GREAT SALE AND FREE DISTRIBUTION ! DB. W. BARR, OF HARRISBURG, Saving purchased the entire right and interest to mann . facture sea sell kI'CONNELL' .GOLDEN LLEOT.EtIO - LIVERY body ought to join in oiroulat. lug ii, If the tact. we represent are sin. 411 are In tit/la[ed, the well and antacid. 'the UULDLN BUCOLIC uIL is used in Chronic and Nervous . 1),8681,0 , such as Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Caturreih, SOlVlllia, elle% Fresh or Old Saes, Moore, Glandular *wettings, Female Complaints, lore Breasts, ilte. tactln there is no family medicine !bat ,_cis with boob magic power as the 00/den Electric oil. Hundreds Can certify ill eta virtues. lot the I urpoae of introducing It into every Minify, with tWo of my own vu 11.1:110 preparations tor Coughs, Croup, Weak and Weaned Eyes, twit as an indunecueut to those woo assist WO to diapasu of 25 gross, 1 place in pktuieradon of a cointeitt e. of houoraule gentlemen the following valuable articles, for dietratedou amongst the purciamiers : 1 Film 11-ociave Piano pine Dressing bureau 1 klub Cottage ....... 1 Flue tappet?, Uold Lever Watcu 1 Fine Ladies' 2 line Myer Watches, $5 tiO 1 old Violin alai Bow 1 Mahe Box. 1 Fine Double-barrelled tiun 1 Blue Semi-tone 0ccurde0u......... 4 Ould Bracelets, S 1 00.... 6eo hoses Valuable Pille, le eta 400 Boxes Tooth Powder, 25 els .... Idle el Lou ice, Embellished, 25 cut tin Coil, 6 volumes, Christian Union, *1 00.... 6 1 Fine silk Dress 20 1 Flue Detaine Wee -2 Flue Lawn D. eseos. 0U.... 13 o tine (*did Pencils, 81 00 e 20,1 Flue Mabee Deimos, Illy g cis 25 24 Flue Lames , Guards, 25 eta 6 71) nee Letts of Jewelry, *1 00 20 so Fun) Dimino llooaitioub, 1 00 2u 50 Slue Locket Pm-, ell ute LOU tine cotta Slues, 21 tits 150 600 Finn 18 &unit songs, 25 c 125 WO Fine bent] kLeeve CULIAMS, 12,1 cts.. ..... 25 100 hue alleles Buzdr Powder, 25 25 .1 bidt, Family 8ib1e.... 1 Barret Fleur.... 70 Du the payment tit 26 ounce ler tarn Bowe or Box of toe Modomm, Lee purceaser, will receive a receipt ono au order our au envelope, which will contain the name tit one et the above r iota. on tile do , of the dletributiou of Atha, the euvelopeb wd/ tie piacou to a Cox or wheel, with a hole hi loos the hand tutu d , LLO enveloped all put into the wheal, well sewn up anti bemired, each purchaber Will draw out his or her own envelope; the glib named thereto wtu ne given an bond Ye the drawing ti/0809. AO nee all no alien to egeuts, and in the papers, 01 the day tit cilistributiou. elan it w U have au equal share wi,h these sashimi; in Darriaburg. tin re., celpt tit the mune) fur one or inure dozen the modicum, With permeate and Vint be forwarded by exprees, free of Charge. In caeca the weekend' to sarraututt to cute to give rebel, ti no cum au. See certitioate.. De.. W. BARH.—Lana 8/R nave learned tout you babe purchased tut right to inattufat,ture and bell hrCon - ne licadeui baet.trie Ull , ior the benefit of the atilieted, ague the billowing have Clean althatod with a run ning core on wy Mu leg tor ten plan. During that time have been under the tieaduent IA ten of toe best Doc tow lu llarrlaburg, Daiumore and Cumberland county ; but all Mead not Line& a Clare. a bale over a year pant, going lute my blacd_niith slaty after dark, I hurt my rtgot leg also, billow the nee. Railroad all retold the leg, and uterine a running bore. Several Lectors tole me 1 meet have my lag tocou uIC , mortiliciitum having lumen place. Fortusiddy r get a better ill' your bidden Electric till for My child's dere media. It cured so soon that I tbougtit I wudat try it on my loge. I have been using It about WY Viteltd, add my raga are tww h.ialed up aid woo. ELISHA T. HOOCH. We, thilnieridgund, who are wail acquainted with T Blum& tick, du certify to the tact as anted above, and the beneeci d *shots di d'Conaeti's Uuidan Electric 1.011 on many of our heiguourn. Hn h Y ANDREW, sktLY, a. P. EtIB, (Bridgeport Hotel.) CLAY, J LUNUr.l4,..Cahlt, Eaq. 1 have been using Dr. Barr's Group .syrup In my family for the petit tno ye ire. I. 4out I not be Without it at any price, as my children are subject to Colds , nu Croup. 1 believe 1 have attired their lives by the use of the medbigue. No lamas watt children ought to be without It. F. K. (Ilvery,) ilarrisburg. CAMP CLUITLN, December O a 18th. • DR. UARIC:—.i. halal you most, slucere y fur the thut-. Met you, gave me lot my uyus. i have o. ly used a a taw limos, and'am now entirely tree from indainatiOu and pain Witial Is more than .I. have beau tor the Itua live years.