THE TELEGRAPH IS PTIBUSHED EVI4EY DAY. GEORGE BERGNER. - .TERMS.—Aredia Stoimitiertoil: The rimy Tauten Am l 5 served to subscribers the Cite at 6 ceuts per - week' 'Yearly subecribera will be charged $4 00, itt advance WILILY ENO SCHPWIERLY TILIGISAPH. The TSUI:GRAPH is also published twice a week during the session of the Legislature, and weekly during the remainder of the year, and furnished to subscribers at the tollowing cash rates, viz: bingle.subseribers per year Betxti.Weekly. .81 FO Ten " •e _l2 00 Twenty '• o o angle subscriber, Weekly.. .. . ... ........ 1 00 TEI LAW OF NSWHPAPLIIH. If Subscribers order the discontinuance of their news papers, the publisher may, continue to send them until all arrearages are paid. It subscribers neglect or retuse to take their newspa. era from the Office to which they are directed, they are re-ponsible until they have settled the bills and ordered here disecettineed. £tledicai. I.) it . JOUNS:O.IN E3.AILLAT'I3vIEC):IEt.3ZI LOCK HOSPITAL H AP, discovered tho most certain, speedy and effectual remedy iu the world for DISEASES OF IMPRUDENCE; CRUM , 111 FIX TO TWIL93I 110IIRS. No Mercury or Noxious Drugs IffrA CCU) WANNANTID, ON NO (lA_ itulor, now ONS Two rora.iiii Weakness of the Back or mbs, Strietures; Paint ir. he Loins, Affection's of the Kidneys and Bladder, Organ' Weakness, Nervous Debility, Decay of thePhysies 'Pow ers, Dyspepsia, Languor, Low,Spirits,Confusion of Pali Ration of the Real% Timidity, Tremblings, Dimness ' of Sight or Giddiness Disesse of the Stomach, Affectioo , of the head , Throat, Nese or Skin—those terrible direr dere arising from the indiscretion or Solitary Sabha el Youtb—thoe dreadful and destructive practises which produce constitutional debility, render marriage impos sible, and destroy Both body and mind. YOUNG MEN Young seen especially who have become the victims el solitary Vice, that dreadful and destructive habit whicb annually sweeps to au untimely grave thousands of young Men of, the most exalted talent and brilliant intel lect, who might otherwise. have entranced listening Senates with the thunders of eloquence, or waked to se tatty the living lyrsi may cal) with full coultdence; Ai ARRIAGE Marrled persona, or those contemplating marriage, De ng aware of physical weakness, should immediately Don rult 11r, J. end be restored to perfect health. ' ORGANIC WRAKNIM inottediettely camel arid' 1481 Moir stared. - Ho who Ogees himself under the care of Dr. J. may religiously confide in his fionor•ai a gentleman, Ind eon, fldently rely upon his skill as physician. • air *Office; No. 7 South Frederick street, Baltimore, Md., on the left hand side gobas from Baltimore street, 7 moors from the corner. Be particular in observing the same or number, of you will mistake the place. Be par denier for ignorant, Trifling Quacks, with false names, or Paltry Humbug tkrtilimam, attracted by the - repute- Ron of Dr. Johnson, l urk near ,• • All letters must contain a FestageStamP, to use on the diIEINSTON, Dr. Join/son member of .the 'Royal Ektilege of Ptergeona. ondon, graduate from one of the most eminent Colleges If the United States, and' the groan:au part of' whose - life One boon spent in the Hospitnls of London, Paris, Phila delphia and elsewhere, has.sllboted some of the most pe. tonisbing cares that were ever known. Many troubled ' with ringing in the ears and head when asleep, great net , seamless, being alarmed at Sudden soantlty bashfulness, with frequent birishing,attended sometimes with derange. rnent of mind were cured immediately, ,TARE PARTICULAR. Dr, 3, au atesses all those. who having lajurott them selves by r vote and improper indulgenciek that Secret and solitary abit which ruins both body and mind, on fitting them for either business or soolety. Thee, are some of the sad and melancholy effects pro. duce(' ov early habits of youth, via : Weaknels Of the Back and Limbs, Pains in the Head, Thinness' of night; Loss of 'Muscular Power, Palpitation of ttv Heart, Dye. lepOla, Nervous Irritability, Derangement of 'the Digestive runctionß, General Debility, lyntittoins df Imstiren lien, tat MENTALLY hingrenv, the fearful elleets on themnectare mush 141 De dreaded f;- - Loss - or - situndry, Contusion of idem,jte. precancel of Spirits; Evil Ferebodings,'Averston tqb'oole ty, Self-distrust, LoVe of Solltude,Thxddity firo. are . Some of lige evil effects. • Thousantls persona Of all,agetj,loan now judge 'what Is the cause . ofi levr . tiodlideirt health, losing their vigor, becoming weak, pale, nervous and emecisted, have a singular appearance about the eyes, cough, and imp• ms of consumption, YOUNG MEN who have injured themselves . bY a dertaildpratitice, in delved in when alone—a habit frequently learned from evil dompanions, or et school; the - effect's of welch are. nightly felt, even when asleep, and if not cured, renders marriage, impossible, and destroys both mind and badly should apply immediately. What a pity that a young man, the hopes of his 'wen. try, the darling of his parents, should be snatched iroir all prospects and enjoyments of life by the consequences of deviating from the path of nature, and indulging in s certain secret habit. Su.ib persons must, before oonteor plating sIARITJAGE, . . .. effect that a sound mind and body are the most necessary requisites to promote connnidal happiness. Indeed without these, the journey through life becomes a wesry o ge imagw, the prospect imply darkens to the view; the mind becomes shadowed i rith deapair, and filled with th melancholy reflection thit the happiness of another be. Melee blighted with C..le owe. DR. JOHNSON'S yaa 7 IGORATING ERREDY FOR OR; ei elp ANIO WEARNM. •, 4 By Bits ?ma t d Important remedy, Weaknosf the o rgans are s p a 3 , cared, and frill vigor restored. , . , fhousande o , the moat nervous and debilitated, elle had lost all hoe, have boon Immediately relieved: All impediment , to Marriage, Physical or Mental Disqualiff• m o on , npsona, Trenibliug, Weakneesi or Exhaustion or the most earful kind, speedily cured. - speedily. :.. . TO STRAN . . .. Th e inany thousands oared at tiiiiiinstiation wthjje . ses h es pweive years, and the numerointimportant Sorties , intone performed by Dr. J., whinnied by the re. ILtars of the papers, and many other.pereons, notices of icb have appeared again and again before the putillah his standing as a geothermal itcheiroofee avid re . rpoissibilitv, is a sufficient guarantee to the afflicted; - •• - /s'f DISEASES OF IMPRllDElieg.÷Wheil. the Vithiguided and imprudent votary of pleasure duds he has imb'ib'ed /weds at this painful disease; ittoo ofte p haPlieslathat audit-timed sense of shame or dread of discovery deters him from applying to those who, tom education and re• spectability cag r alene befriend hini, delaying till tho Con. Stitutional symlitOms Of . this horrid disease autheithelli • iippearance, affecting the head,thitiat,., nose, .kin; ,eie., I progressing on With frightful rapidity, till death puts a period to his dread tul sufferings by sending bhp to,.thak .1 bourne from whence 'no traveler returns.” It is a Seel. ,, ancholy fact that thousands fall victims to this terrible disease, owing to the nnskilfulisesis of Ignorant pretend ers, who, by the nee of that deadippoison, stercuril,, rnin the Constitution and make the residaii,of life miserable. ' To Efriannaini.—The Doctor's .Diplomie ' hang' in ids officio. . . Sa-Letters mast contain a Minim Onus on Mc reply MY-Remedles seat by Mall. sarNo. 7 South Frodariekntreet, Baltimore+. aoria-lowly UNION RESTAURANT, BILLIARD AND BOWLING SALOON, NO. 119 MARKET STREET, NEAR FIFTH. THE subscribers having erected a larg b u ilding at the above plane, expressly for the pure ti mes above iodinated, beg to call the attention of the pub lic to the following : Tee RMITAIMANT, on the first hoer, with a dining . room attached, Is tined up in first-Gass style, and. it wiltakall times he sappled with the best OYdrEgi to be bad in the Atlantic cities, together with terrapin, fish, and all kinds of game in season. Oysters served sip in every style, and meals to be had at all hours.. Tho Ales of all the celebrated breweries in the country Constantly on band. The Teu-pin Alley, or Smiling Saloon, in the rear,l and conttins three alleys of modern construction, where the lovera of this healthy exercise can enjoy the maelves. The Billiard Baleen is up stairs—elegantly fitted up, and counties three marble top combination mullion ta bles, cqual to any made. Harrisburg has long felt the want of a grand combin ation of this kind, and as the preprietOrS are determined' to conduct it in a quiet and orderly manner, and do eve rng in their Power to make it a fao.iionable reeorti ythi they hope to receive a liberal share of public. patronage. ja3.dtf WILLIAM. C. MeteADDEN & 00. HAIR, TOOTH, NAIL, CLOT H, LATHER. and INFANT BRUSFIE HAT, great varioty MILLER'S DRUG A`4ll IraNIX sTong. HAY I HAY 1 I—Superior baled hay Tor Bale by _ _ dIM BUCK -WHEAT MEAL and COIW MEAL just received an or sale low at " . NICHOLS at BOWMAN, • 6 corner Front and darket streets. MILITARY GAUNTLETS.:'' ANEW LOT, just received. of the bee quality, at Ca JaErs, next dour to lilt r dub or Bank. KV; . , . .' ] ' '• - ---___l4kijitiel4-.:. , Ift--\:,,,,6, fir' (, .-.._ ...r, ....,A VOL, XVII (MIL§ of txaott 4S, iltraitoportutiist, OENNSYLVANIA RAIL ROAD WINTER TIME TABLE. FIVE TRAINS DAILY TO AND The Passeuger Trains of the Pennsylvania Railroad Vompany will depart worn and arrive at Harrisburg and Philadelphia as followa THROUGH EXPREPS TRAIN testy Harrisburg daily at 3.20 a. m, and , arrives at Weal Philadelphia a t 7.40 a. m: ; FAST LINE leaves Harrisburg daily, (except Sunday,) at 1.00 p. m., and arrives at West Philadelphia at 5.10 VA.: • • " . . HAIL TRAIN leaves Harrisburg daily (except, Sunday) at 5.55 p.m., and arrives at West •Philadelphia at 11.00 p. ra. ACCOMMODATION TRAIN, via Mount Joy, leaves Harrisburg at 7.30 a. m., and arrives at West Phila delphia at 12.35 p. mi HARRISBURG ACCOMMODATION TRAIN, via Colum bia, loaves Harrisburg at 2,00 m._ and arrivea at Waal Philadelphia at 7120 p. m. THROUGH EXPREBS TRAIN leaves Philadelphia at 10.30 p. m., Harrisburg, at 3.05 a; in., Altoona 8.40, a. tn., and arrives at Pittsburg at 1.25 p. m. MAIL TRAIN leavel Philadelphia at 8.00 a. in., and ar rives at Harrisburg at 1.20 p. m.;leavesairrisbneg at 9.00 a. in., Altoona, 8,30 p. in., and arrives at Pittsburg at 9.30 p. M. FAST LINE leaves Philadelphia at 11.25 a. in., Harris burg 4.05 p. in., 'Altoona at 9.10'p, In., and arriving at Pittsburg at 1.40 a. m. HARRISBURG ACOOII.IIODATION TRAIN leaves Phil. delphla at 2,30 p. and arrives at Harrisburg at 8.00 MOUNTJoY ACCOMMODATIOI4Via Mount Joy leaves Lancaster at 1183 a. m., arrives at Harrisburg at 1.30 .The bTRWA EXPRIM indTAeRENGRR TRAIL:win Rive West Philadelphia at 4.00 a. m.; Lancaster 7.07 a. m. ; Mount Joy at .7.43 a. m:, - Middletown at 8.25 a. tn., and arrive at Hare';thing it 8.55 a. m., connecting with Mail Train west, from Harrisburg, at 9.u0 a. m. • " • - • - • SAMUEL D. YOUNG, Bnpt. East, incr. Penna. Railroad Harrisburg, January 24, 1.862..--dil WINTER TIME ARRANGEMENT. N4w- - : .o: . :p4 . ,Approt - • a.' ?kin TUBS DAILY TO WV TOOL :P.HIL-ADELPHIA ON, AND AFTER MONDAY, NOVEht- BMA 4,1881--the Passenger Trains will leave the Philadelphia ilia Reading Railroad. Depot, at Harrisburg, for New York and Philadelphia, as follows, Iris EXPRI629 MR leaves Harrisburg at 3.80 a. m., On ar rival of Pennsylvania Railroad Express Train from the West., arriving in Nets York at 11.6 a.m., and at Phila delphia at. 9.00 a.. m., 'A sleeping car is attached to Ake train through from Pittsburg without change. . MAIL TRAIN Waite Harrisburg at 8.36 a. m., arriving in New York at 6.30 p: m , and Philadelphia at 1.25 P. in. FART UNE leaves Harrisburg at 1.44 p. m : , on arrival of Ninnitiviinii Railroad .Fast arriving in New Rork at 0.600'. M.; find Philadelphia at 0.40 p. us. FAST LlNEleitiesi Newfork at 6a. m., and Philade 1- 4itila at 8 a. m. arriving at Harrisburg at 1 p. in. • MAII.. TRAM leases New York at 16.00 noon, and Phil. adelphla at 8.16 p. m., - arriving at Harrisburg at 8.10 .61PRESS UNE leives New tork at p. m., arri Harrisburg at 3.10 a. m, and connecting with the Pennsylvaola Expresi Train for Pittsburg. A aleaPing cat }ll this train . Connection are made at Harrisburg with trains on the. PennsylvinicNOrthern'Cintral and Cumberland Valley Railroads, and at Reading for Philadelphia, Pottsville, Wlllossbrwre,"Alleittown, Keaton, ate. Rug* OtMeired through. Faro between New York and Harrisburg, - Sli 00; between. Harrisburg and Phila. dolphin, 66'26 in No. 1 ears, and 12 70 in No. 2. For tickets or other information apply to • , J. 3. CLYDE, ' not : - General Agent, Harrisburg. .I:A.Kg3 M. WHEELER • d FFERS his services io the citiiens o k_Ar Harriabing L and lta viciniiy. He salialia a share 0 the public patranata, and givea am:Vince that his beat endeavors and be given. to rend .r eihsfaction in hiti pro fession.' 'Being anold, well Vied dentist, he limbs saki in Writing the public generally to call on him, assuring hem that they will not be dissatisfied with his services, Moe No. 128 Market Meet, in the how* formerly oc cupied by Jacobli. Eby, near the United States Hotel, Harrisburg, Pa, zatylidly "INDEPENDENT IN ALL THINGS-NEUTRAL IN NONE." FROM PHILADELPHIA ON AND ANTNE MONDAY JANUARY 27th, 1862 EAST WARD. WESTWAItD. WITHOUT MANGE OF CABS EASTWARD. WESTWARD. DR. T. J. RILE% SURGEON - DENTIST; HARRISBURG, PA.. FRIDAY AFTERNOON, JANUARY 31, 1862 D. DO. (.roes 4:0 CO., D W. GROSS & CO., WHOLESALE AND RETAIL " DRUGGISTS, NO. 19 MAR:KET STREET .HARHISBURG, PEAN'A DRUGGISTS, PHYSICIANS, STORE- KEEPERS AND CONSUMERS, We are daily adding to our assortment of goods all such articles as are desirable, and would respectfully call your atention to the hugest and best selected stock in this city, of DRUGS, MIEMIOALS & PAINTS, 01k, vandekee and . Glues, Dye-Stuffs, Glad* and Patty, Artist Colon and Tools, Pure Ground Spices Burning Fluid and Alcohol, Lard, Sperm and AMC OM, Bottled, irtals and Lamp Globe*, Canine Soap, Sponges and Corks. &a., aci,•&a., With a general variety of PERU ERY & TOILET ARTICLES, %looted from the beet manufacturere and' Pe L umers of Europe and this country. Being very large dealers in PAINTS, WHITE. LEAD, LINSEED OIL, VARNISHES, WINDOW GLASS, ARTIST'S COLORS, PAINT AND ARTISTS BRUSHES -znz ALL TUIDI COLORS AND BRONZES OF ALL BINDS. an 1:14 0 . ...,, HQ ~„ .416 , --------- a ' 06.2:47 911 R-n-,......."' We respectfully invite a call, feeling, cot& dent that we can supply the wants of all on terms to their satisfaction. TEETH I TEETH !I JONE' S AND Wl:urn:s'S POBOELAIti TEETH„ PATENT MEDICINES AND HAIR RESTORATIVES Of all kinds, (Urea from the Proprietors. Saponifier and Concentrated Lye Wholesale Agents for Saponifier, whichlwe sell as low as it can be, purchased in the cities. MAYER'S MEDICAL FLUID EXTRACTS CCW. OIL I CARBON ,01At Being large purchase* in these Oils, we can oiler inducements :to - close buyers. Coal. Oil Lamps of the most improved 'patterns,' very cheap. All kinds of lamps changed to burn Coal Oil. • • FARMERS AND tl-RAZIERS; ose of you who have not given our lICESE AND CATTLE POWDERS a trial knowno their superiority, and the advantage theY are in keeping Horses and Cattle healthy mid in good condition. Thousands can testify to the profit thek have derived from the use of our Cattle Powdeis by the increasing quantity and qtudity of , milk, besides improving the general health and ap pearance a their Cattle. Our long ex perience in the business gives ue the advantage of a thorough knowledgaof the trade, and our arrangements in the cities are such that we-can in a very short time furnish anything appertaining to our businese,ion the. • • best of terms. ' Thankful for the liberal patronage beitow e on our house, we hope by strict attention to business, a careful selection of PURE DRUG EI at fair prices, and the desire to plere all, to merit a continuance of the favor of a:discrim inating public. VINE TOILETI3OAPS;POMADES; HAIR OIL,. POWDERS, COLOGINN3 and NXTRACTB, of many" styles, prices and msaufscierss JPELY.I"O DUG AND F4NO'l Altai abutrttactrunts LATEST NEWS. NICHOLS & BOWMAN having just ra turned from the East with an exteneive and, we I selected stock of goods. purchased for cash, respec fully invite the citizens of Harrisburg and vicinity to call and examine their New floods at the old stand formerly oc cupied by V. Hummel, corner Front and Market streets, Harrisburg, Pa. Prices as low as any other house. COFFEE, Green and,Browned ; SUGAR of all grades ; MOLASSES and Choice Syrups ; FLOUR, in Barrels and Sack ; BUCK-WHEAT and CORN-MEAL; RICE, BEANS: POTATOES ; FISH, of all kinds ; SALT, Coarse and tine ; OIL, Coal Oil and Whale Oil ; SPICES, all kinds Ground and Unground, fresh from the Mill. APPLES, Green and Dried ; RAISINS, CURRENTS, NUTS, DRIED FRUITS, SOAPS, Common and Fancy ; WILLOW and CEDAR-WARE ; CIGARS, best of Imported Brenda; TOBACCO, Smoking and Chew ing ; QUEENSWARE I QITEENSWARi. ! Extensive assortment of all styles, and patterns and prices. Call and examine our Stock of Goods at the Wlyilasale and Retail Grocery, Fruit and Provision St ore, corner Front and Market streat, Harrisburg, Pa. Country Produce taken. delo4 G„ STEAM' WEEKLY 711-fi- Z , V BETWEEN NEW YORK Ardir,v... a. AND LIVERPOOL. AN iibiu 'AND EMBARKING PAS '4.lvogitiat QUEENISTOWN, (Ireland.) The Liver spool. Now Yors and Philadelphia Steamship company intend. ut spatching their full powered Clyde-built Iron Steamships as followe : . KANGAROO, Saturday, January 18 ; CITY OF NSW YORK, Saturday, January 25 ; GLASGOW, Saturday, February 1 ; and every Saturday, at Noon, from Pier 44 Norte - ,J OP PASSAGII ',MY CABIN $75 001 STEERAGE .... $3O 00 do to _Loudon $BO.OO I do to London ..$33 00 do to Paris $B5 00 do to Paris .... $3B 00 do toi4mburg..sB.s 001 do to Hamburg $35 00 Passengers itliolorwarded to Havre, Bremen, Rotter ,dam, Antwerp, etc., ,it equally low rati3S. _ Sirpersons whittling to tiring eut their friends minim) , tickets here at the following rates, to New York; From Liverpool or Queenstown; let Cabin', $75, $B5 and $lO5 Steerage friar' 'Liverpool 340 00. From Queenstown, _ . . . These Steamers .haire supplier accommodations for piesengers, ant carry - experienced Sullen'. They are built in Watei-tight Iron neotions, and'have Pisani Fire . ..... . Nor limber information apply in Liven,Ool tQ. WILLIAM INMAN, Agent, 22. Water. StrecA; Glasgow .to WM. INMAN, 15 Enoch Square • in•QneenstoWn to C. &W. D. axemoua & CO; ; in London to NIV'M at MACY, 61 King William St. in Paris to JULUS DFAXMJE, 6 Place de la Bourse ; in PhillMelphia Ito JOSN G. 1.1) Wapiut, street ; or et die Companyi's JN2 G. OALE. Agen t. Or: 0, 0. limmermaa. Agent, Ilarriaburg gorPASKSAGSSR FOR .111UROPE.—By _.order of the Secretary of, State, all passengers te,vtog the Vatted 1310 , tes. are required to procure Passports before going on board We St-atner. Passengers 'will not be subjected io any trouble or de lay iu procurtng them, if theyeall for insaructiou■ at the Company's Offices, 15 Broadway, New York. ja02141 JOHN G DALE, AGENT. WE OFFER TO CUSTOMERS A New Lot of • LADIES' PURSES, 01 beautiful Styles, subelintially made. A Splendid Assortment of GIENTLE.MEN'S WALLETS. A New, and Elegant Perfume, KNIGHTS TEMPLARS' BOQUET, Put lip In Cut Glass Engraved Bottles. A Complete Assortment of HARDEE RC EIIEF PERFUMES, Of the beet Idanufacture A very Handsome Variety of POWDER PUFF BOXES, KELLER'S DRUG STORE, ' • 91 Market Street . . . - • • SCHEFFEIRS -BOOK STORE. , THR HARRISBURG BIGUCIR.) UNION ::"ENVELOPS. VOTE PIA:PFdt i of six cliffereut designs, printedlia two colors sold by the thousand and by the•reain at City Cash prices. Alsci, Flags, Union Breast Pins, Eagles, Union Rings and Badges at very low prices.; - Call at • lava = • • •,• • • sofilerFliwa BOOKS PROC - ADOLPH P. .!.11111E11., ULTOI3I.I:f respectfully - inform his, " old v v paliOns and the :public generally, tbat -lie will inllUntiue to give instruetions An the Plgllit) LODEON VIOW and also in the scienceof TilOllOOGB BASS. to will Witt 'pleasnre wait aikin pupils at then. [tomes in any lioni desired, or i 138801213 will be given s his residence, is Third street, y few doors below ih (14 )r.011w1..1ie 1 9. 1 :1P5 ,31 /srtAL seolb-o tf PORT FOLIOS TA-TianNe DESKS, TRAVELING BAGS, PURSM, PORTMONAIES, And a general assortment of • FANCY GOOpS have just .beeia received at BERC}NES° S:CHEAP.BOOKSTORE. NEW CLOTHING STORE. SELELJAEABERGER• • &•', 'BROTHER, MARKET Ma • 80 T STREET. Poi= formerly occupied try the Postofflee.) triEuaderingued have just ct a . . . opeaa new and large assortment of tue latest styles. of elething. We lire also prepared to insaufaotare to :order ail nines of Gents' Wear, cut to the latalt styles and full - ions.. We have always on hand a large.stoet of Ready made clothing met Gentleman's Fartusning Goods. ne.,3;nBm . H. BtIELLRNIIRM}SR & BEG. L, L.. CIIAVNE. C.AIt,PENTEIt AND BU ILDER. lissitience No. 27 North &ue►+d Btrtet •4. 11_4m-tin:an • VHESH FRUIT.—In Hermetically Beat od Cans, a large lot comprising Faience, 'tomatoes, nweet Corn, eic., and a select, assortment of Presorted and 'Jellies, just recieved and toe sae by jl.O = WYi DOCK, Co. CIGARS anti Tobacco, of all kinds: Ex teniiveasspriment of Cigars, at NICHOLS &BOWMAN'S, J 1 corner, Front and Maraet street. MO. 1 MACKERAL Kitta, half bar reis, end barrels, at the Mew Orcieery and Prost- Nen Store, Front and Market streets. NICHOLS Si ROWMAN. c.I6ENCE, "of - `VANILLA, Essence of E Lemon, Flavoring Extracts, for . sale at the new Wthhesale and Retail Grocery and Provaarin Store, cor ner Front and Market streets. - NICHOLS' do BOWMAN. MOTIONS.---Quite a variety of useful .1. 1 11 wzo SIL and entertaining artielat—cEF NEV Fbeap—at 8 BOOKSTORE. 1 From our Morning Edition. FROM WASHINGTON. Confirmation of he. Tucker as one of the Assistant Secretaries of War. Probable Assignment of General "Fremont to a Command, CONFIRMATION OF MAJOR STEELE AS A BRIG. GEN. OP VOLUNTEERS WASHINGTON, Jan. 29 The rain storm began again during last night, and continues unabated up to the.pre sant time, (noon,) this being the twentieth wet day we have had. The nomination of John Tucker, of Philadel phia, as one of the new Assistant Secretaries of War, was confirmed by the Senate, in executive session, yesterday afternoon. It is considered not improbable that Major General Fremont will soon be assigned to a command. The House Military Committee has decided to report a bill for a railway on Pennsylvania Av enue, to be built in sixty days, and naming cer tain corporators. Postmaster General Blair hai written a letter defending Secretary Welles. The Senate has confirmed the nomination of Major Frederick Steele, of the Eleventh Regi ment of Infantry, as a Brigadier General of Volunteers. The Burnside Expedition. LATER INTELLIGENCE. Official Despatches from Commodore Goldsborough. THE EIPEDITION READY FOR OPE RATION. WesranrroN, Jan. 80 Official despatches from Commodore doids borough dated Jan. 28, addressed to the Navy department, were received this morning. Sev enteen of the naval vessels were at teat time in the Sound, o ver and heyded the bulkhead, and under the immediate command of Commo dore Rowan t .in fall readiness for operations of any kind. . General Burnside was preparing his forces to move in connection with the fleet. Com. Goldsborough says : " Things now look hopeful, and I sincerely trust that we shall soon be at the enemy. Any decidrd approach now to this quarter on the part of the rebels, with all the forces they can muster, would, to a moral cm tainty, result in their speedy capture and destruction." Additional Foreign News by the Anglo Saxon. THE MARKETS. NEW YORK, Jan. 30 The following additional intelligence has been received from England by the steamer Anglo Saxon : There was continued activity in all depart ments of the Portsmouth Dock Yard. The United States gunboat Tuscarora, and the rebel steamer Nashville, remained in dant Teo at Southampton. It was stated that the Luscarora's movement in leaving her moor ings on the 13th, was to prevent the Nashville from getting under Way for twenty-four hours. It was understood that the Tuscaroras' orders were never 5) lose sight of the Nashville, to blockade her in Southampton, and if she should leave, to chase her as long as she is at sea. In addition to the frigate Dauntlest, the war steamer Argus has been placed at the mouth of the Southampton docks, to watch the move ments of the two vessels. A late report says the Nashville has been sold to an English. ship owner.. The The Loudon Times says that mercantile let ters froni New York, represent the cry for pro moting insurrections among the slaverfas gain ing force,. and looking at the threatened hor rors, whispers were at length heard of a wish that, for the sake, of humanity, Europerin in tervention might be found .practicabie. Additional correspondence has been publish ed in regard to the Trent affair inducing Earl Russell's reply to Mr. Seward's despatch, dated January 11. It expresses 'much satisfaction at the conclusion arrived at by the Washington Government, which rit considers most favor able. to the maintenance of, the most friendly relations. The English government, however, differ from Mr. Seward in some of his conelu sions ; and as it may head to a better under standing in several points. of inteanalional law, Earl Busael proposes in a few days to write an other despacth on the subject. In the mean time he says: "It is desirable that the com manders of United States cruisers shall be in structed not to repeat acts tor which the British Government will have to ask redress, and which the United States Government cannot undertake to justify." Lord Lyons is thanked for his discrelion, etc. LONDON, Jan. I6.