PaiiD kr*. 11AltRISBURO, PA Friday Aligning, February 14, 1862. Contra& —OO and after Monday 11,11 Ole passenger train on the Philadelphia ud Kea ling Railroad will leave at eight o'clt ck fflorning instead of 8.35 A. U. as at prey- I=o=l ti it lc ft OE THE EINTRAMIT SINGING Among /mw. Emtracht AS3OCiaIiOII intend giving a nn sic:J soiree at Koenig's new building, s t met, nest Monday evening, 11011 IVAM A "iull house" in the city lock-up I most v,igs of both sexes, and all of whom, upon a hearing, before Loiwi toe filliyor this morning, were prop d of. ot PROPOTY —A two story frame house 1 1 I a ~f ground, belonging to John McGurk, ~,,0 , .1 in the roar. of Short street, Fourth ‘: recently sold to John Campbell for of two hundred and twenty dollars. `llll,l, ILLNE.3e , OF A HAUWIEIBIIRO OFFIOICR. ret to learn that information has been I. burr of the serious illness of our towns dli, Lienteesnt George Fisher, of corn , r ,, Cavalry, belonging to Gen division of the army in Kentucky I=l ascrioN. Our city charter election II take place on the third Friday of March. b.ll.iwing officers are to be elected In each tli- w u. 14 ,e Constable, one Assessor, one Judge of , tion, one Inspector, and numbed of Conn xcept in the sixth Ward. School Directors 61 be elected in the dititricts as divided t of imposes. =Z=l 'JOVE 11 ENT3 or TROOPS WESTWARD.—A rumor tg•en prevailing for some time, that ar gement has been made by the Government, the Transportation of sixty thousand troops r the l'ennsylvana railroad within a few They are to be transferred from the vi hnty of Washington to reinforce Gen. Buell's ision in the S.uith West. That Is to be the -,rue of a hard fought battle, if the enemy will Amid their ground, and we may shortly hear of important movements and decisive results from that region. We shall anxiously await the good time coming. A MEAN ATTACK appeared in the local columns vi the Patriot and Union this morning, which is evi , ly directed against its own local reporter, who has bean indisposed for several days. It is entitled 'Loafers,' and denominates the 'drunken ktiers" as the worst among all the different species of the nuisance. When Vriah recovers from his temporary indisposition, or rather die petitiou to permit his legs to become tangled, he milk, defend himself from the foul asper atom of his character thus covertly attempted through a medium over which he usually pre sides with unquestioned ability,grace and im partiality. ARIII.9T TOR SELLING LIQUOR TO 111.1NOBB t &O.— Tke "Grotto" in Trouble.--Oflicer Fleck, t his morn lag made inf .rmation against Frederick Alms, manager of the Grotto Concert Saloon, in the Exchange, Walnut street, charging him with keeping a disorderly house, selling liquor to minors, and permitting obscene acting on the stage. Ms. Aims was arrested, but up to the time of writing this, had not entered into re cognizance for hie appearance at court. The same officer has also made information Against James Crawford, the keeper of the res taurant under the "Exchange," charging him with Felling liquor to minors, and permitting gambling on the premises. He was arrested, and we believe, has entered bail for his appear ance to answer. SANTORVE OPERA HOWL—This popular place A imminent was tilled to repletion last night, with an extremely fashionable audience, who were charmed with the exquisitely lime music of the butletque opera of . "La Somnambuia," % Well as convulsed with the many laughable oddities and whimsicalities of this truly able and amusing troupe. The singing and acting n ( ltlta, krilwell In the opera was truly superb, a nd fully sabt 'Med her reputation as one of the most channitg and versatile actresses on the m°lern 'Lige. Her voice possesses great vari ety lo its cadences, and is as mellow as the warbl ingt of a nightingale. She was ably as sisted by her husband, and the company, all of whom performed their respective parts with great satisfaction to the audience. The new opera will be repeated again this evening, and We advise our readers who desire a rich must al treat to be promptly on hand. IiELIEP TO TRIP FAMILIAR OP TOLUNTIARB-1/091 1,U7143.