ff- rtlaiti) eiegray. Forever float that standard sheet! 'ltit here breathes the foe but falls before u ik reedow,a toll beneath our feet, An . a reedoin'ai banner streaming o'er us HARRISBURG, PA Friday ?darning, February 14, 1862. No CRIMINAL laweea ever resorted to more schemes, sophistry or technicality to baffle an honest jury and thus save a blood-stained des perado, than are a portion of the Democratic pram now practicing to shield the traitors of the *Oath. Every proposition that is made to subdue the rebellion by some practical and vig orous demoatration, is either assailed as an "Abolition design, ova direct violation of the Constitution " In this manner the adminis- tration has been baffled, the army demoralised at an expense to the government, and our pros pect abroad on several occasions placed at the hazard of being imbroiled in a war with two of the most powerful governments in Europe.— If this continual outcry by the Democratic leitd ers had been silenced some ten months ago, the federal authority would have been acknowl edged end respected in every state in the Union. If the southern traitors bad not been led to believe that their open efforts of rebellion would be aided by the secret sympathy of the Democratic leaders, and as many of the masses of the north as they could delude, treason would never have rallied to the numbers it now counts, nor would the war ever have assumed its pre sent magnitude. Thus the sympathy which beaisted in originating and organizing the re llidh continue's' to give it aid and comfort, encouragemet and force, to maintain its antag onism against the government. The Demo crats who are constantly clamoring for the Con stitution and the rights i.f the south are the, men who are thus aiding this rebellion. These men are never heard denouncing the rebellion as unconstitutional—they have no censure for Jeff Davis or. Henry A. Wise, nor do they at tempt the denunciation of a single southern traitor. such a course would be against them 'when a compromise with their old allies is of-' fitted. It is better, in their judgment, to de • trounce men of characters like Charles J. Sum rier,,llen. Wade, David Wilmot, Andy Johnson, or any of those who are laboring to force the 'rebellion te• those practical results which must sooner or later grow out of the organization of society at the south. The result of such action on the part of these leading Democrats, is to prolong the war, while every:day that it is prolonged, adds its millions of dollars to the debts of the nation. The men who are responsible for the delay, can never beoome responsible for this augmenting and enormous debt. That debt is increased by delay, and eau only be liquidated by contributions by the labor and drafts on theresourcee of the coun try. The masses must well consider these facts. The lorix, Cr the war is prolonged, the stronger re bellion *Comes. The loyal states feel the ef feats, of •the rebellion already, simply because their •laboring energy has been summoned to the field for a contest with traitors—while the prculuctive labor of the south remains undis turbed.at its pursuits, contributing to the sup port of the rebel army and maintaining the rebel government entirely on the means derived from its efforts. Delay augments the force and the violence of rebellion. Delay exhausts the energy, and the patience of loyal men; cripples our enterprise and industry, and unfits thous_ ands of honest white men for those pursuits which have made the free states prosperous and powerittl. And all this to satisfy a sentiment which is as base in its hopes as it is cowardly in its conceptions, a sentiment alike opposed to free government and free men. How long will the free white men of the north submit to this tampering with their pro gress and their power f As long as they submit to the miserable dictation and mean leading of a class of • dough-faces who claim to be the representatives of Democratic principles. This is our answer. RBONNTLi' HEARD OF A LADY, whose hus band holds a responsible command in one o the regiments from Pennsylvania, that weeps when she receives a remittance from her 'hus band, because the money he sends her is stained with the ; lood of the injured people of the South? These marnot beher exact words, but it is while im bued With this sentiment that she weeps. Dote it not occur to the reader to ask how the lady imbibed snob - sentiments. We are scarcely able to satisfy this inquiry, but leave the read er to draw his own inferences when we state that the husband of this sympathetic lady is one of those officera in the army who declares that he will resign whenever this war becomes a crusade against slavery. Honored slavery 1 sublime and glorious principles of human bond age and,barter,' when they can thus elicit the tears of matronly beauty and the champion ship of martial heroes. . Titanic:bum or Wmaxr manufactured by tha distillers of the United States, reaches, annu ally, 600,000,000 gallons. This fact was elicited by the investigations of the Congressional Com mittee of Ways and Means, which is now en gaged in preparing a list of articles, that will most justly bear taxation. It is proposed to make the article of wfileky produce a reve nue by such taxation, but to this proposition' therejamuck dares and bitter opposition.. w e trust,'howovsr, thak a tax will belaid on each gallon of this truck, sufficient at least to , cro-'; ate a revenue, of not less than four millions of dollars. no! pentiontuania Maly itettgraph. Saturbap - Afternoon , Ifebruag 14, 11362. SENATOR COWAN. We have not lost our confidence in the Hon. EDGAR COWAN, because he has honestly differed with a large majority of the honest people of the nation, as to the policy, justice, right or power of the United States Senate to expel the suspected and confessed traitor, Jesse D. Bright. As journalists, we approved the ac lion of the Senate in thus thrusting Bright forth to repent as an ingrate and traitor should, in shame and retirement ; brit the question o' expulsion involves many grave points of law, and many important considerations. of policy, on which some of the best men in the country have differed ; but With the influence of this difference, it is not possible either to create a schism in the Republican party, or produce an estrangement among the loyal men of the land. Senator Cowan, regarding his oath and respecting the responsibility which rests upon him as an American Senator, no doubt acted from patriotic and conscien tious motives, believing that there was as much danger in violating the Constitution with reference to the expulsion of a suspected traitor from the Senate, as there was in retain ing that Senator ia his place, where all his de signs could be watched and his base inters. tions, if he had any, easily frustrated. But to what v, desire more particularly to refer, is the fact that those who now approve the course of Senator Ciwan, are the men who sneered at "his pretensions" before he was elected Senator, and who, after he had taken his seat in the U. S. Senate, declared that "he was not fit for the position, and would fail before the first session of his first Oengress had expired." The praises of such men, such as those who trumpet Senator Cowan's name through the columns of journals that have lately fulminated treason against the government; may well be suspected, and are certainly calculated to do an honest and independent man, more damage than any abuse which could be , poured out against him, through the same channels. The real friends of Senator Cowan in Pennsylvania understand the motives which prompt the old organ of the Breckenridge clique to, cover him with their slimy praises, as the viper covers its victim before it extends its jaws for its reception. It is neither to approve his act as a patriot or a statesman, nor to uphold him for having as he firmly believed, honestly discharged his duty. The object is to make use of Senator Cowan, in distracting the Republican party. If they could accomplish this, the teeth with which secret traitors grin their satisfaction at what they suppose will add to the fury of the rebel lion, would be turned on Senator Cowan, to rend his hands and tear his reputation. On all other questions, more intimately and directly affecting the triumph of the govern ment, than the expulsion or retention of Jesse D. Bright as a Senator can possibly influence our struggle for the law, Senator Cowan has a most satisfactory record. His great talents have already won him the respects of his col leagues, while his admitted erudition as a lawyer has given him a reputation as a legal ex pounder, which others have faded to win who have passed through many years of Senatorial life. No CORRISPONDENON has ever been more fav orably received by the press, or elicited a more profound satisfaction from the people than the letters we recently published, by President Linz coin to Gen. Simon Cameron, and the epistle of the latter in reply to theformer distinguished gentleman. In the midst of a torrent of the wildest and most malignant abuse, originated to satisfy personal spite; and hurled to gratify a political purpose to embarrass the national administration, the letter of President Lincoln, yielding to ' the importunities of the late Sedretary of War, for the acceptance of hie resignation, is received by the loyal press as the corroboration of a confidence which the people continue to repose in Gen. Cameron, and which no clamor, no idle impeachment, or no dirty denunciation can control or dimin ish. That correspondence has made Gen. Cam eron stronger today than any public man in the Country, simply because it is an acknowl edgment by the President of the United States, that his official acts were distinguished, not alone for •great and unconquerable foresight and energy in the darkest hour of the nation's history, but that those same acts were marked by an integrity of purpose and a comprehen siveness of detail and 131103085,, to which .we must attribute our deliverance from the well laid plans of the traitors to usurp the power and capture the capital of the government. If it were possible, we would gladly gratify our readers with quotations from the press on the subject of this correspondence. But the extent forbids this, while any condensation we could make would only mar that which is alone grand and gratifying in its full proportiona. Suffice it to write, that Gen. Cameron has been fully vindicated by this correspondence, and that the press of the country are imparting this vindication to the people, accompanied by comments of the noblest editorial approval. THB SLANE-HOLDERS ON THE STATE OP DELA wess have made a proposition to the federal government, which exceeds, in audacity, any thing of a similar kind, that has ever eme nated from the same class. They propose, through a resolution adopted by the Delaware legislature, to abolish slavery, provided that Congress at its present session engage to pay to the state of Delaware, in bonds of the United States, bearing interest at the rate of six per centum per annum, the sum of $900,000, in ten annual instalments. Delaware, by the law of progress is bound to become a free state. All the Slave holdere in America cannot prevent such a result, and hence the idea of asking the government of the United States to pay a round sum for those whom Clod and nature have in vested with right of life and liberty, is to ask for a recognition which could not be made without also recognizing the rebellion as a con federacy. If the people of Delaware desire to abolish slavery, let them do so unconditionally. But to ask the people of the loyal states to indemnify them for the threatened loss of in vestments In a barbciroai custom and hellions wrong, is one.of, those_ constitutional privelges which only the Patriot and Union in atveditorial quoted from the Journal of Commerce, could be expected to approve. Pennsylvania Legislature. pwiq4rygaes:+.4/4;A:z;t:14.,:e.4q.ikre):,,i4:0 SENATE Farnex, February 14, 1862. • The Senate met at 11 o'clock A. M., and was called to order by Speaker HALL. Prayer by Rev. Franklin Moore, pastor of the Locust street Methodist Episcopal Church, of Harrisburg. The journal of yesterday, (Thursday,) was partly read, when On motion of Mr. SMITH, (Philadelphia,) the further reading of the same was dispensed with. PHEIIIONS ie., Mr. DONOVAN presented a petition of citi zens of Philadelphia, in favor of the abolishing of the curbstone markets of said city. Referred to the Committee on Agriculture and Domestic Manufactures. Also, the petition of Lieut. Emory, of the Fourth Pennsylvania Resdrve Corps, (83d P. V.,) asking to be re-imbursed for rearttiting expenses. Referred to the Committee on Finance. Mr. CONNELL presented the remonstrance of the board of school "directors of the Nine teenth ward of the city of Philadelphia, against the passage of the bill to re-organize the board of school controllers of the First school district of Pennsylvania. laid upon the table. Also, two petitions of citizens of Philadelphia, for the abolishing of the " curbstone markets " of said city. Referred to the Committee on Agriculture and Domestic Manufactures. Mr. SMITH, (Philadelphia,) presented one of exactly similar import. Referred to the Committee on Agriculture and Domestic manufactures. Mr., SERRJ.LL presented the petition of a few citizens of Philadelphia of 'dinner import. Referred to the same committee Mr. CLYMER presented , a petition of citizens of Ruscombmanor township, Berke county, praying that the collection of taxes of said town ship may.be given to the lowest bidder. Referred to the Committee on the Judiciary. lidr. LANDON presented a petition of citizens of Wyalusing township, Bradford county, pray ing for a reduction of the salaries of all the offi cers of the Commonwealth. Referred to the Committee on Finance. Mr. LOWRY presented a petition of citizens of Philidelphia in favor of abolishing the " curbstone markets" in said city. Referred to the Committee on Agriculture and Domestic Manufactures. p ;+i:a.~3: ~ ~ ~~J i:Y J ~:1 91~ (r! V 13'.111 Y Y Y -+ `:1 Mr. KINSEY from the Committee on Agri culture and Domestic Manufactures, reported as committed, an act to"provide for the destruc tion, and prevent the spread of, the Canada thistle in Franklin county. Mr. MEREDITH, (Roads and Bridges,) as committed, House bill No. 167, an act in rela tion to the Erie and Edinboro' plank road com pany. Mr. MOTT, (same,) as committed, House bill No. 132, an act to repeal an act to extend the provisions of an act authorizing the selling of the repairing of the public roads in certain townships of Schuylkill county, to Washington township, same county. A number of other private bills were re ported, and some few read in place. The ses sion was mostly taken up by the discussion of a resolution offered by Mr. Lows, to appoint a committee of three to Investigate the alleged frauds of the Bank of Commerce, at Erie. The resolution was finally passed, and the Senate adjourned until Monday next, at three P. M. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATITE3. FarDAY, Feb.:l4, 1862 The House was called to order at ten o'clock A. M., and opened with prayer by Rev. Mr. Johnston. THE PI7BLIO CALENDAR Agreeably to order, the House proceeded to consider bills on the public calendar, when the following were taken up, considered and,disp3secl of as stated: Bill No. 39. An act supplementary to an act, entitled "An Act concerning the sale of rail roads, canals, bridges and plank roads," ap proved the Bth day of April, A. D. 1861. Passed finally. Bill No. 62. An act regulating appeals from awards of arbitrators. Negatived. Bill No. 63. An act relative to the rate o interest. The Committee reported progress, and asked leave to sit %min one , week from to-day ; which was granted. Bill No. 11. An act to provide for the estab lishment and organization of a military school, and for the purchase or leasing by the Common wealth of suitable grounds and building, for such school. Postponed for two weeks. Bill No. 18. An act regulating the practice in. taking writs of error and appeals. - Negatived. No. 64. "Supplement to an act, entitled, 'An Act'to exempt property to the value of three hundred dollars from levy and sale,' &c.,, passed April 9th 1849 " Committee reported progress and asked leave to sit again one week from to-day, which was agreed to. No. 65. "A supplement to an act, entitled, 'An Act relating tolexecutions,' passed the 46th day of June, A. D., 1836." Passed finally. - No. 66. "A supplement to an act, relating to the commencement of actions." Passed finally. No. 60. "A further supplement to an act, entitled, 'An Act for the regulation and contin uance of a system of education by common schools,' approved the Bth day of May, 1864." The committee reported progress, and asked leave to sit again on the 19th inst., which was agreed to—yeas 61, nays 16. No. 67. "An Act, relating to passenger rail way companies." Passed finally, with amendments. No. 72. "An Act, relative to the payment of military orders." Passed finally. No. 89. "An Act for the suppression and de struction of counterfeit bank notes." Passed committee of the whole, and was un der discussion when the House MARKETS BY TELEGRAPH. • Pnaamualas, Feb. 12. Flour dull. Sales 6,000 bbls. superfine at ss'3lk , and 500 blils. extra family at $5 811 @A. The receipts are small but folly adequate to the demand. Small salt-s of rye flour at $3 25a3 50, and corn meal at $B. Wheat in good reqnest. Sales 7,000 bue. red at $1 35, and white at $1 45. Rye is steady at 73c. Corn in better demand and 8,000 bushels new yellow sold at 55®570. Otte steady at 37 @ , 38ic. Provisions firmer. Sales of mess pork at $l2 50. Hams woe. Sides and shoulders sc. Sales of 200,000 pounds green sides and shoulders of 51@6c. and3n4o. Sales of 200 tierces of lard at 7to. Dressed hogs advanced to 4@41. Sales of 200 bus. clover seed at $4 25, and timothy ats2. Coffee, sugar and molasses very dull. Whisky sells slowly at Twnve HONDEND NOMINATIONS are before the United States Senate for important military, naval and consular positions. BY THEM. The Burnside Expedition. OFFICIAL INTELLIGENCE THE ROUT OF THE REBELS COMPLETE. 3000 PRISONERS CAPTURED. ALL THE GUEBOATS CAPTURED. PARTICULARS OF THE FIGHT. The Rebel Camp Surrounded and the Whole Command Taken Prisoners. Colonel Russel of the 10th Conneti out Killed. Federal Loss in Killed and Wounded GO VERNOR WISE ESCAPED W NORFOLK ELIZABETH CITY BURNED BY THE REBELS EDENTON OCCUPIED BY THE FEDERAL LATER FROM THE SOIITH. Vain Calls for Soldiers to Defend Norfolk &o. I Return of the Commissioners to Visit the Federal Prisoners. EXCHANGE OP PRISONERS. Two Complete Regiments Captured —.— The Roads Lined with Guns, Knapsacks, . Dead and Ding, . 0. JENNINGS WISE AMONG THE KILLED Narrow Escape of Gov. Wise Brig. General Hill, and Cols. Shaw Gordon and Green among the 'Brie mere. Tne Flag Ship of the Rebel Fleet Run Down and Out Apart. GJ~Ic~17I~I~~iil..~~:~;~++~Jr~1;%~J:i:/:~; ~N~7~131 COM. LYNCH SUPPOSED TO BE DROWNED The Extent of the Knemey's Works: a EIGHT STEAMERS OE THE REBEL The gunboat Stars and Stripes arrived at noon from the Burnside fleet with bearers of dis patches for the Government. She reports the rout of the rebels complete. Three thousand prisoners were captured, and all their gunboats burnt or captured, except two, which escaped In the canal. Federal losses—killed forty-two, and wound ed about one hundred and forty; rebel loss— killed about thirty, and their wounded less than one hundred. The advance from Hatieras 'took place on Wednesday moraine. The expedition consisted of about sixty ves sels. The fleet anchored off Stumpy Point that might and next day proceeded to the entrance to Croatan Sound. After a reconnoissance the attack was com menced on Friday morning, the Underwriter leading the column. The rebel fleet was at tacked and dispersed in half an hour by a por tion of the navy while the remainder attacked the land batteries. The tight continued until dark. Daring the night ten thousand men were landed, and on Saturday morning seven thousand were ad ianeed. A masked battery of three guns was soon discovered by the skirmishers, and was at tacked in front and on both flanks. The Twenty-first, Twenty-fifth and Twenty-seventh Massachusetts, the Ninth New Yotk and Fifty first IT , w York, and Tenth Connecticut were particularly engaged. The 26th Massachusetts and 10th Connecti cut suffered severely. The fight lasted only two or three hours when the battery was aban doned. Our troops pursued and surrounded the Rebel camps, and took nearly the whole command prisoners. 0. Jennings Wise ' was wounded, and was shot twice while endeavoring to escape in a boat. Col. Russell of the 10th Conn., was killed at the head of his regiment. Lieut. Col. Vigrer De Mon tiel of the de'Es. pine Zouaves, whose services were voluntary, was killed ; no other officers were killed above the rank of Lieutenant. Our total loss of kil -1 ci and wounded was less than 200, and the number of the enemy is scarcely less than 600. We took between 2,000 and 3,000 prisoners. They were about being sent to New York by the steamer S. R. Spaulding and other steamers. Among them are about 12 or 15 colonels and majors. Adjourned On Sunday afternoon a fleet of fifteen gun boats started for Elizabeth City. The place was shelled and, having been evacuated and partially burned by the troops, was occupied. All the rebel fleet was sunk or burnt except two—the Roanoke and Beaufort-which es caped up the canal. The Sea Bird; Which`wad` theßsg-ship'of-Commcdoixo Lynch, was run down and boarded, and the Commodore escaped by swimming to shore. • Less than 300. FORCES En Masse. Roanoke. FLEET CAPTURED. ~~~ Foams MOAROZ, Feb. 18 .The News from Elizabeth city arrived at Roanoke Island on nonday, and the Stars and Stripes left on Tuesday morning. She stuck on he hat at Hatteras on Tuesday night, but started again in the morning, and arrived here at about noon to-day. The Stars and Stripes brings the bearer of tispatches from Gen Burnside and Corn. Golds borough. He will take the cargo of amunition and will return immediately. Gen. Wise was at Nagga Head,tind succeeded in escaping to Norfolk. The rebels made no fight after being driven from their intreachments ; which was done by Hawkin's Zouavos and the Twenty-first Massa chusetts regiment. Young Wise resisted the storming parties un til he was wounded, when he was carried off, and his command r,treated with the others to the upper end of the island, where they laid down their arms. Elisabeth City was about half burnt by the rebel soldiers. The people sent off a deputation to Commodore Goldsborough, asking him to send a , force to assist in extinguishing the flames. Edenton was taken possession of on Wednes day by Commodore Goldsborough, no opposi tion being offered. The Norfolk and Richmond papers attribute the loss of Roanoke to the blundering Ineffi ciency of the Navy. They persist in asserting that nearly one thousand federale were killed. They charge some Roanoke Island farmer with having de serted and piloted the Yankees to the only point where they could effect a landing. The island being flaked on all sides by an extensive marsh. Dispatches from Memphis to Norfolk admit that the federal flag was cheered at the Ten nessee river by the people, and assert that the federals neither seized or destroyed any private property, not even cotton. Gov. Ditcher has issued an order for the for mation of home guards for Norfolk, Peters burg and Richmond. Messrs. Ames and Fish returned to Balti more, the rebels refusing to receive them. Four hundred released Federal prisoners will reach Old Point on Friday or Saturday. ANOTHER ACCOUNT Another account says the enemy were pur sued for several houra, and two complete regi ments, on their way to reinforce the fort, were captured, not knowing of its surrender. Every road was lined with guns, knapsacks, clothing, and with the wounded, dead and dying. Ex-Governor Wise escaped fromNagg's Head, but his son was shot through both legs and lunge. He died the following day. Actingßrigadier General Hill, Colonels Shaw, Jordan and Green were captured with a large number of subordinate officers. When the result of the, field fight became known, Forts Barton, Blanchard and Forrest were evacuated, and the floating battery on the main land blown up. The rebels blockaded the channel round Croft tan Sound by driving piles and sinking vessels. The enemy fired the town on retreating. The federal gunboat, Com. Perry run down the rebel flag-ship Seabird, having on board Commodore Lynch, cutting her apart. Our men boarded her pell-melt During the en conntre which ensued, a portion of her officers and crew jumped overboard, others bad their brains knocked out with the handspikes which were freely used on the occasion. Later rebel accounts state that Lynch has not yet been heard from, being probably drowned during the fight. The Official Despatches. WASHINGTON, Feb. 14. A special messenger arrived this morning bring the following despatches: UNITED STATES FLAG STEAMER PHILADYLPHIA, t OPP Ramose ISLAND, Feb. 9, 1862. Roanoke Island is ours. It's military au thorities struck to us yesterday. Their means of defence were truly formidable and they were used with a determination worthy of a better cause. They consisted of two elaborately con structed works mounting together twenty-two heavy gnus, three of them being hundred pounder rifles; four other batteries mounting together twenty guns a largo proportion of them being also of large calibre and some of them rifled. Eight steamers mounting two guns each, and each having a rifled gun with the diameter of a thirty-two pounder, a prolonged obstruction of sunken vessels and piles to thwart our advance and altogether a body of men numbering scarcely less than live thousand, of whom three thousand are now our prisoners: The fighting commenced on the morn ing of the 7th inst , at about 11 o'clock and was continued until dark the fol lowing morning.. It was resumed at an early hour, and it lasted until well in the afternoon, when by a bold charge of our army the rebel flag was made to succumb, and our own was hoisted everywhere on the island in its place. No attack could have been more completely executed, and it was carried out precisely in accordance with the arrangements made before the expedition left Cape Hatteras inlet. A detailed account of the operations will be forwarded to the department hereafter. I beg to submit herewith a copy of a general order to be read on the quarter deck of each vessel belonging to that branch of the expedi tion. I am very respectfully your obedient servant, L. 11. Gornsnortouorr, Flag officer commanding North American blockading squadron. Hon. GLDBON Wure, Secretary of Navy. The general order is as follows: Your efforts of yesterday and the day before against the enemy were alike worthy of yourselves and the sacred cause our glorious flag upholds. I thank you for them, and congratulate you upon the result achieved. No commander-in-chieif could have been more gallantly sustained, or could have desired a more > gratifying display of coolness, skill and discipl ne . ' We have yet more work of the lend to accomplish, and will soon deliver another blow to crush the hydra of rebellion. From whit 11;riZZ.,-,. witnessed, I am sure that you will 11., it w,,; (Signed) L. 11 liot.ussol;r.i.;ll U. S. Flag Steamer P hiladelphia, o 4 Island, Feb. 10, IS6I. lion. GIDEON WELLEs, Secretary of Six o'CLOCK.