—Wheat dull at 2s. lower. Flour heavy at ls., declining. American secu rities, 111. Cen. shares, 4111@,44 discount ; Erie shares '27i@.,28i. - Myatt-root, January 16.—Cotton sales of three days 19,000 bales. Prices are easier, and the decline is stated at id@Ad—mostly on the mid dling and lower qualities. Speculators and ex porters took 10,000 bales. State of trade ad vices from Manchester are unfavorable, and the market is dull, with a downward tendency.— Breadstnffs.-- Wakefield, Nash & Co ,and others report flour dull, and declined 6d.@,11d. Wheat declined 1(42d; red western 11@12d; red south ern 12s 2d 4128 4d ; white western 1256d@,12a9d; White Southern 295.®135. ad. Corn easier— mixed 315.@,815. 6d. Provisions—the sam e authorities report beef quiet and unchanged. Pork tending downward. Bacon still declining, sales at 888.@408. • Lard nominal. Tallow easier—sales at 495. Produce—Sugar quiet, but steady. Rice. sales small. Cotiee steady As h es fi a t—pots 368., pearls Ms. Rosin quiet, and teadirtg downward--common 13s. ad.® 13s. 6d. Spirits Turpentine quiet at 745. tam tinting Pars. Having procured Steam Power Preereg, we are prepar ed to execute JOB add B Og PRINTING of every oeserip Von, cheaper than can b . done at any other eatabhsh meat in Uwe country. RAIS uF AI N!. KTIAN G. ARP Four lines or less constitute one half square. Bight 'nee or more than foar constitute a square. Half Square, one day $0 25 one week 1 00 ene month. ....... 2 00 three months .... .. ...........300 six. months ........... ..—..... 6 00 one year OneiSquare, one day..... one week.... one month... it 'three months SIX months, one year sir Business notices inserted in the Lneot Column, or before Marriges and Deaths, FIVE CENTS for each insertion. NO. 23 Marriges and Deaths to be charged as regular • vertiseawnts XXXVIIth Congress--First Session. CONCLUSION Or TIMERDAY'S PROOESDINGS.I WASHINGTON, Jan. 30. Mr. GRIMES (lowa,) presented the petition of citizens of lowa for a general bankrupt law. Mr. CowAN (Pa.,) presented the petition of the citizens of Berka county. Pa., in relation to Gen. Sigel. Mr. TEN Eyes, (N. J.,) from the Committee on Commerce reported a bill to prohibit the coolie trade by Amer:can citizens. Mr. ()HANDLE?. (Mich.) offered a resolution that the Committee on Commerce be instructed to inquire into the expediency of requiring the captains of all vessels sailing to foreign ports, during the present rebellion, to take au oath of allegiance. Mr. RICE (Mimi.) offered a joint resolution that the Secretary of War be authorized to pro cure from the officers and soldiers now prison ers in the so-called Confederate States, an allot ment of their pay for their families and friends, and the Secretary of War issue drafts on New York or Boston to said families. Adopted. j Mr. Gamma (Iowa) offered a resolution that the Secretary of War furnish a statement in a tabular form of all vessels purchased or char tered by the War Department since April; when the vessels were built ; of what tonnage ; the price, &c. , Adopted. Mr. HALE (N. H.) offered a resolution that the Secretary of the Navy inform the Senate when the ship Franklin is to be changed for use vs a steamer, and whether the department intend to complete her for use the present year or any definite time. Adopted. Mr. ANTHONY (R. I.) called up the resolution to print 5,000 copies of the eulogies delivered on the death of Senator Baker. Mr. HALE said that he had always opposed these resolutions to print, and though no man appreciated the deceased more than himself, yet he thougt it a bad principle. Mr. HOWARD moved to include the eulogies on the death of Senator Benham. Mr. FESSENDEN said that a custom had grown up of printing these eulogies in a book. He thought it an unnecessary and useless expense, and when once on the Committee on Printing, he made a report against the custom'in the case Isf Senator Rusk of Texas, and the Senate agreed to the report. Mr. Mantuan, (Cal.) spoke in favor of the resolution. Mr. HOWARD'S amendment was adopted. The resolution was then rejected—yeas 13, nays 27. ROUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Mr. FDITON, (N. Y.) from the Committee on Claims, reported a bill for the relief of Philip Spear & Co., of New York, which was passed. It authorizes the re-issuing of certificates of the loan of 1848 to the amount of .$200,000, in place of those lost. Mr. Dawn, (Mass.,) caused a memorial to be read suggesting an appropriation for a na tional cemetery in the District of Columbia, so that bodies of deceased soldiers may be within the reach of their friends. Referred to tho Committee on Military affairs. FROM THE UPPER POTOMAC. SANDY nom, Md., Jan. 80. Since the retreat of the rebels from Bolivar, the weather has been too foggy to observe their movements. A heavy snow storm prevails this morning.. It is known that our shells on Tues day were not without effect, and several were killed and wounded. The enemy's shells were harmless. There are no signs of the weather clearing at at present. THE BATTLE OF WEBB s Caoss ROADS.—The place where Gen. Zolliceffer was defeated and killed, is known through southern Kentucky as Webb's Cross Roads, and the battle should be called by that name. Mill.Springa is nearly ten miles distant, and on the ether side of the Cumberland river. A part of the engagement took place in a field known, in the neighbor hood as " the OA Fie d," and tenets the sug gestion that the battle should be called the bat tle of Old Fields. But there is no doubt that " Webb's Cross Roads" is the place that should give name to the battle. •Ihe official statement made by Gen. 'Thomas that one hundred and fourteen rebels had been buried, up to a Certain hour, has led the pub lic, prone to expect exaggeration, to believe that the figure.represented. the extent of the loss of the enemy in killed. We are, however, assured from sources that we believe entirely reliable; that not less tuan three hundred reb els were left dead on the grour.d. The official report of Gen. Schoepfs Brigade Surgeon states that one , hundred and ninety dead rebels wens buried on Monday. A gentleman of this city writes that two hundred and eighty-three dead bodies of rebels were found. Another who was on the ground, informs us that he counted eighty-five dead rebels in the old field, and that they were lying thick in the underurush in every direction. We are convinced that the rebel loss in killed was very nearly if not alto gether three hundred.. Various statements are made of the number of horsasand mules taken. The evidence is that at least fifteen hunared fell into our hands.—Cineinnati Commercial. A BRILLIANT FASHION has just made its ap .pearance in the progressive city of. New York, which bids fair to outshine Paris in its lustre and extravagance. The San says that a short rime since a prominent resident of that oily of wealth and fashion, conceived the brilliant idea of having his front teeth set with diamonds. He conferred on the subject with two of his friends, one of whom was a lady of literary celebrity, and all were so well pleased with the novel idea that they had large and valuable first wa ter diamonds set into tueir front teeth, and on Sunday afternoon they attended one of the mabt fashionable churches on Fifth avenue, where they attracted considerable notice, and diverted the attention of a large portion_ot the congregation by the lustrous rays of their teeth. On their return home, they were followed by a crowd of persons, wiles attention and ciariosity were attracted by the datzling radiance of the brilliant eircle. If this fashion is adopted, jewellers, lapidaries and dentists 'will rerp an abundant harvest. 'Verily, the world moves. A GIENTLEMAN who has recently made his way from Memphis, and whose character was such that his statements are considered trustworthy, states that United States treasury notts com mand thirty per cent. premium in the "South ern Confederacy." They are equivalent to gold, and much sought after. 'This is a signi ficant fact. The rebels have a wholesome red spect for the credit of the United States, glow ing that they are not bereft of financial!under standing. Some persons in the loyal States might learn a 'useful lesson from the apprecia tion of the promises to pay of- oar government, by those who are warring against it. 2 00 3 50 6 00 .10 00 15 00 SENATE
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