— / Rope God will bales you for the free gt.t. No person. Iliniate.t with weak or inflamed sure ey of Ought to without It J. C. JUDAS. bting wo// acquainted wall J. C. Kilos, wn..l he cow. hes to ebole is current and truu, as as It may seem. J. 11 JJfiL,a , C. cur lidatord. thehireds h tTo ceruand—l LIVA) cal; wee we 41)0VO. PUes, Tater, eolsou, Itch, J tionorreceA, Gloat, Leucerrhse, one all secret eiseeses cu ett eri.h darnd anu was, or uticherge. tee pernt. will be peel to all perdtiOS seitiug one or 12101111 cozen. W . li&rttr, 19.0-dtwff LATEST NEWS. "kr ICHULB & BOWMAN having just re tarried from Wm haat witu an extensive and we 1 imitated Moos of goods, purchased for dash, rim" fully Invite the citizens of Liarrisburg and vicinity to call and examine their New cioods at the obit stand tormerly on - Oupiesi by V. Hammel, corner Front and Market streets, Harrisburg, Pa. Prices as low as any other house. COFFEE, Green and Browned ; SUGAR of all grades ; moj,ASSES and Choice Syrups ; FLOUR, in Barrels and Sack ; BUCK-WHEAT and. CORN-MEAL; RICE, BEANS. POTATOES ; FISH, of all kinds ; SALT, Coarse and tine ; OIL, Coal Oil and Whale Oil ; SPICES, all kinds Ground and Unground, fresh from the Mill. APPLES, Green and Dried ; RAISINS, CURRLNi - IS, NUTS, .DRIED FRUITS, SOAPS, Cott:anon and Fancy WILLOW and CEDAR-WARE ; CIGARS, best of Imported Brands; TOBACCO, Smoking and Cht4- ing ; QUMSWARE 1 QUEENSWARE 'Extensive assortment or all styles, and patterns and moss. Call and examine our Stook of Goods at the Wholotale and Retail Grocery, Print and Provision 1319 re, comer Front and Market street, Harrisburg, Pa. Country Produce taken deloll WORSTED GOODS, jr. J AMIE:S.I4I7EIAS, Misses Head Dresses, • i; liadleal.Hoods, ; /Misses Hoods, . Ladias .Bontags, • Misses &c. A fresh lavoloejust opened at CATHCART'S, nov4 Next door to the Harrisburg think ALMANACS I'ALMANACS 1 BEAR'S GERMAN AND ENGLISH AID MANAGE, in every quality can be had at - BERGNER'S CHEAP' BOOKSTORE. BOOKS FOR CHILDREN I I F you watt - to got suitable, BOOKS foi'your EEBGYM'S CHEAP BOOKSTORE. GOLD GOLD PENS ! rflargest and most varied aeeortment of OLD PENS le for sale at BERGNER'S CHEAP BOOKSTORE. ALL PEN WARn.unm. DIARIES FOR 1862.—A great variety at entwillig loaf prices, at BIIITYPERI Boo Kama. PORT FOLIOS--WRITING DESKS. N entire new assortment of these useful az ; A tides just opened at BERGNER'S Cheap Bookstore, pfRE Cider Vinegar, for sale at MCHOL &BO WMAN'S, J 8 corner Front & Market streets CIDER 111 VINEGIA.R 111 MADE from choice and selected Apples, andftusranteed by us to be strictly pure. WM. DOOR & CO. NOTIONS.-- Quite a variety of u seful add aziertaialag artiales--aheap—ma SELEPERR'S BOOKSTORE. =I LADIES' WINE. :"PEER'S SAMBUCI WINE Of Cultivated Portugal Elder. $lOO SPEER'S SAMBUCI WINE CELEBRATED for its medical and bona Hclal qualities as a genuine St imulant, Tonic, piu •etic sad Sedorllle, highly esteemed by eminent physi dans, and some of the first families in Europe an America. . • •• • • SPEER'S SAMBUCI WIN. 111.; w not a mixture or manufactured article, but is aunt Mom cultivated Portugal Elder, recommended by tine's' ats and Physicians as possessing medical properties su parlor to any other Wines in use, and an excell id , artt. le f o r all weak and debilitated ttersons, and the age, t.nd infirm, Improving the appetite, and benefiting lad] , . and ehildren. A LADIES 14 INF., became It will not Intoxicate as other wines, as it con tains no mixture of spirits or other liquors, and is w• • mired for its rich peculiar flavor andtautritive properties, imparting a healthy tone to tbo digestive organs, and a blooming, soft and healthy ssin and comolexicm. No-.. yen Ann unless the signature of a.Lilthi..illtEß, Passaic, N. 1., 4 oval the cork of each bottle, MAKE ONE TRIAL OF THIS WINE, A. SPEER, Proprietor. Passaic, N... Moe 208 Broadway, New York. J. H. EATON, Agent, Philadelphia. For sale by D. W. Gross, & 00., O. E. Keller, Job o Wyeth and,by druggists generally jyl-lowly. INSURANCE AGENCY. THE DELAWARE MUTAL SAFETY INSURANCE COMPANY. OF PHILADELPHIA. INCORPORATED 1885. CAPITAL AND MIMS $904,907.51. THE INSURANCE COMPANY OF NORTH AMERICA. OF PHILADELPHIA. INCORPORATED 1794. CAPITAL AND AMEN.. ......... $1,219,475.1 . THE undersigned, as Agent for the well known Companies, will make Insurance against Ices or damage by fire, either perpetually or an nually,. on property in i elther town or country. Mariort'and Inlitnd Transportation Hlaite also taken. Apply personally or by letter to Birmthra, Harrisburg; Pa. ect4'6l.-dewl7 JOHN, WALLOWER, JP, Agt GENERAL FORWARDING COMMISSION MERCHANT. GOODS AND MERCHANDIRR promptly forwarded by Philadelphia and Reading, Northern Central, Camberlaud Valley and Pennsylvania ftallroade and Canal. HAULING AND DRAPING to and from allparts of the; tufty to the different Railroad depots will be done at the , very lowest rates. FAMILIES removing will be promptly attended to. Orders eft at Brunt's European Hotel, or at the store at E. 8. Zollingsr, will reamive prompt attention. Con- ItiErtments of ir,,tght respectfully solicited. Fipzrzeuurg, l'a. ICON WALLOWER JR., Agt., Office receding Depot. Seleot Schools for Boys and Girls FRONT STREET ABOVE LOCUST. THE Fall term of ROBERT WELWEE'6 School lor boys, will open on the first Monday in September. Ina room is well ventilated, comfortably furnished, and In every respect adapted for school pur poses. CATHARINE MIELWER'S School for girls, looatal the same building, will open for the Fail term a; the same time. The room ban been elegantly Sited up to promote he health and comibrt of scholars. aug22dtf HUMPHREYS' SPECIFIC HONCEPATHIC REMEDIES! W.F., have received a fresh stock of these valuable remedies—suitable for all , manner of disease -for list of Specific Remedias see Almanac for 1862. In single boxes, withsdirections, her 25 ots. and 50 cts. In case of six boxes, with , ,boolrefllirections 11 ; 00. Itp oise of fifteen boxes with-lxioto!directionaS2 bo. In case of twenty large vials with book of directions fri 90 4 of 4s, ' si •it t ' it ID "3 I. iti) 1166 " ss ` c4 • Mei w prepared I - ials of anY of the Remedies from No. 1 to 20, and to furnish Humphreys' Remedies as customers may desire. • FOND'S . portt.A.m. !tw. ,HAA4}HIIII,I4 •or Vegetable ftlikpsAtroyor,:pieptired. by ; F. Humphreys, M. It.,eso. ba PtktfAttud by WhiAeliale. or. tetaiiat : riX.4l.44l..Druit and Fency.ktOre, J2l • . . . :. :81 Market street.... ANOTHER NEW . STOOK..! • - nortanle Writing Desks, I Backgammon Boards, • • Traveling Bagti, Purses, 'Wallets, Toilet Bottles, and a general assortment of FANCY ARTICLES, Call at BUIGNER'S CHEAP BOOKSTORE SCREFFSIS BOOK . STORE. OMRmiTlAßamannto Baum.) ENVELOPES. :MOTE PAPER, of six different designs, LLA 'printed in two colors sold by the thousand and py the ream at City Cash prices, I Also, Flags, Union Breast . Pins, Battles, Union Rings and Badges at very low prices . Plait myB 131;01KFFWW8 BOOK.BTORE. D. GEO.' VV. STiN.E, graduate o( the althnore Wiese at Dental. Surgery, having perms wetly locatedin the any of Harrisburg mid taken the office formerly oomph* by Dr. Gorges, on Third str set, between Market and Walnut, respectfully informs his friends end the public In general, that he is prepared is perform all operations in the Dental profession either surgical Orfl?cicalanfaal, in a itemiser that shad not be surpassed b ' y ' operators in this or any other city. His mode of inserting artlileiel teeth is upon the West M r proredard,tetthe PrlnuiPies. ,;. Teeth, trom.ene to a lull ist,mountild,on aOld, SU- M; plaghe plates or the Vuleanlte Bass. I tatte great Omen% In recommending the atetee gen■ tiemao to all my former patlenta of Harriatturg and vi ninny, and feel oonfidemt that he will.perform l opera tions in a adentida manoer, from ray knowledge . of hilt ability. • my&dtfl • IP.* K. 001tiTA8. 11. - D 8. - MO. 1 MAO: ' . in Kitts, half -bar- AA relay and barrels . , at the New Grocery and Provi sion Store, Front and-Kirke{ streets. NICHOLS & POMFMAN CLOLD PENS I—The largest and belt' ILA stock, from $l. .00—warranted—at ' • n2O HBIt 0 BOOKSTORE glisullautons. DENTISTRY. Inania etttrapt), pimp 21fternoon, itbrnarp 7, E 862 JoOs & tratiltEg SOMETHING FOR TIM TIMES! I firA NEOMSITY IN EVEBY HOUSEHOLD. JOHNS & CROSLEY'S American. Cement Glue THE STRONGEST GLUE IN THE WORLD THE CHEAPEST GLUE IN THE WORLD. THE MOST DURABLE GLUE IN THE WORLD. THE ONLY RELLiBLE GLUE IN-THE WORLD. THE BEST GLUE IN THE WORLD. AMERICAN CEMENT GLUE Is the only article of the kind ever produced which WILL WITHSTAND WATER. IT WILL MEND. WOOD, Save your broken FUrniture. IT WILL MEND LEATHER, Mend your Harness, Straps, Belts, Boots, am IT WILL MEND,GLABI3, Save the pieces of that expensive Out Glass Bottle WIITLL MEND IVORY, Don't th r o w a w ay that brolien Ivokir 'tut, It is easily to n' WILL MEND (MINA, Your broken China Otis and Smieere can be made as Ec"r" new. IT WILL M E ND MARBLE, That pieceiknocked out of your Marble Mantle can be put on as strong as ever, IT WILL MEND 'PORCELAIN No matter IX that broken Pitehei did DOI coat bat a aid!. ling; a 811P1lisaved to'a shilling earned. IT WILL MEND ALABASTER, That fleetly :Alabaster Vase is broken and you can't match it, mend it, it will eerershow when put together. It will Mend Bone Coial; Lava and in fact everything. but Metale'.. Any article Cemented with AMERICAN CEMENT GLUE will uot'show where it Is mended. . . "Every Housekeepers should have a supply or Johns & Orosley% American Cement Olne."—N. Y fimet. "It Ls ao convenient , to have In toe house."—N. P. always ready.; this commends itself to every body."—lndependoest. "We have tried it, and fled it aa toiertil in our hornet+ aa water."— Wilke Spa* of the rims. ECONOMY IS WEALTH. $lO,OO per year caved to every famlLypy One Bottle of AMERICAN CEMENT GLUE. Price 26 Cente per Bottle. Price 26 Cents, per Bottle. Price 25 Cents per Bottle. Price 26 Cents per Bottle. Price 25 Cents per Bottle. Price 26 Cents per Bottle. Very Liberal Reductions do Whoksak Buyers. TERMS CASH. ,For sale by all ljrnggista, and 'Storekeepers general ly tbrougbout .the country, JOHNS di cgosixr, (Sole lianufluittnee'sY' 78 WILLIAM STREET; Corner of Liberty Street. NEW YORE IntPortant to House Owners. Inlior49d to Ihili*s• Important to Rail Road Companies . . h , Imotailt tCi Far Me. 2b all whom this 'may concern; and. iteconcerns every 1101018 ar. CROarars IMPROYED GIEITTA. imams • CEMENT ROOFING, The Mealiest and most dUrable Roofing in use IT IS FIRE AND WATER PROOF. , . „ It oan be•appned to now and ma ROOM of •ll kinds, sump or hit, and to /WWII , ' ROM without . removing the inniapia.. The cost is only about Ono/Third:that of Tin ANDIT 1.11 TIME AS DUAABI.oII Thin article has been thoroughly tested in New York Qty and all other parte er 11i0 Bolted Slates, Dahada, West Indies Central and SouthAniii4Ni, on buildings or all kinds,.ininhan Fag:roams; IrOnNntria Ontrannes, RAN Roan. DEPOIIIi OARS; -and on Pim° -.l3ominnixr generally Ominous: Atovnatie, Ato., by the :principal Builders, implants and. others, during the put four year!, an p r oved to be' the 'CHEAPEST and MOST DURABLE ROOFING in nee; it is In every realleatFlßE, WATER, WEATHER, ant Talk. PROOP 'otiveriag , tbr ROOF 3 OP ALL This is the Olansateriaissentarcieturni in the Mated Skate which combines the very desirable properties of Startieity and .Quraikaity, wiling are universally acknow ledged to net 'petitiessett by' m2.4. rzzase. AND INDIA RUMS&' No Heat required in making application. The expeuise of agilying it to trilling, as ordbiery roof can be covered and thdetked the same day. It, dui be'atplied • awl when finished forms a perfectly, Vian.Esooqt. au r face , with an elastic body, which daunt be mjustalfpyjilzaT , COLD or &but, SERDriE6d of looi Milos, dor =Y. - ternal eaten whateve i r : - - D •• • - 1411 • - dtrTTA. P.ERCHA- CEMENT,' of -21. 1 &L, •• exposed For Coating Metals when to the Aetion'tinfiii'Virost4er, and , . FOR PRESERVING AND F•EPRAIIINEt METAL ROOFS OF ALL KINDS. This le the only delpoeltionlmownirMah will snocese fogy recut. extreme Mauve of all climates, lbs anti length of tb:ste, when . uppl4e4 to swishy to which it. ad. herenfirmty, torming a body equal to coats ,erdinary paint; costs much lea and sill LAST THRICE TI:11112 6.1 LONG 7 and from Its elasticity to not Injured': tip commotion anomganaion of 19n and other! aletailloolh, consequent udon auddenautßgesqA4ci woather, .-; It will not ORAOR IN COLD 8R RUN IN WARR W1A2112531, AND WILL NOT WASH OPP . ehtkVir Leaky Tin and other ,li . beMtditYrerdr' ed with 00TT.4.P.W.ROHA 0 , d.wevented fen further enireeibn and leaking,. , ey - aiming, a po i Sway tight root for many eara. , - : -. . • . • ffhls Content le qateultar adapted* for the preeereattOn of IRON IlitILINOB l Mil .12, 11.01.04113, LiFffi , , AGRI. .CULTUiLkIf .11dP_LOWM, , , Ike., elm. forgeneral mama lecturers use,. , . „ . . . . GUTTA PROHA CEMENT. . . Preeerving twif repaing n and other Meta BOOnt Of every descriptiongrom Ite • treat elsetibitY; tenet Mitired by the contraction and a:parakn:if Metalk and , will. MA' Crack in Bold or run is wArin weather. „ , • These materials two swan 11l ALL CLOWN" and we are prepared to supply orders from Any p art of the try, at abort notice, for GIJITA. PERCHA ROOFING in roue, readY.prepared for aao , and GUTTA PEROLIA` CR RENT in barrels, with fill printed direction for aripli. cation. AGNNTS WANTED. We will make liberal mid satisfactory arrangements with responsible parties who.would likete eatablish them- Selves In a lucrative and pertnasent business. • • OUR TERMS ARE CASH. We can give abundant proof of all we claim in favor or our Improved Hoofing having applied %toil to several thousand Roofs leNerr York City and vicinity. JOHNS & CROSL.S"Z , si)i..i 'idebrurscrultz: s, Wholikale,Warehmme 78 William St., Cofner or, Litoerty Street. NEW 'WORE Entl desarlpiive Circulars and , Prices will be furnished on application. . , ca,.3-dip , . SPICE'? '5A144114111 fegßiVg 4 . I ITYVVTDMICAIk. Put up titial7 O Avel O M comr. V 1:4 0:1.% ORSict!,%maxas PROPYLAMINE, THE NBW REMEDY /OR RHEUMATISM: A NEW REMEDY, 1 A CERTAIN REMEDY,' 7 " ACUTE RHEUMATISM CHRONIC RHEUMATISM RHBUMATISM OE EVERY IND; HOW STUBBOILY, SO WITS . HOW LONG INCsTAND„ PROP YLAMIN WILL CONQUER IT WILL CURE IT, WHAT IT HAS DONE, IT WILL DO AGAIN. DOOTOBS BEAD DOOM% mike, DOCTORS TRY IT. THE REST 'TESTIMONY, ' BEST MEDICAL AUTHORITY. - DOCTORS KNOW Pr, PATIENTS BELIEVE IT THUD AND TRUE. PENNSYLVANIA HOSPITAL [Fitex limam. licerrekt itsrome.] MAY le, 1860,—Mlea S., at. 28, single, never was very strong. Two years ago she had an &Mak otaoab rheama tism,trom which she was confined to her bed for two weeks and sa bseqenuy from &relapse . ferfoar more . &whits been well since teen till last Bator day, while engaged in house cleaning, she took cold, had pain hi her back, felt cold, hot bad so decided chill. Tvki days beer her ankles be gen so swell, which was followed by swelling of the knee joints arid of the hands. She has now dell pain In her shoulder!; end her knuckles are - Very tender, red and palatal; both hands are affected, bat the right ism:also. This, then, la a case of acute rheumatism, or, as It is now. fashionably called, rheumatic' fever. Iris a well remarked typical ease We will =rattily watch the case, and from time to time call your attentiOn 10 the TW IN= symptoms which present themselves. My chief object in bringing her before you now, la to call attention to a remedy which his recently been recommended in the treatment of rheumatism. I mmis propylastine. Dr. Awenarlus, of St. Petersburg, recommends it In the highest tenmk haying derived great benefit from Its use in. 260 cases which came under his care.. Various com mendatory testbncirdels respecting it have appeared In our JourniMa, add f 'propose therefore to give it another trial. I must mufti's I. am always racredulona as to the worth of new remedies, which are vaunted as spindles ; but this comes to us recommended so highly, that we are bound to give it a trial. rtrM'MV ' ;MEn "' Ml MAT 23,1860.- I will now exhibit to you the patient for whom I prescribed Propylamine, and wa a:them:labor. log under , an attack , of acute rheumatism. phe has steadily taken it in doses of three grains every two hours (intermitting it at night.) The day after you saw her, I Mound her much more comfortable; better than she ex petted to be for a week or more, Judging from her other attack. (The patient now walkea tato the room.) The Improvement Me steadily progressed, and you canoe% fail to notire'a marked change in the appearance of her joints, which are now imarly allot their natural size.-- Thus far our experiment would have seemed very sun. easeful ; biit , gentlemen, we must wait a little while be fore we can give a decided opinion aa to what is to be the result. Here is another patient who was placed on the use of the same medicine on Sunday last; she has long been sulTerft from a bionic rheumatism and I found her at that time with. an acute attack su pervening upon her chronic affeatten. The *data and knuckles ware much swollen and tense. She' took the chloride of Propyla - mine in three grain doses every two helm; and you wul perceive that the swelling of the joints has monk Malin. tithed. . THREE DAYS. LATER 1 I liar 28, 1800.-. This Is theme ot scuts rheumatism treated with propylandne, the Arster Atiose to which I called your alienation at our hut CU/110. She is still very comfortable, and is now t &tug three grains, Udine daily. In this case it has seemed to be followed•by'veryi eat 'aleatory resales.. The second wee to,wnich your atten tion was called at our litat lecture, Las also continued to do well. I will now bring before you a very chiuitoter hitio case of acute rheumatism, and if the result be sat. factory, I think, an good juiTuteq we wall jni tly render our verdict in, favor of propylawne He is a sieurian,,ag.,2o who was admitted a few days ago: Has hadnowuriOnalthentnatio paine, but not so es to keep his bed, until eight day° ago. • .The pains began Whirl right knee, subsequently afteted the left, knee, and later, the jolnta of the upper extremities. These. Joints are all swollen, tense and fender. His tousles Is furred ; his skin, at present dry;theugh there has been • much sweating. Hie pulse:is fel and strong; and about VO.—. Ho has now onS!ProPYlsdaine Ibr twenty-four hours. This gentleman is what may be called a strictly typical! case of acute rheumallsul. Tbere was exposure to col& and wet, audible exposure is iollowed by a feeling of coldness, severe. &rainier pein, beginning, as it usually does, in the lower Joints. There Lefever and the preftwe sweating, so generally &Menden' on acute rheumatism. I did net bring this patient before you with the I titer/- lion of giving you a levitate en all the points connected with ,rheumatierni but. to again give a trial to the new remedy we are testing, and to exhibit to you this typical cane, es There called it, than which there co old not be afairer opportunity for testing the medicine In We are, Shoreline, avoiding .the use of all other mediciews, even anodynes, that there may be no misgiving% as to whkh was the efficient remedy. You shell sae the case of a future clinic. TH E E RESULT. A FAVORABLE VERDICT Juin 9, 18130.—The next of our convalescents Is Ithe case or acute rhettmellsinhefore you at our clinic of May 26M, which I then called a typical case, and which it was remarked-wee a fair opportunity ter -besting the worth of Odr new remedy, It wee Wenders,stoa dily given in three grain doses everytwohourforpoir days: The patient has got along very nicely, and' Ls now able to walk about, as you, see. , .. Ido not hesitate to say that I have nevea seen as severe a case of route rheumatism mimeo restored -to' health ws this man 'halt haw, and without being prepared todecide positive by auto the , via: ue of tAtezreilkalli ge hairs Medi Ifeel .bound :to white that is the wires in which we have tried the Chloride o Prowls:Woe, the Patients hive much earlier than undi3r the treatment ordinarily pm tined. I wish gentlemen, you would yourselves ICY it, soul report the results. . for atoll