Nvo gthvertistmtnts. GREAT SALE AND FREE DISTRIBUTION I DR: W BARB, OF HARRIOBITRG, Having pnrehued the entire right and Interest to menu fracture and sell M'CONNELL'S GOLDEN ELECTRIC OIL, EVERY body ought to join in oiroulat- Mg it, if the lea e repreaut are so. All are In Wrested, the well and afillcmd. The GOLDEN ALEC i RIC uIL is useful in Chronic and Nervous Dawes, such as Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Bronchitis, Catarrah, Scrofula, Piles, Fresh or Old Sores, Clears, Glandular Swallow, Female Complaints, Sore Breasts, En. n fact there is no family medicine that acts with such magic power as the Belden Electric tall. Hundreds can certify tone virtues. For the purpose of IntroduclEg IL into every family, with two of my own vat uuble preparations for Coups, Croup, Weak and Inflamed Ryes, and as an inducement to these wbo assist me to dispose of 20 gross, I place in ptelleaslon of a committre of honorable gentlemen the following valuable articles, ler Fuse:distribution amongst the purchasers : 1 Fine e-reeave Piano 1 Fine Dressing Bureau 1 Nine Cottage Bedstead ... / Fine A/glob Gold Lever Watcn... 1 Fine Ukelele.... ea ..c0.... 2 Fine Silver Watches, $6 00 1 Old Vidal and Bow. 1 litide Box 1 Fine nouble.barreued Gun 1 Fine Berdl-tone 4 Gold Bracelets, 2.1 00 609 Boxes Valuable Fills, 26 eta 125 400 Boxes Tooth Powder, 26 as 100 200 Copes Lite of Dan oboe, Embellished, 26 its 50 1 Copy, 6 volumes, Christian Union, 61 00.... 6 1 Fine Bak Dress 20 1 Flo Delalne Dress 3 2 Fine Lawn Dresses 23 00.... 6 5 Nine Gold Pencils, $1 00 6 200 Flue Sleeve Buttons, 123 eta.... 25 24 Fine Ladies' (rum ds, 26 eta 20 Fine Peas of Jewelry, 61 00 20 20 Fine Double Mourtillons, 1 00 20 60 Flue Luceit Plu-, 50 ohs 2b toe nine Setts Studs, 26 eta 160 600 Firm 18 karat At digs, 25 cur. ..... .......... 126 200 Flue Gent , ' /Leave muttons, 12X cts 25 100 Fine Allen's Hazer Powder, 26 ow._ 25 1 Gilt Family Bible 1 Barrel F10ur.... 70 on the payment ot 26 emits for cacti Bottle or Box of the Medicine, the purchaser, will receive a receipt and an order for au envelope, which will centaur the name of one el the strive Ste. Ou the day of the distribution of gifts, the envelopes will be placed in a boxer wheel, with a hole to pus the haul into it, toe envelopes all put into the wheel, well shook up and secured, each purchaser will draw out his or her own euvelope; the gift named Wanda will be given as awn as the drawing closes. No Hoe vela be gleeu to agents, and in the papers, of the day of distribution. Pura. seers w a distance wll have an equal share whit those residing in Harrisburg. On re celpt of the money for one or more dozen, the medicine, with cerificate and orders, will be forwarded by express, tree of charge. in let Cases the medicine Is warranted to Mlle or give relief, or no charge. flee certificates. Da. W. Saga—Nam SIR :—.IIII have learned that you have purchasedtue right to manufacture and sell 00,600 IdietAric Oil, ler tine benefit of the afflicted, I. sena the following :-1 have been afflicted with a run ning sore ou my lea leg for ten years. During that time 1 have been under the treatment of ten of the best Doc tors In Harrisburg, Baltimore and Cumberland county ; but all could not erect a cure. A little over a year peat, going Into my blactsmith slurp after dark, 1 hurt my Host leg able, below the nee. It spread an .1 round the leg, and became a running sure. *opera' Doctors tut] me i must nave my leg tskau oaf, mortification having taken plane. Fortunately r got a bottle of your Golden Electric oil for my child's Sore ;wain. It cured so soon that I thought 1 wouad try it on my legs. I have been using it about sit wises, and my legs are now hailed up —mound and well. We, the uaderslgued, wbo are well acquainted with Mita T. Haub, do certify to the fact as btated above, and the beueata.l Whine of a'Conuelea Golden Electric Oil On /natty Of our nulgtwors. LLENAY ANDREW, C AtialtLY, A. P. NBA(Bridgeport Hotel.) IJENJ &Alia CLAY, J LONottNAthallit, I Wive been using Ur. ilarr's Croup Syrup in my family for the past tee yuers. I. would not be without ltat any price, an my children are subject to thdde and Croup. 1 belieVe 1 have saved their lives by the use of thi medicine. No family with children ought to be without It. F. K. hWaltl2, (llvery,) Harrisburg. Caste Closur Ihnember 6, IsO. Da. Beim :—I mina you most sincerely fur the Ulul ating yon gave me for my eyes. 1 have of iy used it a low dross, andlitso now entirely tree from indamation and pain Which Is snore than / have been for the last live years.-- I hope God will bless you for the free gill. No person =tad with weak or inflamed sore eyes ought to ba out it J. C. IdlLl4ll. being well acquainted with ,J. C. Mlles, what be certi fies to above is correct and true, cc alligator as it may deem. J. B aM M, G C. for Bedford. hundreds h hut certined—leuse only givon tae above. POW, Teeter, k'oiaon, nett, Loor. J.,w, Gonorrheal, Glees, Leueorrhte, and alt Boatel dust:mot ou ad Brat sumo sew naafi, or no charge. Ten per tont. will be paid to all persona selling one or more 00100. W J9O-dawd CELEBRATED DANDELION COFFEE. r (lEE DANDELION COFFEE now offered to the public, is prepared Vora the treats roots. In submitting this valuable article to the public laver, the manufacturer only compitea with the urgent and In creasing demands of the public. It is unquestionably one of the must reliable and erleatual remedies yet dui armored for the diseases It is apAled. It is strongly re. annompileel by the Faculty as a su, erlor nutrous bever age for General DebWty , Dyspepsia, Disease of the Liver, Billions Allectiuus and Irritable couothou of toe Stomach. The many thousands woo have bare reluctantly compel- Sul to abandon the use of Coffee, owing to the injury done to their Ii anti, will find this superior to the host Java Cof fee, w say nothing of its great and aosnowiedged wadi dual benefits. Tne harelligeut pram of the community areso well equal uted who the medicinal properties of this DaudeUuu, that they require but the assurance that the article offered to them is the pure Dandelion Soot. saroue puuua ties Coffee will make as mush as two pounds of the best Java For sale by boall RECEIPTS AND EXPENDITURES OF THE COUNTY OF DAUPHIN, FOR THE YEAR 1862. COMMISSIONER'S STATEMENT of John care, Fag, Treasurer of Dauphin County, Pennsylvania, being the receipts of the said Treasurer, for the year 1861 . commencing February 13th, 1881 to January 6th, 1882 int:ll=lv% viz : DR. To outstanding taxes of the year 1859 $348 18 . outstanding taxes of the year 1860 $13,198 77 $13,646 96 aggregate of county tax levieo and assessed for the year 1861, viz : Harrisburg, First ward $2,071 25 " Second ward 4,981 62 " Third ward 5,331 67 ~ Fourth wkrd 2,889 46 •• Fifth ward.— 1,119 26 •• Sixth ward........... 1,511 16 Suaqusbannah township.. 4.882 58 Strata= township 4,080 16 Lower Swats= township... 2,667 24 Conewago township 1,873 21 Middletown, North ward 1,137 81 •• Middle ward 764 17 •• South ward.. 678 66 Londondery township 3,4.36 63 South Downer township 2,088 44 Nast Hanover township 2,768 42 Went Hanover township .... 1,814 02 Merry township 7,172 49 Lower Paxton township . ... . 4,139 44 • Kiddie Paxton township 1,441 89 Rush t0wn5hip........182 23 li i gc i Pastou to w nsh ip 2,259 17 burg borough.... ........ .. 621 78 Jackson township.... 1,121 48 Itsed township 663 88 Halifax towns h ip .... 2,176 64 Jefferson township 790 14 Main township 2,008 11 Likens township • 1,812 04 Orate borough • 416 97 Washington township 1,846 23 Whnionisoo township.— ........ 2,444 96 Dauphin borough 601 14 PROOIRDII ON LOANS. Samuel D. Ingram ..... ..... • • .....S 800 Martin Blanton 300 John Geiger .... 800 Nate Oapital Bank 600 Mechanics bask..., „ , , „ „ 600 Harrisburg oar company _ _ 1,000 J. MWer .., . .. 200 Holman and Wilk 2,000 lianund Holman 800 Ohara— . ............. .. . 1,000 Stl ee =th Zosloser ... , . 500 Peter Stucker 000 .110.8 M. L. 104 .. 100 Samumdera,T " 1,810 George Reffer . . Daniel 5nyder..... ... Martin Newly .. . George Fielder John Geiger Martin Niftily Jr George Ftauffer Samuel ... Allen Sturgeon . • • George Stauffer.... • • • George Garvorich Jr., Rebecca Miner— . • • • • Leonard Wetzer Joseph Geiger John li. Fertig George Stauffer.. Jacob Rehm.... Holman & Wilt .. William H. Kepner—. John Ewing George C. Barnitz— .• Rebecca Schreiber.... Mechanics' bank...... State Capital bank.... Daniel Epply John Snider.... Gaverich & Gayman Mechanics' bank..... Thomas Aldred John J. Shoemaker.— Ge , rge Garverlch John Stahl Elizabeth Anderson.. Elizabeth Ree 1........ George Garverioh... George Garverleh Jr., Caleb 8rint0n........ Harrisburg bank.... Adam Reel .. I Martin L. Bowman.... Jsaac Sinter John Urich Sarah Rauch John P. Leibriek ..... William G. Ferguson.. $lOO MISCELLANEOUS RECEIPTS. Cash rrOM Alms House directors of Camberlead county support of M. Wolf $ 300 00 Cash on the sale of meiotic figure ot an Indian on the old court 25 00 ' Cash proceeds on the sale of tate ks 10 78 Cash balance of bonus of Mantas- vino bed,. e '4119 00 Cash forfeited recognizance 60 00 Cash Jury foci from rrothouotary Mitchell 127 ST Cash Irom N. A. Sutton, costs re- funded 20 00 Cosh sale of old court house bell 88 00 Cash on sale of old furniture 41 60. • Cash charges collected on Treas urers sale book 9 81 Cash taxes paid to COMMIBI3IOIIBI'II 0630 230 23 Cash tax received in pursuance of election laws 27 90 • Cash on ale of a stray on ord r of J. W. Griffith, Esq., 2 81 Cash from State Treasurer on the payment of 518,e483 29 county bonds prior to the Ist day of August last at 6 per cent abate meet 681 Sl Order No. 446, outstandlng........ 24 00 $2,068 69 Commissioners statement hi detail et the County Tretui urges disbursement or the County or Dauphin, t'eunsyl• yenta, up to Janntry 6th, 1862, On orders drawn on him by the County Commissioners, to wit : • 1861.-MISOELLANEOUS PAYMENTS. By cash raid Daniel Yoder for scrubbings 18 12 ........ By cub paid Daniel Yoder for storing coal • 1 40 By cash paid sundry persons for fox scalps.... . 91 00 By cash paid L. N. Ott rodemptloa 46 59 By cash paid Snyder &leman re demption money . 12 06 By cash paid Daniel Eppley redemp tion money__ 12 65 By cash paid John H. Fox redomp• Lion money.. .... 7 40 By cash paid Joidal; ... .......... re demption money__ 8 15 By cash paid H. U. Allemaniedemp lion money 16 46 By cash paid Jacob B. Eby redemp. tion money . 17 01 By cash paid Murray & Fleming redemption money... 68 By cash paid O. B. Care redemp tion money. ......... 47 19 6244 08 IiLISEIA T. HOUCEI REFUNDED TAXES. By tax refunded to Jacob Roush.. $ 600 By tax refunded to Michael R. Al lemma 27 34 By tax refunded to John Care.. 8 86 By tax refunded to John N. loft - - Man 2 78 By tax refunded to PhilipLlmbergex 287 „ By tax refunded to William Herta.. 1 89 ' By tax refunded to George J. Shoe maker. . 8 30 By tax retueded to Mic ha e l B. Frantz 12 27 By tax refunded to Jacob 9. Stably 4 72 By tax refunded to William Swab.. 6 26 By tax refunded to Emanuel Rolf man . . .. . . —...... 257 By tax re f und e d . ioJhn Z. Grove.. 4 44 By tax refucded to Abraham Hess. 12 00 -- 76 isAatt, Harrisburg, k's, ROAD ACCOUNTS—HULLING'S GUT Pula Judge Blattenbe-ger, contrac tor $7ll 0° Paid John W. '''''''''''''''' 8 60 CONVICTS TO CITY LOCK-UP. Paid E..i. IL Meck, bread for said convicts... ............. $ 18 18 Paid Mayor Kepner, bread tor said convicts ....... ..... 16 18 Paid Philip hnsminger, auctioneer services 3 60 Paid William Dock, Jr., alcohol for metre........ Ale 1 60 Paid Joseph Miller, for express • charges 50 Paid William A. Jordon, to add g • mill tax ........ . ... . . 16 00 Paid to Adam Reel, to add ,th' mill tax 58 00 Paid William H. Gaslow, to add 34 mill tax 36 00 Pa , d William H. endow, assletance . to clerk.. . ..... ....... 20 00 Paid Henry ?aim', audit pu olic ac collets of 1880 19 60 Paid H. M. Graydon, audit public accounts of 1861 .. . 16 00 Paid Prothonotary Mitchell, fees fbr 1881 588 20 Paid A. J. Herr, district attorney fees for 1881._. . .. . . 894 00 Paid Joeeph Miller, inilexing tress oreris papers . 200 00 Paid Joseph Miller, service in mili tary acc0unt5......... ..... 100 00 Paid A. J. Herr, Esq., services in case of M. w0u......... ... . .. 75 00 Paid Peter Hummel, Esq., Indexing office papers.... 600 00 Paid Alderman Peffer, qualilying • election officers— . ......... . 4 75 112,287 96 WM. DuCe., Jr &Co FUND FOR THE RELIEF OF FAMILIES OF VOL• lINTEERS IN THE SERVICE OF THE GENERAL GOVERNMENT, VIZ : July 27, 1861, paid judges of the c0urt........ .61,000 00 Sept. 22, 1861, paid judges of the c0urt......... . . . . ..... . 600'00 Oct. 14,1661, paid judges of . th'e court. .... .......... ...... 1,000 90 Oct. 26, 1861, paid judges of the court.... 600 00 N0v.12,1801, paid Judges of the 00 Nov. 19, 1861, paid Judges of the 660 court 600 00 Dea 11,1861, paid to , judges of, the court.— .. ............ 1,000 00 Deo 17, 1861, paid to judges of the court 1,000 00 July. 1, 1862, paid to judges of the court 1,0% 00 JUDGES' ORDER FOR THE PAYMENT OF. TEE COUNTY AUDITORS FOR THE YEAR 1860, AND INCIDENTAL EXPENSES, VIZ : Jonathan Spayd, 82 days at $1 50 $ 98 00 Jonathan Spayd, 704 ranee at 8M 44 00 John P. Ruther ford, days at 3180 88 50 John P. Rutherford, 60 ado at OX 3 75 Henry Peffer, 62 days at 31 50. 98 00 Henry Peffer, 15 days of Interval $72,908 88 Runkle.aJld Ramon, 1040r11098 • • Fisher and Herr attorneys.... Joseph Miller, clerk.... ....... Daniel Yoder, messenger Frederick Hastert, clerk.... .. T. F. llchelltr, printing reports gii m niisiluattia Malty Celegrapil l Alitenthti libniartrfclB62 Nm 2thatistmods. 300 700 1,000 ..... . 100 ... . 250 700 620 100 5,000 770 50 1,000 1,000 . 400 ..... 4,900 600 399 60 • 400 600 600 640 8,600 100 1,000 195 ...... 1,800 1,200 1,000 1,000 ...... 3,100 1,000 125 140 850 2,000 ,000 260 . 100 270 4,000 658,160 00 Total roolpla la 1861, . 22 60 .. 200 00 160 00 . 40 00 . 10 00 . 10 00 . 71 00 ' $8:18 76 1 813871 87 I r ~. y MBE 2bucrtie mints. Common Pleas jurors in March 1861........ ...... . 817 88 Grand Jurors in April, 1861.... .... 138 60 Grand Jurors in Augnet,lB6l 160 13 Grand Jurors In November, 1861.. 148 76 Petit Jurors in Aril, 1881 .......... 294 13 Petit Juror; in August, 1861 ... . 426 26 P..tit Jurors in November, 1861.... 368 75 Common Pleas Jurors In May, 1861. 201 811 Co,Cu, r mon Feta Jurors in November, 1861. 264 38 Common Pleas Jurors in December, 1861 ......... 118 76 Court crior and Up staves in Hera. 77 60 Court crier and tip staves In Aprll.. 32 60 Court crier stud tip staves In May... 88 76 Court crier and. tip BUMS In August. 73 75 (burl Crier and tip staves in October 18 26 Court crier and Up staves In Decsm bor .... . ... . . .... . 118 76 Coyle and Herr, boarding or ittrOrs 21 00 $2,827 90 CONSTABLIB biIiTIIKNEI TO 818100N8 Paid constables at April term, 1861. 42 48 Paid constables at Miguel term, . 1861 46 72 Paid constables at November term, 1861 40 00 cowerrksues eons. Paid Jackson Wingert—. ........ $B6 68 John Jamison 4 33 Daniel H. Callender 80 83 Isaac S. Waterberry.......„. John T. fox Constable of Washington to w 5hip............ George Werthellor.." Charles Straw and others..." H. H. Parsons. . . Henry Badebang . b... .. John P. Messner.... John Eadlg George German Julies Lewis— • Mooed F1eck......... George Frank.-- ... George W. Horn.... lames Dcebler.....: Wickert androle..... Beepantit Boyd, Solomon Huber Jrhn Stauffer William 129 Samuel Router ' 21 13 John A. -Neuman 7 oe Rudolph Humme1.............:'11 John ilea— . 2 10 S. E. Taylor . . ... ••.•••• • • • • • •• 222 Henri , Wagner......:.:.'"2'14 Daniel Battsicher ..... ......... 16 93 Samuel Roller 8.41 Henry Beck er 02 Badebangh and Campbell 143 33. Barney Campbell ..... 17 92 Ilmstable of Middletown 8 VI John Btulismikt S.. EL 001 e......... W. J. Magbiughlln JUSTICES AND ALDERMEN. Paid 'aleph Brubaker, oosts.. ...... 1 .0! George Gilbert, S 83 William Kline °Pstg. 4... ...... 867 44 . Jdlin Maglanghlin, coils 132 81 W. H. Kepner, Mayor, coats • 132 139 Henry Beader, c05t5......:....: '230 18 P. Lark, 000tg. 8 . 68 Josiah IPFarland, costa 22 77 G. W. Caldwell, costs 31 99, C. W. Churcluun, Osta. .. ... 1 20 Henry Stehtni ri, costs 18 80 Thomas Strobm, costa • 3 70 George Hoffroan s costs 1 37 Daniel Miller, costs... 6 00 Daniel L. Scheirer, 9 73 Joseph Mangler, 1 17• J $146,672 60. " COMMONWEALTH Amon;, paid witnesses In 1881 Paid T. H. Wilson & Haldeman ? road damage S 660 George Landis, road damages.. 30 ' Isaac , Hershey, road damages.. 20 John Witman, road damages.. : 33 Daniel Bolton, road damages... 70 John Britehm, road damages.— 25 ' Solomon tackler, road damages . 15 ' John leakier, road damages.— 00 Benjamin Miller ; read damages 60 Daniel Ireefor, road damages.. 40 JaCobgidienower, road damages HO Jiu3ob `Peek, road damages " 85' Wooed Bhupp,, road.ihumiget.....; • -BP Jacob Ousel, road damages..... 10 . 4. Wieling, road damages.— 22 Higbee' WNW, road &mime. 22 60 Abraham Btriolder,roed dam - ages,+..:. . 60 Adam Contrynian, : read dam ages 24 00' David J. Unger, road damages. 45 00 Daiid Hummed% estate; road • ' 260 00 e Da da"M tici Her 3 tz, road damages.... 00 00 Henry Reinhard, road damages 36 00 Abraham Bates, road damages. ' 2500 William. H 0191114, roan "dam. ago/_ 40 00 GeOrge Reel, road damages..... 125 00, Alexander Itoberte, road " ages. .... 60 00 Wtpiam J. Beal, road 207 00 John 11ttmgardner , road dam ages 16 00 John Lebo, road damages 60 00 Jacob Miller; read damages.... 18 00 Jobe Griffin, road damages 37 00 ;John Feidt, road damages..... 3 00 * idles Kehler, road damages,.... 80 00 Jacob' Radfang, road damages.. 20 00 George W. Bowers, road cam- ages 800.00 Paid road, bridge and bridge, site viewers... ....... 870 17 BRIDGES .aND ROADS. Paid Jacob Bunt; repairs Hailers bridge 38 00 Jacob Knanir, repairs roads ito, 40 87 Jacob 0. Bebm, lumber, Hum. - melsiown bridge 181 97 Peter Witman, repaint, Spring creek 4 00 Jacob Scheibe, repairs, turn- • pike bridge 11 00 . Holman & Wilt, repairs, hos pital bridge 10 00 Edward Betel, in full, Bwatara bridge. 400 00 Allred Hummel repairs,Hum. nieltdown bri dge...-,...., . . 15 75 Fox & Orth, nails, Hiniznebi town bridge.: . . . 479 Joht. D. Grove, lumber, Hum. mblatowri bridge.. 21 80 Jacob Hornell°, repairs,-Mana da 16 00' JaeobAlbert, repaint,. Linter .mgdy brid . 9 18 Hummed, Brune ge. l& Go., repairs, Middletown bridge 68 81 113:3 - - $763 37 COURT NOUSR AND CONNUISIONIR'S ornos-= NEW COURT 801192. Balance tal Hobnail & Wilt, In 11111 MI original Contract:. .....:.$23,472 29 • EXTRA WORK AT NEW COURT 11010111—PAID acpux.34 WILT. Vane and lightning rod point. $ 46 60 Balance on lock-up * 1,600 00' c um, min d en &c., per contract.'. . 6,004 ar 8 extra outalde jam d0er5...'.... 100 00 . Water closet under front attars Jig 00 Iron elbow connectri; sewer ... 199 . 60 342 lbet tornke .. ... . ' 85 50 , 8 center peen.. et... • 12.00. Setting iron braoleeta,. .. . . lio AO Counter le court room r . 1.7 00 Fousblog Orphan's court room 'lOO do' ' Water pipes and cooks in °altar.— 17 60 ' Coat. orarlme.e• 16,500 brink etor heaters.— ...... 130 12 For heater . • • . 416 al &Allis four heaters . 76 00'' 700 700 lbs., Iron lot bee tare • • 42'60 227 feet pipe for beater:— ..102 76 39 feet pipe for heater., email. .. .... . 18 66 120 lbs. smoke pipe .... 14 40 2 damper heaters 126 Elbows and•treightonheater...". , . Super:ntandbigoanstruotion of do. „ 49.55 Paid F: George,Areace *414 to oil colors ~.. . 160 DO A. W. Watson, painting. . . 449 2 5 O. di, Oglesby. beryls. gas 31- • '• _231 , Jae .T..jones, balance plum -184.10 Johnd. Morrow, lightning Int. 24 00 Tbootas Aldred, stone cutting._ ea 84 'George A.. Qglataby, /ante and Reis— ......... ....... 40 JCSilla J. Jones, new water 7 .... ..44.0g. • • anniOsplthig,. l o o22 . • *6' 2•00. , Ws-40-TVlYl l . l Kk'ili4; l 4 l . ll ll- - ' chiset - 3 :atoll R. Goody, Axing Wake._ 1 00 C..l.,Jaanl7,l42taring243osloota 6 . " r II .1 '1 lu.. Soialialquad. of au aim wmtla $11,331 90 $7,000 00 COURTS -- SIM 20 2 241 918 90 00 6 27 L. 149 03 4 06 6 67 .. 22'91 61 4 43 3 08 .. 423 76 10 67 ... 3 62 16: 4 g ~„ 460 ..... 21 48 22 BM 14%1 V 901779 52.819 0. 3742 69 ROAD - 'DAMAGE/. VIEWERS. Ntin fAhtrtiormado .. payments made in 1861. trpenses incurred in comm. lion with new mitt house, being principally improve ments and the materials for the Improvements on the mint house lot, viz : Flo 868 yards excavation (0 Hol man & Wilt 8172 60 81 loads gravel, to Hohnam & wilt-.. levelling gravel, to Holman & 200 WI • Win. F. * innings, castings for iron . ..... 66 Same, fence. 796 castings for lamp poet... 84 80 Daaiel Hocker,pavemaat br.alca 348 96 John Median , laying pavements in .. . .. 128 60 Fame, realm of g utter in full.. 32 92 Same, curb Mons in fall.. 97 26 George Weerieb,hauling gt wed in 101 l ........ William Murk hauling gravel in 64 33 John Oastrock, tooling ground in fall Peter Maly, work on lot in thil. $1,686 76 Furniture for the new court house and Incidental et pensse attendUsg the tame, via : paid Holman & Wilt, bang steel bell, &c.... ... . . Same, alterat'on oa belfry for bell Same, frame for old bell, RraittPs ..... SUDO, repairs desks Regbiter's °Hoe. Fame, for wash stand Same, table In GraudJury room S me, book case In consulting room Same, desk-and wash stand up .. . . ..... . Fame, make amid for seal preen Milker &Brother, Menealy bell Olden & Bickner, matting Cornellue & Baker, Oa'Webers B. J. Fleming, upholstering.... Adam Frederick, Judges Osiris.. Sams, bat racks William Schaeffer, window shades B. 1. Harris, repairs or aims.. Zollinger & Brother, new elove John W. Cowden, spittoond... Allred Meats, repairs at tables. Cornelius Baker, fitting carpets Pennaylvanlarallroad company, freight on Bargains • Walter L. Treed*, brooms. etc. Moses Wiler, oil cloth... Christian Snavely, oil c10th.... John Care, email marble block. Wm Focht and Bre. Yoder, 9611 , 114 carpets.. George W. Swarger, chairs, court house... .. Samuel Cassel , take up old 4881 88 PITZL, WOOD, AND OTHER ISPENBS4I. Paid Holman at Wilt, interest on instal Imeits ever due on court how contract 190 00 Theodore 111'esaghy, storing coal 400 Ordnirel Ousel, yawing w00d... 2 50 Daniel Yoder, for earabblag... 6 03 .lotui Bowerman, charcoal 2 00 George P. Whistling, stone coal. 315 25 George Garverich, Jr., oral.— 88'08 John Borkbard, 15 05 Wasp Mitche l, moving office 60 00 Commineloners expense to and from Philadelphia on businees 83 60 Andstance to move in new court h0u5e.............. 700 3668 01 OOI4XISSION='I3 OFFICE. Paid John H. Brant, rent in hi ll 600 00 Daniel Yoder, night watch.— 176 00 Same, Six month , ' teary 50 00 Berne, six month's salary...... 160 90 Joseph Miller, clerk . 1,000 00 H. O. Adman, soflottor, two .9tors. ... . 100 00 John 11MiVei, 161 day . ", 9,1 60 241 50 tame, 3,544 miles, 220 60 Same, livery hire 20 00 Jacob Bebm, 148 days, 31 60.. 222`00 Same, 1,680 miles, .... 97 60 pains, livery tire... . 12 00 lieorge Oarverioh, 232 dam 81 50... 348 00 game, 612 Lies, 61( . 38.26 Same, Incidental .. 26 eAs CIONTANY. • tat tor court house in 1861.... i 1122 76 POSTAGE. Paid postap, George W. Porter.... 620 Postage, George Bergner 38 84 POSTAGE--EOPAREE COURT. Paid George W. Porter 11 600 George Bergner .... 21 96 WATS& RENT. Paid CE,T Treasurer, water rent one year $lOO 00 COUNTY DEBT. Patel loan to David Ricker on account S 600 00 Loan to Jacob Bohm 8,000 00 Loan to A. W. Watson, bond 500 00 Loan to J.. . 200 00 Loan to Stab Caidtal Bank 6,000 00 Amu to Mechanics' Bank.'.. 2,000 00 loan to Peter Pancake, eslate.. .1,000 00 Loin to Harrisburg bank 4,000 00 Loan to O.orge Harverick— .., 100 00 Loan to Valentine Urich.. ..... 800 00 $2,431, 00 •18,200 00 Paid interests en coupons or candy bonds.. ..... ............... 6.061 62 $26,06162 P.RQUISITIONS. Paid Requisitions of the dlreotors of the Poor and House of Em ployment, 1861. .... 116,000 00 Requisition of the inspectors of the Dauphin county prison 1861. .. . ... . . .... 1,600 00 BOOKS, PRINTING AND STATIONARY. Paid George Bergner, for publishing ' Election Proo I 'mations 67 00 Same kr publishing Treasu rer's Report 126 00 Same, for road specifications, 503 51 60 Same, for election blanks 16 00 Blume, ibr various blanks and printing.— .... —. 168 18 Same, for bleMI books and ate tiowy • •• s .... • . 261 27 Paid O. Barrett & Co.. publishing Treasurer's Rep0rt...... .... 25 Parris" publishing IrlectkeiPro• clamations. ill 00 game, for publishing Court Pro clamation 20 60 Paid J. S. Royal. printing for Treal- omen Moe 12 50 Fame, printing blank/. 7 60 Fame, printing far Ammon— 27 00 Mme, printing blanire .... II 00 Paid Henry Uhler, putilt: Sloe- lion Proclamation, . 190 84 J. W. Stover, - poblich mu ,tlon Proclamation,._ ..... 126 00 Theccio &hello., PP.IAtY re b F onds 40 00 Publishing :mimic in Kaiminer 2 00 John Care, one groin 1 00 Sams, melded eopiec .... 2 75 F. Huller, blank tx Air came.— : SlO flame, for seenics • ocket 90 Rame, kw binding old boo c 0 Sine, for Prothcootatr docket Fame, for assessor's books, two . setts. ... . ... 191 94 3ame, for Sleeks for ...... 24 76 Some, making and binding boons , 23 26 By John Care tor pens 60 $1.723 17 opßovras AND SWITIONI3' . S2 , IQUINMONS. ka?uia paid on said inquisitions 425 42 . SUPRIXII.OOIMT. *Peg J. tai Rota', crier of Supreme en '. ' 120,. 00 ..„. , * y e w .„If ma a co gar of • , . e *alert .. 1.94' 00. ' V laprinting, for Sa--; .4 ' • =NI Same, ror ice, Supreme Court.. 11 21 L M. Pollock, stationary, Su preme Court. ........ ....... 49 71 DAUPHIN COUNTY PRISON Paid 8. H. Coleatock, repairs on prison.... W. S. Schaeffer, wall paper for prison .. .............. Eastern Penitentiary, support of convicts EC Paid Anessors, April assessments.. 487 25 Assessors, making list of voters 260 00 Assessors, triennial essessments 1173 47 5 62 Paid judges of March elections $BB7 82 Judges of October elections.... 198 25 Judges of November meeting., 194 10 Constables, serving certlflcates of election 148 42 13 60 6 00 Total tressurer's disbursements In 1861...511 2 ,646 29 . . .. Paid outstanding order No. 1,36 of 1860 . .... .. .. . . 60 00 Outstanding order No. 1,87 i iii 1860 450 00 0176 62 EMI Abatements allowed on county tax in 1881. 1,890 46 ExoneraUons allowed on county tax In 1881.— ... ....... 2,812 00 Commissions allowed on county tax In 1881 3,634 86 Outstanding tax unpaid 21,816 00 ' 29,488 80 Ell 3 6 00 600 16 00 190 00 6 00 160 TM) 86 684 46 The undersigned are not able to render an account of the balance in the treasury, or as the case may be, for the year 1860, In conseepaenoe of the bounty auditor's Report, dated Jane 14, 1861, for said year baring been handed over Into the embrace of litigation. The prevent year's amount for the year 1861, is also unadjusted, in as much as the county Auditors having adjourned over to the 10th day of February next, beyond the time that the Commissioners of the County are by law directed to publish a statement of the receipts and disbursements of the last preceding. year. Sufficient, however, is known, that there will be a balance of nearly, If not ful l y 52,054 for the last year from February 16121,1861 to January 6th 1862 inclusive, in the hands of the oounty treasurer. JOHN S. ROSSER, JACOB USW, GEORGE GARVE ICEI, Commissioners. attest-Joseph Miller, Clerk. 1413 19 47 60 177 26 36 60 21 26 6 16 10 87 66 10 600 [UM 17 28 7 06 8 39 11 76 For the information of the public, the undersigned tell and do herewith, render an accurate statement of the entire coat of the new court house edifice lately erected for the use of the county, viz : Paid Holman & Wilt In 1860, part of the original contract as per vouchers on Ale... . . 983,684 29 Same In 1861 , balance in fu11... , 22,478 26 Fetal of contract367,ol2 67 Matra work In 1880..............1,444 08 EMtra work In 1161 11,127 20 ' ----- 12,671 28 12 00 MI 1 25 Teta cost or new court house 89,018 86 FURNITURE AND THE DIPROVIMENTB Off THE LOT OF Tll9 COURT BODGE. Improvements on the lot In 1880....8 99228 improvements on the lot In 1,688 76 Furniture all bought In 1881— .... 2,881 88 ---- 6,880 91 Total including furniture and ifri provements Statement of loans and county debt, loans being the old county debt and including other, tempos loans, via John Maly—. James Park.. Adam bpope.. . . David Ratoker.. Davld 6ae5a1........ IZITEM Mrs. Slim M. Frazier, Treat toad— 4000 Mrs. 121aa IL Frazier.— 2,000 Isaac Shupp ........ 1,000 JosaptiWallace. ..... ........ . . .... 1,00 John,fseiger 3,000 Luther D. ia1ty........... •• • • • • • • 600 Nancy Daum 1 , 000 litnion ()pater, assignee, or S. Gray.. 1,000 Joha s. Mrs. 4L. Ingrain ' 1,100 John (ledger, ln trust.... ramie' neat 1,675 George Betterhoff •Andrew $3,176 01 $48,007 14 Arum .. ..... ... 550 Jacob Ree 1..... 700 Peter *intake, estate' 2,000 Mather! B. Cowden, estate::: . '2 0110 Rebecca Geiger...'4oo lihrabrith Zoilinger 650 Janis IF. Moody.. .. ..... . ..... 1,000 . aobiry w. " 1,500 George` Stauffer • 2 , 000 - John Hanle . 1;600 Sary Umberger ......... ....... 1,000 Daniel Snider.. 700 ldartin Nbrely, Jr.... • 3,100 . John Urinh • 200 Sarah hooch. 270 John P llebrict 4,000 Samuel Elandahue 500 William G. Ferguson'.. 200 $293 74 New,Court House loans, act of march Bd, 1860, viz Peter Stacker 600 George; Stauffer 1 , 800 Martin Missly, Jr., ' 1,700 Valentine Hummel 7,000 Samuel Gray .. .. . 6,000 Mrs. Mary W. Iteribaas ..... - 1,000 Simon Oyster 2,000 Mrs. Mary Oyster 1,008 John a. Jaw ... .. ......... .1,000 Mrs. Mary Dempsy, 600 Oatharine Mac1ean................ 600 Margaret Maclean . 600 Marmot and Catharine Maclean George Pi551er........ Oatharlhe A. Spangler. Elizabeth 201 linger Miss Jana W. Moody.— Susan E. Spangler Thomas Aldred Holman & Wilt. M. Kirk. Fager SO Mayer............ William Colder Daniel ghellenberger. Mrs.. Miry Miller &moat Ingram.. ...... John Flentinger. . ..... . . A. B. Bahnestook, ........ eaninel Hassler George ..... George Xeffer ..... ........ Allen SMrgeon George Garvericb, Jr., .... nebecca Saner ........... Leonard Joseph Geiger............ Isaac Hinter, In trust Wm. 017,600 00 694 /6 Courpflosse additioriirrOan, per aot .uart..6.-y- 2604 1861. John Geiger . Margin ... Joseph Geiger.... George C Daniel Epply... John Snider... ........ Gerverkh andGeyman. Thomas Aldred Jahn J. Shoemaker John null_ Caleb 267 76 boo Relict for the [tunnies of volipteers In the service of the United States, a loan authorized Ur said relief as per act of tip 10th day of May, 1861, to Me amount of 10,000. Loan of Susan R. Spangler._ GOO Hon. John J. Pearson. 1,000 Datipbtn toasty 7,000 -- 8,800 00 • RECAPITULATION. Old county debt.... . . . . . 67,335 00 Deduct dutstapding sub ieet to no offset for exon erations, & 321,316 00 Balance ht the treasury.. 2,000 00 Military relief fend for the relief of the families of voinateers in the the tinned States 'set% vice Beaune of old county debt Is therefore. ;27,060 00 Loans added for the new court house. 70.409 00 Total Oonnty debt , „ • - 120 14 8 8 e f 6EOPOBL EII 6RICH. Comatiaeloporp. Atiteiespg klakt. 6 4 .00 • 41nessaty 2fith, na. • ;• ME New rAburtistmnits $31693 21 50 i 3 '33 ASSESSORS. 111,620 72 I= 4,000 1,600 ~.. 8,000 1,000 1,000 1,900 00 • • • • ** $67.886 00 600 2,000 2,000 1,000 500 1,000 1,000 24,000 !2:000 000, 1,000 500 300 .... 501 100 .... 1,000 300 • , 5,000 000 • , 1,000 00 000 • 500 . 1,060 300 • 4,000 . 8,600 . 196 . 1,800 • 1 200 • 1,000 . 3,100 . 1.000 . 9,000 - 18,846 00 7,000 00 1,816 00! 27,089 00 D ARLING'S LIVERREGULA AN TOD D LIFE BITTERS, ARE puro vegetable extract... I Fnmac . cure all bilious disorders of the They regulate and invigorate they give tone to the cligeqice rgris • th. secretions, excretions and e xhalations 1: eoi; 7 2, baton, and Purify the blood. Ui' , —some of which are Torpid I. Slek popeie, Piles, China and Fevers, neas—are entirely control dies. .! t • $419 53 DALLEg u , s LIVER REGULATOFi Removes the morbid and talc° ach and bowels, regluates the hver , log every obstruction, restart. a OM in the vital organs. IL it a sup - FAMILY MEuIcINF Much better than pills, and much r DARLING'S LIFE 13ITIL;ts .111 • superior tonic and diuretT : loss of appetite, flatulency, tenlal, ties, pain, in the side and bowels, Wal - bleeding piles, and general delqaly. READ THE FOLLOWI NG TL:Ti‘,.•\-, Jars. L. Brumley, merchant, ISt u,:, York, writes, August 18, 1861)•-; with piles, accompanied wall years ; I need $ 1808 69 DARJING's LIVER INVIGuLA!H LIFE BITTERS • And now consider in n. 2NTIRIII Han. John A. Ornee w rites, ‘i, In the aping of 1859 I took a -ever, :•• ,• , tad a violent fever. I took Iwo 6142,478 69 DABLLNG' S Lfillt It broke up my cold and fever al attrOir, 1 a been troubled a. In mouths ; I have fait nothing of it ,IL.