Pennsylvania daily telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1857-1862, February 11, 1862, Image 4

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    Na ti '2oDatioements.
Having purehased the entire right and Interest to mann
facture and sell
EVERY body ought to join in Circulat
ing it, if the fact( we represent are so. All are in
tereeted, the well and afflicted.
The GOLDEN ELKO f RIO OIL is useful in Chronic and
Nervous Diseases, such as Rheumatism, Neuralgia,
Bronchitis, Catarriiih, Bbrofttia, Piles, Fresh Or Old Sores,
Ulcers, Glandular Swellings, Female Complaints, Sore
Breasts, Sus.
In fact there In no family medicine that acts with such
magic potter as the Golden Electric Oil. Hundreds can
certify tans virtues.
For the PorpOse of introduclrg it Into every fain sly,
with two of my own vain ible preparations for Coughs,
crap, Welt and nflamed , and uan Inducement
to those who assis l t roe to dlaposEyese of 20 gross, I place in
it of a committee of ,hoaorable gentlemen the
fo owing valuable articles. for MEE distribution amongst
the'purchasers :
1 Fine &octavo Piano 5100
1 Fine Dressing Bureau 16
1 Fine Cottage Bedstead 8
1 Fine English Gold Lever Watch 86
1 Fine Ladies' .... d a to 30
2 Fine Silver Watches, $5 00 10
1 Old Violin and Bow 5
I Music Box. 8
1 Fine Double-barrelled Gun 9
1 Sine Semitone Accordeon.... 4
4 Gold Bracelets, 21 00 • 4
609 Boxes Valuable Pills, ?Acts 125
400 Boxes Tooth Powder, 28 its 100
200 Copies Life of Dan nice, Embellished, 26 eta 60
1 Copy. 6 volumes, Christian Union, $1 00.... 6
1 Fmk= Dress 20
•a a Delaine Dress ... „ ... t
. ...'. ..... 8
9 Lawn Dresses $3 00 6
'Gold Pencils, Sai 00 6
a sleeve Buttons, 12% ct 5......... ..... 25
24 Fine *adios' Guards, 26 eta 6
20 ione taus of Jewelry, SI 00......... ...... 20
20 Fine Double Medallions, 1 00 20
60 Fine lashet Pin., 60 eta 25
I 00 Vine Setts Stade, 25 cis 150
500 Fine idlers& Rings, 26 cis ........ ........ 126
200 pie Gents' /Peeve duttons, 12X ctn.. ..... 25
100.1 me Allen's Razor Powder, 25 cut.... 26
1 Gilt Family 8ib1e.... ................ ..... 8
1 Barrel Flour... 70
On the payment of 26 cents for each Bottle or Box of
the Medicine, the purchaser, will receive a receipt and
an order for an envelope, which will contain the name of
one of Ills above rifts. On the day of the distribution of
gifts, the envelopes will be placed in a box or wheel, with
a hole to pass the hand into it, the envelopes all put into
the wheel, well shook up and scoured, each purchaser
will draw out hie or her owe envelope; the gift named
therein will be given as soon as the drawing closes. No
the will be given to agents, and in the papers, of the day
of distribution. Purcrasers at a distance wll have an
equal share with those residing in Harrisburg. On re
ceipt of the money for one or more dozen, the medicine,
with cerificate and orders, will be forwarded by express,
free of charge. In'all cases the medicine is warranted to
cure or giro relief, or no charge. See certificates.
Da,'" WI Befut—'•Dius But ;—lis I have learned that you
have purchasedtne right to manufacture and sell M'Con
nail's Golden Electric Oil, for the benefit of the afflicted,
I send the following :-.4 have been afflicted with a run
ning sore on my Lett leg for ten years. During that time
l have been under the treatment of ten of the beat Doc
tors in Berrisburg, Baltimore and Cumberland county ;
but all could not effect a cure. A little over a year pant,
g o ing Into my blacksmith shop alter dark, 1 hurt my
riga legatee, below the sues. It spread all , round the
leg, and became a running sore. Several Doctors told
me I must nave my leg taken off, mortification having
taken place. Fortunately I got a bottle of your Golden
Electric GU for my child's sure Biretta. It cured so soon
that I thought I would try it on my loge. I have been
using It about six weeks, and my legs are now healed up
—sound and well.
We, the undersigned, who ara well acquainted with
lClirha T Rauch, do certify to the fact ae stated above,
and the' beneeel 41 effects of ll'ConuelPe Golden Electric
Oil on aunty of our neighbor,.
A. P. ERB, (Bridgeport Hotel)
I have been ustag Cr. Burr's Croup Syrup In my
family for Use past two yens. I would not be without
hat any price, as my children are subject to Colds end
Croup. I believe I have saved their lives by the use of
the medlabse. No family with children ought to be
B. B. SWARTZ, (livery,) Harrisburg.
Cow CURTIN, December 0,1801.
bass thank you most sincerely for the Hint-
Meat you gave me for my eyes. I have m ly used it a law
detes t and am now entirely tree from intlemation and pain
*doh Is more than I have been for the last five years.
1 hope God will bless you for the free gift. No person
"glinted with weak or Inflamed sore eyes ought to be
Without It J. C. MILES.
Being well acquainted with J. C. Mlles, what he cern.
Sea to above is correct and true, as singular as It may
seam. J. B HELM C. C. for Bedford .
Hundreds 12 we certified—l have only given the above.
