paitp itiegrapq, INRISBURG . PA Friiio Afternoon, February I, 1862. eAIMUNICATION, signed "A parent,'• will ear in to morrow evening's TELEGRAM. lif.wAse. -The friends of Mr. Thomas J. ut ta .4, who was recently killed by a train of CFIIS, LINO' Shippensburg, offer a reward of $25 fer the phi watch of the deceased. It appears not the time-keeper mysteriously disappe...ted st the time of the accident. —.o_ c o :craAcra rort BEEF Alvan')ED.—Major Beck with Lad awarded to John Snodgrass, of this city, the contract for 4,000 beeves, with the privilege of 11,000, to be delivered either at jiartisbutg, Chaniber , burg, or York, at three e ighty-nine gross I=l=l TIMBER.—The loads and the the lumber region ale most favorable for hauling timl er to the stream, and all that has been prepared will no doubt be hauled to the water in season. Prices have an upward ten deuiY, now, and by spring, we dare say, our clever lunkee friends will find ready sale for all the good timber they may bring down. PRIVATE SALE vF PROPERTY. —Jacob Shell, truciti.e, of the estate of Geo. Hammond, de coved, recently Fold the "Fox" tavern at the junction of Front and Second streets to Chris tFiti El. qty and Michael Burke for the Horn of 52 NO. Fi eclei ick Gteeuawalt, administrator of Wm. Greettawalt, d..ceased, recently sold a two stot ry fr , tre.• house iu Sixth street to Daniel A.Moench for the urn of $1,210. =I TRIAL OF STEEL Aroatra.—A public trial of the newly invented steel armor, or bullet proof ve•t, wait to have taken place at the State Emerald at three o'clock this afternoon, in the presence of his excellency, Gov Curtin and other prominent officials. the armor has beta repeatedly tested at Washington city, and foetid fully able to resist a pistol or musket hell under ordinary circumstances It is re garded there as very valuable for the protec tion of officers and artillery men. I===l AN EMBLEMATIC TROPHY.—We noticed in the Executive Chamber to-day, a large and well wrought mesh banner—the veritable sickly white and sanguinary stripes, with the dull and tyrant union of stars, which floats in rebeldom as the emblem of traitor faith and inspiration. This flag was captured by Col. Geary's Regi ment at the battle of the Point of Rocks, and was among the first of the traitor emblems raised north of the Potomac. It was presented to the State of Pennsylvania by Geary's regi ment, I=l INSTALLATION OF OFFIOEBS.—On last Tuesday evening, the following officers were installed to serve the ensuing term, in Washington Lodge Na 1 Independent Order of Good Tempters. ' P. W. C. T., Wm. T. bishop, Jr.; W C. T., Thomas W. Anderson ; W. V. T., Miss East Potts; W. .S , G. Washington Fenn ; W. A. S., Miss Ann M. Edinger ; W. F. S Miss Eliz tA. Bishop ; W. T., Wm. T. Bishop ; W. C., Mrs. Cunkle ; W. M., J. Milton Potts ; W. D. AL, Mrs. T. W. Anderson ; W. J. G., Miss Annie Rsdabaugh ; W. 0. G., Thomas J. Eisiey ; W. R. H. S., Mrs. Elizabeth Wyant ; W. L. H. 5 , Miss Mary McAleer ; Lodge Deputy, G. W. C. T., Wm. T. Bishop, Jr. I=l MAPLE 'GLASSE/3, Well made and pmt up in cans right from the kettle, and hermetically sealed, us you would can and seal fruits, will kep as when first boiled from the sap; and this is decidedly the best plan for keeping, as when made in cakes, if exposed to the air, it will lose somewhat of the peculiarly delightful flavor for which it is so prized, and is often in juvd by insects. All thisis obviated by canning while hot. To many f i rallies who do not make it on a large scale, the need be but little. ex -1,1,—, as the sins that have been emptied i1a,.114 the winter can be used until autumn demand them again. Put up your beat way. Where large quantities are made arIA, the buyers must select and can for 1 *OMAN r finx.—The following bill was re teal in the House of Representatives: Au art to give to Justices of the Peace in i 'ounnonwealth additional power in cer tain CilSrs'* 1. Be it enacted, Rec., That from and idler the p nisisge of this act, the Justices of the i of this Commonwealth shall be vested \ , itb il,r power to take cognizance of, and in vt,t•.:atit all eases where incendiarism, or cages nlnirii incendiary attempts have been made, ant ill ca e. where loss by fire has occurred in nanner following: That upon information Gut! untie before iiny of said Justices by the "'p" o' officers of any it:en:trance company, Or nibsr person interested, that such incendi tl iitiiiiipts have been made, or such losses I .t' tot. have occurred, it shall be the duty of 'wit rustic...„ to proceed to investigate the case, "ILI , the cd.joet of finding out and convicting t , ifvederg, and shall make public the cause •n•ii Mies; an.; the said Justices of the Peace •.t 1,1,4 vested with the r.ame powers to take testimony in such cases us the criminal investigations. `• :! And be it farther enacted, That any per ' 1, [ lileie::ted, or any insurance company though It , impel. officers, 01.611 have authority of in m•,[lug and conducting such investigation in manner and with the same rights as 1•1 n miff in a civil suit, and be lialde to the costs where no criminal prosecution shall OIL t tram such investigation. 'I lin Justice of the Peace has facilities for ob 'thing information on any subject pertaining t•• i• owe district, such as no other public offi rsessem. The evil-doers of the locality are t,ctinually pmsing in review before him. He nifire about the private history of the Liver classes of his ward than any one else. If It' it what he ought to be, he takes a fatherly iht , lent in the affairs of those, over whom he It . I th no such important jurisdiction which the li.ber judges cannot feel. Therefore, the pre • the ueptton ts, that much good will result • froitl passe ge of a law of this kind, Which will ike Idol a terror to all who have %morbid ht's of playing with fire." A STATED moiling of the Washington Hose Company will be held at the hose house this (Friday) evening at 7 o'clock. Punctual at tendance is required I=l=l A STATED Manua) of the Friendship Fire Company, will be held in their hall on Mon day evening at seven o'clock. S. S. Cniins, Sec'y. A BATTLE WITH A MUSKRAT.—A few days since, a desperate and rather novel battle oc curred in Swatara township, this county, be tweeu a young man named Ulrich. and a large muskrat. It appears that while Mr. Ulrich was walk ng along the Union canal, he noticed a muskrat in a field, secreted behind some bushes. Quietly moving up to the animal, he thought with one blow to lay musk dead at his feet. 'But not so easily done. The rat, on the application of the young man's boot, showed battle, and made at him like a savage dog, compelling Mr. U. to retreat a short dis tance. The animal, however, took advantage of its victory and followed his assailant, mak ing several attempts at the throat. of the young man, fortunately, succeede I only in tearing his vest and coat. At this stage of the battle,— both belligerents pretty nearly exhausted,—the young man happily procured a stick, and soon ended the battle by taking the life of the fight ing rat. That a muskrattiVould attack a man or give battle, is eouattOng new, at least to us; but we have the &b ve I'3 gintlkrity that dare not be questioned.'*4,l _ s. ° Loom. LEGISLATION-7A6 New COUTi House. —The following bill has passed the Senate and was messaged to the House this morn ing: A:FURTHER SUPPLEMENT to an act enti tied'"AnAct to authorize the county of Dan ,Phin to borrow me7,3y, approved the third day of JAarcV,:teile aka:wand eight hundred and sixtjyadtttel a supplement thereto, approved the twenty-ninth day of January, anno domini one thousand eight hundred and sixty-one." Wnertzas, differences have arisen regarding the expenditures by the commissioners of the county of Dauphin in the erection and comple tion of the court house of the said county, in pursuance of the reports of two consecutive grand juries of said county made at January April sessions, anno domini one thousand ht hundred and fifty-nine, and the several acts of Assembly of this Commonwealth men• tioned - and referred to in the title of this act.— And whereas, it is admitted and believed that the said court house, with the improvements connected therewith, with the appurtenances, erected and built for the said county of Dauphin during the year anno domini one thousand eight hundred and sixty and , y no domini one thousand eight hundred aua sixty-one, are fairly, equitably and justly worth to the people of the said county, all the moneys expended thereon by the said commissioners, and in the erection and completion thereof ; and also for the superintendence of the erection 'and com pletion of the same. Therefore, Be n enacted, kc , That the several payments and expenditures made or directed to be made, by the commissioners of said county of Dauphin, for the erection and completion of the said Court House, and other improvements connect ed therewith with the appurtenances, erected and built in the city of Harrisburg, for the said county of Dauphin, during the years Anno Domini one thousand eight hundred and sixty and one thousand eight hundred and sixty-one, amounting in the aggregate to the sum of sev enty-three thousand three hundred and ninety seven dollars and sixty cents, be and the same are hereby legalized ; and the said commission ers entitled to be credited therewith, and here by fully discharged from all further liability for, or an account, or by reason of the said ex penditures ; also for the moneys paid and ex pended, or received by them for the superin tence of the erection and completion of the said Court House, and its appurtenances, amounting in the whole to the sum of six hundred and seventy-five dollars; also with the sum of four hundred dollars paid to the clerk of said com missioners as a compensation for the extra du ties and increased labor imposed upon the said clerk, by reason of the building and erection of the said Court House with its appurtenances. National Foundry. A