Pennsylvania daily telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1857-1862, February 04, 1862, Image 1

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TERMS_--SiNots Silleourriont
. . .
ibe DAILY TEL , GR:SPII Is served to subscribers in I.he
City at 6 cents per week Yearly subscribers .WiD be
charged $4 PO, in advance ,
Wengi.s .a - Nn SeanWsinix Tatedn.tertl''
The TKI,I2OR.APII iS nhO published twice trtreek 'dating
the session of tho Legislature; mid weekly. during the
remainder 0; the year, and furnished to subserthere at
the [allowing cash rutos, viz:
Single subscribers per year 10
Ten " " " .../2 00
Twenty "ee ..22 00
single substriber, Weekly.. • 1 00
It subscribers order the discontinuance of their news•
papers, the nublisbet may continue to send. them until
tllarrearages are .
11 subscribers neglect or refuse to take their
from the office io which they are directed, they are
re , nnusible until they have settled the bills and ordered
hem discontinued.
?ineiu al
J( I U'
1 ~.,. : i :
int .
1.40G1i.:'05P1 . 1 1 :,&L,- .
A ct wcoveroll Ihe meet Ciertain Speed
and etteciuol remedy mu the woel , i. (or f . :, •
11 0 1111.1 ) RUDEN'O.R.:
to rwirve notru: •-. •
Nkert.ary co?' N iwitioutn IJ/rugs •
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34 * A' VV,,guAsstirn, uti ,±o CnAitaa. 151 stole, ilYs
Wensm-as co the Rees or s mhs, Strict:ureic, Paine le
ho Lotto!, Aftections of.tite.liidueys and thadder, Orgatel •
W ask 110811, N erw,.ll, I I . , bilitS, riDuayof_ th e PAY skis!: Por - .
erg, r4. 1 mpe.,,, I §pirits,Confuslou of
*oli nati o n 0f6,611,6"
;Alg.l.t or Cidditsetn, : l4iSesid ., of -the Stonninh, , Affectioat
of the Eked, 'Terra-t , .I:..Zu et tern
,kr.sing I row, thy tn.l.l3eretym or, ,F4lttory Mon, .•
utl,--tliu,e, dr0...0111 ,lc.lroetwo prs4Airre r ., .,' ivhici
.r odue. Oonstiint mon , r u jun.r
kltad, and dostrop both lusly_and
101.11 , ;(4
VOlirf li/On stiilleasiiy Who has," becOMo the victitomO
eohtors. Vino, 'that ti.rt.v...tfui destructiv2habit whirr
annually sweeps to on unVmely . , gray,- thounarqs
young men el the Most exalted hileat . and
lent, 'who' m.hz othortaiSe 'hove entranced ItstiMior
, enntm, with the thunder. elmiximign, or wo.ked to ne •
lyre, may cM. with full onntitifthM
. • • ; :
Si/kr/nod pi.lrs.ops, or Mos : esnu.ipriplatitigrsarrtSff.,,n?,
azare of physicist woustioss, shotildfiiitin;diat.ely no,
tub 7 old be ..Its:1 - Drr.t to perfect' beililT
loimediakly cured and fat/ oiler ratorel. .
tie Who plueel4 ander the cure 01
toligthmaty nuuilde in its I:odor as ageut.lonan, and eon
rdenti% rely opon his Skill as It, physirlim. " ' '
igrolllne No, 7 rlouth Frederick
ou tile loft, bond Ade 40:nu from
hmrg Imp the mdnes pd . rtanular ollso,rving,.t.he
aft= or number, of you will mistakeabe i,lace. Bel her.
denim Mr • ipturant, ,4144:1i4 witb fitt;'e names,
nr 1.412ry tfunth4 43ertificates, attraoted. by 'tho repots.
lion at Or. Johnson, I,trim
iJ loiters must contain s. Postage,Stamp louse on the
• .oy.
lir. Johnson inenthar of the ktoyaitiollege of Surgeons,
endon, graditato runt nue .ot .1 he Lufslt• enqit pent (Aglow its
it the United :Antis, and the minuet part ot whose ,tir.
rata boon araint to the -losTitattt'or London', t'arie, PhUn
deinitia aud abiewhare, hne atrwtral some of•the ittagyai.•:
uniial:ing nip•er th•tt were aver ; kuteursi Many trimbleo
watt ringing tpeeare heed when sleep, Breit leer•
si t ,rnsed tts . aint lan :wend bashfulnwa,
withfrcquehl ntusinng o intanded sotnutimes with damage
•t:n(nSntlnd scent cured immediately.,
lAhli VA:int:U(4AR -NOTltli• • •
in% • CLI3M , s wno bilVillgjtajelreilthern,
6.1,1 , 7(!... 1., r v, , te and imi , roner indulgeneies, that secret
and solitary obit which rums both, body and wind, Un
dtting them for either hush:lessor society: ..
The, arc Eoule.of the sint and melancholy on Ma pro
duced oy early habiis 01 youth, viz : Weakness of the
Back and Limbs, Pains ip the Iltaid, Rimoosit Bight s
DNB of 1115.11,11ar POW.. r, Valpdation 01 the ,14, 1 art y ttyl.
t:epaia, Nervous Irritability; Dorangementnt the ;14geelye
Functions, General nobility, Syraptfinis of ~ O neunlp•
tiOn, &C.
sitorreti,v, the fearful oilecte on the mind aro cued to
ne dreaded :--Loss of Memory, Confusion of Ideas; ffa
proesion of Spirit*, tivil Forebodnegs, Aversion toßidis•
ty, Self-distrust, Love of Solitude, Timidity, hc:, urn soirte
of the evil effeets: • •
Thousanits periioilS oi all ages, can now range west
is the mope ni their (health In health, loping their vigor,
lw.CniPing A'f...mel, pale, .10rviittla„ nave a
tinautar appearanct azi.4,:caugh, and ay Tap
a..d of rouptitnripn. _
who hare Injured themselves by a e,, , giato prac t ice, le
delved in when moue—a habit frequently learned -from
eatl ;.oitultiolOcl, Or at sehoni, the effects of whicti are
nightly foil, even when asleep, and If not eured, render,
Marriage tunixtssible, and deetroya both mind and - hely,
should apply immediately.
What a pity that a ynting matt, the hopes et his semi.
try, the darting el hie parents, should he snatched tram
all prospects and enjoyments of life by the consequences
of deviating From the path ut aaturo,and indulging 113-it
iiertain secret habit. :Alit persons must, before-MMUS.
efieci [bet a amine and body aro the most nemeilsti
requisites to promote .r.onnubial happiness. Ln
witheut these, the journey through. lit° becomes a weary
pilgribMgm Ilea prlitmect Imitrls darkens to the view ;the
mind becomes shadcarcii wich•deapair,ttud ttUod with tb.
melancholy relleotion.tbalthe tiv.pyttiess 01-auother be.
'ooromcblightettwith our own... . • ,
D. .1014NSON'S 0
. 44clit it TWO RRMEDY FOR OR
By thin great and Important remedy, Wesenefgaied tb•
i)rgariskre speedily cured...and vigor restored, - t
Innesauds el We noel nervous and debilitated IWO
imd lost all hope, hash- twee. Immediately, relieved. Al!
Impedimenta Phymeel CT Meoltil ft.fsqusllll.
Eslloo, Nervous, '.Pre übling, Weakness or trahaartion or.
the meet imulut tried, speedilY' cured.:
[b instiationartilau ins
last twelve sot's, and flat, uutnoroug. important Burgica
perations voiforoaeil by Dr. J., Witilassod iho
Writing of the papers, dud Luau other persilus, nt3LICCE
which have appeared. agaia aact . upori before the publio4
betides his standing as a „lent/cassis clumAxter 4. ,4
spantailiN, is ft {lle afflicte d ..
DLPEASE.,I OP IMPRUDENGE.—When the ealFstieff , d
andirotirod4nt votary of pleaaure !Inds be bag. imbibed
the seedsot this poluffil disonso, it tee eftee happen:.: that ,
an ill-timed sense of shams or dread of diacovary
him from applyttig to those whi.f, oduoutiou.,44 rr ;
speoiability ran hiifriend him; delaying till the
atitUtional spmptotun of this horrid, disease niaike tticir;
appearance, affecting • lhe_head,sisroat.,,hose,
pregretwing on frishitril rapidity,- ati death- ptitt a
perlodto his dreadful sufferings bylsooding:bisii to "teat .
b ourn e from wkwuco .00 j.ritveler relarna.P. ItSIR a [OOl
anctioly fact:that thauciuttla tall victims to this terrible
disease, owing to the.uos4llJulnesa of Ignorant preteno.
1111, who, by the We of '
.hat deadly paisll3, mercury, ruin
the constitution and make the residue.. life miser:4,lf.
To Prasinnots,......The Doeter's Diplomas.. bang le
. 7 : 01
14 'Lucre woe ! ! cant-RID a stamp lona on me rep , v
ihrliemedles ietil by Bali.
say-No. 7 Soutt) P'ri.derick etreat, Baltimore
9 1 HE subscribers having erected a larg
building at the above pla , :e, espre'2,?ly thr the pnr
see above indicated, beg to call the attendee of the pub:
lie to the followiw; : •
THE Ftssreatim, on the first Seer, with alining room
attached, is fitted up in first-class style, and it will at - eli
times re sappleft with the best OYSfERti, to be had io
the Atlantic cities, together with terrapin, fish, and all
kinds of game In 9tAlsou. Oysters served tip in every
style, and meals to be hod at all hours. The ales of all
the celebrated breweries in the country constantly on
The Ten-pin Alley, or Bowling Saloon, is in the rear,
and rout:dos three alleys of modern couAructioe, where
the lovers of this healthy exercies can enjoy themselves.
'the Billiard Saloon is upstairs—elegantly tined no,
and coot:des three marble top c .mbination cushion ta
bles, equal to any made.
flurrisburg has .ong felt the want of a grand combin
ation of this tied, and BS the proprietors are determine d
W conduct it to a quiet and orderly manlier, end do over
rytbing to their power to Iluke it a fas.donable resort,
they hope to receive a liberal snare of public patronage.
jai-dif WILLI kni C. McFABBEN
PORT roLios!
And a general assortment of
have just been received at
just received au or sale low at
corner Front sod Markel streets.
TO, NAIL, LLt)'lll, JIAT,
LATHER end INFANT IiktUSEILE in great variety
KlCl.l,Ett'S :JAIL) n'al,; srJits.
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Pennsylvania Legislature.
MONDAY, . February 8, 186
The Senate met at 3 o'cludr. P. M., and was
called to order by kir. Speaker kIALL.
P.rayer, by Rev. Mr. Steele, Pastor, of St.
Paul's Episcopal church of Ilarrisbarg.
The journal of Friday lait was read.
SPF:k3r. la'S MtßLic
The SPEAKER prcaeuted the animal report
of the Lehigh Valley railroad compahy.
Laid' oit th 6 table.
Mr. NICHOLS presented the memorial of the
manage's of the Dilacpelar cemetery society of
Philadelphia, Rir the passage of an act to extend
and perpetuate the charter of said society.'
Referred to the Committee on Cor'porations.
Mr. SEKRLLL presented a petition of citizens
of Cuester and Delaware counties, for a law
prohibiting the " curbstone" markets of Phila
delphia. • • • ' '
Referred to the Committee on Agriculture
and Domestic •Manufactures. •
Mr. STEIN presented a petition . of citizens . of
Lehigh county, praYinglor an act to erect Le
high county into a=new judicial district.
Referred , to the Committee on tue Judiciary.
Mr. LANDON presented the petition of
zees of South Creek townsidp, Bradford county,
praying,for in act fixing the 'place of holding
elections in said township.
Referred to the Committee' on Election Dis
• Mx. LOWRYspiesented the petition of E. H.
Chew, of Titusville, Crawford county, and
others, praying for certain legislation tor said
Relerren to the Committee on the Judiciary.
Also, the memorial of Dr. Daniel Beemie; of
Crawford county, claiming money -front-the
Referred. to the Ccimmiitee on Finance
• •Mr. JOHNSON presented the petition of two
hundred and forty-seven citizens of Lycoming
county, for the repeal. of the act passed two
years ago, rejative to noxious aninfrais.
.'Referred Co the Committee on Agriculture,
and DoMestic Man'ufactures. •
' Also, thif petition of one hundred and twenty
live oil - iamb of Lycoming county, asking that a
new election may be ordered in the case of the
annekation of a part of Brady township, to
Union county.
Referred to the• Committee on New Counties
and County Seats.
Mr.• PENNEY, presented a petition of the
trustees and members of the Presbyterian
church at Tarentum, ' Allegheny county, rela
tive to a certain lot of ground belonging to said
Reierred to the Committee on Estates and
Escheats. .
, Mr. LOWRY presented four petitions , of citi
zens of north-western Pennsylvania, cluuging
the officers of the Bank of Commerce at Brie,
with fraud and perjuty and' praying that a joint
comthittoe of inVestigatiini may be apFointed
to sift tne matter.
lieferred . to . the Committee on the Judiciary
Mr. BOUND,. (Judiciary,) as committed, an
act to extend the provisions of the sixth section
or the act of April tenth, one thousand eight
hundred, and thirty-seven; to Northampton.
[The CLERK of the House of Representatives
being introduced, presented a number of bills
for concurrence.]
Mr. IMBUE, (Pensions and Gratuities,) as
committed, House bill No. 17, entitled "an act
tor the relief of Temperonce Norris, widow of
Samuel Norris, an old soldier."
Mr. KINSEY, (Compare Bills,) presented a
report, which was read and journalized.
Mr. PENNEY . read in place, a supplement
to an act to authorize the Governor to appoint
an insp6ctor of domestic di'stilled liquor in Al
legheny county,
Referred to the Committee on the Judiciary.
Also, a further supplement to . an act to in
corporate an association kir the establishment
of the House of Itefuge of Western Pennsylva
Referred to the Committee on Corporations.
Also, an act relative to the distribution of
the proceeds of sheriffs sales of.real estate.
Referred to the Committee on the Judiciary.
Mr. NICHOLS, an act to extend and perpetu
ate-the Charter of the Atacpclar Cemetery Bo
ciety of Philadelphia.
Referred to the Committee on Corporations.
Mr. MOTT, an act relative to Banks of this
The bill reads m.follOws :
IV/Mari:is, The banks of this Commonwealth
have generally been in suspension of specie
payments fur more than twelve months'; and
Whereas, we believe it-to be a duty imeum
bent upon this Commonwealth tofurnisb to the
people thereof scumd' and uniform currency ;
therefore, be it enacted,
Section 1. 'That the banks of this Common
wealth doing business under a special charter be
tequired within thirty days from and after the
passage of tide act to deposit with the Auditor
General one-fourth of their capital stock in the
securities required by the act of the twentieth
day of March,' atalo domini, one thousand
eight hundred'and sixty, and the supplement
thereto entitled ; and in ninety d*ys thereafter;
th 6 second installment of one-fourth part of
their present capital to be deposited in like
manner; in• four months thereafter another
fourth ; in'four trionths thereafter the re
maining-fourth part. And the Auditor Gener
al shali,'upon such deposits as made issue, bills
as is provided for in the aforesaid act, to the
banks so depositing ; which said bills may be
issued by said banks to lieu of their present
Sao. 2. Thatat the expiration of one year
from and after tke:imasage of this act;the banks
complying:so shall be then subject to all the
liabilities imposed, and
- enjoy tdl the rights and
privileges,conferred by the aforesaid act of the
twentieth• day of ' March, anno domini, one
thou and eight hundred and sixty, and the sup
plements thereto.
SRA . 3 . That the said banks that have sus
pended specie payments arehereby relieved from
the penalties imposed by' their present charters
for thirty days from and after the passage of
this act, at which time, if they shall fail to de
posit as is before provided to file a written con
sent Of the acceptance of the provisions of this
bill, sighed by the officers of said bank or banks,
then it shall be the duty of the Attorney Gen
eral of this Commonwealth, and he is hereby
directed and required to institute proceedings
compelling the said bank or banks to relinquish
all the rights and privileges of their respective
. , ,„
charters ; which, in that event, are. - 11., reby
dared to be.thill and void; anu 'elfect.
Referred to the Committee on Banks.
Mr. C,RAWFORD, an act relative to taxa
tion for State prirposes.
Referred to the. Committee on Finance.
Mr. REILLY; a supplement to au act to in
corporate the Schuylkill and Susquehanna Rail
road company.
Referred to the Committee on Railroads. !
Also, an act relating to the distribution Of a
trust, fund.
Referred to the Conunittee on. the Judiciary.
Mr. DONAVAN, au actlti enforce .the'bene
fits of the writ Habeas'corpus and fur the better
prowtion'of the liberty of the white
Referred to the Committee ou the Judiciary'.
Mr. CONNELL moved that the Senate recoil-
Eider the vote on the final passage of Senate bill,
No. 83, entitled "An Act u.Ooutirin the revised
grade arid survey reguatiorai, as per plan num
ber forty-four,of the twelith _survey district ,of
Puiladelphia." , , ,
The motion. to reconsider was ; and
the.bill beiughgain before the. Senate.
Mi. CONNELL asked •and ob mined the unan
imous consent to strike out the weal twelfth"
wherever it occurs in the bill. and insert the
word ." eleventh'" in lieu thereof.. .•
The bill so amended passed finally.
Senate bill e No. 27, entitled An Act to le
galize the ollicial acts of Benjamin' Jay; a justice
of the peace, in Scranton, •Luzerne county."
Came up in order on third reading and
Passed finally. -
Haase kali, No.' 41; entitled, " An act to 'al
low the taxis MI a certain island in the Susque
hanna river to be paid iri Dauphin county."
Came up in order on second reading, and '
Passed finally.
Mr. STEIN moved that the Senate proceed to
the consideration of House bill, No. 35, entitled
"An Act extending the provisions.of ihn sixth
section of an' ilict; passed April seventh, One
thousand eight hundred and trurty-seven, to
Northampton county:: ,
The motion was agreed to ; and said bill
Passed finally. •
Mr. CONNELL moved to discharge the Com
mittee on Railroads tiom. the consideration of
blouse bill No. 34, entitled "AU Act 'relative to,
the Philadelphia, Germantown and 'Norristown
railroad company ;'' and ;that the Senate pro
ceed to the .consideration of the same. ,
The!nicnion waaagreeditof;'. and said bill[ 3 [
Passed finally.
Mr. REILLY moved that the Senate proceed
to the consideration of 'anise • hill, kin. ; 77,. en
"An Act to'fii the 'place rif holding "dee
ttons in East Norwegian township, Schuylkill
county. I! *
The motion was agreed to, and after an ex
planation of the bill, it was
Passed finally.
Mr. CLYMER moved that the Senate proceed
to the consideration of Senate bill,' No., Ed, ea-i
titled "A supplement to an act reiative tu bring-'
ing suits by creditors and others against execu
tors, administrators, assignees and. other ;rug-,
tees in certain cases,': etc.
The motion was agreed to ; and, said bill,
after some debate, was
Passed finally..
Mr. SMITH, (Philadelphia,) moved that the
Senate proceed to the consideration of '` A sup
plement to an act to incorporate the city of
Philadelphia." ,
The motion was agreed to, and after- Some,
debate said bill. • •
Passed fatally, -
Mr. IC.,pTCH Alit moved that thee, Senate re
sume the conSiderMionl3f ."a stipplenient to
an act relative to courts in this Common
The motion was agreed to, and said. bill
takenalpon second reading, and passed.finally..
Mr. CONNELL moved that the senate pro;
teed to the consideration of Senate bill No. 55,,
entitled ; "An Act to reduce toe capital stock
of the Girard Bank of Philadelphia.'•
The motion was agreed to, and after a debate
said bill
Passed finally.
.Mr. SERBILL moved that the Senate proceed
to the consideration of Senate bill No. sd, en',
titled, " An Act for the relief of Charles John::
sun, late treasurer of Delaware county."
. The motion. was agreed to and after a debate
said bill • .• .4s •
Passed finally.
Mr. MOlT:moved that the Senatproceed-tó
the corisideratiotiof 301 anti-
tied, "a further supplement to an act to erect
the village of Honesdale, Wayne county, into
a borough!' • •
The motion was agreed to, and, after an ex
' '
planation' the bill was • :
Passed finally.
Mr. CLYMER moved the Senate proceed to
the c,aisideration of "a supplement to the sev
eral acts of this Commonwealth, for the Sale at
unseated lands."
The motion was agreed to, and, after a debate . ,
said bill • •
Passed finally.
Mr. CONNELL moved that ;the Senate pro
ceed to the consideration of Senate bill, ,NO.
47, entitled, "An Act relative to Prothonotarie,s
of the city of Philadelphia. . . •
The motion was agreed to, and said bill •
Passed finally.
On motion of Mr. DONOVAN, the Senate
then adjourned, until to-morrow morning at
eleven o'clock.. ,
MONDAY, February 3, 1862
The $O/1130 was called to order at three
o'clock P. M.
The 'SPEAKER laid before the House a com
munication from the Auditor General, accom
panied with a report made in compliance with
wresolutien of the House respecting the unpaid
-taxes due by the several counties of • the Com
• A large number of petitions were presented
and properly referred.'
Kr. SMITH, (Philadelphia,) subliitted the
following :
- Wl:mazes, It has been alleged, and is be
lieved, by many of the citizens of this ("com
monwealth that improper influences were used
in, procuring the passage of an act at . the lest
session of the Legislature], approved April :sev
enteenth, one thousand eight hundred and
sixty-one, entitled " An Act requiring the re
sumption of specie payments by the nks, and
for -the equalization• of the currency of . i the,
State;" therefore, , ,
Resolved, That a committee be appointed,
consisting of five, to inquire into. all the facts
connected with' the: pas Age of said, act . ; and
the:t they have power toraerid for'persons and
The prarrtble and resolution were agreed to.
LrI.OTIALN BY All:..ons.y*e.
A resolution was adopted granting the use of
the had of the Rouse . of.Representatives_
Ret. Dr. Cheever o of New. Yors fox n l lecture on
the rebellionnext Wednesday evening:
Mr. WILLI/0116 'sitbmiited the folloWhig-
Resolved, Thatthe requested to
. • • .
intone thia IlatieWhether any Sttpulation in
writing skra . obtained by hintfroat the Pennsyl
vania railroad' co inPany - Or Oar of its' officer* at
or, about ` the tune of his 'signature of the.bill
Passed. at the lost session' of the . .Ligislathre
for the repeal of the tonnagetaf, a's condition
'upon which the said bill wile apProvedi and if
so, to statS what disposition' hii4i . i'been wade of ,
the paper 'cAnitainihg:the Sarn4,..and iciiiniatith a
copy thereof.. ' '". • '
Die resofutiOn'wes'agreed td. '• • ' •
Mr ABBOT offared`the Fgllowtng. .
ilesolved • at the committee appointed
vestigate the pasiaga an 'act for, a coparnu
tation of the:tonnage . d4ties be.,and they are
hereby instructed to report to this .tfouse on or
before the third day, of March next,and to conduct
their investigation at an expense to this Com
monwealth ladt exceeding ilina theiniandVidials.
Mr. CQW. t kN called :for; a ay*i f kit. of the
question, to`cud with . the Words `
Both of - the:divisions, alter soine"dehate,
were disagreed to and the '..resolutinix'was
yoLu.N . l , sr.o
Mr. DENNIS, submitted .a resolution, which
was adopted, calling-upon.the Adjutant Geuerai
to furniana sustement, of .the number, and con-!
dition of the volunteer force, in the. First Di
vision including the Eipme Guard, that could
be relied ; n on: case of . sudden, emergency, and
what legislation, if any, is, promote',
their efficiency. . _ •
Mr.' WILLIiMW- submitted tALe following
which wai' agreed to. • ' - •
&solved, That the Committee of • Ways and
Means bd instructed to inquire into the expe
diency of rdpealing laws 'specially. exempting
real . estate from tax ation'; whether' appl:ying tae
classes 'or indiiiclimid;' 'and'tp'rephrt by bill or
Mr. SMITH ; (Chester,) from, the Conimittee
on Federal Relitionis reported joint resolutions
relative to the expulkhon of Jesse D. Bright from
the Senate of the United States; and moved
that the House proceed to consider the same.
On the queation,
The yeas and .rmys "Were required by Mr.
COWAN and Mr. KAMM and were as fol: ,
low, * :1 ' •
YEaS—Messrs. 'Abboi, Alexander, Arni l
strong, Bates, ilea•ver,' Beebs,"Bigham, Blan;
chard, Illiss,us - bey,Cessen Chatham, Cochran 4
C9we, • Dennis; :Dougherty: y.l itOtt, Fox, Free ,
land; 'Gross, nail . , trapper, - Hoffer,' Hopkins,
(Washington,) Hutclunan, : Kennedy, Lichten
wanner li'Coy;Mbore, Myers, Pot
teiger khOads, Bitter; Bess,'(thierner) Russell,
SchroCk; Shannon, Sudth, (Cheiter,) Smith,;
(phllidelPhiti,) , Strang, Tracy, - Tivitchell,:
Wakefield, Warner, 'Wildey, Williains,' Irma
fey, Wiudle, 15r(liPY Rowe;'
Na.vs---Messrs l3anks, l3srron, Brown,
(Northumberland,) p A ldwel,l;lrell 9q e, Donley,
reene,) (pfuladelplita;) Duffield;
Early, Gaskill, Graham, ;•Greenbank,
Hopkins, (PhiladelPhia;) Kahle, Mine, Labar;
Perithing, Peters,
Quigley, Rainsey, Rex. Rosa, (Mifflin,) Ryon,
Scott, Thompeon, Weidner and Wolf-32.
• So the question was determined • in 'the nega
tiVe, less thin two-tbirds having 'voted in the
affirmatiie. • '
. A number of bills, mostly of a private nature,
were read in place and properly referred.
'Mr. BIGHAIif moved . that the House go into
committee of the 'whole on the joint resolution
Irian the Seuate relative to the' expulsion of
JEssED. Banarir,a Senator in the Senate of the
United States, from Indiana,. •
'On the motion, •
The yeas and nays were required, and were
as follow, yiz : '' •
YEAS—Messrs. Abbott, Alexander, Armstrong,
Bates, BeaVer;Beebe, Bighani, Blanchard, Bliss,
Busbey, Chatham, Cochran,
.:Cowatt, Crane;
Dennis, Dong,heity, Elliott;'Fox, Freeland;
Gamble, „Gross, Hall, Rapper ' Hoffer, Hutch
Kennedy, M'Clellan; M'Coy, Moore, My:
ers, - Ritter, Ross; (Luzernb,) Russell; Scrock!
Shannon, Smith, (Chester,) Smith, (Philadel
phia, Strang; Tracy, Tivitchell, Wakefield,
Warner, - Wildey, Williams, .Windle, Worley
and'llowe; Speaker —47.
Nays—liesars..Bariks, Barron, Brown,(NorthL
umberland,) Caldwell, Craig, Dellone, Donley,
(Greene ! ) Donnelly, (Philadelphiaj Duffield,
L'ar4r, Ga kill, Graham,Greeirbank, Hess, Hop
kins,. (Philadelphia,) (Washington,)
Koine' Kline laliar - Lichtetiwallner'
Neiman, Pershing, Potteiger, Quigley, Ram
,s,ey, ; Rex; #lroads,i Ross,,
Thouvisonl:Weidrier, Winkle) , and Volf+'36.
So the question was determined in theaffirm
ative. ..; -
. .
The joint resolution Was read as follows:
WHEREAS, Jesse D. Bright of • the United
States Senate has given evidence of treason and
disloyalty to the goiernment he was and is
sworn to support, and has written , the following
"Wasifuroxcer, March 1, 1861.
" My Dear Sir: Allow me , ta , introduee to
your .acquaintance, y friend Thomas B. Lin
coln, of Texas. He' visits your capital mainly
to :dispose of what he regards a great improve
ment in fire-arms. I recommend-him to your
favorable consideration as a gentlemen of the
first respectability ,;`and` reliable 'in every re-
" " Very truly•yours,- , .
'To his Excellency, Jefferson Davis, President of
the Confederate- States."
Which letter recagniies the slavery, rebellion
as ade facto government, and could only have
been written : with a traitorous intent, Therefore
114paysrED, By the Senate and House of 'Repre
.sentatives of #w ComMonwealth of Pennsylvania, in
GymeralAssembly In4„Thatont Seinators"front this
State be and they are hereby inatitioted to vote
for, the immediate expulsion of the said Jesse
D. Bright from his_seat in the United States
After some time the committee rose; report
ed te , "4ie Elouae; and asked leaye to sit again.
On j the:qijistion,2 "Shall the vornmittee haye
leake.t6 ;again ?" it was disagreed to ; and
ihe,regolution:waig 'again read and ite further
OPiiideragoli PAW/lA-.
Mr. WILLIAMS offered a resolutiOn providing
for an evening session of the House, and making
the Senate joint resolution relative. to the ex
pulsion of Bright, the special order.; which was
agreed to ; and the House then Ildjouttied.
The House' met at seven o'clock,. P. and
resumed the 'consideration of thejoint resolu
tion -from the Senate relative to the •eilMision
of Jesse D. Uright, a United States Senator from
ln hum.. . ,
The'res - oill" don was cteba' ted for some. time
'Mr:CESSNA. offered. the following as a sub
stitute: „ •
~.Wasssas, A resolution now pending before
the Senate of the United States for the expirlsien
of Jesse D. Bright, a Member of that body 'from
the State of Indiana, for the following, among
Other reasons, to wit: First, that about ,one
year ago, he wrote and directed a 'letter to "His
Excellency, Jefferson "Davis, - President of the
CotifederateStates of America," introducing to
him a person professing to have , and desiring to
selLaa improvement in fire-arms. Second, That!
the said Bright still avows himself the author of
that'letter and has not at 'any time expressed
any regret for his conduct in- writing thosame„
nor confessed his reason- for so doing ; and,
Third, That said Bright, by hiii conduct and ac
Lions since the, commencement of our present
national tiluibles,his sijojwadt4 his fellow mem
bers that his CYrnpafhieS are not:enlisted in the
cause of the government or in its present strug ,
gle. to subdue .treason, preserve the nation in
existence and perpetuate the Constitution of
the Cajon and the government of our fathers;
and to conquer their enemies.
And whereas, It is eminently properthat at a
time when the nation is struggling-for existence,
and civil' and religious liberty is imperilled
through the world, that none but true patriots
should be permitted'to Mingle in the counsels
of the' natiOri ; therefore,
Resolved, 'that in case the Senators from Penn
sylvania in the Congres&of the 17nitoi States,
Messrs. Cowan anti Wilmot, after an investiga
tion of the facts of the case, should come to the
conclusion - that the substance of the charges set
forth in' this preamble is established against said
Bright by the evidence, or that in •the present
struggle his heart is not 'with his country but
with her enemies, then they, the said Senators,
are hereby instructed to vote for the expulsion
of said 'Bright, whether in • their opinion •the
evidehce may or may not be technically ,suffi
dent to convict him of treason in a court of
justice, unless in their judgment there be some
constitutional barriers against-suck expulsion.
After a protracted debate the amendment of
Mr. CESSNA' was adopted. 'Teas 51 nays 37.
The 'resolution, as amended, was then adopt
ed ; yeas 84, nays 3 —and 'the House adjourned.
BY TBLJii . ' N.
From our 'Morning Edition.
Assent of Telegraph OfficiaLs to Pay
Tax on Messa.ges i 'Svc,
WomargroN, Feb. 3
The representatives of telegraph interests now
here, have suggested to the Committee of Ways
and Means their readiness., to pay tax on mes
sages, and thus contribute to the support of the
Government: .
The chairman of the Committee on Ways
and Means, (Stevens,) will endeavor to bring
the House to a vote on the Treasury Bill on
;Representative Hooper's speech to-day was
listened with marked attention, it being a clear
exposition of. the views of the Treasury Depart
ment on the financial question. The Secretary,
in a letter, to the Committee, says the general
provisions of the bill seems well adapted to the
end proposed. That the provision making the
notes a legal tender was doubtless well consid
ered by the committee, their reflections hadcon
ducted him to the same conclusion. He felt
great fears as to making anything but gold and
silver legal tenders, but owing to the large.ex
penditures and bank suspensions, the..provi
sinus is indespensible. The Secretary has sug
gested amendments providing against counter
feiting, and directing the manner in which the
notes are to be executed. 'the Secretary
addressed a note to Spaulding to day, in which
he says "Immediateaction is of great impor
tance. The treasury. is nearly empty. I have
been obliged to draw for the last instalment
of the November loan. Su soon as it is paid I
tear the banks generally will refuse to rt ceive
the. United States notes. You will . see the ne
cessity of urging the bill through without
Pennsylvania Railroad Company.
Annual Meeting of the Stockholders.
The annual meeting of the stockholders of
the PennsylVania Railroad Company was held
today, Mayor Henry piesiding. •
The annual report of the directors showed a
net earning for 1861 of $3,646,938, being an
increase of $1,350;530 over 1860. Nearly the
whole increase' on revenue of 'the Company
during the year was derived from the transpor
tation of eastern bound freight to meet Euro
pean demand for breadstuff& The large increase
in the busineaS of the Company occurring sub
sequently to the declaration of the last divi
dend, it was not denmed•Advisable to advaiace
tile rate. ' ,
• The financial position of .the company, how
ever, is now such; that• it is believed a semi
annual dividend of four per cent. may be paid
in May next, and its continuance thereafter at
the same rate is confidently expected. The
committee' to investigate the condition and
management'of the company, made majority
repcirt through their Chairman, Hon. Joseph
R. Ingersol, submitting the following remain
tionli: •
Resolved, That from the inquiries and exam
inatiim of the committee intO the conditibn
and management of the.:cotripany, they ire
satisfied that the.ixaripany is in a proeparone
ittam ffirL
liavlngprocnred Steam Power Promo, we are prepar
ed to execute JOB add BUM PRINTING otevery deeerip
lion, cheaper than it can be Bono eisoly other cetabkieh
menttn the country.
gag- Four lines or less constitute one-half square. Eight
Ines or more than four constitutes. ware.
Half Square, one day SO S 5
one week 1 00
one month ...... ..... 2 00
" three months ....... ... ... a 00
41 six months ........... .. ..
.......... a oo
Id one year 800
Onerquare, one day 60
di one week... 200
u ' one month ..... 360
dd three months ... 1 00
a Mx months ~, _ 10 00
ii one year....... 15 00
Mir Business notices Inserted in the Column, at
before Marriges and Deaths, FIVE CENTS T.VI r• we. ra
each insertion.
Ilir" Marries and Deaths to be charged as regular
NO. 26
condition, and that the present syst,in and
regulations for the freight and forwarding busi
ness are calculated to promote thd interesis of
the stockholders and accommodation of the
Resolved, That this committee is convinced
of the integrity, ability and fr lelity of the
management of the company.
Resolved, That title committee exercising dis
cretion, vested,in them by the resolution of the
stockholders, do not deem it exile-limit to call
a meeting of the ; stockholders to submit their
report, and that, the above resolutions be Sub
mitted at the' next annual' meeting. of stock
holders. J. R. Ingersoll, chairman; A lexat.der
Fullerton, Henry Cope,-C., H. Fisher, James
CrissY, Dinette. committee:
Mr. James' Page submitted a minority report
ou:behalf f el hitrs - as -the nou-concurring
Criertibtit of - cbuiraittee. ' His 'view of the
affairs was diametrically opposed to the opin
ions of the rest of the committee. He thought
the road had br'ten' eitravagantly constructed
sod managed ; that - the favors given to its
weiterin tionneetions had been disitstrens to its
interests, and that the conduct of all the de
partments of the business of the company hid
beeminefficiently extravagant and Calcrilited to
injure the road
At the close of his statement; which was ex
tremely lengthy and full of detail, Mr. Page
presented his objections to the management of
the road, and his desire to have it differently
After "a 'lengthy debate, both reports were
referred to the incoming board for examination
with the request to make a detailed report to
the stockholders, Adjourned.
X.X.XVIIth Congress--First Session.
Mr. Ponsuov-offered a retiolution calling on
the Secretary of War for information respecting
Geo.,Lanes' orders. Laid over.
The joint .resolution of the House appropria
ting $3,900 for the purchase of cotton seed for
general :,distriliution, with an amendment ap
propriating $1,01:10 for the purchase of tohacco
seed, was adopted.
The resolution directing the removal of the
army bakerl - s from the Capitol, was passed.
The Senate then went into executive session,
and subsequently adjourned. ,
Mr. LovzJoy, (111.,) offered the following
WitaaaAa, It has been asserted in Ibis House
that five Illinois regiments did, or, the occasion
of learning the contents of the report of Secre
tary Canieron, lay down ti eir arms in token. of
their refusal to fight ; therefore
Be it resolved, That the committee on, the con
dact of the war inquire into the alleged fact
and report to Congress.
itt Mr. FouKs, (Ill.,) desiring to discuss the sub
ject,;it went over under the rule.
Oa motion of Mr. Baxsa the following reso
lotion was adopted : ' '
• Resolved, That the committee on the post of
fice and postroads, be reqiiested to inquire, into
the proprie.y and expediency of establishing
by law a system for the free receipt and deliv
ery by postmen, of all mail matterin cities con
taining upwards of ten thousand bababitarits,
inconformity with the admirable and econom
ical post office system of the principal cities of
Europe. '
The'House proceeded to act on the Senate
amendment to the House bill making an ap
propriation , for completing the defences or
Washington, and which amendment provides
that no volunteer or militia in any State shall
be mustered - into service on any grounds of
condition and confined to service within the
limits of any State or vicinity, and if any vol
unteer militia have been thus mustered into
service they shall be discharged.'
A running discussion followed in which it
was.maintained - on the side that Home Guards
were necessary in ..Missouri, Kentucky and
Maryland, official permission having already
been made to toat emi, and `on the'other that
no troops had the right to ask for special privi
leges, but all should be placed on the same foot
The House .finally disagreed to the above
Senate amendmentby a vote of yeas 55, nays 86.
The House then went into committee of the
whole on the state of the Union, on the
Treasury note bill.
Mr. YALLANDIORAM, (Ohio,) made ft speech
on the subject against the bill and in favor of
his substitute:
Mr. RAPPER made an able speech in exposi
tion, of the policy of the Treasury Department.
PBBSONAL.—The ages of the. English nobility
are set down by "Who is Who in 1862," as
follow :
The oldest Duke is the Duke of Cleveland,
who is 78; the youngest is the Duke of Norfolk,
aged 14. The oldest Marquis is the Marquis of
Limsedowne, aged 81; the youngest the Mar
quis of Ely, 12. The oldeet Earl is the Earl of
Charlemont, 86 ; the youngest is th. 4 Earl of
Charleville,B. The oldest Viscount is Viscount
Combermere,BB; the youngest Viscount Down°,
17. The oldest Baron is Lord Sinclair, 93; the
youngest Lord Bossmore,lo. The oldest Arch
bishop is the Archbishop of Armach. 88; the
youngest the Archbishop of York, 67. The
oloest Bishop is the Bishop of Exeter, 84; the
youngest the Bishop.of .Gloucester and Bristol,
42. The oldest
. Colonial Bishop is the Bishop
of Toronto, 82 ; . the youngest the Bishop of
Madras, 41.
The oldest Privy Councilor is Lord Lynd
hurst; the youngest, Earl Spencer, 26. The
oldest member of the House of Commons, Sir
Charles M. - Burrell (the member fur r horeh tin) ?
87; the youngest, Mr. R. A. Vyner, (the mem
ber forßipon),22. The oldest Judge in England
is Dr. Lusbington, 79; the youngest, Mr. baron.
Wilde,4s. 'the oldest Judge in Irelands Chief
Justice Leroy, 86 ; the youngest, Mr. Juitice
Keogh, 44. The oldest Judge in Scotland to
Lord Wood 73 ; the youngest, the Lord Jus
tice Clerk, 61. The oldest Baronet, is Sir Tat
um Sykes, 89; the youngest. Sir Greenville L.
J. Temple, 3. The oldest Knight' is General
Sir James L. Caldwell, G. C. 8., 91; the
youngest, Sir Charlett:T. -Bright, 29.
nominated Dr. P. C atdy as their candidate
•for Mayor an.honor equal in acceptance as it
was in compliment, because he is certainly one of
the ablest, purest, and most patriotic men in
that county. His lung residence in that city,
his intimate COMieCtiou with its prosperity, his
indefatigable devotion to its interests, with his
own sterling integrity and general abilities,
should give him the position without a dis
senting vote.