—Just as I clu,d 4%1 1 ' t you of yesterday, I received reliable ire,.ra that the rebel steamer; which en'eAH,l here had gone to Elizabeth city, and th••r”.:(4 I immediately ordeied crournaniicr take thirteen of our sty artists under mand and go in pursuit of thew ai d practicable, to execute au 11 service, viz : the destruction at the N ; of a link of the Albertnnrh: and canal. He dashed off with a his work, and the way he hisah, plished the first part of it is sLown preliminary report, a copy of ‘NiJt i, I I „ herewith' inclose, will inform decided to send the Stars ai,l Hampton Roads to morrow m,,rnii me ammunition from thtre witl.”„T Mr. Vanbrunt, my s••cretar; wiil and proceed to Washington. to ~ my despatches and two of the rr b• have taken. I am, resp , cry, your ob't L. M. GOLDSHORODIII, Flag UNITED STATES STEAMER on, ELi , k: T - 9 CITY, Fth. lOth, SIR :—I have the ha .pines io rcrt have met the enemy off this Ilk, t ing at nine o'clock. After a very ment, I succeeded in destroy in:; or naval force, and silencing atil .Iv-tr v batterieson Cobb's point. Tut:only from destruction is the steourr tsr j Cookwho is wounded and a priso n , ship. 1 have other prisoners. I t „, say that our casualties are few e ,_ warmth of the enemy's tin. -s.ty , killed, and some wounded. I send the Ellis to you uniler t.. acting master Chase of this thp, r you will confirm in the e•mlita:t. duct of the gallant men I h .10 • command Is worthy of all pr A account will be furoisheil wh..o am happy to say that none. iif ii,„ „ severely injured. I shall leave. force and visit the canes au ,l Cairn . • the other places before I iettirn I have the honor to bc very your obedient servant. Gotninaittlinz i 5 N,v The Rebel Press on th, Tennessee NewN ADMISSION OF GLOOMY P FOR THE CONFEDERACY The Unionists Making Drill(11.'41'4[1011 , AI Memphis and other S4)11111(711 Puini Armed Bands of Union Kau Ailing the Mountains, BALTIN. itt , t The Richmond Despatch s.ty, h,t , I see exchanges give us gloothy Ir. -. • • future In that part of the coh,e,h, . 1. Several leading journals inlitilst , ; ;, there is really a threalenne.; sta', East Tennetere growing out t t;„ Si love of many of those pop! , for ti.: The ]Memphis Avalandv slat, dition of the interior ctiontie3 by the lapse of time. The 11..1 , 16. an immediate advance of the 'Sort I, !!, traitors to the South evince tb.ir village and neigh borhood i; r,I. malting demonstrations in many ”i in, 1. ern counties, and even in 31 0 molii,, exhibitions of joy on the arrival from Beech Grove. ..... Armed bands of Johnsi n's followers are prowling about in ail through the mountains and in rea,. Many persons have iTeu shot at Lld 1., • own houses, who adhere to tn... i, Lu, •: South. FROM ST. LOUIS, Evacuation of Springfield, Mo., t.F the Rebels. Our Troops in Possession oi the Toss BETREAT OF THE REBEL PRICE ST. Loa I , A. special despatch to the i) SPILINOTIELD, Mo., Feb. 13, via. I).%I: Feb. 14, says: Our troops took possession of Sprin2tL t day without firing a gun. Pm. , the place yestertay afternoon, Ina 4 !TN.! OD tho Fayette road. ISEO)2iD DISPATCH I - The Official Announcement. ST. Lotus, February 14.—The fl it ail' patch was forwarded irons h, ado niers I:. morning to General hi:Clellan, The flag of the Union floats over tti , house in Springfield, Missouri. The enemy retreated after ashore leaving a large amount of stores and which was captured by Genera( Ciao:, Our cavalry is in close pm snit. (Signed) 11. W. HA I,LE, FROM WISIIINGM THE CASE OF CHEVALIE R WYKOFF, -- 4,,,___ Parcanurnia, Feb. 14 It is said that Chevalier 'cir,l in ti was More the judiciary committee, but iodine.' to give satisfactorily answers was again remanded to jail, where he still remains. fie more tbao t intimated that he got the surruptitioas op y }I t. the Pre.ident's message from M wereaj. Watt, co ts. Lincoln's gardner, but hie innate-tees sidered mere attempts at evasion. The committee have summoned Watt to ap pear before Tey are satisfied that the chevalier did not them. get the copy either throsel the agency of the President or Sirs. Lincoln. The President was before the committe, it alts supposed in reference to this matter. No official report, but merely a private letter had up to one o'clock to-loy al been received from Gen. Burnside by the Gener-in-Chief. _ The assistant Secretary of the Navy, Ns- Fox, has also received a private letter, in wh, o it is stated that the number of killed on oar ode is about twenty and of the army only thirtl• , lIIE =I J ( 1 , N