L Sitbitai DARLING'S LIV.ERREGIT.LA.Tait, MID LIFE BITTERS, They pure vegetable ettrao 4; 11 cure ali bilious disorders of the human system.— ey regulate and invigorate the liver and kindeys , they give tone to the digestive organs; they regulate the secretions, excretions and exhalations, equalize the circu lation, awl PoritY,the bleed. Thus all bilious complaints —soma of which itre - Terpid Liver, hick fieadache, Dys pepsia, Piles, Chills and Fevers, Costiveness or Loosl mies—are etirely consoled and cured by these reme died. , DARLING'S OEM . . LIVER REGULATOR Removes the morbid and billions deposits (rem the mom ach 40 Nowell', inhales the liver and kidneys, rat:Ow l° g every obstruction, restores a natural and healthy ac tion to the vital organs. lt la a superior . . FAMILY MEDICINE, • Much better than pills, and much easier'to lako. DARLING'S L [FE BITTERS is a superior lonia and diuretic; excellent in oases of Wes of appetite , flatulency female weakness, irreguiari tics, pain, in Um side and boaels, blind, protruding, and bleg,pilesZand general depillty • ',.-iitatasittiDNiraToißsTimoNiti Jas. L. Brumley, merchant, 184 Fulton street. NOW York, writte,"Atignatill, 1860: have been afflicted with piles, accompanied with bleeding, the bat three 90 8 r8 ; I Used DARL DWI LIVER. INVXGOBATOB,, ELM BITTERS,, , . And now omulider myself soma= conso.” Joint A. (trod writes, .Brooklyn, Mart* 10,1800 In the spring of 1889 1 took a severe cold, which Indio ed s violent fever. z tools Iwo doses of DARLING'S LIVER REGULATOR It broke up my cold and fever at once. Previous to this attsee I had been troubled with dyspepsia several. monthit I tut* (Mt nothing of it since.) , • ' Otis flintily, lieu., 128 filet 28th Street, N. T., writes : "August 12, lees -1 had a difficulty with Kidney Com - plaint three years With &maim pain In the knell of my bean. J. had used most all kinds el medicines, bat pun d no permanent relief until L used DARLING'S LIVER INVIGORATOR, warn i LIFE BITTERS. I weed clotted blood by the urethra. lam now en tirely cured, and take pleasure in recommending these remedies." Mrs. Tebow, 11 Christopher Street, N. Y, writes uteb ?A, 1880.—I have beeu subject to *UAW or Asth ma the last twenty years. I hese never found Anything equal to Darling's Liver Regulator, n aribrding Immediate relief. It ie alb °rough Liver and Meal remedy." link Young, of Brooklyn, writer, "February 2s, 1860 In Kay last I nada more attack of Piles, welch canna ed.tne to the house. I took one bottle of DARLING'S LIFE BITTERS and was entiretyoared. I have had no altar& since." D. Westervelt, Esq., Of South bth near 9th Street, Wil liamsburg, L. L, ;writes : ' , august 6,lB6o.—Having been trdliblidlritti a diftleuity Liver, and subject to bil ious attacks, I wmadvised 4y. a friend to try DARLING'S LIVER REGULATOR, I did so, and found it to operate admirably, removing the bile and arousing the liver to activity. I have also used it es a FAMILY MEDICINE When oar ohildren are out or sorts, we give them a few drops and it sets them all right. I and it Meets the general wants or the stomach and bowels when disorder. ed." Itsaia, If yon neat either or both of these most ex pellent ReMate, Inquire for them at the stores; It you do not tied them; take no other, but inclose One Dollar In a letter, and on receipt of the money, the Remedy or Remedies will be cent according to. your (Pres tions, by mail or express, post-paid. Address, DAN% S. DARLING. ICIS Nassau street, New York. Pat up - in ISO cent and slBottals each. 104=in ONLY PREPARATION WORTHY oi Unitereal Confidence & PatzonegeF FOR RUMMER, JUDGES, CLERGYMAN, Whew and Gentlemen, in all parts of the world testily to the efiloacy of Prof. 0. J Wood's flak Reiterative, stkd gentlemen of the Press are unanimous In 'its praise.' A few teettmordals only can be here given ; see circular tor inoreVend It will be impossible for you to doubt. 47 Well Street, New 'Perk, Dec. fieth; t 558. eurrtsents : Your note of the 16th inst., has been re. eietel4 using that yob bed heard that I had;been benel StelYby DM use of Weed's Hair Restorative, ann request.. nsg my certificate of the Motif / bad no ebjection to give it. 1 Award It to you cheerfully, because 1 think it due.— My age Is about 60 years; the color 01 my hair auburn. and lacl cod to curl. Some five or aix years since it tie gee "o tptrn gray, and the scalp on thecrown of my head to sensibility end dandruffto form upon it. Bach Of heat duagreeabilltirs increased witn time, and about four months since a fourth was added to them, by hair bald. m billing e off the top Of my bead and threatening to make tote unpleasant predicament, I was Induced to try Wood'i Hair Restorative, mainly to arrest the falling off at my bait, for 1 had really no expectation that gray hair could ever be restored to its original color except from drat. I was, however, greatly surprised to find aftei , the ate of two bottles only, that not only was the falling oil 'arrested, but the color was restored to the gray bane and sensibility to the scalp, and dandruff ceased to Ova on my head, vary much to the gratification or my wife, at whose solicitation I was Induced to try it. for this, =On the many obligations I owe to her sex, dewily recommend all husbands who value the ad. mbratien of their wives to profit by my example, and use tilt growing gray or getting bald Very respectfully, BEN. A. AVENDER. To O. J. Wood co., 444 &midway, New L York. lily family are absent Iron the ally, and I am no long or at No 12 Carrot place. Hamilton, Ala., July2otiv it ti9. ToPam 0. J WOOD : Dear : Your "Hair (na tive" bas done my Mar en much good aince e I oommenced the use of it, that I wish to make known to the PUBLIC Re effects on the hair, which aro great. A man or wo man may be nearly deptived of hair, and by a resort to your "Hair Restorative," the hair will return more beautitul than ever; at lout this is my experience.-- Believe It all I ' Yours truly H. MINIM P g„—You can publish the above if yo u like. By pub. fishing in our Southern papers you get more patron age south. I see several of your certificates in the Yo b& Mercury, a strong Southern paper. W. H. WOOD'S HAIR RESTORATI VE. Renedy , Pam 0. I. Woo) : Dear Sir : Having had the Wafer tupelo lose the beet portion of my hair, from the Okla of the yellow fever in New Orleans hi 1851, I was In ducted to make a trial of your preparation, and.found it to answer as Ma very thing needed. My hair is now thick and glossy and no words can express my obliga tions to you Ia giving to the afflicted such a treasure. MY N. ihe ve is put up in bottles Of IRthrJOHNSOee antes, lame uitt, and small ; the small bolds half a pint, sou for: one dollar per bottle ; the medium holds at le per cent more In proportion than the small, retails far two dollars per bottle ; the large , hclds •qturt, per emit, more in proportion, and retails for $3. J. J. WOOD & CG. , Proprkdore, 444 Broadway, New Tort, and 11. Narks street, Bt. Louls No. • and sold by all good Druggists ;Rd Fancy Goode Dealers. jylB-daweow • GRNTLEBEENS' WEAR. A large assortme ( ut of Under Shirts and Drawers, all sisals ) Geutlentens' traveling Shawls and Blankets, Wary Hind at Gaeta 1105ieM • Cloths, Oweimers, and Vesting", (In great variety,) 80k B Cashmere Neck Ties & Cravats, • Large Stock of Gloves & Gauntletts, Every kind of Suspenders, Hurons ,ftm Gwvse. • Urge Stook of these Goods, to select from cart be found at • • CATHCART'S nolg Next door to the Harrisburg Bank. DRIED SWIA"T CORN (SEL LKKR .) simort, muse, &ULF, BUM. Pte . GLAX9111111:15, DRIED APPLIA, DM) PlLeCgma Fresh Peaches, on cans.) -. "-, + Tomatoes, u " Corn, U., ha. Jest reee!ved and for sale by . , . ' nO3O, .•.. ' - - • war. nal' ' ' Jn. et ocs F st'ear, Black- and Gwen ` hpand.l pound me% for aidetiit sowNewth: Id minno w a i,tlti."siril.ll;MaArAtikrileu. illisteUautons Av&ZII.EI3' WINE. • , pk.kii , g'SAMßUbt WINE; Of Cultivated Portugal Elder. very , ,'amity , SPEEIVS SAMBIICI WINE IcKLEBRATIID for its medical and bone licial qualities as a genuine Stimulant, Tonic Uh r oz. and Seib:nide, highly esteemed by eminent p 'hyal Chit% and some of the flout families in .11`nrope an} America. . . . SPEER'S SA3IBUOI WINE MI not a mixture or manniketured article, but le pure, Iron cultivated Portugal Elder, reeommeWed by °ham lets and Physicians as possessing medical properties en - oerkw to any other Wines in nee, and an moll int aret• lie for an weak and debilitated [lemons, and the aged ind Infirm, improving the appeetta, and banalities tea, and children. A LAUICS , HMS, bemuse ft will not intoxloate as other wines, as it con. Won no mixture of spirits or other ' Doctors, and is al - mired ibr Its rich peculiar Bayer and nutritive properties, Imparting a healthy tone to the digestive organs, and a blooming, soft and healthy gain mil complexion. Node emidne links' the eignamie or ALFIIII4. 44311 R, Patssalo, N: J., is over the cork of each bottle, MAKE ONE TRW,' Or THIS WINE. A. LOCO, Proprietor. Preeale, N. J. Office 208 Broadway, New York. J.ll. BATON, Agent, Philadelphia. Par sale by Et W. Grow, & C o ., C. K. Koller, JObD Wyetb and by dragglate generally Jyl-dawly. Great Cure. DE. ANTI RHEUMATIC BAND, IS THE ONLY KNOWN REMEDY FOE • Rheumatism, Gout and Neuralgia' AND A IMRE OMB lOW A.ll Mercurial Diseases. . ounvenlently arranged Band, containing a me at I compound, to be worn around the Waist, without ILL try to ; moat delicate persona, no change in habits 01 living is required and It entirely removes the disease bean the system, without producing the Injurious ageote arising from the use of powarful internal' media Jam which weaken and destroy the conatitntion, and give temporary relief only. By this tro %tinny the medical properties contained in the Band, come in contact with the blood and roaches the dbioase,fbrougb the pores. ol the akin, effecting in carry instance a perfect oure, and restore Ate parks afflicted to a healthy condition. This Band in also'a most powerful Asin-lissumesit agent; and will entirely relieve the system from the prywidoin of bate of Mercury. Moderate cases are cured in a Inn days, and we are constantly receiving testimonials of iv. Amoy in aggravated tees of long standing,- PRIOR SA 00, to be had cif DrpaiMegenerally, or can be sent by mail or expreel, With' fell directions for use, to any part Of the country, direct from the Prinoirtal p lc e, 409 13BOADWAY, New York.. 0. SKITS & CO., :Sole Proprietois. N. }I —Descriptive throulais Sent Free. . yarAGENTs WANTED EVERYWHIBILO* 4r , Yor Bale in Harrisburg by D. W. HEM ate., No. 12 lurk et street, Harrisburg. )yli-daw INSURANCE AGENCY . THE DELAWARN MIITAL SAFETY INSURANCE COMPANY. OF PHILADBMILL INOO,IIPORATED 1886. errAL AND ASBNTS .$904,907.61 PRE INSURANCE COMPANY OF NORTH AMERICA. OF PHILADELPHIA. INOORPOBATED 1794. amnia. AND T HE undersigned, as Agent for the well known Companies, will anke liumnuunt against loss or damage by Are, either perpetually or an nually, on.property In either town or country. Marine and Inland Transportatkm Blake also taken. apply personally Why letter to oot4'6l•dawl7 'JOHN WALLOWER; JR. 1 Agt GENERAL FORWARDING COMMISSION MERCHANT. G OODS AND ittE.ROHA.NDISE promptly forwarded by Philadelphia and Reading, Northern Central, Cumberland Valley and Pennsylvania Railroads; and (Waal. NAMING AND DRAYING to and from all parte of the city to the different Railroad depots will be done at the very lowest rates. num Igo removing will be promptly attended to. Orders eft at Brant's European Hotel, or at the store at R. B. Zollingar, will resolve prompt attention. Can alignments of frekent respectfully solicited. foBN WALLOW= JR. , Agt., vita tillea Readies Depot. WORCESTER'S ROYAL QUARTO DICTIONARY T HE beet defining and pronouncing Die , Jimmy of the Inglis - 1 Language ; Worcester's Dictionaries. Webotor's • Pictorial Quarto and School Dlotionariesifornala at • - • WEEdm6lt,l3 - apDr-tf . Near the Harrisburg Blida Select Schools for Bovs and Girls FRONT STREET ABOVE LOCIIST - . TIRE Fall term of ROBERT WEIMER'S, ,_f.l &heel tor boirs, will open on The first Monday In 'September. The room is well ventilated, comfortably furnished; and in every respect adapted for school per, meg. GANHARINE School for girls, located n the gime building, will open for the Fall term at the mane time. The room has been elegantly fitted up to promote he health mid comfort of scholars. ang22dlf DENTISTRY. 12 . GEO. W. STiliE, graduate of, the altlmore College 04 Heated Surgery, having perms n located to the city of Harrisburg and taken the thrmerly occupied by Dr. Gorges, on Third str set, between Market and Walnut, respeothilly informs his friends and the public. In general, that he le prepared to "dorm ou. oporatiOns In toe Dental profession, either udliral Or operations. 11 testator tbst city . be srupstsed by operators in this or any other His goose of hborclogartldelalterith 4 upon the Weed in. wired salentlgh principles :Teeth, from mete a hdl est, mounted on doe Gold, Gm. ear, Pladna plides or the Vulcanite Base. . . .. . . Itakegrtat pleasure in PeCOMinemling the &Dime 'ea; aellislita Se my former patiewls of Harrisburg and vi ay.4lld alet ooalbbliathatibi will pawns ea opera.' in fkkliell= tu i fi unes, Ikea my bawled'', otalhi s. •=.., 4... . .:., : •Psahii.4lo2lllll, D. D. B. p c ntte g iii . SOMETHING FOR THE TAMS I irk NINIESEETY IN EVERY HOUSEHOLD. JOHNS & MOSLEY'S American Cement Glue IT WILL MEND MARBLE,- That piece knocked out of your litUbbsMantle can be put on u strong as ever. • IT WILL REND' PORCELAIN, That costly Alabaster Vase Is broken and you can't matob It, mead lt, it wtll never show when put tpsether. It will Mend Nine, Coral, Lava, and in fact everything but Metals. ;ferny sale by all Druggist', and Storekeepers' general ly %broil out the country. JOHNS & CROBLET, (Sole Ilanufacturirs,) ' 78 :WILLIAM STREET, corner of Lltuuty atreet. RAW YORK Important to Roue Owners. Important to Baders. Important to Rail Road Companies . Important to Farmers. 2b ail whom this may mown, Wad iteconeenu may 'OEMENT ROOFING, The Cheapest and moat &math') Beefing 'maim IT IS FIRE AND WATERPROOF. The Colitis only about Ono.Thlrd that of Tin AND rip AS TWICE AS MIXABLE. , • . • ,Thit artkde has beenthoroughly tasted in New York City and all otter parte of the United States Canada, Weal Indies Central and South America, On, Willem_ of all binds; anclias FACTOIIIIIB, Fointattne, 01101301118, BAIL , Ram Owns, Cons and on Prism Ihninunis generally Govsiunarrr Bortrense, dro., by the principal Builders, Aranitects and others, during the past tour years, and bat proved to be the CHEAPSIBT and MOST DURABLE ROWING to use ; • it every rcipece A Flit WEATHER and PBOOV covering liar ROUird Of ALL KINDS This is the ONLY osaterial eunnefeettered in the Masa Slates which combines the very desirable properties of Klasticity and Durability, Wilds are universally acknow ledged to be possessed by ; OMA PEROMA AND INDIA ROBBER. No Heat is required in makiligVapplioation. The expense of applying It Is trilling, u an ordinary roof can be covered and finished the same day. It can'be *lied by any one, and when finished forms a perfectly Etas PROOF ear foee with as elastic body, which aiddot be injured by Hui ; Own or slew, muumuu' of pus Boum, nor any ex. ternal (tenon whatever. WILLIAM BIJIMILBM, Harrisburg,Ta GOTTA PERCHA CEMENT, For Coating Metals of all Kinds when exposed to the Action of the Weather, and FOB PETWI3INUNG AND REEPIWU:NG METAL This Is the only Composition lmown vide& will 'uncles& fully rests% extreme changes of all climates, kir any length of time, when applied to metals, towhich it ad heres firmly, forming a body equal to coats of ordinary paint, costs much less and win LASR THREE TIMES AB LONG ; =Orem It 3 ehalieity is sot Injured by the commotion and expansion of Tin and other Metal Roo*, consequent Alden sudden changes of the weather. arum CRAM IN COLD 8R RUN IN wean AND WILL NO? WAREI ors. Leaky .L. 14 and other Metal Radii can be readily matr ix' :with qUIVM C WI A ag l igatTaand pryileigad front further curfosion and leak*, thereby marbi g a p er _ rawly tight roof for many yams. Tab Dement Is peculiarly adapted for the preservation of IRON RAILINGS, STOB, RANGES, BABES, AGRI GRILTORAL IXPLEYEINIid, Am, also for general mow restorers use. GIITTA PERCHA. CEMENT preserving sodralcing Tin and other Metal Roche of every description, from its great aketioity, isnotMiami by the contraction %adenoma/Oa or MOW; and will not crick in colder ran In warm weather, these materiels are anat.= To as Clatnal, and we arnprepared to supply orders Prom any pan or th e emu ,_ UT at short notioe, to GUM ?ERMA - BOWING in mil k rea dy prepared tor ose, and Guru moue CX mENT warrrele, with' Mil printed directions for appli cation. We talk make liberal and imtbdutory arranpments with responsible parties who would like to establish them selves In a lucrative and permanent busineam OEM TERMS ARE CAB E. We can: give, abundant proof Of An we claim in lkvor of our Improved Roofintuiving applied th em to several thousand Roans in New York City and Vicinity. JOHN'S & MOBLEY SOLE HANINACTURIERS, Wholesale Warehouse 78 William St., Corner of Liberty Street NEW TORE WI descriptive Circulate and Priem lON be finaleihed on application. I SPIOND SALMON-11 tRICBII AItID:VERY DPILICIATt 6 `4 ap Resuy*live koaad oir.- ' * , 4* in , c4Watii2 erAtaravlb 0 tobris $ drostrgs THE STRONGEST GLUE IN THE WORLD THE CHEAPEST GLUE IN THE WORLD. THE HOST DURABLE GLUE IN THR WORLD. THE ONLY RELIABLE GLUE IN THE WORLD. THE BEST GLUE IN THE WORLD. AMERICAN CEMENT GLUE le the only ertlclo.or the kind ever prodnoed which WILL WITHSTAND WATER. IT WILL MEND WOOD, Save your broken Furniture. IT WILL MEND LEATHER, !end you, Flarnees,,Strapta Belle, mss, io. ; IT WILL MEND GLASS, Save the pieces of that expelonve Out Olant Bottle WHTLL MEND IVORY, ,Dowot throw sway that broken Ivory lan, it is easily re IT WILL MEND CHINA, Your broken QOM Coprand &Were out bemade as gond u new. No matter If that broken Pitcher did not most bat a shil ling, a shilling saved Is a shilling earned. IT WILL MEND ALABASTER, Any article Cemented with ANKILICAN GRIMM OWN will not show where it is mended. 1• 4 44: 1 .T)f "Every Housekeepers should have a supply of Johns & Cronley's American Cement R . P. "It Is so , convenient to have in toe house."—N. Y. &Pun "ltis always ready; this commends Itselt to every body."—hukpeadont. "We have tried K t and dud k u nsefid in our homes u Aster."— Wake Spirit of Vie 26ses. ECONOMY IS WEALTH. 110,00 per year raved In every famltyiby One Bottle • of AMERICAN CEMENT GLUE. :i11:1425 Cents per Bottle. Price 25 Cent .Per Bottle. - • Pike 26 Cents per. Bottle. Price'26 Cents per: Bottle. Price 2 . 5 Conte per Bottle. Price 26 Cents per Bottle. Very Ligral Reductions to Whoksals Buyers. TERMS. CASH. JOHNS & CROBLEY'EI IMPROVED GOTTA PIIRGHA It c n be net, to 111,1 I =On Othai MOlL ~tbeP'genet, and to 'Boots witbeeo tot removing the Shingles. LIQUID ROOFS OF ALL EaNDS. AGENTS WANTED Up ;deb lUiiitil/UP LIXIR PROPYLAMDIE, THE NEW EMMY PUB ItHEITMATIBM4 A NEW REMEDYI „„. A CERTAIN REMEDY, j ACUTE ItHt-CMATIBM It , CHRONIC HKUMATIRM BANUMAI7B.II Emir KIND ; N um= HOW Bow STUBBORN LONG nANDING, PROPt“itna WHAT IT HAS DONS, ir WILL DO AGAIN. TM' BEST VZSTIIIONT Ban strraoluir. DOcTJRB KNOW IT, PATIRNTI3 RIVKIN IT , + . AND TRUK PENNSYLVANIA' HOSPITAL. (FioarMri!lcur. Hotruat RNXIN:w.] • ' . Mar 19,1800,-1111eit S., set. 28, tangle, never was very strong. Two yearn ago the had an attadr. damns Thema. thim,trom which phe was careened to herbed he two weeks and subeeqentg from a relapse far four more. Shebat; been ;well since then till last Saturday, while engaged in house damn% , she took cold, had pee In her beck, felt cold, hot had so decided chM. Two days later her ankles be. ,gun so swell, which was renewed by, sweiling of the I !knee Jenne and or the hands., She has now doll `pain in her shoulders, and he.rkinickles are very tender, ;red and painful ; both hams are. siletted, bot the right is meet so. This, then, is a case of ace to rheumatism, or, as it is now fashionably,called, rk*unmie lever. his a well remedied typical ease We will carefully watch the came, and from time to time all year attention to the me" ioss symptoms which present theimelves. My chief obJect la bringing her before •you now, is to call attention to a 'remedy which has recently been recommended in the treatment of rheumatism. I mum propyiessfse. Dr. Awenarlus, of St. Petersburg,- recommend It in the highest terms, having derived great mutat from its use in 250 cases which came under his care. Various co m 'mendatory testimonials respecting It have appeared In our Journals, and:l propose therefore to give it enother Arial I moat coons* lam always incredulous as to the worn' of new remedies, which are vaunted as specifies ; font this comes to as recommended so highly, that we are bound to give Ita trlal. • BAME-CARE FOUR DAYS LATER I Mar 43,1800.—1 will inier exhibit to you the patient for whom I prescribed Propyiamide, and wa a then labor ing under an attack of acute rheumatism. She has steadily taken lt 111 doses of three grime every two hours (intermitting It at night) The day alter you saw her, found her much'more comlbrtable„ better than she ex pected to to for a week Or more, Judging from her other &Macs. (the patient now walked into the room.) The improvement has steadily' progressed, and you cannot fall to notice a marked Mange in the appearance of her *Ants, which are now nearly all of their nailing sise.— Thus ihr our experiment would have seemed very situ coastal ; but, gentlemen, we mast wait a little while be. ibre we out give a decided opinion as to what is to be the result. Here Is another patient who wan placed on the use of the SAM aiedidait on Sunday last ; she has long been kullering from o tweet* rheumatism, end I found her at that Urns with an acute attack supervening upon her chronic olbouon. The wrists and lunettes ware much Swollen and tense. She wok the chloride or Propyls- Woe in three grain doses every two hours, and you will pensive that the awelhng of Welshing hal much dlmia daze& THREE DAYS LATER II Ma 26, 1880.—This is the ease of acute rheumatism treated with propylamine, the neat of Mose to welch 1 called youratwntionatourliilt alidle. She is stall very eamfbrtable, and is now taking three grains thrice daily. In this case it has seemed to be followed by very, eat- Ishatory reseha The second odic to which your Mien don was called at our last lecture, has also owatinued to do well. I will now bring before you a very onaracter- WM ease of sent. rheumatism, and if the result be sat factory, I think, as good Jurymen, we snail Justly reader oar verdict in favor ef propylamm. He bra seaman, let. 213, who was admitted a few days ago.. Has hat ocaulonal rheumatic pains, but not so as to keep his bed, until eight days ago. The pains began in his right knee, subsequently *Masted the left knee, and lease, tee pants of the , upper exuamitiee. These joints are all swollen, tense anti tender.: His tongue is tarred file skin; at present dry, theugh there has been much tereatlng. His pulse is fat and strong, and about 90. He has now used propyhonine Ise twenty-four hours. This gentleman It what may be called a strictly typical time of acute rheumatism. There was' exposure to cold and wet, and this exhalant is followed by a feeling of oddness, seven; articular peal, beginning, tie it usually does, in the barer Ants. 'there is fever and the proftwe Omitting, so generally Mitidithuit manta rheumatism . I did net bring this patient beftwe you with the i nunl ike of giving you a lecture en all the points connected With rheumatism, but to again give a trial to the new remedy we are testing, and to exhibit to you this typkat ease, as I have called it, than *aid' there co aid not be a fairer opportunity for testing the medicine in question. We are, therefore, avoiding the us of all other realleises, even anodynes, that there may be no misgivings as to which was the ellichait remedy. You shell see the case of a nature clinic. THE RESULT A FAVORpIIX VERDICT Annie, 1860.—The next of our csonvelesomts Is Itbe ease of aonterhettmatlam before you 'Amu &Info of May iletti, which I then called a typical case, and which It was ranierket Waco fair Opportunity for testing %the worth 01 our new remedy, It wrs therefore. steadily glveu In three grain doses every taro hours roe four days. The patient has got along very nicely; and Is nowstble to walk about, sa you see. Ido not hesitate to sty that I have nevelt soon as severe a ease of acute rheumatism so soon restored to health as this man has bean, and without being prepared to decide postUve by as to the val. se of the remedy we have used, I feel bound to state that in the caw in,whioh we have WO the Chloride o Propylamine, the patients brie resettled their health much sarlierthan under the tteatatent ordinarily pur sued. I wish gentiemen r you would yourselves try It, and report the results. , fora fOll report of mid& the *hove le • eondensed extmet, see the Philadelphia Jfebbsi and furgicui Re porter. It the report after a fate trial by stivbeatmed ical authority is ttdecumntry, and, makes it,unnesemary Sollse numerous osedfloates from astonished doctors end rejoicing Winds. ' , RPEZDY CURE AN ENTECTUAL THE EWEN 18813 LT WHAT IT HAN DONE, Bullock & Ckenthaw, a arm well knoWn to Moat medi cal men, by whom the Shah. Propylamine has been in. trodaosa, have sold to Cui the excluidve Sight to mamas. tare it wording to tka,...orlidiud twelpe;k4 we h ave made arrangements of such magnitude as:to enable us to scatter it broadcast amongst suffethig A WOBD TO DOCTOR& yonputerto use the name remedy in another form "%invite your attention to the Po= Ointausito kili4lllll2ll Pun PEornamas Wm, Pain Piorrummiftionnurne, Ponn foam' Purr:Atm% of which In are thesole mannetpturers. We - Oltdm no other virtue for the Elixir Propyhunine gush Is °indebted In Pore Chyetabsed Chloride - or 'Wiry lazalns. THE ELI= Isl AND MAY BB TAKEN, AOOOII,DING TO DIRECTIONS, NY ANY.02470,' _ . BY MVlatrorm WHO, HAILREMUJELITSK or ANT Iwo. ' InHanisburg by a: 76 ore. ♦ soma. Orders may be addressed to PROPYLAMEfE MILITUFAMTRINGIVO., )thont No. 4, S. W. Orr. Worth and Chesnut streets, Pnibbleletda Or to either of the %Dewing. rt.*. IVO* - -RDWXOI.Bs 011,AN98Aw; PUNCH, RICHARDS a C 0.,, JoHR M. HARM aCO ; 4 1 1 10 01 41MEttgES, -4 ( 1 : • ThHOLIIRAVITHI,. momunicaar aad " 44, rinanninu.. AYER'S SARSAPARILLA, i t ND for the speedy cure of the sub ./OIL Fettled variance u Disease : Scrofula and Scrofulous Affection such as Tumors, Ulcers, Sores, Eruptions, Pimples, Pustules, Blotches, Boils, Blaine, and all Skin Diseases ()ammo, Ind, 6th June, 16.69. 3. C. Arta & Co., Gents 1 Mel it my duty to ackoowl. edge whet your tiaraaparilla has done for me. having inherited a Scroll:dans inihcliou , I have antlered from it in various ways for years. Sometime' it burst out in thews oil my hands and orate ; sometimes turned in ward and distressed me at the stomach. Two years ago it broke out on my heed and covered my scalp and am with one sore, whieh was painful and kratheome beyond description 1 Wed many medic:nes and several physi cians, bat without much retlef from any thing. /a fisit, the disorder grew Worse. At length 1 was *eked to read in the Mowed Messenger that you bad prepared an s IternatiVe (Ausaparilla,) for I knew tram your rep. elation that any milig you made mat be good. I sent aniniumtl and got it, and used it till it cured me. I Molt it, as' on advise, In email doses of a taturpoeuful over a month, and used almost three bottbea. New and healthy eke soon began to form under the scab, which after I white fell of my skin Is now clear, and I know by my kolhigo that lb.. diseas. ban gone tram my system. You c..n well believe that I feel what I am saying when 1 tell you, that I bold yon to be one of the ai.ostka of the age, and, remain ever gratefully. Yours, ALFRISD B. TALL' E.Y. • . WILL el INQUHR IT WILL CURS IT, DOCTORS BRAD DOCTORS RSAiltiß, DOOTuRS TRY IT. St. A . nthony's Fire, Rose ors Tatter and' Salt Rheum, S d Ringworm, Sore Eyes, Dropsy: Dr. Rouen M. Pcoble writes from Salem, N. Y., 12th 5ep.,1869, that he "ma edirod an inveterate cake at Drop sy, which threatened to terminate fatally, by the perm Tering use of out darsaparilla, and ate° a dangerous at tack of Malignant rz)ainekaa by large doses of the same say" he cares the common lirciphone by It oonstaaMY. 'Lobular: worm of Prospect, Teruo, writes .Three bot tle. of your Sarsaparilla eared me from a 01111211—s hid wee swelling on the neck, which, 1 bad angered from over two years." Leucorrhcea or Whites, Otirian Tumor, - Dr. J. B. S. Chiumiag, of New 'York City, writes ; "I mom chwwfully comely with the rimpeat.of your agent to saying I have found your baraapartila a mo t excellent alternative in the aumeroali coltplatuts for which we em ploy each a remedy, but eepecially in Atomic .Distates of the'Scinfulotia Milhous. I h ive Mixed many lamer ate cases of Leocorrhom by it, and some Maare the com plaint Man caused by Mardian or the teens: The ul ceration itself was IKICKI cured. Nothing: within my anowtedge equals it fir these female derangements.'' Edward S. lbwrtiw, ,of Newbury, Ala., writes, . 4 ,1 dan gerous ovarian haw on one if the Omens in my family, which hail denim all the remedies we coati employ, baa at length been completely cured by your &swam of d ar sapanila. Our physician brit nothing but exttrpa thin could afford relief brit he advised the trial ot your Sarsaparilla as the (act him% borers. ousting, and It proveu effectual. after taklog your remedy eight sneers no symptom of the demise remains." Syphilis and Mercurial Disease. bliw Onassis, 254 h suvat, 1959. Dr. J. C. sires : dr, I cheerhilly comply with the re. quest of your agent, and report to you some of the dhoti 1 have realised with your oarlapardbi. I have eared with it, in my , practice, most of the oom plamte which it Is recommended, and have found Its effects truly wourterftil in We curs of Fireisai swig niTiCti Diseases. one of my patients had. syphilitic ulcers We throat, which were consuming AM palate and the top of his mouth, Your *eitiseparilla, steadily taken, cured him in live week. Another was attacked by sea *Wary symptoms in his nose, and the akimbo* had ea to en away a coustderable part of It, so that 1 believe the duwrder would 80011 ream his brain and kill him. But It yielded to my adwinlaration of yoir Baritaparilla the ulcers healed, and be is well again, not of course wain:int some 4111411lrati01% to 1413 fare. A woman WOO bad been treated for toe urine disorder by mercury was suffering irom this poison in her boom. they bad become so sensitive to the weather that uok a damp day dm Suffered exeruinating palb le her joints and bones. She, too, was lured entirely by your deirsapartlis Is a few weeks. I know from i s turalubi, which , you scent gave me, that t de rroparimion from your laboratory must be a great moody, ; eeneeCtiontly, thous truly roulatteble resells Wan U twins not au:prated =4 . Fraternally yet" . O. V. LARIStRit, M. D. ithemnatiem, Gout, Liver Caniplakt. pimp:kph* moon'oo: Wilily , 1859 lYa . . J C. eine: oir," I have been, eidle.ed with a obi. itiroolo ithiuntatunn for a lent 'Utne, *bleb bellied the salt of perm:dans, and Muss to me to spite of all the menthes .1 mould , du until I Wed. . your darsapanlia.—.. One mule cored me to two weeks. and moored my gen errl health se much that I em der better than before I was attssked. I thmalt • wonderful medkatie. J. MUM. Jules Y. eatebeft, of St. Louie. writes: ,4 1 have been afflicted for years with an affection of the Liver, which destroyed my heath. 1 tried,every Atone, and every Ming tidied to relieve me ; sad I have bean a broken down nun for some years from no ther 011114? thin de , mewed if the Liver. lly beloved pastor, the Rev. lir itapyoutneed me to try your iiitunaparrthia, became he sal 'ho knew you, and anything you made . . wed worth trying. IV the blessing or God It tuts oared me. X. reel young again. The best that can be said of you it' it hid; good emouge." . &thirres, Cancer Tumors, Enlaigement MceratioN Caries and iksfoliation o A great variety of came have been reported to na where tarot of these formidable complaints have result. form the use of this remedy, bat one spate hire will not admit them.. Some of them may be found In mar Amer can Almanac, welch the agents below named are pleased to furnish grans to all who call for them. Dyspepsia, Heart Diiease, Fite, Epilep sy, Melancholy, if enralips. • Many remarkable cures of these erections have Been made by the alternadvepower ands medielne. attm; elates the vital furictious into vigorous action, and.thor overcome disorders which would be supposed beyond its reach. Seth a remedy hin been required by the ne- cessities of the people, and wears confident that this VII do for them all that medicine can do. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral FOR Tall RAPID GORII,OP • Coughs, Colds, Influenza, • Hoarseness, Croup, Bronchitis, Incipient: Clow gumption, and for the Relief of . Congumpti've Patients in avenged Stages .. of the Disease.. .11111ERY WHENSVKR TRD, WIRMIVER TRIED. This lea remedy.lio universally knoernie • other for the cure °lntrust and tung'bemplatiM, that it is moms here to publish the evidence of Its virtues. Its unrivalled excellence for coughs nod colds, and is truly wandetial Mires of pulmonary disease, have made it known throughout the civilised estates or the mi nk._ Pew are the communities ,or even families,amen/ them who have not some personal experience of its some living trophy to their wheel of lis victory over the enbt,le and daegerous disorders of the throat and lungs. As all know the dreatiltil fatality of these 'disorders, and as they know, too, the effects of this remedy, we used not do more than to snare them that It has now all the vir tues that, Wild have when making the cures with* have won•intstrongly epee the eadideace of meatiest IT 'MIL DO AGAIN Prepared by Dr. J. C• AI,E,R & CO., Sold by 0, d. Bannyert, O. K.er D. W. Gross & Ooz,J.M. Lots, & Co., A rmstrong , Harrisburg, and deal ers every whine. oell9-6mdew TVIVID Ef.AYNDEI, 110 MARKIIT, BT. iiiaatainnta, Avid for T.TI .1 .IE'S PA TENT Wrought and °Wiled Imo Fire. end Berear Prowl ihrietly the ONLY Iferetatile *de Atha, thth Ls both fire eed Bertha. Proot . . mer 2941.9 MORS OONV vNIRNT__ AND ALVrATEI RU FOR IMYRDLiTI ORR, IMPROVEMENT IN DENTISTRY. Eti. P. H. ALLABACH.' Surgeon Den st, Hanufaeturer of Mineral Plata Teeth, the only that obviates every objection to the use of arti ficial teeth, embracing pinta, half and whole sets of one piece only, of pure and indeetneelolemineral, there are, ea crevices for the &exam tiLliiiMetoreanall particle, of he and theretbre, nobilensiveedor Mae the imprint,. as no Mo tel la esedin their constroadon„ there an be no gamete action or metallic taste. Hance the Indiv Ideal h not an noyed with sore throat, headache, he. Moe No. 48 North Second streak Harrisburg,. _ cotl2. dly 0. 0. ZI.MMERMAN'S BANKING STOOK, , NIILL jxD 00ALBOTING OPTION Hasjoecin removed firm, L N 0,28 Second St BalalßOßei • MUM /ittnig Wail #OO. .11414.111 e. i)Ve. La,sl 1. 1862 SLebkal FOR PURIFYING TEX BLOOD. Rronohoceae, Goitre or Swelled Netk. Uterine I.lleeration,Zezaale Diseases. the Bones Lowell, Naas. NO. ,1.10 MAidiT , STREET _ flistdiantons GREAT BALE AND FREE DR. W. BARR, OP n i ii: GOLDEN ELECTRIC 0I L Having purchased the entire right and ~ facture anu sell la " e -t M'C°NN ELL,' EERY body ought to join 0 1 log it, if the Lai., w s Wrested , , the well autl talc ed. The WILIAM BLECIIGC (At Nervous Diseases, such as L'et, Bronchitis!, Catorrah, Scrofula, rile. t , 42 g . etr al , Ulcers, Glandular Swellingt, Fer n Brands, knes le LulaPt4l, In fact there is no family medicine aka , 1 magic power as the Golden Electric 4 '- certify to Its virtues. I-r, Fo r the purpose of introits:sir s it late c,,, with twoof lay own va.usbla preharano , Croup, Weak and Inflamed gyee, and as ris'n for „, ' to th ose who assist me to dispose et .session of a normals of honorrtole-%:: following valuableartictes, for F " 1 , the purchasers aa5,,,t,,,. 1 Fine 0.00,av0 ........ 1 Fine Dressing 8 u reau....,............... • , 1 Fine Cottage Bedstead... ...... • 1 Fine English Gold lever Watch.. ..... ' • 1 Pule Ladies' ....du..... ...... ' • 'i • 2 Fine Silver Watches, 15 . 00 ....... 1 tad Men and 80w......... " • • slttslo BOx ... . ....................... 1 Fkra Donble.barrotled Gun__ . 1 bine Semitone Accordeon. ........ • .. ...... ..... 4 8010 Bracelets, 600 Boxes ValUable Pllls, 26 ...... • .. 400 Boxes Tooth Powder, 25 eta .... : ....... 200 00plea Llie of Uun hICO .. ... .. 1 spy , volumes, Christian Lu.on ' 1 FunsUllk Drees ..... ........ ,Si 1 Fine Delaine Meet._ ........... . , 2 Floe Lawn Dresses $4 ou: ... . 6 Fine Gold Pencils, $1 Ots . ... .. ... r 200 Rae Sleeve Buttons 14; . 24 Roe Ladles' Guards; Its ....... 20 Fine tells of Jewelry-, si eo .... .. 20 Fine Double itenaitious, 1 p 0..,. 60 kiwi Lockt t Pins, 60 eta._ ..... - • 40 Pine dates Studs . , 25 cts ........... ' 600 Rao 12-karat kings, 25 est . ._ 200 Fine Gents' S.eve edam:it, In.yi •lc 100 Fine Allen's kazor Powder, IS 1 tills Family ............. : 1 Barrel ............ .. On the payment of 60 Ceuta lot-. . . the liedmine, tie purchaser, will a , an order tor an envelope, which w HI c..rlea _- one or the 11111 ...1T0*111.11. on the de) ot 1, " aill bb w 6 the 011'Irelopes will no Nixed ins iox a to pass the Dind into It. toe 1,,V, • the wheel, well shook up Sou secnrad, 0, i, will draw Out bi.s or her own wave therein will be given as soon es the nano. sl oe ow be given 10 agents, and in Lt.,. r , of dlatributton. Purc. lasers a a nun , cepa &blare with those residing thorn-in • t : eels of the money for one or wore era z. u, WWI Oerilcato and orders, wall he fur. arm.; Bee of charge. In alt costs rho ined C.e Cure or give relief, or no cturge. tee cvrcz , I , Da. W. BAR2—bliA2 251 1 As I hat 0 ••are home purchased tee right to tuttuubtat ro nell's Gotdou klectrtc WI, tor tie 3. '.f seed the following :—I Wive been , sing 101"0 on my teal leg tor ten ;h.q.. 1 , -. 1 bare been under the treatment tore In Harrisburg, Baltimore 504 itm er ‘, but alleould 110 l tifect a cure. A ' going Into my blacitsmith shoe cane _ rot leg auto, below tho 'nett. li -hr.• i leg, and became a running, sore. •f 1 nle I must Mire my leg tskeu nit , LI& , r I • taken place. • ',utmost ly 1 got a lon e EltetrlKl Uil for my chhil'a sure in It t h at I thought 1 Woal,d try It on at ; I 6i. using it about SIX Wetaa, and in er -.4ound nod well. EL:mt • We, the undersigned, who arc KIM* T. Heath, nu eerUfy w tth, and the beneuct Liedi 011 on many of our neigUiLlors. aNihiEW, C ell. A. P. kith, r IiaAJA.II L J I have been using Lir. Harry f.,,, %; • family Ibv the past tr. ye if 6. L it at aoy price, gamy children me CrOop. 1 behove 1 hare tared their I the medicine. No family wit.' lirithout it. F. H. C SWARTZ, AM o,,ery Baas thank you most ttt.t ., •l«,] : : mint you gave ma aft my eyed. I Lc, stales, and out Dow ohtirel) tree IN), _ -.which L Wore beau b.r bops God will biotin yuu tut the Lt- :Inkited with weak or inflamed rare : 'Wlelmut It Meng well acquainted with J. c . XI. c, fiat to above Is comet and true, ..s J. B 1.1F10., : hundreds have centflrxl-1 b 44-4. Tester, Poison, Itch, Locr Lencorrbss, she al/ secret dtaeaiei Cu 0.: cess,'or nu charge. len per that. will be paid to all . BUMS deem. tl c,:.:.. j40.41/Wtf CELEBRATED DANDELION COFFEE. THE DANDELION COFFEE 11611 . a IL, to the public, is prepared train V., Js subroittlag tide valuable art', le to lie the manufacturer only complies sith tee U. ;1. Creasing demands or the public. It 1.1 12;.,. cite of the most reliable and effmtull rote, owrered for the diseases it 1811 p &di. Commended by the Faculty as a sa crier nu:' go . for General Deblllty, Dyspepriu, ; BMW= Affections and Irritable coreluee, ,-; The many thousands who have be. a retucteul fed to abandon the use °rein - es, owing to their health, will and this superior 1,) the fee, to say no Ming of lts grew. ant aches final benefits. Tne intelligent p rhea of th: -"- MAO well &equal uteri mut the medie;ns, rr the Dandelion, that they require but me the article offered to them is the pure Rod • .011 4 ;Ine pound of this Coffee will mute two pounds of the best Java Jibe sale by no3o JOHN B. SMITE'S BOOT & SHOE STORE CORNER SECOND AND WALSI;I Harrisburg, Pa. A LWAYS on hand a large atiormeht 4 , 36. BOOTS, MOBS, GAIT EM, al IV CY mantles for haw, gentlemen, mot chil , lr , c• ~b r" MC " it) Mgt the times. All kmds of ,A 0,11,, ORM In the beat style by super,or wearer. RIIPAIRING dome at short notice. oral&dtt JOHN H. PIITH. Hsi SCHEFFER'S BOOK STORE: (Nev the. Harrisburg Brags.) 0 g h JUST REA; C.,1 VED truu, :L.,' -1.42 U• stills a lot ol tine COL it Ellt't ~ I Si': Anag t wsuch we will sell at $1.2 pot reAlu. t ' ~ $2l•Du per ream for NOTE PaPart, de, atlr: :7 the latest and very handsome emblems ~,,,l i x ''' siouag. /$.,0 ter 1000 WHITE DIVFLOPES, nilh patriotic emblem; printed In two colo• „ Pkaise give US ca [l. TELE , F. rt 111 , f JedEld Harrisburg Blind MannfactorY , SECOND STREET BELOW VENITIAN BLINDS made to oriel, a,tl all repairing neatly and espemudmil sons at, a distance can nave their wart doto slag a letter to the understood. Taall. th il r ; , E mug , he hopes, by strict attention to a continuance of the same. za-Sauiwn.r. both sato price/ and work...6* oclA-dem 8. M. GULDRA, D. D. STAIE S'TREET, OPPOSITE THE BRADY Hag, A 11 operalions, Surgical and Rechani,rii, .11011.2dedderate. STAGE LINE FOB GETTYSI3I:IO TRBOVG B 0516-- FMut REDUCED TO 0.25 GETTYSBUR G. sobrfjwiugianiwa moat : a troialdsseerroseFrii g : suotaetGerEinioul:ourane ecaltir t.tabile?letedc,b,ra: very uesday, Thorodoy Socarday, rotor io?4,f! Mr day. Posoongera for ShapPl rotor Val ';',,ej Walburg and tieuriourg tre oarrled V I ; j. T AT.b. 01-4111 WM. S. f
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers