding Dep trtment of N. Another Account of the A private letter, written on to. boat Stars and Stripes. Seth I tt:i. the cannonade of the etteuti 's t naval forces, a landing of tie Itt, menced about half-past !stilt evening, at Ashhy's lisrt er, half miles below the r, :; 82-pounders. The land ac cover of the guns of tw, Delaware and Morse, al. drove away and dispel - sod . t. that were stationed tiler , . a pieces, to oppose their ie. up to their middle in mud ! When on shore they f , ten I is." pieces in the morass. By nine, P. a., that ci.:t t bad landed six thottsatel t. landing them throw:it the' one thousand per boor. lhe against the °eerily's It do ti early on Saturday womb)! t' engegieg and silencing a shat' it. Our forces ad van, ing iu 111•' battery in the centre tie. . were soon driven behind tt.i where they resisted. Ee_titt tt....- tr from the fleet, to sere. , . 1 , . r Hilary. About mid-way tie II. • and the Tenth Centex e. a t , General Foster, made itas' upon the battery command .1 , wading knee-deep thot(uli w . get at the fort, and yelltutt ans. Meanwhile, a detear right by General tetio, an-I fate of the day. lite rel., i.. 1• I ter. This attack, front thre trenchments before the arr.v brought to bear against tlt I„ Zoueves leaped the front it , It- 0 hand, as the rebels tie!. V wounded here, as report h......... his wounds in eudeaeot island iu a boat from elute i; boat was fired on, attl wounds. He was nettle it is ,nt Sunday morning of los weinul duction of the battery in th island, Generals Bello and I' of men, and went dowu to Pe; Hill in command, and session of it. It had been to. I : of two days' bombardment e 4 45 P. 111. of Saturday, the displayed from this bah:try. to -t pursued the rebels to the t pit island, where was also in cane) Virginia regiment, that it et 1, ; in six schooners from the In:ea Saturday morning. Genet al r , - 1 and had an interview with t: mender, Colonel Shaw, of N , .ili asked what terms he whithl ter replied, ''an uncotelitite consented to give him tint camp to decide or not to ate The rebel officer had barely ri, when the Massachusetts o t„, fag with impatience, spew., r , , u j p ii r rection of the eneray, when ately raised a white handl,jti,, that the rebels bad cenc u Tuphecernoaebnlyn hads stakes, extending from the i ul across to the head of Itoit w k, .s p trt fleet, which had g m u e n n b c o ed ats th f e ol i c i e n d p th a r i , r u : llr beendrawn u, barrier. The Flour market is quiet. auk' bbls. were dispo4od of at 53 2ii,5 perbue, 56 624e5 75 for extra, au 6 00 for extra family; stuall tol,s 0 at $3 60, and Corn Meal lir ..5 oil; g.od demand for Mrlieat, awl:. 1 801 d at 51 36 ;. 1,000 bus. Eye Iwo Corn is in good request, arid 7 .000 sold at 55®5640. 0.1t6 are ,ea'l%.! bus. Fenouylvania sold at 3sos3t, sinus firmer ; sales filler's Pork at 1') 75. Bacon ruoc,eS SlOivly ; st!e Ideals a s}(6e• for Basis, ti..fidy 5j for 40, for Shoulders. bad is Coffee ie. firm ; small sales of ilia at and Laguirtt at 22a. Sugar mid 11 bel dull. ;Whisky id unsatthO awl 700 bbls. Ohio EOld, partrudge at -.,3 at 2,1 e. ;-11 private terraa, and 100 D BALTIMORE, Feb. 15 __.., MARKETS BY TELLEG PLIILNIIELPHI
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers