, ... - ... ~.• "- ' • e 0...... .',..,„ • IL.. . . . . . -.. . . • ••• . _ • _.._ _ 2_ _.- •-• _ N!, ~ , k - _ • 1 ! I ' 1 I _ -Ir • '-01rI.. a . - 1 \ . • IN G „Ai -,,,. „.0 ,- ,• , Z. - '\ ' '- - . T ~ . . BY GEORGE BERGNER. I , 'l.i+'i;RAPli „ O,I.ISHED rIVEM DAY, I{s , EORO 1- , 1 BERGNER, Sussinuermsr. Ile !urn' Turciaki w e e k n /rere y ad to subscribers cri lo the per k early subsbers will be. 00,10 adVIIIICO WiritClS AND Tamil:Ara. is •ho publi.ned twice a week during oi the Legielature, and weekly during the remeoler or the year, and i urnisbed to subscribers at d,c ;.iiiiorio/ cash rates, viz: Nagle t ehecribers per year Semi-Weekly-31 BO Tl u ..12 00 my -22 00 . waie subscriber, Weekly 100 RA I ES OF ADVERTISING. rour lines or less constitute one. half square. Eight or more than Mar constitute a square. ijae Nluare, one day one week .me month three montbe six months one year Onciiinisre one day ono week 2 00 one month .... 3 60 ~ three months,6 00 six months „,„ ...... ...i0 00 one year..... ...•* . ". , 00 Apr notices Inserted in the Dr at Gidsmin, or Snore Nannies and Deaths, FIVE GENTS ' , TVR rechireerami. gie ilarrigekand Deaths to be charged ea.:regular verutmeata llebital. . JOHNSON 13.4eLlaTIltdCOXit.311 LOCK HOSPITAL A. 16 discovered he most certain, speeds ft end effectual remedy in the world for DISEASES OF IMPRUDENCE. getter fir ere TO TWILIT 500115. No Mercury or Noxious Drugs. tree WARRANT - ID, Ok NO CHALIGIII, IN elOll 0,10 vi Two DiMs.-Sit Cuitiluse of the Bun or mba, Strictures, Paine It be tulns, Atleetions of the Kidneys and Bladder, Organic We , ,k ease, Nervous Debility, Decay of therhysica 'Pow. Os, Dyspepsia languor, Low Spirits, Confueion of dears Citation of ' the Heart, Timidity Tremblimge, Dimness Sight or Giddiness, Disease of t ine Stomach, Affections fme Head, Throat, Nose or Skin—those terrible dtsor qirs arising from the lediseretion or Solitary Habits of ouch--those dreadful and destructive practises which reduce constitutional debility, render marriage Impos 'We, and destroy both body and mind. YOUNG SIN. young men especially who have become the victims of hist} , Vice, that dreadful and destructive habit wince amity sweeps to an untimely grave Atiougands of , De men of the most exalted talent and billilant Intel t, who might otherwise have entranced listening .notes with the thunders of elemnence, or waked to ea• o lie living lyre, may mill with full confidence. MARRIAGE. Married persons, or time.: contemplating marriage, be aware of physical weakness, shouldlmmediately eon. It Dr 1., end be restored to perfect Meath. ORGANIC WEAKNRS Immediately awed end full vigor restored. . lie who places himeell under the eare of Dr. J. may Inuety conudeln his honor as a gentleman, wee eon • .tly rely upon tile skill as a physician. s Office No. 7 South Frederick street, Baltimore, .., en the left hand side going from Baltimore street, .es trout the corner. Be particular In observing the ...e or number, of you will mistake the place. Be par. or for Ignorant, Iliffirig Quacks, with false names, 'filfry, Humbug Certifidatet, attracted by the repute of Dr. Johnson, lurk near I iettore must contain a PoetageStamp, to use on the Y. DR. JOHNSTON. ..lobetion member et the Royal College 01 Surgeons, don, graduate from one 01 the meet eminent Colleges i e United States, and the greatest part of whose life been !spent in the Hospitals of London, hale, Phila• lea and elsewhere, has effected some of the moot as. , :hlng cures that were ever known. Many troubled ringing in the ears and head when asleep, great ear . Fee, being alarmed eA sudden sounds, bashfulncee, frcquentbleshing,alletided sometimes with derange nt of mind were cured Immediately, RAKE PARTICULAR NOTICE, messes all those who having [Mewed them. as by r vide and improper indulgeacion, that secret solitary lAA which ruin, both body and mind, en a them for either businestor society, are some of the gad and melancholy °Reelspro • by early habits' of youth, viz: Weakness of the and Limbs, Paine in the Head, Dimness ot Sight, of Muscular Power, Palpitation of tho Heart, Dye. It, Nerveuelrritability Derangement orthe Ingestive Mans, Oenend Debility, Symptom elf 7ensump. kn. MLNITALLY rut, the (earth! etleeta on the mind are ninon to rented :-I,osti of (!wary, Conflation of Ideas, Do via ot puirise , l vii Forebodinge, Aversion tosooie• •ItAtirirnA, Love of *nitrate, Tlcaltitty t ke., are Nome '.e PVII Pnedfl, 011P1111 , 1/1 01 persons ol all ages, can now 'ridge what eCIIMB 01 their decline in health, losing their vigor, iur weak, pale, nervous and orasoisted, have a anpratanee about the eyes, cough, and ammo , et nomn.ption. YOUNG by hive Irdsred themselves by 13, certain practine, in In wh,',l.lnut—lL habil Treqnently learned from ur t vetioNll, the snob! of winch are ➢4li, run whrn u4lorp, and If not cored, render, • ro rut destroys both wind and 60 0', d apply inanwituivly. •talltclfj t,n mifmin, thehopesOf bin noun. the 0; hip parents, should be snatched Prom 01 2nymeult 01 life by the tOnsequenocs 'time Iron' lue. path DI nature, anti indulging in & 1 )011 to ! , 14 , 1130114 moat, before contra; ”R NIA [MIAMI, thei Pound Mind and body are the most nemesia., o r to promote connubial happiness. Indeed , ui loess, the journey through life becomes a weary maga the ptchipeel hourly darkens to the view;the beto.or ehadowed with despair, and tilled with th .thnly rdleetnn that the happiness of another be . bughtss sith our LAN!. RAIRIIIF FOR qill; 'MANIC WF.aIINZIS. 0t groat inn important remedy, Weakness of the (111 turpetuily cured, and full vigor restored. ii! , .l the moat nervous and debilitated wits oil ku uhos., hive been immediately relieved. Alt Mal! ht Marriage, Physical or Mental ph Novdal eue, Trembling, Weakness or Ranee ton or 'W fearful Skid, speedily cured. TO STILANORItit. many thousands cured at this Instiutlon wlttaln the "Pthrl feint, and the namerous important Sergio% Mu nommen by lir J., witnessed by the re t the papers, and many other persons, notices of haw synclinal wain and again before the public, !if! sanding al a ptliatt44lll Ot Charo°ler "" 44.1 a xialleient guarantee to the uffileted. ~.,.R 4Bl l nit 1111 ' 1(1 . 1 DkNOIL—When the misguided '" 4 ,ftiret votary of pleasure finds he Ima Imbibed ' • ft of this painful disease, it too often happens thal ' g; tense of shame or dread of discovery and atMlylig to those who, nom education and re• mhlY ,dean befriend him, delaying till the . 011.1 g y l llptflllut of ibis horrid disease make t ranee, eftectitty. the bead, throat, nose, Blab, AlL ams aal " , ) WWI frightful rapidity, till death Musa he droatitul sufferings by needing him to othat 'e trbtn whence 90 traveler returns: , It Is a fuel '. Y Nei that thousands fall victims to this tereibil osier to the unskilfulness of Ignorant pretend. " I '. tar Imo of that deadly 141004, steeenelf. nib "aailhtlflti anti make the residue al 1110 miserable. .4ussomat......The liooter's Diplomas hang in his Intn imiNt cx,nwi t , a Stamp to he as the :IT'S , . It('Sou a th* nent by Mail. '4oUth leve4orlek street. nattlmere. "1.-VirliEAT MEAL and CORN MEAL lot received au or sale low at &LS BOWMAN, corner Front and Market streets, 41KuTizAT.... 1 SROnd N ARYarina In great variety DRUG &NB BTORS Cult' of traIMI 817 StrttflipOrtatipti iNNSYLVANIA R-AIL ROAD WINTER TIM E TABLE. FIVE TRAINS DAILY TO AND FROM PHILADELPHIA. ON AND AMR. MONDAY JANUARY 27th, 1882 The Passenger Trains of the Pennsylvania Railroad Company will depart worn and arrive at Harrisburg and Philadel}l la as follow.i7 EASTWARD. THROUGH ILIIPRE:-H TRAIN lean a Harrisburg daily at 8.20 a. m , and arrives at West Philadelphia a t 7.40 ni. -.SO 26 .... 1 00 ... -: 200 .... 300 6 00 .. . 800 PAST LINE leaves Harrisburg daily, (except Sunday,) at 1.00 p. m., and arrives at West Philadelphia at 6.10 p. m. MAILTSAIN leaves Harrisburg daily (except Sunday) at 5.65 p. m., and arrives at West Philadelphia at 11.00 ALVOMMODATION TRAIN, Ms &fount Joy, leaves Harrisburg at 7.30 a. m., and arrives at Went dolphin at 12,86 p. m. HARRISBURG ACCOMMODATION TRAIN, Oa Colum Ida, leaves Harrisburg at 2.00 p. tn.. and arMvea at Was Plilladelphia at 7.20 p. in. WESTW 4 R D. THROUGH RUBEN! TRAM leaves Philadelphia at 10.30 p. m., Rarrieburg at 8.06 a. m., Altoona 8.4 o; c in., and arrives at Pittsburg at 1.26 P. in. MAIL TRAIN leaves Phlhidelphla at 8.00 a. tn. , and aw vivo; at Harrisburg at 1.209. m.;leavesEttrrisburg at 9.00 a. in., Altoona, 3,30 p. in., and arrives at Pittsburg at 9.80 p. FAST LINE hares Philadelphia at 11.26 s. m., Harris burg 4.06 p.' m., Altoona at 9.10 p. m., and arriving at Pittsburg at 1.40 a. in. HARRISBURG ACCOMMODATION TRAIN leaves Phil delpbla at 2.80 p. m., and arrives at Hanisbrug at 8.00 p. to.; MOUNT JOY JIODOMMODATION vis Mount Joy,leaves Lancaster at 1123 a. m., arrives at Harrisburg at 1.80 P. m • - The NEWS EXPRE3S and PASSENGER TRAIN will leave West Philadelphia at 4.00 a. in.; Lancaster 7.07 a. m. ; Mount Joy at 7.43 a. In., Middletown at 6.2 b I. in., and arrive at Harrisburg at 8.65 a. in., connecting with Mail Train west, from Harrisburg, at 9.00 a. in. . _ SAMUEL U. YOUNG, Supt. BSA, Div. Penns. Bar°la Harrisburg, January 24, 1862 —dtf Northern Central Railway CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. WINTER ARRANGEMENT, llmL 21111118 DAILY To AND 11.0 N 33.A.M.1T1M0TZ333. Close Connection made at Harrisburg TO AND FROM NEW YORK. EEPING CARS RUN ON ALL NIGHT TRAINS. AND AFTER SUNDAY, NOV. 24, J 1861 the Passenger Trains of the Northern Central Waite will arrive at and ddpart from 'Harrisburg and Baltimore as follows, els : GOING SOUTH. MAIL TRAIN arrives at Harrisburg...:... 1.05 P MIL and leaves a 1.90 P. M. ranuiss a arrives at 2.47 A. M. and leaves " 3.90 A M. GOll N( MAIL TRAIN leaves Baltimore at 8.i.5 A. M. and arrives at Harrisburg• 1.00 P. M. and leaves North at .... 1.20 P. It EN:PRIM TRAIN leaves Baltimore at 8.00 P. M. and arrives at Harrisburg.... 8.00 P. M. and leaves North at 8.10 P. M. HARRISBURG ACCOMMODATION TRAIN Leaves Harrisburg for Baltimore at......... 5.45 A. Id Returntog—leaves Baltimore at.... —.. _ . 8.80 P. 11 The only train leaving Harrisburg on Sunday will be the &press Train, south at 8.20 A.. 111. For further Information apply at the Offiee, in Penh RMIPOIId Depot. JOMN F. DHRIOH, Agent Oarrieharg, Nov. a Lain.—dif WINTER TIME ARRANGEMENT. New Aug LINE ROUTE THREE TWINS DAILY TO NEW YOKE, AHD PHILADELPHIA WITHOUT CHAIM OF CABS. N AND AFTER MONDAY, NOVEM BER 4,1881 the Passenger Trains will leave .the anaFigs*, at Harrisburg, for New York and elphlw, as,foginw,, viz EAST WARD. EXPRISS LINE leaves Harrisburg at 3.80 a. m., on ar rival of Pennsylvania Railroad Express Train from the West, arriving in New York at 11.5 a. m., and at Phila delphia at 9.00 a, m. A sleeping car is attached to the train through from Pittsburg without change. MAIL TRAIN leaves Harrisburg at 13.35 a. pi., arriving in New York at 5.80p:m., and Philadelphia at 1.26 p. tn. FAST LINE leaves Harrisburg at 1.40 p, m,, 011 arrival of Petinevivintia Railroad Fast Mail, arriving in New York at 9.80. p and Philadelphia at 8.40 p. in. WESTWARD. FAST ULU leaves New York at 6a. m., and Phlladel, plan at 8 a. m. arriving at Elablabarg at 1 p. m. MAIL TRAM leaves New York atll.oo noon, and PIM. P adelplna M 8.16 p. m., arriving at Harrisbu rg at 8.10 m. KXPREBS LINE leaves New York at 8 p. m. arri ving at Harrisburg at 8.10 a. m., and connecting with the Pennsylvania Express Train for Pittsburg. A Bleeping ear is also attached to this train. Connection, are made at Harrisburg with trains on the Pennsylvania, Northern Central and Cumberland Valley Railroads, and at Reading for Philadelphia, Pottsville, Wllkesbarre, Allentown, Easton, ao. Baggage checked through. Faro between New York and Warriabnitt, $5 00; betwoon Harrisburg and Phila delphia, IR 25 in No. 1 cars, and $2 70 in No. 2. For tickets or other Information apply to no 4 J. J. cuata, General Agent, Harrisburg. FRESH FRUIT.—In Hermetically sea ad Cans, a large lat. comprising Peacbes, Tomatoe Sweet Corn , do., and a select assortment of Preserves and Jellies, Juat recleyed and for sale by WM. DOCK, Jr. , & Co. CIGARS ano Tobacco, of all kinds. Ex tensiveassorunent of agars, at NICHOLS & BOWMAN'S; corner, Front and Market street. It 4' 1 1b.--Three f undn ger 1744.1 niindlow moved trY • 000 M 18 . & HARRISBURG, PA., THURSDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 6, 1862 We respectfully invite a call, feeling, confl dent that we can supply the wants of all on terms to their satisfaction. N 11 TH. Os • •A' 1 "CI . •1 :e ee.le\ PATENT MEDICINES AND HAIR Saponifier and Conofmtrated Lye I Wholesale Agents for Saponifier, whichiaie sell as low, as it can be purchased in the cities. MAYER'S MEDICAL FLUID EXTRACTS Being large purchasers in these Oils, we can oiler inducements to close buyers. Coal Oil Lamps of the most improved patterns, very cheap.' All kinds of lamps changed to burn Coal Oil. one of you who have clot given our HORSE AND CATTLE POWDEREI a trial know no their superiority, and the advantage they are in keeping Horses and Cattle healthy and in g.wd condition. Thousands can testify to the profit they have derivedrfrom the use of our Cattle Powders by the increasing quantity and quality of milk, besides improving the general health and ap pearance of their Cattle. Our long ex perience in the buebiess gives us the advantage of a thorough knowledge of the trade, and our arrangements in the cities are such that we *a iu a very short time furnish anything appertaining to our business, on the best of term's. Thankful for the liberal patronage bestows , on our house, we hope by strict attention to business, a.careful selection of at fair prices, and the desire to please all, to merit a continuance of the favor of a diserlM- Meting public. _ i ' IN tOAPS, POII4IIEB, BAllti o powonsi GOLOMMAIWAT/ 1 49 1 1 1 4_qf =ay at prima astirlitanablatarea at Simi NOG AND TANCI7 z n W. U). til , rozo & (go., D W. GROSS & CO., WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DRUGGISTS NO. 19 MAR;KET STREET HARRISBURG, PEIVN'A DRITGGISTS, RHYSICIANS; = KEEPERS AND CONSUMERS, We are daily adding to our assortment of goods all such articles as are desirable, and would .respectfully call your atention to the largest and best selected stock in £his city, of OHEMIOLLB QC , PAINTS 01Is, varnishes and Glues, pre.litutrs, Glass and Putty, Artist Colors and Tools, Pure Ground Spiess Darning Fluid and Alcohol, Lard, Sperm and Pine. Oils, Bottles; VtfilsanclLamOi Ciflobe4, Castile soap, Sponge. and Cork., dro., arc., iiso With a general variety of PM:MIEIMIY & TOILET LETIOLES, selected from the bast manufacturers and Pe tumors of Europe and this country. Being very large dealers in PAINTS, WHITE LEAD, LINSEED OIL, VARNISHES, WINDOW GLASS, ARTISTS COLORS, PAINT AND ARTISTS BRUSHES IN ALL THEIR VARIETIES, COLORS AND BRONZES OF ALL RINDS, II to ..:'l, 0 - GR 70.."• - •.: . P 0 ~,,,,, a -,,, 40 0 0 D FRP-, i 0 , -....____-.. I 9 M n 47 +1,,1 R v .., - TEETH! TEETH!! RESTORATP7EB Of all kinds, direct from the Proprietors. COAL OLL I CARBON OIL I FARMERS AND GRAZIERS, PURE DRUGS ftlistellcmtotts. HELMBOLD'S GENUINE PREPARATION FRIG ILY CONCENTRATED" (XMII.PteND FLUID EXTRACT BUCTIO, A Panama and Specific Remedy For Diseases of the BLADDER, KIDNEYS, GRAVEL, and DROPSICAL SWELLINGS. This Medloine ineceareit the power of Digestion, and excites the ABSORBENTS jut heaitny action, by which the WATERIII OR CALCAREOUS depositions, and all UN NATURAL BELLE/RESENTS are reduced, as well as PAIN AND IN - PLANATION and is good for MEN, WONBN OR CHILDREN. HELIGOLD'S EXTRACT MICH% For Weaknesses Arising from Excesses, Habits . of Dissipation, Early In. discretion or Abuse. ATTENDED WITH THE FOLLOWING SYMPTOMS : Indisposition to Exertion, Lose of Power Lois of" Memory, Difficulty of Breathing, Weak Nerves, Trembling, Horror of Distmse, Wakefulness, Mimes tf Vision, Pain In the Bask, Universal Lsissitude of the Xuseadar System, Hot Hands, • Flushing of the Body, Dryness of the Skin, Eruptions on the Face, PALLID WUNTENANOE, These symptoms, if allowed to go on, which this med icine invariably removes, soon follows IMPOrBNCY, FATUITY, EPILEPTIC FITS IN ONE OF WHICH THE PATIENT MAY EXPIRE. Who can say that they are not frequectly followed by those "DIREFUL DISEASES," "INSANITY AND CONSUMPTION." Many are aware of the came or their suffering, BUT NONE WILL CONFESS. THE RECORDS OF THE INSANE ASYLUMS, And the Melancholy Deaths by Connotistion, BEAR AMPLE ITTNITua TO TEA tans or Tag Asszatios. TEM CONSTITUTION ONOe. AFFECTED WITH ORGANIC WEAKNESS, Reqaires the aid or medicine to strengthen and Morale the Syet W ez Which HumouYe ExrßAcr BUCHU i.aariably does t . • TRIAL WILL 001MO1TBIT JAM SKEPTICAL. ' FEMALES—FEMALES—FEMALES, LD OR YOUNG, SINGLE, MARRIED, OR CONTEMPLA TING MARRIAGE, IN MANY AFFECTIONS PECULIAR TO FEMALES, the Extract Bimini is unequalled by any other remedy, as in Chlorosis or Retention, Irregularity, Painfulness, or Ruppressio nof Customary Rvermations, Ulcerated or Scirrhous state of the Uterus, Leuoorhces Whites, Steril and ,or all complaints incident to the sex, whether arising from Indiscretion, Habits of Dissipation, or in the DECLINE OR CHANGE OP LIM. 81113 ITICETOIS ♦DOTI NU FAMILY SHOULD BE WITHOUT IT I Tess :to moms Etwaax, M/Oulti, os winilaisrr MID 011(1 ONDLIABAIZ AID DANGIROUS DIsEAME lIELMBOLIPS WRAC' . BOOM! SECRET DISEASES. moan their Stages, At little Nrpense ; Little or no change - in Diet ; No inconvenieuee; 'And no polionire. It causes a frequent desire.and gives strength to Urinate, thereby removing Obstructions. Preventing and Oaring Strictures of the Urethra, Allaying Paltrand Imflammation, so fr equent in the this Of Mimeses, and expelling all Poisonous, Thwarted and worn-out Matter. 11100BANDO UPON TROINLINDB *HO HAVE SAVO IHS OF QUACKS, and who have paid HILAVT rem to be cured in a short Ume, have found they were deceived, and that the "POI SON" has, by the use or aroWswrim enamours, " been dried up in the system; to brintic out in an aggravated form, and p.iSHAPB Amin JILARALIan. fleetHgrxmo . fivos49l Wow for all Motions Aid "URINARY ORGANS, wh4ther oilotfog :MALE Olt FEMALE, From trim/afar cause originating And no matter of VtOW LONG Et VANOING. Diseases or Hume Orgies require the aid or DICIRETKI. : - HELIMBOLD'S;:=TRACe BUCH 1 • , Id THE GREAT DIURETIC, And ie cerium to have, the desired effect In all Diseases FOR WHICH IT Id RHOOMMIDIDED. &idea& of de mod reliable hiid responsible diameter will accompany t h e medics*. • CERTIFICATES OF CURES, Prone to 20 yearn standing, Wins Wini Nand grows TO 'MENU AND FAME. Price , sl' 00'per bottle, or six for $5 00. Delivered to any address, securely packed from °beer. potion . . DESCRIBE SYMPTOMS IN ALL COMMUNICATION& Caren Guaranteed • " Advice Gratis I AFFIDAVIT. Perionally appeared before me, an Alderman of tho city of Prilladelphis,H. T. Fismnioto, who being duly dothsay, his preparations contain no narcotic, no Mercury, or other injurious drugs, but are purely rage- Bible ! .. • H. T. RELMBO D. Sworn and subscribed before me this 28d day of No vember, 1854. WM. P. HIB SRD, Alderman, Ninth SL above Race, Phila. Adftess letter, tor information in confidence io H. T. lIELM.BOLD, Chemist, . , Depo!, 104 South Tenth St., bol. Chestnut, Phila. MEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS AND UNPRINCIPLED DEALERS, Who endeavor to dispose "0/MHZES OWN" and .omm" ABTiOL Oft TSJ V.32112.M0N ATUDIND ny HeimbOliqf Gemilmi Preparation 11, .Istract Bu, En t " " Sarsaparilla, " Iniproveit Rose Wash. Sold by C. K. Keller, D. W, Gross, J. Wyeth, Bahnvart. AND ALL DRUGHSTS EVERYWEIENII. ASK FOR ruszsißuirs. TAKE NO OTHER Cat out the advancement and send for It, novIAND AVOID INPOSMON AND EXPOSURE. UNION RESTAURANT, BTT.T.I:A R . T ) AND BOWLING SALOON, NO. 119 DIARKET STREET, NEAR FIFTH. THE subscribers haying erected a larg e building at the above place, expressly for the pus so see above Indicated, beg to call the attention of the pub. lie to the following : • lisarstratser, on the first floor, with a dining room atisaMed, is fitted up in first-class style, and it will at all time! be suppled with the bast OYSTERS to be had in the Atlantic -cities, together with terrapin, fish, and all kinds ot game in season. Oysters served tip In every style, mid meals to be had at all hours. The Ales . of all the celebrated breweries in the country constantly on The'PaPpin . Alley, or Bowling Saloon, is in the roar, and con Wine three alleys of modern construction, where the lover's of this le:ahoy eserciee can enjoy themselves. The Billiard Saloon is upstairs—elegantly fitted up, and contains three marble top combination mullion ta bles, co* to any made. Harrisburg bas.long felt the want of a grand Combin ation of this kind, , end as the proprietors are determined to conduct it in a quiet and .orderty manner, and do eve rything in their power to make It a fasokutable resort, they hope to receive a liberal share of public patronage. JaB•dtf; WlLlltat C. IR:FADDEN dr 00. PORT roLzos 1 VRITING. DISKS, - , TRAVELING BAGS, PORTMONAIES, And a general assortment of FANCY GOODS have just been received at : - BERGERS'S CHEAP BOOKSTORE T. J. MILES, SURGEON DENTIST t FREELS his services to the citizens o Harrisburg and lie VidaitY. He solicits a share e the pods patronage, and gives as OriinGo that his best endeavors shall be given to read r satisfactionin his pro fession. Being +mold, well tried dentist, be feels safe In i y uth e ttie put& .geneeally to call on hlm, sasorlns hers 'gat they will not be assatimed with Ids serVires, otabo No. 128 Market street, ln hoteakformerly oe ikpied hylandh il. filby; near the United Slates Rotel, gar* g ••• • i.o,V • • . W ANDELION CUFF/2}6.-4; 'Melt and loge supply of this Oalthiated Oolreejtud received DIM Wit. DOCK, Jr., ig Co. BY TELERAPiI. THE WAR. IN THE WEST IMPORTANT FROM GENERAL GRANT'S DIVISION• = A Reoonnoisanoe at Fort Henry. MEM SHELLS THROWN INTO THE ENTRENCHMENTS Landing of the Federal Troops An Engagement Hourly Expected CHICAGO, Feb, 5 [special to the Journal, Cairo.] The force under Gen. Grant arrived at Itrie landing, six miles from Fort Henry, yesterday afternoon. The gunboats Essex and St. Louis made a reconnoisance of the rebel works for the purpose of landing the forces. They went within a mile and a half of the Fort, throwing several shells inside the en trenchments. The fire was returned. One shot struck the Essex, going through the corner of Captain Porter's cabin. The range of their guns being ascertained, a place was selected for landing, which was to be done yesterday afternoon. The force of the enemy is supposed to be fif teen thousand. A despatch dated to-day says that General Grant's force was within four miles of fort Henry. A fight is expected to day. FROM SALT 'AYR SALT LAKE CITY, sth. Two Frenchmen, Silver and Seven, started some time since from the Rocky Ridge to go to the Wind River mountain. They were over taken by storm and lost their war. After wandering about twenty-two days they found telegraph poles, and remained there until picked np by the stage. They were in an ex hausted condition, having eaten their dog and a portion of one of their horses and a beaver hat to sustain life. Congress—First Session TRAITOR BRIGHT EXPELLED. .N7III9KD MOM szooarD PAGILI WASHINGIVN, Feb. 6 m SENATE. The morning hour having arrived the bill was laid over, and the Bright case was taken up. Mr. A IiTHOI4; (R. I.) said he had arrived at the conclusion that he must vote for the resolu tion of expulsion, though he should do it with great zeal in times like these. The Sen ate must not be filled with men the least sus pected of disloyalty. He should vote on the simple record of the letter. He thought that any senator who could write such a letter as that to such a man, to such a traitor, was unfit for a seat in this Senate. Mr. HARRIR (N. Y.,) madea reply to the at tempt of the New York legislature to dictate to him his course on the subject—on a question of political expediency or national policy he would listen to the legislature, but on the ques tion of right and wrong he was himself respon sible to his conscience and his God, and he would allow no man or body of men to inter vene between him and his conscience—on an exclusive or judicial question the legislature had no right to interfere. Mr. Fosma accordingly read the remainder of the resolutions, which had been omitted by Mr. Bright, deploring the state of the country which had been reduced by sectionalism, and referring to the principle of tt e Democratic party, declared that the present state of the country was due to the agitation of slavery by fanalia3, and the adoption of the sectional platforms of the Buffalo, Philadelphia and Chi cago conventions, and that the Republicans in rejecting all offers of compromise had assumed the fearful responsibility, and they had shown their utter inability to conduct the government in the difficulty, and denouncing the plan of emancipation and the suspension of the writ of habeas corpus. Mr. BRIGHT said he had only read two of the resolutions, because some of the others con tained language which might possibly be deemed offensive by some Senators, but laying aside all that, he could endorse the resolutions in all their length and depth. Mr. BAYARD, (Del.,) spoke at some length in favor of Bright, contending that the Senator could not from all circumstances at the time the letter was written, believe there was to be war and consequently could not have had any intention of doing wrong in writing a simple note of introduction. Mr. Cowan (Pa.) said he had only a word to say. He had nothing to gain by supporting the Senator, and nothing to gain by opposing what he believed to be the universal sentiment of the State, but he should be true to his con science. He would rather be torn to pieces by wild horses than yield his convictions of duty. He was a free man, and nobody his master.— If Bright is expelled, and he is asked upon what charge, he could not tell. It would be better for the Senate if it had more charity, and the better observance of rules and laws. Mr. BRIGHT made a lengthy speech com plaining of the injustice that had been done him, and of partisan spirit exhibited against him during the debate on this subject. If he NM expelled he intended to refer the question to the people of Indiana Mr. Tea EYCK followed declaring his inflexi ble purpose to do what he thought was right. After further remarks by Mr kroDocoan and Wl:mu a vote was taken on the resolution to expel. Yaks—Messrs. Anthony, Browning, Chand ler, Clark, Collamer, Davis, Dixon, Doolittle, Fessenden, Foote, Foster, Grimes, Hale, Har lan, Henderson, Howard, Howe,Johnson,King, Lane, (Ind.) McDougall, Morrill, Pomeroy, Sherman, Sumner, Simmons, Trumbull, Wade, Wilkinson, Wilmot, Wilson, (Mass.) and Wil son, (No.)-32. Nars—Messrs. Bayard, Carlisle, Cowan, Har ris, Kennedy, Latham, Nesmith, Pearce, Pow ell, Bice, Saulsbury, Ten Eyck, Thompson, and Willey-14. The President teld tuftwo-thirds had voted, in favor: of the resolution it was adoptes:l-41p plause in the gallery, immediately checked by the chair}—adjonzned. PRICE ONE CENT. HOUSE OF REPEESENTATIVES Mr. Piss (Me) favored the Pill. As a hard money m§p he could not vote for the met-ure without tfie legal tender clause, at it was really the specie clause. Mr. ALLEY (glass) said upon the decisions Ai this hour are involved, in a great degree, the prosperity and growth of all the material in-, terests of this country for generations to come, no kw than the pecuniary salve. 2. lion in the pr, sent. Beneficent as tuis. measure is, as one of relief, nothing could' induce him to give it sanction, but au uncon trollable necessity, to dispose of the bonds of the government at anything, greedy avarice may dictate, and the alternative realfy amounts to this, rather than revert to this measure is sucking the very life blood of the nation to fertilize toe already prolific soil of the capi talist. Congress has power to inaugurate to day a system of financial policy both for the government and people, which will establish our prosperity upon a firm foundation and give strength and stability to our institutions. Let it not disappoint, in this moment of peril, the first expectations of American people. Mr. Wallow, (Pa.) said be had voted to sus tain the President iu suspending the writ of Habeas Corpus, in declaring certain ports blockaded, and fur extreme measures which were justified by the public necessity. Now they were called upon, according to the terms of this bill, to declare it constitutional and le gal to make money out of paper. He did not feel justified in going so far as to cast his yote for any such measure. He would vote for taxation to the uttermost limits. We have the means, the property and the money, but the issues now proposed would bring upon the country more ruin than the rebels have al ready thrown upon it. The notes authorized by the bill are payable at no place or time and are to be made a legal tender in payment of all debts. He argued the constitutional question that they could not make anything but gold and silver a legal tender. Mr. HARLAN - , (Ohio,) said if the bill should pass, which he hoped would not be the case, it would be a departure from the financial system of the country. He advocated Morrell's sub stitute, which proposes the payment of ti,e in terests in coin, and for. the redemption of the notes ,in ten and twenty years, and stated at length his objections to the pending measure. The committee then rose after it was mutual ly agreed upon, that the general debate on this hill is to cease on the expiration of two hours af ter the House shall again take it up. The House then adjournel MARKETS BY TELEGRAPH, NNW Yeas, Feb. 5. Cotton dull at 2971@,300., at auction 175 bales of Sea Island cotton at 69471, averaging 60c. Flour firm ; State advanced 10®150. sales 21,000 bbls. at $5 70@5 75 for State ; 605@610 for Ohio ; 590@,680 for South rn. Wheat advanced 10. ; sales 59,000 bush. at 182 @J 36 for Chicago ; spring 180@,138 for Mil waukee dub and 146@149 for red ; wihtern corn firm ; sales 47,000 bush. at 65i®66i. Whisky firm at 24c. tocks Sheavy.. Ms following places have been captured rom the rebels since the 7th of November: Forts Walker and Beauregard, Port Royal, taken in naval action, Nov. 7. Battery at Braddock's Point, Hilton Head Island, seized by the army, Nov. 8. Battery at Tybee Island, seized by the navy, Nov. 24. • Fort at Otter Island, St. Helena Sound, seized by the navy, Nov. 25. Fort at Sam's Point, Coosaw river, seized, by the navy, Nov. 26. Fort at Fenwick's Island, Ashepoo river, seized by the navy, Nov. 26. Battery at Great Warsaw Island, WarsaW Sound, seized by the navy, Dec. 6. Rebel fort at " Red House," Wilmington river, reconnoitered, Dec. 6. Beaufort and Port Royal Islands, occupied by Gen. Stevens' Brigade, United States Army., Dec. 7. Oseabaw Sound entered and rebel fort on Vernon river reconnoitered by the navy, Dec. 7. SAVAGE FENALE REBELS. —There are residing in Alexandria, Va., a lady and two young daughters, who support themselves by keeping a boarding house. One of the male boardeis a few days since hoisted upon the top of the dwelling an American flag. The daughters, upon learning that they were moving about under the Stars and Stripes, became horrified, and declared that the flag should not float over their heads. They accordingly, at great per sonal risk, clambered - upon the roof of the house and tore down the national emblein, trampled it under foot, rent it into shreds, then threw the fragments into the stove, end ended by taking the ashes and throwing them con temptuously in the street. The pretty rebels should be complimented with a visit to one of the numerous asylums devoted to enemies of our country. BURNING Peritoxeux.—An article in the Buf falo Medical and Surgical Journal, contributed by Prof. Hadley, the chemist, speaks as follows of the method of using petroleum: "Resem bling the essential oils in character, the refined petroleum requires a lamp of strong draught to burn without smoking. The ordinary kerosene lamps effect this tolerably well. But the flame must be kept too low, or offensive vapors are generated from the best oil. The fault here is ,in the lamp, or in the mode of using it. When, however, the oil is properly prepared, and the lamp well managed, it will give a strong, steady light, and will continue to bum with little or no failing of the flame fur many hours, and without the evolution of any products more noxious or offensive than those from the old sources of illumination." TRE deficit in the budget of the Kingdom of Italy for 1862, is estimated, if expressettin our currency, at seventy millions of dollars. The deficit for 1861 and 1862—the two years of the foundation of the Italian Kingdom—will, there fore amount to $150,000,000. Of this the pub • lie lends, loans, taxes and other revenues, will clear off a part, leaving an unprovided deficit of $36,000,000. The unptovided deficit of Austria for the same time is $45,000,000,-- Italy hopes to get rid of her deficit by in creased taxation, and Austria will try another plan. Tam forests of the Aroostook, (Itiaine,) where for many previous winters thoesands of axes have almost incessantly sounded, are `&Most silent, this season. ,The stardy=lnmbermen are , away te the wars, end the . phaeg, will stand an. otheiihar. Tile iamb 'is to a lame extent true of the lumber diktriets of the North west.