Pennsylvania daily telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1857-1862, January 31, 1862, Image 2
lipily Eeitgrapil. Forever float that standard sheet 1 Where breathes the foe but falls before um With Freedom's soil beneath our feet, And F'reedom'ii banner streaming o'er us OUR PLATFORM THE UNION-THE CONSTITuTiON-AND THE ENFORCEMENT OF THE TAW. HARRISBURG, PA Friday Afternoon, January 31, 1862, IDLE IMPRESSIONS. One of the pretexts which has been used by the northern dough-faces for many years, to impede and interrupt the dissemination of a just sentiment on the subject of negro slavery, is, that all men who oppose slavery are aboli tionists, emancipationists or fanatics. They allege that the northern opponent of slavery is in favor of the immediate emancipation of the slaves of the south, a measure which no man, however blindly he may be in favor of aboli tionism, cin fail to discover, would result in disaster to all sections of the country, simply because the sudden change and disrupture of society which would follow such a moveirent, must drag down with it forms and principles now essential to the permanency of the Union. In this war, particularly, those who are opposed to slavery, are bitterly denounced as abolition ists by those who have no other means of show ing their sympathies for traitors. The abolitionism which has taken hold of the public heart and animates the army, is that which contemplates the disfranchisement of slavery. Republican principles deny the right of any class - of men in a Republican form of government to exercise or wield privileges and power which prejudice any interest or principle relating to other citizens of that Republic. In its political bearing and influence, no man will attempt to deny that this has been the tendency of slavery, at least so far as its enfranchisement is concerned, because the power thus vested in the hands of a few men in the south, outb al arming and overshadowing the same number of free white men in the north, has led to the ar rogance of the slave driver, the engendering of an aristocracy, and the rebellion which they now wage to usurp all the authority of the fed eral government. When we abolish the fran chises of slaVery, we will have achieved a po litical victory which will shorten the road to the moral, individual and social amelioration of slavery. It is the fear of this disfranchisement that has aroused the slave-holder of the south to the realization of his political dangers. It is not the mere loss financially in the institu tion which has caused rebellion, but the fact that slavery is bound to loose its prestige in political power. TEE BAYONET IS THE THING A person who was present at the battle of Buena Vista, and afterward wrote a description of it, said that when the American and Mexi can armies were drummed up face to face in battle array, and before the fighting had com menced, Gen. Taylor rode slowly along in front of his men, saying some encouraging word to each company as he passed it. "Old. Rough and Ready" sat carelessly on his horse, with One foot in the stirrup and the other leg hang ing over the saddle on the same side, and as he passed the spot where the writer was., standing he said: "The bayonet, my hardy cocks, the bayonet is the thing." Secretary Stanton's re cent general order shows that he holds this weapon in equal esteem. "In the prompt and spirited movements and daring at the battle of Mill Springs," he says, with stirring eloquence, "the nation will realize its hopes, and the people of the United States will rejoice to honor every soldier add officer who proves his courage by charging with the bayonet and storming entrench ments, or in the blaze of the enemy's fire." There cm be no doubt that determined charges with the bayonet are the highest feats of personal daring, and the best proof that sol diers can give of their bravery. When their courage is equal to this, it is equal to any 'de mands that can be made upon it. The stirring appeal of the new Secretary will make thous ands of our brave fellows eager for oppor tunities to distinguish themselves in this way. ENGLAND IS SATISFIED ! Satisfied with what? This is a grave question, full of meaning, but as the English press and their American coteni poraries join in the cry that England is satisfied, we must accept the assurance as the certainty of peace, until England again becomes dissatis fied, Which will be the moment her rapacious and jealous ministers of state imagine that they have found another pretext on which to base some preposterous claim or arrogant de mand on this government, then they will only be satisfied, and through them the satisfac tion of the English people, established by another ovsnohelminy argument L W' the federal administration. la the Trent affair, the British government were determined to be dissatisfied—resolved, if possible, to provoke a war with the American States, but failing in this, and discovering that the claim they had made was- the recogni tion of a policy this government bad long in sisted upon and advocated, the British aristoc racy were glad to escape the dilema and the shame which their own inconsistency had brought upon them in the eyes of the world, by asserting a satisfaction which is as hypo critical as all their former profeisions of friend ship for the Repeblic of the West BALLACK. has ordered the execution of seven bridge burners, after having been con victed of the offence. This is the [doper man ner to deal with such traitorous imadiaries. OUR NORTHERN ALLY. The alliance which is generally formed by treaty, is as generally of very little force, effect or importance, because nations have little re gard for their word when selfish wisdom inter poses to tempt them to do wrong. Very few treaties that have been formed, since diplomacy combined the art of lying in order to deceive, but have been violated or disregarded, when it suited the purpose of the nation thus derelict; or when it had the power to outrage interna tional law at its command. The British gov ernment, for instance, has indulged in more diplomatic covenant of peace and comity than any other nation in the world ; and yet the enormity of its violations of these compacts, has more than once filled mankind with shame and the world with indignation. England is ever prompt to plight its faith when prosperity promises to greet its progress ; but the moment profit and gain vanish from its vision, its potentates and ministers forgot their pledges, deny their covenants, and abrogate their com pacts. The shores of every ocean and sea in the Universe attest the outrages of these violations —bleeding India has proven them in her sighs and groans—tortured China illustrates them in her opium victims —while, wherever weak ness bad an interest or a resource, or ignorance the possession of a territory which excited the cupidity of Great Britain, in that dire& ion its diplomats directed their arts and their cunning,. until they could procure a treaty of alliance, which English hypocricy at once violated, while British force and arms insisted on their viola tion at the expense of the lives and the property of the innocent and defenceless. We believe that the government of the Uni ted States has never by treaty, entered into an understanding of alliance for offensive and de fensive operations with any nation in the world. Our means of information now does not afford us the intelligence to be positive on this point, and yet we feel certain that, with the exception of the alliance with France during the war of the revolution, the government of the United States has stood aloof from treaties of alliance for belligerent purpo- , es with any nation in the world. Observation taught our rulers that such written understandings were as useless as ropes of sand. And yet we have an ally—a bold, powerful, and almost invincible ally—advoca ting and maintaining principles directly the op posite and the extreme of our own system of government—with a people scarcely possessing an interest in common with our own—with laws that admit of no appeal and a monarch who is absolute—we still possess the unwritten alliance in the sympathies, the prayers and the admonitions of RUSSIA. During the late embarrassing condition of our relations with England, when the rotten aristocracies of the world regarded our position with a sneer and replied to our arguments with a scoff, the Russian government simply intima ted to the administration at Washington a lins of policy which after developments proved to have been a singular and happy acquiescene in the very policy which President Lincoln had adopted In the Trent issue. Russia, unlike its neighboring dynasties, bad no worn or sytn puny or encouragement for Great Britain. DesPising all dissimulation, and contenting himself with the utterance of a friendly word for the people and the proffer of a dignified advice to the gov ernment of the United States, the Russian Empe ror was willing to trust to the judgment of the American people with a confidence that proves that he has regard for our welfare as well as solicitude for our progress and destiny. These facts must never be forgotten by the American government and people ; and however different the impulses and the interests of the two na tions, and distinctive and widely separated their policies of government, henceforth Russia and the United States are bound in an alliance more endurable than any which the nations of the world have heretofore attempted to preserve on parchment This alliance will be shown in acts of friendly reciprocity, instead of the empty compliments of hollow-hearted diplomacy, and as the governments of the two countries are thus drawn into more intimate relations of reci procity and recognition, and the people respect ively begin to understand the immense resources at their command, with the vast interests which their labor represents, the world will yet be held in abeyance by this moral alliance of Rus sia and the United States, and through the influ ence of the extreme policy carried forward by each, much good must certainly accrue to man kind. Henceff rtn, too, will it become the du ty of this government to make our ministerial representative at the imperial court of the Czar not merely the embodiment of a formal and immaterial. interest, but the representative of our material wealth, our power of resource and production, our triumphs in the field and on the ocean, and our moral as well as physical ability to lead where'science points the way or energy and enterprise are ready to be crowned by the most honorable achievements of nations. Timex Ramon OF Dommts are daily ex pended by this government to maintain ita military organization. Three millions of dol. lars! And for what purpose is this expense incurred? Is it to drive from our shores a foreign foe ? No ! Ls it to put down the savage Indians rushing on our defenceless border ? No ! lb it to advance civilization and religion? No. Well may the world then demand to know the object for which this immense treasure is expended. And well may we answer that it is to prevent a few thousand slaveholders from destroying this government. It is to put an end to the rebellion of the , 2e slaveholders, backed and aggravated by the misrepresenta tion of our government by a clique of corrupt politicians, that the national authorities are compelled to spend three millionsof dollars every twenty-four hours. All for slavery— all to prevent the minions of slavery from usurping the rights of freemen. Tam PNELADErmiIe ha:graze, is in error when it states that Col. Ruff had mustered in -the great majority of one hundred thousand men, wham , Pennsylvania has now in the service of the national government. The muster ing of these men was princip illy performed in this city and in Pittsburg, by Captains Simmons, Hastings and Dodge, while' the number mus tered in Philadelphia by Col. Ruff did not ex ceed ten thousand men. This statement we consider due to the energy of three of the most gallant captains in the regular service, penttoplpania lOntiv (telegraph. frittap 'Afternoon, Januar!) 31, 1862. Pennsylvania Legislature. REPORTED EXPRESSLY FOR THE TELEGRAPH FRIDAY, Jan. 31, 1862. The Senate met at 11 o'clock A. M., and Wits called to order by Speaker HALL. The Journal of yesterday was read. Several reports from committees were pre sented ; among them the following: Mr. CONNELL, (Finance,) as committed, joint resolution relative to the appointment of a committee to consider the manner of assessing and collecting the direct tax levied by the Uni ted States. Said bill was taken up and passed by the fol fowing vote: Yeas—Messrs. Benson, Boughter, Bound, Connell, Crawford, Fuller, Hamilton, Hiestand, Imbrie, Landon, Lawrence, Lowry, Penney, Serrill, Wharton and Hall, Speaker-16. NAve—Messrs. Clymer, Donavan, Glatz, Irish, Johnson, Kinsey, Lamberton, Mott, Nich ols, Reilly, Robinson, Smith, (Montgomery,) Smith, (Philadelphia,) and Stein-14. So the bill passed finally. Mr. IMBUE, (Finance,) as committed, a sup plement to an act to create a loan, and provide for arming the State. Several other reports were made of bills, all of a private nature. A large number were taken up and passed; after which the Senate Adjourned till Monday, at 3 o'clock, r. m The House was called to order at 10 o'clock A. H., and opened with prayer by Rev. Frank Moore. Agreeably to order, the House proceeded to eonsider the special order of the day, viz: the "act to provide for the payment of the direct tax," and the amendment to the same propo sed by Mr. WILLIAMS. The bill and the proposed amendment, were read as follows: AN ACT to provide for the payment of the di- Sze - flex 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and Ilouse of Representatives of the Comnumwealth of Pennsyl vania, in General Assembly met, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same:—That the quota of the direct tax apportioned to the State of Pennsylvania by the act of Congress entitled "An Act to provide increase eve nue from imports to pay interest on the public debt, and for other purposes," passed on the fifth day of August one thousand eight hundred and sixty-one, be and the same is hereby assumed by the State of Pennsylvania; and that for the purpose of paying and satisfy ing the same to the treasury of the United States, (after deducting fifteen per cent= thereon in accordance with the provisions of said act)the Governor is hereby authorized to release to the United States the whole or any part of the claim of this State against the United States, and to pay any balance of said quota, that may remain due after such release, out of any mon eys heretofore refunded ,or that may hereafter be refunded, to this State by the United States, on account of expenses incurred by this State in enrolling, subsisting, clothing, supplying, arm ing, equipping, paying and transporting vol unteers employed in aiding to suppress the pre sent insurrection against the United States. Mr. WILLIAMS moved to amend, by sub substituting the following: SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Commonwealth of Pennsyl vania in General Assembly met, and it is hereby enacted by authority of the same, Inaccordance with the pr,,vinio.n,of-the_ fiftyAkii Bertiim of the act of the Congress of the United States entitled " An act to provide increased revenue from im portations to pay interest on the public debt, and for other purposes," approved on the fifth day of August, A. D. 1861, the State of Penn sylvania will and does hereby undertake said assume to assess, collect and pay into the Treas ury of the United States the quota, to wit : The sum of one million, nine hundred and forty-six thousand, seven hundred and nineteen and one-third dollars of the direct tax imposed by the said act of Congress, apportioned there by to the said State of Pennsylvania for the current year, one thousand eight hundred and sixty-two, subject however to such deductions 4nd abatement as the said state may be entitled to under the terms and provisions of the said act, and it shall be the duty of the State Treas urer to procure an adjustment of the amount which will be actually due and payable there upon and to pay into the Treasury of the United States from time to time the proceeds of all col lections made on account of the said tax and on or before the fifteenth day of June next, to pay and satisfy the whole unpaid residue and re mainder thereof out of any moneys in the treasury not otherwise appropriated. Sec. 2. That it shall be the duty of the'GOV emor of this State to give notice to the Secre tary of the Treasury of the United States of the intention of this State to assess, collect and pay into the treasury of the United States the direct tax imposed, as aforesaid, by the said act of Congress upon the said State, upon the terms prescribed, as aforesaid, by the fifty third section of the said act; and he is more over further empowered to execute a release on behalf of this 'Commonwealth, and under its proper seal, of any liquidated or determined claim thereof, against the United States, of equal amount with any deduction to which this State may be found entitled, upon a proper adjustment of the said tax, in conformity with the provisions of this act. Mr. WILLIAMS withdrew his amendment; and The question recurring on the original bill, Mr. KAINE moved to amend by adding after the words, "fifth day of August, one thousand eight hundred and sixty-one," in the 7th line, the words, " one million nine hundred and forty six thousand seven hundred and nineteen and one-third' dollars." The amendment was agreed to. Mr. SCOTT moved further to amend by stri king from the tenth line the words, " fifteen per centum," and insert the words, "such per centum as may be allowed." The amendment was agreed to. Mr. WILLIAMS moved to amend by striking out all after the word "Pennsylvania," in the fourth line, and insert the following: In accordance with theprovisions of the fifty third section of the act of the Congress of the United States, entitled, "An Act to provide in creased revenue from imp)rtations to pay in terest on the public debt, and for other pur poses," approved on the fifth day of August, anno domini, one thousand eight hundred and sixty-one, the State of Pennsylvania will, and does, hereby undertake and assume, and pay, into the, treasury of the United States, the quota, to-wit: the sum of one million nine hundred and forty-six thousand seven hundred and nineteen and one-third dollars of the direct tax imposed by the said act of Congress, appor tioned thereby to the said State of Pennsylvania for the current year one thousand eight hundred and sixty-two, subject, however, to such deduc tions and abatement as the said State may be entitled to under the terms and provisions of the said act; and it shall be the duty of the State Treasurer to procure an adjustment of the amount which will be actually due and payable thereupon, and to pay into the treasury of the United States, on or before the thirteenth day of June next, the whole amount so ascertained and adjusted, out of any moneys in the treasury not otherwise appropriated. Sao. 2. That it shall be the duty of the Gover nor of this State to give notice to the Secretary of the Treasury of the United States of the in tention of this State to assume and pay into SENATE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES FRIDAY, Jan, 31, 1862 TIM DIRECT TAX rect tax the Treasury of the United States the direct tax imposed, as aforesaid, by the said act of Congress upon the said State, upon the terms prescribed, as aforesaid, by the fifty-third sec tion of the said act ; and he is, moreover, fur ther empowered to execute a release on behalf of this Commonwealth, and under its proper seal of any liquidated or determined claim thereof against the United States of equal amount, with any deduction to which this State may be found entitled upon a proper ad justment of the said tax, in conformity with the provisions of this act. The amendment was disagreed to —yeas 20, nays 72. Mr. WILLIAMS moved to amend by insert ing after the word " Pennsylvania" in the fourth line the words " for the current year of one thousand eight hundred and sixty-two. Agreed to. The first section of the original bill was agreed to. Mr. CESSNA moved the following as an ad ditional section : That the Governor of this Commonwealth be requested to forward to the Secretary of the United States on or before the second Tuesday of February, one thousand eight hundred and sixty-two, a copy of. the foregoing section. The amendment was agreed to, and the bill then passed unanimously. REPORTS OF CO3DLIITKES A number of bills were reported from the committees, including the following : Mr. TRACY, (Banks,) with amendment., an act to change the name of the Milton Saving's bank, and for other purposes. Mr. ROSS, (Luzerne,) (same,) an acb relative to the Bank of Penn township, Philadelphia. Mr. ABBOTT, (same,) with amendment, an act for the suppression and destruction of bank notes. Mr. NEIMAN, (same,) as committed, an act to reduce the capital stock of the Girard Bank of Philadelphia. BILLS IN PLACE A number of bills were read in place, includ ing the following: Mr. SUIT, a supplement to an act apprjed thirteenth of October, one thousand eight hun dred and fifty seven, to provide for the resump tion of specie payments by the banks, and for the relief of debtors. Senate amendment to the joint resolution of the House relative to the assessment and col lection of the direct tax was considered and concurred in. A number of bills of a private nature, were considered and passed, when the House Adjourned until Monday at 3 o'clock P. M. BY THlGhArii. Later News from Europe. Arrival of the Steamship Africa Resumption of the Shipment of Muni- dons of War. Earl Russell on the Stone Blockade. ===l 'The Cunard steamship Africa has arrived, with Liverpool rapers to Saturday, the 18th inst., and telepraph, via Queenstown, to the 19th inst. The CommissiOnein of Coatorua haw, racoiv ?orders to permit the exportation of all articles of war munitions, against which the prohibi tion was recently issued. It is reported that Earl Russell, in response to a memorial from the Liverpool Shipowners Association, relative to the stone blockade at Charleston, said that'll° had sent a dispatch in December, warning the American Government against the ill feeling the proceeding would en gender, and that it would lead to the opinio that a re-construction of the Union was considered hopeless. After the design was carried out he sent another .dispatch, expressing strong hopes that it would not be repeated elsewhere. It is rumored that the French and other Governments were taking similar steps. Breadstuffa were firmer at Liverpool and all qualities of wheat were slightly higher. Pro visions were declining. Consols for money are quoted at 93®931. Tutus, January 19.—Garribaldi has retused to accept the Presidency of the national society of Providernents. An interesting debate took -place in the Italian Parliament on the Roman question.— Picasesa said that the doctrines of Italy were repining. LIVERPOOL, Jan. 19.—The sales of cotton on Saturday we2'ooo , bales, including 1,600 to speculators and exporters. The market closed dull, with a 'downward tendency. Breadstufls were firm, and corn is tending upward. Prni slows dull. Sr. Prrassenso, Jan. 19.—The Gazette of the Senate.contains a decree authorizing the issue of thirty millions of treasury bonds for the payment of the subscription to the railway com pany. These bonds are not to be yet issued, and the National bank is to discount them. LONDON, Jan. 19.—Consols, closed yesterday 68®93k for money. Illinois Central shares 54a43 discount. Ede Railroad 27ig. 28:1. HAVE, Jan. 16.—Cotton closed dull but Steady at a decline of 6@ f 6 francs. The sales of the week were 8,000 bales Orleans, Tresor dilutive 1 62f., Aas 1 &if. The stock in port is 126,000 bales. The morning Post rejoices at the general con demnation of the stone blockade, and says it is rousing the European Governments to a com mon sentiment of indignation, and asks why more forbearance is shown to America, than was the case when Belgium was recognized, par ticularly as Holland was never guilty of the barbarities committed by the Washington cab- The suspension of specie payments continued to be the theme of gloomy prognostications, for the north. The Daily News in reviewing Mr. Seward's Trent dispatch, says that although it contains Much that is questionable in law, its main po sitions are certainly, based in acknowledged le gal principles. More diplomatic correspondence is published, including a letter, from Mr. Seward to the Secretary of the Navy condemning in strong terms the fact that the captain Of the British schooner James Caball was taken into New York with 'the British flag flying under that of the United States, and another note condemn ing the act of an American commander in ex tracting an oath from three British seamen cap tured for a breach of ,the blockade, that they would not undertake a similar proceeding again. The seamen are relieved from the obligation of the oath. FILANCX. It reported that; when Mr. Day ton submitted the names of 20-or 30 Aniori ems to Hr. Thouvenal for presentation to the gpperor on New Year's day, the latter en (tithed as to the character of the Americans. Dir. Drayton replied that they were all eligible fo r presentation to the President of the United states. The result was that no Americans were at the reception. The bourse was advancing, relates 69f sc. THE LATEST VIA QUEENSTOWN. LONDON, Jan. 19.—The Observer suggests the expediency of the intervention of France and England between the federals and rebels of America, and says that such an act would be approved by the whole world, and be gladly accepted by both sidts. The Persia arrived at Liverpool yesterday, and the•Niaara at Queenstown to-day. MADRID, Jan. 19.—The pirate Sumter having been ordered by the Spanish government to leave Cadiz, has gone to Gibraltar. The report that the government intends clo sing the chambers is denied. Pertis,Jan. 19.---The Journal Des Debafs thinks that Lord Palmerston's intentions towards the United States are not pacific. The Temps, in announcing that Mason and Slidell are expected at Have, says that no ob stacle will be offered to the fulfillment of their mission to France and England. The plenipo tentiaries of the South will be allowed to plead for the recognition of the South, The PFesse says that the French Government will receive neither Mason or Slidell, nor any other Southern commissioners. _ . The Pays says, that the government of Equador has requested the mediation of Eng land in Peru, and that England has accepted the office. The Indep.ndence Beige says, that France will assume the iniative in a remonstrance against the blockade of the Southern ports, and that England will only afford France moral support. The ffortileur says that the partisans In Eng land for the recognition of the South increases, and no doubt there will be many advocates of this measure in Parliament. The Bourse closed firm on Saturday ; renter, 69 ® 80c. VIeNNA. Jan. 1.9.—1 t i 8 reported that fresh negotiations have been opened between Austria and Hungary. FROM FORTRESS MONROE. Proclamation of the Provisional Gov ernor of North Carolina, An Election Ordered for Members of the United States Congress. Intelligence from Southern Newspapers THE CONDITION OF SAVANNAH Engagement Between the Blockading Squadron and Commodore Tatnel'a Hebei Fleet. tti4 0: 011 044 I=llllll 0:4: :4 •:11',10 .0:41 THEY TENDER WOOLEN SKIRTS FOR CANNON CARTRIDGES. Communications between Fort Pulaski and Savannah cut off. WILMINGTON ELM SHELLED BY THE D. 8. VESSELS. In expectation of the success of General Burnside's expedition, in opening at least two Congressional districts of North Carolina, Mar ble Nash Taylor, provisional Governor, has issued a proclamation ordering an election on the 22nd of February, to ratify or reject the Of Om Convention . of the Daft of November; and also for the election of the representatives in Congress. NEW YORK, Jan. 31 A flag of truce went to Craney island this morning. The tolowing items are from .the southern papers of to-day and yesterday: SAVANNAII, Jan. 19.—The city is compara tively quiet, and no immediate attack is appre hended. The object of the Yankees seems to be to cut off communication with Fort Pulaski. There were six federal gunb'ats at Wall's cut, and seven at the head of Wilmington island, commanding the channel of the riveryesterday. Tatnalls fleet conveyed two steamers and a fleet towards Fort Pulaski with provisions.— The enemy opested fire upon them and the bat tle lasted forty minutes. The provision boats and the steamer Sampson aro now returning.— The federals fired upon the latter and she was slightly damaged. Fort Pulaski is now fully provisioned for six months. A letter from an officer of the fort says that the enemy cannot take the fort by an attack. The Yankees are engaged in removing the obstructions in the channel. There are other defences yet to pass. The people of Savannah are firm and confident in their ability to defend the city. The Norfolk Day Book calls upon the ladies to contribute their old woolen skirts and dreg: esto the government, the price ol flannel used for fixed ammunition being so high as to subject the government to a serious tax. The New Orleans Delta says, that a steamer ran the blockade from Charleston on the night of the 13th, with one thousand bales of cotton. The vacancy in the rebel congress caused by the death of Tyler, will be filled by an election on the 10th of February. Auousra, Jan. 28.—Intelligence from Savan nah states that six federal vessels entered the river yesterday back of the little Tybee. and passed np to the north end of Wilmington Island, thereby cutting off the communication between Fort Pulaski and the city of Savannah. The enemy shelled Wilmington island, and fired at the confederate steamer Ida, but no injury was done. Commodore Tatnall's fleet was at Thunderbrlt. Some of the pilots who had refused to give their services to the officers of the Burnside Expedition, report that tae federal forces are 30,000 strong, and that the fleet numbers 175 vessels, PHILADELPHIA, Jan. 31. The breadstuffs' market was very dull to day and prices drooping. Flour meets a limited inquiry—sales 1000 Ws , extra family at $6 76 @6 00; a small lot of superfine at $5 25. Rye flour sells slowly at $3 50. and corn meal at $3 00. Wheat is dull-2,000 bushels red sold at $1 33, andsmalllotsof white at $1 40®1 45. Rye is steady at 72c. Cora continues to meet a very limited inquiry, with sales of 8,000 bu shels—new yellow at 55®561c., and old at 600. 10,000 bushels Penna. oats sold at 38c. In groceries there is very little doing. Provisions are dull—sales of mess pork at $l2 00®12 60, and 100 Tcs. lard at Bc. Whiskey has declined to 24ic. NNW YORK, Jan. U. Flour firm ; sales of 8.000 bbls. Wheat ad vanced lc., sales of 6,000 bush. at $1 46 for Michigan white. Corn firm ; sales unimport ant at 64@,64c. Provisions quiet and un changed. Whisky dull and nominal at 24 cents. Exchange is unsettled at 13®13i •, P. C. firm. The money market is easy ; gold active al 3i®,34,; P. C. prem. stocks better ; C &R. I. 55.1- ; 111. Cen. R. R. 61} ; 111. Ceo. bonds 93 ; Michigan Southern 42} ; Reading 42f ; Michigan and Missouri 87-1. ; Virginia 6a 51f Illinois wit. loan 78 coupons of 19 81 ; Mich , 7s war loan 91, federal coupons fis of 1874 79} do. 63 1881 89k. FORTRESS HORROR, Jan. 30. MARKETS BY TELEGRAPH. FROM KENTUCKY I I=l The Remain of Zollicoffer and Peyton. Lovisvata, Jan. O. The remains of Zollicoffer and Peyton reached Mumfordevilie to-day in charge of ntheoffer's Brigade Burgeon, temporarily released on pa_ role of honor. On Wednesday evening a locomotive ani tender going northward for water,cellided with a freight train, killing James Whitley,Erema n , and injuring seveml others. No news from below. No forward move ment in southern KentEcky expected ; for som e time, as the condition of the roads is each that makes transportation impossible. , grew 26vertunnunt9 WANTED a silent or active partner with $l,OOO to $1 500, to take an inter st is IL, old established ind opular manotacturing busine,, ko Lancaster city. For further informahun adds--a B. BUCK, union hotel, Harri,biir MEI BOARDING. TWO OR FOUR gentlemen, or a gentle. mat and lady, can and a pleasant apartment by caring st Km. P. COLE •iAN's, j3t It North street, second door from Front Wednesday evening in ving from South street to Tbird street and Market Gentleman's Black Cloth Cape A suitable rewari will be paid by leaving it at this office. j3l CELEBRATED DANDELION COFFEE. JUST ti ECEIV ED a large quantity o f superior Dandelion Coffee, which we Will sell low ti suit the times ; also, pure ground Rio Coffee aai Tur key Coffee all put up in one pound packages. Call or I examine at the wholesale and retail croce y store of NICHOLS & BOWMAN, corner of Front and Market street;. FAMILY WASHING BLUE, an excel lent substitute for Indigo, for sale at the wholesale and retail grocery store of NICHOLS lc BOWMAN, corner of Front and Market streets FOR RENT.--Part of a two-story brick house, sitaated in Walnut street, between Front and Pecond. Enquire of C. C. MATREWs. j3l. 1w NOTlCE.—Whereas, ley ,wife Barbara has left my bed and board without just cause or provocation notice Is hereby given to all persons not to harbor or trust her on my account, as I will pay no debts of her contracting from this date, JOHN BAHLUS. ELAIUMBUBO, Jan. 31, 1862. 3t* DID YOU HEAR THE NEWS ? No, WHAT IS IT? • Why Wynkoop's Regiment have been taken by MILLE R,the Ambro typist, who is now established in Market street near Fifth, where he is prepared to take all who call on him at prices ranging from twenty five cents to $lO. Give me a call and examine my specime-a. W.K. G. BELLER. Market street, near Fifth, over Ifeeedloch's Broker Olt:, 130-6 t. WANTED. A RESTAURANT COOK. Apply at the za. European Hotel, Barri Ourg city, Pa. Ja27•eBt• INSTRUCTION IN MUSIC. ALady, qualified by a thorough Musi cal Edoestion acquired by a long course of study la Europa under Eminent Madera and by several veara of successful teaching, desicea a few pupas :n Piano music and singing, Operatic and Balled sty lea. Adar,E.3 G. L., Box 87 , Harrisburg, P. O. r:3 ?Ards SCRIRFFELIN BROTHERS & CO., WHOLESALE DRUGG ISTS, AND 0141A.LERS in Fancy Gondß, Per fum,ry, he. Um agents for the tide of Relined -Petroleum. IllumMaltiag On, iriperor to any coal oil ; furnished In any quantities at the lowest market rates. 170 and 172 William Str;et, NEW YORK. ja2741822 CUBE OF SUFF'ZILLIIG AID DISEASE I'BROUGH WAKING Clairvoyant per tend n of the causes of disorders . DR. ADDISON, the celebrated Medical Ilkamitter has arrivdd at H.rms burg and taken Room No. 45 at the Jones' House, where he will remain a abort time for medical °lamina. lion of persons afflicted with any form of disease or suf fering. The remarkable correctness of the km. wlettee he eloquires of stootterson's case wit boat asking any questions whatever, h fully shown to each one he ex amines. by hie ticcanahot toeir Mauve sod sensation arising from the disordeis he gods existing In the sys tem, the blood or say o r s he To consequence of this, his CUM, Pthiadoionia and ROAM and other places where he has Prsoticts any extent, have been numerous and remarkable forten or the MM. extre i me cases have been brought to hiltkory, and his nunnenn prompt relief and speedy reetchition of his patient in in health and comfort Itm darreslooded with hi; great skill in mastering and showing tnebature of complaints. Dr. Addison's Examinations it\tb4 Consultations are made without chvge, so that a visY, to him does not coat anythlog ; and to many it may bhlite means of a cur unmet beyond valuation. Where nyttoot treat meat is desired, charged wit! be lands modeto re t snit this times. and atit2B-lw. TO GRAIN CONTRACTORS. THE BALTIMORE BAG FACTORY, No. 77 South Street, Baltimore, Is PREPARED to furnish Government Contractors and others with Linen or Cotton Bags of sit. sizes, promptly for cacti at low prizes. Ods and tArra Contractors will and it to their advantage to gve mo a call. JOHN C. GnAFFIIN Baltimore, Jae. Ilth, "186?, 1y24-2mtP WHOLESALE UMBRELLA MANZFACTORY' No. 69, Afirket Street, below Third, lIMAGLIKSim, PA. 11 50 M. EL. LEE, MANUFACTURER OF UMBRELLAS, PARSOLS and WALKING CANES, will furnish goods at LOWInt PRIOEB than can be Omuta in any of beEastern eines. Coant^p in 'reheats will do well to all and exsodoe prices and qathiy, and elnvinCo them elves of this fact. au23-dly REMOVAL. THE Schuylkill and Snaquebanna Rail Road Lebanon ve removed their eto the up per end of Lim Valley Railroad Depot. Jan. 6, CELEBRATED DANDELION COFFEE. This good, nutrition'', an 1 fine ilirored cone, Is now oared for male vary low by NICHOLS dx BOWMAN, corner Front and Market streets P T RE Cider Vinegar, for sale at oiCHOLS & BO )161AN'3 : corner Front & Market streets CIDER 111 VINEGAR 111 MADE from choice and selected Apples, and guaranteed by us to be &Wetly pure. e 12.41 - ,s M. ruMfl k 01. BLACKING 1 MASON'S "CHALLENGE BLACKING: , no Groat, assorted sises,Just received, and for sale at Whoksiale prices, Wif. DOCK, Jr., k Co. MINCE PIES, Saran, CITRON, t Amami% Snow , kc , Suitable for Mince Pies for obis low by deb W DOCK, JR.. k —Three Hundred Sztra dug ared Haim imai received by WY Does Jit. iOu