—We are gratified to announce that through the exertions of a number of our prin cipal citizens, the commissioners of the county bane been induced to appropriate the further 1 t bud tiro thousanddellarstothe Volunteer Relief, !Jai& This will prove a great benefit to the anilines of our brave volunteers, many of w bonti. thine the exhaustion of the fund pre -I,lo°slY appropriated, have experienced a great Clricalty in securing even the common neces no of life. The sum, to be sure, is small la c ot , e)ariseart with the first appropriation, bat by its 1 udi,:loun distribution it wilt perhaps IQ out uth 'il after the rigors el the winter Two HUNDRXD PIEOSS of beautiful new spring a re Past, when ` we have nodoubt arrangements calicos; a large lot of bleached and unbleached Will be mad e 10 BeL :tsre another appropriation. muslin of the best make ; The mien of the C om , mlasioners in this matter cents blue checks, at l 2! tacenatsu ,another y l a o r t d ; f w t h h ite stock i moood w ii 4t i !, y t t i(d e.ervin g of the utmoe't commendation, and bed stockings • ladles' ' pocket ose 1 . 5 handkerchiefs, "I te approved by every tax payer In the at 14 cents; Children's pocket handkerchiefs, with border, 5 cents • shirt breasts 12i, CAIIIII4. „: 15 and up to 87,1 cents; 25 piecesnew pant Fur • DJthe information of the wi‘'" and f a m "'" stuff ; undershirts and ra ery cheap; volunteers entitled to receive • Ws/elite from cotton and woolen socks, we a r : v all price ; f o ll ow i ng 40 dozen woolen stockings, for children, 12 tit a Ppropriatio n , we appeud the „ cents; lt yatd bleached • muslin 124. cents; eard from Mayor liepner, who is Preit: 4ol4 ' (4 allwool French rnetinos, all colors, at 62 ,and lite County Relief Fund : 75 cents. Having bought the balance of the V olunteer R • d eterfo. . ellef Pund.—The County Commis - stock o f a c i t y wholesale house of plain and figured Swiss mnslins, brillants, white tam szsloo.utrag a s of a further appropriation of call at si. 13 . ' ll yas of volunteers will please I>tics, NaoSoqk and Victoria lawns, suitable for rive _ e regular relieft the usual place, and dreNes, as those goods will be very scarce and he as heretofore allowed. dear next stmuner now bithe time to buy. Our Wm H. EXPN2II., Stock of rare at 04E: ' S. law; President County Relief Fund. Rhoads' Old stand. pettneginanict iDatt telegraph, ealurbai) "afternoon. irebruarp 14. 1862. SKATIBT/CAL.—Upon the indulgence of this now fashionable pastime, the Journal of Beata is especially particular. "If the thermometer is below thirty," it says, •' and the wind is blowing, no lady or child should be skating." We are not so clear about this. If the lady . is "below thirty," and of gracefutfigure, let der skate, no matter how the mercury descends. If she is the reverse—let her slide ! Da. Jonas, of New York, who is practicing at Herr's Hotel, in this city, (room No. 41,) has bad the benefit of the Eye and Ear institutions of America and Europe. Dr. Jones is also a graduate of the Homeopathic and the Alopathic Medical College.. His diplomas, proving the same, are suspended in his office for the benefit of the interested. 'head. My eye was. injuted and run out when a youth, (20 years ago.) Dr. Jones inserted an eye in two minutes without pain, which moves and appears ni tural. F. STEADMAN, Harrisburg One of my eyes has been turned and disfigured eighteen years. My family doctor advised me to let it be, and said nothing could be done for it. Dr. Jones straightened it in a half minute, and made the sight perfect. I consider the operation worth five thousand dollars to me, aud the doctor charged me but twenty-five dollars. CATHARINE EARLY, West Hanover, Dauphin Co., Pa I was afflicted with catarrh and shortness of breath. Dr. Jones has cured me—yet many other physicians told me I could not be cured. MARY Arakken, Harrisburg. Tax ACCILDIVIT LT SNORT MOUNTAIN. —The "Journal" of Lykenstown contains the follow ing particulars of the recent fatal accident at one of the Short Mountain coal mines, noticed in the TSUI:FRANI, a few days ago : On Friday the 7th inst., at or near the face of the gangway where a tutn-out was being made, in the Short Mountain mines, a fall of the top rock extending along the gangway 30 yards and 6 feet thick, occurred, resulting in the death of John D. McCaa, severely injuring Adam Robinson, and slightly wounding Craw ford Wallace, J. Simmons, Sr., and William Myers. Several others miraculously escaped. On Saturday, Dr.'s Maurer and Cameron am putated Robinson'it left arm, leaving him a cripple for life. This community sustains a great loss in the death of John. B. McCaa. In him were blend ed all those ennobling qualities that adorn hu manity. His sociability and good humor, the charm of his domestic circle—fascinated even the most casual acquaintance. He was an hon est man, and reverenced truth and justice— was a consistent member of the M. E. Church and a firm believer in the gospel of Jesus Christ. =ion:: ST. VALearrnts's DA.v.—This being the anni versary of that favorite Saint, the business of of the Post Office, was of course materially in creased by the reception and distribution of the "tender missives." The celebration of this day is one of great antiquity. It was the practice in ancient Rome, during a great part of February, to celebrate the Lvperoalia, which were feats in honor of Pan and Juno. On the 16th of that month, amidst a variety of ceremonies, the names of young women were placed in a box, from which they were drawn by the men as chance directed, and marriages thus ensued. The pas tors of the early Christian Church, who endea vored to eradicate all traces of Pagan supersti tion, inserted in the boxes the names of very lovely but defunct female saints, at which the young men were somewhat nonplussed, and in a measure relinquished the usage. It being very difficult to entirely eradicate the custom, It again arose in a form modified to suit the Christian Cburcb, by the abolition of the Lupe=Han ceremonies, and the fourteenth of February, the festival of St. Valentine, was selected for games, and for all matrimonial pro posals prompted during that period of the year. This was owing to the information elven by the clergy, and perhaps by St. Valentine himself that, in the warm climate of Italy, birds chose their mates thus early in the season, and on that particular day. Little is known of St. Val entine, except that he was a Christain priest of Rome, and was martyred in the year 270. It was also often the case that the first young women a man met the day, not a resident in his house, became his Valentine. Another custom, illustrating the inconveniences the sex will sometimes undergo to obtain husbands, was that a girl would boil an egg hard, over night, and eat it, shell and all, without speak ing or drinking till the following morning. The first man who then met her eyes she had a right to imagine as her future lover. It may be supposed that she often kept herself secre ted till informed that he who approached was agreeable to her; and, as a voucher for this we present an extract from the letter of a dam sel who, early in the last century, thus exper 'merited her luck ; —Would you think it I I lays-bed, and shut my eyes all the morning, till Mr. Blossom came to our house, for I would not have seen another man before him for all the world. As all bright objects have their shady Bide, St. Valentine's Day is not destitute of objec tionable features. A love-letter if no more, has the agreeable effect of creating a consciousness of being esteemed, but in many cases, the val entines are no more than coarse pictorial in sults, often satirizing personal defects of the 1 recipients, and which can only give pain. [Advertiseme,i , t] Mn. EDITOR : The County Commissioners, and with their clerk, are trying t i double-teem me by fulsome abuse and somewhat wholee'le swo sting, but I must of course be allowed to take obe at a time, and in making my selec tion I will first take the one who still believes that tlie'people have sufficient coce'dence in him to believe him without the addition of his oath. Jacob I3ebm, a few years ago you were elected County Commissioner, etojoyin, the confidence' and esteem of the citizens of Dauphin county, as an honest, upi ight, conscious man. Elected over one of our most worthy and popularcitiz-ns,not because you were more capable or honest thou, he, but because yon were supposed to be more eco nomical, (a result to which I t mita ibu ted an hem blo part,) are you so stupid now as to suppose that you can blindfold the people so as to turn their attention from your unlawful extrava r gances (because if lawful why ask for legisla tion,) as a public officer, by a mitierable attempt to abuse me, a private citizen, and then tell them that I am ambitious and want "to make political capital out of the matter." Do you suppose if you yet enjoyed the confidence of the people as you did when elected, that any one could "make political capital out of this mat ter?" Jacob, after such an acknowledgment, you had better follow your clerk's example and put the swear to it when you try your hand again. Suppose it be true (but you know it is false,) that I advised you to get an act passed making it lawful to increase your compensation, and you " objected to it for many reasons ;" is that any justification for you now when you take pay contrary to law I Did I advise you to re tain out of the militia fund one hundred dollars for your clerk and sixty-one dollars and sixty six mute apiece for yourselves as I see you have done by your return to the Auditor General's office? Did I advise you to increase your' : clerk's salary from six hundred to OLIO thou sa.od dollars? Did I advise you to give said clerk two hundred dollars extra, over and above said salary of or e thousand dollars for the last year, which including the one hun dred from militia fines made his salary thirteen hundred dollars? Did I advise yon to take the extra pay which you want legalized by your bill before the Legislature? Did I ad vise you to apply for the legislation lam now op posing ? and if not, please tell us who did ? I did send out, not "petitions," but remon stranoes against your bill and some have been returned. You may expect a few more before your bill is passed. But have you the impudentv in the face of your bill now in the hamlet)! the Legislature to state in a public paper, that these remonstrances are "falsely charging that an at tempt is now being made by the Commission .ers to legalize certain acts of theirs committed in vio lation of laws If this is false, why do you ask for this additional law? and why do you now refuse to have your accounts examined by the County Auditors ? "The publics can put their own estimate on such conduct." That's just what they have already done, and many of them are now endorsing it upon the remonstrances sent out. Now Mr Jose..oh Miller you have given us a somewhat wholesale sneer in your last card. Sup pose we try it, a little in a retail way. You say upon your oath that "the allegation contained in my card of the 11th inst. is false in every partic ular." Now in one part of my card I say I can get as good a clerk as you for oue-half the pay you are getting. In order to enable the public to decide the matter the first step is to let them know what you are getting, and as you have volunteered as a witness I desire to put a few interrogations to you. Did you not receive a salary of one thousand dollars for the last year Did you not receive two hundred dollars extra over and above that? Did you, use all of these two -humkski doliw Tor your private use or was one hundreclof it given to a friend? Did you get one hurideed dollars for services connected with the militia laud? If yea, did you draw that hundred out of said militia fund or did you draw it out OY the county treasury on an order froth the Cori• missioners? How much diJ you get out_of the militia fund? and how much, if any, did the Commissioners retain? Did you not receive, altogether thirteen hundred dollars for, your services last Tear? Did you not on a previous year receive the same, or nearly the same, amount? Joseph these are questions we out ciders are a little interested in and would be glad to have you nom on them. But, as a. friend, I would advise you to be a little careful and keep cool lest you should make some mis take. In these things we can get the dots on you. I will say here that I can furnish as good a clerk as you are for five hundred dollars and give the Commissioners a choice of six. Feb. 13, 1862. DAVID 111131IYA. BRUSSELS, KIDDERMINSTER AND INGRAIN CAN- Pins. The article that heads these remarks, Carpets, has become a tcceesity, and what we ask can contribute more to the comfort and beauty of a house than a cheerful wife, and well carpeted rooms. In this connection we call your special attention to the fact that Efrich & Bowman, owing to the want of store room, will sell their stock of carpets at cost, south east corner of Front and Market streets. Tits Laren Nsws.—Bargains I Selling off the entire stock of winter goods below cost, viz : Wooleh, merino, cotton and canton flan nel, under shits and drawers, 40 and upwards; woolen mufflers, woolen and cotton .1 , Hose, 104 and upwards ; silk ties, 18 and upwards ; suspenders, 12 ; also fine shirts, $1,0041 25, actually worth $1 5001 76 ; collars, all linen, 12i, and nisht shirts, 60 ; also a large lot of monkey jackets, all wool, from 75c451 00 ; also a large lot of Union shirt breasts, 10o.; fine bleach muzlin, 1 yard wide, 15c.• also bleached m usl in ,6c. , and fine Irish linen ,18420 c. per yard ; Brooks, Clarks and Coal's enambled spool cotton, 4c. Ladies and gentlemen this is the place pt a bargain. Please call an i ex amine for yourselves, as one call will suffice to convince the public of the above ;acts. Also, on hand a large lot of ladies' collars, cuffs, un dersleeves, which I will sell equally cheap for cash. N. B.