rp,aitDirelegrapil. 11 A RES BIJRG , PA Wednesday AfternoOn, January 29, 1862. THE GROTTO.-A jolly good programme is out for to•night's performances at this establish ment. Be on hand. =Ds= DISTINGUISHED VISITORS EXPEOTED.—The Count of Paris, son of the es-king of the French, Louis Phillipe, who is now attached to Gen. M'Clollau's staff, will, it is thought, visit this city, before returning to Washington. The Count, with his party, are at present enjoying the oetioalities of the Quaker city. I=l SAREOLD'S OPERA HOUSE.—The "Mummy" has made an immense "hit," and the opera house is nithtly crowded with gratified specta tors. The parts of the piece are well sustained, and the scenes are given with an irrisistably fen•ly effect. It will be repeated this evening, and we advise everybody who wants to enj4 good laugh to sail in. - CUN CARRIAGES, &c.—About forty carriages for large siege guns passed through the city eastward yesterday. They came from Pittsburg. The gun carriages are mule of very heavy tim ber and weigh about two tons each. A large quantity of thirteen inch shells pass through .tbe city almost daily. These shells weigh '215 ; pounds each. .Aw UPSET AND RUN OFF.—About nine o'clock this morning, a spirited looking horse with the remnants of a sleigh dragging behind him, rushed out North at a frightful speed, followed by a crowd of Dif 11 and boys in pursuit. The animal came from the direction of Ridge Road, but who it belonged to, r whet caused its stampede, our deponent saith not. I= ICE. —A number of our ice merchants, taking time by the forelock, are filling their ice houses with the ice formed along the river shore,during he recent "cold snap." The "crystal blocks" thus secured, are only about three inches thick, and of very indifferent quality,yet in the present vu promising state or affairs, our ice men seem to think these better than none at all. T 11,4 VOLUNTEERS at Camp Curtin are flush with funds just .now, having been visited by the paymaster yesterday and the day previous. We understand that a letie amount of money has been remitted to their homes by the sol diers, one company alone having forwarded as much as eight hundred dollars. Thisis decid edly praiseworthy, and speaks well for the wis ,dom and forethought of our country's brave ,defendere. 'GOOD TEMPLAR'S ANNIVERSARY. — The anni versayy celebration of Washington Lodge, I. 0. of Goad Templars, came off last night in their Sms of Temperance building, Second street. Notwithstanding the inclemency of the weather, a large number of ladies and gen tlemen were present. The refreshments were gotten up in the best posSible style, and were discussed with a hearty appetite by the partici pents. The whole affair was well arranged, -and passed off in a style reflecting credit on all • connected with it. I= A PRE= Goon Arrmrz.—The N'ew Lisbon (Ohio) Patriot states that in the Scotch settle• merit near Wellsville, a dinner was recently given to one Captain Scott. The gallant cap • tain, according to the Patriot, " drank twelve cups of coffee and ate one turkey, two chickens, one ham, three loaves of bread, two heads of cabbage, five pickled beets, two pound-cakes and five minced pies," and apologized besides, for the want of his usual appetite, as he was not very well. I=l Henn Than in DIXIE.-If one would learn 'Cm definition of "hard times,! he sholild go down to Diyie. We have before us the ' , price •current" of a few of the more essential articles :of food and clothing, as quoted in Richmond :and other places in Virginia: —Boots, of split :leather, range from $l2 to $l5 per pair ; Salt, at $5 50 per half bushel; Candles, ftom 25 to 30 cts; Tea, at $2 per pound ; Coffee, not to be hatd for love or money ; Bacon, from 25 to 40 cents per nomad; Whiskey—and bad at that— sl per pint ; and a ball of Hemp thread, (an ominous advance!) costing &1 50! Surely the way of the tra osgressor is hard. =:==i FRANKS OF MEMBERS OF CNOGRESS.-FOBt- Masters are instmcted to diregard the franks of Members of Congress known to be absent from the points where their fratiks are used.— Hence, the frank of no member, w; ( . 10 is known to be in Washington, will be receivel at his place of residence during his absence. For this reason, a great many letters, bearing the franks of members from this State, are heltA for postage. This paragraph is published for benefit of those who, when they send lettef under franked envelopes, erroneously suppose that they are forwarded to their destination.— They are simply held fur postage, as are other letters not prepaid. A BRILLIANT FASHION has just made its apt_ pearance in the progressive city of New York, which bids fair to outshine Paris in its lustre and extravagance. The Sun says that a short time since a prominent resident of that city of wealth and fashion, conceived the brilliant idea of having his front teeth set with diamonds. He conferred on the subject with two of his friends, one of whom was a lady of literary celebrity, , and all were so well pleased with the novel idea that they had large and valuable first wa ter diamonds set into their front teeth, and on Sunday afternoon they attended one of the most fashionable churches on Fifth avenue, where they attracted considerable notice, and diverted the attention of a large portion of the congregation by th lustrous rays of their teeth. On their return home, they were followed by a crowd of persons, whos attention and curioi3ity were attracted by the dazzling radiance of the brilliant eircle. If this fashion is adopted, jewellers, lapidaries and dentists will rev an abundant harvest. Verily, the world moves. flennovitionta Mailp eelegraph, Widnes tnip - Afternoon, lanuarp 29, 1862 ADVANCE LODGE No. 89, I. 0. of G. T. will hold its regular meeting at 7 o'clock this even ing, in the Hall of the American Mechanics, Wyeth's building, corner of Market street and Raspberry alley. Election night. New CourtTaiutens.—The following are the descriptions of two new counterfeits .in circula tion : Easton Bank; Easton, Pit% two's tered Vignette, men in field cutting grain ; man plow ing on the left end ; two cuPids on the right end. The genuine has female, shield, &c., on left end ; horses' beads on right. Also, Me chanics' Bank, New York, ten's immitation. Vignette, mechanic's anvil and hammer ; "X" on right ; State arms on left ; very likely to deceive. --,~.-- ACTION THE BEST MEDICINE.—We shall soon have no more occasion for army surgeons of hospitals. A soldier belonging to an Indiana regiment informs the New Albany Ledger that the order to march, received by the forces at Paducah the other day, proved the best medi cal perscription the regiment has ever received. It wis the magic halm for all real and imagi nary ills. At the words "pack up" and "for ward," chills and measles, and rheumatism, and the heart-ache ennui of protracted camp life, vanished suddenly aS if by miracle, and the gallant regiment moved off toward the re bel strongholds with such cheering as no other body of men know how no perform, numbering nearly one thousand strong. AOKNOWLEDGEMBNT.—The Quartermaster Gen eral of the State of Pennsylvania acknowledges to have received donations for the volunteers as follows: From the 'ladies of Bloody Run, Bedford county, 28 pieces canton flannel drawers, 6 do. shirts, 10 woolen shirts, 16 crash towels. Three woolen socks from Miss Maggie Flickinger, Abington, Montgomery county. From the ladies of Tioga, a box containing 33 small boxes of bandages, 4 do. of lint, with many other articles for hospital use. From county, Mrs. Susan Henderson, 1 pair mittens. Mrs. Green walt, 1 pair of mittens and 1 pair of socks. Mrs. E. Hummel, 2 pairs socks. Mrs. Sarah Henderson, 2 pair socks; Mrs. Anthony Fish burn, 1 pair socks; Mrs. Charles Rhoads 3 pair, Mrs. H. L. Hummel 3 pair, Mrs. Sophia Sides 2 pair, Mrs. Soloman Miller 1 pair, Mrs. Jacob Singer 1 pair, Mrs. Joseph Brain I pair, Mrs. Shope 1 pair, Mrs. Samuel Greenawalt 1 pair; Mrs. M. Baum, 1 pair slippers and 1 pair socks; Miss Mary Lubrigti, 2 pair socks, Mrs. Alfred Hummel 2 pair, Mrs. Doctor Fox; by a friend, 1 pair blankets. From the Ladies' Relief As sociation, at Bethlehem, 20 pair of woolen mittens. R. C. Than, Q. M. G. HARRISBURG, Jan. 28, 1862. VISIT THE &amis.— Nothing that the pa rent can do, in our opinion, has a greater ten dency to cause children to dislike the school room than their apparent indifference by never visiting the schools. The child sees that the parent remains away from that place as though it were tainted with an infectious disease. The impression must be made on the youthful mind that the parents cannot love the school room quite as much as they pretend. For if their love is so great for schools, and if education is so good a thing, the child will reason, why do parents sometimes not come and see how we get along Get up a pie-nic party for children, and every parent that can possibly arrange matters will be found there. We believe that parents err much in this matter. Nay, more, we believe that our religious teachers also err in this mat ter, because they talk to us of education, they address Sabbath schools on the importance of learning, but do they. ever say a word to the scholars of our public schools? We feel cer tain that the ditectors, and certainly the teachers would be glad to see visitors at any time in the schools, but especially on ex aminations. SNOW ON IBld SIDEWALK. —We alluded yester day to the fact, that the names of about one hundred and sixty property owners and tenants were sent before the Mayor for refusing to re move the ice from their sidewalks, contrary to the ordinance in such case made and provided. The information is laid by the Supervisors of the city, who it will be recollected, were fined some time since for neglecting to perform this duty. A number of •the citizens returned have had a hearing before the Mayor, and mulcted in the usual penalty and costs, and the re mainder.of. the cases will be heard daily until they are disposed of. This movem,nt hes caused some grumbling among those who have been returned, but we are satisfied that all right thinking citizens will sustain the Super visors. Slippery sidewalks have became a cry ing evil, . jeopordizing . life, to say nothing of dislocated limbs, sprains and bruises. It seems a pity that there should be this neglect, when a pan of ashes could remedy the trouble in five minutes. There is nothing, however, like a gentle tap on the pocket for refreshing the memory, and these careless gentlemen, after being called on for a fine for a few times, will be begin to see the matter in a new light. I=l GROWTH OF THE OIL Busurans.—Although the war has absorbed the attention of the public generally, and taken away the interest which had previously been directed to the Pennsyl vania 0 ,`.1 region, the industry which was start ed there by the furor remains permanent and prosperous. idea of the progress of the oil trade may be ekthered from the subjoined statement of the shik.notents on the Philadelphia and Erie Railroad : In Iss9 ' three hundred and twenty-five barrels ; in 18,.1°, twenty-one thou sand seven hundred and n i h 'ety4our barrels ; in 1861, one hundred and thirty-four thousand nine hundred and twenty-seven 1... 41 rxe1s ; and during the first two weeks in Jannia.:/, 1862, fourteen thousand barrels. The tuta: OhiP ments for the present month are estinuated to reach thirty thousand barrels. In fact, the en tire capacity of the railroad is now taxed by the oil trade, and will be for some time to com: 1, At some of the stations it is difficult to find room to place the oil as it arrives for shipment. Over two thousand teams are now engaged in this business of hauling oil, from the Titusville region to various points of shipment, and, al though the trade has increasA so much, the means of transportation seem to be augmenting as rapidly, so that the rates of carriage have greatly decreased. ALL should read Prof. Wood's eat vertlement in another column. SENSATION. DSEPATCHES. —A Washington cor re-punde.nt of the associated press telegraphed from that city yesterday to the, New !IYork pal ers that a terrible riot had occurredamong the troops stationed at CaMp Chitin, near this city, in referenee to their 'pay. This is certainly news to our citizens, who, if any thing of the kind had occurred,' would moat' undoubtedly have known something about it. So far, as our observation and knowledge‘ex tends, the visit of the pay Master to that camp is hailed with all tne pleasure and gratifi cation• that might be expected of troops who have scarcely had a "solitary 'red';' in their pockets for the last four months. The whole story of a " terrible riot " is a sheer fabrication, originating in the f;rtile fancy of some sensation Correspond. nt, apparently: for no other purpose than to cast odium upon the Pennsylvania volunteers, and one of the best regulwted camps in'the State. • Two HUNDRED`PIECES of beautiful new spring calicos; a large lot of bleached and unbleached muslin Of the best make'; blue checks, at 12i, cents per yard ; white skickings, cents;'another lot of those good white rib bed stockings'; ladies' pocket handkerchiefs, at 121-. cents; children's pocket handkerchiefs, with border, 5 . cents ; shirt breasts 1.2 i, 15 and up to 37/ cents; -25 pieces new pant el uff ;'. undershirts and drawerevery - cheap cotton and woolen socks, at all prices ; 40 dozen woolen stockings, for children, 12* cents; 11 yard bleached muslin 121- cents ; all wool French metitios, all colors, at 62 and 75 cents. Havina bought the balance of the stock of a city wholesale house of plain and figured Swiss matins, tenants, white" cam brics, Nausuck and Victoria lawns, suitable fOr dresses, as those goods will be very scarce and dear next summer now is the time to buy. Our stock of FUES at cost. S. LEWY, NOTICE ! BARGAINS i.MARGAINEI ! r-Gentletnen now is the time to have a good fitting Shirt made to measure or from sample. lam now waking a good shirt for $1 25 equal to any.oth er now in the market for $1 75. ' All work guaranteed to fit and to 'give entire satisfaction to the wearer. Always on hand a large assort ment of Ladies' and Grentlemans! Furnishing Goods at the old prices; also a large lot of A 1. lrish Linens at the old micas. If you want a bargain or a good fitting under garment,, just go to James A. Lynn, Manufacturer, No. 12, Market street, next to Hummel & Killinger's grocery store, Harrisburg, Pa., where he is selling without regard to cost or the advance of goods. ' ' : • TELEGRAPH OUT OF TOWN. LIST OF REGULAR AGENTS. The DAILY MORNING AND EVENING TELEGRAPH is sent every morning and after noon, by, the earliest trains that leave the city after its publication, to the following REGULAR AGENTS ALTOONA—George W. Patton. • • ANNVILLE—G. W. Hooverter.. BLAIRSVILLE—E. Laughlin. CHAMBERSBURG--George .Tuckey. CARLISLE—George M. Bretz. ' COLUMBIA—H. H. Fry. DAUPLl.l.N—Jefferson Clark. DUNCANNON—J. Hood. ELIZABETHTOWN—John W. Few. GREENCASTLE--M. D. Deitrich. HIGHSPIRE—F. O. Alleman. HUMMELSTOWN—George N. Schnitz. ! HAGERSTOWN—G. Swingley: ; ' 1 • - LEBANON—H. H. Roedel. LOCK HAVEN—J. D. Stratton. • - LEWISTOWN-.J X ,Cogle3r.. MIDDLETOW,N—George' Le:4*A. ' MECHANICSBURG—J. &linger. , • MECHANICSBURG—WiIIiatn Tate. MOUNT JOY—James Dysart.' MILLERSBURG—B. G. Steever. NEWVILLE—W. R. Linn. . SHIPPENSBURG—KeIso & Hinkle. SUNBURY—J. Washington. WRIGHTSVILLE—W. Moore. • YORK—J. S. Boyer. HAIR 'DYE! HAIR: 'DYE! I Win. A. Batchelor's Hair Dye 1 The only Harmless and Reliable Dye Known ! All others are mere imitaboue, Mid should be avoided Wynn wish to escape'rblioule. GREY, RED OR RUStY HAIR dyed instantly to a beam Hui and natural Brown or Black, without the least injury to Hair or Skin. . . • Fif VEEN M DAIS AND DIPLOMAS have been awar ded to W.ll. A. BATCHELOR sine 18. 9, and, over 200,000 applications have been made to the hair of . the patrons of his Camels Dye. • • Wet. A. BATCHELOR'S HAIR . DYE 'reduces .a ,color no to be distinguished from .nature and is want/Jam) not to injure in the least; however long it may be contin ued, awl the ill arms of bad Ores remedied. The hair is invigorated for life by this splendid Dye, which is prop erly applied at No. 16 Bond Street New York. , Sold 11 alltho cites and towns of the United States, by Drug tills and Fancy Goods Dealers • , The Genuine hay the name ",William A.. Batchelor," and address upon a steel plate engraving, on.. the four sides of each box.' ' - Wholesale Factory, 81 Barclay St., Late 233 Broadway, New York ort2-dawly .1111 a r ri eb. On the 28th inst., by Rev. Robert J. Carson, Mr. P H. FINNIGAN to Miss MAKI , 11. STOCKTON, all Of this city Mitb. t Burlington, N. J., on the 26th inst., MARIA, widow of the late Dr. EDWARD HUDSON. of Philadelphia', and mother of Mrs. JAMES WoREALL of this city. On the 27th inst:, SOLOMAN Sims, aged 34 years, one month and 27 days.. . • [His funeral will talcs place on Thursday afternoon at 3 o'clock, to move at 4. The friends are invited to at. tend.] ! - j29:lt* Ntiu 2tbrertistintnts BOARDING A . . . . PARTY of gentlemen or gentleman and lady can get Boarding and a nice teem in Second street, opposite the old Temperance Hall, j2il-2t* bittH. M. MILLER. ANOTHER ARRIVAL OF FINE Sweet Oranges and Lemons at John Wise's, corner of Third and Walnut. j29.2t* WANTED. • ARESTAURANT COOK. Apply , at the European Hotel, Barri s'yurg city, Pa. ja27,l3t* SCHIEFFELIN BROTHERS, & CO., WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS,: ND DEALERS in'Fancy Goods, Per= A . timery, &c. Also agents for the sale of Relined p eirAei cu, Illuminating Oil, superior to any coal oil ; quantities at the lowest market rates. furnished i i : uv 7 4 O ( 2.nd 172 'William Street, NEW YORK. ja27416m INSTRUCTION TN MUSIC. , ALady,' qUalified by- a thorough Muei- Cal acquired by a long coz:rse of study in Europe under Eminent Masters mid by several veers of anceessral teialling„desi-el a few iw WlB ?hum music and singing ; Operatic and Balled styles. Addre G. L,, Box 87, Harrisburg, P. O. j232wd• CURE, OF .81IFFRILINa AND DIS IiSE Pi:l - ROUGH WAKING Clairvoyant per t cepg of.the murex of disorders. DR: ADDISON, tbd oelebrated-Ileadical Nzaratuer irwa airiv;d dt HArria burg and taken Room No. 45 at the Tones' House, where be Will remain a short time for medical examina tion of persons afflicted with any form of disease or suf tering. The remarkable correctness of the kiicwledge he acquires or etch person's case wi bout asking any (oebtions whatever, is: hilly shown to each one he ex amines. by his - eccounte rt Weir feelings and sensation arising Irons the disorders he finds existing in the sys tem, the blood or any organ 'affected. In consequence of ttils, his cures in Philadelphiaand Boston and other places where be has practiced to any extent, have been 11131110111118 Ina remarkable for many or the most extreme clime have been brought to his care, and his success in prompt relief and speedy restoration of his patient in health and comfort, has corresponded with hi; great skill in mastering and showing the nature of complaints Dr. Adaison's Exarrii4ations and 'Oonkraltatlons are made wiltout cha , go, so that a visit to him does not host anything-; and.to many it may' be the means of a cur elmost beyond valuation. Where menial treat - meats desired, Charges will be made moderate and t o suit the times. j026-Iw. TO , :GRAIN. CONTRACTORS. THE BALTIMORE BAG FACTORY, No. 77 , South Street, Baltimore, Afd. T S PREPARED ,to fuinish Government ContraeWrs and Milers with Linen or Oatton Bags of all izen, promptly for eat] at low .prices . Oats and Corn Contractors will find it to their advantage to give me a 61111. JOHN O. GRAFFLIN. Rnitimoi e; ;fan. 27th iy24-2mdi* WILI; bb. sold at Public Sale at 10 v v &clock A M., an SATURDAY THE EIGHTH DAY or.FEBRDARY,.A D., 1862, at the Court Howe in I:lair risburg,tha following valuable Heal Fstate, viz : A curtain lot of Ground situated le Upper Swatara tesrosbip, Dauphin county, about one quarter, of a mile below the line orthe,city of Harrisburg, 'containing nine acres, more or less, on which is erected a large Distillery (known as the Keystone Distillery) together with a:sunl cierd. number of Pens for touting one thousand Hogs; al so, other out buildings Recess try about an oatablishment of the kind. ' r Rhoads' Old. Stand • The Distillery la located on the•Peonsylveni. Railroad with a siding belonging to the property, the. PeonsYlva nia Canelmaking the boundary :line of. the east end of said property, • Any I erson wishing to examine the premises before the day or sale, will please eta on lilr. John Young near the same, who will give any information that may be re quested. ;If , he prenticea shop* net be sold on said day they will be for rent. • Attendance will bo,iisren and conditions of sale made__ j 23 nw known by • JACOB L WRY. '• 00A - L 1 PO . DE R ! COAL. REDUCED 1 1 N nonsideratiommf . the hard times, and i ae I tiegleAclutively Rua CASH,-I have reduce the price or Co•l us follows : • ykene=Yaleyr , Broken.' @' AZ 90 per ton 'L ;Large Egg 2.90 '•" • • ' ' .SmairEgg “:2 90 " ; &Ova : .r ." 2 . 90 o tt " . " ...Nut 2 26 " • Wilksbarte • • ••• : .! 90 ". 4 . 1 Lorberry . " .2 90 " Afr All Coal delivered by the PATENT Wawa CARTS; it can be weighed at the purchasers dcor, and II it falls short, 10 PQM/9, the Coal will! be forfeited. All Coal of the best - quality mined, delivered free frein all iinpurltlim' ' - • igge•Cual sold In qantitias, at the LOWEST wnottans Agent Ca' lltipont'a Coilobrated Powder, a large supply alwava on hand, at Manufacturers prices. tlirA large lot of superior baled Hay for sale. • .3 , 23 ' If WHEELER. THEO. .r.. OPRE.FFER BOOK AND: . : JOB . .PKINTER, Q. 18 , MARKET STREET, HARRISBURG. orPartioularattentlimi tiaid.tiy.Printing, Ruling and 4inding..of. Railroad Blanks, Manifests, NnROWS, Checks; CaUng printed- at $2, $3, $4, and 'ss per thousand in elagantlityle. 'l2O . GRAND- SOIREE Will be given at BRANT'S HALL on THURS DAY Evening,, Jan. 30, 1862, by the .Gernian ciiisenA : • TICKETS.. .- • $1 00 FLOGS MANAGE ES. - Bedj G.-Petees, Unger, Wet. itetnar, David Herr, Pnilin Linn. ' ' Fred. linehnlea. i2i-dtd • • ;WHOLESALE and. RETAIL DE ALER . . y v:' in Confectionary r rereign and Domestic Fruit.— Figs, Dates, ?runes, Raisins and Nate of all kinds.— Fresh and Sal tHistt, Soap, Candles, Vinegar, Spices, To bago), Segars and Country Produee in general, at the c4uer of Third end Walnut streets. . , 0c12845m - • JOHN WISE. CHOICE LIGHT READING. ryIHR BIITHERVANDS, by the author of "Rutledge," Price $1.25. Also new editions of RUTLEDGE—uniform with "The Suther lauds," $1.25.- BEULAH—twenty-fifth edition—sL2s. EAST LYNNE—A new Novel-50 cents. TOM TIDLER'S GROUND, by Dickens, 25' cts. FOR BETTER; FOR WORSE, 38 cts. Together with all the New Books, soon as published at . BERQNER'S CHEAP BOOKSTORE. NEW DRESS GOODS. EMBROIDERED REPS, Plain and Figured Reps, Rich Figured all Wool Delaines, Plain Herincses and Cashmeres, • - .Fancy Paris Dress Silks, Superior Plain Colored Dress Silks, ' • Warranted makes of plain black silks, • • New Styles Low Priced Delaines • At C 4 ['MART & BROTHER'S Next 'door .to the Harrisburg. Bank Market Square. Enov4 • • NI 'CT 111. SS RICH DARK SHADES. VERY CHEAP GOODS FOR THE • - HO'L • IDAYS At CATHCART'S, de23 Next door, to the Harrisburg Bank. ANOTHER NEW STOOK ! portable Writing Desks, . Backgammon Boards, Toilet Bottles, and a general assortment of Call at SHAEFFER'S .RESTAURANT THIRD STREET, OPPOSITE TELEGRAPH PRINTING OFFICE, Lir ACING handsomely fitted ttp the builaag formerly, occupied by the "State Seeti reP' rioting office, the undersigned is prepared t f fur nish the public with Refreshments in good style and quality. Cyst rs served up in every style, and the table auppik.d within the delicacies of the season. Oysters by the Quart or Bag, Beading Ale, Lager Beer, Ste., coustant ly ou hand. [l2O &&A] E. C. SBaJ OR newly teidenished stock of Toilet and Fancy Goods is rinsurpassid in this eity, and reeling confident of rendering satisfaction, we would roe pectlully invite a call. RF.LLER, 91 Marlon street, two doors east of Fourth street, south FOR RENT--The.Store'Room corner of . Snood end Walnut streets, (tom the let of April next: Apply (bathe lame building) to. JOHN P. SELMA Dana 2botriOrtintrag PUBLIC SALE JUST OPENED, A LARGE STOCK OF Traveling Bags, Parses, Wallets, FANCY ARTICLES, BERGNER'S CHEAP BOOKSTORE. iTtisttitancous SOLDIERS' NICK NACK'S, F OR Sale at R'ELLER'S DRUG ABE. FANCY STORE Camp Writing Cases, Needle or Sewing Cases, Shaving or Razor Cases, Toilet Cases, Match Cases. Pocket Ink Stands, Pocket - Mirrors, Pocket Knives, Pocket Combs, Fine Combs, Camp Mirrors, Bryer Pipes,... , Tobacco' Boxes, India Rubber Tobacco Pouches, Wicker, Leather & Platina Flasks, Leather Drinking Cups. Pens, Penholders, Pencils, Paper, andEnvelepes. Soldiers will see at a glance that the place to get an outfit in small wares Is at Ne. 91, Market - street, Se-See "Fort Piekens'i in the Window. 005 it FOR SEWING MACHINES JONAS BROOK & BRO'S PRIZE MEDAL SPOOL COTTON. 200 ts 53 YD3. WHITE, BLACK ce COLOR RD . thread being made particularly for Sewing Machines, is VERY STRONG, SMOOTH AND ELASTIC. Its strength is not impaired by washing, nor by friction of th•e needle. For Machines, use Crooke Patent Glace,- • ; • • -FOR, UPPER THREAD, and Brook; Patent Six Cord, Red, Ticket, FOR UNDER THREAD, Sold by respeelable dealers throughout the country.— Gm), In was ox 100 DO/AN KAM, ASSOIITSD NOS , by Wit. HENRY BAUM, Sole Agent. no9.d6m ' 36 Veseystreet, New York. COAL! COAL!! $3, AND $2 25 PER TON OF 2,000 LBS 0. D. FORSTER, • ) FFICE No. 74, Market Street, yard on A the Meal, foot of North street, Wholesale and Re tail dealer in TREVORION, WILKSBARRE, LYIEENS VALLEY, . . . _ . SUNBURY and BROAD TOP COAL Famlies and Dealers may rely.upon obtaining a first-rate article, and full weight, at the lowest rates. Orders promptly attended to. A liberal discount made to Inv 'chasers paying for the coal when ordered.. Present price, $3 and $2 25 per ton. Harrisburg, Oct. 25.—d3in A.. L iS N • • TEACIFEF. OF Piano; Melodeon, Guitar and Singin g, DA.RTIOPIAR attention will be paid for I_ the education of the voice after "Ra.sini's , cele• brated method. Odic in William Kooche's Mimic More; 93 Market street. ja3-dlm Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute TROY NEW YORK; r HE seventy-sixth semi-annual session ..of this well knowitlustitnte for instruction In the Matheidatical, Physical and Natural Scieuces, wit emu meuee on Wednesday, Feb. 19th, 1862. A lull course in Military Science is nowt u progress. Graduates of the Institute find no difficulty in obtaining very desirable po sition's as Civil, Naval and Topneraphical Eogieeers. The Annual Re4ister, giving full particulars, can be obtained of. Prof. Charles Drew ne, Director, je9.43tv-w6w "THE PEN MIGHTIER THAN THE SWORD. " THE LARGEST STOCK, THE HOST BEAUTIFUL STYLES &ND PATTERNS OF Gold and Silver Pencil and Pen Cases. In the market, is to be found at BERGNER'S CHEAP BOOKSTORE. WHOLESALE UMBRELLA - MANUFACTORY N. 69, Market 'Street, below Third, HARRISBURG, PA. : 40 M. H. LEE, MANUFACTURER OF UMBRELLAS, PAILSOLS and WALKING C:NE.I, will furnish gen& at LOWER PRICES than can be bou-dil in any of he Eastern Citie3. Cogrit - y m rotia:us will do well to all and RICIAIi.OO prices And qglliiy , and convince them elves of this fact au23-dly REMOVAL. 11E1E Schuylkill and Susquehanna Rail _14.. Road Company have removed their Mil ie to the up. per end of the Lebanon Valley Railroad Depot. Jan. 6, 1864. lm CLEBRAT ED , DAND ELION COFFEE. This pod, nutritious, ant flue flavored coffee, is nownfferect for Pa. le very low by NICHOLS & BOWMAN, j2l corner FroDt and Mirket streets. WORSTED GOODS, LADIES NIIBIAS, Misses Read Dresses, Ladies Hoods, Misses Hoods, Ladies Sootags ' Misses Mitts, &0., &c. freshilavoice just opened at CATHCART'S, tiov4 Next door to the Harrisburg Bank RUBBER GOODS Rubber Balls, Rubber Watches, Rubber Rattles, Rubber Toys generally at BERGNER'S CHEAP BOOKSTORE WALLOWER'S LIFE, DMILY BILIWEIEIN EIe,..RaLSBURG and PEILL4A.DECAPti LA. Wm. E. Burk, Agent. 812 Market street, Ph.ilatiei phis, formerly Livingston dr Co. Qpecial GendnoLor in charge o! eaob ,;00a. , 6 yer:!A toe tvPiren aria phis, at 434 ;la I'. if., vitt ur -te i i::r.• i i %I. rr urg toorumg. Vir&L1.:1‘.'7E14...1?..., Agent. fny2l4ll Officr: Reading Depot, liardibuig• CHOICE Syrups, Loverings and other choice brands, for sale by NICHOLS & 13 . WMA.N, corner Front and Market streets GOLD PENS ! GOLD PENS I riSHE largest and most varied assortment of GOA. PENS is for sale at BERGNER'S CHEAP BOOKSTORE. WALL PENS WARRANTED. DIARIES FOR 1862.—A great variety at exceed* low prices, at SILTRFER'S 1100KSPO3E. PORT FOLIOS-4VRITING DESKS. N entire new assortment of these useful ar A r tides just opened at BERGNER'S Cheap Bookstore, CROSS & BLA.CKWELL'S Celebrated PICKIIRS, SAUCES, PSESEaVhI-;, &,„, /to. A large supply of the above, embracing every variety, just re ceived and for sale by jlO WM. DOCK, Jr.. & Co. NEW Fruits,. Currents, Raisins, Citron and Lemons, at the new Wholesale and Retail, Gro. cery and Provision Store, corner Front and Market street, Harrisburg, Pa. NICHOLS It BOWMAN. FRESH Lemons, Apples, Cranberries, for sate by NICHOLS & BOWMAN, J2l corner Front and Market street, VALENTINE. 4 .—Just opened a fine as sortment of Valentines at very low prices. 20 SCHAFFER'S 8008 STORE. amusements. SANFORD'S NEW OPERA HOUSE THIRD STREET BELOW MARKET. FRANK BROIXTER In his G'eat Delieniations Every Evening this Week ; Together with SA.NFORD'S TROUPE. This Evening—THE MUMMY, Admission, 25 cents. Orchestra Chairs, 50 cents. Seats in Private Boxes, 75 cents. Entire Box, $5.00. Doors open o'clock ; Commence at o'clock. GROTIO MUSIC HALL! WALNUT BELOW THIRD STREET. CROWDED HOUSES NIGHTLY I Hundreds Unable to Obtain Admission The greatest array of Talent ever appearing in the CAPITAL of the KEYSTONE STATE. EVERY EVENING! EVERY EVENING ! ! Composed of MALE and FEMALE ARTISTS, each one being a STAR in their Profession. Ole Bull Dick Myers, Violinist. Admission - - 10 and 15 cents. Doorsopen 6/ o'clock. Commences at 7/ o'clock. FRED. AIMS, Proprietors. IV — Positively no Boys admitted. A. HUMMEL, =Le BOOTS AND SHOES, BUFFALO AND GUN OVER SHOES, TRUNKS AND CARPET' BAGS. ATITHE OLD STAND corner of the alley, next to the Court House, Market street, Harrisburg, Pa. Thankful for the patron age heretofore bestowed upon the late firm of A. Hummel & Co., we trust by strict at tention to business, and by seeping a well smacreo STOCK OF GOODS to merit a l'oll inuaneo or the same Please call and ex tmme oar STUCK and PLUCEd before bums elsewhere. janll-Iyd A • atTSPAEL Goods are purchased direct from he manufactures for cash enabling them to sell very low. JUST OPENED! A FINE LOT OF SUPERIOR ISIMar.ALI 2 I.2III,O a t r , a i eta fr r o , m A o ti n n e o t MADE to wo o g f ,.. G r s o o o l a d o T f o m la y a o c w e n o m , tot of choice Chewing awl Sinotiug fonacce, Pipes, Snuff and a large variety or enter armies constantly Oil 11,0 d tor sale wholeeale and retail. Thankful for former pat ronage, I hope by strict attention to I:Mill:103R 1 , / receive a liberal share of the trade A ttao Smoking Room attached, whore customers may lay bock and test my Senors and Tobacco Don't forget the window with tht Snip in It; that ly the plate to buy your Tobacco and , e.-ars. North Market Square, above -Market street, Iltrraburg. D: 0. 4 , 1861.-dam .o+3l WYIKPFF. FOR RENT lIHE commodious STORM ROOM. on 1 Market square, nest door to the "Jones' House," (Coverly's Hwel,) ocemplei daring the last eight or nine years as a Jewelry and Virauda making establishmmt, ite ALSO--several DWELLING 11•JUStiS to the violent ty f the Capitol, some of theme .titvLig stlnlimg, smoke souse. Mats+, &e., and vacant lots attached. Poeseetion given the lion of April next Harrisburg, Jan. 9, 1862.—in-dlna FOR SALE. A valuable Two Story double frame A Dwelling House and Lot of grourd, situated on the corner of North street and East avenge, 30 feet on North street and 110 feet deep, two basement t'itelbms, two cel lar, and eleven rooms, also a never failing spring .)f wa ter. The building is well calculated for a store or hotel. • • Terms reasonable. Enquire of W. BARR, jan4 My Auctioneer. HIIMPHRE YB' SPECIFIC HONCEPATHIC ItEMEDIES! E have received a fresh stock of these valuable remedies—suitable for ail manner of disease -for ILA or Specific Remedies see almanac for 1862. In single boxes, with directions, for 25 cts. and 50 cts In case of six boxes with book of directions St 00. In case of filteen boxes with book of directions S 2 SO. In case of twenty large vials with book of directions S 4 00 In case of " " " " " " $5 00 We are now prepared M fill case vials of any of the Remedies from No. 1 to 20, ani to furnish Humphreys' Remelies as customers may desire: FOND'S It XTHAUT OF li.A.Nialtuas, or Vegetable Paiu Destroyer, prepared by F. Humphreys, t D., can be purchased by wholesale or retail at KELLER'S Drug and Fancy Store, j2t 91 Market scram. COAL ! COAL I I COAL! I ! TIRE undersigned would inform the eon comers of Mal hat he is now prepared to furnish Coal Irons us.de• cover perfectly dry and clean in all kinds of weather Lykens Valley Broken Coal " Large Vgg " Ll " Small hgg " " Nut Flagon Lump Coal. No. 1 " 41 41 2 11 8 II ' 4 4 " 5 o Lorberry. Broad Top anikAllogheny, also Hickory :and Piee Wood h. BYERS. Harrisburg, Jan. 7, 18S2A1m* ONIETB ING NEW ! NO excuse for having Boots and Shoes not blackened. Blacking that wiLlgive a polish on wet or greasy boots. Just the thing for she times, when every one cannot afford two or three pairs of shoes or boots. Call and examine, at NICHOLS & BOWMAN'S, corner Front and Market streets ■ } F~OR SALE CHEAP.--A TWO j Ew e Y' STORY FRAME HOUSE, 12Mx50 legit situated on Gra .d street, to the rear of the gin Reservoir. Fcr further particulars apply an w the premiBes to q2-d2w* TO FAAIERS. CIATS ! OATS 1 Gash paid for Oats • /by JAMES M. WHEELER. YOUNG MEN desiring to serve in an e; imam, which will likely be sent Soulh,3s2tnlYdo well to apply b the undersigned, who has authority to raise a company. J2l-dlw J. WESLEY AWL .HAY ! HAY ! !-50 tons superior baled Hay, for sale wholesale and retail by pra JAMES M. WHEELER. CHEAP SUGARS I I—Call at Nicaoz S & BOWMAN, )16 terser Frontand Market streeta 1 4 1XTRA FAMILY FLOUR in fourth and ..12/ halt bbl. sacks, also, wholesale and retell at the New Grocery and PrioViSloll Sore, Front and M:trket st NICHOI:= ic BOWMAN.' ALMANACS! ALMANACS ! BEAR'S GERMAN AND ENGLISH AL MANACS in every quality can be had at BERGNER'B CHEAP BOOKSTORE. BOOKS FOR CHILDREN IF you want to get suitable BOOKS for your Children, go to BONER'S CHEAP BOOKSTORE. CIIAS. C. RAWN E. M. MATER