• • thia &wily, Rag. 128 Kavt Sqr “Anattat 12, 1900-1 had n plaint three yearn with c•wattn , back. I had axed mat all loot. ul no permanent relief until I nsci DARLING'S LIVER INVIGui;.II. LAND LIFE I reseed clotted blood by the env, l , Urely cured, and Cake pleasure iti remedies." Sire C. Tebow, 11 Chnstopher \ 4, 1100. 20, 1860.—1 have beau ,51i14.13 ma the last Wanly paara. I h tve equal to Darling's Liver Regulate; n alltordtog Immediate relief. 11. ka I !, I. Mikes remedy." Mrs. Young, or Brooklyn, wraes, in May /all 1 had a seyere . ed me to the bowie. I tool; Oflei bOlll,, : DARLING'S LIFE Bin and was entirety cured. I have h.. , 1;. D. Westervelt, Bee., of ;oath sth , t.- ,r Itemaburg, L. 1., wro.es : "Au...ust troubled with a difficulty in th.. ~.v, r t. Was attache, I was adVimbi by :r : - DARLING'S LIVER LIEU Ct..\ I did so, sod found it to operate a.l r bile sad arousing the liver to m -Le,,i v It aa FAMILY MEDIC IN Mien our children are nut of , few drops and It sate them all ri,ht t. general Wants of Lhe stomach and ed.,' 876,144 78 Rubio, if you no .d either or both o• 0000118 Remedlcu, ingture for thorn at do uot And them, take no other. b. In Metter, and on receipt ut the mom-;. lt,. Itemottlea will be emit Kt:cork:lg • ; mall or express, post.-poth.L A.btroo, DAN'L S. DARLING. 102 Nassau street, Nt3W York Put up in SO cent and $1 Idottrt. t..t. -dam PROF. 0. J. WOOD'S RESTORATIVE CORDIAL • BLOOD RENOVATOR. /4,4pcinely whim. Its name Imlirru kr 'AL ant to the taste It le revictling, ,;thening to tO Vital peeirrA. IL Ina,ateit and renews the blood and thOss restores and renders the .0 .!tanks of disease. It Is the eal r Odered to the world In a popul.tr tom th.:. rehab of all. • So ebensically and skillfully combr.s. y, • pOwerful tonic, and 76160 pinleetly 'ai t. : • ' OK WWI= AOOCIRDVIOZ WITH Tn LAW- 0 , )ITL a: !, arra ilOovan Vas REAKM irromAcii . •.0 gelatMOrgurisy and ntlay all u. , rsum rr, _ : • perlextularsdalig in its eLectri, At. l y Iblicenect by buisitde er deprosvuo Y 1 •01 . m, pa ...so:LW:direly of veguLawes, and tb , t• 'OO.. bluing powerful tuna; and aoulloug ilNqueutly can never Injure. As s !LIP ours at HONAIMPTION, BRONCHITIS, INI.I , • PEPEIA, 1.081 OF aPi'ETITa, FAIN N VOOS IRRITARIIITY, Ni. L Ril .e. . Ti ON ult THE IJEA.H.f, 1I ELAN( DLIONDRIA t Nit:Eft' w 41IDDIDlilk.., AND AII. TFIA. ,ChtfiliS 80 FEAKFUI.a A I r. FKMALE WliAlltiEs:. lit BEGULA THERE IS NOTHING as EQc.\:. Alec, Liver Derangementsor fortud;t .a u plaints, Ditindinel of the Kidney, era maul el the Urinary Orgafte It wtil not only t.ure the debility too eo eilVh - di but all prevent att.teits Ir qtt killueseir% and cure the &Beast. el tow, ti Patted. Travelers should haves bottle will, Iniallibly prevent any deleterious big upon change of climate aunt water . AS it prevents costiveness, sttent_ithri4 th• :;., orons,:it should be in the h ot ati ' - Lary habits, Ladles not accustomed to worb oul C,.or rk,n should piways use it. Mothers should tine it, for It et a titrf,t rt a 010001 period with perfect ease Air ...oil': THIRI id :70 11.1er.k61 ARouT 11 THE CORDIAL LS ALL WE CLAD! IT wand to you we appeal, to d d r ec t the r Dot only of your daugtere before t he 1, your Bonn and husbands, for while the ternit,r ,1 delicacy, often go down than letlhelr condition be annwn a t.me, ... often wimixed up wito the excitement of II it were not for you, they too, woe o; tr downward path, until it to too late t ; ,tree Mt. twee e b e eette-.... ....teetye • iett--;; •,. - ' confidently appeal ; for we are :ore I,,,a l'AtiF r r aft ction will unerringly paint you to DASTOILATIVII firkiDlAL AND the remedy which' should always ite need. U. J. WOOD, ProprietOr,l44 Premix -3j, ij 114 Market Street, rt. Louie, no, anti toga r Bottle. Drugged's, Pried One itelar i•e lyb-dnw-eow .1.84000 GiENTLL'BECITSI WEAIi• A large Mmortmeut of Ondersbirt.4 ~n 1 I ic0 . .. 1, (all sizes, )p . Gentlemen' Traveling Skawli tn.! iti/u. , 6 - . Every %hid of G.euts 1.1)-lery, Cloths, Caseimer,:, and V,-5i0,,,,, (in great variety , / fi r ,„,. , 4 Mk Et Caihtnere N.,.. ix g nc_ 0 ..,,,or t..., the ",toilAnditrto steel:. [Aug; vttr0ny5i,j0f,db,,ir.,,,:.::ni....,,.::,..,, of t h es e Goods, L.) tic,.....,,,T,.111[....,," .)...' ca - DO' r -r,. t t P PIPED SVVEkT COEN (Sll4. lag HOILONY, Garr?, ..A..” 1 . EIASP BOSS, _ .. tiryt.,,, CRASligi in tiJ..___ IFIP., DR= APPLV, I Fresh reaches, (iu cans.) " Tomatoes, Corn, /so., &c. Just received and fur sale by WM. !git, , !e.t co 11030 FRE'ii Choice Tem, Bla6: au Wee' In X, X and 1 pound papers. tor NICHOL:F.& b. 1551,4", Corner nud alz.l ' C ELEI3" TED DAND &LION Ca it:E: Tele good outdoor* tor I Gee LIAP.orc4 C offered for'sale very low by D ricaos s:Bolfglso corner Front and garter Wei 96,684 00 .Pi ' Mothers Try II!!