meeting of the citizens of Dauphin county will be held at Brant's concert hall, in Harris burg, on Monday evening, Feb. 10, 1862, for the purpose of adopting such measures as will secure the erection of this strong arm of our country's defence at or near Harrisburg, Pa. F. K. Boas, Daniel D. Boas, Wien Forney, Win. Buehler, John H. Brant, Jno. B. Cox, Henry Gilbert, K Byers, J. R. Eby, ' - i joho. Care, H. 0. Alleman, Alricks, John W. Brown,. • Wm. F. Murray, Eugene Snyder, , Michael Burke, George H. Morgan, Wm. H. Miller,. Henry Keller, JEW. Roberts, '. Samna Marquart, J.' C. Kunkel, John Ringland, - R. A. Lamberton, William Mitchell, A. J. Herr, J. C. Young, H. M. Graydon, Jacob Shell, B. F. Etter, Kelker & Bro., W. T. Bishop, Houser & Lachman, M. M.'Kinney, John A. Weir, Daniel Yoder, J. W. Weir, Win. Jennings, W. M. Kerr, W. H. H: Sieg, W. A. Cathcart, Thos. G. Fox, DanierEppley, - James Freeland, • Rud. F. Kelker, Jno. H. Briggs,' J. Wallace, Benj. Buck, P. A. Hummel, Dr. C. Seiler, Hamilton Alricks, J. H. Zollinger, David Mumma, 8. E. Zolliuger, F. L. Hater, • Anthony King, John 0. Leamy, Henry ?offer, L. Leamy, Daniel Snider, W. A.Crott, John Wister, J. H. Fox, J. It. Croft, John Stahl, John W. Hall, John Canslager, Charles Miller, John B. Coover, J. C. Bomberger, W. K Dougherty, G. B. Stewart, William Brady, S. S. M'Cullocli, J. lir Cormick, Win. Templin, Wm. Dock, jr., D. Bensinger, J. Shisler, John W. Glover, R. J. Fleming, J. Wesley Awl, Daniel Wagner, Malachi Sheehan, C. Carson,G. W. M'Calla, A. Boyd amilton, Wm. Dock, John Edwards, J. V. Criswell, George J. Bolton, Geo. Bergner, F. C. Fiut, A. 0. Bluster, Josiah Espy, Chas. Roumfort, W. KIiCW, W. Garratson, J. K. Hoffman, A J. Jones, William H. Kepner, J. Buehler, A. L. Roumfort, D. J. Kramer, James Fitzgerald, G. R. Small, Samuel Holman, 0. Barrett, L. W.' Ten Eyck, Jacob Landis, J & J. N. Greenawalt,R 'b't. L. linen* D., W. Grose& Co., Choc A. Banvart Jacob Boger & Son, Samuel Knox, , Hummel & Killiuger,, George Trallinger, NiVM". Pikkbill, Petinstiluanid Malty iittlegraph, ltftentoon. lebruatv Pennsylvania Legislature. REPORTED REPNEMLY FOR THE TELEGRAPH FRIDAY, February 7, 1862. The Senate met at 11 o'clock A M., and was called to order by Mr. Speaker HALL. Prayer by Rev. Mr. Steele, pastor of St. Paul's EpiScopal church of Harrisburg. The journal of yesterday (Thursday) was partly read, when Mr. SERRILL moved that the further read ing of the same be dispensed with. Not agreed to. The reading of the journal was then proceeded with, when Mr. CONNELL moved to dispense with the further reading of the same. Not agreed to. The journal was then proceeded with, when On motion of Mr. NICHOLS the further read ing of the same was dispensed with. The SPEAKER laid before the Senate the an nual report of the board of directors of the Pennsylvania Institute for the deaf and dumb. Laid on the table. PERSONAL EXPLANATION. 111cCLURE obtained leave to make a per sonal explanation as follows: I find in the re port of-yesterday's proceedings published in a morning paper of the city of Philadelphia, that I am represented as having used the following remarks: "Mr. M.'CLuas did not know the motives of the House. The Senate could not judge by what scurrilous Matubms of the House might have said." I beg to state that I made ,no such remark. I did 83y that the Senate could not judge of the motives of the House in its action upon any public question by what garrulous members or that body had stated outside of the House As a matter of justice to myselfandlo the dignity of the Senate, I have made the ex explanation. Mr. CRAWFORD asked and obtained leave of absence for a few days from to-day, for the Senator from Pike, Mr. Mcrrr. Mr. CLYMER asked and obtained leave of absence for a few dafs from to day, for the Senator from Philadelphia, Mr. DONOVAN. Mr. SMITH, (Philadelphia,) asked and ob tained leave of absence for a few days from to day for the Senator from Erie, Mr. LOWRY. Mr. KETCHAM presented a petition from citizens of Luzerne county in 14 :N• of the repeal of the act relative to pedlars in a .2 county. Referred to the Committee on the Mi. NICHOLS presented the state ment of the Pennsylvania University. Laid upon the table. Mr. CONNELL presented a petition of citizens of the twenty-first ward of Philadelphia, pray ing for such legislation as will render the bridge over the Schuylkill at Manyunk, a free bridge. Referred to the Committee on Roads and Bridges. Mr. STEIN presented a petition of citizens of Lehigh county, praying that said county may be made a separate judicial district Laid upon the table. Mr. KINSEY presented a remonstrance of citrzena of Philadelphia against any law abolish ing the markets on certain thoroughfares of said city—commonly called the " curbstone " mar kets. Referred to the Committee on Agriculture and Domestic Manufactures. Mr. BENSON presented a petition of citizens of Potter county, relative to sales of unseated lands. Referred to the Committee on the Judiciary. Kr. IRIS[i presented a memorial of brokers and private bankers of Allegheny county, in favor of the repeal of the act of last year, rela tive to brokers and private bankers. Referred to the Committee on Banks. Referred to the Committee on New Counties and County Seats. Mr. REILLY, (Railroads,) as committed, an act to incorporate the Schuylkill & Susquehanna railroad company. Mr. KINSEY, (Compare Bills,) presented a report, which was read and recorded on the . journal. Mr. NICHOLS, (New Counties and County Seats,) as committed, an act to change the lines between Scott and Lower St. Clair townships, Allegheny county. Mr. MEREDITH read in place an act to ex tend the limits of the borough of Mechanics burg, Indiana county. Mr. CLYMER, a supplement ,to the penal laws of this Commonwealth. Referred to the Committee on the Judiciary Mr. LARBERTON, an act to authorize the Commissary General to settle all accounts fur subsistence of volunteer companies, recruited and organized, but not at the time accepted by the Governor, and which were afterwards mus tered into service, from the time of organiza tion to the time of being mustered into service. Referred to the Committee on Finance. Also, an act to provide for the payment of certain military expenses. Referred to the Committee on Finance Mr. McCLURE, a supplement to an act to prevent fishing in the East Conocheagua - creek, in the borough of Chambersburg, Frauldhi= county. Referred to the Committee on Agriculture and Domestic Manufacture. .:. V . • Mr. BOUND moved that the Senate proceed to the consideration of House bill No. 29, en titled " An Act to incorporate the Shamokin and Bear Valley coal company." The motion was agreed to, and the Senate re solved itself into committee of the whole, Mr.. M'CLuan in the chair, on said bill. The first, second, third, fourth and fifth sec tions were severally read and a g reed to. • The sixth : section was read, amended and agreed to. The bill then passed finally. Several other private bills were passed, after which the Senate Adjourned. HOUSE OF REPRESEISTATIVES. FRIDAY, Feb. 7, 1862. The House was called to order at 10 o'clock, and opened with prayer by Rev. Mr. Carson. ALLEGED LEGISLATIVE CORRUPTIONS. The Clerk of the Senate was introduced, who presented an extract from the journal of that body, asking the House to return to the Senate the joint resolution relative to the appointment of a select committee to inquire into the alleged corruptions of 'the last legislature. BIGHAII moved that the aforesaid reso lution be returned to the Seriate. Mr. KLINE moved the indefinite postpone ment of the motion together with the motion of Mr. BIGHAM. On the motion The yeas and nays were required by lir. DEN. NIS and Mr. RITTER, and were as follow viz : Fees -Messrs. Banks, Barron, Bliss, Boileau, Brown,(Northumberland,)CraigDonnelly, (Phil adelphia,)Early,Greenbank, Gross,Hess, Hoover Kaine, Kline, Labar, M'Culloch, M'Makin Nei man, Pershing, Ramsey, Rex, Scott, Tracy, Tutton, Weidner, Williams, Wolf, and Wor ley.-28. Nays—Messrs. Abbot, Alexander, Armstrong, Bates, Beaver, Beebe,Bigharn,Blanchard,Brown, (ffercer,) Caldwell; Cessna, Chatham, Cochran, Cowan, ,Crane,Dellone;Dennis,Donley,(Greene,) Dougber6r, Duffield, Elliot, Fox,Freelandi Gamble, Catskill, Graham, Grant, Hall, Dapper, SENATE SPEAKER'S TABLE =1 PETITIONS, &C., PRESENTED =! NNW COUNTIES AND COUNTY BEATS Henry. H ffer, Hopkins, (Washington,) Hutch man, Josephs, Kennedy,Lichtenwallner,M'Clel lan, M'Coy, Myers, Potteiger, Quigley, Ritter, Ross, (Luzerne,) Ross, (Mifflin.) Rowland, Rus sell, Schrock, Sellers, Shannon, Smith, (Ches ter,) Smith, (Philadelphia,) Tate, Twitchell, Vincent, Wakefield, Warner, Wildey, Windle and Rowe, Speaker —59 . So the question was determined in the nega tive. Mr. BIGHAM'S motion was then agreed to ==:! Mr. ARMSTRONG, on leave given, read in his place a bill entitled " Au Act to construe part of the fifth section of the act entitled an act to provide for the payment of the members, officers and contingent expenses of the extra session of the Legislature one thousand eight hundred and sixty-one." COMMITTEE IN A CONTESTED ELECTION CASE Mr. TRACY submitted a resolution, which was agreed to, authorizing the committee on the contested election case of H. V. Hall to pro ceed to Luzerne county for the purpose of taking testimony, and sitting daring the sessions of the House. STATE MILITARY SCHOOL. The House went into Committee of the Whole (Hr. CESSNA in the chair,) on bill No. 11, enti tied " An Act to provide for the establishment and organization of a military school, and for the purchase or leasing by the Commonwealth of suitable grounds and building for such school. Considered and postponed until next Friday. '1 he House went into Committee of the Whole (Mr. EtthYrr in the chair,) on bill No. 13, enti tled " An Act regulating the practice in taking writs of error and appeals." Negatived. ADDITIONAL MEMBERS ADDED TO TEE INVEST/GM/NO I= Mr. HOPKINS moved that two additional members be adVito the special committee ap pointed to enquire into alleged corrupt in fluences used to precpre the passage of the bill NI reference to the commutation of the tonnage tax. Mr. WILLIAMS moved to amend by pro viding that the House shall appoint the pro posed additional two members. The motion was postponed in order to permit Mr. Calms to offer a resolution providing for the holding of an afternoon session, commenc ing at 3 o'clock fur the purpose of considering Mr. Horstss' motion, and the amendment of Mr. WILIJ•mk Mr. SMITH, (Phaadelphia,) proposed an amendment that the House remain in session until the motion of Mr. Hortuss was disposed of, which was agreed'to ; and the motion as amended was agreed to. The question recurring on the amendment of Mr. %Lucius' to the motion of Mr. HOPKINS' for the appointment of two additional members to the investigating committee, it was with drawn, and the original motion of Mr. HOPKINS was adopted. In puruauce of the motion, the Speaker ap pointed Messrs. Swans and HOPPER the said ad ditional members. DMOT TAX Senate amendments to Howe bill to provide fur the payment of e.t% direct tax, were consid ered and concurred in. ~F 4 1 .4: 1 ,11 .Y 1~ On motion of Mr. CESSNA, the House re sumed the consideration of House bill, entitled an act to restore a separate representation to the counties of Bedford, Cumberland, Perry and Souferset. The bill was on third reading, and Mr. EARLY called the previous question ; which was sus tained, and On the question, "Shall the main question be now put ?"—it was agreed to--yeas 46, naya44. On the 4nestron, "Bhall the bill pass f" The yeas and nays were required by Mr. REX and Mr. RITTER, and were as follow, viz: YlLLS—Messrs. Alexander, Armstrong,, Banks, Barron; Beaver, Boileau, Brown,(Northumber land,) Caldwell, Cessna, Chatam, Cochran, Craig, Dellone, Donley, (Greene,) Donnelly, (Philadelphia,) Duf f ield, Early, Fox, Gaskill, Graham, Greenbank, Gross, Hess, Hoffer, Hoo- ver, Hopkins, (Philadelphia,) Hopkins, (Wash ington,) Josepus, Kaine, Kennedy, Kline, La bar Liehtenwallner, M'Clellan, WCulloch, M'- Mackin, M'Manus, Neiman, Pershing, Potteiger, Quigley, Ramsey, Rex, Rhoads, Ross, (Lu zern,) Ross, (Mifflin,) Rowland, Ryon, Tate, Thompson, Tutton, Wakefield, Weidner and Wolf —64. NAYS—Messrs. Abbot, Bates, Beebe, Bigham, Blanchard, Brown, (Mercer,) Cowan, Crane, Dennis, Dougherty, Elliott, Freeland, Gamble, Grant, Henry, Hutchman, Myers, Ritter, Rus sell, Schrock, Scott, Shannon, Smith, (Chester,) Smith, (Philadelphia,) Strang, Tracy, Twitchell, Vincent, Warner, Wildey, Williams, Windle, Worley and Rowe, Speaker-33. So the question was determined in the affirm ative. The House resumed the consideration of the communication from the Governor in answer to a resolution of the House, calling for certain information respecting the approval of the act of last session in reference to the repeal of the tonnage tax. A motion had been made to refer the commu nication to the investigating committee on the same subject ; and the pending question was an amendment offered by Mr. CEssse to lay the communication on the table, and that it be printed in the Legislative Record. The amendment of Mr. Cass A was agreed to.s'iand the .117mse then adjourned until three o'clock P. at. next Monday. THN GREAT Ffa6 IN PEARL STREET NEW YOBS. The elements of fire directed perhaps by in cendiary hands 'has compelled in its destructive progress even King, cotton to cry for water, and in the scramble for cheap cotton goods the ,enterprising firm of Urich & Powman have procured some of the wed goods, in the way of Merrimack and other makers of Calicos which they will dispose of very cheap, at the corner of Front and Market streets. 2G Noma I hinuatiiklisachlreis 11—Gentlemen now is the time 'raife a good fitting Shirt made to measure or from sample. lam now making a good shirt for $1 25 equal to any oth er now in the market for $1 75. All work, guaranteed to fit and to gbie entire satisfactiOn to the wearer. Always on hand a large assort= merit of Ladies' and Gentleman' Furnishing Goods' at the old prices; also a large lot of A 1. Irish Linens at * old prices. If you *aut. a bargain or ago fitting under garment, just go to James A. Lynn, ManActurer, No. 12:- Market street, next to Hummel & grocery 'store, Harrisburg, Pa., where he is selling withont regard to cost or the advance of iinods• Two Husnesn Plums of beautiful new spring calicos; a large lot of bleached and unbleached muslin of the best make ; blue checks, at 121 cents per yard ; white stockings,. at 12/ cents ; another lot of those good white rib bed stockings ; ladies' pocket handkerchiefs; at 12+ cents; children's pocket handkerchiefs, with border, 5 cents ; shirt breasts 12i, 15 and up to 3741- cents; 25 pieces new pant stuff ; undershirts and . — arawersvery cheap ; cotton and woolen socks, at all prices.; 40 dozen woolen stockings, for children, 127 cents; It yard bleached muslin 12* cents; all wool French merinos, all:colors, at 62 and 75 cents. Having bought the balance of the stock of a city wholesale house of plain and aguind Swiss muslin, brillaunts, , '.white cam brics, Nausuck arid Tictorta-li s wne, suitable for dresses, as thoio goods WWl* very, 'Rowe 'and dear next summer now lathe time &obey. 0.11,4 stoziekof Furs ilit cat: ' ' -r • '''' -.. *ls' Old Stouli: - i erstivr . .. •.. tLAIR DYE I HAIR- DYE ! Wm. A. Batchelor's Hair Dye I The only Harmless acid Reliable Dyer Known All others are mere imitabous, and should be avoided Wynn wish to escape ri iicule. GREY. RED Ott Rusnr HAIR dyed instantly to a beawilul and natural Brown or Blau, without the least injury to Hair or Skin. File MEN at -DALS AND DIPLOMAS have been awar ded to Wa. A. BATOblitioß Ram t 8 9, and over 200,000 applications have been made ti the hair of the patrons of his famous Dye. IVit. A. Ei iTiMIELOR'S El alit DYE p mduces nosr not to be diainguishea from nature and Is IliqlitAiNaD not to injure in the least, however long it m ty be contin ued, and the ill Clouts of bad Dees remedied. The hair is Invigorated for life by this splendid Dye, which is prop- erly applied at No. IC toad Street New York. said I i all the cites and towns of the United States, by Drug-Melo awl Fancy Goods Dealers The Genuine has the name " William A. Batchelor," and address upon a steel plate engraving, on the four sides of each box. Wholesale Factory, 81 Barclay St., Late 233 Broadway, New York ontZdamly A cußn TO THE LADLE 4 DR. OUPONCO'S GOLDEN PILLS FOR FEMALES "Read the lb lo ing certificate" from one of the fire t ladies in Utica, N. Y., who called upon my ageuto in that city (Sr tam. Bristol & 00.,) and told them that ilia, of course, did not wis her name made public, but if any One should doubt the won ierful efficiency of Ds. DePox. at's Golden Pills, they might refer any Lady to her, as she mustered it a duty, as well as a pleasure, to her know ledge of their efficacy, as administered to her daughter, a young i ady 17 years old. the was fast go. mg into cull' .mpti , n—bad taken cold—nature became obstructed Two boxes of these Golden Pills entire ly cured bar, and sue le now in rwbust health - -We were particular in buying the genuine. Full and explicit directions accompanying elOti box. Price sl. Hold wholesale and retail by C. A BANNVAIrr, No. 2, Jones Row, nd C. E. SILLER, 91 Market street, Harris. burg, Pa. Ry sending either of them Si 00 throught he I larrishurg Pest Office the Pills will re sent confidentially by mall to any part of the country; "free of postage." N. 11.—Loult out tor nounterfeitre. Buy no Golder, Min of any kind unless the box is signed S. D. Howe. A.I others is a base imposition and unsafe; therefore, 8F :,On value your lives and health, (to say nothing of be ing humbugged out of your money ) s buy only of those who slam the signature of S. D. Howe on overt' box which has recently noon added ou seatunt of the Pipe on, remora Mt.'. The ingredients composing the above Pills ire Made ituown to every Agent, and they are safe, and will perform all clalmen for them. &hi also by, T. L Lumberger, Lebanon ; A. J. Kea. mau, Mechanicsburg ; marks, Lewistown ;8. Anion. i S. G. Wild, Newville; J. C. Altick, Stilppens, burg ; J Spangler, Chambersburg; E. T. Yorit ; .1. A. Wolf, WeighLaville ; S. S. Stevens, Reading ; and it. P. Humor, Reading, and by "one eruggiat" in every town and viii tee in the United States, and by S. D. HC WE, Soli Proprietor, New York. a t m New 2bvertizeitunts SANFORD'S NEW OPERA HOUSE THIRD STREET BELOW MARKET. -- Admission, 25 cents. Orchestra Chairs, 60 cents. Seats in Private Boxes, 76 cents. Entire Box, $6.00. Doors open si o'clock ; Commence at 7i o'clock. Great Success of the Celebrated Cantatrice, Mrs, ANNA BORDWELL, -AND- Mr. W.. BORDWELL, Ethiopean Comedians, who will appear in their Ethiopean Drawing Room Soirees, original with Mr. and Mrs. Bordwell. This Evening- -THE RIVALS. In Rehearsal—ROMEO AND JIILLET. STEAM WEEKLY ;-.-41.- - --V BETWEEN NEW . YORK . .10... :. _, , : . , -.- ,- '' -- 11211rEIVInil l abra. - . LAN iiIN i_i AND EMBARKING PAS .-.G.1,;-. ..1 kelr.c.4growy, (Ireland.) l'ho Liver pool. New tout and Philadelphia Steamship company intend 4 , Bpatching their MI powered Clyde-built iron Steametdpa ~,!.. follow.: CITY OF WASHINGTON, Salirday, February Bth CITY OF BALTISIORB Saturday February 15tuBUN BURG, : aturdey, February ; and every sue:seeding Saturday, at Noun, from Fier 44 .Morin River. lAT 07 FIRST C.iUL .....$75 001 STEERAGE $3O 00 do to London $BO e 0 do to London ..838 00 do to Parts SB6 00do to Paris $3B 00 do 40 Hamburg— I 385 00 do to Hamburg $35 00 Pas re also forwarded to Havre, Bremen, Rotter dam, Antwerp, &c., .t equally low rates. si—Persona winning to bring slather friends can buy tickets here at the following rates, to New York: From Liverpool Or Queenstown; Ist Cabin, $76, $B5 aad,3106 • Steerage from Liverp o ol l4o 00 From Queenstown, san 00. Thom) Steamers If .sOperier ancesentodAtieue tos passengers, and carry experienced Surgeons. They are built In Water-tight Iron Sections, and have Patent Flre Anuibilators on board. „Illaa, For further information apply in Liverpool to WILLIAM INMAN, Agent, 23 Water Street; is Glasgow to WE. INMAN, 5 tit. Enoch Square ; in Queenstown to C. & D. SEYMOUR & CO. ; in London to FIVES & MALY, 61 ging William dt. 1 In Paris to IGLUS DROGUE, 5 Place de la Bourse; in Philadelphia to JOIN G. DALE, ill Walnut street ; or at the Company's offices. JNO. G. DALE, Agent, 16 Bromdwali, New Xorl, Or (1.0. Timmerman. Agent, Elarrintg gg-PaSl , llNGi6lts trOtt order , of - . .the Secreutr. of *state, a ..ass..ingare leiviug the United Bt4fus nre required to frractire Pa - sports before going on boAra tile St .amsr. Passengers will not be sublected to any trouble or de lay in them. If they call for instructions at the Company's Offices, 15 Breauvray, New York. Jan2l4 JOHN G DAL-', AGENT. C 7. F. 111EMLIE3NC5.11EIL, TRAVELING AGENT OE THE OLD WALLOWER LDIE. ripHIS OLD TRANSPORTATION LINE is sun in sneceasfidoperation and prepared to carry freight as LOW as any other individual line between Philadelphia, Harrisbnrg,Simbury,Lelivisburg, Williame sport, Jersey Shore, Lock Haven and all points on the Northern °antral, Philadelphia a nd Mie and Williams . port and 'min Railroads. Local Agentat Harrisburg, D. A. MIThNOH. t Goods sent to PEACOCK, ZELL & lIINCHEAN, Nos. 808 and 810 Market street, above Eighth, by 4 o'clock, P. ld., will arrive at Harrisburg, ready for de livery the next morning. C. F. MIIENCH, ap34f ' • Traveling Agent. Pl3BlllO- SALE LITILL be sold at Public bale at 10 v v o'clock A. 114.0 n SATURDAY mut EIGHTH DAY OF FEBRUARY, A 0., 1662, at the Court House in Har ,rtsburg,, the followinCvalmattle Real Estate, viz A certain lot of Ground shunted In Upper Swatara townsman, Dauphin county, about one quarter of a mile below the line of the city of Hairtsburg, containing nine acres, more or DAS, Oil w bleb 1.4 eroded a large thetailery (known as toe Keystone Distillery,) together with-a.aulil cient number of Pens for feeding one thousand Hogs; al so, other out buildings necessoy about an establishment of the kind. The Distilleryii located on the Petuisylir'iniq. Railroad with a siding belonging to the propert y, - the Pennsylva nia (Anal making tee boundary line of the (tad end of said property. Any larsou wishing to examine the preurisee before the day of sale, will please etli uuldr. John Young, near the came, wt.o will give any Information that may be re quested. If the premises should not be sold Weald "day they will lie for rent. • Attendance will be given and conditions of sale made known by j2B d3w • JACOB L IRBY. BLINDS!! BLINDS !! ! XT-EW VENITION BLINDS made to or- In der fbr the small sum of $.2, $2 50 and $3. New blinds made ont of old. ones a: equal low prices for si3venty.five cents a piece and upwards. -Chill and s2e at my shop, in Second street, below; illbsequit. feb3-im SHAWLS I DRESS G(X/D.3 FURS 14 A E, LA stock of these goods will be ZS. at very lot prices. Fine furs very - CATHOt4IW, ......-„F47; .eNeat door to the Harrisburg Bank. t XrIiciLEMLE and RNTAIL D RALE Irlr ~ in•Coarecilonary °reign and Do • It 14 Dateoit ea la pse as Inegu° Fruit-- A .. h , ~5 4 Aii., Soap, oin of all kindll,—. kcAg4 : .r*.aiti aiid Coltatry Peoduca In gen e ral , Spices d 'i t h. . Third and Walnut streets. JOHN WOHC. New 2Ontrtistment MORE LIGHT!! CHEAP LIGHT! !! AGREAT reduction In the price of EXTRA No. 1 BURNING OIL . ( Warranted not ezigusive,) nag taken place. It will pay ll who purchaie. Burning oils by the b argil or small quantities. to buy at PR!.O riM MACHINERY OIL.—We sell the only reliable Natural Lubricating Oil, (warranted free from sand and acid,) and equal to Sperm or lard in the market. Refer to hoita of railroad men, machinist manu facturers and others who are using it. HENRY GELBER?, Agent fur Lade Oil Company, Hardware store op posite the Court House. 14.2 w PUBLIC SALE:. VALUABLE TAVERN STAND, \\TILL i.E SOLI) at Public Sale on Friday, the 14th day of February, 1802, on the valuable tavern stand situated on the corner of ililnut and Fourth streets in the city or Har risburg. The improvement; are a large two story frame build • log with out houses. The property is offered at private sale until the 14th day of February next. -ale to com- mence at ens o'clock on said day, when conditions of sale will be made known by .T. F. WILLIAM . .. Beba td COAL ! COAL ! I $3, AND $2 25 PER TON OF 2,000 LBS O. D. FURBTER, iFFICE No. 74, Market Street, yard ~ n \ 1 the ()anal, foot of North s:rdtg. Whose , alo and ite tail dealer In TNAVVOR2OIV", WILKSBARSR, LTKKNS WALLET, SUNBURP ant BROAD TOP COAL Fanatics and Dealers may rely upon obtaining a first-rate article, and full weight, at the iowest rules. Orders promptly attended to. A I , betAl huh made to pur chasers paying for the coal when ordered. Present price, $3 and $2 25 per ton. fiarrisnerg, Oct. 25.—dam COAL! POWDER!! COAL REDUCED 1 1 I I N consideration of the hard times, and I as I sellexclusively FOR CASE, I have reduce(' the price of Coal as follows : I.ykens Valley Broken' ® $2 90 per ton • " Large Egg •' 290 . " Small Egg " 290 " " " Stove " 290 n " Nut " 220 " Wilksbarre 90 n Lorberry .4 290 siren Coal delivered by the i•Arturr WVOR Calms; it can tie weighed at the purchasers 'hoe, and h it falls short 10 vouttos, the Coal with be forfeited. All Coal of the best quality mined, oelivered free from all Impurities. /SairCoal sold la qautitiera at, the Lowasv wootasaLs emelt& Agent for Dupont's Celebrat .1 Po wider, a large supply slw.tve on hand, at ilaunfaefurere pri si-A large lot of superior b.iled Hay tar sale. 123 .IAIIIK-S N. WHEELF.B. COAL I CUM, ! ! 1! (rat; undersigned would inform the eon burners of Coal hat ha is now prepared Id furor: l Co-,t from undo* cover perfectly dry and clean in all kinds of weettrlr . Lyken; Valley Broken Uoal It Large Fgg " :malt agg " cs Nut Pittston Lump Coal. No. 1 '• ci 2 16 II 3 66 IL 4 <. 61 6 c. Lorberry. Broad Top and Alliigheny, also Hiaknry , and Plse Wood BYERS. Harrisburg, Jan. 7, 18 . 1 -dlna*; JOHN B. SMITH'S BOOT & SHOE STORE WHITER 81.CCOND AND WALNUT , Harrisburg, I. Ir.S . On tiand a lurg,til assort's- .t of ft. BOOTS, SHUNS, &c., oc Lb 6 TC: • beat tualithe for ladies, gentlemen, end chtittrens' ?rime to snit 11.0 qmoe.. ttl of 0,4 Ag Amis To ORD3 tnttio pain style by superior Wtlfli.llloll RSPAIRINO done at short notice. ontle-iltf JOHN B. StfITEI. Elarrishorr . 801:1EFF1 tt'6 BOOK STOKE I (Near the Harrisburg Bridge.) JUSToutsa RE blot O fin hl e l VE mm ll za t c r i o a m L No th m e PaPlltt, wmert we will eeU at 11.26 per rorm 601.*0 per ream for NOTE PA."Ert, doweled with the latest and very haudsome emblems lad {tauten.: mates. 83.50 for 1000 WHITE ENVFLOPEE, :one national ilatriotio emblems, printed Li two dOlOti. Please give us a call. fHft F SCrl EFVER., je22.1 Harr err FOR RENT. THE commodious STORE ROOM on* Martel. Square, nest door up tho "Jones' House," (Coverles eocupied daring the last eigtU, or nine years as a Jewelry and Watch malting establitlimint, lac. ALSO—Several DWELLING aJusns in the vichini ty of the Capitol, some or they havlug mauling, smoke house, Le house, Sic., and vacant lots attached. Pessestiou given the first of April next aIIAS. C. RA.WSI. liarrlsburg, Jan. 9, 1862, j9-dim FOR BALE. A valuable Two Story double frame Jot. Dwelling House and Lot of ground, shame I on the, corner of North street and gnat (venue, 80 teat on North street and 1.10 feet deep, two basement xtichens, two cel lar, and eleven rooms, alsu a never falling spnng of wa ter. The betiding is well oeleuhved for a store or note]. Terms reasonable. huquire of W. BARR, Jane City ituatibueer. LADIES CORSETS, ALL OF THE DIFFERENT SIZES, WHITE Ani COD:MED. ike Best article inkulgeotered, o fi a r o r wr.3, Next door to the Harrisburg Bank. LiOMETIJING NEW I MO excuse-for haviug Boots and tihoos „LI nut blackened. Biaosbag ,net wili give a poises on wm or greasy boots. Just the Chug for on times, wilm every one cannot aflOrd two or three pairs or ellees or boots. Cull and examine, at Nicilou3tr. 11WV:t1A.N'3, coruer Front auLa Stsrket streets OELEBItATID DANDELION COFFEs, T UST hEGEIVni) a law quantity of el superior Drrahlioa Coffee, wiliiM-uo will sell low to suit the times ; alio, pure groitml . old Collea sou Tur key °Mee all put u p In one pound pacXages. Call and examine at the wholosale and retail *rice y store or NICHOLS & BOWMAN, corner of grout and Market streets. - VADILLY WAaIING BLUE, ,an excel j: lent substitute for Indigo, for sa its at the wholossAo and retail grocery store of NICHOLS at .BOWNAN, corner of Front and Market streets • iVOR R4Part—Part of a two-story brick lionae, situated in Walnut street, between .1 . 104 and Eecond. Enquire of ' C. C. ale'ragWd. INSTitIICTION 1.01 MILISte. ALady, qualified by a tboroUgh. Musi. eat fiduo.tiou acquired by a long course of limey in Europe under Itudnent Masters and lly ieveral 'nears of Bowess f oi teaching, desbea a few se Plano music and singing, Operatic and Balled at i s les. ddir:isis G. L, Box 87, Harri.burg, P. 0,2 wile LIXTRA FAMILY FLOUR in 'fourth and 11 ball bbl. sacks, also, wbolentle and reta4 at the New Grocery and Provision 8,,0re, Front and Malta ate. NIGROLS Moat VOR CIIKAP.-A. TWO u STORY FRAME MUSA 123ix50 teet 'nutted on Gra d street, in the rear of the eee ig, Reservoir. Fcr further particulate apply cut - the premises to 1'22-O2ws TO'FAMERS. !OATS 1 OATS 11 Cash paid for Oats Jr by JAMES eL WitEICLER. movfi-,1.1 lIAT 1 HAY 11-50 tons superior baled Ay Hay, for sale wrioleasle and retail by JAMES M. WHEELER. 3. Nu SOLDIER'd GASIP , COMPANION. A very convenient Writtng Deer ; also, Pertfoque, Memorandum Books, rorantonnsues, eto n2O • SCHFSWEIt'S BOOKSTaiIh. E. M. MAnal
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers