, allp ititgr_afq. II 1 RISBURG, PA F r ida) Morning, February I, 1562, 1.111, inst., is St. Valentine's Day.— , i „kids Mid 11318886 of town and already v.dentino; through the Post Office. rAIMEST.-- 0110 hundred and twenty d , dlars were paid out, last week, to at Camp Curtin, near this city. 'writ was paid Mt. 'IL St:WI/L.—The seventh annual L ,, this exaellvut institution, Third and .th h -to etA, will commence next Monday. h male pupils are received. See ad- LIF 1 u IRD I'mo.—Samuel Dravenstadt, of ht .1 who recovered the bore and rook hy,,_:ing to Dr. E. W. Roberts, Wednes ,,,, I‘.,i from the Doctor the sum of forty 1., in:; the amount of the reward offered i ,„ ~,,,very of the stolen property, I=l Fon,. INO PART!.—Some twenty teams ar -1 ,1 c,Miele un Saturday last, from Gen divi,ion, for hay, corn, oats, &c. They i th, it supplies, which had been pre , dmacied for by Government, and re r,. oup at Frederick, Md. t LODGE, G. T.—The following officers ,1 in Advance Lodge No. 39, I. 0. .mplarB, Wednesday night : I Daniel S. Barr ;W. V. T.—Laura . W T.- Isatc Hoffman ; W. S.— .•, -,,, dam ; W. F. S —Benj. E. Dailey ; - li.uy Dasher ; W. 0. o.—Wm. A. W. M.—Jacob Knabb ; W. D. M.— , W, int: W. C.-0. T. Harris; W. R. H. S. W. L. H S.—AlwiliaShannos; --Deo. Chandler. F.F 1,10 —ln a contested will case in ot New Volk it was urged by one of ..;11-ei that the absence of all love-letters the testator and his wife during the oils of their wedded life was strong that there was no love between them. w0.,,1 on the other side denied the infer a it that the ordinary acts of t , , and. affection in their every-day life , moth high •r sort of evidence than love ,tt 'I hat love letters, in truth, were not t ,-xpecied betty, en the most loving of mar , i runldes. N' ARE Yeats lionsEs.—ln the present condi of the streets, it is of the utmost import race that horses should be rough-shod, and that care should be exercised in crossing slip pery places. We notice iu our daily rounds MI eh carelessness In this respect, particularly he trackman and cart drivers. Many fine 1 n rs lire driven rapidly over the ground where ..:I•Hitest caution should be observed, and it rho dictate of self Interest as well as human ] oat owners of horses should pay more at in to the matter than they apparently do. few noble animals have been ruined by ick of proper care in shoeing, or by heed - rii inir in winter. tat RAILROAD ACCIDENT.—On Saturday us lest, while a locomotive was shifting a ot Lai, on to the siding, near the old Co raLL.itie depot, a middle-aged German, ,n.ntiy a traveler, while coming the track, by the cars and thrown under the 6 i 1 , , . Itl,l when found was dreadfully man 't both legs being nearly severed from hie , with other injuries equally mortal. He vire(' his injuries only a few hours. Previ ou, to his death he made out to communicate to those in attendance that his name was Xli,hael Winer, and had lately arrived from ttermauy. The only effects which he had were ctutained in a bundle, which consisted of some clothing and a loaf of bread. I=l sriat Conams —Thu cartmen still continue t. dump heavy loads of ice on the side-walk at the State Capitol Hotel, in Third street, to the t:rots imoovenienee of pedestrians, who, to get I ,, s t, are compelled either to take the middle of th e street, or the opposite side-way. The ob truction of the side-way in this manner is a (hr violation of the city ordinance, and we , rtaiuly are at a loss to see why it is not en -01. Within the last two weeks, at least one I, undrvd and fifty of our citizens, many of them Jur were prosecuted by the . supervi fur neglecting to shovel the snow from their i'''mtnt-. and yet here is not only an equal vlolailoa of ti ordinance, but an obstruction extent, which the supervisor iiCgy 1 ,- rtnits to exist without the least inter hie part. Why is this? Is the law operative in this particular case? or do the 0116: "htaLd above the law r' I=l As AGED AND PATRIOTIC LADY'S Woes.—.A, late number of the Cincinnati Gazette contains tht follov,ing letter front the son of an aged lady, who formerly resided near Harrisburg, and many of whotio relations are still residing this vici n it y LEBANON, Ohio, Jan. 28. "CIIIB R FOSDICK, Esq., Secretary Sanitary t,astrossion Cincinnati : Duo. Sir—l will send by the omnibus line t lmorrow one small box, containing the follow articles, made ty my mother's own hands, sow iu her eiglity•tifth year. She would like flout to Dr. Hussey's charge, viz 3 calico gowns, 1 doublk muslin shirtse wadded gown, 1 timmei undershirt, , 3 for wool socks, 5 pairs Canton flannel socks, wire, twollen feet, when not able to wear K. lin ; lot of baudeges, compresses, &c., &c. I Will add a few particulars of my mother's ` 4 ' 14 1", thinking they may be of some interest t "iv be engaged with you in the noble work toLrilirig relief to our brave troops. ,"11,y father, ROES Gilchrist, and mother, "3' Wilson, were married near Harrisburg, ja the year 1799, mved t this State in h Oli and settled in theo o south part of Mont county, where they were living at the ray father volunteered (in May) for the `s , ff of 1812 —leaving my mother with six tru ill children, and one (myself) born after be let fur the war. lily father was killed in the same an Brownstown (River Raisin). He had itia ilof a company of Ohio volunteer mil under Col James Findley, from your city. has remained a widow from the time of !altliather's death, and has raised her children e,and women grown, four of us still ours respectfully, "J. P. GrumauaT." His CONDITION. —The colored man, James Miller, who was accidentally shot at tho resi dence of bis parents in Cramberry alley last Saturday, noticed in the T. , ......R0R&PH on Mon day, has so far recovered as to be able to walk about. ..-,..,..--..-.. DISCHARGED.—The Smiths, whose arrest for the double murder near the South Mountain, Cumberland county, we noticed last week, had a final hearing before Justice Spongier, of Car lisle, on Thursday last, and for want of evidence were discharged. Da. J. A. JONES, of New York, the celebrated eye and ear doctor, has taken rooms at Herr's Hotel, and not the Jones' House, as incorrectly stated previously in the TELBORAPH. The Doc tor is represented as very skillful in his profes sion, and our readers suffering from either of these diseases would do well to give him a call. SANFORD'S OPasA HOUBS.—The admirers of genuine talent will be pleased to learn that we now have at the opera house, a vocalist, Mrs. Bordwell, who is without doubt all that the flaming posters of the day claim for her—an artist of splendid abilities. She sang several songs last night, and the hushed attention of the audience was the best evidence of their ap preciation of her singing. She appears again this evening, when a fashionable and apprecia tive audience may be looked for.- - TILI 'UNION CANAL COMPANY.—The annual meeting of the Union Canal Compant was held at No. 228 Walnut street, Philadelphig, on Tuesday. The total amount of revenue• for the past year is 898,677 84. After sundry deductions there remains, as nett proceeds re ceived from tolls, $90,268 61 ; receipts from other sources, $314 30. Total net receipts, $90,677 91. The balance in hands of Trustees to date was $32,209 64. The following officers were elected to serve for the ensuing year : President, James Page ; Managers, R. B. Davidson, Wm. R. White, J. Rodman Paul, M. D,, Daniel Haddock, Jr., Henry Lapsiey. ADDITIONAL PASSENGER FACILITIES TO AND PEON WASHDIGTON.—Owing to the overcrowded condition of the great express passenger and mail trains between Washington and New York in the afternoon, and the late arrival of pas sengers from the northwest and west by the Northern Central Railroad, the Baltimore and Ohio company has provided another daily pas senger train between. Baltimore and Washing ton, which made its first run last Monday. This train will leave Baltimore at 7:26 p. m.—the 5 o'clock P. If. being changed to 4:86, as the hour of departure from Baltimore. This latter will take the local travel to all points on the Washington road, and also the afternoon travel to Annapolis from Baltimore, and fro or the main stem as far as Frederick and Bandy Hook. The 7:26 P. at. train from Baltimore will take passengers for Washington and intermediate points, and the western travel and mails that reach Baltimore by the Northern Central Rail road at 6:80 P. at, No change will be made in the morning train from Baltimore. The additional train from Washing ton will start at 4 o'clock P. a., taking the Baltimore, Annapolis, and all local travel. The 3P. N. from Washington, will be a Baltimore and Philadelphia train, connecting at the Belay, also for Frederick. The 5 o'clock P. at. from Washington will carry no local travel, the ne cessities of the government requiring it to be devoted exclusively to the great through mails and the important official and business travel between the national capital and the East.— This addition makes six regular daily first class passenger trains between Baltimore and Washington, being two more regular trains daily than are usually run even during the session of Congress. Besides the regular trains the Railroad Company has, for some time past, frequently run extra or special trains, to take the delayed passengers, arriving after regular hours from other routes for Washing ton, and also special trains, almost daily, for the atcomodation of detachments of troops, Adams Express cars, and other pressing pur poses. Cantinas Nemse.—One of the most interest ing and curious results of the registration of births, marriages and deaths by the different States, is the showing the changes continually going ,on in Christian names. Fifty years ago it was quite uncommon to burden a child with more than one name in addition to the family cognomen, and if this prrenornent was only of scriptural origin, it was considered that a child could go through the world comforta bly and respectably, as far as name was con cerned at least. But now double names are becoming almost universal, sod some unfortu nates are even encumbered.with as many names as a royal infant in Europe. Puritanical names mostly fell into disuse long ago, and scriptural names of all kinds are rapidly disappearing from our nomenclature. Abraham, Isaac, Ja cob, Job, Reuben and Ruth, are getting to be very rare, or were till " Old Abe" was elected president, which has brought the patriarchal Abraham again into use. The names of heroes; statesmen, poets and great men of all kinds, are always favorites, and there continue to be George Washingtons, Benjamin Franklins and Daniel Webstere, and now and then we fall in with some "mute inglorious Milton," and more rarely a seedy looking Vir gil or bilght-eyed Romer. But the mort curious fact derived from these registers is the Americanizing of the Christian names of the children of foreigners. The Irish citizens especially, are dropping the character- ietic names of their people, and the Patric ks, ' Bareeys, Bridget, and Noras are fast becoming scarce among children born in this country of Irish parentage. The Irish have also become afflicted with the mania for giving double names, and it is no uncommon thing to see Eve Evangeline Mulligan, Nellie Theresa O'Flannigan, Daniel Webster PacCilafferty, or Thomas Jeffrson O'Sullivan, p l aying on the streets, totally unconscious of the mighty names they bear. These children, too, are growing up essentially Americans. They have some of tI , e characteristics of their nation doubtless, but they are as fond of adopting our customs as , our names, and in a few years the only clue to their t asit preer origin will be the last name. In allother re spectsapagrwdtofthoueyr many grwilleatbepeoAvmiee,ranicadneno': "to be h mawr born," mud will form an integral and importante , cut, a distinct and separate diem 1.,. fteungov4ykict. pottoixelemph, argiittap Am*. 'thrum Z, 113611. Noss but a physician knows how much a re liable alterative is needed by the people Oa all sides of us, in all communities everywhere there are multitudes that suffer from complaints that nothing bat an alterative cures. Hence a ittest many of them have been made and put abroad with the assurance of being effectual. But they fail to accomplish the cures they promise because they have not the intrinsic virtues they claim. In this state of toe case, Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co.. of Lowell, have supplied us with a com pound Extract of Sarsaparilla, which does prove to be the long desired remedy. Its peculiar difference from other kindred .preparations in market is that it cures the diseases for which it is recommended, while they do not. We are assured of this fact by more than one of our In telligent• Physicians in this neighborhood and have the further evidence of our own experi• ence of its truth.—Tennessee Farmer, Nashville, Tenn. Ova PATRONS IN MIDDLETOWN will be pleased to learn that Dr. L. Hechinger, the celebrated optician, has taken rooms at the Raymond Hotel, and will remain in that borough for several days in the practice , of his profession. Added to Dr. Hechinger's great abilities as an optician, he has always on hand perhaps the most eons plat,. stock of SPICTAOLIS ever offered to the American public. They are manufactured from the celebrated Brazilian crystal, so Much sought after, and so valuable is its gad in im parting sight. The people of. Middletown de-. siring the aid , of an accomplished 'opliciff4 should not miss the opportunity-of the enrolees; and spectacles of Dr. Mellinger. THB GRUM FIRS IN PILA.BL STREIT Nsw YORE.. —The elements of fire directed perhaps by in cendiary hands has compelled in its destructive progress even King cotton to cry for water, and in the scramble for cheap cotton goods the enterprising firth of Mich Bc.P4Swnian have procured some of the wet goods, in the way of Merrimack and other makers of Calicos which they will dispose of very cheap, at the corner of Front and Market streets.. 2c Norms I Binostes I BARbAINS !—Gentlemen now is the time to have a good fitting Shirt made to measure or from sample. I tun now making a good shirt for $1 25 equal to any oth er now in the market for $1 76. All work g - naranteed to &land to give entire satisfaction to the wearer. Always on hand a large assort ment of Ladies' and Gentleman' Furnishing Goods at the old prices; also a large lot'of A 1. Irish Linens at the old prices. If you want a bargain or a good fitting under garment, just go to Jan;ies A. Lynn, Manufacturer, No. 12, Market street, nest to Hummel & grocery store, Harrisburg ; Pa., where he is selling without regard to cost or the advance of goods. Two Holum= Pleas of beautiful new spring calicos; a large lot of bleached and unbleached muslin of the best make ; blue checks, at 121 cents per yard ; white stockings; at 121 cents ; another lot of those good white rib bed stockings ; ladies' pocket handkerchiefs, at 121 cents; children's.pocket handkerchiefs, with border, 6 cents;shirt breasts 121, 15 and up to 871 ce nts; 25 pieces new pant stuff ; undershirts and drawersvery cheap ; cotton and woolen socks, at all prices 40 dozen woolen stockings, for children, 121 cents; 1 pod bleached muslin 121 cents ; all wool French merinos, all colors, at 62 and 75 cents. Having bought the balance of the Stock of a city wholesale hente of plain and figured Swiss mualhis, brillants, white cam bric:a, Nausuck and Victoria lawns, suitable for dresses, as those goods will be very scarce . ad dear next summer now IS the time to buy. 'Our Stock of Fars at cost. S. Lawv, HAIR DYE I HAIR DYE 11 Win. A. flatolielor's •Ilair -Dye The only Harmlea; and Reliable _Dy . erKnown 1. All others are mere imitations, and should be avoided If you wish to escape ridicule .. GREY, RED OR RUSTY HAIR dyed instantly to a. beautiful and natural Brown or Black, without the least Injuq' to Hair or Skin. FIFITEN littiDALS AND DIPLOMAS have been awar ded to Wm. A. Itavossont slow 1859, and over 200,000 applications have been made to the hair of the patrons of his famous Dye. Wu. A. BATCHELOR'S HAIR DYE produces a oolor not to be dlatingubahed from nature and ht WARHICIMID not to Injure in the least, however long it may be contin• qed, and the W effects of bad Dyes remedied. The hair Id invigorated for life by this splendid Dye,. whit:this prop• etly applied at No. 16 Sond Street New York. Gold is all the tams and towns of the United -*hetet, by Grugalsta andgeanoy Goods 'Dealers The Genuine has the name Wham A. Batchelor ,n and address upon a steel plate engraving, on the hint aides of each box. Wholesale Paatory, 81 Barclay St., Late MS Broadway, New York ortS•dawly OR. DUPONCO'S GOLDEN PILLS FOR FEMALES. "Read the folio tog certificate" from one of the first ladies in Ude*, N. Y., who called upon my agents In that city (Mr. Wm.. Bristol & Oct.,) and told them that she, of course, did. not Wien her name made public, ball' any. ope should doubt the wen Jarful efficiency of Dx..Dtreon. ool" Golden Pills, they Might refer any Lady Gl' her, as considered it a duty, as well as a pleasure, her knowledge of their efficacy, as administered to her daughter, a young 1 ady 17 years old. she was fast go ing into consumption—had taken cold—nalinre."beciame obstructed. Two boxes of these Golden Pills entire ly cured her, and sae is now In robust health '',We were particular in buying the genuine. Pull and explicit directions accompanying each box. Price sl. Sold wholesale and retail by 0. A Haarevamr, No. 2, Jones Row, end O. H. Brims, 91 Market. street, Barris blirg, Pa. By sending either of them $1 00 through' be Harrisburg Post Office the Pills will ee sent confide/wally by mail to any part of the country; ' , free of postage." N. Be—Look out for asonkaleite. Bey no Golden Pills of any kind unions the box is signed S. D. Rowe.- Ail others is a base imposition and unsafe therefore, as you value your lives and health, (to say width* of be ing humbugged out of your money ) , buy oady.of thole who show the signature of S. D. Howe on every box, which has recently - been 'added ad` liceduitt 'of the Pills being counterfeited. The Ingredients composing the above Pills are made known, to, every Agent s and they are safe, and will perform' allnleilined for thetn. Sold also by, T. L Lumbergeg, Lebanon ; A. J. Kauff man, Mechanicsburg ;• M. Marks, Lewistown ; B. &Mott - Whoa ;B. G . Wild, Newviße ;' J.' Aiiiek, Shippans, burg ; .1 Spangler, Chamber/burg; K. T. Miller, York ; J. A. Wolf, Wrightsville ; 8. S. Stevens, Reading ; and it. P. Hunter, Reading, and by "one druggist" In every town and village in the United States, and by ' 8. DAIIOWII, e3.4m Sole Proprietor, New York. IMPORTANT TO INVALIDS. DR. A.DDISON, OF No. 107, Arch street, Philadelphia, styled the Waking Clairvoyant, continues to give examination for diaeasea FREE OF CHARGE, at the Jones' Rouse, Room No. 45, b'arristrurg. Ladies and gentlemen are incited to call from 10 a. x. to Br. x. He describes the symptoms and feelings of patients, and tella them what their complaints are with out asking a question, after which, if they des ire treat ment, he will furnish remedies that will effect a penna dent cure if any treatment known to man can cure. NEW VENITION BLINDS made to or der for the small arum of $2, $2 50 and $3. New blinds made out of old ones at equal low prices for seventy Ave cents a piece and upwards. Call and see a; my shop, in Second street, below Chesnut. .lelA-im A. R. Mani'. SHAWLS! DRESS GOODSI FURS 11 ALARGE stock of these goods will be dl ra ki : o f at no Jaw prkose line furs 'MY &elm at CATEWARTW. I=l= Rhoads' Old Stand A O.IRD TO THR LADIII4 Nan 21bvertis ements. BLINDS I I BLINDS II I Nem_ Wweittsourfts MORE LIGHT ! i CHEAP LIGHT 111 A GREAT reductiOn In the price of A Arra *, etc 1 BURNING' OTh, (Warranted lac eXplOthi, - ) his taken plaoe. It will pay all who purchase. B urning °DIY ilte bound or mall quantities, to buy 14 GILBERTS ; ft•br.. Hardware atone, oppldte the Court Roma. MACHINERY OIL.—We sell the only reliable Natural Lubricating Oil. (warranted free from sand +tad **MO and equal to sperm or lard In the market. Refer to hods of railroad men, machinist manu facturers and others who are uslog it. • HENRY GILBERT, ' Agent for Inbrio Oil Company, Hardware store oi• posite the Court House. f4-2w PUBLIC SALE. VALUABLE: TAYERL STAND, 'TILL ~ E SOLD .at Public Sale on V Friday, the 14th day of February, 1882, on the premises, that .valuanje tavern stand situated on the corner of Walnut and Fourth streets in the city of Har risburg. ' • The improvements are a large two story frame build ing with oat houses. The property is offered at private' sale until the 14th day of 2ebruary next...We to COM , mance at one o'clock on said day, when conditions of sale will be made known by. • • .1. P. WILLIAMS. Jfeb3 td COAL! COAL ! $B, AND $2 26 PER TON OF 2,000 LBS 0: D. F 0 ft: 8•T E R ~ ri FFICE NO. 74, Market Street, yard on k y the Canal, Toot of Sarin Onset, Wholesale and Re tail dealer la i' ; . . TREVORdON, • - " WILKSBA 3 /1/ZE . LYNAM VALLE?. BROAD .10P COAL' Famllee and Dealere may rely upon Obtaining a Brat-Yale' article, and full weight, at the bawd, Mee. Orders promptly =aided to. A liberal dkumant onade to pur• dieser@ paying for'the coal when ordered.' esent price, s3.and $2 25 per ton. , Xerrietierg, Oct. e6.4-41ak. • • poALL 'POWDER!! COAL REDUCED I 1 ! N consideration of the hard times, and as T Banexciusively.FOß OASII, I have reduceo the price of Coal as follows : ykeos Valley Broken $2 90 per too s L arge Egg 64 290 46, 64 ' l , Small;gg ..2 90 " Some " 290 " " .1 Nut ..,, 220 •.s Wilksbart o 44 a 9O l• 41 Lorberry " " 290 •" , -AII Coal delivered by the PATUT Wlloe CMINI; It can be weighed at the retrehasere dcor, and If it lane short 10 moues, the Coal wild be forfeited. All Coal of the boat qesilty ndoed,.aolivored free from all Impurities: . . • Aar Coal sold in qaotities, at the LOWINT WBOLUALI Agent for Dupont's Celebrated Powder, a large supply always on band, at Mannfacturers . prices., ,w 3 AerAor 'paled:H*4y Car sale.' - JANUS K. WITEPLEI. COAL l' OCIA.L . I oCIAL: z! THE undersigned would ' inform the con burners of OM& i hit he Is now'prepared to furnish Omi from nader:Onknf PMfontlY - 4 14 and Wean Ihl all kinds of weather. Lykens Valleytrairen Boat , "" 1 14‘ e g. =all Agg et 44 41 N ut s Pittston Lump Otel. No. 1 41 44 2 ss 44 3 41 ,44 6 14 Lorberry. Broad ?op and Allegheny, also Hickory- and Pine Wood • E. BYERS. Harrisburg, Jan. 7,1862.411 ms JOHN B. SMITH'S BOOT -- & SHOE STORE Harriebtire.Pti. 1' a ^ • • A LWAX; 00 , 4 1 1 elarge steeorttent of tl Bou*SltbtLlTtS, &A., of the very beet "an ti c"' tbr aroWlawititon4 idreitie, wear.— ;Prime to gull the times. A]) kinds o f W ORE MADE TO USD, .111 R thttlgislimtylle. by, superior Pitmen I PAIRING dune at short eptjoe. ontleditf JOHN "H. MUTH, Harrisburg. SORE ' qi43OX. S oRE 1 (Near tkv Hanitherg. Aldo.) plO 6 95 L ,rzie wit.to sfu ). l2; D. ro 4 l:„ N t c g: Mitt, V i ers% whited! at $1.26 per ream. 8.44.61/. porSmaii ibi-NOTS "PAPIck; del:Sleeted with the latest and very handsome emblems and patriotic rsnlig4;(letiii Wit( . . T national and Patriotic emblems, printed two colors. Please give us call. • max .F. SOH RFFICR, Je22-d '; Harrisburg . -.I 'PORRENT:' ~ THE oommodiotu3 STORE ROOM on Market Square, next door to the "Jones' House," Coverly's Howl,) occupied du a l r ilee zi last eight or nine years as a Jewelry and Watch - establishment, &c. ALSO—Several DWELLING NM In the vlotoul ty of the Capitol, some of theta having stabling, .amoke house, Ice house, he., and vacant lots atimdien. - Pane:Won jOvim the first of 4M:11 nett- - LILL& 0. HAWN. Harrisberg, Jan. 9, 1882..-i-.IU-Slih ' " FOR BALE. Avaluable Two Story, double frame Dwelling Home , and Lot Of ground, situated on the corner of North street and int dvenue, 80 feet on North street and 110 feet deep, two basement shakiest*, two col lar, and alarm reoms, also a never failing spring of wa ter. The building Is well oak:elated for &store or hotel. Teruo! itesonAble. 'll)bluire of W. BARN, ijanit City Auctioneer. LADIES CORSETS ALL - OF THE OIFFEBENT BJ OS, , WHITE iHD COLORED. The beat article mannnictured, can be finuad at OaTHOART.f, Next door lo the Harrisburg Ban k. SOMETHING NEW NO excus e . for.. having Boots and Shoes not blackened. .Blaciting, that wOlgive a polish on was or greasy boots: . Just tho thing for .ho times, when everyone cannot afford two or three palm of shoes Or boots. .Call and MMus*, at NICHOLS HOWMAN , S, 121 , corner Front and Market streets. CELEBRATED DANDELION COFFEE, J UST ; BEUEIVED large 'quantity of supeiToi Peke, .which we will sell low td snit the thew ; also, pure ground Ban Coffee ana Tur key Ooffee all put up in one potted packages. Call and examine at the wholesale and retail grocery store or • NICHOLS k BOWMAN, corner ell/rout and Mirka'. streets. F AMILY WASHING BLUE, an excel. lent Substitute for Iridlgo,,for ea le at the wholesale and retail grocery store of FOR RENT.—Part of a two-story brick house, situated in Walnut street, between Front and Fecond. Engulf* of 0. 0. aLtiEIEWS. • INSTRUCTION IN MUSIC. ALady, qualified by a thorough .Muai cal Education acquired by a long course of study in Europe under Eminent 'Masters and by several years of successful teaching, desires a lbw pup' is In Plano music and singing, Operatic and Balled styles. Address G. 4., Box 87, Harrisburg, P. 0.• • j 29 2wdll VIXTRA FAMILY FLOUR in fourth and _124 ball bbL sacks, also:wholesale mud retail at the New Grocery and Previa= &ore, front and Market NUL NICHOLS dt BOMM At N. • I,IOR SA LE CHEAP.-A TWO ju STORY FRAME HORSY % 123040 leet - situated on Gra Al street, to the rear of the Reservoir. Per further particulars apply on the Premises to ' 12242w* R. Zititrt . fbbB-dlw • . TO RAMER'S. A.TS I OATS I I Cash paid for Oats by . 44X143.11. Wll.lllAa. liar&ati HAY 1 HAY 1 1-50 tons superior baled Hay, for sale wholesale and Mall by JAJL X. WEIMAR. at:IIMM; •. WhiPANION.- .very conveniegit, Wrnttni Zest. ; ' UUI Maks. Icaurt.i.ain.Jirm ire_ . SUNBURY and NICHOLS & BOWMAN, corner of Profit and Market streets filisttlianzzus STEAM WEEEIT 0 1: 7 ; emsww4 rum YORK - AND LIVERPOOL L A.NixINu AND EMBARKING PAS -(+Sr;- at QUSESSTItiVSK, (Ireland.) The Liver pool. NOV tork end Philadelphia Steamship oompaey 'Mewl J.epeiceing their fell -powered Clyde-built iron litesni..es tin follows' CITY OP WASECINGTO!f, Saturday, February Sth ; CITY OP BALTI HORS Saturday February 15th ; EDIN. BURG, iatarday, February 22d ;and every succeeding Saturday, at Noon, from Puer 44 North Bider. =3=l Flit- - 1 GARIN $76 00 RTYRRAGE 630 00 do to Loudon 11110'00 - - de to London ..59 00 do to Parts 106-00 , -•• do to Paris „... $3B 00 do to Hamburg—SB 6 00 do on Hamburg *35 00 Pas/angers abo forwarded to Havre, Bremen, Rotter dam, Antwerp, kc., at signally low rates. sarpereons winning. W. bring suttbetr friends can bay uoketo bere at the IblaMaktirriaaa, to Now York: From Liverpool or Queettainw4l46-0.1112, 115, $Bl and 1105 . *wage from atarytotil" 1/40 , 90 Trim. Queonstow n, PO 00. These Sleanerrainira ilaperier arsainnosee*Stons for passengers, and Carry experleanntd Liargeona. They are built in Water-tkgbt Iron Seolloos , and - bane Patent Fire Annihilators on board, . Nor further information appizto Ltvorpool to WILLIAM INMAN, Agont422 Wea er ; Glasgow to wy. INIIAN, 6 et. Knoell Square ; to celegeetown to C. 6: R . D. gg YOUR & CO. to . London to WIVES & MALY, et Ring William ;i n Buie to . .II3LOS' DE:000B, 6 Place de le Bourse ; to Philedellitea to JOHN G. DALE, 11) Maul street ; or at the Company's Mow. JNO. G. DAM Ageot, 16.11:Nottor. 9 , ,Niter Yore. Or 0. O. tintrooiaten. - Aitot, Harrisburg. , glig-PAELMINGSELN HOROPX—By Woo of the Secretor, of State, al iasseugers leaving the United States are required to procure Passports before going on board the Eltramer. • Passengers.will not be subjected to any trouble or de lay to prootwmg them., It they call for lostroctions at the Company's Offices, 16 Broadway, New York. Jan.2l-0 -• • JOHN G DALF, dorm Q.F. TRAVELING AGENT OF TEE OLD WALLOWER LINE • liHIS OLD TRANSPORTATION LINE A is still in succossPal operation and prepared to carry =be LOW as any other individual line between phist,'Harrisburg,Surtbury,Lewisburg. sport, Jersey Shore. Lock Laren, and all points on the Northern Central, Philadelphia Lid &le, and Williams port and Elmira Railroads. Local Agent at Harriabarg.„ ' D. A. YURNOLI Goods sent to PEACOCK, ZELL di GINORSI,OI, Nos. Wand 810 garket street, above Eighth, by 4 o'elbek. P. At.. will arrive at Ilarrkbarg, ready to de livery the next morning. 0. B. was Non, ap34l Traveling Agent. FOR !MINTING MA.CHINES JONAS BROOK & BRO'S PRIZE MEDAL SPOOL COTTON. 200 et 600 TDS. ifflifl44lLACK 1 COLORMD 111118 thread being made particularly for 1, Sewing Machines, is VENT STRONG, SMOOTH AND MASTIC. Baatrengta It not Impaired by arathing, nap by friction of the noodle. For liachinea, use Brom& Patent Glace, FOR UPPER THREAD, and Bemka Patent Six fiord, Red Ticket, FOR UNDER THREAD, Sold by respectable dealers thronghoot the country.- AOlO, [SOAR= IN 100 DOW SAO; LIBOSTEO NW, by WM; GRNRY Solo Aget. 99 veesystreet„ New York. NEW CLOTHING STORE. BEELLENBERGER & BROTHER, NO. 80 MARKET STREET. (Room formerly occupied by the Poetoalee.) rE undersigned have just upwind a iew and large assortment of the latest styles of clothing. We ars also prepared to manufacture to orde r kinds of Gents Wear, out to the latest atyloa and rash - lone. Ws have always on hand a large stock of Ready made clothing and Gentleman's Famishing Goods. no9-dBm H. sGELLlNfilittlitta k BEG. TO GRAIN . CONTRACTORS. TIER BALTIBEORB' BAG FACTORY, ; No. 77 South Street, Baltimore Md. IS PREPARED to. furnish Government Contamatorsond ethers with Linewor flottas e.g. or iu aims, promptly kw cash at low prices. Oata and Ors Orwrivelera will And it to their advantage to give me a WI, \ JOHN 0. GNAPPLIN. Baltimore, Jan. 17th, 18112. iy24-2aid* THEO. F. OCREFFER, BOOK AND JOB PRINTER, NO. 18, HAREM STREET, HARBLSBURG. sir Particular attention paid to Printing, Ruling and Binding of Railroad Blanks, ilanifests, ?elides , Checks, Drafts, an. CARD S printed at $4, $4, $4, and U. per 0ct91.1)94 In elegant style., - 120 SCRIEFBELIN BROTHERS & CO., WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS, AND PEA_LERS in Fancy Goode, Per- Maury, &c. Also &pals for th e sale of Railed Petroleum, Illamlnating utl, superior to any coal oil ; tiumistiett,Many quantities at the lowest market rates. 1 170 and 172 William &reel, NEW YORK.; ,ja7t4l6in PUBLIC SALE. VilT' ILL , be .salti. at Public% Bale at 10 .yy o'clock A:11; on - Se fillibAt raa IeiGEiTH DAY is:BROARY, 4 ))...; 18(12,tht the Pctirt Kunio in ilsr rwourg, the following waluaole iteal listate, : f.• certain lot or Groond sitotuoJ _Upper Swatara Uiefitanigi, ininplun county,. about one gunner of a mile below the fine aline MO f Harrisburg, containing nine. attires; mare or less, on welch is erected a large issulierY (known as the Keystone together with a son"- *lit number of Pena for feedtng one thousand }jogs; ids so, other . Ourbuildings pikes iry about inestablia amen'. of the 'Lind:- :TIM Distillery le located on the Pennsylvania Ral Wad Who a , siding belonging to the properly, the Pesneylva- Mit Cabal making tue boundary_ lino of Um east end of MO property. any person wishing to examine the premises before the day or sale, wilt please esti singdr. John Xoungi, near the tame„ WLO will glee any information that may be re- Veined. If the promises anuald not be bulcion said day May will be for rent. sttendaiee *lll be given and conditions of Bale made kilovni by.. ogw • • ,JACOBEnillts W E OFFER, ,T.O CUSTOMERS A New Lot of LADIES' PURSES, Or beautiful Styles,' salbelangally =de A Spiendidnient'of GENTLEMEN'S, WALLETS A New and Elegant Perfume, KNIGHTS TEMPLARS' BOQUET, Put up In Out Glass Engraved Bottles. A Complete Assortment of . HANDKERCHIEF PERFUMES, Of the best Manufacture. A very Handsome Variety of POWDER PUFF BOXES, BELLEW'S DRUG STORE, sepll3 91 Market Street FRESH Lemons, Apples, Cranberries, for sale by NIPHOIS at BOW MAN, Ja corner Front and Market street, NTALENTINEd.--Just opened a fine ea r 'adman. of Valentines at very low prices. 20 8 sCSEMORE. CHOICE Syrups Loveringe and other choice brands, for sale by NICHOLS & BOWMAN, corner Front and Market streets. OUR newly replenished stook of Toilet and Fancy Goods is unsurponeed In this city, and feeling owilident of rendering sttleaction, we would res pectfully invite a call. KIUA.ER, Sal Markin street, two doors east of yourth street, south . , I E t ' EbLEtt'd DRUG dfOßts; is the place to buy Patent Meeicinee. OPAL OIL, BEST COAL OIL, Wholesale j and Retail, for sale by faCnIOLS & BOWMAN. jY corner Front and Martel greets. HAY I HAY I 1-43uperior -- : . baled; -thy . 2mnatmritts. SANFORD'S NEW OPERA HOUSE THIRD STREET BELOW 11.411111iT. Admission, i 25 amts. Orchestra Chairs, 50 mats. Seats in Private Boxes, 75 cents. EnOre Box, $5.00: Doors open 6} o'clock ; Comnsence stn. o'clock. Great Snore's of the Celebrated Cantatrioe, Mrs. ANNA BORDWELL, Mr. W. BORDWELL, Ethiopean Comedians, who will appear in their Ethiopean Drawing Room Soirees, original with Mr. and Mrs. Bordwell. This Evening--THE RIVALS, In Rehearsal—ROMEO AND ,TIRXET. SOLDIERS' NICK RACK'S, FOR Bale at KIRLLAR'S DRUG ant FANCY STOEN. Camp Writing Cases, Needle or Sewing Cases, Shaving or Razor Cases, Toilet Cases, Hatch Comm Pocket Ink Stands, Pocket Mirrors, Pocket Knives, Pocket Combs, Fine Combs, Camp.MitTora CDS, Dryer Pipes, Tobacco Boxes, India Hubner Tobacco Pouches, Wicker, Leather & Platina Flasks, Leather Drinking Cups. Pens, Penholders, Pencils, Paper, andSavelepen. Soldiers will see at a gleam teat the place to set an (wild in small warLs Li at Ne. 9t, Market street. nap See "Fort Massie in the window, WHOLESALE - UMBRELLA MANUFACTORY 1 No. 69, Market Street, below Third, ELM/MELINA, PA. M. H. LEE, MNUFALTURBR OF UMBRELLAS, PABEI/LS and WALKING COME will hirolab goodo at LOWIIR PRIM than elan be boo Aft in any of ho &Mere cities. Ooa nt - y in rent ,t+ will .to well to 'Land Ntami 0 uric. ,ad q t,sly, mart o , n vises them dyes of thla Pact. att23-dly NEW DRESS GOODS. uMBROIDERED REPS, 124 Plain and Figured Reps Rich Figured all Wool Delaines, Plain Merinoes and Cashmeres, Fancy Paris Dress Silks, Superior Plain Colored Dress Silks, Warranted makes of plain black silks, New Styles Low Priced Delaines At OA IPHOART & BROTHER'S Next door to the Harrtiburg Beak Market Square. nor 4 HOLALE and RETAIL DEALERNVM in Onefectionary Foreign and Domestic Fruit.— alas, Dates, Pnines, Raisins and Nato of oil Suds.— Fresh and dal trish, Soap, Candies, Vinegar, tipicee, To imsen, Segura and Country Frodnee in general, at the earner or Third and Walnut streets. • octilli-dain JOHN WIER. Piano, Melodeonl Guitar and Singing. ARTICULAR attention will be paid for • the edueadou of the voles alter ' , leaseMt's" ode. rated method. Mee In WiILIM Knochen Undo Store; Market ditel, jait-dlm PROF. ADOLPII P. TEUPSER. .11UVOULD respectfully inform his old TV patrons and the public generally, that be will eautinue to give instructions on the PIANO FO 111- LODION, VIOLIN and also In the science of BASS. He will with pleasare wait epos pooh at their Cowes at any hour desired, or tames win be PM his residence, l Third street, . raw doors beWw th Quoin= fieftertied Church. dear-Orr 197R13 I FURS I ruati I FURS I Sable Far p 4 i-1 „, , LlWan Lulrrel Pure, .; French Sable fars, Silver Mutes Fu Water Kink furs. PAPA, carts AND NUM, LARDS ANAJIMIANN, Great bargains in these Woods. Every snide warran ted to be agia Sly as represented, at • CATHCART & BROTHER, nbla Next to the Harrisburg Haag. FOR THE NEW YEAR. NOW OPINING AT SELLER'S DRUG AND FANCY STORE, 91, Market street. A. FINE variety of those rare OuaFECTioNd, jt from the Faotory. A most ELEGANT MIXTURE, (tile Meet yet received,) neatly put op in one pound boxes. ICall soon. Also, another lot or those splendid Lades' bidehels, Ladles' Wire and Leather parses, balms' Oompaolona or Went Cases, and Other tine you would do well to Wt. JUST OPENED, A LARGE STOCK OF F° 'CT Xt. RICH DARK SHADES. VERY CHEAP GOODS kOR THE HOLIDAYS At CATHCART'S, de23 Next door to the Banishing Bank RUBBER GOODS.! .. ltubbe Balls, Rubber Watches, Rubber Rattles, Rubber Toys generally at BERGNER'S CIIEAP BOOKSTORE. FltE6ll BUTTER and 14.71 id constantly on hued andlor nolo by CRANBERRIW, Dried Fruits, Fresh Apple, liemony, BLACKiN 1.1 MABON "Cll.ALLitila BLACKING.' lad Graft; asilarled sizeic,iasi received, and [or awe u Wholesale priCha, dell • M INCE PIES, • Hews% erreox. Lermasanw, Sessas i &C Sellable for Mince Pies tot wile low by W y. DOM, JR., & Ob EIS4W/43 1 3 / 1 6.WLEI & Large [image :of New Styles of French Blanket received th4l morning oy n01.3' Vrel . 'AßT & BROTELAIII. nßUkixi & BLA.UK.WELL'd Celebrated Hogg R. SAIJC. PASSEAKIIi, ao„ am. A large Supply of the above, embracing every varlethinsi re. mired and for sale by _.llO 'MEW Fruits, Currents, Raisins, Citron .111 and Lemons, at the new Wholesale and Hetall„ tho. nary and Prowlston Sore, corner emu and Market street, Harrisburg, Pa. ' HEAP SUGARS 1 I—Call - at WHIRCIT SI lie urnirmAir. Efisteliantuus A. LENS. IOMS 01 NIOROLS & BOWMAN, corner Front one Makes Bt/00u, NIOROLS & BOWM AN'B, eorper, Frout aqu Marren ntreete WIC BOOK, Jr., & 00 WM. DOCK, Jr., k Co NICHOLS & BOWMAN noll-tt