—Shirts, collars, &c., made to measure or from.eample, on the shortest notice and most reasonable terms If you want a bargain and a good fitting shirt, Stc., just to go James A. Lynn, at the Harrisburg Cheap Shirt Manufactory, No. 12 Market street, rooms next to Hummel & Killinger's grocery store, Harris burg, Pa. feblo. AMR') TO TEM LipllP DR. OUPONCO'S GOLDEN PILLS FOR FEMALES "Read the folio ing certificate" from one of the firs t ladies in Utica, N. Y. who called upon my agents iu that city (Nr • Wm. Bristol kr. 00.,) and told them that ahe, of course, did not wise her name made public, but if any one should doubt the wowierful efficiency of Da. Dovois no's Golden Pills, they might refer any Lady to hey, as she considered It a duty, as well as a pleasure, to her knowledge of their efficacy, as administered to her daughter, a young lady 17 years old. the was fast go ing into consumption—had taken cold—nature becanle obstructed. Two boxes of these Golden Pills entire ly cured her, and sue is now In re bust health "We were particular in buying the genuine. PVC and explicit directions accompanying etch box. Price 91. Sold wholesale and retell by 0. A ItANNVART, No. 2, Jones Row, ..nd C. K. SUM, 91 Ilarket street, Harris burg, Pa. By sending either of them SI 00 Wrought be Harrisburg Post Office the - Pille will be sent confidentially by mail to any part of the country; "free Of postage." N. 11.—Lask out for counterfeita. % Buy, no Golden Pills of any kind unless the box is signed S. 1). Howe. Ail ethers is a base lmtioaltion and unasfe ; thorefore, as you value your lives and health, (to say nothing of be ing humbugged out of your money,) buy only of those who show the signature of S. 1). Howe on every box. which bee recently noes ulded on account of the PR* None orninterisited. -The ingredients composing the , above Pills are made known to every Agent, and they are safe, and will perform all claimed for them. , Sold also by, T. L. Lumberger, Lebanon • A. J. Kaillf man, Ilechanksborg ,• Y. harks, Lewistarn ; S. Elliott. G. Wild; Newville ; J. C. Altick, Shipp*, burg; J - Spangler, reambersburg ; R. T. miller, York ; J. A. Wolf, IWrighinville ;- B. 8. Stevens, Needing; Reedingi and by “one druggist" in ev Sownisultdafillsge in the Halted States, and* R. D. ROWE, Sole Proprietor, New York. HAIR DYE! HAIR DYE!! Win. 4. Hatchelor's hair Dye The only Harming; and Reliable Dyef Known I All others are mere imasuoos, and should be avoided ifyou wadi to escape ridicule. GItRY, RED OR AMY HAIR .dyed 1111010811 Y 10 a hal:tom:Li and ohnirolitiown or Brawl, without 0,0.10081 injury In listir or Skin. Fl Is" fr M•DA I 8 AND DIPLOMAS have been awar ded te WA. A. SATOWIIAA pilled 18 9, and over 200,000 essphiallolll3 ati.F+l been made t the heir of the patrons of ois (humus stye. • Wm. , 1 1.. BATaiBLOR'S HAIR DYE produces a color not o ue di , ilaguishat from nature and to lITARILItiraD nr.t to Injure hi the i.owever long it 011. y bo cOntin• nod, and rho lltr of bat ea remedied. The hair in invigorated for lire by ibis splendid Dye. which la pr,p arty appltrd at. No. 16 amid Street. New York. -- ' l4 I all the olles and towns of the iittit , tl 3tateA, by Drutateas and ranell Wilds Dealers The Gennion has the a 411114 1.. Wlllinm .l Batchelor," and addroa,t upon a steel plate engraving. on the four ;idol of each boa. %%clamle Factory, 81 Barclay St., Late was Broadway, New York nrA34*wly New 21013ertunnients FOR SALE, A FRAM' HOUSE and lot of ground uate uu Nµr.h titreet near second, iu the city of ilarriaturg.. Posaimadon even at any time Enquire of L. F..IOIING t frbl I doaw3w 'attorney at taw. R!. SL{ Oranges, Lemons, Raisins, Co ac , }eat received and for sale by NICHOLS & BOWMAN, y Corner }rout and Idereet meets. COa_L OIL lower than, any House in Harrisburg, for sale by NICHOLS & BOWMAN, feb 14. y ' Corner, Frant and Market street. NOTICE. HAVING disposed or the entire stock of ftddies farness, &t., to '3. A. Hummel, (wbo .111 ,00thloe the btlittets.) all onions knowing them wives to be indebted are revel:dolt to call and settle their neconat.= ; and those having claims wt .1 present them lor payment to the UndElraigen rat the Boot. and •hoe :. 4 t , re, nett to the court Datum, eh-re he may be toun i horeac.r. A. illEll,llll. (013 d2t WANTED. rrWO OR THREE good agents for the and coutty, In a light, respectable and tavola blatierico sa. For furth,r particulars call at the Bueh ler HDure. All appileatims must be ma ,e betwe so m oa bmarday. tobl4-d its W AN rED, A GOOD I3ARIigEPER. Apply at the JCL MIND STAThB Wan. febl3-d3t* C EDAR ÜBS, BASKETS, BROOMS and everything la the lien , jest reeetval In large quantitko awl for sale very low by Vitt. OCCK, & Co. AOKLEREL Nos. 1, 2 and 3 in all sized 01_ pike* ages. A large supply just received, and each package warranted as represented, for sale by DOCK, Jr., At Co, NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS, lIHE dUBSCRIBEEtS, Commissioners of the county of Dauphin, Pa.. herby sol cit proposalsfbr the re-birdieing of the County Bridge wrote the ronn sylvaula eine]; at the placo where the public road lead in.! from the usquehanna t iver to the Penusylvan la Insane lio-pital, creases the same, a short distance above Harrisburg. Persons proposing will receive the materials and alma:tents of the former bridge mite demolished. Said proposals may be made tor an Iron Bridge as well as a wooden one—tue Commissioners !rid decide at the day of letting on said prirnals. tialdridge j whether of iron or of wood, must be well and strongly balls Good and sound material can only be used, a ithout a roof if wooden, and shall be after the same plan of the Paxton Creels Bridge at the loot 4- Market street, in the city of Harrisburg. The sa d abu merits, if not in a good con ditiou now end enetime of the commencement of the., banality-admen& an i ron or other bridge will be decided upon., mutt be ropiiied;dind 'it an i on bridge will be agreed upon, the same must be of sufficient dimeusiapai in th 4 ffirdifidrPallii; *5 airtoinsetre a good an s suffi ciently strong struc pre. ' will be on the 18th of February, ,littla at 3 o'clock P. M. and said bridge after awardhd nainitpe ihilehe on or;. eiore the letli.of starch, 1862, when the whole amount will be paid if built in accordance with the contract teat shall be entered into the person to whom the same will be awarded. Arxisz 7 ,l:o3liP# : MlLLEß, Clerk JUST RECEIVED. AV LARGE LO of Black LA Fine Assortment of Plain Dress Silks. tag. Rep. Mourning Silks. Small Bar Black and Purple Silks. A New Steck of Mourning Dress Goods. A Large Line of Irish IA uses, at old prices. A Full Stock of Skeleton . Skirts; NA al tele ever maunfiletured. A Full Lind of. Gents Undershirts and Drawers. Furs ; How casting out the stock. Balmoral Skirts ; • Ntar article. Marseilles Counterpaines ; AL old prices. Allendale Spreads ; • *cheap. EIL Large Line of Towellings. New•open at CATHCARfS, febial Next door to the Hi rrisburg Bank NAZARETH HALL, BOARDING} SCHOOL FOR BOYS. NZARETH, Northampton county, Pa. Fisiy of Access fro n Harrisaarg by railroad to Easton, and tarns seven miles by stage. Rev. EDWARD IL REICEIEL, 115 3m* lt/rEtOIi'INERY OIL.—We sell the only Ai_ reliable Natural Lubricating OH (warranted free from said and said ) and equal to Sperm or lard in ihe market. Refer to 'buts of railroad men, machinist menu. facturers and Wino who are using it. HARRY GILBERT, Agent for Ltibrie 011 Company, Hardware store op posite the Court House 14-2 w BLINDS I! BLINDS !! ! NEW VENITION BLINDS made to or der Ibr ,the small tram of $3,-$2 50 and $ll. New blinds made tout or old ones ma. 1.1 low vetoes for seventy five cents a piece and upward& 0 all and sae at my chop, in Second street, below Ohesnut. feb3-tui A. R. SEE VALENTINES I VALENTINES A FULL and splendid assortment of Valen entitles, wholesale or retail, at BERGNER'S BuOK STORE. QOLDIER'd CAMP COMPANION.— A kj very volvoislent Writtmg Dasc ; also, Puntbtlos, tielhorandtim Boors, l'ortamaaatea, dia., at n2O aIIIEFPBR , B HOOKin (Ott . FAMILY WASHING BLUE, an excel lent substitute for Indigo, for sale at the wholesal• and retail grocery store of NIOHOLS & BOWMAN, corner of Front and Market streets FRESH Choice Teas, Black and Green In X, Xf, and 1 pound papers. for Bate at. NICHOLS & BOWMAN'S 16 corner Front-ond Market streets. FOUND. A SUM' OF MONEY. The owner can cau have it by describing it and paying for this ad cortiaernoLt. Ho can ascertain tho name of the finder by call ng at this office feb l 2 d3t CRUSHED, broken loaf, fine and coarse pulverised and other sugars for side by NICHOLAS & BOWMAN, Carver Frost and Market streets. C°4'L OIL, warranted non-explosive, £everst brands for sale lo w by NEN IL 4.8 & BOWMAN. Corner .Front sod Market streets. QM 9kiNDLE3; country Snap, Fancy Soaps ki " 4l P'=" l,` itsgots - ar BOWILtIf. •-• ',.C0,0r Frost and Market streets. . eIpIOW:DER,LIShot and Caps for sale by annooLas& BO MEAN, Owner Front and Narket sliest& 2b Destroy—Bats, %aches, &o. To Destroy—Mice. Moles, and Ants. lb Destroy—Bed-Bugs. lb Destroy—Moths in Furs, Clothes, &c. To Destroy---111esquitoes and Fleas. .70 Destroy—lnsects on Plants and Fowls. To Destroy Insects on Animals, &c. lb -Destroy—Every form and specie of Vermin THE ONLY INFALLIBLE REMEDIES KNOWN.' DESTROYS ISETANTLY EVERY FORM AND SPECIES 01? Those Preparations (unlike all others) are "Free from Poisons." "Not dangerous to the Unman Family." "Eats do not die on the ptemises." "They come out of their holes to die." "They are the only infallible remedies known." "12 years and more established in New York city." Used by—the City Post Office. Used by—the City Prisons and Station Houses Used by—the City Steamers, Ships, &c. Used by—the City Hospitals, Alms-Houses &c. Used by—the City Hotels—`Astor'—'St.Nieho as,. &o. Used by—the Boarding Houses, &0., &c. Used by—more than 50,000 Private Families. ('Sea one or two Specimens of what is everywhere said by the People—Editora--Dealers, Irc. HOUSEKKEPERS—troubIed with vermin need be so no longer, if they use "Coma's" Exterminators. We have used it to our satis faction, and if a box cost S 6 we would have it. We had tried poisons, but thay effected nothing; but "Coma's" article knocks the breath out of Bats, Mice, Roaches and Bed-Bugs, quicker than we can write it. It is in great demand all over the country. —Medina (0) Gazette. MORE GRAIN and provisions are destroyed annually in Grant county by vermin, than would pay for tons of this Rat and Insect Biller. Lancaster (Wis.) Herald. HENRY R. COSTAR—We aro selling your preparations rapidly. Wherever they have been used, Rats, Mice, Roaches and Vermin disappear rapidly. ECIKEta & Brouvven, Druggists, Windsor, Md. "Costar's " Rat, Roaah, &o. Eatertalnator4 "Costar's". "Costar's" Bed-bug Exterminator. " Costar's" "Costar's" Electric Powder, for Insects, &o. Is 26c. 50c. AND SI,OO Boxvs, BOTTUM AND $1,69K., $3 $5 Bugs roe PLANICATION3 SIDPN, Bona, HOTELS, ma., .COB B GEORGE GA RVBRICH, 11.r.N4Y 3ioYEkt, Commissionems. fl 3 daind CAUTION !! To prevent the public from being imposed upon by Spurious and Highly Pernicious Imitations, a new label has been prepared, bear ing a fac simile of the Proprietor's signature.— Examine each box, bottle, or flask carefully be fore purchasing, and take nothing but "Cos tars." Or Sold Derytokere—by All.WHatzsmat DRIBIOD3IB in the hinge cities. Some of the Wholesale Agents in New York City. Schieffelin Brothers & Co. B. A. Fahnestonk, Hull & Co. A. B. & D. Sands & Co. Wheeler & Hart. James S. Aspinwall. Morgan & Allen. Hall, Ruckel & Co. Thomas & Fuller. P. D. Orel& Harrel, Risley & Kitchen. Bush, Gale & Robinson. M. Ward, Close & Co. McKisson & Robbins. D. S. Barnes & Co. F. 0. Wells Co. Linen°, Marsh & Gardner. Hall, Dixon & Co. Conrad Fox—AND OTEKRB. Philadelphia, Pa. T. W. Dyott & Co. B. A. Fahnestock & Co. Robert Shoemaker & Co. French, Richards & minus. AND BY DRUDDIATB, GRCKIBBB, STORBEBBPBBS and ENTAIL was generally In all •COMVIRY Towns and Vl:meats in the ITED STATES. HARRISBURG. PENNA. IF Sold by D. W. Gross & Co., AND Principal Wholesale and Retail Agents ry Harrisburg, and by' the Daimons, Sloes xsameas and iberAnsas generally. . HEN Rl' IL,CCSTA4. Pan iiaror--- , No: 512 Broadwaj--4(ippo site the St Nicholas Hotel,) New York. febl2-dam New '2lbuertisemtnts VERMIN EXTERMINATORS. VERMIN. C. K. Keller, Comrray Dwane can order as above. Or address orders direct—[or if ,Price, Terms,&c., is desired, fir send for [1862 Circular, giving reduced Prices . to Nun eAbutrtiztounts. SANFORD'S NEW OPERA HOUSE 1111)114.. 334a:faMyitlel:i:43 Admission, 25 cents Orchestra Chairs, 50 cents. Seats in Private Bores, 75 cents. Entire Box, $5.00. • 5 Doors open 6} o'clock ; Commence at7f o'clOck . Re-engagement of the Celebrated Cantatrice, Mrs, ANNA BORDWELL, IZEIZCI Mr. W. BORDWELL, Ethiopean Comedians, who will appear in their Ethiopean Drawing Room Soirees, original with Mr. and Mrs. Bordwell. To conclude with the Burlumina o , ent, in three acts, of LA SOM-AM-BULL-AH. Amini (Dinah,) lifts A. Bordwell Liza (Srisanab,) F X. Arnold Dame Tresso (Aunt Polly,) Bird well Elvini (Jumbo,) his Ist appearance in Opera, I. A. Paine J. A. Arnold Sanford Count (Dan Tucker,) Alessi° (Lazy Joe) Seats eau be eerured in eavaace daring the Opera. Bqx Mace open from le to 12 A. M. GROTTO MUSIC HALL! AdMIBBIOII NEW FACES! NEW FACES I Change Makes Change! Look at Names ! ALL ST &RS I ALL STABS I Miss ANNIE RUSH the plfssing vocalist, her first appearance in this city. Mi4B JULIA PHICE the versatile. BILLY THOMAS the great Ethiopean oome dian. MATT. GEBLER, comic vocalist and come dian. FULTOV MYERS, the great burlesque dancer. FRED. SHAW in his great Union vonge. OLE BULL hIYERS, violinist and jester. JOHNY WILLIAMS, the sweetest singer on any stage. JACOB WILLIAMS, the great baeso pro fundo. W. W. BATCHELOR will preside at the piano. The management takes v./it pleasure of mamma-lag to hip patrons ths ne ha , . elf .ct, ",t in engagere , et with these popular performers, Aires Pa "I“ A. JO'. favorite actress and vocalist, and Mr. ORO. W. TB WY SON, the g oat actor and p otom im,e-t Due no Ice will be given or thew sopearan Doors open at fiX o'clock. Commence at 7,54 o'etook F11.1.D AIMS, Sole Prop 3 etor coo Manager, PROPOSALS FOR AR NI Y 81 IPPLIES OFFICE OF COMM-SUM or SUBSISTENCE, Harrisburg, February 12th, 1862. Propos is will be received at this office until 12 o'clock, u., the 19th day of February, 1862, for furnishing for the use of the United States army, at such times and in such quantities as may be required to be delivered prior to the 10th day of March, 1862, Ike following subsistence stores. viz: 300 Barrels mess pork. 300 Barrels extra mess beef. 50,000 Pounds pilot bread iu barrels, iu gool flour barrels. 250 Bushels first quality new whiteteans, In good dry barrels. 5.000 Pounds prima rice, in good flour barrels. 10 000 " " Rio coffee, in barrels 15,000 " light yellow .ugar, iu barrels. 1,000 Gallons best quality pure viuegar. 1,250 Pounds best quality adamantine candles, full weighr, one-fourth in sixes, and three-fourths in twelves 4,000 Pounds good hard brown soap, full weight. 62 Bushels clean, fine, dry salt, in good tight barrels. Samples must accompany proposals of all articles, except meat—all the articles to be of the best quality, securely packed, and in per fect order for tiawortation. Bids will include packages and delivery at the Commissary's stores at this place. The meat wilt be inspected and passed • upon by parties from this office on the part of the United States. All the stores will be carefully inspected and compared with the retains i sam ples. Each bid must have a printed copy of this advertisement pasted at ifs head, and must be specific in-complying with all the terms.— Payments to be made in such funds as may be ou hand. If none on hand, as soon as received. Proposals to be endorsed, "Proposals for Sub sistence Stores," and directed to H. JONES BROOKE, Capt. and C. S., Vol. Service, Harrisburg. fei-12-dtd CURE OF SUFFERIN a AND DIN &ASS • VI) ROUGH. WAKlNG Clairvoyant per " copti aof tho causes or disorders DR. ADDISON, the celebrated Medical Examiner has arrived at Harris burg and taken Roam No. 45 at the Jones' House. where h will rein un a abort time ior modmai esmlna lion of persans mud situ any form of disease or sill faring. The r.:marasule of the aittwiedge he acquires CO a ice person's case ad hout slicing any questions wh 'lever, is fully shown to ea di one he ex amines. by his lc:Aunts i t teir ie 1-igs d sensation arhanr trout toe Its ird Ira ne fl ids °lusting in tht ays tan, th.) blood or say organ strutted. To c nisequeoce of tots, his cures in Pruladeldhis aud Ho 41,011 a 4 other pia es worm, he hts practiced t aty extent, have tire° numerous and remediable for many of the morn extreme have bean brought to bus care, and hi= suct,ese in prompt relief and speedy restoration of hie patient in health and contort, hue correspodded site ni; great skill in mastering and snowing tau nature of complaints. Dr. Addison's Examinations and Consultations are made wihout cha•ge, so that a visit to him doet not asst ao) thing ; and «f rattly it may be toe mimes of a cur • almost beyond vale Won. Where me lied treat - dmeat Is desired, °barges wid be made moderato and to nit the times. 1007-Iw. UNION WEST AURANT, BILLIARD AND BOWLING SALOON. NO. 119 MARKET STREET, NEAR FIFTH. 111 HE subscribers having erected a lat e building at the above pta4e,napramiy Cur the par .0.. see above indicated, beg to cell 11.10 attention of the pub lic to the following : T ELN annuntavr, ou the first floor, with a dining room attached, is fitted up in that-ciass style, and It will at all times he suppled with the best oYsrstis to be bad is the At l ant i c ,Att t e, together with terrapin, ash, and all hinds of game in season. Oysters served ail in every s tyle, and meals to be had at all hours. The Alen of all the celebrated breweries in the country constantly on hand. rear, and Te - Pin alley, or Bowling Saloon, in in ute [Mir, and wetting three alleys of modern construction, where the lovers of this healthy exercise can enjoy the mielves The Billiard Saloon is up-stairs—elegantly Jilted np, and contains three marble top c inibinasion onshion La him, equal to any made. Harrisburg has King felt the want of a grand combin ation of this kind, and as the proprietors are determined to conduct it in a quiet and orderly manner, and do eve rything in their power to mike it a fan tenable. re..ort they hope to receive a liberal snare of public, patronage. jallidlf Wilblaat C. Mcira.DDEN et 00. MORE LIGHT 11 CHEAP LIGHT:I 1 A.GREAT redaction in the price of =ha No. 1 BURNING OIL, ( }Peri-awed sot ex,aosived hat taken pltoe. It will pay all who percbame. Burning oils by the borel or smut qututtaida $a o buy at gUr 14-4. Harilwaie store, oppiiiite the oourillonise. ITAY 1 HAY !-50 tone superior baled JLA, Hay, for sale wholesale and retail D PrA JAMS cligliLia. 10 and 15 cents.