Pennsylvania daily telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1857-1862, February 01, 1862, Image 3
Pailg iftitgran, N .1 littlS 13U.H.G, PA Sniunlai Morning, February 1, 1862 ArpoINTMENT IfY THE GOVERNOR.—Idr..A. C. of this city, has been appointed a notary public des Geo. A. C. Seiler, deceased. AN,ALIER DESERTER ARRESTED.—Hiram Wyn lug, a de%ertur from Colonel Wynkoop's 7th Fenitqleania C,valry, now iu Kentucky, was H,l : e,l ic this city on Thursday byptrMer atid after a hearing before the mayor, 'cut:lo4li tad plison to await the requisition of the authorities. rufico. —á well-dressed and intelligent, hxds r7 . hg Ikb woman, who said her name Was Sallie Wilson, and that she hailed from tlfddlauwn, this county, was arrested by the Mayor's pc4ice ui pday night, fur drunkennermand disorderly co matt, She was coin witted ,tife:lieli-up, and yesterday h a hearing before the mayor who moved by her tears, and,prnmises to fore go the future use of the "critter," iierwlttca her to depart =1:11=1 Tab MYSTERY STILL • Minattax.— We last week stated, on the authority of , an . 'exchange papta, that a I riational Juniata county had,. in his eurifesaion, stated that he had Entadared Miss Baror, who was, a year or two since, mur; dared in Barks county. the Juniata 124iste . sa p that the criminal alluded to still nh: such admission ; so that the mystery still hangs. around the death of Miss Bavor, and her Mur derer may still be at large. , . . FIIIERAL or Joni C. cintarri:-7The. funeral of Jobu C. Gratz, a private in the '.sykenstown company of volunteers, dttached to Colonel Cake's regiment, Whose death At C4nip "Noi,tb k umberland," near Washington, wait• recently, noticed in the TELEGRAPH, took plains at lu l u . - past nine o'clock, yesterday, from the resi dence of his grandfather, Ciboria; 0. barsoi, seq., in North Second street. The . Females of the deceased were buried in the cemetery with military honors, Captairi3l.',lf[t. P.,.Pavisi`, corn puny performing tho escort duty on , the (no* Biou. Tus Fun FaRIOHT TnaiN passed over the new Pennsylvania railroad bridge, ogress the Schuylkill, near Gray's Ferry, Philadelphia, on Monday morning, and passed ciown to. Wash ingtou street wharf. In a short time the new grein elevator and the other improvements of the Company will be completed, and then that route will be used for all the principal freight trains, and the market street or city road for local freight and couvtlying passengers to and from their station in West. Philadelphia: The roads on Second and Third : atreets will shortly be abandoned, leaving-those streets for the un obstructed use of thapassenger railroads. ANOTRER RESERVE CORPS CONTEMPLALTED.--It. ie stated that an informal intimation hut been re ceived from the War Deliortmeot that it would be gratified to see another body of reserve troops raised in Penneylvania, to ttui number say of ten thou-and. These, if rattled, now, could, be used to reinforce any column that might need as4istance ; or, in case their services are not re quired in this way, they might take the place of the seasoned and disciplined troops used to garde nt Annapolis, Frederick and 13altimore, and thus permit the latter to join the grand army when it advances. Governor Sprague has already acted on the ides, and Governor An drew; of Xi tesachusetts, is about to follow. &NEM Or ADVIRTIZING.-2177T3t of a DeWier. —The recent Michael Boobop advertised in Thursday's UngarAro, as having run off from Camp Groble, near this city, with nue of the government horses, has been arrested by officer Fleck aud Carachner, of the consolidated police, and safely lodged in prison, to await the .action . of tho authorities The first intimation the 'officers had of thedesertion and robbery was by the advertiz meat in the TELPGRAPH, and from the accurate description there given of the man and horse, they proceeded to "work" up the case, until they finally succeeded in making' the ate at several miles above this city. .Tha •Lincerl of course will claim the reward of forty dollars offered by the military authorities for the at rest of the deserter. CimeN Gosz.—We regret to tun ukce the ileudee of Mr. Ford, one of our .Idot and most roTectable citizens, which cro oned about nine o'clock yesterday, at the ece of his eon-in law, in Locust streeet near Fr.a.t. Mr Ford, for many years, carried 00 th buzinesi of gun making, at the corner of Llcu4t and Front streets, in which capacity he uotairi-k1 considerable celebrity for the pe culiar ex :elleucy of the guns mannfacturts4t, his ~t ahliArment. He retired from active bust li'e tieieral years ago,at an advanced age, 4 'l ova; quietly enjoying the evening of, his Lie ..rei,l the repose of a domestic circle, rich in tin unnlation of hiA own virtues, and made tlo,lhly beautiful to him by thetender . care , and atitchull with which it watched Iris deelint'tig all gently guarded him to•the portals of tt,.. graie. AQ , PANORAMA AND EXTIMMENT ANCHAI4" p knorama of America and the greg ballot), was recently exhibited at Lan c While there his agent, Mr. Kinnard, to visit "Wheatland," the home of i;uchation, and "do the, agreeable" to tli.- President, in the most approved style. ti, lutote called 011 Mr. Buchanan, who ex- I ]'.,-I,:reat interest in the success of the young 411 aua regretted that the state of his health t irdly warrant his coming into Lances-. 1,1,411 t to see the panorama. The agent sits afflbility, and , without the most t lutenti.,n of touching the . I ‘o. P. F." tualer Pint "o, sir, that difficulty can tted, I think. To morrow afternoon an eXliibit,ioll for children. Permit t ~tfur you a complimentary ticket." Mr. Ll. Led on his heel on the instant, while the tovey,d with confusion at the apparently.. :Pr to iPos suggestion, "fled for safetfand'A `ruin, bi Lancaster. Poor Buck I It was Tax attarro.—A stirring programme is out for to night's perfortances at this popular place of amusement, and of comae, a full house m ay be expacted. -.---.----- Mono Aieswerrti Oommorr-The Bordwell's will shortly appear, at Sanford's Opera House in their Parlor Entertainments. The Eastern pros speak in. the highest terms of these ar tists. Gdrixex Bet i.- The ball giyen,by our Getman friends at Brant's Thursday night, is rep 'resented as having been a very pleasant affair. A large number of the "beauty and gallantry" of our city were present, who vied with each other in promoting the "gay and happy" spirit that prevailed op the occassion. =I LoMMED —We are pletsed to learn that COrpOol .William J. Irvin, of the "Roberts' Guard," Civt, I. S. Waterbury's company, now at. Hilton liesAf S. 0 has been promoted to a responsible pogitiOn in the army Signal corps, and is attached to the staff of Gen. 'nelie t The Signal service ie one of the most important and responsible in the army, and since its establishment, the fatal error of firing into our own troops is entirely avoided. In the-hands Of Irvin, or Whatever title the new - peft.iti grvkithinc t, we feel, confident that the seivice, hati gaiiied a valuable and fa ith ful anzilliary. He combiies all the qualifies lone essential to an accomplished ~o ldier, and will perform the duties ‘. incident to this n-w position in BUCII, a.manner as to reflect credit upon his appointment. • Jarrauscer, yam Acrroa.—lt is not generally known to our _readers, that th e remains of Jnseph - 4eitersoh, Gr.., the celebrateci eget:, re pose in 04 grave yarill of St. gtephen i s Episco pal church, in this city: We find the follow ing 11,110 sketch of his life in the Dramatic Portrait Gallery, written by Col. G. Alston BrOwn: "Born in Plymouth, .Devonshire, England, in 1778. Was Invited to this country by C. Powell, for the Boston company, he (Mr. P.) agreeing to pay Mr. Jefferson's passage, and a salary of $l7 per week. His first appearance on the American stage was at the old Federal street Theatre, Boston,lu 1795 ; fitst apppared in New York, February 10th, 1796, at the John street Theatre as Squire Richard in "t The Pro voked Husband." Appeared in Philadelphia in 1808,..at_the Chesnut .street:Theatre;,where he remained until 1880. His last benefit in Philadelphia, took place December 23d,1829, when he appeared as ,Bobby Buttercup, in "A School for Grown .obildren ;" last appearance in Philadelphia, was in the character of Sir Bashful Constant, in "The Way to Keep Him," He died in Harrisburg, August, 1882. "By the death 'of' this distinguished actor, the American 'nape was bereft of its brightest ornament. During. the many years that he was before the public, he was not only unri valled in his peculiar department, but we may safely assert that of his competitors there was not one who could. endure the comparison.— From the oommencement of his career, until 'a few weeks previous to his death, he continued with " naked spirit," to hold the highest station in the mimic scene, and while hie own heart was 'lacerated by an accumulation of family misfortunes, he was the delight and ad ,adration of the public. Io the nude bring rata ;tions of private life, Mr. Jefferson was no less esteemed. " Surrounded by , smilincthousande and a fluidly ilislag In the profession of their father, adding fame to the wordly gvar, the prospect; of Jefferson looked bright and fair. He was considered rich, loukul upon as such, and 'on every occasion of his benefit, the public— the smiling thousands turned out en masse. But soon a change came over his dream of life ; his ftlend Wino= Warren, became involved in difficulties, suit.after suit hurried him down the tide of misfortune ; old Jeff held out his arm to the rescue, it saved his ; friend for the moment, but ruined himself ; their united-for tunes were now a wreck, and in their old days with a large family around them, they were compelled to quit the scene of their success, as well as misfortunes. Warren went to Balti more, and Jefferson made an appeal to hie patrons under ,circumstances of a peculiar na cure,: for- a,benefit. His claims upon the pub lic—his losses —Were set forth in language none could mistake ; the night tame, the house win deserted. The friends who smiled upon him in the days of prosperity—would not do so in his night of sorrow and gloom—the expected benefit was a failure. "Forlorn and broken hearted," the old man quitted his home ; his registered oath, that he-Would never play more, in Philadelphia, was :kept:„.:With one 'Of his sons he stilted for Harrisburg, where under the accumulation of domestic woes and the cold neglect of the public, he—died." , The "gallery" also contain& a brief biogra phy of one of Mr. Jefferson's , grand7childreu, named John whose "native humor on the stages, and-Viability and • lindible (=duct of it; rendered him at once an esteemed and re -BPeckal)l9.ll4tOr.." He fell in: .a . fit and died:in. Harrisburg, on.the 4th. of , September, 1831. ALL should read .Prof. Irood;a advertisement in another column. • , --,•.., Two Emmen PIIKIN of beautiful new spring calicoc. a large lot 'of bleached and unbleached muslin of , the best make ; blue. cheeks, at 144. cents per yard ; white stockings, at 121 cents another lot of those good white rib bed Stockings ; ladies' pocket handkerchiefs, at 12icents; children's pocket handkerchiefs, with-border, 5 cents • shirt breasts . 12/, .15 and up to 871 cents; 25 pieces new pant did; undershirts and drawerevery .cheap.; cotton and -woolen. ••socks, at all , prices ; 40 dozen woolen stockings, for children, 121 cents; 14- Itoti bleached muslin 121 cents; all wool French: merinos, all colors, at 62 and 75 cents,. -Raging, bought the balance of the stock of a city wholesale house of plain and figured Swiss muslin, brillants, white cam inks, Nausuck and Victoria lawns, suitable for 'dresses, as those goods will be very scarce and briY. Our stock of Furs at cost. S. LBW; Rhoads' Old Stand. NOTION I BARGAINS i BARGADM H—Glentlemen naw is the.time to have a good fitting Shirt made to measure or from sample. lam now making a good shirt for $1 25 equal to any oth er pow in the market for $1 75. All work guaranteed to fit and to give entire satisfaction to the wearers r Always on hand &large assort ment of Ladies' and Gentleman' Furnishing Goods at the old prices; also a large lot of A 1. Irish Linens at the old prices. If you want a bargain or ..a good, fitting under garment, just golto James A. Lynn, Manufacturer, No. 12, Market street; next to Hummel & Hillinger's grocery store, Harrisburg, Pa., ' where he is selling without regard to cost or the advance of goods. CONTINUAL DROPPING.—A French editor has given they following amusing, description of the effect of an advertisement. The first time a Loan 4646 all advertisement he takes no notice .of it, the 'second time he looks at the' name, third time he looks at Vie price, the fourth he reads it, the filth tlmezhe speaks ef it is wife, the sixth. titritt a all those who look -dlefully .to their owa interAyt 444134 the cheap r good' Wart or tTrich & Bowman and'buy. fßunsuloctitift Etattatap OtiorniiN lebrnarn 1 tai ii TELEGRAPH OUT OF TOWN, LIST OF REGULAR AGENT 4 The DAILY MORNING AND EVENING TELEGRAPH is sent every drorriing and after noon, by the earliest trains that leave the city after its publication, to the following ALTOONA—George W. Patton. ANNVILLE—G. W. Hooverter. BLAIRSVILLE—E. Laughlin. CHAMBERSBURG—George Tuckey. CARLISLE—George M. Bretz. COLUMBIA—H. H. Fry. DAUPHlN—Jefferson Clark. DUNCANNON—J. Hood. ELIZABETHTOWN—John W. Few. GREENCASTLE —H. D. Deitrich. HIGHSPIRE—F. 0. Alleman. ,HUMMELSTOWN--George N. Schultz HAGERSTOWN—C. Swingley. LEBANON—H. H. Roedel. LOOK HAVEN-=J. Stratton. LEWISTOWN—J. "41. Cogley. , MEDDLETOWN—George H. LenhaTt. RECHANICSBURG-4. Eminger. MECELANIOSBURG —William Tate. MOUNT JOY—James Dyitttrt. ' lIILLERSBURG—B. G. Steever. NEWVILLE--W. R. Linn. • SHIPPENSBURG—KeIso & Hinhie. SUNBURY—J. Washington, • . WRIGHTSVILIE--W. MPore. . YORK—J. EL Boyer. PRE4 ' ERVE Y0LDL,8F411 . . 4 SEVALETRY OF 1T1.1114 YOUK.ER 0:1:kt. AND MEET RY min; that EA (o,ll(seant,. Popular} sad:dpeetecilltem- ABI:kieIt;D'SiXTRACT4WCItI.. . • • Reed the de vettheteent io uoother oolumn,aed profit by itr- • . f: Cis/ma a.end Symptoms ltnemended, Cut it out, ,a on may , require, it, fJul-may.nt some Future Day. "It gives be.dtb and. vjgor, to.the - frame, Andhloom to the pallid Cheek." . • • IL eaves Long . eufferiag Lied lin.posare. Beware of Counterfeits I Cures Guaranteed. Jt3;daw2m EtArit tbuli nyg Wm. d. Batchelor% .Die . . The only Hand* And Relinbl6',Dyef:linown. - An others era, mere imitatione.iiik.d avoided , if you wielf ridkuLa. , ORR?, RED oFFILUSIT - iiilit dyed foistaully to • a beautiful am oat deaf Brriu,ur . gault, yr,itiaUpt,..4Ue Least injury to Noir or Stitt. , ' YIirEKLN: 'DIGS AND .DIPLOMAS liave 4 boeu ,awar. drid' io Wm. A. Bannurniti 4.lfricand 0ver.1.00,000, applioalitins haV4 beelinui4i3 114. ii, of, ,kne protons Ilia'frunoun Wm. A. BATCHELOR'S HAI& DYE „produqes a echo hot to be dilubiguisbea frecn,nakure afiCiimpukaemrsa not td imturain'tne testy however . 16 44 111 3 1 S.Ail cogitin add %d ill ortid Uree raineinnt a tie Lair in invigorated fbr bre bylblenereadia Dye, eltjuthie prop erly apldied at N0;18 dodd Street Wear York. . . Sold iu Witten cited ,' a:M.1010ml of the pinks! Slated, by Drug:Sea and Fanc y n 'Geode Deaiere. The Llennihe has' the'name *Wlllieni A. BaWbelur," id addrese upon a gee] plaW) engraving, on the four sides or each box. Wltoliatie Fecteey, , Bl l EteMev Late '.=3 ktroadway, New York. aa2•dawly DUPONCO'S GOLDEN PILLS FUR FEMALES. . . . . . "Read the Rojo ~ ,ingcertilicatell, front nue of the. Brat. ladieS in thiek j;p4xi any Agents in that (tlr Brtitol & Cu.,) awl told theni.. Wet 14ho, of coarse, did nut Wis.. her MM . _, Public., but if any due should doubt the won;ercitt..e4oneneY. 0f..D0. Doom &Pe Guiden Pals, they abgbtrefer any. Lady ; to :her, as - she conakered it a duty, ad Wed_ es a, &tsar°, to her llnnwledge of their elliatiy, as , adadnistered, , ia: her daughter, a young I &di IS years • Md. :•tle vrae fact Inle'cons miPu'n—fied oeld—Aature became olutoruoted. Two boxes Goictea Pdls entire ly cured, her, mid sae is. nevf.* r•4l l BB,:health,.—. IWe were In buying , t he genuine.. Full, and, directions accompanying g.tedtbox., . Price al,— didd wholosiale and retail by 0, ~A.,Banaraisay ;No. Jimes Row, end CL K. finis; Campaign area, Harris.. burg, pa. By mending either, of, thew o .o;Gmbilittt4 m l i "st office. alb, eq.nt conlktouslallir t"Y"Y 94 ,11 .t0 altir. Part b( *49 Kl;al43til'irnoAaPtstorlae , tol r e:caltßWql4. l ,4ltry, 'taxman, mud of aWklnd Wmve.t la; @imm ix 8 4. „ 4 01 F3 , : IUI . is ot ll 4# iu4p91041, A 4; upAsfop; ttrttore,yb . iAt4 Ajag ninmufu x!Pthl:An VAlTof:thus%sOM aOW-mP elllatuFfluf. 8..0. Ai/We onevery! , base ell teen thealllM -autitarldi Thu ingreinenta .o) , thet atienre Pills *re, to osery Agebt, any, they, me - safe, and Will Perliiicri. a 1 tsislmed ,for Gmbh , 'Sold also by, T. L Lumaiirger,_Lebsuon ; A. J. t Itaulf a, llechshicsburg ; id. sturits,Lewlstowu ; 8. Billet!, • lite ;S. G. Wild Newvilial 1. Shia, Shippens, burg; J Spangler ' Ottembersbu.l ; C. T. Miler, Vara ; J. A. •,'oolf, W. ighetville • 8. B.Stevens, tie Ming ; and 'al P. Gunter, Reading, a nd by "one ‘truggl i t" 4.5/ every tawu and villtge in this United Slatl34-eildley 'ea 4m CHOICE LIGHT R'EAD/NG.- 1:01E SUTH - ERLANDS, by the author of "Rutledge,". Price $1.25. Also new editions of • RUTLEDGE—uniform with "Tbe Sather; hide,.. SL2S. BEULAH—twenty-fifth edition-81.25. RASA' LYNNE—A-new Novel--50'cents. TOR TIDLER'S GROUND; by Pickens, 25 eta. FOR BETTER, FOR WORSE, 88 ate. • , logether with all the New Books, soon fur published At BERGNER'S CHEAP BOOKSTORE. . . NEW • DRESS .GooDs. IittI3ROIDERRD REPS, Pieta arid:Figured Reps ' • Rich Figured all Wool Delaines, Plain Merinoee and Cashmeres, Fancy Paris Drees Silks, Superior Plain Colored Dress-Sala, Warranted makes of plain black ellks, New Styles Low Priced Delaines At CAtHOART & BROTHER'S. Next , door to the Harrisburg Bank Market Square. nov4 JUST .0-PEN ED, - A LAILGX §,T9,0,11, OF .3F° 17 MIL Sit • i RICH. DARK SHADES. VERY CHEAP GOODS FOR THE At OATIICABTS, de23 Next door to the Harriebmi tank. . .. ... WALLOW'..laiirj4, HK RRISH (MG . aiitt PaIIaADELP Did Win., A. Burk, Agent 812 Markag,streeig Philetasi phis, formerly Lioimogme 4 Co. ff', ea pecial Conductor in charge och , train, epode deli vereol.M. We War•sh.susa, Pisill.i , ph Ail 4*o'alOsir , It; 4, elli in, deli owl I. st< rr I alPg next mating;. J. WALLOWER, JR., Agent ali2l4tl Office Rawlins< nenot..oiiri.bu*k. 1 ) 000,000_ ENVELOPES 1 N immense dock of ENVELOPES of every size is now opening at_ BFRONER'S CHEAP BOOKSTORE 11gRESH BUTTER and EGGS constantly 1: on hand and for sale by - ---- NIOHOLS It BOWMAN; 9 . .comor .Frox4 and MarjcgtAnreedn. ' ORA.NBERRIES, Dried Fruits, Fres h Apple, }lemony, at . NICHOLS & BOWMAN'S, corner, Front and Market streets. • i OR RENT.—A two-story : brick house 1 1 4 1 1 . Fine s'reet between SecOnesed Third; Ase,lmeee =e houses; Maguire of 1141! ? :Miirlay, corner of t3toond line idrista, ... •_, '. , if . 'f.;'.''..: 1 w - - 114' , '-' " VMS l iglo : i of French B anket shl B rxtv94l' „n a BROT ... .. ~. . REGULAR AGENTS A OARI TO Tag LADER4 S. D. HO WE, er4prinior. bre,r_York LiOLIDA=Y'S Netr "Abverttsettirtits - PUBLIC - BALE. Vkjl,LL be sold at _at 10 o'clock I M., on siTURDAI Tex DAY FEB ..iUARY, 4:),; 1862, at the Godyt liar nsburg, thAtollowitrg yithiable Fstare, viz : A certain lot or Ground situated to Upper Swahtra tilltittlii/..PauPll.Kes - X4Thjthaitt one tillikkint...e.f. toUow the line of the city of ifuoistiurg, cootaluing nine acres, mire or less, on Which ys erected a large Distillery (known os the Keystone Distillery,) together with a set& meet number of Pies for feeding one todusabd Hog.; Al en, other out building. necess , ry about an establishment of Vie hind. The Wadtory is located on the Pannsylvenis Railroad with a siding belonging to the property, the Pennsylva nia Canal muklug frie boundary. line of the, oud of said pro t .eity. • • ' nay.; erauu wishing to examine the prittnisa before 'the day of rade, Will please e tit - ou Sir John Yont4, near theiLatne, udieysillgige.any infermatitat thirt may Do iiftre - si&t. If ihe preatises shOuld lint he told ott said dry they will t e for, rent. ' Attendance will be tifen dud conditions of sale made known by j 23 .-3w - JACOBI. BIM All Work Promised in One Week P Er SY . TIM A. NI A STEAM BYEI-aitt* ESTAIILISiIiki ENT 104 litiiker and 6th, IIiRRI.MBURG, VAT HERE ,every. clescrip!ipu ,of ; Ladies' andtlentlemetto'iiarments, Piece Goads, am., aro Dyed, Cleansed and finished In the best manner and at the shorteit notice. co., Nora-dimly Proprietors. COAL! POWDER!! COAL 'REDUCED 1 1 N considaeati' c:n ' ; of ti"nies, and I Rai sellexclustvelt3Poll CASH, I have reduce the 'price of Coal as , .• ykens Valley Broken @ $2 90 per ton la Large Egg . " 9; 90 lt " " Small Egg " 290 " " " - .Stove' " 290 . " " -".' !fat CC 226 Willatbarle " 90 gl• Lorberry CI 290 gt jai - All Coal delivered by the Penn Weleereeete,• it Can ea weighed at the purchasers dter,-latairtt falls , short 10 rooms, the WSJ Willi be forfeited, ' All Coal of the best quality mined,. delivered free free, fill Itupurlltee. • u-Coal stildiktolonlititres,,ah theLloWast , waotsasts , Agedt fur Dupont's Celebrated Powder, a large supply always on hand, at Manufacturers prices. I AgrA. large lot of superior baled Hay for sale. 32:3 : • PAWS $11.1:1W-ar,!Eqg• • THEO,. •F. .00HEFFER, HOOK AND • JOB •:-PDIENTER, • NO. 18 - ILIRKET STREET, , und „..,„ • sarParticulatiittential'in . 'Muting, Ruling and Binding of Rallrfaut„lllanlre; iispifedgisovik4es, Checks, Draft'', km CARD 3 penned at St, $3, Si r , and $5 per thoureuld in elegiintntyle. ••••• • . • SOLDIER'S' NICK' SACK'S, JENOR Sale at • • I.7.niti.utivanitUerkso . ranolt 9101111 Camp writiug Csoas,, Needle or Ereinng Cases,',Shaving - or ItazOtases, Toilet Cases, _ Match Cases. Pocket Ink - Stands, Pocket P - Ociet Knives , Fine Combs, c a ii iro n ittors. Beyer Pipes, ' . Tobacco Boxes, ' Wicker, le er Platina Flasks, thur `Plp.ns, Penholders, p7r h nvel eas. I Soldiers will see XL X gluoe th e ekes to oet an 'outfit in smell wares is at No. 91, Markel street. }aii-de.§-"'Filrt re. • " • - wind. ne9 11E117.31131WCAEL, TRAVELING AGENT OF TEE OLD - WALLOWER LINK , 17111J§,PLD .TRANSPORTATION. LINE Sunni in successful operation VA prepared to carry freight, na LOW se any, other individual line between Philadelphia, HarrieburOunbury;Levriebnrg. Williams sport, Jersey Shore, Lock Haven, and far potato on the Northern ()antral, Philadelphia and aYie, and Williainii port and. Elmira Railroad,. • Land direaitat Harrisburg, D. A. MIIBNOH. t [foods sent to PEACOCK, ZOLL & BINOHM.AI4, Nov. 80.8 and 810 Market street, above Eighth, by 4 o'clock, " wiltartive at HairriTburg, ready tbr delivery the neat morning. O. F. MIIENOH, pBtt ?raveling Agent. , . "THE PIN:MIGHTIER THAN TELE ' • - SWORD." THE LARGEST STOCK, _UP, MO BEAUOTh STYLES An PitlyanNs Gold and Silver Penail and Pen 'eagles: • - In the market, is to be found at . ; BERGNER'S' CHEAP 13C;s0KSTOILE. FrEIF, 1181 FURS! 71:71bi I FURS sow -- Utiefraiigifttirretiliirs; ' , FrAncb3gble Fure y >. xer Medan Tun, - tette*: ,;L& U*"sqllPo97..: Orinit=a-nnetre %Over". Article warren tad to be exa.nly onoypplpitaN.att,, ATHUAT & - BROTHER, notat • • gent! With.* sbuTg - Rink. ' NOTICE, • .• hetaby that. Mia. Lavinia :line al beali has Zed on application to the Ooartefitputrler Beattie= of Dauphin county, for 'l`i'vern. License in the tilt Ward ol.the:olly ot.Harrisburg; and: that: the Amine wig be presented to , the said Court on the Ath day 01 Febiizak7;lB62. J. C. YOUNG.; 3td* ii3T(Yr . Ittak- STOGIE' ! Writingu table Desks, Backgammon Boards, Traveling , Bsgs, - 1 - Purses, Wi ll ets, Toilet Bottles, an a geperal MeOttment df .FANOY grAciss, • Call,at ' ' • BMGNEIt'S CHEAP 80011-BTOBE VIT . >3014310,E 'tied 'RE;TAIL DEALER ir - ld Weo ll SilarY,Vrireign. and Doinereaks roil.— • Pixo, eaftruloo; kt4tsins ,and . L Nola of . ; all . kinds.— rre#n 0 6 4 , t 4 ,1114 1 , 1 .; & 4 01+, cian4l6 3 ,: Vinegar, *OA To bitapa;Sttara an d Country 'Produce In general, at tho curj .. er of Third aid iyalantsWecnr., r 1203-dsm " JOHN WISE. OLD . Pat4sl=-The jargesfand best ' sleek, Tronittoo 'to $4 00-liiariantedet. Ile AIIakFFER% ,BOOASTORE4 11 ,11 ARG-1;. and Extensive AsSortment of Glass-ware, Just received from the tactorkeyitulicir catitA cheap by N101191;8 & 130Wite eel er, pmt.anti illafheAalfeets. CAMP COMPANION. A eZ y ler=a t kt i t i gri " " 1 .7! g • r °b.:Ds r . 1020 - SCHEFFBE'N EIC ( AMI )63' rEplillNe. -Free& Groan'd 'and Whole`Spicei ± Pepper, Alepice, said Mace, at, NICROLS & BOWMAN'S,•. -- earner /*tonic/Id t illetreets. erlibwitk i Fresh and ap Bap* of tWa Oolobssol.Coffeoke*r&OOTPo* '7 , 3*,, , i0a 3 ] Wll. DOCIS, Jr., & Co. EuL Eta t ttoui~ HELMBOLD't GENUINE PREPARATION ultiG .LY CONCENTRATED" 0011IPOND-FLUIPAIMACT BLICHU, Positive and Specidis - Reliiedy For Iniew:ea of the .BLADREI4.4IDNWI73, GRAVEL, .and DROPSICAL SWELLINGS:— - This Medicine increases the4clWer.•ef Digestion, and excites the ABMORERNIXE let ?:lundthy fiction, by which the WATe'RY Ort CXLClAREOUS.depeitilitins, and all UN NATURAL ENLARGESENTB.-11 , i3 reamed, as well as PAIN AND INFLAMATIoN, addiit gond for MEN, WOMEN-OR CHILDdEN. HELMBOLD'S . For Weaknesses Arising from Fitteessis, Hattitnot Dissipation, Early In :discretion or Abase.. . ATTrEN Dal WITH THE IrOlAtil*NG Obit:it:Nß indiiniosition to Exertion, Intarer Power :Lessor _Memory, MBank a smoin g , , Weak Nerves, -Trembting, Horror of Disease, : . Walkerelness, .Dimoess a Vision, - the Bank, Universal tkesitnde of the Iftironir..Bretem, tiot - Hands, • • : • : - Blitehing of tee Body, Dryness of the - Einptione on t•m Face, PALI'S° VOMENANdEa— . _ These symptctiett_:if:allowed Ignektatt, which this med. Icinstevariaolyett. - IMPO r get 7.-CTU/T:VO A/ IM, . IN ONE OF WEIICH TFIE,tA.EN•rgAir AIL IRE. Mho can say that they are /iietfreqateitly followed by :those ;IREFUL MI4 MASKS," 'INSANITY, AND.VONHUMKION,. :Hank : ere a ware of the canoe; of ; their iliirming, BUT . /11,.RE - .10 °DS OF THE INgtellt . • And the Melanckoly Deaths by Conitnitption, WAS AILPLV IcIrNICSSTO,FIII Tgrln or me Af . lBl[RTl•gi. ORGANIC W.I. 1101,NICSS,_: . Raisins the aid or medicine to strengthen and , Inviiiewat- the Siete= Which Hatmeote's EXISAOT. BQCHU ieseriebty doer ♦ muAL. wnc cranzatass moor ammeTrOim. FEM 4LE3-FEMALE3-FEMALES. LO OR YOUNGC4INGLEV MARRIED, OR COMTEMPLA MARRIAGE. MANY ARTECTION.4 . PRIMA* 11).71 4M4E: the Extrtiet. Ituetufii int:quaked ¢y any ether rern ufy, es in. Chloroels or Retention, pregfilarity, kaintalneet, or Ruppresitom of cuetotitary Evacuittonti, Mceretett,-or. Seirrhoue for of tho Meru; Leueartitee Whites, Steril ity, and for all Co:Millings Incident te - the sex, yrhether arising from Indiscretioa, Habits of psolgation, or In the ARMIN ... B : O B R OHAIGIcr.LIFX. SHOULD BElyrrixptrr.,o •' TAKE NO MODE EWAN, MUMMY, OR. UNPLEASANT MEDI OINK OR UNPLEASANT AND DANGEROUS DUMMER. HSLMBOLD'S ESIZA.GT ZWOHI7 ' • SECRET DISEASES. to all their Stages, At little Expense ; Little or no change in Diet; . No inconvenleJae; ~ .. ... Arad.= Etzpanwe. it causes a frcquent de. ireami gives strength to Urinate, thereepremoving Obstroetions, ; Preventing and.Garlaglitrieturee of tee Urothra, , Allaying Palo mat Latiammatioa, so iroquent in the elass,el diseasesii: extolling e4i Poiarnirl,.Dsasafsed andiiati-ct m . • : .5 - - AIIIIKV7PONI Taiwan* ; TIVO BIT ER1r2111? Vld dlital QVAdX3, ' lad who have paid atavy ma to be cared is a short teihavb 4 big Olfigavolt sad that the "POI SON" haii, : b ''' e tiseAurtuiiff," , been dried up in the system, to breat out in an aggravated form, and • i .:- 1 .. . : ' " AREL4P, ilitlatiLialillag. : ' , Use Hamanxee Itu&tor forall attztione ,add dietiaima of the :s c IBdIYY tail - GANS, whether °stades in MALE OH FEMALE, HOW LONG- SCANDING. diseases of theme Organs require the aid of DIURETIC. 'HittlidEtof.arrS mErit set BUONO' • ; - ' ' THE OEM DIURETIC, And* certain to hare the desired . effeet 10 all' Diseases WHICH RPlOcilitiENOdD. ' Eigiaiwo of Me . most relisble rat rapetialie character' willabaompaay die mediaes. CERTIFICATO3 OF CURES i frown Bto 20 yearn standing, WITH NaII3I3IINOWN TO SCIENCE AND FA. ttE. Price $1 00 per bottle, .or six for $5 00; Reiman* fa any address, securely pupa from obaor ration. • !DIVAIRIBE rtmerokADl ALL covltutaki.kuoNs. tiares Gaaraateed I . Advice Gratis 1 ''" AFriniVrr.' • alPerim'lly appoAred before Inoovik , Aldormita of ..tho o 7of Pnilsolvdonto n g.,T. , AwAra, wao,poln,g, duly orn, dOtirifity; hatirbp•MdiabblitAnk'n.b yOtreoNo, no orousgithentlidrnjorionitfragiAtitiViie-• 4 bin * -'•-• • - ' •' • Tf.4'."HilaniO . I ri; i Swornamd minim:tined before me, WA 280 day od'llo 4 , 6211i8G" 1854,• , ."..‘• wip Pas imsamr,tiudivisaiN, -, , aitata•9t , MiourlimicKsißega.l Address ; letter. for Information in kvonedonoa .0 ~ ,11: - T:pCELVIMOyLp . ., - gli - ' XlebatliOnoutlOttaitti St'.;, btil.lolo*.n* Atli, , , -! ) BEWARE OF COUNTEttrIBITN ANDIINPRINOIPiiii - DIALERS, 19Inkondenvor to (144p0t0 ~ o v Theta OWN", itn4 ..ortunt". 'wind= on i.ii , nithutArtOiNthiuniniti Id 1 Hislmbold's Genuine Propittntimi . 4 . • .. ... ....xtr - Meta Its; " : .' ~ NefeflOffelav •, • , .. - 1 InitirNven Rmo 'Wish. • Sold:by C: K.• fisher,. D. W, avian, X. Wyeth, 13. • IL Binnvait. - • • . AND ALL nnuonsv svrhararzißa ASK FOR IikiLMESOLD'S. .TAME NO OTHER. Got oat the,a4vettivemont Anditand totqi. t.. . . AND AVOID IMPOSITIO NI AND EXPOSURE. novlB dly .. SEWING hIeikeEETNES 10N48 BROOk.&1112.0%, . PiIIZE MEDAL SPOOL COTTON. ,: 1200 g MIR YD & WHITIA.BLAQXIII7OLiIitgOi. 31E1113 thread being madeTartiettlarkr for I. sewing Machines* vEitY STRONG, 81(00111 AND 111,AbTIO. Its strearthialiot Unpaired by whtehic sidt by friction of the needle. ,For .Itechinea, use Brooks' Patent Glace, . ; ' FOR UPPER` THREAD, Brouke Patent Six Cord, Redilricket, FOR iTND~R • Sold brreepeoltie . a Gans sacs, Moos** xes.,,hy . W W. lIRMAIMIIM'eI, Sole Meant. • i m it‘dg m • . • 88* /gee Nef • COAL! 00AL1 I $B, AND;S6-1111i 4 f0141 0V2;0001438: • 0.4 D. YAS Weft, t 7 - 4 ; srket Birebt, yaiii the Canal, foot of North street, %%decal° and 'Rit dealer le TARR/MOAT, WILKABARRE, LYARNB VALIART, SUBBORraut BROAD TOP DIAL ninlies and Dealers may rely upon obtaidng a Bret-ratt otlele, and full weight, at the lowest rates. Orders pilimpurettoo_ded to.. A Literal Amount made to pur rpaying for the; _99.100.1„40U erclared. esent price, ST Samoa. • arrisburg. PG• • , LENB. K TIMMER or Piano, IttEdodeon, Guitar and singing DARTIC.IMAR attention will-be-paid--tor au c eence i thr of pia voice...after 0 9311#014 1 "4"•- bratiii ndlhod: celri W Iftao Kn 9ttite 93 MarketAtrelt : . . .114idne Rensselaer PolyUcgulio Inntiinte; TROY, NE,W YORK 10HE n. this ,semi-annoal session. of this 'Sell known hustityte for. inetsuollotirkin :the: Mathffinati4l, Five:teal and k , lidurat mace au, Wednesday, Feb .19thi,1862. inll:course in. Militarjr-Belance is.nowl-n progress:— 'Graduates - of - the - Inslitute fled no difficulty In Foplaininveryft est rable po sitions as Civil, Naval andloplttaplucalffiegiseers. The Annual *seater, giving full particulars, can be obtained of Prof.'Charles Drowne, Director. N. S. S. HENAN, President riIIOICE Syrups, Loverings- and other 1,,./ choice brands, for sale by NICHOLS & BOWMAN, J corner Front and Market streets. .• OUR newly replenished stock of Toilet and Fancy Gkiods is unsurpassed in this 0.17,1414 FI - coSfisent tif sonde TritAlq , 9 j?" T . ful liar lY k l ai nv ittreek two tea Call; doors faustor.litHalki s t reet, south ,0444•131 L, BEAT COAL 01 , 4, - Wholebale. seta#o, wow bp NOHOW* ISIAVICM — ciirderilitent andtlairlastreetaV 2musentento. SANFORD'S Ntit - OFtRA. HOUSE THIRD BELOW teilliEt. • FRAN'S. BROWEII, In his Great Delieniations Every Evening this Week ; Together with SANFORD'S TROUPE. This Evening--THE MUMMY. Admission, 25 cents. Orchestra Chairs, 50 cents. Seats in Private Boxes, 76 cents. Entire Box, • $5.00, - Doors open o'clock ; Commetavtit 74 o'clock. aItOTIO MUSIC HALL! WALNUT BELOW THIRD STREET. CROWDED HOUSES NIGHTLY ! Hundreds :Unable- tb Obtain -Admission The greatest array of Talent ever appearing in the CAPITAL of the KEYSTONE STATE. EVERY EVENING 1 EVERY EVENING 1.! COMPosed of MALE and FEN ALE ARTISTS, each one being a STAR in their Profession. Ole Bull Dick Myers, Violinist. Aft:drawn - - 10 and 15 cents. Dooreopen% o'clock. Commences at 74. o'clock. FRED. AIMS,* Proprietors. (Positively no Boys admitted. A. HUMMEL, 'nxuatu BOOTS AND' SHOES, BUFFAIb AND GUM. OVER SHOE'S, It ~ TRUNKS AND CA.RPS I' BAGS. ATITHS OLD STAND corner or the alley, next to the Court douse, Market street., Harrisburg, Pa. • Thaokkul .the pakronage heretofore belitOWed, 4Pezi the lateilhui.oPlUzllbutrieliel-V:A..;'alro trtlkt fly strict at tention to business, and by keeping a wellsatscrso nom da (Wand to merit a ron Minuet of the same Meese call and examine oar swot' and PRICES buying, elaewhere. • jaw .iIUN ItEt Goods are purchased direct from he manufactures for cash enabling, teem 10 sell very Mw. - JUST'OPENI B 1 APISEILOT- OF SUPERIOR MADEV , Gittiii•Tobtidecv, and -frourone to tw9 r .ye&TSolli,, of my own manufacture. A One tot of choice ebetying gott-Smoicing Puma)°, .gt pee, Snuff and a large variety of (Aber articles coneututly on ban tor sale wholesale and retaiL Thauktul for former pat. tbuage, I hope by strict ittiMtkin tObuilnluif to receive a liberal share of the. trade. A line Smokleg ROOM attached, whero cuttuners may I sylieck , and &gars and Too:woo • Don't forget the window with the amp in it; that is the place to buy your Tobacco and r,e4are. North !target Square, above Market street; .thrtlnJues. Dec. 4, lB6l.—Orn WM. WYlt4)l7. • FOR RENT. THE commodious STORk ROOM. on liti '.oes' House," (. verly's Hotel,) oesupied during tne last eight oar nine yearantiiilegrelryltid Vintatintking escousdixims, Sta. owsi4grio .tioUses the vicionity utiCe Calgtol. sons& of tho 4• -homing etooDllng, meats boinwice house, acc., and vaosnL lota attached. (Possession given the drat of April son 0 RAMA', [Hang OV/ 1 3i Am 9 ' t i I . l' ' tI , k 2 I -"I ? . • . i ' . ''' '-' ' ''. ' It, SALE. valuable. Two Story. double frame r . ottillPtinhiw aid Loot-'sroit;d:alguinet Quit* nefjoi arm strew. and Niat,avenne, 30 feet on North 11ie, 4 4 16,4 / 11 tfectdePP, Of9.:*ehetnent nitiheria, taarcet= tat, Lila aleirviiii7o*, also a never fatting opong ot,wa ig% .. .: Tull IS Ma 4taUlatad for a atom or twat, Ter lll3l4l /4 6 / 6 ' g.411.c.0 of W.. BARR, . iliii4 ' ~. .. .... . eiti,..tronknkeer. ,-• • - Eiltlit P H li E I' 13 . ' . STEOI.IIO- HOItiCEPATHIO iiv: REMEDIES! Is have received a fresh stock of these • valuable remeules—suitable for mi manner of dilease -.lor•list, of Specific Remedies see almanac for 18112. : ta tangle boxes, wittrdirectons; ter 25 cts. and 50 ete. In web tit Mx tioite, With boos of direction/21 00. Id . oille'iot Maki - betas with boos of dtrectioaa 22 $O. to min or twenty large vials with bates of directions $ 00 b oom of tl. It tt " t 64 It $5 00 We'ave now prepared to fill cam# vials of any or the Releetellos troth Alb. 1 10 20, an , : ti ItuhLitt ffulaphrejta' tiliaisaannstomers may ded e. ODD'S k Irritsur or Hand it 21 li, or Vegetable °tante/yet . , proparef by F. DuMpitreyu, M. D., osii bp halted by wholesale or iota!' et , t ie • BELUttt'd Drug and Fancy Store, JEdl id Market street. , CO*Li COAL l I - 0041:41' 1 1 riEiE undersigned would inform the con .Efozmers of Coal that. hale Doir'prepaied to fantail 041 froai bode' Cover perfectly dry and clean is all Linde of weather; Liseaß Tat 'Etrarea - Coal • Lapps ksg " dt Na t ‘, kitteitin Lump No. t 4 2 as a fit l a t i e r • 5 ti t _ berry. Broad Top and Allegheny, also Hickory and Pi e Wood" BYlkad. • irlabarg, Jan 7, 71162 -dim* s'' k. OMETHING NEW! . Otexenna ler having Boots and Shoes D .- not blackened. Blacking that will give a polish on . m . et or greasy. beats: ,Tu4t the thing for .he Mime, when 'every one cannot afford 'two o 1 three palm of awes or baits , . Call and examine, at NICHOLS & BOWMAN'S, ial corner Front and Market omega. ''OR BICE CHEAP.--A TWO •.,L1 • STORY' , FltaldEl • HOUSIsI, 123ix60 teat altuateil olpGrlt .4 - street, la the rear of the „ItaserValr. Far farther particulars apply on s thei,pretaises to 122412w* TO FAMERS. EIATS I OATS 1 I Cud* paid for . : Oats N/ by JAMES M. WHEBLEB. Y _ OUNG MEN. desiring .to i3eryir in an Infant lit, whien will likely tie sent South, would do well to apply t the undersigned, who hasianthorlty to rate a comp Any. WESLETAWL. AY ! HAY 1 1-50 tons superior baled Hay, for sale wbolablle and riAall by JAMES Y. WHEELER. CHEAP 81:TGARS'I 1"--Ca11 at NICHOLSA,BOWMAN, .05 . . corner Frontard market streets EXTRA - FAVILY FLOUR in fourth and halt blot: • also, wholesaleand retail tb, New Grocery, and Prtmiaton Sore, Front. and 'Motet at. NICHOLS R SOWN. r. . ALM - AN:A.OB I AMANA - 6S I _ . .EAR'S GERMAN AND ENGLISH, AL MANACS in every quality can be. had at , , BERGNER'S CHEAP' ,BOOKSTORE. - - IMC- 0- 41 - 4. 1-13- __ _A -B— N I' Yon wante.tolgoi.snialiio;BOOEti.for your phikitere,igocto.i . rf - 7 AnaletaligfellAtT BOOKSTORE. E M. M.atliat