Pennsylvania daily telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1857-1862, January 29, 1862, Image 1
THE TELEGRAPH IS PUBLISHED EVERY DAY. By GEORGE BERGNER. TERMS..—Sniati Btrl ownom The 13A1It Tem;mint is served to subscribers In the City at 6 cents Per weep Yearly subscribers will be charged %4 00, In advance • WEEKLY AND SEMI-WEEKLY Twcznasea. , The Txttortern is also publisned twice a •week during the,,*•ssion. of the Legislature, and weekly during the remainder ot the year, and furnished to' Subscribers at the billowing cash rates, viz: Single subscribers per year Semi.Weekly..Sl BO Ten .4 • ~ ~,12 00 Twenty " • • 4, 64. •, . ..22 00 Single subscriber, Weekly 1 00 THE LAW OF NEWSPAPERS. It subscribers order the discontinuance of their pews• Papers, the Publisher may continue to scud them until all arrearages 'Eire paid. 11 subscribers neglect or refuse to take their newspa ,-. from the office io which they are directed, they arc ponsible mill they have settled Ibe bills and ordered hem discontinued. Post Office, Harrispurg, Pa On and after Monday, Jan 27, 1862, the mails will close at this office as follows: East. LEBANON VALLEY RAILROAD. Way mail—For all places between Harrisburg and Phila delphia, and those adja• cent to the Lebanon Val ley, East Pennsylvania, and Philadelphia and Reading Railroads.-... 7.30 A. It PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD. Way mail—For all places between Harrisburg and Philadel phia and those adjacent to the Pennsylvanialiail- road ..7.00,A.:M For New York, Philadel phia and Lancaster. 12.00 M For Philadelphia, Lan caster,Middletown,Bain- bridge, Columbia and Marietta 5 00 T. M. For New York,Philudel • phia and Laric.aster....9.oo P. M . West. Way mail—For all places between Harrisburg and Altoona and those adjacent to the Pennsylvania Rail l road 8 00 A For Pittsburg, Johns- - to an and Le*istown, Pa., Cincinnati, Colum bus and Cleveland,Ohio.3.oo P For Pittsburg, Altoona Tyrone, Huntingdon, Lewistown and Holli daysburg 9 00 P North. NORTHERN CENTRAL RAILROAD Way mail—For all places between Harrisburg and Lock Haven and those adja cant to the Northern Central Railroad 12.00 South. Way mail—For Washington,.D. C., and all places between Harrisburg and Balti more, Md., and those adlacent to the Northern Central Railroad 12.00 For Washington, D. C., Baltimore, Md., and York, Pa 900 P. 31 CUMBERLAND VALLEY RAILROAD. For Hagerstown, Md., Chambersburg, Ship pensburg, Carlisle and Mechanicsburg 7 00 A. M Way mail—For all places between Harris'ourg and Cham bersburg and those adja- cent to the Cumberland Valley Railroad 12.30 P. M SCHUYLKILL AND SUSQUEHANNA RAIL ROAD For Pottsville,. ElhiOod, Pine Grove,Summit Sta- Lion and Auburn. 12.30 P. M STAGE ROUTES. For Linglestown, Alanada Hill, West Han over, Ono and Jones town, on Monday, Wed- nesday and Friday 7 00 A. M For Lisburn and Lewis-. - berry, on Saturday, All postage on letters and papers MUST BE PREPAID BY STAMPS or they cannot be forwarded in the mails. 'Office Hours—From 6 A. M. to BP. M., Sunday from 7i , to 8i A. M., and from 3 to 4 P. M. GEORGE BERGNER, Postmaster. UNION REST A.UR ANT, BILLIARD AND BOWLING SALOON, NO. 119 MARKET STREET, NEAR FIFTH. THE subscribers having erected a larg e building at the above, place, expre3sly for the punt 0- see above indicated, beg to call the attention of the poh he to the follow,ne : THE figsmoset.r, on the first floor, with a dining room attached, is fitted up in first-class style, and it will at all times be suppled with the best OYSTERS to be had in the Atlantic cities, together with terrapin, fish, and alt kinds of game in stazon. Oysters served np in every style, and meals to be had at all hours. I Ales of all the celebrated breweries in the country constantly on . band. The Ten-pin Alley, or Bowling Saloon, is in the rear, and contains three alleys of modern construction, where the lovers of this healthy exercise can enjoy themselves. The Billiard Saloon is upstairs—elegantly titled up, and contains three marble top combination cushion ta bles, equal to any made. Harrisburg has long felt the want of a grand combin ation of this kind, and as the preprieters are determine d to conduct it In a quiet and orderly manner, and do rything in their power to make It a fashionable 'wort, they hope to receive a liberal share of public patronage. ju3-dtf WILLIAM C. McFADDBN & CO. 11M'11 2 3E1.3113EL 7 ,61 DAILY LIN E Between Philadelphia Lou. mtviN, .lu,Birr SHOW:, WILLIAMSPORT, HUMOR UNIONTOWN, WAINONTOWN, MILTON, LIWISHURG, Nolariummacwa., Summit; TRIVORTON, GIORGI:TOWN, LYKINSTOWN, MILLIBAR BUM, HALIFAX, DAUPHIN, AND HARRISBURG. The Philadelphia Depot being centrally ideated the Drayage will be at the lowest rates. A Conductor goes through with each trete to attend to the safe delivery of all goods entrusted to the lino. Goods delivered at the Depot of FREM WARD St FREED,' No. 811 Mark et Sleet, Pills dolphin, by 6 o'clock P. will be clolivered in Harrisburg the next morning Freight (always) as low as by any other tine. Particular attention paid by this line to prompt and speedy delivery of all Harrisbunt t:oods. The undersigned thankful for past patron go hopes by strict attention to business to peril a cowl o unlace of the same. T. TELPHER, Philadelphia and Readini, spat: •dero Feet of Market Stroe .!-lerrisborg. • alilEi , Fil33 313 K STORE. (REAR T.L. HARRISBURG BRIDOBJ UNION ENVELOPES. NOTE PAPER, of six different designs, printed iu two colors, sold by the thousand and by the ream at City Cash prices. Also, Flags, Union Bream rim` Eagles, Union Rings and Badges at very low prices. 6aii at mpg SOEIRFFER'S BOOKSTORE. FINE TOILET tz OAPS, POMADES, HAIR OIL, POWDERS', COLOGNES mud EXTRACTS, of many styles, prices and manufactures at HEELER BUG AND FANOv = ...RE, HAIR, TOOTH,, NAIL, CLOTH, HAT, LATHER and INFANT BRUSEW, in great variety DRUG .-tvn FANCY STORE. "ETAT 1 HAY ! I—Superior baled Hay jl • for 'sale by • • rllll BUCK•WHEAT MEAL and CORN MRAL just received and for sale low at NICHOLS & BOWMAN, j 6 corner Front and Market Argots. At; . - ' \ r. $D • - art, r t, 11 tan ; *O4, i•-•,..itiLk . of.....4r.ixtril' Sr .0.414440i0ii-J 4NWS.YLV ASIA RAIL MALI' WINTER Trif F.: - TA R LE. FIVE TRAINS DAILY TO ANI) FROM PHILADE.LPHIA., The Passenger Trains of the Pennsylvania Railroad Company will depart from and arrive at Harrisburg and Philadelphia aa follows THROUGH EXPRE: TRAIN leav=e Harrisburg, daily at 3.20 a. m, and arrives at West Philadelphia a t 7.90 FAST LINE leaves Harrisburg daily, (except. Sunday,) at 1.00 p. m., and arrives . at West Philadelphia at SA p. m. MAILTRAIN leaves Harrisburg daily (except Sunday) at 5.55 R. m. and 'arrives at West 'Philadelphia at 11.00 TU. ACCOMMODATION TRAIN , via Mount : Joy, :leitvea Harrisburg at 7.39 a. m., and arrtVm at Watt: Hada delphla at 12.35 p. m. HARRISDUDO ACCOMMODATION TRAIN, via Calms, bla, leaves Harrisburg at 2.011 0. in and arrives at West Philadelphia kti 7:20 p. ni I THROUGH EXPRES TRAIN 'leaves • Phlladolpbta at 10,30 p. in., Harrisburg at, 3.08 a. in., Altoona 8.40, a. m., and arrives at Pittsburg at ,p, Au 1.25. . • •, MAIL TRAIN leaves PhiLadelPhia at 8.00 a. m., and ar rives at Harrisburg at 1.20 p. m.; leaves Htrrisburg at 9.00 a. m., Altoona, 3,30 p. m. , and arrives at Pittsburg at 9.30 p. M. - FAST.LINE leaves Philadelphia at 11.25 a. tn., Garris. burg 4.05 p. m., Altoona at sO.lO 0. in., and arriving at Pittsburg at 1.40 a. M. . HARRISBURG ACOOMHODATION TRAIN learas Yhil delphia at 2:80 p.. and arrives at Harrisburg at 8.00 P- 0 . . . MOUNT JOY ACCOMMODA'fI9I%.I via Mount. Joy leaves Lancaster at'll.B3 a. m., arrive!' at liairigtiirg at 1.80 . . . . . . . The NEWS REPRESS and PAS.SENGER TRAIN will leave West Philadelphia at 4.00-a. m. ; Lancaster 7.07 a. m. Mount Joy .at 7.43 a. m., .Middletown at 8.25 a. m., and arrive at Harrisburg a 8.55 m.; connecting with Mail Train west, from Harrisburg; at. 9.60 a. rn.: • • • SAMUEL 0. YOU NO, Supt. Rant, Div. Penna. Railroad. Harriaborg, January 24, 1862 —MI' A 12.80 P. M WINTER TIME A.RRINGEMENT NEW MR LINE ROUTE. TIIOICS TRIM DAILY TO ism, TOOK, , . WITHOUT CHANGE OF CALS • . . (IN AND ',AFTER MONDAY, - - NOVEII uPIIER 4 , 1861; the Passehier 'WOWS will le a ve: thoi Philadelphia quo Beading flathead Depot, at Harrisburg, for New WSW and Philadelptda, as follows, viz EXPRBEE LINE leaves Harrisburg at 3.80 a. in., OR ar rival of Pennsylvania Railroad Yipress Train frout the West; arriviiigld New York at 11.6 a. in., and at Phila delphia at 9.00 a. m. A alsephig car Is attached to , the train through from Pittsburg without change.. MAIL TRAIN leavea Harrisburg at 8.35 a. in., arriving in Now York at 5.30 p. in., and Philadelphia at 1.25 p. m. -FAST LINE leaves:Harbiburg at 1.40 p. m. , on arrival of PelinaTlVania Railroad rasa :Nail, arriving in New York at 9.60 p. my and Philadelphia at 8.40 p. in. • FAST LINE leaves New York:at 6a. m., and Philade I. pins at 8 a. m., arriving at Harrisburg at 1 p. m. VAIL TRAIN leaves New York at 12.00 noon, and Phil. adetpbia at IL lb p. m.,' arriving 'at Harrisburg at 8.10 p. m. fiXPRESS LINE leaves - New York at 8 p. m., arri ving at Harrisburg at 8.104. M., and connecting with the Pennsylvania Expreis Train for Pittabing. A sleeping car is also attached to this main . Connections are made at Harrisburg with trains on the POODBylVaDilly Northern. Central And Cumberland Valley Hillromis, and at Reading for Philadelphia, Pottaville, Wilkesbarre, Allentown, Easton, he: , • . ' Baggage checked through.. Pare between New York and Harrisburg, $5 00'; betireen Harrisburg and' Phila. delpbia, $3 26 in No.l care, and $2.70 in No. 2, For ticket's or other. information apply to . , J. J. CLYDE, no 4 General Agent, Harrisburg, SURGEON DEN TIST4 fIFFERB his services to the oitizene o Njt , Harrisburg and its viciemy. solicitha shore o the public patronage, and gives issuance that., his bout endeavors shall be given to rend r satisfaction ib hie pro fession. Being an old, well tried dentist, he ibels sale in nviting the public generally: to call on him, assuring hem that they wilt be diasatlthed•with his services, Office No. 128 Market street, in the house formerly oc copied by Jacobli. Eby, near the United. Mates Hotel, Hertiebiug; Pa. sayli-ctly JAMES' M. WHEELER "INDEPENDENT VOL XVII ON MW ANTNR. MONDAY JANUARY 27th, 1862 41, 4 ti T it 4 ti ib WESTIN ARO. AND :PH'ILADEL'PHIA EASTWARD. WESTWARD. DR. T. 2. MILES, HARRISBURG, PA., WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON, JANUARY 29, 1.862 ensaiwertistments GREAT SALE AND FREE DISTRIBUTION I DR: W• BARR, OP HARRISBURG, Having pur9haptd the entire right . and interest to mahn • • - therm apt( sell 0 0 b1 . ..N 8 • GOLDEN .ELEOTRIO. .OIL - L - 11 1 ERY body °tight • to j o i n i n . , • JUI ing is; if the faiit 'e resieiout' are sis . 2.1/ arc in terested, the well and afilie'edi The GOLDEN BLED atlic uli, is useful in Chronic and Nervous Diseases, such as Rheumatism, rieliraigia, Bronchitis; Caturreh, Screfulii; Piles, Fresh or Old Soles, Ulol4llt, Glandular Swellings, ;Female Complaints, Sore Breasts, &O, In fact there is no family "medicine that pcts With'incll magic power as the Golden Illeetrieriff. ; llaudieds tan certify to its virtues. For the purpose of introdueirg it hits every' 'family, with two of my own ye' usble preparations . for Cmigus, Croup, Weak and Inflamed Slye..;; and ha Ili/ ivdcic'rmeut to these woo dispose. of 20 gross, I place JO posession of. a comuntt,e. or honorable gentlemen the folloWing valuable articles, for Ara dbitrib mie a amongst the purchasers : 1 Finefi-oclive Piano $lOO 00 1 Fine Dressing Bureau . • ' 16 00 1 Fine Cottage Bedstead 8- 00 I Fine Engt sh Gold Lever Wotan . 85 00 " 1 Foie Ladiee.... ... no - 80 00 2 Fine Silver Watches, 96 00 1000 '1 Uhl Violin and Bow 600 1 ltlturic Box 3 00 llouble-barrelled Gun 9 00 1 Pine Semlitone Accordeon...:. ..... . ! 400 4 Gold Bracelets, 41 4 00 "508 Boxes Valuable Pills, 25 Lie . "126 00 400'Boxes Tooth bilider, 25 et 5.......... ;100 00 200 Copieli - UM or Dan Hee, Einbellished, 26 uts i 50 00 :1' Copy,fi vidurnes, Christian Union, $1 00...: 00. Bine Bilk Drees :20 00 1 Fine Thilaiue Dress , 3 00 2 Fine Lt,, wn Dresses. $3 00.... • . ! 600 6 Fine Gold Pencils, $1 00 : 6_oo 200 Fine Sleeve Buttous, 12 3 4-ct5.......; 25 00 24 hue Ladies' Guards, 26 out 6 00 20 Fine belts of Jewelry, $1 00......... 20 08 20 Fine Double Moe allious, 1 00.: .. ....... ! 20 00 60 Ifine•LocketTim 60 eta' i 25 00 tOO Fine Setts Studs;26 eta • !160 00 . 500 ,Fino 18-karat iiings,2s cis „ ' •126 00 200 Fine &eove buttons, 12,4 eta. ...... 26 00 100 Fine allen's Razor Powder, 25 cis 25 00 1 Gilt Family ...... ..... 00 1 Barrel Flour. . ..... ..... 70 0 , On the payment ot 60 Gents for'each „Bottle or Box of the lieiLeine; tae purchaser, will receive a receipt and an "order tor arieuvelope, 'which will Contain the name eft one of thenbeve rifts. On thesis) , of , the dimthbution of gifts, the envelopes oe placed Ina hexer wheel, with IL hole to pass the !meditate it, the envelopes all put lato ths Whin% well' shook upend seemed, each purchaser will draw "out his or her own envelope; ;the gift named therein will be given as soon as 'lib drawing . 'eleses. No tice will be given to agents, andAn the papers or the day of distribution. Parc asers al a .eistance will have at retell share 'wi lithose residing 'in Harrisburg. :on re cei,A of the inoneylor one or More dozen; the medicine, with ottrificate and orders, will ti's forwarded-by express, free of charge. In at, cases the medieine to warranted to cure or give relief, or no charge. See certificates; • But W.- B.Dtel—Desit Sit": --As I have learned that you have puretuised toe right to" inafiufactureind sell M'Con neiPs Golden Electric Oil, tor the benefit of the afflicted, I bend the following have bedn afflicted with:a run ning core on coy; felt log for: ten years. During that lime -I havd been under the treatanierof ten of the best Doc tors in Harrisburg, Baltimore"- and Cambial:Did county ; but, ail could 1110.1:Efti3CL a cure.- 'A- Buie over year poet, gUirig into my blaegasith,shop after dark, 1- hurt my rignt fog also, below the".:nee: apread ail around the leg, and became .a;ruiudeg Sore. Several Doctors told me I must nave say leg taken off, mortification having" taken place. Fortunately Igota bottle of, your &Meta itleAfle chili's soreMonta: ILeured BO soon that IL thoUght Iwouid try it on my logs.. 1 'have been using it about eix.weeks,,atid nay...bags are now battled up souuq and well.. . , . We, the undersigned,. whO aro weh acquainted with Flubs du certify to the fact as btate4 aboye,, and the beneuci al effects of : 4'CW:well's Gulden ELentrid Oil on many of our neighbors. hat% been using Dr.. , Hair's Croup Syrup 'ln my Amity for the paLt tote yeirs. I would not be without it at any price,: ashy . children are subject to Colds 'end' Croup. 1 believe I have saved their lives by the use of the medicine. No' family, with children ought to be-. , F. K. SWARTZ, (livery,)Harrtiburg. CAMP CONTOl t December 6,1861. Da. kSAES thank you most sincere!) , for the; Oint ment yolks/tiro me for my eyes; irhave of ly used it a taw times, and am new entirely. tree from Mflamation and pam which is more than nave been for the last,tive years.— i hope God will bless you fur the free gift: 'No person ofiludeta 'with weak' or inflamed Bore eyee'ought • to be widiout t it - '"J. C; 3tlflB.': heini well acquainted with J. C. Miles, what he eeru• flea to'above is correct and true, MI .siuguiar as it , may seem. J. B for Badford:' einudreds hsve eartined—l have only given the above. knee, Teitei., Pelson, Itch, Look Jaw, Gl:morels:ma, (Sleet, Leueorrbse, atio 'all secret, diseases en, idd'avikh . same cess, or no charge.!• ,• ' • Ten per cent. will be paid to ail persons selling one or More dozen. W. j2o.dawtf _ _ STEM WEEKL Y 11111 , 1'411g HMV ,Yuri • ,ezd, It A/N.D LIVIANOOL. 1 . 1 1 ` 4 ) 11 v ki AND EMBARKING PAS at QUO...MU/WS, (lie(aud.) The Lives. Naw k ors 'and Philadelphia bOmmainp company uueud. r at/spawning :noir lull powered Ciiple-butii, Iron Siete/snipe I.OaOWS KANGAROO, Saturday, January 18 ; CITY OF NSW YORK; 'Saturday, January Y 5 ; tiLASIIOW, Saturday, February 1; and every sanurtlay, at .Noon,from Pier 44 Aortal FIRST CABIN . ..... 476 00 1 STRNRAGE.... $3O 00 do Io L0nd0n.....*80 001 do to London ..333 00 do to Paris $B5 00i ' to • Paris 00 do' to Ramburit..s&s, 001 do to Hamburg *36:00 Passengers alsolorwarded to Havre, Breinen, „Rotter dam., Antwerp, ao.;.at equally low'ratee.' ,wirPersons winning to °nog out thew trienda can buy tickets here at the foilowilig fates, to Now York: From : Liverpool or Queoustown; Ml:labia, $76, $B6 and $lO6 . Steerage from Liverpool *4O 00. From Queenstown, 711886 nteainere hare uoperlor 'accommodation* for Paaseagera, and carry experienced Surgeons. They are ; built. rn Water44ln Iron dmtionn,)kod have!Pahtlat Annihilators on uoard. : ' Nor Nuttier information apply in Lfverpool to WILLIAM INMAN, Agent, 22 Water Street ; n tilasgow to :WM. INMAN, 6 at. Enoch Square ; Queenstown to C. &W. D. lik:11101:1R & CO. ; Minden to At MALY, 61 liieg William St. '; Paris to LULUSGOMA 6 pace de la Bourse ; - Philadelphia to -JO6N• 11:•1/ALE; 11/ Walnut street ;or at the •Cutapany's offices. • ' • JNO. G.-DALE, Agent, • . 16 Broadway, New . York.. . . • • Or O. 41. Zimmerman. Agent; Harrliburi• gag-PIiSSIONGERS FOB 11UROPE.—By order of the Secretary 'of State, all passengers lea:Sing the United giates are required to procure Passports before going on board tue &clamor. Passengers will not be subjected to any, trouble or de my in procuring them, if they call for histruotions at the Company's Ot/ices, 1b Broaaway, New York. ,jau2l4t.: • :A:MX G. DALE, Amster. • 11101?. ADOLPH T. TEUYSbIi, - 147 - CHJ.L.D. respectf ully old . . . ' patrons and the public: generally, that , he wit; scuitunie to giro ineltitetiona en the 'PIANO' FORTE, ME LODEON, VIOLIN and also in thenetence or . THORCIUME SASS.: Hewitt erth pleasure wait upon pupils at opines at any hour desired, or lemma will be glVek • nis maidens!, la Third street, few doors below th Herniae Reformed Church. PORT FOLIOS 1 riTKITING WASS, VV TRAVELING BAGS, PIIESES, PORTMONAIES, And a genera/ assoitment of FANCY. GOODS have just been received at • IMIONBIrk CHEAP BOOKSI'ORE. IN ALL tHINGS-NEITTRAL IN NONE." nisHA 11BNEY ANDREW, • , C EBsRLY,, " A. 1",. BEB,lBridgeport Hotel.) BENJAMIN CLNY, J .LONUENteallat, Esq. . Ha~riebiug, t'a. I =l:3= New 'Abratietmtuts LATEST NEWS. xrlctioLs & BOWMAN ..hiriiog jitet re • iiiiis:rrom the 17Ativiiii itilitikenti*e• and wel aelectedinocc of gouda. purchteedlor casb o reapec fully invite the - citizens of thirrisbnig and vicinity to call and examine their New epode at the old standlornterly on capied by V. Hummel, corner Front and Market streets, Harrisburg, Pa, Prieuti as low as any other nous°. COFFEE, Green iiiidoßrowned ; SUGAR of all grades ; MOLASSES and.Cuoice Syrups ; FLOUR, in Barrels and Sack ; HUCE:WHEAT and CORN-MEAL; RICE, BEANS. POTATOES ; FISH, of allicinds ; SALT, Coan3e and fine ; • • OIL, Coal Oil and Wile 011; SPICES, all kinds Ground and Uugrouud, fresh from the Mill. • APPLES, Green and Dried ; RAISINS, CURRENTS, NUTS, DRIED FRUITS, • SOAPS, Common and Faney ; WILLOW and CEDAR-WARE; CIGARS, beet of Imported Brands; . TOBACCO Smoking-and Chew ing; 12IIBENBWAILI l INEENSWARE . Extegisivelugsorttnent of s t yles, and 'patterns and pewee.: Call. and erataioe our:Stook: of Goods at the Wh)legale and Retail Grocory, Iftalt and Ptovigion store, oorneirrOnt and Market strait, Marrieburg, Pa.' Country PrOduce taken. ' ' delo-1Y CELEBRATED DANDELUON COFFEE. r rIHE DANDELION COFFEE now ofereCt ± to the publio,is preparad.trom the fresh rails. In submitting this valuable, articletu ate public laver, the manulicturer only Complies with the urgent and, in creasing deiniats lair public. 'lt le' 'unquestionably one of the•most reliabie and 'effectual , remedial' 'Yet dis coveredfor the dive/opal& is apAted. . It iS strongly re commended by the lac alt.r,s a ituArlor nutroauslbeier. age far' Deneral,Debility, Dyspepala, Irisatie of the Liver, Miens Whetters and Irritable conditien of the Stomach. The many ,thousands who have beCtureluetantly Compel led to abandon tbw use of Coffee, owing to.the injury done to their hea lth will gad this superioete the hest JavitCof fee,' teeny noibbig of its greit and acknowledged meal deal benefits. •Tne intelligent pinion of the community areas wallas/minted with the • mectieinal properties of the Dandelion, that they require - but Atka asaurance that!ele offered to them ?Attie pore Dandelion hoot. • iiiirOns pound of this Coffee will make as much as two pounds of the best live. •• • • ' • • . For sale Dq., no3o ' • • —WOE. 1100 U, Jr., drCo. JOHN . • 13 SMITH' .. . . 'Bt.4OT-.14 SHOE STORE , 001iNES'6E0OND AND WALNUT STE., •. - . - :• . •, • • • • • ••'- fitaiiiioarg; . . b . ALWAYS.on: large assortnikit of tko., of the very best': tuwatlea fur Latium, gentlemen, ind Ohildnias' wear.— Prizes to cult th . 61.1t004. ..Air kinds of AralAlk MADE TO ,ua the best slyie by superior. workmen: 4PAIRING dehe at abort notice. nAtl6-dt,f " 'JOHN B. BMITII, liarrtati um. itavirCUOTZKING STORE Seri4lo ... "E NBX . R.GER & , BROTHFaft, NO: 80 MARKET_ STREET; (890A1 formerly-m=l4a by. the Postofel.) 11111Ei . undersigned. have . just opened S. _L new sod large aeoortmont 'lateat.etylee of (*Wing. : We are also prepared to.inanutactwe te order iiill,ktude et Gate Wear cut to the hit.O.Joyle4 and lash. Idua; We have - alivitys Ori hang atoete of Sealy made clothing and Gentleman's Foraishing 'Goods. ntifi-dam H. gifELLIENBAHGAR k BRO. 6011Erii 1 :003. 2 : 000 - ': STIZIKI,I I (hreer the I • ttt34IVEI) trout the I . "e tirai.ifies a blot ,Ono tbiltatz4oA.L.NO • fh' reP.arei' WI/ICU'WO WM sell atisX.l.6 per 184111. *CAW per ream for NOTE 'PAYSitt,, decorated with We latest and very handsomefembienia and patriotic mottos:.,. • $3.50 for 1000 WHITE ENlTFliOPEkwith SUILMICIII sod patriotic embiema, printed in two . colorti: Please Oval IN a call. . F. SCHREIER, .1022-d . • : Elairruibora: Hathibut Blhid liaiiafao tory. SECOND STREET - BELOW'OHESTNUTe VNITIAN BLINDS made to order, and all repairing neatly- anti- ezpiditiousty done. Per. sons at a: distance can nave their work- Alone •by addres - slog_a letter to Um undersigned.-^ Thanknal kor past pat ronage he hopes, by strict attention to business, ,tomerit a continuance of the same . NirilanifastlOn_ guaranteed both sato prices and workmja ' A. It. SHARP. oct9-dOm • . . . . . . . 4. " Argiov ..._ . ~... B. M.G/LDEA ) D. D. B. STATE' STRE.E.T, . . , OPPOSITE : T HE BRADY 110 USE. A 11 opera done, Surgical and Mechanical, „Li....a.aaleally edriormed: Charges moderate: 08 STAGE LINE. FOB GETTYSBURG .. - TARE REDUCED TO $1.25 THROUGH TO . (11111: undersigned his established a regular uNs oF naafi:OUCH& hum Slechasies oorg, ixousectiog every other morning with the 'Cumber maid Valley Railroad oars. The . eoaches • leave every very TeeatAy, Thursday. and Saturday; returning every. uer clay. PasounEar; for hattpiiikrilsua4d, tsaA aburg i torstourz sod *3T-filar; tra a trrio3 ac re ludo raLes : J. IATt. BLEACHED MUELID/8 , (at. old prict . ll.) BLANKETS, SHEETING.B, Flannels, Ticking, fikinghanis, Calicoes,..Towlinge, All kinds of. Domestic Goods, A splendid Line of. Shawls.. All kinds of Men and Boys wear, In great variety to:be found at . CATHCART'S, . ' Market. Square. 13123 Al;iiijbliii‘L Lt. MW BUILDEIt. Residence No. 21 .A4r;rth &NW &pea. JORMINt4 A 1 RKilitr, ". 'H FRlllT.—ln Hermeticall yeal- F ed cans, a large lot comprising Peaches, Tomatoes, Sweet Corn; &c., and a select . 'assortment of Preserves and Jellies, just recieved and for sale by • jlO • i • • WY. DOCK, Jr., & Co. ClClTuleantiTobacco, of all indB. tenztvolissOstakent of agoro.ll4 NICHOLS & BO ltlNAN'ai corner, Front and Market street. NI O. -1 MACKERAL in Sitio, half .1;oar xl rels o and barrels, at the Mew GkrOcery and pro* ma Store, Front and Market If & BOWMAN Eab'ENall 'of VV. ILLA , Essence! of Lemon,•Flavitring Extracts, for sale at the ' new Wholesale and itoehul Grocery and Provisida Store, or- By .; • The Burnside Expedition. ARRIVAL OF A SPECIAL MESSENGER. THE OFFICIAL DESPATCHES. The Previous Reports Greatly Ex- THE PROPELLOR CITY OP NEW YORE. THE ONLY VESSEL LOST. The Men Cheerful and Patient. THE BERM Y APPEAR AT HATTERAS AND ARE DRIVEN AWAY. No Lives Lost, Except Three by THE VESSELS AND TRANSPORTS GROUND ED TO BE GOT our. The Case of Gen. Fremont in the Cabinet. NEW ISSUE OF Tunsincr NOTES. A special messenger, with despatches from General Burnside reached Washington this morning. They are dated "Heed-Quarters Department North Carolina, Hatteras inlet, Jan. 26th." The messenger left Hatteras on Sunday. General Burnsides states-: '"We left suichorage at Annapolis on Thursday the 9th, and after a protracted pas sage, owing to dense fogs, arrived at Fortress Menroe, Friday night at 12 o'clock leaving 'Fcirtress Monroe. SATURDAY, Jan. 10—morning.—We proceed ed at once to sea, but. owing. to, fogs on Sunday and Sunday night our progress was very slow. Mosiair, Jan: • ' th. Weathe r cleared with heavy wind and rough sea, which . Caused our vessels to labor very heavily,: and some were .obliged to cut loose from the vessels they were towing. bloat, of them, bOwever. passed over the bar and anchored Inside the Harbor about noon. on 16th just in time to escape the severe . gale of Monday night and Tuesday. The propellor City, of New York, ran on to the bar at , the en trance to the harbor, and owing to the severe weather and want of small boats. we could ren der her no assistance. She was liden. with stores and was lost. , 4 ; . The General also says be had been led to suppipse that he would find experienced pilots at Hatteras, but had great difficulty in accom plishing his wish for want of proper accommo dation. He adds, he would commence that day to build a wharf for landing supplies. The, men were cheerful and patient, and he would proceed with confidence. An accident occurred in an effort to relieve the steamer New York by which a boat was swamped, and the lives of Col. Allen, 9th New Jersey, his surgeon and the mate of the boat were also lost. After the arrival of the expedition at Hat teras the enemy, made their appearance in one or two vessels on a reconnoitring expedition. Our boats gave chase and drove them back. The transports and vessels grounded will be got off by aid of the tug boats. Only one, the New York, wis lost and no lives, the three above referred to excepted. Cabinet 'meetings have been held several times, at which the main topic of discussion was the case of Gen. Fremont. The President and Cabinet have had before them Freniont's own statement of his operations during the campaign in Missouri. The House Committee of Ways and Means have decided to impose a duty on each hun dred newspapers, instead of advocating the placing of a stamp on each separate paper. The House is now engaged in the considera tion of the bill to issue $150,000,000 of Tree,: snry notes. There:appears to be a prospect of its passage to-day. XXXVIIth Congress--First Session. CONCLUSION OF YESTERDAY'S PROCEEDINGS.] On motion of Mr. WADE, the bill to author ize . the President to take possession of certain railroad and telegraph lines, was taken up. Mr. Wins said that the bill was intended only as a war measure, and to affect such roads as were not Willing to be used by the Gov ernment. After a discussion, • Mr. Taustsum. moved to amend, so as to confimx the operations of the bill to States de clared to be in a state of insurrection. Mr. Smuts moved to add "or where actu ally the seat of war." Mr. Wan' did not want immunity for other States, If he had the power he would hang all traitors and bridge burners, twice over, if in the loyal . States. Mr. Turrarmix was willing to punish traitors anywhere. He only wanted to confine the military punishment provided in the bill to the States where the judicial power was not exer cised. Mr. Wilms said the Government wanted the power to move large bodies of troops over roads at any time and in such numbers as it pleased. We have a large army which must be moved and it might require all the rolling stock, &c., of several roads at once. Mr. Wens wee for giving the Government all the poWer needed to carry on the war. If it could not.carry on the war with energy, we might as well give up the war—this rose water war. He wanted the war carried on vigorous.. ly, and wanted power to transport troops with out hindrance. Mr. Balms - mu, (I 4) was in favor of the male object of the bill, but he had some double about furnishing operatives on the rail- NICII0148& BOWMAN From our Morning Edition. FROM WASHINGTON. aggerated. Accident. DUTY ON NEWSPAPERS. WASHINGTON, Jan. 28 WASHINGTON, Jan. 28 IN SENATE. tam Erinting Having procured Steam Power Preeees, we are proper. ed to execute JOB add BOOK PRINTING of every descrip7 Sinn, cheaper than it can be done at any other establish ment in the country. RATES OF 6DVERTISTI66 6 . /fir Four lines or less constitute one-half square. Eight Ines or more than tour constitute a square, Half Square, one day one week .... one month_ , three months et six menthe_ one year....., OnelSquare, one day , one week.... o one month. ' 6 three months '° Months, one year /fir Baldness notices inserted in the level Calvet is, or before Marriges and .Deatbe, FIVE CENTS n 'T'q fur each insertion. NO. 21 W Marriges and Deaths to be charged as regular vertisements roads by military law as provided by the bill. He simply objected to compelling men to sub ject themselves to the rules and articles of war. A long discussion ensued. Mr. TEEM:BULL modified his amendment so as to confine the operation of the bill to any State or district in which the laws of the United States opposed, or the execution thereof was obstructed by insurgent4and rebels, against the United States was too powerful to be sup pressed by the ordinary course of judicial pro ceeding, which was agreed to—Yeas 19 ;Nays 17. The bill was then passed—Yeas 21; Nays 12 Ajourned. ROUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES The committee then rose, and the farther consideration of bill was postponed till to morrow. Mr. RoscOE CONKLIN6, (N. Y.,) introduced a bill to establish a uniform System of bankruptcy throughout the United States. Referred to special committee on the subject. Mr. POWER, (Wis.,) made a report: from the select committee on the subject of disloyal em ployees of the Government. The consideration of the report was postponed for two weeks. The House again took up the judical, an executive appropriation bill. With out concluding the discussion, Adjourned. Disturbance Among the Negroes in Kentucky. lire have just learned.from a reliable gentle man, of Newcastle, the circumstanced of a very unusual- occurrence in that place just before Christmas, which we deem it proper should be placed before the people of Kantucky. Some forty or sixty negroes, all slaves, had been en gaged in killing hogs for one of the citizens of Newcastle at night. About that time, anti af ter the work was over, they paraded the streets of the town in a body, between the hours of ten and twelve, uttering all sorts of disorderly sounds, singing political songs and shouting for Liscorar. They seemed to take especial pains to make their unusual and disorderly de monstrations in front of the residences of one or two prominent Southern Rights citizens.— They continued their tumultuous proceedings for an hour or so without interruption from either officers or citizens, and finally dispersed of their own accord. We deem it due to the ° peace and security of the Commonwealth to give this inform-dion to the public, in order that other communities may be put on their guard, and prepare to suppress in their incipiyncy all such danger ous movements on the part of the slhve popu lation. We are also informed that numerous houses and barns, belonging to residents of Honry county, have recently been fired and burned to the ground by the negroes, and that, in conse quence, a general feeling of iosecuriLy prevails throughout the entire community.—Frankfort (Ky.) Yoenia,n, Jan. 27. JUDGE SirAYNE.- Hon. H. A. Swayne, of Ohio, irho has recently been appointed by Pre sident Lincoln an Associate Judge of the United States Supreme Court, is a native of Culpeper county, Va., and emigrated to Ohio immediately after nishing his law course under the instruction of the late distinguished Robert I. Taylor, in Alexandria. His age now is perhaps fifty years. He has grown as a pub lic" man with the growth of Ohio, having played, perhaps, the most important part in building up for that State its marerial emi nence. As a jurist be is notoriously without a superior in the West, and as the conductor of the State's largest financial operations his fame is equal to his reputation as a lawyer. In politics he is a Republican, with strong con servative proclivities. He will surely prove as efficient on the Supreme Court bench as in every other position be has previously achieved by the weight of his fine mind, high character and effective industry. A TURKISH BATH IN NEW Yoax.—A ifroject is on foot for establishing a Turkish bath in New York, and several thousand dollars have al ready been subscribed for the purpose. It is proposed to erect a building especially for this purpose ; to send to Turkey for a sufficient number of men and women to act as bath at tendants and to superintend the varioas depart ments, and to fit up the establishment similar to the best baths in Constantinople and Smyr na. It is calculated that the building will cost $lO,OOO, transportation of attendants, $2,000, bath furniture, $2,600, &c., the entire expen diture amounting to $22,500. The Turkish bath established in Londen has, it is said, proved a great benefit to invalids, and has been much used by the healthful. he Turkish bath has been highly recommended by English phys icians. A SIGHT OF ZOLLICOFTER'S Coarsx.—A corres pondent, who saw Zollb:offer's corpse after the battle, says : He lay in a tent wrapped in an army blanket, his chest and left arm and side exposed. A tall, rather slender man, with thin brown hair, high forehead, somewhat bald,Ro man nose, firm wide month and clean shaved face. A pistol ball had struck him in the breast, a little above the heart, killing him instantly. His face bore no expression such as is usually found on those who fall in 'battle—no malice, no reekless hate, not even a shadow of physi cal pain. It was calm, placid, noble. But I have never looked on a countenance so marked with sadness. A deep dejection had settled on it. "The low cares of the mouth" were dis tinct in the droop at its - corners, and the thin cheeks showed the wasting, which comes through disappointment and trouble. TOBACCo CROP.—Durinc, the week, long lines of wagons heavily laden' with tobacco, have been seen in the streets of our city. The damp weather has been very favorable for the hauling of the weed and the farmers have ta ken the occasion to bring their crops to market. The present indications are that the crop has been much larger and the leaf of a better qual ity than in previous years. Taking in connec tion with this, the fact that the price has very materially advanced, it will be seen that the tobacco growers are reaping a full harvest. The merchants in the city are filling their store houses to their utmost capacity, in anticipation of driving a brisk trade. The tobacco crop in this county is an important item of agriculture and trade ; and should the rebellion continue over the next planting season, there will be an active demand for all that can be supplied.— Lancaster .Evening Express. Tux Ebensburg Alleghenian last week noticed the sudden death, of the Cambria county pedes trian, Wm. Binger. Starting from Loretto one evening very much intoxicated, with a party in a sled for Creeson, he fell off his seat dud was allowedkto lie in the bottom of the sled. On arriving at Cresson he was found cold and stiff and dead. - SO 25 1 00 2 00 3 00 5 00 ..8 00 2 00 3 50 5 00 .10 00 15 00