Piles, Tester, Poison, Itch, Gut* JAW, Gonorrhoea, sleet,
Lenoordue, and all secret diseastes owed with same eno
oess, or no charge.
Ten per cent. will be paid to all persons selling ono or
more dozen. W. BAHR,
j7Eo•dawlP Harrisburg, Pa.
FIGIQR Bale at
Clamp Writing Cases,
Needle or Sewing Cases,
Shaving or Razor Cases,
Toilet Cases,
Match Cases.
Pocket Ink Stands,
Pocket Mirrors,
Pocket Knives,
Pocket Combs,
Fine Combs,
Bryer Pipes,
Tobacco Boxes,
India girbtter Tobacco Pouches,
Wicker, Leather & Platina Flasks,
. Leather Drinking Cups.
Pen', peatoiders, Penc il s, Paper, andEnvelepes.
Soldiers will meat a glance that the place to set an
outfit in small waresis at Ne. 91, Market street.
, sg-See "Fort Pickens" In the window .
THE YEAS 1862.
John Care, Esq, Treasurer or Dauphin County,
Pennsylvania, being the receipts of the said Treasurer,
for theyear 1881, commenoing February 18th, 1861 to
Jfinlary Bth, 1862 inclusive, via :
. ,
To outstanding taxes of the year
$348 18
outstanding taxes of the year
1800 ~.$13,198 77
918,546 95
aggregate of county tax levies and assessed for the
year 1861, viz :
Harrisburg, Fleet ward 92,071 25
" Second ward......... 4,981 62
" Third ward... 5,331 67
" Fourth ward 2,889 45
" Fifth ward.... 1,119 26
" Sixth ward 1,511 16
Susquehannali township 4.682 52
Swats's' toWnship 4,080 15
Lower Swatara township... ....... . 2,667 24
CODOWILIO township 1,873 2k
Middletown, North ward 1,137 61
0 Middle ward 764 17
"' ' South ward 678 66
Loudondery township 3,436 53
South HaneVer toWnshiP 2,068 44
Fast Hanover township 2,768 42
West Hanover township.... 1,814 02
Derry township.... ....... .
Lower Paxton township... .
Middle Paxton township ....
Rush township...... ..
Upper Paxton township
Millenburg borough
Jackson t0wn5hip....... ...
Reed township....
MAIM township ..
Jefferson township
Main township
LykenS township
Grats borough
Washington township
Wisconisce township
Dauphin borough
S 300
in D.
Brinton Ingram .....
John Geiger
State Capital 8ank........
Meehanwe bank
Harrhihurg oar company..
.1. 111110
Holamb .
Simnel Uolman
George. Peri
Blbaboth Zollloger .....
Peter Stucker
l aXt o
... ...
Yiee hi• /4 111117 4*,.' ...
. ....
George Reffer.— 300
Martin Nisei.), . 1,000
George Resler .... ... 100
John Geiger 260
Martin Mealy Jr .................. 700
George rtauffer 620
Samuel Hassler.— .......... ..... 100
Alien Sturgeon ............ ....... 5.00
George 5tauffer............ 7700
George Garverich Jr., • 1,000
Rebecca Sheer.— .... ........... 1,000
Leonard Weiner . 400
Joseph Geiger.... . ... 4,900
John R. Fertig 600
George Stauffer 849 60
Holman & Wilt
William H. Kepner
John Ewing
George C. 8arnitz........
Rebecca Schreiber
Mechanics' bank .
State Capital bank
Daniel Epply
John Snider......
Gaverich & Gayman
Mechanics'' bank...
Thomas Aldred
John J. Shoemaker..
Go 'lgo Garverich
John Stahl .
Elizabeth Anderson 125
Elizabeth Reel.... 180
George Garverloh....
George Garrerleh Jr.,
Caleb Benton ..... ...
Harrisburg bank...
Adam Reel
Martin L Bowman..
Isaac Hinter
John Brick
Sarah Rauch
John P. Leibrlek....
William G. Ferguson
Cash trim Alms House directors
of Cumberland county support .
of M. Wolf.. ~ 800 00
Cash on the sale of metallo figure .11
an Indian on the old court
house 25 00
Cash proceeds on the sale of bib ks 10 78
Cash balance of bonus of Manada
ville OO
Cash forfeited recognizance 60 00
Cash fury fees from Prothonotary
Mitchell 127 87
Cash from N. A. Sutton, costs re
funded 20.00
Cash sale of old court house' bell 88 00
Cash on sale of old furniture.— 41 60
Cash charges collected on Treas
urers sale 9 81
Cash taxes paid in Commtsaionet's
office 260 23
Cash tax received in pursuance of
election laws . 27 90
Cash on sale at a stray on ord r of
J. W. Griffith, Esq., 2 81
Cash from State Treasurer on the
payment of $lB 686 29 county
hinds prior to the Ist day of
August last lab per cent abate
ment .681 81
Order No. 446, outstanding........ - 24 00
$2,068 89
Commissioners statement in detail of the County Tr• se
ursr 2 s disbursement of the County of Dauphin, Pennsri
vents, up to January Bth, 7862, on orders drawn on him
by the County Commissioners, to wit:
By cash paid Daniel Yoder for
scrubbing. .' . .... . . . $ 18 12
By cash paid Daniel ioder for
storing coal 1 40
By cash paid sundry persons for fox
scalps." t 91 00
By cash paid L. N. Ott redemption
money ... .. ...... 40 69
By cash paid Enyder & Allman re.
demption money 12 05
By cult paid Daniel Eppley redemp •
ton mopey._ 12 66
By cash paid John H.lnic redemp.
Mon m0ney......
7 40
By cash paid Josiah J. Tittle re.
demption money...—. . . ... . 8 15
By cash paid H. C. Alleman redemp•
tine money 16 48
By cash paid Jacobli Eby redemp•
Lion money 17 01
By cash paid Murray & Fleming
redemption m0ney............ 77 68
By cash paid C. B. Care redemption
8244 08
By tax refunded to Jacob Rouoh.. $ 500
By tax refunded to Michael R. Al
lomat' 27 34
By tax refunded to John Care.. 3 86
By tax refunded to John N. Riff
man ..... „ . 2 78
By tax refunded to iniilipbmberger 287
By tax refunded to William Hertz.. 1 39 •
By tax refunded to George J. Shoe
maker ... .. . .....,.
• .—°
By tak reloaded to Micbacd R.
Frantz-- ... .., . . . 12 27
By tax refundedto Jacob 9. Idelly 472
By tax refunded to William Swab.. 5 26
By tax refunded to Emanuel floff
man 2 57 -
By tax refunded to John Z. Grove.. 4 44
By tax refunded to Abraham Hen. 12 00
-- $92 76
Pad Judge Blattenbe ger, contrac
tor 8771 00
Paid John W. Cowden, Esq., survey
6 60
.coxvicrs TO CITY LOCK.IIP.
Paid B. J. H. Meek, bread for said
convicts.... $ 18 16
Paid Mayor Kepner, bread or said
convicts ........ ......... 16 16
Paid Philip Ensmlnger, auctioneer
services 3 60
Paid William Dock, Jr., alcohol for
metre.— ...... ......... 1 60
Paid Joseph Miller, for express
charges 50
Paid William ,a. Jordon, to 'add g
15 00
Paid to Adam teei, to add g mill
tax 38 00
Paid William H. Caslow, to add
mill tax 35 00
Paid William H. Carlow, assistance
to clerk . .. .........'.... 20 00
Paid Henry Parer, audit pu blic
counts of 1880 19 50
Paid H. M. Graydon, audit public
acoounts of 1861 . 15 00
Paid Prothonotary Mitchell, fees for
1861.... 586 20
Paid A. J . Herr, district attorney
fees for 1861. ........ 694 00
Paid Joseph Miller, tenoning treas
urer's papers 200 00
Paid Joseph Miller, service in mili
tary accounts.— 100 00
Paid A. J. Herr Esq., services in
case of M. Wolf. 75 00
Paid Peter Hummel, Esq., indexing
office papers.... 500 00
Paid Alderman Peffer, qualifying
election officers.— 4 75
nor) ti
July 27, 1861, paid judges of the
. 00
Sept. 2 ° 7 1 ',k551, paid judges of the .81,000
c0urt........ 500 00
Oct. 14, 1861, paid judges of the
court. ....... .................
Oct. 26, 1861, paid judges of the
Nov. 12,1861, paid lodges of the
court.... .. . . . .. . .....
Nov. 19, 1861, paid judges of the
Deo 11,1861,paid to judges of the
Dec 17, 1881, pa . id, to judges of the
Jany. 1, 1882; p . ald to Judges of the
court.... ..... .............. 1.,00G 00
Jonathan Spsyd, 82 days at $1 50 $ 03 00
Jonathan Spayd, 704 miles at 6X 44 00
John P. Rutherford, 69 days at $1 60 88 50
John Y. Rutherford, 60 miles at 0X 3 75
Henry Peffer, 62 days at $1 50..... 83 00
Henry reffer, lb days of Interval
service... ... . . ....... 22 50
Kunkle and Rawn, 20 0 00
Fisher and Herr attorneys 160 00
Joeeph Miller, clerk.... . 40 00
Daniel Yoder, messenger 10 00
Frederick Meekest, c1erk..:.......10 00
F'. Schaffer, printing reports
$72,906 $O
.... 1,000
. 200
. 2,000
. 500
pninsvluartia - ittlegrapt), Cutobag Aloriting , *bowl) 11. 1862
Ntm '2Lbritrtistmtuto
258,150 00
Total Teoeipts la 1 881
' " $826 76
Lcew sbvertismtnts.
Common Pleas jurors in March
1861.... .... . t ... ........ 317 8S
Grand Jurors in April, 1861........ 138 50
Grand Jurors in August,lB6l:. .... . 160 13
Grind Jurors In November, 1861.. 148 75
Petit Jurors in Aril, 1861 .......... 294 13
Petit Jurors in August, 1861 420 25
P. 14 Jurors In November, 1861.... 858 75
Common Pleas Jurors in May, 1861. 201 88
co mon P 035 Jurors in November,
1881. ♦ 284 38
Common Pleas Jurors in December,
1861 ..... ..................... 118 76
Court crier and tip staves in March. 77 SO
Court crier and tip staves In April.. 32 50
Court crier and tip staves In May... 88 76
Court crier and tip staves In August. 73 76
Court crier ane tip staves In October 16 25
Court crier and tp staves in Decem
ber.... . .......... 118 75
Coyle and Herr, bosrdlng of Jurors 21 00
Paid constables at April term, 1;81. 42 48
Paid constables at August team,
1861 .. 45 72
Paid constables at November term,
1861 46 00
Paid Jackson W1ckert........ ..... $ 85 58
John Jamison 488
Daniel B. Callender 60 83
Igen° S. Waterberry........... 56
John T. Pox 3 17
Constable of Washington to w.
