Pennsylvania daily telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1857-1862, January 30, 1862, Image 2

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    aitg eitgra4
Forever Stoat that standard attaidi
1.4 here breathes the foe but falls before us
With Freedom's toll beneath our feet,
A kid Freedom's banner streaming o'er us
Thursday Afternoon, January 30, 1063,
Gen. Cameron. accompanied by his family
and suite, arrived in this city last evening,
and at once repaired to his country seat of
Lochiel. After ten months of the moat inces
sant and immense toil, with a responsibility
resting on his shoulders never before 4 reposed
on any man since the organization of the gov
ernment, it is astonishing as well as gratifying
to the old friends and neighbors of our distin
guished fellow citizen, that Ids health and
his spirits have been so well preserved and
maintained. In the repose of the privacy and
quietude of Lochiel, and surrounded by the
warm congratulations and weloomes of his old
personal friends, the ex Secretary of War will
have time for the exercise of that hospitality
which hes always made his home so cheerful,
before he starts on his important mission to
The recent battle of Webb's Cross Roads, in
Kentucky, at which the rebel Zollicoffer lost
his life, was one of the most desperate that has
yet been fought, and will be followed by results
of the most important character to the Union
cause. Among the incidents of this struggle,
is the capture of a large quantity of cannon,
comprising parrott, howitzers and brass rifled
guns of the most superior range, and quality.
Among these trophies, are two splendid pieces,
which were left on the field of Bull Run, after
our troops had becomo panic stricken by the
confusion and flight of a few terror stricken and
intoxicated civilians. These pieces were moat
gloriously redeemed and sufficient other ordi
nance captured to wipe out the stain of the
first loss. Altogether, at this battle, our troops
captured sixteen cannon of all discriptions.
When the bill which gives the President the
control of the railroads of the country when it
becomes necessary to exercise it to facilitate
military success, was before the House of Rep
resentatives yesterday, the old sympathizers of
an old batch of locofocos 'showed themselves in
the most unmistakable regard for the rebel
cause. Vallandigham, of Ohio, who is a knave
as well as a traitor, made himself particularly
obnoxious by opposing the bill in debate, and
on its final passage we find Messrs. Biddle and
Ancona of this state, both of, that school of
Democrats who fell down and worshipped James
Buchanan, and obeyed his bidding in support
of the traitor Breckenridge—we find such men
voting against the bill. Ink-legislation of this
kind, the people are not aware how ranch is at
stake, and therefore cannot fully appreciate the,
motives and objects of those who oppose its
passage. They might as well oppose the ordi
nence department in loading the cartridges for
th 9 soldiers with buckshot and ball, or Insist
that our vessels of war shotdd put to sea with
out rudders, as maintain that the control of all
railroads should not be reposed in the hands of
the President, when the transportation of troops
become necessary for the crushing of rebellion
or the preservation of the public peace.
the Potomac is to be effectually placed beyond
the reach of one of its most formidable foes. It
is to be comptetely guarded . against an enemy
that has been making sad havoc with its Intel
lect, muscle, valor and discipline. And , the
beauty of the result whibh is so to bless and
improve our gallant men In Virginia, is its
economy. it will require the erection of no
breastworks or the digging of no entrenchments.
No more batteries, battalions or brigades will
be necessary. All that will be required is vig
ilance that an order is obeyed, and that order is
to the effect that after the first day of February
no more intoxicating liquors will be suffered to
be transported across the Potomac, for the use
of any soldier, non-commissioned or commis
sioned officer, of any grade. The soldier is to
be guarded from the poison of rum ! Delirium
and mania are to be banished from the tent—
dissipation and intoxicated imbecility are to be
thrust from the marque—while temperance
and order are to take their place among the
soldiers of the Republic as the harbinger's of
victory to our glorious cause. The first of Feb
ruary, if this order banishing rum from the
camps of the Potomac is strictly adhered to, will
mark an era of power in the ranks of our army
such as will fix the triumph of our cause be
yond possibility of a doubt.
BECILITAILY MARCY, while he was at the head
of the War Department during the Polk ad
ministration, steadily employed an intelligent
clerk to look over all the prominent journals,
fi iendly and unfriendly, extracting the particu
lar passages which should be noticed. One
hour of each day Mr.' !slimy devoted to this
newspaper clerk, who read to him striking pas
sages, and in an article prepared by. him gave a
brief history of the journalism of the day. In
this way the Secretary kept himself constantly
informed of the position of his political friends
and enemies.
In all great enterprises and organizations,
there are exceptions by which great Injustice is
done to individuals. In our present military
organization, we believe, the rule has been not
to pay the captain of a company until his ranks
were filled to the maximum prescribed by law,
and ; in the same respect, allowed no pay to
regimental , officers until the regiment had
reached the numerical standard, prescribed in
the same manner. By this law and rule, many
men, acting from patriotic motives, were sub
jected to great expen=e, and in cases which have
come under our own personal observation, have
actually become bankrupt before they could
succeed in raising &company or regiment. And
yet, while they were recruiting, they were as
much in the service of the state or nation as
are those who took their positions in carop, or
the field, at the head of full companies or regi
ments ; but the law denied their remunera
tion, and no other alternative presented itself,
but to , run :the risk of recruiting , in a short
time, or stand aloof altogether from the ser
vice. To these statements and facts there are,
of course, some exceptions. We will not deny
that many men started to recruit companies
who never intended to enter the service, while
we are equally certain that there are others who
laid the foundation of regiments and brigades,
not for the purpose of smelling powder, or run
ning the risk of loosing life or limb, but en
tirely with the object of making a "big Wing"
out of a bad state of affairs, and deliberately to
filch from the treasury, instead of fighting an
enemy. If the law could be applied a ith dis
crimination to such cues, there would be nei
ther injustice or hardship in refusing the pay ;
but to deprive the worthy citizen, who gives up
business and profit that he may serve his coun
try of a just remuneration from the very mo
ment those services commenced, seems like an
act of inj testicle unworthy of a great country or
a glori< us cause.
In order to obviate the rule by which this inj
tice was produced, a bill has passed the House of
Representatives, allowing pay to regimental
officers, from the date of their order in writing
to raise their regiments, emanating either from
the President, Secretary of War, or Governor ;
provided the time for such recruiting does not
exceed, three months; and the same allowance
to captains, to be made on the same orders
emanating as aforesaid, provided the time for
recruiting a company does not exceed two
months. This is an improvement on the old
rule, and will be the means of doing justice to
many brave and devoted men. We therefore
trust that no time will be lost in giving , effect
to the law, as we are certain that it will afford
relief to many who are now actually suffering,
for the means of providing themselves with
the common necessaries of their positions.
Pennsylvania are publishing a paragraph which
emanated from the prolific brain and astute
wisdom of the editor of the Patriot, to the effect
that the recent meeting of the Democratic (?)
State Committee in this city, demonstrated and
established the fact that the Democratic party
was once more united. Of course this news
was manufactured by our neighbors for the
purpose of deluding the masses of the distracted
and dislocated Democracy, while the real facts
of the case show that, instead of a union, the
Democracy are as widely separated as they were
when James Buchanan imbrued his hands in its
vital,,blood, scattering its organization into
half dozen discordant and angry cliques, which
to-day are arrayed in as deadly hostility as are
the belligerent armies of the loyal and disloyal
states. The friends of Stephen A. Douglas can
never unite with the followers of John C. Breck
enridge, and retain the glory which was be
queathed to them by their once ,powerful but
now departed leader. Lecompton and Anti
Lecompton, like freedom and slavery, are des
tined to •be antagoniz:d while principle has
power to animate a manly heart or truth the'
strength to nerve a manly arm. Politicians
may cook and chaffer, pray and pledge, but a
union of truth and error, such as are presented
' in the angry divisions of a rotten and corrupt
Democracy, can never be effected, except in the
hopes and prayers of those who cling to the
fortunes of its old organs, which, half starved
and desperate, lacking patronage, enterprise,
industry or foresight, are ready to. pitch up any
union, so that thrift follows their tinkerings,
and political patronage is once more placed at
their bestowal.
AU the huckstering, bartering and pledging
which the old leaders of locofocoism can do from
now until doomsday, will not accomplish a
union of the Democratic party, until ono or
the other of its cliques stultifies its adherents
before the country, and willingly surrenders
every fair and honorable profession of attach
ment to principle, If such a sacrifice was left
to the leaders of these cliques, it would be per
formed with as little compactions as the Hin
doo priest immolates innocence to mollify
the false passions of hie Idol ; or if the
union could be accomplished by the chicanery
and misrepresentation of 'certain of its old or
gans, reccnciliation would precede but a little
while, a resolve once more to corrupt the gov
ernment, destroy its interests and debase its
communities ; rind all this, too, for the glorifi
cation, present and prospective, of the institu
tion, interests and adherents of slavery. But
there are others besides these leaders and organs
to be consulted before such a union can be con
summated. The people wno have been duped
heretofore into a support of a Democratic or
ganization, can never again be deceived by the
same influence. Hereafter the anxiety and
care will . be to avoid such combinations ; and
henceforth the Democgacy which made an idol
of slavery, a mockery of freedom, and a jest of
principle, will be permitted to remain in con
fusion and antagonism not only by the incli
nation and desire of the American people, but
by the decree and destiny of Heaven.
INFLUX' OF THE STAKt Tax on newspapers,
Hon. Thadeus Stevens, Chairman of the Com
mittee of Ways and Means, will propose a tax
on newspapers and periodicals, to be imposed
pro rata on the certified :returns of the proprie
MR Xlmmix Cowman of the House of
Ilepresentativee, it is rumored in Washington
city, will report adversely to the employment
of Homeopathic phygiciani In the army.
Pantopluania Wail)) ditttgraph. almsbap" ifternoon, 3anuarp 30, 1862
Pennsylvania Legislature.
The Senate met at eleven o'clock A. m., and
was called to order by Mr. Speaker HALL.
The journal of the day previous was partially
read, the further reading of the same being
dispensed with, on motion of Mr. BOUND.
The Deputy Secretary of the Commonwealth
being introduced, presented the following mes
sage from the Governor :
Exaerrrtva CaAmway
Harrisburg, Jan. 30, 1862.
To the Senate and House of Representatives of the
Caannonwealth of -Pennsylvania:
GENTWIEBN :- I have approved and signed
the following acts of the general assembly, viz :
On the 29th inst. "An Act to authorize the
commissioners of Centre county to borrow mo
ney," An Act reviving the warrant to A. S.
Harrison, a collector of taxes.ia the borough of
Huntingdon,county of Huntingdon." "A furth
er Supplement to the ant to incorporate the
Gettysburg Railroad oompany." "An Act for
the relief of Dickinson College, in the borough
of Carlisle, Cumberland county,." "Supple
ment to an act to incorporate the Oil Creek
Railroad company," approved April second t ene
thousand eight hundred and sixty.
On the 21st inst., "Resolution relative to the
Legislative Manual and Purdons' Digest."
On the 2ard inst., "Resolution relative to the
pay of the retiring officers of the General As
sembly." •
On the 29th inst., "Joint resolution relative
to Lake and River defences in Pennsylvania.
Mr. CONNELL presented a petition of citi
zens of Philadelphia, praying for the passage of
an act to prohibit the the sale of provisions on
the streets of said city, and for the abloition of
the curbstone markets.
_ Referred to the Committee on the Judiciary.
Mr. SMITH, (Philadelphia,) presented a pe
tition of officers of the Keystone regiment, ask
ing for an adjustment of tbeir accounts, together
with a statement of their accounts.
Referred to the Committee on Finance.
Mr. STEIN presented a petition of citizens of
Bethlehem, South Election district, praying for
an, act to allow the election of a Justice of the
Peace in said district.
Referral to the Committee on the Judiciary.
Mr. REILLY presented a petion of citizens of
Washington township, Schuylkill county, pray
ing for the repeal of theact of February eight•
seen, one thousand eight hundred and sixty
one,-relative to the selling of the repairing of
public roads in said township.
Referred to the Committee on Roads, and
Also, a petition of citizens of East Norwegian
township,Schuylkill county,asking for a change
in the place of holding their township elections.
Referred to the Coiumittee on Election Dis
tricts. .
Mr. BENSON *seated a memorial Of Harry
Ellis, late Treasurer of Potter county, praying
for an act to authorize the Auditor General to
re-open and re•audit his accounts.
Referred to the Col;Fiittee on. Finance
Mr. BENSON, (Finance,) as committed, a
resolution relative to franking envelopes for the,
soldiers at Camp Curtin.
Mr. CRAWFORD, (same,) with amendments, •
a supplement to an act to incorporate the King
sewing and Tinicum Meadow company.
Mr. CONNELL, (same,) as committed, a sup
plement to an act of the seventh of May, one:
thousand eight hundred and fifty-five,providing
for the ordinary eipenses of the Government,
et cetera...
Also, (same,) as committed, -an act for the
relief of Charles Johnson, late Treasurer of
Delaware county.
Ur. PENNEY, (Judiciary,) with amendments,
an act relative to the appointment of a mer
cantile appraiser in Northampton county.
Also, (same,) with a negative reoommenda
tion, an act to repeal an act passed March
twenty-second, one thousand eight hundred
and fifty-nine, relative to a sealer of weights
and measures, so far as the same relates to
Montgomery county.,
Also, (same,) as committted, an act author
lzing the trustees of the proprietors' cund of
Newport township, Luzern county, to appro
priate said fund towards the purchase of a farm
and poor-house, for the use of said township.
Mr. CLYMER, (same,) as committed, a fur
ther supplement to an act relative to the lien
of mechanics,Btc passed May sixteenth,one thou
sand eight hundred and thirty-six.
Mr. LAIABERTON, (Estates and Escheats,)
with an amendment, an act to enable Edwin
W. Lehman, executor and trustee named in
the last will and testament of James A. Leh
man, deceased, to sell certain real estate.
Mr. KINSEY, (Agriculture and Domestic
Manufactures,) as committed, a supplement to
an act to encourage the destruction of noxious
animals in certain counties of this Common
Mr. MEREDITH, (Roads and Bridges,) as
committed, House bill. No. 22, entitled, an act
providing for the appointment of fence viewers
in the city of Philadelphia
Mr. SERRILL, (same,) with a negative re
commendation, a supplement to an act to in
corporate the President and managers of the
Danborough and Plugs3teadville turnpike road
Mr. LOWRY read hi place, a joint resolution
relative to the expulsion of Jesse D. Bright of
Indiana, from the United States Senate.
Referred to the Committee on Federal Rela
Mr. BENSON, an act for the relief of Harry
Ellis, late Treasurer of Potter county.
Referred to the Committee on Finance.
Mr. STEIN, an act providing for the election
of a Justice of the Peace in Bethlehem south
election distict, Northampton county.
Referred to the Committee on the Judiciary.
Mr. SMITH, (Montgomery,) an act to incor
porate the Norristown and Trenton railroad
Referred to the Committee on Railroads.
Mr. CRAWFORD, an act for the relief of
John Ross, late superintendent of the Allegheny
portage road.
Referred to the Committee on Finance.
Mr. BOUND, an act to change the name of
the Milton Savings bank, and for other pnr-
Referred to the Committee on Banks.
On motion of Mr. LOWRY, the joint resolu
tion relative to the expulsion of Jesse D. Bright
from the United States Senate was taken up.
A long debate ensued, participated in by
Messrs. Duras, LOWRY, SMITH, (Philadelphia,)
BOUND, DIM, LANDON and others,
When, on the final passage of the resolution,
The yeas and nays were required by Mr.
LOWRY and Mr. KINSEY, and were as follow,
Ynas—Messrs. Benson, Boughter, Bound,
Clymer Connell, Crawford, Donavan,Fuller,
Giaktz, Hamilton, Hiestand, Imbrie, Irish, J ohn
son, Ketcham, Kinsey, Lamberton, Landon,
Lawrence, Lowry, Meredith, Mott, Nichols,
Penney, Reilly, Robinson, Serrill, Smith, (Mont
gomery,) Smith, (Philadelphia,) Stein, Whar
ton, Hall, Spealer.-32.
So the resolution was unanimously agreed to
The Senate then adjourned.
THURSDAY, Jan. 80, 1862
The House was called to order at 10 o'clock, A.
nt., and opened with prayer by Rev. Frank
Mr. ARMSTRONG offered the following reso
&solved, .By the Senate and louse of Representa
tives, That the financial committee of the Senate
and the committee of Ways and Means of the
House, be directed to appoint a sub-committee
of three, in connection with the board of com
missioners, to revise the tax laws of the State
to consult with the financial committee of the
Congress of the United States at Washington,
respecting the assessment and collection of the
national tax, and the property on which it shall
be levied.
The rules were suspended, and the House
proceeded to the consideration of the resolu
After some debate, Mr. WILLIAMS offered
to amend by striking from the resolution, the
words "in connection with the board of coin
missioners to revise the tax laws of the State."
The amendment was not agreed to, yeas 19,
nays O.
The resolution was read a second time and
agreed to ; and on its final passage the yeas and
nays were required by Mr. TRACY aid Mr.
REZ.and were as follow, viz :
YEAS—Messrs.Abbot, Alexander, Armstrong,
Barron, Bates, Beaver, Beebe, Bighani, Brown,
(Mercer,) Caldwell, Cessna, Chatham, Cochran,
Cowan, Craig, Crane, Dennis, Dougherty, Duf
field, Fox, Freeland, Gamble, Gaskill, Grant,
Greenbank, Gross, Hall, Rapper, Henry, Hess,
Hoffer, Hopkins, ( Philadelphia ,) Hopkins,
(Washington,) Rchman, Josephs, Kaine, Ken
nedy, Kline, Lehman, Lichtenwallner, M'Cul
loch, M'Coy, M'Manus, Myers, Pershing, Pete.,
Ramsey, Rhoads, Ritter, Ross, (Luzerne,) Ross,
(Mifflin,) Rowland, Russell, Schrock, Sellers,
Smith, (Chester,) Smith, (Philadelphia,) Strang,
Thompson, Twitchell, Wakefield, Warner,
Wildey, Windle, Ziegler and Rowe, Speaker-67.
NAYS—Messrs. Banks Blanchard, Bliss, Del
lone, Divine. Donley, (Greene,) Donnelly, (Phil
adelphia,) Early, Hoover, Inbar, M'Culloch,
Moore, Neiman, Potteiger, Rex, Scott, Shannon,
Tate, Tracy, Weidner, Williams, Wimley, and
So the question was determined in the affir
The SPEAKER laid before the House a com
munication from the State Superintendent of
common schools, inclosing an estimate of the
contingent expenses of that department for the
ensuing year. The estimate is fixed at eleven
thousand five hundred and sixty dollars.
The Superintendent also enclosed an estimate
for the support of the school system generally
for the ensuing year, which is fixed at three
hundred and seventy-one thousand two hun
dred and six dollars and fifty cents.
A communication was received from the Gov
ernor informing the House that be had appro
ved and signed the following acts of the Gen
eral Assembly:
On the twenty-ninth instant—
An act to a e uttiorize the commissioners of
Centre county to borrow money.
An act reviving the warrant to Andrew S.
Harrison, a collector of taxes in the borough
of Huntingdon, Huntingdon county.-
A further supplement to the act incorpora
ting the Gettysburg railroad.
An act for the relief of Dickinson college, in
the borough of Carlisle.
A supplement to an act to incorporate the
Oil creek railroad company, approved April 2,
On_the twenty-first instant—
Resolutions relative to the Legislative Manuel
and Purdon's Digest.
On the twenty-third instant—
Resolutions relative to the pay of the retiring
officers of the General Assembly.
On the twenty-ninth instant
-* Joint rebolntions relative to Lake and River
defences of Pennsylvania.
A number of petitions were presented, and
properly referred.
Mr. KAINE submitted the following: •
Resolved, That the Committee of Ways and
Means be instructed to report a bill, if deemed
advisable, repealing so much of the act of the
General Assembly, approved the sixteenth day
of May, one thousand eight hundred and sixty
one, as provides for the levying of a special tax
of a half mill on the dollar.
After some discussion, the resolution was
Mr. BAINE submitted a joint resolution,
which was agreed to, directing the State Trea
surer to furnish to the House a list of the coun
ties that have neglected to pay into the State
Treasury their quota of State tax, with the sev
eral amounts so remaining unpaid.
The several committees reported a number of
bills, including the following:
Mr. ARIdeTRONG, (select,) with a negative
recommendation, "Joint resolution to pay Wil
liam 0. Snyder, the contestant in the contested
election of RICHASIO WILDE; Representative
from the Twelfth district, Philadelphia.
Mr. CRANE, (Militia,) as committed, an act
relative to the payment of military orders.
A number of bills were read in place, inclu
ding the following:
Mr. GASKILL, one to provide for the detec
tion of counterfeits, and the suppression of
counterfeit bank notes.
On motion of Mr. Nara, (Philadelphia,)the
committee was discharged, and the House pro
ceeded to consider Senate bill entitled "An Act
to incorporate the association for the publica
tion and diffusion of religions periodicals in the
Lutheran church."
The bill passed finally.
. .
Mr. COWAN moved that the House proceed
to the consideration of the joint resolution rel
ative to the expulsion of United States Senator
Jesse Bright.
On the question;
The yeas and nays were required by Mr.
COWAN and Mr. TRACY, and were as follow,
TL —Messrs. Abbot, Alexander,Armstrong,
Bates, Beaver, Beebe, Blanchard, Brown, (Mer
cer,) Bushey, Chatham, Cochran, Cowan, Crane,
Dennis, Dougherty, Fox, Freeland, Grant,
Gross, Mapper, Henry, Hntchman, Kennedy,
Lehman, M'Clellart, M'Coy, Moore, Myers,
Ritter,Russell, Shannon, Smith, (Chester,)
Smith (Philadelphia,) Strang, Tracy, Twitchell,
Wildey, Williams and Windle-39.
NAYS - Messrs. Banks, Barron, Boileau,
Brown, (Northumberland,) .Caldwell, Cessna,
Craig, Dellone, Di 'ins, Donley, (Greene,)
Donnelly, (Philadelphia,) Duffield, Early,Gam
ble, Gaskill, Graham, Green bank, Hess, Hoffer,
Hoover. Hopkins, (Phila.) Hopkins, ( Washington)
Josephs, Keine, Kline, Labar, Lichtenwallner,
M'Culloch, M'Manus, Neiman, Pershing,
Peters, Potteiger, Quigley, Ramsey,Res,Rhoads,
Ross, (Luzern,) Ross, (Mittlin,) Rowland,Ryon,
Scott, Tate, Thompson, 'Patton, Wakefield,
Weidner f Wimley, Wolf, Worley, Zeigler and
Rowe, Speaker-52.
So the question was determined in the nega
Mr. CESSNA called up House bill No. 15,en
titled, an Act to restore a generate representa
tion to the counties of Bedford, Cumberland,
Ferry and Somerset.
Mr. SMITH, (Chester,) moved that the bill
be referred to the Committee on the Judiciary,
general, pending the discussion of which the
THURSDAY, Jan. 30, 1862
Arrival of Contrabands from Sewall's
The Troops Troops at Newport News•
Reinforcements for General Burnside.
Belease•ot Lieut. T. Connolly of the N. Y.
Another Federal Soldier Shot.
Some negroes arrived here at seven o'clock
this morning, having deserted in small boats
from the opposite shore, east of Sewall's Point.
They were cooks in the Third Alabama Regi
ment, which is encamped in that vicinity.
They report that the last of the iron plates
for the Merrimac were put on yesterday, and
that she was to be launched to-day.
A large steamer, reported to be the Merri
mac, but probably erroneously, made its ap
pearance at Cranny Island yesterday afternoon.
The troops at Newport News slept on their
arms last night.
A flog of truce to-day brought from Norfolk
Lieutenant S. Connolly, of the New York 69th,
from Columbia.
The taz bolts James Murray and T. H. Her
bert, of Baltimore, and James P. Levy, Alert,
Slida and Champion, of Philadelphia, sailed
this afternoon for Hatteras to join Gen. Burn
side's expedition. The Eastern State sailed for
Hatteras this afternoon.
John McMahon, in company F, Union Coast
Guard, Ninety-ninth New York, shot Michael
Dolan, a private in the SRMfil company, this
morning. The act was done deliberately—the
motive Is said to have been an old family guar
rel. The Hartford arrived from Philadelphia
this afternoon.
The U. S. Steamer Tuscarora still at
The steamer Anglo Saxon has arrived with
Liverpool arlvices of the 16th inst., four days
later than previously received.
She also brings telegraph advices via London
derry to the 17th.
Thosteamer Tentonia arrived out on the 12th.
The America and Nova Scotian on the 14th,
and the Edinburg on the 15th.
The news is meagre.
It ib rumored that the rebel steamer Nash
ville has been sold to English owners.
The United States steamer Tuscarora con
tinues blockading her at Southampton.
LIVERPOOA Jan. 17.—The sales of Cotton for
the week have been 40,000 bales, closing dull
at a decline of igia.; the sales to-day (Fri
day) were 5,000 bales. Flour has declined 6d..
® ls. Wheat has declined I®2d. Corn
easier ; the market closed steady, with an up
ward tendency for Wheat. Provisions quiet.
LONDON. Jan. 17.—Consols for money 98g..
(laser BRITAIN. —The financial writers in the
English journals indulge in all sorts of gloomy
fOrebodings for America under the suspension
of specie payments. Some argue that the issue
of incontrovertible paper may be expected to
render the country more than ever a prey to
social disorganization anl jobbery.
The London Globe makes the announcement
that the Cabinet of Washington had given
orders for the release of two Americans, Messrs.
Zicharie and Rodgers, taken from the English
schooner Eugenia smith, by the steamer San
tiago de Cuba.
The steamer Adelaide, from Cork, with a.reg
iment on board for Canada, put back to Ply
mouth Sound from stress of weather.
The iron-plated frigate Warrior was expected
at Plymouth in a day or two, on her way to the
North American station.
But little business was doing in war risks at
A late report says the London Times sacs that
mercantile letters from New York represent
the cry for promoting instructions among the
slaves as gaining force,
The Steamer Louisiana at Hatteras
Letters from Hatteras state that the steamer
Louisiana bad been floated off where 'she
grounded on the bar, and was then safe, though
the damage done to the engines rendered her
useless as a transport.
The special committee on the national foundry
gave a hearing to day to delegations from va
rious sections of the country. They will pro
bably report in favor of an establishment west
of the Alleghenies.
PturAnEr.pmrs, Jan. 30.
Flour dull ; 500 bbls. extra sold at $5 62,1
and 1,000 bbls. extra family at $5 87k. Rye
Flour steady at $3 50, and Corn Meal at $3.
The receipts of Wheat are small and the de
mand limited 400 bushels red sold at $1 32
@1 34 and white at $1 40®1 50. Rye is sel
ling in lots at 72073 ; Corn dull at 56c.; Oats
steady at 877 ; Coffee very firm, small sales of
Rio at 19®21c Provisions very dull ; sales
of mess pork at $12@12 50 ; a sale of 500 hogs
at 4c.; 306 tierces lard sold at Bc. and 400 kegs
at 81c. Cloverseed moved slowly at $4 37i®,
4 50, and Flaxseed at $2 10®2 20; Whisky is
in better demand and 500 bbis. Ohio sold at 25
Nary Yon=, Jan. 30.
Floor, quiet, sales of 8,600 bbls. Wheat,
quiet and nominally unchanged. Corn, dull,
mixed nominal at 64c. Pork, buoyant but un
changed, sales or 2,000 bbls yeas, deliverable
in April, at $l3 25. Lard, doll. Whiskey,
dull at 24c.
Ts. Richmond Examiner attacks a faction in
Virginia, which it accuses of a design to secure
the election of Hon. R. M. T. Hunter as Presi -
dent of the Southern Confederacy.
Again Afloat.
Ween:fivaToir, Jan. 20
Trts Massachusetts House of Rept . , seutal irEs
having directed its clerk not to furnish the of
ficers and members of that body with the usual
supply of pocket knives, the Boston Journal
utters this insinuatioa : " Whether this is a
specimen of retrenchment, or whether the pres
ent House can not be trusted with edged touts,
we are not informed, but we do admire the
stern self-denial of those who have thus fore
gone the temptations to whittle the desks."
HEMP Men Bean.—ln consequence of the
high trice of cotton, and on account of
other reasons, the Post Office Department hug
substituted hemp for that article in the manu
facture of their letter and paper mail bags.
Recent experiments have proved that h emp
bags are stronger and cheaper and wear bet
ter than the others, inasmuch as the natural
strength of the hemp is unimpaired by the
acids which are used in the manufactur e alai
bleaching of cotton.
-ton's birthday is to be desecrated in the south
after the fashion indicated in the following
paragraph from a Charlotte (N. C.) pap r:
"On the approaching twenty-second of Febru
ary the permanent government of the Confed
erate States will be inaugurated at Ri.Thruorid.
President Davis will be instant d for six year',
and other int:resting ceremonies tak
It will be a memorable and interesting sacs_
Bien, and a vast concourse of persons, nu d o eht,
will assemble to witness the ceremonies ut tlie
TITE OIL TRADE. --A fair idea can b funned
of the rise and progress of the oa trade from
the following shipments on the Poiladelphia
and Erie railroad. following is a cornet
statement of the number of barrels shipped
during the following years :
In 1859 325 bbls.
" 1860 21,994
" 1861 134,927 "
And during the first two weeks in
January, 1862
The largest number of barrels shipped in any
one month was that of September, 1861, 18,375
barrels. It is expected that 30,000 barrels will
be shipped during the present month. The
eutire capacity of the road is now taxed in oil
shipments and will be for some time to come.
The good roads have given an impetus to the
trade, and at Union Mills it is difficult to find
room to place the oil as it arrives.
Tire new Japanese presents just sent to the
President of the United States from the Tycoon
of Japan, are the finest that have ever been seen
in this country. A laquered box containing a
letter thanking the President for the reception
of his ambassadors—in most courtly phrase in
characters as stately as those usually found
upon the sides of a lea-box, wrapped in the
yellower 4 of yellow silk, with plenty of gilt. A
sword of exquisite steel, with the handle bed
ded with large pearls, and mounted in t•
finest gold. Blocks of crystal from the sacred
Fusiyama Mountain, of diamond clearness.
Vases of antique bronze, exquisitely sculptured
in relief with tortoises and stones of untold
value. A punch-bowl fit for a Cyclops to "wet
his whistle" in, so large that the President's
two sons—curled up in it, and the cover was
put on—candlesticks some four feet high, gold
mounted with vases of every variety of pattern
and shape, an entire suit of armor quite worthy
of the middle ages. The people tire Ithx
ionsly wailing to have these things seat to
some place—the Smithsonian or the Patent
Office—where they can get a glimpse at thee
gems of crystal steel, bronze, or porcelain. A
whole dinner set, with hundreds of pieces
Japanese crape, silk, and brocade, forms part
of this royal present.
How IT I 8 DONE --- SOMETLMES.- A clerk in
one of the Departments in Washington was
lately detected iu the act of communicating in
formation to- the rebels, and was immediately
discharged. A few days after he appeared at
the Secretary's office with a letter, asking his
re-appointment. The letter was from the gov
ernor of one of the Western States. He wi itea
to the Sot etary that the ex-clerk is an old and
intimate friend of his, a good and loyal citizen,
has been most unjustly dealt by, and winds up
by asking it as a particular personal favor that
Mr. ex-Clerk be reinstated in his office. And
the request was immediately complied with.
Directly after, an acquaintance, meeting Mr.
Reinstated, raid to him:
"Where did you get acquainted with Gov
ernor -
" I never was acquainted with him never
spoke to him in my life."
" How, then, did you get such a strong letter
from him to the Secretary ?"
" Oh, I have a pretty sister, who went to Al
exandria the other day with the Governor.
She procured the letter for me !"
The story is well authenticated, and the
writer be;ieves it true. But what should be
the punishment of a man who would thus be
tray his country, or, what is the same in effect,
protect those who do betray it ?"
On the 28th inst., by Rev. James Cassell, Mr. James
Imam and Miss LIVINIA OLSEN, both of Harrisburg.
Ntm 2thntrtisemtnts
NO,WHAT IS IT? Why Wynkoop's
Regiment have been taken by MILLE R,the imbro
typist, who is now e.itablisbed in Market street neir
Fifth, where he is prepared to take all who call on bin
at prices ranging from twenty five cents to $lO. Give
me a call and examine my specimens.
Market street, neat Fifth, over Methalloch's Broker
)30-i 1
DESERTED, January 29th, 1862, from
Camp Greble, near Harrisburg, Pa., recruit
ISICHAEL .1300 HOP, 23 years old, ruddy complexion,
dark red hair, five feet seven and a half inches high,
gray eyes, very stout build. He stole one Goy re•
went horse. brown ; mouse colored under breast and
belly, branded 11. S. on left shoulder ; also. a ieu,a
saddle and bridle. He to known to have lert Harrisburg
in a sled behind the horse above described.
The ab Ye reward will be paid for his apprehemion
and the recovery of the Government property stolen. or
proportionately for any of it, upon delivery to Lieus;
Baldwin, bth Artillery at his recruiting °dice in [Urn ,
burl or, at Camp Greble.
i t PARTY of gentlemen or gei,tlemaL
and lady Can get Boarding and a nice room it
Becond street, opposite the old Temperance Hall.
j29.2t* Mri..S. M. MILLER.
O F FINE Sweet Orangee and Lemous st
John Wise's, corner oelhird and Walnu
A European Hotel, Barri te)urg city, PA.
AND DEALERS in Fancy Goods, Fer
rum. ry, &c. Ala') agents for the e lle of Baited
Petroleum, Illuminating to any coal
furnished leant , quantities at the lowest market rates.
170 and 172 William iStreet,
PURE Cider Vinegar, for sale at
racHots hknowmAN's,
corner Front at Hart - et streets
14,000 "
Capt. sth Artillery cm ii