Pennsylvania daily telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1857-1862, February 06, 1862, Image 3

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    pailp OTtiegrap4.
PittlikifSßUßG, PA
rs.liti Morning, February 6,
MAYOR'S OFFlog.—Luny O'Bryan,
and the redoubtable Cal Harris, with three or
four colored rueu—all charged with drunken
ness and disorderly conduct, were confined in
the city lock up Tuesday night and yesterday
kid a lit uritig before the Mayor, who properly
disport' of their c tees.
tion Li directed to the advertisement of this
pr ar ethic Mould establishment, situated in
o no of the most flourishing and beautiful
towns of Northampton county. Several of our
citizens patronize the school, all of whom
spe.iii very highly of its peculiar advantages as
place of itiStllletion
PE SLEIGHING was to excellent condition list
night nod the opportunities for indulging in
two favorite pnstltue were not thrown away by
our eiriz , no, The scenes in our principal
thoroughlitris, Iv well as the roads leading to
;'moue's, Dauphin end other suberban resorts,
were of the most enlivening description. The
owsoion must wive proved a mint to our livery
,„ n u, es HD roes of turn-outs, in the shape of
e iglw, were to be seen flying along to - the
~,lulu of the jingling bells and the merry
au ghter of the delighted parties.
ANOTHER FArstuoon lisruum.—The Patriot
id Dion of this morning published the follow
. g notice, after reading the same we addressed
letter to Dr. Roberts on the subject:, and his
wer will be sufficient to expose its falsity :
Hoeg ENOOMED.—Yesterday morning ai
r Campbell returned from Mount Joy with the
case and buggy stolen from Dr. Roberts on
tardily evening. The horse was considerably
P ed up, in consequence of the hard drlye to
inch he WAB subjected on Sunday. The per
met Mount Joy who had capturod,t4 Morse
, iffitd reward of $4O, Made' fly "RUMS '
.nsible person in the Monday.
wrong, and the officer had some trouble to
over the property.—Pairiot and Union of this
fkirrientrg ,'Pa., PA. 5, 1862.
Da. E. W. Romurra—Dear clip the
ye from the Patriot and Union. Will you
dige me by stating the facts in the case. I
he to know whether the advertisa;nent was
tided in by an irresponsible person.
Yonis, Respectfully,
The advertisement was authorised by me
d banded in by a responsible person.
OURT SENTELTOES.7-nie court 011Theaday F449!1
the following edit om& on the parties con
• at the quarier sessions win& before last;
mma Utz,- cionYkitAl of keeping &disorderly
dy house. Six months', soliory i ,egrope..
and bard labor In the Dauphin ,county
eery Burton and liqatto Burton„ larceny
,igeons. Each four months' winery • con-,
tint and hard labor in the i/airphin'cintirity.
.teplien Sweeny, larceny of money., from
eel Dunlap. Six mouths. In the county.
eery Smith, larceny of a web of satinet
Eppley's store Four . morkths' in the
ty jail.
lenor Osborne, disorderly house. Sixty
in the county jail.
pbrain Fleisher, larceny, plead guilty.
months' in the county prison.
!cholas Cooper, larceny of a watch from
Zimmerman. One year and twelve days
.e Eastern Penitentiary.
lexander Ruggles, convicted of passing
terfeit money. One year and twelve days
e Eastern Penitentiary.
muel assault and battery.
months' solitary confinement and hard
, r in the Dauphin county prison.
colored boy, named Johnson, convicted
teeny, was sentenced to three months'
e application of Elizabeth Weaver to have
daughter sent to the House of Refuge on
ground of being incorrigible and disobe
t, Was heard, but on consultation, the court
District Attorney stayed proceedings fox
ti Cole, convicted of assault and battery,
called up fur iieutence, but did not appear.
the ea , o of Patrick Moore, 'convicted of
a disorderly house, a motion is pend
for a iksv trial. Also, in the case of Cathe-
Fib;;er, convicted of adultery.
~e applioutioc, ei Henry Smith to have hie
teat to the lasaue Asylum, at the expense
' e county, wall beard, and an order for - hie
ledge granted.
NAL IC Avsovrios.—Vhere has been great
• ty itiatlifrato,/ by cue p eorite result •
emu! between Huntingdon and /1°111411118•
to kuow what course the Pennsylvania
ad company would take in regard to it ;
htir they would repair or abandon It.
Incessant inquiries have been made
what would be done, and to put the mat
t not, Thos. E. Wierman, Esq. answered.
,roe inquiries by addressing the following
I n
L. W. Rail, who has been taking
P interest in bringing the subject to the
'trop of the company
Harrisburg, Jan. 20, 1862.
W. nut, Esq.—. Dear :—I answer your
ries relative to the repairs on the Upper
ialh g r aying , s that we are now procuring
a thorough repair of the canal
is Iluatingdort Dam to Hollidaysburg.
hdeuded to deliver the .materials along
ine ntlit spring, and as soon as this i 8
the water will be drawn off, in order to
b _P l ele the repairs if possible before winter.
Partiun Of any consequence can be done on
ii done onof the canal next season.
new structures will be built in view of an
lied canal. Any new locks that may - be
have chambers seventeen feet wide,
1 4 new acqueduct will be correspondingly
The shallow places in the canal will
LtAned out, which will materially improve
kEw igatitst.
Respectfully yours,
E Taos. T. Wisamor,
n gineer and StlPerintendent.
A LARGE TEAlN. — Aqapii.!anisisting of Sev
enty•two cars, loaded with Wigs, passed over
the Lebanon Valley railroad a few days ag 1, ,
SANFORD'S OEMI llotisi.—A sparkling bill
of entertainment : ls up for this evening's per
formance at Sanford's'OVeirti - The cele
brated cantatrice Mrs. Anna Bordwill will again
appear, assisted by her•husband in songs and
duetts, as will also Githaion'A
interlude of "Thy 8010 Mai:chew"' ig Eiald to be
irreristably funny and mirth-provoking. Go
early it you want, a,goOd, stmt.
IQs, ON. fignswmats.—The attention of our
vigilant Supervisors so dilligent
in bringing information agaioatproperty owners
midi tenants for ; ftleetiprto•clefixf.their Elidt`i
walks of snow,l6 direcii, a iiiii4ll,:greater
obeiructiop in th 6 shape- of - cart loailitOf he
that t&day were being , dumped.directly on the
side: l , 64v opposite the, Stnte e Capin* Hotel; 'nn,
Thiid street. •Tue sidswailF. at that locality,
fur this reason, was ii44ittintil rendin : ed Im
pose:Wl@ during the day, and we noticed a
neratier of pedeitnans,. including ladies,: who,
to fontinue their, joitiney, 'Were compithid
i i
eith r to take thepoiddie :ofu•the , s.feet'er'thii
op site sideirart;'. Tiiis . "ti ceitgiinly ,it . clear
viol tion of the - city - ordinance, and we do not
see Witi in ibis cane an immunity is granted
.thati should not be extended to other oeses
dedded Ipiis;ttivii!! in their char, 49 !PF • . )" 1 . 3 7 11 40 •
is sauce , thOgoOse-i's sane-for-thegattder."
The ihmovastaulikunlo4l:k RengaWilr;—The
insi4auguii,iirt„ithini4'4,,,Aihiat • and ~ Union
thati'ilh§ Ittli , ertiehrueri'ttiffering . 4l reward 'of'
forty r tioili rs tor,the•recovery of the:horse - and
, ,
rockii*P7:4#44 l a: 004. Dr. :,A; ,W,,R4borkoltket.
Bt*dayi, - -published in , htenthire "Dtmsaiti - Pri;
was Made hy i*et "irresponsible person," is as
basel ea it is nil*Mis,' and perfectly In keeping
withi the character of the inditiduai controlling
the ee 1, cut!uall4 Pf Ahat iliVer, , who stuPou; -
like,l is: leVeroon the alert for fobd to' satiate
shaft o
his alice and sharpen the : °f
elan er and putrid dettactiott.against Upright'
and huggable men. :The; adiertisement= .al. Was written by Dr. lloberts'iiiiiiielf,'
1 Wheee„repplation for honesty and .ittregrlity bo
too r oil kn0w,4 , 1 4 ,0 0 corimiimity, to the ilit:.
fee =by lthe assaults-of suoh dastardly scrib
blers 1. - drettin lattmaelite,of , . the. Union. ati , dis
4 / 4" ,rl4l-eIiFEIY.iMi. th ei,lere. are.. The Whlllukol
who !recovered the „hove , and ~.rookaway in
hioruit Joy, is 4M,proper. person .to.:claim. the.
rewatd, and wlie iiiie .. ho doubt 'that' if . he . '
presents his.claint ih -Dr. Roberts in a proper
man/ i tif, it' will be paid !itliout.thao leaog haaj-.
tatau .„ , - .
, . . .
LO AL LituinAT49l , l.—the following bill Win;
read in the gonna tau morning .by,
rT for the better protection of partridges
quails in the county of Dauphin.
ox 1. Be it mogul. by ai,.,5, , ,,./. anctiliouse
'of esetUrdives of , tivo Uommonivealth of. Pomo*
of he passage of ot. 4BBefia :this act Y .ineti nilati and n it ot7be lier lii:
nit fo a nyp Wong to mire ca 144 4.
net,_ trap with neti;„or other dovicOlinly,Partr
by Me pe auogv(i rson
or / e gl4' . .. l e#l T ha t: 14Viii itUti
rid in the counly . of .DatiPliin, .. ,,, ~ •
tux 2. Any nor .persons o ff ending
awls the of this - sict y -- arri• - ifti.
convi ted thereof . - re lOWA hatihe Of: the Peace
prvri f
of ' county of aupiiiii,, on .the. Oath or aillt
minion of one or more witnesses, Shalt for ever"
such Offence pay aline of ten dollara t ; ',Lne
to be ii.ppropriatect_lo - the X`cheol" funcl...of, ; thti
townail. p in whick.ihe complaint is. made-:aid.
the other half to *untie of the•informer ; and:
it the! offender shayi4husti to pay the said - foie
he shall be commitied 'to the jail.of the.said
county for a term noVezceeding Ave -days,' pro
vided that such conviction-be- made :wham
thirty, days after 114,dommissiton Of "the. oirensw
Andirovided furtheri_that the.fact of any person
offering partridges.forisale i .whionhave 'iaiiin So
taken; shall be received as evidently; tii convict
the party of a violitton of the provisions of
this act.
CHALK is rather a delicate subject to allude
to in connection with yenng womem - But IF
lady Writer in one,ef . our Sunday coteMpOisace
ruthlessly draws Wilde the 'sacred Tell - Butt' hi_
suppoied to shroud the More..thee.Blensi
nian Mysteries of% * the female tdiffit,7,l4 , tide
The habit of wearing powder, -or some sort,of
disguise for the cakiiplezion, has now hkkialue;
so common that there is no , longer any i attempt
at concealment. Formerly It was .put on stealth
ily in the retirement kind privaoy. of horn* Or
with a careful look about to see . that no gentle-,
men,t least, wer e AI sight , pow, the' heii i of
flame , or whatever.cautains .the .preparatit
is tak out in a racial where personstof bo th'
sexes re constantly passing and re-0144;41k
i n
the ft, the neck, the arms , are carefully re:
touch up to the proper degree of chalky Pr .
"There's no accounting for tastes," is tho
English of a very anetent and extremely.-stale.
truism. Some peoPle seem to adth ire the iii4.l
finial red and white 'rather than otherwise, and'
eyes,. the
in combination with _a pair .Corazure. eyes,. the
surrep4oue powddi Mid pigment undoubtedly
farm itl.4llitintilv laval-lo,akinis .- "arocktr<T 2 . Blo toc.
colors.; Perhaps the girls dO it to encourage a
Mom Sentiment. Who knows? - Still* strikes.
us, on second thought, that a too brilliaat
tering of this kind,t4ight - suggest other aid le t s,
. ....
p leasant comparisons - :sues, as. "whited• sepal. ,
ohres,".. for instanee 7 --aud Iti that case, we:
shouldidespite the red, white and blue so terripV.
ingly displayed, be`;: strongly inclined ta—'
, - .7 — . . ..
Two Omani° rause of beautiful spring
calicos;la large lot oftbleached and unbleached.
muslin iof the best' Wake ; blue checke s t et.
14 cents per- yard'; *bite stockings , - at 14
cents; Another lot of those good white rib
bed sticking' ; ladles'. pocket. handkerchiefs,
at 14 Cents; children's pocket handkerchiefs,
with binder , 5 cents ; shirt breaShr;",'LS'
15 foal up ' to 37 cents 25,Rie.diWilitZT:,!..wut
stuff. undershirts and dralieri3i'fai -9111'10•L
cotton, and woolen socks, at all . prices:o;o
40 dozen woolen stockings, for childreti,l4
cents; Ili yard bleached muslin 4.4', (unite
all wool French me rinos,all.colers t la 62 and
75 cents. Havin g , b oug ht. the-balance of the
stock of a city' Wholesale house ofplain and
tigured4wlse - muslins, brillants, white cam
brine, muck and Victoria latvnsi suitable 'for
dretutes,;ae those goods will be very'scarce and
dear nektsurnmer now is the time to buy. Our
qtoolc o l Fare at, eost., S. LAW;
..•,, MIX& Old Stand.
, AusOtild read Prof. WAO's advertiaeln .
Bap Or column.
PelOwliluaniittattlit 4401001, AONIONIP ithvarPl6olo62'
Pennsylvartia, IL4ishbture.
wErdiuDAl, .W.b . ."0-, Iseq.,
The Senate met at 11 o'ClOck A. M., and'was
called to order by Speaker HALL. .. •
Prayer by the. Rev.. Mr. Steele, Pastor of St.
Paul's Episcopal church of Harrisburg: • _ 1
'She journal. of yesterday,
,(Tuesday,) wast
read and approved.
Pm:nom, ao., PI:U*IMM.
114[r. CONNELL presented the • petition •of
Gedrge M. Dallas; Joseph R.'lngeribill; Eli X':
Pride, and other well knOWn cifizeds'of 'P,hila--'
del' hia, praying for an appropriation to rth:
sch 1 of design. for women, located in- Said
i e
ferred to the Committee on riinuAto.., ,
r. RElLLY.presented a petition of citizens
of amaqua boreugli, Schuylkill counly, pray
ing 1 for adaw to authorise the eleotion•Of the
14'w4 councilmen and schottol'diri3o4;nt bkikii4l'
andl that the number °Peach be 'inCieiVtt, td
ni.• . , . , . ..
ferred to the•Comniittee,on =abort.; •
Fa', ,
. PENNEY presented. the •petitiontoil of&
cet4 of the Ninth rsgiment• Pennsylvania' 4 1
spr i e corps, (Tidrty.eightii'r.
pr king that they may; be re-imbtuisiiii on .ao,.
con t of certain expenditures Cdr viiithhig: • j".
(erred to tins, ,
' • ,
, a petitiCki of eiffigis Alleghei4 comi l
ty, ting to weigh sales. • .•
(erred to the CoMmittee• on Agriculture
and omestic Ifarlufactures. •
L L.,. La. -L. . 1
*. IMSRIB,,frOm tile ecimmittee on ragtime,
repcoted as committed, Souse bill, No, 81, , en-.
titled, An Act to *Pandit cer' taln accounts: —.".
Mx. LOWEY'' . (oMporations) as corkunitted." ,
on apt to incorporate the Dickson manufactunng
Mr. KINSEY 3 '(Compare Bills;) preaentad:S
*wit which was toad and jtitqualaed.,
M. EIIESTAND, (Public ,Pimling,) xeported
:a bi entitled `lA&inpplement.t.o. enact • in- re ,
lati to the plitilic printing, Appriiiiior Aral
nint , one thontiand eight • limideed „ l arid fittyl ,
A o, (satue,) , lvitth a negative reconumemdr
tion an act r e htting to the '' , , _
111.ISH, (Fgtates WA recheabi4 ,tia Com:
Illittlid, HO l / 3 0 bill N 0.,, 76,. 'entitled..." An Act
to antborize Jobit litcCormiok,: trustee!, . 'to' COn:
Vey {certain real , estate' in Yorthum&xlaiad`
MIS imeiai IN PLANE.
Mr. GlLATZereadiin pito% tuiltret totauthoiiie'
.the supervisors of Shrewsbury township, Yorki
•county, to collect the road'taxes of Esaltild*lo
ship ,
erred to the Comiiiiitee on 'it:WS and
:13ri es.
M RIRSTAND, a supplement to'' an' antier'
the timption rife pocie pa by ti441:44i4
and r the equiiliiiation. of , i,hi, mummy of the .
State. , . . P.
_ .
Re erred to tlie Committee, &Raab. —
•-' -
M JOHNSON, an sot to ,lity,it lititte,rottdiii.
Ifni° and Lycoining comities. .. ..
Re erred to the , Committee on Roads atoll
Brid es.
' mays To Armen vorfs,.
• , i.) - n 4 - , ,, , ..., J
Mn IRISH asked - leave :to record 'his r vote,ou
PiiS t .Houuse amendalekit tbthe.re4oletliin'Ae*Uvi
to expulsion . , 4,if Jesse: A., ;Thiughtarnou the;
/Int States Senate:. . - n - - '
ve was gridtted, and •Mr. lawn recoided
his,vi)te in the neetive:'
. . Mn MocLUltCasited iertvito record •Mr vote
I t ir
on th original .Senate resolution; and-tdho- on
the' ' ouse amen `tit to -the pay,. , ; ':, u • •
_ LL e was
~OA ; add 'kir. ,11,caillis ttir
corded his vote the rearmitrve .on the , .
and)* the negative on theuklitiortvilsititie.
. BIALS 4O / 11 0igiaii• ,' ,
Mr 1 BENSON tnoved that the Senate 'prtideiti
fet oonsideniOrn., Wl_ ioussoltill entitled "-An
:Aliatt providelorth4ayment of a direct tax."
"'Thy motion was agreed-te n sed, said bill , was
,tekti4 B up, debated, and i
~ , ,
finally: " - '-' ,
-Mr., BOUND moved thattikr 'Senate proceed
to the consideration of ''an act to, , arttltoritti - , 1
bhp McCormick ,' trustee; - to; coifed &lea
reaestate, situated hutdeßsVeristrdle; Nekthtim
beriand county.'!:.z _ q , - ~,
' The motion wee agreed to, and said' bill' -i v=.;
, „Posited finally.
.Imr.i, CONNELL moved 4 that the,Senate .pro.
deed to the consideratkm. of-Senate bill,-No. 89;
eiititlid, "An Act tore-organisethe board of
sal controllers in the.' fi ran schoolodistrict of
Phil elphia. , L , -, ,_
Thd motion was agreed. to, and-=_thle Senate
resolv!pd itself into pontiamittee ofhthel Whole;
on. stud bill, Mr. in the chair . -i ,
ITtui first, second ;and third: madman were,
wrierl • y read and agreed*. -., = ' 1 "
Th fourth sectionwits read. ', '.. '. i : ~ -
Mr., CONNELL moped to Strilrii otit.thelourih
sectioa, as in the bill, and insert in lieu:thereof
tlin following: -- -
_Am t 4 That idttricilk shall elect all theper,
smaller the first class-: .the district court shall
apOutt all the_persons for the second class, and
t4atiourt of common pie* naldihgipokit all the
pew* for the third class; , IJ •i . ~- s
'Ph amendment was: greSdlo. , - :‘ - = , s- '
"T - sth sectioii•Was read. .
_Mk CON.NELL moved:* stake out ,theustic
ion,- in the bill,,and insert in lieu theredf
the . * !living': -
f # so 5. the judges of.the,distdet court shall,
Ni p° *.t one person who shay. Om a,..citisertopd
.resident of the Twenty-firit ward;440 4 .1101344
Immo ` from the Twenty-wond ward, and the
)t@le of the court of common pleas= etien:ep 7
point ne person who shall he'd citileii - aid ries-,
idea the TwenV-third*ard, ihdOneotheeper-
Son fr m the wenty-fourth ward viand councils
Audi ect and the said courts each shall ARO:4ft
,at.l one person ftpm efich seiletakietaistiict
e i
of s al city.
Remotion was agreed to ; the committee
'rose :4d reported the bill with an;terhuenta n
and it as laid over,. • , ‘.
Mr. B ENSON moved thatithe 'Senate proceed
to the' consideration' of Homes biII•NUIR, '9l
- , lAn Act to re-audit certain accciums.':'
The motion wes_ agreed to ; and the bill
=parsed I finally.
XX- iTOHNSON - moved that the Senate [pro
*a .td the considlaration of Senate W*1.11,,
entitle " A supplement to an act tdi encourage
the ,d truction of noxious aniznalit 44 ::certai n
conntiqs of this Commonwealth ."'': r '-'
~. The motion wajiigieed to; and the bill was
passed ',finally.
Mr. CRAWFORD moved that the'Serul_t r.? - ,
teed • to; the consideration of Senate IV • 1 1P-,, 15 §,
'entitled "An Act, relating to actions= lar toes-,
ta. .. in! Milford and Fermanagh townships; Lin-.
', ttko unty."
~... 9 II •
The otion was agreed to, and the but mirk
ed y. .
Mr. MITH, (Philadelphia,) moved *eV the
Cow* on Banks be discharged front
chi:aide tion of House bill No. 88, entitled
''iii t relating to the Bank of Penn Towat- ,
ship, , o the city of Philadelphia ;" , and that,
the. t o proceed to the cousideration of. Oh
The otion was, agreed to, and said bill was
colloid ed and passed finally: ' '
Mr. BlNSON`moved teat the,
need to the consideration of House bill No. 87,
entitled, "An Act to authorize the school di
reeforiil of ifiyliciti tiaiimk dlitridt, Lawreik&3'
county„ to borrow money. -
The diotion was agreed to andlthe'bill •
Pau& finally.
Mr. VEIN moved. that the Senate p ==-- - = *
the consideration 9Aglesiustti bilafb.4B74•l p ip s ',
p 41,4 bit relative 011ie apporifrotac ir
oktilleltppraifier flaw Nortluunptoa. county-A.)
the motion lanemeedito r roil the bill •
L ios
eased finally: - • ' '
r. JOHNSON moved that the Committee
on and Bridges be discharged from the
' . ..)4sideration of "An Act to lay onta State road
Union and Ilyecening.conntiee V.' , and- that the
E r ie proaol. pro' the eoraildeTition or ,the'
The motion vasagreed to; and Said bill
k'assed finaley.c
Mr. HIEST4NI3 moved' tbatrthe Sennte pro.
cod to the considerationof , 4 .fA 'further supple•
meet to an aot to.incorporate the Reading and
Colbmbia railroad company."u
The motiori - WgPagreel ,tll ; and tile Senate
resolved itselrintO committee or the Whole on
said bill, Mr. acrasaa in.the.chair.
The first sectro& was 'slightly logenod and
aglit to.
e l second woctien waif - read.
Mr. HIEST/iNAmovedto strike out after the
word-'"inntialar' la the fifteenth line to the
end lof the seetien;iand rinsertf the =folloWineln
lieu thereof :-rt"..whichAball be -paid ,by the
company, Provided,, That nothing-. in - this' %W.
lion shall be so ticinstrned as•to affect- the "gni'
Illaep or collatv*alreidy gi*en theoont-,.
y t to.parties hatang'elairos against said corn
pant for damages or E fftr,,lnaterialajornished."
The amendment was agreed - C:4,OU the , sec-,
tionas amendtfas agteedlo.
Tile bill wag over . OnseCond.readiiig4
On motion bf Mr. LOWEY the - Senate •
zWitainDAT, FeBnutry‘sllB62..;
'he Honseimatt calredild 'order at ten
o'cicick A. 11'. a
. . .
hie. Ter.T.TOTT,; EOM the select • conorniftee to
suggest a modelf4the better Ventilation . , Of the'
~hall of the Honse;euisiiitted 'a .repOrt with .a
resolntion, providing for. the appointment of a
tcorninittec; to act in conjunction
~`with . time' Clerk, in carrying' Out the Mae: : su ggested by
;the committee in their report. .
The resolution. was adopted.
Mr. REX, suliniltted a resolution,..which wit
riot agreed to, to 'dispense with the .4rel-vices of
the marshal of the-rotunda, andauthorisaig . thel
payment of the' ..present • occupant of .the'
Col. Deihl, of arptir diem • allowance'. ut. 'fii the
present time.
.. ..
C. BliktlNG MOSPPIPPIL '.' ' '
Mr. RlGHAk:.i.submitied .. .the. ifel*whig;
.whicla, after some 'debate .wse not agreed Ito. ' 1
iinoivai, That, the standing" corm, iti#o - ot,
this House be anthorized' tO report gfirmatilieli
bills that they may deem Meritorious, netavitli
staudinglthetitstr-joint rule of the Senate and
Howie of ReproneititPirelltirbidatutili.
el - 8a 2 90 3 67'00"ITTAR•1 r ep o r ted . .
The following are amung:the bills e
from,the standing. fttimmittees:- _ _
.. •: '
Mr. HOPKII4II 7 tWaell hie:oQ . ( Ra il aillt - ' . it):
as committed, aruiglo *corporate the Ear Mer s
'ailroad company.:..: . . •
Mr. RAhLsEYillioads and Bridges;) a econii,
matted, an act riila i tive to the DithiberLiiiditilid;,l
t• Mr. D.0PK110,,, (PhiladelPhirt,Y '(seine,) as.
.omnaitted, an Otto incorporate 'the- Franklin.
and Oil Creek turiMike road corapanp - ' '.
Mr. hi'lliANl.l4, /satnea :Witt:tiniehrlinent, an'
act securing to the-people Of klilladeliphia the
right of freetraiferWer certain highways.
Mr. DIIFFIRL - Er(Jidi....alary local,) as com
mitted, supplemaritie v ailifict E kii - taqiitiat' se
ctring.the Tpayment of theliiiiges -of labor in'
certain counties of thittiCommonvrealth, ap
proved thirtieth of Marctionie thoteiand night
hundred and fifty-Wei .... '. . • .."'
" Mr. BUSS, (eanY;) as' cintilitid; :an jick i to
annul the marriage. contriaof gtanlY Eh Min.
:man and Wealthy,tills wife: _-- , , - .
Mr. GREENS/L/IC, (ssures;): _inr:ennindlt4'
an act to repeal se much Ofait kt i . Airiiiil94l . ,. 4
supplement to an act consolidating 'the. otity -of
Philadelphia," apprkved-Aprlkinne, thou
sand eight hundretrand tillz.eitto,lo,*(oo4
•. . yment of a caniniSinkn ..a bfLve , per :neut.
. receiver of on .ths- nnieipt.of dellin-'
7, en taxes, •• ' '"' "'" I ' •
Mr ; PERSELINW, kiameSirtriginVitiltnai
to reduce the raw of payment for advertising
.delinquent tax-payers in` the 'city of , Philadel-'
phia. - i. ... .
Mr.; COCIT.Itttt (dame,) iiii l ;6frilidited;Agiimit 1
j.i etuible William ..J. Duane io.chee a certain
trust. 1 .
Aliso, (same,) dgctomitted,:iticriCt ifi'r4sTil
l td . itterdcipal claims in the, City Of Pldlaielphia.
Mr.i RYON, (same;) with amendment,an act 1
relatle to prottfortoteries- iethis, Cnitilon:-.
Weal .
l. • ..,.. .. •- • . , , • .
- Mr ) .BlGH.Alll,l,(sante,)_as o committert, a . sup-.
plement to,an act appropriating. unman& for ;
to count purposes, ' upproved',"Marrg' .
pi. enty-fourth, ono giouso4 eight4inodreiliod
eighteen. , .
' A number of were read place, Molti
ding the following:
Mr. !REX, one entitled an act to give to jos ,
tikes of cthUryriliace-of this Commonwealth addi
tional power in certain caaeil= l " 1
Mr. trERSHING, one relating .to , the lien' of
judgin'aiitiiigainst persons in - military - service.
Mr. ICOUB.IIA_N, oneitirtarelittiorgta operators
and others in the ,emploginetit a pp
companies. [k1r.6143 operatim..olol#,;
attachtsi to telegraph oWoea Iran
Mr. CRAIG, a supplementlto act'reqtdring
the regal:option otlipecie papnentsbyth,e.
'and f the equalization of the ,curreney, of the
State. 1
Mr. DENNIS, ini'ict for the more &lenient'
hollection of debta.clne
tArL FREELANDone ion the protectionlof
partridges or quail; if the counkreflDauphin.
esvisapi REPRESYNTAMION °law* °Opium..
- On motion of
~.OESSNtheI, Eitiukk're
itAnkedithe consideration the.; :Air
. 4 .i An act to restoma separate
'the co ties of Bediordi- , Cnnbellaild i t ferry,
and Soinerset. ~, , • ..• *-
The question , was on - . the:miition. ,Mr..
SMITE[,; (011estera-terefer the bill to the Com
mit pa shit .Ilkslialau , ciewmaif;,... . • 1
;.. After some debate Itlzet ir tnetion , ,was voted
..down, With the understar4ag thi, Mr, ,this 44.,
Would renew it ifAft : bilij WAs fotirtnitad
tb'third reading.
Mr. tM.NA:rth - eii fii"dusiAnd 'the
bills and read the bill a MMent-W title ;
t hich, Ives not agreed'ta- , -twolliirds . haV
:ipg idted in the alfyYnativ . e; . . ' '
-.The House proceeded to the consideration of
the Senate's non-ccMctirrence in ISA tiaciiiiito.onc'
of the House to tliallint rAtola#94**l f otiiii;:to,
the exiulsion of Jam D. BMW; a - United ,
Etatel 4 oenator froM Ii liana -' • - ' ' '
',' gr. gESSNA itiioeli that th,els,otuiti;timise
. pon its amendment;ind time:lint At aiinmittei
of confeirence. .. .. 4
Mr. ARMSTRONGIioved that the House re-.
tisle from ite ame44ent, ' which mgti the.
Ensue. declared to be fust in order.. • • . ..
"• Pending the consideration of Mr. AKIERIONG'S
motion; ,
Mr. HOPKINS tPhita4,) moved o.lieetPelle
the further consideration °take, subjectiridefl,
irately. I Not agreed tt: 4 =yeei3;ll . nays,l4:
Theillation then4ecurring. on • p4e, *440
of Mr. MSTRONG, viz: that tha;,.
cede fr*. its amendment.
lir. WILLIAMRineved the' tehipbtary upbst
.PtaAemeht of the Lateen, 49td4Ar;,te — .14 1 ,49 ft.
motion to extend the hour . fliijourninent.nn
i the 4 ration was disposed -4 0f; which VMS riot
'' • -
2,1,j. 4 5.1 H, (Pirila4elpllii, - ) . called the pre,
violas ...cation, whit& was sturtaine44 and , on ,
.thelq Lion ' shall the mairt4ldestiorrhe 'IOW'
4.. el ._
4, ... ._4....-.4.2....-ur 1.0:1
'the eats and tly ir s - wsitaixeorejead .oi•ltra
it :-. and Mr.4XAMT, and were as . fol
tle Trit,trt-
low, viz :
ism—Messrs. Abbott,• Alexander, Arm
strong, Banks Barron, Bates, Beaver, Beebe,
Bigharn, Blanchard, Blis4, Brown, (Mercer, )
Cochran ' Cowan, (*lig, Crane, Dennis, Dough
erty, Elliott, Freeland, Gamble, Grant, Hall,
Holler, Hutchman, Kennedy, McClellan, Mc
' CoA Moore, Myers, hitter, Sellers, Shannon,
Smith, (Philadelphia,) Tracy, Tiitchell, Vin
cent, Wakefield, Warner, Willey ; Williams,
Windle and Rowe, Speaker-44
SAYS —Mesas. Brown, (Northumberland,)
Cessna, Dellone, Donley, (Greene,). Donnelly,
(Phila.) Duffield, . Early, Gaskill, Greenback,
Hest Hoover, Hopkrns,(PhiladelphiaoHopkins,
(Waihington,) Josephs, Kline, %line, Lobar,
c4enwallner, •M'Culloeh, M' Makin, Mr-
Manna, Neiman, Pershing, Peters, Potteiger,
Quigley, Ramsey, ,Rex, Rhoads, Ross, (Mifflin,)
Rowland, Ryon, Tate, Weidner, Wimley anti
Sci the question wits determined in the affirm
ative. • ~ .. . .
T e question then. toeing on the main pies
tiOn viz : The motion of Ma•ASUKSTRONG, that
the: ouse recede ftnAtits amendment
• , The yeas and :pigs were ........... ;by. Mr.
•CESNA and Mr;•.•HOPICMS, (PhiladelPhia))
and w,
ere as follow;viz: .....
Yoas—Messrs. Abhot,Alexander, Armstrong,
Bat 4, Beaver, Beebe, Bighani,:Blauchard, Bliss,
13ro n, (Mercer), Cochran, Cowan,Crane, lien-
.nis, ougherty, EllitsO,Freeland; Gamble, Grunt,
•Hall Hoffer, Huthhinau,"Kentedy, M'Olellan,
14' y, Moore, Myers, 'Ritter, lassell; Sellers,
Sh ou,Smitb,(Philadelphia,)Tracy,Twitchell,
Vin nt, Warner, Wlldey,Williams, Windle and
'Raw , Speaker-4g; ' 1 .
NA s-Messrs. Banks, Barron,Brown, (Northum
berl dOCessnaiOrelig;Dellone,Donley, (Greene , )
,Don ally (Philadelpbia,) Duffield; Early,i , Gas
kill, Graham, Greenback, Hess, Hoover, Hop:
kin (Philadelphia,) Holthinsy (Washington,)
Jose' hs Kline,Kline, lobar, Lichtenwallner,
M.'Ciltlltich, M'Makin, WManus, Neinuto;Persh:
ing, jPeters, Potteiger,
.tluigley, Ramsey Rex,
Rholds, Ross, (Mifilin,) Rowland, Ryon, Tate;
Wakpfield, Weidner, Wintley and Wolf.-41.
So]tbe questkm.Was detennined.'irillie nega
The question recurring on the motion of Mr
Ozstuire, viz : that the Mime insistonits amend
men& and appoiht `,a committee Of a:inference
.74) agreed to: ,
holm@ then
on ! bAnaants i BAB.ctimiii
tail ._ .
now the time to have a good fitting: Shirt
mad to measure or from maple. lam ho* pi g a good shirt for $1,.25 ,equal tonaY oth
er noi in the market for 31 75. All work .
guar4nteed to fit and to give entire satisfaction ,
to the wearer. Always on hand a large assort
inentf. of ladiee and Gentleman ' Furnishing
Goodit.itilielidd-prices; also a large lot of A 1.
lrishpneintatithe old prices. If you want a
:harggin or •silOod fitting under garment, just
'lto to James %A. Lynn , Manufacturer, Nb, 12,
Market street, net to Hummel' & Killi[nger's
grocery store, *Harriiburg, Pa., where he is
pielling without regard to cost or the advance of
• -
ri_ps" cLOWEII*O - .031 1 00.4.."',.
811.4,LENBERGER -- 4 t ' BROTHER ,
v , ; NO. 80 MARKET' STREET.-
~ • . . - ..
(.11.90m formerl y eccupied by the Patkiriee.)
ft E undersigned have just opeued . a
new and large easortmeut of 'tue latest styles of
°nun . We are areb preparettto manufacture 'to-order [1
all kin of Ovate Wear, out tetteilatelustyld rani fast! -
king. W e bade alereirba band . siekrgp Meg: Of It eaily
*de %Wag and GentlenianYENtretettiog Gottle'. '
no' ~ at ' ff. StlF44:lolßaiollit 0!.1RO.
No. SoutlvlSErter, Itakintore, Md.
S IttY IKET to Inrnielt Government
n L Coatractora and othereNeltli Linda ilifNotton Begs to
: 1 01 , ar k, z 1 A=aly_fma i r: A ll e igz:r 4 v i t g .a j . , z .. .1.1 .
a ca 11 . ."
*_• _ AMEN illirien'att
ore, Jan. 1.7t43, „Wet , 1044md0
'HEO F. dEtErim
AND JOB: ` ' ,..PRINiXD,
No. 18, HARXI7' STESEiP,'
4arepstioufar attoataia paid . . to . Zclutlug,. Aupng and
dinaingt of Railroad :Blanks, Ma - Waite, „ ; otir.io34, Chocks,
:Drafts, &a. CARDS •
priatad. at s4,s3, sad .per
Altana* in elegant et." le. ,y 0
.13COEFERLIN . , .BRO,THRES . ' cO.,
ANPDIALERSinF4n9y. Go ods, Per.-
ftwary, &a. alio agents for 'he a4la of Itefirted
iPetrolettni, Illuminating Lai, 'aikriir W , any y coai ull ;
furnisixict is an,. otts.aduos at die lowo#:9:tard. rates.
170 and 172 WilliarmilStreeti- •
.... .
WILL 'be 8 1 0h1 — al PAbtle . Sale at 10
~.v v . Ju'cloca A M. on SAT flit.iikrine EIIIaTET nay.
9P FE.614.1.1ARY, A II:, 1102, at.,tlM.Clinfri'lioinid id liar
risburg,tthe Raiewmg.,valee.oh‘tteal Vatite, Viz:
.-... a cer n lot oi Grilund situated in — T r ipper n'witltrii.
:Minato' , Dauphin cotuay, abut s 'wk. quarter . of ti mud
heiow e line of toe City of tint Isblirg,"Mbittifeing nine
mires,it ire or less, on whim la erected a large . vistilletiY .
(known too Keyattine Distillery ) ) 'together' with a 'Muff ? .
dent nu bar of Pens,for, feeding One LtiOusaiiti flogs; .11i1-
49, other out ouildingii Midesstify 'anent as lististiWaineiii
of the a rid.
1 The Ilisullery is lodated on tbe Rtahsylvoil, Rai head
with a soling belonging to the proper) y, the - Penneytiii.-
ma Can making tud'boiinciary line orthe ' east Mid of
said pro my.
l e
, . .
Any , mon wishing'to — exativine the 'premises before
the day i S sale, writ please ell! mildr. Willi Yongt, r near
the se, woo will give 'ally infermationt may be re
`guested, If the premlseastiould dot ;did on said 41.4
ku,y wll4 ne for rent.'' ' - '
Attendance will be tiven and cOndi i titiinS 'at sale ~
kn ip own ~
... .
' jl3 08 . * ' JACOB lAIRY:.
-E T.
CIIS' T 0 E ~Et 8
A:New Lot of
„ .
Of Itewettfel StYlee, substanifally iriede.
ILe L 4 .EV l lll l l4l. e ' 6 2rf i l_ l :l _. .
$, t", W AL.YE T •
r •-•
. : Tut up In Cut pe,./ pppeved
A Complete Assortment
• . , Of the beet Mantilletare.
A very Rindsome teriety , of
seplB 1 81 Market Street
IOR RENT. A. two-story. brick..bouso
u. Pk 'ergot, between Second andoltdrit p aleo;' come
name ho me .
Encinhe of Wig . Murray,- corner Second
And . flns streets. ....: • • , j2B tw.
L 11111 : Ago ;.• :14 I: •
. jag ale by • ..NIOHOLS &SOW Mall,
21 . -earner-Front and Market street,
V 'ALM, opopect flattlas-
BOrullait OrAirt4 l l o 3s
i 11 ` scams. o oRg
(IHO CE Syrups, Loiiiritigt - Slid other
`l4l cho brands, fotlea by
mcaot.s - &tinwmAx,
corner Frohlt,aitif*loFOCotri3ett:
O U . newly replenished stook of Tpiiet
' an Fancy Goods is tomorpaaset in this city; and
Wiling co admit of renifeilhg satisfaction, we would 'rah
pectially trite a call. - , • • . iiittihnic
lit liar at street, tweldoore east of Fourth street, south
et '
‘K'6 I)! B'l'o - 3.4 is.:the
uy Patent
OIL, BlinriOAL OIL, Wholesale
, ‘astaludipirpa-NWHOLS & BOWMAN.
corner Front and Market Okada.
SANFORD'S:Mr OPR4.1101:12E
Admission, 25 cents
Orchestra Chairs, . 50cents.
Seats in Private Boxes, 7 r , cellts.
Entire Box, ' - e.00. 1 '
Doors open 6i o'clock ; Commomm at7i o'clock.
Great Stumm of the Celebrated Cantatrice,
Mr,` w,. ,BORDWELL,
Eth iopeen Comedians, who will appear in their
Ethiopean Drawing Room Soirees, original with
Mr. and• Mrs. Bordwell.
In prepFation—LA SONAMBULA-
FOR Sale at
Camp Writing Oases,
Needle or Sewing Cases,
Shaving Or Rtzor Caseq,
Toilet Cam*
Match Oases.
Pocket Ink Stands,
Pocket Mirrors
Pocket Knives,
Pock..t Combs,
Fine Combs,
Camp.. Mirrors
' Tobacco Boxes .
India; RUb , er Tobacco Pouches,
Wicker ; Leather & Matins Flasks,
Leather Drittkieg Cups,
Peas, Penhoiders,.Peactls, Pap •r, andEacelspes
Sailers wilt see at a glance unit the place to get an
outfit in malt wsre sis at N'e 91, Market . eireet„
—bee 'Tort Mame" in the window
No. 69 Market Stmet, below Third
. • H. LEE,
PAR& /LS and • • IVALKI ?SG CISIES wilt furnish
goods at LOWER PRICES than can be hon.:to in any of
he Eastera C 11.1.18.: Wont -y - •na r• t its wit! do -well to
all and "Kin:ilia oVI act•ll , u rim; them
Ayes o this fitct an23-dly
nein and Figured. Reps,
Rich Figured all Wool Delaines,
Plain Kerinoes and Cashmeres,
Fancy Pads Dress Silks,
Superior Plain Colored Dress Silks,
Warranted Mikes of plain black silks,
New Styles Low Priced Delaines
Next door to the atrrisourg dank Market it u ire.
y in Confectionary; affil Domenic Fruit.—
A., Pates, Pruden, Katilad and Nuts' of all kinds.—
- Fresh and Soap, Can. 11,33, Vinegar, Spices, To
bawcot Segars 'and Country 'Produce in general, it 'the
eater of Third and Walnut streets
. .octall-dbut
Ewa, Melodeon Guitar and, Singing.
-I)A.R.A'IOULAit atterttiou will be paid for
tap education' or the ',Ohm - alter "Riatiluee" cabs.
ended method. - OMOS In William aixeihe's Muse, Store;
.93 Morket erreet. jaZ4lm
Gold and Silver Pencil and Pen
In the market, is to be sound! at "
F 110: 2171t8 FURI3 1 FIIRB
Sable Furs,
Liberian Squirrel Furs,
French Sable Furs,
Silver Marton Furs,
Wafer sink Furs.
Great bargains in ttiesetlocide. Every artaile warran
ted to be 41Lli :tly as represented, at
Next to the Harrisburg. Bank,
91, Market street.
A EINE variety of those rare
Past from the Factory. d must ELKIANT MIXTURE,
(the tln4t yet t ecelved,) neatly gut. up in one pound
bens. ; • .
-Call SOPIS.
- 'Also, sasotherlot of those splendid - ,
Ladies' Satchels,
Ladies' Wire and Leather Phidtte,
Ladies' Comm/ions or Wei's.- .oaseS,
.and othei tine good whiOh'ybii Would do *en to see
, ,
de2B Next door the Harrisburg Bank.
It ubl i e ßut:; watches,
Rubber Rattles,
Rubber, Toys generally. at
. . .
131:l and EGGS constantly
nud for li by
.0...L5& BOWMAN,
oorner.Frour Marker. streets
CRAIIB.EItitIEBI, iruits, Fresh
Apple, flaniouy, al '
, 13LAUKiN G !
. M A6 ; 11.1.4 '6 "CL1A.41, • "E' 1 4 GE 13, LICK- 1 - 111 . , '
.112. 109 Gross, assogied eizes, jua. recotved, and for
06a0 Id Wbulessto prtcoo, , .
" doll 1
ktuggearizi, Sgtcza 800
gigitabl4 for Males Ilea Mr- Bole Lew by ,
. 5p.a.W1,13 -Sus ikiwito.
AWrge f invoine of New Styles -of French Blanket
shawls meal ved this morning uy -
notS 1 , t; Mel .:Aitr aktOTHISK.
O "
autip)y at
& 8LAA. ,, 15.4VEL.14'd Celebrated
, sautaas, paasaava a. 1,, am iarws
e above, emb6iciog every varoxy,juot
for sale by
Fruits, Currents, ft aisins, • Citron
°mons, at, the ow Wholesale anthetatl, tiro-
Provision It ore,` toront sac • Mdiket
risburg, 6 • •
wry and
street, •
mttger ItL
IehOLS BO W 111.4 N'B,
corner, Trout mud Mere screota
wit KKK, Jr., & Oo
DUCK, JR., & Cu.
WM: DOCK. Jr., & to
nos U