report, of which the above As a condensed extract,. see ths .Philadelphla and Surgical Re porter. It le the report aftera rate trial byt he 'maimed ical authority in this country, and makes it unnscessitu to give numerous certificates from >astonished doctors and reddkdng pationte. • '• A WEEDX CURB,, AN EFFZCTITAL °ORE THE SARI RESULT Wllg IT KM DONS, Italia* di Crenshaw, a firm well known to most medi camen,,by whom the' Shin' Propylamtne hie been In. troduced, have sold Mee the unlinks rightleinanufae , tare it aooordlng to the original recipe, and we have . made arrangements anch Magnitude as to enable as to scatter It bros4inat amongst suffering huManity. A WORD TO DOCTORS. : If you prefer to use the saute, remedy to another form iire invite your attention to the ChtSfrrattssn Omni= Pnorrtatanit 'Pm TltUsnaittni LIQUM, PROM4/1(INI CONOILMU:I7I3, PIMA koDirli 101141[110, ef whkhlweare thesole manttflacturers. afirWe chitin's) otherytrtne for the 'Elixir 11opylamlne than Is contained In Pure Crystalized! Chlbride of ?ropy !amine. -.• • TiclF ELIXIR IS MORE CONY • • AND ADWAYB READY , . • • FOR IMMEDLII7I URA AND MY BE TAKEN, . AOCOEDRio TO DIRECTIONS, BY ANY ONB, • BY BVERY WHO Ha RHIMMAI ONB, ISM OF ANY KIND, Sold lo Harrisburg by as 76 mi. a BOTTLE Orders may be sddressed to llzol i rwuria#AzbroarAcTuapro ;co., Office, Room Oe. 4, - S. W. Cor. Fourth end Chesnut streets, : • Esiladelphts, Onto elther . of the following Vtialea!O Agents . . . BULLOCK & ORZNSHAW, FRENCH, RICHARDS &'OC, JOHNIL *WO °& • Apo, f 4 WirrikVanaLai ethi ; MITA 99,,, % TeMORIPAWAPtOO-''' aptpluiro AYER'S SARSAPARILLA, FOR PURIFYING THE BLOOD. AND for the speedy cure of the sub- Joined varieties of Disease Scrofula and Scrofulous Affection such as Tumors, Ulcers, Sores, Eruptions, pimples, Pustules, Blotches, Boils, Plains, and all Skin Diseases. J. C. Ana at Co., Gents : I feel It my duty to ackoowl• edge what your Sarsaparilla has done for me. Flaying inherited a Scrofulous infection, I have suffered Prom it in yentas ways fir years. Sometimes It build out in Ulcers on my hands and arms ; sometimes turned in. yard and distresied me at the stomach'. Two years ago It broke out, on my head and covered my scalp and ears with one sore which was painful and loathsome beyond description. I tried many medicines and several physi cians" but without much relief from any thing. in fact, the dliorder grew worse. At length I 'was rejoiced to read In the Gospel Messenger that you bad prepared an alternative (Sarsaparilla) for I knew Iron your rep. citation that any thing you made must be good. I sent to Cincinnati and got It, and used it 1W It cured me. I took It, as yen advise, in small doses of a teaspoonful over' a month, and used almost three bottles: • New and healthy skn men began to form under the scab, which after a while tell MT my skin is now clear, and I know by my Ridings that the disease has gone from my system. You can well believe that I feel what I am saying when I tell you, that I. hold you to be one of the "podia of the age, and remain ever gratefully. Yours, AMINO B. TAUNT. St. Anthony's Fire, Rose or RrYeiPoint Team and Salt Rheum, Scald Head Ringworm, Sore Eyes, Dropsy. Dr. Robert Y. F'reble writes from Salem, N. Y., 12th Sep., 1859 2 that be has cured an inveterate case of Drop sy, which threatened ID terminate fatally, by the pewee. Tering use of ohr Rantaparilla, and also a dangerous at tack of Malignant Erysipelas by large down of the same says he cures the common Eruptions by it coustaatly. Itronohooele, Goitre or Swelled Neck. Zebulon &mist. Prospect, Tams, writes : "Three bot tles of your Wet- parilla cured me Orema Gernm—e bid eons swelling on the neck, which I had suffered from over two years." Lemon-1m oF Whites, Ovarian Tumor, Uterine Meeration,Feniale Diseases. Dr. J. B. S. Meanie& eLf Now. York CBI, 'nitre ; most obeerrullY comply with the reaped or your agent in saying I have found your missieloartihtamostereelleet alternative in the numerous complaints ibr which we em ploy such *remedy, but especially in &mad Dimmer 6f the Scrofulous diathesis., I have cured many Inveterate cases of' Leiroorrinne by it, add some where the com- plaint was caused by ritteration Of the Wald. The ul ceration itself was Booe'eturod. Nothing within my knowledge equals It for them female &Inatome:um' , Edward A. Harrow, of Newbury, Alm, writes, , !A den-. gerous ourotan talsor on one of the ferules In MY lamlly, which bad defied all the remedies, we could emMoy, has at length been completely cured by your EN:tract of der saparida, tar physician thought nothing but reel *M ilan °mid afford relief, but he adviad the trial of year Sarsaparilla as the lest resort before culling, and proved eteettial. after taking your remedy eight weeks no symptom of the dame remains." Syphilis =I Mercurial Disefule.;- Nzw Owasso, 25th Aural, 1161 Dr. J. 0. Ails dr, I cheerfully comply with the rtt• gnarl of your agent, and:report to you some ot the wows I have realised with your e b.W.11 1 116 1 have cured with it, in my prac oe, moat of the cow *iota ter which it is reermunended, and have foind Its abets truly .wondelltil the oure•of nivel fed 110 , avid Defeo" line of my pationtchart llyphtlitio'ukers in his throat, which were consuming his palate : and .the top of his mouth. 'Our sanisparilla, mired him in rive w Another was attacks.' by nee- OildarY symptoms In hL nose, and the ulceration tad eat en away a cousidernble part of it, so than.believe the disorder would Scion reach hie brain and hill him. But it yielded to my administration of year Sarsaparilla: the ulcers healed, and lie is Well again, not of course without soma disilguration to his See.. A woman 'who had wee treated tor the same disorder by mercury welt suffering from this poison In her bones. 'they bed become ,so sensitive to the weather that on a damp day the suffered .azen**ting Path le berlointa and bones. She, too t \wan Glared *ezdirelyhy. your . Sarsapatille in a few weeks. f know Dom Its formula; Which yeti agent gave me, . that the Preparation from' your lsboeatory Mud - be a great remedy; consequently, these truly remarkable results with it have not surprised me. /fraternally yours, G. V. LAIUMIIa, Y. D. Rheumatism, Gout, Liver Complaint. Preoton Co., Va., 6th July,lB6o. Da. J.O. diaa:l Sir, num been afflicted with it iglu. Au °Wont. . for h long time, which • battled the skill of ' 41122141/BIL physicians end stook to me in spite of all the remodien I. could tin ~ , until I tried your Sarsaparilla.— Ontibothe cured me in two weeks, and resbared My 'gen eral health so murk that l Mn: far: better than before I was attacked., I think , it q wonderful medtehm, !,. Juke Y. Getchell, of St. Lents. writes: "43 imive bead afflicted for years 'with an a ff ection of the. Liver, which destroyed my health. rinsed thtter;'And eery thing Jailed to relieve me; and I havebeen , a - Woken down man for 4101P.0 X9OXIS from no ther cause than. de. rempmenkaf the Mem:, My beloved pastor, the Rev, : Mr . Ropy, advised mole try your SarsaWrilla, because_ he said he knew'you t tind any th ing yea made wiz worth Irreg. BY the biasing of Pod It mut eared-Mei .1 ISM young again. The best that can be said. of ybur-is mot half goad enough." Bair'rum, Cancer Tumors, Enlargement Ulceration, Caries and Iteoliatfon of . the Bones. A great variety of cases have been reported to us where cures of, these fO nlßtble complallitiiihave result. form the use or this remedy, but one apace here will not admit them: Some of them may be Ibund'uvotur Amer Owl Almanac, which the agents below,named are pleased to fundah grails to all who call for them.' Dyspepsia,' Hear Difiewl,:.ll4l; Many remarkable cures of these afections have been mule by the alternatitepower of this Mediohte. It 'Wm . - - Mates the vital functions Into vigorous action, and thus overcomes disotdere whioh would be supposed' beyecy its reach. Such a reraody has beau raga& tat by, the Reid mashies of die peoples and we are confident that do for them all that Medicine can do. Ayer's Qherry Pectoral MOR TEM RAPID 00113,0 P ( blight', " da m, 111fillenZat *arli8:14011$, 16'044' Bronchiti, Inelpir t ion, Emptier,' and - for the of Consumptive Palen in advitheid Stages of the Disease . IN EVERY CAMEL WEENEVERMAD, WIEEIENEMI TAM). IT wu.L DO AGAIN. Thu is a remedy so weiveraally known to 'surpass .any other for the cureehtireat and lung complete*, Aus it at. 'useless here to ptifilish, the aldence of its . virleteae . 'unrivalled ezeaDenme for conghs add toltk ila tiadltai trcly wenderini curet : of puhnonary Manse ye Made lt ;known throughout the civilized nations of the. earth.— Tow are the coMmuni ties, or even all2lllllll,them idle have not hin oSperebnal experience of so m e trophy utlheir :millet of its viotert,trier the hubtle and aangetrOte dizorders of the throat and lull As all know gs the dreadful fatality of these dlaariiare, and . to they know, SO% th ea:recta - of this remedy, we need not Flo more than to amnia them' that It has now all. he vir tues that it did have when making the mires whiedi hive .Won so strongly,tven,,tiakoontidence al mankind. Prepared. by Dr 4. AYER * CO. Lowell,AXaSS.• I, Sold by O.A. Bannvayt, 0. K. Keller, D. W. Grow & 00 J. M. Lutz, is Co., Arenaliong , Harrieburg, ad deal ers every where. • - 0ct,14-6mdew • . . . rt * lkki; S RK BT. netwakiLißtfi, 4m%, kor 1 - 41 1-a-.1.. ' PATENT Wrought and Ctallad j - trOt rid taiglar, ?ma iti - AL:i66, &hatly the ONLY Marsanate ,i3la made, that to both th , tad Burglar:Pa:kat hiaritg•dli O. 0„ ZIMMERMA.N'S BANKING STOOK, BILL AND GOLLIKITING OPPIOB Has been removed from No. 28 Beoond St TO NO. 130 ALLIK.g.ET STREET HARRISBURG, PA. TREASURY NOTEBITAMEN AT PAIL 50024-dt.t DIME Fresh around and Whole , l3piee, Pepper, divine, Ormaniat Nutmegs and.Maen, at Jo NIO OLS & corner ,Pront and 11arket . .r Ands. FRESH FRIIIT.--In :Hermetically • seat. ed QUIN *lltirge.kot aomprialug PeabbleA Skomitto F RESH orn, ata., fuutik witicit iaßortmentot • and Oka, Jost T yra feck - til, kir *Oa by ' ti l :-I • RO ' .3 ' ' EMI Illtbitai OASLUM, Ind., Bth June, 1869. sy, RdEukcJicay, _ Shutliantous DA/IL/NG D 'S LivERREGUL ATo 1 LIFE BITTERS, RE pure vegetable eXtracts 1, cure all bilious disorders of the ' ey regulate and invigorate the liver they give tone to the digestive organs • then .`-•• secretlona, excretions and exhalations latton, and purify the blood. Thur..,t7b4i•t —some of whloh are Torpid Liver peps* Piles, Chills and Fevers, Gass—are entirely eontroled and disc DARLING'S LIVER 11.EGUL-ITOE - Removes the morbid and billions ach and bowels, glua restores tes tbe liver zule log every obstrucretion, a haturti tloti in the vital organs. It is a superior and FAMLLY MEDICINE, Hush beUer than pills, and much easier DARLING'S LIFE BITTI'II . , la a superior tonic and diuretic • exctlY, ;a; L, Wes of appetite, ilatuleney, female wemq.ce, ties, pain, in the side and bosels, r bleeding piles, and general debility. • • BIRD THE FOLLOWING TrzlithiNy las. L. Brumley, merchant, 164 • W York, writes, August 18, 1860: • s. •I mutt accompanied with years ; I used DAREING's LIVER INVIGORATv,,, AST LIFE" BITTERS, And Mow consider myself !MIMI Hon. John A. Cross writes, “BrOokir M In the spring of 1869 1 wok a Few:re c. , t 1 wt.; ed a violent fever. i took two doses of DARLING'S LIVER RE(ill.4Tut, It broke up my cold and fever at 04t.e. allacti I ban been troubled k,tl, months ; I have felt nottung of it 6.uc. this Btudly, Esq., 128 Eut ':81u "August 12, 1860-1 had a tliffittui,y plaint three years with constant ptin ut toe book. I had need most all kinds at Rio no permanent relief until I iced DARLING'S LIVES INVIGIJI;AL) A.VD LIFE BMEE'..i • peasedclotted blood by the ureth, l , Uregremedles.'y Maly and take pleasure In re, s- Mrs. C. Tabour, 11 Christopher ;in. , t, "Feb. 74,1860.-1 have been sa :;act maths last twenty years. I hive ner,:- equal to Darling's Liver Regulator billow remedy." Mr& Young. of Brooklyn, In KS, lilt I hada severe atts& ,S. ed me to the house. I took itoe bott'e DARLING'S LIFE .11 and was entirely cured. I hire D. WeeterveD, Doq., Of South sth, co tr homburg, L. 1., writes : "Augu4t 5, troubled with Ili difficulty to the Liver, loos attacks, I was advised by mend 1.. tr, DARLING'S LIVER REGCLA I itid 80, and found it to operate &dila rai r bile and arousing the liver to actrav I h it is a FAMILY MEDICIN E When our gbildren are out of sorts, few drops and It sets duns alt right. 1 ; general wants oldie stomach at.] RUM, If you need either or both z:. *lam Reinedles, Inquire for tnem it t::, do not find them, lake oo other, but the In &letter, and on receipt of the mon,: Remedies will be cent accorilin4 t mill or alprel3B, post:pad. Add reAJ. DAN'L S. DARLING, 102 Nassau street, New York Put up an 50 cent and $t Belief. cu b 0ce...4.41601 BOOKS FOR C 1111,11418 Anew and large assortment ui Lei j&_ able for Children, has just lit•eil BERGNER'S BOOKSTORE. Athotg the e,. meat will will be found an endles variety TOT BOOKS! Ind :truotible Pleasure Books Colored Pictures, A full assortment of these pope ar Books printed on fine linen, consist iriz, ca Stories from the Scriptures—Ruth, 'Stories from the Scriptures—Nu , d Stories from the Scriptures- :NITN Childs Pictorial Reader, House that Jack Built, Cock Robin and Jeuev Wier Old Woman and Fit, Farmer Buy's Alphiiht "Speed the Old Mother Hula. ir Little Man and M,il, Little &rep. Jenny IV err, In addition to the above I hart. a I3r:- sortment of bound JUVENILE Books BIBLES, PRAYER BOOKS &C BIBLES for 87 cents, BIBLES for 50 cents, BIBLES for 75 cents, BIBLES for $l, BIBLES for $1 25, BIBLES for $1 50, BIBLES for $2, BIBLES for $3, BIBLES for 64, BIBLES for $3. BIBLES for $6, BIBLES for 57, BIBLES for SS. BIBLES for all , . BIBLES for 511/ BIBLE M PRAYER BOOKS AT ALL PRICES. All the latest Books published are dilly 1 , calved and sold at the lowest publibhers Examine the stock All Work Promised in One PA 1 0:4 . PENNSYLVA NIA STEAM DYEING B3TABLIBIIIIEIT :104 Market .Vtreet between 4th la ',t2 HARRISBURG, , VV every descrip lion of Lari,e,, V V and Gentlemn' Garments, Piece doe I: 5 , e.J , Dyed, Cleansed and finished in the bad man r the shortest notice. DINY.L. 5 CO.. Fro; Noeff-dewly rLi‘r STAGE LINE FOB GETTYSI3IJEG FA.RE SEDUCED TO $1.26 TRSORCiII P: GETTYSBURG . T" reg.r un u .der ol g sT n A eg g b„. trE.. e,s t t i a ou bur& conneetieg every other wormag RIO sh~c md Valley Railroad ears. The coaches "WY Tuesday, Thursday Mid gardiy, lir day. Paseeegera tOr Shopor "tomboy end lietqlnurg rre urr ir 41-dtt 9:151 ----------- O VANILLA, ut tsseuc a Lein Fhaeortur EXtracts •or sale at tue yea W ry higelialew4 - -to e. and 30101 Grace* siad eroVisioa " l'er Neat and Market streets. Nlool,lk 800 CEO. BERG - NEB
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers