C flailCeitgrapp. rereuar ft tist that standard sheet I WV here breathes the foe but fails before us W,su iireedonati toll beneath our feet, dent *reintinals banner streaming o'er us HARRISBURG, PA." Theriday Morning, February 8, 1882. TEE .ELTS2ONE NAVAL EXPEDITION. Unofficial Information received in this city today, from part4s in Washington who have large access to a knowledge of the , plane of the government, lead us to believe that the pro poaltion of Got. Curtin to organize a 'oaval explit:lloon with the troops now in this state, is sno4, favorably consideml by the 'President and Cabinet. Judging from this favor, and the high repute In which the military , energy. of Penniiitivania is now regarded by the oountry, we hive . right to. looktfor a speedy order on the subject, and the fitting out of an expedition at the wharves of Philadelphia in every respect commensurate with the power .and the re- sources of Pennsylvania. • • TIM LOOOlOOO 81XPATILIBERS WITH RZSIILLIOW, whenithey desire to conceal their hatred to the armed effort to crush the traitors, indulge hi bunentatiOns over the weakness of the .federal administration and deplore its inability to re slat the spoons andincroachments of foreign power. Ale class of men who indulge in these. misgivings on this subject are the , same' crea tarot, 4this; , during the settlement of the north-, westiri i bonndary question; -bellowed solustily for "Ales" forty or. fight." Then the coun try was United. Then its power was incsacula hie and invincible. 'flier, prosperity and wealth alboundedin every, locality, and the nationihad the resaaroes at its command successfully to cope etith , anY foreign pciwer, either in a war of offende or defence: ,But the administration of James A. Polk, of which James Buchanan was the premier, yielded to the demands of Great Britain, and save up the "fifty-four forty or fight", * cialii( Sithout even an argument or an apoloiy,far. its weakness and mendacity. • _They surrendered thousands of acres of land to dreat Britain, because the slavepoller was th r en at work to prevent the orga n i zation of any new free statesi; and this hrlmlliatitig 'thrtinder wee erne of the means adopted to cripple the free states,.dindnish the power of the federal' gov ernmeat;a4.'rendat:- Blistery strenger, fq the rebellio4.oich ie now ravaging the fairest por tion of T ule republic. . , ;,: The irarrender; of Mason and Slidell was in confonn,ty 164 - iistepojild fOcy, of the nialeratt'soVernment. By:giving up; the rebel renegades we lost no right, turrenderod no territory, or yielded a single loyalprinciple. In that eany,;the 'acithinistratioo taken no . position, nor had any a the legal authorities of the laudinraited a pidnelPle conflnnatory or approvingly of the act of Capt. Wilkes. •That: was the action of':a subnrdinatci canner, zeal-: ouely, but not discreetly desiring . to discharge his duty., When the reralt of his action was; brought beton, the national administration, it, was dischdined.and &approved ; not; however,: without acknowledging the honesty of the; motives Whfoh prompted a zealous subordinate in his draire to render an honorable service to his country. But, when •the 'nortit-westerll bounder" question was 'disowned in a diplo lotto oorzrodence, a Democratic :adminis tration aesnmed as a right lof the most ma jostle and sacred character, dominion over cer tain territray, winch' Wei Clairned as belonging to the gOvernment of the United States. Up to "fifty-four forty" was the fighting point of a Democratic adudnistration, inflated with all: the egoti* and vanity of modern Democratic . gasconade; but the line was drawn. down as' low as fortymine degrees, when the British government trammed a leen belligerant resist= sues than was raids • in the case of the •Trost. The territory:was surrendered to Great Britain; and as we have established in this' article, at least hay aozen free commonwealths, geo graphing:lira large as Pennsylvania, prevented from being •brought into the 'Union. Bach it the historical parallel to the Treat affair, 410. a Raw ' old dough -faces seek to use for the disparagement of the vigor and daring of the national administration. When Mason and Slidell were given up as useless booty and unwortby iraphitie of 'air, we were not our, rendering • Bilthat arrogance, as did • the administration of James K. Polk, through the advice of. James Buchanan, some of the mete valuable noesotslont i . of the nation. G. Hamm has Waned an. order to the effect tinOtelt unpaid telegrams to hie head quarters,4bri'bosidesinot requiring immediate answer, aj4Which.conld have been.transmitted through the Mails , in. Ulla° for' all.needful poses, will 4 be diativild on the pay roils of the officers tkuk bilegrapking and the amount collected out of their pay. The same 'order would apply to other-departmerths of the army, and be productive of a like economy. In the matter of telegraphing, it will ' s o me day be developed, existed an enormous , expense. to the government, which , could have beau avoid. ed by thew/miss of •the simplest ilitneetiOn. Poorasatosuo. Hammitt sometimes ritiefediext for profetialom4:dignity. This is illustrated by the fact, that ; two,,, Allopathic physicians re signed their Plain on the board of health of floors in the Lancaster county hospital, because a Homeepathic had also bUan placed in the same bod)i.-. Such . petuleut. oppoeition and con: d uc t of 'Orr repiell4ll44l/411 of .Q. 1113 branch. of faience iimegla..,anotheri, can only result in their ownemideetei, shame and•diii,4lt." . " 1 TU.LIZt , t 4 ' • ••I i•:`,' THE .ENGLISII PRESS. It would indeed be a sorry condition of the degration of the English press, if there was no exception to the malignancy and falsehood with which American affairs and int.creetwe treated in Great Britain :': As a chto, thejhurnaliets of. England are bitterly prejndiceifTlitrainst re publican men and measures. e 1 !ate free dom because they have not We I:lrtergy to achieve it, while they affect to desphesthe prin ciples of republioat gotcermient hiitreme they have not the intelligence toilladerstand Or the wit to appreciate its excellence. The exception to this class of journalists in .. Engiel, who have thus bitterly devotjteinrie ma ligning the people and the cause of the federal government, is confined to a small band of hon est men, who, while they boldly defend and maintain the lust neutrality Alf the pritish ko• vernment, are,eliOting: jot: thOmeelvis the Ten., Tenomed anathemas - of theft*,ta"-..ierhicl4wel allude, and the curses and rage of the rabble led op • en , o • tnntrpl,l9ffilby thtst 01466 fru ; f. I 'f f The London Times is the only British news paperl .P4 111214 °01'1 kn o wn . be y on i i if e ' '. , ;-... islatilif, but n9tritt i hs*Alit,tl4 RI ~: i t:lpi alio a fact that there di Vuliils inaiiffri alte Eng land possessing an equal hifinence and wieldin i g an equailiower ; over the Bfigililinthilitifia- Arsong these, The Mosningßiar and Dial is per 7 haps the most. ably'. ecl#Cidiand •extelislvelf:itij &Wed. In this' idaiiiiei• ills'`&At v ic' cords its credit to the national administration for its cxnime . owthe Tient oOmplicatiori: ':-..::, 7,tili,t The Federal Government of America has read a lesson.AokingewAhaitucte4.3* , ww i aldrit worthy of eveneailleit and freshest days, when the impulse of rievi l liberty was still a passion and a religion. Placedin a positioA of the uttermost danger, it bee 'not lost cciiirag,e or, comp,osrue; trlect.by the strongest. tempta ' dohs it, has not; swerved from thedrighte. , surrendering the; Confederate Commissioners on the ground that the "governmentecannot deny, the•justice of England's olaini,t the President, of America lute ;dons enact of trneicouragarthat :weuld, if such an addition Were possible, have addhd new dignity! .even 4,41 c the career of.a Washington. 31thia,beithe act of:a , mob gov- I eminent, then mobs must .sosnetimes; reach, a nobleness and a spirit of justice sadly meow- Pea in,thebistory of gOvernments lby. princes and:peers. The federal government was sub jected Ao one of the tieverbeCtdals posaible• the ruling Power Oti•it,bravii and sensitive peo ple to,endesge, The statesmen of ahe.Wastr tingtork Gablnet,were_at once aummoned xerider on pain Of instant war, and taunted with ;cowardice in the event ef •-their- compliance. ',flow hard it isAbisee the, iistfcb. of it blefruind which is, urged by one who . .claps a pidol to our head 1, flow tench Larder still if ,we aretold that refusing to: yield we shall be -instantly 400 'yielding we shall be hranded.air ; baffied cowards! Ate there net many pen, higb, minded. and .roji of 1 0 49Talge there not .many, governments straight-forty rd and just—who ,would rather, risk all than submit, to such; ,q ;; demand,. irho would • iieriome.L4captible, recognising She i la, justiCe ca any claim suatalned in such, a manner? It impossible to deny, that .it..,was—in -this tone the utterancettotilhatiett:C=.4 •to be tignie rtubilOtepin. Atlantic into the ears of the federal govern ment.rfilkimitt govsigmeLtiftelartgat the kr • • a splendid .leidnislObas bitlflinll 4 and k not. It feared not even the imputation of yielding to force what, it,, would fatruhseneuiree nied to right. , i am4l itrh inthe midst of im- Pehae popular etOltern Vidl.around ; passion .loSak despite of the insultsitildihti taunts which .A;Nlitl (new picket brought ' fitohfaridoll;'itief federal govembeht 'tbelliietertTon; decldhd, and in the face of the world repaired the error of •itesetilOiShind' MrVant. • The Ibrindation 614 , 14 , Thilted WAT: leomed'as the first grand iecogniitibiT of' linitisin freedom as the central pfinclole of*overMiltidt.. May hot this latest the tide r idOpiteiilii, welcomed as the first great klumtvledgMent of the principles of justice in the guidance 'OM- ternaktonal diplomacyl' ' • •• • The Sin: thus announces the anticipated sari- All of klasoh and - '3lldell,•and in'-k.hii.follo*la '. language'thus•prepareirep for their ma: ' The sputa of the manatiallag, child-selling,i woman-floggtog Confederacy twill- soon taint With their presence aur•free English , air. 'They come With the avowed. purpose of seeking. ohr friendly alliance. and , sukatantial,aid 'for. the rebel faotion whloh..hlasphemously,boista that it will make, the divinei origin of alavery , tha foundation and corner-atone of its:political fab ric. , With effrontery which would •iexcia our mirth, : if Indignation and disgust aid. not overpower all other , feelings they twill .etig, Engtaml basely to abjure her. cherished *ice, and to lecfL a helping hand to the chamli VONs of the iniquity which she most deeptir .1 0 stbea. They. WoUld, have us stain with later?. Mtemy the flacbeneath, whose ehedimthe totem:of the ninymfell forayer frornlthellimbe; suffering IVA :fOlds to mingle with •thoseaf The standard Which floats.over a Sonfederation- Pf kiftsPltatc atal bondman. This is , the hdpe fa I errand on which Messrs. Ikon. and Slidell are 14:, this. moment ! speeding, acme -,thealti , . : . - A t•-t 1 I t.. 1 On the subject pt . withhobllng Acr„ Seirettl!c dispatch from the Esslieh people, suad, for which the British Ministerrwill yet , be oelled4o Coconut, the Star exclitime • ; It intuit not be forgotten that if, Mr, 814 whiten firptAispatch, or i thelenoT thereof, ha& bedii*Dpiutl, kn to.itimpuWia.ee,.stezegi alv postibleafler.it .reechcal._thiaantutry i the pub.. lio aong Aave. been spared a.world of anxiety. , Why ewe thip . not,,done.. , . , • Our lihnlts prevent US - from enlinglilgther i quotatilons from tam), bot Thp,,e*tract@,_iyft: print *lll euf& to ahow_that other eentithents' are promulgateft in England, thaw-these *hi' are generally 'fulminated • agitiVat oinigr• by the' Vritliti triatonnicy and their • .toadlei• =of the . Lonf4 .ttner2 • • • ii • .•• • • • NOTil paid out and 'attempted to be mitde a drenlating money'' mediuM; whin are not also, made a 144 'tender, are destined 'to limaxMle • trash as worthies) as ware:4l)l3 , old ebinplaster medium of Tennlylvania,: - notes ilia agied i 0491•; only beco rue foqd for the devouring aPpetites of theinoney-ehav-. era of the land, by whom the poor sire Hied,' poorer and the ore dit"cit, all 4 . 10*, 11" whore. they come LictOP-Oayk the event of 'qogress ,refuslug tai legalise , the tender etf treasury notes, such bills will be de preciated twenty per. cent; driVetidpOn to the leg a l tender piojecCcomes.t r gm4l4l3roket4, who Egitiai* frPM , ito:siwaiss a rich 1014114' harvestst t .It. G .1; . JJoieP: Datorweimiedted - iti 4 Baltibibfe_fi , ec Suntleimping hAsp..., I:74tortneately tw i ou t . cause of humanity aid •truth,:-it ...wee •not , ', the :traitor' 1 And. inapt* ifitietee: ' bet ' is 'Listof Wave ih?ee emotzleticip , „Ilr- . thus ,aichkiF, .. Pl' , t'heti4l634lospestftba,44l.l:.l.:4 ; .l • ! :.= ; Z..,,,.:, xi ~-4.it,4,0.41:t ,(:-::i..u;... ....‘: di braigoitir.--llii ENE GO VERNMENT FINANCES. The financial policy of the GovernSeek:* pears to be still afloat. Thinking n 46 4: classes of the community contemplate with . ' tliallttrotte -, proportions th bc" thstlis accumulating; and milers aWdriven I their wits' end to de er, 7•=l e wayt.aireans ert4 meet the interest of etliese natron'' )loncis rady outstanding, upon witic fortyo6fty us will soon be due, With t refe ce to huge demands that ere rollitg up agginst the Glisiexpenstit. Another week has passed and nothing Inuilioen . ..Quigreet.iit.regartf , to oredikennericy taxes and means of defence. The hesitancy of Coikreei so polioy, coupled with the quarrelsome disposi, tion manifested bx A i nglancl, and France, has `had a tendency Week to diminish (4. 1 t ltlil*FA• = .oltetiskttße istiOptaalbWbelherehlinfoilli to' be achieved upon credit, and. the point in= iiikbe . fiinn in which thal -credit shall me into the market and'entint Into , the..cui-, reney of.the country. - The S100;900,000 treat iltrY note legaltendei pioject the iMays and Means -Committee remains tasks 06; bat It ? is understood that ...the cornmittes - will accept an amendment that the intermit upon all Gov tement bonds and antis shall be paid in specie, and that the'hlgertender amnia shalthe . 4 6 debts contracted 'after the',..masSie, of "the` act,. the .m y ettiaire thus amended will probebly pass during i pse present week. But the tax:bill • instahrit, and furnish the spot:Leto itay . the'l intereat,,ie.yet behibd, inifthere - is no telling' when the ctimmitteeltill,be reaciriti,spbmit The task of arranging.its:datallsis. - laborious ' and very peqileilpt.fiOd - Ikkveral• weeks,Mei `neoessarily elapeeibeforb'the'esuntiYWill know, I preciteli 'What le to be how l le con .. '46iplated internal revenue *ill that bill fat inittnriiii'llwe. may expect the .money market to befrionstinetittite Of: ail itatiOn, and. business- `enterprise le' Continued 's pension: t— 4 EIPERSI ,ThwDaspsnaitort or um 'Ninon is portrayed In the folloWing extract from 41i itdittisilateli hawed to the people of Georsie t by a committee ofrebels, at,liieleita, of Whitivetanils the thief, '301611 Oobl? It will be obstnie that these conliphitorireoommenii a dowse of selfztrest molt `to of the nation Would , spurn •to innocent : wonitin tuid;clkildieninit the rsOoniniendation need not surprise any fl,a, *cause such men as Howell Cobb,will , bextiie sufferers by the certain' trinmpli of_ the . fedirei aims ; 4 5 i, therefore, ths l y.recommendchwth and des , ,Oj'ition to the so' nth; hopirig. that amid:'sach rain:and confusion the . ytiledrbiebNo escape 4hkipqnalty which i4;3 enormity of their crimes 110tivel The.loyatretiF trittY 'shuddir ‘ , llls perusing such advice: :hires diotated hy the spirit which, first aroused, the 'iiittsfias of the: Lithent peoplelo rebelVwspitit* doge flepl-: Ish, bintid 41, Die footo ,bf ,ttat - 'pprestqk ,is on the:egg 91. WittriZet inhli•eye, pov erty lit f nia puree, at:althea' -in We heart. Her comp a robber. end'h a litnifdliter. you OA hits P 'With theliwerd titinithreati old With de4hA t r,hign or, fac.younda But or than this — let every woman heye a *ph, 1 . 1 er g chtld , a , firebriati 4 -idtillifidiedhdWg yeah be made ash% FA, tlgq,, pf our Atfifte be made deafolith'. Det'Bkr.lpsom and • ark your depargrag.,Aepe, ,if part you and let . z detfeit more terrible ,than welcome TO, pvafy,olty be level led by the I;tiirtiei, tOid'everyvillage be lost tithesi'"Let your. faithful 4v48 ~thare , your; end yo atnat..Nrust Wife and children sure and protection of Godrine -1149 g . even for these inved:AilletiliAltilim4 /to as at hOme thin loathsonnimaiwilagato a 911 already sunk belowdhavontempt of the civilised wor dJ=s This!. may te your terrible clioice, and determine at once and Without dis g6A as hauclr nn 4 PallAtifiliiiki.4 dlitrig god • ''‘ " '•'Blydoßenr. ~ cen l , p ,, t. p class t• British statesmetuiShOileigna contempt fereur naval resorerceret*o4 ll o. ' ':" "The 'A.I4 0e is ruinous and h:i:learons,• an • incubus pu trtide, an - inspedinkehe te'oortinieme, and an anus on ells the tuitions,' trio; ,soother , o 1 4:4l 3 iitish ProdiMersTandi:minefacturers, (who t 144041 on Ani•O___,Oit*.,..o•9ll:Ak lie , lP.thell mills in:opeFations .], xtlereCiCaehinthingl i however, ?very•tuconststentln'these. igrftc - cries IMO. 'a,'Onnitions. If' the blockade is Inatiiiii4, it „rani . ..kbbe barbarous—aid if is barbarous and . ruiiro to trade and obiaMeMei, it il not hied': f tient The fact is that •tife , '•blocluide is - doing ; MOM to crush reboil* ilia &singe public renti-_ ,minAlu'Enrope, than auk' othei`feitture of our operations against therebels. I Whilettloid-•_ .44 thi3 actual traitor at the iontii,.it, itshii) '46'00113g his azistociatio syniiethisei i 3 .134 4 .1 . - .4a,,h0 ie•-willing -19 renounce his ancitmt i:4 sent' t oo int/P(4=44 eirtieo fOr fits rind& adyttk,'ot tiiorstiiiPet iiitiearf Alit ' stifikpi s at , itlidirstottel gottiii6i tritidiiiii6iiiiiii 4 1 .fteie n the subject- ofispashottodothimoid n. They“ go ka'4 o s 6l o49: l 4 l 44itiitititWOM4ldeir' - I,Mkei ntered the brain of the trnitor.' . - 4iti 1 . io ft t, •00 alive, dePiniabla: for:the traitors, r the' eff• •of the blocka4ale; 044:eili-Attla':l,. ' i There l'effictie iet to co me :.• , s , ,• i • .. _ 'Cres Of the &idest tricks played by small ,ptitti ' editors is , that Of taking ii , p,rag t 4pb , or' sk nce frouteita contyietioA*At aiLart i de, grid quoting' e: tspo, misrepresent. timaesitt... Dien f • au. opponent. : • We arit , sorryle -issi , shit 'the Harrisburg Patriot of Iploaski .t :',g ,tea. , 4 ilit.:*iih,„Alartko,e. Cif Ab °I. treir.lsrlt-Vraarne, 1 'JO Order tO 'inaliWit•llPPesr that the antkidaye can ry , "Wag •. ; are. d'ilausionata . =obit bpte' 'UN' f , ' • says. ft does i,kot'dOsirs to isee tie AAA* .xe4ozeitiOsESVas to.' ' the ve- Ovrkit' she same po A i • -.-- 4 , ax ,_ 'ilkotil4 make trouble and raise a setamet. . Gnat:lW her ,_•- .r as heretofore.tibi t zakkg . wh i t I .to': , .struct on the forw" twain4i'444ftge :,.2 i • /_uis I .;• • i ; t2 ,..Vieris is nothing uncommen4w thisleirctieW mote flart of the PairtitittiAt 4 1 :Wirth/dm with . 1,..jy.t.K1, thaj°4rna MMi l eitK i rl9 l APP ,o 4l4o6.4oo 4 / 1 lit! ii 4 48-4/0/1001 reitclu'og - . - tind operetlnns; ti.it .:tested the inggeteli gslighik itsiedito -flats, hal t # opsfitle44 is pussessoosl -bi teroTi 9, with theTwasRAPH, le misquoting 'o,' 4 4 3 oriel matter of this journal whenever I,prolcoad the somas of. Its peculiar dirty po . u ra l Objeets, tut the oharadterand &spool t.fizoro! the rdtriol in. this particular. is el well Z = for Its stibltr 4 l t i g:Sfkattety, tlia' t if ; a t : '' , ft vri .. , - teal only in • - Ibis community mintri feel intisslitiVmtvgnsliderildnteill iti vt,v1,1 ! •,..u. , ,i I ebrillaq 1 I.4lgmatri kat bilikki ig. , ..eikt .4. ~ ...1.1 1. x.14.,,........54 k u t i „ i l l ,G'zji, ,ik „lOW jai 040 PROM FORM lONV. I=l NO NEWS OF THEE IMAM* EIPEDITIO*I Death of the Editor of the Charles ton Courier. ~~~ ; ; !reazss is 14021#411reb-; Several released prisoners came down from Baltimore this morning to be sent South, were taken to Crap, ishpul by tikeltaneodas. 'No news ih relation fo the - Burnet - de eipedi- Bon or the Merrimac was communicated li The,tamtkern,papeisnotkved,contain.ist.lit tle nein: l'hOolldrelbg sitomno•dayeßich- Mond Divatelt: ICumserns, Feb, 4. A. 8, Willington, the seaior editor and proprietor of the Charleston Coitrier, and probably the oldest edito x on this pofitineid, t, Va i ihiscill9.4•4 l 9 16 1w i contracted himself with tne (marmot° etatrie;• • abbut the c mmencement of the present can filly, and for neatly fifty MO" his name as editor and proprietor, has continued at its head. He was about 84 years of age. eb: L B Pedal 'doodah MD the - iehmond Digyarich.] —A letter received here fiv.an a reliable gentlrmaq-.. oftßilzsbetb City county, N ' 11; dates that steamer went down onl Saturday in the sound on reconnoisance. Nci nisi& eafilhtriptdde d , it Nap supposed they had all left. • The Oonattliation sailed f0r,814 island this forenoon.Theliricsson with the barque jOhn Trucks in tow, with the D"Rpinuel Zouaves ilfty•tthird New' oric sailed this morning and retina, to Annapolis.. , Ttie Jamestown sailed unexpectedly last night. > She will godown the southerwcoast: Namliton Fietv and Bishop Ames. the oom millsioneri to go foßicanond arrived this morn- Ingrid will be sent south by a flag of trace as soon as,the •I:l°Wederate gorommenagivel aro tai Biime of our pickets were fired at last night neat Fox Hill. Noneiretelhurt.. number of rockets Ivere . spat up.dariag the 'evening from filet tippareitly beyond eatlip Hamilton. The storm has cleared off and there is good proipects of continued pleaaarit weather. The Albitros sailed for Newaork for repairs ,to- FROM WASHINGTON. A Flag of Trace frOm - Rebeldomi _ Threatened Banging of CaL Corcoran and °Uinta* ifiVithiaiitttlitidgelintlieti/ a►re .Iftepaled., Gam 800tt not to gq Mexico. 1 : VAitaxweiter; Feb. 6:' ' The flag of Antoe ;from rebeldont covered an Imprident demand,. such as sheni„dj2dtpe coun tenanced in' lieriorabitilodifare. The message iirsatd to have been! from Jeff:. Davis to ?real dentffAinooln, announcing that, if . the Federal Govdrnment permit the rebel likidgeitirners told bang, under thcorder of Gana iHelleeki that the Federal prisnnerredpuela Corooran, Lee, 'Wilcox. and Othafti,' - hvild' Ite linsbiglis for the ety of the piratest phiill he immediately inn in retaliation. A Cabinet meeting was cal o.f to consider the subject, brit I am ra g luestied not to announce the fto t. Jeff. Davi* will learn it soon enough...." It is propible that the newieff-Alie)recent or der, of the War Department direoft the priva, teersi2en to be-regarded as prhieraffs of war had not reachediebeldom, when-thhi-last message was shot frau Richmond..Ml9 sentiment ex pressed by those who know tie purport of the mibilige is, that the officer who Anought it, thedisgracing the flag of truce, should haven retained and hung with the bridge . Tho • dispatch publishedin the papers yester day that Gen. Scott is about to proceed to Mex ico RA special agent of this gtivernment is ooli speonhaion. There is authority for eying that Kr. Gorwin will obniintle Minim elusive powers to act for this govern hi en Ger4. l i Soott's morn/lents, poin.t t tu l an 7 other direction. LATER FOR4ja?W-S. ARRIVAL OF THE STEAMER' NOVA SCOTIAN 1, lirly The T.padon Thaw eppoeekEpgland's Jn rferceiciis in it,merioan • --- ...-.. m. MORN TEI3BIILB BURNT BY THE' PILO& SU/Up. ~ • Posrusuilo, Feh. b. , The 'sterpner Nova Scotlarkbas,,arrivA 15102. Liverpoolv driteti of ititi 24th The steamship Etna arrived •at Liverpool on Phe g 24 al #l,9,l 9 nt.Saly i n t itta•A44 4 r London rims, to opposes Eng- Irrildiikiterference In American affairs. _dire p rig West Indian from Charleston has re i a t Ll X +l 9 ) 99kFitth Wrga 0f 0 114 3 . ma* t qqf , cotton yyt Live 1, .41F four days iviwii ( l7;ooo bales ; the market closed ir *Mfrs and - with a downward t endency.. Ereridstuffs had an upward teritigry : are quoted ; at 92} (gi,"9B'fO'l 4 mbiley: • • • I .5 - • . 1310017 D The Nova Scotian brings the following latest intelligence: t ~ 1- The tteauder Bornseia.artived out on the 281 d ti I. ! • : ; I ~: . , .., toantriteeeT i Fridt.y, January 26 th. The brig Neapolitan frind Messina, fOi &sten; has been hiFrit,by thtphate Sumter. , 1 , • , It.it Toported from Algiers thata,proloNged caimiro*de had been heard off "that coast. A vessel ' was subsequently eiShte4,,eAk. it was believed to be theluMter, it, was sipposed that she hadlannkiher adtersary. . :, . 1 , • , -,. , i e liondon o.tobe. trgt,es that . themaratime, i>o 7 48 i dtairiot be 'iispected to respect the so tfiet* bh3ckado.nnless it is really effective) &veld wrecks are reported with toes of • It is ispected that all the colliers buried in a coal mare recently had perished. Six days had eliesitialand none had been reecuedv I- • Jan. 25.—The sales of cotton for thew weM24;OOO boleti. The Markets clos ing at al decline of Md. Thelower qualities_ declining, moat of the sales to speculatoas were 10,500 lades, and. to,epofte,re 8,250 , bake: The sales to-day' hive leen. 6,000' beri, - * Including 8,000 t a les to speculators and exporttirs, - the markets closing' 'Unelitinged;' the Ilulions *was follows, sair KiwtOrleans- Ft, Mo lies 18*, Uplands 18} ; middling Now Weans 124, Mobiles, 12*, Uplands, 12E= Itreadsinfsi-bastrar downward — tendency ; prtr liffktilqf Wet, andtsteadil t ; = t.) Ts,4_l x r aw....25.=.00ne015• ifiliat9B.ll XXXVIIth--Oongress First Session. su~~. -ENATE. talc' Mr. it, ° moved to up the resol t ufit al offe .ma time siA in regard to theilitiaSces of t .untry. aiR he offered th,_•* . lution for purpose of Calling the at tegiOn of the Ben . the finaribiti of the corn- The 'aspen the country - arenow at the figeof 860,000,000: ter lie had hoped this tolave Baia plan from'the Secretary of the Treasu i ry, but lite only plan he had pro posed was the issue of paper currency. He was weed to an union with the Government INWlWtiteVilirierfiiit the Government should be depended on the banks. IfithelGovernment depended on an irredeema ble paper issue, financial ruin must follow. He advocates tbe "paemige Of his resolution as affording a safe and soluid basis for specie cur rency. The resolution was referred to the Committee on Finance. Mr. Fassaiross, (Me ,) from the Committee On Finance reported back the bill making an appropriation for the support of the military academy at West Point without amendment. The bill' was: pawed . . (Mali.) offered a resolution call ig on the President to furnish the Semite with the recent correspondence relatiirri to the presentation of Amrcen citizen" at the ; Court of French adriked. • On motion bf. Travis,' (Mass.,) the :bill todefine the pay and emoluments of officers of the army was taken up and the amendments of the committee was Adopted., Mr. Susanna, (Ohio,) called for the reading of the ninth Section which reduces the salaries 'of officers itrid all persons employed hi the army and navy ten per cent. during the-rebellion.— He said that if that was all the reduction that Congress was willing to make he would acquielice, • 'Nit' 'Ws preisOps all the Arregrilarlties of the old system of compensa tion, erfni no,l9,xed by &hundred difft.hills. lie thotrght butt ji this bill-was peeped and these inequalities fixed, and the old system of mile age' kept - in force, we should lake to hand a permit' system 'of reductidn and retrench ment: The estimates for the expenses of the next &cal year were $ 5N,000,000 apd we know that this will be increased by irarious hill& This is five times the amount of the currency of the country, and more than the expenses of Great Britian daring the war with Napoleon. The morning hour having expired the bill was laid over ire' the ;Bright case tiklieu up. . Thee Houle -went into Committee of the Wintole on the State of the %ion, Oki proceeded to the consideration of the treasury note bill. idt antsinto,'o6l.,)said,he acted with that broad, National Catholic party which includes the *hole Union within its embrace, and looks to the-maintenance of the Confederacy and Tee , toration of the Constitution as our fathers made and understocid it. Prosident-LinColn chine into power'without his agetney; and fionte things had ibeemittnebythisatinatnistottion,of which.he did approve, ton. -believing him tothe an tilted' 1 and patriotie, be cenceivellit 'to., be the , clily;t4 every pattiatio . city4 to7futstain blak. There. lore he should give o_ the administration in the great work before , them a candid honest, and unreserved support , _ especially „. lo its financial - polity, because that all others is most law:ideal., for 'oil the sUPPIyIId money depends 'the existence of the army and as a consequent* the life of thenatioe. The committee on ways and means had corn ' menoed at the top of - the building they - should 1 first, have &ported 'a =tit* bill thus - laying a broad fonnthillon on Which the nhdle structure of publicklciplin6titt,nld; repose. t )1443hitulallei the par he said the legal tender clause was a P lll Pid ) . l %l, tho, 1404- stitution, end' e would not vote for the bill if it 'designs to give paper? the equal value of gold. :that dame be retaitieti Alublin-bredie could" itat be sesteltilliil.lbtrlt was a ystem of repadbaidn and forced loans in its worst form. It cou ld n not. only destroy fhb' bi n&edit tint place a ion the natio4u4plntgactoe„wAtich ages °mild_ not swear' out. 1 , I " • 41 E{AJAKETB BY .TAILEGRAPH. Partsnatrats.' , Feb. 6. Floin firmer ; sales 4,000 bbl& at s6'2o 0 6'25 for4uperfine, $6 874®6 62}, and $ •764€1,1 6:.00 for atm ./family ; receipts moderate; pf'llilye flour at $8 60 ;''and Wheat ls aCtive, andl!,6oo bushels sold $1 86 (g. 1 87 for red, and $1 40(41 46 for white ; sales of 1,000; bushels, Bye at 72c. Cornsluti ; ,small sales of .yellow at 56c. Oats • steady at •881 c.; ,600binhels Oloverseed sold at • $4 0004 CoidfeC finni small salda bf ltio at, 18114.20 c.— Proxleitins steady ; Oalea Mesa Pork at $l2 '00(14 00; for Bacon prima are nominal ; 6,ooo'bbis. and Ice. Lard sold at 7t@Bc.; 400 bbls. Whisky,sold at 240. . Nzk 'fdiai Feb 5 ;Inn. State has advanced 10(41,1605a1ee,14,500 salee,14,500 bbis. at $6 70 (4 5 76 for 'State, 15#610.6 10 for Ohio, and 1.5 95 fa, 6 80 for Southern. Wheat s,d.vanixii 1 cent—sales of 76,000 bushels sr 82 I . 86 for Mitsraukie dub, And $1.46. for red western. dun firm— We e' "4 7 4Porta4f lAts a te; • Prltdo ; } fork changed. Lira quiet at 7k Bic t Whisky Ann atbipti. -; ; • - on the Roth innt, Litutuzzlitmoz, aged SS years. [the ftmerafirin takfp,]ehe on tnlikt*llf; morning at tninVildelk,Thorn hiniatiktintdimeti at I:Pys teen Point .ptmnlierlend county, to IyhMte ,tha ,retauven and Meal; of the family aro requested.to allend whhont fitethen notion.) febbas Altin 20vertistinthtto NA•ZARETH HALL BOARDING SCHOOL MB BOYS. NABARETET, Noitinuiptedk 'county, Pa. se-renniniterrblayttalby railroad to Rev. RDWARD H RRICHEL, f 5 ams ". Principal Third and. Chestnut streets, Harrisburg. X C. V. MAY: , A. , Principal. .r RE' PEVENTH seWit session of this, tostlution will commence 011 Monday, Fel:I -rv/0y letla, , 18132.- Male and • female pupils received. For terms apply to the Piing:llyd at the school, or either oath, undersigned': P. Balker, Grass, 0. P. WiesUlog, ' • '4eo.l..litinkel. , A. J. Bert, 1eb54:13t0 'Seko.44 Coeimlttee • • NOTICE. AcologuNT COOK wanted at the naeriabdrg Stook Yard Not& No, other need ap reb i &ate MUM, SHOWARB - 11; CO. • CHOICE- "LIGHT HEADING, eazimaLiani§: frtllN th e -.: author of J "Rutledge," Prim $1.25, Also eew editliins of • • ' RUTLEDGE - -=tattfonsi.' ' Mitt' . Sather )_andsi" $1.25. • . , BKlLAR—twenty,fifth edltion—sl.2s. EAST ItTIiNE—A Noyel,--60,eents.. TtitIIi,T,IDLER'S GROUND, byDiekens, 25 eta. .R.DErrIER,I'OR WOREIRiBB- eta. Tpgether tile Nine Ilchks soon as sus, Nkfti ORFAP BOOROTORE. caul • WASHINGTON, Feb. 5. HOUSE OF REPMMNTATTVIS iDieb. PAW° lAL SCHOOL. 1111E1 OTetti 20rottttseinehts AUDI T HE AUDITO TOR'S NOTICE - R appointed b r n of 0c0mn,33 p:ea; of Dauphin county to . ::•y the c 4:. muß the credlti of D ktuel likgel the h,i.,. ..: • tong handi of !.,,r;el .E,r.y. a•5i.,4,.... i ," itingel, as exhibited by his second a o r t, ;, ~.) . ' toni 19, UM, and. confirmed by the C ; r; ,IA f l ~ ','? parties lideregtfrd at his office. iu the t, .f f 1., ;. ''' on Monday the 3d day of .Nlarch next, ati . ,,, r , tr Of Istikh they are hereby notified. 11. NI ,R.{};;;,N. feb -41twat • MORE LIGHT II CHEAP Litliffr'' AGREAT reduction in (11,-, KXTRA. No. 1 BURNING OIL, ( ezpietioe,l ham taker' pito.. will Bursting oils by the b4rrel . - n• sm. U PS its :;e,• s (II LB • . 2 (4-2, Unaware store, Opp , t.. t MACHINERY OIL.--11„ reliable Natural Lubricai Ili', Oil ~ , - . , ' Itr imad and acid) add equal t, , pr-rr- r ~''''l l' market. Refer to hosts of raliroa , i n't ,) m.: '`.,' faeturera and others who are I.llll^g it lirNiiy ~1 L1, ,, 1. ,_ Arent for Lubrio Oil Oompauy, lia7 , l't .r. • - _ petite the Court House BLINDS'? BLINDS, • • XEW VENITION BLIND , 1.,,,.. der for the small sura or i.: V 3 Linda made out of old ones a' oqu.i seventy Ave cents a piece and u;.svu-d.. , my /shop, In Second street, below Ch , so ut febß-im SHAWLS! DRESS GOOL).• ' LARGE Stock of thes, , j 3 disposed of at Tory !OW in-, • -, ebe4p at Nett door to the LI .m. IMPORTANT TO INVALI• DR. ADDISON, C\F No. 707, Arch stre,l, p,, 'LI styled the Waking Clairrevan: alasalination fin. diseases ' , t Jones' Rouse, Room E. 45, Ladies sod gentlemen are inritAt toBp.rt. He describes,,, syrtii..t pstleinia, and tells them what th-ic ..111 - Out /eking question, a.ter will,: a. it - Meal, he will turnisn remedies t at wi .dent cure irauy treatment kn , wn t n, PUBLIC SALE, VALUABLE T vERN ILL ~E SOLD at Friday, the 14th day of 1. b :;; ,.. promises, that valuable tareru wino of Walnut and Fourth tirects rinbdyg. The Improvements are a large tx tag With out houses. The proper t y I. • r 4141h21 intil the 14th day of Feoruory I, • • J F W CI SD T +TM'S I WHITE AND COLO 4 E Th 6 twat article roanufactuml, i. .n b i Ct A ' Next dcorw th. 4 94*BILATED , DANDE LION COFFL • I TT tiECELN . NAD a large 1 ,1, . ti Dandelion CIAtIP. 1 , tO mil the times ; also, pure growl key Offee sit put up in one p ui l pa, i„,: examine et the wholesale aad r..t.ai I _ r NICItiIL , I; corner of 14..1.1t ant t 110.A2ILY WASIIING .h Jr' ifhlls substitute for Indigo, for sa and rebid grocery gore of coruerof Front amt FOR RENT.—Part of a la , bona., aituated in Walnut sti, aud 84ecand. Enquire or 381-lw iINSTItUCTION IS MI 'S i `A Lady, qualified by a tip ,: ... g.. 1 . gal Edne4Lon acquired li ~ 1 104 : hil pill under andoue. ni,t:', .11 • ../W+ is o f : . II rut temshiug, doti t . 5 k 1.. Russod flinging, Operatic and ital. , - 4. Li Box 87, Harrisburg, r, t 11, STEAM W.Eta.. BETW Ir.ll tiii:k • AND LIV:2,REO j[jUlNti AND E. 1161.:; Noma.- nt 41JEESSTOWN, Fool, or w uric and Philadk•ipin s;.. tinted. despatching their lull pov.Ar 818111141410 re reIIOWS: arse OF WASHINGTON, Satur/ ; OITYOP HALTIMME o'aturtay F ., I . BURG; eaturday, February .n Salti/11Am at Noon, from Pier 4t or Itie lOW 0/ l'AzT,Atli. ilbril' CABIN 316 0.1 sr• im0,:... t do • i' London $BO 00 I 1 da t.J 1. :,' .. i do Porte 386 00 do t. , Pc' -. i ' do - Ramburg..sB6 00 do I•L B.:, .. i Paturrinifera also forwarded to Bit: i ,, .... ,- ' ' dam, 4twarp, du., a equally •ow rat ifffr na maims to prow -..iit lox • 1 thstem ere at the following ratty, to "•• • `L •- • ' for Queenstown; 14 C 0 1, ,, i:' '''' • from Llyerpiol 310 00 - •t .4 • :so 00 rit Steamers have superior y• corl • L. ~- =tent, and carry expertonto..l" , o• . , • Water-14bl Iron Soott to -, ..,, .. • Artairde b rs on board. Ly For er infornistion apply ill I) ver. , 1-' ' -' rffsiss, Agent, 71 Water Street ; is ~1,',.,: INMAN, 6 et. Ectooll z' ,, quaro i J,, this , tt , t. •,. D. SEYMOUR St CO. ; or Lon.lou to t.t i • Ring William St. ;In Kali to L lii.t., • ••••.•+• n ." doh BOWE.) ; in Phlldclelplua to .1.) . N o .. . Wabillatiltreilt. ; Or al Lilo Cotalpauy 's t.aic. , L iNO. B Lott: '- • , .. • Or 0. 0. Itromerman. exam, ir, ,• . SaregLISSNOBEts VOlt ELIKIRE.—Hy or ,' Z ~. &creme, of State, a•I caseeugers Ie two'' . ••. .._"; Sletse are required to procure Pa fluor, t• t -! bpard the Steamer. 4 Pdeseffsers will not be subjected to .O,F tr .1 . ISY•ill Procuring them. if they oil' for :oyzr ..1....• Company's Offices, 16 Broadway, Neu" l'o•': , . 1. 2 4 1 JOliit C !.,!:_l_._j.'2'_.:, a.m.. mtrvivc a, TRAVELING eaesr OF r }IE i 0/11) WALLOWER Lab, ras OLD TRANSPORTATI OS Is still la successful operation and peTsre.i:::::::., freight Ms LOW as any other individual 11r,,,,,..•,,, Philadelphia, Harrisburg Sonbury.t.esloi: s ..-'.--:, sport, Jailey Ettore. bock liven. endsl r'' , ' . ::, Northern Central, Philadelphia and k.rie • au i S._ port atatEladra Railroads. Local Agent a1t.1.!,:t.r3r111,-'L,:„..-,, ~,, --- • ',.‘ R Goode sent to PEACOCK, ZEll..t. 111N 4 .1 1,1 - - :.. 808 and 810 Market street, above Ei,:hrh '.!)" •, , : . 1 P. 81., will arrive at IfarriOurg resdy for ,1 . . , _: ! next morning. e. r. m chm Li. ap.Serf , 2 racelis,. • • FOR SBVVIDIG 1-A8.0i:1'1.11A JONAS BROOK & .13RO'S , PRIZE MEDAL SPOOL GIOTT°III 200 4'400 PDS. IVIIIIE, BLActi ,f • THIS thread being made part icalar Fewing Machines, is V.EAY d ELASTIC, Its strength is not iiiiimire by friction of the needle. Ntent Glace, FOR UPPER TEWEAD„ and Brooke Patent Six Cord, Red Tacker. FOR UNDER THREAD. Sold by respectable dealers tatoega.. e Also, INCLARMS Or 15001.46 Y SACiI, lISNitV Vl,gcy -ir •• . PROF ADOLP.II P• Tr, i =•6 '. PROF. WOULD respectfully ii,t,.rii 1 ... , wi , 'Strops and the pH bile eeut .' Y• ',' . ;,,. 000titille tO give Instructionr on the riA. , . , ~,, ~,, LODEON;;VIOWN and lO3O I n ~11,....e.,. et. , , ~ ~ ~ .7 BARS, He will veth pleasure co , ,:- ; , ',.,,,.,., homes ninny nolo dsired, , d. e,- " 1 ,i, Ws restdence, 18 Third itrte.. • 0 " '"" ~,,t , Hereall kleturme'l2. ,-, 171[AY i HAY 11—Superior baled 11')''' foil sale by rl.lg defilf 1 JAIIES 31. WV , nog-dem =I DEM