ship . 226
George Werthefer ............. 938
Charles Strew and others 20 00
H. H. Parsons.. ....... ....... 6
Henry ............. 149 03
C. Harman ............ ..... 4 06
John P. Messner.. 8 57
John Essig 22 91
George German 89 61
James Lewis ...... ..... . 28.03
Moses Fleck . 423 75
George Frank......... ...... 10 67
George W. H0rn.... . ........... 3 62
James D. eb1er............ ..... 6 35
Wickert and C01e........ 150 62
Benjamin Boj d:....... .. 460
Solomon Huber 21 43
Rho Stauffer 87 22
WUIIam Ker0hner.............. - 129
Samuel Rousler . 21 13
John A. Neuman
Bud:doh Hummel.... 4 11
John a 1eck............ 2 10
Henry Wagner ..... 214
Daniel Batteicher ........ . 16 93
Samuel Roller ........ 2 41
Henry Becker . ~...... 902
ltadebangh andbamilbell 143 Si
Barley Campbe11........ 17 92
Constable of Middletown 8 u 7
Jobe Stillman 87
E. S. 0010 1 74
W. J. Maglaughlin 81
$lOBl 67
Paid Joseph Brubaker, costs E 1 93
George Gilbert, c05t5........... 3 83
William Kline, costs 367 44
John Maglaughtin, coots 132 31
W. H. Kepner, Mayor, costs 182 69
Henry Baader, costs.— ....... 280 13
A. P. Lark, 8 68
Josiah Worland, c05t5........:22 77
G. W. Caldwell, costs 81 99
C. W. Churcham, 0a5t5..........1 20
Henry titehm •n, coats .... 13 30
Thomas &robin, costs 8 70
George Hoffman, costs 1 87
Daniel Miller, costs 6 60
Daniel L. Scheffer, c05t5........ 978
Joseph Farnaler, c05t5.......... 17
$148,872 50
Amounl paid witnesses In 1801.
Paid T. H. Wilson & Haldeman,
road damage.... $ 550
George Landis, road damages.. 30
Isaac Hershey, road damages.. 20
John Witman, road damages... 33
Daniel Bolton, road damages... lo
John Braehm, road damages... 25
Soloman Fackler, road damages 16
John Fackler, road damages... GO
Benjamin Miller, road damages. 50
Daniel Keefor, road damages.. 60
Jacob Eshenower, road damages 80
Jacob Peck, road damages 35
Samuel Shupp, road damages.. 40
Jacob Camel, road damages.... 10
A. Wieling, toad damages..... 22
Michael M'Neal, road damages. 22 60
Abraham Strickler, road dam -
ages 60
Adam Coutryman, road dam
ages 24 00
David J. Unger, road damages. 45 00
David Hummel% estate, road
damages.. 200 00
David Hertz, road damages.... 00 00
Henry Reinhard, read damages 35 00
Abraham Bates, road damages. 25 00
William Hummel, roan dam
ages 40 00 '
George Reel, road damages.... 125 00
Alexander Roberts, rind dam
-60 00
William J. Beal, road damages.. 297 00
John Bumgardner, road dam
ages 14 00
John Lebo, road damages 50 00
Jacob Miller, road da hag's._ 13 00
John Griffin,, road damages .... 37 00
John Feidt, road damages 3 00
Silas Kehler, road damages.... 30 00
Jacob Badfang, road daniag es.. 20 00
George W. Bowers, road dam
ages 3% 00
Paid road, bridge and bridge site
Paid Jacob &muff; repairs Hulling's
bridge SS 00
Jacob Knauff, repairs roads do. 40 87
Jacob C. Behm, lumber, Hum
melsiown bridge 131 97
PeterWitman, repairs, Spring
creek 400
Jacob Scheirer, repairs, turn
pike bridge 11 00
Holman & Wilt, repairs, hos
pital bridge - 10 00
Edward Rieke], in full, Swatara
bridge. 900 00
Alfred Hummel, repairs, Ham
eistown bridge...—. ... . . 15 75
Fox & Orth, nails, Hummels
town bridge ............ 2 79
John D. Grove, lumber, Ruin
- meistown bridge-- ...... 22 30
Jacob Hufnage, repairs, Uhl's
da bridge ..... ....... 00
Jacob Albert, repairs, Ranter
mddy bridge 9 18
Hummel, Brestel & Co., repairs,
Middletown bridge 68 81
Balance paid Holman Ar Wilt, in fall
on original contract ..... —.928,478 29
52,287 96
Vane and lightning rod point $ 46 60
Balance on lock-up 1,500 00
Cases, counters &0., per contract.:. 6,604 60
8 extra outside jam doors.— 180 00
Water closet under front stairs 80 00
Iron elbow connect( g sewer 122 50
342 fret ceiling cornice.. 85 60
6 center p1ece5....... ...... . ...... 12 09
Betting iron brackets.... 50 00
Avoter in court room 17 00
rebing Orpban's court room.. 100 00
Water pipes and cocks In cellar._ 17 60
Coat orarms..... . ........ .. • • 800 00
15,600 bricks for heaters 130 12
For heaters.. 415 91
Setting four heaters .... 76 00
TOO lbs., iron for beaters . 42 00
227 feet pipe for heaters 102 15
39 fret pips for heaters, small 13 66
120 lbs. smoke pipe • • .. 14 40
2 damper beaters 1 28
Elbows and freight on heaters 21 05
Soper Mending construction of do. 49 00
Paid F. J. George, fresco painting In
oil c010r5. ......
A. W. Watson, painting
G. A. Oglesby. balance. gas At-
Josiah J. Jones, balance, plum
. ... . . 184 10
Thu A. Morrow, lightning rod. 24 00
Thomas Aldred, stone cutting.. 06 34
George A. Oglesby, locks and
Josiah J. Jones, new water
F closet.—
'Anthony King, locks
A. W. Bergstresser, painting
new closet 800
Jacob E. Goudy, fixing locks... 1 00
C. J. Jester, lettering office doors r 626
1,000 90
600 00
500 00
500 00
1,000 00
3,000 00
$7,000 00
Total amount of all extra work is $11,121- 20
$11,871 87
92,827 90
$lB4 20
41,017 79 42,849 46
150 00
449 25
231 00
2 00
New rAbtrtistments.
payments made In 1861. Expenses incurred in comma•
tlorevrlth new court house, being priacirally improve
ments and the ros.erials for the Improvement' on the
court house lot, viz :
FBld 863 yards excavation to Hot.
manWtlt ...........
81 toads gravel, to Hoimam &
It mdling gravel, to Holman &
Wm. F. Jennings, Ca.itiOgS for
iron fence 786 66
Same, castings for lamp poste.. 84 80
Daniel Ho-ker,pavement bemire 346 95
John Medlam, layieg pavements
in fu11...... ........... . .... 128 50
Fame, ret airs or gutter in full.. 82 92
game, curb stone In full 97 25
George Wenric h,hanling ground
in u 11.... .• ......... .62
William Debark, baulitg gravel
In fu11....
64 38
John Gastrock, hauling giound
In fell ... 13 50
eter Idar 6 00
I t work on lot In NU.
$1,1388 76
Furniture for the new court house and Incidental ne
posses attending the same, viz :
Paid Holmam & Wilt, bang steel
bell, Am. ..... 3178 82
Same, alteraCou on bel•ry for
bell 87 75
Same frame for old bell, Brant's
Same, reyairs desks ''''''''''''''''
(Ace ..... . oo 41
Fame, for wath sland 600
same, table in Grand Tiny room 16 00
S me, bcok case in consulting
r 120
oom OO
Same, desk and w4ab stand up
5 00
Fame, make eland for seal
press 1 00
Kelker &Brother, Menealy bell 730 3¢
Olden & Ricknor, 684 45
Cornelius & Baker, abandellers
603 19
B. J. Fleming, upholstering.... 47 60
Adam Fredertck,judges chars.. . 171 26
Same, tat rack. 36 50
William Sae der, window
31 26
B. J. Harris, repairs of stoves.. 6 15
Zoliinger & Brother, o , w stove 10,87
John W. Cowden, spittoon'... 68 10
Aimed Slenth, reg airs at tables. 6 00
Cornelius Baker, titling carpets
drc 133 14
Penntrylvaniarallrowl company,
freight on cartiture .... 17 28
Walter L. Yrewick. brooms etc. 7 09
MOWS Wiler, oil moth—
Christian Snavely, oil c10th.... 11 3 39 75
John Care,,small marble bock. 95
Miss Focht and Mrs. Yoier,
sawing carpets 12 00
George W. Swarger, chairs,
court house 21 60
Samuel Cassel, to take up old
matting,.. ... 126
83,881 88
Paid Holman & Wilt, interest on
installments over doe on court
house contract 190 CO
Theodore M'Gaughy, storing
coal 4 00
Samuel Diesel, sawing w00d... 2 60
Daniel Yoder, for scrubbing—. 6 03
John Bowerman, charcoal 2 00
George P. Wiestiing. stone coal. 315 26
George Carves - 10h, Jr., cal .... 83 08
John Burkhaqi, ice .. . 15 05
William Mitchell, moving office 60 00
Commissioners expense to and
from Philadelphia on business 33 80
Assistance to move in new court
house.. ..... 7 00
6658 01
Paid John H. Brant, rent in full 600 00
Paniall Yoder, night 176 00
Same, six month , s salary 60 00
Same, six month's salary...... 150 90
Joseph Miller, alert.....
1,000 00
H. 0. Alleman, collcitor, two
yaars . 100 00
John S. liusser, 161 days, $1 60 241 60
tame, 3,544 miles, ..... 220 60
Same, livery hire. .• . 20 00
Jima Bebm, 148 days, $ . l . N.. 222 00
Same, 1,680 miles, ..... 97 50
Same, livery lire 12 00
George. Garverich t 232 days,
81 504 348 00
Fame, 812 miles, 6)( 38 24
Elaine, incidental.. 26
$742 59
Paid gas for court bones In 1561.... $122 75
Pekl Footage, George W. Porter.... 6 20
Pcatege, George Bergner 38 84
Fold George W. Porter S 6 00
George Bergner... ..... 21 96
Paid Oty Treasurer, water rent one
year.......• $lOO 00
$203 74
Paid lout to Tayld Ricker on account $ 000 00
Loan toJacob Bebm.... . . .. 8,000 00
Loan to A. W. Watson, bond
No. 86. 500 00
Loan to J. Miller.— —. 200 00
Loan to State Capital Bank 6 000 00
Loan to Mechanics' Bank.— 2,000 00
Loan to Peter Pancake, estate.. 1,000 00
Loan to Harrisburg bank 4,000 00
Loan to George Garvarick.. ... 100 00
Loan to 'Valentine Mich.. 800 00
$7O 17
Fuld Interekts on coupons of county
bonds. ..... ................
Paid Requisitions of the directors or
the Poor and House of Em.
• p10yment,1861.....„ $lO,OOO 00
Requisition of the inspectors of
the Dauphin county prison
1801.— 7,500 00
417,500 00
Paid George Bergner, for publishing
Same for publishing- Treasu
rer's Report
Same, for road specifications,
same, for election blanks
Same, Sir various blanks and
printing.— ... ..
Same, for blank book; and sta
tionary .
8758 17
Paid 0. Barrett & Co.. publishing
Treasurer's Report .... 126 26
Same publishing Klection.Pro
clamations 111 00
Same, for publishing Court PeO
clamation 20 60
Paid J. S. Royal, printing for Treas
urer's Moe 12 BO
Same, printing blanks-..... 7 50
Same, printing for Assessors... 27 00
Same, printing.blank. 15 00
Paid Henry Uhler, publli ;. F leo-
Von Proclamation, s 190 88
3. W. Stover, pub lira; km
lion Proalamattoa, ..... 125 00
Theodora F
county bonds 90 00
Publishing noticei in
John Care, one gro n 100 •
Same, cerlifledimple, ois , 75
F. L. nutter, blank L ors.
officers.— ..... . .... 28 10
Same, for session • ocket 17 50
Same, for binding old boo 5... 48 60
Same, for Prul.hoootary
docket. 21 00
Same, for aatessor's books, Lwo
......... .... 19191
Same, for blanks for offices.... 24 75
Same, waking an 1 binding
coos ....... ..... Ta 26
By John t are ior pens 50
51.723 17
Amount paid on said inquisitions 425 42
Paid J. S. Royal, crier of Supreme
Court 120 00
Andrew Krause, messenger of
Supreme want ,
120 120 0 0
J. S. Royal, viral% 'for Su- ' -
prone tbmrt . ,
6172 60
14 68
$8,175 01
$48,007 14
818,200 00
6,861 82
626,061 62
67 00
126 00
51 50
85 00
183 18
261 27
693 15
267 76
82 00
Nor gibstrtistments
Same, for ice, Supremo Court.. 11. 21
E. N. Pollock, stationary, Su
premo C0urt.......... ...... 49 77
Paid S. H. Coleetock, repairs on
W. e. tchaeffer, wall paper for
Eastern Penitentiary, support
of convicts ,
Paid Assessors, April assessments.. 487 25
Assessors, nuking list of voters NO 00
daemon, triennial tareermenla 673 47
Psidjudgei of March elections
Judges of October elections
Judges of November meettog
Constables, serving certificates
of election— ..„ 142 42
Total treasurer's disbursements In •
1861. 3112,695 29
Paid outstanding order No. 1,363 of
1860 ..... ....... ........ 60 00
Outstanding order No. 1,817 of
It6o 960 00
Abatements allowed on county tax
in 1881.... ._ 1,820 46
Exoneration allowed on count . ) , tax
in 1861... . ...... 2,812 00
Commissions allowed on law
111 1861 ... 3,684 86
Outstanding tax unpaid 21,318 00
29,483 So
The undersigned are not able to render an account of
the balance In the treasury, or as the case may be, for
the year 1880 In consequence of the county Auditor's
Report, dated June 14, 1881, for said year having been
banded over Into the embrace of litigation. The present
year's amount for the year 1861, is also unadjusted, in
as much as the county Auditors having adjourned over
to the 10th day of February next, beyond the time that
the Commissioners of the County are by law directed to
publish a statement of the receipts and disbursements of
the last preceding year. Sufficient, however, is known,
that there will be balance of nearly, if not Billy 82,060
for the last year from February 18th, 1861 to Janua'y
6th 1882 inclusive, in the hands of the county treasurer.
Attest—Joseph Miller, Clerk.
For the information of the public, the undersigned wil
and do herewith, render an accurate statement of the
entire cost of the new court house edifice lately erected
for the use of the county, via :
Paid Holman & Wilt in 1860, part
of the original contract as per
vouchers on file— ..... $83,534
same in 1881, balance in Mil— 28,478 88
Total of contract, 557,012 07
ilstra work In. 1880„.......... 1,444 08
!Lairs work In 1861_ ........11,127 20
12,071 86
Total cost of new court house 59,688 85
Improvements on the lot in 1860.... $ 992 28
Improvements on the lot In 1861.... 1,088 76
Furniture all bought in 1861....... 2,881 88
--- 6,680 91
Total including furniture and im
Statement of loans and county debt, loans being the
Old county debt and Including other temporary loans, via
Jobe Nisaly.
James Clark
David Cassel._
Pam Wicker9oo
Mrs. Eliza IL Frazier , ' Tines fund... 4,000
Mrs. Eliza M. Frazier ....... 2,000
Isaac Ebupp . . .............. .... 1,000
Joseph Wallace i O ,OO
John Geiger 3,000
Luther D. Petty— .... . ... ....... GOO
Nancy Baum 1,000
eimon uyster, assignee of S dray.. 1,000
Mrs. M. L. Ingram .... ..... 1,100
John Geiger, in trust— . 800
L 676
ueorge Petterhoff.
Andrew gaiter—.
Saxnuel M1L1er......
Anna Moyer.. 4... 4
Jacob Meal
Peter Pancake, estate. 2,000
Mathew B. Cowden, estate 2 000
Rebecca Geiger-- ...... ... ...... 400
Elizabeth Zoßinger 550
Jane W. Moody, I,boo
Robert W. McClure 1,500
George Stauffer, 2,000
Jobb Hattie I,eoo
atary U. Umberger 1,000
Daniel adder—. 700
Martin Malay, Jr
John Urich
Sarah pouch..,,
John P. liebrioir.
tiamuel Bandanna.
William 0. Ferguson
$67,385 00
New Court House loans, act of runich - 8:
Peter Stocker 600
George Stauffer 1,800
Martin [.lady, Jr., 1,700
Valentine Hummel 7,000
. _
Samuel Gray.. _.. . .......... ... 6:000
Mrs. Mary W. Berghaus 1,000
Simon Oyster 2,000
Mrs. Mary oyster ,000
John G. Jams— 1,000
Mrs. MaryOen?psy 500
• __
Catharine Maclean...."
..........• 500
Margaret alacleare 600
Margaret and Catharine Maclean... 600
George Rimier_.
.............. 2,000
Catharine A. Spangfar
Elizabeth ZoLanger . ... 1,000
Miss Jane W. Moody 600
Susan E: Spangler 1,000
Thomas Aldred 1,000
Holm.n & Wilt 2,000
IL Kirk. 2,000
Fager St Mayer-- .... 1,400
William Colder 1,000
Daniel Shellenberger....... ..... .... 1,000
Sire. Mary Miller 500
Samuel D. Ingram 800
John Fleotinger 601
A. K. Fahneatock 600
Samiel Hassler 100
George 5herk......... ............... 1,000
George Keller 800
Allen Sturgeon ' 5,000
George Garverich, Jr.,... 1,000
Rebecca Bitner 1,000
Leonard Wetzel 400
Joseph Geiger._ . ..... ..... • 600
Isaac Sinter, tn trust . . _ .......... 000
Wm- EL Kenner_ _ _ .... ' 600
John ltwing.. ...... ....... •• .• - 640
Court House additional loan, per act of January 29th
John Geiger ....... .
Martin 8rint0n........
Joseph Geiger ....
George C Barnlts__
Daniel Epply._. .. ..
John Snider. . ..
Garverich and Gagman
Thomas Aldred.. . ....
John J. Shoemaker....
John Stahl
Caleb Brlnton
Relief for the families of volunteers in the service 03
tho,United States, a loan authorized for said relief as per
act of-the 16th day of May, 1861, to the amount of 10,000.
Loan of Susan E. 5pang1er......... 600
Hon. John J. Pearson 1,000
Dauphin comay 7,000
Old county debt... .... . . 67,2416 00
Deduct outstanding sub-
Jeet to no °Met for emu
orations, ✓!c $21,816 00
Balance in the treasury.. 2,000 00
Military relief fund for
the relief of the families
of volunteers in the
the Milted States
........... • .7,000 00
---...80,316 00'
Baluxe of old eoliaty debt h therefore $21,009
LOOMS added for the new court h0u5e:...,....70.486 00
Total County debt Ls' 06,584 0 ,
2evAR12 4 ...
JapouiFy 250,1862. , , .
A ND for the speedy cure otLi.°l,°er)su _. :.
coined varieties or se..e a s,
fl e ilB : lls ßlotches ,
Bc pini rofal p a ie :d rus Sc tta ro
as Tumors, Ulcers, Sores. Eli b oas
.ori p n t h .
Blains, and all Skin Disease s ,
.edge. C. Atli Co., Gents : I b. 4.1 it my i,itt„ry
g what your S_arsaparilla •
inherited a Sorofullbi ,
hi venous ways for years. it i,
WOKS on my hands and arms ; , V i S , •
ward and distressed me at the stun, r.u. irro
it broke out on my head and mv
with one sore, whieh was 14eLed •
description I tried m ,ny
clans, but without much T• 11 , I troll',
the disorder grew vrors... At 4.1;41 h•
read in the Gosrel
alternative (ilarsaparilla,) for
elation that any Wing you inn. e '
to Clued:man and got It, and used n , ,
took it, as you advise, in 5C11.1.1 „]
over a month, and used all. oar tLre, V
healthy eke wen began to (urn r IL,
after a while foil off my skin is noa 4 ;4
my feelings that the ass has
You o.n well believe that 11. el , .."" r
I tell you, that I hold you to I: u c 4,4 ,4.,
age, and remain ever gme.luily. n
3318 98
73 20
$419 63
31,020 72
$587 82
198 25
194 10
9,1808 69
St. Anthony's Fire, Rose or •
Tette: and Salt Rheum
L.Lea z
Ringworm, Sore Eyes. DOODS3'
Dr. Hubert M. Treble write, , roe, ~„,.,,.
SeM•t 1869, that he as ur, d Let:.
sy, which threatened to tertui,,,..,
Taring use of our barsa t ,..r IA ail,.
tack of Malignant'dispels- „
says he cures the common r
Bronchocele, Goitre or Swelled : 1,,
Zebulon swan of Prt*oe.•,, f. z ~..,
ties of your hWrSilipitrial en tut,..• .
sons swelling on the heel:. wh,•:b I
over two years."
Leneorrhom or Whites, Ovarlac.
Uterine Uleeration,Yemale. Disea, es ,
Dr. J. B S. Ch,nuing, of der 1 r,
moat cheerfully comply the r.-p ert
in saying I have bound 5 our "7 ,±., e ,r
alternative In the UUMerOll.3 conit,
ploy Such ..d
remedy, but espez,.y .
the Scrofulous diathesis. Iti u ,„
cases of Leucorrhina by it, mud u '-
plaint was caused by t:, •
oeratlon itself was sous curet .
knowledge equals tt f .r these lens '
Edward S. Marrow, of Newbury, t
gerous ovarian tumor os use A the I- 11„
which had detled all the rune 'he,
at length been coutpletely eure.l . .• .r .1 .
eaperitla. Our u hysiatau thus,tit u.. a,
den could silted rebel, but he 1, , ,
Sarsaparilla as the last rewol u
proved effectual. After takiu g put r- u,. . , ...
no symptom of the unease
Syphilis and Mercurial Diaeasl:
New t. ,
11142,478 al/
Dr. J. C. Ayes : air , 1 eneerre ) ,„
qUelli of your agent, and rep
1 have realized with your Sap • r I.
I haveoured with it, ill my • •
plaints for which it is tre
effects truly wonderful in the etire „
cola Dower. Inc ul my pitti.uli • ,
ID his throat, which were :OA . . •
top of his mouth. Your , •
cured him in hire week. r
ondary symptoms in its nose, ae l th,
en away a conalderaule part of a , -i,
disorder would soon aro ur ..0 , .
yielded to my admitesirstieu
ulcers healed, and he is well
some disfiguration to his ttr.t. AW. ~11
treated for the same .11tiord r by w ,•
irom this poises to her uu,.,), 1,_., ',A
sensitive to the weather tout en
tutortielating lu her dolma Ott .:••
cured eufiraly by y , or „ , ,
know from its formula, widen y •
Ibis lleptuldlon tree your I.s.air r . .
remedy - consequently,
thew trio •
with It have net surprised me.
Fraternally yours.
$76,144 7d
DL. J. C. aisle: tir, I have been
Gl:tropic Rheumatism fur a lung ti.ll', A I .
the still of phytuciaue, and attic, .
remedies I could do , until I Lve I .opqr • -- ,-
Ooe bottle cured me In two weok
end health ao much that I am tor r
WU auspice's. 1 thine. It a wonder m,.;
I V 1.0,
. 2,000
. •800
Jules Y. Batellell, of t. Laws Ala.,
'dilated for years with an anwti ,u u:
destroyed my health. 1 triad eve, : ;...
thing tailed to relieve inv ; auA Ili L. -, • . • -
down man ror Suitt, yenta , u , .r • .
rappmertire the Liver. my beiovea p .
Eapy advised me to try your r , ire cr
add be knew you, and anytion.: .• -
trying. By the blessing of co I a
young Apia. Tha beat tb t•-• • •
half good enough.'
Bohirrus, Cancer Tumors, ii,nlargca. , '.
Ulceration, Caries and ixfolianc ,,, of
the Bones.
A great variety of eases etc, -
where burns of Lb
elle _ono dote!, eel.
form the use ol this remedy, but nue •
admit them. Sum •Of doom may n.. o.os . ,00 o.
can Almanac, Which the aneuis loslas to a,. e.
to furbish grade to all who call ler then:
Dyspepsia, Heart Disease, Fits .4:ty .
sy, Melancholy, Neuralgia.
Many remarkable cures or nae-s od
made by the alternative power of Lod. 010 -
elates the vital functions iota
overcomes disorders winch would
its reach. Such ar m
eed hos
comities of the people, an y
ti we are , h., :,,•
do for them all that medicate eau 00
flyer's Cherry Pectoral
Coughs, Colds, Influenza, B.OarSebeiS.
Croup, Bronchitis, Incipient (,on•
sumption, and for the Itelitf
of Consumptive Patients
in advanced Stages
of the Disease
This lea remedy so ouivessalov sown
Other for the cure of throat and wee romp , 'L. ,
useless here to publish toe evideuee on its vo.o: •-•
unrivalled excellence for ueui.te. cic..l.od•
wonderiul cures of pulmonary e .0. '
known throughout the civilized oats., . sear:
18W are the conimunities,or • run taiii.ltes..
who have not some peraiouul exisoristice 0' ,
some living trophy in their mien col cu
Subtle and clangorous disorders o. the
As all know the dreaelel fatality el these
as they know, too, the ends 01 tin , rem , d.l
do more t h an to as them that ot
tad; that PAM have wbeu making the ..urs..
WOO CO strongly upon the ceuedebee of oia, n
Prepared by Dr. J. C. AYER 6: CO..
Lowell , Masi
. 1,050
. 800
. 1,800
1 200
- 18,645 00
t Mold by AA. banuvort, C. H. .n.,1 r,
Co., J. M. Lutz, & Co., Ara:An:l4 , !Ina •
ere every where.
octl4.6oidiw _
I IA V it) ti:. •
1,11,1-1 E'S 1 , A
wrought and Ceutc.4 tr,u
fariaa '
Strictly the AJNLY Aterean;,,.
•inO Burglar f•rnitt.
8 600 00
Has been removed from No. 66.01;,1
27,089 00
pUlth, rest Ground awl
Poper, eispice, ciunamoti, INd
NICHOL, 0.0.1
corner Front A .:.1 rI rL' r
ThLs good, nutritious, w
bau 1 du
now otrered for eale very to by
comer Rost aud ILrt."Lt
Bhoomatifau, Gout, Liver Complaint
1 4 4.;.
_l3O 11A b 1
02.1.1 ti _
:f F Gl .